dr-whoopsie-daisy · 1 year
My friend started watching Columbo and adopted him as new blorbo. And I found out you can watch it for free on Tubi (and use an ad blocker for no ads) so now he's Our Blorbo.
Anyways, 8 minutes of screen time for him and I'm like: he's got a tropia and ptosis...and sunken globe? Rewind a second and I'm like frozen globe??? His eye doesn't really move...it barely blinks. (Yes, I'm columbo-ing Columbo) I finally figure out he has a prosthetic eye.
Peter Falk was diagnosed with retinoblastoma and had the tumor and his entire right eye removed. Even today, complete enucleation is an option, especially if the tumor is too large, vision is already lost, or it might move past the eye to the brain.
It's most common in children under 5. If a kid has a white eye reflex (instead of red), especially if it's only in one eye, that's a very good motivator to have a pediatric eye exam. Post surgery, Mr. Falk lived to 83.
All of this to say, Columbo did all his observations with one eye and no depth perception. 💋
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studiohromi · 1 year
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Three methods of chemotherapy administration for retinoblastoma (intravenous, intraarterial, and intravitreal), a cancer of the eye that is common in children. Illustrated for a client at Seoul National University in South Korea.
This illustration was uniquely enjoyable to work on, because it includes several of my favorite things to draw: portraits, surgical gloved hands, eye anatomy, and medical devices.
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somosprojetoamigos · 12 hours
Retinoblastoma: o câncer infantil que atinge os olhos
O retinoblastoma pode ser unilateral (quando atinge apenas um olho) ou bilateral (tumor nos dois olhos). O primeiro caso é mais comum. De acordo com o Inca, corresponde a 75% dos diagnósticos da doença. Destes, 90% surgem da mesma forma que outros tipos de câncer (mutação em alguma célula). Já o bilateral, hereditário e presente em 25% dos pacientes, é caracterizado pela ocorrência de mutações do…
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beingsanket · 4 months
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searedwithscars · 4 months
He was three years old when he was diagnosed with cancer.
I didn't understand what death meant. I didn't understand what sickness meant. I was too young, and that is why I became conscious that if you were sick, you were loved and given attention.
It's not their fault that they neglected us for him. It wasn't abusive neglect, though. It was just giving more time to him, giving him more things, giving him more love.
But to a child that impacts you.
It's not his fault that he was given more. He needed his life saved. He was in unimaginable physical, emotional, and mental pain. He was traumatised at too young an age.
And this pained me too.
It wasn't until an eye nurse had come to the school to do her regular check that she saw something abnormal in his left eye. She called her instantly to tell her about this. Told her to take him to the hospital instantly. And what luck that was. At the hospital, they did their tests on him and told them to take fly him up to Paris today to get confirmation. And so she organised this last minute, getting us care, making sure they flew up together, and were seen instantly once they had arrived. In the hospital in Paris, they did further tests, questioned him, questioned them, and finally, they had their confirmation. He had retinoblastoma.
Now, if you don't already know, retinoblastoma is a type of eye cancer that most commonly develops in young children between the ages of zero and two years. For him, it came later than the average. Retinablastoma is multiple tumours that start at the back of the eye. Usually, if one or more of these pesky tumours hits a cell, it tends to be terminal. He was lucky. None of his tumours had hit a cell.
I was confused when they told us what was happening to him. We were too young to understand completely, but she and I knew enough that it was bad. He was flown up to Paris many times after that first time. He was bought toy after toy and had gotten free trips to Disney Land Paris. Met santa and his reindeer. Had the opportunity to be invited into the cockpit with the pilots and fly the place mid-flight. Spent more time with them than we did.
We did go to England to be looked after by others, were given some toys, and had a trip ourselves in Disney Land Paris. We still had that love. At the time, it just didn't compare.
I understand now, and I am okay. I am not sad anymore, or jealous, or angry. I was only five, so of course, I felt all this and more back then. She was only one and could only comprehend enough emotions to have developed child anorexia.
On top of receiving all these things, however, he was going through chemotherapy. Always sick, vomiting, losing his blonde, silky hair. He had his left eye pulled out, a small radiation disc placed inside, and had his left eye put back in place covered by a bandage. I remember his cries of feeling itchy and wanting to scratch his eye. I was sad because he was in pain. A type of catheter placed in his left side of the front of his body near the shoulder. Painful at all times.
Sometimes, he would stay in the hospital. The rest of the time, he was home. We visited him in hospital once, and he told us all about a friend he had made. His friend sounded cool, and I wanted to meet them but never got the chance. The following visit I asked to hear more of his friend, and he told me his friend was gone.
"Where did he go?"
That was the day death was first explained to me. How sad for him, how tragic, that this had happened not to just that friend, but other friends he had made. It took me a long time to fully understand these types of deaths, of his friends having gone.
Finally, his treatments seemed to be working, for he was improving significantly. He had lost sight in his eye almost completely. His description of his left eye sight is completely black around edges of it, with the middle showing very dark shadows of things or movement.
His dream of becoming a pilot being crushed due to this disability after mentioning this to them. His anger at that realisation was extraordinary. There was so much pain, disappointment, frustration. How could that be fair?
I never found out how all this truly impacted him, though we had experienced the after effects of his trauma, and I can only try to imagine what that meant to him then and what it means to him now. I may never find out, for he has always refused to speak of his experience, even to this day. I only know so much by asking her, for when I ask him, he just shuts down.
Maybe he'll open up, maybe he already has to someone else. Maybe.
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blogdaer · 8 months
Campanha ‘De Olho nos Olhinhos’
Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, o casal de jornalistas realiza a ação para conscientizar e alertar sobre o tumor ocular que acomete crianças entre 0 e 5 anos. Lua, filha do casal, foi diagnosticada com retinoblastoma aos 11 meses e ainda está em tratamento. Daiana Garbin alerta para a importância de ficar atento a sinais como reflexo branco, “olho de gato” ou estrabismo. De acordo com o INCA, há…
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estiloconsultorias · 8 months
Saúde: Campanha “De Olho nos Olhinhos” terá ações gratuitas no shopping RioMar Fortaleza 
Visando conscientizar e alertar sobre o retinoblastoma, tumor ocular que acomete crianças de até cinco anos de idade, a campanha “De Olho Nos Olhinhos” será realizada no shopping RioMar Fortaleza, neste sábado (16), das 10h às 21h, e domingo (17), das 13h às 20h, quando médicos voluntários farão ações de conscientização e prevenção, em um stand no Piso L2, em frente ao Clube das Estrelinhas.  A…
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w-o-u-n-d-e-d · 1 year
My prosthetic eye.
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Retinoblastoma gets "viewed" from within: and the nuclear receptor hopes for drug agonist sightin'
Retinoblastoma gets “viewed” from within: and the nuclear receptor hopes for drug agonist sightin’
Retinoblastoma is a rare cancer affecting the retina – the tissue in the back of the eye that receives light and converts it into signals to the brain. It is most often diagnosed in children under 2 and has been associated with mutations in the RB1 gene. However, there are currently no specific, targeted therapies; doctors rely on broad-acting chemotherapy drugs that carry numerous side effects…
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drsurbhikapadia · 2 months
Act Now: The Importance of Early Retinoblastoma Screening
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A simple flash photo could reveal more than you think. If you notice a white disk in your child's eye in flash photography, it may be a sign of retinoblastoma. Dr. Surbhi Kapadia from the Department of Ophthalmology & Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery urges parents to get their children screened today. Early detection can make all the difference in your child's eye health and overall well-being.
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maluhlariskaswanqueen · 3 months
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Olá, Eu sou Pedro Valentim.
Tenho 3 anos de idade, sou Autista nível de suporte 2, sou do Acre e minha família toda está lá orando e torcendo muito por mim. Recebi meu diagnóstico de TEA nível 2 (Autismo) aos 1 ano e 3 meses, tenho TDAH e Seletividade Alimentar, faço acompanhamento com neuropediatra, mas não estou fazendo minhas terapias no momento.
Recentemente, em 30/11/23 fui diagnosticado com um Retinoblastoma Maligno Agressivo que já tomou o meu olhinho e comprometeu minha visão do lado esquerdo completamente, vou iniciar o tratamento de Quimioterapia urgente pois além de tudo isto, o tumor está começando o enraizamento nos tecidos pericerebrais.
Viajei com minha mamãe em 28/01/24 para o Estado de São Paulo, estamos no ABC Paulista que é bem longe de casa. Recebemos acolhida na casa Ronald McDonald ABC, que é excelente, onde a mamãe e eu receberemos durante todo o período do meu tratamento e recuperação, uma hospedagem confortável, suprimentos de higiene pessoal, alimentação balanceada, transporte seguro para o hospital onde comecei a realizar meu tratamento, tenho o acompanhamento de fisioterapia, mas não dos outros profissionais que eu preciso, e este é um dos motivos para essa vakinha, preciso de outros terapias e minha família não tem como custear no momento.
O médico informou que após a conclusão da quimioterapia que irei fazer, terei que passar pela cirurgia para retirada do meu olhinho com o qual já não consigo enxergar e depois do período de recuperação precisarei usar uma prótese de olho cuja a qual também não temos como custear.
Minha família criou está Vakinha para ajudar a arrecadar o valor suficiente para custear as despesas extras e com as terapias que não estão disponíveis na casa Ronald McDonald ABC, com minha recuperação após a cirurgia e a compra da prótese de olho infantil.
Minha família não pode me ajudar pois estão cuidando da minha irmãzinha mais velha, Maria Valentina que ficou na nossa casa no Acre. Por esse motivo pedimos que de todos de bom coração possam nos ajudar com o valor que puderem, cada centavo conta e faz a diferença.
Desde já agradecemos, estaremos informando do passo a passo do meu tratamento para que todos possam acompanhar a manifestação do bem que irão fazer na minha vida e da minha família. 🥰💙
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studiohromi · 1 year
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Here is a preview of a medical illustration project I'm currently working on that I've been really excited about, for a client at Seoul National University. The full project will include three different methods of administering chemotherapy for retinoblastoma, a cancer of the eye that is most common in children. The method shown here is intravenous injection via a port placed under the skin.
Illustrated using a combination of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
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drpedi07 · 6 months
Toronto Childhood Cancer Staging criteria for Retinoblastoma Calculator
Staging is a way of describing or classifying a cancer based on the extent of cancer in the body. If retinoblastoma is found in both eyes, each eye is staged separately.
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drnandinihazarika · 1 year
Retinoblastoma Treatment in Delhi
Retinoblastoma is a rare type of eye cancer that typically affects young children. It develops in the retina, the part of the eye that detects light. Treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, laser therapy, and surgery, depending on the severity of the cancer. Dr. Nandini Hazarika is a highly qualified and experienced doctor who specializes in the treatment of Retinoblastoma. She is considered one of the best doctors for Retinoblastoma treatment in Delhi, with over 20 years of experience in this field. Dr. Hazarika has dedicated her career to the treatment of children with Retinoblastoma. She is known as the best Doctor for Retinoblastoma in Delhi. She has compassionate approach to patient care and her commitment to providing the highest quality of treatment possible. As a Retinoblastoma treatment specialist in Delhi, Dr. Hazarika offers a range of treatment options, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, laser therapy, and surgery, depending on the severity of the cancer. She works closely with her patients and their families to develop individualized treatment plans that are tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. Dr. Hazarika is highly respected in the medical community and is known for her expertise and dedication to patient care. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Retinoblastoma and are in need of treatment, Dr. Nandini Hazarika is one of the best doctors for Retinoblastoma treatment in Delhi. With her extensive experience and compassionate approach to patient care, She gives the best Retinoblastoma Treatment in Delhi. You can trust that you are in good hands.
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eyecareservice · 1 year
A cancerous cell that develops in one or more parts of the eye is referred to as eye cancer. It occurs when healthy cells in the eye grow uncontrollably and turn into a tumour. A benign tumour is usually harmless, but a cancerous one can spread to other parts of the body.
Cancer that develops in the eye is often referred to as intraocular cancer. In adults, the most common types of this disease are lymphoma and melanoma. On the other hand, in children, retinoblastoma is the most common type of eye cancer.
Read on to learn more about this disease, its symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment.
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worstlovesong · 2 years
Mandibular metastasis of retinoblastoma..
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