#ra special service au
theraven-gil-lyn · 1 year
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source: tweet compilation
no one is safe when halt is around
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bluerosefox · 5 months
[2023 Prompt List 1][Previous] [2023 Prompt List 2][Here] [2023 Prompt List 3][Next]
|The MANY Bloodlines of Constantine (Its by pure dumb luck Danny is crowned Ghost King before his 18th, because he learns his biodad had sold his soul, its void now, and not just his but also his half-siblings as well... Constantine is getting decked.)  (Psst read the reblogs, everyone had fun adding to this one) |Daughter of Phantom, Lady Gotham. (Lady Gotham, is Danny Phantom’s daughter) |No Longer In Service (Ghost King Danny has an idea how to get summoners to stop summoning him) |Overdue Payments (Ghost King Danny finds Ra’s al ghul’s overdue payments and a request to repossess it) |For Them (Danny uses his ice to save Dani (Ellie) from melting and does so in front of one Dr. Victor Fries, aka Mr. Freeze) |In A Single Night (Vlad is taken down by either Selina or Tim in a single night due to being a creepy creep) |Assassin Heir? Crime Fighting Furry? NOPE NO THANK YOU! (Danny wakes up in a DC version of himself and tries to nope out of the Assassin lifestyle and avoid becoming a crime fighter. Now if only the others understood that) |Playing Dead AU (Danny is the dead body for those Murder Mystery parties and gets a gig for the Gotham elite. I strongly suggest reading the reblogs, they get amazing for this) |Of Godsons, Fruitloops, and Lois ‘I will drag all secrets out into the sun’ Lane (Lois Lane is Danny’s only godparent, Vlad better watch out) |Recluse Owner, Bookshelf Gremlin, and the Cute Cafe Guy (Danny and Dani have to leave their home dimension behind and decide to open a cafe with Ghostwriter whose been wanting a way to get new books without having to go out and deal with people. Jason is sus of the new bookstore that opened up overnight) (Very hinted Dead on Main) |Cujo is.... Trying (Danny gets hurt, Cujo and him are yeeted into the Gotham, and Cujo... Cujo is trying to do his best even as he’s chased after a sword wielding bird boy)  |Tim, buddy, what do you mean you might had accidentally made a Love Child?! (Danny learns is the love child clone? of Tim and Kon that Tim accidentally made during his bad year of losing everything and Danny gets deaged and tossed back into his home dimension. It was due to Clockwork that he never noticed the life he created (cause villain Tim timeline was nearly on set) but finds out what he created when said love child shows up at a Gala wandering around just after he announced he’s dating Kon) (a TimxKon story where they try to raise their clone love child) |Bellatrix Star ( a TaliaxDanny idea. Queen Talia and Ghost King Danny) |Joker Messed Around and Found Freaking Out. (Joker messed with the wrong person when he took a visiting class hostage) |Fenton Ethics and Test Tube Babies (Jazz and Danny aren’t Fenton’s but are half-siblings and cousins (basically same mom, different dad’s)...The Fenton’s have some... questionable ethics and moral) |Timelines, Red Robins, and Kings (dont ask about the title, it was only thing I can think of) (Tim crashes in on Danny’s ghost King lesson’s during his Red Robin run. Clockwork is excited for this timeline cause he gets to have some fun) |Beloved Beyond Time (Due to weird time-traveling, Ghost Prince Danny is summoned and mistaken as King by the LoA. There he meets a smitten young Damian al Ghul who proclaims they will marry... Later Danny finds himself cornered by a year older Damian when he returns to his own time) |Over Tea (Gotham gets a sudden and strange weather that shakes it to its core. The Batfam is trying to find the source, meanwhile a young Ghost King and Lady Gotham are discussing things over tea. |Good Doggos Give Hope! (A self-indulgant idea of Cujo wanting to help his fav ghost boy and meeting a very special ring wearing Corgi) |Taking a Chance (Good!Mom Talia! DannyxTalia (Royal Errors) and half-siblings Damian and Ellie (Danielle). Talia discovers Ra’s future he set out for Damian and is at the ends of her ropes, she is given a chance to leave in the form of a cryptic time being. Meanwhile Danny needs someone to become Danielle’s mother before she completely destabilizes)
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dsudis · 9 months
For the ask meme, how about P (Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).)
Ahhh man that is so much pressure! Inventing a whole new AU!
Okay, this is almost certainly not a new AU concept but! One I do not see enough of!
Your blorbos are a Gate Team out of Stargate Command. You get to decide which ones are military or civilians or aliens, what their specialties are, and which one keeps dying and being resurrected, and they go have weird hijinks on alien planets that all look pretty much like the outskirts of Vancouver, featuring populations of humans transplanted by ancient alien/gods!
So for instance if I was gonna do a Sandman Stargate AU
(I'm not!)
Hob is the anti-Dr. Jackson--he seems to die on a very regular basis but he's never actually dead. If you think he got killed on an alien planet you need to go back and look for him again because he will be there! Not at all dead!
Dream is some sort of civilian expert--an anthropologist specializing in common narratives and the way stories show relationships between societies--who somehow got recruited from the UK and displays a constant vague distaste for all the military everything and all the violence right up until the chips are really down and then he reveals himself to be terrifyingly badass actually
(he just dies the once.)
In season 3 it's revealed that Dream's younger brother was a mililtary member of a Gate team who disappeared under hushed-up circumstances and that's actually why Dream got himself into the program, to find out what happened to him--and it turns out he went AWOL voluntarily and is living very happily on an alien planet somewhere, but a lot of people get killed in the string of missions that lead to them finding that out, and he refuses to come back and relocates to a different planet as soon as they're gone so he can never be found again)
In the pilot episode Matthew's there as a military intelligence type guy on their gate team--the obligatory American to Hob and Dream and Jo's Brits--and then he gets killed but Dream figures out how to use a weird alien artifact to save him, except he gets transferred into an alien bird's body instead of it fixing his own body
Jo is British Army, from a long line of family members who have died in military service, usually doing something really weird and secret
her dad was on an early gate team, maybe even the first one--the one from the movie, that went to Abydos and fought Ra and thought that that was the only destination the gate could go to. He was killed there, and Jo wasn't told what really happened to him, but she knew it was something other than what they told her--and she was vindicated when she was recruited into the Stargate program by somebody who was with him on that last mission.
(Her dad was also an asshole, this is not like a touching vindication of him as a hero, he was a complete dick and a terrible dad and probably would have been an even worse one if he hadn't died, but that didn't mean Jo wasn't going to find out the truth and follow in his footsteps.)
Episodes 2-5 include a tragicomic subplot about Matthew's plight as a dead human and live alien bird and whether he's allowed to still be on the team or is just going to be a mascot in the SGC, and meanwhile a new charming blond American guy is temporarily assigned to Hob and Dream and Jo's team, and it's when Corin reveals he's an alien plant and tries to murder Dream that you first see Dream really turn on his badassery
after that they get young Lt. Rose Walker as their obligatory American for the rest of the series. Matthew is also on the team but they prefer to field four people who can all do stuff requiring thumbs.
See! Easy peasy! Go forth and write Stargate AUs for your favorite fandoms and characters!
Haha no I am not writing this what are you talking about
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jpbjazz · 2 months
"Imagination is the magic carpet. It'll take your soul to distant lands. And outer space."
- Marshall Allen
Né le 25 mai 1924 à Louisville, au Kentucky,  Marshall Belford Allen s’était installé à Philadelphie avec sa famille au cours de son enfance. Allen avait suivi ses premiers cours de clarinette à l’âge de dix ans.
À l’âge de dix-huit ans, Allen s’est enrôlé dans l’armée, où sa carrière de musicien avait débuté. Dans l’armée, Allen avait joué de la clarinette et du saxophone alto dans le 17th Division Special Service Band qui faisait partie de la 92nd Infantry Division, mieux connue sous le nom de Buffalo Soldiers, un régiment de couleur créé durant la Guerre civile et dont il était éventuellement devenu un des seuls survivants.
Alors qu’il était stationné à Paris, Allen s’était produit avec le pianiste Art Simmons et les saxophonistes Don Byas et James Moody. Il avait aussi enregisté avec Moody à la fin des années 1940. Après sa démobilisation, Allen s’est inscrit au Conservatoire de Paris, où il a étudié la clarinette avec Ulysse Delécluse.
Après avoir passé près d’une décennie à l’extérieur des États-Unis, Allen était allé rejoindre sa mère à Chicago en 1951. Son père vivait toujours à Philadelphie à l’époque. Allen expliquait: “When I came back home, after staying two or three years at the conservatory, I passed [through] Philadelphia because they had my ticket written to Chicago instead of Philadelphia.” À Chicago, Allen avait dirigé ses propres groupes, se produisant dans les clubs et les salles de danse. Il avait aussi commencé à écrire ses propres compositions et arrangements.
Après avoir joué durant quelques années avec des groupes locaux de Chicago, Allen avait entendu dire que Sun Ra, qui pratiquait presqu’à chaque soir avec son groupe l’Arkestra dans une salle de danse des environs et était en train de devenir un pilier de la scène du jazz de la ville, était à la recherche de musiciens. Comme il l’avait expliqué lui-même, Allen était déjà très familier avec la musique de Sun Ra à l’époque. Il avait déclaré: "Every night I got off from work I went over to see Sun Ra — ask him, you know, I wanna play with the band. He talks about the Bible, and he'd talk about ancient Egypt and the space age."
Né sous le nom d’Herman Blount en 1914, Sun Ra était convaincu être né sur la planète Saturne, et ne se considérait pas comme un être humain comme les autres. Comme Sun Ra l’avait expliqué au cours d’une entrevue qu’il avait accordée à la fin des années 1980, "I'm really not a man, you see. I'm an angel. If you're an angel, you're a step above man." Combinaison hybride de boogie woogie, de stride, de blues, de bebop, de free jazz et de Nouvel Age, la musique de Sun Ra s’était mérité le qualificatif d’Afro-futuriste. La musique de l’Arkestra faisait également de nombreuses références à l’Égypte ancienne.
Fasciné par le personnage de Sun Ra, Allen avait ajouté: "It was something about him that I couldn't get away — It was like a magnet. He draws you right in. It changed my whole destiny. He said, 'We're gonna play this music for the 21st century' — which was about 50 or 60 years away. And I was thinking to myself, I gotta wait that long?"
Anxieux de rejoindre le groupe de Sun Ra, Allen avait rencontré le chef d’orchestre après son travail et avait passé toute la nuit avec lui. Allen précisait: “He was talking about the Bible, ancient history and all these different things. You know, and music and stuff. And I’m just standing there listening. Every night, I get off from work, I’d go over there and practice.” Éventuellement, Sun Ra avait demandé à Allen de venir le rencontrer à la résidence du saxophoniste John Gilmore. Lorsque Sun Ra avait demandé à Allen d’apporter sa flûte lors de la rencontre, Allen avait répondu: “All I got is a clarinet and an alto.” Allen s’était rendu dans un magasin du centre-ville pour s’acheter une flûte lorsqu’il avait soudainement réalisé qu’il n’avait même pas l’embouchure qui était nécessaire pour en jouer. Il expliquait: “I didn’t have the embouchure. I knew the keys and everything, but I didn’t have the chops.”
Après s’être procuré une embouchure, Allen s’était trouvé un professeur au Chicago Symphony Orchestra qui opérait une école de musique pour enfants. Allen n’ayant pas d’argent, le professeur lui avait proposé de lui donner des cours gratuitement. En échange, Allen s’était engagé à enseigner la musique aux enfants en guise de paiement. Allen poursuivait: “That’s what I did every day for a couple of weeks, and I got my chops up, a little bit.”
Par la suite, Allen était allé voir Sun Ra pour pratiquer. La première pièce qu’Allen avait interprété avec Sun Ra était “Spontaneous Simplicity.” Après qu’Allen ait interprété la pièce note pour note, Sun Ra lui avait demandé de la jouer de nouveau, mais cette fois de façon plus spontanée. “You did something right, now make wrong right”, avait expliqué Sun Ra. Allen, qui avait rejoint l’Arkestra  en 1958, n’avait jamais oublié cette leçon tout le long de sa collaboration avec Sun Ra.
Parmi toutes les leçons qu’Allen avait apprise lors de sa collaboration de trente-cinq ans avec Sun Ra, la discipline était certainement l’une des plus importantes. À l’instar de John Gilmore, l’autre grand leader du groupe, Allen avait joué presque exclusivement avec l’Arkestra au cours de sa carrière, remplissant à la fois un rôle d’éducateur, de chef d’orchestre et éventuellement, de successeur de Sun Ra lui-même après la mort de ce dernier en 1993. Comme leader de la section de saxophones du groupe, Allen avait un peu assumé le même rôle que Johnny Hodges dans l’orchestre de Duke Ellington des décennies plus tôt. C’est d’ailleurs beaucoup grâce à Allen que l’Arkestra avait remporté les sondages du magazine Down Beat comme meilleur big band de jazz en 1988 et 1989.
Évoquant les débuts de sa collaboration avec Sun Ra, Allen avait précisé: “He stayed on my case to keep my discipline up. [Sun Ra] rehearsed every day, seven days a week. That kind of put a dent on me ’cause I was kind of wild in [those] days. I would be mad, because I couldn’t run and he would keep me at it — music, music, rehearse, rehearse . . . every day. So I’d finally give up and say, ‘Oh, I may as well go on and do it, and try to do it right.’ ” 
Décrivant la méthode d’apprentissage de Sun Ra, Allen avait commenté: “He used to tell me, ‘Oh, you play nice’ or ‘You got a nice tone, but it’s not what I want.’ ” Allen avait ajouté: “He didn’t want you to play what you know in your head, but the real feeling, the soul, the heart. I would always get confused by that, but really, he just wanted me to play from my heart. When I began to quit fighting him over that ‘what I know’ stuff, I began to please him a little better.” Définissant la musique de l’Arkestra, Allen avait précisé: “We call it space music. Call it whatever you like, but it’s space. It’s dealing with, (not these earthly things) those things that we don’t know.” Situant l’oeuvre de Sun Ra dans le contexte plus large de l’amélioration des conditions de vie du peuple afro-américain, Allen avait commenté: “You want a better world. You create a better world.”
Même s’il avait surtout été associé à l’Arkestra, Allen avait enregistré avec le pianiste Paul Bley en 1964 ainsi qu’avec le groupe Drums of Passion du batteur nigérien Babatunde Olatunji au milieu des années 1960. Allen a également souvent collaboré avec le contrebassiste Henry Grimes. Évoquant sa collaboration avec Olatunji, Allen avait précisé: “I was playing this great big bell: bang, bang, bang, ba-bang, bang, bang, di-di-di-di. Standing right over there next to Olatunji, with that great big ol’ giant drum that he played: bam, bam . . . oh yeah! If I missed a beat, then ‘bam,’ he’d [take] a swing at me!” Olatunji est mort en 2003. Dans le cadre de sa collaboration avec Olatunji, Allen était devenu un des premiers musiciens de jazz à jouer de la musique traditionnelle africaine, annonçant ainsi l’avènement de ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui la ‘’World Music’’ ou musiques du monde. Allen est également un des seuls musiciens de jazz à avoir fabriqu�� et joué de la kora, un populaire instrument à cordes d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Considéré comme un pionnier du free jazz, Allen avait également inventé un instrument à vent appelé ‘’morrow’’, qui était composé d’une embouchure de saxophone rattachée à une armature en bois. Malheureusement, Allen ayant négligé de faire enregistrer son brevet, l’instrument s’était fait connaître sous un autre nom.
Le fait d’appartenir à l’Arkestra avait toujours été entouré d’une certaine mystique. Le joueur de cor français Vincent Chancey, qui avait commencé à jouer avec le groupe en 1976, expliquait: “I first became aware of Sun Ra, just from his [album] covers. I was interested in a lot of Eastern philosophy and mystical readings. I was [also] interested in ancient Egypt and its relationship to the African diaspora and our history.” 
À la fin de 1992, Sun Ra était retourné dans sa ville natale de Birmingham afin de vivre avec sa soeur aînée, Mary Jenkins. Devenue son infirmière, Mary avait pris soin de son frère avec ses cousins jusqu’à ce qu’il soit admis au Princeton Baptist Medical Center de Birmingham à la suite de problèmes cardiaques, respiratoires et de circulation sanguine. C’est là que Sun Ra avait rendu l’âme le 30 mai 1993. Il a été enterré au Elmwood Cemetery. On peut lire sur sa pierre tombale l’inscription "Herman Sonny Blount aka Le Sony'r Ra". Sun Ra n’avait jamais été marié et ne semble pas avoir laissé de descendance. Après la mort de Sun Ra, c’est d’abord John Gilmore avait pris la direction de l’Arkestra. Après le décès de Gilmore en 1995, Allen avait repris le flambeau. Quatre ans plus tard, Allen avait enregistré un album intitulé ‘’Song for the Sun’’, qui mettait notamment en vedette le batteur Jimmy Hopps et le joueur de trombone Dick Griffin. Expliquant pourquoi il avait accepté de prendre la direction du groupe, Allen avait précisé: ‘’I'm carrying on his work — because he worked very hard and he wrote a lot of good music."
Il avait fallu vingt et un ans pour qu’Allen enregistre un nouvel album avec le groupe en 2020. Intitulé ‘’Swirling’’, l’album publié en pleine pandémie de la Covid-19, avait contribué à démontrer qu’Allen avait encore beaucoup de musique à donner. L’album a été enregistré aux studios de Rittenhouse Soundworks à Philadelphie. Loin de se limiter à jouer sur l’album, Allen avait également contribué au mixage, à l’enregistrement, à la production et aux réarrangements de plusieurs classiques de l’Arkestra.
Se décrivant lui-même comme un passeur de flambeau, Allen expliquait: “Like the virus going on right now, it don’t bother me. I’m used to staying in the house, doing the work, because I have much work to do to keep Sun Ra’s music alive.”
En mai 2004, Allen avait célébré son 80e anniversaire avec le groupe dans le cadre d’une performance au Ninth Vision Festival de New York. Allen avait présenté d’autres performances lors de son anniversaire de naissance (en 2008 à Sullivan Hall et en 2018 à l’Iridium Jazz Club en 2018). Allen a également fait des apparitions avec l’Innerzone Orchestra" aux côtés de Francisco Mora Catlett et Carl Craig dans le cadre de différents hommages à la musique de Sun Ra.
À l’été 2004, sous la direction d’Allen, l’Arkestra était devenu le premier groupe de jazz américain à jouer à Tuva, dans le sud de la Sibérie, dans le cadre du Ustuu-Huree Festival. L’Arkestra avait continué de présenter des concerts et de faire des tournées jusqu’en juillet 2019.
Même si la majorité des membres de l’Arkestra, y compris Allen, disposaient d’une formation classique, ils s’écartaient souvent des partitions écrites pour partir à la recherche du ‘’feeling’’, comme pour rappeler que la musique était à la base de tradition orale. La joueuse de viole Melanie Dyer, qui s’était joint à l’Arkestra en 2019, plus de deux décennies après la mort de Sun Ra en 1993, précisait: “It was definitely like baptism by fire. As a string player, I wasn’t able to learn from a whole lot of charts. Even if [alto saxophonist] Knoel [Scott] gave me a chart, it didn’t necessarily mean that that chart was going to be played that night {rires}. So I’ve had to learn a lot on the bandstand and that’s been really an old-school kind of process.” Le fait d’avoir un musicien aussi expérimenté qu’Allen comme collègue et mentor était d’ailleurs considéré comme un privilège par les membres du groupe. La chanteuse et violoniste Tara Middleton, qui a adhéré à l’Arkestra en 2012, confirmait: “When you try to think about talking about Marshall, because it’s so personal, it really gives me a moment to kind of think about what could I say or how do I express that more than just, ‘Oh, he’s a great guy.’ ” Middleton avait ajouté:
“It’s so much deeper than that. To have the opportunity to be in that inner circle and learn from someone who is a legend, who’s an innovator of music, of this avant-garde saxophone, of something that no one else is doing. And also from someone who effects change, like Sun Ra effected change in music, he effected change in his mind, he effected change socially. Marshall has a way of being able to effect such change. If you think about creating an art form — and Sun Ra created an art form — something that no one else was doing. Marshall has created a sound and a style, something that no one else was doing at the time.”
Collectif de musiciens qui avait toujours été à la recherche d’une certaine ‘’vérité’’ à travers sa musique, l’Arkestra continuait en 2020 de chercher une nouvelle façon de se transformer. Allen expliquait: “I’m not a Sun Ra, but I know one thing, I want them to pay attention and I want them  [to] when I say play, play.”
Durant la pandémie de la Covid-19, Allen avait tenté de passer le temps en faisant de la course à pied et en prenant de l’air près de sa résidence. Mais loin d’être découragé par la quarantaine qui s’éternisait, Allen, à l’âge avancé de quatre-vingt-seize ans, avait profité de ce moment de répit pour jouer encore plus de musique. Mais si après quatre-vingt ans de carrière, Allen n’en avait toujours pas assez de la carrière de musicien de jazz, ce n’est certainement pas aujourd’hui qu’il allait commencer.
Caractérisé par sa sonorité explosive, dissonante et souvent chaotique au saxophone alto, Allen avait déclaré lors d’une entrevue accordée en 1971 qu’il désirait jouer ‘’on a broader sound basis rather than on chords". Souvent qualifié de ‘’pyrotechnique’’, le jeu d’Allen avait été comparé par le critique Scott Yanow à un ‘’Johnny Hodges issu d’une autre dimension.’’
Avec les années, Allen ne s’était pas contenté de jouer de la clarinette, de la flûte et du saxophone alto, mais il était devenu un véritable multi-intrumentiste. Il expliquait:
“I’ve got 15 to 20 instruments I gotta play. Oboe, flute, piccolo, trumpet, trombone, tenor sax, baritone, three or four altos, soprano. . . . I even got my kora to play during the day. I’ve got enough instruments to keep me busy 24 hours a day.” Allen joue également de l’EWI, un saxophone électronique qui a été popularisé notamment par Michael Brecker avec le groupe Steps Ahead.
Au cours de sa carrière, Allen a enregistré des centaines d’albums comme leader et accompagnateur. En plus d’avoir participé à plus de deux cents albums de l’Arkestra, Allen a fait des apparitions comme artiste invité dans des concerts et des enregistrements avec des groupes et des artistes aussi divers que NRBQ, Phish, Sonic Youth, Diggable Planets, Terry Adams et Medeski, Martin & Wood.
Depuis les années 1940, Allen s’est produit dans des milliers de concerts à travers le monde.
Allen vit toujours dans la maison de Philadelphie où l’Arkestra avait emmenagé en 1968 après son départ de New York. Décrivant la maison comme un véritable laboratoire, Allen avait commenté: "They went on for all day, all night — 'cause he wrote music like you would write a letter. Every day it's a new tune. Every day the same tune is being changed." Allen a d’ailleurs conservé d’anciennes compositions manuscrites de Sun Ra qu’il entend utiliser dans le cadre des futurs albums de l’Arkestra. Il expliquait: ‘’I had a treasure house of ideas and things that I could use, so I used them. And I changed them — the arrangements a little bit, like he does. I had all the music, so it was my turn to do my best." Reconnaissant comme seules limites celles de son imagination, Allen avait ajouté: "Imagination is the magic carpet. It'll take your soul to distant lands. And outer space."
En 2022, l’édifice qui avait abrité l’Arkestral Institute of Sun Ra au 5626, de la rue Morton à Philadelphie a été reconnu bâtiment historique par le Philadelphia Register of Historic Places.
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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butane-muses · 7 months
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[ // ] Vasi's usual manner of speaking revolves around a few different things: the vernacular of Eorzea, slang she picked up from its locals ("Seven hells!" is a particular favorite of hers), formal phrasing from her time as an Immortal Flames officer, and her first language, that of the Au Ra Xaela.
[ // ] The first two parts of that list are of a rather special case, as well. Shortly after her arrival in Ul'dah, a rather charitable Elezen woman found Vasi aimlessly wandering its myriad streets, and decided to take her into her home out of fear for her safety. Between being left to the mercy of cutpurses and having nowhere to stay, the Au Ra agreed to stay with her new guardian. As it turned out, this was the same person who would later provide her with her second surname: a certain Floremence La'dair.
[ // ] For a time, it was by Floremence's teachings that Vasi came to know the essentials of Eorzean common. She also became the woman's errand girl, of a sort, which allowed her to mingle with Ul'dahn citizens and better express herself over time. Before long, her characteristic enthusiasm and shining attitude became well-known, which earned her the attention of First Sword Mylla of the Gladiator's Guild, and later on, the one and only Raubahn Aldynn.
[ // ] Nowadays, as a fully-fledged adventurer and an elite amongst Ul'dah's military, Vasi still finds some time on occasion to thank her dear 'Auntie Flora' for her services and kindness, and to send her gifts she finds on her travels. After all, language is one of many paths of discovery, and it's thanks to such generosity that she has come so far.
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theravenlyn-art · 2 years
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was doing a redraw from my modern special service au with crowley, halt and pauline on an undercover mission at a formal event and then it got out of hand 😅😅
the text was just in my sketch but i thought i might as well include it for you folks
blank version:
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Nissa Diaval [LFRP]
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◈ Name: Nissa Diaval, previously known as Nissa Dalamiq.
◈ Age: 24 years old.
◈ Birthday: 30 Sun of the Third Umbral Moon.
◈ Race: Au Ra Xaela, from the Dalamiq tribe.
◈ Gender: Female.
◈ Sexuality: Bisexual.
◈ Marital Status: Single.
◈ Server: Lousoix. (Chaos Data Center).
◈ Hair: Pure white, straight and short. It covers partially one of her eyes.
◈ Eyes: Purple, with pure white limbal rings product of accidental over-exposure to Light-aligned aether. They used to be black.
◈ Height: 153 cm.
◈ Build: Very toned and slender, with narrow hips and a medium chest.
◈ Distinguishing Marks: Deep purple freckles under her eyes. Very long, barbed tail. Curved, symmetrical horns, and very dark scales. She has some small silvery scars in her body, the most important of them a diagonal cut in her torso.
◈ Common Accessories: Two metal rings around the end of her horns. A silver necklace under her clothes, with a black crystal. A single blue earring, with a Menphina symbol in silver.
Rumors travel quickly around the Holy See of Isghard. Rumors about a shadow prowling the rooftops, about voidsent surges silenced before they can even abandon their crypts… And priceless treasures vanishing from noble vaults without trace. Rumors about someone, somewhere, making sure to keep things balanced. Taking and giving, killing and saving. They say that person is a mercenary under a mysterious organization, others say it’s a ghost… Or multiple people, working all in tandem. Only the first ones get it, and only half right.
Because Nissa doesn’t consider herself a mercenary, even if she often takes money for her deeds. She’s just a guardian, a huntress armed with two blades and years of running and fighting for her life. Born in the distant city of Terncliff to the Dalamiq clan, her family was hunted down as soon as Dalamud fell, for they adored the Moon as their goddess. Her father didn’t survive. To escape, the rest of them took a ship to the nearest Eorzean city: The Holy See of Isghard. The sailors in the ship gave them special glamour prisms that made them look like elezen, so they could disappear among the common population… Just in case. And immediately, Nissa started selling her services as a voidsent hunter to keep the rest alive and well, out of the slums. Having been trained by her father and a Doma-born shinobi back in Terncliff, her fighting style made her stand out amongst her peers… While giving her the capability to run another business in the back: Being a thief for hire, or more commonly, retrieving relics from the crypts filled with heretics and selling them for hefty prices. Relics that would be considered beyond blasphemous if she ever got caught… And she did.
Her prism failed during a mission, revealing her true appearance and race to the rest. She wasn’t only dragon-like, she lied to them… And introduced dangerous cargo in the city. So she was prosecuted, and sentenced to a few (tens of) years in prison. Or she would be, if she failed the trial by combat.
Nobody really knows how she did it. She won, technically, and she cheated for sure because she went up a reowned knight. But she was left off the hook… And the scare eased off her greed quite a bit, limiting her to haunting monsters, not you know… Valuables. Mostly. Well, she hasn't been caught again, okay?
She has since met a group of mercenaries, kindred spirits, and started travelling with them. Little by little, the survivor made criminal is becoming a true adventurer.
◈ Profession: Voidsent hunter and relic thief.
◈ Hobbies: Card games, gardening, knife collecting.
◈ Languages: Common (spoken and just a little reading), xaela tribal language.
◈ Residence: An always-booked room in the Forgotten Knight in Isghard. She also has a thief den/safe house in Limsa Lominsa.
◈ Birthplace: Werlyt, Terncliff.
◈ Religion: Born in the Dalamiq religion, who worshipped Dalamud. She has an ongoing crisis of faith lately.
◈ Patron Deity: Halone, The Fury.
◈ Fears: To be hunted down, like it happened in Isghard at first. To lose her freedom.
◈ Spouse: None.
◈ Children: None.
◈ Parents: Altani Dalamiq (Mother, alive), Jebke Dalamiq (Father, dead).
◈ Siblings: N/A.
◈ Other Relatives: N/A.
◈ Pets: A fat cat named Catpuccino and a griffin who she uses as her main mount. She uses a little automaton to aid her on missions.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
◈ Smoking Habit: No.
◈ Drugs: No.
◈ Alcohol: Sometimes, in fact only when celebrating something. She has rather expensive tastes for a thief.
◈ Guardian of Balance: Nissa’s main job, and source of both money and personal fulfillment. Her main way to care for the world she loves is to protect it from spiraling into darkness, one hunt at a time. She both stops summonings as soon as she finds them, and fights off beings from beyond the realm when it’s too late.
◈ Know thy enemy: Being of humble descent, Nissa didn’t get a formal education when she was young. But now, she has the resources and peace necessary… And has taken special interest in void magic and its workings to perfect her craft.
◈ Lost and found: Nissa can be hired to “recover” (read: also steal) ancient relics. The line between graverobbing and archeology is very thin, and this Au Ra disregards it completely and deliberately.
◈ Daughter of Dalamud: An enemy to all garleans, for they were responsible of her father’s lynching and banishing her family from their home. Fights will be picked on sight, specially if said garlean has a penchant for considering Au Ras savages or even beast tribes.
◈ Shadow of Steel: A mysterious shade who seeks to protect people who cannot protect themselves. Even if the Church has lost most of her power nowadays, Nissa is still vigilant both at home and in her travels.
◈ Blood Brothers: The ties of the clan run strong even in the distance. If you are also a Dalamiq, she will love to meet you even if only to talk and know what happened to the rest of her wayward clan.
◈ Once upon a Time: Anything and everything else can be discussed.
I’m comfortable with most violent topics, as long as they are not sexual in nature. As for contact information, you can find me either here, or in-game, in the Lousoix server.
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valkariel · 2 years
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✦ Valkariel’s Glamour Dresser
Welcome to my glamour dresser! All other FFXIV non-glamour gpose/screenshots/reblogs/lore will be @arsonway.
Hail friends and well met. I am 「Valkariel Arsonway Ilmarë」 (formerly Dawnbringer), the tiniest auri black mage of no great renown.
This side blog is intended to document my glamours with some reasonable tagging so that my future self can search for past glamours by job/role/color/character race/theme. If the glamour is on Eorzea Collection, I add the EC post link as the source link at the bottom of each post :> You are always welcome to wear any of my glams or adapt them for your character!
I also wear other people’s glams too! They will be tagged with links to the original glam on Eorzea Collection.
✦ FAQs
「 bibbidi bobbidi fire iv 」 Magical girl black mage at your service~!
Where can I find (WCIF) the Faeberry shader presets?
I’ve had some of you ask me about presets and poses. Faeberry presets are my personal presets and are not publicly released. They don’t work with the latest ReShade and will likely break with the upcoming graphical update. I’ve explained a bit in this post here about how to recreate presets with a similar feel though until I can fix mine.
Where can I find the pose(s) used?
I also make all of my own poses, none of which are released either.
Can I wear your glamour on my character?
Yes! You are always welcome to wear any of my glams or adapt them for your character. While credit is appreciated, it is entirely optional.
Do you have alts? Is this you?
I have exactly one character that goes by Valkariel, and she is Valkariel Ilmarë @ Gilgamesh. Any other “Valkariel” is not me. I have alts that use different names.
Someone copied your glamour and/or character settings!
The game has a finite number of gear pieces and only 5 gear slots, not including jewelry. A finite number of gear combinations paired with popular pieces used more often means that unintentional similar glamours are bound to happen. Even if it was intentional, I upload glamours to Eorzea Collection and specifically encourage players to take inspiration from them. Also, Valkariel is usually a face 1 female au ra. To put it lightly, it is a rather popular choice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
FFXIV is a game and I’m here to have a good time. Glamour does not make anyone unique or special. Remember that the way you treat others and contribute to society beyond the game speaks a lot more about you as a person.
Mar 2, 2024 ✦ Trying out a new change log format in the pinned post so I can track how things have changed over time. Updating FAQs for WCIFs.
Jun 18, 2023 ✦ The time has come to bequeath a proper name to Valkariel. She is Dawnbring-ing no longer (although I like to think it’s a title she keeps).
Feb 06, 2023 ✦ I’m starting migrating and fixing presets as I go. Personal Faeberry presets will likely be the only ones I use from now. We will see.
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oceanera12 · 3 years
Alfred Pennyworth, the First Vigilante
Just had the weirdest/best idea for a Batman AU.
Alfred Pennyworth is a young, brilliant, and skilled agent of MI-5 when a mission went wrong leaves him badly injured and benched from service for some time. Shortly after this, Alfred gets a call about the sudden death of his father. He quickly travels to Gotham for the funeral arrangements.
Upon his arrival, his father's lawyer approaches him with the final will and wish. The will leaves a substantial amount of money with wishes to donate to this and that charity and a small inheritance for his son and his teen granddaughter. The wish, however, is an odd one. A request for Alfred to become the Wayne's new butler.
Alfred really doesn't want to, but since it's his Father's dying wish and he doesn't exactly have a job at the moment (walks with a cane while recovering and does not want to do a desk job), Alfred applies and is immediately hired.
Bruce is already born and about six years old. He very much misses the old "Mr. Pennyworth", but likes the new one well enough.
Alfred stays as a butler for about a year and a half (which was longer than he intended to but he had grown to really like Bruce and decided to push his leave date back a few months). He's intending to leave within a week or so when--
We all know the story so why bother repeating it?
Suddenly, Alfred finds himself as the guardian of a very young and depressed eight-year-old. Alfred cannot return to Britain now, even if he wanted to leave the boy completely alone.
Alfred, being ex-military, probably raised Julia in a very strict and stern manner. Julia (who's probably fifteen to sixteen and living in Britain with her Mom) is the only child that Alfred has raised.
Also, Alfred's been the butler for a little less than two years now, and is a bit younger than he is in comics (I'm thinking mid-thirties) so while he knows how he's supposed to act around his "employers", this is a freaking orphaned child and Alfred's going to raise this kid right.
One problem: Bruce is obsessed with his parents' killer. Which, yeah, that's fair, however, it's causing a lot of problems and issues in school, at home, with his friends, sleep schedule, social life, etc.
Alfred being... well, Alfred, comes to the conclusion that the best way to deal with this is to find the Wayne's killer. Of course, he does not exactly have jurisdiction or authority to do such a thing. BUT--!
No one knows, outside of Bruce, that Alfred was MI-5. So he plays the part of the patient, loyal, and kind butler. He drops in every few days on the only "clean cop" (Gordan) for "any information he can give Bruce, the poor chap isn't sleeping well with a killer on the loose," and goes out on "shopping trips" (investigates some shifty bars and alleys) and is always willing to volunteer at the local food shelter (the homeless of Gotham are the first to know everything).
After a month or so, Alfred finds Joe Chill. He promptly knocks the guy out, calls the police with an anonymous tip, and returns home to wait for a call from Gordon.
Chill's arrested, tried, and imprisoned. Bruce expresses how he wants Chill dead, which Alfred does not approve of. Cue teenage years of Alfred training Bruce about being a soldier and such.
No idea if Alfred continues to track down specific cases (a little girl's body is found somewhere in Bristol and Alfred figures out which sicko on the block is responsible while also leaving a paper trail that even the corrupt cops cannot ignore) or if Chill was his only time he did this.
But, I think it definitely affects Bruce and his whole "Batman" thing. Maybe it happens sooner (as Alfred teaches Bruce how to properly fight someone when he's younger) or maybe Bruce doesn't run to Ras Al Ghul for training, who knows?
Any thoughts on how this ends because I have nothing. Just love the image of Special Agent Pennyworth hunting down a killer in Gotham and rocking it.
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grandthedaughter · 3 years
Tw for mentions of cheating, Galaxy conquering, royal assassination and probably more stuff, I dunno it’s 6:30 am I haven’t slept yet.
Special mention to @skipppppy who unknowingly inspired a lot of this. If you’re reading this, uhhhhh I love Anya (and Aria ofc) ❤
In my headcanon, She-Ras thorough the ages were one of two kinds: Natural, and artificial. The “natural” She-Ras were born with the ability to summon She-Ra, some needing more training than others. “Artifical” She-Ras, however, appeared way later in the First-One’s history, when the Sword of Protection was created, giving the people who wield it the ability to summon She-Ra, but giving the First-Ones control over them as well.
Though the first woman to be called “She-Ra” was a natural one, there were several more before her who simply never took on the name, hence why there is technically only two “official” natural She-Ras, yet there were enough of them to have a separate category. 
The “last” natural She-Ra, until further news, was Crown Princess Merliah, the heir to the Eternian throne. She was the first to give a political and military status to She-Ra, lending her force and magic to the service of the kingdom and the Crown instead of being a purely neutral party. Though it can be argued she was not fully obedient to the role she gave herself, as rumors have it that the princess was unfaithful to her husband, prince consort Zephyr, and had an affair with one of Eternia’s multiple enemies, which the heads and the King of the planet had accumulated over years of conquer over the near universe. And they planned on furthering their grasp.
But before they could do good on their plans, an assassination was held out, laying low to the entire royal family and resulting in all of their deaths. Though Merliah’s infant daughter was never confirmed dead, the absence of the child anywhere near the palace was confirmation enough for the Eternian people, and thus, began the mourning.
Centuries later the Sword was created to bring back Eternia’s protector, fulfilling her change into a full-blown soldier for the Eternian’s new military heads, as the royal line was never restored. She-Ra was now a military weapon which was given to the most loyal and obedient, as well as promising, soldiers of the Eternian army, given they had some sort of magical potential to fuel the sword, to help further the Eternian conquering of the galaxy. 
Until the Galactic Horde wiped them all out, leaving behind only rumors of the once feared Eternian rule.
Thousands of years later, on Eternia’s weapon planet, Etheria, lost in the dimension of Despondos, a portal opened in a flower field...
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silverwhiteraven · 4 years
One With the Role - A Double Trouble She-Ra One-Shot
Smol take on @sheblah‘s Chipped Double Trouble AU!
(Do not read if you’ve yet to see S5 of She-Ra!)
Double Trouble followed in perfect, practiced sync with the small group of clones that had been summoned to appear before Horde Prime on his flag ship. They had been barely a scrap of boredom away from leaving the ruse behind when the summon happened, and their interest was piqued. Finally something much more interesting was happening, and to see the mastermind of the whole galactic-takeover operation for themself? Not an opportunity to pass up. They will leave once it’s over, of course; beyond whatever the summon was for, the whole charade was a bore.
No alarms blared when Double Trouble arrived on the other side of the teleporter, and they considered that good. Clearly Horde Prime’s security wasn’t as tight as it seemed if it couldn’t even detect when someone wasn’t what they seemed. None of the surveillance drones even scanned anything already considered part of the Horde, so one fake clone was a breeze to pass by as. 
The halls of the ship seemed looped and endless, like a hall of mirrors, and as much as they admired the intended illusion caused by the design, Double Trouble was glad to not be alone, let alone the one leading the way of the group. They were the center in a group of five, the four clones around them set in a perfect square formation. It wasn’t ideal for a quick escape as being one of the back corners would have been, but it did allow for them to show off their skill in perfect synchronization with the clones. Of course, Double Trouble was the only one who could admire the feat, but internally praising themself was just as good as someone else doing it.
They and the clones entered the central hub of the ship, fully set with the observation screens around what Double Trouble assumed was the Horde’s equivalent of a throne As much as the whole place and the Horde screamed extreme religion, they could admit the themes, style, and even those lovely stained glass computer screen were on point.
The clones around Double Trouble stopped and so did they, right on cue. They didn't allow themself to externally gloat, not even a twitch of a smile, focused on maintaining the illusion. 
In a moment of beautiful and classic cliché, Horde Prime’s seat turned about to face them, with the man himself seated poised on his high tech throne. Double Trouble made a mental note to admire the moment later when they were home free and out of the role of clone.
“Welcome, little brothers,” Horde Prime’s voice rings clear in the room as he stands, and Double Trouble admires the presence he has, the ability to command the room with barely more than a greeting. Granted, he also seemed to have a strange mind control thing going, so that may have helped quite a bit on the intimidation scale as well as the actual control of the room. 
Then it registers as Horde Prime’s self-proclaimed all-seeing gaze rests on them. A harsh prickle runs down Double Trouble’s back. 
He had put emphasis on ‘brothers’. not just a normal emphasis of addressing the clones, no. He was welcoming only the clones.
They stay perfectly still and composed, not even blinking in response to the realization. Horde Prime’s eyes stay trained on them, center of the pack, the only one out of place.
The formation Double Trouble stands in the center of no longer feels like a regular formation.
It felt like a stationing of guards around a prisoner, and Double Trouble was playing the role of the captured spy.
“As you know, our grasp on Etheria and its rebellion is not as tight as it should be, and I’ve brought you here to announce a new task for our forces stationed there.” Horde Prime’s eyes had left Double Trouble as he spoke, but they remained tense. He was addressing the clones around them, yes, but as his gaze continued to sweep over them and the clones, they knew there was something waiting to be said, just for Double Trouble.
And it came far too soon.
Horde Prime’s eyes focused back on them. He stepped down from his place in front of his chair and approached. The two clones in front of them stepped aside, and this time Double Trouble doubted their tension was fully concealed as their gazes locked on each other.
“But first, I have a special offer to make,” he mused as his steps came to a stop in front of Double Trouble.
“I see all and I know all, little sibling,” he smiled, though it radiated an air of superiority, and an eerie sense of having won a game only he knew the rules of, “and I saw you.”
A flicker of light behind Horde Prime catched Double Trouble’s attention, the pretty fanned out stained glass coming to life with images. They flickered to various scenes and different perspectives, all moments captured from interactions of clones. Most of the screens go blank again, all except four. 
Each of the four was a different perspective point of the very room they stood. Each of the four was focused on a single clone in the center of a formation of five, with Horde Prime standing before them. 
Double Trouble knew without a doubt they were caught, all eyes settled on them. They swallowed their nerves and forced themselves to relax and smile nonchalantly right back at Horde Prime, breaking from their act, though not changing their appearance or voice as they do.
“So, my jig is up, I’ve been found out, congratulations,” they reply with a soft clap of their hands, feigning good sportsmanship. “I assume you know who I am?” they quiz, settling into a casual stance of a jutted hip and hands resting on their waist. 
“Of course. You are Double Trouble, shapeshifter and performer for any who require your services. For a price, of course,” he adds, his eyes narrowing and smile growing just a little sharper.
They stay tense, though emotionally they feel relaxed as they instantly fall into the familiar back and forth of deal making. “Are you making an offer, Horde Prime?”
“Indeed I am. Anything you desire shall be yours; money, protection, a home to come back to, among my ranks. And more if our goal is successfully reached. All I require is you and your skills.”
The deal sounded like one they would take in an instant. It was tempting beyond measure. But they hesitated for just a moment, hand to their chin in thought as they finally shifted out of the clone form and into the one that belonged only to Double Trouble.
“You certainly seem like one who can pay up on such an offer. What exactly do you need from me, anyways? I need to know what I'm getting myself into you know.”
His expression seemed deceptively understanding as he nodded. “I plan to put Etheria under control and in its place with a little help from technology I've developed over the centuries. Nothing harmful, just a little trinket that puts everyone at peace, with themselves and the rest of the universe.
“In fact, you won’t need to consciously do anything at all,” Horde Prime mused, looking them over, a gleam in his eye that Double Trouble couldn't quite place. “I can do all the work myself, you won't be lifting a finger on your own at all.”
“And just how will you do that?” Double Trouble asks, curiousness rising high.
“Simple, all you need is accept the gift of a new accessory.” His grin was amlist smug, like he knew he caught his prey.
He reached out his hand in offering, and all they had to do was shake on it, and the deal would be done.
It all seemed like a trap. 
Double Trouble felt like a free bird walking right into a gilded cage. 
“In that case, I’m all yours.”
And yet they took his offered hand anyway.
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theraven-gil-lyn · 2 years
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inspired by this photo
modern au crowley can, would and has crashed haltine dates
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favvnsongs · 4 years
Hey so what is ahead to still waters 👀👀
I - oof even what is Ahead to still waters, indeed, lmfao.
Uhm, so very long story short-ish:
Atsw is the sprawling, all over the place, sometimes a gritty traumatic war drama, sometimes an indulgent opulent space opera, occasionally an uncomfortable psychological horror, more often than not a heartbreakingly tragic and agonizing and tenderly romantic monsterbeast of a catradora(...?) fic that happened when a dubcon chipped!catra/adora pwp drabble morphed into Cry little sister and then that au morphed a second time into Ahead to still waters.
It's @trashcanpunch and I's favorite fic-child and we basically come crashing into one anothers DMs on a constant basis to scream feelings at each other. I mean mostly like angsty feelings as if we're on two different sides of a vicious guerilla war and heartbreaking plot moments or snippets or whatever the fuck are spike pits in the jungle but... yknow.
Lmfao no but uh. basically. Atsw, much like Cls, is the "what if" exploration i guess based on if adora&co had left catra behind after catra had helped to rescue glimmer off of prime's flagship.
(mind you that the backstory "lore" of the universe is only like... 5% canon compliant bc I dont fuck with canon when it comes to aus it's stupid and I dont like being limited like that lmao)
no but uhhh. yeah. without the events of Save the Cat, adora never really becomes she ra again. meanwhile, catra isn't forcibly baptized in the mountain dew pool of doom against her will and shoddy chipped and shoved into the hivemind. rather prime sees how much she's hurting and how much internal conflict and despair she's got in her, and very gently and tenderly and so so so uncomfortably grooms her into turning on etheria. essentially handing over not only everything she knows willingly, but also taking the light willingly, joining the hivemind willingly, but also giving herself over to the war effort bodily in letting him use her physically for the creation of little sister, who is kinda sorta an entirely separate personality? it's weird. that whole aspect is sorta... it hasn't been ironed out yet.
(if any of y'all are familiar with my aus, youll know nothing is concrete and everything is always changing and being retconned lol so things may change but)
catra is essentially given the light rather early? and the light and the chips and the hivemind all work differently than in the show, obvs. and she wants to repay prime for giving her a new home and a place of belonging and a purpose?
(oof and I loooove prime in this au. like. i love him because I have such a love hate relationship with him. and I think that's his entire point?? because he'll Make You Like Him??? and make you trust him??? and it's just So Good. and then you'll be reminded that he's an absolute fucking monster it's Amazing)
no but. so. catra. but also little sister. so like, catra is given the light and she's been relieved of her despair and her grief and her anger and bitterness and pain and all that jazz. she's also done some other shit too but we won't get into that here lol. she's earned her place, so to speak. but she wants to do more. she's a true believer. she has seen the truth and heard it from on high and followed him from out of the darkness with pure blind faith and been rewarded. she has really truly deeply drank the koolaid.
prime basically through some weird process splits her - personality? entire wholeass consciousness?? idek. but there's catra and little sister and theyre two different people but they're not and they have two separate personalities but they dont. and they have different memories and knowledge of things but then at the same time they dont. they share a body and a soul but thanks to chip shenanigans and prime's influence, little sister is intentionally so much stronger than catra, she's the one in control most of the time? and yeah sometimes, though very rarely, catra can shove her way to the front but more often than not prime has to allow catra to be present.
(it's not like she'd want to be anyways. committing warcrimes and whatnot. she's comfy where she is. as long as adora's safe she's okay to let little sister be of service to lord prime's plans. that's okay. as long as adora's okay, she's okay.)
but then yknow turns out prime is getting kinda bored af with the war and the heart of etheria isn't like. he doesnt really want it to blow up the universe bc that's dumb as fuck?? lmao what. he mostly either wants to harness that magic so no one else can have it who Would blow up the universe bc there are much more evil fuckers than Prime out there and they aren't members of the evil version of the space united nations or whatever who are all like "so hey uh what's the deal with basically that giant bomb I guess you were gonna take care of or something...?" or he wants to conquer etheria and her surrounding planets (which is mostly his current plan but etheria is kind of just... being a bitch..) bc he cant really just. leave something like that sitting in what is his backyard now. but either way he's getting really fed up and he's all "alright we're gonna just mass chip everyone fuck it i don't care" or something like that, and then honestly prolly destroy all the runestones or something and then just pack up and see if the planet explodes like a pressure cooker.
but also prime has a bit of a soft spot for catra (I mean its more that that but we're not gonna get into that rn) and shes all 🥺👉👈 do you think mebbe I could go and talk to adora and see if i could convince her to join the light? she might be so happy to see me that she'd say yes?
and little sister and prime are all "lmao this kid" and "oh you sweet summer child, how precious you are. sure, it's worth a try" but at the same time they both know that adora isn't an idiot and that she's gonna put two and two together and realize pretty quick why catra isn't dead and why she has a chip but hasn't been seen in years. and oh gee yeah I mean you've been committing God awful horrific atrocities but sure I'll come with you and join ur cult ex bestie sure ♡•°` so little sister pretty much promises prime that she'll kidnap adora if/when she says no to catra both bc adora is a good asset to have Anyway and bc like it or not she's got a soft spot for catra too, even if she's a spoiled little fuck who gets special treatment.
so adora obvs says no and catra is all 🥺 and little sister is all 😤🙄😒🗡🗡 and so adora gets kidnapped...? politely taken prisoner? ... rescued from maybe being blown up? ... reunited with her ex-bestie who she abandoned to prolly/potential doom? lmao pick one. catra is pouting bc adora was mean and rude even tho catra was so excited and happy to see her again and adora is grumpy and stubborn and impolite and little sister is like "I hate you both So Much" and prime is all "drama! I love it :3"
aaand I gotta go run errands and try to be productive so I guess thats all the explanation you'll get for now.
@trashcanpunch can prolly sum it up MUCH MORE seriously than I can tho lmfao
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booknearth · 3 years
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v. of knowledge comes power
—  he had been too young to remember the days of seldom peace. From the seas had he ventured to Eorzea, in hopes of finding his father figure among the adventures that fought tooth and nail. 
Instead, he found himself tangled in a mess of hardships and magicks. When he had first made way for Limsa, he had crossed paths with many. Offering his services to heal the injured and ask questions in hopes of getting him closer to the truth. Eventually he found himself knocking at the door of the so called Scions. 
At least then, he could be some help. To try and get a grip on his life that was starting not to seem so ... certain. 
Be it magic or strange information. He knew a lot more than he let on, and wasn’t about to let such go to waste. 
Job Class.  Blue Mage && Red Mage && White Mage  Race.   Au Ra  < Xeala Crossbreed >  Occupation. Healer   —  note, he does have access to the Echo, but isn’t some warrior of light - he just ends to be around at the wrong place at the right time. 
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
AUgust - The Jetty Temple (coffee shop au)
So, this was my first free space (I think?) and I swapped the original prompt for a coffee shop AU. Pre-Ahsoka/Barriss. Modern AU. Background canon pairings. Digging into my customer service past (shudder).
Ahsoka didn’t really want to take the job at the Jetty Temple. She didn’t really want to make coffees for all of her fellow students, their families, and the tourists down at the beach, on top of all of that. But she’d seen her bank account and the Temple was, barely, better than the alternatives.
The Temple was one of the larger coffee shops in town, located near the college, where it got all manner of foot traffic, and right on the coast. It was open and breezy, which was nice. The owner burned incense a little more than Ahsoka liked, but she appreciated the soothing music; it was better than listening to the same twenty songs over and over again.
Plus, it was close to her dorm. And everyone said the owner was willing to work around class schedules. Plus, her RA had put in a good word with her and she’d barely even had an interview with the manager who talked to her. His name was, apparently, Anakin and he’d hired her on the spot, telling her to show up the next morning for first shift.
“All the shinies start there,” he said, when she made a face at him. He shrugged, grabbing his apron off the back of his chair as he stood, cutting a look towards the counter, where the line was starting to back up. The guy behind the register had close-cropped blond hair and a frown.
“Shinies?” she asked, lifting her bookbag and slinging it over one shoulder. She had a lab she needed to get to, really.
“Yeah, you know,” Anakin said, sliding into place and doing something to the huge machines that lined the back wall. “Newbies. Be here bright and early.”
It was, actually, dark when Ahsoka showed up, picking at her braids and wondering if she’d made the right choice. “Hey,” Anakin said, as she hesitated outside the door. He’d pushed it open just enough to get a shoulder through, “come on, we have work to do.”
“Fine, fine,” she said, blowing out a breath and walking into the shop which was, at least, warm even in the late fall chill. “So.” She looked around the shop, the machines only just starting to make noise, and the louder sounds coming from the back area where, she gathered, the baking happened. “What do I do?”
“Sweep,” Anakin said, and thrust a broom at her, disappearing across the room to pop the register open, sorting change and dollars into it with a look of concentration on his face. Ahsoka swept and she helped him take the chairs off of the tables and spread out the rugs across the floor.
It wasn’t, really, what she’d expected from working at a coffee shop. “I really thought there’d be more… making coffee,” she said, as they turned all the lights on, preparing for their first customers of the day.
Anakin snorted. “We’ll work up to making coffee,” he said. “You got some register time to put in, first.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Is that also a thing for shinies?”
He smiled at her. He had a nice smile, even if he didn’t use it much. It made her want to ask about the scar across his brow, but she swallowed that question back. “Exactly,” he said, waving her around the counter. “But first, come on. Your first morning deserves something special.”
He stuck his head around into the kitchen and said, “Hey, Obi-Wan, give me a scone or something.”
“Breaking the employee code already?” another man asked, coming around the corner, wearing a white shirt rolled up his forearms. He was covered with flour, copper hair combed back. He had a plate in one hand, several muffins on it that smelled divine.
Anakin plucked one off of the tray and handed it to Ahsoka. “Only bending them a little,” he said, flashing the man - Obi-Wan, she supposed, and wasn’t that the owner’s name? - a grin. “This is the shiny I hired yesterday, Ahsoka. Ahsoka, this is Obi-Wan. He owns the place.”
Obi-Wan nodded at her, smiling. He said, “I’m usually in the back. You can call me if you need anything, alright? Including help dealing with this one.” He cast Anakin a look as he turned, but he also lifted another of the muffins and pressed it into Anakin’s hand as he passed.
Anakin grinned over at Ahsoka. “He trained me,” he said, like an explanation. “Now, the register. I call him R2.”
Working the register wasn’t difficult. Ahsoka could make change with the best of them. Dealing with the customers on the other hand…. Her mouth started aching within the first hour as she tried to maintain a smile.
She took order after order, dealing with indifference and rude behavior and occasional kindness. The line moved. Anakin worked behind the counter with her, filling the orders. The blond man from the day before arrived shortly, introduced himself as Rex, and started helping as well. Ahsoka did a double-take when a nearly identical man showed up, not long after, taking the register beside her.
“Brothers,” Anakin said, on his way past with a tray full of coffees. “There’s like, thirty-five of them, or something.”
“Shut it, Skywalker,” the man at the register said, without looking up. He had quite a scar himself. He glanced over at Ahsoka and offered her a hand. “I’m Cody. Ignore him.” 
“Already was,” she chirped back, and Anakin made an indignant noise from behind her shoulder.
She and Anakin got a lunch break, which Ahsoka appreciated. It just didn’t last long enough. Her feet hurt and she had a headache by the time breaktime rolled around. She slumped down in the employee break room, holding a frozen coffee to her head.
Anakin had promised to teach her how to actually make some coffees after her break, but she honestly wasn’t sure she wanted to go through with it. She sighed, wiggling her toes in her boots. They weren’t really the right footwear for this kind of thing.
Still, she couldn’t bring herself to quit in the middle of her first shift. Besides, this place wasn’t nearly so bad as the fast food place she’d worked back home. She sighed, downed the rest of her drink and went back out into the store which had, at least, settled down after the breakfast rush.
Anakin taught her how to use the espresso machine. “I call it 3PO,” he said, in the midst of more important instructions. The brothers had taken their lunch break, so there was no one around to tease if she did anything wrong.
She blinked at him. “Have you named them all?”
He shrugged, looking to the side. “They like it,” he said, and she decided not to argue with him. “Here,” he continued, as the bell over the front door rang. “I’ll take this order and you fix it up, alright?”
She found she much preferred fixing the coffees to taking the orders, at least until Anakin said, “You’re doing great. In fact, I bet you can handle this for five minutes.” He’d slipped off and out the front door before Ahsoka could even ask what he meant by that. He had a coffee in his hands and a cinnamon roll, if she wasn’t mistaken.
“Where are you going?” she asked to the empty store, leaning around the counter to watch him hurry up to a petite, dark-haired woman on the sidewalk outside. He bent to brush a kiss across her cheek and they embraced. “Oh,” Ahsoka said, looking away.
She wiped down the counter and looked up at the ringing of the bell, expecting it to be Anakin. It was, instead, an entire crowd that seemed to have gathered, all at once. “Oh,” she said again, but more quietly. “Shit.”
Ahsoka didn’t know, at first, what made so many people want coffees at the same time. She realized halfway through taking another order that classes must have let out. Understanding why it was happening didn’t make her appreciate it any more. 
She jumbled the order she was trying to take and listened to the woman across the counter make a sharp, irritated sound. She wondered, vaguely, where Anakin was and if he were planning to come back and--
And someone slid behind the counter, moving behind Ahsoka. She was a petite girl, with freckles scattered across her cheeks and dark eyes, her dark hijab carefully tucked into place. “Hi, there,” she said, flashing Ahsoka a small smile. “You look swamped.”
“Yeah,” Ahsoka said, staring at her longer than she should have done. “I - Anakin was here, but he left and…” she waved a hand at the line.
The other girl smiled, nodding. “He does that,” she said. “Don’t worry. Tell me what you’ve got, I’ll get it taken care of.” And, somehow, they cleared away everyone, leaving behind nothing but the smell of coffee and the tinkling of soothing music.
“You’re a life-saver,” Ahsoka said, as the Temple cleared out for the moment. 
“I’m Barriss, actually,” she said, smiling and offering out a hand. “You a shiny?”
And, later, long past the time Ahsoka graduated from shiny status and even after she managed to ask Barriss out, she’d admit that it was that moment, right then, when she first knew she was going to fall in love.
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numachis-swamp · 4 years
Looking For Roleplay Numachi Sewanin
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The Basics ––– –
Age: Fifty-two
Race: Raen Au Ra 
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Marital Status: Single
Server: Mateus - Crystal
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Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Numachi doesn’t appear to do much with his hair. His light brown locks are usually pulled back, held loosely in a knot where they’ll stay out of the way. His hair is one of the biggest indicators of his age, as he doesn’t fuss much over the grays that have started to make themselves known.
Eyes: A pale green, with dark limbal rings for contrast. 
Height: 6′10″
Build: Numachi is a stalwart and vigilant defender of the people, with a physique to match. He has a muscular form but lacks the definition of show muscle, opting instead for muscle of a functional variety. Though he may appear to be on the lean side, the 384 pound Au Ra merely carries his weight well. Then again, a considerable portion of the old swamp dweller’s weight comes from his tail, which rivals even his own height in length, coming in at six feet, eleven and a half inches. It should be no wonder why Numachi has such a solid core, given the weight he lugs around at all times.
Distinguishing Marks: Battle scars litter the seasoned warrior’s body, however none are particularly special. What makes these marks worthy of note is where they do not occur, that being his scales. Numachi’s scales are unmarred, even when one scar on his flesh might appear to lead into his scales.
Common Accessories: Without fail, Numachi’s wrists can be found sporting some flimsy, brightly colored string-bracelets of amateur make. Some are beaded, a couple have the teeth of animals, and more than a few have seen repair via tape or glue. Though they might appear more worthy of the garbage bin to anyone else, to Numachi they are treasures. Reminders of the past.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Numachi, for many years, worked as a mercenary within Ul’dah. He aligned himself with the Immortal Flames as part of the Free Brigade, until his service and notable efforts had him come into a comfortable position within the Bloodsworn, working under the direct order of Raubahn Aldynn.
Hobbies: In his free time, Numachi will fill his days with some few quiet activities such as cooking or fishing. The Raen is quite handy in the kitchen, with most of his experience being in preparing and cooking meat either from slain beasts or caught fish.
Residence: Numachi owns no property of his own. For many years he lived in the remote swamps between Doma and Nagxia, occupying the territory as the sole survivor of his family. He holds no legal claim over the land, but made more than a simple home of the space for himself and his dozens of adopted children. In the current day, Numachi gets back in Eorzea by staying within the Immortal Flame Barracks, or occasionally renting out inn rooms with his earnings when he desires more privacy.
Birthplace: Numachi’s birthplace is unknown to him, but he assumes it to be relative to where he was raised; Southern Doma.
Patron Deity: Numachi is not an expressly religious man, and holds no deity with any reverence. However, he stills respects what they are and what they represent.
Fears: Wasted time. Numachi is a very patient man, but nothing ignites his anxieties quite like realizing that the time he spent waiting for someone or something was for not. This fear gnaws at him quietly, often testing just how patient he can really be. For such reasons, he can become quite irritable with people who do not respect his time.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: Numachi has no children of his own, but he is the adopted father to some several dozen children. Most of these children were refugees from Nagixa after the Garlean occupation, orphans escaping the region in search of solace who stumbled upon the kind Raen’s swamp. He took them in and offered them protection, raising many of them into their adulthood.
Parents: Both of Numachi’s parents are unfortunately deceased.
Siblings: Numachi had three siblings, and he was the eldest amongst them. They suffered the same fate as their parents.
Other Relatives: None that he is aware of.
Pets: Numachi has a pet crocodile back in the Far East, affectionately known as Chomps. Chomps is currently being cared for by those sons and daughters of his that yet remain in his swamp.
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between / Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Themes and More: It is important to me to make sure that everyone involved in any RP I’m a part of is comfortable and having fun. To that end, allow me to be transparent about the themes that I explore/am willing to explore, and what I would like to avoid. Given Numachi’s role as a military personnel, I am well prepared to handle RP involving combat and all that entails; blood, broken bones, wounds, death, etc. - I am, admittedly, not fluent in fantasy law, nor will I ever pretend to be, so I will likely miss the mark sometimes on what is/is not within Numachi’s jurisdiction as a Bloodsworn, if and when that kinda thing comes into play in whatever scenario we find ourselves in. I see the typical D/M/E RP specifications in most people’s search info, and I am open to all such themes with proper communication. However, I reserve the right to change my mind. Additionally there are lines that I will not, under any circumstances, dare to cross. These would be situations dealing with not previously discussed sexual violence, or sexually suggestive comments or insinuations regarding his adopted children.
What I’m Looking For: I’m hoping to broaden my horizons as a roleplayer by roleplaying with many different people and experiencing new and interesting situations! I am always open to making friends and discussing potential plot ideas. I appreciate many different themes, but I would lying if I said I didn’t have a preference. While I can enjoy comedic and lighthearted stories, I find I am only ever truly invested in those with emotional weight, nuance, and depth. I prefer dark and/or romantic themes, but not so much in that I crave constant edge and agony or only erotic entanglements. Balance, y’know? Most of all, I have a story for Numachi that I wish to see unfold, and I want to welcome others to join me in telling that story - and yours too!
RP Hooks ––– –
The Gator in the Swamp: Numachi’s time spent in the swamp was not one spent in solitude. He welcomed travelers and traders regularly, offering them a place to eat and sleep where they may hide from the Garleans or the many beasts that lurked in the mire. If your character had reason to pass through the area, perhaps they would have run into each other all those years ago! Gladiator, Bulwark, Bloodsworn: In the current day, Numachi is known for his duties as a Bloodsworn, as well as a gladiator frequenting Ul’dah’s famous arena. It would not be too much of a stretch to suggest that your character may know of Numachi, either seeing them on the field or in the arena proper. Perhaps they were even combatants at one point! Or fought together against a common foe! I am open to discussing any and all possibilities.
Contact Information/About the player ––– –
Hello, and thank you for reading this far! My name is Blake, 23, nonbinary they/them, and you can usually find/contact me here or on Numachi on Mateus. I keep a bit of an odd, migrating schedule, but I am always happy to make room for some RP whenever we can make it work!
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