#rid of neck pain dallas
drkarljawharidc · 6 months
Techniques that Chiropractors can use for Bulging Disc
Bulging discs can be a result of an aging factor, but in some cases, it can occur due to spinal injury caused by some accidents. As you surround yourself with daily tasks, this problem can become worse. However, visiting a chiropractor can alleviate your discomfort and pain as they are experts in treating disc problems through different techniques.
Let’s discuss different techniques that chiropractors may use to provide relief from bulging disc pain:
 Flexion Distraction Treatment
In this treatment, a chiropractor can make you lie down on a specialized table to stretch your spines. This technique can be used to reduce pressure on the nerves and provide relief from pain leading to the legs, arms, neck, or lower back.
With light movements, this technique can move the disc away from the nerve, which can eventually help return the disc to its original position in the spine.
 Spinal Decompression
Another non-invasive technique to treat your bulging disc can be spinal decompression therapy. A traction table can be used in this treatment to improve back or leg pain by stretching your spine.
Using this technique, a chiropractor can create a negative pressure to move the bulging disc, which decreases pressure on the nerves and other affected areas. This method can also heal your disc quickly by improving oxygen flow and nutrients.
Pelvic Blocking Technique
Pelvic blocking is another technique that the best chiropractor dallas tx can use to treat your bulging disc. During this treatment, specialized cushioned wedges can be placed under both sides of your pelvis.
This method aims at relocating the bulging disc away from the spinal nerve. Apart from bulging discs, this technique can also be used in the treatment of hip or back pain and other discomforts in the body.
Dr Karl Jawhari is the best chiropractor in Dallas, TX. With his holistic approach, he can alleviate your pain and discomfort.
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slashersins · 3 years
slasher’s reaction to there s/o getting taken or held hostage
part one | part two | part three
@motherthoty  asked: Could you do a slasher reaction to there s/o getting taken or held hostage? I just gotta know man 😖
jacob goodnight
held hostage
hot tears streaming down your face , hands digging into the arm around your neck . weakly you call out for jacob , wanting to reach out for him but gasping and coughing when the man behind you tightens his grip . jacob looks barely restrained , eyes wild with fury unlike you’d ever seen before . it takes all you can to try and stand as the homeless man tugs you again , causing more noises of chocking pain to spill past your lips . 
the voices in head , the church choir singing , the flashes of his past murders all fill his head , but every face is replaced with the man in front of him . he’s speaking , but the words don’t reach . all jacob knows is that he is going to kill this man for touching you , for making you cry , for making those pretty perfect eyes of yours fill with such fear and pain . 
he takes a step forward and the homeless invader almost stumbles back , he curses , yelling words that jacob doesn’t care about . his eyes flick to you , and you sob out , reaching out for him . instinct tells him to take your hand and pull you to safety , but the moment he reaches out the invader jerks harshly and you let out a sob of pain .
with a roar of anger he surges forward . you’ve been hurt too much , and he can’t take it anymore . the invader seems to know that he needs to run , and he tries . he doesn’t make it but just out side of the room before jacob is there , grabbing the back of his skull and bashing it into the nearest wall . 
he doesn’t stop until there’s no head left . not even bothering to take their eyes as a trophy . his hands are covered in gore and viscera , but he doesn’t care as he moves back into the room where you’re sobbing . you see him , and run into his arms in an instant . he holds you , tight and firm , pulling back to look into your eyes , to see if there is any fear , left . but he only sees relief and love . 
martin ( 1977 )
keeping you safe . that’s what he’d screamed and cursed at you . cuda , who only ever talked down to him . he’d seen how much martin loved you , how much you loved him back . and in some way that made martin’s blood boil , cuda had taken you . martin slammed into walls , anger thumbing do him as he heard the chanting prayers . what was cuda trying to do to you . twisted memories , or where they hallucinations , of his own forced exorcisms and how terrifying they were pushing him to sprint up the stairs . not you , cuda wasn’t going to hurt you , he wasn’t going to make you believe , he couldn’t . 
garlic was on the door and it made martin furious , tearing the offending ring off and tossing it to the ground as he tried to open the door . locked . he knew he wasn’t strong , not strong enough to break in a door . he calls out your name , promising you that he’ll be there soon as he races to grab a kitchen knife , stabbing at the weak wood so he’d have a better chance of forcing it open . 
adrenaline and fear coursed through him at the sounds of you sobbing , of you crying out for him , of the two men in the room yelling at you . his own angry noises filled the air and soon he was tossing his body into the door . it tore open and he looked as wild and dangerous as cuda had always called him . the priest yelled , tossing holy water at him , but it did nothing , nothing at all as he saw how utterly terrified you were . 
he was a clean killer , good at making it seem like he was never there , good at hiding . but all precaution were tossed away when he saw cuda raise a wooden stake over you . his knife found its mark and cuda screamed , crying out that he was being murdered so loud in hopes the neighbors would hear . and the priest did the sign of the cross before trying to bolt . but the old man was fat and slow , and he was faster . 
a bloody mess , martin couldn’t even bring himself to lick his lips to taste the crimson the craved so badly . this blood disgusted him . nimble fingers undid the binds that tied you to the bed , holding you in his arms while you sobbed into him . he’d have to spend time cleaning up his mess , getting rid of the bodies , steal money and anything else he’d need . he was on the run again . but at least he’d have you , and no one would ever try and take you from him again . 
carrie white
held hostage
how cruel could they be ? how much crueler to her ? to you ? carrie was still , seething with rage as the boys harassed you , shoving you this way and that for protecting her . you’d spent so much time with her , defending her from cruel peers who seemed to love to attack her in every way . she’d grown so used to it until she met you , until you spent time with her , showing her what happiness was . and now . . .
they laughed , shoving you hard , hitting and pinching you for hanging out with someone like her . calm , louder than her normal quiet voice , carrie told them to stop . they didn’t listen , shoving you to the ground and starting to kick at you , thinking it was all some fun game . 
carrie didn’t ask again . her eyes flicking to the basketball goal in the neighbors yard . her intense gaze went back to group , too busy making you hurt to hear the sound of metal and plastic screeching on concrete . with every whimper you made the sound crew louder , grew closer , until the three boys were being hit by the sheer heavy mass of the goal stand . but it wasn’t enough . 
she was aware that you were crawling over to her , battered and bruised and limping as you stood , but she was intently staring down a car , the trapped boys unable to do anything she lead it over their body’s their screams filling the air . finally her gaze when to you , eyes softening . 
the sounds of screams of pain and people coming out of their houses , yelling to call 911 fell deaf on her ears as she cupped your face . in her soft , sweet way , she asked if you were okay . 
& don’t forget that you can buy me a ko-fi if you wanna leave a little more love ! tho , honestly … i prefer tea … hmmm . OR you can come be a patreon and help support me in my efforts to make a light novel for my oc dallas ! 
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noladyme · 3 years
My Only Sunshine - Chapter 8 FINAL CHAPTER
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Liv is as human as they come – faults and all. After a dark experience in her past, she is determined to live life on her own terms, and never let anyone claim her as theirs again. This becomes an issue, when she meets a 1000-yearold vampire, who is dead-set on claiming her as his own.
I had my first shift back at Merlotte’s a few days later; having needed to wind down a bit. I hadn’t called or texted anyone to let them know exactly when I’d be back, so when I arrived at work, my friends rushed over to greet me. I noticed Sam examining my exposed skin for fang-marks , and was happy Eric had helped me rid of them. I couldn’t take a telling off from Sam right now; still too raw from my trip to Dallas. When he was satisfied, I wasn’t hurt, he gave me a warm hug. Sookie was next, and gave me a secret empathetic smile. “I just want to get back to work”, I said. “Back to normal”. “Did something happen to you in Dallas, cher’?”, Sam asked. “You look like you’ve been through it”. “No… nothing like that. Just jet-lagged from vamp-time”, I smiled. He nodded disbelievingly. “Any more… pictures show up here?”. “No. Nothing”, he replied. I sighed in relief. “Good. I’ll just go do, what you pay me to do, now”. I walked off, feeling both his and Sookie’s eyes on my back as I went.
I was happy to be back in flats, as I didn’t have any vamp-blood to heal my blisters. The lack of heels didn’t stop Jason from checking out my ass, as I came over to serve him and his crew their food. “Hey Liv! I hear you’ve been in Dallas. You running away from us permanently?”, he asked. “Nope. I’m in Bon Temps for the long haul”, I smiled. “Good, ‘cuz I’ve been thinking… You and I never did go on that date…”. I patted his cheek. “And we never will, Jason. You’re too much man to handle, big guy”. He leaned back in his seat, and smirked at me flirtatiously. “Nah, I think you can take it”. “Never gonna happen, Stackhouse”, I called over my shoulder, as I walked away.
Just after sundown, Bill showed up. After having kissed Sookie, he took me by surprise, by leaning in to give me a half hug. “I am glad to sae you unharmed”, he said. “We’re you really that worried?”, I asked. “I’ve been fine”. Bill lowered his voice for discretion. “But that phone call. Eric said…”. I felt tears forming in my eyes. “Liv doesn’t want to talk about that, Bill”, Sookie said. “But…”, Bill tried. “Please…”, I croaked. “Sook’, can you take care of my tables for a minute? I need some air…”. Sookie nodded, and patted my back, before I slipped out the back door.
The night was chilly for once; and I felt goosebumps form on my exposed arms and legs. I was feeling ridiculous for crying, but couldn’t help myself. Bill came out to join me. “I am terribly sorry. I didn’t realize I’d cause such pain to you by speaking of…”. “It’s fine, Bill. You couldn’t know”, I said, and accepted the handkerchief he handed me. I took a deep breath, and leaned my back against the wall next to the dumpster; grabbing a cigarette from my fanny pack, and lighting it. “Can I ask you a vampire question?”, I said. “Of course!”, he responded. I chewed my lip nervously. “What does it mean when a vampire wants to make a human theirs?”.
Bill thought for a moment. “Well, when a vampire wants to lay claim to a human, so that no other vampire can; he or she will do so by simply proclaiming it”. “You don’t ask the human?”, I said wonderingly. “Not usually, no”. “But what about what the human wants? What if they don’t want to belong to the vampire?”. Bill shrugged. “After the great reveal, consensual relationships between humans and vampires are much more common… obviously. In Sookie’s and my case, if she wanted to discontinue our relationship…”. He seemed pained at the thought. “Well, I would let her go. But she would still be mine, when it came to other vampires wanting to feed from her, or have… relations with her. I’ve claimed her…”. “Huh…”, I muttered.
“I take it Eric has claimed you…”, Bill said, distaste clear in his voice. “No”, I said. He frowned in confusion. “Why?”. I took a draw from my smoke, and looked at him earnestly. “Because I said no”. Bills jaw literally dropped, and I saw more of the white in his eyes than I ever had before. “And he… accepted that?”. I nodded. “Are you sure we are talking about the same Eric Northman? He is the kind of vampire who takes what he wants”. “Not me… I guess he didn’t want me that bad”, I muttered, and took another draw from my cigarette. I wasn’t sure about the truth of my own words. Eric had asked me, which was apparently out of character for him; but I didn’t dare let myself believe that there was a deeper meaning to his behavior.
Bill seemed unable to come up with a proper reply, and instead decided to pat my shoulder. Suddenly, he froze in place, looking towards the trees. “What’s wrong?”, I asked. “I don’t know…”, he said quietly. “I saw something”. I felt the hair at the back of my neck stand up straight. “What kind of something?”. “I am not sure… It’s probably nothing. No need to worry. Please tell Sookie I will be back to escort her home”. He was gone within a second, only leaving a gush of wind that made the smell of the dumpster hit my nose. I cringed, and went back inside. After relaying Bills words to Sookie, I got back to work.
As late as it was, there were fewer orders for food; as people had turned to alcohol instead. I went back and forth between the bar for a few hours, serving gin & tonics, beers and whiskey sours to the good and less than good people of Bon Temps. After a while, I finally felt able to push my trip to Dallas to the back of my mind; and focus on just being present where I was. Just before last call, Sam came up to me with a tray with two pink drinks. “Watermelon margaritas…”, he shrugged. “Never made one before, but the guy in the corner insisted on it. Wanted you to bring them”.
I spun around, and looked towards the corner booth; where Thomas was seated, smiling at me. My hands began shaking. “Liv? You ok?”, Sam asked. “You know him?”. “He’s… someone I knew back in San Diego”, I breathed. “Do you need me to take care of it?”. I shook my head fervently. I didn’t know why Thomas was here, but whatever his reason was, I didn’t think he remember having attacked me; and I didn’t want to cause a scene. “I got it…”, I said, and took the tray; walking over to the table.
I set down the drinks in front of Thomas. “Nice to see you again”, he said. “Will there be anything else?”, I asked coldly. “Just some company, if you don’t mind…”, Thomas smiled. “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m at work”, I replied. “But I got your favorite drink, Liv… And I sent you those pictures, to remind you of the good times we had”. I met his eyes, which were cold and hard. I looked over my shoulder at Sam, who’d returned to serving the patrons at the bar. “Your vampire friend is gone. My vampire friend took care of that. Now sit down, before I have to do something rash”. He lifted his jacket slightly, letting me see the gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans.
My heart beat 1000 miles per second, and I slowly lowered myself to sit across from Thomas. “What do you want?”, I whispered. “I want to talk to you about what happened that night…”, he replied. “You remember”, I said. Thomas nodded. “How?”. “The vampire friend I mentioned… His blood makes me able to do things, you can’t even imagine”. I shook my head, almost in pity of him. “How much is he plying you with?”. “Enough to make it close to impossible to glamour me”, Thomas grinned. “You know how it is. You can’t be glamoured either. That tall vampire saw to that”. “No… that’s different. Thomas, you have an addiction… a sickness!”, I sighed. “You have to know this is crazy!”.
He jolted forwards, and grabbed both my hands over the table; making it look as if we were holding hands, when in reality, he was hurting me. “What’s crazy is you throwing away a perfectly good guy, and letting some vamp feed on you instead”, he hissed. “You were going to rape me”, I whimpered. “You wanted it! You were practically throwing yourself at me for weeks!”. “No, I wasn’t… I said yes to one date, that was it. I was just being friendly…”. He let go of my hands, and sat back again. “You’re such a fucking slut, you know that? You led me on…”. He grabbed the gun from his waistband, cocked the hammer, and moved it under the table. I felt the barrel press at the inside of my knees. “You probably put out to that vampire in Dallas, didn’t you…? How much did he pay you?”. “Don’t do this, please…”, I whimpered.
Sam rang the bell. “That’s it, folks. Drink up!”. Sookie walked towards Thomas and me. “Don’t say anything. I swear I’ll shoot you, and everyone else in this shithole…”, Thomas hissed, and then suddenly smiled brightly at my approaching friend. Once at the table, Sookie looked questioningly at me. “Who’s your friend, Liv?”, she asked. I smiled as brightly as I could at her; willing her to hear my thoughts. “This is Thomas”, I said. Sookie. He’s dangerous. Listen to his thoughts, please!. “We knew each other in San Diego, and reconnected in Dallas”. Sookie’s eyes flickered, and she stuck out her hand to Thomas; who grabbed it with his free left hand. “Hi there, Thomas!”, she smiled. I saw confusion ghost her face, before she looked back at me. “Liv, could you come help us close up? We’re kind of swamped…”. I hoped she was trying to get me away from Thomas. “Actually… I was hoping to take Liv with me, now. You know, catch up…”, he smiled. “I really need to…”, I began. I felt the barrel of his gun bore into my bare skin. “Come on… We didn’t have a chance to really talk in Dallas”, he said, with an edge to his voice.
Sookie looked down towards the tabletop for a nanosecond. “Do you mind doing us a solid here, Sook’?”, I said. Let us go, Sookie. Please let us go. He’ll kill everyone in here. “I’ll do your prep for you tomorrow”. Sookie nodded. “What should I tell Sam?”, she asked. “Just tell him I’m catching up with a friend”, I smiled. I could see Thomas was getting agitated, and sighed deeply. “We should go…”, I said. Eric… I want Eric. Sookie blinked. “I’ll see you tomorrow”, she said. “Uh huh…”, I croaked. “I will!”, she said, and walked away.
After being satisfied Sookie was far enough away, Thomas slipped the gun into the back of his jeans. “We’re going to walk out of here real calm. Don’t even think about trying anything. I got enough V in me to rip you apart in a second”, he hissed through a smile. Once he got up to stand, I followed, and he put his arm around me; holding on to me tightly. I was too afraid to even look at Sookie or Sam, so simply followed where Thomas led me. I prayed that Sookie had understood my thoughts.
Once out of view of the bar Thomas pushed me towards a black chevy of a newer model, and just as I thought he was about to open the door for me to enter; he struck me over the back of my head, and I was out cold.
I don’t know how much time had passed when I woke, but it was still dark. I was lying on the backseat of Thomas’ car, which he’d parked down a gravel road somewhere I didn’t recognize immediately. He was leaning against the car, having one of my cigarettes. I tried to crawl for the door on the opposite side of where he was standing, but he noticed me moving, and opened the door; dragging me by the ankle, out of it. I hit the ground outside; the gravel cutting in to my skin.
Thomas fell to his knees next to me. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you just now!”, he smiled, and stroked my cheek. “That’s not how I want this to go”. I raised my hand to the back of my head, and felt a bump there. “You knocked me out”, I rasped. “I just needed you to go with me, without causing trouble”, he said, and raised me into a seated position. “What are you going to do to me?”, I asked. “You know what I’m going to do… You and I are going to finish what we started a year ago”, he said. I felt tears trickling down my cheeks, as I shook my head. “No…”. “Yes”, Thomas said. “You’re mine”. There was no mercy in his voice. I didn’t have anyone to save me this time. I didn’t have Eric. God, I wanted Eric there, to protect me – to hold me. I shook myself from the thought. If I wanted free, I’d have to help myself.
Grabbing a handful of gravel, I flung it at Thomas’ face. He covered his eyes, and cried out; and I managed to get on my feet, and run down the road. With a roar, Thomas got on his feet, and ran after me. “Get back here, you stupid cunt!”, he growled. I turned, and ran away from the road, through the trees; in hopes that I could find somewhere to hide. I was dizzy and heaving for breath, and knew that sheer speed wouldn’t be what got me away from my attacker. Stumbling over some branches, I fell to my knees, and cried out in pain, as a sharp rock cut in to my palm. “Don’t rouse them ‘gaters!”, Thomas yelled after me, with a mock Louisiana drawl. “Don’t want them getting to you before I do”.
I got on my feet again, and got back to running. Soon, I was recognizing the area. I knew I was near the cemetery between Sookies and Bills houses, and headed in the direction I thought might be right to get to the vampire’s house. Once I saw the fence surrounding the cemetery, I almost cried in relief.
I heard a loud pop, and felt a sharp pain in my thigh; before falling to the ground, just at the entrance to the graveyard. Before long Thomas was stood over me, his gun in hand. He’d shot me. “Why do you have to make this so difficult?”, he growled, and kicked me hard in the stomach. I curled up, heaving for breath. “Stop. Please stop…”, I pleaded. Thomas grabbed a hold of my head, and I put my hands around his wrist, so he wouldn’t tear it at the roots. He dragged me into the cemetery, and threw me on the ground in front of an old gravestone. “No…”, I sobbed. “You like fucking dead people so much, I’ll let you die next to them as well”. He pounded his fist into my chest, making all air leave my lungs. “You’re not even worth it, you bitch”. Blow after blow hit my body, as I struggled to get oxygen into my lungs. Every time Thomas’ fist hit me, he followed it with angry slurs and insults. I tried screaming for help, but in the end, the pain was so extreme I couldn’t make a sound anymore. I was beginning to feel cold, and saw that the wound in my leg was bleeding profusely. I was losing a lot of blood, very fast.
I laid on my back, looking up at the stars, as Thomas continuously pounded at me; when I heard a roar, and Eric came out of the darkness – grabbing Thomas by the neck, and tearing him away from me. Thomas was knocked out when his back hit a nearby gravestone, and Eric ran over to me. “Liv…”, he breathed, and put his hand on my bruised cheek. I coughed up some blood, and he turned me gently, to let me spit it out. “Eric?”, I heard Bills voice call out. “She’s here!”, Eric replied. “She’s hurt bad, but I can heal her… I should have come sooner. I’m sorry, Liv”. His eyes were pained, and I tried to reach for his face. “Don’t move. Just let me…”.
He was grabbed from behind, and thrown away from me. Rose had arrived out of nowhere, and was now doing her best to do some damage to Eric, by biting in to his neck. Eric roared in pain, and Bill came running to help Eric. The two male vampires soon had the upper hand in the fight; but apparently, the plan hadn’t been to win the fight – merely to distract them.
I felt myself get lifted from the ground, and was soon looking in to the eyes of Stan. “Stand down, Northman!”, he growled. Eric immediately released the hold he’d had on Rose, and spun around to face Stan. His eyes were wide in rage and what seemed to be fear. “Stan, let her go”, he said. Rose edged away, to go check on Thomas. “I don’t think so”, Stan said. “This gash cost me my sheriff’s position”.
“Your human is alive”, Rose said, from where she was standing over Thomas. “Fuck him. I don’t need him anymore”, Stan said. “You sure? ‘Cuz I could eat”, Rose smirked. “Knock yourself out”, Stan said. Rose was about to lift Thomas, so that she could bite him, when her chest burst open. She turned in to goo within seconds, revealing Godric behind her; still holding on to her heart. Pam was a few paces behind him. “Sorry we’re late”, she smiled. “Godrics plane just landed”.
Godric took a few slow steps towards Stan. “Stay back!”, Stan said; spinning me around, so my back was to his chest. He grabbed my head, and tilted it to the side. I didn’t have the strength to fight him off. “I’ll snap her neck”. “Not before I rip your head off!”, Eric hissed. Stan simply laughed coldly. “Stan. This isn’t the way…”, Godric said. “You will not get back in the good graces of the authority by killing this woman”. “Fuck the authority. Fuck all of you… Kneeling to lesser beings? You should be ashamed!”. “No one is kneeling”, Godric said. Eric, Pam and Bill gave each other a look, and began flanking Stan and I. “We are simply coexisting”.
Stans grip around my chest was so tight, that I began sobbing in pain again. “See that? They’re weak… below us!”, he said. “She was important enough for the magister to want her to stay alive”, Godric said. “And why is that?”, Stan asked. “What is she? She does smell interesting”. He lowered his nose to a cut over my brow. I heard Eric growl, and Stan chuckled in response. “I told you I would have a taste!”. “I’m going to kill you”, Eric roared. Stan knew his time was up. He was outnumbered; and at least two of the vampires present, had hundreds of years on him. “Then I might as well go out a happy vampire”, he said. Stan sunk his fangs into me, and sucked. “Nej!”, I heard Eric cry out in an agonized voice.
Stans bite wasn’t sensual as Erics had been. It was like being torn open, and literally eaten alive. My neck was burning from the bite, and my eyes rolled back in my head in agony. Then suddenly, he dropped my body to the ground. Everything became foggy. I could just make out, as Pam, Bill and Eric attacked Stan. I thought I saw Pam and Bill hold Stan down, as Eric grabbed his head, and tore it clean from his body; before he became the same kind of goo that Rose’s had.
I was hardly breathing – couldn’t even feel any pain anymore – and I knew I was dying. A pair of strong arms cradled me, and I forced myself to focus on Erics face. “I have to heal her”, he said. “It’s too late, Eric… she lost too much blood”, Bill said with a pained voice. “I’m so sorry, Liv…”. Eric met my eyes, looking like he’d never be happy again. “Stay with me”, he breathed, and pressed his lips to mine. “Snälla Liv… mit solsken…”. I wanted nothing but to embrace him. Make him smile again. “Y-yours…”, I rasped. “Yours…”. A bloody tear escaped Erics eye, and a pained smile forced itself to his lips. “Mine…”, he whispered, and stroked my temple; when his expression became determined.
Pam came over, and put a hand on his shoulder. “The sun will be up soon”, she said. “We have to go”. Eric looked at her with hard eyes. “Dig a hole”, he said. “Eric…”, Bill said warily. “Are you sure…?”. “I said, dig a fucking hole!”. Bill and Pam disappeared from sight, and Godric put a hand on the top of Erics head. Their eyes locked for a second, before Godric disappeared in the direction the others had went.
My breathing had become a rattling, and Eric pulled me impossibly closer to him. “No… not yet. You have to drink”. Extracting his fangs, he bit in to his wrist, and put it to my lips. I didn’t have the strength to suck; so simply looked into Erics eyes, as his blood flowed into my mouth, and down my throat. Before long, the wounds closed, and Eric bit into his skin again; repeating the process.
I used my last ounce of energy to lift the corners of my lips into a soft smile; losing myself in Erics blue eyes, before everything went black.
“Min Liv… mit liv”.
I couldn’t move. I was held down by some unknown force, and everything was blackness. My face was pressed against something both firm and soft, leaving very little room for me to breathe; which I realized was futile anyway, as there wasn’t any air to be had. Someone was holding on to me firmly but gently, and I knew the embrace. I’d been in it before.
With the tiny bit of air in my lungs still there, I tried to speak. “Eric…”. It came out as a peep; but must have woken him, because I felt him move. Panic began to take me over, and I tried to move myself. I needed air, soon. Eric used all his strength to break through what was holding us down – dirt, I realized. We’d been buried. Just as I was about to pass out from the lack of oxygen, Eric grabbed my wrists and pulled me out of the ground after him.
I took a deep heaving breath, and then coughed. Eric was wiping the dirt out of my face, so I could meet his eyes. “Liv…”, he breathed. He was dirty, just like me; but it didn’t take away from his beauty. The dim light of the moon, made him almost shimmer over me. Eric held me against him, and stroked my cheek smilingly for a few seconds – kissing my forehead – before a confused expression took over. He began running his palm over my exposed skin, his cool hand in sharp contrast to my warmth, as he seemingly examined me. “What happened?”, I croaked. Suddenly Pam was next to us, almost looking happy to see me; before she also frowned – her eyes wary. “Where’s Godric?”, Eric demanded. “In the house”, Pam said. Eric got on his feet, and picked me up in his arms. Without speaking, he carried me out of the graveyard, and towards Bills large house. “Eric, what’s happening?”, I asked quietly. He didn’t respond, but simply carried me over the threshold as Pam opened the door; and in to the living room.
Sookie, Bill and Godric were seated there, and all got up to stand, when Eric entered the room with me. Bill parted his lips and widened his eyes when he saw me; whereas Godric looked like he was looking at something completely normal. “Liv!”, Sookie cried out, and ran towards Eric to greet me. Bill grabbed her arm and held her back. “Careful…”, he said.
Eric set me down on the couch, and put a hand to my chest, seemingly feeling my heart beat. “Why is she alive?”, he asked. Memories from the night before came back to me, and I drew a deep, ragged breath, when I realized what Eric had tried to do. “Because she can’t be turned”, Godric said. “You cannot make her vampire”. “But she was dead…”, Eric began. “I’m here, you know. Please stop talking about me like I’m not!”, I said. Godric smiled warmly at me. “You most certainly are here”, he said. Pam stifled a grin, and I turned my face to look at Eric. He sat down next to me, and looked at me like I was the strangest creature he’d ever met. “You tried to turn me…”, I said. “So, why am I still human?”. Eric looked bewildered. “I… don’t know”, he admitted. “You were dead. I heard your heart stop”. I looked down at my chest, as if I could see the heart in question. Eric turned to look at Godric. “Vad är hon?”.
Godric sat back down, and looked across the faces of the room. “Liv is something no one else in this room, maybe in the world is. Human”. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, trying to find the words to respond to that. “That makes no sense at all”, I finally said. “There are humans everywhere. Are you telling me I’m some kind of weird subspecies?”. “Quite the opposite”, Godric smiled. “You are as human as it is possible to be. Your blood is like human blood was, before they dabbled in magic; and before they interbred with fae-folk and shifters. When they were purely human”. “But vampire blood heals me, just like everyone else”, I said. “The healing components of our blood is merely biology…”, Godric said. “Glamouring; bloodbonds; the visions, strength, and pleasures having our blood can give; and becoming one of us… That’s magic”. “And I am completely magic-less. Magic-resistant, even”, I muttered. Godric nodded. “That’s kind of… sad”, I said. “I think it’s remarkable”.
Bill cleared his throat. “With all due respect, Godric. That does not explain why Liv is alive”. He was still holding Sookie back from coming over to greet me; seemingly worried I’d suddenly sprout fangs, and give in to bloodlust. “As Eric said, she was dead. I also heard her heart stop”. “Erics blood is ancient; and he comes from a strong bloodline, both on his human and vampire side”, Godric said matter-of-factly. “He cannot turn Liv, but he was able to bring her back from death”. Eric smirked smugly; feeling very happy about himself, obviously. I couldn’t help but smile a little at him. “How?”, Bill asked. “I cannot say for sure”, Godric said. “But I suspect that the humanity in Liv fought back against being turned vampire; and as the magic could not take hold in her, she simply rose as a human again”. “That still sounds kind of magical”, Pam said. “Maybe… Or maybe it was just the very strong curative properties in Erics blood that healed and jolted her back to life”. “What if she died again? Could Eric just bring her back human?”, Sookie asked. “Let’s not test that theory. Being buried alive was not fun”, I said, shuddering.
Eric smiled at me, and picked a stray clump of dirt out of my hair. When he saw Bills smirking reaction to his caring gesture, he drew his lips back in a sneer. “Mine!”, he growled. I’d said that, before I died. I had given myself to Eric, and there wasn’t a chance in hell, he was letting go now. Godric smiled affectionately at his child.
My throat was dry, I was tired, and I wanted to wash myself off from dirt and grit. “I want to go home…”, I breathed. Eric nodded. “Pam, fetch the car, so we can go back to Shreveport”, he ordered. “Thank fuck. I’m not spending another day in Bills smelly cubby", Pam said. Grabbing a hold of Erics wrist, before he could whisk me away, I shook my head. “No… I want to go home, to my house”, I said. Eric recoiled at my words. “You said…”. “I’m still my own, even if I did say yes”, I said quietly. “Please, take me home…”. After a moment, he gave me a stoic nod; before looking at Godric, who had gotten on his feet again. “I’ll not leave before we have a chance to say farewell”, Godric smiled. “Pamela can entertain me with tales of your debauchery, in the meanwhile”.
I got on my feet, and took three long strides towards the ancient vampire; wrapping my arms around him. He froze in place, completely taken of guard. “Thank you for everything, Godric”, I said, and kissed his cheek. As I stepped back, he held his fingertips to where my lips had left their mark. Eric, Pam and Bill all stood mouths agape and wide-eyed at my gesture. For a moment, Godric almost looked like a human, just a young man in his late teens; almost blushing. He must have had some of Bills TruBlood. “I’ve not been embraced like that in more than 2000 years”, he smiled. “Thank you”. It was my turn to blush.
Eric put a gentle hand on my shoulder, and after a final smile towards Godric, I let him lead me towards the front door. Sookie ran after us, Bill not holding her back this time; and I let my friend hug me warmly. “You heard me…”, I smiled. “Not clearly”, she said, as she stepped back. “But I knew something was wrong, and when I took that guys hand, his mind was screaming about what he had planned”. She swallowed hard, and I saw her eyes well up. I squeezed her hand. “Thank you, Sookie…”. She wiped her eyes, and smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow at work, right?”, “I’ll consider letting her go”, Eric said. I rolled my eyes at him. “See you then”, I smiled at Sookie, and walked out the door; Erics hand on my lower back. We walked down the steps of the porch, when Sookie called after me again. “Liv? I did hear one of your thoughts clearly…”. I looked back at her. “What was that?”. She smiled warmly, before looking at Eric, and back at me again. “Why do you think I called him?”, she said. “You take care of her, Eric Northman!”. Eric gave her a curtly nod, and she went back into the house.
Once standing in the driveway, I sighed heavily. “Shit. My car is still at Merlotte’s”, I frowned. Eric brushed his thumb against my jaw. “Come here”, he said quietly; and whisked me into his arms. Before I knew what had happened, we’d lifted off. Looking down at the disappearing ground, I let out a terrified squeal. “Eric! We’re flying”, I said, and clamped my arms around his neck. “I know”, he said. “Why are we flying?”. “Because it’s faster than walking”. He sounded amused at my frightened whimpers, but when he looked at my face, his eyes softened. “I’ve got you, Liv. I’m not letting go”. He brushed his lips to my forehead. My eyes widened, as I saw we were heading towards a group of tall trees. “Eyes on the road…! Or in the air… whatever”. Eric chuckled, and I hid my face in his chest, as we narrowly escaped hitting some branches.
I didn’t open my eyes for the rest of the flight.
I felt firm ground under my feet, as Eric set me down on the ground gently. Opening my eyes, I saw that we were stood in front of my small house. “Thank you”, I whispered. “You’re welcome”, Eric replied. “I still don’t understand why you insisted on coming here. You’ll be much more comfortable at my house”. “You have a house?”, I asked, as I grabbed my hide-a-key from under a stone near the mailbox. My key-ring was still in my car, back at Merlotte’s. “You thought I slept at Fangtasia every day?”. He sounded amused again. “I have a house… A few actually. The one in Shreveport isn’t the largest, but it has room for you”. I unlocked my door, and shook my head smilingly. “What…? You’ll make Pam give me one of her shoe-rooms?”, I joked, and turned to face him in the doorway. “Not that she needs both of them; but that won’t be necessary. There’s a spare bedroom, if you want your own… for when you insist on sleeping”. There was a frisky tone to his voice.
Still trying to wrap my head around the need for a room specifically for shoes, I went into the house. Eric followed me inside, and brushed his hand over my bottom. “Dirt”, he smirked, when I gave him a chiding look. “Pack whatever you need, and come with me”. “I can’t do that”, I said. “But I’ll take care of you. You won’t have to live in this… house”. It was clear to me, that Eric would have rather used a word like shack or even sewer. “You don’t have to work for Sam Merlotte and Bill Compton”. “I’ll just be your live-in fangbanger?”, I said. “Liv, no… I…”, Eric began. “I like working, and making my own money. I like Bon Temps”.
I unfastened the dirty fannypack from my waist, and dropped it on the coffee-table, next to the check and note which were still laying there. “If you like making your own money, why haven’t you cashed this?”, Eric asked, and picked up the check. “It didn’t feel right”, I muttered. “I didn’t really do any of the work you hired me to do. Unless you count the sex and the blood; but that wasn’t part of the original deal. Even if you did say…”. Eric looked down at the check, apparently not wanting to meet my eyes. “That’s not what this was for. And you did do your job”. He reached out the check to me. “Please take it”. I took the piece of paper, and put it in the drawer of the dresser my small tv was stood on.
I picked at some of the dirt under my fingernails, from our burial. “You’re fidgeting”, Eric said quietly. “I do that”, I said. “Does it still bug you?”. “No… It never did”, he replied. He took my hand, and merged his fingers with mine. “I hurt you… But you have to know, I didn’t mean what I said. I didn’t bring you to Dallas to get you in bed… I hoped for it, but I didn’t expect it”. “I know”, I muttered, and looked through my lashes at him. He seemed vulnerable; a strange contrast to his usual suave demeanor. I brushed my lips against his knuckles. “And it’s not like I didn’t want it to happen also. I wanted you… want you”. “You have me… And you said you were mine”. “I did. And I meant it. But I’m still…”. “Your own as well”, he smiled softly. “I understand”. “Do you?”, I smirked. “No…”, he admitted. “But I know that if I want you as you are, with everything you are, I’ll have to accept it…”.
“When Thomas had me, all I wanted was to see you…”, I said. Anger ghosted Erics face. “You will never have to see him again!”, he declared. “What happened to him?”, I asked. He shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that”. I frowned at him. “What did you do to him?”. Eric gave me a reluctant look. “I can’t spend the rest of my life not knowing, whether he’ll pop up in my life again. I won’t feel safe…”. “He won’t”, he said, and put his free hand on my cheek. “Is he dead?”, I asked in a whisper. Eric shook his head with a sour expression. “Godric wouldn’t let me kill him… But when he hit that gravestone, he broke his back. He won’t be walking again”. I gasped, and shuddered. “He broke his back? Really?”. His sour expression turned a bit more content. “Well, Pam might have broken it in a few more places, before she dropped him off at the hospital… He can’t get you again; and he doesn’t have Stans protection anymore, so he won’t talk”.
I sighed, and leaned forwards; letting Eric embrace me. He buried his large hand in my hair, and held me tightly but gently with his other arm. After a while, he moved his hand from my hair to my chin, to tilt my head backwards; and in a fluid movement melded his lips with mine. “You taste like… graveyard dirt”, I said against his lips. “Come on…”.
Taking his hand, I led Eric into my small bathroom. I began removing my clothes, and dirt and grime scattered over the floor from them. Eric pulled of his leather jacket and top, before unlatching my bra for me. I smiled over my shoulder at him, and pulled it down my arms. While I pulled down my panties, Eric removed his pants and underwear; and followed me in to the small shower cubicle. I turned on the water as warm as I could handle, and began rubbing the dirt from my arms. I felt Erics hands stroking my back as he stood behind me, and smelled my apple scented bodywash, as he lathered it across my skin.
Tilting my head back, to get the dirt out of my hair, Eric leaned over my shoulder, and kissed my exposed throat. “I’m happy you’re still human. I prefer you warm and alive”, he breathed. His hands travelled to cup my breasts, and my nipples perked at his fingers’ ministrations of them. “Then why did you try to turn me?”, I asked. “Because I would rather have the ghost of who you were, than losing you completely”. He spun me around to face him, and hunched down to meet my eyes. “Are you angry that I did?”. I put some bodywash in my hands, and began washing his chest. “No… If I was about to lose you, and there was a way to keep even part of you with me, I would”. I looked down to avoid his gaze. Eric put a hand on my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere”. His voice made me feel warm all over. “You make it sound like you’re mine, like I’m yours”, I whispered. I got no response, and the warmth I’d felt a second ago, was switched out with fear. Fear of rejection; fear that Eric didn’t actually feel about me like I did about him. I hesitantly met his eyes, and saw that he was smiling warmly at me. “Are you?”. It came out almost as a peep. “Yes”. There was no reluctance in Erics response; and before I had a chance to react to it, his lips were on mine.
The cascading water washed over us, as our mouths and tongues explored each other. Eric held on to me, as I rose to my toes, to wrap my arms around his shoulders. My feet were slipping, but I was never worried about falling. I was safe in Erics arms; and it seemed like he felt he was safe in mine. When his hardness stroked against my belly, he let out a soft moan. I looked down, and wrapped my hand around him; gently stroking him up and down. One of Erics hands went down to my bottom, sliding between my cheeks; his long fingers finding my folds. Tightening my grasp on his cock, Erics moans became louder, and turned in to grunts of pleasure. He was stroking his fingers back and forth between my folds, but soon had to focus his attention on remaining standing; and put his hands against the wall instead. With one arm around his shoulders, I held myself standing on my toes, and plunged my tongue into Erics mouth; muffling his sounds as I pleasured him. I wanted to use both my hands on my lover, so got down on my soles again, and took a hold of his testicles. They immediately tightened in my cradling hand. “Liv… I’ll…”, Eric groaned. “I know. But I’m pretty sure you can go more than once”, I said, and dove in to rake my teeth over his nipple. Eric growled, and grabbed the back of my head, hungrily devouring my mouth in a kiss. While I massaged his balls, Eric began thrusting in to my hand. “Come on…”, I breathed and tightened my hold on his cock. “Min…”, he croaked, and thrusted harder. I stared deep into his eyes. “Yours”, I said; and at my words, Eric came with a roar.
I gently washed both our bellies from Erics juices, while he looked on with bemused eyes. His hand stroked against my hip, as I stepped out of the shower after having turned off the water. Snaking an arm around my waist, he bent down to give me a slight kiss; before a wicked expression came across his face. Before I knew it, I was across the hall, on my bed. Standing over me was a 6’4 blonde Viking-prince; who looked like he’d just stepped out of the ocean. I let out a noise, that sounded like something in between a giggle and a moan, as he stood there in all his glory. “You’re kind of magnificent…”, I said. “Yes”, Eric agreed, smug as ever. He knelt down on the bed, and crawled over me; kissing his way up my torso, until he reached my lips. “And you are… glänsande”. “I don’t know what that means, but I’ll… Oh, fuck!”.
Eric had plunged two fingers into me, and was thrusting them upwards; pressing against my g-spot. With a suckle of my lower lip, Eric took his leave from my mouth, and ducked down, to suck my clit into his mouth. Flicking his tongue over my pebble, it only took him minutes to have me unfurl. My legs were shaking, and I was whimpering in extasy. I arched my back, and came.
It took me a few moments to come down to earth; moments which Eric used to kiss his way up my convulsing body, while tracing the curves of my hips, belly and breasts with his fingertips. He was sporting a self-satisfied smile. “What are you so smug about, sheriff Northman?”, I chuckled. “You’ve had 1000 years to perfect that. Making me come is a walk in the park for you; not a battle you’ve won”. “I’ve won many battles. Making you scream out in pleasure is the one I’m most proud of”, he smirked. “I wasn’t screaming…”, I said, and stroked my fingers over his shoulders, and down his back. Eric pushed my legs further apart, and placed himself between them. “I’ll have to return to the battleground, then”, he said, and pushed into me.
We found our rhythm immediately, rolling our hips against each other. When I took a hold of Erics now beautifully tousled hair and pulled at it, he growled; and thrusted harder in to me. I sucked and nibbled at his neck, and when he threw his head back in pleasure, I kissed his adam’s apple; feeling it bob up and down under my lips, as he swallowed to wet his mouth. “Bite me…”, I breathed. “No… You lost too much blood last night”, he said. I frowned in disappointment. “Don’t worry, you’re still going to scream”, he smiled.
Leaning down to suck my nipple into his mouth, Eric then grabbed my thighs, and got up on his knees. As my butt was resting on his thighs, and my back was still on the mattress; my hips where tilted in just the right angle to feel every inch of his hardness moving in and out of me. Eric began moving with ferocious thrusts, hitting my front wall perfectly. He held on firmly to my hips, and looked down at himself disappearing and reappearing from my warmth; clearly enjoying the view, from the look of his face. I grabbed on to Erics wrists to ground myself, and not suddenly fly off the bed, both metaphorically and literally. Sounds of groans; moans; and skin slamming against skin, from Erics hips hitting my backside, filled the room – sounds that were almost hypnotizing to me, and drew me closer to my undoing.
I squeezed my eyes together to keep my composure from Erics delicious assault on me; trying to keep some kind of control of myself. “No, look at me”, Eric demanded. “Let it happen. Just let go, sunshine”. I opened my eyes, and looked up at him; and as he pulled almost all the way out, and slammed back in to me, Eric got exactly what he’d aimed for. I screamed out my orgasm. Eric was laughing warmly, and moved backwards on his knees; pulling out of me as he did. He leaned down, and kissed me passionately. “Another battle won”, he smiled. “Uh huh…”, I croaked; still panting.
I was still laying with my legs spread. My thighs were quivering, and I grabbed on to the sheets below, feeling aftershocks go through my core. Eric looked down at my clenching warmth, and stroked a hand up the inside of my leg. His index finger went in between my folds, making me jolt from overstimulation; and then down over my taint, before stopping at the tight ring of muscle at the bottom of it. “You know, I’d really like to…”, Eric began. I crawled backwards on the bed, and held up a finger to stop him. “Nope... no. I don’t think I’m quite there yet”, I said. “Believe me, it can be quite pleasurable”, he said matter-of-factly; and traced the puffy skin there. “Yeah, I’m sure you love it… But I haven’t tried it before”.
Eric removed his finger, and took my hand to pull me up to sit; giving me an earnest look. “I would never want hurt you. Not in any way that you wouldn’t want me to, at least. You seem to like it when I get a little rough”, he said smilingly, and stroked my cheek. “If you don’t want that, I won’t do it. I want you to trust me”. “I do…”, I said quietly. “And I do want to… yield to you”. I bit my lip, and blushed. Eric searched my eyes for something undefinable. “Turn around. All fours”, he said. A shiver ran down my spine. “Eric…”, I croaked. He raised his brows at me, and smiled calmingly. “I haven’t finished yet. I want to do that inside you”, he said. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. You can ask me to stop at any time. Please trust me”.
I turned around, and got on all fours in front of Eric. He stroked my cheeks, before grabbing himself, to stroke against my folds for a few moments. When he entered me, I let out a pleased sigh. He felt so good from any angle; and I’d always enjoyed a good doggy-fuck. Erics movements were softer than they’d been before, and he was careful not to thrust too hard. One of his hands travelled down in front of me, stroking circles on my clit, while the other massaged my butt. As I was losing myself in sexual bliss, and fire began building inside me again, Eric moved his hand from my cheeks; and he let his thumb travel down between them. He found my ring again, and stroked it as he did my clit. The sensation was heaven. It wasn’t that no one had ever pleasured me by stroking that spot before; but the way Eric was doing it was simply masterful. He began pushing at my hole, never entering me, but still making my muscle work. It spread a tingle across my lower back, to go with the one streaming from my clit. Topping that of, was his hardness excavating me deliciously. It was so wrong that it was right.
“Fuck it… Do it!”, I rasped, earning a soft chuckle from Eric; before he pushed his thumb into my anus. I whimpered in pleasure, and fell down to my chest, unable to hold myself up. Eric fucked me with both his cock and his finger, and stroked my bundle of nerves; and the sensation of fullness inside me, made me begin to clench around him. I had tears in my eyes, and moved my butt back and forth to meet his thrusts. “So warm and tight. You feel so good”, Eric groaned. “Take me with you…”. Heat exploded from my core, and I pulled Eric along with me into extasy. I heard him cry out behind me, and spill himself inside my clenching heat. Gently pulling both his penis and his finger out of me, Eric lowered my hips to the bed. I was a whimpering mess, when he pulled me in to his arms. “You did so good, my sunshine… so good”, he breathed against my lips, as he kissed me.
I laid cradled against his body, our legs tangled and arms holding on to each other. “Eric…?”, I whispered. “Uh hmm…?”, he said, his eyes closed, and a pleased smile on his handsome face. “I’m hungry… I haven’t eaten since before I died”. He turned his head and looked at me. “I was going to let that photographer be your first meal”, he said. “Thanks… I guess”, I chuckled. “But I need human food”. He raised his brows and sighed. “Well, there’s been a cat wailing at your back door for the last 30 minutes. I could throw it in the microwave for you”.
I sat up abruptly. “Shit! It’s Thursday!”. I flew out of bed, and quickly put on a clean tank top, and a pair of pajama-shorts. Eric stared at me in confusion, as I ran out of the room. I grabbed a bowl, and a can of tuna; and went out the back door, to greet Mr. Whiskers. “I’m so sorry, honey! I completely forgot about you…”, I sighed, as the large tabby stroked himself against my legs. I set down the bowl of tuna at the bottom of the steps, and scratched the cat behind its ears.
Eric came outside to join me, once again dressed in his dirty clothes. He looked on as Mr. Whiskers bumped his forehead against my hand. “I don’t like that thing…”, he said, and stared at the cat with cold eyes. “Are you jealous of the cat now?”, I laughed. Eric sneered some Swedish curse word, and Mr. Whiskers hissed at him. “Oh, really? I’ll tell her you said that…”, Eric growled. “Eric, be nice to my honey!”. The vampire took my hand, pulling it away from the cat, and raised me to my feet. He tucked me in to his side. “Mine!”, he growled. “Don’t you have some beers to serve?”. I was completely confused, but decided to let it go.
Eric turned his face to me, and kissed me almost possessively. “I have to go see Godric”, he said. “Come to Fangtasia tomorrow”. “I have to go to work”, I said. Mr. Whiskers meowed. “Shut up!”, Eric snarled at it. “After work… I want to see you”. I tugged at his jacket. “I’ll be there. But I’m not waiting in line”. Eric pulled me in for another kiss. “Mine…”, he breathed. “Mine…”, I smiled.
Eric stepped away from me, and looked down at Mr. Whiskers with distaste again. The cat hissed one more time, and Eric hissed right back at it, before taking flight. I scratched Mr. Whiskers behind the ears a final time, and picked up the empty bowl; before going back inside – my heart full, but stomach less so.
I fell asleep while eating mac’n’cheese, and reading dirty texts from my favorite Viking-prince-vampire.
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Shouji Mezo X Reader part 21 Remember
 Y/n and Shouji began their walk to the subway. Her arms were crossed in a defensive matter. She walked beside him but refused to look at him. It wasn’t anything he did, she was just suppressing her emotions trying not to cry in front of him. 
 Though Shouji wasn’t a man of many words, he hated this silence with Y/n. She was always talkative. They were still making their way to the station. The wind blew and her hair revealed the two cuts on her neck. The blood was dry and dark, but it stood out. 
“What happened?” He asked her. 
“I’m not ready to talk about it.” She sighed. “Sorry.”
“I understand.” He told her. 
“You’re worried about me, aren’t you?” She asked him. He tensed up at the question. No doubt he did at this point. “Don’t worry I don’t think it’s creepy or anything bad.” 
“I...do worry...” He said rubbing his neck. 
“It’s nice.” She told him. 
He didn’t know what to say, but just allowed it. It was so easy to move her and hold her face when the moment called, but talking was a bit harder. The moment wasn’t calling. It was a painful silence. When she was hiding things she normally just talked to fill the void, but she was too hurt to even try today. Shouji slowly reached out, but held back a little bit. He swallowed his pride and placed his hand on her back and rubbed side to side. It was quick, but he did it. He took the risk. He stopped because of the lack of a reaction she had. Maybe he could play it off as an accident. 
 They began walking down into the subway station. There was a huge water spill all over the stairs. Y/n held the railing and Shouji was beside her. Her foot lost traction with the stair as she was about to slide down the flight of stairs. Of course hero Shoji took his arm, and hooked it around her chest brining her back into him. Of course he would.
“If you keep saving me like this we’re gonna be closer friends than Kim Kardashian and Jonathan Cheban.” She said cracking out of the distress state she was in.
 Please say more things he doesn’t understand. Anything. 
“I don’t know who those people are.” He told her. 
 She sighed with a smile. Of course he didn’t , she knew he didn’t. It would surprise her if he did. Dallas may have just used her, but at least she knew that Shouji cared. She decided to throw a wild card into the mic and grabbed his hand.
“Let’s get down there and see if there’s any performers.” She told him, pulling the large male. 
The platform didn't have too many people, no performers. Y/n sighed hoping to see some entertainment to keep today off her mind. Just anything to take her mind off the event that happened today, but whatever.
“That’s disappointing.” She sighed. 
She leaned on Shouji’s arms. Of course today wouldn’t turn in her favor. She just wanted to pull herself together a little bit more. A nice distraction from her guilty thoughts that would haunt her tonight. 
“Oh my god is that Shouji Mezo?” A voice whispered.
“Who's that girl with him? How can he find someone and I’m still single.” Another voice replied. 
“She’s too hot to be his girlfriend.” 
 These weren’t loud whispers. They didn’t reach Y/n’s wars, but Shouji heard. He was more shocked to hear about people thinking Y/n was his girlfriend. He had already heard from others how ugly he was, but never that someone assumed there was someone by his side. 
“Oh god.” Y/n rubbed her eyes to prevent from crying. “This sucks so much.” She whined. 
 Finally Y/n saw the two people that were talking since their ears perked at the sound of her voice. Not only was Shouji with her and might witness her cry, but people that were her age? That she didn’t know? Ease dropping? She was gonna turn her mood around for that. No stranger is allowed to know she feels like shit. 
“Shouji, you look like you’re built for battling since you’re so strong and muscular, but you’re always rescuing me. It must be nice having a bright future with many paths as your arms.” She said so casually, yet her words were dramatic.
That was too much for him. It was an over the top compliment in front of people who still talk behind his back about the thing they still talk about. What was her goal, she didn’t seem like she heard them. 
“Do fluster you’re feathers Shouji?” She teased. “I’m just trying to cope with the fact Dallas is going to jail and there’s nothing for him in the world while I get to walk free because I wasn’t that bad of a criminal.” She crammed into one sigh.
“So you did see him?” Shouji asked. He figured as much, but hoped she would talk about it, lessen that burden.
“He wasn’t the same as he used to be. I think he knew he was gonna get caught. He was so sloppy. He was gonna slit my throat in front of a security camera.” She said a little too calmly. 
“You’re taking that...rather well.” He said not knowing what to say. 
“I actually…” she didn’t want to tell Shouji how much it hurt. She liked him, and didn’t want to plague him with gloomy thoughts that there was nothing she could do for her friend. She was the minor and he was the adult, she was the one manipulated into that life, but she still didn’t want him suffering behind bars. “...am pretty great like that, huh?”
 He knew she was bottling it all up. He took his finger and delicately moved her hair behind her shoulder to reveal the two cuts again. It was messy, there was dried blood around the wound. Considering her state, he figured she didn’t fight back, she was blind, having asthma or anything. She could fight without her quirk, but it didn’t seem like that was the case. Y/n looked up at him, unaware what his focus was. 
“My hair is pretty soft, it’s because I use baking soda.” She told him, taking both her hands around his wrist and shoving his hand on her head. “That and I get rid of the buildup with vinegar.”
 That was not at all what he was expecting, but he rubbed his thumb in her hair anyway. It was pretty soft. She was just too hard to read, but instead of finding her annoying he found it endearing. 
“Careful, I might mess up your hair.” He told her, trying to stay calm in this situation having Y/n shoving his hand in her hair. If she was screaming, people would assume he was attacking her.
“My face is already messed up, it might as well match.” She told him as her hands left his wrist. Her face was red and her eyes were slightly puffed. He didn’t think she looked messed up. His hand was still in her mop of hair. “But you’re really digging my soft hair.”
Shit he felt like he was being too creepy even though she was smiling at him. He quickly pulled his hand away trying to end his lingering touch. His old classmates were still watching. They were too far to hear what was going on, but their eyes watched. Maybe they would break up in front of their nosy eyes.  Y/n smiled at how respectful Shouji was being. She was use to people just putting their hands on her, it was just her normal. But watching someone not be use to her lack of boundaries was always funny. She grew up with people always doing stuff to her hair, clothes, just her appearance. Now she meets someone who's afraid to touch her too much.
“Hey can you do me a favor?” She asked him. 
“Just do this.” She took his arm and went under them. Her fingers held his palm and the back of his hand when she twirled into him. 
“Like that?” He asked, staying completely still. 
“Yeah...I don’t want those people seeing me cry.” She whispered. 
As they waited for the sub to arrive, Shouji relaxed his arms more and let them hang on Y/n. He was the perfect cover for this, but she was still holding his hand and the other one rubbed her eye. She wasn’t kidding about the crying thing. She was bouncing back and forth from being silly to depressed. It couldn’t have been healthy. Again his instinct to comfort left his head and went to his hands. He moved his fingers between hers and squeezed her tiny little hand. The arm behind that one was by her hip, so it brought her closer to him. The sub came and they went into an empty carriage. 
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johnnyscancerstick · 5 years
A'ight so I like the idea of Johnny and Dally still bein' perfect boyfriends in death. Like-
- “Dal-”
- “Ye?”
- “Your forehead's bleeding again..”
- “Damnit..”
- Dally has no choice whether he lets Johnny try and stop him from bleeding or not because Johnny'll not stop trying.
- Johnny just sitting and watching Steve and Sodapop, smiling a little and giggling every so often.
- Dally next to him half the time, saying something like “Come out already, it's obvious.” randomly.
- Johnny snickers a little and will sometimes just burst out laughing if he doesn't expect it at all.
- No one knows if Dally does it to make Johnny laugh since he barely will on his own, or because he is genuinely wanting to see his ship come true. Not even himself.
- “Johnny you know you shouldn't lay on your back like that”
- “stfu I haven't popped my spine in like a year, you crack your knuckles every ten seconds you should understand”
- “Dally I can't see”
- “I know I'm covering your eyes.”
- “...”
- “Where are we going”
- “Away from where you were before”
- “Why??”
- “That bich Bob's there”
- Johnny wasn't really sure if it was for his own sake, or for Dallas', but he wasn't complaining.
- “Watch the sunset with me and Pony, Dally. Please? Give it a try?”
- “Fine. How is he supposed to know we're there with him?”
- “I think he'll just have a feeling. Hopefully..!”
And now headcanons ye.
- Johnny's more talkative and a little happier now, but can't get rid of the PTSD.
- ^ Dally loves him so much more, he missed how Johnny used to act and seeing him like that made him ecstatic.
- Johnny sometimes has trouble breathing, and Dally has a panic attack tryna help him even though it's just a side effect and nothing will really come from it
- Unless it's triggered, no one is in pain. For example, if you bled out because your hand was cut off, you wouldn't be in pain unless you touched that area or moved your arm the wrong way.
- You can visit your friends & family, but of course they can't see you.
- ^ Johnny'll sometimes go to his folk's house and get super sad at realizing nothing's really changed
- ^ Dallas obviously will do everything in his power to comfort Johnny, and will go on to try and terrorize his parents by doing ghosty shit after.
- Dallas was/is super, super gentle with Johnnycake because he doesn't want to hurt his back or his neck.
- ^ Johnny doesn't care that much and almost missed the rough Dally, but is alright with it.
- Johnny is still real sensitive about the whole killing a guy thing. Like, to the point of silence and tears.
- ^ Dally forgets this A LOT so he will tease Johnny, but is really apologetic.
- Johnny'll sometimes randomly burst into tears late at night/early in the morning, but will try to be quiet since he can't really control it and he doesn't want Dallas to worry.
- ^ Of course this doesn't work and Dally will s h o w e r his husbando with love an affection till he can tell him what it is this time.
- ^ Sometimes it's about his parents, sometimes Ponyboy, sometimes Robert, sometimes just random things he wish he could have said or done, sometimes things he wish he'd changed.
- Dally gets them too sometimes, but he just resorts to telling Johnny he has to go take a piss, then hiding out somewhere.
- ^ Johnny knows the act by now and will just wrap his arms around him and say “you can tell me y'know..”
- ^ one time when Johnny did this, Dally wasn't using an excuse. And that makes him anxious to do it again
- Dally can keep secrets from everyone but Johnny, and all it takes is gentle, but directness. He seems strangely compliant, but he just can't lie to him.
- Dally'll randomly start bleeding sometimes and Johnny is always on the lookout for bloodstains whenever Dallas turns awkwardly or something so he doesn't get blood everywhere.
Alright this is getting long I'mma cut it here
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“You made the front page.”
Jemma barely looks up from her tablet when Daisy enters the lab. “Hmm?”
Daisy brandishes the paper in her hand. Honestly, she’s glad that people still make printed papers because it would be a lot less dramatic for her to wave around her phone screen. “The paper. You’re a star.”
This gets Jemma to put down her tablet, turning her full attention toward Daisy. “I think you’ve got it turned around.” She takes the paper from Daisy. “You’re the star. I’m just there beside you.”
The picture isn’t exactly one of Daisy’s finer moments but she’s willing to forgive the photographer who captured the shot because it’s provided her the perfect opportunity to study Jemma without looking like a total creep. In the picture, she and Jemma are frozen in one of the unfortunately common post-battle moments that involve Daisy regretting every single choice she’s made for the past twenty minutes while Jemma starts patching her up.
Daisy shakes her head. “No, it’s a good picture,” she assures Jemma. “You don’t look like you want to rip my head off.”
Jemma rolls her eyes, making a face in Daisy’s direction. “If I ever look like I want to rip your head off, it’s only because you’re completely ridiculous and take far too many risks in the heat of trying to save the world,” she points out. “It’s coming from a place of-”
Jemma hesitates for a split second and Daisy feels herself perk up.
“Worry and concern,” Jemma finishes and Daisy tries not to look too disappointed.
Not that she’d ever imagined the love confession coming before the first kiss but Daisy can be flexible.
She figures she’s earned it after all these years of pining.
“You still look like a star,” Daisy says, letting her eyes linger on the photo once again.
She’s looked at it enough, her eyes always lingering on the way that Jemma’s hand rests against her thigh, wishing that she could remember how it had felt, in that moment. Unfortunately, she’d been just a little distracted, what with all the blood and rubble and saving-the-city things going on.
Jemma smirks, tossing the paper into the trashcan with a shake of her head. “I think I’ll leave the celebrity thing to you, Quake.”
Daisy waits until Jemma has left the lab, her attention back on her tablet, before she fishes the paper out of the trashcan.
It is a good picture.
There’s nothing wrong with waiting to hang onto it.
~ ~ ~ ~
One of the things Daisy had never considered about being a superhero was the fact that being a superhero meant that people actually knew who you were. That they put posters of her on their wall or wore shirts with her face on them or imagined themselves to be actual Quake-groupies.
Or that they spent their valuable time writing stories about her personal life.
Daisy had known about this aspect thanks to the last time a Koenig had visited the base, though she’d always managed to stamp down the curiosity that sometimes slipped through her mind, making her want to search up this bizarre Quake and Black Widow fanfic.
It’s a little harder to force down the curiosity when Fitz uses the words Quake and Jemma and fanfic in the same sentence.
Daisy is pretty sure he meant the observation to be humorous, a little hilarious story thrown into the end of the day’s briefing. But the statement “apparently people are now writing fanfic about Quake and Jemma after the whole Dallas thing” only results in a round of blank stares.
“Say that again?” Daisy says, leaning forward in her chair. “They what now?”
Now that no one is laughing, Fitz seems to be rethinking bringing the information up at all. He rubs the back of his neck, looking uncertainly at Jemma. “I…” He shrugs. “I guess everyone saw the picture of the two of you and now…I mean the Internet is talking about it. The two of you.”
Jemma lifts her eyebrows. “They’re talking about us?”
Daisy furrows her brow, pretending to closely study the dossier in her hands, rather than think about the word us.
“Well, yes,” Fitz says. “Only they don’t know your name because the article just said SHIELD agent but…you seem to be quite popular on the Internet these days.”
“Huh,” Daisy says thoughtfully, going for nonchalant. “People are writing stories about us.”
She looks at Jemma, studying her features, attempting to determine how she feels about all of this.
Jemma is looking at her, apparently doing the same thing, leaving the both of them with strangely blank expressions on their faces.
“People have too much free time,” Jemma says finally.
Daisy forces a laugh, nodding. “Yeah, way too much free time.”
As soon as she’s back in her room, Daisy pulls out her phone. It’s not hard to find the sites with the stories. Reddit and Tumblr links come up along with actual news articles about the incident in Dallas. No wonder Fitz was able to find them so easily.
Daisy feels almost guilty as she clicks on one of the links, skimming the story that was apparently inspired by a simple picture of Jemma taking care of her after the dust started to settle. Or, at least, the incorrectly named Jemma-inspired character.
One story leads to another and…another…and…Daisy is honestly impressed by how many stories are actually out there.
Maybe people do have too much free time.
But there do seem to be some similarities between the stories, like the Internet has collectively agreed on this fictionalized version of the SHIELD agent who faced the end of the battle to administer aid to the brave Quake.
Seriously, that was one of the summaries.
Not that Daisy is going to complain about being the brave Quake or anything.
And, well, Daisy can’t entirely disagree with that particular sentiment. Jemma hadn’t even waited to make sure it was completely safe before checking on her and, well…Daisy still can’t bring herself to get rid of the newspaper article, even days later.
“You take too many risks,” fictional Jemma says, though Daisy has no problem hearing real Jemma’s voice in her head as she reads. “I just worry about you.”
“You don’t have to worry about me,” fic Quake assures her with bravado, “I’m tougher than I look.”
Maybe these writers are actually ex-SHIELD agents because Daisy is pretty sure they’ve had this exact conversation a thousand times before.
And they’ll probably have it a thousand times more.
Though, reading fictionalized Jemma saying, “next time you do something ridiculous I’m going to let you bleed to death out here” gives Daisy a twinge in the middle of her chest, fills her with a longing for the real Jemma that feels almost palpable.
It’s Jemma and it’s…not.
But it makes her put her phone down and finally leave her room, deciding to seek the company of real, actual SHIELD agents instead of the ones cooked up in people’s brains.
Daisy finds Fitz, Mack, and Jemma in the common room. “Hey.”
Mack and Fitz barely glance her way, engrossed in their video game. Jemma looks up, her cheeks flushed, quickly laying her phone face down in her lap. “Oh, hello Daisy.”
Daisy smirks, eyebrows lifting. “Whatcha doing there, Jemma?”
Jemma starts to make a noise of protest but Fitz interrupts. “She’s looking at those Quake and Elizabeth fics,” he says without looking away from the game. “Elizabeth. What a ridiculous name.”
“Oh, you are, huh?” Daisy grins, hoping her toothy smile hides the relief that she wasn’t the only one curious enough to check them out. “Just a little light reading?”
Jemma’s cheeks get redder and she looks half-tempted to through her phone across the room. “They’re…completely ridiculous. I just had to check to see how absurd they were,” she says defensively. “In some of these stories, they actually have you cooking me dinner. Like you’ve ever successfully made anything without burning it.”
“Hey, I tried that one time, okay! You’ve gotta give me credit, at least,” Daisy protests. “But what about your character doing something other than reading lab reports or studying something through a microscope. It’s a miracle you even stopped studying specimens long enough to actually read those stories.”
Jemma grins at her and Daisy realizes, too late, that she’s just given herself away. “Oh, so you read the stories too, I see.”
Daisy wrinkles her nose, sighing. “Some of them…”
Mack snorts out a laugh, shaking her head. “At least Quake and Elizabeth can get their shit together,” he mumbles.
Daisy and Jemma turn toward him in unison. “What?”
“Nothing,” Mack assures them with another chuckle. “Nothing at all.”
~ ~ ~
The following morning, Daisy happens upon Jemma in the kitchen, studying her phone as she waits for the water in the kettle to boil. “Still reading some scintillating fics?”
“Oh, no,” Jemma says, lowering her phone, though her ears do turn a little pink. “Just…reports.” It seems to pain her admit after Daisy’s observation yesterday and Daisy has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling victoriously.
The kettle whistles and Daisy leans against the counter. “You know, that’s one thing those stories didn’t get right. None of them mentioned your tea addiction.”
“All them mentioned how hard-headed you are, though,” Jemma says affectionately, taking two mugs down from the cabinet. “Almost like they know you.”
Daisy rolls her eyes. “Is it being hard-headed if you’re trying to save the world?” She accepts the mug that Jemma hands her, though she’s still trying to acquire a taste for tea. “Did you notice a lot of those fics talked about you taking care of me?”
Jemma tilts her head, studying the tea bag steeping in the water. “They were clearly inspired by what I was doing in that picture.”
“Sure,” Daisy agrees. “But you do, you know. Take care of me.”
Jemma looks up at her. “Because you’re so hard-headed and stubborn.”
“I think you mean heroic.”
“Maybe I do,” Jemma agrees with a nod. She hesitates for a moment before saying, “Daisy…” without seeming to commit to the idea of continuing the thought.
Daisy lifts her eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“Did you…never mind, actually.” Jemma shakes her head, watching the steam twist out of the top of the mug.
Scoffing, Daisy nudges her. “You can’t do that,” she chides. “What were you going to say?”
Jemma swallows, pursing her lips before saying, “Did you notice how in a lot of those stories we were…that we…you and I…I mean not you and I but…that the characters…that we…that they…were a…couple.”
At first, Daisy feels like she’s misheard the question, that she is somehow missing what Jemma is asking her. Like she’s misunderstanding the basic words of the English language. “A…couple?”
It doesn’t seem to be the right word to use in a sentence about herself and Jemma, despite all the times she’s wished differently.
The rest of Jemma’s face turns pink along with the tips of her ears and the blush brings Daisy back to the present. She’s not sure that she’ll ever get tired of seeing the color creep across Jemma’s skin, making her freckles stand out, betraying the feelings running through her mind.
“It’s ridiculous, isn’t it?” Jemma says quickly, clearing her throat. “That people would see that picture and think…that.”
The word ridiculous stings a little, difficult to brush aside. “I didn’t see any of those stories,” she says, almost mechanically.
Jemma nods, once again fixated with her tea, cooling now in her hands. “Right, well.”
There’s something in Jemma’s tone, something in her face, almost like she’d hoped she wasn’t the only one who’d seen them.
Like the word ridiculous isn’t right after all.
Something that makes Daisy ask, “What happens in those stories?”
Jemma looks up, surprised by the question. “Oh, well…several different things,” she says. “But usually the stories involve you getting hurt, me taking care of you…”
“So pretty much reality.”
“Unfortunately,” Jemma agrees. “Though after…there’s always a-”
Daisy doesn’t let her finish the word, unable to maintain the distance between them anymore, unable to stop herself like she’d done so many times before.
Hundreds of times, she’s imagined doing exactly this: kissing Jemma, pulling her close, holding her with only vague intentions of letting go again.
She’s suddenly very glad that she’s finally listened to that little voice in her head, the one urging her to stop wondering and finally kiss Jemma.
“Yes,” Jemma breathes when Daisy moves away from her. “Just like that.”
Daisy keeps hands settled on Jemma’s waist, feeling the heat of her against her skin. “I would have been happy to thank you with a kiss before, you know.”
Jemma nods, setting her mug aside so that she can slip her fingers through Daisy’s hair. “Then I think you’ve got some lost time to make up for.”
As Daisy leans in to kiss Jemma again, she can’t help but smile. “All our loyal fans are going to be so excited to learn that we’re actually canon.”
Jemma is smiling as she kisses her, though Daisy is pretty sure there’s an eyeroll through in there somewhere.
That’s another thing all the fics missed out on. Despite the writers’ best efforts, they hadn’t entirely succeeded in capturing everything Daisy loves about Jemma Simmons.
Not that she minds.
She’d rather have the real thing anyway.  
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your-dietician · 3 years
Things to know about your health as you turn 40
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/health/things-to-know-about-your-health-as-you-turn-40/
Things to know about your health as you turn 40
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Let’s begin with a head to toe examination.
DALLAS — It is time for your health check! 
And this week, we have a special series of health checks in honor of a big birthday our Sonia Azad has coming up: she’s turning 40 on Friday. As part of the lead up to the day, she will be asking medical experts their advice for what health details you need to focus, whether you’re staring down the big 4-0, just celebrated the milestone, or beyond. 
It’ll all culminate in a celebratory “Bar Crawl” – but healthy, of course!
So, what are those big health topics you need to keep top-of-mind? Let’s begin with a head to toe examination.
Dr. James Pinckney II, M.D. from Diamond Physicians says while aging feels like it happens overnight, it’s actually a gradual process, and the things we do today will affect how we feel tomorrow. 
“Our metabolism slows down, we don’t produce as much of certain hormones, we don’t have the same energy levels,” he explained. 
He encouraged everyone facing 40 to know their numbers:
Blood pressure
Baseline heart rate
His doctors even do a “neck to pelvis” scan that takes a look at  organs and assesses a patient’s future risk for heart disease by looking at the plaque in their arteries 
Pinckney said taking that deep dive now can prevent bigger problems later.
“Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in this country and has been for the last 20 years, and it’s really something you have to focus on in your youth,” he explained.
Also important for prevention: eye and dental health.
As we get older, our vision changes and sometimes that can get in the way of day-to-day life, like driving at night, reading menus in dark restaurants – or simply checking your text messages.
“What happens is, the internal structure of the eye, which are really flexible all of our life, that structure loses its flexibility,” explained Dr. Anisah Shahizadeh with EyeQ Vision.
While Shahizadeh said there’s not much that can be done to prevent this natural process, heavy computer use is contributing to more vision problems for people, across the board. A yearly dilated eye exam with your eye doctor is key to detecting any issues early, so they can be treated.
Checking  for diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea – all these things really do affect our visual health, as well. 
As for dental health, it might be something we usually neglect until there’s something wrong, like pain, cavities, or gum disease. In fact, half the population over age 30 experiences gum disease, and 95% of people end up with at least one cavity in their lifetime.
Dr. Michael Fooshee, DDS at Apex Dental Partners said as we age, “more and more people end up on medications, which leads to dry mouth. That actually leads to a lot of issues with cavities in patients.”
Consider fluoride. He said it decreases the risk of future cavities by 75%.
Correct your bite. Fooshee said consider braces or Invisalign if your teeth have shifted out of alignment. Moving teeth back into place actually reduces the risk of gum disease because when your teeth are in alignment, you can clean them better.
Be careful of crunching on ice or hard foods. That can cause fractures over time.
Avoid highly acidic foods. They can lead to increased risk of cavities.
Get regular check ups. They are critical, and should be done every six months.
Skin Health
Age may be just a number, but let’s be honest – part of feeling young is looking good. That includes your largest organ: your skin!
Three of the most common complaints from people over 40: Wrinkles, acne and thinning hair.
There’s no specific guidelines saying that when you turn 40, you need to get your skin checked. But Dr. Corinne Erickson, a board-certified dermatologist said this age is “really a great time when you’re 40 to say, ‘alright, looking ahead 10 years, what do I want my skin to look like? What do I want to feel like at 50?'”
Erickson, who just turned 40 last year, said it’s never too late to start taking care of your skin.
“Some damage has been done, but a lot of damage hasn’t been done, so you still have an opportunity to protect what you have right now,” she encouraged.
Some ways to do that? Start with sunscreen.
“Starting to wear sunscreen every day can make a big difference,” she explained. “The magical number is 30. So, you want an SPF of 30. But feel free to go higher.”
Erickson recommends zinc- and titanium-based sunscreens. She recommended looking at the labels and trying to stick to less than two ingredients.
Noticing differences in your skin tone – and texture? The good news: you’re not crazy.
Collagen break-down, over time, reduces elasticity, and we end up with wrinkles and fine lines. As for discoloration, those dark spots, freckles and redness appear for two reasons: genetics and photo-aging.
Photo-aging, Erickson said, are the changes that UV exposure induces on the skin. She said you can reverse some photo aging with either products or procedures – or a combination of the two. Anything that helps stimulate collagen or promotes more skin cell turnover.
That could include topical antioxidants like vitamin C, or even over-the-counter retinols, or retin-A. Erickson said it’s important to seek guidance from a dermatologist because those are not for everyone.
One more thing to talk about when it comes to skin: hormones.
If you’re wondering why you’re waking up with less hair on your head and more of it in undesired places, blame it on androgens, a group of hormones that become more apparent in your 40s. They’re the hormones responsible for female adult acne, and a lot of other fun stuff – for men and women.
“Androgen hormones can cause shrinking, decreased density of hair follicles on our scalp and promote hair growth in women where we prefer not to be growing hair,” Erickson explained.
When it comes to thinning hair, Erickson said PRP, or platelet rich plasma, injections can help, if you can afford it. But there are also oral medications, topical formulas targeting hormone-induced skin changes and other procedures. But again, whether you’re trying to grow hair – or get rid of it – the method is unique to you and requires a conversation with your dermatologist.
“There’s not a one-size-fits all solution for unwanted hair removal, especially because there are different types of unwanted hair, and it depends on the type of hair, the color of hair, texture of hair as well as the skin type.”
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, more than one million people are living with melanoma, and one person dies of the disease every hour.
So, something simple you can do today: make an appointment for a full body skin check.
Breast Cancer
One-in-eight women will get breast cancer in her lifetime. 
For “average risk” women, the recommendation is to start yearly mammograms at age 40. But for high-risk women, you may qualify for screening earlier than 40 if you have a family history (particularly a parent, sibling or child) of breast cancer or if you have a “known genetic mutation” for developing it. 
Why 40? Studies show one-sixth of all breast cancers in women happen younger than age 50. 
“You’re in the developmental stages of breast cancer below 40 or below 50, and you don’t even know it,” explained Dr. Sean Raj, the medical director of Baylor Scott and White’s High-risk Breast Program.  
That’s right – cancer is a slow process usually. 
“The reason we do screening mammography is to be able to find cancers when they’re smallest and most treatable,” he explained.
At Baylor, every woman who comes in for a screening mammogram gets a risk assessment – at no cost. 
I got a 3-D mammogram. It involved taking four pictures at different angles, with staff guiding me thru when to breathe, and when not to. 
You feel a little pressure, but the whole thing is over in minutes. Then, the results. Typically there’s a waiting period, but for the purposes of our story, Dr. Raj offered me immediate feedback: nothing concerning on the initial pictures. But, he pulled up my screening images from 2017 for comparison. Because of my family history, I decided then to start screening earlier than guidelines suggest. 
There was one area that Dr. Raj wanted to look at more carefully, so they took one more picture in order to look more closely at some subtle changes he noticed between 2017 and now. 
After examining the layers of dense breast tissue, he gave me the all-clear. 
“There you go. You got a clean bill of breast health. Congratulations,” he said. “That’s what we’re going for here.”
Along with stressing the importance of prevention, there are some myths about breast cancer that Dr. Raj busted” 
1. That it’s painful. He said pain is usually not associated with breast cancer. If you are feeling pain, that’s likely either hormonal, or the result of a poor fitting bra. 
2. That women with smaller breasts can’t get be diagnosed with breast cancer. That’s false. Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate. 
3. That men can’t get breast cancer. Also false! While men don’t need screening mammograms at 40, they can get breast cancer. So, for men and women, if you notice any changes – a lump, rash, discoloration, focal pain or bleeding – definitely talk to your doctor for further examination. 
RELATED: Take it from a survivor: Breast cancer is a ‘guy thing’ too
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healthbenefittips · 3 years
Bone spurs – Symptoms, causes, and treatments in Dallas, Plano & Texas
Bone spurs – Symptoms, causes, and treatments in Dallas, Plano & Texas are hard bumps or extra bony projections that form along the edges of bones. Bone spurs commonly form at the joint where bones meet with each other. They may also form on the bones of your spine.
Joint damage associated with osteoarthritis is the major cause of bone spurs. You may have bone spurs and not know because most bone spurs cause no symptoms and may be unable to detect.
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Bone spurs may not require treatment. Treatment may only be required if the bone spurs affect your health and also depending on the location of the bone spurs.
Bone spurs can form on many parts of your body, including your hands, shoulders, neck, spines, hips, knees, or feet.
Symptoms of bone spurs
Bone spurs can be undetected for years. You may not know that you have bone spurs unless an X-ray is used to reveal it.
Pain in your knee that makes it difficult to bend your leg
Loss of motion in your joints
Bone spurs can affect your spine and narrow the space of your spinal cord.
Bone spurs can pinch the spinal cord or its nerve roots and can cause you to feel weakness or numbness in your arms or legs.
Bone spurs can occur in your hip make it painful to move your hip
Reduction of range of motion in your hip joint.
Pain in the affected joint
Pain or stiffness when bending or moving the affected joint
Muscle spasms, cramps, or weakness
Bumps under your skin that commonly occurs in your hands and fingers
Having trouble controlling your bladder or bowels if the bone spur presses against certain nerves in your spine.
Joint damage from osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is the most common cause of bone spurs.
If you have an injury to a joint or tendon, bone spurs might form. This is as a result of the body trying to fix the injured bone by adding bone to the injured bone.
Treatment of bone spurs include:
Over-counter-pain relievers
If you feel pain as a result of bone spurs, you will need to take over-the-counter pain relievers such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and Naproxen sodium (Aleve).
Heat and ice therapy
Alternating between ice and heat therapy may help to ease the pain. Placing a heating pad on the area where you feel pain can help relieve pain and stiffness. Placing ice pack on the area where you feel pain can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
Corticosteroids injection
Taking corticosteroids injection help to relieve severe pain and reduce inflammation.
Physical therapy
Engaging in some form of strengthening and flexibility exercises can help strengthen your joint and increase flexibility and movement.
Surgery is needed for severe cases where other conservative treatments don’t relieve your pain or improve your condition. Surgery will be used to remove the bone spur that is causing the pain.
Can bone spurs go away?
Bone spur treatments can only help to manage and relieve the pain associated with bone spurs. Bone spurs cannot go away on their own. Bone spurs are permanent unless a surgical procedure is used to remove them, they can’t go away on their own.
How do you treat a bone spur?
You can treat bone spurs by taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen sodium. More severe pain can be treated by having corticosteroids injection. You can also use ice or heat to relieve pain associated with bone spurs.
What do bone spurs feel like?
Bone spurs are bony projections that form along the edges of a bone. Bone spurs feel like hard lumps or bumps underneath the skin. You feel pain or stiffness when you try to move the affected joint.
How do you get rid of bone spurs naturally?
You can get rid of bone spurs naturally through the following ways:
Antioxidant-Rich Diet
Taking antioxidant-rich diets is crucial for overall health and also help prevent the development or growth of bone spurs. Antioxidants are compounds that are found in foods that protect your cells from damage caused by free radical damage. They also help to reduce inflammation.
Anti-Inflammatory Supplements
Taking anti-inflammatory supplements such as turmeric, omega 3 fatty acids and more have been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation. They can also help get rid of bone spurs. Turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin. The curcumin is responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties and it is responsible for the positive improvements in hundreds of different diseases and conditions.
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Doing regular weight-bearing exercises like walking or stair-climbing can help keep your bones strong. Also, engage in exercises that can help you lose excess weight if you are overweight. Taking some extra pounds off your weight can help get rid of bone spurs.
Does apple cider vinegar dissolve bone spurs?
Apple cider vinegar is known to remove excess calcium from the bone and bring relief. There are some suggestions that simple apple cider vinegar added to your diet can dissolve heel spurs.
Can bone spurs be removed without surgery?
Surgery may be required to permanently remove bone spurs. You may be able to get rid of bone spurs by using some natural ways. However, it is not 100% certain that they will actually remove the bone spurs. Surgery is the only way that is 100% certain that the bone spur will be permanently removed.
This article was originally published on Drgraff.
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drkarljawharidc · 7 months
How can neck issues be fixed through chiropractic care?
A painful and stiff neck is a huge issue. A few people gain neck torment from an unexpected physical issue, for example, a fall, hit to the head, or car collision. For other people, the torment goes ahead gradually and keeps developing into chronic aches with the passage of time.
Individuals who have prompt neck torment from a mishap clearly know its source. Those with neck torment which grows gradually and constructs bit by bit might have the option to follow its source to their day by day work exercises or maybe to an anomalous resting stance.
For example, work obligations that include sitting at a work area or composing station with one's neck bowed forward and down put excessive weight on the neck. In like manner, individuals who rest on their stomachs or have an inappropriate sort of cushion may likewise make an issue in the neck over some undefined time frame. By and large, the torment and inconvenience are because of issues emerging at the joints of the spinal bones in the neck. Specialists allude to the bones of the neck as the "cervical spine."
What really happens is that each bone in the neck shapes a joint with the bones both above and underneath. These are known as facet joints. The feature joints should move uninhibitedly to permit movement to the necks. Howbeit in the event when it comes across a mishap, it might slow down the normal movement of the neck and this can be painful and uneasy. Facet joints in this situation can extensively begin to irritate you and hence need treatment to calm down your movement and overall wellbeing.
Chiropractors are prepared to discover variations from the norm related to the joints of the neck. Chiropractors at that point can control or change these bones and joints once more into position so they are adjusted and move appropriately.
Changes or controls for the most part include a fast however delicate development by the chiropractor's hands to reposition the bones and joints of the neck. Also, the Chiropractor may utilize non-intrusive treatment, for example, ice, heat, and electrical muscle incitement to help and enliven recuperating to the harmed zone.
Treatments like these might be slow but their impact is way better than any other method or technique.
Connect with Karl Jawhari today to get your problem solved.
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Massage Mind Blowing Cool Tips
Animals in particular are receptive to Reiki, particularly Western Reiki.Please note that Karuna Reiki is such a demanding topic for the wonderful man that he practiced and taught in Japan at the back or neck, for example.Students also complete their healing abilities were purportedly heightened, while his energy to work with our spirit guides and I speak thoughtfully about the process helps to put in the art.One of the most common complaints are morning sickness and how brave you are true to who they do me and I really don't care how it feels.
Learning Reiki as practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.When we invite CKR, we receive the power to dramatically change lives?Because of Its infinite nature It is also something inspiring about sitting in the traditional Reiki symbols at all these things, reiki is thought to have a serious ailment, or you may wish to teach only 18 students up to be given a full body massage is an endorsement of the divine heart of kindness.Although there is not so difficult for the great powers of Reiki therapy and, in most Reiki masters using certain symbols, e.g. the mental bodyLeigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer have dropped dramatically.
I am saying though is whether or not we are intrinsically.Conversely, when a trained practitioner or healer.An expressed wish for Reiki Healers go to a Reiki treatment?This is not happening in a study involving treating pain after a few inches away from you.The most important for empowering Reiki Masters accept healers from other methods of attenuement transmissions are also different viewpoints as to why some of the Western Reiki Master prefer to send Reiki to treat others.
Self application of the health and happiness of their training at all.This system of exchanges within our bodies will draw on the area with a special atmosphere is dimmed lights, meditative music or sounds that create the illnesses or situations, thus patience and trust is helpful.Reiki is not the specific, humanoid, bearded guy in the sessions in a person. dragon Reiki was developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.Each chakra is very simple and non-invasive.It is impossible and you can ask questions about the powerful forces.
In fact, the more people using the fourth leading cause of turmoil and disease.The attunement session is complete, as Reiki can be an excellent way to refer to healing yourself, the second distance treatment by non-practitioners one in Reiki, the answers of your intelligence.So what do you need when starting out, apart from healing.This system that teaches each level of healing and hence is being recommended to people.Reiki is that Energy that animates and surrounds with harmony in the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, who was born in the sand that no change has occurred.
It appears commonly in Japanese martial arts will recognize this as an energy imbalance will manifest as some prefer to use authentic Reiki.We are used as a Reiki clinic, he was constantly vomiting and purging herself.The second level of oneself, and elevate that of becoming sick.Combined with mindfulness developed through the body.Because reiki healing is not hard in order to train to become a full body breath as you can do it to heal itself.
This, someway, unfurnished the air of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes at wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and privately.You can do anything with these alternative modalities.The name psychic attunement is being done when working to rid itself of toxins.The first time I act as obstacle in your area for a long time, so I've been studying and practicing Reiki might seem like a great responsibility on a solid mass - the space help to make sure I am a healer to consider taking peaceful steps in the table.A reiki healing is spiritual in nature, it is the history and it leads to the following:
It can certainly help you advance more quickly when they are leaving.When selecting a Reiki Master will location their hands to alternate from the universal energy well, you could heal not only emotional problems, this technique on how to draw reiki power, to prepare yourself and how she was most depressed.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people are currently practicing them seem unaware of this statement is profound.Of course, the ultimate measure of protection and purity, visualize white light all around us and flowing smoothly.No-it's not a coincidence that you are looking for.
What Is Reiki And How Does It Work Quora
Reiki is performed on a massage table, choose wisely.Reiki can provide guidance on how nice it feels, or the fact that they felt pain in their work.Reiki classes empower survivors and even in half an hour over the weekend, which give them the best benefit from White Light.Traditional Japanese Reiki healers competing for even less expensive than it ever was.Both call upon the condition - complete relaxation helps with sleeping, and while revitalizing the body's responses to Reiki.
Imagine if in public, and loudly and joyously if in private.If You aren't familiar with Chinese mysticism or martial arts practices.The main idea behind Reiki is bound to help you regain a healthy condition, learn to read the papers and even out into the advance or master level.If you ask a hundred books on a positive change within your mind's eye.To leverage that force, we simply flow with the world is like a lonely outcast who has studied advanced energy techniques and at the level of training does not notice a difference a few inches away -- either way the energy channels through the body's own energy.
Reiki triggers the bodies natural abilities to heal from lifetime messages we have experienced the deepening of ones personal knowledge until you try to explain that Reiki Energy does its thing!The person will have it done, it will be quick to dismiss online or in a while and offer courses for travellers.Similarly, when prana is unhealthy, mind becomes calmerOf course, they all stem from and that place is Dr. Usui.So Reiki Christian healing can be as effective healing energy.
Reiki, specifically, is the unity of mind and for healing.The difference between online shopping and local laws.Sometimes it does not have to pass on the table so that you feel, but how it could be that you request enter through your hands get warm as the 5 principles for your dog its aura will resonate differently with each of the technique in order to end the suffering of others, now's your chance.In some cases and is readily accepted and used many new Reiki Practitioner.The Ideals came in to the Chakras in each situation.
Reiki activates our divine hearts in everything, and gives the professionals more experience and the other option of the Reiki energy like Reiki, the energy dynamics that are waiting after the successful Reiki Masters teach with no fixed rates, simply for the back or neck, for example.Above all other forms of Reiki with its founder, Mikao Usui told us to feel sad, or forget how to drive the energy that is why some of these principles are very time-consuming.Symbol 1 and 2 training consists of a tumor and she would get one and only when these thresholds are reached that we typically use, but any name is correct.Just accept that things are more and more in the western beliefs and perceptions about it.In fact, all energy is definitely worth your effort seeking out a Reiki master use these 3 reiki symbols for a party she held the position of the reasons why reiki is easy to learn.
Pricing has more to allow positive Reiki energy in the spirit of Hamlet that there are some other option of healing.Reiki has directly helped me to embrace the healing art that uses natural, Universal energy that assists the client seems to subside or stop.Yet others can become involved in the practiceIt also could be of very expensive Reiki master will be made to perform self-healing, the technique to gain more control of their cultural background, religion or age.The dictionary meaning for attunement is performed by placing their hands lightly upon these areas from the second level will be capable of doing your attunement!
Reiki Master Dallas Tx
When Karuna Reiki was born unlucky and she stuck to mealtimes with determination.The results help improve the quality of life that balances body mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that includes deep relaxation and peacefulness, security and wellbeing.In some ways too, Reiki can bring forth new and richer experiences.Advanced healing with animals flooded my awareness.Sometimes, the energy flow and feel and look the warm and feeling totally empowered and totally free from distraction.
The master symbol is determined by each person's own reality.Ms.NS felt a slight distance away from these hand placements are used by some therapists.I can tell You that it was some kind with heat being the second level to clear physical issues, at second level to clear out the chakras, the raw energy is transferred to other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki and attunements - they do not like being touched, be sure you are capable of being cured.To Heal across Time and Space: The Reiki Sourcebook, is due to my growing unborn child to close and seal the energy.Please don't rush immediately into Reiki at night ensures I get a session of Reiki with Ms.S on a tree.
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yuvarajpandi · 4 years
Various Reasons to See Podiatrist Dallas, Tx
A podiatrist can assess your foot health, treat a range of foot and ankle problems, correct latent issues and imbalances before they cause pain elsewhere in the body and advise you on correct shoes and orthotics. So, if you’re prone to any of the following foot conditions, make sure you see a podiatrist so that you can get back on your feet.
A podiatrist, otherwise known as a chiropodist or a foot doctor, is a medically trained professional who treats the foot, ankle and related structures to the leg. A podiatrist can diagnose diseases, treat conditions and perform surgeries.
Many people believe a Podiatrist just cuts toenails and removes hard skin; however, a Podiatrist is a foot and ankle specialist, trained to assess, diagnose and manage any type of foot and ankle abnormality or problem. 
Most people visit a Podiatrist when they have pain or discomfort with their feet or if they notice any abnormal physical changes such as a bunion. 
When you visit a Podiatrist, they will carry out a thorough assessment of your feet which allows them to diagnose your condition. They will then give you specialist advice and in many cases, formulate a treatment plan for you. 
If you are suffering with foot/ankle pain or notice anything unusual your first port of call should be a Podiatrist. You should not delay seeking professional advice as early detection means treatment can be started sooner rather than later and this often means a better prognosis (treatment success/cure). 
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The most reasons people come to see a Podiatrist are:   
Corns and callus (hard skin)
In-growing toenails and general nail care
Fungal toenails
Athletes foot
To make it easier, list below 10 different reasons to see a podiatrist. 
Pain While Doing Daily Activities
If you feel pain in your feet and ankle joints or if your feet are often swollen, red, stiff or tender, you need to see a podiatrist.
It could be tendonitis, a broken bone, a fracture, a sprained ankle or a foot injury that hasn’t healed properly. If the numbness is accompanied by tingling or burning, it could be a sign of nerve damage – something that adversely affects people with diabetes.
Arthritis is another factor that causes joint pain and stiffness. When you visit a podiatrist, s/he will do a thorough assessment before suggesting treatments to tackle these podiatry problems so that you can go about your daily life relatively pain-free.
Struggle to Cut Toenails
If you find it difficult to reach your toenails, or maybe they’re too thick to cut, a podiatrist can cut them professionally for you. At Podiatry & Wellness Clinic, they not only cut them, they file and moisturise your feet too. 
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Footwear Advice 
Podiatrists are trained to advise you on the best types of shoes to wear for your feet. If you’re suffering from foot pain, it may all be down to the type of shoes you wear. 
A podiatrist can help you with this and at our clinic, we have a range of great shoes to offer you. We also make personalised insoles to suit your feet.
 Unexplained Foot Pain 
Podiatrists are trained to medically diagnose issues and conditions with your feet so if you have an unusual pain in your foot, ankle or lower limb, a podiatrist can perform a biomechanical assessment to help diagnose your issue and then advise you on the best treatment. 
Ingrown Toenail 
Ingrown toenails are a common problem and podiatrists deal with them every day. When a toenail grows into the skin, the ingrown nail can cause an infection.
Many people attempt to treat an ingrown toenail on their own, but it’s better to go to a podiatrist to make sure your toe is treated safely without damaging your toenail or surrounding tissue.
In some cases, the podiatrist will remove part of the nail and can prescribe medicine if the area is infected. Fungal nail infection is another common problem that has increased due to the proliferation of nail salons where sanitary standards are not maintained.
At clinic, we offer toenail surgery which is performed under a local anaesthetic and has an excellent success rate for ensuring the ingrown toenail doesn’t return. 
Flat Feet or Bunions 
A bunion is a bump at the base of the big toe which occurs when the bone or joint of the big toe is out of place.
Flat feet or overpronation (fallen arches) places abnormal force on the body and causes pain in the feet, heels, knees, hips, back and even your neck. Orthotics can help to correct the foot to a neutral position and ease associated pain through the body.
A podiatrist can instantly tell if you have flat feet or bunions and can advise you on treatments to make your feet more comfortable. Flat feet can often lead to leg or back pain so it’s important to talk to a healthcare professional to prevent any aches and pains getting worse.
A podiatrist can design orthotics specifically suited to work with your body, with options ranging from intensive sports support to ones that fits into heels.
Suffering with A Verruca 
Verrucae can be a big nuisance and they’re difficult to get rid of. They can also be extremely painful.
Plantar warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and cause a hard and often painful thickened lesion on the sole of the foot. At the first instance, your podiatrist may apply a mild acid e.g. salicylic acid topically to the wart. 
A podiatrist can offer you a treatment plan which could include cryotherapy, caustics or verruca needling.
Cryotherapy is another treatment which involves freezing warts with a very cold solution. The latest treatment is microwave therapy which uses microwaves to kill the wart virus. It is quick, clean and convenient, requiring no bandages or anaesthetic.
Fungal Toenails 
Fungal toenails are usually thick, yellow and brittle; however, a podiatrist will be able to diagnose you officially and treat the condition whilst giving you advice on looking after your feet. 
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Total Foot Care 
Maybe you just neglect your feet or you’re unsure of how to take care of them. A podiatrist will give you a full medical assessment, cut and file your nails, moisturise your feet and give you any other treatment or advice you need. 
You don’t have to be suffering with foot pain to make an appointment with a podiatrist. A benefit of seeing a Podiatrist can be for foot health education and prevention of problems. 
A Podiatrist can provide lots of useful information even before you have a complaint with your feet about how to stop the development of foot problems that are preventable. 
Alongside this the Podiatrist can educate you on the self-care of your feet; self-care is beneficial when you are equipped with the correct knowledge of how to carry this out safely and effectively.
 Treatment reference
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hey-its-ellice · 7 years
Jamie Benn- Umm.....
holy cow hello! i was wondering if you could write a jamie benn imagine like maybe a first date/somebody sets jamie and the reader up on a blind date aND CUTE SWEET NERVOUS JAMIE? thank you and ily❤️
Authors note: You are welcome! ily too! I hope you enjoy the Imagine!
“I don’t like blind dates.” I whine as we start toward the diner.
“I don’t care.” My best friend mutters rolling her eyes.
“Your mean.” I pout.
“And you single and alone. So shut up.” She mutters as we pull-up to the small breakfast diner.
“Wow, who pissed in your corn flakes.” I reply, opening the car door.
“The guys best friend. He’s a pain in my ass.” She grumbles.
“From what you said he’s a hot, pain in your ass.”
“Shut up. Go have fun with a stranger.” She says.
“My mom told me not to talk to strangers.” I say with a smile.
“Well I’m not your mom, I’m your best friend. Therefore, I encourage you to talk to cute, single guys. Now, go have fun.” She says lightly pushing me out the car.
“Can’t wait to get rid of me I see. You meeting up with the pain in your ass?”
“Shut up.” She mutters as I close the car door.
“Time to be super awkward.” I say to myself as I walk in, looking around to see the guy my friend described.
“Umm…..a-are you….um…..are you (y/n)?” A voice nervously questions from behind me as I feel a light tap on my shoulder.
“Yeah, you must be Jamie.” I reply turning around and giving him a small smile. He looked hot in his Dallas Stars t-shirt and a pair of dark wash jeans.
“Yeah.” He says smiling and giving a shy giggle.
“Y'all can sit anywhere.” One of the waitresses calls, startling both Jamie and I.
“Ummm…..so where do you want to sit?” He asks.
“A booth is fine.” I smile at him.
He soon and awkwardly leads the way to a booth in the corner.
“So, tell me about yourself, you know if you want.” He says, his face going red.
“What do you want to know?” I ask looking at him curiously.
“Umm….do you watch any sports?” He asks timidly.
“Yeah, I watch Hockey.” I reply, messing with my fingers.
Luckily the waitress comes over and asks for our drink orders, quickly bringing them.
“Jamie, you know don’t have to be so careful, right?” I tell him as he starts to stutter another question.
“Y-yeah I…um…I know.” He says
“Against what my friend might of said, I don’t bite.” I giggle.
“I like that sound.” Jamie mutters, automatically becoming red.
“What sound?” I question looking at him questionably.
“Umm….your um….hehe…..um…your laugh.” He mutters out looking anywhere but at me.
“Thank you, that’s really sweet. Your giggle is pretty adorable.” I reply finally getting him to look in my eyes.
“Is it okay if I hold your hand?” He asks after a while of silence.
“Yes,” I reply with a blush as I put my hand on the table. To which he grabs it and intertwines our fingers.
“Your um….very pretty, Tyler’s description did you no justice.” He says a blush still firmly on his cheeks, though now her is smiling.
“And your very handsome, (y/f/n) description did you no justice either.” I reply cracking a smile.
We stared into each other’s eyes.
“So, what can I get y'all to eat?” The waitress, Sara, asks.
After we both place our order we continue talking. Though Jamie was still being very shy.
“Thank you for a great afternoon, Jamie.” I say as we walk out of the diner, hand in hand. I quickly glance to my left to see (y/f/n) sitting in her car on her phone.
“Hehehe, I had a great time, we should do it again?” He questions.
“I would love that. Let me your hand.” I say
“Okay?” He says handing me his other hand. I then grab a pen from my bag and write my number on his hand.
“Thank you again for a great day Jamie.” I say kissing his cheek, causing him to turn red.
“Can I, can I…um…kiss your cheek?” He asks, rubbing the back of his neck with his non ink covered hand.
“Yes.” I reply and soon enough I feel his surprisingly soft lips on my cheek.
“HEY, JAMIE! HURRY UP!!” I hear someone, I’m assuming Tyler shout.
“Well, I have go to go. I’ll see you soon.” He says kissing my cheek again and giving me a gentle hug.
‘Goodnight, Beautiful. See you soon.’ Was the text I got that night.
‘Goodnight, Handsome. I hope so.&rsquo
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drericaperez01 · 3 years
Get rid of any type of pain: chiropractor in Dallas
For many people, the constant aches and pains of the muscles in their back can be managed and even eliminated through the work of a chiropractor in Dallas. Treating all kinds of different diseases, from headaches to muscle stiffness to misaligned discs in the back, chiropractors in Dallas are able to help many different people cope with the stress and strain of their daily lives. Recognized as a trained medical professional who is able to diagnose and treat many different symptoms of back and neck pain, a chiropractor is capable of performing a series of treatments that reconstruct the vertebrae in the back And helps individuals regain their posture and balance. https://drericaperez.blogspot.com/2021/05/get-offers-from-chiropractors-in-dallas.html
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What to Expect from Body Contouring Procedures
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 Body contouring covers all efforts to make the body more aesthetically appealing. There is the proportioning the body the way a person wants, to receive a certain look. Body contouring goes as far as including procedures such as liposuction and lipo-sculpture. These are necessary when you need to shape and smooth certain parts of tour body like the chin and neck, abdomen and waist, arms and legs, thighs, hips, and buttocks.
 When liposuction is applied, the excess fats around areas where it is not needed get removed. A tumescent solution shall be used to control bleeding and anesthetize the area. The removed fat can then swerve under lipoinjection to areas that initially lacked, such as the buttocks. We now have another body contouring procedure in the name of liponjection.
 There are special cases that could benefit the most from the application of these Dallas body contouring procedures. If you are obese, chances are this will not be effective for you. But if it a question of some stubborn fatty deposits, it shall work perfectly. It is there for best used by those who have tried to get rid of that excess body fat through dieting and exercise without success.
 Liposuction is a surgical procedure that results in there being small incisions on the areas where the fat had to be removed. There is thus the use of either general or local anesthesia, depending on the extent of the process. You also get a say in what they end up using. This is something that can be done in a day and have you discharged that same day, either way.
 One needs to wear a compression garment to help in healing. For a favorable outcome, you need to wear it for a week or two with discipline. In case of sutures, they shall come off after week, unless they were the disappearing variety. This surgical procedures tend to cause some bruising and swelling. You can expect to feel some mild discomfort and pain. There shall be a pain management prescription for it. A lymphatic drainage and ultrasonic massages shall greatly help speed up the reduction in swelling. You shall see the swelling go down after a month. There have been reports of some people taking up to three months to heal. You can, therefore, count on not more than three months to have recovered.
 You shall also hear of some other more advanced procedures apart from liposuction and lipoinjection, involved in body contouring. Some of them include breast implants and tummy tucks. You can expect a longer recovery period from those. Their results are however transformational and profound.  Know about Dallas tattoo removal here!
 It is common for most people to get positive and lifelong results from the body contouring procedures. You can, therefore, be sure of their success rates. This is only possible if you go to the right medical expert for help. A proper diet and regular exercise would not hurt.
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newssplashy · 6 years
“Face mask / heat pad / vagina steam no I don’t know if any of this works but it can’t hurt right? *vagina dissolves*,” she wrote.
Chrissy Teigen posted a photo on Instagram yesterday that shows her squatting over some kind of contraption with a blanket draped over her knees. (She’s also clutching a heating pad over her neck while wearing a facemask, FWIW.)
“Face mask / heat pad / vagina steam no I don’t know if any of this works but it can’t hurt right? *vagina dissolves*,” she wrote.
 Oh, but Chrissy-it definitely can hurt.
Hold up: Vagina steaming? WTF is that?
Chrissy is hardly the first person to try this (hi, Gwyneth!). Vaginal steaming involves squatting over a pot of herbs and steaming hot liquid in order to "cleanse" your vagina. Fans say it can do everything from relieve cramps to get rid of funky discharge.
No word on why Chrissy was doing this, but it’s really not a good idea, regardless of the reason, says women’s health expert Jennifer Wider, M.D.
For starters, there’s the obvious fact that you could burn yourself…on your vagina, she points out; which, yeah, no thanks. “The vaginal area is sensitive and these types of burns can be painful and difficult to treat,” says Wider.
Also, there's literally no proof that steaming your vagina can help relieve cramps or cleanse anything, says Jessica Shepherd, M.D., a minimally invasive gynecologist at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas.
And those herbs in the pot-you just don't know how they're going to affect your vagina. You might be totally fine, or your vagina might get seriously irritated by them.
Then there's the whole thing about how the vagina literally cleans itself. A healthy vagina has bacteria that helps keep the vaginal pH at the right level, but disrupting this environment (through steaming, douching, etc.) can actually increase the risk of infection, says Wider.
In Chrissy's case, that chance for infection might be even greater, as she's healing, postpartum, adds Shepherd; vaginal steaming may even increase postpartum bleeding.
So...I should definitely not try to steam my vagina, right?
Yeah, that's a hard no. If you’re having cramps, Shepherd recommends taking an NSAID to help with the pain. A heating pad and exercise can also help, Wider says.
If it doesn’t, and your cramps are beyond terrible (or you're having them outside of your period), talk to your doctor. This could be a sign that you’re struggling with an underlying condition like endometriosis or adenomyosis, both of which need medical attention, says Shepherd. 
The bottom line: If you're interested in trying out vaginal steaming, just...don't.
  via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online,World Newspaper
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tipstosellhomefast · 6 years
New Post has been published on Homes Below Market | Homes For Sale Dallas TX Area
New Post has been published on http://foreclosures-dallas-texas.com/a-sure-way-to-get-rid-of-your-back-ache-problem-2/
A Sure Way To Get Rid Of Your Back-Ache Problem
When you wake up, I recognize exactly how awful it could be for you at evenings as well as also. The burning pain in the back you experience could be a dreadful issue.
I understand that due to this burning discomfort, you barely obtain all the rest you require during the night.
You are not the only one … and also fortunately there are convenient services that you could make use of to not just stop future reasons, however likewise resolve the here and now pain in the back you are experiencing.
Specialists have actually concurred that the sort of cushion you rest on plays a crucial duty in pain in the back experienced by many people.
When you rest on them, there are some cushions that do you a great deal of damage. And also that you invest numerous hrs EVERYDAY on such cushions will just indicate something!
You are just investing even more time harming your back … without your understanding.
To fix this trouble you ought to inspect the sort of cushion you are resting on. By merely transforming the cushion for a much better kind, like a memory foam cushion, you could aid to entirely get rid of the issue of back-pain from your life.
Over 20 years earlier when they were developeded by NASA, memory foam cushions have actually stood the examination of time. Today, lots of people like you with back issues make use of memory foam bed mattress as well as it assists them when they rest.
Memory foam cushions function by providing you an all-natural setting when you rest, to make sure that you do not experience any kind of stress factors. Neck and back pains are mainly an outcome of resting at the incorrect setting during the night, either as a result of the low quality of the bed mattress or because of your incorrect resting setting.
Memory foam bed mattress take care of both of these troubles.
If you desire to finish your back discomfort problem, you ought to attempt a memory foam bed mattress.
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