#punch mein the face
writersdrug · 9 months
Konig x Reader: Fucking You to Sleep
All credit goes to @legitchase for this lovely idea! I had so much fun writing this, please send me requests if yall want to see more!!!
Summary: from @legitchase
"Ok ok hear me out new COD MEN idea
You and your cod man, you two came from a mission he is still sort of energetic while you are really exhausted.
As you two lay in bed he softly grinds against your ass so you gave him permission to fuck into you softly as you went to sleep, making little moans in you sleep as you man makes you feel so great while drifting off to sleep"
Warnings: smut, somewhat somnophilia but consensual, fingering, slight edging, p in v, size kink, stomach bulge, google-translate German, writer never played COD :(
Konig opened the door to your shared room, stretching his limbs and sighing. "Scheiße, it's good to be back." he strode inside, heading straight to the small coffee pot the both of you had stolen from the mess hall. He started making coffee, stretching out his left hip, then his right.
You trudged into the room, bags under your eyes, muscles sore, and shoulders slumped. Your feet dragged underneath you as you closed the door behind you. Tired was an understatement - you were exhausted to the point that you were perfectly content to pass out on the cold ground and call it a night.
The mission had gone smoothly, almost as perfect as one could ask for. Konig had been positioned near the outskirts of the field, obediently waiting for the hostages to be delivered to the pick up point. You, on the other hand, had been involved in clearing the way to the hostages, as well as the path to Konig's group. You had shot, stabbed, kicked, and punched so many enemy soldiers, sometimes fighting two at once. Your mind was overworked as well as your body, and you had a few sore spots from the occasional soldier that had landed a hit on you. You never got the chance to sleep on the way back - and your body was about to make that happen, whether you were in a bed or standing up.
Konig pulled off his sniper hood, watching with a smile as you dragged yourself to the bed and flopped onto it. He chuckled. "Schatz, aren't you ecstatic? You did a great job out there!"
"M-hmph..." you muttered, your face smushed into the pillows. You sank your muscles into the mattress, groaning in both relief and pain. If only KorTac hadn't deemed the massage therapist unnecessary...
You heard the coffee dripping into the pot, followed by Konig's heavy footsteps. He crouched down, gently turning your head so he could look at your face. You kept your eyes closed.
"Engel, are you tired?" he asked sarcastically, caressing the side of your face. His head was slightly tilted to match your eye level.
You huffed sarcastically. "Just a 'lil bit." you mumbled. You opened your eyes, meeting Konig's piercing blue ones. He had a small pout on his lips.
He ran his large hand down your shoulders, squeezing the muscle gently. You whined squeezed your eyes shut at the painful relief, furring your brow as he kneaded away. He moved down to your arm, skillfully massaging it with his calloused hands. He landed on your hand, taking it between both of his and flexing your fingers, rubbing each knuckle tenderly. You hummed in appreciation.
You opened your eyes again, noticing Konig's pupils had widened the slightest bit. Oh no... nope, nope nope. You thought. You were WAY too tired to give him what he needed right now. Not that you were ever unwilling to be his fuck toy when he wanted it - you just didn't know if you could stay awake for it.
"So schön, meine Liebe..." So beautiful, my love... He muttered. You felt his breath on your face as he planted a kiss to your forehead.
"You think this is beautiful?" You asked with a smirk. "You're a simple man, Konig." You smushed your face back into the pillow, ignoring the desperation in his eyes.
"Why don't you go get a shower, hmm?" He said, rubbing the palm of your hand. "I can grab us food from the mess hall - you can stay here and unwind."
You hummed and nodded in response. Konig pulled your hips to sit you upright, kneeling himself between your legs. Your head rolled to the side, unable to even hold it upright for long from the soreness. Konig gazed up at you lustfully. You pretended to ignore it and yawned instead.
He squeezed your hips once before moving away, letting you stand up. "I'll have some coffee first, then I'll go. You wash up."
You slipped off your boots and haphazardly dropped them by the edge of the bed. As you made your way to the bathroom, you heard Konig scoff, as he moved your shoes and placed them next to his, perfectly aligned and neat. You chuckled.
The entire bathroom was filled with steam. You had the water as hot as it could possibly be. It beat fiercely against your muscles - exactly what you needed. Your braced your hands against the wall in front of you, savoring every sting and ache of the hot water against your skin. You didn't even have the energy to actually bathe yourself at the moment. You would attempt that in a little bit. For now, you soaked up the heat from the shower, letting it seep into your bones.
You heard the bathroom door creak open, then it shut. Konig hummed as he moved on the other side of the curtain. You assumed he just needed something and would leave in a moment. He rustled around for a bit, the sound of fabric hitting the ground, followed by his feet quietly slapping against the tile floor.
Moments later, he threw the shower curtain back.
"Holy shit!!" you exclaimed, jumping further into the shower, startled. "The hell - I thought you went to the mess hall?!"
Konig casually stepped into the shower with you, his eyes flickering over your naked body. "I was going to, but I probably need a shower too." He closed the curtain behind him. "Why waste the water, since you're getting one already?" He smirked mischievously.
"Konig, there's hardly any room in here for both of us." You stated. You were crammed against the shower wall, purposefully avoiding looking at his obvious hard-on. It rested against your stomach as he stared down at you, eyes half-lidded in lust. Your hands rested on his chest as you tried to create space between the two of you, although you didn't mind his muscular body being pressed into yours.
He ignored your protest. "Liebling, you haven't even bathed yourself." He said, running his hands down your back. "Let me help you, bitte? You just relax, I'll wash you."
You wanted to say no, since you knew where it would lead, and you were too drained to even think of it. But it was hard to deny Konig, especially as he ran his soap-lathered hands over your arms, delicately massaging the muscles under your skin. You let out a long sigh, leaning into his touch as he masterfully worked the knots out of your shoulders, your flanks, and then your hips, lingering there a while longer. His hands combined with the hot water and the smell of the soap... your mind was practically numb under his touch. You felt yourself relax more and more as he worked the tension from your body.
Konig stared down at you, pupils blown wide. You were the kind of person to get all shy when you were naked, even though the two of you had been together for a while now. But here, in your tired state, you wordlessly submitted to him. You had come back from the mission as a hard, cracked, and dry wad of clay, and Konig was using his large hands and the hot water to mold you into what he wanted. His cock was painfully hard at the thought of you, too tired to fully push him away from you, forced to give in to his advances as he fucked you in the shower wall. You're muscles were too sore for you to fight back - he would slam himself into you until you passed out from exhaustion, your overworked little body trembling and twitching as he held you against the tiles. Your little throat would barely be able to whimper his name out.
Just the thought of him fucking you to sleep was making precum drip from his cock. It rested heavily against your back as he was running his hands down lower, squeezing out the tension from your muscles. You involuntarily let out a soft moan - the feeling of his hands was soothing, comforting... and also getting you aroused. As tired as you were, every grip from his fingers sent pleasure shooting from your core to your chest. You felt his cock twitch at your moan.
You lazily tilted your head back against his chest, looking at him through your lashes with a soft smile. He smiled back, desire settling in his lower abdomen. He leaned down and kissed the crown of your head. Slowly, he snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you closer against his chest.
"Mein süßes mädchen..." My sweet girl... whispered, lips pressed to your head. "How about I make you feel good, yes?" His free arm climbed up your abdomen until it reached your breasts, grabbing the left one and massaging it between his fingers. "You did so well earlier - I want to reward you for it." He rolled your nipple between his fingers and tugged at it.
You arched your back against him, mewling and whining. His fingers were massaging the flesh of your stomach and pinching and pulling at your nipple... it felt so good, you would have let him take you then and there. But the more aroused you felt, the more you noticed how tired you were. "Konig, baby, can - can we please do this in the m-morning?" You whimpered out.
Konig groaned, half aroused, half frustrated. "I promise I can be gentle, schatz. I won't make you cum too much." He started grinding his cock along your ass, his arm squeezing tightly around your waist. His dick throbbed, aching to feel your cunt squeezing him tight.
You exhaled a shaky breath, before gathering your resolve and turning to face him. He let out a soft moan as your skin dragged along his cock as you spun. He gripped your shoulders tightly as you looked him in his eyes.
"Tomorrow morning, love." You gently held his face between your hands, smiling. "I promise. I'm just too tired tonight." You pulled his head down to plant a long kiss on his lips. He groaned against your mouth, before a sigh escaped through his nose.
He pulled back, caressing your face with his thumb. "Alright. Tomorrow then. Let's get you cleaned for now, and then some dinner, yes?"
The both of you continued to shower, Konig insisting on washing your hair. You stood with your eyes closed, basking in the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp. You were starting to get frustrated yourself, between feeling both aroused and sleepy. But you focused on the feeling of his hands on your hair and the water hitting your skin (or whatever skin it could reach - Konig took up most of the stream).
Konig did his best to focus on washing your hair and body. His eyes kept wandering over your silhouette from above, cock throbbing as he watched the water running down your breasts, to your pussy, and then trailing off down your thighs. He pushed his desires away, concentrating on taking care of you.
After your shower, Konig had left to grab some food, while you dried your hair and slipped into your night clothes - which consisted of your underwear and one of Konig's army-green t shirts. When he returned with some protein bars and bananas (the mess hall's only options since it was after hours), he faltered as he caught a glimpse of you. You were seated at the edge of the bed, practically swallowed in his shirt, nipples threatening to poke holes in it. You smiled gratefully at him. Despite having his sniper hood back on, you could see the tinge of pink in his face, as he quickly looked away.
The two of you ate your food, Konig splayed out in a chair across the room, sniper hood on the desk next to him, you still sitting on the edge of the bed. You talked about the mission, it's faults and it's victories, Konig saying that he would have preferred that you were the one to stay at the pick up point, and he should have gone to retrieve the hostages.
He always did that - he would complain after the fact that your team's captain would consistently put you in the more dangerous situations, rather than having you on the safer end of things. Konig would have even preferred if he could have been there with you, but that's never how it was. Either you were both in dangerous situations on opposite sides of the field, or it was just you, and he was forced to wait on the sidelines, far away from the danger. He never doubted your skill, and he would never try to hold you back. But he wished that you could be closer to him than the danger. You found it sweet, but preferred it this way. Better you close to the danger than Konig - you would never live if something had happened to him.
And if something happened to you, neither could he.
After dinner, Konig changed into sweatpants, opting to sleep shirtless. ("You're wearing my shirt, after all.") You climbed onto the bed, feeling Konig settle in behind you, wrapping a heavy arm around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You held it tightly and intertwined your legs with his. His warm breath fell against the back of your head as he nuzzled into your hair, which still smelled like your shampoo.
You felt safe. Finally home, finally in your bed, with your Konig. His hold on your body felt protective, something you didn't have the luxury of feeling for the entire mission. You were finally able to relax. You sighed contentedly... the cool sheets, Konig's strong arms, the rise and fall of his chest, the fact that you could sleep in tomorrow morning... It soothed you, and you let the wave of sleep slowly begin to pull you under, bit by bit.
Konig let out the smallest, quietest whine. He knew you were tired. He didn't want to disturb you. But he was still hard from earlier. His cock was so swollen and painful, he was going insane. He couldn't hold himself back any longer, especially not with your pussy just a few pieces of fabric away. He pawed at the flesh of your abdomen, using his other hand to rub down your thigh. Slowly, he began pushing his clothed cock against your ass.
You stirred; you had been on the brink of sleep, when you felt Konig kneading your stomach and grinding against you. You recognized the heat pooling in your pelvis, letting out a small whimper. "Konig, please..." you begged - not entirely sure if it was for him to stop, or to move faster.
"I'm sorry, prinzessin..." he said desperately... "I can't help it, I... mph, I'm going insane... I need to feel you around me, please?" He was now pathetically humping your ass, already pulling down his sweats until he was just in his boxers. You felt his pulsing, warm cock pressed up against you. "Bitte, liebe..." he began kissing your neck, right in your sweet spot.
You moaned lazily. "I'm just too tired, I'm sorry-"
"Schatz, you don't need to do anything." he cut you off with desperation in his voice. "Let me take care of you, bitte... you don't have to lift a finger. I just need to be inside of you right now... please, please..."
His hands groping your waist, his breath on your neck, his lips sucking at your skin... and his pathetic begging, won over your better judgement. You knew you wouldn't be able to hold him off in your current state, and he would end up taking what he wanted anyways. And despite being so tired, you were still aroused... Would you really be able to fall asleep if you deprived yourself? "Alright, love."
"You sure?" he answered immediately, whining needily.
"I'm sure."
And that was all he needed. Placing a kiss to the back of your head, Konig carefully removed your panties, letting them hang off of one of your ankles. With one hand, he pulled the waistband of his boxers down, freeing his cock and letting it slap against your ass. He moved his hand from your stomach down to your pussy, prodding at your clit with two fingers. You rubbed your thighs together, feeling a mix of soreness and wetness, as he rubbed your swollen bundle of nerves between his fingertips.
"So fucking wet for me..." he groaned in your ear, "... even when you're tired, you're so needy." He slipped a finger past your clit, running it along your lips. You didn't have the energy to buck against him - instead, you tilted your hips back, trying to angle yourself to feel as much pleasure as possible. He teased you, prodding the tip of his finger just past your lips, before pulling it back. You whined, your juices spilling over his hand as your arousal grew even more.
"Please, Konig..." you begged, your voice barely above a whisper. Despite the desire settling in your stomach, you could feel yourself being pulled back into sleep. Your moans were lazy and low, and your body was limp in his arms.
"I know, love, I know..." he whispered in your ear. He brought his hand to his mouth and licked your wetness that coated his fingers. He groaned, savoring the taste, his erection twitching painfully. "I'm going to fuck you to sleep, liebling. You deserve it, you worked so hard... Just let me take care of you, alright?" He dipped his fingers back down to your pussy, rubbing your clit in slow circles with the pad of this thumb.
You couldn't answer him. Instead, weak, soft whimpers fell from your lips, followed by the quiet clicking sounds of his fingers teasing your cunt, finally dipping inside. A pang of pleasure shot from your core, and your walls instinctively clenched around him, sucking him deeper into you. You pathetically mumbled in pleasure as he slowly dragged his fingers in, and out, and in, and out...
Konig kissed the side of your neck as your moans enticed him, making his length drip with precum as he continued to grind against your ass. He felt your walls tightening around his fingers, greedily sucking on him. He spread his fingers and pushed them against your walls, curving one of them just right to hit your sweet spot. You whimpered and rocked your hips lazily, trying to push him deeper into you.
"Hmm, look at you..." he whispered low in your ear, followed by a soft kiss on your temple. "I thought you were sleepy, mein engel..." he teased. You whined, barely audible, as more and more of your juices dripped onto his palm. "So helpless, so fucking small in my hands..." he pumped his fingers faster, flicking his thumb back and forth over your clit.
You felt the familiar coil tightening in your lower abdomen, and at the same time, you knew you were drifting off to sleep. You moaned as he continued to finger-fuck your cunt, unable to produce more than a high-pitched cry. Your thighs weakly rubbed together as your impending orgasm built in your core.
"Konig, please, bitte, bitte, bitte..." you babbled quietly, your consciousness drifting as your walls began fluttering around his fingers.
Your pleading in German stirred a fire in Konig's abdomen. He growled low, "Gutes verdammtes mädchen, das ist es..." Good fucking girl, that's it... He flicked your clit harder, relishing in the small, high whimpers that sent an electric shock through his core. He snaked his other hand under your side, coming around to gently squeeze at your throat. "Komm für mich, meine müde Prinzessin..." Cum for me, my tired princess... he grunted as he drove his digits into your pussy, curling them to prod against your g-spot. "That's it... yes, yes, yes..."
Your hips instinctively rocked against his fingers, mind going numb as your orgasm ripped through your body. Your one hand grabbed the one of Konig's that was deep in your cunt, pawing helplessly at his forearm. Your legs began to shake as the pleasure overtook you, making you mewl and whine. Your slick flowed freely over his fingers and into his palm, and you heard him growl and felt his cock twitch against your ass. You closed your heavy eyelids, his hand still firm around your throat, feeling yourself drift into the ecstasy...
Konig continued to flick your clit, hoping to overstimulate you for a while longer, until he felt your body go limp in his arms. Your legs were still shaking from your orgasm, but the rest of your muscles were slack against him. He smiled proudly to himself, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. He felt your walls clench one more time around him, as if they didn't want to let him go. He brought his fingers up and once more licked your cum off of his hand, making sure none of it was wasted. He softly moaned at your taste.
"Oh, liebling..." he said lowly, "I'm not finished with you yet." He used his wet hand to pump himself a few times - his cock ached under his touch, red and hot and desperately needing relief. "I said I was going to fuck you, and you're going to take every inch..." he pulled himself down the bed slightly, so that your dripping pussy was positioned right above his swollen member. "... even in your dreams."
With both hands on your hips, he slowly guided himself into your cunt. He stopped halfway, hearing you whimper in your sleep, your brow furrowed in pleasure. Your eyes remained closed, but your mouth parted slightly, sucking in a short breath.
Konig absentmindedly shushed you, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. "I know, schatz..." he said shakily, "I know, I know... you can take it, you're such a good girl, I know you can." He groaned lazily, feeling your walls stretch slightly around him, and he pushed the rest of his length into your cunt. His exhale caught in his throat, and his fingers gripped the flesh at your hips, sure to leave marks in the morning.
Your hips bucked slightly as your pussy squelched, trying to make room for all of him as Konig was balls deep inside of you. He panted, sweat covering his entire body. Your wetness felt so good as he twitched inside of you. Slowly, as he was trying to be considerate of your sleeping form, he ground his hips into you. He moved one hand to the front of your abdomen, feeling around until he found the buldge pressing forward in your stomach. He growled when he touched it, imagining his big cock barely fitting into your tight cunt. He pressed his hand down onto the bump, and your body reacted, shivering around him.
He stuttered in pleasure, biting his lip to keep his moans at a low volume. The quiet sounds of his balls slapping against your pussy echoed through the room, accompanied by his rhythmic grunting and your weak whimpers. His cock throbbed inside of you, sending jolts of pleasure through his lower abdomen with each thrust. His face was flushed and his pupils were blown wide as he huffed, burying his face into the crook of your neck, mumbling sweet nothings in German into your ear.
He felt himself teetering closer to his orgasm - the sounds of him fucking you to sleep, the feeling of the mixed juices coating his cock and his thighs, your high whines and mewls, the lingering taste of your cum on his tongue... He was so close to the edge, desperately trying to hold himself back as to not disturb you, and to last a few moments longer...
"I'm gonna fucking breed you, liebe..." he mumbled, whimpering as his orgasm approached quickly. "... gonna fucking fill you up, and there's not a damn thing you can do... Scheiße, so fucking tight... You take my cock so well, meine gute kleine Schlampe..." My good little slut... He felt your walls clenching rhythmically around his member, and your whimpers got higher and higher, your back arching against his as a second orgasm overcame you.
He felt his cock twitching, and a cord in his lower abdomen snapped. "Fuuuck, liebe, take it, take it, fucking take it, Scheiße..."
His thrusts became shallow and sloppy - he sank his teeth into your neck as an attempt to quiet his grunts and whimpers as he pounded into you, his cum spurting through his cock, filling up your cunt. "Mph, scheisse!" he whined into your neck. He rode out his orgasm, the room filling with sloppy squelching as his cum seeped out of you, dripping onto his thighs and the sheets.
He felt your body relax once more, his own muscles going limp around you. He lazily ground his hips into your ass, his cock still embedded in your cunt, now going soft. He gently thumbed his cum back into your pussy, pushing it in between his member and your lips. He sighed contentedly, wrapping both of his arms around your waist and pulling you closer onto him. He nestled his face in the crook of your neck, feeling the layer of sweat that covered you both.
"Du bist mein perfektes Mädchen..." You are my perfect girl... he mumbled into your ear, planting a kiss on the top of it. You stirred gently, your hips briefly moving away from his. He gently held you down on his cock. "No, schatz..." he hummed, eyes closing, "... I want to stay in this warm, sweet pussy of yours... oh, verdammt, I've missed you... I'll never let you go for so long again..."
He placed one last kiss to your neck, before hugging you tighter, his length still buried deep inside you. As he drifted off to sleep, he had one last thought. "Don't think I forgot your promise for tomorrow morning, liebling..."
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ghouljams · 6 months
König is so mean treating you like a toy when he fucks you. Pulling your legs up to his shoulders, your ankles by his ears as he crowds his fat cock into you. He cages you in with strong arms, squeezing your thighs together between his biceps to make you just that much tighter as his hands cup to back of your neck and curl you towards him. He forces you to look him in the eye as he fucks you, tips your head further to watch him bulge out your stomach with his thick cock.
"Look at that," he breathes, "stupid little toy, only good for taking my cock, ja?" You whine, the feeling of his dick stretching you out is already too much but the position lets him force his length so much deeper. He hits something overwhelming and electric in the pit of your stomach, and he keeps hitting it. Over and over, dragging your body down against his thrusts until you can't get a breath in to scream. The pleasure sticks in your chest, compounding as you try to arch your back, try to wiggle away, try to claw at his thick biceps for something to hold onto. Your stomach is tight, tight, tight, as his cock punches that deep spot, so good it hurts. Tears bead at the edges of your vision as you choke on a sob. You can feel yourself gushing around his dick, slick dripping off of you and onto the floor next to his desk. Someone will have to clean that up, with any luck he'll force your head down to do it yourself. Always a caring colonel.
"So wet meine liebe," he chuckles, leaning close to watch your face contort with pleasure, there's something almost pitying in his gaze, patronizing, "taking everything I give you. Not a thought in that silly head of yours. You like being a toy liebchen?"
"Yes," you whine, gasping and moaning as his cock drives into you.
"Yes?" He coos, his voice cold and patronizing. He fucks your approval out of you, your 'yes' mixing with pleas and screams as you claw at his skin for some release on the pressure building inside of you. Something snaps suddenly, some valve breaks and you gush around him, squirting against his stomach and clenching tight around his cock. He groans, a breathless chuckle dripping from his lips as your slick smears your thighs. "There it is," he grins, switching his grip to hold you by the throat, pinning you to his desk, "pretty baby, my stupid pretty baby."
You scratch at his wrist as he pound into you, the angle just slightly kinder. The friction of his cock in and out of your poor abused cunt only builds heat in your stomach again. You can't do more than moan as König's hips slap against your ass, his pace growing faster as he chases his own high. His words turn to growls and grunts, until he snaps his hips tight against yours and groans low, his hot cum spilling inside you. You whine, feel his grip change to rub his thumb against your cheek before patting it, affectionate but rough enough to keep you in the scene.
He clicks his tongue, "What a mess you've made liebchen, I thought I trained you better than that."
"I'm sorry colonel," you hum, your legs shaking and your hips aching when he lets them drop to the floor.
"You're sorry?" His thumb rubs against your lips, fingers firm under your chin as he pulls you to sit up, "Then you'd better apologize properly."
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imsilay · 9 months
How about König rescuing his obsession from an abusive boyfriend and then claiming her while he watches helpless?
mdni, cw: abuse, cursing, hair pulling, punching, beating, broken bones? (idk im terrible at tagging :/ )
word count: 0.8k
i’m gonna make pt.2 :) edit: POSTED! here
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cr: paldedpul on twt (i’m not sure)
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Your cheek burned and you gasped with pain when your boyfriend hit you across the face. “You fucking slut. You’re no good for anything.” he hissed and grabbed a fistful of your hair. He yanked it back and caused so much pain that your mouth fall agape. You tried to reach his hand and push him away from your hair but he didn’t gave you time to reach. Another hand found your throat and he pinned your back against his chest, pulling your hair and squeezing the oxygen out of your lungs. All you could do was squirm and cry. You felt so pathetic, helpless. The man you loved was taking his anger out on you because things didn’t go as he wanted.
At the time you thought everything was over, the door broke open. Your boyfriend’s head snapped towards the door and his grip loosened. Your body fell down and you coughed, gasping for air. Before you could process what was going on, your boyfriend’s body fall next to you with a loud thud. Then someone sat on his stomach and punched him in the face, hard, so hard that you heard his jaw break. The man didn’t stop. He was furious. How could that bastard hit his little one? How could he hurt you while König was afraid to touch your hair? Who did he think he is? The only reason König let him to be with you was the smile on your face when you talked about him. And yet, that bastard was here, hurting his little one. A deadly mistake. Punch after punch, König mercilessly hit your boyfriend’s face without caring about his pleading.
“‘m gonna break your bones until you pass out from the pain. Then i will do it again, again and again. Until there’s no broken bone in your body. Arschloch.” König hissed. Then he grabbed him by the collar and pulled his body up, as if he was a bag of potatoes. König threw him in the chair, his face was covered in blood and he was groaning in pain. “But first…” König forced himself to look at you. His heart ached as he saw your tears. That was the last thing you deserved. He just wanted to snap that stupid boyfriend’s -not anymore, now he was a living dead- neck. “Beg forgiveness from meine Königin.” (My queen.) König grabbed his hair and pulled his head up to face you. Your boyfriend was crying and begging for forgiveness from you for half an hour. Whenever you tried to say it was enough, König pulled his hair harder and forced him to beg with a broken jaw some more. It was just the beginning of the endless pain Konig would cause him.
After he decided it was enough, Konig tied him down to the chair and walked to you. With his hands covered in your ex’s blood and trembling uncontrollably, König fell on his knees and embraced your body tightly, until every centimeter of your body was covered by his massive frame. "Don't cry." he mumbled like it was hurting him physically to see you in pain. "What that arschloch did to you?" He kissed the top of your head and caressed your hair with his trembling hand. He was so afraid to touch you, you barely felt the hand on your hair. "It hurt." you sobbed. As your cries increased, you clung to his body, burying your head into his neck and wetting his t-shirt with your tears - he hugged you tighter. “Meine Königin…” he whimpered like an injured animal. “Don’t cry, bitte. I beg you.” his whole body tensed with the want for your ex’s blood. He wanted to draw blood, to cause pain from beyond that bastard caused you. “‘m gonna kill that bastard.” he mumbled and kissed your hair again. He was using all his willpower not to fall for his anger. “Say something.” he buried his head into your hair and held you tighter. Trying to contain his anger. Hearing you cry was worse than the torment he received in his past. It was worse than the time when they cut a deep wound on his chest or pressed hot iron on his back. He wished for another wound rather than seeing you cry that much.
By the time your sobs stopped he was at the edge of going crazy. “König.” you finally mumbled and his heart skipped a beat. “Ja, meine Königin?” he immediately answered, like if you command him to kill he wouldn’t think twice. Your ex’s pained groans filled your ears as you lifted your head from his neck and looked into his eyes. “How did you know?” you questioned. Because you haven’t told anyone about your abusive boyfriend. "I thought i was going to... " he shushed you by slamming his lips into yours, your head was now inside his mask. He pulled your body into his lap and hungrily kissed your lips. He was gentle though. The sudden want to possess and claim you as his was overwhelming, but he didn’t want to force you for anything after your traumatizing experience. "Let’s get you out of here, meine Königin." he mumbled after the kiss and kissed the bruised skin of your neck.
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a/n: please support me by reblogging, if you liked the content ofc <3 your comments also makes my day :* and i love to reply all of them :>
also i want to thank y’all for all support on my previous post. it really made my day :’)
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konigsblog · 6 months
stepbrother könig thots... :3
tw: stepcest, dubcon/noncon, manipulation, coercion, toxic relationship!
photo by @str6ngled <3
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stepbrother könig is such a cruel man. he doesn't care for your feelings and only views you as a punching bag, and a little toy to play and rile up. of course, you're upset by this. and könig absolutely adores your nativity and sensitivity, how easily you are to coerce, how easy it is to sway your opinion. and he has so much power on you; with his age, rank in the military, knowledge, ect...
so when you're nervous to take him, or unwilling to because ‘he's your stepbro’, he decides that instead of pleading with a dumb thing like you, he'll manipulate you before taking it anyways. if you're a virgin — a smart, obedient girl at college — könig will absolutely corrupt you!! he'll make sure that the only thing on your mind is the feeling and force of his thick, lengthy cock pressing against your cervix and the way his fingers rub and stroke your clit over and over again ‘til you're a sobbing, wet mess. with sticky thighs and cum caked onto them, he mutters out words that leave your head feeling fuzzy.
his abuse is torture, lasting hours ‘til you're gaping and gasping for air.
“now, let's not act like i don't have the right to take my precious step sister's virginity... i know you love it-- look at that dumb look on your stupid face, little mouse. if you actually cared--fuck-!-- about me, you'd care for my needs that come with my sick desires--ja, hush...”
the way his pulsing, leaking cock moves in and out between your swollen folds absolutely drives him crazy. he adores the connection he thinks it builds, not knowing how you squirm and treble when he's near. you're so weak and something about being able to abuse his stature and height against you is rotting his mind.
“meine gute schwester.”
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I wanted to ask, what would it be like if Fischl had an S/O who not only plays along with her, but is just as much as a Chuunibyou as her? I'd kinda like to see her reaction to that. Maybe see what the other Mondstadt folks think as well? Oh, and bonus points if the S/O does the whole Shining Finger thing. from Gundam. That "this hand of mine glows with an awesome powerrr!" thing.
(Genshin Impact/Honkai: Star Rail)
Fischl, Ayaka, Rosaria, Eula, Furina, Shinobu, Bronya, and Seele with a very dramatic S/O
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Fischl's eyes seemed to gleam when she first realized that her S/O not only indulged her antics, but even joined her!
Their title was almost as impressive as her own, 'The King/Queen of Hearts'!
(Fischl) "Tell me dear, S/O, how can the fabled 'King/Queen of Hearts' measure up to the Prinzessin der Verurteilung?"
S/O clenched their fist and raised it in front of their chest triumphantly.
(S/O) "You may have your electric arrows, but I have these GOLDEN FINGERS!"
Oz on the other hand was completely suffering.
Well, at least he didn't have to translate for S/O, they were completely blunt and to the point, unlike his master.
Fischl did adore S/O for how brave and caring they were, but it was during a battle that made her heart first skip a beat.
(S/O) "HERE I GO!-"
S/O's pyro vision flared up as their fists began glowing a flaming gold, catching both Oz and Fischl by surprise.
(Fischl) "W-What?! S/O was serious with knowing an ultimate technique?!"
(Oz) "I thought they were in a similar boat to you, mein Fräulein-"
They rushed past Fischl and Oz, who could only watch in awe.
Their fist immediately crashed through a Ruin Guard (somehow), and lifted them off the ground with one arm.
The Ruin Guard exploded violently afterwards, with S/O's fist going back to normal.
(Oz) "Wow, really?"
(Fischl) THAT IS SO COOL! "...Ahem, a fine display, dear S/O."
Everyone in Mondstadt thought that Fischl had just found another roleplayer that took things way too seriously and were somewhat dreading talking to them.
Only to realize S/O wasn't doing a bit, despite the fact they were just as dramatic as her.
They were just insane.
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Ayaka knew her S/O was a bit on the...flashy side, to put it gently.
They screamed all their attack names at the top of their lungs, yet she knew no one was better and hand to hand combat than they were. Especially when they began actually glowing red or ignited into flames.
All that did not matter terribly much to Ayaka. S/O was someone she loved, for their caring and valiant nature.
But, someone like S/O was something she had never expected to face, and they both drove her insane, and yet brought contrasting calmness to her life.
Nothing however would ever compare to meeting S/O's master for the first time.
Ayaka and S/O were travelling down the streets of Inazuma, until everyone, including the guards were watching someone coming down the street.
(Ayaka) "...Is...that person standing on their horse?"
Suddenly, S/O's eyes widened, and rushed through the crowd, unintentionally leaving Ayaka behind. She quickly followed behind and saw a man standing perfectly on the horse as it trotted along the streets of Inazuma, arms crossed and an expression that was razor focused.
The man's head turned to S/O, and both of them exchanged a glance before Ayaka saw their master leap off the horse, extending a fist as they landed perfectly in front of them.
S/O knelt down as they struck a dramatic pose, answering their master.
In the middle of the city, they began exchanging rapid punches that traded perfectly blow for blow, so fast that even Ayaka struggled to keep track of.
(Strange Man) "ZENSHIN!"
Both their fists collided before their other arms extended outwards in sync, screaming once again.
Ayaka watched with a strange mixture of horror, second-hand embarrassment, admiration, and jealousy.
(Ayaka) ...I-Is it possible for S/O to teach me how to do that too...?
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When Rosaria first met S/O, she thought they were going to be a troublemaker.
She was correct, but they fought to keep Mondstadt safe as much as she did.
But while she did it with subtlety, S/O grabbed subtlety with their literal shining golden fingers, and made it violently explode, all while screaming their attack.
The first time she had watched S/O perform their "Shining Finger" attack on a treasure hoarder, she stood there completely slackjawed.
(Rosaria) "...Oh my Bratabos, you're completely serious."
Rosaria thought S/O was doing some kind of bit like this 'Fischl' character she had heard about.
No, they were just that dramatic for no real apparent reason, and they had the strength to back their nonsense up.
She even doubted that herself could take S/O in a straight fight.
In a strange way, it attracted her to them. They were clearly not afraid of what anyone thought of them, only caring if the people they loved were safe. She had respect for that.
But...why were they like this?
They couldn't just defeat their enemies normally, no, they HAD to explode. Every single one of them.
Sometimes S/O's Vision wasn't even active, she would just see them explode after they had shouted "HEAT END!".
(Rosaria) "You are both the best and the worst person I know of to clean up a mess of bandits discreetly."
(S/O) "Hah! The King/Queen of Hearts doesn't need to fight discreetly! I only fight with my fists!"
Honestly, as strange as this was, she also found it to be the funniest thing in the world. Maybe there SHOULD be more people like S/O and Fischl after all.
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Eula couldn't exactly call anyone out for being "flashy".
But her S/O took that word to a whole new level. Especially with their manner of speech.
It made Eula look polite in comparison. S/O appeared to be playing the bit of a mysterious, strong, and rude warrior who only thought with their fists.
She had seen them become soft and loving, hell they were a couple, she knows they can become serious.
But after watching them fight a few times, she's starting to believe that S/O wasn't doing a bit like herself, and she did not know how to feel about that.
Eula watched S/O pull out a sword made of pure flames from their hands, wielding it in both their palms.
S/O slashed apart the Ruin Hunter with every swing, scorching the grass ablaze with their passion.
With one final slash, the Ruin Hunter was split in half, with S/O leaping back as their pyro vision died down slowly.
Honestly, Eula didn't know if she should be impressed, cringing, or not be thinking that was one of the coolest things she had ever seen.
Probably a mixture of all three.
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Honestly? Furina kind of gets it.
You spend so long doing a bit, it kind of becomes a part of you.
That being said, Furina isn't entirely sure if S/O's behavior was entirely theatrics.
But that's fine! It's a part of them after all, not like she had any room to criticize.
Whenever S/O wasn't in the room, she would be clenching her fists and throwing punches in the air, mimicking their tone.
(Furina) "How did they say it...? Ah, right! This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!"
Furina giggled as she said it out loud before putting on a 'serious expression' frowning as she concentrated.
(Furina) "It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! SHINING, FIINGEEER!" giggle
As she turned to face the door, she nearly leapt out of her skin to see S/O watching her with a highly unamused face.
(Furina) "GAH! S-S/O! How long were you-"
(S/O) "The School of Master Asia cannot be replicated by simply mimicking my actions, Furina. It comes from within!"
Furina pouted a little.
(Furina) "It doesn't look that different from theatre, S/O! You're as dramatic as I am!"
(S/O) "Dramatic? Don't be absurd, I'm completely-"
(Furina) "You are not telling me you can say all that with a straight face every single time!"
(S/O) "...Can you not?"
...Either S/O was the best actor, or they lacked the self awareness that she (kinda) had.
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Oh good Archons, please no.
Shinobu already had to reign in Itto and the others, now her lover was adding fuel to the fire.
Or more like an explosion to it.
S/O had taught Itto and the other members of the Arataki gang their strange dances.
Now instead of dealing with one, she had to deal with seven other idiots shouting about Erupting Burning Fingers.
(Shinobu) "S/O, you're a terrible influence."
(S/O) "Huh? What are you-"
(Shinobu) "Sara had just told me that Itto and the others were making a ruckus in the public square."
(S/O) "What ruckus can the dances my master and I-"
(Shinobu) "They're trying to match the speed of you and Master Asia, but end up only punching themselves in the face."
(S/O) "Hah! Looks like I need to train them harder-"
(Shinobu) "S/O."
S/O sighed loudly, adjusting their red headband.
(S/O) "Fine. I'll reign them in myself."
Personally, she thinks their nature is...strange, to put it mildly.
She has no idea how S/O and their master became so eccentric, but they meant as well as she and the others did so...Not too much harm could be done?
And admittedly, she did find it really cool that S/O's vision could make things explode in such a spectacular fashion.
But why did so many people in her life have to have some kind of screw loose with them?
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There was only one word that could come to Bronya's mind watching S/O in action.
(Bronya) "What?"
She had been trained all her life to be noble, courteous, and elegant.
And here came S/O with all the elegance of a cannon.
S/O fought inside a machine that mimicked their actions 1 to 1. While the suit itself was strong, it was S/O who made it surpass the limits.
Their knowledge on martial arts was unsurpassed by anyone she had ever known.
But in a strange way, it made Bronya admire them. They wore their heart on their sleeve, with no one telling them how to live. That was really admirable.
And secretly, she found herself quoting S/O many times as she was training with her weapons. Much to her amusement and horror.
But the first time she watched them in action could not compare to anything.
The machine's wings flared out and formed an energy halo, with S/O's hand becoming a blinding fiery light.
Their chest opened up and revealed a large glowing orb, with the symbol of the King/Queen of hearts flashing in front of it.
Before Bronya could even question what S/O was doing, she watched them fly past all the Silvermane guards and save them by driving their robotic fist into the enemy.
On command, the creature exploded into a brilliant light, making everyone recoil as their enemies fled in terror.
S/O turned around, their machine crossing its arms and standing dramatically on top of a hill, staring down at everyone.
(Silvermane Guard) "...O-Okay...?"
Bronya had much of the same reaction, but a slight blush overtook her cheeks.
(Bronya) "That was...incredible!"
(Silvermane Guard) "Ma'am?"
(Bronya) "A-AHEM! Men, we continue onwards! Remember our training, and show that we are not to be surpassed!"
It was completely stupid how S/O shouted their moves but...damn, if it wasn't effective.
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Seele sighs whenever she watches S/O in action.
Their moves were completely unnecessary, way too flashy, and the thing that annoyed her the most?
They worked. Like, there was nothing to counter S/O's idiotic moves, nor anything that could actually survive them.
It worked, and she hated that it did.
Seele simply steps out the way of an incoming monster part that had exploded spectacularly.
(Seele) "I will never understand how that machine of yours makes everything it touches detonate. It's like everything's made out of Natasha's grenades to you."
(S/O) "HAH! You are just watching the King/Queen of Hearts in action, Seele! Try to keep up!"
Her eye twitched. Oh now it was ON!
She had a great deal of respect for her S/O, truthfully. But it was dwarfed by her annoyance of them as well.
They would go on about complete nonsense, and yet when they were together, S/O could be a surprisingly normal and honest person.
Then she would watch them in the fight club and watch S/O in their machine grab someone's head, ready to make it explode.
(S/O) "Article 1: A Unit whose head section has been destroyed is disqualified!"
(S/O) "Then I have won this fight."
Seele had never heard about these articles, or schools on this planet. Maybe it was an offworld thing.
...God, she hoped that whoever trained S/O wouldn't meet Natasha or the kids.
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brennenscolby · 1 year
Watch me. // König
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Summary: You like seeing him fight and könig knows this. He also knows you’d love to get awarded for watching.
Wc: 1k
A/n: consider it a continuation from the last >:)
Content: cunnilingus (oral sex), Sub! Reader, Dom! Konig, Pussydrunk! Konig, dirty talk, praise, breast play.
Pairings: Konig x female! Reader
Minors DO NOT interact
“I didn’t like the way he was looking at you, schatz.” His strong hands wedged into the juncture behind your sore knees, pushing your smooth legs apart to reveal your gushing pussy. His shadow stretched above the mattress as he towered over your body, looking down at you expectantly. Military gear framed his muscular physique after having arrived only hours ago from a long mission.
“I-I didn’t know what to do.” You tried, swallowing saliva as you attempted to dry your parched throat, which resulted from previous endeavors that consisted of watching König punching the shit out of a man who wouldn’t stop ogling you in his presence at the bar.
“You could’ve told me. That’s what I’m here for, am I not?” you whimpered when he kneeled in front of your sleek, dripping cunt, blue eyes skimming over the drops of arousal that smeared across your inner thighs and leaked down to your ass.
“Y-yes”, you sighed cutely, the little bud between your legs twitching underneath his unreadable stare. You whimpered when his giant hands smoothed over your puffy nipples, quickly groping a swollen, plush breast in a vice-like grip as he played with it tauntingly.
“B-but i-“
“You did it on purpose, didn’t you mausi? That’s the only explanation to how wet your cute little hole is.”
You whined at his lewd answer, clenching around nothing but the air he teasingly blew at it.
“I wanted you to protect me.” You begged prettily,
“But you also wanted me to touch this pretty pussy. Seeing me fight turns you on, hm?” He teased, eyes twinkling with delight. Small specks of lust swirled with the blue hue.
Your body stilled and you stayed frozen in place for a few seconds, drumming up an answer that your face silently resolved for you the second you averted your eyes with hot, flushed cheeks. A hearty laugh fell from his lips when he watched your reaction, the palm of his large hand gently cupping your face. You leaned into it lovingly, looking up with sparkling eyes,
“Du kleines Luder. I’ll reward you for watching, liebling.”
Your abdomen quivered with little to no resistance the second his greedy, heated mouth fell flat against your soaked folds. He moaned lewdly, the sound of his noisy slurps echoing across the room and furthering the speed of your beating heart.
“Ah~ ah!”, You moaned beautifully for him, the curve of your back arching upward as one of your nimble hands mindlessly fell on his messy blonde hair, the other gripping the sheets for dear life. König gave a harsh suck upon noticing what he can do, and unbeknownst to you, a cocky smirk painted his wet, plush lips.
“gottverdammt. You’re so fuckin’ cute, Schatz. Ich liebe es, dich zu schmecken.”
You whimpered, shaking thighs clamping around his head as the pink muscle of his tongue continued assaulting the pudgy outer walls of your spasming cunt.
“‘m gonna take care you, engel. Is that what you want? You want me to eat this pretty pussy and fight for it?” His hands dug into the chub of your thighs, dipping your knees back to rest on either side of your heaving breasts. “Du magst meine Zunge, nicht wahr?”, he chuckled lowly with a thick Austrian accent.
You nodded eagerly, ragged breaths falling from your kiss-bitten lips as your mouth gaped open, drooling spilling over the side of your cute, angled chin. The vibrations of his low voice coursed through the jerking muscles of your bulging cunt, and through the warm, tight walls that desperately wanted to release tension.
“Look at me, Süße”, he demanded darkly, and your eyes snapped open. The second his azure eyes fell on yours, you squirmed, the intensity in his gaze matching the half-lidded closure within them.
“You give me a reason to fight every single time I get deployed, Schatz. Especially when I get to taste and make this pussy cum.” He continued staring at you, latching his wet mouth back on your abused clit with determination before gently rubbing your thigh with a creeping hand. It stayed this way for a while, and you rambled incoherently before you felt a thick finger rub your drizzled slit tantalizingly and slowly thrusting your tense walls apart.
“K-konig! ~♡.” you cried desperately, big fat glops of tears rolling down your sweaty cheeks as stray hairs matted against your angelic, perspirated face. Ripples of squelching noises perverted the room, provoking the stiffening bulge in Konig’s trousers. He groaned deliciously, adding an additional appendage to the one grounding into your squelching cunt. “Cum for me, baby.” He whispered, sternly keeping his eyes trained on your pleasured face.
“F-feels so good”, you whined hotly, miserably grinding your pelvis against his face without a lick of shame as the snap in your abdomen broke, bringing forth the most relieving convulsions to ever rake your body. Your head lulled to the side weakly as you rode the release out, hums of praise and sweet nothings spewing from your husband’s lips as he stared at you fondly with his hot mouth suctioned to your clit. You closed your eyes momentarily, finding bliss in the relaxation that overcame your tense muscles. Yet, they quickly snapped open upon hearing the sounds of metallic buckles drop to the floor.
You glanced at the strong, veiny hand gripping your hickie marinated hip, before looking down at the thick, throbbing cock that neared your inner thighs. Globs of white, creamy cum spilled over the sides of the red swollen tip, and you squealed adorably upon feeling the heavy cock smack against your sensitive little cunt. Your wet lashes clumped together as you blinked innocently at your husband.
“You didn’t think we were done, did you liebling?”
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Word definitions:
du kleines Luder - you little minx
Ich liebe es, dich zu schmecken - i love tasting you
Du magst meine Zunge, nicht wahr? - you like my tongue, don’t you?
Schatz- treasure
Mausi- mouse
Liebling- darling
Engel- angel
gottverdammt - goddamnit
Süße- sweet
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saekkas · 10 months
For your Blue Haze ask game! 💙 #41 your hair is really soft - with Kaiser! Please 🙏.
prompt: "your hair is really soft." tags: f!reader, kaiser is a simp, fluff. note: i'm sorry this is so short and that it's taken me so long to write it :< writing's not coming easy to me these days. i hope you enjoy! <3
"your game is in five minutes, what are you doing here!?" you hiss, the whisper turning into a shout when kaiser runs barreling into you. "michael kaiser!"
everything is oddly silent; the birds aren't chirping, the soccer fans' shouts only a distant murmur— it's as if the world's slowed down, stopping into a freeze frame.
even your boyfriend, the renowned star player, is quiet. he leans forward to place his head on top of yours, his arms wrapping around your waist.
you can only sigh, knowing this weird outburst is caused by the petty fight you had earlier.
"i'm sorry, alright?" the words catch, his speech slightly stiff, so unlike the smooth drawl kaiser's known for. it's as if his pride has bound a leash on his words, pulling them back down into the crevices of his heart.
your lover hides his face in your hair, sniffing the scent of your shampoo every now and then. he waits for your reply, and you can feel his heart hammering against your own chest with how tight he's holding onto you.
"i know i'm an asshole for apologizing this way, and i'm sorry," he whispers, his lips moving against your forehead. "can you forgive me, liebling?"
you stay quiet, watching as he slowly moves to face you, his hair a mess and his eyes tinted red.
your eyes trail over his face, taking in his tired visage. and maybe it's the doubt swimming in your eyes, or the hesitance plastered on your expression but kaiser sighs, lifting his hand only to drop it back to his side the next second.
"i know i can't undo the things i said," he mumbles, lips downturned and eyes plastered to the ground, "but i couldn't go out there pretending like everything's fine when the person that matters most isn't cheering for me in their usual spot."
you bite your lip, trying to keep the smile that's threatening to bloom at bay. even if it's only an excuse to be let off the hook, kaiser's always been creative with his words. a closeted romantic under all that suave and charm.
"what do you say, mein liebling?" there's a hint of a smile on his face, his eyes molding into your beloved puppy eyes. the piece of resistance he always uses, knowing you can't resist. "you can hit me all you want back at home. just cheer for me, please?"
please isn't a word kaiser normally uses and when it slips past his lips, you come to understand just how desperate he really is.
"okay," you whisper, body instinctively leaning forward in search of his warmth. "but we still need to talk after your game."
kaiser nods, his expression clearing like the sun after a rainy day. he doesn't move, doesn't walk, doesn't talk, and the silence that comes after is nothing but a loving embrace.
"you didn't braid my hair this morning," kaiser says after his eyes trail from the tip of your hair to the end of your toes and back. "you skipped out on our routine."
you snort, chuckling a little when he tilts his head, indirectly asking for you to braid his hair.
"i could barely look you in the face without punching you this morning," you mumble. the strands of his hair are smooth in your hands, and your fingers pull them into braids as if weaving through the finest silk. "your hair's really soft."
"i used your shampoo," kaiser grins shyly, like a giddy schoolboy who's just confessed. there's a hint of a blush on his cheeks, the skin reddening the longer you braid and compliment his hair. "missed your scent and all that."
you laugh at his words, indirectly letting him know whatever storm was brewing has passed. you press a quick kiss on his cheek, letting his hair fall down his back in braids. "go get 'em, hotshot."
kaiser goes on to score five goals in the match, blowing multiple kisses to you after every single one.
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johnsgunbelt · 5 months
konig x autistic reader hcs?
His love - König
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Pairing: Boyfriend!König x Autistic!GN Reader
Warnings: Violence?, None, Fluff
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Boyfriend!König Who helps his overstimulated lover, if they need space he's more than willing to give it to them. If they want quiet he has noise canceling headphones. I don’t make up the rules!!
Boyfriend!König Who helps you understand people's feelings if you can’t read them well. “So they're upset at me because I seemed uninterested?” “Yes But I know you were trying to listen to them, Schatz.”
Boyfriend!König Who makes sure you’re 100% okay in social settings before even making plans with certain people depending on how drained you get around them.
Boyfriend!König Who gets mad at people when they call you rude because you genuinely don’t mean to be. “Your partners-” “Gorgeous and successful? I know.” “Aw thanks babe.”
Boyfriend!König Who supports every single hyperfixation and will listen to you rant about the lore behind a photo or even a video just because you seem so invested in it and it makes you smile and he loves that.
Boyfriend!König Who finds your stimming absolutely adorable. It’s one of his many ways of telling that you’re excited or happy and it brings a smile to his face to see you in that state.
Boyfriend!König Who helps you understand sarcasm. "Yeah, Meine Liebe, that was sarcasm.” “Ohh Thanks!”
Boyfriend!König Who is killing anyone that makes a rude remark that you don’t understand. “Yeah you’re soo smart.” “Thank you-” and then you heard a punch echo the room as your boyfriend just stood there and gave you a small smile
Boyfriend!König Who doesn’t play about HIS partner. No matter what circumstance he’s in he’s gonna be the nicest and sweetest person to you. “I’ll fucking kill you both the next time I see you-” “Hey, is this a bad time? I just wanted to talk about my show.” “Nein, Schatz, komm, setz dich auf meinen Schoß und erzähl mir alles darüber.” ((No honey come take a seat on my lap and tell me all about it.)) And then he’d listen to every word about that show while scolding the two soldiers still. He always has time for you, no excuses for his love.
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AW THIS WAS CUTE!!! Thanks for this 🌚. ((Send more requests!!))
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guardkeywolf · 1 year
Okay hear me out! 7 foot tall reader that's like usually an airhead but then becomes an absolute monster on the field(or just fighting/sparring) with König? Reader's german and speaks it to curse at other people and to express frustration
König X German!Male Reader
Hello Anon!
So I hope you like it!
Also I want to give a special thanks to @itsagrimm for the German translations!
So please enjoy!
When Y/n joined the 141, it was easy for most to be intimidated by the man.
Laswell had sent them a German that stood with a bolstering 7 foot vertical, stealth that should be considered illegal, eyes that just pierced fear into the hearts of their enemies, and in the field, a goddamn beast that craved the bloodlust of those that weren't his teammates: who could blame them for feeling such a way?
Even König, a man who was a giant himself that stood at 6'10, was even in awe by Y/n's mere size over him.
When König had first heard Y/n was German and would be joining the 141, he couldn't help but be overjoyed to meet the man. By the time your helo landed, the man could barely contain his excitement to meet you. As you got out and grabbed your bags, from a distance you didn't look like much to König until you finally came face to chest with the man.
It was the first time König actually had to look up to another man rather than looking down. The Austrian felt the mans cold (e/c) eyes hover over his figure slowly, a predator that towered over his prey. König shook off the unsettling feeling before extending a hand to Y/n to greet him.
"Guten Tag, mein Name ist König." - Good day, my name is König.
Y/n stayed silent for a while until letting out a small giggle and extending out his hand to shake König's.
"Hallo, ich bin, Y/n." - Hello, I'm xyz./ you can call me Y/n.
König couldn't help but smile underneath his sniper mask as he began to show the man around the base.
Slowly but surely, the two would even up being around each other 24/7 no matter where it was.
On the field, in the base, in each other's rooms, just in close proximity to each other. Then feelings began to transpire and soon enough, the two became a couple.
As König spent more time with the man, he noticed the change in his body language as well.
While Y/n became a monster taking out enemies sometimes with your bare hands, at the base, he were a complete airhead.
Well, a complete airhead that König had loved with all his heart.
At times, Y/n couldn't help but make König laugh at some of the things he managed to do. He got lost in the base one time just trying to find König's room, and this was after one of the recruits gave him the same directions FOUR TIMES.
When Y/n got to König's room, the Austrian asked why he was so late and Y/n explained in great detail and blamed the walls for all looking the exact same.
While he was sometimes clueless then, when he and König sparred against each other or recruits, it was a different story.
"Komm schon, Y/n!" - "Come on Y/n!" König bellow as he dodged Y/n's swift punches.
König should have evaluated the man more because he was on his ass in seconds, not that he didn't mind it but still...
König looked up at Y/n in shock as the man extended a hand to him to lift him off his ass.
Y/n didn't say anything expect getting ready for another round and König joined him.
Well that was the case until a random recurit managed to kill the lovely vibe the two were having.
"L-Lieutenant Y/n?" The man stuttered nervously.
He must have been new because everyone in the 141 base knew to never, EVER, interrupt the Lieutenant's training session, especially when it was with König. He valued their time together immensely, and considering their line of work, König couldn't blame his lover.
He prayed that Y/n would tone it down slightly and thankfully his prayers were answered when Y/n turned the man.
He sent him a simple death glare before speaking.
"Kannst du nicht sehen, dass ich beschäftigt bin, Kollege? Unterbrich mich noch ein mal und du wirst nicht genug Atem für haben vom Strafrunden laufen." - "Can't you see I'm busy, dude? Interrupt me just once more and you won'T have enough breath for it from running punishment laps."
The man got the message, quickly informing the man before turning to leave.
König was going to consider asking what it was but decided against it.
He sent Y/n a look if he wanted to go again but the German simply shook his head and cocked his head towards the showers with a smirk.
König found himself walking alongside him, smiling underneath his sniper mask again, as he walked with his lover hand in hand.
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gh0stlyfixation · 1 year
Bad memories
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Paring: Simon x fem!reader x König
Summary: Simon comes home to you a König but the mission was a bad one causing Simon to get in a mood, he takes it out on you and König puts Simon in his place.
This is kinda based on a fic I read a while ago, however, I can’t remember who wrote it! So if it sounds a little familiar and you know who wrote it please let me know so I can link there’s❤️
I've been in a König and Simon mood lately. I have a few fics coming out from anons for Elijah, Klaus, and Harwin☺️
Warning: mention of PTSD, Simons afraid to lose his loves.
It wasn’t unusual for Simon to come home silent. Usually, a hot shower and dinner would warm him up then he’d be back to your Simon. But something happened during this mission and Simons been cold for days.
König had to reassure you that he wasn’t mad at you when Simon would snap at you for small reasons. König understood PTSD and it’s something Simon was struggling with. No matter how much König tried to get him to open up, Simon would just bark back at him and lock himself in his office. König would hold you close and tell you how amazing you were at the end of the day in bed. Simon wouldn’t join.
It wasn’t too much to handle, Simon would come back on his terms but it took today for König to put Simon back in place when he came home and found you sobbing on the couch and Simon gone. Something bad had happened.
You weren’t sure what tick him off this time. You tried hard to walk around Simon quietly, almost avoiding him. You felt like you were walking around glass, it could break at any moment.
You were washing dishes after cooking lunch, leaving Simon's leftovers in the microwave as you’ve always done. Just because he was treating both you and König like shit, didn’t mean Simon didn’t deserve some love.
You did understand why his mood was shit, how could it be okay after watching team members die, killing people, and barking orders all day long? It made sense but it didn’t make sense that you were the punching bag, not even König received the yelling, he was just ignored.
“What the fuck? I told you not to touch my shit.” Simon yelled coming down the stairs.
“What?” You asked, confused.
“I said that I told you not to move my shit. You moved my gear.” He accused you.
You don’t remember moving anything of his. You haven’t even touched his dirty dishes, König did that. It must’ve been König and you were receiving the blow for it. “I didn’t move shit.” You said back.
“Stop fucking lying. You do this shit all the time. Just fucking leave it alone. Now, where is it?” He yelled.
“I said I didn’t fucking move it.” You replied. Your eyes were getting glossy, frustrated he didn’t believe you and sad he was talking like this to you.
“Fuck!” He yelled, startling you, before storming out the doors.
König came home moments after Simon sped out of the driveway finding you on the couch in tears.
“Meine Liebe, what’s happened?” He asked sitting on the couch and pulling you to his lap. “What did he do?” He asked trying to pry your hands from covering your face. You shook your head no, not wanting him to see how badly Simon has hurt you.
“Was hat der arschloch gemacht?” What did that asshole do? König spat out.
“We got into an argument,” you finally said. Sniffling your tears away. You showed him your wet face and he dried it as much as possible.
“What about?” He questioned.
“Said I moved his gear and that he doesn’t like it when his things get moved. I didn’t move it. He called me a liar and left after screaming. I didn’t move it.” You sniffled, more tears threatening to leak from your eyes.
“Ich bring den um.” I'll kill him. He told you bringing you into a hug. Once you calmed down you sat back up in his lap giving him a peck on the lips.
“I understand why he’s been like this but I don’t understand why I’m getting the blunt end of it. What did I do wrong?” You sadly spoke, lowering your gaze.
“You did nothing Liebe,” he softly spoke. “Why don't you get dressed, and go shopping? I’ll stay here and talk to Simon. This is getting out of hand.” He said standing up, still holding you. You wrapped your legs around him and giggled.
“Dress me?” You asked sweetly. He smiled.
You left the house few hours ago, updating König that you were going to use the credit card Simon gave you and “spend all his money because I deserve it.”
“Yes you do Liebling,” darling, he would text back.
König sat in Simon's office at his desk chair. The room was dark with the blackout curtains covering the sun. König was pissed, he was ready to beat the shit out of Simon.
König understood Simon and why he’d be like this, but to treat their precious girl like this? Not happening, he'd put him in his place and then find out the cause.
Simon walks in and turns on the light to see König sitting in his chair. “Wha-,” Simon started before König interrupted him.
“Sit the fuck down.” He spoke up.
Simon immediately sat down, not used to this tone of voice from König, “if it wasn’t for our sweet girl asking me not to beat you, I would. I’m so besoffen. wie konntest du sie so behandeln? Was zum Teufel hat sie dir angetan?” Pissed. How could you treat her like this? What the fuck did she do to you? König yelled. “I thought this would stop after a few days but it's been weeks, Si,” Simon knew he’s made a big mistake when König starts using German.
Simon realizes he’s messed up. He looks at König, a guilty look plastered on his face, “I don’t know how to process it.” Simon admits,. He looks won down, something König hasn't noticed because he's been holding you while you cry.
He suddenly feels guilty he hasnt been helping Simon to feel better. “Process what? What happened?” König asked, his anger now disappearing as Simon finally opens up.
“I saw a mother and her baby get shot. I watched two innocent lives die, for what? Just because the enemy can?” Simon said. Tears primmed his eyes, he's tired. He hasn't slept.
König realizes what Simon is comparing this too, “your sister and nephew?” He asked.
“And Y/N and you and our future children. A repeat in history could happen. I could lose everything again.” Simon said.
“You know that won’t happen. We all three are trained killers. We are masked when on the line, and we take precautions. It still gives you no right to treat her like this, like müll.” Trash. Konig told him.
“Where is she?” Simon asked
“She’s spending all your money right now,” König told him standing up. Simon remained seated as König wrapped his arms around his shoulders pressing Simon's face into his chest, “we aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. We still have a full life to live, babies to make, and time to make memories. So don’t waste it by treating our girl like shit.” He told Simon.
Simon nodded, “I guess I thought if I pushed you guys away, you’d eventually go.” Simon said as they heard the door open and bags be dropped to the floor.
“Sounds like your gonna have a hefty bill to pay.”
“As I deserve.” Simon groaned already assuming the amount he owed on his credit card.
“Hey König!” You yelled with excited from down the stairs, “I bought that necklace I wanted!” You said. König looked over at Simon.
“Please not the one from Tiffany’s.” Simon begged.
“It’s the one from Tiffany’s!” You finished.
Simon lowered his head and placed them in his hands, “can’t wait to see that bill.” König said walking out of the office
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thalia-writes · 7 months
Stolen Shirt NSFW
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Stolen Shirt NSFW
Konig x F!reader
18+ only
Word count: 3.3K
Summary: A late night gym session and a gym bag mix up leads to a rather interesting confrontation
Warnings/tags: Oral fem and male receiving, p!inV, degradation, praise kink, Dom!Konig, (i think that’s all of them)
Notes: This is my first time writing anything to completion, and my first time posting my writing. If you have any constructive criticism I would love to hear it! Thank you, I hope you enjoy it:)
Liebe = love
Liebling = Darling
Meine Schatz = my sweetheart
Schatz = treasure
Scheiße = fuck
Music blasts in your ears as you pound your fists against the punching bag. Sweat drips down your forehead as you lose yourself in the rhythm of your fists and your music. You’d had an exceptionally long day and needed to get out your frustrations before you turned in for the night. As your playlist comes to an end, you lower your arms and unwrap your knuckles while you walk to the showers. After a brisk shower you dry yourself off only to realize that you left your sweatshirt in your bag that was sitting in the main gym. You glance at the clock and decide no one else would be in the gym at this hour so you walk out of the shower in your sweats and wrap an arm around yourself to cover your breasts. You turn the corner and walk right into hard muscle. You look up in shock to find Konig staring down at you. 
“Oh my god!” you shout startled. “I’m so sorry Konig, I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here at this hour.”
“Clearly” He replies, quickly glancing down at your barely covered torso. Your face immediately flushes in embarrassment. 
“Shit, I- um, I need to go,” you stammer. You quickly brush past him and practically run to where your bag is laying on the bench. Hastily grabbing it and throwing on your sweater, you run out the door and back to your room which thankfully wasn’t very far. You shut the door behind you, throwing your bag onto the floor. 
“Of fucking course he had to be there,” you mutter to yourself, shaking your head. Of all people, it had to be him. You’ve had a crush on your colonel since the day you started at Kortac. You sigh before opening your gym bag to dig out your shirt when you realize that this was not, in fact, your bag. It was Konigs. You must’ve grabbed his by mistake when you made a mad dash out of the gym. You were too tired and too embarrassed to admit your mistake to him tonight, so you decided you would just return his bag to him tomorrow. 
You start getting ready for bed when you see it, Konigs shirt peeking out from within his gym bag. You shake your head, no that would be wildly inappropriate to wear your Colonel’s shirt! You start walking towards your bed when you find yourself turning and walking towards the bag instead. Although, you think to yourself, no one would know, you could just wash it in the morning and he would be none the wiser. You fight an internal battle before finally giving in and throwing the shirt on. Immediately you were overwhelmed with his scent, subconsciously you took a deep inhale. The shirt engulfed you, the hem of the shirt resting on your mid-thigh, you didn't even bother throwing your pajama bottoms on before crawling into bed and shutting off the light. 
~1 hour later~
You’re awoken by knocking at your door. You frown to yourself before getting out of bed, wondering what could’ve happened that would be so important that you would be needed at this hour. You swing the door open to find Konig standing there. 
“I believe this is yours?” he asks, holding out your gym bag. 
“Oh yes it is, I must've grabbed yours by mistake. Give me a second I’ll grab your bag” you say as you start to turn towards where you set Konigs bag. 
“Wait” Konig states, making you freeze in your half turn, “Is that my shirt?” he asks in a low voice. 
Shit, shit, shit, shit, you think to yourself. You turn back to face him but keep your head low to avoid eye contact. 
“I have no good excuse, Sir, I was tired and it was right there so i just put it on, but I shouldn’t have-'' you begin to ramble an apology before you get interrupted by Konig walking into you, forcing you backwards as he walks into your room, the door shutting behind him. He continues until your back hits the wall, he places his hand on the wall by your head to cage you in. You gasp and look up at him as he looks down at you. 
“I need you to tell me exactly why you put my shirt on,” Konig says slowly, his chest heaving. 
Oh man, you really fucked up this time, you think to yourself. 
“I told you, it was the closest thing to me so I-” you say before you’re silenced by Konig's other hand gripping your jaw.
“Do not lie to me Y/N” He growls. 
Despite yourself, you can feel heat pool in your stomach at his touch and how close he is. You say nothing, not having a good excuse, biting your lip in embarrassment . Konig glances at your lips before groaning and pressing his body against yours, pressing you deeper into the wall. You squirm and freeze when you feel something hard poking your lower abdomen. He leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Do you feel that, liebling? Do you feel what the sight of you does to me?” 
Your breath hitches as he pulls his head away to look you in the eye. 
“I need you to tell me if this is what you want, because I will not be able to withhold myself from you for much longer” Konig says, grabbing your chin again to make you look at him. You look at him with wide eyes, before nodding slightly. Konig’s grip on your chin tightens before shaking his head. 
“I need words, liebe” He says, his intense gaze turning your insides to jelly.
“Yes, Konig, I want this, please” you whisper.
“Good girl,” Konig groans, before pressing his lips against yours in a hungry kiss. You melt into him, your lips moving together with fervor. You tangle your fingers in his hair, trying to bring him closer to you. Konig lets out a growl before picking you up off the ground and keeping you against the wall, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist. His hands run along your body, feeling every dip and curve. You feel like you’re on fire, every touch sending heat to your core. You moan into the kiss, which he takes advantage of and slides his tongue into your mouth, exploring and tasting every part of you. One hand gripping your waist and the other on your ass, his body keeping you from falling.
He removes his lips from yours and starts peppering kisses down your jaw until he gets to your neck, softly kissing and nipping. You let out a soft moan as soon as his lips touch your neck, tilting your head so he can have better access. The hand that was on your waist traveling up and starting to play with your breast, kneading the flesh through the shirt. 
“Konig… please,” you gasp, grinding down onto him trying to relieve the tension in your core. You can feel yourself already soaking through your panties. 
“Look at you, liebling, so needy already and I’ve hardly touched you” he coos lips still against your neck. “What do you want love? Hmm? Tell me what you need” he says with fake sympathy. 
“You,” you breathe. “Please Konig, I need you, I need to feel you,” you beg. Konig curses quietly before pulling you off the wall and carrying you to your bed. He lays you down before standing and taking his shirt off. You can’t help but stare at his beautiful, toned torso. Your eyes trailing down following the line of hair that disappears underneath the top of his pants. You sit up on your knees and reach forward trailing your hands over his abs, Konig sucks in a breath at your touch. Your hands reach the top of his pants, your hands teasing as you play with the hem. You look up at him from beneath your lashes for permission to continue. 
“You wanna suck my cock, Liebe?” He coos as he looks down at you nodding your head. 
“Such a needy little slut aren’t you? Want me to shove my big cock down your throat? Go ahead then, schatz, take off my pants.” 
As soon as you have his permission you swiftly undo his belt and his zipper and shove his pants and boxers down, releasing his cock as it stands at attention. You almost drool at the sight of it, your eyes widening and looking back up at him. 
“Don’t worry love, we’ll make it fit,” he says, a smirk gracing his lips as he takes in your expression. 
You lean forward and take the tip into your mouth, slowly swirling your tongue around it. Konig gasps as soon as he feels your mouth. You take him deeper, you hand wrapping around what wasn’t in your mouth. You bob your head, simultaneously sucking and stroking his cock. All the while making eye contact with him. 
“Fuck,” he groans, “you look so pretty like this, with my cock in your mouth.” 
You moan around him, making him twitch in your mouth. Relaxing your throat you take him deeper, gagging as his dick slides down your throat. Konigs hand grabs a fistful of your hair and starts moving his hips, fucking your throat. 
“Such a good little whore, taking my cock deep in your throat. You like it don’t you? You like me fucking your throat nice and deep?” Konig pants. You moan around his length, causing his grip on your hair to tighten. You reach up and play with his balls as he thrusts into your mouth. He yanks your mouth off of him suddenly, chest heaving as he looks down at you. 
“As much as I would love to cum inside that sinful little mouth of yours, I need to feel your pussy wrapped around my cock,” Konig says lowly. “But before I do that, I need to get you nice and ready for my big cock, ja?” 
He slides your (his) shirt off and pushes you onto your back, leaving you in nothing but your soaked panties. 
“Scheiße, I can practically smell you from here, love. You look so pretty like that, in nothing but your panties, your beautiful body on display for me,” Konig says as he takes in the sight of you. “Let me taste these gorgeous tits of yours,” he groans as he crawls on top of you and wraps his lips around one of your nipples, sucking and licking while his hand grabs and kneads the other breast, tweaking your nipple between his fingers. You moan and arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him. He swaps his mouth and hands to give the other the same treatment. You’re already a moaning mess beneath him as he starts kissing his way down your torso. 
“Fuck.. Konig.. Please, I.. I need more,” you moan out, moving your hips to try and get some friction on your core. He grabs your hips to keep you still, kissing and teasing his way lower and lower. 
“So desperate for me already? Such a little whore for me aren’t you?” Konig says condescendingly. You moan and squirm in his grasp.
“Yes Konig, please, I need you so bad,” you cry. He chuckles darkly at your response, 
“And what do you need from me, liebling? Hmm? Tell me what you want,” he says, his fingers tracing circles on your hips, his lips still pressing kisses to your lower abdomen. 
“You! I need you, please. Your mouth, your fingers, your cock, anything! Please Konig, I need to feel you so badly,” you beg. Your skin was on fire, you felt like you were going to die if he didn’t touch you. 
“Such a good girl, begging for me,” he breathes. He finally slips his fingers under the hem of your underwear and slides them off your legs. 
“Fucking hell, schatz, you’re so wet me for me,” he muses, his finger slipping between your folds as he teases your core. You moan loudly as he slowly gathers your arousal on his finger before pushing it inside of you. He slowly moves it, letting you become accustomed to the intrusion before adding another finger, slowly pumping them in and out of you. 
“Feels so good,” you manage to say, your back arching as you push yourself onto his fingers. 
“Need to taste you, mein schatz,” Konig mutters before dipping his head down and lapping at your clit, moaning at your taste. 
“You taste so sweet, I could stay between your thighs for the rest of the night,” he groans. He starts to lap and suck on your clit while his fingers curl inside you, hitting that perfect spot within you. Your moans become uncontrollable as your climax starts building. You cover your mouth with your hand to try and stifle them, when Konig wrenches your hand away from your lips.
“Let me hear your beautiful sounds, love. Let me hear how good I make you feel,” he says before returning his attention to your core. You cry out in ecstasy as he slowly adds a third finger, stretching you out. 
“I’m.. so fucking.. So close,” you ramble, the pleasure coursing through your veins causing you to not be able to form a coherent sentence. His fingers move faster bringing your release closer, the knot in your stomach tightening.
“That’s it, baby, cum for me, cum on my fingers like the needy little slut you are. Let me taste you” Konig says, before sucking on your clit. His words send you over the edge, your back arches and you cry out his name like a prayer as your climax washes over you. He works you through your orgasm, not removing himself from you until you're pushing him away from overstimulation. His mouth and chin covered in your slick, he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks them clean. 
You slowly come back down from your high as he crawls back over you and brings his mouth to yours, kissing you slowly and passionately. His hips nestled between your thighs you can feel his hard erection against your core. 
“You did so good for me, baby, such a good fucking girl for me” Konig says against your lips, starting to slowly thrust his hips so his erection slides between your folds. That action alone had you wanting more, arousal burning inside you. 
“Konig, please… fuck.. I need you inside me please,” you beg. Your hands grabbing at his shoulders and running down his back feeling all of the toned muscles beneath. 
“Alright, liebling, you ready?” Konig asks as he coats his dick in your arousal before lining himself at your entrance, nestling the tip against it. 
“Yes, I’m ready, please give me your cock,” you whine, moving your hips to try and push him inside you. He lets out a low moan at your words before slowly pushing the tip inside you. Fuck he was so big, you were being stretched like never before. You gasp as he slowly pushes in, inch by inch. 
“Are you alright, schatz? Do you need me to stop?” Konig asks, his eyes filled with concern as he looks down at you. 
“Yes, yes I'm good! Please don’t stop,” you cry out, desperate to feel him fill you. 
“Alright, love, we’re almost there, just a little more,” he grunts out, pulling out slightly before easing back in. Konig lets out a loud groan as he bottoms out inside you. He stretches you in the best possible way, making you feel so full.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby. Can feel you squeezing my cock,” he groans. His hands grip your waist as he lets you adjust to his size. You start moving your hips against him and he starts moving, slowly pulling out and pushing back in. You moan out his name as you feel his cock reach deep into you, the pleasure coursing through your veins making your brain hazy. 
You reach up and grab his head bringing his lips to yours as you kiss him hard. He immediately responds, your lips dancing together as his thrusts start to pick up speed. The both of you moaning into each other's mouths. Your hands grasp at his back, nails digging into his skin trying to hold on as he fucks you. 
“Harder, please,” you gasp out and he complies, thrusting into you hard, his cock prodding against your cervix making you cry out. 
“Feels so fucking good, baby, your pussy wrapped around my cock, sucking me right back in. Such a greedy little thing,” he mutters, drunk on the feeling of your pussy and your nails digging into his back. Suddenly he pulls out and flips you so you're on all fours, ass up and pussy on display. He gently pushes your back so you arch it perfectly for him, he groans and pushes back in. He starts to fuck you fast and hard, his hands holding your waist with a bruising grip. You sob out in pleasure as he hits that sweet spot over and over again. Konig leans forward and presses his chest against your back to whisper in your ear. 
“I can feel you squeezing my cock. You gonna come again already, baby? How pathetic, such a needy, cockdrunk little slut aren’t you?” He leans back and thrusts into you harder, one hand coming down to rub circles on your clit and the other wrapping around your throat squeezing gently. 
“Yes! Yes! Fuck yes just like Konig!” you sob out. “Gonna cum, please let me cum, fuck Konig please!” 
“You wanna cum on my cock?” he asks, his grip on your throat tightening slightly, you nod furiously. 
“Do it then, be a good little girl and cum all over my fat cock. Be a good slut for me,” he growls as he starts thrusting harder, his fingers playing with your clit. You scream out his name as your climax tears through you, your pussy walls clamping down and fluttering around his length. Konig fucks you through your climax before stilling inside and finishing with a loud groan. He pulls out and grabs his shirt, using it to clean you up. Laying down next to you he turns your face so you can look at him. 
“How are you feeling, schatz? Are you alright?” he asks. You look up at him with a smile,
“I am more than alright Konig, that was…. Wow,” you say softly. He chuckles at your response, pulling you closer to him. 
“I agree, you should have stolen my shirt sooner,” he says with a teasing smile. You playfully shove his shoulder, rolling your eyes. 
“I didn’t do it on purpose I swear!” you protest, propping yourself up on your elbow to look at him. 
“I don’t care if you did it on purpose or not,” Koning chuckles, placing a hand on your cheek, “I have wanted you since I first laid my eyes on you, meine schatz. I was able to restrain myself, but seeing you in my shirt snapped something inside me.” You lean into his touch as he speaks, 
“I might have to wear your clothes more often,” you tease, smiling down at him. He pulls you into him, your head buried into his chest.  “Scheiße, schatz, you’re going to be the death of me,” Konig groans, squeezing his arms around you. You giggle and snuggle deeper into him, wrapping your arms around him and tangling your legs with his. The both of you curled up in your bed as you drift off into a blissful sleep, listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat.
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simping4-2manyppl · 10 months
hiii !
So I had this request : 2008!bill kaulitz x singer!reader (the reader is like reallyyyy famous). Could you make a story abt their most iconic scandal please ? (I know my request doesn't have many details and isn't very clear but I have too many ideas, ily 💋)
Bill Kaulitz 🎤
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Ok so i didn’t understand this request too much but i had such an amazing person help me so 🤭 here it is 😜! @nyxwritesshit (the amazing helper!!)
For a few weeks you’ve been getting weird things getting sent to you, it had started when you went to collect your fan mail and as you were going through the stack you found a special letter that caught your eye.
You were a bit weirded out by it since the letter showed old pictures of you or just unflattering pictures of you. It would also consist of a piece of paper in the letter explaining in deep detail of all the terrible things that would be done to you, and saying things about bill. Obviously most fans werent happy about your relationship but you didnt care, you were happy with him. But the letters obviously scared you a bit, so you called your boyfriend and asked him if he wouldn’t mind staying over.
He didnt. So when he went over to your place he asked if everything was alright, as a good bf does, you showed him the letter with the pictures and the writing.
“Oh my god.. i dont even have those pictures of you!” He said, trying to lighten up the mood. You laughed and hit his shoulder, “im serious! This really freaks me out!” You said, sighing.
“I know, if you want ill stay over and be with you as much as i can.” He said putting the letter down and giving you a hug.
You hugged him back and smiled at him, “thank you.” You said, looking up at him. He leaned down and gave you a quick peck on your lips.
“You’re welcome pretty girl.” He said, smiling back at you.
It was now a couple days since you had told bill about the letter and hes been with you every second of every day, trying to make you feel safe.
You were grateful, of course, but the letters didnt stop. You were scared to go out but bill assured you that everything would be fine, and that he would be with you the entire time.
You smiled and nodded, “thank you my love, i appreciate you so much!” You said, giving him a big hug.
He smiled and hugged you back, “anything for you mein schatz.” He says giving you a small peck on your cheek.
“Alright lets go yeah?” he said, holding your hand as you walked out of your apartment building. Bills bodyguards behind you, causing you to relax a bit more, knowing you were safe.
Usually youd have fans surround your building so you were used to it but as you were walking you noticed someone jump at you, screaming your name.
You turned to look at them and saw them approaching you, with a scary look on their face.
They grabbed your free arm and pulled you, making you scream out as they dug their nails into your skin, “THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR STEALING MY BOYFRIEND!” They said, punching you. You punched them back and pushed them off of you.
Before you knew it, you saw bill jumping onto the person, catching them off guard, making them land onto the floor.
Bill pinning them down as the body guards pulled bill off them, then grabbing the person.
Your jaw dropped, not expecting any of this to happen. “Oh my god, bill are you okay?” You said immediately running to him and making sure he wasnt hurt.
“Im fine, are you?” He said with a worried look on his face, “im fine, you didnt have to do that for me..” you said placing your hand on his cheek, “Of course i did, i wasnt going to let them hurt you.” He said frowning.
“Its all over, lets call the police and get this over with.” You said hugging him. “Yeah..” he said.
After the police got there and took the person away you went back with bill, thanking him non stop, which he just laughed at and said your welcome.
“Wow, i really need to get some bodyguards.” You said, letting out a small laugh, “yeah you do.” He said, also letting out a chuckle.
You smiled and hugged him, “you’re my hero, you know that?” You said, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He laughed and nodded, “just had to protect my beautiful girlfriend.” He said, smiling. You smiled back and leaned in, placing a small kiss on his lips.
“Ill forever be grateful for you meine liebe.” You said, giving him another soft kiss on the lips. He smirked and picked you up spinning you around, licking his teeth (how he does it in the gif!!) placing his lips onto yours.
Later on you found out the news got ahold of the situation, making it a big deal, and totally taking it out of context, but they usually did that, and you knew for future interviews they would ask what really happened so you knew you could speak out about it and explain what REALLY happened. But right now you were comfortable, cuddling with your bf, his head on your chest and you couldnt wish for anything better.
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circe69 · 1 year
absolutely need more of könig calling reader his woman if you ever get the chance 🥹 you make him so sweet when you write him, i absolutely love it!
coming right up, my love! this took a bit of a spicy, enemies to lovers turn, but konig can't go a minute without letting you know just who you are.
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𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐮 - 𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
"You're slouching, hasi," a deep voice rumbled through the doorway of the shooting range.
Konig was walking in, a few minutes later than your assigned meeting time, whilst loading brass bullets into his sniper rifle. "I told you not to start without me." He walked over to the small divider you were standing in and placed his hand on the small of your back, forcing you to straighten your posture.
"I just thought I'd get some practice in before you decided to start driving me up the wall," you said as you shot a blank into the center of the red and blue target, "It's 8 in the morning, don't you ever leave the sarcasm under the covers?"
Konig chuckled as you lowered your handheld pistol, and you swear you could see the glass next to you vibrating under the pressure. "You really want to talk like that when I'm holding a gun, meine frau?"
Your hand tightened in a fist, and you started to throw a hard punch directly onto his arm until his hand grabbed your wrist. You panted slightly from the adrenaline of almost hitting him, of his touch. "You'd be a fool to snipe someone right next to you when you could just snap their neck," you breathed out as Konig took a step closer to you. "I'm right here, y'know," you continued taunting as he stayed silent underneath that stupid mask. He released your wrist from his grasp and moved to rest his heavy hand on your hip gently, "Why waste the fun?"
You watched his eyes travel your face, your low-lidded eyes and the way your tongue slipped out every once in a while, to lick that one part of your lips. The hand you'd forgot about, the one directly on your hip, reminded you of just who you were talking to when it firmly squeezed your flesh through your cotton shorts.
Konig's head dipped to your level, at the perfect height for you to rip the fabric off his face and show him how much fun you were capable of giving.
"I love it when you talk like that," his whispered words made your cheeks erupt in heat, so much so that you were convinced he could feel it just by standing so close. "Meine Frau, meine frau," he muttered as he straightened his back to put his eye to the scope of his gun.
As he aimed, corrected his stance, and shot a perfect bullseye, without even looking at you, he said,
"Meine und meine allein."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
translations -
hasi - hare or rabbit
meine frau - my woman
meine und meine allein - mine and mine alone
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velvet-paradox · 10 months
Fandom: Call of Duty Pairing: König x Female reader Summary: You get a concussion and poor König is beside himself and the 141 are trying their best to get you to remember. Length: LONG; I am so NOT sorry btw ;) Warnings: NSFW 18 + ONLY, strong language, explicit content, reader has a little freak out, flashbacks, sad boy König, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, detailed smut. Tagging: @synnersaint @isikforyourthoughts @stuckimaginationuniverse @howaboutlunch @pookie90 @undeadfreak47 @pokerfaceftw @dracofxckingluciusmalfoy @panty-h03 @0151imagayone
p.s. I used Google translate for the words below Bis später = see you later Bitte = please Verdammte Scheiße = holy shit
König is worried. Fidgeting in this sterile room, everything is so white and so clean, not a speck of dust on any surface, tidy desks and stiff furniture that begs to be sat on or it'll turn into stone. He paced the room, heavy boots pounding mopped up linoleum.
His gear is still stained, hadn't bothered to wash off the combat. There wasn't any time. He had to get that EVAC out to your location as soon as possible, he'd have to apologize to driver when he found him. He was in a rush and overwhelmed with panic, he didn't truly mean to knock the woman down trying to get you into the back of the van.
But you were in danger, hurt, unconscious.
Those sorry motherfuckers had harmed his precious girl, the only one to make him smile, to make him genuinely laugh. You took him as is, all broken pieces and shattered dreams. You'd fight his demons if you could, you told him so night after night, stroking his head against your chest or stomach.
You were his grounding point. The calm to his storm.
Therefor he couldn't risk you being in this state, a flashbang had knocked you all to the ground, deafening ringing, chaos and bloodshed soon to follow. König didn't realize until the damage was done and the smoke had cleared that you were crumpled against the South wall, completely out with a trickle of blood leaking from your ear.
He made some sort of animal-like sound, it didn't even register that he'd never made that sort of noise before until he reached you, crushing and grabbing your vest to sit you up. Your head was limp like a cloth doll, König was graceful in holding you steady, checking your vitals and manually opening your eyes.
"Come in Actual! I need an EVAC immediately!"
You looked so small in that hospital bed, fragile. Foreign.
He knew you as a hellcat, fiery and hot to the touch. Ready to fight or fuck at any given chance. This version of you made him nervous. Scared him. And Colonel König does not get scared.
He checked his watch again, the rhythm of the monitors you were hooked up to only agitated him further, so that meant more pacing, more worrying his bottom lip that tasted of blood. Skin chewed up raw.
König leaned on the end of your bed making it creak under his weight. He could punch through a wall right about now, gnaw on the fucking plaster, rip off door jams and spit out nuts and bolts. Under his watch this had happened and he would never forgive himself. His eyes watered briefly before he pushed off the bedframe, your head wrapped gauze, shrapnel had made little scratches across your forehead and cheek.
Please be okay my darling girl… I can't much anymore…
König stirred awake, he'd picked up and moved the heavy chair from the window to your bedside, crossing his arms and resting his cheek on them as he watched you sleep. Your steady breathing had matched the heart monitor, smooth and calm and that's what had lulled him to sleep.
His back would fucking kill later but he wasn't too bothered. He'd do anything for you.
You made a weird face and groaned, shifting your shoulders before blinking yourself awake.
König's tank had never been so full with relief. He straightened himself up, touching your hand without the IV in it. "Oh thank God mein liebe; I was so worried. How are you feeling?"
His eyes danced over your face as you wet your lips.
"Like shit. Did I get hit by a fucking truck or what?" Your voice cracked and König was quick to jump up and fill a paper cup that was childlike in his shaking hands. He helped you to take small sips.
"Something like that. Unpredictable flashbangs with do that. Lucky we got out when we did."
"What?" You blinked up at him.
"Flashbangs. You know. Poof!" König made an explosion gesture by his helmet. "Nasty things. Effective, but still very nasty."
"I don't know what that is," you paused then and looked around the room with open eyes, clarity slipping through the cracks as you gripped the cup, brows furrowed. "I don't-- where am I? What am I doing here?"
König touched the top of your bed, concern in his emerald eyes. "My darling Ferret, you were injured in combat. Nothing broken but you were knocked unconcsous, we brought you in as soon as possible. Are you--," König didn't want to hear your answer but he didn't like to mess around the bush. Best to rip off the band-aid. "Do you know me? Do you not recognize me?"
You swallowed as your eyes grew glassy. You shook your head.
"Should I?"
His heart broke.
"It's me. My name is König , I am your commanding officer. You and the boys are-"
"Boys? I have boys? Am I mother?! Whose mother am I?" You screeched and spilled what was left of your water as you tossed off your sheet and began inspecting your stomach.
"No no. Calm down Ferret, you are no ones mother. Yet. I meant the boys of the 141, our company, Captain Price, L.T., Gaz, MacTavish… any o' them ring a bell?"
"No. Oh my God… who am I? König who am I?"
You really started to panic then, crying and kicking off the rest of your blankets, your heartrate was increasing alarming fast. König tried to shush you, calm you down, but it was no use, you just freaked out even more. You gained the attention of the nurses who came bursting into the room, pushing him out of the way as you screamed and tried to pull out the iv.
Chaos. König didn't know what to do and it was all a blur until one of the nurses in burgandy scrubs had grabbed his tac vest, forecefully and dragged him to the door.
"Colonel! Sir! We've got this, you need to leave."
Your shouts of protest were terrifying as you writhed on the bed in confusion and pain. There were too many of them, like ants swarming a downed enemy.
"Sir! Please, she'll be fine. I need you out. Now," König only frowned but took the steps necessary. "Do it for her."
The door slammed shut in his face then and all he could do was stand there and watch the blinds be slid down.
König growled and cursed something fierce all the way back to his dorm room, boots heavy and reminding him that much more that he would be going to bed alone tonight. With a huff he kicked his door closed, stripped off his helmet and hood. Piece by piece, he tore his gear angrily off, missing the laundry basket altogether.
His bed protested his weight as he rubbed at his face, aware that his gloves smeared what was left of his grease paint and gun residue. He hung his head, tapping his boots when he steepled his fingers beneath his chin.
He squinted down and grabbed a foreign object just by the end of his bed. Little by little, maroon in color lace looked so small in his hands.
It was one of your fancy bras.
König chuckled at the sight of it, a little light in his pitch dark tunnel. Without shame and without guilt, he fisted the light material before shoving it to his nose. It still smelled like you after several weeks and he closed his eyes.
"Bis später!" Had come from his mouth, waving off Ghost and Sergeant McTavish. He was grateful to be in his space, with his things, able to recharge after spending damn near all of his energy bank. If he were part machine, which sometimes he felt that way with how hard and focused he worked; there would be a flashing LOW BATTERY sign on his forehead.
He sighed against the door frame, barely ducking underneath it when he looked up at some sudden movement. He balked. You, you slinky attractive little devil had slipped past the guards, slunk into his room and into his bed. Growing voices made the big man struggle to get his whole body inside to block out your own, slamming the door behind him. Gloved hands still on the knob.
"Verdammte Scheiße! What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you, what does it look like?" You shrugged as carelessly as you pleased. As drained as he was, he always had enough energy for your antics. A bare arm patted the bed next to you, a coy little smile on your face.
"I thought we've talked about this, no? We need to be careful about us." König said as he sat down, taking his gloves off and setting them on the floor by his nightstand.
"I'm tired of being careful, aren't you?" You grabbed his warm fingers, looking up at him.
"Yes but--"
"But what? Whose gonna' stop you? The big bad ex-KorTac boogeyman with the pretty eyes and enough documented kills to make any Narco envious and not to mention that big ol' hog--"
"Shut your face, right now!" König clamped a hand over your mouth, even though he was smiling behind his mask, bashful but a little boosted by your vulgar description. He didn't need to give the base anymore to talk about.
Your wet tongue startled his palm as you laughed, music to his ears as leaned his body against you.
"Oh come on, I'm surprised it even fits. Damn thing is the size of my arm!"
"It is not, stop that." König scolded you, a failed attempt to keep you quiet even though he was enjoying your praise.
"Oh yes it is!" You chuckled and pressed your sheet covered chest against his arm. "You should probably get a weapons clearance slip for that thing!"
"That's it!" König tackled you on the bed, his gear shifting with his weight, pinning you down. You wiggled and laughed beneath him, he silently asked how'd he get to be the one on top of you, making you laugh, smile. Men like him didn't get pretty things like you. He suspected and believed his old KorTac buddies that he'd end up settling for what he thought he deserved. Pocket lint and a sex doll. Not at all the real body of yours, looking at him like he hung the fucking moon and if he you would only keep looking at him like this, make him feel like he swallowed bees, calmed the anger and wolfish tendencies; he just might try it.
König sat back on his haunches. "How long have you been waiting for me?"
His heart stopped with your cheeky answer. "My whole damn life."
He dreamt of you that night. Surprised even to himself that he could calm himself down, even after a long and hot shower. He was exhausted. Scrubbing that same dirt and grime, that filth off his skin that stained your own. Maybe it was the emotions of it all, everything cresting, crumbling like bricks in his hands as you couldn't even remember him.
Maybe that's why he cried.
And maybe that's why he slept so good.
He tucked your bra underneath his pillow before he left his room the next morning, safe keeping and all that. He gave the neatly made bed a gentle pat before catching a ride with some very green, very eager-to-please rookies on a golf cart to the hospital.
"Colonel!" He stopped at the distinct voice of Captain Price, he could practically feel the mans' boots on the definitely needed to be replaced tiles beneath his own feet. "Colonel, I'm glad I caught you, old man-"
"I am not old," König squinted at Price's crinkled eyes, lost in a teasing smile. "In fact, you're older by four years, fifteen days and seven hours."
"How do you know that?" John Price paused.
"I read your file." König shrugged. He had a photographic memory, could remember coordinates from a stint in Kosovo, the delicatessen's not far from Vatican City, the look on your face after your first kiss, what color your toenails were that summer on the West Coast with the rest of the 141.
"Very well, lad. I uh just spoke with Y/N's doctors, she's been sedated, had a bit of a rough night last night, so they said. She's awake but nothing seems to spark her memory just yet."
König bit at his lips, he should've been there with you. The thought of you being alone and afraid, scared to death of all those around you being pumped through with who knows what.
"She'll come back to us big man," Price's hand on his arm was warm and the little squeeze he gave him felt genuine. "I know you two are close; just how close I haven't determined but I assume it's a heartfelt one. One that maybe goes a little more than the base and ranks."
"That's none of your business, Captain." König ground his teeth.
"You're right but I should let you know there's a little bet and a rumor going on that it's beyond professional," König straightened his back at that, shifting his weight. "Don't shoot the messanger, but the pot has gotten pretty full and I like winning."
Price chuckled as he walked away, leaving König to think more than just about you.
Your room is quiet expect for the whirling machine hooked up to your hand, your breathing is smooth when he enters, the steady beat of your heartbeat. He knew you were beloved on base and by all the bouquets of flowers, balloons and 'GET WELL SOON FERRET!' cards that surrounded your bed and side tables, he once again felt lucky to even breathe the same air as you, let alone become bedfellows and lovers.
He felt bad he came empty handed.
Until you rolled your head over to see him, a piss-poor attempt to make himself small.
"It's you." Your voice was a little scratchy and he'd hoped it was from a little nap and not from screaming in the middle of the night.
"Hallo mein-- I mean Y/N," your given name sounded strange in his mouth when he cleared his throat and crept a little more into the room. Your eyes never left him. "How are you feeling now? I talked with Price in the hallway."
"It's strange, I know you said the other day that we know each other and when I'm looking at you, like this, I feel like I should," you worried your bottom lip between your teeth, gears working against you as you laid there, eventually staring up at the ceiling. "I feel like I should know who I am and I don't. I should know you, apparently, but I don't. I don't remember anything!" you whined and palmed your glassy eyes, sniffling and huffing and all König could do was worry and reach out to touch your shoulder. "What if I never do? What if I become somebody else?"
"Don't do that, bitte. Please my dear," his gloved hand grasped your wrist and you let him, let him pull down your hands, locking eyes.
"You're taking a page out of my book and you're going to worry yourself sick. You'll come back to us." To me.
He wished and prayed that you would as he stayed with you for a little over an hour before you grew tired and again on his way to the mess hall and once more before bed.
"If you get hurt jus' remember lass, this was yer idea to begin wit'!" Johnny said with a grin, wobbling quite a bit on König's shoulders as he reached out to grapple with your hands.
"You know you're a lot heavier than you look." König grumbled through straight teeth, holding on to the Scotsman's' hefty thighs.
The sun was high that day on the Coast, a well needed and earned r&r retreat for the 141.
"Don't tell me you're backing out already, Johnny!" You teased, fitting your fingers through his as you moved on Simon's shoulders in the water opposite of them.
You looked incredible, wet and sandy, smiling as if you didn't just have someone else's blood on your hands three days prior somewhere in Bolivia. You two hadn't even kissed yet, just a lot of sexual tension and flirty exchanges when no one was looking or listening.
"I'm just lettin' you know wee one, I'm not above playing unfairly now."
"We'll see about that, you ready down there L.T.?"
"Ready when you are, kid."
Game on.
The guys joked about never hearing König laugh before, after your successful best two out of three chicken matches in the ocean. He felt insecure about it, covering his already covered mouth from his hood. Ghost and Johnny drank back to back beers while you saddled up next to him with a turkey sandwich and some fruit.
"I like it."
König looked over at you, sitting extra close in the sand as you dug your feet into the sand, a complimentary red on your toes as they swiftly disappeared and you ate a berry.
"Your laugh," you said inching closer so your leg touched his. "I like it. You should do it more often."
König scoffed and stole a grape from your plate, tossing it up in the air. "Say something funny then."
"I wanna' kiss you right now."
He choked on his spit and laughed again, to get König off guard was no easy task and yet you were flying through in fucking technicolor.
"Now that is funny."
"Who said I'm joking?"
As you watched your L.T. and Johnny pack up their truck, you had made sure to wave them off and as they turned out of the parking lot, with that same hand you grabbed the front of König's shirt, leaned up as far as those cute toes of yours could tip-toe and kissed him right on the mouth.
" 'ow about this one, we're just outside the Museum of Antioquia in Medellín, does this look familiar at all, kid? Anything abou' it? Anything at all?"
"I mean… that's obviously us. It's pretty foggy still honestly… so no."
"Alright no worries, love. How about this one? The Courtauld Gallery, we just had to go according to you to see your favorite painting."
"Am I an art major or something?"
"No. You just appreciate fine works of art I suppose."
König didn't mean to instantly get hard at Ghost's choice of words. He turned his back to you and your visitors, walking, uncomfortably so, towards the window with his hands behind his back.
You had said those same words to him once.
You two had gotten caught in an ice storm and not just any ice storm either, the kind where wherever you're at… that's where you're going be for the foreseeable future. Luckily for the both of you, the safe house had been recently restocked and insulated, thick plastic on the windows ruffled and protested the pounding wind outside. The freezing cold had slithered its icy tentacles through the cracks around the door making the fire you'd built in the little stove flutter and crack.
You only wore your underclothes, tight black thermals under your gear, frost and snow melting off your boots side by side by the front door. You crouched and added a few logs, eyeing him as he came into the living room with two mugs of tea.
He thought you were excited about the warmth from the cups but you had something a lot hotter in mind.
Thermals littered the floor, your whines and cries for more sang beautifully with the crackling fire nearby. You didn't even make it to the bed.
"Oh God König!" you panted against his shoulder as he rutted against you on the floor, creaking under his heavy weight. His cock fit perfectly once he'd gotten you off on his fingers first, it was proper to make you cum first.
He might be a little ruthless and rough around the edges but the man has manners! He rolled his eyes in pure delight when you arched up into his chest, nipples hard and legs trembling, spread enough to fit his frame between them. "You feel so fucking good. I knew you would-- aha just like that baby, fuck!"
Your head thunked against the floor, König was quick to fit one of his hands beneath it, in case it happened again. He had secretly wished it would, if only he could last a little bit longer. Your wet, gummy walls fought and milked his cock like no other, bringing him back in with a soft hug.
"Yeah? You like that huh? I'm practically devouring you, molding you to-o me." König grunted and groaned something in his native tongue before taking a bite out of your neck, loving it as you grabbed at his arms, his shoulders, his thrusting hips when he soothed it over with his gentler kisses.
"I want it. I want you so bad," he shivered at your words, his cock throbbing and threatening to explode so soon. He couldn't help it! He'd been eager for months to just maybe get a smooch from you and yet here you both are, making love on the floor in some safehouse by a fire. "I can't believe you're inside me right now. Why did we wait so long? It's so fucking good."
You whined and moved your legs higher up his waist, your knees digging into his ribs. König grabbed your leg and brought it up further, changing the angle and hitting something deep, so so deep and primal that you literally shouted his name, eyes wild and mouth agape as if you couldn't believe it was real.
Your neck bent to look at where his cock was disappearing, in and out in great, thick thrusts. Words were lost on you as all that came out of your throat was gasps for breath.
"Guess you like that too, yes?"
König barely had time to chuckle at your shouts, begging for more and more, it was all so hot and erotic and when you came he growled your name. He pulled out just in time to cum along the inside of your thighs, tapping the crown of it into his spend, smearing it around.
"Oh baby… you are a fucking work of art."
"What about some fresh air, kid? Might do ya' some good, instead o' breathin' in all this medicinal shit." L.T.'s suggestion brought König back to the present, he made a face and adjusted himself before turning around.
Ghost gave him a shrug. It had been five days after all.
"Yeah. Why not? Can't hurt, right?" You agreed. "Will you come with me?"
"She's talkin' to you, big boy." Simon voiced, startling König into a different position.
"Me? You want me to--"
"Will you?"
Simon smiled and left you to get dressed for the outside world since the accident.
König made sure to cover your eyes once you walked out into the sun, you tucked yourself into his side automatically, mumbling that it was too damn bright. He chuckled and kept you close, an arm around your shoulders as you walked the grounds.
"Can I ask you something?" You were picking at your nail beds, a nasty habit you tried to break your Freshman year of college and miserably failed.
"Are we like… together? Like a couple? Simon and some of the other guys' made it seem like we're close. Like-- really close. Is that like a rumor thing or should I know something that I don't?"
König stopped, his boots kicking up gravel. "It's complicated. I am your commanding officer. Your superior. That would be inappropriate."
"Is it inappropriate or true?" you asked, stuffing your hands into a well worn hoodie. "Or both?"
König sighed, moving closer to you when a group of four young recruits jogged by. "Both."
You pursed your lips and looked around the busy base. The group of recruits that had given him a ride to see you drove by quickly, giving you both a solid but quick salute while a Staff Sergeant barked orders a few yards away.
"Is it serious?"
König cleared his throat and crossed his arms nervously. "The short answer? Yes. The long answer… is also yes."
You smiled brightly and shielded your eyes once more from the sun and from looking up at him. He swore his eyes crossed with how cute you looked, making that squinty face. You seemed content with his answer and started walking again, asking where you two had met.
"Maybe you should ask Soap about all that. Sorry, I mean Sergeant McTavish. Johnny. He sorta' is the reason for us being, well for us being close." König suggested, moving the bottom of his hood out of the way of a thick spoonful of a Rocky Road milkshake just off base.
"Well I'm asking you." You pointed your own spoon at him, apologizing when a few pieces of chocolate flung onto his forearms across the table. "Sorry."
"No worries. I rather like chocolate." König smiled.
"Tell me. Please? It might trigger something useful." You began to pout and oh no you don't, don't you dare tremble that bottom lip of yours. Oh, he could just lunge across this comically small table, break the umbrella above your heads in half and grab you and just kiss you, tell you how much you mean to him, how this limbo bullshit was driving him crazy!
König wasn't a man known for flowery words, motivational speaking and the like but he knew you so it wasn't out of his comfort to explain in detail how you did in fact meet. He talked and talked, milkshakes long gone, fries gone cold but salvaged for a midnight snack.
Once back on base König stopped in the hallway that splits from rank when you grab his hand.
"Can I come with you?"
"Come with me where?"
You swallow and look around the unusually vacant split. "To your room. Maybe it'll help. I mean, if we're together," you hushed and got closer to his side. "Maybe it'll help."
König smiled beneath his hood, wolfish and he knew how sharp his teeth were against the plump flesh of his bottom lip. "Sure. Come on."
"These are little… explicit." You chuckle while fidgeting with an old digital camera in his arsenal. The SD card is almost full, he knows this but he can't risk transferring them to another device. He'd stain his career if he got his tablets mixed up and not so safe or savory pictures of you and him together, were to make the rounds. The last thing this place needs is a scandal.
You tilted your head at one, zooming in and then thrusted it at his chest. "This is… are those… zip ties?"
König took the camera and knew exactly which picture you'd landed on. His mouth watered at the memory.
"Ah yes. This is the night you broke me."
"What does that mean?" You asked and sat down next to him on the bed.
A funny little jolt surged through his belly, warming his cheeks and hands as you two looked at the digital screen.
"Um uh well, I was gone on a mission in Copenhagen, it was only supposed to be a two week set up and recon, I could do those in my sleep but there was some miscommunication on their end and long story short I was gone for almost a month," König explained, thoughtfully looking at himself on the screen. "I used the SAT phone to keep in touch. We'd been together a steady two months before deployment and I didn't get a chance to give you a proper goodbye. So I promised you could have me any way you wanted."
"And I wanted to restrain you?"
"You wanted control over the situation. Over me." And you did. "Wow. I didn't think I was the dominant type. Or that a guy like you would allow it."
König barked out laughing, almost dropping it, which would have been devastating, but he managed to fumble it onto the soft mattress below instead. "Oh mein cutie, you are a terror when you get into one of your moods. Trust me. And to be fair; you've done a lot worse."
König was pleased the security officers left him alone for the night, no more nightly checks and lights out for the older man. He'd paid his dues but sometimes some fresh faced recruit would want all their other supervisors to know they'd checked on everyone, including the Colonel himself and Captain Price just a few doors down.
You'd fallen asleep after going over a handful of more photos, some more tasteful then others. Some cute, your smiling face as he slept with his large, scarred back facing you. Candids of König cleaning one of his weapons, examining knives. Holding hands. Your head on his lap. You fast asleep in one of his ratty old shirts. Obscene ones of just how fucked out he made you, gaping and leaking his spend. A few with just his fingers saturated with his cum.
You looked so comfortable and cute all curled up on his covers, hands tucked under your head. He couldn't help himself and mimicked your position as best he could, wincing and apologizing in a low whisper that he was sorry he kicked your knee. You groaned in your sleep and patted his hand.
König didn't remember falling asleep but he was suddenly incredibly warm, hot even, sweating beneath his hood and t-shirt he shifted but felt he couldn't move. He blinked and caught you holding on to him, damn near piggy-backing him. You mumbled something against the back of his head, fingers twitching and grabbing at the thin fabric.
He flinched at the way your voice said his name. Hushed and broken, his attempt to turn around and face you failed and you grabbed him tighter. He touched your hands on his arm.
"Y/N it's ok it's me."
"Oh no… where are you? I can't see-" You whined and jerked around behind him. If only you could hear him, see him, feel him try to calm you down from whatever it was you were dreaming out. König was used to fretting and getting himself all worked up into a lather, this time he did manage to roll over, getting up onto an elbow he held both of your hands in just one of his.
"My love, wake up. If you can hear me, wake up, you can wake up now."
Your face pinched and thrashed, your neck craning at a painful angle as if you were possessed until your eyebrows finally released, your fingers unballing and then you opened your eyes. One at a time. Blinking into the inky blackness of the room.
There was just enough light coming the sunlight above König's bed, the angle nice and gentle on your face. You finally looked at him.
He tried his best to soften his eyes, let you know you were safe and in good hands not in the arms of some stranger, which all of the base had been as of late. He let go of your hands when your jugular jerked.
"Are you okay now?"
"Where am I?" you asked and he cast down his eyes to the rising and falling of your chest. "Am I still dreaming?"
"No. You're awake now. You can pinch me if you'd like."
He waited for your answer before you reached up and cupped his face, touching the masks' edge, circling around one of the eye holes before tearing up. "I believe you, baby."
Oh. Oh. OH!
You sniffled and König wanted to pinch himself, make sure he wasn't the one dreaming that you'd come back to him. "I missed you."
"Oh mein liebe, you have no idea how much I've missed you." König surged and gathered you up into his arms, hooking his whole arm between your legs to bring you as close to his chest as humanly possible. He smelled your hair, rubbed his clothed cheek against yours. His hands under your shirt.
"How long was I out?"
Your voice was so light and innocent, sitting on his bed with the covers around your shoulders. He'd fixed you some tea, not the exact way Simon had taught him but close enough.
"Almost a week."
You frowned again and König couldn't help but take your hands in his, assuring you it was alright, that you were in the clear and should definitely seek the med staffs' guidance.
"A week?! Oh my God. I've been banged before but not like that."
König attempted to stifle his laugh, chuckling harder after you whacked his arm. "Bitte bitte, I surrender."
"You better! I've been M.I.A. and you're making fun of me."
Your pouting face was so damn cute König moved in front of you after bouncing his thumb on your bottom lip, holding out his hand. "I'm not making fun of you honey, it's just the way you said it."
"Yeah yeah, wait 'til you get knocked the fuck out and we'll see whose making fun then, hmm?"
"You would make fun of me?"
"In a heartbeat." Your sneer and banter held no weight and the both of you knew that. You were back to your usual self, a little froggy sur but you knew who you were, who he was, where you were and what was going on.
The head nurse in the med bay was excited to see you up and walking around, coherent and well aware of what had happened. She checked your vitals, looked at your eyes, felt around your cranium for any undiscovered lumps or bruising from being knocked back against that cement wall.
You were cleared.
She sent you off with a note and a stern 'now get some rest!'. König bounced his legs while he waited next to you, recognizing that she was the same nurse who had tossed him out that first night. She winked at him before letting you both leave.
"God I have missed you mein cutie, my little precious thing." König sang into your neck once back in his quarters, he hadn't let his hand slip from your hip since leaving the nurses station. He held you hostage in his lap in his bed, petting your face and rubbing your arms.
"How much?"
"So so much," König cooed at you, shivering from your touch as your arms circled around his neck, you snuck your fingers beneath his hood, toying with the strands of hair you could tug on. "More than I crave a hunt, a kill. Man or beast. Nothing satisfies me more than you do, my love."
"I know I've been out of it but… does that mean--"
"Oh my dear thing. Bitte! You think my mind was elsewhere while you were coasting through life? Nein nein nein, I put my needs behind yours."
"You haven't… so you must be pretty bricked up then?"
König tilted his head at that. "Not you getting medically cleared and ready for a good fucking straight away."
"She said to get some good rest, did she not?" You bit your lip and twisted the hem of his mask. "What better way then to make sure I'm fully rested then that?"
"My love… don't poke the bear."
"Is the bear in hibernation?"
He chuckled at that, letting you lean forward, pressing your foreheads together, breathing each other in. "It's summer time my dear… the bears are out of hiding."
Your eyes burned into his, as coy and cool as you tried to play it, all your intentions were naked and clear. "Are you going to be my bear tonight, König?"
Now usually when you were in one of these moods König wouldn't even bat an eyelash, click his teeth or spit at the thought of tossing you around, fisting your hair and making you squeal. In turn you'd leave marks and brusies only he knew were there, hidden beneath his gear. But this was different. You were in a delicate state, though medically cleared he wasn't about to go about fucking you senseless.
No. You needed to be handled gently.
So that's what he did.
Shimmying out of his clothes while you did the same, reaching out for him he went down easily, caging you in. You hummed and lifted the base of his mask, hiding beneath it with him, stealing a few chaste kisses before slipping your tongue into his mouth. König groaned and crushed his body into yours.
"Missed you so much, my love." König straightened up on his arms, looking down at you with heart eyes.
"Show me. Show me how much you missed me, baby. Bears give hugs, don't they?"
König chuckled, his hood swaying with puffs of his laughter. "My little play thing, bitte. Please. I am not a bear."
"Sure you are big guy," you cooed and moved to grab one of his hands, ghosting it over your collar, on the ball of your shoulder, settling it palm side down on your chest. "You're my big bear, aren't you?"
Oh hell… he couldn't say no to that face. With a huff he gave in, he'll admit it later that is did warm his heart that you thought of him that way. A protector. A caregiver. He'd been chosen to take care of you and König didn't agree with failure.
After a few more kisses he rolled away from you, shushing you when you whined with the loss of his body heat and weight. He curled himself behind you, easily hefting you up and over so your back was to his front, being very careful of his genitals. He calculated how far apart your legs should be, fitting them over his thick thighs like butterfly wings, making you jerk at the cool air hitting your wet cunt.
König carefully began to grope over your body, humming with delight when your hips wiggled, your toes digging into the sheets, your hands barely holding onto your tits. He teased you first, getting you warmed up, snickering as your breathing became labored, looking down your body as he played you like a professional musician.
"Please baby, please finger me already," you keened and gasped when he cupped your entire mound, feeling it pulse against his fingers. "I need to feel you."
"Ah ah ah. Already begging, what a needy little thing you are my love. Are my hands on you not enough?" König taunted, moving both of his hands to spread you open. You inhaled sharply, both of you watching as his fingers inched closer and closer to your clit.
"O-o f course but-- oh!"
He switched his tactics and instantly shoved his middle finger inside you, knuckle deep.
"Aww poor thing is fucking tight. Almost like the first time, ja? Been without for a week and already so slick," König peered over your shoulder, throbbing when he saw how hard you grabbed at your chest, playing with your nipples at his advancement. "You're so perfect."
"I'm so empty, please König, mein König."
"Empty you say? One finger is not enough for you? Nein nein you can handle another finger perhaps, maybe… three?"
You rolled your head to the side, looking back at him, an almost pained expression on your beautiful face. "Bitte."
"Oh fuck." Not you speaking his language.
You didn't make a sound when another finger plunged deep into your hole, holding himself back from just outright making a sloppy mess of your pussy, soak his fingers down to the fucking wrist. No no, he was going to treat you with kid gloves. Delicate work. He pulled them out to the second knuckle before twisting them back in, stretching you out.
Only then did you crack and keen, bucking your hips to take them in even deeper, finding that precious little spongy spot that drove you wild.
"Oh fuck yeah."
"That's what my little cub needed, ja? Should I go faster, hmmm? Get you all nice and wet to take my cock."
"Yeah yeah yeah," you nodded franticly, still squeezing and pinching yourself while he finger fucked you. "Get me wet baby, make me cum. Wanna' cum for you."
"You always wanna' cum for me. Wait until the rest of that pretty little head of yours comes all the way back, oh my love, the things you're going to remember, one should be so jealous. But I am afraid mein liebeling you will not be drenching my fingers tonight. Oh no."
"But I--"
"Tut tut little thing, you'll get to cum. That is a promise. But you will be coming on my cock instead, now roll over, ja like that, there we go. Look at you, I didn't have to explain what I meant. See, that memory of yours is coming back faster than we thought!"
König spooned you, cuddling you from behind and lifting your top leg up and over his hip while he told you to stay still, hold tight, to listen to him as he began guiding and sliding the already pre-cum slick crown of his cock between the apex of your thighs, against your sex, popping and nudging up against your swollen bundle of nerves.
You begged. Oh did you beg, he'd barely pushed it in when your arm came flying back, grabbing the back of his head, molding it to the back of your neck. When you pushed back on him König had to shut his eyes, lost in the feeling of sinking into you again. Grateful. Thankful. Pleasure bloomed as your pussy did around his thick cock.
"You're so precious like this, little thing. Mein cutie, mein sweeetness." König cupped your jaw and had you look back at him, dancing his hips into your rear, splitting you open just a little more. You hiccupped a gasp, locking eyes as you moved together as one.
"I needed this, oh shit did I need this. Several days without you was fucking torture verdammt, squeeze down like that again, fucks sake." "Is my big bear getting close?" You joked, your giggles turning into moans and curses as you gripped the back of his hood even tighter.
"Is that what you want? Want me to cum inside you, fill up your little hole?"
"Oh! What a filthy little thing you are, wishing to be filled up. You know my love," König slapped your outer thigh before gripping it tightly, your skin sagging with the weight they held and brought you even closer, his trimmed short and curlys getting wetter by the minute stuck to your rear. "You keep begging for it I just might have to hold you down and breed you. How about that, hmm?"
The noise you made made him whine against your neck.
"Goodness! Is that what you want?"
It took a minute for your voice to catch up to your nodding head, swallowing thickly. "Yes! Oh my God that's so fucking hot."
"You like that idea?"
You bit your lip and smiled so innocently.
You were so pretty all he could think about was breaking you in half. For a man of König's size and weight, he's very nimble and can move faster than you can think. He had you on your front in a few seconds, hoisting up your hips, dragging you back just enough. "If that's what you want… tap me if it is too much, my love. Promise me."
He slapped your ass. "That's not what I said."
"Yes! Yes I promise."
König smiled when you moved your head and hair to the side, then gave him a thumbs up.
Any position he was in with you felt incredible, the sounds you made, the obscenities' you called out, the grunts and tangled English weaved with German on his end were perfect. But there was something about fucking you like this he couldn't handle, he knew he had five, maybe six minutes tops before he'd lose his shit and bust his load.
You were practically sobbing at the pace, a literal face down ass up situation as you couldn't hold your body up any longer. The hard slap of skin on skin, you were panting and gripping the sheets in your hands König thought for a moment you might just tear the damn thing in half. When you turned to look at him over your shoulder he damn near came right then. Eyes glassy, eyelashes wet and clumped together, lips pouty and full.
Of course you had to bit your bottom lip at him looking like a holy hell mess.
König shook his head and swore in German, lurching over your back, his sweat keeping him glued to you as he lifted his hood and sloppily kissed you. You cried out when he did, wailing that you were close, that you going to cum. König clumsily reached below you and started rubbing your clit.
"Faster faster, fuck that's it. Oh my… König. Mein König!" Your body dropped as you came, pulsing your gummy walls around him, he was pretty much using you as fleshlight at that point. Your body loose and limber, pliant and soft in the best way possible.
"That's it baby, are you gonna' cum inside me? Don't waste it." You drunkenly laughed, pushing back when you got your voice back.
"Oh I'm not wasting a damn thing, my love." König pulled you back once more, angling himself with one foot on the bed, fucking into you deeper. You were lucky he was still being careful because the intrusive thought of really giving it to you, harshly, harder and pushing your face into the bed was not an option. Not this time anyway. "You're gonna' be a good girl and take what I give you, ja? You want my load so badly, so fucking badly don't you? We're not wasting a drop, anything-- fuck you're so wet baby… anything leaking is going right back in. Understand?"
"Yes! I want it I want all of it. Don't take it out don't take it out." You whined and without him even asking, your had crossed your wrists behind you back, giving up control, submitting.
König wasn't lying.
He did in fact spill inside you, throbbing rope after rope into your cunt. König hung his head, panting, counting his heartbeat before he eased his way out of your hole. Mesmerized by the sight of a glob or two dripping out he slowly and very, oh so carefully guided back into you. You squirmed, sore for sure as he looked you over.
"Are you alright, my love?"
The thumbs up you gave him was all the assurance he needed. He chuckled lowly, the ache he felt for you, warmed him through as he smoothed a hand down your back.
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uhohdad · 10 months
Saw your post and came running babes. I love your writing you're so amazing and talented💕 I would like to req König x fem reader fluff where they've been trying for a kid and borderline give up after a bit but than one day when he comes home from a long mission he's surprised to find out she's pregnant 💕
✨ Konig x Reader, surprising him with pregnancy ✨
thank you for the suggestion!! you are so sweet, anything for you my dear 💕 I hope you like it
It was depressing. It was really starting to feel like the universe was playing a cruel joke on you.
You let out a sigh just quiet enough he wouldn’t hear it through the bathroom door.
“It’s still cooking!” You yell back, but it’s a lie. You don’t have it in you to ruin his dreams just yet. That stupid little lone blue line had already robbed you of your fantasy like a punch in the gut.
Maybe you had deserved it. Maybe you wanted it too much or maybe not enough or maybe you weren’t managing the stress well enough.
But Konig didn’t deserve it. He should get to live in the fantasy a little bit longer. You knew how bad he wanted this. How excited he was to be a Papa.
You scowl at the pregnancy test.
Stupid little blue line. Get a friend, won’t you?!
Your hands find your face and you let out a little groan.
When you open the door slowly, the disappointment is apparent on your face.
He knows what that means. He pulls you into a hug, wrapping his strong arms around you, “Oh Schatz. It’s okay.”
You take a deep breath against his chest, inhaling the scent of fabric softener. Your words are muffled against him, “It’s just - I really got my hopes up this time. I feel so stupid for doing that. Why do I keep doing that? You think I’d learn my lesson by now but no, it doesn’t get easier.”
You let out a big sigh, “I’m sorry, Konig.”
He leans down to gently kiss your forehead, his fingers gently tracing up and down your back. “You’re too hard on yourself.”
You grunt into his chest in response.
He gives a weak smile and pulls away just enough to look at your face, keeping his hands on the small of your back. “Maybe we should take a break. I think the stress is getting to you, meine liebe.”
You let out another huff, trying to will away the tears threatening to spill over. You bury your face back into his chest. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
He plants another kiss on the top of your head, his hand soothingly continues rubbing your back, “Even if it doesn’t ever happen, I’m still the luckiest man in the world to have you. I wouldn’t give that up for anything.”
You finally wrap your arms around him, giving him a squeeze, “Love you Koni.”
“Love you too, meine schatz.”
Konig’s three weeks into a four week mission when you find yourself kneeling in front of the toilet, last night’s dinner making a reappearance.
When your body finally gives you respite, in between deep breaths and rinsing your mouth out, your first suspicion is something was wrong with last night’s dinner. You did cut it close with some expiration dates.
The next clue is your chest and back. You’re thinking your period must be around the corner at just how sore they are. Your heating pad gave little relief.
When the nausea doesn’t subside the following days, the suspicion arises.
Before you even let yourself daydream, you immediately take a test. Not going to get your hopes up this time, oh no. Nip it in the bud fast, you can’t handle anymore crushing disappointment.
The timer on your phone beeps and you check the test laid flat on the counter.
Little blue line! Who’s your friend?
Okay, probably a false alarm. Not the little blue line you know. The little blue line you’ve become very familiar with is a loner, antisocial, doesn’t bring friends to the hoping-to-soon-be-expecting-party.
So you try again, mustering up what little urine you could on your second go.
Wouldn’t you know it? Another positive.
Okay, okay. Promising, but not enough.
Three. You need three little blue lines with friends. Yes, because twice could still be a coincidence, right? Three sets of little blue lines and then you can get excited.
Chug some gatorade. Wait for it to pass. Pee on the stick.
You don’t even wait the full three minutes the pregnancy test package recommends. The two lines are already distinct. You close one eye to make sure your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you.
You let out a squeak, loud enough it carries throughout your empty home.
So giddy you can’t help but bounce up and down on your feet in excitement.
It’s happening!
Oh, this moment you’ve been waiting for, all those negative pregnancy tests that had mocked you time and time again, they can fuck right off, because now you’ve got a bun in the oven.
You wished Konig was here to share in your excitement. You let out a groan, knowing having to sit with your secret for another week was going to be painful.
You don’t even let him put his gear down as you run into his arms, squeezing him tight. “You have no idea how much I missed you!”
He was caught off guard by your quick incoming, but returns the warm embrace after steadying himself and letting his bag roll down his shoulder and to the floor. He’s got his hands on the small of your back. “How ever much you missed me, I think I missed you more.”
You scrunch your nose at his corny flirting and smile up at him, having to tilt your head back to do so.
“I brought you back something.” He says, and you feign surprise, even though he always brings you back a gift when he leaves for long stints. Something to let you know he was thinking about you while he was away.
He lets go of you with a squeeze and digs into his discarded bag before presenting a little pale blue box. You take it with a lovedrunk smile. “Awh, you didn’t have to.”
He shrugs and watches as you pull out the the necklace he had picked out for you. It was simple, dainty. Intricately delicate chain of gold links.
“Oh, Koni,” You say softly, holding it up in your hands to get a better look at it, “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“There was a wonderful market in one of the towns we were stationed at. It reminded me so much of you, schatz. You would have loved it.”
There was always a wonderful little market in a cute little town. You wondered how much of his missions he fluffs up for you, how much he censors. He doesn’t want you to worry about him while he’s away.
You never push. Somethings you’re better off not knowing.
“I have a surprise for you too.” You say, cheeky smile plastered on your face.
“Oh?” He asks with a flick of his brow.
You give a high hum, retrieving the little paper gift bag you’d made for him.
He takes it gently in his large grip, carefully removing the tissue paper as he peeks inside. He removes the gift on top, a small black fabric. When he carefully unrolls it, the shape of a newborn’s onesie appears, with the words ‘I ❤️papa’ stitched on the front.
He doesn’t catch the words on the front, “This might be a bit small for me, Schatz.”
You giggle at his joke, and it takes him a second to catch on. The realization doesn’t show until he pulls out the ziplock bag holding your positive pregnancy tests.
He looks at you with wide eyes. “Really?” He asks, soft and sweet.
“Really.” You say, big smile on your face.
“You’re serious schatz?”
“Dead serious.”
He pauses for a few moments. Processing it all.
And then he laughs, closing the gap between you two, picking you up and giving you a twirl. “Oh, Schatz, this is great news!”
You wrap your arms around his neck, resting them on his shoulders.
“We’re going to be parents! A baby. Our baby!”
You nod, your smile wide and eye-crinkling, “Our baby.”
He kisses you, long and deep, it had reminded you of the first time he kissed you, after weeks of the tension building between you both.
Ah, you had missed him so much.
When he pulls away he rests his forehead on yours, his grip firm on your hips as he keeps you pressed against him. “I’m so happy, Schatz. I love you.”
“Love you too, Koni.”
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Awake My Soul • 14
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
WC: 7.9k
Summary: It’s been 5 years since zombies first began their invasion, and despite everything you’ve been through, you’ve managed to survive up until this point. Now it’s time to face your most dangerous challenge yet….the grumpy, untrusting, fiercely protective Bucky Barnes.
Chapter Warnings: A LOT of torture, needles, syringes, mentions of blood, death, nightmares, someone not eating or sleeping, electroshock therapy, a gross thing with a tooth, suicide. Listen....it's a rough one, fam.
A/N: Thank you so so so much for being so patient as I wrote this. It might take the same amount with the others, but I promise I will finish this series and I'll do my best to give it the ending it deserves &lt;3
Series Masterlist
**There is a playlist for this fic, but linking it here messes up the tags so feel free to check it out in the series masterlist!
Meine kleine Puppe - My little doll.
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Bucky slammed the Hydra agent against the wall, his feet dangling in the air, hands clinging to the vibranium arm in a measly attempt to loosen the grip he had around his neck.
“Where is she?” He growled through clenched teeth, eyes blazing with unending, unbridled rage.
The agent, though very much struggling to breathe, let out a choked laugh. “As if I’d tell you scum. Hydra would kill me.”
Bucky pulled the agent away from the wall so he could slam him back into it, creating an outline of his body in the drywall. “I’m gonna fucking kill you if you don’t so ANSWER ME!”
“Bucky!” Steve shouted, but his friend kept his gaze on the snickering man before him. “Enough.”
Bucky tensed his jaw, finding the tiniest bit of comfort in the way the agent's face was turning blue.
“At least,” he gasped, “if I die now, it will be for a cause I believe in.”
His hand tightened around the agent’s neck.
“Don’t be fooled,” Bucky said, a smile creeping up his lips, “if you don’t talk now, I’ll make sure you wish you were dead before I finally end your useless, miserable life.”
Steve grabbed him by the shoulder, jerking him away. The agent fell to the ground, sputtering for air.
Bucky shoved Steve away. “You need to back off right now before-”
“Before what? You gonna torture me, Buck? Kill me? Is that the new norm when you’re upset? What the fuck is this, man?”
Bucky shook his head. “Lecture me all you want later, Steve. I’m doing what I need to do to get Y/n back. If you have a problem with that then fucking stay out of it.”
He turned to the fallen agent, grabbing him by the collar until their faces were inches apart.
“You think you have a cause worthy to believe in? You’re just a rat doing the bidding of people who could get two shits about you. If you want to support them? Follow them? Fine. But I’ll get you to talk, even if it costs you a few fingernails and teeth.”
The agent chuckled, his tongue sliding over his teeth. “Nice try, Mr. Barnes,” he said, then pulled out one of his back molars so effortlessly that Bucky flinched, shock preventing him from reacting in time as the agent broke the tooth between his teeth, a white, milky substance bursting into his mouth. “I’ll see you and your girlfriend in Hell.”
Bucky roared, shaking the man as blood dripped out of his eyes, body convulsing before going completely limp.
He threw his corpse to the ground, then punched a whole into the wall closest to him. “God FUCKING dammit,” he yelled.
“It’ll be okay, Buck,” Steve said softly, the regular mixture of concern and pity in his voice. “We’ll look somewhere else. Maybe there’s another agent hiding in this mall that we haven’t found yet.” He tried to rest a comforting hand on Bucky’s shoulder but he jerked away.
“Even if there were another one of these assholes, they would have heard us and booked it already, Steve,” he spit out. “This was our only shot! The closest we’ve been to finding her! And you fucking ruined it!”
Steve swallowed, maintaining a calm demeanor. “You and I both know he wasn’t going to tell you anything.”
“We could have at least tried to get something!”
“So what? You were going to break his bones and rip out his fingernails, Bucky? Is this who you are now, a monster like them?”
Bucky looked to the ground. “If it’s what I need to do to get her back.” His voice was softer, but still firm. Resolute in that horrifying statement.
Steve scoffed. “No way. I’m sorry man, but I’m not going to allow you to lose yourself to find her. She wouldn’t allow it either if she were here-”
“BUT SHE’S NOT HERE STEVE, IS SHE?” Bucky screamed, veins popping out of his forehead. “I let her come with me to save you and put her right back into their hands. She’s gone, and it’s all my fault.” His voice broke at the end, but he forced the tears to stay behind his red-rimmed eyes.
His friend relaxed, taking a step forward to once again attempt comforting his friend. “Buck…”
Bucky sniffled, taking a step back to kneel down by the fallen Hydra agent, inspecting for any clues. Steve stayed where he was, taking his cue to be silent.
When he deemed that there was nothing useful on the body he stood up, storming past Steve.
“We should head back.”
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You had been gone 57 days.
Each one of them passed with such agonizing slowness and rapidity. Bucky felt each second pass that you weren’t there with him, palm pressed in his, head on his chest. He also felt the devastation of another day gone, of you being tortured by your captors. There was a gnawing feeling in the back of his mind telling him that time was running out.
But he couldn’t fucking find you, and it was breaking him.
That moment he awoke to find you gone, that silly goodbye note you had left begging him not to go look for you, Bucky allowed himself one minute to shatter. 60 seconds to let grief totally consume and paralyze him.
When that minute passed, he stood up and got to work.
Of course he, Steve, Yelena, Kate and Clint dropped everything and booked it to the Hydra prison, only to find it completely empty. Any trace of their existence there being the bloodstains that covered the building.
They searched miles and miles past the perimeter, Bucky only stopping when forced by the others as they commanded they take a break and rest. At least for the sake of the horses.
After a few days, they went back to Shield’s camp to regroup with the others and plan their next steps.
It had been an endless hunt ever since. Small packs of them searching different areas, searching for any sign of where they might have taken you.
No sign of Hydra was to be found. They had gone completely radio silent.
And Bucky was falling apart at the seams.
There were times - when he was riding Alpine through the woods towards his next destination, or when he was in the gym railing on the punching bag - that he would see you in the corner of his eye. He’d stop short, whipping his head around, tears welling in his eyes as he was met with nothing. His chest would rip freshly in two, just as it did the night you first left, and he’d run off with Alpine or slam his fist even harder on the punching bag.
At night, if he was able to sleep for even a few minutes, he’d dream of you.
It was always the same dream. You running through the woods, him chasing after you, trying to stop you from leaving. Your voice echoing in his mind as he screamed out your name.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t look for me.”
It would just make him run faster. If he was lucky enough to have a good dream, he’d manage to catch up and grab your arm. As soon as you spun around to look at him, he’d see the start of a smile forming on your face before he woke up.
Most nights, no matter how fast he ran, how loud he screamed out to you, he couldn’t reach you in time before you drifted out of sight.
No matter the outcome of the dream, he would wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for air, your voice still whirling through his brain.
“Don’t look for me.”
“Don’t look for me.”
“Don’t look for me.”
He wasn’t sure if he wanted to kiss you or throttle you after reading that note. How the actual fuck could you possibly think that he wasn’t going to go to the ends of the earth to find the woman he loved.
God, he wished he had fucking said it. The words had always been spoken humorously, but he meant it every time.
Bucky wondered if he had found the fucking balls to say it earlier, to try to find the words to tell you how much you meant to him, that it might have been enough to make you stay. That he might be able to get you to understand how much it would actually destroy him to not have you by his side. That he would have fought Hydra tooth and nail until he breathed his last breath if it meant he could wake up with you in his arms.
Or would it not have been enough, to know how much he loved you? Was leaving him easy for you? Were your feelings for him less consuming than his were? 
No. He couldn’t think that way. Refused to think that way. 
He knew how you felt about him. Knew it with every hug, every kiss, every fucking look you gave him that put butterflies in his stomach and changed his center of gravity.
“Don’t look for me.”
Sorry, Sweetheart, but I’m never going to stop looking until I find you. 
Bucky would find you.
He had to.
There was no other option.
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Bucky beelined to the meeting room as soon as they walked through the gates into Shield. From the corner of his eye, he saw Cass, AJ, and Morgan standing in the garden, none of them waving at him upon his return. When you left, he had grown even more cold and distant than he had when he thought Steve was dead along with so many of their family on the night of the Hydra attack. Even after that devastation, he was always able to manage enough energy to smile at their ridiculous jokes, or hug them back when they wrapped their tiny bodies around his massive one.
Now, with you gone, Bucky no longer had the heart to smile or laugh. Didn’t have the energy to fake enthusiasm when Cass told him he managed to do a full pull-up or when AJ asked him to sit at their table during dinner. 
They didn’t even try to win his attention anymore, because he showed no interest in it, and that knowledge broke him more and more each day.
He wanted to tell them that he loved them all so much. Loved everyone here with his whole heart (or, what was left of it). That if he could smile at the dumb fart jokes Morgan made, he would. He just….couldn’t. Every moment he existed since you left was spent drowning, and Bucky didn’t have the strength to swim up for air.
The meeting room was empty when he walked in, and he went straight to the map that had now grown significantly since the gang started going past their comfort zones in search of you.
It was covered with dots, routes, red X’s, each spot a mark of failure. 
Bucky lifted up the red marker and added another X to their most recent destination, the taste of iron on his tongue as he bit too hard on the inside of his cheek.
As his eyes stared blankly at the map before him, his mind wandered elsewhere.
“Is that all you got, Beefcake?” you taunted, fists shielding your face as you prepared for another attack.
Bucky grinned, pretending to act tough as he readied his next move when all he really wanted to do was cage your adorable, sweaty face in between his hands and kiss you until you passed out.
It had been a few days after the small fiasco at CVS, when Bucky found out you were immune and the two of you realized that the feelings you felt for one another were - believe it or not -  reciprocated. You were already in the gym training with Yelena when he descended the stairs for his usual workout (one that had conveniently switched around to overlap with yours), and he felt his stomach do somersaults when your eyes met his and you took the fraction of a second you had to smile and wink at him before dodging another blow from your fierce trainer.
Once Yelena was done with you he stepped forward, challenging you to show him your ‘mad skills’ (as you called them).
Yelena just rolled her eyes with a snort, grabbing her things and running away to leave the two of you alone as you sparred.
“You’re talkin’ a big game for someone who’s about to get their ass kicked, Sweetheart,” he said in a low, menacing voice. 
If he was being completely honest, Bucky was unsure of who was going to win. Though he knew you were amazing and strong and sexy and everything good in this world, he had always thought of himself as a top-level fighter. But, you had been training with the one person who had consistently been able to hand his ass to him, so it did make sense that you’d be able to do the same.
He was also way too distracted by the fact that this was the steamiest fight he had ever been in. The feel of your muscles tensing around him as you moved out of his hold, the way your chest moved up and down as you panted for breath, the small gasps you let out whenever he made a move you weren’t anticipating. 
Bucky was an absolute goner, and all he could do was smile when you eventually jumped up his body, wrapped your legs around his neck and brought the two of you to the ground.
“Fuck YES,” you breathed out, doing a small fist bump in the air. “That’s the first time I’ve nailed the leg thing.”
Bucky chuckled, turning onto his side, head rested on his elbow as he stared at you. “It’s an honor to be your first victim, Sweetheart.”
Your eyebrows wiggled as a sly grin crept up your face. 
It was silent for a few moments then, only the sounds of your heavy breathing echoing through the room. Bucky didn’t care, though. He was just so, ridiculously, stupidly happy to be able to stare into your eyes as you stared into his, the inches separating your lips growing smaller and smaller-
Bucky turned around as Sam and Steve walked in, their expressions stern.
He ignored their looks and turned back to the maps. “I was thinking we could try going farther North next time. I can be ready in a few hours and we can head out-”
“Bucky,” Sam repeated, crossing his arms. Him and Steve exchanged glances before turning back to their friend. “You’re being benched.”
His brows furrowed. “The fuck does that mean? This a baseball game or something?”
“It means,” Steve continued, hands on his hips, “that you aren’t leaving camp anymore. For the foreseeable future.”
He scoffed. “You’re grounding me?”
“We’re trying to keep you alive, man,” Sam said, eyes filled with sadness. “You can’t go on like this. You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, and now Steve is saying that you’re getting reckless and aggressive while out in completely new territory-”
“I have everything under control,” Bucky barked out, glaring at Steve, who directed his attention to the floor in front of him. “You can’t make me stay in my room to think about what I’ve done instead of going out and finding her.” 
“You don’t have it under control, Buck!” Sam yelled. “You’re making too much noise. There’s no secrecy, no tactfulness, just you blindly going into danger and compromising you and whoever you’re with.” He sighed, running a hand over his face. 
Steve took over. “Bucky, look, we all want her back as much as you do - don’t roll your eyes at me - but if you’re going to continue to make it so obvious to Hydra that we’re hunting them,  they’re either going to take us out or move farther and farther away until there’s no chance of finding her. Or worse, they’ll decide she’s not worth the trouble and kill her without second thought.” Bucky punched the wooden desk next to him. “You have to hear us on this, Bucky. Your caring too much is making you careless, and all of us could pay the price for it. Y/n especially.”
“And just because you’re not going out anymore doesn’t mean that we won’t either,” Sam said. “We’re going to keep searching until we get answers. We won’t give up on her.”
 Bucky stared at them for a few moments, expression hard and - if he were being honest - the tiniest bit hateful.
“If she dies because I wasn’t able to find her in time, I’ll never forgive either of you.”
He walked out before they could get a word in, too ashamed by the looks of devastation on their faces.
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He went straight to your room and slammed the door shut behind him, pacing and running his hands over his head.
It was all so overwhelming, the amount of emotions running through him. Pain, guilt, anger, confusion, anxiety. His brain was so overloaded that he couldn’t even feel any of them. 
Eventually he laid down in your bed, face pressed against the pillow.
He started ‘resting’ (if you could even call it that) in your room after you had left. It was this strange, instinctive need to be surrounded by your scent, to breathe in the air you once  inhabited. Even the faint imprints in your mattress formed by your body was something he craved.
Eventually, breathing into your pillow, his eyes fluttered closed and he dozed off.
You were running away from him in the woods.
He sprinted as fast as he could.
Until finally….he was able to reach out for your hand.
When he spun you around, blood was pouring out of your eyes, and you screamed when you saw him.
He awoke with his own scream trapped in his throat, sitting up in bed as he caught his breath. Though the dream only lasted a few seconds, the darkness outside your window indicated that hours had passed.
More time wasted when he could have been back out finding you.
Fuck this, Bucky thought, standing up and grabbing his pack. They can’t keep me locked in here.
Bucky quietly opened the door, creeping down the hallway as he snuck out of the dorms.
“Going somewhere?” a low, Russian accent asked casually from the shadows behind him.
He stopped, head hanging low in defeat.
“Stay out of this, Yelena,” he replied flatly.
He saw her feet walk past him. “Follow me, Barnes.”
With an annoyed sigh, he followed her.
Yelena led them to the gym, neither of them saying a word as their steps echoed down the stairs and into the open basement.
She walked over to the corner, grabbing two pairs of boxing gloves and handing one of them to Bucky.
He looked at the gloves, then at her, and when she raised her eyebrows in a wordless challenge, he grabbed them and put them on.
“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing?” he asked with no attempt to hide the annoyance in his tone.
“Hit me,” was all she said, arms limp by her side.
Bucky cocked his head to the side. “What?”
“Hit me.”
He let out a confused chuckle, shaking his head. “Yelena, I don’t know what your plan is, but me hitting you isn’t going to-”
Bucky let out a small oof as the small Russian’s fist socked him in the jaw, his giant body stumbling back.
He slowly turned back at her, anger bubbling in his chest. “What the fuck was-”
She punched him again, this time in the stomach.
“Come on Barnes, we don’t have all night,” she said, taunting him. “Just fucking punch me already-”
Yelena was on the floor before she could finish the last word, and Bucky’s right arm was fully extended, his chest heaving from the rush of adrenaline.
When she stood back up, there was a smile on her face.
“Good.” And then she was winding up for another strike.
It was the literal definition of a tit-for-tat, Yelena getting a blow on him, and Bucky getting the next.
At first it all felt childish, like they were just two punks trying to see who could wail on the other person the hardest. 
But there was so much more to it, Bucky began to realize. All this time, he had been filled with such anger and aggression that he tried to release through the inanimate punching bag, a zombie who mistakenly crossed his path, or a Hydra agent who would just laugh in his face at the pain and rage behind his eyes.
Here, with Yelena, someone who was filled with the same agony he felt, meeting him punch for punch as tears filled their eyes, it was like there was someone here who understood the emotions ripping their way through him constantly. 
Like he was finally able to fully let go.
The more they fought, the more exhausted his body became, the less he was able to hold everything in.
It was even worse because the friend before him had this look in her eye the entire time, a look that told her that it was okay. That she was there for him. That she could handle this burden for him.
Then, finally, as he raised his right fist to ready another hit, the breath he took in hitched, and was followed by a small sob.
His fists lowered to his sides, feet shuffling side to side as he tried to balance himself, emotion completely washing over him.
He was on the ground instantly, elbows on his knees, face in his gloved hands as he body shuddered from the wails choking out of him.
Yelena removed her gloves and knelt behind him, wrapping her arms around his and squeezing him as he cried.
They stayed there for what could have been minutes or hours, he truly couldn’t tell. Eventually, his sobs turned to soft sniffles, and his shoulders stopped shaking.
Yelena took that as her cue to release her hold on him, and she moved to sit by his side, staying silent as she waited for him to regain composure.
“Thank you,” he finally croaked out.
She nodded, pressing a finger under her nose to check for blood (there wasn’t, and Bucky let out a small sigh of relief).
His brows furrowed when she let out a scoff. “This actually wasn’t as bad as I was anticipating,” she said. “When Clint had me do this with him right after losing Natasha, I nearly shattered his nose.”
When Bucky laughed this time, it was genuine. “Well, I made sure not to get your face with the metal arm. Even with the gloves, I feel like that would have done some nasty shit.”
“I appreciate that,” she said, lightly punching his arm. “I’m sure Kate will, too.”
The two shared a laugh, and then the Russian’s face went a bit more somber. “I know how much it hurts, Bucky. How unbearable it is when you’ve lost someone so important. How much easier it feels to just shut down. But we have to think about what the people we love would want for us. Natasha…Natasha was the only family I had for a really long time. And I thought she was all I was going to have. All I wanted to have. And when she was gone, I didn’t want anyone else to fill in the void left behind by her. I couldn’t even look at Kate for a few weeks, because I felt guilty about seeking comfort from someone who wasn’t my sister. Like I shouldn’t be allowed to feel anything else but sadness because someone I loved so much wasn’t here anymore.”
Bucky nodded, tears continuing to stream down his face as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. He thought about Steve, the way he had been so cold towards his best friend because he didn’t feel like he deserved to be comforted.
“Eventually I realized that Natasha would have hated that, to see me so lonely and isolated because of her. Like I was doing it as a favor to her, even though it was just a waste of a life that still had a chance to live, to carry on with the love shared between my sister and I.”
She rested a hand on his shoulder. “You, Barnes, you need to keep fighting the pull toward that empty void, that urge to shut down. Not just because there are people in this camp who love you and don’t want to lose you, but because Y/n would be devastated to see that the love you two shared was locked up and hidden away forever. And not only that, but I know with every fiber of my fucking being that she is still alive, and she deserves better than to be reunited with a cold, distant version of you.”
Bucky’s gaze went to the ground, vision blurry as he continued to cry silently. 
Then, without a word, he stood up, taking off his gloves.
Just as Yelena was about to stand, he extended a hand out toward her. She smiled, grabbing it as he hoisted her up, wrapping his arms around her as soon as she was vertical.
“Love you, Lena.”
“Love you too, Barnes.”
When Bucky returned to your room later that night, the moment his head hit the pillow he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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He awoke the next morning to the sound of his stomach growling, and Bucky got up to grab himself breakfast.
Lately, whenever he did eat (which was rare these days), he would simply sneak into the cafeteria and grab a bowl of food left aside for him by Dum Dum and escape back to your room to eat by himself.
He was about to do the same today when something caught his ear, causing him to stop in his tracks. 
“Dear Ella. Impatience is not usually my weakness. But your letters torment me.”
His chest swelled at the familiar words, and Bucky turned his attention to Morgan, AJ, and Cass sitting together at their usual table. Morgan held the book up as she acted out the words she read, the boys completely enraptured.
Unable to help himself, Bucky’s feet pivoted, and he walked over to them.
Three sets of eyes were on him in an instant; wide, hesitant, and a bit confused. The new Bucky they had come to know never seemed to want anything to do with them.
“Where’d you find that?” he asked, gesturing to the movie tie-in copy of Ella Enchanted he had gotten you months prior.
Morgan gave him a sad smile. “It was left outside my room after….after Y/n went missing.”
He nodded, hand smoothing over her head.
“Can I tell you a secret?” 
Three heads nodded up at him, eyes now wide with excitement.
Bucky sat down next to AJ. “I fucking love this book.”
Giggles erupted from the kids at both the admission and the curse word, and Bucky found himself laughing along with them.
“Alright Morgan, keep going.” He took a big spoonful of oatmeal and gulped it down. “Shit’s about to go down with Ella.”
More giggles followed, and then Morgan continued reading. Occasionally the boys would make gagging sounds when something overly romantic happened, but that didn’t stop them from begging for her to keep going at the end of each chapter.
Every so often, Bucky would catch someone in the corner of his eye stopping to stare at the scene before them. At one point he looked over once to see Yelena and Kate watching them from their own table, and Yelena winked at him when their eyes met.
Cass and AJ eventually made their ways onto Bucky’s lap, their heads resting on his shoulders as they listened to Morgan. 
He had missed this. Missed spending time with the kids, giggling along with them, hugging them with reckless abandon. He promised himself that no matter what happened, he wouldn’t take it for granted ever again.
“And so, with laughter and love, we lived happily ever after.”
The table - and Dum Dum - erupted with applause as Morgan finished the last sentence, and she stood from her seat to give them all a grand bow.
“Next time, I want to be the one to read!” Cass exclaimed. 
“No, I want to read!” AJ pouted.
Bucky chuckled, lowering them to the ground as he stood. “You can both have a chance to read, guys. We can make a book club and everything.” His heart stung for a second at the memory of you saying almost the exact same words during one of your first watch assignments, but the smile didn’t leave his face as the kids cheered loudly at the proposition.
“Is this book club exclusive, or can other people join?” Bucky turned to see Steve standing there, a small, grateful smile on his face.
Bucky nodded. “The more the merrier, Stevie.”
His best friend nodded, jaw clenching as he slapped a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. He responded by pulling Steve in for a hug.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky grumbled into Steve’s shoulder.
He felt Steve nod again. “I’m sorry, too.”
“Love ya, punk.”
“Love you too, jerk.”
They exchanged playful hits to one another's shoulders before heading out of the cafeteria, Dum Dum giving them a small salute as they left.
“I know you’re probably busy,” Bucky started, holding the door open for Steve as they stepped  outside. “But are you down to play a round of War-”
The gates creaked open in front of them, Clint, Laura, and Sarah running through.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked, the two of them following behind as their friends ran by.
“Sarah, get your brother. Laur, go find the others.” was all Clint said as he stormed up the stairs to the meeting room.
“Can someone please tell us what the hell is going on?” Bucky asked, hands on his hips.
Clint ignored him, walking over to the disheveled map, his fingers tracing along some invisible route.
Then, his finger stopped, and he turned around until his eyes locked on Bucky’s.
“We found her.” 
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You ran through the woods, gasping for air, limbs exhausted, hands gripping to each tree for any added support you could get.
You just had to go a little farther, a few more miles.
Just to be sure.
Put some distance between you and them.
Your brain was so panicked, so tired, that you couldn’t even remember how you escaped Hydra.
It didn’t matter. You were free. You were safe.
A hand gripped your arm from behind, stopping you so immediately that you almost fell on your back from the force of it.
Instead, you found the strength to keep yourself upright, pulling away from your captor.
But then…you heard the voice.
“Sweetheart,” the soothing, baritone sound caused a wave of relief to wash through you.
You whipped around, breathing out a small whimper as you looked at his smile, his eyes.
Those perfect, adoring, cerulean irises.
“Bucky,” you gasped, jumping into his arms as he held you in a tight embrace.
“It’s okay Sweetheart, I’m here,” he whispered into your ear, and you clung to him.
“I missed you so much.”
“Why did you leave?” he asked, arms nearly crushing you.
You took a sharp inhale from the growing discomfort of his hug. “I…thought it would be for the best. I thought it would keep you safe.”
“You’ll never keep me safe, sweetie.” The bite in his voice was unfamiliar to you.
You tried to pull away to see his face. “Bucky, what’s going on? You’re hurting me.”
A menacing, familiar chuckle rumbled in your ear. “Did you really think coming back would keep them safe? That we wouldn’t go after them as soon as we broke you?”
You cried out, finally registering this new voice.
With all of your might, you pushed away from the suffocating hold.
Brock Rumlow smiled at you.
“Time to wake up, sweetie.”
You screamed.
The scream echoed in the room as you jolted awake, limbs pinned to your body with thick leather straps.
You gasped for air, eyes wide, evaluating your surroundings.
No longer in the woods, you were in the testing room that you had frequented for weeks. The cold, stinging feeling of something around your neck, a phantom pain on your skin where it touched you.
That feeling lasted at least an hour after the onslaught of electrocution the collar emitted. 
You wondered how long you had been out for this time. Was it seconds? Minutes? Hours? It was different each time, depending on how many rounds of shock torture you had gone through for the day.
“You did very well, Meine kleine Puppe,” Zola said with a level of enthusiasm that made you sick. “Your vitals have already risen to normal levels in such a short time, and you managed to last five whole minutes before going unconscious.” He walked into your line of sight, jotting down notes on his clipboard.
You glared at him. “What do I get as a reward? Six more minutes of electrocution?” you spat out.
“You know this can all end, sweetie,” Brock cooed, and you turned to the shadows in the corner of the room, making out his cross-armed silhouette. “Tell us everything we want to know about Shield and Banner and we’ll make all the pain go away.”
“So you can go take down their camp like you promised not to, even though that’s the only fucking reason I’m here? No way. I’ll gladly stay in this hell and keep you here with me, Rumlow.”
He jumped up, charging over until he hovered over your prone form, face inches from yours. “Listen here, you little bitch,” a fleck of spit hit your forehead, but you refused to flinch, matching his death glare. He squeezed your face in between his hand, jerking it to the side to expose your neck. “I know this bite is new, that Shield had to have found out about your special blood.” Brock stood up straight, attempting to tower over you as an intimidation tactic. “Ward says that mad scientist can solve anything, including developing a cure for everyone based on the shit flowing through your veins. He figured it out, and you’re going to tell us how.”
You lifted your shoulders as high as you could while tied down to the chair. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Brock,” you responded in a mocking, sickly sweet voice.
You heard the crack before feeling his fist slamming into your jaw.
Blood pooled in your mouth, and once the initial shock had worn off and you were able to turn your neck, you spit out the iron substance on the floor.
“I swear to god Y/n, we are going to hunt them down and make each and every one of them suffer twice as much as you have. Even the fucking kids. All the while telling them that it was your fault-”
“Enough, Rumlow,” Johann Schmidt’s voice echoed in the room, sending chills down your body as it always did. Even Brock’s eyes widened ever so slightly from the sharp tone of his leader.
Brock looked up. “Sir, I apologize, it’s just that we’ve been trying to break her for weeks-”
“Have you really been trying?” Schmidt countered, a hint of mocking amusement in his voice. “If you had, she would be crawling at your feet by now.”
Rumlow opened his mouth as if to argue with his superior, but closed it before saying something that might put him in a chair similar to yours.
Johann continued, walking up to Zola’s side. “Sure, we could go on over to that tiny Shield camp and burn it to the ground just like last time,” you clenched your fists, “but where’s the fun in that?” He rested a hand on the scientist’s shoulder as they shared a knowing grin. “Me? I’d rather spend our time learning how to make a seemingly strong mind shatter to pieces.” He moved to you, stroking your cheek with his pointer finger.
You spat more blood in his face. Johann closed his eyes, only appearing slightly annoyed at this sign of disrespect as he slowly wiped his face.
His lips curved upward into a wicked grin. “Looks like someone’s ready to get started. Zola?”
The scientist approached, a syringe filled with clear liquid in hand. 
Your body jerked instinctively, trying to get away from yet another needle. 
Still, even as your body was going into panic mode, you found the courage to stare Johann in the face right before the substance was injected.
“I don’t care how confident you are,” you said, head immediately starting to feel dizzy, eyelids heavy, “I’ll never betray the ones I love.”
Johann simply chuckled. “You’re loyal to a fault, pet. It’s clear as day to anyone who comes across you. Our goal isn’t to change that level of loyalty…” He moved to whisper into your ear, his voice slowing and slurring as your brain grew more and more foggy, fighting to process his words.
“I’m simply going to make you loyal to me.”
The drug flowing through your veins was so strong that when you finally closed your eyes, there were no comforting blue eyes to greet you as you fell into darkness.
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When you finally woke up some time later, you realized in horror that you were met with the same level of blackness with your eyes open as you were when they were closed.
After so many years of traveling under the cover of night, your eyesight had developed so significantly that you could see almost as well in darkness as you could in daylight, able to use any sliver of light available to make out objects, landscapes, people, undead.
This was different.
This blackness surrounding you was man-made, and it was unforgiving. There was no light, no shadows, nothing. Just darkness.
You felt around the ground, trying to make out your surroundings, only to be met with cold concrete.
Standing up, limbs heavy from whatever drug lingered in your bloodstream, you walked around until you found the walls. Whatever room you were in was small, the only thing inside here being a toilet.
One part of the wall felt more hollow than the rest.
It was a door. A locked one, but still a way out.
You pushed harder, and nothing happened.
You slammed your fist against it. It didn’t budge.
You screamed. The movement of your vocal cords brought your attention to your neck.
Where the collar still remained.
“I see you have finally woken up, pet,” Johann’s voice echoed in the room and you jumped, eyes searching the darkness for the source, fists clenched and ready to strike.
“Now, now, no need for that,” he cooed, and you whipped around and swung, your punch meeting air. “You won’t be able to hurt me or anyone else in here, pet.”
That was when you caught the crackling in his voice, and you realized he was speaking to you through an intercom.
“What’s your grand plan, Schmidt?” you taunted, throwing your hands up in the air. “Gotta tell ya, I stopped being afraid of the dark long ago.” Not a fan of this level of darkness, though, you added in your mind.
No response.
“Oh, so now you’re afraid to reveal this new tactic? Don’t want to give anything away? Afraid of me finding out?”
Once again, your questions were met with silence.
It was so unsettling, you found yourself wishing to hear the monstrous voice of your captor.
Sixty long seconds passed.
Then, you heard a different voice than Johann’s through the intercom.
“Bucky,” the new voice said in a low, neutral tone. 
And then the collar around your neck surged, pain ripping through your body, the bite on your neck burning.
You screamed, clinging to the device to try and rip it off.
The charge didn’t let up, and soon you were writhing on the floor, tears streaming down your face.
It took you five minutes to pass out.
You were back into the woods, running….
A hand wrapped around your arm, turning you around…
His name flowing through your subconscious caused a small tingle in your neck.
Just as he reached up to touch your face….
You woke up, greeted once again by the overwhelming darkness of your new prison cell.
How much time had passed? How long had you been in here?
The thought made your skin itch.
“How long do you plan on keeping me in here, Schmidt?” you asked as you stood up, forcing your voice to not shake. “Don’t you want to rip into my body more and see what makes me tick?”
No one answered, and all you were met with was the same, terrifying silence.
The collar went off again, the immediate onslaught of pain brought you to your knees in an instant. 
You used all of your strength to try to pull the collar off, writhing and screaming in pain.
Until everything went black once more.
You were running in the woods…
Bucky grabbed you…
Your neck felt a tiny sting of pain….
He raised a hand….
You awoke, body covered in sweat.
“Whatever you’re doing isn’t going to work!” you screamed once you had finally composed yourself.
The third time you heard the person say Bucky over the intercom, a tiny part of your mind felt disdain for the name.
Each unconscious dream was the same - as it had been when they first started torturing you to the point of passing out. It had always provided a small source of comfort to help you go on.
But as each round of electrocution came, and the dream repeated itself, it began to gradually shift.
Each time you saw Bucky, when his name entered your mind, the phantom pain in your neck would grow.
When he reached his hand to touch your face, it became less comforting, and made you more uneasy.
You’d wake up, completely disoriented, body exhausted, brain in such a deep fog that you would sometimes need a handful of seconds to remember where you were. Or worse, what life had been like before the dark room.
And the more you went into the safe place in your subconscious, the less safe it felt.
The more times you met Bucky’s eyes, the more fearful you came of this person grabbing you in the middle of the woods.
Who was he again?
The source of your pain.
Your neck burned when you were awake and when you were unconscious, and it was because of Bucky.
You had lost count of the number of shocks you had endured, the number of times you had allowed the darkness to consume you.
At some point though, when your mind and body were totally spent, you heard the name over the intercom, and a whimper escaped your mouth before the shocks started up again.
That time, when you saw Bucky, his eyes were black, menacing, his smile malicious.
And when he reached up to touch you, he wrapped his hand around your neck and squeezed.
When you came to, the scream that left your tired body was almost inhuman.
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Schmidt stood in the observation room, hovering over the Hydra agent that was conducting the experiment.
He was amazed that you had lasted three whole days, even after having to send a few medics to check on your vitals for the times you remained unconscious for hours at a time.
The whole process had taken longer than expected, but he knew he would eventually break you.
Just as he had broken the others.
He stared at the screen, a cruel grin on his face as he watched your body tremble on the ground, crying for help, begging to be saved from your once beloved Bucky.
“Bring them in,” he finally murmured, not even bothering to turn his head towards the other agent who silently stepped out of the room.
It wasn’t often that Johann Schmidt felt any semblance of excitement in his life. Usually it was all too much dulled by the stupidity and inadequacy of the human race. He had felt it a few times before; when they had first injected the serum into your veins to prevent the zombie virus from spreading through your system, or when they turned Rogers into a superhuman.
Nothing could ever top the day he and Zola managed to create a virus so catastrophic, that they broke the entire world.
This moment though, one that he had been preparing for since you first escaped, this one came close to that level of excitement he felt five years ago.
Now, it was time for the real fun to begin.
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Your body was glued to the hard floor, every inch of your skin pulsing from the lingering pain that you were convinced would never go away.
You trembled with each rasping inhale of breath, praying that one of them might be your last. That you could finally be put to rest and never have to exist in this horrible, horrible world.
An unending darkness, one that didn’t scare you, but brought comfort, peace.
A bright light illuminated the entire room and your eyes squeezed shut as you hissed in pain, the sudden contrast too overwhelming.
When you slowly blinked them open, everything was a bit blurry as your sight adjusted, taking in the small, white-walled room.
In the top corner, you saw a camera pointing towards you.
Over the sounds of your heavy breathing, you heard the locked door slowly creep open.
When you saw the two people in front of you, you wondered for a moment if this was just a new dream you had created. That your mind was still being tormented and that the pain would soon return.
Or maybe you were finally dead, and they were here to comfort you as you passed on.
Regardless of whatever your current circumstance was, your heart swelled as they walked slowly toward you, tears in the woman’s eyes as she knelt down, a silver collar that matched yours around her neck. 
Her pupils were so dilated they looked almost black. Still, you could see the inherent kindness that had always existed behind them.
“Sersi?” you said in wonder, then turned your gaze to the man standing behind her, a small smile on his face, same black eyes, same silver collar. “Druig?”
“Y/n,” Sersi exclaimed, pulling you into a warm hug. You clung to her.
“It’s good to see you, Birdie,” Druig said fondly. Hearing the nickname he had given you years ago had your shoulders shaking as you sobbed.
Sersi rubbed your back.  “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”
You nodded, tightening your hold as she whispered into your ear. “Bucky won’t be able to hurt you anymore.”
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Chapter 15
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