#progressive conservative party
The daughter of a woman whose remains police believe are buried at a Winnipeg-area landfill has filed two human-rights complaints, including one against Manitoba's Progressive Conservative Party over ads opposing a landfill search that she says amount to discrimination. "[To] see your mom being used for a political game to score points and votes was distressing," Cambria Harris, whose mother Morgan Harris's remains are believed to be at Prairie Green landfill north of the city, told CBC on Monday. "It's distressing to know that someone would be so open and brazen about making those kinds of discriminatory comments to the point where they're willing to spend funds on those billboards and not put resources towards the vulnerable people their system is actively failing."
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Oh good, dumber cops
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Who is the worst Premier in Ontario and why is it Doug Ford?
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the-light-of-stars · 6 months
watched the news rn and what do you mean French President Macron is calling for a ceasefire because 'it is inhumane to kill civilians the way it is happening now' while the German Government holds press conferences going "bombing hospitals is ok actually , even if the Geneva conventions says it isn't, if you think there might be an enemy headquarter under it, it's completely justified"
They are losing the humanity battle against fucking Macron of all politicians
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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greatspacedustbin · 5 months
Een oproep aan alle lieve stemgerechtigde Nederlanders
Neem alsjeblieft de verkiezingen serieus, en als je geen herhaling wil van de afgelopen 13 jaar (hoeveel schandalen moet ik hier voor je linken?), en niet het land 70 jaar terug in de tijd wil zien gaan als het gaat om medisch-etische kwesties en de acceptatie van de lhbtiq+ gemeenschap, stem links, en stem tactisch.
De laatste peilingen laten zien dat rechtse partijen, VVD, PVV en ja, ook NSC hoort daarbij, nogal aanwezig zijn. Als een van deze partijen de grootste wordt, kan je er donder op zeggen dat er weer een rechts kabinet komt, met een beetje pech ook met de SGP erbij. Dat is uitermate slecht voor het klimaat, alle zorgkwesties en immigratie. GroenLinks/PvdA staat relatief hoog in de peilingen, maar als zij niet de grootste worden, is de kans heel klein dat er een links geluid in de regering terecht komt.
Geen enkele partij zal voor de volle 100% bij je aansluiten, en je hoeft het ook niet met alles eens te zijn, maar voor een sociaal en toekomstbestendig Nederland, stem alsje-alsjeblieft links. GL/PvdA als je tactisch wil zijn, maar elke linkse stem telt.
In ieder geval: leg je stempas alvast klaar en doe je burgerplicht op 22 november!
Stempas kwijt? Een nieuwe aanvragen kan per formulier uiterlijk vrijdag 17 november, of bij de balie van je gemeente dinsdag 21 november, tot 12:00u.
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loneliii-aura · 1 year
This has probably been said before, but the final scene of Glass Onion was really interesting in terms of how much of a pointed commentary about liberalism it is.
First no one helps Helen - they just look away and close their eyes. But then Helen gets going, and people start rallying and joining in on the destruction - until Miles Bron starts getting irate, and they realize she's actually going for it in the face of potential repercussions from the one who holds power currently. Then they try to stop the violence, but she refuses to stop in the face of their shouting.
It's only after she's burned the place down and told Bron exactly how she'll sink him that they start rallying again, after a solution has been found and presented. But Helen didn't need them, she already had what she needed to sink Bron. Sure, it was better than them, like, killing her on Bron's behalf - but they didn't help. They performatively danced around and then tried to maintain the status quo, only ingratiating themselves to the winning side after all was said and done. If you can't see the allegory about liberals, I don't know what to tell you.
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ℹ️ This user is Australian
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askaceattorney · 10 months
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Dear Self Doubt,
You’re not making any sense with all of this block of text.
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Also, what are these Nationalists, Democrats or Progressives? They sound like a Western thing. You do realize we don’t have those in the East, correct? We have factions and parties, but they don’t align with the same views from the West. We have the Dragons and Royalists.
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In fact, what is PR? Never heard that before. 
- Rayfa Padma Khura’in
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sydneysageivashkov · 2 years
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can't wait for them to reach depression
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Two former Progressive Conservative cabinet ministers say their own government tried to push through a controversial silica sand mining project in Manitoba just days before the new NDP government was officially sworn in. In the aftermath of the provincial election, former PC cabinet minister Kevin Klein says he got a phone call on Oct. 12 from his colleague Jeff Wharton – then minister of economic development, investment and trade. Klein, who was the minister of environment and climate at the time, said Wharton asked him to sign a directive which would allow a license to be approved for Sio Silica. "I immediately said no, I was not going to do that. In fact, I was quite disappointed and angry that I would even be asked to do something like that," Klein told CTV News.
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lilithism1848 · 7 months
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j-ellyfish · 2 years
been seeing a lot of scary-looking news about italian elections. what is happening there? are you safe?
I'm not happy about it (honestly I didn't vote because there is no party I agree with enough), but I think foreign media and many people are blowing this out of proportion.
This didn't happen because most Italians are far-right, this happened because this party was the only bigger one that stayed out of the last government's coalition and Italians saw this as "coherency" (asinine af since she's allied with two parties who were part of that coalition 😅). I don't think most Italians agree with most of what her party says (I mean I hope lol) but it's typical of Italian parties to do little to nothing of what they say regardless if they're Right or Left so I'd wait and see what happens before panicking.
I'm worried but it's so hard to change Italy in any direction that I don't know how much effective harm they can do. The Republic President can always nullify the government with the snap of his fingers if something particularly bad happens.
I do get why someone out of the closet would panic, though. I mean, she called Peppa Pig lgbt propaganda because there's an episode about a child with two moms.
So, in conclusion
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catmemey · 9 months
everyone else has ranted about how tumblr has been doing All These Things for absolutely no good reason, so throwing my hat in the ring isnt meant to contribute much. but I feel like it just reiterates that when any organization or company changes up their UI or policy to attract new traffic or patrons or whatever by copying competition, it just really makes it clear they dont care about alienating their existing userbase and would rather go out on a limb to attract a handful more users or supporters rather than fix the existing issues in order to maintain the userbase and attract others that would otherwise have joined long ago. like, just continue what you were doing but do it really well man. that's all we ask.
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sad--tree · 2 years
progressive conservatives keel over and die challenge
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chrismcshell · 2 years
theres a provincial election happening in ontario right now & there’s this new “New Blue” party & the house right across from mine - visible from my bedroom window - has a couple of New Blue lawn signs.
i finally looked up what exactly the New Blue party is, & apparently they’re a Socially Conservative party that was created because the existing Conservative party was too left-of-centre for them (fact check: the ontario “Progressive Conservative” party is very much centre-right, NOT centre-left). Doug Ford isnt right-wing enough for them. they want ontario to be MORE right-wing. they want to stop covid lockdowns & vaccine mandates. they want to stop “woke culture”; they want to stop “critical race theory” & “gender identity theory” being taught in schools.
and my neighbours support them. very cool i definitely feel safe here haha :-)
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