#queer tattooist
bisquitly · 4 months
Got my first tattoo today and absolutely in love with it already x3
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kitsabeautifulday · 2 years
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Rootin’ tootin’ new boot goofin’. Done at Monolith Academy in Bend - now booking for September at Mum’s!
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n0sebleeds · 2 years
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Not done much fanart recently cus I've been working on tattoo concepts to build up a portfolio (hopefully to apply for an apprenticeship)
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the-needle-witch · 11 months
! ! ! ! !
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cccentipedes · 1 month
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3 collages of previously tattooed hand drawn designs! All one of a kind/only once tattooed flash and custom work. More tattoos here and more of me here.
2/3 of these originals are still available for sale on my bigcartel site as of now aka May 2024.
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scrambled-eggsed · 1 year
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bro it turned out so well
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dee-the-red-witch · 8 months
New month, new pinned.
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I'm Dee. I'm an artist, writer, leatherworker, mom, tattooist, occultist, and shitposter.
I'm also a queer trans woman in her mid-40's. Y'know, everything the Church warned you about.
Here's some of my work, with links.
The leathery bits are all available through Tormented Artifacts:
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I also have merch featuring my artwork, on redbubble, and now BigCartel as well.
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There's also my Patreon, with weekly tarot readings, irregular horror movie reviews, notes and resources on my own transition, and fiction when I can get started back up on it again.
I don't sideblog. I don't queue. I'm an unapologetic nerd, slut, and weirdo, and my existence is highly politicized enough that I'll never escape politics, so I'm not about to let you either if you follow me. This blog is all of that and then some.
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peachjagiya · 3 months
My Taekook timeline thoughts
Idea from @blue703.
I'mma try this. Let me preface by saying I'm baby Army, coming up to a year. I pick stuff up fast and I have ADHD so I hyperfixate and deep dive but there's definitely stuff I don't know/am still trying to figure out. I ALSO got exposed to a lot of rumour and speculation without much foundation early on so I'm trying to remove that from my thinking.
Tae is instrumental in bringing Jungkook out of himself. They're CLEARLY close. Initial puppy love vibes.
This always feels to me that the attraction is strongest/most obvious on Jungkook's side. I don't think it's one-sided but Jungkook wears his heart in his EYES and Taehyung finds it easier to centre himself, perhaps. 2015-2017
Jungkook is what, 18-20 at this point, Taehyung 20-22? (my maths is appalling. I think that's right) and they seem to have exactly the kind of relationship that two young guys figuring themselves out have ie; DRAMATIC.
Sweet and clingy and lots of eyes and touching. Doesn't seem beyond the realms of possibility that kissing/whatever might have occurred. They're young and besotted. But it also seems to be a time of some pretty intense down moments like whatever the heck happened around Tokyo.
If you think about the Inkigayo video where JK seems a little bit stroppy with Tae for not being there sooner - well, devolve his emotional maturity by 6 or 7 years. I know people say JK doesn't like when he's not getting attention and it's supported by some clips, I feel. Like the slight drama with Bogum. I can imagine this combined with scary queer feelings combined with *SPECULATION INCOMING* being seperated on camera*, against their natural instinct to be close, would create a pressure cooker of Feels which would only ever come out in drama.
Also: Stigma is released in this time, Namjoon says Tae has his own story about it. I have wondered if Stigma might have been related to HYYH but I don't think the storyline bled into the songs, did they? Please correct me if I'm wrong there.
*side note: Dispatch threat to reveal a same sex couple then Dispatch suddenly getting BTS exclusives is an intriguing theory but I think even if it's nonsense or about a different group, I imagine it would create nervous ripples throughout various agencies? Maybe seperating Taekook was precaution? I don't know. Just a thought.
It's well known JK and Tae were having some of their worst times during 2018 and disbandment talks. What intrigues me is that Jin says JK isolated himself and didn't talk to the members.
But Yoongi sends Tae and JK the supportive text message and Tae says he and JK read the messages together and cried. JK is isolated and not talking to other members but he's with Tae at this point? Interesting.
(I don't know if anyone else gets this but there seems to be a kind of implied "Well except V" in a lot of these stories. JK in his 2023 Sirius interview "I didn't really get a chance to see the members this year." and yet he's with Tae on a number of confirmed occasions and maybe other unconfirmed? Almost like Tae is aside from the collective members when it comes to JK.)
I feel like intentions might have been set here and some kind of commitment made, though I'm not sure it's a "together" commitment. Just an undetermined milestone of things getting much heavier than they were. An admission, a mutual understanding, a commitment to stop the drama... I don't know.
Golden Disk Awards 2020. Grammys 2020. Atomix. That's all. :)
Oh I suppose we have BTS: ITS1 filmed in 2020 and as we all know, Tae and JK have been awkward for a while and the only way Jungkook wants to be near Tae is if Jimin tricks him into going. 🙄
They just seem real sweet and close these years. No particular dramas between the two of them are cropping up for me, correct me if I'm wrong. JK has his tattooist nonsense which just feels like a silly storm in a dumb teacup. Still being seperated and forced to pretend they barely like each other in lives but that's just Bighit Streisand Effecting themselves. 😇
If not 2018 then something in here feels like it might have been the actual commitment.
2022 onwards
Demonstrable time spent together. Confirmed private time where JK hangs out with Tae's friends. Unconfirmed time too. WHATEVER WAS IN THE WATER FOR DREAM PREMIERE. Obviously Jennie weirdness in late '22, early '23 but that feels so much like a press stunt that I just J-Hope side eye it.
I once looked up if there was any telltale signs of fanservice when I was newborn army and so confused. A lot of the response was just "if it looks gay, it's fanservice." LOL but one person replied, paraphrased, "Disregard stages, photoshoots, some of the promotional lives, anything under direct agency management. Consider whether they actually interact privately where nobody is." and I feel like that kind of sums up Taekook since 2022 when BTS are on hiatus and they're still in each other's orbit.
If they're not a couple, they're in love and don't know it. That's a joke. Don't come for me.
Lets see what 2024 onwards brings!
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ritunn · 3 days
Trans in Golarion: A Sample of Pathfinder's Trans Representation
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Golarion, like any world, is home to people of many walks of life, but one thing it does very well is trans representation. There isn't a Lost Omens lore book without at least one trans character, in fact there's typically multiple! So, with pride month here, I wanted to highlight some of my favorites that don't get much press. Shardra, the shaman iconic, and Mios, the thaumaturge iconic (both pictures above) are one trans woman and enby you're probably familiar with already, but let's get you acquainted with some more! If you aren't of course acquainted with them, I recommend reading the Meet the Iconic stories for them.
Meet Shardra Geltl!
Meet Mios!
Iltara Clavela
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Lost Omens Grand Bazaar, Pg. 48
The owner of Material Changes in Absalom, a fashion boutique, day spa, and a place where not only can your clothing be changed, bur your entire body, Iltara was born in Irrisen to the far north. Born to two parents who made a bargain with a winter fey to have a son that could wield fey magic of frost and winter so that he could lead their army in a wretched second Winter War, this wouldn't be the case. For the fey realized that he had not a male spirit, but a female one instead and that he would never lead anyone in war. The child begged her parents to let her abdicate her name and find the magic to align body with spirit, but they refused. So, when enlisted, she fled and found the fey to ask for the body she desired, but the fey could do no thing. Coming up with a second plan, the child asked if it could help her escape and to that it agreed, only for her name. A simple bargain, one that was happily made as the child renamed herself Iltara.
From then on, she would use her skills to take on odd jobs, but never used her magic for fear of revealing herself as a winter witch. Eventually, she helped fixed the clothes of some entertainers who invited her on as their seamstress and when she had grown close enough to them, she revealed her magic and she was asked to perform herself as a magician. Iltara agreed, only if they helped her find the magic she sought. The group toiled and the entertainers were confused by her obsession until she emerged with an enhanced visage. Illtara had finally achieved what she always dreamed of and now helps make the process for others like her much easier.
Ahran Benimaya
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Lost Omens Grand Bazaar Pg. 36
Another merchant within the Grand Bazaar, Ahran is the tattooist at Kraken's Ink Tattoos, working there with his boyfriend, the azarketi, Brine. Growing up in the devil worshipping capital of Cheliax, Ahran's family were Shelynites, devotees of the goddess of art, Shelyn (who is quite queer herself may I add). However, with the state religion focused firmly on Asmodeus who isn't exactly a fan of the more chaotic free loving goddess, Ahran's family had to be careful. However, Ahran himself grew to be a talented artist to the joy of his parents, a skill he'd make use of upon moving to Absalom once one of their neighbors warned them they'd been accused of heresy and had to flee.
There, Ahran saw a shop selling a serum of sex shift for sixty gold pieces and thought it'd be the best way to align his body to his true identity. However, making that much money would be no simple task drawing portraits of others at Absalom's docks for copper pieces. So, he went to Kraken's Ink Tattoos and asked to become an apprentice to tattooist and owner at the time, Maelara, a tiefling dwarf of exceptional skill. Maelara found her new apprentice shared that skill, his artistic talents coming in handy, and soon enough he had enough gold to purchase the serum and become who he was always wished to be. A decade later Maelara retired and Ahran has run the shop ever since. If you ever need a magic tattoo (or just some normal ink), he's your man and even features in book one of the Stolen Fate adventure path.
Ishii Bunji
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Lost Omens Firebrands Pg. 42
A member of the revolutionary group called the Firebrands, Ishii "The Tyrant Breaker" Bunji is infamous for his jubilant demeanor and towering physique as a former sumo champion. One of the many people who aided in tearing down the tyranny of the Jade Regent in his homeland of Minkai, Ishii helped rebuild afterwards but a question stirred in his heart. "What good is strength if not used to protect the vulnerable?" This led him to joining the Firebrands and eventually becoming one of their most formidable warriors. Able to win fights against champions, spellcasters, war machines, and even battalions himself, he joins small rebellions rather than full revolutions, an equalizing force that nothing can stop. When the rebellion is over, he stays behind to rebuild, cooking his signature hot pot for others in his massive shield that also happens to be a family heirloom, a singing steel cooking pot. A symbol of not only protection, but one of hearty meals and a better tomorrow. These actions have lead him to receiving many love letters and quite a few lovers as well, but he's not quite interested in marriage and thus remains the Firebrands' most eligible bachelor.
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Lost Omens Firebrands Pg. 45
Passenger was among the many androids who crashed in Numeria, unlike many androids, all of Passenger's companions had died. Every other incubator held incomplete or damaged bodies and the only sign of identity they had was a damaged plaque calling them "Passenger #-". Taking this as their name, they ventured into Numeria and were taken in by a group of scavengers who they soon left when they heard the Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul, ruler of Numeria, was accepting androids into his court in the capital of Starfall. There they met more of their kind and learned of their android nature, but when a group of Firebrands made their way to the court looking to enter the dangerous Silver Mount for adventure, Passenger was intrigued and tagged along.
This adventure left Passenger wanting more and they declared themselves a first-mark Firebrand and staged even more expeditions into the Silver Mount with their tinkering experience and any who wished to join helping them. One of these people was Tyen-Ra, a human tigerkin, and over the next few months they discovered an annihilator robot which they fixed up and named Scrapheap. Using their newly found scorpion mech, they left Numeria and accumulated more members and a reputation as the Fire's Finest, traveling across Avistan searching for adventure, fine food, and fun wherever they went. Scaring a few along the way with their terrifying mech, only to ease their fears when the Fire's Finest popped out.
Beirivelle Starshine
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Lost Omens Knights of Lastwall Pg. 42
The Knights of Lastwall are home to numerous prominent trans women, most notably Anevia, a major NPC in Wrath of the Righteous, and the leader of the organization, Kalabrynne Iomedar. Beirivelle herself is newly knighted but already rising through the ranks with her skills as a bard devoted to Shelyn. Born in Absalom to a noble family, Beirivelle was arranged to marry another high-ranking member of Absalom's noble houses and live an uneventful life. When the lich known as the Whispering Tyrant attacked the city, however, she realized she wanted more from life. Her spouse's tastes thankfully weren't very feminine and she was able to exit it gracefully, but she only was able to flee home after an intense argument with her father.
Ever since becoming a Knight of Lastwall, however, the dainty romantic has been making alliances for the organization, first with the Scarlet Rose after a candlelight dinner with its leader, Filarina Grantsliem. In addition to these duties, she gathers stories as any bard does, adventuring with anyone from the brutal orc skullhunters to the Chelaxian Hellknight Order of the Torrent who hunt down kidnappers, aiding all with her divine magic and bardic knowledge. As well, she finds other "late blooming" girls and those who have yet to bloom at all and helps them find their own path away from harsh families or dire circumstances. For now in her official duties, she uses her diplomatic skills to recruit adventurers and locals, doing her best to protect them. All the while trying to court the anti-Geb factions of Nex who despise the necropolis for the decades long war the country had with it, hoping to get their help with dealing with the undead. That is proving difficult to do as it feels impossible to navigate its byzantine court politics. Thus, she continues her search for allies to aid in that endeavor.
You have any trans characters you love in Pathfinder not mentioned here? I know Il'setsya Wyrmtouched is one I adore and even a character belonging to freelancer, Amber Stewart, who has done work for many TTRPG companies, even getting her own villainous arcanoloth featured in D&D's Planescape book. Perhaps you'd like to share your own trans TTRPG characters whether in Pathfinder, D&D, or another game! If so, I'd love to see them.
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losergender · 6 months
All of my BSD FanFics !
will be updated as i post more < 3
taroko (5k words) - ranpoe . . . aquarium date, autistic ranpo, established relationship, fluff !
murphy's law (5.8k words) - fem!sigchuu . . . love at first sight, femme x butch, pining, soft chuuya, fluff !
obsidian (2.7k words) - sigzai . . . tattoo parlor au, tattooist sigma x nerd dazai, flirting, t4t !
softest star (2.7k words) - fem!sigzai . . . agere little dazai & caregiver sigma, domestic fluff, established relationship !
like a blanket (1.8k words) - fem!sigzai . . . agere little dazai & caregiver sigma pt. 2, domestic fluff, hurt/comfort !
is it just me or is there no air in here? (3k words) - fem!sigzai . . . hurt/comfort, undercover mission, suffering dazai, established relationship !
not strong enough (to be your man) (3.3k words) - higugin . . . undercover as a couple, queer themes, useless lesbians, fluffy !
where happiness ends (and dies with you) (3.2k words) - gen, akutagawa siblings-centric . . . MCD, angst, ghost au, hurt/comfort !
when i go (bury me six feet in snow) (2.9k words) - ranpoe . . . light angst, near death experiences, christmas dates !
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jikookuntold · 2 months
Btw Chaeyoung's tattooist rumor wasn't confirmed by Chae or company. I'm pretty sure any group of idol shipper/queer believers will ignore if a rumor like this comes up for their fav, Jimin's case is an example (no I don't think it's real but just an example how fans don't take seriously these rumors because they are sure the idol is gay) She was waking around with a boobs tattoo so they genuinely thought she's lesbian and didn't took random rumors seriously.
Then you haven't been following. That rumor came out when Chae and tattoo artist already had a messy breakup and confirming anything at that point would be ridiculous and would make it worse for Chae who was already under attack, and they couldn't deny either because there was a chunk of undeniable evidence out there, not some red circles around furniture in a complex that has a houndred similar apartments. Btw tattooing female body doesn't make you lesbian the same way having two boyfriends doesn't make you straight as a ruler because bisexuals exist, you know that?
I know everything about gay shippers and how their minds work. I was never one before Jikook and never will ship anyone else, and I don't care about gay shipper fans or what they believe, that's not my responsibility. If one day Jimin or JK had dating rumors with evidence as big as Taennie or ChaeyongxTattooist and they didn't respond to it, I will call it quit. I know you are trying so hard to make it happen, but it has not and is not going to happen.
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kitsabeautifulday · 2 years
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This is Jimmy. Jimmy is a ghost. We love Jimmy.
This is one of the only tattoos I’ve done so far that has allowed me to really see my own potential. I’m very, very proud of this one. Tattooing is *really* hard, and it’s easy to be heavily critical of your own work. But Jimmy? I’m very proud of Jimmy.
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hey hi, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a backstory to the tattoo? if so I'd love to hear about it :)
thanks for the ask!
so dan has said this quote a few times over the years - in his vid ‘existential crisis’ as well as having merch with it on and also in wad to name a few
to me as someone who has struggled with my mental health my entire life (which turns out was undiagnosed autism! slay!) learning to live in my darkness and be unapologetically myself is the only way i have ever learnt happiness. embracing my cringe interests and stims and shutdowns instead of feeling like a freak for them has allowed me a new sense of self, i love these things about me. it’s taken time but it’s finally true
and having the courage to exist in a queer sense too - i have repressed my sexuality and tried to change my queerness to please other people and hiding who i am also has never led to happiness, so i will never allow myself to do that again
i have hundreds of tattoos and they are a catalogue of things i love and inside jokes and things i find pretty and that make me happy, and since i was 10 years old dnp have been there for me. that’s 12 years of figuring out my mental health and neurodivergence and queerness and transness that they have accompanied me for, and i am incredibly grateful for them <3
(also working as a tattooist means whenever people are available they offer you free tatts)
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cult-of-the-eye · 9 months
Listen to me. No, listen. Tattoo shop/Florist AU with Jon as the Florist and Martin as the tattooist. Jon has the attention to detail to be a florist, he accepts nothing but perfection and he's popular with the right crowd (usually queer or alternative people who don't want to be fucking heteronormative but also want flowers). The eye is being fed from the stories the people come in there and tell him (they feel compelled to explain why they're buying the flowers, why this bouquet specifically) and Jon listens. Martin is a tattooist. The slightly more nervous clients get directed to him, who can soothe them with nice words and a cup of tea. The slightly more bastard-inclined clients also get directed to him, whose sweet face masks the fact that he's pressing a little too hard into them. His tattoos are poetic and people come to him with inspiration and a general vibe, rather than something to copy. They meet when Martin's walking his friend's dog and it runs into the flower shop, dragging him with it and Jon is perplexed because there was No Story. Just an "Oh god, I'm sorry, I'll get him out."
They're gay and fall in love. That's it.
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commajade · 11 months
idk how to word this question properly, but what differences do you see in the way korean lesbians/bi women dress in comparison to american ones? i can’t speak for neither but i can see a difference between how they dress in my country x in the US so i was curious
well to put it simply they dress like korean people? i only have my own experiences as a gyopo butch dyke and my historical knowledge to draw from so this info is gonna be specific to what i've noticed and not at all a comprehensive overview of the entire korean lesbian scene.
south korea has its own clothing trends and accessible clothing items with sizing and cuts that r specific to the country so that's what queer women have to choose from basically. korean clothing tends to be a little bit more gender neutral than american clothing as of the last 10 years and a little bit more formal. a lot of young korean people wear blazers and slacks and formal shoes just to hang out with friends regardless of gender, mix and matched with like jeans and t-shirts and sneakers to dress it down for casual occasions. most korean lesbians dress like korean women and the large breadth of personal styles that that entails. this is very much colored by upbringing, class, hobbies, whether they take part in subcultures, etc. korean lesbians/bi women often gravitate to subcultures such as the underground music scene or tattooist scene. the tattooist scene is inherently countercultural because giving tattoos without a medical license is illegal so people who cannot have standard jobs due to social hierarchies but have artistic inclinations tend to be drawn there.
there was a large south korean feminist movement in the last 10 years that has led to a lot of feminist and/or lesbian/bi women dressing casually and androgynously with no make up as a response to constant objectification and inhumane beauty standards in society and the workplace. i would say that this is analogous to the US lesbian feminist movement in the 60s-80s toward androgyny as a response to objectification. this is in historical contrast with butch/femme culture which cares more about actively attracting other women and signaling that they are a part of the lesbian subculture rather than dressing in a way to signal rebellion from patriarchy and wanting to deter the attraction and attention of men.
i think one significant difference to mention here would be that butch women in america and other western countries have the 1940s-onward classic butch image as the base for what female masculinity looks like while korean butch women in the 1970s-1980s typically dressed in a hippie style with long hair, denim, and prints. this isn't rly reflected in today's butch women's dress sense tho there's not a lot of cultural continuity from the older generation to now because of violent repression and other historical reasons.
the butch women i saw around hongdae going to bars and clubs dressed smart and formal and a little bit edgy but in a way similar to well-groomed and dressed korean men or even korean actors and kpop idols. the trend seemed to be female masculinity that looks like a feminine man the way that is popularized in korean media. the femmes i saw with them dressed similarly to other korean women going out for the night.
and there are of course many older butch women still around and they have varying styles but many tend to do a western style classic working class butch look. very few of these women r in the middle or upper class from what i've seen. these are women who are single or partnered with women and have worked in jobs such as manual labor work, taxi driving, food service, and bartending. their attire reflects their lives.
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Ok y’all I need to tell u my favourite story concept, probs best suited to a music video as that seems to be the only mode of storytelling that is acceptable with no conflict at all. Also probs already exists.
So, saphic romance.
A young queer girl falls in love with a hairdresser/stylist. So she changes her hair all the time with increasing regularity, different colours, patterns, cuts, u know, like general young queer people. Except her motivation is to just spend time with the stylist, along with the rather intimate elements that naturally come with hairdressing and cause it to be such an important and transformational space in media and life in general. Anyways so they fall in love. No conflict, naturally. Gradually.
Also would work perfectly with a tattooist instead. Maybe even better.
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