scienceoftheidiot · 11 months
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime 2003), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang, Alternate Riza Hawkeye/Alternate Roy Mustang Characters: Roy Mustang, Alternate Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Alternate Riza Hawkeye, Alex Louis Armstrong, Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Grumman (Fullmetal Alchemist), Black Hayate (Fullmetal Alchemist) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Alternate Universe - Fullmetal Alchemist 2003/Brotherhood Fusion, Post-Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa, Post-Promised Day, Body Swap, Royai - Freeform Summary:
One circle, one Roy Mustang on each side, one accidental transmutation, one occasion to be humbled and learn.
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musing-and-music · 2 months
Hello there 5, 10, and 37 for the writing ask game. ^^
Thank you for the ask!
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
There isn't any tone/content tag that comes to my mind for this, but I guess that can be some relationship tags, that I don't use, even though the relationship can have its importance in the fic
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
Oh, that's a hard choice! I will put a few of my favorites:
Enemies/Friends/Strangers to Lovers (putting 3 tropes in one)
Fake Dating/Marriage of Convenience
Depending on the fandom, I'm either Canon-divergent or Canon-compliant
37. Do you research before writing or while you write? Is it fun or boring for you?
When I already know the setting and main points of my fic, I research before writing. Sometimes a particular plot point can need more research during the writing process, but that's less often (except when it's about searching in canon, this can happen often)
I like looking for the right information, to make my fic feel more real!
Yet another writing ask
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qs63 · 4 months
Currently working on a very long and detailed meta about the amestrian military.
The hyper fixation is real... Lol
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dr-fancy-pants · 2 years
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Promised Day aftermath - WIP
Might be an illustration for a fic...
Description in Alt Text.
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irelandhoneybee · 1 year
Tagged by @qs63
3 ships: Kanthony (Bridgerton); totally was not expecting these two to eat my brain when I watched season 2 last spring but hot damn did they.  What can I say, enemies-to-lovers is my favorite trope. Karedevil (Daredevil) I will always love these two despite what happens going forward.  Let’s just say I have not been the biggest fan of Matt Murdock/Daredevil in the MCU based on what we’ve seen so far.  Also #savekarenpage, Jafael (Jane the Virgin) Had to give spot 3 to these cuties, it was between them and Mel/Jack from Virgin River (do they even have an official ship name?? They need one!) But ultimately have to give it to these two chaotic idiots 
Last Song: The one I’ve had on repeat the most lately is “Fallen Snow” by First Aid Kit.  Honorable mention though to the entire Midnights album, which I continue to listen to constantly (I regularly wake up with either “Anti-Hero” or “Snow on the Beach” in my head)
Last Movie: I think it was The Good Nurse, which I really enjoyed.  Unbelievably weird true story (It’s on Netflix)
Currently Watching: I actually just finished George & Tammy, which  really enjoyed.  I’m not really a country music fan, but my paternal grandma absolutely adored George Jones, so I am very familiar with his music and I love both Jessica Chastain and Michael Shannon (both were incredible in it imo).  Up next is probably Physical (on Apple) which has been on my “to watch” list forever and I keep thinking I should go ahead and start my Sopranos re-watch
Currently consuming: an Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso (my go-to Starbucks order) and munching on Annie’s (brand) fruit snacks
Currently craving: I am always craving dark chocolate in any form (on its own, truffles, peanut butter cups, covering fruit, I don’t care, just give me all the dark chocolate)
Tagging @spookyshai :) 
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abstractmouse · 1 year
In case anyone wants to know the premise of the FMA mobile Valentine's Event:
It seems to be a dream sequence. There's this novel called Two Phantom Thieves that has become a sensation across Amestris, and everyone, including Roy Mustang, is reading it. He falls asleep while doing paperwork and imagines himself and Hawkeye as the titular thieves. It seems they have a rivalry, always hunting the same treasure. On their latest heist, they are caught in a trap set by Detective Hughes (with Havoc and Breda on his squad), and instead of fighting for the treasure, they have to work together to escape.
That's as much of the first chapter I got through anyway, because the fight sequence is either stupid hard or I really don't understand how to use these units lmao.
EDIT: It gets better lmao. Thanks to @qs63 for the tip to get through it.
After escaping, Phantom Thief M (Roy) asks Phantom Thief H (Riza) to look at the moon with him and chat for awhile. She expresses her gratitude that their combined effort allowed her to escape. Roy says something along the lines of "We work well together. If we joined up, we could steal any treasure in the world." Riza is not keen on the idea. Apparently, she steals for the poor, while Roy steals for the wealth and fame. He says he has higher goals than wealth and fame and wants to change things from the top. Riza is surprised at the idealism and asks if he really thinks he can do it. He says he would tell her all about it, but the police are coming. Riza remarks that he seems different than usual, but regardless, next time the treasure is hers. She leaves and Roy has a moment where he reflects on her true identity and decides to have some fun with it.
The next scene shows that the Phantom Thieves have day jobs as reporters for the very same newspaper (return of glasses!Riza here). Their boss wants them to cover an event featuring the Eternal Chocolate Heart, but the viewing is only open to couples. Their assignment is to pose as lovers in order to write an article about the treasure. There is also something about alchemical research being revealed at the party and a competition for the alchemists to win the heart or something like that. Set up for the fighting portion of the event. Roy thinks to himself that this will be his next treasure hunt.
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ayesakara · 6 months
Are there any Shizuo Heiwajima / Vorona shippers out there?
Yes? No?
Well, I'm writing a fic so get ready, you seemingly non-existent people.
Never has a "pairing" hit me as hard as these 2 did upon finishing a show, live-action or animated. The way the anime ended was ripe with so much potential for Shizuo and Vorona that I had started jotting down ideas even before i'd finished watching the last 6 episodes of the 3rd arc. And the ending was absolutely lovely and so open for so much potential options.
So yeah, it's set post s2 and during the SH era and afterwards.
I'm writing this mostly for myself but I will have at least one guaranteed reader, @qs63 - who got me into Durarara and has promised to beta it for me.
Oh and there is no Izaya in this fic whatsoever. Haha nope, this is a troll-free, pest-free fic. Umm.. mostly, that is.
So... maybe there are people here in the fandom who might enjoy this pairing? We'll see.
If not, I'll have at least one angst-filled, happy, sad, full of Hurt/Comfort and TLC fic focused on my favorite Durarara character, I.e. Shizuo Heiwajima. My latest anime love! I swear he is the absolute best and I love him so much.
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lassusog · 1 year
Tag game: Eight shows to get to know me!
I was tagged by the lovely @smoothshine, thank you friend ❤️
1. The adventures of Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie)
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This is my favourite show of all time. I don’t even know how many times I’ve watched every episode and this is thirteen seasons long. Agatha Christie is a literary giant and this is arguably one of the best page-to-screen adaptations of all time, for good reason. David Suchet portrays Poirot brilliantly, his friend group is to die for and one episode is enough to scratch that i want a cozy murder mystery where everything works out in the end itch. 
2. Sherlock BBC
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This show is part of my personality, really, and what originally got me into fandom. Apart from being an incredibly well crafted adaptation, this was also the first time I actually saw a queer couple live together. And no, I don’t take criticism on the fact of their being a queer couple. When I was a baby lesbian Sherlock and Irene Adler where my icons and it was so nice logging on tumblr and seeing people showing love to something gay. Up till then I didn’t think it was possible
3. She-Ra
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This show altered my brain chemistry. An actual lesbian couple being the core of an amazing tv series? My heart was blown to bits and reconstructed. I watched this, again, as a baby gay, and it was very affirming and gentle to my heart
4. The end of the f***ing world 
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I cannot stress how much I love this show. Season 2 especially is such a respectful and kind approach on how traumatic experiences shape our perception of the the world and how much we need people who love and understand us as we learn to navigate it again.
5. Merlin
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The first few seasons of this live in my heart rent free, I adore Merlin so much. I want to hug every character. And officiate Merlin and Arthur’s wedding.
6. Feel Good
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I can’t say how many times I’ve watched this show but it certainly isn’t a healthy amount. It’s funny, it’s tender and it’s a story about two young queer people learning to accept themselves and love each other. What’s not to love?
7. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 
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I’m sorry, I know this show has a brilliant story about two brothers in it but Roy and Riza are the protagonists for me, I just *screams* 
8. Criminal: UK 
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This show is what opened my eyes to what an amazing craft directing is.  Everything happens in an interrogation booth but the acting and directing is so good you don’t get bored for a single minute and the cases are excellent as well. 
This was very difficult, actually! And I have so many more shows I love that I could place here. I tag: @scienceoftheidiot @qs63, @dairogo @jedidragonwarriorqueen and @chryseis​. Have fun!
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foggy-with-a-matt · 2 years
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I was called upon to be a pitch hitter for @daredevilexchange this year and while I couldn’t do anything too extensive I hope you still enjoy these pieces @qs63 !
The main prompt I used for this was “Karen is brought back to life” and I’ll admit that I had just gotten done watching the new Thor movie when this request came through so…we’ll, my thought was a short comic run with Karen having been brought back to life and taking up the name of Daredevil (yes, with the iconic yellow suite). I personally imagine a pretty sad story regarding her being brought back to life in one of those ‘this is temporary’ and ‘you were brought back for a specific purpose’ kind of tropes.
And, just to give some details on the thoughts that went behind the cover piece: the drawing since is supposed to be more symbolic then factual. It takes “inspiration” from catholic imagery but also the tarot cared “the hanging man”. the use of the hanged man is representative of her current state of existence as “ultimate surrender, sacrifice, and being suspended in time.” The hands reaching up for her represent two things: as a person “brought back to life” they represent other souls, striving for that same gift while at the same time representing those who are reaching up to catch her should she fall. The push and pull of striving for something while also watching those who have achieved it struggle with that achievement. The stone angels therefore represent a passive audience. Their gaze either turned away or eyes closed, unwilling to watch the tragedy playing out but also unwilling to help. Immobile. They also, less symbolically, are tomb stones representing the fact that Karen is meant to be dead.
So ya! Just some fun thought ideas mostly but I hope you still like it!
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 year
Chapters: 3/11 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime 2003), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang, Alternate Riza Hawkeye/Alternate Roy Mustang Characters: Roy Mustang, Alternate Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Alternate Riza Hawkeye, Alex Louis Armstrong, Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Grumman (Fullmetal Alchemist), Black Hayate (Fullmetal Alchemist) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Alternate Universe - Fullmetal Alchemist 2003/Brotherhood Fusion, Post-Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa, Post-Promised Day, Body Swap, Royai - Freeform Summary:
One circle, one Roy Mustang on each side, one accidental transmutation, one occasion to be humbled and learn.
CHAPTER 3 IS GO ! As @qs63 said, we're chaotic, we update whenever 😅
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musing-and-music · 2 months
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qs63 · 4 months
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Finally got this book added to my collection, and within 5 minutes it tried to kill me by giving me an allergic reaction. 😆
I'm okay, but the book has been relegated to the bookshelf until I can clean it or something.
I only got a few pages in. I did get to the chronology page which was nice. The birthdays seem to match manga, but interestingly enough Bradley came to power 5 years later than manga in 03, 1899 as opposed to 1894 in manga.
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Sorry for the potato quality. I can't take new pictures until this book is allergen free. Lol
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dr-fancy-pants · 3 months
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Havoroyai doodle for my dear @qs63 's birthday, with whom I share the exact same brainrot ❤️🫠
I can hear Roy purring from here
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irelandhoneybee · 11 months
15 Questions and 15 mutuals
Tagged by @dreamstone28737
1. Were you named after anyone?
My first name, no; but as I told @dreamstone28737 my middle name was after a character on a nighttime soap my parents watched (I joke that my love of television started while I was still in the womb because of this)
2.  When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday during Barbie.  There were several occurrences throughout the movie, which I was not expecting and am definitely brining tissues if I go see it in the theater again before the run is over!
3.  Do you have kids?
I don’t, I knew pretty early on in life I didn’t want any.  I do have a niece and nephew I love to spoil though lol
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It’s weird-I love sarcasm but I probably don’t *use* it a lot in day-to-day life if that makes any sense
5.  What’s the first thing  you notice about people?
Probably their smile (or lack thereof)
6 What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
100% Happy endings
8.  Any special talents?
Incredibly boring answer, but I don’t think I do.  Nothing springs to mind anyway lol
9.  Where were you born?
Illinois (despite my user name, I am not from Ireland-just have Irish ancestry!)
10.  What are your hobbies?
Reading has always been my favorite hobby; there’s nothing I love more than curling up somewhere with a book.  Baking has become a recent hobby, I usually try to make at least one thing (bread, cookies, some kind of baked good, etc) every week
11. Have any pets?
A cat who is spoiled rotten and the love of my life
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
Big fat nada.  Not a sports person (although I do enjoy exercise-I don’t know if that counts?? lol)
13.  How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream Job?
Another thing we have in common @dreamstone28737; a romcom bookstore or library would be my ideal existence lol 
I definitely can’t come up with 15 people to tag, so I’ll do what I can, if any of you want to!: @mimix007, @trombonesinspace, @karedevil4ever @stars-of-kyber @qs63
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junosswans · 1 year
I was tagged by @ladysanguinare to make this picrew of myself 🩷🎀 thank you so much for tagging me!! I LOVE it when people tag me in stuff I'm so happy
I'm also really pleased by the fact that the picrew has the exact cardigan that I own + the little colourful flower hair clips which I also wear often!! Such a nice coincidence
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Tag: @shocotate @qs63 not sure who else I can tag /v\ please feel free to play (or not) if you see this!!
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sineala · 2 years
I'm pretty late for this. And I think most of my favorites were already answered, but...
Director's commentary for "With Nobody Else But Me" :)
Nope, you're not late; I'm still going! There are a couple more after you. And I have written a lot of fic and honestly will take any opportunity to talk about it.
I don't know that I have that much to say about that one unless you have specific questions, though. It's one of the few stories I've ever set in that All New All Different era and I feel like it's probably one of the last fics I wrote about current canon while canon was coming out and I had to race not to get contradicted -- that, and a couple of Secret Empire fics. I guess that says a lot about my investment in current ongoing comics. (I'm waiting for the Cap/IM miniseries to finish to see if I am inspired to write fic about it.)
For this one, I was just really enjoying the parts of Bendis' Iron Man run where Tony kept rhapsodizing about how pretty Doom was, so I thought, as one does, what would happen if Tony had to sleep with Doom for some kind of superhero reason? Or rather, had to get close to Doom and decided to sleep with him because he was pretty? And then what if Steve, who was deserumed and old at this point in canon, got really, really, REALLY jealous? Hence, this fic. I remember writing it pretty fast. Got the idea, boom, done.
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