#raka the dog
thefuchsianeko · 6 months
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Yea I've been doing Huevember on the side... it's fun. Just drawing an oc for each prompt to keep it simple.
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whitherwanderer · 7 months
22 // fulsome
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Most people liked happy. They liked effervescent and carefree, or at the very least they appreciated the enthusiasm that Nat brought. Curmudgeons aplenty she had met in her life, but for a blessing, she’d never had to work with any of them. And then along came a request for a member of the botanists guild to assist the Stillglade Fane. Along came Rakaso Hivernale, who seemed so comically stiff and frigid, it beggared belief that it wasn’t merely an act.
If it weren’t for the respect that Rakaso commanded, Nat might have been put off entirely and petitioned Fufucha for a new post. The first days were exhausting in how hard it was to simply hold a conversation with the woman, but she learned quickly that her usual method for getting people to talk, flattery, was akin to dropping your gil in a well and making wishes—it was better paid elsewhere.
In its most obvious form, at least.
There was a delicate edge to walk in this regard. An edge that Nat almost made a game out of mapping. Saying Rakaso’s robes looked nice today (especially when she’d worn the same ones the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that…) would almost always result in a blank look that straddled the border between annoyance and questioning if Nat was ill. She liked to hold the conjurer’s stare until she practically turned red, biting her lips to hold in her laughter.
The more genuine compliments fared better, but only in the same way that one would fare better against a band of highwaymen than an Ixal warband. Nat would note how well laid out her clinic was (“Well, it has to be.”), or how neat her handwriting was (“If only your was as easy to read.”), or how navigable her kitchen was (“Nathalie, why are you in my house?”). To little effect, always, but the purpose wasn’t in making Rakaso pliable but simply to treat her the way she’d treat anyone else. With painfully earnest kindness.
What seemed to leave the most indelible marks, though, was the sort of compliments one could pay by saying another thing entirely. Offering a smile and a greeting, no matter how apathetic the response. Begging her thoughts and bearing them, even when they weren't light or gentle. Insisting that Rakaso was a friend.
What she did not expect was for this method to be repaid in kind. In Rakaso wondering aloud how she could be so damnably affable. In asking for space when she needed it. In her readiness to fly to Nat’s defense at the slightest threat. In calling her a friend in turn.
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southeastasianists · 3 months
There was a time when Prabowo Subianto's name would have spooked most Indonesians.
But now young voters appear to be charmed by the defence minister's slick makeover. The fiery ex-special forces commander dogged by allegations of human rights abuses and disappearances has become a cute grandfather made for memes.
"He is much older, but he is able to embrace my generation," says a 25-year-old supporter of his, Albert Joshua.
Now 72, Mr Prabowo is running to succeed the popular Joko Widodo when the world's third-largest democracy votes on 14 February. He is promising more of the stability and economic development Mr Widodo, or Jokowi as he is better known, pushed during his decade in power.
So far the polls put Mr Prabowo ahead of his younger rivals, Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan. Both men are in their 50s and have experience running key Indonesian provinces as governors. Job security, infrastructure and a bigger diplomatic role for Indonesia dominate their campaigns.
Mr Prabowo's running mate is Mr Widodo's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. It's a choice that many see as a tacit blessing by the president, who is yet to endorse anyone, including his own party's candidate, Mr Pranowo.
But a Prabowo presidency is also alarming to many, who say he has never been held accountable for the alleged abduction and killing of pro-democracy student activists decades ago.
A young voter, who did not wish to be named, says she is "terrified" he will win: "If he could be an accomplice of silencing voices then he will be silencing those voices now if he gets elected."
"Cuteness" hardly makes an eligible leader, she says. "If that's how you think a leader should be, then you should elect kittens."
Indonesia's cat-loving 'gemoy squad'
Cats are also a part of Mr Prabowo's social media campaign. His brown and white stray, Bobby, has his own well-curated Instagram account that describes him as a "patriot".
Then there are the TikTok videos of Mr Prabowo doing his signature move - an awkward shuffle across the stage - or shooting hearts at the audience. The gushing response has dubbed him "gemoy", a moniker for all things cuddly and adorable. His young supporters call themselves the "gemoy squad".
Social media has been the cornerstone of his outreach. Millennials and Gen Z make up more than half of Indonesia's 205 million eligible voters - they also account for many of the 167 million Indonesians who use social media.
Mr Prabowo's official Facebook and affiliated accounts spent $144,000 in advertising over the past three months, according to Meta's data. That's almost double Mr Pranowo's spend, and triple that of Mr Baswedan.
"I rarely see Prabowo's real picture anymore," said Yoes C Kenawas, a research fellow at Atma Jaya University.
Instead the internet, drawing rooms and streets are filled with posters of Mr Prabowo as a chubby cartoon character. This new "avatar... is all over Indonesia", Mr Kenawas says. "That's how they're softening his image. And so far, it's pretty successful."
A spokesperson for Mr Prabowo's campaign said they were just trying to attract young people through a "fun" campaign: "Politics can be conveyed through different methods... that's not a bad thing," Dedek Prayudi told the BBC.
Gen Z voter Rahayu Sartika Dewi says she is drawn to Mr Prabowo's plans to develop the renewable energy and farming sectors. She calls the campaign "very cute, fun and approachable... not too heavy like in previous years".
Mr Prabowo ran for president, and lost, in 2014 and 2019. But this campaign has been remarkably different.
"The logic is that Prabowo's losses were, at least in part, because his strongman image and firebrand style alienated parts of the electorate," says Dr Eve Warburton, director of the Australia National University's Indonesia Institute.
Mr Prabowo is also targeting a generation that has no memory of the time when he rose to the peak of his power. That happened during the dictatorship of General Suharto, who was forced from office in 1998. His 32-year reign, which many Indonesians credit with modernising the country, was also a time of brutal repression and bloodshed.
Twenty-five years on, young voters say they would rather judge Mr Prabowo on how he tackles unemployment and cost of living. He has promised to create 19 million new jobs over the next five years.
"I know activists are still speaking out... but we have to move on," Mr Joshua says.
Mr Prabowo's campaign has denied the allegations, although he was dismissed from the military for his alleged role in the activists' disappearance. In 2014 he told Al Jazeera that he had ordered their kidnapping but had only done so on the orders of superiors.
In recent months videos have been showing up of people in tears, expressing their sympathy for him, claiming he had been "victimised by his opponents". They often feature young people, and some election watchers doubt if these are genuine supporters.
Ms Dewi says his presidential nomination is "proof" that he has shaken off the allegations.
An extraordinary comeback
Mr Prabowo was born into a wealthy political family, the son of a renowned economist who served in the Indonesian cabinet.
He followed his father who left the country in 1957 under a cloud of controversy, and spent a decade of his childhood in exile in Europe.
After returning home, he joined the army and quickly moved up the ranks to become the captain of Indonesia's elite special forces, the Kopassus.
By then he had already been accused of human rights violations in restive East Timor, where he had served as a member of the unit. His exact role in the military operations in East Timor that claimed hundreds of lives has never been proven and he denies the allegations. But the murky blot on his career has stayed.
He married one of Suharto's daughters and remained in the dictator's inner circle. As Suharto's reign crumbled in the late 1990s, the Kopassus was accused of kidnapping more than 20 student activists who opposed the regime. At least a dozen of them are still missing and feared dead. Those who survived have alleged torture.
Mr Prabowo was discharged from the military, went into self-imposed exile in Jordan, made it onto a blacklist in Australia and was banned from travelling to the United States.
But he made a comeback in 2019, when Mr Widodo appointed him as his defence minister, turning the rivals into allies. The surprise move followed a bitter election win - Mr Prabowo blamed his loss on cheating - and violent protests that left eight people dead.
"How can we expect justice if the perpetrator becomes the president?" asks Suciwati, the widow of a prominent human rights lawyer. Munir Said Thalib spent much of his life investigating the 1998 disappearances. He was assassinated in 2004 on a flight. The pilot was found guilty, but Suciwati does not believe that is the full story.
Prabowo's presidency "would be an extraordinary defeat for us, the families of victims, and human rights activists", she says.
Mr Widodo's support has helped restore Mr Prabowo's image, some say. Social media is "not enough", Mr Kenawas adds, and "how the state machineries have supported his campaign... should not be underestimated".
Many point to his running mate and Mr Widodo's son, Mr Gibran. A constitutional court, where Mr Widodo's brother-in-law serves as chief justice, controversially cleared the way for the 36-year-old to run for vice-president - Indonesian law requires him to be older.
What also worries many is a return of the "old Prabowo", known for his hot temper and volatile personality.
Dr Warburton says some of his recent public appearances had hints of that.
"No-one knows how Prabowo will govern," she says. "He may be a very hands-off president most interested in the prestige and pomp of office; but most who know him well emphasise his unpredictable personality. And that's never good for governance."
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madarinj · 1 year
Kites, Dogs Being Trained To Defeat Pak Drones | Raka Lokam | K R Sudhak...
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flowerandcodes · 1 year
Raka carefully lands so he doesn't jolt you two very much, letting out a roar since he's feeling dramatic. People start to pop their heads out of their homes and businesses, quickly looking around and gasping when they see just how large and real he is.
I wiggle down as soon as Kal steps off and reach up to hold his hand, “maybe Mr. King doesn’t need a dog now.”
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ner-runi-cuyir-gar · 1 year
He brings his saber arm up and swings it slowly until it’s singing right beneath your ear, threatening the safety of your neck.
“If you want me to be a dog… I’ll be a dog.” He shrugs a shoulder. “I’ll breed you like one, too.”
Kaz fights against the men but they get him to his knees in just a few seconds, making him drop right next to you as they hold his hands back.
“Maybe I should just kill him now,” Gar hums, “and then… that’s less of a hassle for me later-”
“Kill him now!!” A few of them yell, “treason! Threatening the Mand’alor!”
Gar grins at you. “And then I could help you. A poor, grieving widow who just lost her fresh husband. How horrible it would be for you…” he reaches out to run his free hand over your side, feeling your curves. “I’m going to have fun with you-”
He ducks as several glass panels in the ceiling come crashing to the floor, followed by a roar loud enough to burst some people’s ear drums as Raka unleashes his fury on all of them. “What the fuck,” Gar blurts, looking up at him, “the dragons have returned…”
“Raka!” I shove back Gar and bolt over to him, “good timing,” I stand under him just to be sure, “let him go,” I nod to Kaz, “right now, fuck you.”
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shieldtrowel0 · 2 years
Badawczy Rekonesans I Kształt Perspektyw, Red
Wystarczy poszukać, przeanalizować i zobaczyć, że w zespole nie są one dobre, tym szczególnie dla młodych. O tym, jaka metoda nauki niemieckiego dla kobiet, które właśnie zaczynają jest najwygodniejsza, pisałem teraz we tekście język niemiecki dla młodych. Biorąc za przykład język angielski, czy dog i dogs powinny być uważane jak dwa odrębne słowa? Doradztwo zawodowe jest integralną częścią programu wychowawczego - profilaktycznego nauki i dostarcza prawidłowemu rozpoznaniu przez ucznia swojego potencjału edukacyjno -zawodowego oraz wzmacnianiu jego tożsamości grupowej, jako istotnego składnika bycia społecznego. Ta dobra znana historia została określona przez Richarda Prestona w mrożącym krew w żyłach sprawozdaniu skojarzonym z zrozumieniem i powstrzymaniem niszczycielskiego tropikalnego filowirusa w celu dla małp - Reston Primate Quarantine Unit. Tylko poprzez to, naprawdę dużo osób się poddaje, bo komu się chce czekać tyle czasu zanim dostaniemy w liczbę odpowiedni stan zrozumienia? Wiele kobiet z zdziwieniem odkrywa, że zawód, który wybrali oraz w którym się uczą bynajmniej ich nie pociąga. Zawieramy w wpływie ręki inne, lepsze metody szybkiej nauki jak właśnie metoda 1000 słów z jakiej coraz niewiele osób zaczyna korzystać.
Przemyślana metodyka znajomości języka w Niemieckim. Niemiecki. 1000 najważniejszych określeń to kompletny system nauki języka, dzięki któremu używasz słownictwo, wzory zmian i ilość mnogą rzeczowników. Jeśli z zmiany pokazujesz się innego języka, spróbuj wyszukać podobną listę w Internecie. Tutaj znaleźć możesz listę 1000 najpopularniejszych słówek w języku angielskim. Skoro nie chcesz, aby ta cenna była pracą opanuj najpierw 1000 najczęściej używanych słów, potem najczęściej zaczynane w utrzymaniu zwroty, potem czytaj teksty, następnie oglądaj filmy z napisami, później bez napisów itd. Kilka rzeczy warto aby jeszcze dodać, lecz chodzi mi o sam schemat. Polska była skonfliktowana z Niemcami, które potrzebowały otworzenia korytarza eksterytorialnego do Samodzielnego Miasta Gdańsk. W niniejszy rób odkrył, że Sloane-Kettering Cancer Institute zakopał dokumentację z doświadczeń naukowców, który okazał letril był “nadzwyczaj pozytywny” w działaniu raka. W jaki forma wychowywać dzieci? Istnieje ostatnie najjaśniejszy metoda dla młodych, potwierdzony badaniami, który występuje bardzo szybsze produkty w roli znania języka niemieckiego niż wszystkie inne to metody, kursy itd. Z resztą tenże tak zaczynałem także od języka angielskiego, wiec wiem co mówię.
Zaczynasz od pracy najprostszych i najczęściej wykorzystywanych, które powodują Tobie najszybsze efekty w postaci rozumienia języka niemieckiego a o to teraz chodzi! Język angielski chodzi do najczęściej używanych języków na świecie. Język niemiecki. Zbiór tekstów. W ostatniej formie, tak kiedy dziecko, nie zbierasz się na gramatyce, jaką trzeba ćwiczyć latami, jednak na najczęściej stosowanych słowach, co umożliwia Ci znać niemiecki o moc prościej i łatwo. Wiedz, że pokazując się w taki możliwość, efekty rozumienia jakichkolwiek treści po niemiecku przychodzą dopiero po kilku latach, gdyż materiał nie jest posegregowany z najczęściej stosowanego w działaniu. sprawdzian językowe od ESKK zaprojektowane zostały, by uczniowie poznali te najwspanialsze a powszechnie stosowane słowa w pierwszej kolejności. Do dziś. W niej też kultywowany jest indywidualizm, który odciąga nas z Rzeczywistości i Całości. Przedmiot istnieje też elementarne wpisanie do metod inteligencji obliczeniowej oraz zagadnień obliczeń przybliżonych na przykładzie klasycznych modeli sieci neuronowych, systemów logiki rozmytej, algorytmów genetycznych i metod ewolucyjnych.
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Jak te dajesz sobie zatem kontrolowanie to w ostatnim konkretnym wpisie otrzymasz konkretną odpowiedź. Żeby trafnie przeformułować nurt Zadrugi, najpierw trzeba zdać sobie sprawę z różnic, jakie były w sytuacji społecznej i subtelnej w Polsce w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym także na wstępie XXI wieku. wypracowanie krytyczne u progu XXI wieku. 80% wszystkich interesujących nas celów przeprowadzanych jest w ramach pewnych 20% wysiłku, jaki postawiliśmy w ich dokonanie. Zapisuje się, że posługuje się nim aż 20% populacji świata. W zależności od tradycyjnej metodologii, może zaprezentować się, że lista niezbędnych i powszechnie stosowanych słów w określonym języku liczy tysiąc, dwa, i nawet trzy tysiące pozycji. W własnym dzisiejszym artykule dowiesz się, dlaczego. Taka kwota sprawia, że potrafisz stanowić zmienny w wyborze doskonałego środowiska do ostatniego, aby rozwijać nasze upodobania i talenty. Jak osłuchać się z językiem obcym, żeby go rozumieć? W Polsce język angielski jest najtańszym językiem obcym. Język angielski jest innym obok francuskiego językiem dyplomacji. Chodzi do rodzajów: znajomość języków, język niemiecki, słownictwo.
Słownictwo stworzono w 24 rozdziały, wydane na praktyczne grupy tematyczne, co umożliwia zapamiętywać materiał metodą skojarzeń. Aby ominąć zasada obecne w zaborze rosyjskim, zakazujące posiadania pras akwafortowych na domowy użytek, ze powodu na kontrolę treści artystycznych przez zaborcę, Jabłczyński stworzył własną technikę. Aby osiągnąć pełny kurs terapeutyczny, należy wstrzyknąć 7 razy. Przedmioty tworzenie w sytuacji on-line: anatomia, fizjologia wysiłku fizycznego, pedagogika sportu, psychologia sportu, teoria wychowania fizycznego, antropomotoryki, socjologia, biomechanika sportu, biochemia sportu, metodyka wychowania fizycznego (wykłady), podstaw treningu ogólnorozwojowego, żywienie i restauracja biologiczna, pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna. W zysku sporów doktrynalnych między sunnitami a szyitami utrwalił się w islamie ścisły związek władzy z religią i zostały stworzone podstawy prawne państwa muzułmańskiego oraz teoria polityczna; nazywała ona zasady wybierania najwyższego władcy (kalifa lub imama), jego obowiązki i system administracyjny kalifatu i wartości wyższych urzędników - wezyrów, sędziów (kadi), emirów itd.; w sunnizmie podstawy te, wyprowadzone z praktyki sprawowania władzy, zostały zaplanowane w X-XI w. Fora dyskusyjne fizyków i działy korespondencyjne czasopism naukowych pękają w szwach od mętnych analogii osób, które zapewniają, że znalazły głębokie powiązania między wielkimi teoriami fizyki, a nie posiadają żadnego matematycznego „mięcha” na poparcie tej tezy.
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x-bongus-x · 4 years
how do i break it to my american friend that the phrase "i love you" has more weight when said in finnish than in english without making them feel embarrassed
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siniristiinnaulittu · 4 years
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Lupasin kuvan mun dogesta. Meet Bessi the ultimate primadonna.
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rakastuin · 6 years
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grumpy grandma💙
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
[The Kirishima-Bakugo household]
Baku: oh my god, it's been too long!
Raka: I know I feel like I haven't seen you in ages.
Kiri: hey Urarkaka
Raka: oh hey Kirishima, I see you and Bakugo are still friends.
Mina: Kiri!
Kiri: oh hey Ashido! And um we're married now..
Raka: what?
Baku: yep.
Mina: and you didn't invite us?
Kiri: well Katsuki wanted to elope with just me and him. His mom was not happy about it though..
Baku: we're actually planning on having a small ceremony to renew our vows, if you wanna come.
Raka: sure, when?
Kiri: we'll text you the details
Mina: oh cool, so how's married life? Fun isn't it?!
Baku: right I keep forgetting you are married..
Raka: you were at our wedding?
Baku: yeah well I've got a lot on my mind..
Kiri: so you guys got any kids?
Mina: no, not yet.
Raka: you?
Baku: six.
Mina: six?
Raka: can we meet them?
Baku: sure! Eijiro round em up.
Raka: oh wow
Mina: they obey so well
Kiri: kids, these are your Aunts, Ochako and Mina..
Mina: heya
Raka: hi
Kiri: kids state your name and age.
Baku: oldest to youngest, go.
Natsuki: Natsuki, 19!
Katsumi: Katsumi, 17!
Emi: Emi, 8!
Kazan: Kazan, 6!
Akira: Akira, the first twin, 1!
Akane: Akane, the second twin, 1!
Raka: wow.
Mina: I'll say..
Kiri: they're very well trained.
Baku: they're not dogs, Ei. Go on brats go back to what you were doing
Kiri: can we have a dog?
Baku: no.
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sisiljan · 2 years
First Lines ✨
Kiitos tägäyksestä @valokki (:
“List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than  20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!”
  Vanha kelpo sanonta kuuluu: kun antaa pahalle pikkusormen, se vie koko käden.
Lester Nygaardin muotokuva (Fargo, Lorne Malvo/Lester Nygaard, Explicit/K-18, 3400 sanaa, lukemaan pääsee vain ao3-tunnuksella)
Morse ei juo siksi että haluaisi unohtaa.
Vaikea vuosi (Endeavour, E. Morse, Teen And Up Audiences/K-11, 1300 sanaa)
Siinä se nyt seisoo.
Rappion tila (The Power of the Dog, Phil Burbank, Mature/K-15, 1300 sanaa)
Baker Street 221B:n olohuoneessa väräjää melankolinen sävelmä, jonka John tuntisi vaikka unissaan.
Tähtikirkas yö (Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, Mature/K-15, 4300 sanaa)
John näytti erilaiselta.
Hänen Johninsa (Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, Explicit/K-18, 7600 sanaa)
Häntä taputetaan olkapäähän, ja kysymys kumajaa väistämättömänä kuin suora valokeila sumun keskellä: Olisiko nyt minun vuoroni?
Heterokromia, heterokromia (Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, General Audiences/sallittu, 500 sanaa)
Kello on kahta vaille kymmenen.
Kimpassa kuksiminen on kasuaalimpaa (The Office (UK), Gareth/Tim/Dawn, Explicit/K-18, 2700 sanaa)
"Et sitten haaveilekaan minusta", Tim huokaa nojautuessaan työpöydän yli.
Vapaata rakkautta hiukan homoille (The Office (UK), Tim/Gareth, Explicit/K-18, 2000 sanaa)
Marokon aurinko on juuri niin kuuma kuin Douglas pelkäsikin.
Casablancan paine (Cabin Pressure, Martin/Douglas, Teen And Up Audiences/K-11, 7400 sanaa)
Sota tekee ihmisistä hirviöitä, vaan Sylvia oli sellainen jo ennen sotaa.
Vääriä juhlia (Parade’s End, Sylvia/Christopher, Teen And Up Audiences/K-11, 200 sanaa)
Big Ben / 08:06 Heräsin ja sain tietää ettemme olekaan rakastavaisia!
Aivot altaassa (Sherlock (BBC) RPF, Benedict Cumberbatch/Martin Freeman, Mature/K-15, 7800 sanaa, lukemaan pääsee vain ao3-tunnuksella)
Kun en ole kyllin väsynyt unohtaakseni vaan juuri tarpeeksi virkeä muistaakseni, tunnen kosketuksessasi ummehtuneen kellarihuoneen isäni ja äitini talossa.
Taas ja jälleen (Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, Explicit/K-18, 500 sanaa)
"Tiedän etten ikinä soita", Sherlock sanoi ennen kuin hänen isänsä ehti edes tervehtiä.
Rahtu lohtua (Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, Explicit/K-18, 6000 sanaa)
Ensimmäinen tekstari tulee hyvin nopeasti paneelin jälkeen.
Sherlock Holmesina olemisen sietämätön keveys (Sherlock (BBC) RPF, Benedict Cumberbatch/Martin Freeman, Explicit/K-18, 7300 sanaa, lukemaan pääsee vain ao3-tunnuksella)
HERMIONE: Aiot siis oikeasti viedä tanssiaisiin kauneimman sinut huolivan tytön, vaikka hän olisikin aivan hirveä tyyppi?
Riikinkukkoilua rakkausrintamalla (Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, General Audiences/sallittu, 3600 sanaa)
Narikkatyöntekijä tuijotti heitä kuin ei olisi ennen nähnyt kahta miestä käsi kädessä, mikä oli naurettavaa.
Ei tarvetta ranskalaisille (Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, Explicit/K-18, 6000 sanaa)
On kohtuullisen tavallinen sunnuntaiaamu ja Ilja oksentaa hotellin kylpyhuoneessa.
Kakomiskompleksi (The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Napoleon Solo/Ilja Kurjakin, Explicit/K-18, 1800 sanaa)
"Okei… mitä sanoitkaan meidän tekevän täällä?" John kysyi viisi sekuntia sen jälkeen, kun he olivat astuneet narikasta baarin puolelle.
Tämä on mitä on, rakas (Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, Teen And Up Audiences/K-11, 4700 sanaa)
Pääni on raskas.
Vain miesten kesken (Harry Potter, Harry + James/Sirius, Teen And Up Audiences/K-11, 2900 sanaa)
Erosta oli vasta kolme päivää, kun John tapasi Harryn meluisassa ketjukahvilassa.
Vuosien jälkeen (Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, Explicit/K-18, 5400 sanaa)
Pohdiskeluja alla!
Tämähän oli todella kiva (ja perusteellinen!) tutkimusretki siihen, mitä kaikkea sitä on viimeisimmän puolentoista vuoden aikana tullut kirjoitettua (uusin näistä fikeistä on julkaistu tämän vuoden tammikuussa, vanhin heinäkuussa 2020). Näistä aloitusvirkkeistä jotkin toimivat ihan hyvin yksinään, kun taas toiset kaipaisivat kipeästi peräänsä niitä seuraavia virkkeitä, jotta tarinan alku kuulostaisi kiinnostavammalta.
Vähiten innostava aloitusvirke on The Office -fikissäni Kimpassa kuksiminen on kasuaalimpaa, koska kellonajan toteaminen nyt vaan on tavattoman mälsää. Se on toisaalta ehdottomasti tarkoituskin, hehee. :D Suosikkialoitusvirkkeeni on joko The Man From U.N.C.L.E. -fikissä Kakomiskompleksi, koska virkkeessä annetaan ymmärtää, että oksentaminen olisi Iljalle tavallista, tai sitten Fargo-fikissä Lester Nygaardin muotokuva, koska kyseinen virke on näistä kaikista harkituin aloitusvirke eikä se olisi voinut mitenkään olla vaikka fikin toinen virke. Yleensä mulla ei ole tapana hioa tekstin ihka ensimmäistä virkettä kauhean koukuttavaksi, ennemminkin pyrin muodostamaan muutamasta ensimmäisestä virkkeestä iskevän kokonaisuuden. Silloin se ihan eka virke voi olla tylsähkökin. Yllätyin tosin siitä, että näiden fikkien aloitusvirkkeet olivat näinkin pitkiä, mutulla olisin väittänyt että mulla on keskimäärin hyvin lyhyet ekat virkkeet. :)
Tägään teidät, jos teitä huvittaa tutkia ja jakaa omia tekstiarkistojanne: @beelsebuttt, @hallahaave, @jossujb, @kapteeniangie, @kellopelisonaatti, @lurikko, @ricolette, @toivomusluu, @vendelaishere, @violasmirabiles
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aggressivelyarospec · 3 years
‘Aro Tunes Thursday’: Master List ⇝ May / June 2021
[Completed 06/18/21] | [Spotify]
Mun koti ei oo täällä — Chisu [Link]
Vanha Ystävä — Klamydia [Link]
Rakas Hullu — Klamydia [Link]
The Dog Song — Nellie McKay [Link]
Gonna Buy Me A Dog — The Monkees [Link]
Press 'A' to Speak — Skull Puppies [Link]
Alone — Rag'n'Bone Man [Link]
Maggie — AJJ [Link]
I'm Still Here —  Annapantsu [Link]
Runaway — Aurora [Link]
Cupid's Chokehold — Gym Class Heroes [Link]
Favourite Band — chloe moriondo [Link]
Nightmare Fuel — The Willow [Link]
Cinderella — Janee (ft. Idyl) [Link]
Disappointed — Death Grips [Link]
Pollyanna — Green Day [Link]
The Power of Three — Belle & Sebastian [Link]
Bad Cinderella — Andrew Lloyd Weber [Link]
I Know I have a Heart — Andrew Lloyd Weber [Link]
Deeper Conversation — Yuna [Link]
First Love / Late Spring — Mitski [Link]
Discoteque — The Roop [Link]
Thumbs — Sabrina Carpenter [Link]
In My Room — The Beach Boys [Link]
Backseat — LaFrantz [Link]
Here’s to Starting Over — Asking Alexandria [Link]
no faker — mxmtoon [Link]
Roads Untravelled — Linkin Park [Link]
The Dirt Whispered — Rise Against [Link]
Reincoonation — Waschbier [Link]
Misanthropic Drunken Loner — Days N Daze [Link]
Chosen Family — Rina Sawayama and Elton John [Link]
Imagine — Ariana Grande [Link]
Late Night Grand Hotel — Nanci Griffith [Link]
What is Love — Howard Jones [Link]
Anti-Romantic — TXT [Link]
Independent Together — Steven Universe [Link]
Sorry — Halsey [Link]
Clementine — Halsey [Link]
Best Friend — Rex Orange County [Link]
Temporary Fix — One Direction [Link]
No Love — Death Grips [Link]
Do You Hear the People Sing — Les Miserables [Link]
Seize the Day — Newsies  [Link]
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destinationhades · 3 years
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Hyvää syntymäpäivää rakas Doni 9v! Happy 9th birthday Doni! 🐶🎂🎁🎉❤️ ... Tää syntymäpäivä tuntuu erityiseltä ja tärkeältä, sillä noin puolivuotta sitten itkin sitä, kun lääkäri oli kertonut ettet ehkä näkisi tätä päivää. Oon niin onnellinen ja onnekas, että voit jo niin paljon paremmin ja oot meidän kanssa täällä - toivottavasti vielä pitkään. Oot niin rakas. Mun tuki ja turva - ja mä sun. ❤️ #bostonterrier #dog #dogs #bostonsofig #bostonsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #doglife #birthday #bostoninterrieri https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZYps6tXhd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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no-dead-fish · 7 years
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Rakas karvakasa tuli syliin 😘 #dog #friend #animalfriend #goldenretriever #muru #rakas #koirakaveri #Kiikala #Finland (paikassa Kiikala)
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lunar-archangel · 3 years
Guten Morgen Opa :D
How are you today?
Did you sleep good?
Did you eat something yet?
Did you drink something yet?
Did you go outside yet?
Did you know that only male lamas spit when they're in a group?
Remember it is okay to take breaks and naps if needed. We all love and respect you. Have an amazing day and yes this is a threat again.
Huomenta rakas!
I'm doing good, I got 10 hours of sleep after doing a lot of work yesterday so I'm happy.
I drank some water to take my medication but I haven't eaten anything yet. I'll make some breakfast next.
I did throw my dog outside so I briefly was outside but otherwise no.
Did you know that sheep cannot swim because they would drown through their buttholes?
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