artaintfart · 3 months
If the wc ships are still open: FireRaven?
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braincloggedwithcats · 7 months
Imagine RavenFire and TallJake parallels with me please
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warriors-ideas · 6 months
Hear me out.. what if we start calling wc ships with silly little names like the rain world community does?
Ravenpaw x Firestar could be Phoenix... how about that?? :0
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doritopaw101 · 8 days
Why do you like FireRaven?
I couldn’t be satisfied with a simple response, made a whole ass doc
Hope ya’ll enjoy my ramble
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quiverpaw · 7 months
how about some ravenfire? (or whatever ravenpaw/fireheartstar is called) if that's appropriate :3 idk if that's a rarepair or not.
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ravenfire isn't a rarepair but it is a good ship! i can just imagine the angst when firestar leaves with the clans
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vickorydickorydock · 7 months
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Firepaw is founder and president of the Ravenpaw Protection Squad
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
something that shaped me as a person? probably when i downloaded pinterest for the first time in 2016 and immediately made a ravenfire board
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saffronscales · 11 months
Ravenfirebarley hypokit please? (sorry if they are closed!)
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She takes a lot after barley, but she does have raven’s eyes and a little bit of firestar’s blue :3
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dreamingblacktabby · 1 year
FireRaven :) the boys
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
Fav ship: FireSandRaven.
Fire is with both Sand and Raven while they are just friends.
Raven went to twolegplace instead of the barn (he’s with Princess)
It’s mostly canon complicit but with Fire falling in love with Ravenpaw alongside Sandstorm although a little quicker.
Firestar names Raven Ravenflight.
Fire calls Raven his little birdie and makes flower crowns for him and Sandstorm.
Raven is just nervous dad with Squirrelkit and Leafkit “pls come get them Sand”
Firestar lives up to his name and is the middle spoon. No debate since neither Raven or Sand radiate heat that well. However, when Ravenflight gets nightmares about Tigerstar, he’s immediately put in the middle.
Firestar names Squirrelpaw Squirrelflight and Ravenflight is just in tears while Squif calms him down.
All three of them go on night hunts. Just time away from the clan and responsibilities.
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Okay I love FireRaven a lot but add Sand in there? Even better. All their designs I just made up on the spot lol (well Raven I have a concept for but not a finished ref).
Let me get the ID out then I’ll put all my au thoughts on how’d this work under a cut bc I have A LOT of ideas.
(ID- Sandstorm is a long pale brown cat with golden brown down her back, ears, under her eye in a tear like stripe, and on her paws in stripes. She has darker brown on her tail, stripes across her back, hair tuft, paws, and under her eye. Cream is on the back of her legs, belly and muzzle. She is laying across the top around Firestar and Ravenflight. Firestar is on the left and is a fluffy round orange cat with red on his back end, ears, ear tufts, face in stripes and freckles, and paws. Darker orange is on his tail end, hair floof, and nose. Yellow on his belly, ear tips, inner ear fur, chin, and paws. He is laying against Raven, holding him with a smile and his tail wrapping around them. Ravenflight is on the right and is small, curling into Firestar with a small tear in their eye and tail end curling around his back. They are dark gray, purple tinted, with light lavender across the right side of their face in a wing like marking, back of his front leg, paw, on their back in a wing like marking, and in a smaller wing marking under their left eye. A darker black is on his back end, under their right eye in a matching wing pattern and ears. They have large round ears. The faint signature “Nightly Ruse” is in the top right. End ID)
Okay onto the au of how this would work. Instead of Raven running to the twoleg place (tho I think that’s cute esp if he’s who raises Cloud as a parting thing for them as he goes back to the clans) he still goes to the barn. There they are taken in by Barley who helps them discover themselves, help deal with his anxiety, work through his trauma, and discover themselves. This is where they find that they are not only non-binary using he/they but gay and ace. Both him and Barley go back to TC just before the battle where they fight. I like the idea of Raven actually helping a lot of cats from other clans bc he’s gotten out of the clans mindset of hate against everyone else.
When the battle is happening their who sees Firestar crumple to Scourge and they launch out to defend his body, hoping Fire didn’t get the same fate as Tigerstar. I kinda like the idea of instead of Scourge being some half brother of Firestar he’s instead Raven’s brother? Like as a young kit Raven got lost and was found by a kinder cat, taken in by TC but when Tiny tried to find its brother they were instead attacked by Tigerclaw (I’d push back the timeline a bit so Tiger is now a warrior when this happens and instead Blue sees Thistleclaw inside the warriors since Thistle might’ve just died around this time.)
Scourge cracks slightly as it sees their sibling again. Like a reflection of themselves. And Raven stares forward confused as he feels the slightest connection to the blood stained cat before them. “Tiny?” They whisper in a voice barley hearable over the screeches around them. Scourge feels a chill run down it’s body as they remember the whole it felt after their sibling was gone, then to be attacked when it went to find them. Both just stare at each other as they try to process what to do, they can’t attack the other, and so much is happening. Firestar then would pull himself from the floor as his wound seals back together, a new passion in his eyes to defeat the opponent. Just to stop. He’s looking between his best friend and the cat who just murdered him and he can barley tell the difference from just their coats.
I think the battle would end and instead of Fire defeating Scourge they’d call peace. I always loved Bloodclan/Skyclan au’s so I think maybe Bloodclan would either merge with them or take their spot. (Also the idea of Scourge and Squilf resembling each other while Leafstar and Leafpool resemble eachother could be interesting. Like mirrors of the new way as Skyclan comes back. Idk haven’t thought that far)
As the clans are reforming and recovering Firestar, Ravenflight, Sandstorm, and Scourge are sent on a quest to find the missing group of cats. They find the remains of Skyclan though they’d be a actual clan who’s adapted over time to live in their environment, daylight warriors still apart of them. The leader there is cruel though, slowly pushing Skyclan to its breaking point. The group saves them and Scourge would take out the leaders last life, dying there as well at the top of the gorge bathed in the sun’s fiery first light. Leafstar takes up the mantle of Skyclan’s leader and decides they just honor the new time that is before them and rejoin the clans. Fire has his kits at the gorge before they leave and names them Squirrelkit and Leafkit, noticing the markings on his fluffy kit. Her fur as red as the rock and sunrise where she was born but with a paw white like lightning, a paw he knew would bring a new time just as the cat before her had.
This would make it so during PO3 Skyclan would be there. I think Fire, Raven and Sand left before Skyclan did so that Skyclan would be found during TNP by the traveling crew. They’d come over the crest of the rolling hills as the sky turns scarlet when the sun sets, as if the sun marked each great event in their journey.
Onto the actual SandFireRaven relationship tho they are t4t4t as they are all trans, Sand using she/her, Fire using he/him, and Raven using he/they. Sand is demiromantic and bi, Fire is bi poly, and Raven is gay ace. I love Raven and Sand loving Fire and then just being super close friends with one another.
Actually I always liked the idea of Sand and Raven being friends before Fire joined. But as both each other’s situations worsened, and Raven fled they grew apart. When he came back they apologized to each other and become close again. Both are early wakers and always go on Dawn patrol together, Fire is a heavy sleeper and only wakes up when he has to. Sand and Raven conspired together to both ask out Fire and he accepted both!
Ravenflight definitely became a sappy mess when Squirrel was named Squirrelflight. They just started sobbing out of a overload of happiness and shock. The whole family cuddling them as he hugged their daughters. Having learned from Barley I think Raven also helped Sand through a lot of her mental health crises. I hc her as being RunningRed kit so both her parents dying to a cat she looked up to, her best friend leaving her, the whole great battle trauma, and then losing Graystripe to two legs. Like girls been through a lot. I always think of she as a very emotional character to but where she shoves it down until she just explodes and blames herself for everything. Raven and Fire help her learn to talk through her problems and emotions.
Of their cuddling situation I disagree slightly. Sand to me is not a cat who likes to be touched very much unless she touches another first, and i could see her naturally running hotter then her partners so she curls on the outside, often rolling away when she gets a little too hot. Fire is a big fluffy guy so he loves to both cuddle and be cuddled. Raven either curls around him or on particularly hard days they have Fire hold them. They def love to be cuddled especially by Fire bc he’s so freaking fluffy and soft so I think most often Fire holds him, and Sand curls around Fire. When the kits were little Raven and Fire would make a wall around the two munchkins and Sand would sleep right near the entrance to both protect her kits but also since she’s not a particular fan of lots of touching.
So long sorry I just have so many ideas about all three characters especially when paired together. Raven and Scourge as siblings is my favorite tho I had to include it (always disliked Fire and Scourge being related it made so impact and was unimportant to me)
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arianna-creates · 1 year
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I need to give it a rest but tbh I'm in love with her so I can't
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brokentranstar · 2 years
can you do ravenpaw x firestar hypokits?
Of course! I don't really think about this ship, but it could work really... No one is asking for my opinion here tho, it's just art!!
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Here they are! Woollykit/paw and Hopkit/paw, guess which one is which.
I really llove purple-hued Raven if you couldn't notice 😰 <33
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warriors-ideas · 6 months
Fireraven AU where after Firestar becomes leader he invites Ravenpaw and Barley into ThunderClan. Barley refuses but insists that Ravenpaw should go bc he needs to confess to Firestar. He does, the two become mates and Ravenpaw finally gets his warrior name! Suggestion: Ravenwing, Ravensong, Ravencry
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doritopaw101 · 6 months
Hc: Firestar calls Ravenpaw his adder prince and Ravenpaw calls Firestar his beloved kindle
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quiverpaw · 1 year
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i like them all sad and angsty
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oakbruh · 2 years
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Ravenfire || Firclan Warrior / Deputy / Leader
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