#report income decrease
indembminsk · 3 months
Understanding Form SSA-44 and Its Impact on Medicare Premiums
What is Form SSA-44? Form SSA-44 is used to report a life-changing event to the Social Security Administration (SSA) that may result in a reduction of the income-related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA) for Medicare coverage. This form is relevant for beneficiaries who experience a decrease in income due to specific events and are currently paying higher premiums for Medicare Part B and…
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Pay up, Alberta.
The City of Calgary has voted in favour of asking the province to relinquish part of its increased take of the education portion of property taxes, and to pay the full freight of Calgary tax on properties it owns within the city limit.
An item of urgent business was added to Tuesday’s regular meeting of Calgary city council under the title Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) update. The item was pushed to a closed session portion of that meeting. This decision was the result of that closed session.
It asks for a decrease in the province’s property tax requisition, something they increased this year, to offset the provincial cut to the program. They also want a grant equivalent to the full amount of property taxes they owe on provincially-owned properties in the city. During debate, Ward 8 Coun. Courtney Walcott said that the province only pays 50 per cent of their required tax, down from 75 per cent in prior years. City of Calgary administration will return back to council on June 18 with recommendations to continue the program.
The mayor spoke with reporters Tuesday afternoon, critical of the province’s decision to cut funding. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli
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Israeli settlements embody urbanization and the immense harm it poses. First, Israeli settlements are almost entirely built on confiscated Palestinian agricultural or grazing lands and are only erected after clear-cutting and uprooting local flora, namely olive trees: a primary source of food and income for Palestinians. The olive tree is also and an integral element of Palestinian identity, dating back millennia and symbolizing peace, steadfastness, fortitude, and resilience. As of 2015, the olive sub-sector constituted 15% of Palestine’s total agricultural income, supported over 100,000 Palestinian families, and provided “3 to 4 million days of seasonal employment per year”. Not only are Palestinian olive trees clear-cut to construct Israel’s illegal settlements, but according to the United Nations, are also “subject to fire, uprooting and vandalism by settlers”. Conservative estimates taken in 2011—after which Israel has only intensified its colonial efforts—revealed that nearly 1 million Palestinian olive trees have been uprooted and destroyed in a settler-colonial attempt to erase all traces of Palestinian heritage, culture, and existence. According to a 2020 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report, the destruction of Palestinian olive trees — a cog in the greater, well-oiled Israeli mechanism of ethnic cleansing — coupled with the strategic expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, has devastated terrestrial ecosystems, causing severe “habitat fragmentation, desertification, land degradations, rapid urbanization, and soil erosion”. The UNEP went on to state that the process of urbanization through the “removal of rocks for construction, the uprooting of trees, invasive species [most often imported by the Israeli government and settlers to ‘Europeanize’ the land], [and] pollution…[is] threatening habitats and species.” The cruel, discriminatory measures Israel imposes upon Palestinians has led, among other issues, to a drastic decrease in agricultural productivity—and hence economic growth and stability—across Palestine. The effect of urbanization on local fauna is equally frightening. The previously diverse Palestinian fauna is under imminent threat. Israel’s construction of roads, the methods used to do so, and a sheer disregard for their ecological ramifications all threaten and harm Palestinian wildlife. Israeli forces often drill deep into mountains—inhabited by a wide range of natural fauna—thereby both displacing local wildlife populations, inhibiting their natural migrations, and resulting in a spike in animal deaths through roadkill. Furthermore, the destruction of the animals’ natural habitat—particularly their breeding and nesting sites—through “extensive land leveling and the fencing-off of settlement perimeters” has disrupted natural passageways, endangered many species, and caused severe imbalances in their population number and reproduction rates, affecting the food chain and local ecosystem as a whole.
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reasonandempathy · 3 months
A brief summary of how Education fails Boys
I saw people sincerely questioning and minimizing the current struggles boys face in education.
So, I wanted to collect some relevant information, with sources. All of these are from the past couple of years, from 2021 onward.
Girls have more difficulty accessing education and are more likely than boys to be out of school at primary level. However, boys are at greater risk of repeating grades, failing to progress and complete their education, and not learning while in school. Globally, 128 million boys are out of school. That’s more than half of the global out-of-school youth population and more than the 122 million girls who are also out of school. The Leave no child behind: Global report on boys’ disengagement from education shows that boys are increasingly left behind in education. They are at greater risk of repeating grades, failing to progress and complete their education, and not learning while in school. While previously boys’ disengagement and dropout were concerns mainly in high-income countries, several low- and middle-income countries have seen a reversal in gender gaps, with boys now lagging behind girls in enrolment, completion and learning outcomes. Boys are more likely than girls to repeat primary grades in 130 countries, and more likely to not have an upper secondary education in 73 countries. At tertiary level, globally only 88 men are enrolled for every 100 women. 
In 1970, women only made up 42 percent of the college population. Today, the roles have essentially reversed. The U.S. Department of Education estimates men to make up 43 percent of enrolled individuals in college. And this crisis impacts minority populations even more: only 36 percent of Black and 40 percent of Hispanic bachelor degree recipients are male. 
This is not an issue of colleges neglecting to admit men at an equal rate. Rather, colleges are receiving fewer applications from men than women. In 2010, only 44 percent of college applications were from men and that number has been steadily declining since. The decrease in male applicants is a sign that men are discouraged from pursuing higher education at a disproportionately high rate. 
These statistics point to a larger, systemic problem. The American education system perpetuates a series of gender norms that cause significant harm to children; boys are impacted by these expectations in a way that tends to be overlooked. The stereotype that boys have a higher propensity to misbehave has led to the over-punishment of boys in the classroom.        
Boys are facing key challenges in school. Inside the effort to support their success
An APA task force is spotlighting the specific issues and recommending evidence-based ways to enact swift change At school, by almost every metric, boys of all ages are doing worse than girls. They are disciplined and diagnosed with learning disabilities at higher rates, their grades and test scores are lower, and they’re less likely to graduate from high school (Owens, J., Sociology of Education, Vol. 89, No. 3, 2016; Voyer, D., & Voyer, S. D., Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 140, No. 4, 2014; “The unreported gender gap in high school graduation rates,” Brookings, 2021). These disparities persist at the university level, where female enrollment now outpaces male enrollment by 16% (Undergraduate Enrollment, National Center for Education Statistics, 2022). “The gap between boys and girls is apparent from very early on,” said developmental psychologist Ioakim Boutakidis, PhD, a professor of child and adolescent studies at California State University, Fullerton. “The disparities not only exist across the board—from kindergarten all the way to college—but they are growing over time.” For boys of color, that gap is even larger. They face suspension and expulsion from school at almost five times the rate of their White male classmates and are even less likely to finish high school or college (“Exploring Boys’ (Mis)Behavior,” Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities, 2022 [PDF, 261KB]). The implications of these disparities are huge. Doing poorly at school is strongly associated with major challenges later in life, including addiction, mental and physical health problems, and involvement with the criminal justice system—problems that also have ripple effects on society at large. In the United States, getting at least a college degree may be the one remaining, relatively stable ticket to a decent life, Boutakidis said.
In a recent New York Times essay, “It’s Become Increasingly Hard for Them to Feel Good About Themselves,” Thomas Edsall reviews a variety of research studies highlighting the plight of young men in the United States. As a front-line educator who has worked in boys’ schools for 30 years and served as the head of a boys’ school for the past 20 years, I’ve been an unhappy witness to this dilemma. Data supports the claim that boys are falling behind, and dramatically so. For example, there is a growing gender gap in high school graduation rates. According to the Brooking Institution, in 2018, about 88% of girls graduated on time, compared with 82% of boys. For college enrollment, the gender gap is even more striking, with men now trailing women in higher education at record levels. Last year, women made up 60% of college students while men accounted for only 40%, according to statistics from the National Student Clearinghouse. College enrollment in the United States has declined by 1.5 million students over the past five years, with men accounting for 71% of that drop.
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And away (Al Haitham x F!Reader)
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Prequel Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Extra 1 Masterlist
Summary: now that all that's settled, it's time to head back to vimara village. (all hail imaginary kaveh)
Warnings: mentions of medicine, the meat industry and its processes, economics macro and micro, boat travel, awkwardness, denial, internal battles, vulgarities, mild injuries (sprained ankle), carrying, mentions of sanitary pads, ect, spying on friends .
Word count: <4.3k words
Inspired by: Telephone - Waterparks
"I know we only just met, so why do I feel invested?"
Author's note: i had to dig out all my economics knowledge for this lol. i still almost failed econs so just pretend that i make total sense for the sake of the story pls. Also, i may come back and mass re edit this.
Thank you for all the lovely comments for part 3! it really made my day! i'm sorry if this part isnt as good as the rest! I tried
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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Out of all the issues Al Haitham has to deal with, Port Ormos is the most pressing and the source of many other problems.
No trade means no business. No business means no jobs. No jobs mean no work, which means no income for both Sumeru and the people. And especially since Port Ormos is Sumeru's main port, national income has taken a hard hit. Akademiya economists have been sending him report after report about their concerns about Sumeru's economic forecast. It does not look good.
In addition, no trade means that Sumeru doesn't get new resources anymore. While Sumeru is mostly self-sufficient food-wise, many resources still cannot be obtained locally- or are mostly imported. And since Port Ormos is both Sumeru's largest and main port, lots of imports are not coming in anymore.
For example, there's currently a national shortage of cold medicines, which Sumeru usually imports from Snezhnaya. Particularly during monsoon seasons, cases of colds, dengue fever and the flu increase amongst the population. But Snezhnayan traders and businesses have pulled away from Sumeru after the Akademiya scandal. Bimarstan had gotten so desperate for cold medicine that it had begun asking locals to donate their leftover medicine. To ease the burden on the Bimarstan, Al Haitham had ordered Amurta to help mass manufacture medicines. However, this is only a stopgap measure. He needs to find a way to solve the root cause of the problem.
Furthermore, inflation has been a growing issue. The situation isn't so bad in Sumeru city, as its tiny port is still running- albeit not as smoothly or vibrantly as it used to. But in other parts of Sumeru, it's a whole different story. 
Everything is connected in a way. Just because Sumeru isn't reliant on imports for food doesn't mean food prices are not affected by the lack of other resources. For example, to produce fowl meat, you'll need a few things:
Either machinery (mostly from Fontaine) or workers to slaughter the fowl.
Appropriate packaging to pack the fowl meat.
Transport to carry your produce to marketplaces throughout Sumeru.
In this case, most issues lie with step one. Most farmers in Sumeru had taken to using Fontaine machinery to mass slaughter poultry. It was much cheaper than hiring workers and way more efficient. The only trade-off was that these machines ran on a specific type of oil that only is sold in Fontaine. So, manufacturers would sell the oil alongside it. 
But now, Fontaine traders and businesses are gradually pulling away from Sumeru. That means a lesser supply of oil, which means a decrease in the supply of fowl since machines are not able or cost more to run. A shortage means that prices go up. People buy less or cannot afford fowl at all. Farmers make less money, which prevents them from hiring more workers (or results in them letting go of workers if they don't use machinery) to increase the fowl supply. A case of cost-push inflation, similar to other case studies Al Haitham has read up on.
This is just one example out of many. The inflation and unemployment rate are growing. Adding everything up, including the current political climate, Sumeru is becoming less and less attractive to traders and businesses, causing them to pull away, worsening the Sumeru economy. It's a vicious cycle that Al Haitham needs to break.
If Al Haitham had to list all the issues Port Ormos has caused him, he'd be able to write himself all the way to an economic degree. Which he'll be able to sign off, now that he thinks about it. He's the Acting Grand Sage. He'll announce his own name. Present the degree to himself. Shake his own hand.
But anyway, the main point is that if he's able to revitalise Port Ormos, many other issues will resolve themselves. He had finally had a lucky break that Thursday and was free to head to Port Ormos to speak to the trade supervisors. But then, of course, stuff happened, and he wasn't able to do all that.
Which is why he's heading back to Vimara village again today. He specifically worked through the entire night in his cold office, wet clothes clinging uncomfortably on his body just so he could make time today for this. This time, he's going to make sure he speaks to the trade supervisors and settle this once and for all. He's ready to negotiate to hell and back to ensure the port reopens.
No surprises today, he'll make sure of it.
"Oh! You're heading back to Vimara Village?"
Well. Never mind, then.
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The rising heat only hits the moment he walks out of the tavern. 
Treasures Street is empty tonight because of the heavy rain. Shops have closed early- the only exception being the tavern. But even so, Al Haitham feels too exposed. He doesn't feel cold anymore. The heat blooming in his cheeks and all over him makes sure of that.
Al Haitham quickens his pace. There's still a long walk to the Akademiya. The faster he gets there, the more time he'll have to finish whatever he has to do. 
The faster he gets there, the less time he'll have to think about what just happened.
Let's review. 
First of all, he fainted. Presumably right in front or around her house- so that's how she found him. Fine. He can't fault himself for that. He had been running on less than three hours of sleep that week. The cherry on top had been that four-hour trek he had to do on top of that. He was exhausted. The human body has its limits. 
But then he woke up and bawled his eyes out like a baby. In front of her. A total stranger. She pushed a bowl of the best meal he ever had (and his only meal in two days) into his face, and he cried. He cried so much that he passed out. Again. Until the following evening. 
It takes a lot of willpower from Al Haitham to not squat down and cringe in the middle of the street. 
Archons, he's pathetic. 
His cheeks burn, and he instinctively moves a hand to cover his face. The movement is accompanied by a crumpling sound, which reminds him of the snack he was given before he left the tavern. 
Taking cover under Menakeri's Treasure Shop, he removes the neatly bundled wrap from its paper bag. The rain isn't letting up. He couldn't be more drenched, but thankfully, the wrap is still dry- courtesy of the paper bag he took from Lambad's counter.
The wrap is still warm, and he curses when the rainwater on his hand seeps into the napkins. Removing it quickly, he holds the wrap in his hands. 
Wait. What's he going to do with the wrap?
He should throw it away. It's a terrible waste of food, but he can't afford to eat and feel sleepy later. He has to finish everything and then some, so he'll be free to head back to Vimara village tomorrow.
She held out the bundle with trembling hands.
The wrap suddenly feels heavy. Looking around, he spots a rubbish bin just a step away outside the shop.
She had left her warm, comfortable spot just to make sure he had something to eat.
He should really get going. Throw it away. And then leave for the Akademiya. But his feet refuse to move.
"They're worried about you, you know?"
Why don't you worry about yourself instead?
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"Oh! You're heading back to Vimara Village?"
You weren't expecting to see the Acting Grand Sage again. Much less on the ferry Cyno had arranged to bring you back to Vimara village. 
If the Acting Grand Sage was surprised, he hid it well. Slowly turning to face you, he coolly leans against the railings of the small, wooden ferry. But the piercing sound of creaking wood jolts him back up almost immediately.
"Yes." he hastily answers, turning around to check on the railing, pushing it back and forth, then squatting down and repeating the action.
A curt answer. What are you supposed to say to that? You can't even hum in agreement or find an opening to make small talk before you politely excuse yourself to take a seat inside. 
The only sound filling the air now is the creaking of wood as he scrutinises the railing. You're not sure what he's checking for- it's just a loose railing, but you admire the dedication nonetheless. A minute passes. 
An alternative course of action is to simply walk towards the seating area without saying anything else. But he's blocking the entrance. Taking a step forward, you shift closer to gauge how much space you have to move through it.
Nope. No way to pass through at all. His large build completely obstructs the entrance. There's no way to pass without saying anything, and you're not sure what you can say that isn't awkward. 
"Uh, excuse me. I'm just going to pass- yeah, oh- you don't need to stand, just- sorry."
Yeah, say that, and proceed to simmer in uncomfortable silence with him in the seating area for the next hour and a half. 
"...You're also heading back to the village?" there's another creak of wood as he shifts it from left to right now.
"Ah! Yes," you reply, eager to stave off the growing awkwardness. "I, uh, live there." 
He stiffens at your answer and brushes a hand over his face. You see his shoulders slacken as he sighs.
Did...you say something wrong?
If you did, he doesn't comment on it. Finally standing up, he's turning around and-
"I'm just going to head in first!" you blurt out, taking the opportunity to rush past him into the seating area.
But of course, just as you finally get into the seating area, the ship suddenly rocks, throwing you off balance and onto the hard floor.
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Al Haitham's face is on fire. It must be because of the new soap he used this morning. Kaveh had pestered him for money to buy that brand, and he had finally caved. Yes, this is all Kaveh's fault.
No, he is not blushing. Why would he be? He isn't ill or feverish. Neither is he embarrassed.
It's just the soap. A mild allergic reaction, perhaps. But he isn't allergic to anything. Perhaps he should book an appointment at Bimarstan to confirm that. Allergies are dangerous.
Why can't he turn around?
There's a loud, rhythmic pulsing in his ear, which strangely is in phase with the beating of his heart. Is that his heartbeat he's hearing? Why is it so loud? And so fast? Also, why is his heart beating so hard?
He knows the answer. He just doesn't want to admit it.
Al Haitham is not embarrassed. Why should he be? It matters not what she thinks of him. She isn't causing him any trouble. She isn't someone he needs to work with. If anything, she is just another person now. She doesn't affect him or his life. To think about her is meaningless. It serves no purpose.
He doesn't care about her. She means nothing. She's just another stranger. 
Oh, so this is about her, Kaveh's voice rings in his head. You're too embarrassed to face her! 
Great. Now imaginary Kaveh is here. But, thankfully, logic is Kaveh's worst enemy. 
And Al Haitham has a lot of logic.
Ok then, Kaveh, Al Haitham shifts the railing with more vigour. Let's say I am embarrassed. 
You are!
Then what would I be embarrassed about?
Well, about the whole fainting incident! You made a fool of yourself right in front of a total stranger!
So? I'm only a human being. My body has limits that I'm not ashamed of.
You know that's not what I'm talking about.
Oh? Whatever do you mean?
About the whole crying and-
Nope. Al Haitham immediately cuts his internal debate with imaginary Kaveh short. He is not going to think about that now. But of course, you can never stop racing thoughts. Particularly ones provided by imaginary Kaveh.
Don't wanna think about it?
I've already gone through that with myself yesterday.
And what did you find out? That you-
That it was simply tears of relief, Al Haitham lies. In regards to getting good food and rest. A natural human response.
Ha! Yeah right-
Imaginary Kaveh is interrupted once again by the sound of shifting behind Al Haitham. It must be her. Waiting for him to say something back.
Well? Turn around and talk to her!
Why should I?
Unbelievable! Not even going to thank her for helping you?
He knows he should. He wants to. But his voice isn't working. Plus, he can't even turn to face her.
I wonder why.
It's because I'm inspecting the railing. Boats in Sumeru must pass the Sumeru Maritime Port Authorities' safety check, and one of the basic-
It's just a loose railing, and you know it! You're fiddling with it as an excuse to not-
More shifting behind him. What is she trying to do? A quick glance to his left tells him the answer.
Hey, you idiot fungus. You're blocking the entrance to the seating area!
Shit, Kaveh is right. Imaginary Kaveh, that is.
Stand up and move!
Wait. But wouldn't it be weird to just stand up and move? Without saying anything else? That would imply that Al Haitham was paying attention to her but not speaking back. Wouldn't that be strange? Rude, even?
Oh, worrying about weirding her out? And since when have you ever cared about niceties?
Shit, imaginary Kaveh is right. Again. This isn't like him. At all.
Ugh! If you're not going to move, at least say something! You're making her feel uncomfortable!
Say what?! Why don't you suggest something helpful for once?
I don't know? It's your conversation! Not mine! Just ask something! Anything! Before this whole situation becomes too awkward beyond repair!
In a haste, much to imaginary Kaveh and Al Haitham's absolute horror, Al Haitham's mouth decides to go off on its own and ask the most stupid, brain-dead question.
"...You're also heading back to the village?" 
Oh, Archons.
Al Haitham shifts the railing from left to right. Maybe if he does that enough, by some scientific principle that he has not come across yet, it'll be like a lever, and time would rewind and-
When I said to ask anything, I meant something like "Slept well last night?" or "Were the toiletries I bought for you sufficient?" not whatever you just asked.
"Ah! Yes," she replies. "I, uh, live there." 
Great. Now she thinks you're an idiot, you idiot.
What kind of question is that? The answer is obvious. So obvious, that Al Haitham feels the need to redeem himself. A prickling sensation on his face spreads from his cheeks all the way up to the tips of his ears, and Al Haitham uses a hand to try to rub it away.
Archons, even asking what her name is would have been a better question than that!
Enough yapping! How can I fix this?
Al Haitham can't believe he's asking Kaveh, even if in imaginary form, for help. But desperate times call for desperate measures. And Kaveh-like problems require Kaveh-like solutions.
Well, start off by actually turning around to talk to her! Even imaginary Kaveh is surprised by his request for advice. Ask her what her name is! That sounds like a good way to kick-start a less awkward conversation. And save this whole interaction.
But I don't want a conversation. I-
Do you want her to feel even more uncomfortable than she probably already is?
With a deep sigh, Al Haitham tries to compose himself. Willing away the heat in his face, he stands back up. His knees ache a little, but he ignores the pain as he turns to face her but-
"I'm just going to head in first!"
And there she goes, bolting towards the now unobstructed entrance, leaving Al Haitham alone on the deck, momentarily stunned by her sudden departure.
She's barely two steps into the seating area when the ship rocks. Al Haitham catches his balance with practised elegance, but unfortunately, the same could not be said for her.
With a loud thud, she crashes into the ground as the boat begins to turn.
"Are you alright?" all earlier thoughts disappear from Al Haitham's mind as worry fills the gaps. Rushing over, he kneels at her side, watching her as she turns around with a hiss.
"It's fine." she winces, turning over before extending both legs.
"Your left ankle is starting to swell," Al Haitham mutters, comparing the size of her ankles through the straps of her sandals. "A sprained ankle."
"Well," She shifts to sit upwards. Leaning over, she takes a closer look at her ankle. "It doesn't look as bad as it feels."
"It may soon if we don't take care of it," Al Haitham shifts closer to her ankle. "May I?"
When she nods, he gently removes her footwear. Looking around the seating area, he frowns as he realises the absence of a first aid kit. That means no cold compresses or bandages.
"We'll have to elevate it," Al Haitham mutters. "Let's move closer to the benches."
"Ah, ok," she kicks her right leg inwards she pushes her weight onto it as she tries to stand. "Well-"
The boat wobbles, and she nearly falls again. , Al Haitham catches hold of her arm, steadying her.
"That isn't going to work," Al Haitham states before she could thank him. "Sit back down."
She does so, giving him a questioning look. Gently moving her legs so that her knees are outstretched and bent, he hooks an arm under her knee and uses the other to support her back as he stands.
"Woah!" her arms begin to flail.
"Calm down," Al Haitham moves his face away from a hand that nearly hits him. "Just- put that arm here."
"Shoulder," he huffs as he bounces her to secure his hold around her. "Hold on."
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The boat rocks, but the Acting Grand Sage doesn't seem worried about falling. In fact, he walks on as if he's on flat ground. All while carrying you.
He gently places you down on the floor next to the nearest metal bench before kneeling next to you again.
"I'm just going to put your leg up here," he assists your ankle up on the bench. "Leave your ankle like this."
"Thank you," you murmur. "I'm sorry for the trouble."
He sighs, heading back towards the entrance to retrieve your sandals. You can't look at him as he walks back to you.
This is so embarrassing.
It was bad enough that things were already so awkward. Oh, Archons. You've already made a faux pas earlier at the deck. Now with this? He must be furious.
Then, in a move that proceeded to stun you- and honestly scare you a little he sits down.
On the floor.
All the benches around, and he chooses to sit on the floor with you.
"No need to thank me." the Acting Grand Sage releases another sigh as he relaxes his shoulders, leaning on the side of the bench beside yours.
He then pulls out a book from somewhere behind his cape and begins to read.
"Would you…prefer to sit on the bench? I'm sure it's much more comfortable there."
"It's a metal bench. It'll feel just as hard as the floor."
Again, another curt response.
Biting your lip in shame, you feel a heat roll up your cheek.
"Acting Grand Sage, I just want to apologise for-"
"Al Haitham."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"My name," he shuts his book, turning his head to face you now. "It's less of a mouthful compared to that. And you are?"
Name. Yes. You can give that.
You tell him your name, trying your hardest to keep your voice as stable as possible. You really don't want to embarrass yourself further.
He repeats your name with an almost contemplative tone. He said it softly, compared to the surrounding noises of the ship. But it's the only sound that fills your ears.
"You have nothing to apologise for," the Acting Grand Sage- no, Al Haitham says. With yet another sigh, he continues. "It's actually me who has to apologise."
"What do you mean?" you frown. You don't recall him doing anything wrong.
"I," he pauses, placing his book aside as his hand rubs against the back of his neck. "I'm sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable."
He shifts slightly, fidgeting with the ends of his cape.
"I also have to apologise for getting you into this mess," he goes on. "And for not thanking you for helping me back then."
"There's no need to thank me for that!" you answer. "And there's no need to apologise as well. Everyone has been kind to me. This was all a misunderstanding."
And just like that, the awkwardness is gone. Instead, a soothing silence envelopes the space between the two of you. You finally get the courage to glance at him, and now that you're relaxed, you notice something a little strange about his attire.
He isn't wearing anything different than yesterday. But the cape-
His cape!
"I passed your cape to Cyno when I got to the hostel," you say, voice laced with worry. "Did you get it?"
That cape looked expensive. But more importantly, you don't think you'd be able to show your face to anyone ever again if you lost the Acting Grand Sage's cape.
"I did," you let out a sigh of relief. "Cyno passed it to me yesterday."
"Did you work through the night?" you ask.
"Yes. I managed to finish everything by dawn, so I went back home to rest before heading out again."
"At dawn? So you did work through the night then!" you huff. "You have to take care of yourself! If not, you'll pass out again."
"I was well rested after I fell asleep at your place."
"You did not fall asleep. You passed out!"
"Well, it was rest either way."
"Then, did you at least eat the wrap we gave you?"
He stills. Suddenly, the chatty vibe between the two of you had disappeared.
"I," he breaks the stillness. "I ate a little bit of it. On the way back to the Akademiya."
He looks a little guilty, but you let it go.
"I'll take your word for it."
Another silence fills the air. You wiggle the toes on your left foot. It aches, but not as much as before, thankfully. But it'll still be a pain to deal with on the walk back home.
"Did you rest well last night?" he asks, breaking the silence again.
"I did," you recall, thinking about that room you were given. "Do all Akademiya students live in rooms like that? Everything was provided!"
You had thought a student hostel would have only the bare essentials, like a bed, wardrobe and a desk. But in the room you were led to, everything you could have possibly needed was there. Soaps, room slippers, sanitary pads and tampons, and even snacks!
"…Yes," he stretches his neck. "I'm glad you got a good night's rest."
"You should get one too, you know?" you say, turning to face him. "Your friends are worried about you."
And they really are. To the rest of Sumeru, he may just be a temporary authority figure. But to Kaveh, he's his housemate and closest friend. And to Cyno, he's his rival and fellow comrade.
"I know they are," he shares. "But we all have jobs to do."
He looks up, out of the window, far out into the blue sky. It's a sunny day today.
"We should be back at the village in about an hour's time."
"Well, why don't you go get some rest then? I'll wake you when we arrive."
"Thank you." He gives your ankle one last look, making sure nothing got worse. Leaning his head back onto the side of the metal bench, he closes his eyes.
You pray to the Dendro Archon to make his dreams sweet as you watch sleep take him away.
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"Did you get it?"
"I think so?"
"Oh, it's blurry! Let me try!"
"Kaveh, wait! Don't lean on that or-"
For an architect, Kaveh is surprisingly terrible at guessing the relative structural integrity of objects. This is why the boxes Kaveh thought were stable (and then proceeded to lean on) come falling down, much to Cyno's dismay.
Naturally, the shopkeeper was furious about Kaveh destroying a whole batch of new wares. Kaveh had racked up quite the bill (which Cyno feels will end up being paid for by Al Haitham), but-
"But it's all worth it. Look!" he gloats, showing Cyno the printed picture.
"Well, would you look at that? Told you this was a good idea!" Kaveh continues.
Well, Archons be damned.
Cyno isn't one who would usually follow Kaveh's pranks or ploys. But if it's going to keep producing results like this, he may consider calling Tighnari to join in on the fun.
"Told you I would be able to get them on the same boat," Cyno smirks, handing the photo back to Kaveh for safekeeping. "What now?"
"Now, we wait," Kaveh takes one last look at the photo, admiring their handiwork before shutting it together with the kamera inside his briefcase. "And when he comes back, oh, it will be fun."
Little did these two know what they have started.
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eelhound · 6 months
"We live in a time of crisis. Consider three interwoven ones.
First, climate change. Every year brings more forest fires and less breathable air, the result of an economic system predicated on burning fossil fuels and working long hours to fuel energy-intensive consumption.
Second, overwhelmed families. Even though people in the Global North live in the richest societies the world has ever known, the majority still find themselves overworked and overwhelmed. Practically every family, especially with young kids, is stressed and strained, struggling to balance the unbalanceable demands of care with no support and work with no flexibility.
Third, millions of poor and working-class people are profoundly unfree in that they have no time for anything but the constant scramble to stay ahead of the bills. In Europe, the average woman in a couple with children works a massive seventy-one hours per week when you include her unpaid care labor. In New York, a single mother on minimum wage would need to labor for an astounding (and impossible) 117 hours every week to meet her basic needs. We live in an epidemic of time poverty, where compulsory overwork defers dreams and crushes aspirations under the relentlessness of Sisyphean toil.
Imagine, for a moment, a different kind of society where the standard job was part-time, but also a good job, offering decent pay and benefits as well as flexibility and career advancement. Public provision of essential services would provide a background of economic security: from health care to childcare, pensions to transit (and, ideally, a basic income as well). With their basic needs met, individuals wouldn’t have to rely on their jobs nearly as much to get by — and working substantially less than forty hours would be something to be desired rather than feared.
The Research on Part-Time Work
Recent scholarly evidence shows that slashing work hours is key to confronting climate change. For example, Jonas Nässén and Jörgen Larsson find that “a decrease in working time by 1% may reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by about 0.7% and 0.8%, respectively.” David Rosnick and Mark Weisbrot find that if the United States were to slash its working hours to Western European levels, energy consumption would drop by 20 percent. The most rigorous study to date is probably that of Jared Fitzgerald and colleagues, who performed a longitudinal study on fifty-two countries. They confirmed the results of other studies that more working time leads to more energy consumption, and that this relationship is intensifying over time for both rich and poor countries.
We know that under regular conditions, capitalist economies grow and grow, but so far only by producing more and more emissions. Global emissions have only fallen four times over the last sixty years — 1981, 1992, 2009, and 2020 — precisely when the world was in the throes of economic recession. This is the cold reality of neoliberal capitalism: it forces us to choose between environmental destruction or the social misery of mass unemployment.
Good part-time work offers us a structural escape hatch — a new model to immediately reduce emissions without putting people out of work.
Of course, part-time work isn’t enough by itself. A pro-worker climate agenda must also include national and global agreements on carbon caps, a Green New Deal that unleashes massive state investment fueling decarbonization (for instance, shifting toward clean energy and building new public transit infrastructure), and so on. But good part-time work is a necessary, if insufficient condition, for preventing ecological disaster.
In terms of work-life balance, the evidence is even stronger. The academic literature finds again and again that bringing down work hours alleviates family stress and strain. To cite one of many examples, Rosemary Crompton and Clare Lyonette report in a 2006 paper that in every one of the five countries they studied, “working hours were the most significant predictor of work-life conflict.”
We also know that free time is foundational for individual freedom. To live the life one wants, free time is essential to devise and accomplish any of one’s life goals. One cannot be deeply engaged with family, friends, art, activism, sport, music, education, or any of the variegated projects that animate people’s aspirations if one is always on the clock.
The US vs. Western Europe
For hundreds of years, a vibrant strand of socialism has aspired to build a world with substantial freedom from toil — a world where machines do much of the work so humans don’t have to, freeing us to pursue our aims, develop our capabilities, and flourish in whatever directions we see fit. This is a world where artificial intelligence and robots actually make human life better and easier, rather than ushering in unemployment, fear, and inequality.
But is good part-time work really possible?
For those of us living in North America, part-time employment usually means poorly paid and precarious, with few benefits and even less autonomy. However, there’s nothing inevitable about this. Western European examples show that it’s completely possible to transform crappy part-time jobs into good, secure jobs.
In Denmark, for example, part-time work is usually good work. Whereas the hourly wage gap between full-time and part-time women is more than 20 percent in Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, in Denmark, it is about zero. Danish part-timers also enjoy robust benefits and pensions; a person who works part-time at 75 percent for ten years then full-time for the rest of their career, will end up with a pension worth 98 percent as much as someone who worked full-time their whole career.
A single mother working at the lowest wage (there is no official minimum wage in Denmark, since wages are set through collective bargaining) for thirty hours per week earns €27,600, while the living wage is roughly €15,000. Danish part-timers appear to be very happy with their situation. The percentage of part-time women who say they are “dissatisfied” with their job is only 4 percent, and the percentage of part-time workers who are dissatisfied with their life as a whole is just 0.4 percent.
The Netherlands is another illuminating example. It is the world’s first so-called “part-time economy,” with the highest proportion of part-time jobs in the world. Amazingly, close to 50 percent of the entire labor force works part-time (compared to only 18 percent in the EU27).
Since implementing the Equal Treatment (Working Hours) Act in 1996, it has been illegal for Dutch employers to discriminate between full- and part-time workers in the provision of pay, benefits, holidays, and employment opportunities. Part-time jobs are mostly open-ended contracts, not a precarious form of nonstandard employment — part-timers are not significantly more likely to work unsocial hours like evenings, nights, or weekends — and the country boasts the highest proportion of firms in Europe with part-time positions at high levels of qualification (47 percent). The result is that the gap between hourly part-time and full-time wages is only about 5 percent, with very little part-time work being involuntary (only 5 percent of female and 10 percent of male part-timers would prefer to be full-time).
Crucially, the cluster of policies boosting part-time work exists against a background of relatively robust economic security. The country’s National Old Age Pension guarantees every citizen a flat-rate pension by sixty-five, regardless of previous employment or earnings. A living wage for a single mother in the Netherlands is today about €15,000, whereas her income from working thirty hours per week on minimum wage is roughly €19,000. A family with two adults, both working thirty-hour weeks, earns a median income of roughly €60,000 — easily surpassing the living wage floor for the whole family (two adults, two kids) of €43,000. Part-time work, in other words, is perfectly feasible for everyone.
Things could hardly be more different in the United States.
In California, a living wage for a four-person family is roughly $110,000. If both adults worked part-time (thirty hours per week) the family would take in a median income of just $70,000. If part-time work is unattractive for the bottom half of the population, the situation is far worse for the poorest. A single mother in Los Angeles working thirty hours per week at a minimum wage job will bring in only $24,180 — pitifully short of a living wage, which for such a family is more than three-times greater, at over $80,000.
The reason the living wage in the United States is so much higher than in Europe is because social democratic welfare states provide their citizens with free or subsidized health care, childcare, transport, housing, etc. The amount of private money that anyone needs to acquire their basic needs (the “living wage”) is therefore much less. A good life based on part-time work is completely feasible in many parts of Europe.
Germany is another example. Although the country has many fewer part-time jobs than the Netherlands, they have done an excellent job of shrinking the number of hours worked in standard full-time jobs. Germany currently has the shortest working hours in the world — an average of 1,341 a year — which is, remarkably, 26 percent, or the equivalent of eleven full working weeks, shorter than in the United States. In Berlin, a living wage today is about €15,000 — within reach of anyone on a part-time income, since even a minimum-wage part-time worker makes €18,720.
A Transformative Demand
The bottom line is that constructing an economic system where part-time jobs are both good and widely available is possible. Doing so requires the standard social democratic tools of unions, high taxes, and progressive governments willing to regulate the market on behalf of workers. None of this is easy to achieve, particularly in countries with as weak a labor movement and as powerful a business class as the United States. But political will, not technical feasibility, is what is standing in the way of a good life for the majority.
In these times of crisis, it is easy to feel dispirited and hopeless. And when hope departs, cynicism grows. The vision of a freer society built around good part-time work is one antidote to such cynicism. It is a bold, feasible demand — at once radical and realistic in the medium term. The elements that are required already exist in various places around the world.
The result would not be a utopia. It would not solve all our problems. But it could transform our lives."
- Tom Malleson, from "We Should All Be Working Part Time for Full-Time Pay." Jacobin, 22 November 2023.
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mariacallous · 9 months
For many months, economic pundits and Biden administration officials have expressed their bewilderment at the persistently poor rating the president has received for his management of the economy. After all, they say, job growth has been robust, the country has been at or near full employment during the past year, and as increasing numbers of Americans have entered the workforce, the labor force participation rate has risen above the level that pessimists regarded as its ceiling. Besides, President Biden has successfully negotiated landmark economic legislation to invest in infrastructure and advanced manufacturing. What’s not to like?
A report just released by the U.S. Census Bureau helps answer this question. Simply put, corrected for inflation, the earnings of most U.S. households declined significantly last year. For households in the middle of the economic distribution, the decline was 2.3%, from $76,330 in 2021 to $74,580 in 2022. In all, about seven in 10 households, representing about three-quarters of the electorate, experienced reduced incomes.
The decline was across the board. It included men as well as women, married couples as well as single-headed households, and full-time as well as part-time workers. It did not reflect a decrease in work effort; on the contrary, the number of full-time workers increased twice as fast as did the workforce as a whole. Nor did it reflect a decrease in the pay workers received, which rose by a brisk 4.6% in 2022. Rather, the rate of inflation, 7.8%, outstripped the rate of pay increases so that the income of most households did not buy as much as it had in the previous year. Americans noticed this decrease, and as the polls indicate, they did not like it.
As the census report shows, the 2022 decline is part of a longer trend. After surging to $78,250 in 2019, household income corrected for inflation fell to $76,660, reflecting the impact of the pandemic, and stabilized in 2021 before falling again in 2022. The purchasing power of average households was 4.7% lower at the end of 2022 than it had been three years earlier (see Census Bureau report, Table A-2).
The stabilization that occurred in 2021 was the result of massive government subsidies — the American Rescue Plan enacted by Democrats early in the Biden administration as well as the continuing impact of waves of economic assistance supported across party lines during the final year of the Trump administration. These subsidies, many of which were delivered through the tax code, dwindled in 2022, adding additional downward pressure on household income. As a result, household income after taxes fell by a stunning 8.8% in 2022 — 8.5% for white Americans, 8.6% for Black Americans, and 10.9% for Hispanics (see Census Bureau report, Table B-1).
There is reason to believe that the worst is over for American households. Based on trends over the past 12 months, the rate of inflation for 2023 will be significantly lower than in 2022. Meanwhile, the pace of wage increases has remained relatively robust at 4.3%, outstripping inflation in recent months for the first time since the spring of 2021. In addition, the impact of declining government subsidies will be much smaller in 2023 than in 2022, and workers may begin to feel the impact of economic legislation that until now has seemed abstract and remote.
History suggests that voters are sensitive to changes in their purchasing power. If household incomes corrected for inflation continue to increase during the next 12 months, the public will probably give President Biden higher marks for economic management than he is receiving right now, reducing though not removing a major obstacle to his reelection. If this does not happen, his Republican opponent will have an argument that he will have a hard time rebutting, which could prove decisive if the election remains as close as recent polls indicate.
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cheritzteam · 1 year
[The Ssum] The Ssum : Forbidden Lab Update (29/3 KST, v1.1.13)
Hello, dear lab participant.
You can now download the new version of &lt;The Ssum : Forbidden Lab>.
Google Play Store (Android) - link Apple App Store (iOS) - link
This update includes bug fixes, so you will receive 10 Aurora Batteries as Study Support upon accessing the game.
Make sure you access the Lab by the 1st of April 2023 (KST) to get your compensation! *You must collect your reward within 3 days.
The following are the details of the update we have received from the Lab.
[Feature Improvements]
> Carry out your studies with peace of mind, even when your special ssum-one is away!
Ever find yourself in the middle of a chat with your special ssum-one and they leave for an extended period of time? Now, when they return after being gone for more than 10 minutes, a dedicated notification will help you stay on top of new messages.
> Make sure you get that Special Call!
Have you unlocked a Special Call with your Aurora Batteries in chat? We've improved the UI so you can tell at a glance if the unlocked call is an incoming call or outgoing call - check out the color of the handset icon!
> Because details matter with your record with your special ssum-one!
Calls logged in the Milky Way Calendar can also be distinguished as incoming calls and outgoing calls by the icon’s color.
> From the Infinite Universe to the Main Screen!
Have you ever been in the middle of a study and suddenly wanted to meet up with Ssumone? We've added a home button that will take you straight to the main screen, so you can meet up with your Ssumone even if you're wandering the depths of the Infinite Universe.
> Commenting just got a little easier! 
You can now use the copy/paste feature in the Infinite Universe not only in the post, but also when writing comments. Enjoy a more convenient study experience!
> Let's immediately catch the culprit who interferes with writing!
Have you ever been frustrated by being warned that your content contains inappropriate words when nothing seems to be wrong? To address this issue, we've added the ability to index your posts for banned words.
> Rejoice, Legendary Comedians!
We've finally released a Trivial Feature just for our Legendary Comedians! If you haven't yet achieved Legendary Comedian status, why not hone your humorous skills further in the Mountains of Wandering Humor?
[Bug Fixes]
> I can’t log into The Ssum with my account…
An error that caused the app to crash when using social login was resolved.
> My chat completion level for Harry decreases by itself…
A bug that caused the completion levels for Harry’s current final bedtime chat to drop to 80% was fixed.
> I can’t replay our past chats in the Milky Way Calendar…
An error that blocked access to past chats after completing the current final Day’s chat of your special ssum-one was resolved.
(Fixed) Your special ssum-one’s name shows in Korean on the loading screen after switching language settings from Korean to English.
Minor bugs were fixed.
We appreciate your reports and your activities as a part of the Lab.
Thank you.
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gumjrop · 2 months
The Weather
Amid the CDC’s COVID-minimizing and dangerous rollback to isolation guidance, a new Pew Research poll shows that 27% of Americans are very or somewhat concerned that they will get COVID and require hospitalization, and 40% (nearly half) of Americans are very or somewhat concerned that they will unwittingly spread COVID to others. This number rises substantially for low income brackets, and Black, Hispanic, and Asian adults. Concern about hospitalization was highest in adults with a high school education or less. Despite efforts by the CDC, the Biden Administration, and corporate media to downplay the public’s concern about COVID, these numbers show that a substantial proportion of Americans care about protecting one another.
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A popular program providing free rapid antigen tests through the USPS ended on March 9, 2024. Despite the limitations of rapid antigen tests, these home tests continue to be a vital way to quickly identify COVID cases, both to prevent further onward spread as well as to identify the need for treatment with Paxlovid. You can use our letter campaign to let your elected officials know we still need free rapid home tests.
COVID wastewater levels are decreasing, with no states registering “Very High” levels as of 3/15/2024. Eight states are currently at “High” and 15 are at “Moderate” levels of SARS-CoV-2 detected in wastewater.
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Wastewater levels show a downward trend in the provisional data (gray shaded area) in all regions. The national wastewater levels are overall indicated as “Low.” Lower wastewater activity is an indication of lower overall viral spread, which is certainly a good thing. However, the “Low” designation is not a representation of low risk in our day-to-day lives, and continued masking and multilayered precautions continue to be necessary to protect ourselves and our communities. State and local trends can also provide additional information, where available.
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A recent Axios article highlights the expanding broad utility of wastewater testing for COVID and other infectious diseases, as well as the uncertain footing of the funding and infrastructure for this essential surveillance tool. We encourage you to write your elected officials to let them know you want to keep and expand wastewater testing in your area and nationally.
On March 13, the People’s CDC hosted a press conference to push back on the CDC’s elimination of COVID isolation guidance and demand accountability to the public (watch the video or read the press release). The online publication (pre-proof) of the People’s CDC External Review in the peer-reviewed scientific journal American Journal of Preventive Medicine Focus was also announced, which is an important authoritative resource highlighting both shortcomings of the CDC’s approach and recommendations for a more transparent, effective, and equitable pandemic response going forward. The full External Review report can be found on the People’s CDC website.
March 15 was Long COVID Awareness Day, and Senator Bernie Sanders along with six cosponsors (Tim Kaine, Edward Markey, John Hickenlooper, Tina Smith, Robert Casey, and Tammy Baldwin) introduced Resolution 590 to formally recognize March 15 as Long COVID Awareness Day. You can ask your senators to support this resolution using this letter campaign. Senator Sanders released a video promising legislation to increase funding for Long COVID research and clinical care, as well as emphasizing the importance of prevention, including vaccination and masking. For more info on Long COVID Awareness Day, see the “Long COVID” section below.
When we make our voices heard, whether with the press, with scientific publications, or with elected officials, we win.
In the CDC’s most recent Nowcast predictions, JN.1 continues to be the most prevalent variant in the United States (86.5%), with a predicted decrease in JN.1 and sublineage JN.1.13 increasing (9.5%).
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The CDC has recommended spring boosters for people age 65 and older, at least 4 months after the previous updated dose. As of 3/2/2024, only about 42.4% of adults age 65 and older had gotten an updated vaccine, and many who were vaccinated in the fall may not realize they are eligible for another dose. 
In addition to the spring boosters recommended for people aged 65 and older, immunocompromised people are eligible for more frequent vaccination. The CDC states, “You can self-attest to your moderately or severely immunocompromised status, which means you do not need any documentation of your status to receive COVID-19 vaccines you might be eligible to receive.”
As a reminder, the currently available COVID vaccine formulations (2023-2024, first available in fall 2023) are effective against the JN.1 variant, with about 54% protection against symptomatic disease. For people of all ages, immunity wanes after 6 months, and, although current eligibility is more limited, we continue to support access to vaccination at least every 6 months for all ages.
If you have not received one of the updated COVID vaccines released last Fall, you can use this tool to find local vaccine providers that are Bridge Access Participants. The Bridge program is currently available through December 31, 2024. 
COVID in Kids
In a recent report in the CDC’s MMWR publication, cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) in 2023 were highlighted. MIS-C is an inflammatory response to a COVID infection that usually occurs 2-6 weeks following an infection. MIS-C may be serious and can affect the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal tract. Although rates of MIS-C have slowed since 2020-2021, 112 cases were reported in 2023, with 82.1% of those occurring in unvaccinated children. Among cases in vaccinated children, 60% occurred in children who had not received a booster within the last year. As of 3/2/2024, only about 13.5% of eligible children aged 6 months to 17 years have received a 2023-2024 COVID vaccine. More info on Long COVID in kids is presented below under “Long COVID.” 
It is clear that kids need protection from COVID, and current efforts are inadequate. We demand that public health authorities take action to protect our children. You can find more information to support protecting kids in our Urgency of Equity toolkit.
March 15 marked the second annual International Long Covid Awareness Day. Across the globe, Long Covid survivors, their allies, and the community fight for increased research, treatment, and visibility for people living with Long Covid. 
Searching #LongCovidAwarenessDay on most social media platforms will connect you to posts from people all over the world describing their experience navigating their ongoing symptoms while trying to educate others about the barriers they face in seeking accessible and effective treatments.
Up to 5.8 million children in the US may be affected by Long COVID. A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that vaccination reduces the risk of Long COVID in children by about 40%. 
Take Action
Super Tuesday has come and gone with nominees in most parties now established for races at the local, state, and national level later this year on November 5th.
People’s CDC wants to remind you that regardless of the outcomes of these elections, we must always continue to organize and fight back against the state’s abandonment of science in favor of corporate interests.
We urge you to use and share our letter campaign demanding that elected officials renew and expand programs to provide free Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs). You can also continue to urge elected officials to support maintaining and extending COVID isolation guidance via our letter campaign. Over 13,000 letters have already been sent, and you can use the same template to send follow up letters.
Whether it’s joining a local mutual aid organization or fighting for increased accessibility measures (required masking, improved air quality, and multilayered precautions) in groups you are already part of, your actions can make your communities safer for all people.
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thewomenofwindsor · 11 months
The key financial details reported today are:
The total Sovereign Grant for 2022-23, amounted to £86.3 million (2021-22: £86.3 million), which is made up of a core grant of £51.8 million which funds official travel, property maintenance and the operating costs of The Sovereign’s household. The core grant equates to 77p per person in the UK.
The Sovereign Grant for 2022-23 includes an additional dedicated amount for Reservicing of £34.5 million.
The total Sovereign Grant for 2022-23 of £86.3 million, which remains unchanged from last year is equivalent to £1.29 per person in the UK.
Income earned to supplement the Sovereign Grant was £9.8 million, a decrease of 1% from £9.9 million (2021-22). The figure is less than 50% of pre-pandemic levels.
Official expenditure was more than the Sovereign Grant and the supplementary income earned, with net expenditure of £107.5 million, a 5% increase on the previous year due to significant work relating to the Reservicing of Buckingham Palace and the costs associated with the change of Reign, as well as the impact of the Consumer Price Index rising by 10.1%.
These costs saw the Sovereign Grant reserve reduce by £20.7 million in the year 2022-23.
Other details in the 2022-23 report include:
Members of the Royal Family undertook over 2,700 engagements across the United Kingdom and overseas, with Their Majesties travelling to Germany for the first State Visit of The King’s reign.
Over 95,000 guests were welcomed to the Official Residences in recognition for their contribution to society, attending over 330 events including Receptions, Investitures and Garden Parties.
Targeted initiatives across the Occupied Royal Palaces have resulted in a 19% decrease in natural gas and heating emissions. The Reservicing Programme continued at pace at Buckingham Palace, which has played a central role in the events of the last twelve months.
Significant work that has been completed includes key operational spaces in the West Wing and the West Gallery, as well as two new lift shafts and guest WCs in the East Wing, which will help make the Palace more accessible.
2022-23 marked the busiest year on record for incoming post, with Buckingham Palace receiving 183,207 items of correspondence.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Thanks to @gardening-tea-lesbian for posting about this and bringing it to my attention!
The Biden-Harris Administration wants to make substance abuse treatment more accessible for all prisoners in the U.S. Addiction is common among people in prison, and treatment helps fight recidivism and reduce overdose rates.
From Federal Prisons To State Prisons
By this summer, all federal prisons will offer addiction treatment, Dr. Rahul Gupta, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, said last week.
Federal officials want states to follow suit. Starting this spring, Medicaid funds will be set aside for states to use in their own jails and prisons to provide mental health services, including SUD treatment.
Approximately 25% of all Americans received Medicaid benefits in 2022. For people with low incomes, Medicaid is the largest provider of funds for healthcare services.
The Biden-Harris Administration has shown a commitment to helping underserved communities receive addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
This includes services for rural populations and Tribal populations along with people who are incarcerated.
Addiction In Our Prisons
It’s hard to know precisely how many incarcerated people have an SUD, but the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that about 65% of all inmates do.
NIDA estimates that another 20%, who didn’t meet the official criteria for an SUD, were under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they committed a crime.
Overall in America, about 40 million people ages 13 and over are living with addiction, or about 12% of the population, according to the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
How Treatment Helps Prison Populations
Drug abuse treatment is effective. For people in prison, receiving treatment can mean the difference between staying out of jail once released or returning behind bars.
It can also provide them with the mental clarity and tools to meet the challenges of life, improve their mental health, and succeed in their relationships and work.
Aids Long-Term Recovery
The Biden-Harris Administration is focusing on evidence-based treatment methods to help people who are incarcerated get and stay on the path to addiction recovery.
This includes medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which combines the use of medications like buprenorphine with behavioral therapy to treat opioid abuse.
Buprenorphine, the first medication that could be prescribed by physicians to treat opioid use disorders, helps people overcome addiction in a few ways.
Using buprenorphine helps with recovery by:
reducing cravings
diminishing opioid withdrawal symptoms, which include flu-like symptoms and severe anxiety
improving safety, if overdose occurs
lessening the chance of misuse
One study in support of buprenorphine’s effectiveness showed that participants receiving the medication were almost twice as likely to remain in treatment and not relapse.
Prevents Overdose Deaths
According to U.S. News and World Report, the leading cause of death among people newly released from prison is drug overdose.
This is partly due to the fact that their tolerance levels decrease while incarcerated, so they aren’t able to tolerate the same amount of the drug as before they were in prison.
The buprenorphine study mentioned above also revealed that people not receiving the treatment had a 20% mortality rate."
-via Addiction Resources.net, 3/9/23
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allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months
Canadian screenwriters have experienced a massive earnings decrease over the last half decade, says the union representing its members, and many are concerned a new federal law to regulate streaming giants doesn't go far enough to protect writers.
As their American counterparts continue to strike south of the border, the Writers Guild of Canada (WGC) issued a release this week reporting a 22 per cent inflation-adjusted decline in income for Canadian television and film writers over the last five years.
But while the federal government passed the Online Streaming Act (OSA) in April to regulate digital streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify, writers with the union say they're worried language in the new law won't hold foreign streaming giants to the same standards as Canadian broadcasters.
"It's brutal," said Ian Carpenter, who has worked on Canadian shows Being Erica and Played, and is the current showrunner for horror-anthology Slasher. "The work is just not out there." [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @vague-humanoid
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newstfionline · 16 days
Friday, May 17, 2024
Americans are falling behind on their credit card bills (NPR) Nearly one in five credit card users have maxed out on their borrowing, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. People under 30 and those who live in low-income neighborhoods are more likely to be at or close to their credit limit. The debt is a sign borrowers are feeling the strain of rising prices and high interest rates.
Overdose deaths dropped for the first time in five years (NYT) U.S. overdose deaths declined in 2023 by about 3 percent from the year prior, according to federal data released today. Last year’s toll—107,543—was still horrific. But it was the first drop-off in drug fatalities since 2018, when the rates were two-thirds of their current height. The decrease was attributable mostly to a drop in deaths from synthetic opioids, but the report did not offer reasons for the drop. One possible factor is that naloxone, a drug that reverses opioid overdoses, has become more widely available.
Chile’s capital faces fiercest cold snap in decades (Reuters) Chileans are bundling up with more clothes and clutching cups of hot coffee as the country faces the most intense cold snap in nearly 70 years, bringing winter weather in the middle of autumn. “Since 1950, that is, in the last 74 years, we had not had a cold wave as intense as the current one in May,” climatologist at the University of Santiago, Raul Cordero, told Reuters. For Thursday, the meteorological office expected a minimum temperature of 1 degree Celsius (34 Fahrenheit) in the central Santiago area. The change was abrupt—within days of summer heat ending, mountains near the capital had snowy peaks.
A France in Shock Confronts the Violence in Its Midst (NYT) If France is a country of illusions—a beautiful and seductive land offering many of life’s greatest pleasures that sits atop and conceals a crime-ridden, drug-plagued world of violence—then the past week offered a rude awakening to this dual reality. The Olympic flame arrived on French soil last week in the ancient port city of Marseille as a joyous crowd thronged the beautiful harbor. But the flame also arrived in a city whose northern districts are the epicenter of the French drug trade, where 49 people were killed last year and 123 injured in drug-related shootings. The coldblooded killing on Tuesday of two prison guards on a major highway in an ambush that freed Mohamed Amra, a midlevel prisoner being investigated in Marseille for possible ties to a drug-related homicide case, shook France. This, just 85 miles from the capital, was a methodical execution in broad daylight on the main road from Paris to Normandy. Its methods were consistent with the brutality of a booming narcotics market. Senator Jérôme Durain, a member of the Socialist Party and one of two authors of a Senate Committee report on drug trafficking in France that was completed this week, was not shocked by the killing. “The world we found was one of limitless violence involving people, often very young people, who have no conscience and lost all sense of the value of life,” he said in an interview. “This fits exactly.”
In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers (Christian Science Monitor) At first glance, this could be any industrial factory. Workers wearing protective gloves assemble control panels and heating plates amid the relentless whirring of machinery. Giant yellow robot arms swing back and forth, lining trays with tiny metal parts. But there is a reason that each year thousands of visitors from every continent come to this mountainous Basque landscape to study factories like this one. This is the home of the Mondragon Corp., the world’s largest federation of worker-owned cooperatives. By the end of the day, this floor alone will churn out 30,000 gas valves, destined for stoves worldwide. Yet it is also churning out a radically different vision of capitalism. In a traditional capitalist system, decision-making power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few top executives and shareholders. In contrast, Mondragon’s nearly 70,000 members, ranging from floor workers to top executives, are co-owners of their businesses. They have voting power at general assemblies, where they weigh in on company strategy and policy. The income disparity between the highest- and lowest-paid employees in Mondragon’s cooperatives is capped at a ratio of 6-to-1, compared with a typical ratio of 344-to-1 in the United States. (It’s typically 77-to-1 in Spain.) “Here, no one is rich,” says Hugo Montalvo, who works for a Mondragon based in Bergara, a short drive from the town of Mondragón. “But no one is poor either. We’re all in that middle range, earning decent salaries.”
Age no barrier for Italy’s 90-year-old sprint queen (Reuters) Born on Aug. 1, 1933, Mazzenga is one of the unsung stars of Italian athletics, currently holding five world records, nine European records and 28 best Italian performances in various categories of Masters sprinting—competitive races for older runners organised by age group. “I am very happy and satisfied, and also a bit surprised because I didn’t think I went that fast,” Mazzenga said modestly after her record-breaking run on May 5, beating the previous record of 53.35 seconds set by Japan’s Emiko Saito in 2022. Her running career as a Masters athlete, which she kicked off at the age of 53, has been an important comfort for Mazzenga’s later years. “It got me through some difficult times, which of course haven’t been lacking in a life as long as mine,” she said. Her next commitments include the Italian championships starting in June and she has an eye on the world championships in Sweden next year, but Mazzenga joked that she prefers “not to make long-term plans.”
NATO considers sending trainers into Ukraine (NYT) NATO allies are inching closer to sending troops into Ukraine to train the country’s armed forces, a move that would blur a previous red line. Ukrainian officials have asked for help training 150,000 new recruits closer to the front lines, for faster deployment. The U.S. has said no, but the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said today that a NATO deployment of trainers appeared to be inevitable. Under the alliance’s treaty, the U.S. would be obliged to aid in the defense of the trainers if they were attacked, potentially dragging America into the war.
China and Russia reaffirm ties as Moscow presses offensive in Ukraine (AP/Bloomberg) Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Chinese leader Xi Jinping for efforts to resolve the Ukraine conflict at a Beijing summit Thursday, where the two leaders reaffirmed a “no-limits” partnership that has grown deeper as both countries face deepening tensions with the west. Xi said his nation was “ready to work with Russia as a good neighbor, friend and partner with mutual trust,” state broadcaster China Central Television reported Thursday after the pair met in Beijing. China was prepared “to consolidate the friendship between the two peoples for generations to come,” Xi added. Putin described the nations’ cooperation as “one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena,” according to a video posted on a Kremlin social media account.
Japan, famously polite, struggles to cope with influx of tourists (Washington Post) Japan is proud of its “omotenashi” spirit: Its practice of wholeheartedly caring and catering for guests. But a post-covid surge in tourist numbers, coupled with a weak yen that makes Japan cheaper for many visitors, is pushing Japan’s world-famous hospitality to the brink. One town is installing a huge screen to stop tourists causing traffic jams while they take selfies in front of Mount Fuji. At least one overrun restaurant is reserving Friday nights for locals only. Even the deer of Nara, usually very proactive about coming forth for snacks, have had their fill. This is because international tourists, unable to enter Japan for two and a half years during the covid pandemic, now appear to be making up for lost time. A staggering 25.1 million tourists visited the country last year, marking a sixfold increase from 2022. The influx has been good for the Japanese economy. But, in many popular places, it has not been good for the locals. There have been widespread complaints about overcrowding, litter, and strain on infrastructure.
Pacific countries call for calm as New Caledonia riots continue (AP) New Caledonia’s Pacific neighbours called for de-escalation and a return to dialogue between France and the island territory’s political parties, after a third night of violent riots that have killed four people and led to hundreds of arrests. France declared a state of emergency in New Caledonia that came into force at 5 a.m. local time (1800 GMT Wednesday), giving authorities additional powers to ban gatherings and forbid people from moving around the island. Rioting broke out over a new bill, adopted by lawmakers in Paris on Tuesday, that will let French residents who have lived in New Caledonia for 10 years vote in provincial elections—a move some local leaders fear will dilute the indigenous Kanak vote.
US military says Gaza Strip pier project is completed (AP) The U.S. military finished installing a floating pier for the Gaza Strip on Thursday, with officials poised to begin ferrying badly needed humanitarian aid into the enclave besieged over seven months of intense fighting in the Israel-Hamas war. Fraught with logistical, weather and security challenges, the maritime route is designed to bolster the amount of aid getting into the Gaza Strip, but it is not considered a substitute for far cheaper land-based deliveries that aid agencies say are much more sustainable. The boatloads of aid will be deposited at a port facility built by the Israelis just southwest of Gaza City and then distributed by aid groups.
Hamas Shift to Guerrilla Tactics Raises Specter of Forever War for Israel (WSJ) Seven months into the war, Hamas is far from defeated, stoking fears in Israel that it is walking into a forever war. The U.S.-designated terrorist group is using its network of tunnels, small cells of fighters and broad social influence to not only survive but to harry Israeli forces. Hamas is attacking more aggressively, firing more antitank weapons at soldiers sheltering in houses and at Israeli military vehicles daily, said an Israeli reservist from the 98th commando division currently fighting in Jabalia. Hamas’s resilience poses a strategic problem for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who says a key war aim is the total destruction of the Palestinian Islamist group. Concerns have grown within Israel, including in the security establishment, that Israel has no credible plan for replacing Hamas, and whatever achievements the military has won will be diminished. “Hamas is everywhere in Gaza,” said Joost Hiltermann, the head of the Middle East and North Africa program at International Crisis Group, a conflict-resolution organization. “Hamas is far from defeated.”
Religion Publishers See 'A Good Day' (Publishers Weekly) Holy sales stats! How did religion book publishing roll up revenue numbers markedly ahead of other publishing categories last year, up 7.8% over 2022 according to the Association of American Publishers StatShot report? PW called on CEOs and senior sales executives at eight religion and spirituality houses to ask what's driving the numbers up. Top answer: Bibles, which have been in strikingly high demand and tend to pop in sales whenever things get a bit weird geopolitically. “It’s a different day, and a good day,” says Doug Lockhart senior v-p for sales and marketing for HarperCollins Christian Publishing. He noted Google Analytics showed searches for words such as “Bible,” “Bible studies” and “Bible resources” are up 13% over 2023. Why? “There’s a lot of angst in the world today and people are looking for answers. Everything from the Ukraine War to the Hamas-Israel war to the challenges people have in everyday life” prompts people to ask deep questions and to seek spiritual health, says Lockhart.
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meret118 · 1 year
Researchers with the nonprofit think tank found that Black couples were more likely to face marriage penalties (46% to 43%) and less likely to receive marriage bonuses (36% to 43%) than white couples.
When tax filers in the U.S. get married they can face a "marriage bonus." That's when a household's tax bill decreases because a couple files jointly and their incomes are disparate enough according to the Tax Foundation, another tax policy nonprofit. Couples can also face "marriage penalties," when the tax bill increases. This generally happens when two people with similar incomes marry and file jointly.
According to the Tax Policy Center, researchers found penalties were larger and more prevalent for Black couples than white couples — 59% to 51% — for households with an adjusted gross income between $50,000 and $100,000.
. . .
Earlier this year, a study concluded that Black taxpayers face audits from the Internal Revenue Service at a much higher rate compared to other demographic groups.
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mariacallous · 23 days
Gazprom, Russia’s state-owned energy behemoth, has long been a major contributor to the Kremlin’s coffers. The company, which until recently earned the equivalent of tens of billions of dollars annually from gas sales to Europe, reported its first loss in nearly 25 years at the end of 2023. Meduza breaks down the sudden drop in Gazprom’s earnings and the gas giant’s options for turning its financial situation around.
For many years, Russia’s state-owned oil and gas giant Gazprom has rightfully been regarded as one of the nation’s most successful enterprises. It’s maintained profitability through various economic challenges, including the 2008 global financial crisis, the ruble’s plummet in 2014 due to sanctions and falling oil prices, and reduced demand for gas during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The years 2021 and 2022 were particularly successful, with gas price surges in Europe following the pandemic and the fallout from the full-scale invasion of Ukraine collectively netting the holding more than 3.3 trillion rubles ($35.6 billion) in profits — almost returning it to the “golden age” of super-profits of the early 2010s.
Gazprom’s gas business has always been its primary source of income. Its success was based on two key factors: a robust resource base with low extraction costs and well-established connections with European buyers that date back to Soviet times (and are reinforced by long-term contracts). In 2022, Gazprom began a voluntary withdrawal from the European market, sharply curtailing operations and undermining one of the business’s key pillars. The results proved costly; Gazprom’s financials for 2023 were considerably worse than anticipated, showing a loss of 629 billion rubles ($6.8 billion) against a forecasted profit of 450 billion rubles ($4.8 billion).
Gazprom’s report details results from all its operational sectors: gas (Gazprom and Gazprom Export), oil (Gazprom Neft), and electricity (Gazprom Energoholding LLC). Of these, only the gas business witnessed a dramatic fall in revenue, dropping by half to three trillion rubles ($32.4 billion), which is now slightly less than income from oil and gas condensate sales (3.3 trillion rubles, or $35.6 billion).
This decline was driven by two factors: the sharp decrease in sales to Europe (from 62 billion cubic meters the previous year to just 24 billion cubic meters) and the rapid shift in the European market away from Russian gas, which brought export prices back to their pre-war levels. Consequently, the holding’s overall revenue fell by 27 percent to 8.5 trillion rubles ($91.8 billion).
Cosmetic cost cutting
If Gazprom is cutting expenses, it’s not doing so on a large scale. While the company reduced operational expenses in 2023 by 8.2 percent, its capital expenditures actually rose by 277 billion rubles ($3.9 billion) to 3.1 trillion ($33.4 billion), with the majority of this investment directed toward the gas business.
The negligible decrease in operational expenses might be explained by the need to maintain existing infrastructure, but it’s surprising that capital expenditures haven’t been reduced, noted Sergey Vakulenko, a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center. “By the fall 2022 budgeting period, it was already quite clear that export sales would plummet, drilling could be drastically reduced, and spending should also be cut back,” said Vakulenko. “But Gazprom doesn’t operate like that.”
At the same time, Gazprom’s expenses for 2024 are projected to be lower. According to the company’s report, it plans to allocate 2.6 trillion rubles ($28 billion) for capital expenditures this year — down from last year’s 3.1 trillion ($33.4 billion).
Gazprom’s debt has also increased, rising 1.3-fold to 5.2 trillion rubles ($56 billion). The company has set a maximum debt-to-equity ratio of no more than 40 percent, which implies that the holding can comfortably meet its financial obligations at this level. According to Meduza’s calculations, Gazprom’s debt-to-equity ratio is currently at 31.7 percent, providing the company with some leeway to further increase its debt load.
Owing the Kremlin
There’s another debt-related indicator that directly affects dividend payments — the net debt to adjusted EBITDA ratio. EBITDA is a financial metric used to evaluate a company’s operating performance, and this ratio shows how much debt a company has relative to its earnings. A higher ratio indicates a heavier debt burden.
By the end of 2023, Gazprom’s EBITDA ratio had climbed to 2.96 from 1.07 the previous year. In December, Famil Sadygov, the deputy chairman of Gazprom’s management board, pointed out that the company’s dividend policy allows the company’s board of directors to adjust dividend payouts if this ratio exceeds 2.5.
Based on Gazprom’s IFRS statements, the dividends for 2023 could amount to 15.3 rubles (16 cents) per share, according to the Russian business daily Kommersant. However, the increasing debt burden and declining revenues in the holding’s core business might prompt the board to suspend dividends.
This is unlikely to please Gazprom’s main shareholder — the Russian Federation. The state controls more than 50 percent of Gazprom’s shares, and dividends are one way to channel the company’s supplementary earnings into the federal budget. In 2022, Gazprom only paid interim dividends, but at a record-breaking 51 rubles (55 cents) per share, with the company disbursing 1.2 trillion rubles ($12.9 billion) to its shareholders.
Another way to boost Gazprom’s contribution to the state budget is through periodic increases in the mineral extraction tax (MET) it pays. In 2022, for instance, this tax was raised by a one-time amount of 1.2 trillion rubles, equivalent to the company’s profit for that period. Starting in 2023, the government raised Gazprom’s monthly MET payment by 50 billion rubles ($539 million), effective until 2026. This means that, under current legislation, Gazprom is obligated to pay approximately an extra 600 billion rubles ($6.4 billion) annually, regardless of its financial circumstances.
Could things turn around?
According to the latest financial data, Gazprom’s parent company reported a net loss of 450 billion rubles ($4.8 billion) in the first quarter of 2024, a significant increase from the 95-billion-ruble (one-billion-dollar) net loss recorded during the same period last year. Additionally, the company posted a first-quarter sales loss of 47 billion rubles ($506.6 million) this year, in stark contrast to a profit of 125 billion rubles ($1.3 billion) in the first quarter of the previous year.
It’s clear that Gazprom needs to implement serious changes in its gas business. The company must either boost revenue and explore new income sources or make substantial cuts to operational and capital expenditures — or ideally, do both. When Famil Sadygov forecasted four trillion rubles ($43.1 billion) in revenues from 2023 gas sales, he specified “growing gas deliveries to China” as a key driver. However, actual revenues fell short by one trillion ($10.7 billion), and it’s now clear that supplies to China and Central Asia can’t adequately compensate for the loss of the European market.
In 2023, Gazprom, delivered 22.7 billion cubic meters of gas to China. Using Sergey Vakulenko’s calculations, the average cost of these gas deliveries was approximately $245 per thousand cubic meters — about $5.5 billion in revenue over the year. To put this in perspective, if Gazprom had sold the same volume of gas in the European market instead, where the average gas price in 2023 was $550 per thousand cubic meters, it could have earned $12.5 billion from these sales — at least twice as much as from sales to China.
Looking ahead to 2025, Gazprom’s remaining European exports are expected to decrease by half again, to 12 billion cubic meters per year, if Ukraine doesn’t extend its gas transit agreement with Russia. (Kyiv has already said it plans to let the agreement expire.) On today's European market, gas slated for 2025 delivery costs an average of $400 per thousand cubic meters. This means that with the loss of sales through Ukraine, Gazprom stands to lose about three billion dollars in revenue each year.
Another potential source of revenue is domestic gas sales within Russia. However, expanding this revenue stream wouldn’t be feasible without a significant increase in gas tariffs, which could lead to public backlash, and without active gasification of regions, which would require substantial investment.
Gazprom’s subsidiaries often form the backbone of local economies in regions where the primary industry is resource extraction. The company’s ability to cut operating expenses is constrained by its social obligations, the expectations of contractors used to high payments, and a large workforce. By 2022, Gazprom’s staff had grown to 500,000, nearly half of whom are white-collar workers.
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Weekly Bulletin, 5/20/24
Weekly Hours
There is no Open Board Meeting this week in order to prepare for the Expedition to Beast-Yeast. All findings for Phases 1 and 2 will be redirected to the Crepe Archives.
-The Second Floor Detective
Coffee Marshmallow Cookie’s application has been approved. She will be positioned part-time with the Cookie Kingdom Studio as Heavy Cream Cookie’s apprentice.
Zoning applications for a studio in the Crème Republic on the southwest corner of Crispia have been filed. We await further response.
Scheduling seize-ups will end as updates roll out.
CRK - Powers Beheld Beyond Cacao
Stormbringer Cookie has been summoned to confirm that she was the cause of Meringue gaining his magic two years ago. Queuing attempt for the Crepe Archives has been delayed due to misreading the timetable.
A report from Black Raisin Cookie has returned suggesting that the Sublime Cake Towers are permanent. Possibly the rumored remake of the Tower of Sweet Chaos since its closure from the public on specific request of the St. Pastry Order.
A report from Radish Raven Cookie and her clairvoyant nature has returned.
Episode 3 of Beast-Yeast, “The Awakening of White Apathy” will be available SOON.
Selected stages will have the Anguish effect as a gauged gimmick. The gauge fills with time or when enemies attack. When the gauge is full, a Dumpling King will appear to cause trouble. The gauge should reset after the current wave and the Dumpling King are cleared.
Clearing Episode 3 enables Balloon Expeditions for the area, but you’ll need to upgrade your Bear Jelly Balloon to travel to Beast-Yeast.
Travel to Beast-Yeast area 3 to get “Realm of Apathy Yeast Ore” depending on your Cookies’ condition, with an inventory maximum of 60. Use one Ore to open 5 Beascuit spaces in your storage.
Mystic Flour Cookie has appeared as the first playable Beast Cookie.
Skill: Whispers of Apathy - Creates the Realm of Apathy, shielding the allies with the Cocoon of Futility. Allies within the Realm of Apathy have their HP periodically restored. They will also gain the Touch Meaninglessness buff. Once the duration of the Realm of Apathy is over, the allies will be Healed for a portion of the DMG they have dealt.
Cocoon of Futility - Heals allies, removes debuffs, and can dispel Apathy inflicted on allies. Targets are immune to the Power of Apathy while affected by the Cocoon of Futility. Cannot be Dispelled or removed by Zap or Overcurrent. The effect will remain even after the HP Shield reaches 0 capacity. If the target is at Max HP, incoming Healing will restore the HP Shield instead.
Realm of Apathy (Enemies) - If an enemy Cookie enters the Realm of Apathy, their Cooldown will be increased, and their ATK SPD will be reduced. They will also be inflicted with the Pale Plague, increasing the remaining Cooldown when dispelled.
Cooldown Bonus - Mystic Flour Cookie will increase her own DMG Resist based on the decreased amount of Cooldown.
Lantern of Apathy - Her Lantern of Apathy will keep healing the allies regardless of Mystic Flour Cookie's current status and will be further enhanced when she is defeated.
Safeguard Sacrifice - If there are no Safeguarded Cookies in the team, Mystic Flour Cookie cannot be incapacitated, and gains increased Max HP. The amount of Healing coming from the Lantern of Apathy and its trigger rate will also greatly increase. Ally Cookies will also be provided with Buff Protection.
Immunities - Mystic Flour Cookie is immune to Apathy along with all targets of the Cocoon of Futility and disrupts the Power of Apathy effect affecting enemies.
She might join your Kingdom through the Beast Gacha if you possess enough Light of Apathy. This gacha has the same rules as other Legendary Gacha banners with different mileage levels introduced with Stormbringer Cookie’s event banner.
Beast Cookies will not be subject to ascension; 6 Stars is their maximum promotion grade.
At 2, 4, and 6 Stars respectively, the Cookie’s appearance will change and new character quotes become available
Regardless of rank, only one Beast Cookie is allowed on a Kingdom Arena team. We don’t know if this overrides the withstanding 3-Cookie rule for Cookies that are Ancient, Legendary, or Dragons
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Cloud Haetae Cookie will also appear with the next update.
Skill: Haetae Charge - Takes the form of a Cloud Haetae. After transforming, gains an increased DEF and DMG Resist and grants HP Shields for the entire team. With their regular attacks, transformed Cloud Haetae Cookie charges at the enemies, dealing area damage. Cloud Haetae Cookie will also heal the ally with the lowest HP with Cloud Rolls (except Cloud Haetae Cookie themselves). When the transformation is over, Cloud Haetae Cookie will perform a last forceful charge to deal greater damage and Stun the enemies. Belonging to the Realm of Apathy, Cloud Haetae Cookie is resistant to Apathy, can briefly disrupt the Power of Apathy effect when using their skill, and grants the Visions of Apathy buff to the team. When in the same team with Mystic Flour Cookie, Cloud Haetae Cookie will gain the Haetae's Loyalty buff. Cloud Haetae Cookie will regain HP with each 3 regular attacks in the Cookie form.
On Initial Transformation - Gains DEF Up and DMG Resist, Heals teammate with lowest HP excluding themselves
Transformation End - Charges for more damage and stuns affected enemies
Basic Attacks - Splash damage during Transformation, melee, self-heals with every 3 attacks regardless of form
Realm of Apathy Inhabitant (Passive) - Resistant to Apathy, disrupts Power of Apathy, grants Visions of Apathy to all teammates
Combi Bonus - Gains Haetae’s Loyalty when on the same team as Mystic Flour Cookie
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The Windmill Garden expansion project is ready to store and manage Production Buildings.
Restoration task opens after researching “Production Dashboard”
Storage and expansion conditions mimic those of the Sky Garden
All production in the Windmill Garden is managed by Wizard Gnomes (Assumed NPC characters that do not have their own EXP levels or otherwise)
Compatible with Easy Goods Collection (collecting items from buildings in either the Windmill Garden or the Kingdom will mass-collect from all buildings in the other location if EGC is enabled)
Stormbringer Cookie’s Mystic Costume “Mystic Gold: Splitter of the Seas” will become available.
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The Darkness element has been added for several Cookies:
⚔️ Dark Choco Cookie
🌩️ Dark Cacao Cookie
💀 Licorice Cookie
🐦‍⬛ Black Raisin Cookie
🍰 Red Velvet Cookie
😈 Devil Cookie
🎃 Pumpkin Pie Cookie
🏹 Caramel Arrow Cookie
🐾 Crunchy Chip Cookie
Darkness element users can inflict Consuming Darkness
Consuming Darkness: CRIT% and Healing Down for an extended period of time
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Beascuit breakthroughs are ready for consumption.
Max level -> 30
You can get Special Beascuits from Beast-Yeast episode 3 by chance. They start at level 20. - There is a chance to obtain special Beascuits by playing through Beast-Yeast episode 3.
Special Beascuits will have new bonus effects: “Darkness-type DMG Up” or “Electricity-type DMG Up.”
Only one of the two effects will be available depending on the Beascuit’s type.
Once obtaining a special Beascuit, the first slot will be set as either “Darkness-type DMG Up” or “Electricity-type DMG Up.”
All bonus effect values are set according to the probabilities table
You can use the “Reset” function to change the first slot to another bonus effect.
Part 2 of the Might of the Ancients quest is now available after finishing Part 1. Pick either Golden Cheese Cookie or White Lily Cookie to meet them immediately, play missions, and get a special title once it’s all done.
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Once you meet Mystic Flour Cookie, traverse the Ever-Changing Path of Apathy to claim even more rewards.
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UI & QOL Improvements
A number of UI improvements have been applied to Cookie skill descriptions.
Cookie skill description UI on each Cookie’s page, on the battle preparation screen, and during battle has been improved.
The result screen will no longer be shown when leveling up a Cookie’s skill.
Skill descriptions for Cookies of Legendary rarity or higher will have their descriptions divided into paragraphs for easier reading.
These UI improvements will be applied to all Cookie skill descriptions gradually.
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The chance of obtaining Yeast Ores for exploring Beast-Yeast has been doubled.
You can now skip the Arena tier advancement animation.
Tap on the screen to skip animation.
Please note that you cannot skip the animation for the first time.
- A total of 8 bundle items have been added.
· Jammery (Lv.8): Toffee Jam x5
· Bakery (Lv.9): Ginkgo Focaccia x5
· Artisan's Workshop (Lv.6): Shiny Glass x5
· Flower Shop (Lv.8): Happy Planter x5, Candy Bouquet x5
· Jampie Diner (Lv.8): Bear Jelly Burger x5, Candy Pasta x5
· Carpentry Shop (Lv.6): Acorn Lamp x5
CRWC - The Next Shelf
The following is a Patch Notes Report from the official Discord, compiled by our Witch’s House branch studio.
- The story of First Cream Cookie begins!
- First Cream Cookie is here!
- Season Special: First Cream Cookie's Bear Jelly Toy Decor
- First Cream Season Pass added
- New Season Collection, updated Season Relay
Added challenges:
- GingerBrave's Puzzle Challenge
- Strawberry Cookie's Puzzle Challenge
- Cherry Cookie's Puzzle Challenge
- Vampire Cookie's Puzzle Challenge
- Witchberry Cookie's Puzzle Challenge
- First Cream Cookie's Puzzle Challenge
- New Gimmick: Candy Canes
- New Gimmick: Strawberry Popping Candies
- New Gimmick: Jelly Bat Missiles
- New Gimmick: Cherry Bombs
- New Gimmick: Sacred Brooches
- New Gimmick: Juice Barrels
※ Requirement
- Puzzle Level 100 Reached
- Challenge Cookie Obtained
- Cookie Skills now become available twice per Puzzle Level after reaching Cookie Level 3
- Enjoy the improved Premium Season Pass with double rewards!
- Added Recommended feature
- The Auto-Decorate feature is now easier to use
1. Fixed an issue where the in-game volume would reset after watching an ad
2. Fixed an intermittent issue where it would not be possible to close an ad after watching
3. Fixed an issue where the game would default to incorrect resolutions on certain devices
4. Fixed an intermittent issue where the participation screen of the Sheriff's Hoard event would not display properly
The Witch’s Castle update is already live.
Coupon Codes
CROB - 500 Crystals
CRK - 500 Rainbow Cubes + 1,500 Crystals
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