#ramona flowers imagine
An Afternoon at Ramona's
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gif not mine
pairing: Ramona Flowers x Fem!Reader warnings: none, reader is said to have long-ish hair word count: 827 summary: you think about cutting your hair, ramona makes you too nervous, gideon the cat gets pets.
in celebration of the upcoming scott pilgrim anime on netflix!
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Ramona’s voice reverbs around the small bathroom you both are cramped in. 
You stand in front of the mirror, and you see your own hesitant look on your face. You steel yourself, and look at the currently green haired woman through the reflection. You give her a short nod, breathing in harshly. 
She has on one hand a pair of scissors you just found in one of her kitchen cabinets, and on the other hand some of your hair. You proposed the idea in the first place, and are now feeling immense pressure to see it through. You wanted to be spontaneous, you wanted something different, you wanted to be, … well… like Ramona. 
The girl behind you was cool and confident, she didn’t care about a lot of things, but showed when she did wholeheartedly. She was like a fire to you, wild and unpredictable. You were just a measly moth attracted to it, unknowing of the consequences. 
But there weren’t that many downsides to being around Ramona, as a friend. You two hung out a lot after meeting one another around Toronto, and you were close. At least you thought you were close, you still had a lot to learn about the tough rollerskating American. This caused you to really want to impress her, all the time. 
So now, you’re cutting your hair. And you haven’t figured out how short yet. 
“How short do you want it?” Ramona asks, running a hand through your hair. You stop your eyes from rolling back at the sensation, and you try to figure out how short is too crazy for you. 
“How about,” she takes a section between her two fingers and stops right below your ear, “here?” 
Your eyes widen, and you start to sputter. “T-Too short!” you exclaim. Ramona laughs at your reaction, slightly muttering “So cute,” before putting aside the scissors. She taps your shoulder, motioning you to turn to her. 
Suddenly, you’re very close to her face. Wow, this bathroom is really small. You try to control your breath as she looks at the top of your head and trails down to the length of your hair. “I don’t know why you want to cut it,” she twirls an end of your hair around her fingers, “Your hair is really cute the way it is,” she says matter-of-factly. 
You gulp at the closeness, and try to avoid eye contact. “Yeah, I don’t know. We should just forget it.” Ramona gives you a look, before guiding your chin to make you look her in the eye. 
Swirls of brown stare you down, and you feel your hands start to shake at your sides. You’ve never felt like this with any girl before, Ramona just makes you really nervous. It’s not fear, although you are aware of her seemingly-out of this world stuff she has around her. It’s a different kind of nervousness, one that you’re scared to name. Her lips purse as if she’s analysing you, and your eyes flicker down at the movement before looking away, feeling heat rising to your cheeks. 
She hums, “We’ll put a pin on it for now. When you’ve made up your mind.” And with that, she exits the bathroom, leaving the door ajar for you to follow her. You let out a breath, not even noticing when you’ve stopped breathing. You try to pull yourself together before joining her in the kitchen. 
She’s already got water boiling, and opens her cabinet to grab two teabags. One for her, and the other one you always get when you’re at her place. You sit down at the table, wringing your hands. 
“Did you hear about that thingy happening downtown?” You start, the silence in the place getting to you. You spot Gideon sprawled near the window, stretching his legs. He jumps down and walks towards you, rubbing against your leg. You pet him, hearing him meow and purr. 
“That cat’s been loving you more than he loves me.” She says as she sits down, placing one of the mugs near you. She slowly blows on hers before taking a sip. “Maybe it’s my charming personality,” you reply before taking a sip yourself. 
“Mm, it won me over.” she says. You almost choke on hot tea, burning your tongue. You cough, and wince. She looks at you, smiling, and your brain goes empty. Gideon meows to the side, walking away after your sudden outburst. 
You look down, not knowing what to say. “I, uh…” You try to start, but Ramona waves you off. “I’m sorry. Wrong timing,” she says, “Just couldn’t help it.” 
Her grin doesn’t go away, and you start to smile. “Did you really mean that?” you ask, tentatively. She nods, “Yeah, you’re just too easy to tease, I can’t help it sometimes,” she says before taking another sip. 
Heat rises to your cheeks again, and she lets out a deep chuckle. 
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theaawalker · 6 months
Sparks & Sprinkles [Kim P. + Ramona F.]
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Pairing: Kim Pines + Ramona Flowers (fluff) Song Inspo: SugarCrash! by ElyOtto Word Count: 1,126 Summary: Kim Pine and Ramona Flowers have a girl's day out: defeating ninjas, eating frozen yogurt, and not talking about Scott Pilgrim. Warnings: violence, use of "slut", mentions of cigarettes Masterlist: see fandoms (pc-friendly)
Sometimes Kim Pine wonders why she even gets out of bed in the morning. She hates her roommate, Hollie (cheating slut), she has the lamest job in the world (yes,sir, we keep those sorts of DVDs in the back, behind the Transformers display), and the one decent thing in her world, playing drums in the band (We are Sex-Bomb-omb!) has ground to an amazing halt because they are "recording."
She just wants to spend a little time with her best friend's surprisingly cool ex-girlfriend Ramona Flowers (soon-to-be-not-ex if he can pull up his pants and woman up) before they have to meet up with Scott later. A day at the yogurt shop sounded just right. Just Kim & Ramona.
Of course, a gang of ninjas wouldn't give her the satisfaction.
Really, jeez, she thinks as she twirls a drumstick around her finger and pokes one of the ninjas in the eye (ZING!), while punching another with a gloved fist (THUNK!) -- is it too much to wish for a bonus level every once in a while, instead of always having to fight toward the big boss at the end?
Ramona obviously feels the same way. Her hair flies back as she scissor-kicks her opponent with a booted foot.
"All!" She spins and slices at another in the throat.
"I!" She cartwheels over to snag a tray.
"Want!" She smacks a girl ninja full-face.
"Is!" The girl stumbles back to crash into one of the red plastic tables.
"A frozen yogurt!"
Kim elbows the last one in the mouth, and he crumples. The ninjas flash like seizure-inducing strobe lights and then disappear. A shower of prize coins hits the table where they left their winter coats. There is a smattering of applause from the other patrons, and then they all go back to their desserts.
Just another day in Kim Pine's Annoying Little Life.
Ramona swipes a hand across her sweaty brow and nonchalantly brushes herself off. Then she walks over to their table and picks up one of the glittering coins. "You want this?" she asks Kim. "I just got paid, so..."
"Yeah, okay." Kim slides the coins off into her hand and then into her pocket. (KACHING! Kim Pine gets $15.79 and 10 exp. points!) No need to go advertising it, but she could use a little extra. Kim jerks her head toward the register. "I'll go get the yogurts. What do you want?"
"They got anything tequila-flavored?" Ramona drawls.
Kim barks a laugh. "You should put in a comment card."
"Then whatever. You choose for me."
"Vanilla, no toppings," Kim says, deadpan. "Don't want the gummy bears to clash with your hair."
Ramona smiles, twirling one pink-dyed lock between her fingers. She gets Kim's sense of humor, unlike Hollie (two-faced slut). "Nice." Ramona says, feigning a lack of sarcasm. "And so thoughtful."
Matching Ramona's sincerity with a bright little nod, Kim slides up to the counter. "One small white chocolate with chocolate chips, and one small vanilla..." She steals a glance at Ramona, who is staring blankly out the yogurt shop window. It's funny. Even with her bright pink hair, Ramona almost seems to fade into the crowd with some unspoken sadness. "...with strawberries."
"Got it." The guy at the register types in the order and then looks pointedly over at the overturned tables to the left.
"What." She gives him a glare. No one picks up at No-Account Video when there's a brawl in the family section except her.
He backs down and shrugs. "Two yogurts, coming right up."
Kim turns her back and doesn't bother to watch him make them. She plays it cool, waiting until he's got the little cup under the noisy yogurt-spewing machine to say, "And don't even think of spitting in them." She doesn't even ruin the effect by turning around again to catch his bewildered, guilty look.
Instead, she watches Ramona.
She's mysterious (Kim likes that), cool under pressure (Kim would give her prize Zildjian to be as cool as Ramona) and fun. Kim doesn't know if it's just the way New Yorkers act, but Kim really enjoys her touch of American badassness in this way-too-Canadian city.
When the yogurts are done, she brings them to the table and sits. Ramona takes her spoon without comment on the strawberries, and digs in, still lost in her own thoughts.
Kim wants to get Ramona out of this sudden funk, but she can't come up with a decent topic of conversation. "Um..." she starts, wincing inwardly. "You... make any interesting deliveries lately?" Then she winces outwardly.
"Huh?" Ramona says, coming out of her daze. "Interesting deliveries? Oh... no, nothing really."
"Still, it's gotta be more interesting than working in a video store." Kim exaggerates a yawn, her plastic spoon hanging from her mouth.
"All right..." Ramona leans forward. "Last month... I almost lit one of my packages on fire with a cigarette."
Kim almost chokes on her spoon. "HAHAHA! How?"
"Guess I shouldn't try to make deliveries the morning after one of Julie's stupid theme parties." She takes another bite of her yogurt. "Too hungover to do two things at once."
"Oh, man, I wish I'd been there to see it...!"
As she's laughing, she sees another freakin' ninja sneak in the side door out of sight of Ramona. Kim prepares to jump up and take him down, but Ramona's hand slips quietly into her purse, and withdraws her giant mallet from the subspace pocket.
With a whirling leap, she smashes the mallet down (THOOM!), just missing the ninja. He jumps over the top of the weapon, sailing above their heads. Kim tries to tackle him to the floor, but Ramona's mallet doubles back and hits the ninja's spine with a satisfying CRACK! He explodes into multi-colored coruscating fireworks.
(LEVEL COMPLETED, 500 bonus points!)
Ramona calmly stuffs the mallet back in her purse. "I almost didn't get that one."
"C'mon," Kim says, completely serious. "You're Ramona Flowers."
The corner of Ramona's mouth turns up. "Guess so."
"Hey, you wanna get some coffee?" Kim asks, pushing her hair out of her eyes.
"Sure," Ramona says, blowing at a curling strand of pink in her face. "I think we've reached our ninja quotient for the day."
They push their way out of the yogurt shop into the biting winter wind. Kim smiles as the cold starts to numb her ears. Maybe Scott will forget all about this stupid meeting she's secretly bringing Ramona to (he doesn't deserve Ramona, anyway).
She wouldn't mind at all.
• ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ •
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callie-the-creator · 5 months
and they were roommates
sfw. warnings: reader is gender-neutral, mild scott pilgrim vs. the world spoilers, mentions of alcohol/alcoholism, migraines, hangovers, angst, a sad wallace, etc.
author’s note: scott is my least favorite character, so expect some jabs to be thrown at him in here. anyway, sorry if this is trash or too cringeworthy. i tried my best, y’all ✌🏻
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• you’ve known of wallace through a few stories your closest friend, stacey pilgrim. you mainly just listened to her rant about him stealing a few of her boyfriends.
— sadly though, wallace ended up breaking things off with other scott…and jimmy…and that other guy that he can’t remember the name of. the good thing is that scott finally moved out since he is planning on living with ramona. still…it did get a little lonely at times.
• because of how sad and isolated he felt, wallace began to drink. well, more than usual anyway. every night he could be seen lounging at his favorite bar with a generous of empty beer bottles/cans in front of him.
• it wasn’t until the fourth night of this repetitive cycle is when wallace met you: [name: y/n l/n. occupation: bartender. 24 years old and he’s never seen you until tonight which is surprising since wallace practically knows everybody.]
— right off the bat, you two hit it off right away. there was an underlying tension there but for the first few occurrences when you either bumped into wallace in the street or found him at the bar, it goes untouched & unmentioned.
• that was until wallace asked for you phone number when he is drunk. it was really sappy, but he was still nice about it. it makes you happy that wallace isn’t an angry drunk, like whatsoever. he’s just happy to be there and very sleepy. there were a few times where you had to give him over to his place because you didn’t trust him to get there on his own.
• you were always so kind to him, always treating him better than he probably deserved.
• needless to say, it didn’t take long for wallace to think of you in the highest regards. you two even started hanging out outside of the bar where you work at. if he needed something to be picked up, you’ll do it with no questions asked or you would sometimes pay for his coffee if you were out to get yourself a drink too.
— just after a few weeks of knowing you, wallace fell head over heels. and he had it bad.
• of course, he tried to suppress his feelings and tried his damn best to not make it obvious. so, what did our dear wallace do to ensure that? he started to ignore you, partially at least, and became awkward. like…scott pilgrim-level awkward. it’s weird since wallace has always been known to be the complete opposite of his ex-roommate. he’s very easy going, calm, and the voice of reason to many.
• he’s a flirt too. so, why are you having this effect on him? he just couldn’t understand why he suddenly became a bumbling idiot.
• you were worried that you did something to push wallace away, but all your questions were answered when you returned one night to find that he left a drunken message in your answering machine.
— “hey, you know, hic, i've been thinkin', like, a lot. (long pause) and, um, i just wanna say, you're, like, really somethin' special, ya know? (slight slur) i feel all mushy and stuff, but yeah, i kinda, sorta...love you, maybe? (awkward pause) yeah, that's it. hic”
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jetlaggingbehind · 4 months
listen to me. in a swap au ramona's knives would NOT be matthew. matthew got over his heartbreak fairly easily once he had his own musical to perform on and knives does not have that kind of emotional resilience in the face of scott's shittiness she is seventeen years of age. matthew would more likely be like kim or something. he's hiding stuff and he never got closure but at least he has a healthy outlet for his emotions which helps him come to terms with it in some sense. knives would be ROXY. heartbreak central.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Either Ramona Flowers, Envy or Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim Vs The World?
Envy: wanna listen to the album I wrote for you?
Y/N: you wrote an album for me? baby that's so sweet
Envy: twelve songs. an hour and half long
Y/N: that's quite a while
Envy wraps a leg around Y/N's waist and purrs in their ear...
Envy: I'm sure we can find a way to make the time fly
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Ramona: can I just say how amazing a lover you are?
Y/N: thank you. but i'm nothing without you
Ramona: I've never known a better lover
Y/N: that's sad. I promise I'll spend the rest of my life making sure you feel every ounce of love you deserve.
Ramona: you already do. now let me show that back to you
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Kim: hey loser, I love you
Y/N: i love you too, winner
Kim: i'm not use to being called that.
Y/N: well you are one.
Kim: y-you're not a loser.
Y/N: just switch out the S in loser for a V and well call it even.
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piningprecussionist · 6 months
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Them <3
I don't really have many Kims left, so I thought I'd leave this one pretty simple!
Edit from future me before this posted: B) I bring you... more Kims I snagged
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cassmouse · 3 months
I absolutely headcanon that Roxie and Ramona play Stardew Valley together
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juniesfairies · 6 months
ummm petitioning them to be a rarepair…she was crazy and she was normal but they could be in love.
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cephalocrow · 2 months
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Beika and Kikura as Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers imagine...
(yeah Fin is one of the exes)
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
Imagine the twins grow up a little let’s say 5 years old and they ask the most random questions it would be so funny? Like “why happens if the earth stops spinning?” “Why is the water blue?” “How does snow happen” and obviously “how are babies made?”
Cuteeee!!! Thank you for requesting! 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, Dad! Hobie AU, Twin AU, Billie and Ramona AU, Mom! Reader. FLUFF
The twins have gotten good at sneaking, scarily good. You have no idea how they've gotten this great at sneaking and bypassing Hobie's spidey senses but you have a hunch that they heard your conversation with Hobie during what was supposed to be their nap time. With his head on your lap and your fingers scratching at his scalp he dishes out a complaint to you, well you both thought it was just you.
Hobie was complaining that his spidey senses can't feel when the three of you approach him from behind. Citing that it has probably been ignoring you and the girls because it's used to your presence and dubs you and his girls a non-threat. He has also grumbled that it only activates for you three when there's danger; like the girls almost falling from the playground or you almost burning yourself from a hot stove. He's deeply annoyed because he misses the little tingles that never fail to make him smile whenever you or his girls are near.
You take this new information into consideration, when you enter a room he's in, you always call his name or knock on the wall so he still gets that warm feeling when you're in his presence. Unfortunately for him, the girls have better ideas.
Both girls keep popping up from somewhere when you least expected it, their footfalls silent, guess they've learned from the best. Then suddenly you hear their voices asking about life's greatests mysteries.
Once, while you were preparing their bath, Billie appears behind you, asking why water in the pool and ocean are blue but not in the tub. You almost fell in the water back then.
A few times the girls have materialized in Hobie's workshop, scaring the crap out of their father. Again asking him a barrage of questions that has Hobie answering promptly of course.
The sun is just about setting, the backyard looks gorgeous in the sun's rays. The metal bench is cold underneath you but with Hobie's arms around you, you don't seem to mind the chill.
You and Hobie cuddle outside in the garden, laps covered in the same patchwork blanket you've gifted him all those years ago. The breeze picks up and you snuggle closer to him, he presses sweet kisses on your temple as his hands rub up and down over your arm. The girls are in the living room watching their cartoons, the telly's light shines in the backyard, illuminating the flowers and veggies all four of you planted.
It's quiet, too quiet.
“How does the telly work?” Mona’s sweet voice rings out in the silence making you and Hobie jump in each other's arms.
“Fu–blo–what?!” Hobie saves himself from accidentally swearing right in front of Mona.
She peeks out from the arm rest, too small to fully reach up, her eyes are curious, hair disheveled from lounging on the settee.
“How does the telly work?” She repeats.
“Oh, lovely, you scared us a bit. Come here” you pat the seat in between you and Hobie. He lifts her up, placing her on his lap.
“Curious, eh?” Hobie pokes her side, she giggles, snuggling closer to her dad.
“I've finally got them to go down” you flop yourself on the dining chair, eyes growing heavy. “Remind me not to give them ice cream before bed.”
Hobie wipes his hands on a cloth, the last bit of dishes all cleaned and drying on the rack. He flings the towel on his shoulder, knowing what the imagery does to you.
Before he could throw a witty remark, you're already making grabbing hands towards him, lips pouting from impatience. He obliges, crossing the small gap between you.
You grab him by the ribbon of his sweatpants to get him impossibly closer to you. He's situated in-between your legs, knees knocking with yours. He chuckles lowly, hands placed on your jaw to look at you fully, his thumbs rubbing softly at your tired eyes.
“Missed me? I was home the entire day, lovie”
“Shut up and kiss me, Hobart”
Hobie rolls his eyes, already bending at the waist to meet you halfway.
“How are babies made?” Billie and Mona suddenly appear by the kitchen doorway, holding hands in their blue pajamas. They remind you of a horror movie.
Your soul and Hobie's left your bodies for a second.
“Girls–you scared us!” you clutch your non-existent pearls.
Hobie's head is on top of yours, trying to calm his racing heart.
“Sorry,” Mona apologizes, “Annie said they came from storks but Shane says they came from fairies.”
“And Ricky says they come from parents sleeping together. Daddy always sleeps with you mummy, why isn't there a baby yet?” Billie continues.
Oh childhood wonder. Your brain is already trying to find the right combination of words to answer their burning question.
Hobie chokes on air, you slap his arm as a warning. He lifts his head up with a lopsided smile.
“If you sneaky sneaks didn't interrupt there'd be a baby soon enough—”
“We don't get it” they simultaneously say.
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trancylovecraft · 4 months
Can I have the Yandere alphabet for Matthew Patel?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: my guy looks like amon from aoex so of course i love this bastard >:)
FANDOM: Scott Pilgrim
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
DEFINETLY SHOWY. This man definetly likes showing you off and to do that he gives a lot of physical affection. When you go out he has to be touching you somewhere.
Hand-holding, Arm around your waist, Anywhere else. He just wants to prove that you are his. Apart from that, Acts of service is also pretty big as he enjoys proving his love to you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Matthew isn't really big on gore, He just wants to get the job done when defeating his opponents! If it happens to be bloody, Then so be it. But if it's just one and done then that's completely fine with him too!
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Matthew would want your affection immediatley. I don't think he would mock you, Just be confounded as to why you aren't returning his love. Otherwise he would try to make you feel as comfortable as possible, Providing whatever you want within reason.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Affection, Physical touch. He won't listen if you say you don't want him to touch you as he see's it as his right since he considers you his prize.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Quite a lot, He believes you and him are "destined by the stars" to be together so why should he hide anything from you? Perhaps at the start he'd try to keep a tough guy persona, But Matthew would fold pretty quickly and give into his vulnerability.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Pretty confused and maybe a little hurt. You're his partner now! Why are you trying to fight him, You're soulmates so it hurts to know that his one and only is trying to harm him.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
A game? Maybe, A game in the sense that he's in it to win you similar to how he tried to win Ramona. But once he has you in his hold then it's instantly game over, He won, So you trying to escape would not be welcome in the slightest.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably the kidnapping. Matthew isn't a particularly violent yandere towards you so him kidnapping you would definetly be the worst of it all.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Matthew imagines you and him living together, Married. You'd be accepting of his rather obsessive tendencies and maybe you'd have a kid or two thrown in there, If not kids, Then you'll be getting a few dogs.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
We're talking about the man who joined a league of evil exes to get back his girlfriend from middle school (Which was about a week long by the way) so of course he's going to be jealous! It's his main feature!
Jealousy is literally this man's entire thing. Gets pissed at any woman or man who even dares to interact with you. He's cray cray!
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He softens up, Definetly. While he's definetly more angry/eccentric around other people, That just muddles down into eccentric. He's much more nicer, Almost acting like a body-guard of sorts
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He would be annoying flamboyant about it.
Like my man would be outside of your apartment with flowers, A stuffed animal, Chocolates, An entire band to play wedding music and you won't even know who he is.
Love letters under your door everyday, Love letters at work to tell you how pretty you looked getting your coffee. Love letters telling you to meet up with him and confused notes that ask why you didn't come.
It's creepy, To say the least.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No, Not really. It's more of he's just softer around you and doesn't have a particular urge to prove his strength, He's more affectionate too though I suppose with all the physical touch.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Matthew probably wouldn't punish his darling, He wouldn't have the heart to! The worst he would ever do is isolate you in a room for a few hours, Though it was meant to be days, He just couldn't resist being near you again.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
At the start, None of them because he assumes that you love him and you can have a relationship as normal.
However at any sign of possible escape or defiance then this man will take away all of them in a paranoid frenzy. Locked in a room, No internet etc-etc
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Matthew is VERY patient. Though if you continue with the "I don't love you" schtick for a good few months then I can see him loosing his cool and starting to yell at you for a good long while. Other than that, I see nothing else.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die then Matthew would be devastated and wrecked with guilt, It's possible he might even try to join you in a "'Till death do us part" fashion to try and get to you in the afterlife.
If you leave/escape then Matthew will never stop searching. You are his one and only, Even when he's old and grey he will continue forever and ever if it means he gets to see you again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No, Matthew would not usually feel guilty. Though there are times late at night where he does feel kind of guilty for kidnapping you, Though he quickly rationalises it by saying that it was suppose to happen, That you were suppose to be together!
So no, He would most likely not let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Him being the weird lonely kid. You being nice to him would instantly bring out his desire for love and attention, He attaches onto you because no one else really did before.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He's really hurt by it, You should be loving him! Why are you crying? Do you not love him? Matthew just wants you to be comfortable with him and love him just like he does with you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Nothing really other than the fact that he doesn't care for taking down opponents.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His blind love for you, Deffos. Take advantage of it at the start, Get in your car, Drive to mexico and change your name and you will be free from the horror that is Matthew Patel.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Never, Not in a million years. Matthew would rather die before harming you, He's basically your body guard and views himself as your protector so him harming you would be failing that.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Matthew worships everything you touch, Taking them as keepsakes. You are basically a divine angel compared to him, So you are very much worthy of the love and praise he's willing to give you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A few years, Maybe even a decade of you not accepting his advances. Matthew is very patient but when he snaps.. It is BAD.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No, It's not likely. If he did, Matthew would try anything to get you back to your old self.
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lakesparkles · 2 months
I finished the first chapter of my Gideon and Ramona fanfiction :D
I'll post it somewhere else someday, but so far I can share it here.
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(reminder that this is NOT a ship fic. I just want to explore their relationship and project on Ramona tbh)
Ramona and Gideon - I
She decides to leave one last time
Ramona remembers the seven reasons that made her fall in love with Gideon
  She had that same fantasy every day. As she walked down the halls, running her fingers along the wall, she imagined herself entering her own room. It was satisfying, somehow. She could perfectly see herself opening her wardrobe, taking out the few things that really interested her, putting everything in her bag and simply walking away.
  In that fantasy, of course, she always smiled. She even laughed. That kind of hysterical and cathartic laughter only present in films. She wanted to imagine how Gideon would react: how long would it be before he realized she wasn't there anymore? Two weeks? And when would he realize that this wasn't just another one of her "famous tantrums"? Two months? Two years?
  Part of her was almost excited at the prospect of making him furious with such an accomplishment. It would be his turn to take endless turns through the halls, finally using his brain trying to understand what had gone so wrong between them. Maybe he would find out years later. Or perhaps that doubt would eat away at him for decades to come, the bitterness of her image never leaving his mind.
  And part of her... thought that wasn't realistic. She knew Gideon well enough to know that he would never even consider any mistake on his part, with a mixture of confusion that never ended well when it came to him.
  Or worse.
  He wouldn't even care about her lack of presence in that house.
  Therefore, Ramona released her fingers from the wall, slowing down her steps until she stopped altogether.
  Then the fantasy ended. Every single time.
  "Ramona Flowers," he repeated once again, with his head bowed. At that point, she figured he just wanted to test how the name sounded on his own vocal cords. "Ramona...Flowers."
  "Did you like it, huh?" Ramona took a sip of her own drink, even though she already considered herself drunk enough. Maybe he was too, now that she thought about it.
  "Sounds a little familiar."
  "Strange," she shrugged, not caring. "And you are?"
  Now he raised his head once more, looking her in the eyes. Ramona found it strange the way he raised one of his eyebrows, as if he had just heard a terrible insult.
  "Did I say something wrong?" Alcohol always made her put all her thoughts out, without thinking much. She slowly realized that it hadn't been a good idea to start talking to that guy in a situation like that.
  He laughed, however:
  "You are intriguing, Ramona. And my name is Gideon Graves, to answer your question!"
  He - Gideon? Weird name - had said such a thing with so much pride that she began to suspect there was something she wasn't understanding. She became even more certain of that once she noticed his gaze still fixed on her face, waiting for a response - perhaps an acknowledgment. Strange, huh.
  To escape her own discomfort, she looked ahead, watching as everyone calmly walked around the party room. It was an average place, so there were too many people everywhere: one of the reasons she felt so uncomfortable. Parties stopped interesting her when she left college. Now she had no idea what to do there other than walk around with her glass of wine. And walk more. And pretend to be interested in the topic that another weird guy in a suit, who held her arm, was talking about. And walk.
  "What brought a girl like you here?" Gideon cut the awkward silence, catching Ramona's attention again.
  What was he implying with that? That she looked poor? Messed up? Or was it her hair?
  "I was challenged for 20 dollars that I wouldn't be able to crash this party."
  "Seriously," he laughed lightly, now being his turn to sip his glass. "What was the reason?"
  "It's a looooong story."
  "Don't tell me!"
  "You wouldn't have that much time to listen to me."
  "It seems that you don't know me very well" he implied, good-naturedly.
  Ramona turned her head to the side until realize Gideon kept his eyes fixated on her face. He always had a blank expression, difficult to read. She took the opportunity to analyze him more closely, trying to decide if he was ugly or not. His dark hair was longer on one side, in a kind of fringe that must've been popular about 10 years ago. What caught the most attention, clearly, were his thick glasses that he occasionally used his index finger to place back on the bridge of his nose. However, she also couldn't help but notice his white coat, much more informal than she expected for an occasion like that.
  Normally, Ramona was good - great even! - knowing a lot about someone just by her first impression and how the other person acted. But that guy? He was different, he just seemed like a weirdo who apparently was interested in her.
  She had watched him for a few minutes before he approached. Gideon was talking calmly to a large group of people, making no effort to become the center of attention. He had something in him, that was for sure. A kind of confidence mixed with how unusual the way he gestured with his hands was.
  She was so caught up in her own mental notes that she didn't even notice Gideon's next move until it had already happened. Still with a smile stuck on his face, he held her arm tightly, pulling her away from the wall and making her follow him.
  "What the hell, dude!?" Ramona practically screamed, looking around in confusion.
  "Let's get out of this stupid party, I can't take it anymore!"
  Indifferently, Ramona let herself be guided wherever the other wanted. She didn't care anymore. About that party and about everything else. Not when everything had already gone catastrophically wrong. She was too drunk to think about that anyway.
  The two of them sneaked among all those people, occasionally apologizing for stepping on someone's foot. When they paused for Gideon to exchange their glasses for two full ones, Ramona realized that she was having more fun in that moment than in any other second since she entered that tight space.
  This time, she didn't even need Gideon's grip to willingly follow in his footsteps, laughing along with him every time they had to take a giant turn just because there were so many people.
  "I know a place~" Gideon hummed when they arrived in one of the corners of the room. Without making much effort, he lightly opened one of the large doors, waiting for her to pass before closing it behind them"
  They came face to face with a long circular staircase - not the most pleasant sight at the moment. She felt sick just looking up:
  "Can we be here?"
  "Yeah, Jonah doesn't care! Do you know Jonah? The owner of this buiding."
  "Obviously not, man!"
  "He's a friend of mine... For a long time. Anyway, keep following me!"
  And so Ramona did, having the next minutes extremely complicated. She almost tripped on some steps, needing to lean on the handrail as if her life depended on it. Gideon himself didn't seem so good either, his feet unsteady even as he continued to take large gulps of wine. Anyone who looked at them at that moment would think they were idiots, and that thought amused Ramona.
  Fortunately, the stairs ended after some time - how much had they gone up? Four floors? - Gideon opened another door, smiling at her as he waited for a reaction.
  "Wow," she murmured, somewhat ironically, looking up. Until that moment, she hadn't even realized that they'd gone to the roof of that building. The sky above them was almost completely dark, the stars being overshadowed by all the other lights coming from the buildings.
  "Much better than down there, don't you think?" Gideon boasted of himself, taking slow steps to the edge of the slab, leaning there to better observe the entire view.
  "Funny. For the way you got along with everyone, I thought you were enjoying it."
  "Not even close to that. The good thing about Jonah's parties is that you soon know everyone there, at least by sight. The bad part is that it gets repetitive after the third party."
  "I'm already thinking it the first time. Who is Jonah?"
  "Huh, he's..." Then he interrupted himself. "You're really not from here."
  "What do you think?" Ramona went to his side, resting her glass on the slab and exhaling through her mouth in a kind of 'pfff'. "Do I happen to look like the type of person who comes to New York with a completely fanciful idea coming from $1,99 novels, only to find out that it's not all that and that she's not even good enough to be a pizza delivery girl?
  "From the way you're saying it, I believe so."
  "That is not what happened!!" She got angry, being grumpy again.
  With a sigh, she leaned her body weight - up to her chin - on the wall:
  "I'm not here to stay" finally something sincere came out of her mouth. "I just need some money to get to Vermont."
   "It's far away, y'know?" Gideon spoke very quietly, his gaze fixed on the sky. She could've sworn he looked a little disappointed, which interested her. "Is there anything you need to do there?"
  'No, I just want to know how it is. Just like here."
  "And what are your thoughts about New York so far?"
  "I knew you'd say that!" He shook his head, pretending to be irritated. "And something also told me that you were exactly the type of person who liked to hang around."
  "The thing you said about my eyes, right?"
  "They're beautiful."
  "Did you know that your flirting gets worse every time you drink more?"
  Gideon let out a sudden laugh. If he was offended, he didn't show it. At most, he finished all the remaining liquid in the glass in one gulp, teasing her.
  "And why are you right here, in the party?" He continued.
  "Is this an interrogation?"
  "I'm just curious about someone as fascinating as you!"
  "Silly," she rolled her eyes, not falling for that. "It was because of a friend. No, not a friend. A guy I met."
  "A boyfriend?"
  "What? No! It's the guy from the coffee shop across the street, I think he knows Jonah or something. His name is Jay, we talk when I go there. Do you know? That coffee shop over there, look!" She pointed with her index finger to the dark spot on the street below.
  "I have no idea what you're talking about."
  "Anyways! Jay ended up becoming my roommate. It's in a tiny studio apartment, but he can pay for it with his cafeteria salary and I can with the money I saved from Pennsylvania."
  "Shitty, I know! But I'm getting out of here. Soon."
  "Are you sure you don't have any plans?"
  This time, Ramona was silent, watching the cars pass by below. That part not even alcohol would let go so soon.
  "And you, Gideon? Are you from here?"
  "Me? I'm not. I came from North Bay.'
  "Serious? You don't look Canadian."
  "What does looking Canadian mean to you?"
  "Someone who isn't you."
  "Did you know that you make less and less sense the more you drink?" He countered, raising both eyebrows.
  She ignored him, then he spoke again a few seconds later:
  "Do you see that building over there? The one near the red sign."
  Ramona followed with her gaze where he was pointing:
  "Man Media?" She read with her eyes almost closed, barely seeing.
  "G-Man Media! G! The triangle is a G!"
  "Ah, now I see it."
  "So, I live there!"
  "It's my company building, actually. But I arranged one of the floors to be my apartment."
  She was still looking closely there, almost getting scared when she felt Gideon's hand on her shoulder.
  "Ramona, are you okay? Of course you're not!"
  She responded with a nod, cursing herself for making it so apparent that she had drunk more than she was used to. What a great first impression. She tried to stand and turn to him, to prove a point, but she remembered little after that.
  It was as if her mind had stopped working from one moment to the next. I mean, she was conscious as best she could. Wasn’t she?
  The problem was remembering that the next day.
  She lifted her head for the expected pain, her mouth dry as a desert upon waking up. Even though she couldn't see very well, she realized she was in a bed. How? She barely had time to despair before she looked everywhere, analyzing the light coming through the window and realizing she was alone in an unfamiliar place. It wasn't her apartment with Jay, that was for sure. That room alone should've been bigger than the entire place.
  The last thing she remembered from the last night was being in a car. Gideon spoke to her, a little impatiently. He asked where she lived, she thinks.
  Well, there was no sign of Gideon at that moment, which made her feel a little calmer. She also seemed fine, if she ignored her hangover.
  It'd just been... Weird.
  It took her about half an hour, rooting and snooping in every corner of the room, until she noticed the most obvious thing of all: the sheet of paper and the envelope on top of the cabinet.
  She sat at the foot of the bed, reading what was written there:
  "Dear Ramona Flowers,
  The room´s already been paid for overnight, don't need to worry! If you want to see me again, you know where to find me. If not, I wish you the best of luck in Vermont!
  Half curious, half laughing at the stupid name, she opened the envelope to find enough money for five trips.
  She didn't know why her brain reminded her of that specific moment. Ramona raised the corner of her mouth, coming back to reality and running her fingers along the walls of the hallway towards her room.
  Now the fantasy was completely over. Instead, she imagined a fictional life in Vermont, accompanied by someone poorer and less complicated. It looked good, if she ignored the lack of detail because she had obviously never set foot there.
  God, what an idiot she was!
  Even without having a specific direction, she continued walking there. It’s what she does when she is so bored in such a big building. It was even funny. She'd lived there for months, but she was pretty sure she'd never explored all the rooms and floors.
  She was near her room when someone suddenly came out of one of the open doors, colliding painfully into her.
  "Ow. Sorry" she automatically apologized, expecting to be one of the tower's employees.
  "Ramona," the other person's voice said. In that typical and curious way.
  "Gideon," she said back, her head down. "I thought you were working all day today?"
  "Nope, only in the morning" he finished straightening his suit that had crumpled during the impact. "I was looking for you, actually."
  Ramona raised her head, certainly not anticipating this turn of the conversation. So much so that she was speechless for a second, giving Gideon the chance to continue:
  "Do you want to go out for lunch? You can choose the place this time."
  His tone... It seemed normal. Different from usual, which made her suspicious:
  "I prefer to stay at home today, my head hurts. I was going to my room," and then she started to feel guilty. "Do you want to watch a movie?"
  "Only if it's Sherlock Holmes!"
  "Nothing like that! You said I choose and it will be The Butterfly Effect!"
  Gideon smiled as he nodded, putting his arm around her neck - that had to be uncomfortable, considering how many inches taller she was than him -, and walking beside her to her room.
  Then they spent the next few minutes together, without anything too special. Besides, of course, being in each other's presence in general. It seemed like the longer their relationship lasted, the less they saw each other. And that only made her feel strange about the current situation. It seemed so normal that something had to be out of place.
  The film played in front of the two, who lay on her big bed. Gideon had a straight body, with his legs crossed and his arms the same way. Ramona kind of touched him and kind of didn't. Gideon seemed interested in the film, laughing and making occasional comments. Ramona pretended to pay attention when answering him.
  What was so wrong? There had to be something wrong.
  Then Gideon stretched a little, changing position to turn around and wrap his arms around her body. His familiar shape made her dizzy for a moment. This hadn't happened for a long time. Without thinking too much to avoid regret, she snuggled into his hold, feeling warm and... Fine. Almost.
  The memory was almost automatic. Her brain refocused on that same day, months ago:
  What she hadn't told Gideon when they met was how incredibly lost she was feeling because of her own stupidity. After graduating, she decided to leave everything behind, as she realized that she didn't belong there. She might not have any idea where that place would be, but she could certainly look! She took whatever temporary job she could get; she boarded planes and even trusted strangers for rides; she spent months, weeks and days in completely different cities. Searching.
  New York before Gideon had been more of the same. Her days were made up of looking at those giant buildings while wondering which point in that immense city was the right one.
  Apparently, it was exactly in that room, feeling Gideon's comforting warmth. He looked so relaxed that she couldn't help but laugh at the funny face he made as he tried not to fall asleep. The energy bar above his head said otherwise, being practically zero. Ramona... She was almost fine too. Her eyes took longer to blink each time.
  So why did she still feel exactly the same as the time she spent wandering around New York? She was beginning to think that she was incapable of settling down and being content.
  An instant before she fell completely asleep, something clicked in her mind. Her eyes suddenly widened.
  She finally realized what was so wrong there.
  It was about the day she met Gideon. She was absolutely sure that, until now, she remembered perfectly how everything happened when they got down from that slab. Before now, she remembered taking a taxi with him and all the conversations they had inside. And how he took her to a random hotel for the night, saying goodbye briefly by leaving her in the room and writing something while she went, in her drunken state, to bed.
   But now... It was as if her mind had gone blank.
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stitched-mouth · 6 months
Being Friends With Benefits With Ramona Flowers…
Pairing: Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader.
Summary: What being FWB with Ramona Flowers would include.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, FWB, casual sex, mention of semi public sex, this is extremely tame for me.
Format: Kinktober Headcannons, Day 3.
Writing Time: 10 minutes.
Word Count: 276.
Kinktober Day 3!
Back in my Tumblr early days (so like only 2 years ago) I’d write a lot of HCs for SPVSTW like these and they’d do quite well. So I’m hoping I can bring them back maybe? I stopped doing it because I hated the format and lack of detail but I had to no ideas at the time but people still seemed to like it.
Tumblr media
• Being FWB with Ramona would be beyond exciting.
• Like, how could it not be? Ramona is beautiful.
• She is definitely very kinky, so your sex life is never boring.
• I imagine Ramona having the biggest Mommy kink ever.
• Call her Mommy and she will be pulling at both your clothes immediately.
• Ramona doesn’t mind quickies if she’s that horny, so you two have definitely done some semi-public stuff.
• However Ramona does prefer the slow more intimate sessions so you’ll have though too.
• Just so that y’all have time to practice whatever kinks you like.
• But quickies will be the go to with Ramona.
• Especially since you two are just FWB and not actually dating.
• She’s definitely the type to text you that she’s coming over and then show up late with a notebook full of things she wants to try.
• I’d call her a fuck girl.
• You two definitely have sex at least once a day.
• Ramona is usually only there for the sex, but if you need some romance or warming up she is usually more than happy to start slow.
• The sex is better for both you if you’re both comfortable and eager so Ramona will try her best to keep you happy.
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couldtheycatchkira · 6 months
Is this about Kira Yoshikage? This is about the international serial killer "Kira" who kills through an indetectable, contactless, remote method. He might be in Japan, though.
Can you put a "Don't know this character/See Results" option? No. This is an active global serial murder investigation and time is of the essence. If you truly don't know who they are, just go by what I'm told are called "vibes". Do not default to "Could not catch Kira, would not survive" simply because you don't know who the character is.
What is the current wait time? About five months, and counting.
I thought this was for detectives only? We're desperate. Why do you think this is a suicide squad?
Do submissions need pictures? Not necessarily, but if you want to, make sure it's at the least an OFFICIAL RENDER. I don't like using fanart! (Nothing against fanartists, I just don't want to search something like "Kermit" and get images of strangely muscular frogs (you can imagine the hell I went trying to avoid AI images for Ramona Flowers)).
If a character was already submitted as a standalone/part of a group, can I submit them as part of a group/a standalone? Yes, however you need to wait the full seven days after their poll goes up. In the event that both are submitted in a short amount of time from one another, I shall personally space them out in the queue so that there are at least seven days between them. This is to prevent a situation where, say, Princess Zelda is submitted in quick succession to "The Triforce Wielders" as a group, and you have two polls with Zelda running at once.
Can I submit a real human? No. Pets aren't allowed because they'd sweep, but do not send me video essayists or the like. I will not put them on the blog unless they, themself, send in their name on an official Tumblr account. I fully doubt this will happen, obviously, so simply do not do this.
Can I submit [ANYONE ELSE]? Baby life is short when you're dealing with a guy who can kill from a distance at any time. You should do whatever you like. Submit a guy who can't separate his darks from his lights. Move to a new city. Find a 200 sqft apartment. Get five roommates. Ghost all of them. Start a company that sells leg warmers for dogs. Declare bankruptcy. Move to a different new city. Enter a torrid romance with a guy who calls himself "The Creature". Cheat on him with a different guy who calls himself "Monsieur Beast", a legally distinct entity unaffiliated with MrBeast. Start an electro-flamenco band with both of your exes. Get trapped in a stupid and gay little maze. Fight your way to the castle beyond the Goblin City and take back what has been stolen from you. Eat a lettuce wrap. Move back to your hometown and tell no one.
83 notes · View notes
Being Friends With Benefits With Ramona Flowers
Pairing: Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader.
Summary: What being FWB with Ramona Flowers would include.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, FWB, casual sex, mention of semi public sex, this is extremely tame for me.
Format: Kinktober Headcannons, Day 3.
Writing Time: 10 minutes.
Word Count: 276.
Kinktober Day 3!
Back in my Tumblr early days (so like only 2 years ago) I'd write a lot of HCs for SPVSTW like these and they'd do quite well. So I'm hoping I can bring them back maybe? I stopped doing it because I hated the format and lack of detail but I had to no ideas at the time but people still seemed to like it.
Here is the masterlist for all my Kinktober 2023 works.
Tumblr media
• Being FWB with Ramona would be beyond exciting.
• Like, how could it not be? Ramona is beautiful.
• She is definitely very kinky, so your sex life is never boring.
• I imagine Ramona having the biggest Mommy kink ever.
• Call her Mommy and she will be pulling at both your clothes immediately.
• Ramona doesn't mind quickies if she's that horny, so you two have definitely done some semi-public stuff.
• However Ramona does prefer the slow more intimate sessions so you'll have though too.
• Just so that y'all have time to practice whatever kinks you like.
• But quickies will be the go to with Ramona.
• Especially since you two are just FWB and not actually dating.
• She's definitely the type to text you that she's coming over and then show up late with a notebook full of things she wants to try.
• I'd call her a fuck girl.
• You two definitely have sex at least once a day.
• Ramona is usually only there for the sex, but if you need some romance or warming up she is usually more than happy to start slow.
• The sex is better for both you if you're both comfortable and eager so Ramona will try her best to keep you happy.
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popculturebuffet · 7 months
Ramona's Kitchen
Ramona:(Notices all her teas and what not are on the counter) Scott sweetie.. why Scott: (Obliviously playing Donkey Kong 64 in the living room) Look I know it's not a great game but it has the DK Rap Ramona, the DK Rap. It's a rap but it's about monkey's. Ramona: Not that. Why's all our tea out here? (Opens cabinet to find...) Roxie: (Scrunched into the cabinet having moved a lot of things to the counter. ) Sup Ramona: (Dryest look imaginable) Roxie: Don't tell me your not impressed Ramona: A little but i'm mostly asking what the hell. Roxie: I needed to see how your relationship was going. Make sure he was treating you right, score you on the rebound if he wasn't. Normal friend stuff. Ramona: Roxie you were here yesterday. And last saturday and Roxie: Yes but you KNEW I was coming. I had to make sure he was a good boyfriend when he's NOT expecting me.. and he is. Not every man finds an N64 on the side of the road Ramona. Treasure that. Treasure that. Ramona: Okay look you can't do (Gestures) this. This isn't healthy. And i'm also not sure our cabinet's are well built enough for this. Roxie: You think i'm some ametuer flowers? I checked the limits of your cabinet's last Saturday. I am the cabinet master! Ramona: i'm just saying maybe get out a bit more. Talk to someone who isn't Todd. Won't enable this. Todd:(voice from under the sink) She probably has a point Ramona: (Sighs and opens the cabinet under the sink) Todd: I'm stuck down here. Ramona: .... Kinda proving my point there buddy. Todd: Indeed I am.
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