#rhythm guitarist and bassist are pretty cool
crabs-but-better · 2 months
if you’re going to rip off the nashville number system why not just use nashville number……..😐😐
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hypnoneghoul · 14 days
absolution live 2017/2023
here I am with my over 1,5k word autistic ramble about the differences between absolution live from 2017 and 2023. at the end there is an audio file of both versions put together, if anyone would be interested in that. it sound very cool heh
also tags for people who showed interest in this: @forest-rot @ghuleh-recs @counting-eyerolls @ngnt-writes @ghnosis @rain-ghoul-appreciator @sister-rosemary-marie
anyway, under the cut
I will start with an analysis of instruments and players separately, one by one, and then I’ll talk about the whole thing a little bit. Also I’m using only ghoul names in there, but when I’m talking about styles and skills I obviously mean the unmasked folks.
Both in 2017 and 2023 we have Mountain on drums, which gives us a very fun comparison opportunity. In 2017 he goes heavy on the cymbals—according to the original version of the song—but it makes the whole thing a bit too crashy and too clogged. The drums are very widely mixed and set—slightly focused on the left side following the stage layout from then—but I think the cymbals could be a bit quieter in comparison to the actual drums, especially the floor tom. In general we can hear how smaller Mountain’s kit was in 2017. In 2023 the entire drum part is sharper and deeper, more bassy and it’s focused more in the middle. The way it feels to me, in 2017 the drums are the background and in 2023 they are the core. Mountain has better fills in 2023, he obviously got more comfortable just jamming in there and having fun over the years.
Dewdrop on bass in 2017; we can hear (or at least I can) that he is not a bassist. He scrapes his pick on the strings a lot which is connected to him being primarily a guitarist—it’s about the picking hand placement and angle. The bass is pretty quiet and it has overdrive on it. It helps conceal his buzzing a little bit, because it happens a fair amount for Dewdrop. Again—bass is not his main instrument. We can also hear exactly when he slams it, like we know he loves doing. In general sometimes he’s quieter and sometimes he’s louder and it’s mostly caused by his picking; how he angles his hand in certain moments and how much strength he puts into it. At the end he goes absolutely feral. Not surprising.
Rain in 2023 is amazing. He’s very skilled, and it’s a huge shame Ghost doesn’t have any songs that could really allow him to show off. He hit his cue a bit too fast at one point, but it might as well be intentional. He’s so much clearer and cleaner, both due to his skills and the settings. Rain has more drop, he most likely has his bass on a different pickup setup than Dewdrop, plus they used different basses—Rain’s with additional mods. One of those mods is a very heavy bridge—Badass Bass—and I bet we can thank that piece for the sustain and note definition in Rain’s playing. In general it flows more, fits into the whole image better. His changes in volume are controlled, not accidental like it happens for Dewdrop. Rain puts more slides, tiny additions and note changes into his live playing, it makes it a bit more lively to me. He’s put perfectly in the middle, nicely blended with the drums.
Unfortunately there isn’t much I can say about Ifrit, Dewdrop, Aether and Phantom mainly because “Absolution” isn’t really a guitar focused song and so it isn't the best song to compare guitar skills, either. The most interesting part—guitar wise—is the solo and little fills on the rhythm now and then.
Ifrit is very precise, I couldn’t hear any mistakes from him, but also the lead is surprisingly quiet in general. His palm muting is on spot, pull-offs and hammer-ons both in the chorus and the solo are very clean and he is simply a pro, he’s got super skills and I wish we could’ve gotten more (</3). He makes the whole song as lively as his stage personality, it sounds flowy but packed with emotions and still so precise it hurts.
Dewdrop’s sound is way better, though he and Ifrit are close skill wise. The difference between Hagstrom Fantomen and Fender Stratocaster is a big one, the main aspect that we can hear is the sharpness of the former and more grounded sound of the latter. Those two guitars also have a very different pickup arrangements—Dew’s strat has SSS (3x single-coils) pickups and he uses the bridge one (which is a Seymour Duncan Hot Rail), and the Fantomen’s has HH (two humbuckers that can be slip, but as far as I’m aware no ghoul used that feature), also with the bridge one used more frequently. In “Absolution” Dewdrop doesn’t add very much—as he does to some other songs—so it’s pretty much the same as the original version. There are small differences that inherently come with his style and that is what makes his version differ from both Ifrit’s and the album's, but it’s all very slight. Dew also makes a very good use of his pedals, mainly wah—especially at the end.
Aether is a bit off tempo in some parts. He plays well, mostly clean, but we can pick out some slight mistakes—mostly sounds that aren’t supposed to be there. His palm muting is a bit too light. He goes heavy on the pick which makes his part of the solo a bit sharp (especially that he’s playing the higher harmony) and square-ish. The sharpness is, again, something we can partially blame on the Fantomen. Only partially because both Ifrit and Phantom prove that it’s manageable. 
Phantom is very clean, he adds a lot of slides which is a feature of his personal style. Said style of his is very lively and fun, to me it sounds and feels like a slinky (don’t laugh at me it’s the autism). He’s more fluid both in the solo and the rest of the song than Aether, but makes one—barely noticeable—mistake in the solo where he misses a note.
Also Phantom and Dewdrop in 2023 are more in sync than Aether and Ifrit in 2017. For whatever reason.
Now keyboard; Zephyr goes absolutely ham on the keys, but it is a piano song so that’s not only understandable, but also desirable, I would say. Key’s are in the right ear with slight migration to the middle when it matters, again according to the stage layout. Their precision and speed and overall skill is insane, the ending when they go wild is the most impressive part, because the song itself doesn’t give many opportunities. If you haven’t seen a video of Zephyr playing that ending you gotta do it now because it really is insane (RIP to that Nord Stage 2 though). The synth fill before the solo in 2017 is played back, in 2023 it’s played live by Cirrus.
In 2023 Cirrus plays the main chorus keyboard part, it can be heard easily on the left side (so once again stage layout accordingly). It’s clean and precise, she’s also very skilled, but unfortunately doesn’t really show off at the end like Zephyr does. Cumulus plays some chords before the solo while Cirrus plays the synth fill.
Vocals are not my thing so I’m only going to say what most of us can hear; Terzo is very nasal, but cleaner, and sings a bit higher. Clear pronunciation, good flow. It’s closest to Tobias’ normal singing voice. Copia is even more nasal, more growly and raspy. They’re both, obviously, in the middle in case of mixing.
Backing vocals in 2017 are all play-back for obvious reasons—pretty simple, taken straight off of the album recording. It’s put on the left, but it could be more favorable in the middle. 2023 is way more spectacular thanks to—mainly—the backing vocals. They are 90% Aurora and Cumulus, with lower levels of Cirrus and barely anything of Swiss. He’s louder by the end. I’m still conflicted about the growls—if it is Swiss or Papa’s play-back—but it’s a great addition that was very mild in 2017’s play-back. The backing vocals are on the sides, accordingly to the stage layout. It all just adds more spice, I adore them.
Sound engineering and mixing is so much better in 2023. We can easily tie it to the budget (though I’d like to “blame” it on Hayden’s part in the engineering, he’s a mastermind, too). The sound is much clearer and fluid than in 2017, it highlights all the instruments perfectly at the same time. Mixing in 2017 is more blunt, it’s a bit duller and some changes in volumes and placements of instruments could—or even should—be made. It doesn’t mean 2017 sucks—far from it—it’s just a technical difference which actually warms my heart if we look at how far has Ghost come. So, once again, considering the budget in 2017 vs. 2023 it’s all understandable. Also the crowd sound control in 2023 is very fun; it makes a great use of all the yelling causing the whole song to sound warmer and fuller.
Both 2017 and 2023 are on the exact same tempo, they can be put over each other perfectly (which I did). They slide apart at the end and the break before the outro is longer in 2023. The 2023 outro itself is pretty boring in comparison to 2017, most likely because in 2023 it’s not a closing song. Below there’s both “Absolutions” over each other; 2023 in the left and 2017 in the right headphone.
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kitasgloves · 4 months
"R U Mine?"
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event masterlist
— ♬ "And I can't help myself. All I wanna ever say is, "Are you mine?"
— ♬ Atsumu x Reader, timeskip, SFW, fluff, fem reader, rockstar au, vocalist! guitarist! atsumu, no beta just me being down bad for rockstar tsumu
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His honey-brown eyes always find your figure in the crowd so it becomes natural to seek you. The color of your hair, the shimmer in your eyes, the tint of your lips, and the shape of your silhouette invaded Atsumu Miya's mind daily. Being labeled by the media as 'the hottest modern rockstar' meant he was granted opportunities. Nonstop concerts and gigs, exclusive interviews and meet and greets, and overflowing awards. Atsumu was exposed to meeting people left and right, he was accustomed to forgetting their faces at the end of the day. However, he finds it impossible to forget you.
You're nothing but a friend of a friend, a pretty girl with a pretty name. You attended most of his band's concerts, he knows because he manages to spot you in the crowd every time. You have a particular effect on him. Whenever you're in Atsumu's line of vision, his nerves get all tied up into one knot, his chest doing odd flutters and his tummy performing foreign flips. You tend to bring the best out of him during concerts because his performance enhances every time he sees you watching him from the crowd. Yet you're capable of weakening him so much so that he feels like a puppet on a string.
Atsumu had met you once in a small gathering exclusive to all his friends. You were the band's rhythm guitarist's childhood friend. How could he forget you trailing behind Suna Rintaro with an excited grin on your lips when he formally introduced you to him? Especially when you gushed about how fantastic he was as a musician and singer before begging him for an autograph. Since then, you have never left, not even once, Atsumu's mind.
He lazily sits back on the velvet chair as the interviewer rambles out questions to him and his band members about their upcoming new album and world tour. Blah blah blah, it goes over Atsumu's head. He's going crazy because here isn't where he wants to be. And satisfaction feels like a distant memory. He could have all the applause, awards, and riches in the world but it will never make him content. Not when you're not beside him, not when you're not his.
The green look of envy never suited Atsumu, especially when it was evident. It wasn't easy to not glare at Suna when you're always running up to him first. Granted, you two were childhood friends, but it's not like there weren't better options for you such as himself. You had the privilege to be friends with the band but it's unfair that you and he weren't getting closer after being given opportunities. 
"Yer glarin' at Suna again"
Atsumu blows out a raspberry and walks off to busy himself with his guitar. The band's drummer, Aran Oijiro, shakes his head with slight amusement. Atsumu could cool off and write a song about how he and you should be misbehaving for days and losing track of time and space. And how you're a silver lining climbing on his desire. He gets often teased by his bandmates on how the songs he's been writing are obvious confessions to you. They could fuck off for all he cares.
"Oi, Miya, the show is in ten minutes"
Sakusa Kiyoomi, their bassist, rolled his eyes at Atsumu when the blonde was frantically fixing himself in the mirror for the nth time.
"I know! I know! Don't rush me, Omi"
"It's not like she's gonna be there"
"Oh, she will"
Atsumu smirked and Sakusa only scowls at him and leaves him in the dressing room. And he was right, there you were in the front row watching his band play. God, every time you cheered and screamed the lyrics along with him, Atsumu's voice wavered. His knees were growing mellow and he's been hitting the wrong chords more than once now. His bandmates were sending him looks, probably wondering what has gotten him to fuck up a few of the songs in a row.
Sweat poured all over his body as heat burned further in his belly. Atsumu gulped, he knew his desire for you was getting out of hand. You had him chasing after you for ages, you're cruel for letting him live only on the thrill of the chase. He wanted you. He needed you. Atsumu just wanted to hear you say 'Are you mine?'.
After the show, the blonde hurries backstage and ignores the concerned calling of his bandmates. He knows he wasn't at his peak during the show but he couldn't give a fuck. Atsumu waits at the door, he patiently waits for you to knock and enter. A grin splits on his face when he hears your familiar knocking on the backstage door. All his bandmates were most likely in the dressing room so he was the one who answered.
"Hey Rinta-oh. Atsumu?"
You stood there bewildered by the figure towering over you by the door. Atsumu chuckles lowly as he pulls you by the hip inside and swiftly shuts the door. He leans over you while you're pressed against the wall.
"Uh, are you okay, Atsumu?"
"Hm? I've been better, sweetheart"
"Are you sure? Because back on stage you seem...off"
"Oh, yer gettin' concerned 'bout me?"
There was an instant blush rising on your cheeks that drew out a laugh from the blonde. You glare up at him when he teases you with a smirk.
"I doubt the world isn't concerned about the world's hottest modern rockstar"
"Yeah, but it isn't every day that I get a pretty girl telling me she's concerned 'bout me"
"...What are you on about, Atsumu?"
You raised a brow and crossed your arms. That's when Atsumu hastily takes your arm and leads you to the nearest restroom. You gasp when he presses you against the locked door before inching his face close to yours.
"Ya know, I've had it with ya, [Name]"
"What the hell did I do to you?"
"A million things but stealin' my heart is one of 'em"
There was a pregnant pause as you gazed up at him, flabbergasted. You blink at him, batting your eyelashes as if feigning innocence and it was enough to make restraint snap within Atsumu.
"I thought...I thought you were just playing"
"You have no idea how badly I wanna make ya mine, [Name]"
The space closes between you and him as you grab him by the fabric of his shirt while one of his hands plays around your waistline as the other grabs your chin. Atsumu's face leans forward to the point his breath tickles your face.
"Well, are you mine, [Name]?"
He asks and the answer you grant him is capturing his lips with your own, starting a fiery dance of clashing emotions. Both of your lips caught in a passionate kiss with hands clumsily exploring each other's bodies. Without even an hour, clothes were being desperately pulled off each other's bodies, and nails digging into each other's skin. 
"You got me, baby"
That was your reply and it drove Atsumu to madness. Breathless moans were exchanged as heat engulfed both you and Atsumu. His teeth mark your skin, your nails clawing his back, and the unwavering eye contact from the two of you. Bless the unfortunate soul who approaches the restroom to hear an obnoxious banging on the other side of the door and labored panting.
After that fiasco, Atsumu was happy to announce his official relationship with you to his band. He's met with several 'Damn, finally' from most of them, Suna appeared the most relieved saying 'Took you two long enough, it was painful to watch you two act like idiots' or whatever that meant. Every musician has their muse, and you were his muse. You brought meaning to every song he wrote and played on stage. You were the inspiration for his success. And most importantly, you were his. Of course, Atsumu was yours too. Not just for tonight or tomorrow. But for the rest of each other's lives.
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
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maypearlss · 11 months
𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭!
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this is an intro post for my current main (and favorite) wip, "the nona incident!" i've had this wip for about 2 months now and it's currently still in the development and plotting stage, but i'm kinda... obsessed with it... so i'm super excited to actually start writing it, whenever that will be! for now, here's a little bit of information about it!
𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 ⋆。°✩
genres: historical fiction, drama, romance, thriller
target length: novel
setting: the united states, mid-1980s (begins in 1985, ends in a currently undetermined year)
rating + content warnings: "the nona incident!" will be intended for a mature/adult audience. content warnings include strong language, drug/alcohol use and addiction, sex and sexual content, an abusive relationship, biphobia and homophobia, compulsory heterosexuality, misogyny, graphic violence, and death. there will be other content warnings i have yet to nail down; just know that this story will be on the (for lack of better word) grittier side, so if you aren't comfortable with some generally disturbing content, this probably won't be for you.
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⋆。°✩
it’s 1985, and there are two things on may costa’s mind, the same two things that have always been on her mind for as far back as she can remember: making it in the professional music industry, and being with her best friend since childhood, nona darnell. but as a guitarist with no band and few friends to speak of, stuck working as a local music store clerk, and with nona busy living an exciting life on the sunset strip with her too-cool boyfriend, duke strickland, may is about as far from those two things as is possible to be. that is, until nona invites her to accompany duke’s growing band, overconsumption, on their first tour—accompany the band, and her. with this opportunity, may is determined to carve out a place for herself in both the rock legendarium and in nona’s life, but success has unexpected consequences, especially in the untamed world of rock ‘n’ roll.
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬, + 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐬 ⋆。°✩
the thing about tni! is that it's a very self-indulgent project—like, even more self-indulgent than usual, which is saying something—so the themes and ideas explored in it are pretty much all things somewhat personal to or specifically geared towards myself. for the most part, they all boil down to one of two things: bisexuality and rock 'n' roll. basically, tni! is meant, in part, to be an exploration of both the good and the bad of the 80s rock scene from the point of view of a closeted bisexual woman who feels out of place in the world she loves. this does make may somewhat of a self-insert, i suppose, but i don't really consider her a self-insert, because she's not meant to be me? she's more meant to be an avenue for me to express my feelings towards the concepts presented in the story. if that makes sense. to get back to the point, tni! is more or less just me projecting onto and living vicariously through a fake 80s rock band for an indeterminate number of pages. boom, there's the theme.
𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 + 𝐜𝐨. ⋆。°✩
may costa: a talented but lonely guitarist from vermillion spring, california in search of a band and respite from her own dislike of herself
nona darnell: the treasured girlfriend of duke strickland with aspirations of becoming a photographer and filmmaker
duke strickland: overconsumption's charismatic frontman with a famously kind and humble reputation
tommy salem: overconsumption's reserved bassist with a penchant for nighttime motorcycle rides
logan vaughn: overconsumption's multitalented drummer who started it all in the first place
rj patterson: overconsumption's rhythm guitarist who loves stirring up conflict for the sheer fun of it
𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⋆。°✩
the short answer to what inspired tni! is music (shocker)! if you haven't put it together yet, i live for the rock music of the 80s (and 70s, and 90s and onward, but especially the 80s). a huge amount of the inspiration for this story came from me listening to my favorite music, and i specifically decided to make this an actual wip while listening to the use your illusion albums by guns n' roses on a drive home. from there, the ideas just sort of collected and collected, which has kinda... never happened for me before? So that was really cool (and probably only because i daydream about being a rockstar way too often).
beyond just the music itself, i've also gathered a lot of ideas and inspiration from researching my favorite bands! i went through a span of time a month or two ago where i was just obsessed with reading up on the history of the bands i love (and i still am, honestly), and a lot of the stories i discovered—there were some crazy-ass stories—had a big influence on some of the plot points and the overall "vibe" of tni!.
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋆。°✩
⋆ bad obsession - guns n' roses
⋆ nona - mötley crüe
⋆ magic touch - aerosmith
⋆ hide your heart - kiss
⋆ rocket queen - guns n' roses
⋆ detroit rock city - kiss
⋆ patience - guns n' roses
⋆ you could be mine - guns n' roses
⋆ thrills in the night - kiss
⋆ don't cry (original) - guns n' roses
⋆ mr. brownstone - guns n' roses
⋆ get in the ring - guns n' roses
⋆ sweet child o' mine - guns n' roses
⋆ too young to fall in love - mötley crüe
𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 ⋆。°✩
⋆ the plot of tni! was originally going to be a lot more... extreme? it still gets pretty extreme as it is now, but may used to be a way different character in a way that made the plot much more horrific before i realized that that wasn't the kind of story i wanted to tell with these characters
⋆ may is probably one of my favorite main characters i've ever written, so you guys have that to look forward to <3 facets of her character are also inspired by slash (the person, not the fanfic, since i know this is tumblr lmao), because... i love slash... shock and awe, i guess
⋆ this is my first attempt at realistic and historical fiction
⋆ nona is the first of two ocs i have that unintentionally have the same names as characters from the locked tomb series (maybe you'll meet the second someday? who knows... not me)
so, that's "the nona incident!" if you read this far, thank you so much, i really appreciate it! i'm not new to tumblr, but i am new to writeblr, so i'm not 100% sure of how to go about connecting with people and making friends here, so if any of this seemed interesting to you, or we have some common interests, or you just wanna chat, feel free to reach out in any way you want, and i'd be super happy to talk!
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lei-lei-artz · 2 months
Chapter One-Connor
It was a cool September morning in Akron Ohio. Connor Lassiter was peacefully sleeping in his bed, until his slumber was interrupted by his alarm clock. Connor groaned in annoyance but he got up anyways, despite feeling groggy. He stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the shower, making sure it was scolding hot. He cleaned himself off, got dressed, and didn’t really bother about his hair but tried to keep it nice anyways. He glanced into the mirror once he had finished getting ready, sure there was still scarring on his face but he didn’t bother about how it changed his appearance. Bzzt! Bzzt! Connor’s phone had gone off, it was Lev wondering if they were still gonna walk together. Connor yawned and replied saying that yes, they were still walking. Looking at the time, Connor scrambled to get his bag —which he had packed the night before— and headed out the door.
“Morning Connor.” Lev approached him, his blonde hair long and matted, showing that he was too tired to brush it, as per usual. “Hey Lev.” Connor yawned again. “Sleep well?” Lev asked, raising a brow “because it doesn’t seem like it.” “Nope.” “Of course, you never get out of bed Connor, you’re always almost late.” The two of them continued to walk almost reaching the school until Lev asked a question which caught Connors attention “What if we started a band…wouldn’t that be something?” Connor immediately started thinking about the possibilities. “Yeah…that’d be, pretty cool.” “Yeah! I play drums and you sing so we already got 2 members! We just need a bassist and a guitarist, or maybe a rhythm guitarist and a keyboardist too!” Lev kept rambling on about this idea, Connor listened intently, maybe this wasn’t a bad idea…
Both Connor and Lev had gone down to the office at lunch to see if they had permission to use the music room after hours. After a bit of convincing, Connor and Lev had successfully been able to talk them into it. “Wait…how are we gonna find other members?” Connor had asked Lev, “uh.” “You didn’t think about that, did you Lev?” Connor scowled. “No…but surely it won’t be that hard…trust me. We’ll quickly make flyers and put them around the school! Then people will be interested!” Lev smiled. Connor rolled his eyes “Well then, let’s hurry up with the flyers!” The two of them spent the rest of their lunch hour printing and putting up flyers, Lev remained confident the whole time while Connor…not so much.
Once school had ended, they hurried up to the music room, but while they were making their way up they hadn’t paid attention to where they were going and Connor had accidentally bumped into someone, causing him to fall flat on his ass. “Watch it man!” the boy had angrily said to Connor. “Ah, my bad…Wait, oh it’s you Roland.” Connor rolled his eyes. Roland scoffed “You’re just gonna roll your eyes at me, Lassiter?” Then the girl beside Roland had stepped in “Roland, calm down. They seem to be in a hurry anyways, you’d be the same way.” she said as she nudged his shoulder, Roland frowned realizing she was kinda right. Connor then realized that him and Lev should start heading to the music room again “Oh..we gotta go, bye uh…Layton?” “Yep, I’m Layton. See ya Connor and Lev.” Her and Roland continued to walk down the hallway but Roland turned his head and glared at Connor. He didn’t care and him and Lev quickly scrambled up to the music room.
The nice thing about the school music room was that there was already equipment there that they could use. “So, now what Lev?” “We practice and wait for other people.” Connor sighed and grabbed a microphone from one of the mic stands to practice his vocal range. Lev went to one of the drum kits and started practicing different songs. After a while, that was still nobody and hope has starting to be lost. “Lev can we just go! Nobody’s coming!” Lev sighed “yeah, we should just leave—“ A knock on the door had interrupted Lev mid sentence. They both glanced at each other and Lev went to the door to see who was there.
At the doorway stood a girl, she was carrying a case for an instrument and looked up at Lev. “Is this the band that needs more members?” Connor peered over Lev’s head “Oh Risa! I didn’t know you’d be interested. And perfect timing too, we almost were gonna leave. Come in!” Risa stepped into the music room “So…what instrument do you play!?” Lev asked excitedly. “Keyboard, is that okay?” “Yes it is!” Lev replied. “Play something for us Risa.” Connor asked kindly, trying to make a good impression on Risa; especially since she was a girl who he may or may not have a crush on. Risa had set up her keyboard and started playing a few short bits of some songs, both Connor and Lev were left blown away. They both whispered to each other deciding on if Risa should join. “Risa, Lev, let’s go sit at this table.” Connor pointed to a desk with a few chairs around it. When they all sat down, Connor looked at Lev and up at Risa. He reached one of his hands to hold her hand and finally he spoke a few words, those few words were ones Risa had wanted to hear. “You’re in.”
(This is a repost because the first time I posted it, half of the text was missing😭)
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arwenofcintra · 3 months
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Wattpad - Carlssrighteyee
CARAMEL CARMEN (bassist and backing vocals in The Six): I never really remember things from when I was really little, unless they're significant. I think I must've been about four when Eddie had some friends over our house. I was sat in the garden watering my flower patch. (Laughs smiling at the Author) I loved that little lump of petals and earth. Eddie and his two friends; Graham and Chuck Williams. They were kicking around a ball, playing piggy in the middle too. This time, Graham was piggy.
GRAHAM DUNNE(lead guitarist in The Six): I hated being piggy.
CARAMEL CARMEN : The ball was thrown to far, by Eddie of course, Graham fumbled and accidentally whacked it over towards me. In my flower patch.
GRAHAM: I still remember her big brown eyes sloping as soon as that ball hit her flowers.
CARAMEL CARMEN: I wasn't that upset.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE(Rhythm guitarist and backing vocals in The Six): She started crying.
CARAMEL CARMEN: Graham came over to me, he picked up one of my flowers. It was a brown Angel Amber Kiss Pansy. He gave it to me, in my tiny hand. And said something like "Look, it's caramel like you. I mean Caramel like Carmen."
GRAHAM: It was brown like Caramel.
I'm pretty sure I said  "It's a brown colour. Caramel like Carmen, you're a Candy." Then I stopped talking like a blubbering five year old and actually apologised. (Laughs)
CARMEN: We went and ate lunch, I was fine after I ate Mama's Con Carne.
GRAHAM: I like to say my pick up lines got better.
EDDIE: He never got better at verbally picking up girls.
GRAHAM: I felt bad for the rest of the day, it was better after lunch. Carmen came and played with us and vouched to be piggy in the middle for me.
CARMEN: I always liked being in the middle.
EDDIE: About two years after that I picked up a guitar. (smirks) It was love at first sight. My Grandpa was something of an entrepreneur so when he got his hands on a Gibson Acoustic it seemed effortless. I mean they aren't cheap. I remember it in the corner of his front room. Just sat there, all polished and I don't know. Calling for me. Yeah, that's it. I asked him if I could play, he told me.
"Go ahead kid, but I haven't a clue of how to play one."
I picked up that guitar and strummed like how I saw Elvis play on the radio shop TV. My fingertips hurt like a bitch, but I realised that all came with time and practise. My Grandfather said I was a natural, what did he know? (Laughs) I sounded like a screaming tyre. Either way, thanks to my Grandfather's dodgy hearing he bought me a chord book. It all really sprouted from there.
AUTHOR: What song did you first learn?
EDDIE: Must've been. Ah, the chords to All Shook Up by Elvis. Yeah that one.
CARMEN: My big brother was playing guitar. Little me thought he was so cool. When Eddie was in his room with the Gibson I'd sit at the foot of his bed and watch. It was always me and Eddie when it came to music. I wanted to be just like my big brother.
EDDIE: I feel bad now for what I said.
CARMEN: I said to Eddie, "I want to play guitar too."
Eddie replied with.
"I play guitar, you can't aswell."
EDDIE: I told my seven year old sister she could play Bass. Or Sing. Or play the recorder.
CARMEN: I did all three. And I learnt guitar. It took a while to get hold of a bass, until then I played the Gibson. Eddie didn't know I took the guitar every Wednesday when he had scouts, until he came home early from cancellation. And I was sat in his room with the Acoustic on my lap and he strolled inro his room, stopping dead in his tracks upon the sight. He wasn't that angry, I can't really remember, all he said was.
"Play me something."
I did. I played Tutti Fruiti. God, I loved that song. I messed up the second verse but it didn't matter. I think Eddie enjoyed it because he asked me to play another, that's when I played All Shook Up which was the song circled in red crayon in his chord book. Eddie never clapped, only nodded his head.
Of course that was the only approval little Carmen needed from her amazing brother.
That's when I knew I was good. Never a lead guitarist, but I could give you a solid rhythm section. Easy.
EDDIE: She was no good at the recorder. My sister is a very talented woman, wind instruments were not her forte. But strings, yeah there was something there for sure.
CARMEN: I always used to think Bass was boring. It was the version of guitar no one hears, or so I thought. When I started listening real hard to songs I could hear the thrum of the bass. Soon, I'd hear it over the drum beat. Bass was groovy, and free. I could reside with that. When I first got my little hands on that Fender Bass and my tab book, I should have been more excited. It was red and black, with a mahogany neck. After ten minutes or so, I really started to feel like Paul McCartney. I got into the groove. That's it with bass, you carry the song so you gotta enjoy it.
EDDIE: When I started playing guitar with the boys, I struggled to stand with my feet apart and have some sort of presence. For Carmen, she swayed with it, her head bobbed and her feet tapped to the beat of whatever track she'd play along to. My sister, Carmen Roundtree, knew her shit.
CARMEN:  It was natural, Eddie could keep his 6 string, I had something far better.
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ajthedumbass · 1 year
Stranger Things Band AU
TW for themes of abuse, parental neglect, mental health issues (and things like sh and su*cidal thoughts) and underage weed/alcohol use
So I made a series of moodboards for tiktok of my band AU, so lemme show you. Please reblog and leave replies and stuff, it took me 3 days to make this post because the app is stupid TvT.
A lot of this is based on an rp with my partner (though the band wasn’t the main focus, so a lot of this is also expanded on from those ideas), so credit to them for helping create and inspire me further @mjthechaotic
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This AU would take place in modern times, with S4 happening in 2016 and the band forming in early 2017. Eddie does live, and helps the kids a ton when they’re first starting out. They also defeat Vecna before the gates opened. The band is called The Demodogs.
Ships for this AU are Byler, Elumax (in the flavor of they all date each other and not just both of them with Max), and Duzie
Mike Wheeler (He/They)
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Mike is the lead vocalist, and occasionally plays guitar when needed. They were the one who thought of the band, and approached Will first, because he wouldn’t have gone through with it if he said no. He writes the majority of the music for the band, but can’t figure out drum annotations for the life of him.
His mom finally fucking divorces Ted in this AU, and he pretty much only wants to spent time with Holly after. Ted’s also a bit of an abusive dick to Mike cause ✨homophobia✨. They have the majority of the band rehearsals in the garage of their house. Karen is just glad he’s doing something he clearly enjoys.
Mike is demiboy and gay (gender roles, who’s that?)
Will “Zombie Boy” Hopper-Byers (He/Him)
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Will is the rhythm guitarist and does backup vocals. He decided to reclaim Zombie Boy as a cool sounding stage name (Jonathan’s speech in S2 may have made him like the name more). He designed the band logo and even painted it on the bass drum for Max. He had lots of stage fright at first but slowly gained confidence and overcame it.
When Joyce and Hopper finally got married, they decided to hyphenate all their names. Him and Jonathan started calling Hopper dad (Will did before Jonathan) because Lonnie is an abusive piece of trash. When Lonnie finds out about the band’s success, he tries to show up to get some of the money from it, but Will pulls a badass move and chases him off the property with the shotgun.
He’s gay like in canon
Jane “Eleven” Hopper-Byers (She/They)
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El is bassist and a backup vocalist. She’s the “mom” of the group, making sure everyone has water and snacks at rehearsal. She also likes to use her powers to play jokes sometimes. Made Eleven their stage name so their friends wouldn’t have to constantly correct to Jane in order to hide it. She got her bass in Lenora as a 15th birthday gift from Joyce. She and Will are often clumped together as the “Byers twins” and they just go with it.
They asked their dad if they could dye their hair pink. They settled on a compromise of pink bangs, and Max dyed them. She has a small tattoo of a flower on her left wrist (opposite to the 011). Hopper did allow them to get it because it’s easy to hide when needed and Joyce reminded him she has one she didn’t have a choice in, and letting her have one she actually likes could help her.
El is demigirl, pansexual, and polyamorous
Lucas Sinclair (He/Him)
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Lucas is the lead guitarist. Only reason anyone found out he could even play was because Erica spilled it to everyone. He does actually write lyrics for songs, but most of the time he’s too insecure about them to show anyone. He has a very diverse music taste, listening to everything from R&B and rap to heavy metal and americana (keep country the fuck away from him though). He did get his ears pierced and was a bit cocky about it after, so Max had to (affectionately) humble him a bit.
Between Hellfire, basketball, and the band, he has a packed schedule. His parents at first were concerned that the band would cause his grades to drop but the opposite happened. They were both super proud of his grades, and they stopped the car so he could call the others when one of their songs came on the radio for the first time.
Bisexual disaster incarnate, and polyamorous.
Maxine “MADMAX” Mayfield (She/They/He)
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Drummer for the Demodogs. Dustin helped modify their drum set to be more functional with their mobility issues, since once he woke up from the coma, they had chronic nerve issues. She uses drumming as a form of therapy for all the anger and trauma. They constantly make fun of Mike for not being able to write the sheet music for the drums.
Things at home improved slowly for them. His mom’s drinking got much worse before it got better. Susan’s wake up call was the time she found Max’s wheelchair had tipped over three hours later because she was passed out drunk on the couch. The two of them were able to move out of the trailer and move in with Dustin and his mom (are they lesbians or are they platonic? you decide!), so the two of them kinda have a sibling relationship from living together. Since Max is still a skater at heart, she likes to do wheelies and chase people down with their wheelchair. Does need glasses now since their vision seriously declined after Vecna cured them.
Max is genderfluid, omnisexual, and polyamorous.
Dustin Henderson (He/Him)
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Dustin plays keyboard and uses a talk box. He initially planned on being manager, but got roped in by the others. When they were coming up with the name, he suggested Scoops Troop, and then had to be reminded he was the only one who had been on the scoops troop. He helps a lot with the sound mixing and works with Suzie manage their social media by helping with editing videos and shit. Also, he and Mike are total music theory nerds.
Like all things, Claudia is super supportive of him and the band. She definitely sends Dustin with extra snacks to practice, so between him and El, the gang is set. Claudia also recognises how little Steve’s parents are in his life and basically adopts him as her son, even though he’s an adult. Plus, Max and their mom move in, so he goes from being the only child to a single mom, to a kid with two siblings and two moms (platonic co-parents, or lesbians? again, you decide!) He does occasionally wish his dad was there to see how far he’s come, but seeing his mom(s) and Steve being there for him always makes him smile.
Dustin is trans FtM and a bisexual king.
Suzie Bingham (She/Her)
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Suzie is the social media manager and sound producer for the band. She uses her knowledge of how different apps use their algorithms to push content in order to give them an upper hand in being noticed. She also finds the technical side of music to be interesting and learned to use a complicated music software in a day that took Dustin months to figure out and master. She decided she didn’t like it and programmed her own that fit the band’s purposes.
Suzie moved away from home to Hawkins with Eden when she turns 18 and graduates. She wanted space to be her own person (as did Eden, and she was tired of being resident babysitter). She is still quite religious, but her views are more flexible than they were before and she has the ability to choose what she thinks is right for her and her life.
Suzie is pansexual (fite me, I dare you)
Erica Sinclair (She/Her)
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Erica is financial and scheduling manager. How did she get involved? Came to a practice to annoy Lucas and started an argument over logistics with Dustin. Decided they were all hopeless without her and took the position. She goes to meetings with people all the time who think it’s a joke that she’s handling their finances, until they see what she’s capable of. She has saved them ungodly amounts of money. She has also almost gotten them thrown out of venues a few times by arguing with the managers (even though they deserved it). Also do not leave her and Max in the same room. They may just plot world domination.
Despite her intelligence, she struggles to be taken seriously by teachers and has to really fight them on letting her skip a grade (cough racism and misogyny cough), knowing she deserves to. She’s allowed to, and excels in her classes. She does believe in the free market, but thinks American capitalism is failing, biased, and has too many roadblocks for minorities.
I don’t have any specific queer headcanon for Erica, but I have seen both aroace and lesbian headcanons out there, and I love them both equally.
Ship hcs for this AU
Mike broke up with El because he liked Will and she liked Max and Lucas. It took him a month to finally get the courage to ask him
Will thought he was still dating El cause no one knew they had broken up and almost cussed him out for doing that to his twin sister
They did get together though after Mike frantically explained everything
They are 100% the two that are late to practice for making out, even though practice is literally in Mike’s garage
Help each other with anxiety before gigs
Will stole weed from Jonathan impulsively one time. The two of them being high in Will’s room just staring at each other and trying to poke each other on the nose is something Jonathan wishes he had his phone or camera for so he could make fun of them after
Will is taller and Mike is 100% grumpy about it (he secretly loves it)
(Sadder ones so skip to next ship if you don’t want angst)
Will helps Mike a lot after his parents divorce and it’s clear Ted wants barely anything to do with his older two kids cause he understands that feeling with Lonnie
Will was the only one Mike felt safe enough to go to about his thoughts of hurting or unaliving himself, or the time he did end up self harming after a particularly bad fight with his dad
Getting this out of the way, but yes, they all date, you can argue with the wall
Max and Lucas is obvious, they finally stop being on and off after Max wakes up and just stay together (and yes, they get their movie date when Max wakes up)
Max had feelings for El since their sleepover in Season 3. El talks to him first after her breakup with Mike and they decide with Lucas to go for it because they make their own rules
El and Lucas bond while Max is in the coma. Lucas felt a ton of guilt because he thought he was being a bad boyfriend at the time for thinking of El like that. They start dating a month or two after Max and El start.
El steals both of their partners clothes constantly. She has a hoard of their shirts and hoodies in her room at all times
Max likes having El in her lap while Lucas pushes the chair. El worries a lot that it’s too much for him to push, but Max just shrugs and says it’s good exercise for basketball while Lucas rolls his eyes
Lucas lets El doodle on his arms with markers in the school colors before games so he “looks bitchin’”
When Max finds out about Angela, they give El a high five for what she did at Rink-O-Mania, then makes multiple instagram accounts to cyber bully her
Everyone expects Lucas to be the extremely protective one, given his girlfriend is sunshine incarnate and his partner is disabled, except one will filing you with her mind and the other will run you over in his wheelchair
(Angst ones again so skip if you don’t want to)
Max calls them drunk one time and while it’d be one thing if they had been with like Mike or Dustin hanging out, she was completely by herself. Both of them show up to check on them, and it turns out he wanted to see why his mom would use that as an escape and understood after a while.
El gets nightmares a lot about the lab and Brenner, so it’s not uncommon for one or both of them to be woken up to texts saying she’s scared because of it
Lucas often feels very very guilty about Max’s conditions. He feels it’s his fault for not doing more to stop Jason so he could help Max sooner
Nerd x Geek what more can I say
Karaoke night dates once a month and they always do Never-ending story
They were actually cabin mates in camp Nowhere because stupid transphobic camp put Dustin with the girls
It’s okay though, they fell in love<3™️
Absolutely precious, the two of them must be protected at all costs.
Dustin gets her into DnD when she moves to Hawkins
Eddie constantly complains about how they get distracted being romantic during missions but also secretly sets up more moments cause it’s cute in a “sickeningly sweet way”
Suzie is the one who takes care of Dustin after top surgery
When they’re older Dustin brings her on stage to propose at one of their concerts🥺
The ring looks like the necklace one of the characters of Neverending Story wears (I saw it once when I was like 6 so it’s a vague memory but like this:)
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Her dad doesn’t approve because Dustin is agnostic and trans but they get married anyways
(Only angst one and it’s barely angsty)
Suzie straight up decks a guy when they’re at the pool because he saw Dustin’s top surgery scars and called him a slur. She didn’t even pray for forgiveness after because “I have zero regret and I’d do it again”
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12 Bar Blues in F
This recording is the second instrumental from the April/May 1960 home recording made at Forthlin Road (also known as the Kirchherr Tape). It's a little long, so be warned. Though, @peaceloveandstarrs did such a fantastic analysis, you'll want to listen to every second so you can follow along.
This seems to be an improvised blues instrumental. We can hear a steady bass, keeping a good rhythm (more evidence that Stu is unfairly maligned as a bass player). Our working theory is that Stu played the bass kind of how Ringo plays the drums, there to serve the song. We both think, had Stu actually tried, he could have become an incredible bassist. Stu was just talented, at everything, so even though he wasn't trying very hard, it's still more than just passable.
There are at least two other guitars, possibly three.
We had some discussion about who was playing lead guitar. We originally thought Paul, but this was 2 years after Paul flubbed the solo in Guitar Boogie, so the likelihood he'd take lead was low. It's therefore likely George. It's interesting hearing him mess with some chords higher up the neck. It shows the beginning of Geo's talent pretty well, we'd say.
But neither of us our instrumentalists, so we're gonna leave the rest of this analysis to someone who is.
@peaceloveandstarrs has been kind enough to write another guest post about this song:
This is definitely improvised going by how rambling the intro is and how it takes them about a minute or so to finally settle into a key signature. As with the last one I listened to, I wish the balance had been better, but again, I get that the technology at the time made sound quality less than great. There’s a lot of really neat lead guitar stuff, like the picking around 1:23 and then the bit around 1:32. I’m not a guitarist, but I know that any technical playing on any instrument takes a lot of skill and practice. So whoever was on lead on this, my kudos! (Not that that means anything 62 years later, ha!)
The bass is definitely keeping a steady tempo, which is what’s expected of a bass player when there’s no percussionist. Stu isn’t the best bass player, but he’s not as bad as people make him out to be. I love all of the chromatic runs from whoever’s playing them, like the one at 3:37. They’re such a good transition between different melodic ideas or the start of a new chord progression. The random bits of dissonance, like the one at around 5:02, are jarring now that the key’s been settled. But hey, it keeps the listener on their toes and attentive.
I love the moments where the whole thing really comes together and the individual lines fit together perfectly, such as around 5:40. And just when that settles in, you get another cool, technical line at around 5:56. Whoever is playing this (Paul? I can’t tell individual playing styles apart yet) made it sound easy. As an instrumentalist myself, technical runs always give me the most difficulty, so I can say pretty confidently that it wasn’t that easy. At least not right off the bat.
There’s a neat little groove at around 7:33 in one of the guitar lines. It’s simple, but the way it’s played (first note accented, slurred into the second part of the line) makes it have a kind of jazzy feel. I listened to that one a couple of times just because I liked it. And we get to more technical bits in the guitar line around 8:24 or so. It’s a repetitive line, but it’s so clean-sounding. Again, not easy to do. I have a hard time articulating quickly and making it sound that clean! (Granted I play clarinet, so I’m not sure if I can really compare it to a guitar…)
It sounds like Stu is trying to bring the chart to an end around 9:20 and the rest of the group didn’t get the memo! That’s a classic ending bass line, descending the scale to the tonic tone (so in this case, he landed on an F since the piece is in F… music theory classes coming in handy finally!) The last 40 seconds or so sounds like they’re trying to figure out how to end the chart. I sort of wish they’d all ended with Stu’s little descending line, but hey, the way they end it works too. Overall, it’s a nice little improvisation with lots of signs of developing talent, especially in whoever played lead guitar.
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somesadguysdiary · 3 months
3:22 AM GMT, Monday 11th March 2024
Stap in and strap on, folks, cus it's time for the cast of my life, separated into groups for your convenience! Some people may apply to more than one group but I'm just gonna put em in the group I most associate them with and then put em in brackets in any other group. Bit without further ado, HERE WE GO:
Lunch group: The group of friends I've been with the longest, and I almost always have lunch with them. (We are all special lmao)
AC, They/Them, Ace: chaotic and snappy
RW, She/They, Pan: friendly and... Tries their best
RM, She/Her, Bi: goth, insanely pretty but denies it and is down TREMENDOUS for various fictional men
LW, She/Her, straight(?): very quiet, very mature, insanely smart and so done with all of our shit
MD, He/Him, Bi(?): the only other person on the half of the group that isn't down bad for fictional men, idk too much else ABT him actually...
Party group: A very musically inclined group that I frequently have parties with (also named like this to avoid later confusion) Some of them are in a band
MF, He/Him, prefers no labels: Is actually unironically clinically insane, but we love him for it and he's just a chill dude with a bunch of the same interests as me
JD, He/Him, Bi: The lead guitarist and singer. The most musically talented fucker we all know and yet he denies it, is super cool and also down to do pretty much anything he might find fun (also kind to a fault, like an actual flaw he has is that he is too nice)
LA, She/Her, Bi: Emo, theatre kid and is cold and snappy on the outside, but is chill and understanding on the inside
AA, He/Him, Straight: The rhythm guitarist. rich parents, plays the guitar
IB, She/Her, Bi: is basically with AA all the time and gives off similar vibes (yeah idk how to describe these 2)
RP, He/Him, Straight: The bassist. Very chaotic and unaware of social cues. Like in a "will speak his thought process aloud while thinking it" kinda way
DH, He/Him, straight(?): The drummer. Really chill, a gamer (the good kind), has some kind of disability I can't remember the name of that makes his legs weaker or smn
Music enhance group: I took my colleges equivalent of a musical elective (kinda like an extra, once a week class) and we all just kinda vibed together
AD, She/Her, gay: the nerdiest one in the group, enough to rival me, and is super chill and likes to do art, play music and bake
RH, She/Her, Bi: Massive music nerd and just a really fun person to hang around with
FD, She/Her, Bi: the person I'm least close to in the group, but I can tell she's p cool
HR, She/Her, Ace: massive musical theatre nerd and just nerd in general, also insanely chaotic.
(JD is also here)
Misc. Friends: friends that either don't fit into a group above or a part of too small of a group for me to list above
DP, He/Him, Ace: Chill INCARNATE, in my game design class and we do be vibin every time we interact
HB, He/Him, Straight: Also in my game design class, pretty fun guy to talk to
And that's it!! I'll do my best to keep updating this and editing it to keep it up to date stuff. Also most of the people whose second initial is D stands for Doe, cus idk their last name.
SSGD, He/Him, Straight: ME! HI! I am your host and I'm just a huge nerd in almost all fields and this is my first time trying to keep a steady posting schedule on anything, let alone keeping a diary. If U See SSGD anywhere on any of my posts it is referring to me.
Any more questions? Send me an ask!
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emmetdoesntknow · 1 year
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nore sims celebrities and redesigns bands: plasma flow (based on my chemical romance) members: caleb vatore (lead singer/songwriter) (based on gerard way) malcolm landgraab (guitarist/backing vocals) (based on frank iero) markus crow (rhythm guitarist) (based on ray toro) erwin pries (bassist) (based on mikey way) nervous (based on nirvana) members: morgyn ember (lead singer/guitarist) (based on kurt cobain) darrel charm (guitarist) (based on dave grohl) tomax colette (drummer) (based on chan channing) others: emilia ernest (based on aurora aksnes) wolfgang munch (based on billie joe armstrong) sofia bjergsen (based on billie eilish)
wrote a lore for them and its pretty long so I am unsure on where to share it but, basically, plasma flow is currently the most popular band ever, plasma flow and nervous are buddies buddies they even got inspired by then, the guys at plasma flow are all total geeks, caleb is a total heartthrob for everyone, even other celebrities and singers, morgyn is pretty chill and cool with everyone, basically buddy buddy with everyone.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Disq — Desperately Imagining Someplace Quiet (Saddle Creek)
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Photo by Jacob Boll
Wisconsin band Disq makes a virtue of eclectic musical and lyrical influences to produce a winning combination of youthful cynicism and exuberant idealism. Guitarists Isaac DeBroux-Slone, Logan Severson and Shannon Connor, bassist Raina Bock and Stu Manley on drums share vocal and writing duties and throw plenty of synths, samples and programming into the mix. Imagine a 1990s alternative festival — power pop, alt-country, riot grrrl, emo and maybe some rediscovered veterans from worlds of krautrock and dance punk — and you’re pretty much there. Disq’s take on all this sounds less like a compilation tape than the organic result of five friends with disparate but overlapping tastes coming together to create a communal sound.
The sophomore album Desperately Imagining Somewhere Quiet is full of “what the?” moments and unexpected turns. On “Cujo Kiddies” a metronomic rhythm is warmly layered with keys, guitars and samples and manages to combine cool detachment and playful fun like a child of The Flying Lizards and Soul Coughing. It’s followed by “This Time,” a transatlantic Frankenstein of Teenage Fanclub and Dinosaur Jr, all big driving chords and fuzzy melodic solo, one of those songs that feels like it’s always been there though you’re hearing it the for the first time. Disq captures that uncanny feeling again and again. When “Prize Contest Life” erupts out of the gate, resolves into a pretty acoustic ballad and then explodes again into a squalling ball of dopamine generating noise it is frankly irresistible. ”If Only” channels the bruised poetry of Paul Westerberg and The Replacements at their most controlled, as DeBroux-Slone laments his romantic failings with the combination of contrition and accusation so common among sensitive young men: “I would rewind and fix it all, but if I had the chance to/I’d probably still hurt you, and you me.” Bock on the other hand has a more wary take as she muses “with as much as I love being with you/ I wanna love my time alone/But I just don’t know.” over a collage of dinky keyboards, sprechgesang and proggy guitars.  
On Desperately Imaging Someplace Quiet Disq explores insecurities and hopes with self-assured musicianship. Even if their influences are as prominently displayed on their sleeves as their hearts, you can’t help but be carried along on their joyfully noisy quest for peace.  
Andrew Forell
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
if you had to assign the newsies instruments for a band [kinda rock? grunge? yknow the ones teena make on a whim for like sometin to do on the week ends] what would they be?
I have that David does the lights cuz he gets stage-fright and so prefers to be back stage and Kelly plays the guitar cuz I like the idea of him getting caught in the wire and being like "dave the speak aint workng" "i am PLANNING YOUR MURDER!"
purely for selfish reasons i want davey to be a drummer but thats just bc i think it would be Cool !! bc like. it's a big role but it's underappreciated and doesn't have a lot of attention associated with it unless explicitly pointed out (in most cases), and if you think of that in a parallel with the strike: davey is the background man, the idea guy, the "brains" to jack's "blowhard," but he has those moments where he's the main focus- Seize The Day, The Rally, etc.- and those could be translated into like. those fun lil drum solos that some bands have and also most drummers are pretty badass and i am an advocate for badass davey rights
however i love davey being the lighting dude or the manager bc like? yeah. yeah i can also see that.
and jack,, GOD jack,, front vocals and guitar for sure. if davey isn't drums, then it's albert; if davey IS drums, then albert is bass guitar. i feel like race would be another guitarist- the rhythm guitar to jack's lead- and crutchie would be primarily keyboard but also a backup bassist if need be !! it would be so sick to see all of them rocking out omg,, just a grungey, grimy group of kids writing shitty songs and playing shitty music in a shitty town and having so much FUN doing it ??? peak newsies au right here !! i love it
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junkyardromeo · 2 years
Hi Frank!! I am interested in Dog's D'Amour, would you tell me a bit about the members? 👀
first of all i wanna say i am SO SORRY it took me so long to get around to this!! i wanted to answer it fully and completely, though <3
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tyla is the frontman—singer and rhythm guitarist. he's a cancer, notoriously drunk, and generally fucking nuts. there are a lot of insane tyla stories, but my favorite is probably him breaking up the band onstage by slashing his chest open with a broken bottle. his favorite poets are bukowski and wilde, he loves the rolling stones and rod stewart, and he usually has a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other. his ragged glory isn't an act.
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jo is the lead guitarist. he's pretty gentle and soft spoken; that doesn't mean he's sane or innocent. like keith richards, he is excellent at being casually fucked up. my favorite jo story is probably that for his birthday (25th if i remember correctly) the rest of the band got him a hooker. the idea was that she was supposed to "arrest him" for something and take him back to his room etc etc but instead he got her to strip and fucked her in front of the whole room.
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steve is the bassist. you may think he's the normal one of the four; wrong! he and jo jumped off a bridge together in helsinki just for fun in the early days. he also ate a a playing card once playing poker. he likes motorcycles and, like jo, has a keith richards cool kinda air about him. he was originally a guitarist but stepped in as the bassist when jo joined the band.
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bam is the drummer and is probably the most insane one. i don't know. i think he and tyla are tied. anyways, he's probably the most volatile of the four. when drunk, he's known to have pulled knives on people and been totally nuts. he also, concerningly enough, was the only one of them that could drive. does this mean he was the sober designated driver? of course not. he tells a story about them getting pulled over with booze and weed in the car...
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here are some songs to hear off of each album (minus the state we're in bc the sound quality is so fucking bad) <3
(un)authorized bootleg: pourin' out my heart, gold, heroine, dynamite jet saloon
in the dynamite jet saloon: debauchery, last bandit, how come it never rains, medicine man, wait until i'm dead, billy two rivers
errol flynn: drunk like me, goddess from the gutter, satellite kid, princess valium, trail of tears
a graveyard of empty bottles: the entire album it's all acoustic and so fucking good
straight: cardboard town, kiss my heart goodbye, you can't burn the devil, gypsy blood, empty world, back on the juice, victims of success, lady nicotine, flying solo
more unchartered heights of disgrace: what's happening here, johnny silvers, more unchartered heights of disgrace, put it in her arm
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hiitogata · 2 years
Akudama band au
this was on my thoughts lately, but I was (once) got too absorbed on bandori garupa (and argonavis too) and came out with the headcanons of what if the akudama crew on a band au?
thinking of the band's music style is similar to Raise a suilen and Epsilon phi of Argonavis project because they incorporated rock and electronic music and I feel that suits them.
the headcanons are under the cut!
she would be the main vocalist of the band
and the leader too!
she would come up with the lyrics, or she is the lyricist of the band (together with hacker)
the one who came up with the idea of forming a band and gathering the members.
really optimist about the idea even tho it doesnt goes well at times
her singing voice is so nice that people would think that how her voice matches the band's really concentrated music
his position is rhythm guitarist and co-vocalist of the band (the concept of the band is double vocalist and guitarist)
initially he wanted to be just the guitarist but swindler insists him to become co-vocal too because of his amazing singing voice😳
the resident composer of the band, and also the vice-leader of the group is ever swindler cant handle things as the leader
he is like hikawa sayo from garupa, he only came to make music and no friends, that's all. but over time that mindset changes.
everyone on the band admires him for his fortitudeness despite he starts from zero
(((not me making him the guitar-vocal because his va also plays as a guitar-vocal on his band, sir vanity— pls check sir vanity out)))
the main guitarist of the band
oddly he doesn't had any talent of any musical instruments yet he just.... did it, very well.
joins the band because swindler's the one who made it
legit plays his guitar with no picks, or should I say shreds it with his own fingers.
even tho courier often scolds him for not using guitar picks and hurts himself for shredding too hard, he doesn't use one.
but if swindler asks him to, he would.
on the band, his position is the bassist
the mood maker of the band
when he first join the band he would often questions his ability when he was met with amazing people on the band.
but slowly he embrace his desire to play and have fun
lowkey joins the band because brawler was interested on it (basically tails him)
he chose the bass because he wants to support the band (much like how bass players would support the music), even tho he wants to be in the spotlight like the two guitarists...
The drummer of the band, and he claims to be good at it
he was questionable at first but his ability was pretty nice.
picks up on drum because apparently he needs something to distract his urge to hit someone, and yeah that works in a way
besties with hoodlum even before joining the band
also the mood maker, tho he often makes trouble :")
the keyboardist is her position
well she doesnt has any interest on joining the band in the first place, but swindler asks her to join since she saw her skills
the responsible adult aside from courier who takes care of pretty much everything (livehouse schedules, training menus, and physical exercise for the band members)
she also looks out for the members' health and makes sure that everyone doesnt hurt from playing too much (though she would often shrugs away from that kind of things)
somehow she was very competitive so when there's a showdown between bands she would be the one who would collect informations (with her own ways of course)
her fingers are very flexible to adjust her skills on the keyboard, that said.
amazingly, he got the DJ position (yes in garupa that position exists)
the lyricist together with swindler
the youngest of the band yet he was a prodigy
keeps the band cool-headed
the one who researches on other bands (together with doctor) and advices the members on what they need to improve
apparently everyone also looks up to him due to his analytical skills
the one who holds the braincell, really
well I guess I had let out pretty much everything from my head regarding this🏃
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binas-idea-vault · 3 years
Hear me out, Dream SMP Band AU
As an anon to different people I’ve sent like 5 million au ideas and for ✨reasons✨i think it’s for the best I don’t post the idea’s i’ve already sent in to others. luckily i am very sleep deprived and have a few other aus up my sleeve so here’s an idea for a Band AU. (SideNote: the characters are primarily based on their c! selfs not the content creators / ccs that play them on the Dream SMP)
it doesn’t start off with some x reader but i swear there’s x reader in this don’t kill me-
i have an extremely soft spot for the Syndicate and cannot bear to part them so guess they’re a band-
okay but seriously, they’re a band and their codenames are their stage names because i think that’s pretty cool. Philza / Zephyrus is the guitarist (purely off the vibes and since he doesn’t play an instrument in the canon), Technoblade / Protesilaus is the founder of the band and the bassist (once again because of vibes and the fact that he doesn’t play an instrument in the canon but also because the bassist is kind of like the glue that holds a band together (as it has been scientifically proven that the brain finds it easier to hear and find rhythm in a song when it is played at a lower tone) and everyone in the Syndicate is there because of Technoblade), Niki / Nemesis is the singer of the band (i’m pretty sure she’s dabbled in some singing so why not-), Ranboo / Lethe is the keyboard played of the band (also purely on vibes and because the image of a tall lanky person leaning over to play a keyboard is funny to me (although he obviously would have a keyboard that matches his height because leaning down a lot like that can cause back problems-)) and the fifth unknown member of the Syndicate Harpocrates is the song-writer / lyricist who is an official member of the band but has a role that doesn’t require them to perform.
Kinoko Kingdom is a band made up of Quackity, Sapnap, Karl and George, with Quackity as song-writer and singer (i mean this is self explanatory (i’ve also been very obsessed with listening to “Where are the askers?” for literally no reason other than the fact it makes me smile), Sapnap as the drummer (for the vibes) who used to be a member of Dream Team until the group split up for reasons unknown to the public, George as the keyboard player (he just gives me the vibes (i really need to stop using the vibes as my reasoning)) who joined Sapnap as a part of the Kinoko Kingdom band after the split of Dream Team, and Karl who plays the guitar (my reasoning? you guessed it, the vibes).
Dream Team was a popular band starring Dream as the singer until he decided to quit his career as a performer and became the owner of Dream Productions, one of the most influential record labels in the country and one of the wealthiest too. whilst it may just look like a successful record label to an outsider there is more to it than meets the eye, with questionable contracts and shares in young musicians’ profits (i think you can tell i know nothing about record labels but shhh lets just roll with it for the sake of plot).
whilst a Reader character could fit in many places i think i want to make Reader the owner of their own record label (i’m not creative so if i write a oneshot about this au or anything i’ll literally put -Insert Record Label Name Here- because creative juices are nonexistent, we only have creative room temperature water). just hear me out on this. Reader has a record label and with their team (consisting of Eret, Foolish, Puffy, and Sam (just added some of my favorite characters i didn’t include elsewhere cause yes i am author and can do that) they try to warn up and coming music artists to make sure they’re fully reading their contract with record labels so they don’t get a shitty deal or fall for traps in the industry with other record labels (totally not Dream Productions what are you talking about-).
Tommy and Tubbo are an up and coming duo band that almost signed with Dream Productions until Reader and their team stepped in and offered the duo a much better contract. Shenanigans ensue (it took forever to spell shenanigans and i dont think i even spelled it right-)
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Edge of Great (Luke Patterson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this is my first imagine on tumblr. I know it’s pretty long but my fingers just kept typing.🙃 Definitely let me know if I should make shorter ones or longer ones or even a series! Also let me know if you guys have any requests or plots that I could write and for who! Finally finally let me know if you like it in a first reader POV or if i should try a third person POV! Oh and if I should post them in a book on wattpad or keep the content strictly on tumblr!!!😁 (Ps. I’ll most likely be adding a song to every chapter whether it goes with the chapter or not!) Check out my last post for more information on my writing.
Warnings: None
I sat in the studio along with my bandmates tuning my guitar. We were currently waiting on Julie to return from school so we could begin to practice for tonight. Her dad got us a gig playing for a couple of her friends to start a following. Which made a lot of sense when Julie explained it to me. Right after Luke sent me into a frenzie of confusion.
"Hey y/n/n you think you could help me with these lyrics for tonight?" Luke called from the couch. I stood up from my comfortable spot on the chair under the loft and flashed myself onto the spot right next to him.
"Sure Lukey" I said taking his writing journal in my own hands and sitting back to scan over the words.
Y/n- I believe, I believe that we're just one dream
I mumbled hearing Luke start to strum on his six string the melody of the song.
Away from who were mean to be that were standing on the edge of
Y/n, L- Something big something crazy our best days are yet unknown that this moment is ours to own
He joined in.
Y/n- Cause we're standing on the edge of great
L- (On the edge of great)
Y/n- Great
L- (On the edge of great)
Y/n- Great
L- (On the edge of great)
Y/n- Cause we're standing on the edge of
We sang to each other back and forth with smiles plastered on our faces.
Y/n, L- Shout shout. C'mon and let it out, out. C'mon and let it out, out. Don't gotta hide it. Let your colors blind their eyes. Be who you are no compromise. Just shout, shout. C'mon and let it out
We paused running out of lyrics. My mind racing searching for the next line.
Y/n- What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive
I sang softly as he leaned in closer with a smirk plastered on his face.
Y/n, L- Ooh-oh. I believe, I believe that we're just one dream. Away from who we're meant to be. That we're standing on the edge of great
We finished out of breath. My smile grew as Alex and Reggie began to clap.
"That was great"
"Yeah we’re gonna rock Julie's garage tonight" Reggie said making it sound less cool than it actually was.
"Definitely" Luke said standing up.
"Thanks for the help boss" He said sending me a smile.
"Anytime" I grinned before turning around to go take my previous seat to finish tuning my guitar.
"I'm gonna go find Julie and let her know we've got the song ready for tonight thanks to our amazing rhythm guitarist"
"Sounds like a plan" Alex said.
"Don't forget to mention how beautiful I am as well" I teased earning a smirk from Luke.
"I never do baby" He winked at me before disappearing. A small laugh escaped my lips before going back to my guitar.
"So" Alex said catching my attention.
"So?" I repeated looking up at the drummer boy.
"So you and Luke?"
"Me and Luke what?"
"You and Luke are like in love each other"
"We are not. Well I'm not. Can't say the same about pretty boy" I said teasingly.
"Yeah sure you're not. Reggie back me up here. Please tell your best friend that she's totally in love with Luke"
"You're totally in love Luke"
"I am not. Reggie your supposed to have my back"
"And I will. Once you admit you have a thing for Luke" He said smirking at me. I glared at the two boys in front of me who weren't as oblivious as I had thought they were.
"Okay so I have a thing for Luke. So what?"
"So you should tell him"
"Why on earth would I do that?"
"So he can admit he's in love with you too"
"And why would he do that when he's clearly not"
"Seriously? Didn't you see the way he was looking at you when you were singing? It looked like Reggie when he sees pizza"
"Pizza?" Reggie perked up excitedly. "There no pizza" Alex said a frown appearing on the bassist face.
"Just because looks at me a certain way does not mean he loves me"
"Really because last time I checked constantly touching each other means you like each other, constantly flirting means you like each other, and when was the last time you wore one of your own shirts" Alex said pointing at my outfit. I sunk back into my seat. He was right about everything down to one of the many shirts Luke had let me have.
"Come on y/n just admit it after we died something more changed with you two. We all see it. Even Reggie sees it and that's saying something"
"Yeah. So it's not like he's ever gonna say anything. So why should I put myself out there to possibly get rejected and heartbroken by my best friend? I mean how do we even know for sure if he's in love with me. Or even likes me for that matter?"
"We don't. Yet" Alex said smirking.
"Oh that's his thinking face. I haven't seen that since 94" Reggie said backing up slightly.
"I think we're in trouble"
It had been a couple hours after Julie had gotten out of school. Yet her or Luke were nowhere to be found. I groaned walking out of the bathroom in the back of the studio.
"Seriously Alex. This is your great idea"
"No my great idea is to have you and Reggie flirt like there's no tomorrow. This is just small details" He said fixing the fit of the flannel on my body. It was Reggie's lucky flannel that took a lot of convincing to get off his body.
"Okay but why'd I have to change my shirt" I said looking down at my own crop top that I hadn't worn in a very long time.
"Because it was Luke's. We need him to think that you don't need his clothes anymore"
"Why did I let you drag me into this?"
"Because deep down you want him to say something about it don't you?"
"Well yeah but-"
"Hey guys!" A familiar voice popped into the garage.
"Luke" I spoke pushing Alex away from me.
"Hey man what happened to practice?" Alex asked casually.
"Julie had some stuff to do after school so I went along. But she's on her way so we should get a few runs in-" His words slowly came to a halt sending me a strange look.
"Isn't that Reggies lucky flannel?"
"Uh yeah. He let me barrow it. For good luck. Here's your shirt back by the way. I don't think I'll need it anymore" I said trying to hand him back the shirt I was wearing previously.
"You know you don't have to give it back. It's yours" His lips simpered.
"I know but Reggie said if I needed to I could just barrow his"
"Oh" was all Luke before taking the shirt out of my hands.
Suddenly the garage door opened and in walked Julie.
"Hey guys" She smiled.
"Ready for tonight?"
"Flynn's coming over before to help me get ready. Girl time?" Julie asked looking at me.
"I'll be there" I smiled.
"So are we ready to rehearse?"
"Where's Reggie?"
"He went out said he would be back in a bit"
As if on cue the other ghost popped in with a smile on his face.
"Luke" He said his eyes going wide.
"Your back"
"Yeah I am. Who are the flowers for?" Luke asked eyeing the bouquet of roses in his hand.
"They’re for y/n. You know she deserves the best" Reggie said nervously sticking his hand out for me.
"Thanks Reggie" I smiled lightly.
"She also deserves her favorite flowers. Sunflowers in case you were wondering"
"Luke" I scolded him taking the bouquet.
"I think it's a sweet gesture Reggie. Seriously thank you"
"Your welcome" He smiled pulling me into a light hug.
"I think we should rehearse before it gets any later" Alex suggested trying to ease the now very notable tension in the room.
"Sounds good" Julie said awkwardly stepping past Reggie and Luke who were standing a few feet apart. I looked at Alex who gave me a small nod.
"Uh Reggie can you come here for a sec I need your help" I said pulling him away to my guitar stand. I placed strap around my body waiting for the brunette to turn his attention to me.
"Uh sure. Cutie?" He spoke in a questionable tone before looking down at me.
"You need his help with guitar?" Luke asked clearly confused.
"Well yeah"
"But I always help you with guitar" "He offered earlier if I needed help to come to him"
"Yeah. I did that" Reggie said trying to act tough.
"Whatever" Luke scoffed.
I watched as he swung his guitar around his shoulder aggressively. I glanced at Julie who was sending me a confused look so I quickly shrugged my shoulder not knowing what else to do.
It was mere minutes before we were heading out to perform. The tension in the air was now overpowered by excitement.
"I'm so nervous" I said bouncing my leg up and down anxiously.
Suddenly I felt a hand land on it stopping my movements. I looked up to see Luke smiling down at me.
"Don't be nervous your gonna do amazing out there"
"Thanks" I smiled back.
"Yeah. Your always amazing. Did I mention you look beautiful tonight? Wearing my flannel. My lucky flannel" Reggie said with a pestering smile as he swung an arm around my shoulder.
"We get it. It's your flannel" Luke interrupted immediately removing his hand from my leg. I looked at Alex who was stifling a laugh.
"Uh thanks Reg. You look good too"
"Oh I know. And I'm gonna look better singing up there with you. It'll be like old times. You and me. And a microphone"
"You and me. And a microphone" Luke mimicked him. I almost laughed only to be startled by someone walking in.
"Hey guys are you ready?"
"Ready as we'll ever be" I spoke. Julie simply nodded her head walking out.
I stood up pacing around as I heard Julie begin the opening notes on the piano outside.
"Hey your gonna do great out there" Luke said stopping me from walking anymore.
"Thanks. You are too. You and Julie have great chemistry"
"Well yeah. But I think we have great chemistry too" He said taking my hands in his.
I finally looked into his eyes see him staring into mine in. A small smile forming on my face.
"Guys!" Alex called knocking us out of our trance. I panicked immediately flashing outside with Luke. Landing beside Reggie with my guitar at hand. Luke only a few feet away in his own place.
J- I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Y/n- Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
I joined in singing into Reggies microphone beaming with excitement. I scanned the crowd seeing smiles on people faces. This is all we ever wanted.
J- Cause we're standing on the edge of great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- 'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
L- We all make mistakes
But they're just stepping stones
To take us where we wanna go
It's never straight, no
Luke sang sending me a wink before continuing to sing with Julie.
L,J- Sometimes we gotta lean
Lean on someone else
To get a little help
I giggled as Reggie leaned on me. Back to back. Both of us playing our guitars to the same beat.
J- Until we find our way
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Y/n- Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
J- Cause we're standing on the edge of great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- Great
All- (On the edge of great)
J- 'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
J- Shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
Don't gotta hide it
Let your colors blind their eyes
Be who you are no compromise
My heart rate picked up. The scene from earlier replaying in my head as Julie sang the next lines. Taking a chance I looked in Luke's direction to see him already looking at me with a grin on his face. I smirked walking over to the piano.
J- And Just shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
J, Y/n- What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive
J- I believe
Julie sang as Luke and I let off a similar guitar riff making me laugh.
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of great
Making my way over to Luke I let out a giggle as I pulled his beanie down slightly messing up his look. Before making my over back to Reggie. I looked back at the brunette to see him grinning from ear to ear.
All- Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great)
J- On the edge of great
All- (Great, on the edge of great) On the edge
All- (Great, on the edge of great)
J- 'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
L- Running from the past
Y/n- Tripping on the now
J- What is lost can be found
It's obvious
Luke, Julie, and I finished singing towards the audience.
Making eye contact with a few kids before flashing out myself back into the garage where Alex and Reggie were already waiting. Adrenaline coursing through our veins as another presence poofed into the room.
"That was amazing!" Luke shouted excitedly.
"I can't believe we just did that. Did you see how pumped they were?" I asked falling back onto the couch besides Reggie.
"Yeah. They loved us!" "Remind me to thank Julie for playing our CD later"
"Tonight it's her garage tomorrow it's- it's clubs, dances, and worldwide tours" Luke said eagerly. Taking the free spot to my left.
"God I wish we could feel like this all the time" I said leaning into Luke.
"Me too y/n/n" He said placing an arm around me. A sudden fake cough erupting from Alex's lips. I looked over to see him staring at me with a look.
"Oh uh- Reggie you were great out there" I complimented the boy sitting up.
"Thanks. You uh- you looked hot" He tried to sound cool but failed miserably.
"You think?"
"Oh yeah- I mean the sweat on your forehead and like the heat and-"
"What are you going on about?" Luke asked confusion plastering itself on his face.
"I think what he means is y/n is attractive. Right Reggie?" Alex asked.
"No, no don't answer for him. Reggie be straight with me do you like y/n or not?" Luke asked standing up.
"Why does it matter if I do or don't?" Reggie questioned standing up as well.
"Because you out of everyone know that I like her so why are you letting her wear your clothes, buying her flowers, and calling her hot. I thought I made it clear she was off limits" Luke said my mouth widening in shock.
"I'm off limits?" I asked looking at him.
"How many people did you make it clear to that I was off limits?" I asked not really wanting an answer I was expecting.
"A few"
"A few? Micheal Brookes?" I asked remembering a guy I began to talk to at the beginning of our senior year who randomly stopped talking to me one day. I watched as his head dipped in a short nod.
"Jacob Miller?" I continued watching his nod once again.
"Grant Dean?" Nod.
"Nick Harper?" Nod.
"Derek Johnson?" Nod.
"Seriously Luke? Your the reason I never had a boyfriend my senior year. To make it worse I died a virgin. You asshole" I shouted standing up. I was fuming at this point. He had no right. And he still did it. My head whipped towards the garage door heading it creak open.
"Hey guys" Julie and Flynn smiled walking it.
"You guys did great out there" Flynn said happily. Julie immediately noticing the tension in the room and the frown upon my lips.
"Are you okay y/n?"
"I don't know why don't you ask Luke?" I spoke before flashing out.
I landed in the only place I could think of. A single tear escaped my eye as I sat on the marquee of the Orpheum. Our dream. His dream. I stared out onto the lit up street of Sunset Boulevard. If he didn't want me seeing anyone he could've said something. For the longest time I wondered why guys were such assholes. It wasn't them. It was Luke. It was always Luke.
"I know your mad" I heard his voice speak from behind me.
"I think I'm beyond mad Luke. How could you?" I asked standing up and turning towards him.
"I came crying to you all those times wondering why guys didn't want me. And-and you made me think that it was all me when it was really you. Telling them to back off. Why? Why would you do this to me?"
"Because-" He was at a loss for words. Looking like a kicked puppy.
"I-I wanted you" He finally spoke up.
"You what?"
"I wanted you" He spoke more confidently.
"I wanted you to myself. I- I every time you came and told me you were talking to someone new it hurt because I know it should've been me who asked you out. Who got the courage to just tell you that I-" He went silent the anger in me evaporating in a matter of seconds.
"That you what?" I asked quietly.
"That I love you. I know I'm late but I can't hold it in anymore. After seeing you and Reggie today I got jealous just like I used to back in high school. I know this'll probably ruin our friendship but I don't want to lose you so I really need you to say something right now before I go insane not hearing your beautiful voice" He finished off finally looking at me. The look in his eyes was as hurt. And I wanted to be mad. But I couldn't be. Not when he just admitted what I had been wanting to hear for so long.
"Your 25 years late. But I think we have an eternity to make up for that" I said his eyebrows flying up in surprise.
"You really think I wanted to wear my own shirt today Patterson? Alex told me that if I kept wearing your clothes I'd only fall deeper in love you" I spoke a smile reaching both our face.
He quickly made his way towards me. Leaning forward until his lips attached themselves onto mine. I giggled as he lifted me in his arms holding me close. Our lips molding perfectly like they were made for each other.
"This isn't real" He whispered putting me down.
"Your mine. God your mine" He mumbled pressing open mouth kisses down my neck before connecting his lips back to mine.
"It's definitely real Lukey"
"I love it when you call me that" He mumbled into my lips.
"Don't get all soft on me now Patterson" I laughed pulling away.
"I'm sorry for what I did before I really am. For making you upset and I'm gonna spend an eternity making it up to you"
"It's okay Luke. It's in the past now. I just would've preferred if you would've not scared away every guy that tried to talk to me"
"I promise I'll never hurt you like that again" He said holding me close by the waist. As I began to suck on his neck to begin leaving a hickey.
"And I promise you won't be a virgin for much longer" He whispered reattaching our lips again.
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