#quad cane
petrichoremojis · 4 months
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IDs in alt
manual wheelchair with and without highlights, active wheelchair with and without highlights, rollator with and without highlights, and a quad cane! just noticed the rollator is darker than the others but. oh well
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mohitjoshi041 · 10 months
Stability Meets Convenience: Quad Cane with Small Base
Elevate your mobility experience with our Quad Cane with Small Base. Designed to provide a perfect balance of stability and maneuverability, this innovative quad cane is a reliable companion for those seeking enhanced support while maintaining their active lifestyle. The small base offers exceptional stability while navigating tight spaces, and the ergonomic handle ensures a comfortable grip. With its lightweight yet sturdy construction, this cane offers the ideal blend of convenience and reliability. Whether you're indoors or exploring the outdoors, the Quad Cane with Small Base empowers you to move confidently and gracefully. Embrace a new level of independence and comfort as you embark on your daily adventures with the reassurance of this versatile quad cane by your side.
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classywalkingcanes · 2 years
"Choose the Right Style of Walking Cane for Your Loved ones"
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Gifting someone you care about a walking cane can be a very special gesture. A walking cane makes walking safer for a friend or member of your family. The ideal walking cane can offer outstanding stability and assistance, making it far simpler to move around while lowering the discomfort or danger of falling. However, it can be challenging to choose which walking cane could be the best option for you given the wide variety of options available on the market.
People who struggle with various challenges may benefit from using different walking canes. Here is a list of the typical types of the most popular walking cane styles, together with their advantages, to help you choose for your loved ones. 
1.     The most famous Folding Walking Cane
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Folding walking canes are designed using aluminium, making them both incredibly strong and light. They can be readily put away in bags for when the need arises, making them particularly helpful for folks who don't always need a walking stick or as an extra walking cane to keep in the car.
2.                 Adjustable Walking Canes to reduce pressure
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These adjustable walking canes are made in a way that you can adjust height depending on your preferences, which improves stability and eases the strain on your wrists. 
3.                 Stylish Derby Handle Walking Cane 
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They not only have a more stylish appearance than the majority of walking cane designs, but they also have a much sturdier grip. These walking canes are generally used in cinematic noir movies. 
4.                 The Classic and Vintage Lightweight Walking Canes
As the name implies, these walking canes are designed with a lesser weight and has a practical approach. They are incredibly lightweight and sturdy. 
5.                 Palm Grip Walking Canes
 These walking canes are a perfect blend of beauty and functionality designed with the aluminium with adjustable shaft and security nut. 
In a nutshell, before gifting a walking cane, it is important to research the product. The ideal walking cane can usually offer stability and assistance, making it far simpler to move around while lowering the discomfort or danger of falling. These are 5 categories of the walking cane that you can give to your loved ones. Any of these could be the best for your family or friends. To make a more informed decision, take some time to compare a cane's features to the user's needs.
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
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seam’s light world plushie self has a tear in their leg so i think seam mobility aid user Real but also. the elevator in card castle doesn’t go down to the basement. incredibly unfortunate for that one time jevil had to be put in the basement
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Flips are fake, lutzes too, only charisma is real
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ink-asunder · 8 months
A lot of the 1 star reviews at Sonora are about being scolded for covid masking and uh. It just kind of occurred to me that the guy didnt even say hello, he just. Immediately put his hands together and went "yeah the dogs (other ppls dogs; I didnt have any) and the cane definitely can't go in." Like howdy do mister fucker?? The fuck??
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
This woman tests me every time I see her and for what
#so me and my old coworker (who is the person i’m complaining about) went to visit our mutual friend and her 3 week old baby#to her credit she suggested a very sane plan. pick me up at the co-op; i’ll navigate since i know where this person lives; we’ll walk to the#park which is very close to our friend’s house; and we can sit down there and all cuddle the baby#stay for like half an hour maximum and then our friend and the baby can go nap#and that did all go to plan but tell me why the first thing my coworker said when she saw me was ‘oh you’re still limping then?’#yes karen i dislocated my knee eight weeks ago; tore one ligament; overextended another; tore multiple muscle fibres and now i have a muscle#imbalance and fluid on my kneecap. today’s walk is brought to you by two cocodamol and a sock brace#it did rub me the wrong way lol because i feel like i’ve been making a lot of progress these past couple of weeks and to hear her dismiss#me saying that with ‘you’re still limping’ was like…. yeah i know i am but i’d rather be limping than just not moving at all#i don’t need the cane anymore. i don’t have a quad lag anymore. i can stand up for longer than 10 minutes. these are Improvements#and then i’m holding the baby and she says ‘is this making you broody’ oh girl absolutely not#i love kids; i think they’re adorable. i’ll babysit and i’ll entertain them but i absolutely love giving them back to their parents#at the end of the day. like. seeing my very good friend exhausted & hearing about her emergency c-section while her baby boy screams for no#reason is VERY good birth control actually karen. thank you for asking#and then on the way back all she does is complain about her spoiled grandson and how awful her daughter in law is and i’m. 😐#i’m grateful to her for giving me a lift there and for facilitating this. and i do think she is overall a good person#but some people are hard to get along with. and for me whose tolerance for bullshit is right near zero it’s.. it’s a lot#personal
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i would benefit from a cane but my parents wont allow me to get one
they say im not "disabled enough"
while they activly ignore my problems
my mom will see me trip and FALL cuz i stood up and my vision blacked out and im dizy and she goes "drink more water"
my dad sees me stay in my bed for hours cuz i cant stand cuz of how much PAIN im in and he goes "suck it up your to young to have chronic pain"
and the one thing that kinda helps me wich is quads(cuz theres less of a chance i will fall and i dont have to rely on my upper back strength+leg strength as much) i cant do around them cuz i get made fun of
im assuming others have to go through the same things
i wish disability aids were more accessible and people weren't so ableist
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blackholemojis · 2 months
Here’s some symbols for various types of canes :)
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[Image descriptions:
A person standing with their cane, which is purple and has a derby handle. The rest of the emojis follow this format of a person standing with their purple cane.
A person standing with their cane, which has an offset ergonomic handle.
A person standing with their cane, which has an offset ergonomic handle and quad base.
A person standing with their cane, which has an offset ergonomic handle and a pop-out stool attachment.
/End ID]
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
Hello! I have a character who has nerve damage in both her left arm and leg and I'm a lil stuck on what mobility aids I can give her, since she'll sometimes need one for her knee (which has the bulk of the nerve damage in her leg). As far as I'm aware, crutches won't work since it'll put pressure on the left shoulder, which has the bulk of the nerve damage in her arm, and a cane will be difficult since her hand can get stiff and not hold it properly. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, thank you for your question!
If I understood the situation correctly, your character could definitely use a cane as you use it on the opposite side from the "bad leg". So unless she has the stiffness issue in her right hand as well it shouldn't be a problem.
For example: my right leg is the worse one, so I use a cane in my left hand. This way when I walk it feels more natural because people generally go left hand forward and right leg forward etc. It's great because when you walk you put the weight on either the good leg in the middle, or the cane and the bad leg on the sides which redistributes the weight between them and thus makes it less painful.
Some other options would be;
a singular crutch — basically like a cane but more useful for a lot of people as it provides more balance;
two platform crutches — they're like regular crutches but made for people who have a very weak grip, probably not ideal due to the shoulder situation she has but it's still an option?;
a hemiwalker — a walker that you use with one hand, kind of like a very advanced cane. I have very little experience with these so I won't be able to help much I'm afraid :-( (sad face);
a power wheelchair — much bigger than all the previous options obviously, but you can operate with only one hand or even no hands if needed. If I misunderstood your ask and she has grip issues in both hands, this would probably be the best option (it also has "power" in the name which makes it even cooler).
For anything that you use with one hand (cane, crutch, hemiwalker etc.) you will use it on the opposite side from the bad leg. If you're familiar with Dr House, he uses his cane wrong (lol) - walking like that seems very frustrating and painful to me.
You also might want to look at this post, which talks about the basics of a lot of mobility aids! There are also different types of crutches or canes mentioned (most notably the quad cane which provides much more stability than your regular cane) that you might want to consider for her.
I hope my answer was helpful! If you have more questions, feel free to send another ask.
Mod Sasza
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Insert Your Name: Side Story 2
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: Second side story is visiting the merfolk trio at land bootcamp. It isn't really written with any deep meaning, I just wanted to explore the way they might approach having legs. Please enjoy!
Tags: @guava-enjoyer @itszzmoon @twstsandturns @myteacupisempty @rou-luxe @chikitasmol @night-shadowblood-writes2 @haveneulalie @owodi
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It’s a strange stroke of luck that the “land bootcamp” happened to be near your home. Owing to your curiosity, you jumped on the opportunity to see what it’s like when the twins asked you to visit. You didn’t have permission to enter the building, so you sat on a bench outside, staring at the entrance. They’d be coming out any moment now for their break.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but it wasn’t for three human-looking boys with canes to exit together. One of them lagged behind so you couldn’t see him very well, but the two in front were familiar. Sure, they were significantly less green and slimy, their fingers didn’t end in claws, and no fins protruded from their body, but you could recognize their faces anywhere.
“Jade, Floyd!” You stood from the bench. Even at a distance, it was obvious that they were tall. “You look so not like fish!”
With an excited whoop, Floyd tossed aside his cane and dashed towards you, only . . . for his legs to buckle on the third step. He fell flat on his face, the cane rolling onto the grass out of his reach. Panic surged in you as you rushed to his side.
“Seven, are you okay?”
He seemed to be in a good mood. Instead of sulking, he rolled onto his back and laughed up at the sky, arms splayed like a sea star.
“Man, I suck at walking!” His infectious grin revealed rows of sharp teeth. It turned out the transformation potion didn’t change everything. “How d’ya get your tail fins to move separately?”
“Tail fins . . . oh, feet?” You glanced at your own. “I don’t really think about it. I guess you should practice more?”
“Floyd has actually been practicing quite diligently.” Jade piped up, approaching with carefully measured steps. Heel, foot flat on the ground, balls of the foot, toes, lift. His heels touched the ground at nearly exact intervals in exactly the same way, as if he was trying to become a human metronome. The cane in his hand looked more like an accessory than a walking aid. You got the feeling he was trying to prove a point. “He bet that he’ll make it to that tree without any walking aids before I do.”
He gestured at a tree a hundred metres away from the school gates. You figured it might be a while before they’d fulfill the conditions of the bet. Jade had mentioned that it took them a week to stand on their own.
“Any progress?”
“I’d like to think things are progressing smoothly.” He finally put some weight on the cane and stepped onto the grass. “For instance, I can even do something like this.”
Slowly, he bent his knees and started to lower himself. One hand gripped his cane, the other reaching for Floyd’s forgotten cane. A bad feeling overtook your gut.
“Hold on, Jade—”
The words were hardly out of your mouth when his knees buckled and he fell backwards, his rear thumping loudly on the grass. You searched his face for any pain. No sign of it. His eyes were only wide in surprise. In the background, Floyd’s cackles filled the air.
“Um. Are you okay?”
“Yes, thank you.” He chuckled sheepishly. “I have never before felt the effects of gravity so acutely.”
“You should stop showing off.” An unfamiliar voice admonished him. You looked up into silvery-blue eyes. The third member of their group used a quad cane, fingers firmly clasped around the handle. He heaved a sigh at the twins on the ground. “Use the equipment properly. Rushing the process is why you keep falling.”
“How can you learn to walk if you have a fear of falling?” Jade quipped, a sharp glint in his otherwise unassuming smile. You had the feeling there was a hidden meaning behind those words directed to the stranger, but you didn’t know enough about him to guess what it was.
“You certainly won’t be learning any faster if you injure yourself.”
“I have to agree with your friend.” You crouched next to him and picked up the forgotten cane. Floyd swatted at the end of it a few times before taking it back. “Take it one step at a time. Literally and metaphorically.”
“I’ll take your advice into consideration.” Jade placed his cane in his lap. He didn’t seem to have any inclination of getting back up. “Come to think of it, this is your first time meeting Azul, isn’t it?”
It took you a moment to remember where you heard the name before. The twins had mentioned him as a new person of interest, someone who worked tirelessly to create and enact contracts that were rigged in his favour. Another unsavoury character, no doubt. But when you looked into his eyes, you decided you didn’t hate the resolve you saw in them.
“Azul Ashengrotto.” He held out a hand. “A pleasure to meet you.”
You introduced yourself and shook his hand.
“The twins told me a lot about you.”
It wasn’t hard to tell that Azul was holding in a groan.
“All good things, I hope?”
“Um.” You sifted through your memories. The most outstanding story the twins told you about Azul was something he probably found embarrassing. “Sure.”
He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could even get the words out, Floyd cut him off.
“Hey, why’re you two still standing?”
One second, you were on your feet. The next, you were on your back, staring up at the summer sky peppered with thin, wispy clouds. Floyd’s laughter filled the air on your right, his hand gripping the cane that he used to trip you. Jade’s quiet snickering occupied your left, and Azul’s indignant shouts following a thump on the grass came from above your head. Despite the chaotic nature of the meeting, you felt at ease. That was the start of many summers spent with the four of you, together.
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classywalkingcanes · 2 years
Quad Walking Canes
Sometimes you wish for more support and stability than a cane with a customary tip as a base and Quad Canes are an excellent solution. A quad cane is a solid sturdy aluminum pipe walking stick with metal base legs for strong stability. It has a 4-point contact, unlike the other canes with a single-point contact. supports. Differ from other canes in the way it offers ground contact.
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A (unironically) wonderful conversation I had with my mum:
Mum: hey don't open the kitchen window any time soon, there's two spiders outside and one of them's an albino spider so there's no way you'd see it
Me: Are they daddy-long-legs?
Mum: ...well, they're outside
Me: oh, yeah they're probably some freaky garden spider or something
Mum: yeah and the white one is sitting next to the windowsill, the other's off to the side
I don't know, there's something delightful about family and friends taking the time to find me and warn me about little dangers I wouldn't be able to see. My best friend tells me about curbs a few feet in advance. My mum warns me if there's gum or a spilled drink on the sidewalk so my cane tip won't get sticky and gross. If it rains my mum helps me avoid accidentally stepping on the worms that climb onto the sidewalk. If there's a cobweb in the corner or on the ceiling she offers to clean it.
I've had strangers warn me about branches on the sidewalk after storms or move obstacles out of my path. One woman helped me plan a detour because the campus quad was blocked off.
There's also the cuter little moments, like someone telling me about the seasonal special when we walk into a restaurant or cafe, or describing a dog or cat on the street.
My best friend sometimes tries to describe memes to sighted people only for them to go 'why can't you just show me the meme???' and he's like, 'oh, I forget not everyone's blind'
Anyway, I love the people in my life, and I love humanity in general
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You could do It wednesday x male ivar the boneless reader (vikings)
The Boneless. (Male)
Ivar is the 3rd best Vikings Character(in my opinion) Bjorn Ironside 2nd, Ragnar Lothbrok 1st
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^ by Abimanyu on pintrest ^ link
The morning light hit your face and caused you to wake from your slumber. You grunted as you sat up, grabbed your legs, and swung your legs over the edge of your bed. Grabbing your walking cane, which you kept by your bed, using it to help you stand. The cane was a black ebony wood with Nordic runes running down it, the handle was the head of a silver raven with sapphires as its eyes. You gritted your teeth and groaned as you stood up stumbling slightly, you inhaled before letting out a sigh as you walked to your bathroom. You leaned on your bathroom counter and looked in the mirror. You had slight bags under your eyes and your neck long hair was slightly disheveled. You changed into your usual street clothes running your hand through your hair you looked in the mirror you heard your dorm room doorknob turning Instinctively you grabbed the one-handed axe that you kept in your bathroom, and you looked out the bathroom doorway and saw the door opening. "It's me," the monotone voice of your girlfriend, Wednesday Addams was heard as you sighed and put down the axe. "You almost ended up with an axe in your head," you said, your Scandinavian accent slightly showing, as she walked to you. She leaned on the bathroom door frame her eyes scanning and studying you. "What's wrong?" She asked in her usual tone of voice. "Noth-" "Don't lie," she said cutting you off. You sighed and ran your hand through your hair once more. "It's just..." "It's Parents Weekend or for you the weekend your brothers visit. And in turn some of the army," she states as she grabs the fold-up chair nearby, opens it, and forces you to sit as she starts to braid your hair. "I'm aware that your relationship with your brothers isn't the best but you can't be as Enid says "A Debby Downer" because of that fact," Wednesday says as you sigh once more. Ever since you two met she was probably the only one who could read you. And when you two started dating she was able to know why you were upset. Whether it be, because it's Parents Weekend or it's the anniversary of your mother's death. Wednesday finishes your braids and walks around the chair to get to the front of you cupping your face. "I am aware it's hard to see your brothers. Especially, Bjorn, but you can't let that affect you, Every. Single. Time," She said looking into your directly into eyes. You nod silently before she leans down and kisses you softly, you kiss her back matching her softness and love. She soon pulled away and helped you to your fest handing you your walking cane. You took it from her hand as she grabbed your free hand before leading you to the Quad.
Most of the day had gone smoothly. You met up with Pugsley, Uncle Fester, Morticia, Gomez, and Uncle Itt once again. You spent most of your day with the Addams Family but then you heard the steps of multiple soldiers coming into the Quad. Many of the families turned to looks as twenty Vikings emerged and lined up shoulder-to-shoulder. Then your three brothers walked down the path. Bjorn at the head, Ubbe to his left, and Hvitserk to his right. You stood at the end of the row... staring... and waiting. All eyes were on you and your brothers and Bjorn was the first to speak. "ᚺᛖᛚᛚᛟ, ᛒᚱᛟᛏᚺᛖᚱ,(Hello, brother)" he spoke in your native tongue. You simply kept staring at him. Not saying a word. Hvitserk was the one to break the silence as he walked past Bjron and grasped your shoulders smiling. "ᛁᛏ'ᛋ ᚷᛟᛟᛞ ᛏᛟ ᛋᛖᛖ ᚤᛟᚢ Y/N,(Its good to see you Y/N)" He said smiling. You smiled back. "You to Hvitserk," You said smiling until Hvitserk moved away leaving Bjron and Ubbe in front of you. "Well. Shall we sit?" You ask motioning to a free table. Bjorn and Ubbe both walked to the table Hvitserk followed soon after patting your shoulder as he passed you the soldiers soon following after. Letting out a sigh you felt the familiar cold hand of Wednesday cup your cheek. You looked at her for a second a small smile gracing your lips. "How was that?" "Good. You're keeping your anger under wraps," She said softly as she grabbed your hand and led you to the table where the other Vikings were. You sat down across from Bjorn, Ubbe, and Hvitserk with Wednesday to your right. Ubbe observed her for a second before turning to you. "ᚹᚺᛟ ᛁᛋ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ?(Who is this?)," He asked you before you could answer Wednesday answered for you. "ᛁ'ᛗ ᚺᛁᛋ ᛚᛟᚡᛖᚱ,(I'm his lover)" Your brother each looked at her surprised as you took a sip of ale.
The first day went fine but the second day was when all things went to shit. While conversing and eating with Wednesday's family you caught sight of someone... a blond blue-eyed woman. Anger surged through your veins as you stood up grabbed a knife and threw it at the woman barely grazing her shoulder before she could react to reach her axe in hand you tried to strike her but Ubbe got in your way stopping your axe and throwing you back with Hvitserk catching you. You tried to break free but both Hvitserk and Wednesday held you back as you screamed. "What the fuck is she doing here!?" The woman was still behind Ubbe staring at you and Bjorn checked the cut you caused. "Lagertha has every right to" "Bullshit!" You yelled cutting him off as you freed yourself from the grasp of your brother and girlfriend. "Y/N you need to forgive her," Ubbe spoke hand on your chest keeping you from getting any closer. "I can never forgive Lagertha for murdering our mother so how you, hm?" You asked as Ubbe shook his head turning away angering you more as you shoved him back. "Our mother! Of course, I'm going to kill her." "You can try," She said looking eyes with yours. "Oh, I will. That I can promise."
Reasonably they all left afterwards to avoid any further issues with you and Lagertha. You were sitting in your room sharpening your axe when Wednesday walked in. "Why did you never tell me Lagertha killed your mother?" She asked anger lacing her voice. "I thought you said no secrets." "It's not something I like to think about... it didn't matter to me because Hvitserk had said she stayed in Kattagat with no reason to leave. I don't know why she came," you said throwing your axe into the target across from your bed. "Doesn't excuse you for not telling me," She said as she grabbed your chin to make you look at her. "When my mother died and I found out it was Lagertha I tried to kill her. And failed. Over and over. My mother was a seer and said she would be cursed if she killed her," you said calmly. "I will kill her," she has no reason to even be although in your head. Wednesday sighed and caressed your cheek. "Let this be the last secret you keep. Understood?" You nodded as she climbed into bed with you putting your head on her chest and began to stroke your hair as your anger subsided.
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iron-magee-giant · 6 months
Tree Topper? I Barely Know Her! || Holiday Ratt
It was finally that time of year. The time where Ryan could finally wear his famous “Whats up, Grinches?” Hoodie out. Not that it really stopped him before, it was one of his favorite apparels after all, but now it was more appropriate. The holidays were finally rolling around and it was more than apparent in Greek Row’s decorating. There was some huge candy canes set up through the quad and some of the houses had the lights up ready to go. Honestly, it made the Gamma house look all the more sadder looking with how barren the front was comparatively. It got him to thinking that, if it couldn’t look festive out front, he could at least bring it to look that way inside instead. But oh no, not the whole inside of the Gamma house, they weren’t getting decorations out of him for free. Oh no! In fact, he planned to spend no money on the place and was set on that. Mind and body at work as he wondered into the woods with a stolen hack saw to get his and Matt’s room set up for the season. They wouldn’t need a huge tree, they probably couldn’t fit one anyway, deciding a smaller pine for the room was more… fitting, anyway. So, by the time Matt was done with his classes for the day, Ryan was already back inside with pine needles all over the room, their poor excuse for a Christmas tree (looking more and more like Charlie Brown’s as he tried to adjust it) settled at the center of their room on one of their desks.
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stereax · 10 months
is there a reason why Carolina is losing all their affiliates???
Other than being assholes to Erik Haula?
Okay, but in all seriousness, there's a short answer and a long one.
The short answer is two words long: Pyotr Kochetkov.
The long answer? Meet me under the cut.
Alright, hi there. So to answer this question fully, we need to talk about the AHL in depth. The AHL, or American Hockey League, is the second-highest league of North American pro hockey, under the NHL. Most people tend to believe it's just "where prospects play before they hit the NHL". This is... only a part of the story.
There are 32 teams in the AHL to match 32 NHL teams. The idea there is that every NHL team would have an AHL affiliate - the most recent expansion, for example, the Coachella Valley Firebirds, is the AHL affiliate for the newest NHL team, the Seattle Kraken. Many of these teams are owned by the same group as owns the NHL team - Harris Blitzer, for example, owns both the New Jersey Devils and the Utica Comets. Others don't - the AHL's Charlotte Checkers, for instance, are owned by Michael Kahn, whereas their NHL affiliate, the Florida Panthers, is owned by Sunrise Sports (aka Vincent Viola).
Why is this important? Well, if you're an NHL team that owns your AHL team, you can let that AHL team leak money. You're turning a good profit on the NHL team, so you don't have to make your AHL team economically viable on its own - you just put it in as a massive tax write-off and go on with your day. Thus, you can put all of your AHL team's resources into developing your AHL players to get ready to play at the NHL level. Of course you sign some vets and such of your own, maybe get a few undrafted guys for the AHL team too, but generally, an NHL-owned AHL team's sole purpose is to develop NHL players. Winning the Calder Cup (the AHL equivalent to the Stanley Cup, not to be confused with the Calder Memorial Trophy given to the best NHL rookie) is just gravy on top.
Contrast this to independently-owned AHL teams, where this is not the case. For these teams, making money is paramount. How do you make money? When you win. Fun fact - the Chicago Wolves, incidentally, used to be televised on main channels partially as a fuck you to Bill Wirtz, who didn't let the Chicago Blackhawks' home games be televised, presumably to drive ticket sales. The Wolves saw that and pounced on the opportunity to make some cash. So if nothing else, love them for sticking it to the Hawks. You can still watch Wolves games on My50, it seems, if you've got that channel, as well as AHL streaming options.
But back to independently-owned AHL teams before I go on my daily anti-Hawks crusade. You want to make money. You do that when you win. When you make the postseason. When you win in the postseason. Independently-owned AHL teams want to win, not necessarily develop for the NHL. So when your NHL team keeps taking your best player away for weeks and then giving him back... you get annoyed.
Let's now talk about the ECHL and the Norfolk Admirals. Thankfully, this is going to be a lot simpler. The ECHL, unlike the AHL, has only 28 teams. This means 4 NHL teams don't have an ECHL team. In addition, very few, if any, ECHL teams are owned by their NHL affiliates. This further incentivizes them to play for profit (winning the Kelly Cup, the ECHL version of the Stanley Cup) instead of development. On top of this, relatively few ECHL players actually make it to the NHL. ECHL affiliates change fairly frequently, especially due to many of the teams folding because of financial issues (most recently the Brampton Beast, Manchester Monarchs, and Quad City Mallards). So if an ECHL team decides to drop its NHL affiliate, or vice versa, there are four other suitors, all of whom would probably want to pay the ECHL team decent money to be their associate. For the Admirals, it's easy - they see the Canes lose their AHL affiliate and decide they'd rather take the Jets' offer instead, whether it be for the money (Carolina's supposedly notoriously stingy) or for the security. It's just really fucking funny that it happens at the same time Carolina loses their AHL team. Get fucked lol.
Now let's play Chicago Wolves Simulator. You are Don Levin and Buddy Meyers, the Wolves' owners. Your goal is to win the Calder Cup or at least come pretty damn close so you can pay the bills. You have a good team - hell, you won the Calder last year! - but your best asset is this star goaltender named Pyotr Kochetkov. When Koochie's in net, you usually win because he bails out your team. When he isn't there to help you win, you kind of don't. Now, Carolina's going through its own issues in net, so they keep calling Koochie up and down. And, as previously mentioned, you kind of suck without Koochie. To be fair, you're not all that great with him, but you suck without him. And you have no control over when he goes up to Carolina, even just to sit on the bench.
You miss the playoffs by one point. One. And your three-year contract with the Canes is up. What do you do?
Waddell Young, GM of the Wolves, says their philosophy and the Canes' fundamentally differed. The Wolves develop and win. Winning develops, to them. The Canes wanted the Wolves to focus solely on development. Not winning. So, when their deal with the Canes was up, the Wolves said "no thanks, we're not going to continue this, we're going independent". This decision makes them the first non-NHL affiliated team in almost 30 years. Now, this isn't to say all independently-owned AHL teams are doomed to fail in partnerships because of divergent philosophies. Look at the Hershey Bears and the Washington Capitals for a prime example of that - the Bears are one of the best teams in the AHL and have won four Calder Cups with the Caps as their affiliates since their affiliation began in 2005. But the Wolves were quite unhappy with the Canes, and so the two split. Also notable is that the Canes have also poisoned the waters with who should be their local AHL affiliate, the Charlotte Checkers, to the point where the Checkers affiliated with the Panthers instead. So... there's that.
So what can the Canes now do with non-roster players? They can affiliate with another AHL team (co-affiliation); one instance of this was when the Seattle Kraken affiliated with the Charlotte Checkers in 21-22 because the Coachella Valley Firebirds weren't yet ready. Supposedly the plan is to get an affiliate for 24-25. But what do they do this year? Especially if they can't find an affiliate to share, which seems more and more likely as the summer drags on? Well, you can't sign players to two-way deals with the Wolves anymore, so you can't really keep veterans around in the AHL to call up if needed. So you... sign nine defensemen to NHL contracts and carry them on the roster at all times. Yep. Don Waddell, Canes GM, has basically stated outright that his roster is probably going to have to carry 22 or 23 players at all times to be sure to have replacements in case of injury. And your prospects? They either go to Europe, where they're basically inaccessible for the whole year, or you loan them to other AHL clubs. Waddell has said plans are in place with several teams to send 2 or 3 players each to several different AHL clubs. For your youngest, they go back to major junior in the CHL and related leagues. Same for your veterans - if you want to keep them, you'll have to sign them one-way (I believe) and then loan them down to scattered AHL teams across the league. Prospects who you could have signed to play in the AHL and develop? You're probably going to have to let them go to free agency (see: Kevin Wall, leading player for Penn State and Carolina draft pick, who just inked a deal with the Milwaukee Admirals, AHL affiliate of the Nashville Predators). And then you can send your worse prospects to your ECHL tea- wait. Oops. They just lost that too. Can't do that either. Well, shit.
And remember, one of the Canes' biggest assets is their system of play (with strong defense) that they execute well. The Wolves needed to teach their players the Canes' system and prepare them so the jump from AHL to NHL wouldn't be that tough. The Canes put their coaches on the Wolves for that purpose (the Wolves have since cleaned house and instated their own). Loaning your players to another AHL team? Why would that team be incentivized to teach your player(s) the system? So now even when you're calling up someone to play for the Canes, you have no idea how well they know the system and no idea how well they can play in it.
This now begs the other question - how will the Wolves fill their roster? Well, they've got options. Generally, an AHL team takes the prospects of its NHL affiliate and then fills the rest of the roster with AHL veteran free agents that the AHL team signs to AHL-only deals. But without an NHL team, it's a smidge more complicated, or perhaps easier. Firstly, other NHL teams can loan their prospects to the Wolves instead of their own AHL teams if they consider the Wolves better at developing them, for instance. The Wolves can now also sign whatever free agent players they find roaming around that could be a good fit for their team - undrafted college players, good ECHL players that can't seem to get called up enough, AHL veterans, players on European teams (especially Russians who might want the chance to get the fuck out of Russia) and so on. These free agent players could see the Wolves as a stable AHL team that can pay solid money (the AHL doesn't have a cap) with a strong chance at contending for the Calder as well as a possible stepping stone to an NHL contract. The Wolves also don't have to worry about these free agents taking ice time away from the Canes' prospects, who would need to be prioritized under an affiliation, which would also be a strong incentive for AHL free agent veterans to sign with them - they'd be able to get a truly fair chance, unlike under an affiliate system where prospects are the priority and free agents are generally playing fewer (and worse) minutes.
And remember - Chicago just drafted Bedard. The city's getting back into hockey and Hawks tickets are expensive. Want to watch some quality hockey on the cheap? Why not come to Wolves games! They're only 18 miles away from the Hawks, too!
TL;DR stan the Wolves for rejecting the system. Canes Suck.
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