#relationships ;; lucretia ( crixus)
ofhumanvoice-a · 2 years
It would be wrong to think that Lucretia doesn’t really love Quintus just because she was sleeping with Crixus. He is a rare man who sees his wife as his partner and equal and for that (as well as his ambition) she loves him. The main purpose of Crixus was for her to get pregnant since she wasn’t getting anywhere in that regard with her husband. Yes, she became possessive of him when she found out about him and Naevia, but that doesn’t mean there were genuine feelings there. At the end of the day, he is still a slave and could never be her equal or even remotely acknowledged as her child’s natural father. 
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What are your queer headcanons for Spartacus characters? I'm curious 👀
Some of these are based on stuff in canon, others are just me thinkin' my thoughts. They're also for characters who aren't explicitly shown to be queer, such as Nasir, Agron, Saxa, Lucretia, and so on.
Spartacus is bi or pan. He was absolutely in love with Varro, and I think he also had a thing for Crixus and Nasir (Granted, I think everyone had a thing for Nasir and it's only because Agron made a move first that he didn't have half the camp vying for his affections.) The scene in Fugitvus where he and Aurelia are talking about what made them love Varro- "A lop-sided grin, eyes promising mischief."
"I fell to love the crooked bend of Varro's lips, long before the man himself."
"As did I."
Like, what about that doesn't scream being in love?
Also, fun fact, before Liam McIntyre took the role, Wentworth Miller was being considered for Spartacus, and I am going to daydream about that forfuckingever while sending Steven DeKnight mental messages to cast him in the new series that's supposed to be coming up.
Crixus is demi. He says that he's not interested in sex when he first joined the ludus, and it's only when he falls for Naevia that he's shown being attracted to anyone. And when Naevia finds herself sex repulsed, he's cool with their relationship not being physical. I know this isn't strictly an ace thing but I still love it.
Gannicus is one that I can't decide exactly. I firmly believe that he and Oenomaeus were in love with each other as much as they were with Melitta. The running theme throughout the show of characters talking of being reunited with their loves in the afterlife, then having Oenomaeus being there waiting patiently for Gannicus when he dies is amazing, I can't lie.
Lugo was one of the dozen or so men who probably would have enjoyed a bit of bed warming from Nasir. They're both so flirty with each other as time goes on. He strikes me as being 'Pretty women? Yeah! Pretty men? Yeah! Pretty individual who is neither man nor woman? Yeah! Lugo love all! Come to my tent, pretty person! Lugo will keep you warm!'
Caesar is.... Well, he's Caesar, so I'm genuinely surprised there weren't any scenes of him fucking his way through the rebellion.
I'd love to hear if you have any thoughts of your own, and I'm sorry this took a while for me to answer!
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zalrb · 9 months
why weren't u as into sura and spartacus as u were crixus and naevia. was the writing for the former off
Not necessarily, they just didn't have many scenes together for me to really care about them as a couple. Like with Crixus and Naevia, I'm there.
I'm watching them kiss through bars
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I'm watching them kiss when that's no longer a barrier
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from another post of mine:
What I love about these particular kisses is that you feel their circumstances? Like this is what forbidden love looks like when it has free reign for a few moments, this is what pent-up passion looks like. All day, everyday, these two have to be so careful so Lucretia  and the guards don’t find out about them, they both have to suffer Lucretia using Crixus as a sex slave, they both have to suffer their separation and then they get to just let go
I'm watching Naevia who isn't treated like a person watch Crixus be objectified by these women and neither of them can do anything about it
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I'm watching Naevia watch Crixus who's watching her back while he has sex with Lucretia so he can stay in the ludos and be with Naevia.
I'm watching him go from not wanting anything but being champion and finding the idea of freedom dishonourable to vowing to win his freedom to be with her
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I'm watching the angst in real time.
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The angst for Spartacus and Sura is that they're separated. First because she's captured and then because she's dead.
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And the scenes that establish their love for each other in the first episode is mostly sex.
Even when it flashes back to how they met, it's them having sex before knowing each other's name and her just saying, he'll never love another woman.
So it really boils down to I love Spartacus' love for her because that was more the focus than the relationship itself.
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It was given more details. We see how much he pines for her when he holds onto that strip of cloth
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He dreams about her
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He starts a rebellion because the Romans took her away from him
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That's some passionate love but in terms of them as a couple? I didn't really see that.
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elcctra · 7 months
What is your personal top ten/ranking of Ancient Roman movies/TV shows? So, the major Ancient Roman audiovisual products seem to be Gladiator, I Claudius, HBO Rome, the Taylor Cleopatra movie, Spartacus and perhaps the (Wonderful!) Domina? There is also the Matheson Nero movie, the O'Toole Augustus, The Caesars series that were relessed not long before Claudius and some Shakespeare Caesar adaptations (I also like the Chaning Tatum Eagle movie, wonderful gay cinema if u ask me, though Jamie beats Chaning in hotness).
I have never watched the Eagle movie, can you believe? Horrible oversight from my part and one I should fix. But I did watch the other ones you mentioned, so I guess I can try a top 10, or rather, just 10 of my favorites, because hell how could I even rank works so different in terms of personal enjoyment, historical accuracy, overall quality etc? And how can I in good faith put Caligula (1979) along with oscar winner Gladiator? When Caligula is so much better than it...
Rome HBO was a turning point and it's very important to me, personally. I watched it for the first time in one of the worst years of my life and it just clicked, so it will always be special. And it's just great! Very well made, very distinctive in tone and look, with one of the best casts in anything ever. The writing sometimes stumbles, but when it's good it's one of the best.
Liz Taylor Cleopatra for reasons very similar to above. Just very important to me on a personal level. I also love big historical epics that are a thousand hours long and you can just lose yourself in them. The big settings, the gorgeous outfits, the drama. And the behind the scenes gossip from this one makes it better. Type of movie you watch and go "you can tell the leads were fucking" (best type).
Gladiator. Again, in terms of ridiculous, over the top, big historical epics that are a thousand hours long. It's gorgeous! And Commodus and Lucilla are two characters that are very dear to me, so I have to sneak it in here.
National Theatre 2018 production of Antony and Cleopatra with Ralph Fiennes and Sophie Okonedo. Because it's Sophie Okonedo as Shakespeare's Cleopatra.
Starz Spartacus. Maybe this one is begging for a rewatch? Because it's been some time. But I remember finding it entertaining and often poignant. Shows the horrors of slavery without being "gratuitous" (I do have a problem with the term but let's use it here). And the characters are just so good! Crixus and Naevia! Lucretia and Illithyia! I think it's the precursor to Black Sails in a lot of ways, if you have watched that.
I am going to mention Caligula 1979. It's good TO ME. If they don't release the new cut soon I'll kms.
Domina, of course. I have very fond memories of waiting for it and being super excited (never thought we would get a tv show about Livia!!) and it mostly lived up to the expectations. It's not perfect but it's funny and dramatic and it's just so nice to see all the Julio-Claudian kids... One thing I love about it is that while other tv shows very reasonably cut some historical figures to make things neater, Domina just has EVERYONE in it. And they all marry each other multiple times. So it's a lot of fun to point and go "look! it's livilla!".
I, Claudius... I have a love/hate relationship with it, I think the BBC 70s production value is cursed and the sexism is so wild it makes me laugh (and my tolerance is usually very high!) but the cast is just surreal (Derek Jacobi gives one of the best tv performances EVER in it) and like in Domina it's just nice to see everyone...
Julius Caesar 1953 because Jason Mason as Brutus and Deborah Kerr as Portia.
Will round this up with Imperium: Augustus and Imperium: Nero as a joint bullet point because I'm cheating :) if I'm honest the Nero one has the edge because I just love love love love their Agrippina and Nero, one of my favorite mother/son relationships in anything... But Peter O'Toole and Charlotte Rampling as Augustus and Livia? No I can't leave it out. And the Augustus/Julia relationship is almost as delicious as the Agrippina/Nero one. Also it's very gay! Augustus was very much in love with Agrippa in that one!
Honorable mentions to Cleopatra 1934, delicious pre-code stuff; the Timothy Dalton Antony and Cleopatra because Timothy Dalton is hot as Antony; IL PRIMO RE!!!!! If you haven't watched that, DO; Hannibal with Alexander Siddig which I didn't include because technically is a documentary; Royal Diaries - Cleopatra??? Because baby Cleopatra.....
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Ohh I misread the meme, you’re supposed to do all the bullet points, I didn’t have to pick 🎉. So! Please break down any character from Spartacus you want to opine about. Thank you! (It’s early, reading comprehension is low)
You’re okay, friend! Don’t worry about it!
Asking me to pick any Spartacus character I want to rant about is a tough one, because there are SO MANY that I would love to break down! It came down to Naevia, Lucretia, Oenamaus, or the Man Himself, and ultimately, I chose Spartacus!
How I feel about them: honestly... at first I thought he was the most eye-roll-able Mary Sue, and I was annoyed haha but Spartacus actually suffers at the hands of the writers in a similar way that the female characters of the show do— he’s presented more as an ideal to be projected upon than as a character. And once I started digging deeper into him and giving him more nuance, and researching the real historical Spartacus a little bit, I started to really love him. Like, he’s flawed and contradictory, and always trying his best, and always loving fiercely. He’s admirable, even in his failings, and that’s what makes him a compelling character, AND a mythic figure.
Romantic pairings: Sura— full stop. As soon as she said in that one flashback “you will never love another woman”, I was like YES GIRL YOU ARE RIGHT. And then in like, the next episode, he and Mira had to sleep together and I was like (dripping sarcasm) yay I love it when straight men write things, A+ choice, thanks I hate it. And then there was a woman every season... but he never loved another woman, and I will forever be here to rep what Sura could have been if they had maintained historical accuracy and not killed her.
BROTP: EVERYONE. Spartacus is the king of found family, my man’s got FRIENDS. One of my favorites is the brotherhood between him, Crixus, and Agron. I also think that there’s a really deep, special mentor type of relationship between him and Nasir. I love the idea that Nasir tried to stab him and Spartacus went “I like this one!” Then there’s obviously Varro. RIP to that sweetest, most smiley and wonderful man. But one of my favorite BROTPs for Spartacus is Mira. I think they could have been the best, most balanced of friends and really helped each other be the best versions of themselves if they hadn’t been forced into a relationship by writers who think all female characters must have relationships revolving around sex.
Unpopular opinion: okay— I don’t actually know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, because this is kinda niche haha but I love making star charts/ assigning astrological signs to my characters. And it’s a really easy cop out to say all the top four (Spartacus, Agron, Crixus, and Gannicus) are fire signs. And, I mean, there is something to be said for it. I think Agron is an Aries, Crixus is a Leo, and Gannicus is a Sagittarius— those are all fire signs! But I don’t think Spartacus is any of those. I think he’s a libra. An air sign all about justice and balance. That feels like it’s as good a drive for vengeance and justice against Rome as any other sign, y’know? He’s charming, he’s charismatic, he’s a natural leader— libra!
What I wish had happened in canon: it would’ve been neat if they took down Rome before it even got to become an empire... just like, shake up that historical bag and see what happens. I wish Sura had lived and they got to “kill them all” together. Ideal. 10/10.
Thanks for playing!
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crushcandles · 4 years
S2E6 and S2E7 of Spartacus observations under the cut.
S2E6 - Chosen Path
While I am happy to see Nasir and Agron happily greeting each other, there is a part of me that was hoping it would be a bit more tentative. I love when a relationship takes a sudden step forward (kiss, hook-up, whathaveyou) and then has to take a step back so people can work through their feelings for a minute. But that’s my preference, not anything wrong with how it happened.
Did everyone get new costumes this episode? Everyone looks subtly different and there’s a lot more woven leather (?) undergarments and new shoes than before. 
I like Crixus’ unsettling bloody eye an extremely normal amount. Yes. Very Normal. I am fine.
Go to hell, Glaber! You suck! And take Ashur with you!
Is the assault scene with Ashur and Lucretia a nod to The Rape of Lucretia? Because if so...damn. What a reference and some interesting possible foreshadowing.
I still am so interested in Lucretia’s and Ilithyia’s relationship. The push and pull of it is great.
I like how, for one single hot second, you think Agron and Crixus will come to common ground (about romance, of all things!!). But why get along when you can scrap like feral dogs instead?
(Would I read Agron/Crixus hatesex? Yes, yes I would)
This show seems a little too serious for this kind of meta, but Naevia talking about not being the same girl she once was seems very pointed what with the recast. Intentional or not, it’s a cool layer.
I’m sad to see Chadara die, and don’t really love how it happened. Like, damn, Mira, she could have been going to get a drink. You didn’t need to go straight to shooting her. And because she was right, they all just sort of...shrug it off?
I love seeing Gannicus in the mix with the rebels! Both those he knows and those he doesn’t. I assume he and his glorious Sun-In highlights will be back.
I’m not surprised that Glaber uses his new gang of men to go after Seppius, but I was not expecting it so soon. And I did not miss Ashur picking up the arm-band that I’m guessing will be his downfall eventually.
S2E7 - Sacramentum
This first scene feels very, very video game-y. You can practically see the Press X to Stealth Kill prompt on the screen. And Germans! They seem fun.
Augh, crucifixions. Romans and their punishments, man.
Yesss, Naevia, learn to kick ass. 
I hope Ashur falls into a pit of sandpaper and spikes.
The friction between Agron and Spartacus about the Germans feels a little abrupt? Aside from some Crixus-centric complaining I’m not sure I buy them all immediately suspecting Agron of a powerplay. But okay. I’ll go with it for now.
Really, just a very deep, very spiky pit. Maybe a snake or two.
Okay, ten snakes. Angry ones.
Damn, they are really hammering Agron in this episode. This is such a change. His only brother is dead - give him a minute to enjoy his people.
The all-out brawl is meant to be serious but WHAT ARE PEOPLE’S FACES?? This is ridiculous. AND THERE’S A COUGAR SCREAM SOUND EFFECT. A MAN’S WHOLE FACE IS CUT OFF. I can’t with that. I guess it comes to a fine enough resolution.
The ending of the episode is pretty obvious but I like the implications.
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scheherezhad · 4 years
still watching Spartacus, have almost finished season 2. conclusion: until further notice, assume i would die for Nasir
other thoughts, in no particular order:
i am so tired of Crixus and Naevia, so tired, i just feel nothing for this relationship
also, Ashur. plz stop fucking everyone over son, damn
Mira's pretty all right
pretty sure a lot of what has happened in both seasons could've been avoided if Ilithyia and Lucretia just fucked each other instead of all those men
i've never seen so many tits in my life goddamn. like, they're everywhere, all the time.
Spartacus truly is blessed by the gods, because there is no damn reason for him to be that accurate with throwing swords ffs a sword is not a ranged weapon
i'm invested but it's still such a bad show
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meta-shadowsong · 5 years
tigerkat24 asked: Spartacus.
….okay, so I don’t actually have that many headcanons about Spartacus himself I’m sorry! I don’t think I can do the character meme for him….
But! A couple days ago, I reblogged a TV show meme, so I’m going to fill this for that instead.
The first character I first fell in love with: Probably either Lucretia or Oenomaus or Barca The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Crixus. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: …I don’t know? I’m not connected enough to know who’s super-popular in the fandom. The character I love that everyone else hates: See above, only in reverse. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Ashur. I’m a terrible person. BUT before I figured out he was a slimeball I thought he was clever and entertaining. ALSO PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT THIS LASTED LIKE HALF AN EPISODE. I LEARNED BETTER QUICKLY. The character I would totally smooch: Naevia. The character I’d want to be like: …sorry, but kind of none of them…except maybe S1/S0!Naevia before being like her means much suffering…because all the characters who aren’t at least slightly terrible suffer so much and I’m just like…if I could have your personality/awesome without that fundamental awful trauma that made you what you are, then sure sign me up? But, alas… The character I’d slap: Ilythia and/or Ashur. A pairing that I love: Lucretia/Batiatus. Because RELATIONSHIP GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALS. WHY ARE THEY SO FUNCTIONAL. THEY ARE SO EVIL. BUT THEIR MARRIAGE IS BASICALLY PERFECT. HOW. A pairing that I despise: …uh, not that I can think of?
Original post with original tags here.
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thisisnotthepoint · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Spartacus Series (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom/Will Graham, Margot Verger/Judy, Ilithyia/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Lucretia (Spartacus), Ilithyia (Spartacus), Agron (Spartacus), Naevia (Spartacus), Gannicus (Spartacus), Crixus (Spartacus), Spartacus (Spartacus), Marcus Licinius Crassus, Julius Caesar, Nasir (Spartacus), Freddie Lounds, Dr. Frederick Chilton Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ancient Rome, Gladiators, Slavery, Anal Sex, Cannibalism, Whipping, Pegging, Crucifixion, Branding, Cunnilingus Summary:
In 75 B.C.E., near the city of Rome, Will is a wealthy senator’s son. He sees a gladiator fighting in the arena, who they call “Hannibal the Cannibal” and he becomes enamored. Hannibal is a slave, but he is still crafty and manipulative, able to pull strings to get what he wants. All the while, Spartacus and his rebels wage war on slavery and all of Rome.
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ao3feed-nagron · 5 years
Embers of Dusk
by Biscuits_an_Gravy
Dreams haunt the fair Siybl for years. She vaguely remembers a life filled with blood and vengeance. However, as she goes about her mundane life she finds a man who awakens her heart's strongest desires. Will she learn from the lessons of their shared past life or are they forever doomed to share a similar fate?
Words: 3925, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Spartacus Series (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Agron (Spartacus), Nasir (Spartacus), Crixus (Spartacus), Spartacus (Spartacus), Bartemius Crouch Jr., Lucretia (Spartacus)
Relationships: Gannicus/sibyl/oenomaus, Agron/Nasir
Additional Tags: Fluff, Eventual Smut, Slow Build, Romance, Drama, Angst, Humor
from AO3 works tagged 'Agron/Nasir' http://bit.ly/2FS5cTQ via IFTTT
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Spartacus: Blood and Sand Rewatch - Episode 4: The Thing In The Pits
Sex Scene: 2
“Cock”: 6
“Cunt”: 1
“Kill Them All”: 1
Whip Cracks: 1
Slow motion Face Punch: 5
Episode Name Dropped by:  –
Memorable Death: Mermax, the dude that Spartacus puts a hook through his jaw.
Favourite Line:  “May the gods shrivel your cock,”
- Seriously how do they not have more people falling off that cliff??
- “If a beast cannot be tamed it must be unleashed”
- I want to know the meaning behind the different collars for slaves. Naevia has a plain collar but some of the other slaves have these huge dangling circles off theirs. What does it mean? Is no circle higher position?
- So they keep talking about how going to the Pits is bad for the Batiatus name….but like Titus obviously went there a lot, he bought Oenomaus from there after all!!
- Why did they have to cover Spartacus and Kerza in chalk to go to the Pits??
- Heyhey, We got another “Fuck Them All”
- I love that Kerza’s teeth go flying in slow mo, this show is so great.
- Barca the guard dog, love it!
- The face slicing thing is so gross but fascinating to see, I think I’m more skeeved out by the hook in the back.
- “You wanna face me” I hate puns.
- Oh Crixus if you let Naevia speak then all your little heartache would disappear. Idiot.
- The sex talk between Crixus and Lucretia is so cringey and I think it’s because Crixus isn’t into it at all but he has to pretend that he is. Poos dude gets raped frequently and Lucretia thinks they’re in fucking love.
- Don’t give her the fucking necklace you fool. You really know nothing at all about women, how do you even survive.
- I really like Anubis, dude has good presence. And his head dress is amazing.
- The girl with no hand and the cgi penis ….it just… her hand weirds me out more. But for such a close up shot of the penis they should have just used a dildo or something.
- So we know the Pits are the worst possible place but I think Mermex (or however you spell his name) punching himself in the face with his spiked knuckle busters shows how truly horrific the Pits are. How they turn you into a true beast.
- That fight was pretty cool though. Hooks freak me out, so one to the face is extra gruesome.
- Oh the hallucinations of Sura, I never liked these.
- “Is that what you want? Somebody else’s hands upon me” hilarious seeing as Crixus just had his hands on you. Oh Lucretia.
- Smell of Death = Smell of a Man…seems about right.
- The first gay sex scene!! I love that Pietros is totally showing off, it’s super cute. But I gotta say no matter how much I like Peitros and Barca together, the actors aren’t the greatest at the whole homosexual thing.
- OH! The guy I thought looked like Charles Michael Davis has a name now, and one I actually recognise, HE’S HAMILCAR!!!
- Varro protecting his boyfriend… *cough* uh I mean, best bud, Spartacus.
- Oh I love Lucretia being all sassy to Solonius, and I love that they didn’t make it seem like a cheating storyline. You can tell Lucretia is all about her husband here which is good.
- Crixus loves calling people’s lovers “your boy”, he’s doing with Barca now and he does it with Agron is S2 as well. I’ve read some meta about the term “your boy” being derogatory for ancient times.
- I do love the Crixus / Barca bromance though, and that they can be so open about Barca and Pietros’ relationship.
- “Caution born of good will” Ashur stop lying, we know you have no good will.
- The eye gauge is so brutal (reminds me of S3 swords through eyeballs. Euck)
- “Spartacus has no soul. Resides in the heart of another.”
- Oh look, a penis.
- Pietros scraping someone that’s not Barca…. Trouble in paradise?
- Naevia said “thank you” … pretty sure it’s the only time those words are ever said. Mostly they say “gratitude”
- Crixus and Naevia first kiss!!!!! He’s all pleased with himself and she’s terrified.
- Spartacus Sura Varro conversation is actually really sad
- Ohh the “I commanded you…” spiel is like the Nagron scene in S3. Moral of the story, never try to command your lover.
- “Even the walking dead eventually return to the grave”
- That bloody rain is pretty gross, but cool
- Having to fight someone wearing your friend’s face has  got to be all kinds of traumatizing
- Batiatus kicking the corpse is something I find super funny
- In S2 Ilithyia says that Lucretia wasn’t that into the gods, yet the woman prays and makes sacrifices to them
- Ugh the bromance of Batiatus and Spartacus, another reason this show is so good. You really root for these two, but in the end….
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zalrb · 7 years
What do you think are the most tragic love stories in tv shows and movies that you've seen?
OK, so, spoilers. I’ve mentioned all of these couples already so I’m sorry if it’s repetitive. And this isn’t in any particular order.
Jax and Tara, Sons of Anarchy
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I mention them a lot but Jax and Tara had such an embedded love and an intense pull, it had been ten years since she left Charming but when she got back they were immediately drawn into each other.
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Their relationship was a source of hope for Jax while also a source of conflict because it was the only other thing that he loved as much as his club while with Tara, her love for Jax was undeniable but it took her to really dark places yet provided a lot of good in her life like her two sons and the love of a man who would do anything for her, anything except leave his club. But when he finally puts her first, finally puts his family first, when he’s finally being just a husband and a father and they reconcile after the amount of damage they inflicted on each other, she’s brutally murdered:
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Noah and Rosalee, Underground
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It’s only the second season of Underground so the fate of their relationship hasn’t been decided yet but it’s tragic because well Underground is about enslavement and about the various avenues taken to dismantle it and the main characters were a group of enslaved people who ran away from their plantation. Noah was the ring leader, passionate and devoted and committed and he believed in Rosalee when she couldn’t even see her own strength. Throughout the period of them running from the law and slave catchers and just white civilians, they have these moments of respite where they can gaze at each other or touch one another but then they have to keep moving because they’re fighting for their lives. When they finally are like a step away from freedom, they can finally have a moment long enough to consummate their love.
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However, Noah is recaptured almost immediately after they have sex and Rosalee spends a lot of time and makes a very risky plan to get him back and you think that she will succeed because Noah escapes
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but then he’s once again recaptured and she doesn’t know if he’s alive or dead.
Alisha and Simon, Misfits
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Alisha was originally very mean to Simon because he was an outcast and a loner and frankly, weird, but then Simon from the future comes to the present to save Alisha’s life because in the future Alisha dies and she ends up falling in love with Future Simon which helps her fall in love with Present Simon except Future Simon dies protecting Present Alisha while Future Alisha had already died so basically they were both doomed to die.
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Jal and Chris, Skins UK
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Jal and Chris are a relationship in which the “overachiever” and “screw-up” relationship works really well because Jal is supposed to be uptight and focused and she’s very critical while Chris parties and does way too many drugs so one day they decide to help each other, where Jal has to say “Yes” to things because all she does is say “no” and Chris has to stop saying yes or his tagline “fuck it”
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and try so they actually nuance each other and they go through a lot, he deeply hurts her and she goes through some unexpected challenges but they manage to make it through and then he dies:
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Naevia and Crixus, Spartacus
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Crixus and Naevia are tragic in two parts. The first part is Spartacus: Blood and Sand (this is the Naevia I prefer, they changed actresses in Spartacus: Vengeance) so Lucretia who is the domina, mistress, of the household uses Crixus as her sex slave, he’s only supposed to belong to her but Crixus falls in love with Naevia who is Lucretia’s “most trusted” personal slave so there are moments for instance where Naevia has to watch Lucretia and Crixus have sex and stand guard in case Batiatus, Lucretia’s husband, comes home. If that isn’t enough Batiatus gives Naevia to Ashur who is Crixus’ enemy and Ashur rubs it in his face so Crixus goes ballistic which lets Lucretia know that Naevia and Crixus were together so Lucretia beats Naevia
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and then sells her off to be a sex slave, she’s used as a “gift”, being dragged to different households for esteemed men to rape in order for the House of Batiatus to gain favour.
When Crixus and Naevia finally reunite (this is the new actress), they end up dying.
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Spartacus and Sura, Spartacus
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Spartacus defied a Roman and was condemned to slavery along as his wife (but separately), Batiatus trains him to be a gladiator and says that if he fights and wins in the arena, he will be reunited with Sura. However, Spartacus is disobedient and rebellious, he has no regards to actually “honour” his master, he just cares about Sura and that’s a problem because his fights in the arena are gaining favour for Batiatus so he needs him so Batiatus has her delivered to Spartacus but tells the man who drives her to slit her throat before entering the gates so Sura dies in Spartacus’ arms.
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Pietros and Barca, Spartacus
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Pietros is a soft, young slave and Barca is a formidable gladiator who only shows his softness with Pietros and Barca wants to wins enough money to buy him and Pietros freedom but Ashur owes Barca a lot of money that he won’t pay so Barca threatens to kill him so Ashur creates a series of events that end with Batiatus slitting Barca’s throat, they then tell Pietros that Barca bought hiss own freedom and left him behind so obviously Pietros is heartbroken but then because Barca isn’t around to protect him he is consistently raped and beaten by another gladiator so Pietro commits suicide.
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Silas and Amara, The Vampire Diaries
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They were barely onscreen together and their story is really short but it’s really sad and that Dobsley chemistry, man.
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Cesare and Lucrezia, The Borgias
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OK, Cesare and Lucrezia is an interesting case because it’s incest and I usually find the inclusion of incest in narratives gratuitous, like, why  but the reason why Cesare and Lucrezia worked for me is because I thought the show did an excellent job in showing the shame and the guilt and the self-disgust that comes out of a dynamic like the one they have, Cesare is inwardly torn to shreds about how he feels for Lucrezia but it’s this overwhelming force that Lucrezia describes as, “a dark cloud descended upon me” and I find them tragic because who wants to feel this way? The situation is entirely fucked up and it affects them fundamentally:
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Mickey and Ian, Shameless
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No one dies, just, they don’t end up together and after all the shit they went through and everything they mean to each other, it’s just tragic that they’re not together.
Stefan and Elena, The Vampire Diaries
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No explanation needed.
Buffy and Angel, Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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I find it both beautiful and messed up that as long as Buffy and Angel love each other they can’t be together because the minute Angel experiences any form of true happiness, he loses his soul so they have to stay away from each other, it’s an inherently doomed relationship:
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Robb and Talisa, Game of Thrones
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I mean, *sigh* I have conflicting feelings about Talisa and Robb because Robb was my favourite character until Talisa because he was such an idiot and short-sighted and just, he was such a badass until he fucked up over her and that pissed me off but I still liked their scenes together and it did not need to go down the way it did.
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That’s all for now.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
Your favorite otps fictional or nonfictional???
I have some iconic fictional otps that probably define a lot of my shipping preferences--
Cathy and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, for one.  I’m not saying this is an ideal relationship--basically the opposite.  They’re both pretty vile, especially Heathcliff, and horrible to each other.  But it shaped my love for couples in which both people are life-ruiners.
Rhett and Scarlett of Gone with the Wind are a pair I’ve loved since I was in the eighth grade.  This is another one of those fraught relationships I can’t resist in which both aren’t great people, both deny love--while of the course the man is actually willing to do pretty much anything for the woman the whole time and she just can’t.see.it.  And he’s too proud to admit it.
Some more recent fictional otps that I love include:
Crixus and Naevia of Spartacus.  I had a lot of ships I would basically go to the mat for on Spartacus (Lucretia and Batiatus, Lucretia and Ilithyia, Spartacus and Sura, Agron and Nasir) but these two topped everyone else at the end of the day.  They were just... horribly broken in different ways, but able to find something beautiful in each other.  Also, Crixus would basically murder a city for her and I find this compelling.
Noah and Rosalee on Underground.  EVERYONE WATCH UNDERGROUND OKAY?  These two are like... my MFEO ship.  They locked eyes, and it was it, and I was buying it, and every week I watch that show and hope that somehow they’ll find their way back to each other and it’s a l o t.
Claire and Jamie on Outlander.  Just.  I love them.  They’re so overblown and romantic and gaudy and everything.  I love every cheesy second of it.  I don’t even have an otp tag for them because the show is them, tbh?  
As for non-fictional, I’ve always been really interested in ruling couples, like Cleopatra and Antony and Livia and Augustus.  Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley had a fascinating relationship, and of course as far as “fuck no it didn’t happen but it’s a great relationship to read about” things go, Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia give you a lot of material.
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ao3feed-thramsay · 6 years
everything but me
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2F7rrVe
by NaomiLeyers
where Saxa does a bit of matchmaking, Jon Snow actually knows something and they are all good at their jobs, good thing that
Words: 1404, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: Spartacus Series (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Saxa (Spartacus), Spartacus (Spartacus), Laeta (Spartacus), Agron (Spartacus), Crixus (Spartacus), Jeyne Poole, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Ygritte (ASoIaF), Samwell Tarly, Lucretia (Spartacus), various other mentioned
Relationships: Past Spartacus/Mira, past Gannicus/Saxa, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Theon Greyjoy/Robb Stark, past Theon Greyjoy/Ramsay Bolton
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Police, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Crossover
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2F7rrVe
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ao3feed-throbb · 6 years
everything but me
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2F7rrVe
by NaomiLeyers
where Saxa does a bit of matchmaking, Jon Snow actually knows something and they are all good at their jobs, good thing that
Words: 1404, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: Spartacus Series (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Saxa (Spartacus), Spartacus (Spartacus), Laeta (Spartacus), Agron (Spartacus), Crixus (Spartacus), Jeyne Poole, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Ygritte (ASoIaF), Samwell Tarly, Lucretia (Spartacus), various other mentioned
Relationships: Past Spartacus/Mira, past Gannicus/Saxa, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Theon Greyjoy/Robb Stark, past Theon Greyjoy/Ramsay Bolton
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Police, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Crossover
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2F7rrVe
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thewingedwolf · 7 years
Lucretia is so fucking obvious about her relationship with Crixus like how on earth did she think Batiatus didn't know
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