#princess of wakanda.  (  shuri  ;  interactions  )
theiroics · 2 years
@onefortheghosts​    “ They’re not alive. Okay? It’s not like killing an actual living human being. They’re dead, and they’re starving, and they’re dangerous, and you have to be ready to kill them in a heartbeat. ” // Apocalypse verse; for Shuri from Sam Uley (he's the first shapeshifter, who leads the remaining members of the pack after the attack they all suffered back home.)
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Shuri had never hesitated before, though she had only gone out on hunts a few times. She was the one who was in charge of technology end of things on the farm. Everything that had been brought to life, Shuri had managed to make it on her own. Yet, this time was different. It wasn’t just another walker. It wasn’t just another face without a soul anymore. This was her brother, the lifeline she was once tethered to. A man who once led Wakanda to its brightest paths. Her hands shook as she aimed the silenced rifle at the walkers head. But, it didn’t make it any easier to hear Sam’s words. She knew he was right, knew she needed to simply put him out of his misery. Needed to make sure things didn’t get any worse for him. He was barely recognizable, yet she could still tell it was him. “He’s my brother.” Her words are gentle, right to the point, before she lowers her weapon to wipe at hot tears that threaten to spill down her cheeks. “I can do it. It’s fine. I just- I just need a second.”
0 notes
desswright29 · 11 months
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Pairing: Shuri Udaku X Confused reader
Word Count: 7.2k 😳
Contains: Fluff, Smut(18+), Reader has a child
A/N: This story kicked my ass so I really hope y’all read and enjoy! An homage to what’s beautiful about being with a woman.
Queen: I needed to get away. I’ll be in your city. Can I come by to see you guys tonight?
You look down at the message and smile. Shuri. You two became fast friends when you began an internship at one of the outreach centers. You ran through the ranks easily which caught the attention of the Princess, and caused you two to form an easy friendship. After your internship was over, you got a job at Stark enterprises with a glowing recommendation from the now Queen of Wakanda. You and Shuri remained friends, though you didn’t see eachother as often due to both of your busy schedules. But every once in awhile she came around to unwind from her chaotic life.
 Angel: Anytime Queen. We’ll be glad to have you. 🥰
You text back and sit your phone down. You turn around to your seven yr old son sitting at the Kitchen table, eating his breakfast like a big boy. “Guess what little guy!” He looks up from his food, and smiles at you beaming as he senses your excitement. “Shuri’s coming by today!” His eyes widen as he bounced a little in his seat.
 “Shuri!” He said voice filled with joy “Mommy, You think she’ll bring me something cool!” He asked. Eyes big and bright, already anticipating his new gadget. “Who knows kiddo.” You say with a smile. “Finish your food and have an awesome day in school and we’ll see.” You already knew she’d definitely be bringing him something. She was particularly impressed with your son and loved giving him things that would eventually cause you grief. 
  “Zahir, Let’s go little one!” You yelled to him from the living room. He came hopping down the stairs. You’d gotten yourself and your son ready for the day, and were out of the house in record time, now you were eager to tackle your day. You dropped off Zah with a hug and kiss and headed to work, all smiles and waves as you headed to your office with a bounce in your step. Asia, your work bestie, saw you coming as she got coffee from the break room. Her brow raised over top of her cup as she took a sip looking at you suspiciously. Your eyes connected and you continued walking right past her. “Oh no you did not!” She yells after you as she jogs to catch up, falling in your step.
 “My aren’t we chipper and ready for the day!” She says to you sarcastically doing a happy little wiggle. You look at her and roll your eyes. “ I’m always happy to be here. I love my job nosy.” She scoffs. “Uh huh, speaking of nosyyyy, I hear the Queens in town.” She smiled big, cutting right to the chase, typical Asia. You raise a brow avoiding eye contact. “British?” You say inquisitively as you both enter your office. She closes the door behind you both.
“Bitch, you know what Queen I’m talking about. The one that’s got you walking through the office smiling and waving like Ms. America!” She mocks you smiling big, waving, laughing, and pointing, amplifying your earlier interactions. You laugh “I was not doing all that. You’re so extra!”
“Whatever girl, that’s not what I’m here for. Have you heard from her?” She sat in one of the leather chairs infront of your desk making herself comfortable. You follow her lead sitting in the the chair behind your desk. “ Yes I have she’s stopping by tonight.” Asia squeals. “Oh hell yea! I’m coming” You raise both brows and shake your head “Absoluetly not! Don’t bring your ass to my house Asia.” 
“You’re right, I don’t wanna be in the way.” She said wiggling her brow and rolling her body. 
“Get a life.” You say trying to hide your grin. 
“Damn girl! Leave it up to you to pull a fine ass African, stud Queen. Where they making those at? Talk about one of one.” You try to hold back your laugh. “I really hate you, who says shit like that Asia. And Shuri is not a stud, she’s a Stem, and we are very much FREINDS and that’s ALL.” You say with emphasis.
“Ah Ha! You said that shit like you believed it. That was cute. It’s giving Letitia Wright.” She laughed, and you flicked her off. “I’m just saying, Stud, Stem, whatever the fuck she wanna be, I’m straight as an arrow and she could fold me in half and strap my ankles to the headboard! Do you hear me! I’d be turning all the tricks! The neighbors would know my na-“
“Aight! Damn Asia you always take it far. Get out of my office so I can start my day.”
“That’s cool. I’ll do that. But you better hop on that strap before somebody take your seat hoe. Give that baby a stud daddy!” She gets up out of her chair. 
“ Please, Leave”
“BYE! Bougie bitch.” She whispers the last part under her breath as she walks out. 
“I heard that!” You yell.
“SO!” She yells back.
You shake your head laughing. You smile and continue your day happily anticipating the night. 
You looked in your mirror placing your locs in a high ponytail leaving two locs out in the front. You’d showered and changed into a form fitting black short set. The shirt rose just above your naval showing off your waist beads. You sprayed on your “Killian Love Don’t Be Shy”, glossed your lips, and headed to your kitchen to check on your sides before putting the steaks on the grill. You turned on your speaker and danced around as you cooked. Shuri loved your cooking. You smiled as you thought of how she always reacted to your meals. Zah Sat in the living room playing games on his Nintendo Switch, when you both heard the door bell ring. 
  You both stopped what you were doing and raced eachother toward the door. Your son ran past you pushing you out of the way. “Boy!” He got to the door and smiled at you. “Beat you Mama!” He laughed, and opened the door. You didn’t have time to react before your heart dropped to your stomach. There she stood with that sexy ass smile, hands behind her back. Her undercut was fresh, beautiful curls sat neatly atop her head stopping right above her brow, right ear adorned in several earrings, and she had a single gold chain around her neck. She wore a dark grey shortsleeved compression shirt with matching sweat pants. Her lean muscles more pronounced than the last time you saw her, tattoos gracing her arms making her even more of a work of art. She looked at you and smiled with a wink before squatting down in front of Zahir. 
“SHURI!!” He yelled running into her arms, that she held out for him, as she dropped the bag she’d had in her hands. “Wow little man! You’re getting so big.” She says pulling back and ruffling his individual twist. “Yea, Mommy says I’m a big boy. I got muscles too. “He says stepping back flexing for her.
“Ooooweee!” She reached to touch it and snapped her hand back fast. “Dang kid! You almost broke my finger.” 
“Yep, I’m gonna be really strong and fast like you!”
“Oh you’re coming for me huh little panther?” She says as she picks him up and throws him over her shoulder as she stands and walks in the house. Using her foot to close the door. He laughs and kicks as she holds him tight while walking over to you. It felt like your world slowed down, like she was moving in slow motion towards you. Your eyes trailed her body. The way she moved, the way she paired her femininity with masculinity was feminine in its own right. Only something a woman could master so gracefully. With her hands being full, she could only lean down and press a gentle  kiss on your forehead in greeting. You wrapped your arms around her and Zah, Her scent immediately enveloping you; vanilla, cinnamon, and a hint of burnt cherry. She was intoxicating. 
“Hey Shuri poo!” She pulled back and smiled. “It smells good in here.” You roll your eyes and smack her arm playfully. “It’s good to see you too Shuri” She looks you up and down, eyes lingering on the swell of your hips a while longer than they should, she smirks. “Always a pleasure Ms. Y/l/n.” She walks away, drops her bag next to the couch, and then takes Zahir off her shoulder into the air and slams him into the couch. “Shuri! Don’t start that rough sh- stuff already!” 
Shuri looked at Zah with wide eyes. “I know what she was about to say, do you know what she was about to say.” “Shuri! Don’t get put out immediately. Give yourself time.” She bunches up her lips in skepticism. “ Girl, please. We could take her right Zah! We could beat her up and take over the kingdom.” “Yea! You don’t want none mommy!” Shuri laughs. “Tell her Zah Zah!” You bite your lip, and shake your head at the interaction. “It’s been thirty seconds and I’m tired already.” You say walking back into the kitchen. You couldn’t help but smile listening to Shuri and Zahir continue to wrestle in the living room as you finished up cooking. 
  Zahir excitedly runs into the kitchen with Shuri trailing behind him, she’d taken off her shoes and made herself comfortable per usual. “Mommy! Mommy! Look at what Shuri made me.” You look down at the gauntlet on his wrist. As he aimed it at you and shot little foam balls. You stare at Shuri blankly as you get hit repeatedly. She looks at you, lips folded clearly holding back laughter judging by the furrow in her brow. 
“Wow! Another well thought out gift that won’t drive your mother crazy! Way to go Shuri!” You say with false excitement, narrowing your eyes at Shuri. She burst into laughter. “All in a days work!” She says with a salute. You smirk rolling your eyes, and turn back towards the stove. You feared your eyes would roll out of your head by the end of the night. Zahir ran out of the kitchen to continue launching balls from his gauntlet all over your clean home. Shortly after he leaves you feel arms wrap around your waist, as Shuri nuzzles her head into your neck. You lean back into the hug, laying your head onto hers.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” She askes as she moves her hands up and down your sides, then lower to began caressing your lower back with her thumbs. 
“Ofcourse not. You’re not doing anything I didn’t expect. He loves it when you visit you know.” You say bringing your hand up to stroke the side of her face, as you close your eyes body melting into her touch.
“Yes, I know, I wish I could be here more often. He’s a blast.”
“Yea? It’s almost like he’s the only reason you come.” You say teasingly.
Shuri turned you to face her taking your hands in hers, gently placing them around her neck. She wrapped her arms around your waist pulling you flush against her as she placed her forehead against yours. 
“You know that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I’ve missed you, Ntomb'am (my girl), You look so appetizing.” You blush looking into her deep brown orbs. 
“I’ve missed you too. You look aight” You say, laughing at your own joke. Shuri gasped in exaggerated offense. “Aight!? Damn you’re cold. I’m truly, truly hurt. Really.” She says, staring into your eyes, both of you getting lost until you were interrupted by the chime of her kimoyo beads. You both unwrap yourselves from eachother and you turn fast trying to slow your heart rate, as she steps back to answer the call. 
“Hey! What’s going on?”
“Nothing I just missed you, called to see how everything went today.”
“It went great! You know I walked out with them in the palm of my hand.” You hear a little giggle from the other end of the call. 
“Ofcourse you did. You’re brilliant!” Shuri smiles, you internally roll your eyes. Turning around to plate your steaks. 
“Thank you! You’re so sweet to me. I’m getting ready to eat dinner now, and then I’m gonna lay down. It’s been a long day. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow though. Ok?”
“Ok babe! Talk to you tomorrow.” She hung up and you looked at her as you turned off the stove, eyebrow raised. 
“Yea.” She says walking back over to you placing her arms back around your waist. 
“She sounds nice. You two together now?” You ask. 
“Why? Do you want me?” A glimmer in her eye and mischief on her face. Those words made your pussy quiver. 
“Shuri, don’t start.” You removed her arms from your waist. 
“I’ve already started sweet girl.” She stepped back licking her lips. 
“Dinners ready” You say trying to hide the effect she was having on your body.
She smiled and nodded. Eyeing you knowingly.
“Hm. Ok Y/n.”
  Your relationship with Shuri was….well… complicated. You see, Shuri and you were indeed only friends (much to Shuri’s dismay) because you were “straight”. Atleast, that’s what you’d told yourself all of your life. That is until you met Shuri. From the moment she’d entered your workstation in the lab of the outreach, she’d created thoughts in your mind you had never imagined experiencing before. Casually put, she confused the fuck out of you; and as time passed it only got worse. You’d insisted she keep her distance so that neither of you crossed any lines, figuring that would quell the desire. But, the longer the time apart, the more intense your want became. So, when you would see eachother, touches would linger, hugs got longer, turning into gentle caresses, and intimate forehead kisses; but never further than that. 
When she informed you of her budding romance with Riri Williams you’d thought you’d feel relieved, like you move on, but jealousy hid itself deep in the pits of your stomach; And that’s how you intended to keep it. You couldn’t have feelings for Shuri. You were straight and she was no experiment. She was human, and a damn good friend. You couldn’t loose her.
 Shuri called Zahir in to eat and then helped you set the table. You all sat down at the table to a dinner of steak, creamy potatoes, broccoli, and homemade rolls, like a happy little family. Moments like this made you fantasize about what it would really be like to be the Queens woman. Whenever she stepped into your home it felt as though everything was complete. Her and Zahs connection made your heart swell, watching them together gave you butterflies.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head over there? “ You were snapped out of your thoughts and met with Shuri’s curious gaze across the table from you. “Nothing really just zoned out a bit,” You lie. Zah giggled. “You said mommy’s head is pretty.” Shuri laughs with him. “It is a pretty cute head kid, you gotta admit. That’s where you get it from”
“You two are so childish” you say. “I am a child mommy.” You all laugh together.
 Once you all finish eating, you start clearing the table and preparing to wash dishes. “Alright Zah, it’s time to get your toys all put away so I can give you a bath.” “Aww, mommy I want to stay up and play with Shuri.” He says with his lip poked out. “No sir, you have school in the morning and Shuri will be leaving soon. All of your toys need to be up by the time I finish the dishes.” You told him sternly.
“I don’t wanna!” He screams at you, stomping his foot. Your brows furrowed as you walked up to Zah. “Little Boy-“ 
“Woah! Allllright little one.” Shuri said swooping in and picking him up, saving him from your wrath. “How about I stay? You go in the room and pick up your toys, let mommy give you a bath, and I’ll come in and hang out with you until you go to sleep. And in the morning I’ll be here to make my famous pancakes. How does that sound?” 
“Yes!” Zah shouts.
“Only if it’s ok with mommy, and you have to apologize to her and promise me you’ll never speak to her like that again. That wasn’t cool little guy.” Zah looked at her and nodded. “Ok I promise” Zah wiggled out of Shuri’s arms and walked over to you hugging your legs. “I’m sorry mommy. Can Shuri please stay?” They both look at you with puppy dog eyes and lips poked out. You look back and forth between them and let out a sigh.“Ok, Shuri can stay.” 
“Yes!” They both say, and give eachothers high fives. “Go before she changes her mind.”
Zah runs out of the kitchen at lightening speed. “Zah slow down!” You yell after him. Shuri looks at you with a grin like Cheshire Cat. “You two are gonna be the death of me. And how do you plan on explaining where you are to everyone? Where are the Dora?”
“Y/n, I am the Black Panther a security detail is hardly needed. I am also an adult. I can go and come as I please.” You look at her skeptically.
“Y/n it’s fine.” She said dismissively. “And I already came prepared to stay.” She said using her head to point towards the overnight bag on the floor in the living room. “Really Shuri.”
“Really, really. Now let me help you with the dishes.” You moved over and allowed her to help, knowing there was no point in saying ‘no’ to her. As you guys finish up the dishes, “Can’t get enough” by Tamia started to play over the speaker. “OOO I love this song! I learned the dance too. Come dance with me.”  She said as she turned up the speaker. 
“Oh now I gotta see this.”
“You doubting me?”
“Not at all Panther” You leaned back against the counter looking at her. Humor filled your eyes as you waited for her to dance. Shuri’s eyes lowered as she placed her bottom lip between her teeth with a smile, and began to dance. Just when you thought you couldn’t get anymore attracted to her, watching her smoothly get through the complicated line dance, made your stomach flutter. “Come on entle, don’t leave me hanging!” She says, stopping to sway her hips side to side and raise her arms up in front of her, making a come hither motion with both her hands. Your body floated over to her, grabbing her hands as you danced together laughing, having a blast until the song ended. 
“Ok, ok I see you, you smooth with it.”
“ I’m African, of course I am!” 
“Oooook conceited.”
“What’s wrong with that?” She says licking her lips. “If you know, you know right.” She walked up to you grabbing your hips. Pushing you back into the cabinets, looking you deep in your eyes, licking her lips. She was laying it on thick tonight and you weren’t sure how much longer it would be before you crumbled under the pressure. You pull away quickly. “I gotta get Zah ready for bed.” She stood smirking. “I’ll finish up in here.” She calls after you. It was gonna be a long night.
You’d now gotten Zah all washed up and dressed for bed. Shuri sat beside his bed,after a game of hide n seek and reading him his millionth bedtime story. You were down stairs enjoying the quiet with a glass of wine and “Living Single”.
“Alright Zah Man, you gotta go to sleep little guy. You don’t want to be sleepy in the morning. You can’t be the smartest kid in the world if you don’t let your brain rest.” Shuri says. 
“Ok. But can I ask you a question?”
“One more and then its sleepy time. Promise?” She held out her pinky. Zah nodded. 
“Promise.” They locked pinky’s. 
“Now what’s up little one.”
“Shuri can you live with us? You make my mommy smile a lot and you’re the coolest! I wish you could be here forever.” Shuri looked at him a moment, gathering her thoughts trying to figure out what to say. She stood and walked over to lay back on the bed with him as they both looked at the ceiling. She sighed.
“ You know if I had it my way, you and your mommy would be in Wakanda with me. You are such a brilliant little boy. I’d be proud to have you in my lab teaching you all that I know. Maybe one day your mommy will let me take you. Hm? But, right now you have to be here in school, your mommy’s work is here, and I have to be in my Country. I’d love to be here more often, but I’m busy making sure the world is safe for you. I promise to see you and your mommy more often though. Ok?” Shuri looked over at Zah who was obviously fighting sleep now, his blinking slowing down. 
“ Ok.” He says in his sleepy little voice. “I love you Shuri.” Shuri picks him up and lays him on her chest, her eyes watering a bit. “I love you too, Zah.” She says rocking him to sleep.
   Shuri lay a bit longer with Zah. The conversation they’d just had overtaking her thoughts. In all honesty, Shuri was taken with you. Had been the moment she’d laid eyes on you. She wanted nothing more than to come home to the both of you everyday. But, you were “straight”, so she respected your boundaries. It seemed that as time passed though, those boundaries became lax. Almost as though you felt the same. She’s tried to let this go, but it’d become so much more than a crush, and she couldn’t fathom that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Maybe she was setting herself up to be hurt, overthinking the signals. Either way, Shuri knew she was in love with you, and it felt like you loved her too. 
   She sighed, placing Zah gently on the bed and quietly making her way out of the room after placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. As she made her way to the living room, she stopped at the top of the stairs, looking down at you as you sat brows furrowed in concentration, as you tapped away at your laptop. She took note of how effortlessly beautiful you were. How just the sight of you made her heart pick up in pace. How being here with you and Zah made her feel at home. She quietly walked down the stairs, sneakily walking up behind you, she placed her hands on your shoulders. “You work too hard.” She says as she began to massage the tention out of your shoulders. You let out a low moan at the pleasure of her touch. 
“Says the Scientist Queen Panther.” You look up at her and smile. Shuri lets out a chuckle, as your eyes close and your head lulls forward giving her better access to your tense neck and shoulders. She bent down to whisper in your ear, “Don’t forget masseuse.” You let out a hum, as she kissed you right bellow your ear. She stopped massaging and walked around the couch to stand in front of you.
 “Is there a deadline?” She asked referring the work you were doing. “No. Just staying ahead of the game.” “Good, you’re done for the night. Relax with me.” She removed the laptop from your lap, and placed it on your coffee table. Plopping down on the couch and grabbing your legs to place them on her lap, you bit your lip as you watched her beautiful, tattooed hands go to work on your feet. “So what’s been up here? Have you started seeing anyone yet? “
“Why do none of my friends beat around the bush. Right into it huh?”
“No point. Answer the question.” 
“No. I mean, I’ve been on a few dates. They were just… Shit.” You shrug nonchalantly.
“Hm” Shuri turned to look into your eyes as she massaged you.“ I just had quite an intresting conversation with Zah.” 
“Hm? Really? What about?” Your eyes started to close again. Her hands were like magic. You couldn’t help but wonder how they were in other a-. “He says I should move in with you guys” Your eyes snapped open, and her eyes were still locked on you. “He says I make you happier. Do I?” She says, she scoots down slouching more in her seat resting her head back on the couch, not taking her eyes off of you. Quite frankly, Shuri no longer wanted to pretend so here it goes. “ I-I enjoy when you’re around? Yes.”
She snickers “You enjoy when I’m around huh?” She turns her head away from you staring straight ahead a moment before turning her body toward you fully. “Y/n. I gotta be honest. I want to move forward with Riri. I really like her. And she likes me. Like really likes me. She’s beautiful, intelligent, she makes me laugh, she’s easy to talk too, and she knows what she wants. Everything I could ever want or need in a woman. I deserve that.” You remove your feet out of Shuri’s hands and off of her lap placing them underneath you. “You’re right. You do deserve that. So what’s stopping you?” Shuri stares as though she’s looking through you.
“That.” She points at your eyes wiggling her finger back and forth between each eye.
“What?” You say, following her finger before swatting it away in irritation.
“The jealousy in your eyes when I mention her. The little eye roll in the kitchen earlier. I saw it.”
“Y/n, how do you feel about me? And before you answer, you should know that I see you. The way you look at me. How your body reacts to my touch. You haven’t been able to have a serious relationship since we met eachother. It’s been years. So what I need is for you to be honest with yourself.” You look at Shuri trying to figure out what route to take. You could continue on with your silent crush, or you could lay it all out on the table. You sigh and choose the latter. You stand and began to pace. 
“Shuri, you mean the world to me. I’ve never felt like this about anybody before let alone a woman. It’s scary. These feelings I have for you..i-it’s crazy how you make me feel. Just a look from you could bring me to my knees Shuri. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you look at me and touch me, It’s all so overwhelming. I honestly don’t know what I feel  or why I’m feeling it, and feelings are involved. I don’t want to experiment with you to try and figure out whatever these feelings are and then I loose you completely. Fuck! I’m so confused.” You continued to pace avoiding eye contact with Shuri. Nervous tears streaming down your face. 
  Shuri gets up from the couch walking over to you, grabbing your face with both hands wiping at your tears, and pulling your body up against hers. Wrapping your arm around her waist with one hand, she grabs your chin and lifts it until your eyes meet hers with the other. 
“ You’ve never asked if I wanted to be used.” You looked up at her, your confusion apparent. “I don’t think you’re confused. I think you know exactly what you want and it scares the hell out of you. But, see we’re at an impasse here. I can’t move on because you and that little boy have my heart, and believe it or not, you can’t move forward because I have yours.” You try to look away and she turns your face right back to hers.
  “Let me take care of your body. Express to you how I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually. I can show you how it feels to be loved by a woman. And if you don’t want it after I’m done. I promise you’ll still have me as a friend.”
You look up at her, heart racing, terrified at what she was proposing. This could potentially complicate your friendship, or you could end up in a relationship with the intimidatingly beautiful Queen you called friend. Both were equally scary for you. But, with her standing infront of you offering up her body to the science of your chemistry, you couldn’t resist. You nod.
“Take care of me.” Shuri smiled and nodded. Slowly she leaned in capturing you lips in hers. Her hands began to massage you everywhere releasing your tension. You’re heart beat against your chest as you finally kissed the lips you’d dreamed about. You let out a shaky breath against her lips. This was so much better than a dream. You couldn’t have imagined the feeling of being in Shuri’s arms like this in your wildest dreams. The first brush of her lips against yours took your breath away. Now as you stood kissing her, your hands entangled in her curls, you felt your knees give way. Shuri felt it as well, Her strong arms tightening around you as she moved backward to the couch. 
She sat as you straddled her lap your lips never breaking contact. She placed her hands on your plump behind pressing you into her, signaling for you to move. You began to grind against her as her hands moved to your hips helping you as she rolled her body up into you. Shuri breaks the kiss, lust now pooling out of her eyes.
“ That right baby. Keep moving for me.” She slapped your ass. “Here’s how this is gonna go sphalaphala sam (my pretty one). I’m going to make love to you. Well. Very Well. I’m going to make your body feel things it’s never felt before. I’m going to fuck your mind, your heart, and this pretty little pussy all at once. This will feel spiritual. I’ll be gentle this time, but If at any point you want me to stop just say it, and I will. Do we have an understanding?” At this point your body was screaming for her. You were salivating and would do whatever she said. 
“Yes” You moaned, and Shuri smiled. 
“That’s my good girl. Keep going.” She leaned foreward and removed her shirt. 
“Look at you. So sexy in this tight ass set and those waist beads.” She eyes you with her hands still on your ass, still grinding into you as you rolled your hips onto her. “Nah you’re not confused mtuwam. You know exactly what you want huh beautiful?”  You opened your mouth but the words got stuck in your throat. You could only let out a soft “Ah”.  
“Awww, My sweet Y/n, you need me don’t you. Tell me what you need?” You were panting, rocking against her, pussy tingling from the friction. 
“I-I n-need you to t-touch me.” You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were here crossing a line with your friend that could change everything. But you were here now and there was no turning back. 
“ You sure that’s what you want?”
“Yes! Yes. Please Shuri” Looking into her eyes, you were now putty in her hands. She bit her lip, and raised her brow as though she was not convinced.
“Please baby. I n-need it so bad.” You whisper leaning in ghosting your lips over hers. You could feel heat seize your body as she smiled against your lips.
“Yea?” She whispered back. “I know baby.” She reached inbetween the two of you rubbing your pussy through your shorts. “She’s talking to me. Leaking through your shorts, so wet and warm. I can smell her. She’s calling out to her Panther.” She rubbed with a little more force as you continued to grind. “ You hear her..” She leaned up to your ear and whispered “Panther, Panther,” as she pressed into your pussy making it squelch.
“Fuck! Shuri please!”
“Shuri’s not here any more babygirl.”
“Ha uuuhn! Panther!”
“You learn fast sthandwa. Let’s take this to the bedroom hm?”
  She picks you up carrying you to your master suit. Closing and locking the door behind you guys. Once you two exited this room nothing would be the same again. 
“Griot play my “Y/n” playlist” 
“Yes, Panther” 
You looked at her shocked as “Anywhere” by 112 began to play.
“You made a playlist?” 
“What can I say. I am always prepared” She grabs your hips and kisses you walking you over to the bed sitting you down. She breaks the kiss once again. Backing up,she begins removing her sports bra. “You see, the best part about being with a woman. Is the body.” She removed her sports bra. “The curves, so soft and supple.” Her voice so soft and  seductive drove you crazy, as you were now met with her pretty breast “Do you want to touch me Y/n?” You nod, mouth slightly ajar as you took in Shuri’s breast. 
“No, no sweet girl. Use your words”
“Yes, I want to touch you.” Shuri proceeded to walk up to you, still wearing her sweat pants, while her upper half was completely bare except for the gold chain that contrasted so beautifully against her mahogany skin. She grabs your hand placing it up against her soft yet toned stomach. She let out a sigh as you moved your hand upward. Up, up, up until you were cupping her breasts. Shuri bit her lip as you pinched her nipples. 
“Can I taste them?”
“You can do whatever you want babygirl.” You lift yourself up and catch her nipple in your mouth. Suckling like a new born cub. She throws her head back. “Mhm. That’s good my pretty girl.“ The taste of her skin in your mouth and the sound of the moans that came from her made your pussy pulse. You hum with her nipple still in your mouth. Shuri pulls on the band of her sweat pants. 
“Take these off for me Sthandwa, finish undressing me.” You happily oblige. Reaching forward pulling Shuri’s pants and underwear down at the same time. She giggles. “Eager hm?” She stepped out of her pants and laid back on the bed. “Strip for me, slowly, I’ve been waiting for this, and I want to savor every moment.” You got off of the bed slowly and began to seductively strip for Shuri, determined to put on a show for her; not knowing she had plans to put on a show of her own. She slowly opened her legs and began to play with her pussy, eyes never leaving you. “Watch me while I watch you” She moaned. You were placed in a trance. 
You let your shirt come up over your head, as she began rolling her body into her touch biting at her lips. Her soft moans driving your senses wild. The light layer of sweat building up on her begining to make her body glow in the moonlight. Her breast heaving up and down as she let out heavy breaths moaning your name. Her toned thighs spread wide for you, folds glistening, a stream of light hitting it perfectly putting her on display. She was all woman, and that excited you. Your shorts collect one last release of your want before being pulled down your thighs. 
“You knew what you were doing with those tight ass clothes and waist beads.” Shuri smirked. “Straight my ass. Look at you. Mouth and pussy drooling for me. There’s nothing like a woman huh? Ahhh!” Her head falls back in ecstasy as you stand there caressing your breast, and teasing your nipples; completely naked, physically, and emotionally. You were entranced in her pussy, your sight not leaving her drenched core. The sounds calling out to you. “Shit! I could cum just from how desperate you look right now. Is that you want intel? You want to watch me cum for you?”
You nod but quickly correct yourself “Yes. Yes Shuri I want to see you cum please.”
“No.” Your eyes glance up to meet hers. “Tell me pretty girl. Tell me to cum for you.” You look at her. You smirk feeling a bit bolder. You lick your lips. “Cum for me beautiful.” Your voice was low in octave filled with lust. Shuri’s eyes widened briefly at the sudden change, before you watched her stomach contract and her body began to shake, as her once methodical strokes became sporadic. “Oh B-bast! Y/n! I’m c-cumming for you! Uuuhhnn!”
  As you stood and watched her cum, you knew for sure you were hooked. You wanted to hear her scream your name like that all the time. The girly tones of her voice awakening  something inside of you. She was a woman.
“Come my love. Touch me, feel what you do to my body.” You walk over to the bed and hover over Shuri leaning down to kiss her lips, as you reached down and touched another woman for the first time. You moan into her mouth at the feel of her. Her slippery folds encasing your fingers. Meshing around them perfectly. “That’s all for you baby. Now let me show you what I can make your body do for me.” The look in her eyes was devious. As she sat up positioning your body to straddle her thigh. “Grind for me”You began to move your body against her. Shuri wanted to ignite all of your senses, so she grabbed your waist and brought you closer wrapping you in a hug, pressing her body up against yours completely. 
 The feeling of her bare breast pressed against you felt so erotic, as she held you close and placed kisses all over your chest. “Oh Shuri.” You moaned in a whisper. She handled you so gently moving her hands down to your plump ass massaging into it as she helped you get off on her thigh. It felt as though she was worshipping your body. She kept one hand wrapped around your body and the other she brought inbetween the two of you, finding your pussy she began to rub. “Ah fuck! Baby!”
“You like the way I take my time baby. No rush. I want you to feel good in places you never knew you could.” Before you knew it you were laying on your back as she kissed and sucked down your body, making her way toward your pussy. She held up your thighs caressing them as she prepared to dive into her meal.  She licked and sucked all around your pussy, before finally making contact with your clit. “Fuck Shuri!” 
“Mhmm” she moaned into you as she devoured you. 
“Oooo eat this pussy Panther!” She smacked the inside of your thigh. Then she wrapped her arms around both of your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Devouring your pussy. “S-Shuri ha hooo my g-god!” You were very sure you were seeing heaven, and then she placed a finger inside. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head “M-more. P-please Shuri more!” You reached down grabbing her by her curls grinding against her face. She placed another finger inside of you, and you felt like you were floating. “OMG! Uhn! I’m gonna cum Panther!” Shuri said something but you’ll never know what it was between euphoria and her mouth being filled with pussy. 
  You came hard in her mouth, she continued eating, getting you all cleaned up. And then she kept going. “I want some more pretty girl. Can you give me more.” 
“Uhn! I d-don oh Sh sh pleasassee!! “ your words were failing you.
“Yea you can give me more.” She palms your ass. Getting back up on the bed laying on her back. “Come sit on my face. Drown me in that shit baby. Use me.” She opened her mouth wide sticking out her tounge ready to be your seat. You carefully lower yourself onto her face, but she grabs your thighs holding you down as she ravished you. You started moving your hips faster getting close to another orgasam. “Oh baby I’m gonna cum again! Fuck me Panther! Drink me!” Once again the band snapped and you were cumming, but this time liquid sprayed from your pussy as you squirted on Shuri’s face. She took it like a pro drinking you up.
“Good fucking girl! You’re my good girl huh Y/n. You taste so good.” She said as you fall to the bed trying to control the shaking from the after shocks. “You’re doing so good for me. You’re going to give me one more. Can you do that for me? Want to watch me cum on top of you? ” You look up at her tears falling from your eyes. You didn’t know if you could, but you’d damn sure try if you could see Shuri cum for you again. “Mhmm” is the only sound you could get out. Shuri understood loud and clear. 
Shuri sat up, grabbing your legs pushing them all the way back, she straddles you in a squat.  “As bad as I want to strap you until you’re unconscious, I want their to be no misunderstanding that it is a woman is fucking you like this” She begans to move against you, feet planted firmly on the bed, the muscles in her legs flexing. “Mmmm!” You let out a long groan from the overstimulation. “Shshsh. Don’t worry baby I got you.”  She slowly whined her body against you in a circular motion. You looked down at her, chin still covered in your cum, body glistening in sweat. “ Ahhhh! fuck” she moaned throwing her head back. You followed a large bead of sweat  that moved down from her long sexy neck, to her chest, down the valley of her breast, slowing at her waist that whined expertly above the backs of your thighs. It was femininity in all it’s beautiful, ethereal, glory. You snapped. “Oh My God Shuri! You’re so fucking sexy!” You reach and grab her waist moving underneath her as best you can. 
She looked down at you like a goddess on her throne. “ You never felt like this before?”
“I c-can’t t-take it. You’re d-driving me crazy. Please! I want you! I need you Shuri. I want to be yours! Please Let me be yours!” You screamed, tears streaming down your face, as you were full out crying now. The whole experience was overwhelming. 
“Nobody’s ever known your body like this b-baby? Uuhn! Made you c-cum s-so much? Knew exactly how touch you huh?”
“N-no, n-no, nobody baby! Nobody m-makes me feel like you Shuri! I’m gonna cum again for you!” Shuri fell to her knees, causing her pussy to grind harder against yours as she picked up the pace. “Oh Fuck! Go ahead b-baby let it go, I’m right behind you!” As if your body ran on her command you opened up the flood gates cumming into Shuri’s pussy, as she followed behind. 
“OH GOD SHURI! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU! I’m so in love with you.” You cried. She collapsed on top of you shaking and breathing hard from her intense orgasam. You both held onto eachother tight. You wrapped your legs around her waist as she nuzzled her face into your neck. You heard the sniffles before you felt tears dropping onto your neck. 
“I know sthandwa. I’m in love with you too”
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Imagine Shuri becoming jealous and protective when someone approaches you in a club
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Everyone assumed after Shuri and Namor were able to see past their need for vengeance and form an alliance. Things would go back to normal for Wakanda, and in a way, they did. The civilians were able to return to the city and got to work on rebuilding on what was destroyed. Businesses were open again, families were able to properly mourn those lost in the conflict, and M'Baku took over the throne to give Shuri some much needed time to heal. The only enemies Wakanda had to ward off were the other countries who were still hell-bent on getting some vibramium for themselves.
The only difference now was that the Black Panther had officially returned and with the announcement made worldwide. Some of the countries were now a bit more wary about attacking the Outreach centers. Especially after Shuri made a statement threatening to close them all down. If the attacks didn't cease immediately, she had been through too much in the past couple of days to have patience for them anymore. So yes, in a way, things were back to normal with everyone going through the healing process.
But that still didn't stop the Princess from throwing herself back into her work. The second she returned from her trip to Haiti, and while she seemed to be in a better headspace. None of those closest to her thought it was healthy for her to be in the lab to the break of dawn. Unfortunately, the only person available who could probably stand a chance in pulling her away from her numerous projects was also throwing themselves into their duty.
You were no better than Shuri, and sometimes people truly wondered. How the two of you were able to maintain a healthy relationship considering you rarely spent any time together these days. You were one of Wakanda's finest warriors, and although you weren't a member of any Wakanda army. All of the soldiers respected you and fought along side of you when it was needed. You had accompanied Shuri on her trip to Haiti, so whenever someone brought it up to you. That you and Shuri didn't have enough time for each other. You just shrugged at their concern and pointed out the two of you had just returned from a two-month vacation.
And the excuse would've worked if it hadn't been three months since that vacation. You spent most of your morning doing combat lessons for the new trainees, and afterward, doing some training on your own. Wakanda's army was severely depleted after the war with Talokan, and it would take a lot to restore its strength. Shuri spent the first half of the morning in bed catching up on sleep before returning to the lab. Her main concern was building more Midnight Angel suits even though Okoye insisted. The project could wait because, for now, Wakanda was not in need of a new military division. You would stop by the lab for an hour or so every day to have lunch with her, but as far as they could tell, that was the only real interaction between you two.
Everyone was growing tired of watching both of you work yourselves to death, and was determined to make you and Shuri take a break. Aneka was the one who came up with the master plan and tasked Okoye with removing Shuri from the lab. Her and Ayo were in charge of pulling you out of the training room. Even though Shuri was the stronger one with the strength of the Black Panther. There was no doubt in Aneka's heart that the Princess wouldn't hold back in order to not hurt Okoye. But you, on the other hand, would have no problem putting Aneka on her back or anyone else for that matter.
They found you in one of the many training rooms of the palace practicing with a pair of twin swords. Shuri had actually gifted you the weapons upon the return from Haiti. The previous ones you wielded were destroyed in a fight between you and Namor. You were torn up about them since the weapons were family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation. But the new ones were starting to grow on you more and more every day. They were stronger and had a built-in energy force field.
"Hey y/n, do you mind putting the swords down for a quick second?" Aneka asked, capturing your attention.
You paused mid swing, ready to decapitate a dummy's head at the sound of her voice. You turned to see her and Ayo standing on either side of you just a few feet away. "What's up? Are you guys looking for a quick sparring match."
"Not exactly," Ayo answered.
You zeroed in the way both of their bodies were slightly bent at the knees. Both of them could pounce on you at a moment's notice, and then it was the way they kept exchanging nervous glances. What were they up to? You decided whatever it was, it wasn't worth hurting them over, at least not seriously anyway. So you walked over to where your bag was located and placed the swords on top of them. The next thing you knew, both of them had seized by the arms and started dragging you out of the training room.
Aneka had your right arm while Ayo had the left, and they both a your arms pulled back into a hold. It wasn't painful, but it made it impossible for you to pull away as you struggled. "What the hell?" You hissed through clenched teeth.
"You and Shuri have been spending way too much time working. Both of you need a break okay its time to let loose and have fun, " Aneka explained.
"Are you serious our arm-"
Ayo tugged on your wrist, causing you to pause in whatever you were getting ready to say. "Our armies are still recovering, yes, but thanks to you. They are on the right path, and you deserve to have some fun. This isn't up for discussion. You and Shuri are going out tonight."
"Oh yeah, I would love to see someone get Shuri out of the lab." You scoffed at the idea.
Five minutes later and you were eating your words as you found Shuri in your shared room going through the closet. Okoye had been positioned outside the door with her arms crossed a smug expression on her face.
"Okoye took a prototype for a new weapon I was working on. It was almost complete and the only one I had. She threatened to smash it to pieces with her spear if I didn't cooperate, " Shuri said. Before you could even ask, "How would that work? Is it not made out of vibranium as well?" You questioned.
"No, it is, but I don't doubt she will find a way to accomplish it, and that's a risk I won't take. It's only one night sthandwa we could really use it, I guess."
You let out a deep sigh of defeat knowing she was right. Plus none of your friends were giving either of you a choice. But by the end of the night they would wish they had.
The girls took you and Shuri out to one of the many clubs in the city. You knew Wakanda had an active nightlife but never cared to take part in it yourself. It wasn't exactly your scene, but there was one thing you loved to do. Before you dedicated your life to becoming the best warrior you could be.
So, while you didn't care for the drinking or the rowdy crowd. Once the beat of the music got a hold of your heart, your body started moving along to the rhythm. You completely forgot about the need to rebuild the armies and future threats. All of your worries were washed away by the hypnotizing music. Aneka joined you on the dance floor while Shuri hung back, watching the two of you dance. She sat back in a nice and comfy velvet sofa with Okoye and Ayo by her side with a red rope surrounding the area. Of course, the club had a VIP section for the royal family. Every establishment in the city did.
Shuri threw another shot back as her eyes stayed glued to the way your body was moving. It wasn't just romantic time the two of you had been neglecting. It had been a while since the two of you had taken part in any act of physical intimacy as well. She missed the feel of her hands running down your body, pulling you closer to her as you moaned her name, and writhed under her in absolute pleasure.
Okoye could see the lust forming in her eyes and let out a chuckle at the sight. "Are you going to continue to undress her with your eyes, Princess, or do you plan to join her on the dance floor?"
Ayo smirked and nodded her head in agreement. "You're supposed to be enjoying yourself as well, Shuri."
"Oh, I am enjoying myself plenty right here. The view is perfect," Shuri said. Her voice was a bit hazy.
You could feel her eyes on you and knew what your dancing was doing to her. It was an added bonus, and while you had no problem with her throwing you over her shoulder and waltzing out of this club to the car. And doing whatever she was thinking about to you right in that vehicle. You wanted to spend just a little more time dancing right now. Aneka had stepped away to get drinks for both of you, and that was when it happened. A pair of strong hands settled on your waist, and a stranger pressed their body up against yours from behind. You feel someone breathing heavily on your neck. "Now, what is a pretty thing like you do all alone? The voice belongs to an unfamiliar man.
You could have easily broken free of his hold and pushed him away, but you wanted to have a little fun first. Jealous and overprotective Shuri was your favorite. "I'm actually spoken for honey," you told him, turning around to face him.
The man was dark-skinned and pretty tall, not completely towering over you, though. He had a nice face with a well-defined jawline, and you could see women dying to have his attention. It made you wonder why he was here trying to dance with you. Did he not have other choices, or was he just a walking red flag?
"Mmmm, well, tell me baby, what kind of man would be stupid enough to leave you alone?"
Even though the club was pretty light, the strobing lights spinning all over the dance floor lit up your face pretty well. Either this guy didn't keep up with the royal news, or he was just plain stupid. Everyone in Wakanda knew you were with Shuri exclusively, and you figured he would recognize you. Once he got a good look at your face but you could tell. He had no idea who you really were as his eyes bore into yours.
"Well, she actually isn't that far away. I'm always in her line of sight. So, if you were smart, you would just walk away right now. I really don't want to see such a pretty face get smashed in, " you warned him.
Back in the VIP section, both Okoye and Ayo attempted to jump to their feet. Shuri placed a firm hand on both of their thighs, keeping them seated. "Let her be for now," she said through gritted teeth.
"But Princess," Okoye protested.
Shuri only tightened her grip on her thigh as she listened carefully to the exchange between you and the man.
"So you really do need a real man in your life now, I see. It's a good thing I came along now, isn't it? " the man said. Not heeding your warning at all
You frowned at his reply and placed both of your hands on his chest to give him a hard shove. "Alright, buddy, this conservation is over. Keep it moving." He was definitely a walking red flag.
But the man came back, wrapping a strong arm around your waist to pull you to his chest. "Hey, I'm not done with you alright you should be nicer to me. I mean, come on, don't you want to make your parents proud and get married to someone worthy."
You saw a quick flash of anger in his eyes under the red passing lights. You glanced over his shoulder to see Shuri getting up from the sofa. She had reached her breaking point it was all fun and games until he came back. After you pushed him away.
"Alright buddy, I don't think you know who's girl you're messing with, and trust me when I say you don't want to find out the hard way. Just let me go and leave while you still can. " You tried to warn him again.
He shook his head. "I'm not worried about some stupid chick. I can make her mine t-ahhhhh." His words were cut off with a cry of pain as you twisted out of his hold, latched onto his hand, and bent his wrist backward. You brought your knee up into his stomach, making him double over with a groan.
"Don't you dare talk about her" You growled.
Shuri had reached both of you by now and gripped him by the back of his knee. "You don't mind if I take over sthandwa, do you?" she asked with a sickly sweet smile.
"Not at all usana," you replied, releasing his wrist and taking a step back.
She forced him to stand up straight so he could get a look at her face. He was trying to get his breath back but opened his mouth, ready to throw insults.
"Look chick, no offense, but your girl dese-" He paused as his eyes settled on her face, and he realized just exactly who he was talking to. His eyes grew wide with fear as his gaze flickered back and forth between the two of you.
"No, please go on. You were saying," Shuri encouraged him.
"Um, your Highness Princess, I meant no disrespect truly. I'm sorry. I didn't know she was with you, " He said. It wasn't just an apology, but a desperate plea for his life.
"Don't waste your breath usisidenge she whispered into his ear and kicked his legs out from under him. She released her hold on his neck, letting him fly back to the floor.
He landed on his back with a low thud that could barely be heard over the music. He started to groan but had no real time to recover as Shuri loomed over him. She gathered his shirt up in her right hand, lifting his head up from the floor, and delivered a hard left hook to his face. His head snapped to the side so hard you thought his neck had been broken. if she hadn't been holding back, then it would have snapped.
She let the man drop to the floor now unconscious. Her eyes found yours just a few feet away filled with want no need for her touch. Shuri beckoned for you to come to her, which you did right away, letting her take you by the hand.
"Should we um stop them?" Aneka asked, watching as the Princess pulled you in the direction of the exit.
"No, trust me, they're not going anywhere besides the car," Okoye told her.
Aneka didn't pick up on what she was implying right away, but her eyes widened in surprise a few seconds later. "So what now?"
"We continue to enjoy our night out, my love," Ayo said, taking her by the hand. She led her lover back onto the dance floor, looking back at the General. "You to Okoye, let's go."
Outside the club, Shuri had led you back to the car, pushing you up against it. A hand wrapped around your throat, she kissed you roughly on the mouth. You kissed back, placing your hands on her hip. Your mouth moved in sync with hers for the longest time, turning you even more. You let out a moan as you felt her hand drift under your dress and move your panties aside.
In a flash, she had plunged two fingers inside of you, feeling how wet you were for her. "This better be because of me," she whispered in a harsh tone in your ear.
"It is," you promised.
Shuri smirked, pulling her fingers free as you let out a soft whine. "Get in the car now," she ordered, yanking the back door open for you.
You made a mental note to thank all of the girls tomorrow. Or maybe the next day because you were starting to doubt that you would even be able to walk tomorrow. As Shuri climbed into the backseat with you, the lust filling the air.
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The Moon and The Ocean
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7.3 words 18+ ADULTS ONLY
The princess was a strange one, not Princess Shuri, but the one where King T’Chaka and Queen Ramonda found her as a baby near the shoreline with no mother or father. Ramonda had given birth 6 months ago to their daughter Shuri and T’Chaka was hesitant to add another child to the mixture, but Ramonda convinced him and it was almost as if Bast blessed them because (Y/N) was the final piece to the puzzle. 
“(Y/N).....(Y/N)! Open your ears, sister! What do you have going on in that mind of yours?” She jumped as Shuri snapped her fingers before sped around the lab. She glanced at the scientist as she scrambled through her files. “Shuri, what are you looking for?” Shuri was paying her no attention as she let out a whoop of success before heading downstairs, the taller woman falling suit. (Y/N)’s long skirt flowed like waves in the ocean, she dressed like her mother, very formal and always in long dresses or skirts,but she typically wore neutral colors like green, brown, tan, but black and white was her bread and butter.
(Y/N) attempted to make conversation, but only to be met with silence and the occasional huh, so she decided to go to the heart of the capital. Slipping past the Dora Milaje as her giggles carried throughout the wind. “Princess (Y/N), what do you think you’re doing here?”
“M’Baku, if you could be any louder?” The leader of the Jabari chuckled as he squatted down, getting a good look at the young woman. “But if you wanted to know, I’m wandering around, everyone has important things to handle.” M’Baku nodded as he watched over the citizens of Wakanda, sending Jabari tribesmen further out. “What about your other tasks? The children have been missing your presence in the classes along with Nakia.” 
She awkwardly looked away, rubbing her arms. She missed interacting with the children, but since Nakia left Wakanda, it never felt right. “Maybe I’ll talk to Queen mother about starting the program again, it would be nice. I…Nakia was my buffer, you know how I don’t really fit in and she put the time and effort into getting to know me for me and not just as a princess that has no claim to the throne.” 
M’Baku leaned against his staff as he rolled his eyes. “Your outcome could be different,Hanuman sees a different path for you, one that is brighter than anyone among the Wakandan royal family.” (Y/N) gave a pointed look with her hands on her hips. “I’m not marrying you, M’Baku.” He’s been chasing her ever since they met as children, hoping down from the beam, he still towered over her. “I wasn’t even proposing. but you have an aura that’s a fire, but it’s not violent, it's caring and nurturing. Unlike your sister or-”
She placed her hand on his chest, effectively shutting him up as she gave him that look, tired of Hanuman speeches along with how different she was, it was irritating enough to be reminded that she wasn’t truly wakandan. “M’Baku, I appreciate your….advice, but I’m a normal woman, that’s all. Now, I must go, enjoy the rest of your day.” Picking up her skirts, she started her trek back to the palace, ignoring the eyes that stared daggers into her back as she left.
Nightfall soon fell, the citizens retiring for the night, all except one, (Y/N) had bouts of insomnia and nothing worked for her. Slipping on some slippers, she made her way to the river. She spent the majority of her nights there, enjoying the sounds of nature, but tonight she grabbed her art supplies as she wanted to create another piece. It’s months that she felt inspired enough to even look at her blank canvas, dusk collecting her tools and she almost felt like she lost her passion. 
After T’Challa’s passing, she felt the world stop, she couldn’t breathe; it was as if someone stole the air from her lungs and held it hostage. She remembered that day vividly, she flinched at Shuri’s screams,watching her younger sister reach for their brother’s cold body. Queen Ramonda was already ushered out, sobbing as Okoye held her as she tried fighting her own tears. “(Y/N)?” M’Baku questioned as wrapped his arms around her. He gently rubbed her back as she sobbed into his chest, watching as they placed the white sheet over T’Challa’s body.
She sighed as she came to, laying her blanket out as she made herself comfortable. The moonlight was a comforting light, it felt like a mother’s love; warm and unconditional love. Something that she craved, being an outsider was hard; no one really talked to her, most didn’t trust her even though she’s lived here her entire life, but no one has actually tried it with her because she was technically a member of the royal family. 
She prepped her canvas, cursing as her locs fell across her face, knowing she was forgetting something. Unbeknownst to her, a figure was watching her, barely hovering over the water line. His dark eyes roamed her curvaceous figure, childbearing hips and with her breasts almost spilling from the top of mauve silk nightdress. He slowly moved closer to her, not wanting to startle her as he could hear sing softly as she painted away, unaware of his presence.
As he moved closer, he bit his lip at her full lips, soft round face, that he could only imagine how they felt against his. He could only imagine how heavenly she felt, plush as the finest furs and he couldn’t fathom her not being taken yet. He’s watched for years, children naturally flock to her; treating them with the utmost respect and care. “Ndingazilibala njani iibrashi zam?” She muttered as she rummaged through her bag. A forgetful little thing, it’s either primary colors or tonight, it’s brushes. 
(Y/N) hummed a childhood nursery rhyme as she painted, the subject was unknown, she knew it was a man, he seemed to be a divine entity, the regal look he wore. She paused as she heard footsteps, jumping back. “Relajar, chan.” Her eyes shot daggers at him as she tried putting distance between them. “What are you even saying?! You came out of nowhere and…” She paused at the site of wings on his ankles, disturbed and confused by this mysterious man. “Who are you anyways and how did you get in here?” She knew he wasn’t wakandan, his native language, his attire was foriegn to her. He chuckled as he stepped closer to her, the scent of the ocean rolled off of him in waves.
“My allies call me K’uk’ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor, but Princess (Y/N), you can call me, In ajawo’. (My king) I’ve been watching you for some time now and your beauty and grace is unmatched, truly ethereal.” His rough hand barely grazed her cheek as he looked down at her, her eyes filled with wonder before she suddenly pulled away. “I don’t care, but why are you here? How did you sneak past the barrier?” He chuckled as he looked around, enjoying the cool weather. Everything was much more…cleaner, the water wasn’t polluted, the sea thrived in this area. “You're very lucky, ko’oj, I’ve seen how Wakanda treats you, a very beautiful and intelligent woman, who happens to be an outsider adopted by the Queen. In Talokan, my people would welcome you, some of my people have seen your struggles to be accepted and we sympathize with that.”
Namor stepped away as footsteps got louder, he knew he couldn’t risk being caught this early on. “Until next time, ko’oj.” “Princess (Y/N)!” She jumped when Okoye and Ayo stepped through the bush, spears drawn as they surrounded her. “Okoye, what’s the meaning of this? I was just painting-” The young woman fell silent at Okoye’s glare, shyly looking away. “What did I tell you? You cannot be out here this late at night, your mother-” “Ngoba? Andikho kuluhlu lobukhosi, ukhuseleko lwam alukho kuqala kuye.” (Why? I am not next in line for the throne, my safety is not her priority.) (Y/N) said as she hurriedly grabbed her slippies, trying not to cry from frustration. “Why? It doesn’t matter if you’re not in line for the throne, your mother still wants to see you safe. We can’t do that if you’re going to sneak out.” Ayo spoke, planting her spear into the ground. 
Wordlessly (Y/N) headed back towards the palace, ignoring Okoye’s and Ayo’s questioning. Queen Ramonda sighed in relief as her daughter walked through the living area. “She wasn’t hurt or anything?” “No, my queen, she’s fine, but just irritated.” Ramonda rolled her eyes as she stood from the sofa. “Of course she is, when she’s not?” Okoye cleared her throat, shuffling on her feet awkwardly. “My Queen, may I suggest, she was sent to live with Nakia? Maybe that would be a better environment for her?” 
“I just lost my son and my other daughter has pushed me away, why would I send one away especially now?” Okoye stayed silent, knowing if she spoke one more word, she would incur her wrath. Ramonda truly cared for (Y/N), but she couldn’t treat her like she did Shuri. No matter what, the council would never recognize her as a member of the royal family. Ramonda knew it strained their bond as (Y/N) grew older, but it wasn’t just with her only, it affected everyone else’s. Dinners would be lively and full of smiles, until it just became Ramonda.T’Challa’s illness consumed him and Shuri had taken the responsibility to cure him. 
Namor quietly painted, deep within his thoughts, frustrated that the conversation was cut short. Those pesky warriors always seem to be tracking her, which he understands, but she was adopted, she has no claim–nothing, so why are they so adamant on keeping her safe? “K’uk’ulkan, Ba'axten j-binech chúunk'iin o'niak. Yaan k beel cautelosos yéetel leti'ob.”(Why did you leave late last night? We need to be cautious about them.) Namor placed his brush down,sighing as he stood to his full height. “Namora, Ba'axten cuestionar in. A wojel ba'ax ma' pondría ti' talamilo'ob k máak u propósito ti', waal mía.” (Why question me? You know I wouldn’t purposefully endanger our people, my child.) 
“In wojel ba'ax ma' u harías, ba'ale' Táantik u K'astal u ajawo' yéetel u protector.Táan ti' jump'éel kúuchil talamil yéetel ma' in wa'alike' u bixake' prudente perseguir ti' jump'éel le princesas ti' le k'iin.” (I know you wouldn't, but they just lost their king and their protector. They're in a vulnerable place and I don't think it's wise to pursue one of the princesses during this time.) Namora knew he was infatuated with the princess, but she needed him to be focused on Talokan and their needs. She quietly left as Namor became unresponsive, not trying to upset him.
Namor sighed as he stared at the mural, understanding where Namora was coming from. Wakanda had opened herself to other nation’s and their greed. Vibranium was a precious resource to both countries and he knew that countries like France and The United States wouldn’t understand, they only see the potential of how dangerous it could be. Namor also knew that they wanted to be the ones who held the power over their heads. He needed to plan this strategically if he wanted this partnership to come to fruition.
(Y/N) allowed a couple of days to pass before heading towards the river bank, leaving her kimoyo beads if Shuri were to track her. She creeped through the brushes, her head on swivel as she constantly checked around. “For a princess, your guards are incompetent, especially the taller one. Are those your best warriors?” She jumped, whipping around to see Namor’s smiling face. “Oh Bast,”She held her chest as he chuckled,”You’re very fast for someone’s structure.” “I cannot help it, my wings assist me in much of that, but I’m glad that I’m able to see you again.” She couldn’t help notice how close he was to her, his body heat radiated off of him even though he was drenched. 
“Your clothing….you’re older than what you appear, a couple of thousand years, perhaps?” Namor let out a hearty chuckle, at her guess and face; her round cheeks puffed out at the audacity of him to laugh in her face. “I’m closer to 500, where did you think that?” He teased, leaning closer to her as she stuttered, looking away as she tried to defend herself. “I…I’ve dealt with aliens and talking raccoons, who appeared older than me, but were younger, but 500? What exactly are you?” He appeared humanlike, minus the pointed ears and the wings on his ankles, along with enhanced abilities.
“I’m a mutant, close to 500 years ago, my mother and her people ingested a plant infused with vibranium, hoping it would cure the disease that Spanish conquistadores, but instead it turned their skin blue and gave them the ability to breathe underwater. At first, my mother refused because she didn’t know how it would affect me, but the priest convinced her otherwise. She prayed for a protector, having their homeland taken by the Spanish and having to start over, that’s when she was blessed. I was born, but I wasn’t like the typically Talokanil, I could absorb the oxygen from the air as well the sea, that’s why named me K’uk’lkan.” 
Her eyes widened at the mention of vibranium, giving him a skeptical look. “Vibranium? It only occurs in Wakanda, how would that be even possible?” “Vibranium is rich within the Atlantic Ocean, my people use it for everything from tools to our homes, why do you think Wakanda is the only place who has it? My necklace is made of vibranium along with my belt.``True to his word, it glowed a deep royal purple, the tell-tale sign of its true nature. Namor tilted his head, curious as he twisted a loc on his finger; (Y/N) was too deep into her thoughts to care. “That's what I've been told since I was child, that’s all I’ve known, the royal family don’t certain things to be taught or allowed in the city, it may be different for other tribes, but my mother made sure that our minds weren’t tainted by the outside world.” 
Her words said one thing, but eyes said another, denial and confusion, but mostly denial. “One day, I’ll bring you to Talokan and show you the city, see how vibranium is used by my people, it’s more antediluvian, we keep everything simple because once you become more advanced, I believe you begin to lose your edge. I would rather miss the bigger picture once, than continuously miss the smaller one.” (Y/N) gave him a look, crossing her arms over her chest. “But as king or a god, whatever you are, at one point, you’re going have to look forward. As royalty, our respective citizens expect us to have their best interests at heart and if we need to improve their lives by expanding and improving, that’s what we have to do.”
As the days bled into months as the season changed, (Y/N) snuck away more often just to steal a glimpse of Namor and vice versa, if she could spend hours listening to his voice, she could. The more she spoke with him, the more her heart wanted him. It was something about Namor and how he was able to work through her walls, shattering them one by one until she couldn’t hide anything from him. The fleeting touches and the lingering hand kisses only awakened a hunger in her that he could only sate. The council could tell she was much happier, which to some was suspicious. She wasn’t seen with anyone throughout the tribes, which irritated Ramonda, she was just happy that her daughter’s mood improved, well at least one of them. She was still trying to help Shuri; grief affected everyone differently, but she worried about her mental health. 
(Y/N) stepped through the entrance, scientists bowing their heads as she stepped through. “Shuri, would you like to come with me on a walk? It would be good for you to get some fresh air.” Shuri ignored her as she continued to run calculations as she barked orders at Griot. “I can’t, too much to do and not enough time.” “I understand that, but you cannot be your best if you’re not nourishing your body and that also goes for your mental health as well.” Shuri slammed down her tools as she glared at her younger sister.
“You’re just like my mother, always nagging.” (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed as she followed Shuri, barely holding her tongue. “What do you mean by that? Shuri, what’s happening to you? This isn’t you.” “Because I’m irritated that you’re walking around here, smiling and happy! Did T’Challa mean nothing to you!?” The scientist looked at her younger sister with tears in her eyes, Shuri was jealous, she struggled with the guilt, she couldn’t save her brother in time. She was one of the brightest minds in the world, she could solve any problem, but that She was also irritated by everyone who decided to move on, acting like the world didn’t stop.
“Shuri, he meant everything to me, he’s my brother no less like you are to him, but don’t lash out at me! Don’t you think I’m not suffering? That I don’t cry myself to sleep every night?” A heavy cloud settled between them, suffocating as they stared at each other. Technicians slowly sneaking out, knowing that they have no part in this conversation. “I know he’s with the ancestors, but he’s not gone. Death isn’t the end-” She barely dodged the tool coming at her, whipping around in disbelief. “What has gotten in your head?! Why are you acting like this!” 
Shuri kept raging on, destroying her lab as (Y/N) tried calming her down, stepping over broken glass. “Shuri, calm down before you hurt yourself!” Her ears felt itchy as the room became unbearably hot, the cool tile shifted into sand as the room melted into the Saraha desert. The sudden heat was suffocating as if the burning sand filled her lungs as she sank to her knees.“My child, my sweet child, the world hasn’t been kind to you.” (Y/N) couldn’t make out the language; she couldn’t make out anything as the light was blinding as the mysterious woman led her like mother to her calf.
Shuri had screamed for a doctor as she witnessed her sister collapse, barely breathing as she wheeled away. The news spread fast within Wakanda and the Jabari, M’Baku rushed towards the palace as the citizens crowded the walls. “What could’ve happened? A simple argument turning into this? Shuri, what actually happened?” Ramonda pressed as Shuri nervously bit her lip as she held herself, trying not to break down. “It was! It just got out of hand and threw some tools at her and then she asked me what was wrong, that's when she collapsed! I didn’t mean to cause her any stress-”
(Y/N) blinked away the sand as stepped into a temple, gaping at the symbols adorned across the walls. “Hieroglyphics…All of this is, but why me, I’m normal, I have no ties to any higher being-” “As my daughter you do, I dreamt of a child, a daughter after being trapped away for millennia. I watched my sons fade away into nothing, time is precious, but it can also be a curse. I held on as much as I could before I was forced to bestow my powers onto you, but I cannot hold on any longer.” She placed a palm on her forehead, whispering a prayer as her eyes glowed. “I don’t understand-” “You won’t understand until you have to, take my gifts and do good with them.” 
Her eyes flashed open as she felt around her body, connected to wires and an EKG machine. (Y/N) slowly climbed off of  the table as she walked towards the entrance. “Princess (Y/N), I advise you to stay and I’ll notify Queen Ramonda that you’re awake.” “No, it's fine Griot, just keep it a secret.” She muttered as she headed outside, sighing deeply as she laid back against the cool metal, her eyes fluttered shut as she slowly regained control of her limbs. 
Moon was high up, illuminating her path as she headed towards the river, humming softly as she played with the lotus necklace. The world seemed different, she could feel the energy from..everything. It wasn’t overwhelming, as if it was a calm stream in the middle of summer night. (Y/N) sighed in relief as she stepped into the water, her salvation–her oasis in the middle of the desert. Namor revealed him as he realized that it was his querido, welcoming in his arms, which she gladly took, giggling as he left small kisses across her throat. “I missed you, you collapsing would’ve never happened if you moved to Talokan with me.” Another kiss. “Never stress, only endless pleasure.” Her breath hitched as his rough hands slid underneath her gown, grazing the edge of her panties. “Let me give you that, In reina.” 
“Please, Na- K’uk’ulkan, please-” “I know, just trust me, okay?” He gently placed a mask, rubbing her hip as she inhaled the gas feeling her breathing slow. “You’re going to love my home and hopefully, you can call it yours one day.” He whispered, caressing her cheek as walked further into the ocean, whispering promises of pleasure. 
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE”S GONE?! SHE WAS IN A COMA AND SHE JUST WOKE UP AND LEFT?!” The council, Dora Milaje, Shuri flinched as Queen Ramonda shouted, demanding answers as she stared at Border Tribe, the so-called protectors. “We didn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary, she must’ve snuck out while we’re doing shift changes.” One of the members bowed his head in shame. Shuri was in the corner, trying to figure out where she went. “What about her kimoyo beads?” “She deactivated the video capture and the GPS, wiped it clean before she tossed it in the river.” Ramonda screamed, utterly gut-wrenching as she sank to knees. Losing two children so soon was something she didn’t want to happen, ordering anybody to look for her, because she was not resting until she was home safe and sound.
(Y/N)’s hands ruffled through the linen sheets as she came to, the bed was fit for a king, massive and absolutely comfortable. “Good morning, my beautiful beautiful (Y/N).” Namor stepped in,carrying a plate of food. “I wish I could show you everything, but you would be crushed by the pressure, the deeper we go.” He took a seat at the edge of the bed, smiling softly. Namor dreamt of this day many nights, the sight of his love in his realm, it awakened something deep within him. 
“I appreciate this, K’uk’ulkan, I honestly do, but I feel there’s more to this.” She pushed her empty plate away, watching him carefully. “That's why I'm drawn to you, come with me and I’ll answer any questions you have.” Gently taking her hand, Namor guided her to his mural, knowing it would be worth it to see the wonder in her eyes. “These paintings tell my story, over five hundred years worth of history, some of them also contain my wishes for the future as well.” 
Her fingers touched a depiction of a wedding, surrounded by loyal subjects and generals alike. Her gaze lingered on the bride, she wore traditional clothing, the finest fit for a queen,the red and the orange accentuating the green,blue and gold shades. “I dreamed of you centuries ago, I felt a connection when we first met, you were scared, but I could see the curiosity in your eyes. I don’t want to force you into-” (Y/N) placed her lips on his, silencing effectively. His body seized as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips were softer than he imagined. His hands gravitated towards her waist as he deepened the kiss, her hands cupping his face as she sought his lips out. “K’uk’lkan…” He pulled away, still gripping her hips as he looked into her eyes. “I want this, I want you and everything that comes with it, we can deal with the consequences later.” His smile became wider, kissing her temple. “I wanted to give you this,”He fastened the bracelet around her wrist,”It was my mother’s, it was made of the same plant that gave life to my people.” 
(Y/N) whipped around as the curtain fluttered open, her eyes widened as the blue woman stepped in, holding a bowl. “K’uk’lkan, Táan ts'o'oksik.(it’s ready)” She bowed her head, Namor gave his gratitude as he turned towards (Y/N). “Do you, Princess (Y/N) of Wakanda, accept this gift and my proposal to rule Talokan with me?” She looked between his hopeful eyes and the bowl, knowing she chose him, it would be permanent, there would be no going back. “I do.” His heart raced as she drank from the bowl. “Níib óolal, Namora.” He expressed his gratitude as he held (Y/N), slowly stepping into water as he waited for her rebirth.
“So we’re going to stand here and cry? Someone had to seen something, I’m not going to stand here and twiddle my thumbs, waiting for something to happen.” Okoye snapped as she slammed her spear into the ground. The elders began to bicker among themselves as Ramonda stayed silent. “Queen Ramonda, we’ve had an eyewitness, claiming that she was seen with an unknown man that had wings on ankles and escaped by diving underwater.” 
“You’re saying a fish man took (Y/N) and she didn't even struggle? What are you even saying?” The villager bowed to his knees, trembling in fear. “I’ve seen them multiple times, they seemed like we’re lovers. They would talk for hours until one of the guards came or one of them had to leave, but I did hear them plan for a night where he would sneak into the palace.” That’s when Ramonda glanced over at Shuri as she quickly typed on beads, pulling up surveillance footage. 
It showed (Y/N) guiding a man around the Dora Milaje, stopping periodically as they were afraid of being caught, she smiled as she ushered him into her room, giggling as he kissed her hands. “You’re going to get us in trouble, ko’oj.” M’Baku was flabbergasted as he watched the two lovers interact, it was always known that he had fondness for the adopted princess, his frown only deepened as they watched more footage, signaling that this has been going on for awhile. “This is highly upsetting, not only this man can sneak into Wakanda undetected, but Princess (Y/N) has been assisting him in doing so. This is treason, am I wrong?” That question immediately changed the mood within the chambers, as a mother, Ramonda wanted to see (Y/N)’s side, but she knew as queen that she needed to punish her for even entertaining this. 
“You’re not wrong, but I believe this man is manipulating her, (Y/N) is highly devoted to this country and she would never betray us like this.” Shuri spoke up in fear, looking around the council. “Shuri, Ayo is correct, but Wakanda comes first. By my decree, if Princess (Y/N) is found, she’s to be taken alive and she struggles,then you have permission to kill.”
Namor submerged their bodies as she suddenly awoke, gasping for air as she tried to find the nearest body of water. Breathing underwater as if it was second nature, she looked around before she took off, much to Namor’s delight. “Let me guide you, ko’oj.” She smiled as he interlaced their hands as he took them deeper. The ocean was truly terrifying, but there was a beauty to her as she discovered as her eyes began to adjust. Marine life unbothered by their presence as they swam past. “Is this?-” “Yes, this is Talokan, our home.” He smiled as her mouth fell open as her eyes landed on the underwater country, she couldn’t fathom a country this size hidden beneath the waves. The Talokanil slowly averted their attention to the pair as they made their way through the city, Namor smiling as she swam ahead, her curiosity contagious as she began to zip around.
Namor turned as he felt a tape on his shoulder, smiling as he faced Attuma, one of his trusted advisers.“K’uk’lkan, bienvenido tin wotoch, kin wilik ta taasaj le princesa wéetel.Ma' je'el in criticar u k'alt'aan, ba'ale' con cuidado le ba'ala' u yaantal consecuencias ti' le futuro.” (welcome home, I see you brought the princess with you. I can't be critical of your decision, but carefully, this may have consequences in the future.) Which made Namor roll his eyes, Attuma wanted the same as him; keep Talokan a secret from the surface dwellers, but Attuma never allowed himself to rest and relax. “Centrar k ti' u ma'alob te'ela', Talokan finalmente ti' jump'éel reina, ba'ax u k'áat u ya'al ti' le paalalo'obo' táan ti' le horizonte.Bey disfrutemos ti' in matrimonio tumen jump'éel áak'ab.” (Let's focus on the good here, Talokan finally has a queen, which means children are on the horizon. Let's at least enjoy my marriage for one night.) Attuma only nodded his head as he swam away to begin the marriage celebration. 
“In reina(My queen), let’s get you prepared for the ceremony for tonight, you still need to be fitted for your dress.” Leading her towards his favorite seamstress, (Y/N) looked through the dresses as Namor and the older lady conversed in their language. She rubbed her empty wrist, wishing she had her kimoyo beads with her. The seamstress glanced between the amount of fabric and her measurements, before nodding at Namor. It would be close, but she could make it work. “You’re going to look absolutely beautiful tonight.” She squirmed at his kisses, trying to swim away only to be caught. 
Namor sighed as he noticed the elders swimming towards them. “This is where we spend some time away from each other in preparation, it’s mostly meant for you, but the entire kingdom is getting ready for the wedding, just relax and enjoy being pampered. I’m sure one of the elders either knows wakandan or english, but that’s going to be my first priority, teach you the language.”  He placed a kiss on her cheek before he left.
Namor sighed as he entered the war room, Attuma and Namora with other warriors talking amongst themselves. “Yaan wáaj asuntos importantes u discutir?” (Is there important matters to discuss?) He questioned as he took his seat, Attuma and Namora shared a look before she spoke. “Taak ka'ach in felicitar a tuméen a matrimonio, ba'ale' in tuukultik le futuro.Podríamos yantalto'on formado jump'éel alianza yéetel Wakanda, ba'ale' ti' leti'ob binech in paach.Jach páajtal hayas arruinado jump'éel oportunidad.” (I wanted to congratulate you on your marriage, but I’m worried for the future. We could’ve formed an alliance with Wakanda, but you went around their backs. You may have ruined an opportunity.) “Ba'ax le ba'ala' tu ka'atéen. Ma' habrían aprobado le ba'ala', mantienen ti' le chicas encerradas yéetel puño hierro, ku ts'o'okole' ba'ax podríamos ofrecer. Xan k vibranium, páajtal manejar u bey mismos ti' le amenazas tuméen ts'o'ok u demostrado. Leti' táan destinada tin wiknal yéetel teene' ma' ka'ach u p'atik u jump'éel mortal ku interpusiera ichil leti' yéetel Teene'.” (This again? They wouldn't have approved of this, they keep the girls locked away with an iron fist, plus what could we offer? We both have vibranium, they can handle themselves from threats because they've proven that. She was destined for me and I wasn't going to let a mortal get between me and her.)
Namora narrowed her eyes, she was devoted to her country and her god, but she also knew he was starting to lose focus. “Kexi' a wilik ba'alo'ob tak k perspectiva, ba'ale' k kuxtal yéetel mukul tsikbal u permanecer ti' le anonimato kajnáalilo'ob le superficie Mantats' k'a'abéet u le yáax. Kexi' ka páajtal tokik k wa k'uchul le súutuko', K’uk’klan.” (I hope you'll be able to see things from our perspective, but our existence and the secrecy to remain anonymous from the surface dwellers should always come first. I hope you can defend us if the time comes.)
“Mantats' ts'o'ok in puesto u Talokan táanil utia'al tuláakal, teech ts'o'ok in guiado ichil siglos yéetel le revelador bix a cuestionando in Buka'aj u ba'al utia'al u ch'a' decisiones. Wa ba'al ts'o'oks u yúuchul ti' le futuro cercano, asumiré tuláakal le responsabilidad, ba'ale' tuméen bejla'e' permitir in beel ts'u'ut tuméen juntéene'.” (I've always put Talokan first for everything, I've guided you for centuries and it's telling how you're questioning my ability to make decisions. If something ends up do happening in the near future, I'll take full responsibility, but for now allow me to be selfish for once.) Attuma’s eye twitched from irritation, but he kept his mouth shut as he nodded his head. Namora wanted push this matter further, but with a swift kick in shin from the taller man made her fall quiet. 
(Y/N) sat in silence as she attended to, her nerves growing as they continued on, her locs were tied into neat bun as they placed Dahlias in her hair, a few framed her round face. “Jats'uts, tu yéeyaj ma'alob.” (Pretty, he chose well).” One of the older ladies said as she was fitted into her dress, she practically glowed underneath the bioluminescent algae, the coral orange faded into a burgundy as she twirled, smiling as they grew excited. They quickly fell silent as the same man from earlier entered the room. He only stared into her eyes as he stretched out his hand for her, guess it was time. 
The ceremonial drums began to play once they caught a glimpse of her, the Talokanil began to chant, very reminiscent of weddings in Wakanda.Dancers guided them as they chanted along, carefully watching the princess. “Phola.” (relax) Attuma could feel her nervousness, while he may not agree with the wedding, but he knew she had to be special if he chose her. Namor was adorned with regal attire with his headdress shining in the lights as he waited for her at the end. 
“Táan k reunidos utia'al u celebrar u unión u K’uk’lkan yéetel u xba'al, k ts'o'ok guiado fielmente ti' siglos, wilik k máak prosperar yéetel lolo'ob, ba'ale' Bejla'e' u taak u meentik k'ek'eno'. Cha' u le unión k traiga ya'ab bendiciones ti' venideros ja'ab. (We are gathered to celebrate the union of K’uk’lkan and his bride, he's faithfully guided us for centuries, watching our people thrive and flourish, but now it's his turn to do the same. Allow this union to bring us many blessings in the years to come.) The priest chanted as the Talokanil hollered as Namor fondly looked to her eyes, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. 
“Bejla'e', le presentará u x-ba'al jump'éel siibal meetmaj k'ab, jump'éel signo u lealtad yéetel dedicación ti' leti'. “(Now, the K’uk’lkan will present his bride a handcrafted gift, a sign of his loyalty and dedication to her.) Namor revealed a necklace similar to his, adorned with jade, rubies and pearls, along with vibranium as well with a matching ring, that resonates with vibranium within the necklace and (Y/N) graciously accepted his gift, beaming with pride as he fastened the necklace on. Namora kept a neutral face, but internally she wanted to object to this wedding. She felt her cousin made a decision that will have grave consequences for all involved. 
“Wa máak yaan mix objeción, ba'ax ken tijik u k'aab u matrimonio ka' jo'op' celebramos u unión..”(if no one has any objections, may they consummate their marriage as we celebrate their union.) The cheers of the Talokanil became deafening as Namor eagerly kissed (Y/N), one of his hands gripped the back of her as the other planted firmly on her hips. A whine was trapped in her throat as his tongue flickered across her bottom lip, her cheeks feeling warm at his chuckle, enjoying her shyness. 
Namor wasn’t wasting any more time as he took (Y/N) into his arms and headed towards his cave, whispering filthy promises into her ear, causing her to bury her face in his neck. With water pouches secured tight onto her, Namor guided her towards his bedroom, it was different. “This is the bed that we’re going to be sharing as equals.” He stated as he pulled her closer to him, passionately kissing her as his hands roam underneath her dress, soaking in her presence.
With quick hands, (Y/N) laid bare underneath, attempting to shield herself from his view, Namor sucked his teeth, pinning her arms down as he made his way in between her legs. “Don’t hide from me.” He left kisses across throat, groping her breasts, roughly twisting and pulling at her nipple as she withered underneath him. “I’ve been waiting for this night for months now, let me hear you, princess.” Dark marks bloomed against her rich umber brown skin as he trailed down her body, whining as she blindly grasped at the sheets. “P–Please, it-its too-” 
Namor suddenly rubbed her clit, relishing in her cries as he stimulated her body. “You’re a sensitive little thing, are you?” He teased, snickering as she hid her face. “It’s because I’m a virgin..” He paused for a moment before he manhandled her onto her hands and knees, pulling her pussy into his face as he assaulted her clit. (Y/N) cried out as she buried her face in the pillows, unable to even speak as the pleasure overwhelmed her, pushing her hips back as she sought something. 
“Just like that princess..” He mumbled, slowly pushing his thick finger into her, groaning as she clenched. He rubbed her hips with his free hand,”Relax, deep breathes..” He ignored his aching cock, knowing that he needed to be gentle, but the other part of his brain wanted to breed her until she was unconscious. After a moment, (Y/N) pushed her hips back, he gently flexed his finger, smiling as he extracted whines and moans from her. “Let your god know how good he’s making you feel.” She cried out as he brushed against something, it made her brain melt as she was unable to form words.“You’re going to be a good cockslut, aren’t you?” 
“YES! I’ll be a good cockslut for you!” Namor beamed with pride at the voice crack, gleeful that she was this thoroughly fucked out. He quickly slid his middle finger in, rapidly thrusting in, basking in her moans as she grasped onto the headboard. Her essence coated his goatee as he chased her high, sucking harshly on her clit as she withered on his fingers, crying as she tried to flee from his brutal pace. “No, you’re going to cum on my fingers and then I’m going to fuck you, now I’m not going to tell you again.” 
(Y/N) sobbed as she felt the knot snapping in her stomach, coming on his fingers as stars filled her vision, slumping against the bed. Namor stepped away, licking his lips as he took off his vibranium belt and tossing his shorts to the side. Her eyes snapped open as she felt bed dipped, turning onto her back, her heart started to race as he climbed in between her legs. “Is that supposed to fit inside of me?” He grinned as he jerked his cock, pushing against her entrance. “Breathe and relax for me, princess.” 
Namor’s hunger only grew as he pushed in, she wrapped around him like vice, sucking him and refusing to let go. Her jaw dropped as he pushed in, stretching her in ways that she thought it wasn’t possible. He allowed her to adjust to his sheer size, leaving kisses across her jaw as he held onto her hips before pushing the rest of his cock, panting as he thrusted into her, enjoying her nails rack against his back. The room reeked of sex, creating a daze as the pleasure clouded her senses. 
“Ono, you’re not passing out on me, we’re fucking until I’m tired.” She sobbed as his pace quickened, blindly grasping for his shoulders. Namor groaned as he continued his onslaught, knowing she’s going to have bruises on her hips in the morning. “Fuck, you’re so tight, so wet for your god, huh?” He knew he was going to remember this sight of her completely fucked out with flowers surrounding her. She sobbed as she weaky grasped at his wrist as he rubbed her clit, much to his disappointment. “Take your hand off, this is my pussy, I’m going to fuck it the way I want to.”Namor cursed as he felt his hips falter as she started to squeeze his cock, groaning as he buried his face in her neck, trying to stave off his orgasm. “Cum for me, In Reina, cum for a ajawo'.” He growled in her ear, furiously rubbing her clit. Her nails dug into biceps as she came, her screams echoing in the cave, flopping onto the bed. Namor cursed as he came, painting her walls white as it leaked onto the sheets, he chuckled tiredly before he flipped them over. (Y/N)’s eyes snapped open as Namor gyrated their hips together, he cackled at the look on her face. “I told you, I wasn’t stopping.”
10 months later
Queen Ramonda and Shuri sat among the riverbanks, it’s been one year since King T’Challa’s death, while the Queen burned her grieving robes while Shuri fought it. “I understand, it's hard, but T’Challa isn’t truly gone-” Shuri threw her an irritated look, shaking her head. “No, he’s gone, he’s not in the trees, in the wind, whatever you try to come with. I can’t act like everything’s okay when it’s not! (Y/N)’s gone and you don’t give a shit. T’Challa’s dead and you act it’s business as usual. I just can’t do it!” Queen Ramonda quickly rose to her feet. “Don’t you ever raise your voice at me, I’m still your-”
Ramonda grabbed a spear as a male figure stepped out of the water, pushing his hair back as looked around. “Wakanda is still beautiful, albeit nothing could compare to my home.” He muttered as his eyes fell onto the two women as they glared at him. “Who are you and how did you sneak past the barriers?” Ramonda questioned as she stepped towards him, ready to strike at any moment. “My allies call me K’uk’lkan, but my enemies call me Namor,” He stated as he stared at them ,”Depending on your decision, I can spare you from complete annihilation or along with the surface world, you’ll fall by my hand. Vibranium was found in the Atlantic ocean by the Amercians with a machine that could detect vibranium, but I destroyed it. I need the American scientist dead, because they’re going to go after her and make her build another one. If that were to happen, everyone is at risk, including my people. Your son’s selfish actions have endangered everyone and you owe us, Queen Ramonda. I trust you’ll make the correct choice, if not, be ready to bury your dead.”
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vneuns · 2 years
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PAIRING — Shuri x black!reader
WORD COUNT — idfk <3
SUMMARY — Y/n and Shuri take a trip to New York for a slice of pizza
NOTE(S) — HI MY BABIESSSS!!! it’s been way too long, this is my first piece of writing in months so bare with me pretty please, this isn’t much but i wanted to write Shuri and this came to mind. because new york pizza is absolutely fucking amazing.
reader speaks a lil italian
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“Why is it so cold?” Shuri complained as she stuffed her hands in the pockets of the coat you had leant her for the night being as that they didn’t need any in Wakanda. People hurried past the two of you eager to get out of the cold. Friday nights in the big apple what else could you expect. “Will you stop complaining where almost there,” You rolled your eyes as you hooked your arm through your girlfriends and put your hand in your pocket after doing so, so it wouldn’t freeze off.
You and Shuri had met when she’d went to practically kidnap your cousin from her dorm. You hadn’t seen her in a while and figured it was as good as a time as any and decided you’d go and visit your little cousin at her dorm, the same day your now girlfriend went to go and save her life.
“I don’t know what’s so good about this Pizza anyways, we have chefs from all over the world in Wakanda who could make the exact same thing, and better!” your eyes moved to the girl next to you before coming to a complete stop and turning towards the restaurant in front of you. There were people scattered all around at various tables, making conversation and enjoying their food. “Come on Princess,” a smile adorned your face as you dragged her into the family owned pizzeria and went to sit at your usual table in the corner.
Shuri looked around a bit confused as she sat down with furrowed eyebrows, taking off her jacket slowly and placing it on the empty side of the booth next to her. “I’ve watched enough American Television to know we’re suppose to wait to be seated.”
“You have Wakanda and I have Tony’s,” the second the name leaves your lips a man in about his late 50’s, in a white chefs coat exits the kitchen and makes a bee-line towards where you’re sitting. “Y/n!” He yells cheerily and engulfs you in a big hug. The two of you rock back and forth for a minute before Tony pulls away his hands going to your face. “You start seeing royalty and suddenly Tony’s spazzatura (garbage)!” Shuri sits quietly watching the interaction between the two of you, intrigued to say the least. Pulling away you shake your hand putting your hand out towards Shuri turning slightly towards her.
“Tony this is la mia principessa (my princess) Shuri. Shuri this is my uncle Tony.” The princesses eyebrows raise in question trying to find the resemblance between the two of you. “The term Uncle being used loosely, Tony would feed me when I was in my broke college student phase-“
“She came in here everyday with five dollars got herself a slice of plain cheese pizza and a cup of coke. She’d hog this exact table until closing.” A smile found its way onto your girlfriends face at the thought of you sitting in this exact spot a few years younger surrounded by books. “It is very nice to meet you, Tony” Tony looked over at you with a confused expression when Shuri stood up and offered him her hand to shake.
“What’s she doing?”
“She’s waiting for you to shake her hand,”
“Well I see that, but why?”
“Because it’s a sign of politeness and respect Tony.” Your elbow made contact with his side as you nudged him forward a bit. You stifled a laugh as you watched Tony take her hand and shake it as if it was a foreign thing, before ultimately pulling her into him and wrapping his arms around her.
“Welcome to the family kid.” Tony told her as he pulled away giving her a pat on the back. You watched the interaction between two of your favorite people. “So what can I get you lovely ladies?”
“One large pie and two sprites please.” Tony nodded headed back in the direction of the kitchen as the two of you took your seat.
“A pie? I thought we came for pizza,” Shuri quizzed her head slightly titled like a puppy. “It’s a term we use for an entire six or eight slices of pizza.” The princess nods thanking the waiter when he comes back and places your cups of soda in front of you both.
“So tell me why again we had to fly all the way out to New york city to get pizza.” She leans forward taking a sip of the soda from her straw before pulling back immediately with a turnt up face. “What the hell is that!” You can’t help but laugh as you place a straw in your own cup and take a sip shaking your head softly.
Shuri’s eyebrows furrow as she raises her top lip slightly. “Taste like battery acid.” After a few minutes of mindless conversation about what the princess has been working on in her lab, the pizza finally arrives and is sat on the table between the two of you.
“Are we suppose to eat all of this by ourselves?” You nod happily pulling a piece from the pie and taking a bite. Your eyes roll back and a moan leaves your lips. “I already don’t like it.” You place your pizza back on the plate a frown on your lips as you chew the rest of the pizza in your mouth.
“B-but you haven’t even tried it yet.”
“I should be the only one making you make noises like that.” Your eyes widen in surprise at your girlfriends bluntness and serious expression. “Just one bite.” your bottom lip hits out knowing your girlfriend could never resist.
“Fine.” Shuri rolls her eyes as she pulls the greasy slice off the tray and eyes it suspiciously. Her mouth opens slightly taking a small bite off the tip of the pizza. You watch as she keeps a stock expression as she eats the pizza; When she finishes she takes a sip of the sprite ‘battery acid’ and wipes her fingers on one of the napkins placed in front of her. “Well…”
“I think I’d enjoy a Tony’s in Wakanda.”
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fairyringsandwings · 11 months
Namor Wanted To Marry Shuri - Theory/Meta
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Ramonda Vs Shuri Interactions
The Talokanil Breathing Apparatus
The Line 'Nothing.'
Non-Political Motivations
Evidence 1 - Ramonda vs Shuri Interactions
The way that Namor interacts with both of these characters is very revealing. In order to acquire an alliance, Namor should be trying to foster a good relationship with the reigning monarch, which was Queen Ramonda. But this isn't what Namor does. Instead, he is disrespectful to Ramonda, but goes above and beyond to impress and convince Shuri.
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When Namor arrives in Wakanda to confront Ramonda and Shuri, he completely ignores Ramonda's first demand for answers about who he is and how he got into Wakanda. He got past their shields, their greatest defence. He has appeared at times of heightened international conflict. And he was wearing vibranium, a material that only Wakanda was meant to have. This is a man who has sunk ships and killed people for getting close to his Kingdom, he knows how alarming and stressful his presence there is and the onslaught of worries and questions that will be racing through Ramonda's mind.
Yet he acts nonchalant, too busy complimenting Wakanda rather than calming the understandably distressed Queen. Why ignore and disrespect the woman he should be trying to befriend? Arrogance? Foolishness? Or had he already come to the conclusion that Ramonda would never agree to an alliance with him, so didn't bother wasting time with niceties to her?
Side Note: I am convinced Namor has a sophisticated spy network and that's how he was able to decide who he wanted an alliance with. In the original script, it's mentioned that The Talokanil are tapping into fibre optic wires and that that's how they're getting information about the surface world. It's probably one of the ways he learns about Wakanda, as I think he would do a lot of research on the country and its rulers before seeking an alliance.
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Shuri on the other hand, Namor treats with nothing but respect. When she asks for an audience with him, he grants her it rather than simply keeping her as a political hostage in a dungeon. He gifts her a beautiful dress covered in jade which is a valuable resource to his people. He could have left her in her normal clothes or even put her in worse as a means of a power play to make her feel less confident, but instead, he allowed her to meet him dressed as royalty. That shows he respects her and her position.
Namor then explains to her Talokan's origin and his past. He takes her to his Kingdom, allowing Shuri to be the first surface dweller to ever see it. He does all this to help Shuri understand 'what he has to protect'. This was a very risky move as someone as intelligent as Shuri would have the opportunity to learn about his people and discover potential weaknesses that could be used against them. Considering he's planning on going to war with the surface, that is not information he wants getting out. Yet he takes that risk to try and convince Shuri and make her see his reasoning. He respects her enough to try and convince her and he even listens to her opinion even if he isn't persuaded by her.
He then gifts Shuri his mother's bracelet. His mother Fen who has long since passed away and what few possessions he has of her are all that he has left to remember her by. This is a royal heirloom. A piece of his family. This is not something given away to just anyone.
Namor treats Shuri and Ramonda differently. He is respectful, playful, comforts Shuri over her grief with her brother's death and explains the situation of his Kingdom in depth, none of which he does for Ramonda.
Why does he do this? Because Shuri is the Crown Princess of Wakanda, the Heir to the throne, and someone he thinks is more likely to join him or 'burn the world' with. One day, she'll be Queen. If he can convince her to marry him, then not only does he have some sway over Wakanda but if they were to have children, that influence will carry out across the centuries. He would be securing a very powerful ally for a very long time.
Evidence 2 - Talokanil Breathing Apparatus
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I think Namor always intended to capture Shuri so that he could try and convince her to join him. The Talokanil wear breathing apparatuses that allow them to breathe on land, BUT, they also allow people to breathe underwater.
Now why would they have technology like that? They're planning on going to war with the surface world. Surface world underwater technology is not the greatest, so if they were to get their hands on these masks, it would be very useful in battle and thus is not something the Talokanil want falling into enemy hands.
Why do they have them then? The only reason could be that they were planning on taking a hostage. It could have been Riri, but if they only wanted Riri why were there multiple breathing apparatuses that could work on land and sea? They were planning on taking more than one person.
Evidence 3 - Nothing
The line 'Nothing' is spoken when Namor and Ramonda meet on the beach to discuss Shuri. If Namor wanted an only alliance and not one specifically with Shuri, then this was his opportunity to demand it.
He has The Crown Princess, Heir to the Wakandan throne, the Head of The Wakandan Design Group and the world's most intelligent person, within his grasp. She'll have useful intel on Wakanda, intel they don't want anyone getting a hold of. Shuri is one of the most valuable hostages that Namor could ever ask for and the key to getting his alliance. Ramonda offered him anything for her daughter's return. And instead of asking for an alliance, he says he wants nothing.
At this point, he has no plans of making an alliance with Wakanda through Ramonda. He only wants one if it's through Shuri. Why else would he be keeping her in Talokan? It serves no other purpose.
Evidence 4 - BPWF Photo Caption
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In BPWF Movie Special Book, in the caption of the top image, it says this, "Seeking Kinship and support, Namor gifts his mother's bracelet."
KInship shows that Namor wanted to form a close bond with Shuri. One way he could acquire this is through marriage. uniting their Kingdoms, becoming one people, one family creating a kinship. It would secure his nation a powerful ally for centuries if they have children.
This also shows it's not Namor being manipulative as some people like to say. He was genuine in his attempts to bring Shuri to his side. He wanted kinship and support. A true ally. Someone who would have his back as he would have theirs.
Evidence 5 - Not All Political
Namor's pursuit of Shuri is not all political. He has been described in various media as being 'Charmed' and 'Smitten' by Shuri. In the script, he's constantly smiling at her, especially in the original.
He seems to be a man of his word, yet can't follow through when it comes to Shuri. He promised Ramonda he would come to Wakanda and kill her if she betrayed him, which she did and he stayed true to his word. He also promised to kill the Princess but when he had the opportunity - TWICE - he didn't do it. He could have killed her on the aircraft before she took the herb, but he didn't. He could have speared her in a way that would instantly kill her in their final battle, but he didn't. He even tells her 'it could have been different.' Why say that unless he genuinely wanted it to be different.
In Conclusion
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camilaxmartin · 2 years
Hey, can i request a shuri x afab reader where the reader is an avenger sent after tchallas death to help protect wakanda(preferably a superhero with wings or something like that) and shuri falls in love with her and they both confess at the same time after reader gets jealous of riri. Please. Thank you <333
ღ the scientist II
hi! thank you so much for requesting this! i changed it a bit so i could fit it into the story, i hope you don’t mind that much, but this idea was just stuck up in my head and your request captured it almost ideally!
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navigation // request // me and find the rest!
summary: shuri meets riri and the reader gets jealous of riri (the confess part is gonna be in another part)
notes: that’s the awaited part two! i hope you enjoy!
part one // part three // part four
all tree of you get out of the car at the parking of your workshop. there was a light turned on inside, you could see it through one of the windows. she was there.
you quickly passed shuri and okoye being the first one to enter. with a slight amount of strength, you pressed the handle and in no time you smelled home.
opening door for the two women you get out of the way for them to come in and also going fast to your stand looking for the thing you originally came here for.
shuri was literally amazed when she saw everything that you and your friend were working on there. she couldn’t pull away her eyes.
“yo” suddenly you heard a voice. you knew it’d finally happen.
“hey” you responded. shuri and okoye were standing in a line with a confused looks on their faces, a really precious picture if i’m gonna be honest.
“woo, whose that?” your friend asked finally emerging from her stand.
“that’s shuri, princess of wakanda and her friend who’s also her bodyguard” you explained to the poor girl.
“hey” shuri greeted herself and riri immediately smiled at her.
“hi princess” she greeted too and you not intentionally rolled you eyes at her words. you haven’t noticed you were being watched.
“YOU BUILT THIS?” shuri scream looking up and seeing riri’s armor.
“yea, almost everything in here was built by us.” she responded looking really proud.
“you guys are incredible.” shuri said still not pulling away her eyes.
“geniuses.” okoye commented also looking around.
you finally approached your stand and turned on your computer with all your plans and everything inside.
“you keep such important plans on your laptop?” okoye asked you looking very concerned.
“you wouldn’t have a chance breaking into it.” you said feeling a little bold.
“imagine forgetting one of those passwords.” shuri laughed watching all of your works.
“there was this one time,” riri replied, catching shuri’s attention. “i forgot it, and spend a whole semester breaking into my own account” she laughed at which shuri just smiled.
you felt your blood boiling. even though you didn’t know why.
“that’s what happens when you’re forgetful.” you sarcastically smiled at your best friend.
“why so mean?” riri asked which came out more rhetorical. you huffed. okoye on the other hand, smiled to herself watching this whole interaction.
“how long did it take you to build this?” shuri asked her, pointing to the armor under the metal ceiling.
“almost my whole life.” she replied also looking up at it. “the work of my life.” she laughed and shuri did the same.
“without stark’s plans you’d have nothing.” you said sounding more mean that you wanted.
“that’s half true tho.” riri responded not catching or just ignoring your tone. “but help is always appreciated right?” she said smiling and shuri just nodded.
“you also have a lot of talent i mean, without it you’d be nowhere.” shuri replied looking at riri with pure excitement. similar to the look she gave you when you were at the campus.
“to be young, gifted and black, right?” riri said, which earned her a chuckle from okoye and a bright smile from shuri. oh, and another roll of your eyes but they probably haven’t noticed that.
“it’s beautiful.” shuri said turning around and glueing her eyes to the motorcycle.
“one of my works.” riri replied claiming everything you did on it, to herself.
“you wish.” you whispered but everyone in the room heard you.
“don’t even think about it shuri.” warned okoye seeing the glint in shuri’s eyes.
“of course i won’t.” she responded shrugging her shoulders like it’s the clearest thing on the planet.
“y/n helped a bit with renovation but making it work was all me.” riri said, lying again.
“you sure about it?” you asked taking out the keys from your pocket and pushing one of the buttons you had attached to your pendant. the motorcycle immediately got to work and started making noise. you then quickly turned it off.
“fine. she helped a bit.” riri said with a rather jokingly tone. “but! i was the one to even bring it here” she said which was also half true.
“okaaay.” you said feeling the need to end this conversation and wanting all the attention to be directed back at you. “now i just need to find the file and we’ll be done.” you said like it was the most important thing you’ve ever said.
“great.” said okoye. “then we can head back to wakanda finally.” she added feeling the need to make her statement.
“you didn’t say anything?!” riri shouted coming up to you and hitting your arm. “an adventure in wakanda! girl, what happened when i was here?” she said not believing your words.
“yeah, yeah, i would prefer to be in class right now.” you said, eyes still glued to the screen.
“i’m not believing ya.” she said gesturing. “you are in for something you probably won’t forget till the end of your days. how could you pick school over it?” she asked rhetorically but you wanted to answer so bad, so you did.
“school has something to do with my future.” you responded harshly.
“you say that like this wouldn’t have something to do with you future.” she said directing her attention to shuri again. you didn’t quiet catch what she meant.
“i can’t believe you got access to those plans” shuri said suddenly breaking your conversation. she come up to the big board with so many papers sticked to it and started reading everything. riri was next to her in no time and wanted to explain everything but shuri didn’t let her. “i would love to work with these one day.” she said touching one of the papers wanting to look under it. riri wanted to show her more of the plans so she also touched the paper. suddenly their hands met while grabbing one of them. riri quickly looked at shuri and a small blush was creeping up on her face while she took her hand away the fasted you have ever seen. your attention which was directed at the two of them from the time they started standing before the board, came back to the laptop screen pretending to be searching for the file hard. you heard okoye laugh at the whole situation.
“oh princess.” she started and you knew it wasn’t gonna be good. “i think you should come to the city more. the girls here are pretty crazy about you.”
and you lost it.
impetuously you closed the computer getting everyone’s attention once again. “done.” you smiled sarcastically and this time riri rolled her eyes at you. you knew she wasn’t seriously mad it was just for the act. you came up to okoye handing her the laptop.
“great we can go ba-“ okoye started but at the same time all of us heard a siren. a police siren.
“you brought FBI and police to our place?!” riri screamed and shuri automatically shut her mouth putting a hand on it.
“riri, use the secret door. i’ll see you when i’m back.” you said worried. she nodded and quickly came up to you, for a hug. you squeezed her tight and then let her go watching as her posture disappears behind the little door.
“i thought it’d be peaceful for once.” you exhaled while grabbing all the papers from the board and thrusting then into a can, to burn them.
“girls get in to the car, we need to be fast.” okoye said walking to the car.
“be careful please!” you shouted not caring for a moment about people outside. “it’s… special.” you said and shuri nodded at your words.
“of course.” she said walking up to the car too, and attaching something to it. you turned on the torch and just threw it to the can with papers.
“i’m not going with you.” you stated and both women looked at you with shock.
“y/n you need to g-“ you interrupted okoye.
“no. i’m still going with you two i’m just gonna try something.” you explained clicking one of the buttons on your desk. suddenly the ceiling opened even more to expose something you were working almost all your life on.
“that must have taken you all your life” shuri said amazed by you again. “and tell me you also built it alone and i’m gonna throw hands.” she said immediately looking up and seeing metallic wings attached by strings to the final window on the ceiling.
“it took only like eighteen years.” you smiled and pushed another button making wings not so slowly come down to the height you were able to take them off the strings and put on your back.
“open the gate for us.” shuri demanded and you did just that, loving how you could finally use almost all of the buttons.
“okay, now, shuri get in.” okoye said sitting behind the wheel.
“i’m sorry okoye but we’ll catch up! griot drive!” she quickly said and the engine get to work.
“yes princess” the al answered her.
“shuri!” okoye screamed while being driven away from your workshop.
“she’ll be fine.” shuri said to you and you smiled at her, putting on your wings.
“i’m certain.” you smiled even more and shuri quickly came up to you. you weren’t sure what was happening.
“now, have this.” shuri said putting something behind your ear. “it’s a tracker so you can be in touch with us all the time.” she said and her hand cupped your cheek for a bit. she was looking right into your eyes and you felt like you’re gonna melt any moment now. she smiled seeing the blush forming on your face.
“thank you princess.” you said the only thing that came up to your mind at that moment. she licked her lips still smiling and suddenly took her hand away going towards her desired machine.
“now let’s go, we need to escape them.” she said hopping on the motorcycle and immediately starting it, which you weren’t sure how she did it. but besides that, you didn’t need to be told twice. shuri drove right out of your workshop and in no time you flew after her.
you couldn’t believe you were finally using your wings. the thing you worked most of your life on and one of your biggest dreams. it was like a dream come true, literally.
all of the action were happening so fast you didn’t know how you could catch up. but you did. and you did it excellent.
after shooting down the huge drone you landed on the bridge; the place all three of you were supposed to meet up again. and right in the moment when your feet were about to touch the ground you felt an unimaginable pain in your ankle. and it that moment - everything went black.
@retirement-home @mrsmunsonlaufeyson @lololo392 @liliana-byers @originalcollectionpirate  @jeniyona-ame
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angelsmist · 1 year
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prompt: your sister, princess afia and princess shuri had been placed into an arranged marriage. this did not work in your favor, because of your secret feelings towards shuri. soon, it grew into hatred, and you and shuri could barely be in the same room without some type of argument ensuing. but, that tension’s gotta be released somehow…
contains: kinda smut towards the end, but not really in detail
authors note: thank y’all for the love on the first part omg 😭 i don’t write full on smut i’m sorry but i’ll still continue this storyline cause it’s fun writing tensionnn
also please lmk what you’d like to see from this story in requests!!
tags - @ziayamikaelson @nil-eena @taleiakirby @remwritess @letitias-fav @szalipcombo @noneofyabuisnezs @luxuriouslokistan-3 @prettymuchboodup @miiyafantasy @realaffatar @slytherin-34
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it had been around two weeks since your interaction with shuri, and it constantly replayed in your mind since the night it happened. everytime you saw her, that was all you could think about. she knew it, too. she could tell the effect she had left on you, and she loved it.
she was gaining dominance, and you absolutely hated it. the bickering between you two was always leveled, but she was now slowly raising above you. you refused to let that happen.
you needed the chance to gain the upper-hand.
lucky for you, the opportunity came up pretty soon. your parents had sent you and afia to wakanda to socialize or something like that. you two were used to it. sometimes shuri or t’challa would be the ones to come to your nation, and vice versa. in this case, you and your sister were in wakanda.
you hadn’t intended to see shuri any more than you needed to. you hated the arrogant laughs you’d receive from the princess every time you shrunk under her gaze.
so, when you received a call from Kimoyo Beads that were gifted to you from the nation, you were more than surprised to see it was from shuri.
she had informed you that she was working on something in the lab, but was stumped on one thing. she knew that you’d be a great assistance with the obstacle and required your help.
originally, you were going to decline. but it was almost twelve in the morning. so it wouldn’t be unusual if you showed up in pajamas that were somewhat distracting. just as a retaliation to what happened before.
you wore black shorts with white lines tracing on the hem of them. your thick thighs were just the icing on the cake to go with the way it made your butt pop. to go with the shorts, you wore a flowy, white crop top that stopped just above your belly button. normally, you would just wear any random clothes to sleep as long as they were comfortable, but clearly, this was not a normal situation. your hair was packed messily into a ponytail.
you entered shuri’s lab and realized the only two people left were already getting ready to pack up and leave. perfect.
griot spoiled the fun for you and informed shuri of your presence.
“princess shuri, princess (name) is approaching.”
her body slowly turned away from the table she was seated at to look at you. she still held the same confident smirk she always had since that night. well, until your appearance registered in her head.
you continued to act clueless about the fact that her eyes were looking everywhere except for your gaze. you made your way over to the stool she was at, clearing your throat. “it’s late shuri. this better be important.”
“uhh,” she dragged out, trying to stay focused on the task at hand. “the details are, uh, on that tablet.”
you hummed in acknowledgment, mindlessly picking up the device from the table, swiping upwards to get the information displayed as a hologram in front of the two of you.
you bent one knee slightly to rest your body on it, knowing it’d get some type of reaction out of shuri.
“okay, so, from my understanding, you’re trying to fix the vibranium gauntlets? killmonger attacked a while ago. why now?”
“not that i owe you an answer, but i was still recovering from the blip. remember that?” her last words had clear sarcasm in them.
“obviously,” you retorted. the blip was a time you did not like to bring up. fortunately, you didn’t have to endure the pain of losing your loved ones for five years, but it was hard to adjust to.
that was almost two years ago, and you preferred to leave it in your past.
shuri brought out the gauntlets from under the table carefully, setting laying both of them out in front of you. she pointed at the actual lethal part of the gauntlet. “erik crushed this part. i was able to put back together, but they don’t work. i can’t figure out why.”
you stared at the gauntlets momentarily. after that, you sauntered over to the hologram of the schematics. you were aware that shuri had a perfect view of your backside. still, you refrained from letting even the tiniest smile show on your face.
“i think you underestimated just how much damage killmonger did to this. maybe you’ll just have to remake the blaster part of the gauntlet. but of course you didn’t consider that, did you?”
when she didn’t answer, you turned around to see what had her occupied. apparently, it was you. she was out of her stool and much, much closer to you. once again, you bit back a smile, looking slightly upwards to meet her eyes. “did you hear me, princess?”
“you think i don’t know what you’re doing?” she inquired, taking a threatening step towards you. you could tell she had already began to trying to get control by the look in her eyes. but you knew that she wouldn’t get to. not this time.
“enlighten me,” you replied.
she let out a scoff at your fake obliviousness. shuri took yet another step. “you come into my lab, dressed like that, and expect me not to see through your act?”
you placed a hand on your hip. “i’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but normally, people are asleep by twelve in the morning. i simply just didn’t feel like changing.”
the udaku let out a sigh of frustration. you couldn’t tell if she was actually upset or just sexually upset. or both.
“is this about the other night? did i leave you feeling some type of way?”
“i think you’ll have to remind me of what you’re referring to,” you teased, raising an eyebrow. to even the field, you took a step towards her.
you didn’t actually expect her to reply. you thought she’d just make a face. “you know…the night where you almost kissed me.”
your jaw dropped a bit. you were offended “me? i almost kissed you? you’re the one who brought your face towards mine. you wanted me to kiss you.”
“and yet i’m the one who walked away,” she grinned. you dropped your head, averting her gaze. you didn’t have anything to say to her, seeing as she wasn’t wrong.
you must’ve been staring at the floor for a few seconds. your attention was grabbed when you saw someone else’s shoes come into your view.
you looked up, knowing who they belonged to. shuri tilted her head, looking almost sorry. she was maybe a foot away from you.“nothing to say? no comeback, or insult for me?”
maybe this could still work in your favor. you moved your head forwards to her face, narrowing your eyes. “what happened was a mistake. i can assure you it won’t happen again.”
“i’m not sure you actually mean that,” she said, bringing her face closer to yours as well.
you just needed her to do one thing. just one thing and you could call it a nights just…one thing.
when you saw her brown orbs finally drop to your lips, you let the smile you had been hiding this entire time slip.
she was so close to you. so close. that’s when you knew you had won this match. satisfied, you moved your body backwards, ready to walk away from princess. you were done for the night.
but apparently, shuri was not.
you felt her hand grip onto your wrist, preventing you from moving any further. the girl was certainly stronger than she looked.
she brought you into her chest. then, she used her finger to lift your jaw up to look her in the eye. “don’t ever think for a second that you could make me fold.”
with that, she hungrily dived onto your lips. the sudden action made you take a step or two back, but shuri chased your face the entire time, not letting your lips lose contact with hers.
you had about a million alarms going off in your head, many of them drenched with guilt. but shuri was like a drug, and you couldn’t get enough.
you gasped quietly when you felt her cold hands trail up your torso. they moved upwards, eventually reaching beneath your loose shirt. shuri used the gasp you let out as an opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth.
her hands dropped back down to the lower side of your body, making their way to your thighs. she softly tapped the both of them, pushing you against a glass table that was behind you. you understood what she was trying to get you to do, so you hopped onto the table with her help.
once you were on the table, shuri finally took her lips off yours, making her way down to your neck. you took this as an opportunity to speak. “my sister-”
she stopped kissing your neck almost immediately, making you suddenly feel bare.
she looked you in the eye, and you couldn’t see anything but lust beneath them. “your sister doesn’t care what we do.”
you had a lot more to say, but you didn’t. as wrong as it felt to be doing this, you didn’t wanna stop. she started back onto your neck, sucking harder than before.
“don’t you dare leave a mark,” you warned, trying to stifle the sounds you wanted to make feeling her mouth on your collarbone.
shuri spoke against your skin, making your insides tingle and send shivers down your spine. “shhh.”
she moved back up to your lips, rougher this time. her lips tasted amazing. you were dreading the end of whatever this was. the princess tugged at your shirt, silently asking you to remove it.
it came off easily, and as soon as it was removed from your body, she grabbed it and hurled it across the room.
“just so you know, this is a one-time thing,” you breathed out before lunging for her lips like she was water in a desert.
you could feel her smile against your lips. “you and i both know that’s not true.”
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Loveless - (5)
<<<Prev Next>>>
Pairing: Namor and Shuri
Word count: 1500
Warnings: none
Chapter 5
She stood outside the throne room, eavesdropping on M’Baku’s attempt at easing the elders. “How can we be sure there will not be another invasion again?”, one elder spoke. “I told you then, we should have given them the scientist.”, a lady voiced her opinion. “One at a time, all of you act like bickering children.”, M’baku was loosing his patience. There was silence. “The black panther needs to be here.”, conversation picked up again. “The last time we didn’t have our protector, our kingdom was almost lost.”, another raised their concern. “The black panther will return.”, M’baku eased the council while she knew he was buying her time. “When?”, they demanded and she heard him huff. “Soon.”, he lied and she knew it was time, an additional second meant M'baku will be devoured by pestering questions. She signed for the doors to be opened and the guards rammed their spears into the ground.
The sound reverberated through the floor as the doors swung open, the mid afternoon light illuminating her golden gown, she felt powerful. Like she held the power of light, once filled with the burning embers of revenge but now the cracks were beginning to seal in and when her soul felt whole, she began to shine. Her light had always been within. The throne room had been restored, the place her mother sat, was now held by M'Baku‘s large frame, his legs sprawling across the floor in front of him. The elders were stunned and were rendered speechless as she stood in the door way.
She walked towards the throne as she smiled at M’Baku’s relief. “Did I not give you my word?”, he addressed the gathering, his hands outstretched towards her as she took a seat to his right. Everyone settled into their seats feeling content, the atmosphere of tension had now been aired out. But a ripple through the space around her reached out when she sensed another presence, eyes that had been trailing her movement from the moment she entered. She turned, her eyes locked with the prince of the world below. “Princess.”, he revered her and dipped his head, his expression stoic and yet calm. His eyes held a glimmer like sea glass on sea shores. Looking around the now elevated members of the Wakandan council she realized that he did tell her the truth, of her presence being missed. She acknowledged his gesture with a curt nod and turned to the elders around her.
He tried to keep his focus on the topic of discussion but his eyes kept wandering back to the golden shimmer next to the Wakandan king. She was here, his attempt at distancing himself from her was back firing. “We need to strengthen our defenses.”, he heard the conversation shift and his annoyance stirred. He was seated right there, promising not to attack his allies and yet he was treated like a stranger, his words falling on deaf ears. He hardly participated unless a question was asked, which was rare. They hated him and he knew it. “My people are restless.”, he spoke out of turn. Their attention narrowed down on him.
“They believe this alliance gives Wakanda the power over us, to do with us what you wish according to your terms.”, he elaborated. “Should I presume that to be true?”, there was an edge to his voice, he looked around at the angered faces and finally settled on her, her face devoid of emotion, calculating his words. “How dare he be here and question our motive?”, the elders raged and M’Baku roared. “Quiet.”, he silenced them once again like a tired teacher. They fell back into their well practiced silent murmurs. He was wasting his time, he forced this to work and it wasn’t remotely going in the way he wanted it to. He grew impatient and tired, unable to fix this issue, unable to get people see past their differences. This was the problem of having been away from any form of social interaction apart from his own people, he wasn't well versed with court politics or sweet talking. He cut to the chase, where there is an issue there had to be a solution. He felt drained, partly by the strength it took to be polite and the other from having been away from the water.
She watched as he tapped his foot, his gaze now struck with annoyance. She had helped him plenty. She wanted to be selfish, but she remembered what her mother told her from the ancestral plane. “Show them who you are.”. She composed herself and rose from her place causing for everyone to quiet down. Namor tracked her as she walked to the middle of the room, “Are we not doing the same? Questioning their motives.”, she asked. “If we want this to work.”, her eyes caught his. “We have to look past our differences.”.
He was at the edge of his seat, she saw through him, echoing his thoughts as though their minds were connected. “We have to share our positives and work through our negatives.”, M’baku hummed to her reasoning. “That day on the battlefield, we became one, brothers and sisters in arms. That cannot work if we ourselves work progressively to tear each other down when the world outside is trying to do the same.”, a hush fell over the people gathered. “What are you suggesting, princess?”, he asked her, forgetting about everyone else, his voice cut through the quiet, she turned to face him.
His thoughts were loud enough for her to hear. He wanted to know what’s next, he moved at inhuman speed, his strategies precise and defined. Everything had to be in place, there cannot be a sense of disruption. She could not risk having to fight him again. The more time they wasted fighting each other, wasting resources and losing life, meant the world outside was waiting to come pick up the pieces of what would be left behind. It could have all been avoided through a peaceful agreement before, if only she was given the time to do so. For the sake of her people’s safety and his, she had to be the one to reach out first, to make this alliance work and grow stronger, that it did not rest on the shoulders of the black panther and the submariner, but in the hands of the people.
“Our technology can be shared. Vibranium is the core component of our kingdoms, we learn from each other, widen our scope.”, she shared her idea only to be surprised to see, his gaze had softened. “The Talokans will teach the Wakandans our way of under water battle.”, he added on. “Eliminating secrets between us will lessen the strain of being allies.”, he spoke along with her. His tone soft, through the haze of politics and games, there was a pebble of truth. “We learn from the past, remember our losses and move together as one, into the future.”
He felt her words sink in, her focus on him as she said it. He sat back, the memory fighting it’s way back to the surface, the throne room he sat in dissolved into the chaos he had created before. Glass shattered, floor flooded, the throne toppled as he hovered. But now, it was only him and her, repurposing what he said to inspire and motivate. That after all the pain, she emerged stronger than before. While he sat there, having nightmares of what he had done, pacing the sea with the loss of peace and agonizing remorse, the pieces he held together for five centuries now coming apart. That he had become the very thing that caused his mother's heart to break. His proactive and vengeful ways causing the first woman who showed him kindness to deal with irreparable damage.
The meeting was adjourned, he lingered. M’baku left the room and as the elders filtered out he made his way to her, like a fish swimming against the current. Every step he took, he cursed himself. “Princess.”, he called for her, unsure. “May we speak?”, he asked. She sent away the person she was speaking to and joined him. “Thank you.”, he told her. But before he could carry on, she stopped him. “I did not do this for you. I did it for my people and yours.”, she spoke and he clasped his hand behind his back, putting enough distance between them. “I vouched for your protection. You said you were trying and it made me realize, I wasn’t.”, She led him to a lookout. He followed, captivated, his vision blurring out the periphery.
The history every corner of Wakanda held was much like his own land but his favourites were the sculptures and wall murals that decorated the streets. Taking a pause now and then, he saw the similarities they shared. Different yet the same, their experiences tying them together. “The paintings on your walls are exquisite.”, he was wading through the awkward pause. He wanted to know more about her, about this place. “Yes. The graffiti tell stories intertwined with history, much like yours.”, she looked around with a soft smile. They were far away from the noise and the pressure of it all, she leant over the rail looking out to the setting sun, he did the same. Silence between them was similar to when he descended into the depths below. It was familiar and comforting. “I wanted to save her.”, he heard her. “It was out of my control and I couldn’t do anything. Her life was meaningful.”, she was addressing his accusation even when there was no need for her to explain herself after everything that had happened. He looked at the receding sun, the sky burning red, mirroring the fire deep within his own heart. “It is in the past. What was done, cannot be undone.”, he offered her the only thing he could, to tame the thoughts raging in her mind.
“You have a right to your apology, I’m afraid any of mine will not hold the same value.”, he said it as he felt his throat tighten. Apologies had never been on his tongue but when he truly needed it for the first time, it was void and foreign, he chewed on his lip knowing his words would all but mean nothing to her. He never felt the need to reevaluate his actions before. But as she burned in the orange light different to the light in Talokan he admired the colour of her skin, he now had a reason to. She was made for the light and he was birthed in the dark, twilight was their only hour of solace.
“I wanted to return this.”, he shifted to she her hand holding his mother’s bracelet. His eyes widened. “It was a gift.”, he turned away, awaiting the stars to plunge his heavy heart. “It is a sign of Talokan's friendship.”, he spoke, for if he stopped he would break, his gesture of love being returned or rather being thrown away was something he did not want to think about. The water glistened, calling to him. “Namor.”, she began to reason but it was a sign his time here was done, a second longer and it will be sedimented in stone, that he was unworthy of her kindness. Taking it back would rewrite time and their time in his cave would all but become fictional, a dream. His wings on one leg flapped but it failed to carry his weight without the other set. She watched as he held onto the railing to steady himself. She pulled back her closed fist, his mother's bracelet held within her fingers. He had to leave before she stopped him, to erase the only parts that had made him feel alive. So without a word or a final glance, he walked out the door.
He's my little fish baby boy that I hold oh so dearly in the depth of my palms 😤
Tags (all of you make my day 💖):
@mazune @lilsadb-itch @orlandoblumhouseofguccimane @hypernhappy @elmush @paperback-writer0807 @sirenbeloved @aslutforscarletwitch99 @gotship123456 @girlymusiclover09 @hoeforsuk @plutosundercoverking @championofthegalaxy @theheartofgrey @wonderkimi-chat @theamericanjewitch @amillylove20 @goldshawty1001 @lvnamiller @euphoricjupiter @queenoffantasyland @terrab3 @dumbbcam @1000heartbeats @agirlwithwinter @fartdart25 @wxnderstruck @sheisbrunetteworld @ijustwanttopasstime @namurii @presidentlokiluvrsblog @itgetzweird08 @littlepadika-main @did-i-ask-no @sorandomfangirl @babybubastis @denise-huxxtable @mhj-url @yippeeki-yah @darlingdandridge @gervi86 @geeyooo @therealoutereffect @notredamneit @Ilevame-a-la-lunaa @queen-of-knowhere @deluluzone
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risingoftime · 2 years
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𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖎𝖗𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖑 | 𝖘𝖍𝖚𝖗𝖎 o 𝖗𝖎𝖗𝖎
“I told you I could make you purr.”
summary: Shuri wanted to learn Riri’s anatomy, studying and caressing her most delicate features. Listening to her moans and cries like a melody almost drove them to sweet insanity.
word count: 2k
warnings: smut, fingerfucking, begging, open sex, semi-public, face riding, Dom!Shuri, cum swallowing, praise
18+ | minors do not interact
➴ feel free to send me more thots
I carefully observed her every move as she navigated and worked in my laboratory. She wore a white tank top with no bra, tied above her belly button to expose her abdomen. Her nipples were erect against the chill air as she hammered away at the steel. I couldn’t help but notice how sculpted and toned her arms were. Riri’s muscles constricted with each blow. Her dark skin shined against the flying sparks and torch glow. Her focus on the task was sharp, yet her features remained soft as she worked. I’ve been fascinated with Riri since I first talked to her at her MIT dorm. I found it comical that she prioritized her education before Wakanda. She was offered sanctuary in a nation that doesn’t take it lightly to outsiders and was concerned about her schoolwork. I’m rarely denied, even rarer, meeting a woman who is an engineering prodigy like myself. In some ways, we were the same. After all, it’s her mind that called out to me. I called her a child before we met, but the person before me was nothing but. She is a woman with unrelenting knowledge, a fierce attitude, and undying loyalty to those she loves. I can see why my mother sacrificed her last breath for her. We both have a heart made of iron and steel—an Ironheart.
“Stalking me as a cat does to a mouse, I see why y’all got the name Black Panther.” I hadn’t realized that while I admired Riri and her craftsmanship, she was acutely aware of my ogling. “You’re not subtle in the slightest,” she giggled as if she knew what I was thinking.
“You’re comparing me to a kitten,” I laughed. It’s difficult not to smile around her when she makes it so easy. But, unfortunately, the scientist would only stay for only a few more days. A part of me didn’t want her to return and to keep her safely locked away in my laboratory.
“Not a kitten, a cat, and I bet I could make you purr like one too,” she remarked.
I raised my eyebrows in response, “is that a threat or a promise?” Riri’s grin widened at my words.
“Whatever you want it to be, Princess.”
Riri is the only one besides family that seldom addresses me without my princess title. I don’t know if it’s because she’s American and doesn’t know much about royal customs or if she sees me as her equal. But the emphasis on the word let me know it was indeed the latter. Generally, I would make an example of anyone who dared to do so, and I plan on doing the same with Riri.
I rolled my shoulders back to straighten my posture, similar to how my mother stood when addressing her court and strolled towards her workspace. I’ve mocked my mother many times, and it came easy. However, as I came closer, Riri became visibly nervous, squirming underneath my scrutiny as she lowered her tools. Her iron suit was almost finished, and I badly wanted to examine the work that she’s done, but I had another mission that I must complete first. I stopped in front of Riri once we were face to face, slightly towering over her due to my height.
“Do you know what happens to those who threaten me?” I smiled coyly as I watched her swallow the lump in her throat. Seeing the effect that I have on her stirred something within me. I first felt it when I walked into Riri’s dorm as I signalled for her to be quiet, and she obeyed. After that, I couldn’t fight the curiosity to see how far she’d go and if she’d decide to disobey me.
“I’m sure you’re going to show me either way,” she replied.
“See, that’s what I like about you. You have a smart mouth.”
In an instant, the nerves that I once saw dissipated. I wiped off the black mechanic oil that was smeared on her collarbone. Riri’s eyes lowered to where my fingers lingered before making eye contact.
“So you finally admit it?” Riri asked, but it sounded more like a statement than a question.
“Trust me. I wouldn’t go through the hassle otherwise. You have endless potential. Young, gifted, and Black, as you said. I won’t let Namor harm you if I have my way.” I wanted to say more, but I didn’t want to expose the depth of my feelings Not until I knew we would leave our battle against Namor alive.
“Is that the only reason why you like me?” I knew what she was implying.
“Prove your loyalty and fight by my side. Maybe I’ll tell you once the plan is executed” I wasn’t going to make a promise that I could not keep. But if Riri and I were right about our theory regarding Namor, then we might have a chance at defeating the God and forcing him to bow down to Wakanda.
“Your mother treated me like one of her own, and I’ll fight for her time and time again. I’ll fight beside you, Shuri,” she exclaimed.
My hands lowered to her waist, pulling her closer to me, so our chests were flush against each other. I could feel the rise and fall of her breath and her heart rate picking up. After ingesting the Talokan plant to complete the genome for the heart-shaped herb, I’ve been gifted with abilities that go far beyond imagination. Of course, I knew what came with consuming the Vibranium-rich plant, but having its power at my disposal would take some adjustments.
I traced shapes against her bare skin as I spoke, “Even if it means your life will be at risk?”
“Yes,” she admitted.
Riri looked like she was in a daze when her eyes met mine.
I didn't dare remove my hands from her bare waist, afraid that if I made any sudden movements, she would pull away as our faces were mere inches apart. Instead, I stole a glance at her lips. They looked soft and full. The thought of how her lips would feel against mine was all-consuming. I couldn't help myself as I began to lean forward to kiss her. The kiss started as gentle, but that didn’t last long once Riri began sucking on my bottom lip. I felt aroused with anticipation when I slipped my tongue against hers. Riri wrapped her arms around me as I gripped her ass to pick her up, massaging her in my hands before I sat her on the edge of the desk.
I rubbed my fingers against her clit in circular motions, feeling how slick and wet her pussy could get before I pushed my fingers deep inside her. Then, I slowly trailed my fingers against her lips, teasing her.
“Shuri, I can’t wait any longer. I want to feel you inside me,” she rasped.
Riri moved her hips to grind against my hand, urging me to go further. I felt her breath against my lips as she held back a moan.
“You want to feel me inside of you? then beg”
“Princess, please, I need you,” she whispered.
I stroked her until my fingers began to soak with her juices. I loved the effect that I had on her.
“Princess Shuri,” she groaned.
Hearing how my name rolled off her lips made me frantic for more. I inserted two fingers into her entrance, feeling her walls tighten around me. I took my time entering bit by bit before I started rhythmically moving my fingers in and out. I kept my eyes trained on her as my other hand wrapped around her neck, applying pressure. Riri let out a stream of words that were too sinful to repeat—desperately clinging to me and begging me not to stop. At this point, my fingers were dripping.
“I want you to cum for me baby,” I commanded.
I thrust my fingers inside her, keeping pace as I felt Riri clench her thighs together, creating friction between us. I couldn’t stop my racing thoughts of wanting to fuck her senselessly, showing a side of her that only a few see. Shuri wanted to learn Riri’s anatomy, studying and caressing her most delicate features. Listening to her moans and cries like a melody almost drove me to sweet insanity.
Riri’s legs began to shake in ecstasy as she rode Shuri’s hand until she reached orgasm.
“Fuck” she gasped.
Grasping her chin and tilting it up, I took my fingers out from inside her and brought them to her mouth to suck on them.
“Taste yourself,” I said.
I watched as she tenderly sucked her cum off my fingers before licking her lips. In a second, my mouth was over hers, sloppily. I felt like Earth stuttered on its axis and was just us. I was captivated by her.
Riri’s breath tickled my skin when she whispered, “Now it’s your turn.”
Before I could register what was happening, Riri cleared the workspace, throwing all its contents on the floor and pulled me down on top of her. She flipped us over, so I was under her, shocked. Riri didn’t hesitate when she skillfully unzipped my pants and discarded them. I didn’t know that she had this side of her, the side that was dying to be dominant. Riri lazily left kisses along my thighs, getting closer to my centre each time until her face hovered above my panties. She rubbed her tongue along the cloth that was already damp from earlier. The warmth of her mouth so close to the most vulnerable parts of myself left me yearning for more. Then, as if she already knew what I was going to say, Riri removed my underwear, leaving me bare against the cool laboratory air, causing shivers to run down my spine. Without breaking eye contact, she delved her tongue into my core, flicking her tongue up and down. She pulled my hips down harder against her face for her mouth to have more access. Gaping at how her tongue skillfully maneuvered from my lips to my clit. I couldn’t stop the gasp and pants that escaped once she started sucking on it, engulfed in wet heat.
“Shit, Riri, you feel so good.”
I was dizzy for more as I roughly pushed myself against her mouth, silently demanding her to continue and running my hands down her braids, clutching her head as I drunkenly rode her face until I began to feel breathless. This intense desire had me in a frenzy. Finally, my heart started pounding, and my head became light.
“You’re going to make me—” I cut off by my moans as I watched her mouth become covered with more saliva and my juices. She hummed encouragingly, and I inhaled sharply once I felt the sweet release. Riri’s eyes were trained on me, watching the faces that I made when the sparks of bliss seared throughout my body. Lust clouded over her and I.
“That’s it, Princess, show me how much you want it” She replaced her tongue with her hand and latched onto my neck, sucking until she left her mark. Letting out animalistic noises that were inconceivable to me. The sound of our pants and her fingering me was loud throughout my lab. I dug my nails into her back, holding on as if she was going to disappear before my eyes. I’m feverishly overwhelmed with sinful delights. My thoughts stopped racing once I recognized the sounds that escaped my lips whilst Riri made her way closer to my ear.
“I told you I could make you purr.”
a/n: this is my first time posting my writing here, and I want to write more Shuri fics! send me requests babes ✧⋆。°
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theiroics · 2 years
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“Why do all of you insist upon touching EVERYTHING when you come into my lab?” There’s a soft sigh of irritation as Shuri shoots a glare at the person touching the equipment. “Stop touching things! You could get yourself killed like that.”
0 notes
roseamongroses · 11 months
shuriri is just so nice like.
shuri is getting offered wealth, power, and all that other shit and doesn't care. she has plenty of that but she sees riri talking about her work and her eyes just light the fuck up. reminds me of how shuri used to talk about her work in the first movie
like how long has it been since shuri allowed herself to have fun with her work? to rlly get into the nitty gritty of creation without worrying about approval/ dissaproveal, politics, war, etc.
in the same breath, riri can't afford to get too swept up in her work cause she can't uh afford it. every second/ interaction on screen we see her we see her business. we see her worrying about getting caught, getting regulated, not having enough material or enough time to execute her ideas. and when she goes to wakanda she literally gets to see her ideas expressed to the fullest.
also the fact that the two labs are physical representations of this dyanmic makes my heart happy like they the princess n pauper barbie movie fr. ik the movie stays talking about shuri needing to grow up but honestly im more interested in what it has to say about still caring for your inner child and how life gets in the way of that
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M'Baku with A S/O Scientist: How It All Started Part 1
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The first time M'Baku saw you was when he challenged T'Challa for the throne.
You and him made eye contact for about two seconds while he thought you were beautiful. He was more focused on becoming king.
You knew of the Jabbari tribe but like everyone else had never actually met any of them. You were a bit intrigued by him, but at the same time you didn't appreciate the way he insulted Shuri.
You held a lot respect for the princess and was one of her top scientists
So even though he won a few brownie points with you for saving T'Challa's life and coming to Wakanda's rescue. You still weren't ready to become friends with him, because you felt like he had no real respect for your work.
After the Killmonger situation M'Baku started to hang around the city and the palace a lot more. In the beginning the two of you only saw each other in short passes.
Sometimes you would be so absorbed in your tablet with your head down. You would literally walk straight into him.
There was one time you were practically running to the lab to tell Shuri of a new discovery, and came flying around the corner with a speed you didn't even know you possessed. He was leaving the throne room after being summoned to find out. He was officially a member of the council
You slammed into him and was nearly knocked back onto the floor, but he caught you with an arm around your waist.
Immediately you started apologizing profusely until you looked up and saw his face. You looked away as fast as possible muttering a "thank you"
He gave you a small smile and nodded. Before he could say anything else you wiggled out of his grip, and continued on your way to the lab.
M'Baku was a bit caught off guard watching as you walked away without another word. He thought that would finally be the moment where the two of you at least traded names.
That's when M'Baku realized he really didn't know that much about you in the first place, so he went looking for information.
Most of the time when he saw you it was in the palace, or on your way to the palace. So he knew T'Challa would know who you were.
T'Challa definitely took the opportunity to tease him asking him if he had a puppy crush.
M'Baku turned around and left the King laughing while Nakia smacked his arm and chided him.
She could tell M'Baku was serious about wanting to get to know you, but didn't have the courage or ammo to just approach you.
Plus she knew for a fact that when you felt offended by someone. You weren't going to make it easy for him to get close to you.
Knowing he needed as much help as possible Nakia tracked him down in the city. Where he was standing guard with a few of his tribe guys.
She pulled him to the side and explained to him why you were always brushing him off.
M'Baku argued that he never insulted you personally, but all it took was one look for him to settle down and listen to her.
The next day M'Baku requested to stand guard over the lab which T'Challa granted as a sorry.
The King also went behind his back and made sure Shuri knew to record any interactions between the two of you on the first day.
Being the prankster she was Shuri had no problem complying, but also she knew you had a small crush on M'Baku as well.
So to move things alone the second he walked into the lab. Shuri instructed him to go station himself by your work station.
M'Baku took one look at you sitting there in a stool jotting down a bunch of notes and playing with the screen, and he shook his head.
For the first time in his life he was nervous and didn't know what to do. Nakia warned him not go be too forward with you in the beginning. He would have to take things slow, and work his way into your good graces, before making a real move.
Taking things slow or being discreet with his feelings wasn't really his thing.
Shuri pulled the Princess card to get him to listen with a mischievous smile.
M'Baku made his way over to your work station wondering if T'Challa had set him up.
He was hoping you wouldn't notice him immediately but considering he was wearing his usual furry garments and armor. He stood out like a sore thumb.
The second M'Baku positioned himself a few feet away from your station behind you. His presence was known you dropped your pen glancing over your shoulder.
Your eyes widened at him then you frowned as he gave you an awkward smile with a nod.
"Did you come down here to make fun of us or something?"
Your question caught him off guard and it took him a second to answer.
"No I'm simply standing guard over the lab today."
"I thought you would prefer the city or a village considering how little you think of us?"
M'Baku let out a sigh "I never intended to hurt your feelings or insult your work lady y/n. I was simply out of touch with how things are done here. I apologized to the Princess a long time ago do you think she would permit to be in here if I hadn't?"
You glared at him for a few more seconds enjoying the way he seemed to be nervous, but eventually your gaze softened. "Well I guess you're okay then but don't touch anything."
When you turned around a genuine happy smile broke out on his face and that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
It started out slow M'Baku would watch over you as you worked, and eventually. You started asking him for his opinion when working on anything armor or weapons related.
He was caught by surprise the first time you addressed him by his name asking him to come over.
"M'Baku did you hear me I want your input" You said a bit more forcefully this time turning to him with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm sorry y/n I wasn't sure if you were talking to me." M'Baku made his way over to see what you were working on. It was armor for the Merchant tribe, and he actually gave you some good pointers.
You grinned and decided he was going with you on your lunch break to go over the designs and everything a bit more.
This would be the first time you two would be going out alone with each other in a more friendly setting.
M'Baku was more nervous than ever and for a second tried to protest, but Shuri intervened.
"You know M'Baku you're always cooped up in this lab with us all the time. It can't be easy go out and enjoy lunch with y/n."
M'Baku didn't know it but he would be thanking her later.
While science wasn't his area of expertise, anything battle or defense related was, so it the first time he got to shine, and show you how his brain worked.
What made it better was when you pulled out a bunch of paper schematics and gave him a pencil to mark what needed to be changed.
"No tablet?" He questioned
"I figured this would work better for you" You told him with a shrug.
M'Baku kept it together and got to work but on the inside he was doing jumping jacks.
You and him spent the rest of your workday at the restaurant going over everything, and at the end he was able to gather up the courage to offer to walk you home.
You accepted his offer and ended up bonding even more. That night was the real game changer.
After that M'Baku never hung back just watching you work from a distance. He had more confidence now and started hanging out as close as possible looking over your shoulder as you worked.
If it was anyone else besides Shuri you would've told them to back up, and he witnessed firsthand.
T'Challa paid a visit to the lab to see what everyone was working on. When he wandered over to your station you hid your work insisting it wasn't ready yet. He noticed M'Baku leaning over the table staring directly at your tablet.
When the King pointed it out you simply stated that he was helping you, and sent him along his way.
M'Baku had the biggest grin in the world on his face and stuck his tongue out at T'Challa.
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talkingparrotkee · 1 year
I should’ve known that you were a nashuri shipper. Why do you people insist on shipping a young woman with the man that took away her mother. One of her last blood-related family members.
I don’t ship Shuri with anyone, but I truly hope she gets a love interest in the future. So you nasty people can go away.
Like Shuri is more than Namor.
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Interesting 😭. My posts so far are furthermore about the characters and explanation of dynamics. What tells you that you "should've known" I was a nashuri shipper. The fact that I don't villify Namor? The fact that I don't want Shuri to become a murderer by killing him, thus sending herself, Talokan, and Wakanda down a destructive path? The fact that I fairly characterize and understand both characters, as Ryan Coogler intended it do be? The fact that I can objectively point out why someone may ship a particular Shuri ship (which is not limited to Namor x Shuri)? 🫨
I don't "insist" on shipping Namor with Shuri, let alone for that reason. If you want to know why some may ship it, if you're intelligent enough to read for comprehension, your question is answered here. In the beginning alone, you have several healthy and normal reasons as to why one may like the ship.
I didn't ask what you ship (interesting you had to preface that you didn't ship her, I wonder why), and you must be a fool if you think Shuri having a love interest will stop any sort of Shuri shipper. Have you ever been in a fandom before?
The funniest part about this is that I do like Shuri more than Namor. That's why I wrote an entire meta on her and how she is as a character. That's why I have a wall of merchandise of her and not a single Namor (yet). That's why she's my favorite character. That is why I defend her tooth and nail. That's why I spend my own money on official books just to get a taste of information regarding her. As a black woman, I especially hold a special place in my heart for her. I love her before I love potential dynamics with Namor or anyone else. I am happy if Namor and Shuri just get decent interaction as only allies. It's possible!
I'm sorry you don't have the mental capacity to understand that, and you'd rather attack people as passionate as you over shipping. I am also sorry that you are illiterate because not a single thing I said implied that Shuri isn't more than Namor. Fans like you are miserable and pathetic. An insane tumor to fandom. 🤯
Kindly, my asks are for other fans to ask me about the characters or what I think on certain topics. Not unhinged anon hate by rabid nobodies and so-called toxic Shuri stans who attempt to gatekeep a character they just grew attached to (and probably know little about outside the Marvel Cinematic Universe), performing childish theatrics over shipping. I don't go here, or will I start to. I'm not the one or the two. Take your ass somewhere else and reflect on yourself that you actually got mad enough at nothing (because there isn't really nashuri on my page) enough to switch on anon mode to send me hate. 😂
It really doesn't accomplish anything. It just makes me want to do what I do even more. I don't care if a faceless coward laughably thinks I'm a "disgusting fool" over a relatively vanilla ship (people behind the scenes themselves joked about it. Writers considered or thought that it was not a bad match even after the fact) that's only a "problem" due to special circumstances. You can just pick up a pen to reverse or address it (that's what fanon is for.) It makes me want to post nashuri meta and use the tags more to spite you (which I wasn't thinking to do), so congratulations if that was your goal?
Let this be a message to you (who I think I know 😉) and others like you. I'm still going to love what I love, and that includes Princess Shuri. Sorry that you don't co-sign on how I love her. 🤷‍♀️
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camilaxmartin · 1 year
Hi ok so if your requests are open at the second i was wondering if you could do a shuri x reader in black panther:WF where the reader is namors twin sister and is a mutant like him and she finds out her brother is trying to start war and after he drowns Queen ramonda she joins wakanda's side and falls in love with the princess
ღ the princess
thank you for your request! the idea is so great ugh
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navigation // request // me and find the rest!
summary: warning wakanda about the war while being namor’s sister
notes: it’s just a blurb but i really liked it that way
“i came here as soon as i discovered my brother wants to attack wakanda.” you said tired from the long distance you just took.
“we’re glad.” queen ramonda responded to you while smiling softly at you.
“i hope he won’t do anything stupid.” you said as you sit down on one of the chairs in the throne room.
“we can handle him.” ramonda said surely. you bit the inside of your cheek.
“i’m afraid you cannot.” you said needing to make sure that they’re ready for the whole army of your people.
“at least i hope we can.” she said rubbing her forehead with one of her hands. “that’s all i have left.” she added whispering. you didn’t know what to respond so you just stayed silent.
suddenly the huge door opened and the princess of wakanda came straight into the room. your eyes landed on her and you immediately felt your face heat up. great. you tried to hide it as much as you could but you knew you failed at it when you heard a chuckle from ramonda who was looking directly at you. you haven’t had the confidence to look at her again. you eyes just stayed at the princess’ face which was coming more closer and closer.
“mama, okoye doesn’t want to wear my new suit and i assure it would help us.” she said acknowledging your presence after a while. she then look at you and smiled which made your cheeks grow even redder.
“you know her.” her mother responded still having a smile on her face. “she will come around this idea eventually, trust me.” she added smiling more. shuri also smiled at her.
“what are you doing here?” she asked you directing her attention to you.
“um, i discovered my brother wants to start a war with wakanda and came here as quickly as possible. i think we have some time now to get you ready.” you explained and shuri looked surprised.
“why?” she asked and her mother got curious.
“i don’t know actually.” you responded honestly. “i just don’t feel the need to starting a war and like i think we can solve our business differently.” you said and shuri smiled at you which gave you butterflies.
“you should be their leader.” she said and you laughed at your words.
“if only i wasn’t an introvert.” you laughed and the two women did the same.
“i’m shuri by the way, i don’t think we have spoken properly.” she said and give our her hand for you to shake. which you did immediately.
“y/n.” you replied with a smile. “pleasure to meet you princess.”
“the pleasure’s on me.” she winked at you and you blushed again. shuri smiled even more seeing your reaction.
“if you want to ask each other out i suggest before the war. we can’t be sure how it’s gonna end.” ramonda said watching the whole interaction from her throne.
“that was smooth mom.” shuri laughed and looked at you once again. “but uh, yeah. would you like to go out?” she asked and you were surprised how open she was even though her mom was still in the room.
“sure.” you smiled and bit down on your lip.
none of you knew then, the war was going to cross all your plans.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
Daughter's Devotion
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A/N: I changed a couple of things from the movie. Not too much but enough so it can make sense for this fic, like a person who made the machine a professor. I will admit this one is short but I wanted to focus on Shuri and Riri's interaction. The next one will be angsty for Riri and Okoye.
Summary: Shuri is very much like her brother she freezes when she sees her love again.
Tag Gang: @xblackreader @somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @pantherheart
Shuri was sure what she expected when Okoye told her that she was coming with her for a mission. The only she knew was that they moved fast and find the person who created the Vibranium-finding machine before the fish people did. 
“Why are we here?” Shuri asked as stumbled out of the car. This place, this university she knew because she was here. Shuri pulled down her sunglasses, begging to know what Okoye was thinking. Okoye gave a shrug, “We know it is someone here at MIT, who’s better know about the going ons of MIT than her.”
Before the princess could create a rebuttal to the general’s logic, Shuri saw on from the corner of her left eye. Shuri couldn’t help but continue to look on as she watch her once greatest love hugging a woman that wasn’t her. Riri smiled at her cause the figurative knife twisted her chest. She moved on quickly from Shuri’s bitter thought as she continued to watch Riri through her sunglasses. 
“You should go talk to her, “Okoye said to Shuri. Shuri’s eyebrows lifted in shock as she shook her head.
“Me?” She all but yelled, “She’s your daughter. You talk to her.”
Okoye could feel the vein throbbing on her forehead, “She doesn’t want to see me. Especially after the blow-up we had about her being here. Plus she’s your girlfriend.”
“I don’t know about that anymore,” Shuri whispered as the thought of her hugging a tall woman came to mind. Shuri took a deep breath she could do this after all she was a princess of Wakanda. 
“Fine I will,” Shuri said as she quickly follow the path that Riri went. Shuri went into the dorm rooms, Shuri could feel the an
Shuri quickly knocked on Riri’s dorm, “Riri Williams.”
Shuri winced at her poor attempt at her American accent. The door opened, and Shuri was slightly mesmerized by the sight of her love again. She wore straight backs instead of the normal micro braids she used to wear when she was around Shuri. How things changed the princess thought. 
“I don’t do drop shipping anymore. You have to dm on insta,” Riri said still looking at her phone. 
“It’s personal,” Shuri said as Riri finally looked up from her phone. Before she could mumble out her confusion, Shuri quickly pushed her back to the dorm room.
“What are you doing here?” Riri finally asked still looking shocked that her girlfriend was here in the States. 
“You need to come home with me,” Shuri said she knew didn’t have enough time to explain to her about the new machine that could find Vibram. Riri scoffed, “What home? Shuri what’s going on? Why are you here?”
Shuri gave sighed, “I’ll explain once we make our way back to Wakanda. I’m sure the general-” Riri’s eyes went wide. 
“My mom is here?”Riri exclaimed as she started to pace around her room. She was having such a good day today and now it all crashed and burn. Riri turn in the direction of the bathroom maybe she was having a really bad dream. MJ was right eating hot chips for dinner is a bad idea, Riri thought as she open the door. There stood her mother, Riri felt she jump six feet in the air, “Okay this isn’t a dream.”
“Riri,” Okoye said as she looked at how much her daughter has grown, “You need to come with us, quickly.”
Riri was consumed by what her mother and girlfriend were here. Shuri grabbed her wrists in order to have Riri’s eyes  on her, “We came here because someone created a machine .”
“People are trying to find Vibranium outside of Wakanda that’s impossible,” Riri whispered. Her eyes bounced between Shuri and Okoye as if they would admit that they were playing a cruel prank.
“Not anymore,” Shuri said soberly. Riri looked at Shuri, she noticed how much her love had changed. The once bubbly and funny Shuri wasn’t there anymore. There would be a glimpse of her,
“Do you know of a person named Victor Von?” Okoye asked. Riri paused to think about the question, did she know that name?  
Riri gasped, “Professor Von, he’s my honors abstract algebra professor.”
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