#publishing question
harrowfuckinghark · 3 months
So I preordered Heavenly Tyrant (the sequel to Iron Widow) through Barnes and Noble a couple of months ago and I got an email last night saying that the publisher has postponed the release date to 12/24/24 from 4/30/24. I’ve been searching to try and find out why and I haven’t found anything. I work at Barnes and Noble and in our system the release date is still listed as April. I checked Xiran Jay Zhao’s Instagram and the publisher’s website and there’s no info about the change anywhere. Has anyone else had their preorder postponed? Do y’all have any idea what happened?
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sparrowhawk-rose · 1 year
Currently struggling with how long my book should be. The internet says that 110k is around the maximum, but with 300 words per page, that's... 367 pages?! which is not very much by my standards, especially since I'm writing a sci-fi fantasy novel
Would it be too difficult to get a book published if it's greater than 400 pages in length? Around 600 is the goal, but now I'm not so sure...
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sollucets · 6 months
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by popular (@ahxu-laowen) request
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tumbler-polls · 21 days
Feel free to show us your collection; let's make it more interactive!
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I am certain no one has seen Aziraphale before Crowley.
The archangels look at him, but their vaguely-disgusted sneers and veneer smiles were already affixed as firmly as their hands are clasped together. They look at him, but they don't see him.
I'm certain that when Crowley looks at him curiously, it doesn't make him feel bothered, it makes him feel SEEN.
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crybaby-bkg · 8 months
cw: Bakugou dies but comes back to life, “comes back wrong” trope, implied fighting, angst
When Bakugou died, you’re not sure how you went on living. Grief had taken over your life, sat you in the passenger side while it cruised off the highway into icy waters. And even then, you couldn’t find the energy to drown.
It’s why there’s a sudden uptick of energy when you’re promised to have him back. Some top scientists contact you months after his death, tell you to hurry down to the headquarters labs, come and rejoice for what you’re about to witness. And you’re horrified, to say the least.
“This isn’t my husband.” Are your first words when you walk in, watch the figure on the other side of the glass examine its own hands. It looks like your husband but—but his hair isn’t the right shade of blond all over. His nose bridge had a slight bump after a scuffle with a villain. He had a scar on his hand but—but it never looked like it was to sew a pinky beside the other fingers.
“Is that really my husband?” You ask next in disbelief, slowly entering the room. Bakugou’s head snaps up, his eyes a little brighter than you remember but—they hold so much emotion. So much memory, so much panic, so much guilt.
“I left you.” He mutters, his voice raspy and ragged, and you wonder if it’ll always be like this now. It makes you cry a little harder than it should, but you only embrace each other. He’s cold and his shoulders don’t hold the same mass and his back doesn’t carry the same scars. There’s one, jagged and rough, running down his back, and you think, you think that’s where they slipped a new spine in.
“Welcome back home.” You tell him, weeks after meeting him again, new and not totally—Katsuki. He’s stiff and he doesn’t immediately take off his boots when he enters, and it worries you. Makes you think if you’ve just let a stranger into your home, one that has stolen your dead husbands face. Makes you wonder if he’ll be as loving as Katsuki once was, or if he’ll become your monster looming over you with the guilt of not being able to rest anymore.
“I’ve missed you so much.” You whisper against his mouth one night, a little while after he’s moved back. You don’t know why you lay under him, why you let him nestle himself inside of you, why you let him hold you against his chest. Katsuki always ran his hands over your cheeks and neck whenever he held you like this, but this…man, only holds himself up with his hands resting beside your head. It’s alien, how he looks at you, how his hips are methodically measured with every thrust, how he kisses you every 8 seconds. You wonder if he’s more robot than Frankenstein monster.
“Why did you come back to me like this?” You ask him one night, barricaded in the bathroom away from him. You can hear his sobs on the other side, his pleading to be let in. He tells you he never wanted to come back if he had to be like this, that he’s sorry, please let him in, he misses the warmth of your skin, he’s never been so cold before, he’s never liked the cold.
“Is this considered cheating?” You ask yourself aloud one night, when Bakugou is forced back to the lab when he becomes too…un-Bakugou. To sleep with a man that is your husband in every way but? Your husband has been dead for a year now, and yet you stroke the chin of the man that tries so hard to be him everyday, but fails so miserably at it every time.
“I’ll come back to you right this time.” Bakugou promises to you when he’s strapped down to leave for the lab and before he’s sedated. But you don’t believe him—you never did. Your husband is dead, and this animated corpse has been nothing but a cheap mockery of everything you’ve lost and something you will never truly get back.
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onlinecasualty · 9 days
in the most normal way possible i wanna hold noras raw brain in my hands and just stare at it
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rains-inky-mind · 5 months
I am once again asking for very specific, explicit, step by step directions on how to write a query letter to a literary agent and/or publisher.
@sleepyowlwrites @ren-c-leyn @ anyone else who can tag someone who can explain this in a way that my autistic brain can grasp.
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applejorka · 15 days
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Guess what I've been doing for the last three hours?..3..2..1…And the correct answer!: I sat at the computer with Google translator under my ass and tried to read everything I could and couldn't about this person's AU @dictatortirah ..( I WORSHIP YOU OH LORD, GOD)..Ahem!.. The message is one: I’m going to publish “This piece of something” on VK, and try to tell the Russian audience about this wonderful AU. I hope you (dictatortirah) won’t mind hehe.. (I give you every right to beat me up if anything happens :3) Угадайте чем я занималась последние три часа?..3..2..1…И правильный ответ!: Сидела за компом с гугл переводчиком под задницей и пыталась вычитать всё что только можно и нельзя об АУ этого человека: dictatortirah..(Я ПОКЛОНЯЮСЬ ВАМ ОГОСПАДИБОЖЕМОЙ)..Кхм!.. Посыл один: Я собираюсь опубликовать "Этот кусок чего-то" в ВК, и попытаться рассказать об этом замечательном АУ на русскую аудиторию. Надеюсь вы (dictatortirah) будете не против хехе..(Даю вам полное право избить меня в случае чего :3)
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pesticidebook · 2 months
PESTICIDE [ 9-1-2024]
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How much is too much?
PESTICIDE is a shock/thriller novel inspired by the works of Tom Six, and Stephen King. following the life of Caine, a prisoner who was just released from G.H.W.B Prison. Moving in with Mason to get his life back on the ground, and dealing with the consequences of his own, and others, actions.
This book is queer-centered and shows the dirty reality of a militarized America, and how no good deed goes unpunished.
All promotional art is done by the author.
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whicheverwarrior · 11 months
I’m hoping some of my writblr friends can help this break containment but I have questions.
I’m doing publishing research and looking at self publishing. Can anybody who has self published talk about your experiences? Does your book get to the demographic you want it to? Do any self published books go into print or is it mainly online? It seems like a lot of people are for it over trad publishing but I think it still scares me a little.
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nicosraf · 4 months
Silly question maybe but self publishing stuff confuses me. I was just wondering what you did for the barcodes on your book. Is it one you paid for or did you just go with the one Amazon gives you? Sorry if this was random! I just see you as self-pub goals so I was wondering.
So when you're setting up to self-publish, youre going to need an ISBN. If you're in the US, you need to buy these (from Bowker.com typically), or you can get a free one from your publishing platform — Amazon KDP, Draft2Digital, Ingram, or any of the others.
(The only issue with the free ISBNS that you get Locked to this printer, so if you get an Amazon ISBN, then you can only sell your book through Amazon or through Amazon's "expanded distribution") (I do not recommend Amazon's expanded distribution, really).
When you set up the cover and input the ISBN, the platform will generate the barcode and attach it.
For ex., here's me inputting the ISBN for (the old) Angels Before Man and then uploading the cover. Because I didn't check the box, it generated and added the bar code for me.
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Something you should take into account when you get/make a cover is actually that the barcode is going to be slapped on and could potentially cover some lettering.
Before anything, you should generate a template for the cover using the cover generator that the platform you're using provides. If you're working with an artist, I really recommend sending this file to them, as well. This is how it looks:
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I hope this is helpful! But yes, do not buy bar codes. Your ISBN, whether its free or not, will generate the bar for you. Good luck!!!!
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cemeterything · 10 months
do you have an ao3 account??
i do but i haven't posted anything since high school (i have a complicated relationship with my writing because i got hardcore bullied about it after someone i trusted enough to share it with went and showed it to all my classmates)
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daily-prompts · 11 months
What are the weirdest typing habits you accidentally picked up while writing?
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Hii is there any tutorial on how to bind paperback books? All the tutorials I found of fanbinding from various sources are all hardcovers and it is not something that I can do right now! So I was wondering if there's some alternate options?
oh boy - i don't have any experience with doing paperback books but i did peruse the hive mind (AKA Renegade Discord) to see what resources people who do paperbacks use.
From what I can tell, most people in my bookbinding discord do a doublefan or lumbeck binding, however, this will require a bit of equipment like a press to hold your pages steady.
The videos and advice from people who've tried it make it seem a lil tricky to do since the glue dries fast, its difficult to ensure all the papers are glued and pages fall out etc etc. Another person recommended another video online for regular perfect binding:
I haven't watched this person's videos before, so wouldn't be able to comment on bookbinding technique etc. YMMV.
I personally still prefer to do sewn versions of books because the book is held together with stitching rather than glue and is more secure in that sense. if you have issues obtaining board, you could try the sewn-board binding, but use cardstock or bristol board instead of actual board? i've also done coptic style books where i've stitched cardstock onto the front and back as covers.
Hope this helps!!! apologies that this isn't my area of expertise so my comments on this will be a little limited.
If you'd like to ask some questions on the Renegade Bindery Discord and you're above 18, feel free to PM me and i'll send you the link to it! :)
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centeris2 · 3 months
New article about SSE
haven't seen anyone talk about it yet, but seems SSE has made yet another licensing deal...?
Whether anything comes from this of course is "ehh, who knows", because there have been several articles about SSE making licensing and branding deals with nothing to show for it. But apparently SSE is now at 26+ million players.
Article under the read more
Rights & Brands saddles up to rep Star Stable worldwide
The Scandinavian licensing agency with The Smurfs and Popeye in its portfolio is on the hunt for consumer products and publishing partners for the popular horse-centric brand for tween girls.
By Cole Watson
February 16, 2024
Hoping to shift from trot to gallop in the consumer products market, Star Stable Entertainment has signed Stockholm-based licensing agency Rights & Brands to represent the global merch and publishing rights of its flagship same-name tween franchise. 
The Star Stable brand currently features a 2D-animated series (Star Stable: Mistfall), mobile games, books, music and a role-playing game called Star Stable Online (pictured) that has attracted more than 26 million registered users since launching in 2011—more than half a million of which actively play it each month. This rich digital experience is built around riding, racing and caring for different breeds of horses on the enchanted island of Jorvik. 
Rights & Brands already represents the licensing interests of Scandinavian kids brands such as The Smurfs, Popeye and Rune Andréasson’s iconic ’60s teddy bear Bamse. And last month, the agency also inked a deal with Finnish children’s book publisher Etana Editions to manage more than 80 picture books, including The Magic Flower (Marika Maijala) and Oh Vivian! (Sari Airola).
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