#rainworld oc time
bee-sidebranch · 20 days
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How i acquired my second child
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These two are my travel companions on the monk campaign i use for pearl hunting,
Pearl and Pond Scum
I'll show them off properly in another post but basically Pond is a scrawny tiny baby who needs all the love and Pearl would probaly kill lizards on her own if i wasn't dragging her where i wanna go
(This is exactly how i found her btw, bullying a lantern mouse on my way to shoreline)
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mizzyislost · 10 months
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apparently theres some rain world fandom discourse going around?? thats crazy anyways heres my gourmand and artificer as one of my favorite pieces of sonic fanart (its the last one)
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hdra77 · 19 days
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i wasn't expecting that this concept would gain that much attention but im glad that you guys really liked this weird slugcat monster thing!! really appreciate the comments and questions about this big fella! and i would love to answer them all! have another quick doodle of them <3 ive also decided that they'll be nicknamed 'Deceit' because i think that fits them really well! also as you can see im still not used to drawing slugcats so please bear with me on this LMAO
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ghostplasmas · 2 months
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Walking iterator design! Inspired by @capricoopla 's mobile iterators! I went for more of a mix between a few different things- namely nosk from Hollow Knight! It was supposed to look like a massive spider but it kinda looks like a fucked up giraffe weevil.
(more in depth design nerd stuff under the cut)
The body being built more akin to a spider allows for the neurons the iterators need to be stored somewhere safe and protected- the abdomen! Aka their massive spider booty. It can hold a TON of neurons- albeit very very cramped with minimal space for the neurons to move. This DOES affect the iterators- making them experience mood swings, constant spaghetti string thoughts™, and memory jumbling, but it allows for them to stay properly sapient and allows them to keep their memories and processing power.
The thorax (the part the head is connected to) is the main powering system. Inside isa leftover refraction cell- being inputted into a much smaller scale heart. The section it's hooked up to regulates the "voltage" being put out- that way the entire thing doesn't explode from an overload. The refraction cell is how the entire body is able to move in the first place!
The body is very heavy and sturdy, being able to withstand the rain if needed.its also covered in vents from its ventilation, as well as some addition steam valves to let trapped vapor from its coolant systems out.
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goldenspecks · 2 months
i want to draw ancients,,, give me ur ancient ocs
(u can also give me a slugcat/scav oc for me to ancientify but i might not do a lot of those cause they are hard to do </3)
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localceilingdevil · 6 months
for all of my two-bits lovers out there
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here are the first two legitimate drawings i made of him and doom last year
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altitudeofalcatraz · 1 year
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woa.... the lesbian family. . . in my own lil iteration of the scugs i wanted artihunter to have some pups-- all adopted at different times, through different ways-- a sweet little family ☆
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faelingdraws · 1 year
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a PSA about the chatlog iterators and how you can use them in fanon content
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vela-pulsars · 1 year
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I got the idea of there being whole families of these migrating from can to can, so I decided to rename this slugcat "The Nomad".
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Our little dance soon became a losing battle. ---
I heard this audio on tiktok and had to make something inspired off of it
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saturncoyote · 7 months
can't not imagine hope and dreams to the moon will sing a song for me crane wives
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something about holding on, even as it tears you both apart, because that's the only thing you two know how to do
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bee-sidebranch · 2 months
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You could not let go
The drawing is wayyy too busy, way too much stuff going on in thebackground but you can't learn if you never try something different right?
Here's the background since i'm still very proud of it
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+ lineart and shading cause i think it looks kinda neat in a way
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pmpwbrrs · 11 months
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Forced changes.
Honestly, it's hard for me to call iterators gods. In fact, it sounds like a mockery of them, and quite sophisticated.
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hdra77 · 12 days
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I thought of 'hey what if i put my oc in a suit' then it happened
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unknownanomoly · 5 months
mmmmmm I wonder...
So my friend really likes doing these weird group drawing thing's, and I've joined a few by now! So i was wondering if any of ya'll wanna join one that i make, i know this won't be seen by many, but I think it would be fun! I'll start with saint's, i know, such a weird starting character, but i love saint, like literally my prof pic is my saint! but anyways! Please reblog this with your saint's I wanna draw them all having a picnic with each other! Send me your saint's whenever! The ending date will be like till the school year ends in the USA! Biggest project i have right now! Edit: 20/30 Saint slots taken
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goldenspecks · 2 months
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decide to make actual refs for both of my ancient ocs; Four Jewels, Fleeting Notes and A Golden Crown, Six Silver Coins
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