#price is a girl dad
snootlestheangel · 7 months
Chapter 8, babes!!
Anyone order a Graves hero arc??????
@cod-dump @cr4shposts @cminoko
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
Hal congrats on the 5k you absolutely deserve it.
I have a request for the 5k event so here it is
The reader is John's wife who's 9 months pregnant and basically about to burst. Reader goes into Labour while John is out on the field.
Again congratulations on 5k you absolutely deserve every single follower since your Storys are just chefs kiss. I'm very glad i found your blog when i did!
—Here Now
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [He nearly misses one of the most important moments of your lives together.] ❞
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You had told him you would be fine, and, of course, John knew he could take your word—even if over these nine months he’d been more worried than he had been in his entire life. It would have been difficult for you to say how you were truly feeling about being home alone two days past your due date with no one but the birds outside to give you company. 
He had been up at arms about being with you through this, and the man’s stubbornness about that fact had made your face go soft with love. John was the most loyal man you’d ever met; add in a child on the way and he became no better than a hound baying at the scent of a fox. But this had apparently been so important that he’d asked you about the idea of being away for a day—a single day, the man had emphasized, even if the others had to stay wherever they were going for longer. He’d take the red-eye back the second after the time was up, a whole military Heli and all.
One day was far better than one week—far better than one month. So, you’d agreed albeit a bit reluctantly as the man reassured you he’d be back safe and whole. He’d be back for the birth. 
Yeah, that was a load of bullshit. 
You lay in the hospital room, panting and trying to keep your eyes open as the contractions hit once more; a whimper hidden as you bend your neck forward to let your chin hit your chest. 
“Shit,” you breathe, the nurse moving out of the room quickly to grab more water and the doctor for you. 
This had been going on for a good four hours—levels of shaking pain that lasted upwards of a minute and had been increasing in frequency more so in the last sixty minutes. They’d finally had you lay back on the bed only a little bit ago, and you knew at that point that John would be unable to make it for the birth of your first child.
The thought terrified you. 
You place a hand on your stomach and blink down at it, the raised half of the bed behind you and the chill of the room making you shiver. The buzz of the lights—the closed windows. Your heart is running not only from the thought of this, of all that could go wrong, but also because you now lacked the most steady rock you’d had in your entire life: John. He’d know what to tell you to make you calm down, to make your mind stop with all the panic. 
But he’s not here, and that alone makes you want to—
The door opens so quickly it nearly busts off of its hinges.
Your heart sputters, head jerking back as you wince from another contraction, this one far more painful and promising to stay for longer. Closer now. But your eyes blink on something more important. 
“I’m here, Love.” As if a phantom, John hurries through, a gaggle of wide-eyed nurses behind him before the door to your room is shut by firm hands. “Fuckin’ hell, Sweetheart, I’m ‘ere, it’s alright.”
He’s still in his gear—lacking weapons as those had probably been tossed away on Base—but vest and hat are present; the large boots with tucked pants and that compression shirt. You watch in shock as he speeds up to the side of your bed, taking your hand in his large one and squeezing. His other grabs the motion-less chair and drags it over with a grunt. 
“Now,” John says, shaking his head at you as you simply stare. “You squeeze my hand as hard as you well please then, yeah? Don’t care if you break a few fingers, Love, I’ve been through worse.” 
“How…” You mutter, tears welling in your eyes. “How did you…?”
He blinks those tiny blues at you, twitching his nose as his gaze darts down your body. 
“Had a feeling,” is all he says. 
You laugh through a sob and he presses his forehead into yours, hand on the base of your skull. 
“I’m here right now,” he utters. “Gonna have to have a few words with the little Muppet when they’re out about timing. Nearly made me bloody miss it.” 
“John Price,” you scolded lightly, laughing. 
He only hums and tries to hide his wide grin, eyes shimmering. 
By the time it’s all over, he holds the both of you to his vest-less top as he leans back beside your bare dewy skin, the small bundle kept to your chest with its gripping hands. John’s arm was around your shoulders, drawing you to him. You had fallen asleep not minutes prior, and the soldier kept watch as he always had when his girl was needing him. 
Well, girls now. 
He watches, not speaking, barely breathing, only pulling you closer to him as you sigh and shift. The baby, his and yours baby, gargles and kicks her little feet until he shifts a hand to assist your own in cupping her higher. His smile is uncontainable, just like the sudden glossiness to his eyes at such a tiny weight in his grip.
John watches, and he comes to a conclusion as he presses a deep kiss into your scalp, his thumb taken into the smallest grip that has ever held it. 
There was never a more beautiful sight than the one right in front of him. 
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postmortemnivis · 1 month
could be read as a part two of this post
“when i met you,” price started, “you were a mess of a man.”
simon grunted in response, his arms crossed over his chest almost as if he wanted to protect, shield himself from price’s words. each cut deeper than knives, aiming straight for the strong walls he’d built around his heart, the ones that only you had been able to tear down.
a mess of a man. he knew it, he didn’t need to hear about it too.
“at first, i honestly didn’t think you were going to ever become someone.” the older man admitted.
johnny’s laughter could be heard from the living room, where he and kyle were chatting about god knows what, probably the last poor girl johnny shagged in a bathroom stall at a pub the previous night.
“you didn’t?”
price shook his head. “as i said, a mess of a man, simon.”
a mess of a man. simon knew himself, he knew he was no saint, no good: he was a murdered, the angel of death that could be seen in the middle of the field, his dark glow foretelling the end of anyone who found himself in the middle of his bloody path. his hands were stained with the blood of many, the same hands he refused to touch you with; the only thing that kept him sane was knowing he wasn’t ghost, ghost’s crimes were shielded from simon by his black gloves and balaclava.
simon looked at price as his hand rested on his shoulder. he remembered what it felt to be neglected by his own father, and price knew it. price always seemed to know everything about his boys, he could see right through him. what simon needed was guidance, and price would’ve given it to him.
“nothing to be ashamed of,” he continued, “most of you boys are, you seek for something more. think of johnny, he enlisted when he was sixteen. you enlisted the day of your eighteenth birthday. we all know that if you’re a responsible man you don’t run to the army. we’re all crazy, messed up men.”
price also knew they were reckless, a suicidal loyalty bound to him. after all, their job attracted the beasts, the outcasts, the sadists, the worst of society.
simon rolled his eyes when price referred to them as boys. the man was less than ten years younger than simon, but he still felt the paternal pressure and instinct to protect the boys. his boys.
“wha’ made you change your mind?”
price motioned simon to move further into the kitchen, away from the people that were invited to his house.
your voice echoed as you walked out of the bathroom, letting johnny finally hold his little niece. gary was walking behind you with the brightest smile on his face. gaz made a comment about how the three weeks old baby looked just like you, with simon’s dark eyes and pale blonde hair. if only he knew you helped simon dye it every month and a half, him sat on the edge of the bathtub and you standing between his thighs, his hands firm on your waist as he—for once—looked up at you instead the other way round.
you agreed with a chuckle, looking around for simon.
“look a’ the lassie, she’s already an uncles gal!” johnny’s laughter filled the flat. from the corner of his eyes, simon could see the person he’d grown to call his brother hold his newborn daughter.
“her?” he looked at you, the softest and most subtle smile crawling on his scarred face. simon struggled to hold back his smirk.
price nodded. “i remember we all could tell that you met someone. you’d become less… rigid. you’d smile more, were more clement with the recruits.”
“she changed me.” simon shrugged, attempting to hide the smile that would try to crawl on his face anytime he’d think about you. even after years, between a marriage and now a child, his eyes would light up at your thought alone. that’s the impact, the effect you had on him.
“that’s good, simon.” price spoke. “we’re all happy you’re doing better. we remember how you used to-”
“okay, got the message.” simon interrupted him. “loud an’ clear, john.”
his life before you seemed so distant and he almost couldn’t remember of a time where you weren’t by his side yet. like a far away dream, closer to a nightmare than a dream, but still something that didn’t look like the life he was living now. he didn’t need to remember a bit of it, what was the use? he had you now, everything before the day you met didn’t matter anymore, it didn’t exist anymore.
price sighed, looking to the ceiling as he tried to find something in his pocket. “coming outside for a smoke?”
simon shook his head, arms crossed over his chest. “nah, capt. quit a while ago.”
it’d been months since you’d showed him the pregnancy test that shook his whole world. he’d fallen to his knees in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by worried recruits, johnny immediately sprinting close enough to check whether his lieutenant was okay but far enough to give you two privacy.
“promise me ‘m not dreamin’.” he murmured, pulling you closer by wrapping his arms around your waist, hiding his face in your chest.
you brushed his short blond hair back, biting your lip as you smiled. you could feel your eyes tingling, tears threatening to spill at any given minute. “you’re not, si. we’re gonna be parents.”
you chuckled, leaning down to kiss his head and felt your white work shirt getting wet by his tears. you looked around at the faces of the confused recruits, and you smiled, because you knew you were the only person who’d ever truly know how the scary lieutenant, the ghost, really was.
“we are.” he whispered before kissing your still flat stomach, getting back up and giving you a soft kiss on the forehead. “thank you.”
in the nine months he’d been taking care of you like a person on their deathbed—really not necessary, si, i can still do the dishes by myself—he’d stopped smoking, and treated himself to just one beer every first sunday of the month.
he had worked on himself, hard.
for you and for your daughter. he wanted to be a better person, a good man. he wanted to be nothing like his father, that having haunted and scared him for so long and being the main reason he always tried to postpone having children, what truly held him back,, but he tried to be a better man.
that was what distinguished him from his father, he tried to be better.
leaving the military was sure next, after fixing the downstairs bathroom faucet and oil the doorknob of the closet. he wondered how the boys would take it, but in the end he didn’t really care, he knew they’d understand.
“quit.” price repeated, eyebrows raised as he put his lighter back in pocket. he wasn’t a social smoker, but knew better than to smoke near a baby, even if he would’ve excused himself to the balcony.
simon smiled as he heard you scold johnny for throwing the little girl in the air. “what if you drop her?”
“ah wid never, lass.” he reassured you, laughing at the slap he got on his scruff.
“you’re a good man, simon.” prices hand found its way on simon’s shoulder again. “you went through a lot, but you’re still fighting for a good cause, you didn’t let it change you. that’s what makes you a good man.”
simon was about to deny, say he wasn’t, he was the worst man there was, but then you walked into the kitchen, all smiles.
“hey si.” you smiled. “baby’s hungry.”
simon immediately stretched out his arms to hold the baby, a bottle already in his hands as soon as those words left your plush lips, your lashes batting up at him.
you wrapped your arms around one of his strong biceps and smiled up at him and then at price.
“cute, isn’t she?”
“is indeed.” john nodded, smiling under his thick moustache.
before he decided to leave the kitchen to leave you three some privacy and join the boys in the living room, where johnny had apparently put on a rugby match—“scotland-wales, for fucks sake, lad!”—he shot simon one final knowing glance.
simon returned the look, your eyes too focused on the little girl in her charcoal grey onesies to notice.
“you okay, si?” you whispered, but your husband's eyes were unfocused, staring off into space as price’s words kept replaying in his head like a broken record.
he nodded, kissing your forehead almost instinctively. “yes, love.”
you smiled up at him and then at your daughter, simon’s mind travelling an hundred miles an hour, waiting to crash on itself and get brought back to reality. price’s words echoed in the background of his brain, quieter each second that passed.
a good man.
tagging who asked:
@mr-sol @v1x3n @m4dyy @softangelheart @redzluvvesage @nittoka
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saturncodedstarlette · 5 months
Dad!Price : Little bird, when you were in junior high school, and the kids gave you a hard time. What did I say?
Kid!Y/N : You told me that I was extra special and they were just jealous.
Dad!Price : And if they still give you a hard time, what did I tell you to say?
Kid!Y/N : My dad can have you eliminated with one phone call.
Dad!Price : *satisfied grinning*
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ghouljams · 8 months
as someone who never wants to have kids, i’ve been having baby fever like crazy lately and it’s ruining my life. can you pls write more about cowboy!ghost and goose and their little one?
I don't want kids either anon! But I love writing baby fics, and I absolutely adore writing Ghost as a dad, so you can have as much baby fic with Frog as you want. Here's Frog a little older, when baby 2 is on the way.
"She's fine, Simon, I did way worse stuff than this at her age." You sigh, watching Simon fix the strap under your two year old's chin. She's sat on the shortest, fattest, slowest mini horse on the farm, and looking as happy as a clam to have so much of her daddy's attention.
"I'm not takin' her to the ER again," he grumbles, crouched next to your daughter.
"She tripped and knocked out a baby tooth, she's fine," you press. Even though you can remember the blind panic in Simon's eyes when she'd ran over to him sobbing, blood dripping out of her mouth. You've never seen that man look closer to death's door than he did sitting in the doctor's office holding her on his lap.
He grabs the reigns on the horse's bridle and stands, leading it forward a few steps. Frog giggles and bounces in the saddle, sun shining through her gap toothed smile. She's got little elbow and knee pads, and is holding on tightly to the saddle horn. Simon leads the horse through the grass, his eyes trained on his daughter the whole time. As soon as she gets closer Frog is waving at you, bright and excited as ever.
You catch her hand and put it back on the saddle, leaning over as best you can. "Keep your eyes forward Froggy, you wanna know where you're goin' right?" You tell her, seeing her nod seriously. It makes your heart warm. You look at Simon as he glances over his shoulder to be sure he isn't going to run into anything. "Where are we goin' daddy?" You ask him with a smile.
"Yeah, where aw we going dad-dy," Frog mimics, your smile grows a little more watching Simon's eyes soften.
"Goin' to drop you with nana so momma and daddy can figure out if you're having a brother or sister," he tells her.
"I wanna sister," she responds, looking at him like he could make the whole world bow to her wishes. He would if he could.
"Here's hoping," Simon mumbles, catching your eye. You laugh, and pat your daughter's head. Sure, here's hoping.
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rampurrsszn · 5 days
Okay but imagine images get leaked about price and everyone’s wondering what they are, if they’re nudes or something much worse and when people see them it’s just price when he first started in the military in a tutu and tiara with makeup smeared across his face because his daughter wanted to make him a pretty princess
Also he’s not at all ashamed of this, even if his team gives him some light teasing by addressing him as “Princess Price” instead of Captain price
Also the boys get him a shirt that’s like those military shirts that have the rank and last name but instead of CPT PRICE it’s PRNCSS PRICE
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i-think-i-thunk · 18 days
Soap and ghost retiring and adopting 3 little girls to keep them from being separated
• suddenly there are stuffed animals everywhere
• they let the girls paint their nails
• soap grows his mowhawk out so the girls can play with it
• movie night becomes a Friday night tradition
• everyone picks a snack and drink
• then they snuggle up under a MASSIVE blanket
• the girls always fall asleep before the end of the movie
• so soap and ghost carry them to bed and tuck them in
• pta dads who judge the other parents together
• soap teaching the girls Scots
• they all have matching tutus
• the girls like to sit around ghost and color in his tattoos with markers
• family Halloween costumes
• nerf guns are a must in their house
• soap and ghost frantically calling up laswell and her wife to teach them how to do the girls' hair
• having the girls "help" them in the kitchen as they learn to cook
• the first few months consist of charred pans and last minute take out
• maybe they teach the girls self defense moves once they're older
• these girls are SASSY
• family vacations are chaotic and soap is no longer allowed to hold on the plane tickets
• it's not his fault he swears
• uncle john takes them shopping and spoils them rotten
• uncle kyle always takes them on adventures and hypes them up on sugar
Idk I just feel like they would be really cute girl dads. Those girls would be so loved
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thegreyjoyed · 8 months
GirlDad!Ghost/Simon Riley headcanons because that man is RUINING MY FUCKING MINDDDDD (I would let him do that tho tbh..)
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GirlDad!Ghost is possibly the sweetest man to his two daughters, both of which he taught to be independent - hunting, how to sharpen knives, shoot guns, replace a tire, change their car oil, self defense
GirlDad!Ghost is the type of dad to watch some cheesy chick flick from the 2000’s or 90’s with his daughters, both at his side, his arms around the two and he’s dead asleep while ‘watching’ it
GirlDad!Ghost loves his little family so much, his wife, his daughters, the two cats - one for each daughter then a dog for him and you
GirlDad!Ghost has a photo album of just his two girls from when they were so so little and to their current age
GirlDad!Ghost who fell asleep with two cats and a dog on him while he was ‘resting his eyes’
GirlDad!Ghost who retired from the military, Uncle J(Soap), Uncle Ky(Gaz) and Uncle big J(Price) always coming over for ‘Family’ dinner
GirlDad!Ghost introducing his first daughter to price who called him Uncle big J and the name stuck, much to price’s surprise
GirlDad!Ghost who would do anything for his daughters, always a fresh flower bouquet for each of the lovely ladies he loves
GirlDad!Ghost who spends a little too much money on flowers biweekly, giving each daughter and his wife a bouquet, a kiss on the head for each of his girls and a kiss on the lips for you
GirlDad!Ghost who will encourage his girls to play sports like soccer, basketball, maybe a bit of softball or baseball
GirlDad!Ghost who was an absolute jungle gym for his girls when they were little, letting them clamber and climb all over him
GirlDad!Ghost who fell asleep on the couch and woke up several hours later with a full face of makeup on and long press on nails
GirlDad!Ghost who plays ‘Princess dress up’ and got forced into a tiny dress which he ‘wore’ and had a tea party with his girls when they were little
GirlDad!Ghost who always volunteered to put the girls to bed, reading them stories and kissing them on the foreheads then leaving to be with you, holding you close in his strong arms
GirlDad!Ghost who was quite literally begged to make a tree house with Uncle J, Uncle Big J and Uncle Ky, all of them being useless with it except Uncle Big J who had minor skills (it ended up being abandoned half way through)
GirlDad!Ghost who spoils his girls rotten lovingly, always buying them little things, like books, bouquets of flowers, giving his girls high standards for men for when they’re older
GirlDad!Ghost who now likes playing pokemon go of all things and trades all of his shiny pokemon and his legendaries to his daughter or daughters
GirlDad!Ghost who loves baking with his daughters, there’s always cookies and baked goods in their home, always for the sweet tooth of his wife and daughters
GirlDad!Ghost who got into reading with his youngest, reading book series with her
GirlDad!Ghost who has reading glasses and gets poked fun at by his youngest who giggles as she teases him, he lets her of course.
GirlDad!Ghost who often falls asleep after 9pm while watching shows with his wife or girls.
GirlDad!Ghost who grows vegetables, herbs, fruits and the like for his eldest daughter
GirlDad!Ghost who loves his family, even after everything he’s gone through, even after his past and in the beginning where he wasn’t sure if he was even MEANT to be a father
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pearlsinmyhair · 11 months
₊ ⊹ the price of the name.
synopsis: reader has had a hard life, and now she’s an orphan. but someone just as lonely comes into her life to take her under his wing.
warnings: violence in this chapter (capture of an anomaly, star girl gets injured), mentions of getting stitches without anesthetic. The Fight ™. Miguel loses himself in anger twice (tread lightly). lots of cursing. use of spanish.
so…it does get worse after this chapter. hobie is a g (yes he’s here). as always, this is a platonic!miguel x reader fic, not a romantic one.
part i | part ii
word count: 2.7k
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part iii: i’m not her
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚
“let’s go over the process one more time.” miguel was saying as you both exited the trans-universe portal.
“no, please god, no.” you groaned, pressing your hand to the mask of you spider suit. “we must have gone over this a million times, miguel. this isn’t my first anomaly.”
the eye patterns of his suit narrowed. you had gotten to know his facial expressions well over the past nine months, even when he was wearing his mask.
“yes, but this one’s big. you’ve never tackled a big one before.” he claimed, and you rolled your eyes.
“telling me about it isn’t going to be the same as me actually experiencing it. just let me do my thing.” you responded, shooting a web to a nearby building and jumping up to swing.
miguel’s tight grip on the back of your suit held you still like a puppy, and you wriggled for a moment before giving in and letting him set you on the ground.
“we’re waiting for the other spider, remember? slow down.” miguel said firmly, hand resting at the base of your neck for a moment in a ‘stay’ gesture. you shrugged his hand off.
“who is it?” you asked. you had yet to work with someone other than miguel on missions. he preferred to work with you hands on, using the anomalies as a lesson.
yet another thing that was unusual: miguel didn’t do ‘partners’. jess was the closest to that before you.
miguel’s posture stiffened, and your spidey-senses tingled as you put the pieces together.
“don’t tell me.” you said in a giddy voice to him, and miguel pressed his fingers to his temples as if trying to relieve a headache.
before you could press him more, the sound of an all-too familiar guitar riff burst across the roof top you both stood on.
“hey, star girl.” came the sound of a familiar voice, slurred with a cockney accent.
you turned and ran straight to hobie, pounding your fist with his as you pulled you close by his arm around your shoulders.
“you two…know each other?” came miguel’s stern voice, glaring at you and hobie.
“yeah, we’ve met a few times around the base.” you explained as hobie shoved your shoulder playfully.
“y/n’s pretty hard to miss, boss. kinda surprised you assumed we hadn’t.” hobie said, and you didn’t miss the mocking tone in his voice as he looked at miguel.
you poked him in the ribs, willing him to behave.
he pinched your side in response, causing you to squeal and pull away from the spider punk beside you.
“enough play, let’s secure this anomaly.” miguel said, murmuring a curse in spanish as he turned from you and slung a web.
hobie looked down at you. “does he get jealous this of’en?” he asked, shooting a web of his own as he shifted his guitar up his shoulder.
you shrugged. “he’s not jealous, hobie. you just piss each other off.” you both jumped from the building, quickly locating the thing you were to capture.
“sure, i piss him off. but that was different. he’s got a soft spot, y/n”
you shrugged again as you pulled yourself up into a flip, locating the anomalies weak points.
it took a moment for you to realize just why miguel was so concerned.
the anomaly was a green goblin, and a quick one at that.
nine months ago you would have been useless in this fight. but now? miguel’s training has honed your skills, and you moved through the motions with the ease of a dancer in a well-rehearsed routine.
that was, until the goblin threw one of his smoke bombs right into your face.
the momentary blindness caused you to miss your webbing. you slammed through a window of a skyscraper into an office building, rolling across the floor and into a desk.
“fuck.” you murmured as you tried to stand, only for your legs to buckle. your ears rang from the bomb, and your eyes watered.
you removed your mask, taking a breath of fresh air as you tried to get your barings. you looked down at your body in an attempt to take stock of your injuries.
there was a laceration across your calf from the glass, and your shoulder throbbed. it took a second for you to realize that it was dislocated.
you took a few moments to rest your head back, fighting the urge to just sit and rest. you were needed. you had to get back.
you shifted up against the desk, manouveing your arm so that it sat in place before you shoved your body to the side.
you let out a strangled cry when your arm popped back into place, the pain bright but brief. your hearing was coming back, and you could hear the distant cackles of the green goblin as you stood.
you stepped to the broken window, taking a breath before you jumped back into the fight.
“hey star girl! you still with us?” shouted hobie from a distance, and you gave him a thumbs up.
he couldn’t afford the time to ask you more, simply nodding as he slammed his guitar against the goblin’s glider, causing the anomaly to fall.
orange silk stuck to the goblin’s chest, tugging him forward before a blue figure slammed into his chest, causing the two to fly into another building, disappearing from view.
you took a moment to just hang, catching your breath as you waited for miguel to give you and hobie the go ahead.
when nothing came, you scowled, swinging through the opening.
the sight that greeted you made your blood run cold.
you knew miguel could get mad. you had heard the whispers, heard the stories, listened to the tales of blood and broken bones that followed in his wake.
but nothing could compare to actually seeing his brutality.
miguel laid into the goblin, his fist colliding with his jaw over and over again, each impact sounding wetter than the last.
the anomaly’s mask was long sense shattered, and you could see the eyes of norman osborn just barely clinging to life.
“miguel stop.” you said, voice barely above a whisper as you fought down the bile rising in your throat.
but miguel didn’t hear you, slamming his fist against the goblin’s face again.
you should have known not to get too close. you were trained to stay away from close fist fights. but in that moment, nothing mattered.
you took a step closer and placed your hand against miguel’s back, trying to calm him. “mig, you need to st-“
his elbow collided with you nose with a sickening crunch. blood burst from it like a supernova, and your vision swam as you stumbled back a few steps.
hobie caught you under the armpits, hauling you back so you could both lean against a desk for support.
“miguel, what the fuck.” he was saying, voice low and angry as he pressed a ripped off part of his shirt to your nose. you winced in pain, and hobie’s eyes hardened even more.
when you finally got the courage to look up at your mentor, your mouth went dry.
because he was already looking at you, with the same mixture of guilt and regret that he had when he first took you as an apprentice.
he was on you in a second, hovering over you and cupping your face with clawed hands. looking wild while beating a man was one thing, but the devastated look he gave you now as he held you was much much worse.
hobie was still pissed, watching miguel from behind you, making sure that he was gentle.
miguel brushed the blood from your nose with a claw, looking tortured. all the while he was murmuring soft sentences in spanish, things that you didn’t quite have the mental capacity to translate, what with the broken nose and bleeding leg.
“lo siento, pequeña. no quise hacerlo, va a estar bien. mierda chica, lo siento mucho.”
you watched as hobie tapped at his watch in your peripheral, and an orange portal opened to your left. it seemed to snap miguel out of whatever trance he had fallen into, and he straightened.
he nodded to hobie, and the punk picked you up easily as miguel did the same for the now-unconscious green goblin.
“ready?” asked the spider holding you, though you knew him enough by now to understand that the question was mostly rhetorical.
you nodded as you pressed the back of your hand to your nose, preparing for the lecture that surely awaited you.
the four of you jumped into the portal, back to base.
₊ ⊹
the worst possible thing miguel can do is be quiet.
he did it often. once you had called him a ‘stewer’, because he would wait until whatever speech he was preparing was the perfect amount of cruel.
you sat in your designated chair with one leg up as the spider-doctor of the base bandaged it. it had needed stitches, and you had forced yourself to go through it without any kind of anesthesia. you had stitched up worse on your own before.
“two weeks rest, and then you’re able to go back in the field. just take it easy for now.” the doctor was saying, and you nodded. you were only truly half listening. the other half of your attention was placed upon miguel, who stood with his back turned to you not twenty feet away.
the doctor dismissed themselves, and you pulled your leg up to sit criss-cross in the chair.
it was a design by miguel himself, added when you needed a place to sit on days where your mentor was busy in his office.
you could still vaguely hear the echos of him explaining complex microbiology and gene-splicing as you did your research papers beside him.
miguel was silent for a few more beats, and you continued watching him, knowing that he felt you staring.
you had been his apprentice for nine months. you knew each others mannerisms well by now.
he let out the characteristic “you’re about to get an earful” sigh that typically haunted your nightmares.
“you almost died.”
you expected something a bit more barbed, but you could work with this.
“yes. i almost did. but i’m here, and i’m ok.”
“it doesn’t matter.” he said as he finally turned to you, with a solemn resignation in his eyes that made your heart stop.
“you. almost. died. y/n. and i can’t allow that while i’m your mentor. you’re benched.”
your confusion sharpened to irritation.
“you can’t bench me, miguel. i’m not a child.” you responded, rising from your seat. when you put weight against your freshly stitched leg you tripped slightly. miguel gave you a hard look as if it justified his decision.
“i’m your superior. if i say you’re done, you’re done. understood?” he said, with a note of finality that meant he didn’t want a response other than confirmation.
you shook your head, unwilling to back down. “no, i don’t understand.” you replied, squaring your shoulders in an attempt to look bigger next to his tall form.
“i don’t understand why you give me special treatment over others. i don’t understand why you feel the need to be so fucking protective over me. miguel, i don’t…” you sighed, gathering your words as he watched you with a carefully controlled expression.
“i know you feel a certain…responsibility over me because i’m your apprentice. and i understand your concern. but i’m also a person. i’m eighteen, soon to be nineteen. i can handle scrapes and bruises. it’s what we do-“
“y/n, it wasn’t just scrapes and bruises this time. you flew through a fucking window. jesus christ, kid, i thought you were dead.” his tone leaned to desperation, and it made any words you had prepared die in your throat.
sweet clarity.
miguel laying into the green goblin like it was personal, like it was vengeance. how the moments that you took to rest were probably actually minutes, making it look like you went AWOL. how when miguel accidentally elbowed your nose, he probably expected to find you bleeding amongst glass rather than clutching your face.
but the sympathy that normally accompanied your conversations with miguel was gone. instead, words sharpened like blades on your tongue.
“this isn’t fucking fair, miguel. i didn’t ask for this.” you said lowly.
his eyes narrowed at you. “and what exactly is this.”
the words on the tip of your tongue, ready to fire like bullets at the weakest part of miguel. the must vulnerable.
there was always an unspoken fifth rule of your partnership.
never, under any circumstances, talk about his daughter.
“being treated like i’m gabriella. like i’m some second chance for you to make things right. as if i’m just another option to make your life happier-“
you didn’t get to finish.
miguel’s hands clenched the collar of your suit, lifting you so that your toes barely brushed the ground. it wasn’t strangling, but the way he glared down at you promised violence.
your breath caught in your throat as he looked at you, rage palpable as his claws created puncture holes in your suit.
but you trudged on. you had repressed these thoughts for too long.
“miguel, you can’t lock me in a tower and call it love.”
all at once, the rage faded, and the grip on your collar ceased.
you dropped to the floor, wheezing. but a web hit your chest, easing you down. you followed its trail back to the owner.
hobie brown stood in the entrance way to miguel’s office, looking livid. but he said nothing.
that was always the wonderful thing about hobie. he knew when to wait for your signal.
“listen to me very carefully, kid. you will go home, now. you will get the fuck out of this demension as soon as this conversation is over, and you will stay out of it until further notice.” miguel growled, looking down at you.
“you will not be called on any missions, and you will not respond to any invitations to help.” he looked pointedly at hobie. “if you do, i will take your watch and drag you back to your dimension myself. am i understood?”
you looked at him from the ground, frustrated tears in your eyes. there was no way out.
“yes sir.”
you got up and walked out of the office.
₊ ⊹
hobie followed you, keeping pace with your limping step.
“are you really gonna listen to that prick?” he asked, glaring at some nosy spiders that stared. “he’s a fucking idiot if he thinks your gonna stop-“
“i am going to, hobie. i’m going home.” you told him, and the spider-punk paused.
“you saw how he looked at me. do you think he’s going to be kind when he finds me swinging with you or pav with anomalies? you think he won’t drag me back?” you knew miguel well. and you knew his resolve.
he wouldn’t hesitate to take your watch. he wouldn’t hesitate to confine you to your own reality, never to see him or your friends again.
all for the sake of protecting you.
‘you could have died.’
“you said your parents are gone, right?” hobie asked, and you stopped walking at the audacity of that question. when you turned to him, he raised his hands up to show you he meant no harm.
“i just don’t think you should be alone right now. come crash in my flat. we’ll find something to do other than wallow in our own misery, ay?”
you deflated, wanting nothing more than to sink into hobie’s embrace. and you did, allowing him to pull you close as the tears you were holding back finally escaped your eyes, leaking onto hobie’s blue shirt, mixing with the blood that stained it from your nose.
he tapped his watch to open another portal, and you spared one last glance towards the direction of miguel’s office before you stepped through it.
masterlists | part iv
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so…like i said…it does get worse in the next chapter. i hope that you all liked this one ♡. stay tuned…
“lo siento, pequeña. no quise hacerlo, va a estar bien. mierda chica, lo siento mucho. - i’m sorry, little one. i didn’t mean to do it, it’s going to be ok. shit kid, i’m so sorry.
@pearlssdiary @zeyzeys-stuff @alexisabirdie @ifuckyourmom @hagdgishbr @migueloharaslxt @ladynecromancer @ladyfairenvale
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snootlestheangel · 1 year
Dad!Price Fic Sneak Peek
I still have another like 15 hours before I'm home, most of those spent in an airport or on a plane, and I'm really dying to share the Dad!Price fic, I've written so much of it. Because of my suffering, I shall bless y'all with a little sneakie peekie
Price: Young lady, we do not bite just because he said something mean!
Gaz: It's okay, Soap bites me all the time.
Price: That's because Soap's a pervert.
*Price's daughter confused head tilt* *price realizing his mistake*
Price: Ask your Papa (Nik)
@cod-dump @cr4shposts
Remember, if you want on the taglist just let me know!!!
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hostilecandle · 21 days
Okay I don't really see Price as being like a father to the 141 boys. At least not how the fandom seems to lol. (I have my own headcannons of hero worship and respect and all that) But like, I'm a guy and I've played the games and they all just read like coworkers who get along and one is the boss. Nothing wrong with the headcannon at all (its vv cute), but there's nothing fatherly cannonically he says or does with any of the guys.
HOWEVER even though I don't see him as a father figure to the boys, the second Farah is near that man he becomes a ✨️Mother✨️ She is his little girl omg lmaoo. He's practically tripping over himself for her and cares so much and it's adorable. I love their relationship so much
All this to say, John Price is a proud Girl Dad™ and I love that for him😌
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cod-dump · 1 year
Price: Farah... Do you think Gaz snuck a girl in here last night?
Farah: I wouldn't be too surprised
Price: So you think he's- that they've been-
Farah: Oh don't be so naïve, Dad. We were all seventeen once. It's not like we all-...
Price: *staring at her with his eyes wide and jaw dropped*
Farah: *slowly backs out of the room, keeping eye-contact with Price the whole time before disappearing out the door*
(twenty minutes later)
Graves, walking into the kitchen: You good, sugar?
Price: My little girl isn't A LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE-
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Some of my favourite things to come out of Tik Tok finding Modern Warfare II:
- The babygirlification of Ghost. It is hilarious to see cod dudes lose their minds over it
- The ships just hit different honestly
- I saw someone saying they had a head canon where Ghost was touch starved af and went feral for physical affection when he let himself have it and just. Yes
- Soap x Ghost. I would’ve started shipping that without tik tok honestly because did you see that flirting in game? And the way the actors supported it? God damn
- The babygirlification of Soap and him being absolutely desperate for Ghost. I love having baby girl Ghost and all but when it’s Soap? It just hits different honestly
- The hurt and comfort things!!!!! Ghost’s backstory is so fuckin rough so the hurt and comfort things are just nice to have
- Of course the edits. They’re always fun to have and see 😂
- Everyone’s interpretations of how the things in the Alone mission were said. Some are beyond funny and others prompt really good fic prompts
- I’m in love with the idea of Ghost being so stupidly possessive and protective of those he loves because of someone’s one off head canon. I’m a sucker for it honestly
- This is more of a complain but why is nobody talking about the others?! Alejandro and Valeria?! They’re hot af! Price and the whole dad vibes he gives off? Jesus lads
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ghouljams · 1 year
*shakes you* I need to know how Goose’s mother is doing in the later years when Ghost and Goose’s story takes place. I NEED TO KNOW.
Funny story, when I conceptualized this au for fic I didn't want to have an oc standing in as Goose's mom so I marked her as deceased.
However, now that I may potentially be writing more cowboy!Price,  and given that I think Ghost is a big mommas boy, I will say that in Tumblr au Canon she has been away for work. She does doctors without borders/Red cross stuff and was serving her last tour since Price announced his retirement. I actually have a little Goose/Ghost drabble with her coming home, But I’ll post her/Price’s side of it here(smut under the read more because this got a little long):
This has to be your favorite part of your job. Not the saving people, not the changing lives, not even the joy and relief that you bring people. This. Coming home.
No matter how late your flight gets in, Price's always there to pick you up. When you spot him leaning against that beat up farm truck you drop your bags and run. His resulting smile as you jump into his arms is absolutely worth the fact that you’ll have to go back and pick up your luggage. You hold his face between your hands and kiss him like you’ve been wanting to for months, his arms tight around your waist holding you up off the ground as you tip his head back and take your first proper welcome home.
He tastes like smoke and cheap coffee and you melt against him. All the stress of travel falling away as his lips slide against yours. His teeth tug at your lip and you’re dying to get home. You pull back and smile at him.
“Ma’am,” He smiles back, letting you just…look at him before he sets you down, “Go on, get your crap and let’s go.” You roll your eyes and go to retrieve your bags, earning an affectionate pat on your ass. It’s a long drive home, but it’s worth it for his hand on your thigh the whole way.
“Fuck,” Price swears, you bite into his shoulder harder, nails digging into his back as he inches his cock into you, “know you can take it, come on sweetheart.”
You love this part too, getting stretched by him again. God, there’s nothing like it. You feel like you’ve been on edge for months, your body just waiting to get back to him. And now that it has you feel like you’re on fire for him. Maybe it’s the summer heat. Maybe it’s the way he groans your name in your ear, slick cock filling you fuller with each shallow thrust. Each delicious drag of his girth helps your cunt remember the shape it was made for, makes you whimper at the stretch. His fingers are never enough to prepare you, but you love it. 
He lights up your senses, drawing a shudder from you as he finally thrusts in to the base, the tip of his cock nestled deep against your cervix. He holds there, letting you adjust and kissing your temple. You pull your lips from the bruise you’re making on his shoulder to kiss him properly.
“Missed you,” He murmurs against your lips, letting you slide your tongue against his in a desperate attempt to get him to move. It’s your last sweet moment before he pulls out, the head of his cock holding your desperate clenching cunt open before he slams back into you. 
“Fuck,” You gasp, dropping your head back against the pillow, arching your back into the harsh rhythm Price sets. He bites at your neck, fingers digging into your hips as he pulls you to meet his thrusts. Everything hot and electric as the sound of his cock pounding your wet cunt fills the space between your whines. He’s never more than you can handle, but you think he tries to be. You think he times himself on these first few rounds when you get home. How quickly he can make you cum. 
His calloused fingers move to rub your clit, tight circles in time with his thrusts. You clench and arch and sweat for him, hardly able to catch a breath long enough to beg. He hits that perfect gummy spot deep in your stomach and you fall apart for him, feeling his thrusts deep and slow, easing you through your orgasm.
“That’s it,” Price says low, tongue slick against your thrumming pulse, “let’s see how many more you got for me.”
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redhead-reporter · 8 months
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º ✧ 。 "this has been mary jane watson and you're listening to the new normal..." || PERSONALS DNI
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itsagrimm · 6 months
Garden Stroll
The castle gardens were charming. Even in the deepest of winter the well trimmed trees and swept little trails made for pleasant walks for the wealthy and bored.
Only for a short time of course.
It was winter after all and none of them wanted to have their lovely arses frozen.
General Price put up his collar against the winter cold and strolled past barren and snow covered flower patches.
Not that he minded most of the noble men and ladies avoiding the garden in winter. It gave him just the privacy he needed while also delivering the excuse of casual meetings for the most attentive.
"General. You look like a freezing peacock in those fancy clothes."
Price barely dignified his second in command's teasing with a greeting grunt.
"Sir Ghost, what a lovely surprise seeing you away from your castle in times of peace."
"The Lady wanted some new fabrics for the newest formal attire."
"Sounds like you will join me in looking like a peacock then soon."
Ghost sighed like a married man who realised he cared about his wife's willingness to uphold status to dress as she deemed appropriate for a man of his position. And most importantly, that he did not mind at all.
"Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Simon." Price offered.
"Thank you. When will you visit again? The older ones miss their uncle and Mary has not seen you since we declared she was with child."
"About that..."
Price put his hands into his wool coat, wiggling his fingers a bit for warmth while searching for the right words.
"What do you think about having the princess stay at your castle for a bit, old friend?"
Ghost, raised his eye brows.
"Price. This is not the most stupid thing you have ever suggested but it's not far off." The Vice-General and old veteran gave his old friend a calculating look. "She is about to leave to marry soon."
"So I have heard." Price hit back.
"Are you saying she might not take that journey?"
Price leaned back and forth, the snow under his boots crunching softly.
"It is not out of the realm of possibility that the princess may in fact not leave the country to marry."
Ghost crocked his head.
"You are a fool, old man. I have kids. And a wife. Do you think I will put them on the line for a little posh girl who for once in her life has a responsibility?"
"Don't be cold."
"I am cold. Very much. Because you asked me to meet you in the fucking garden in the fucking winter. And no I will not put my head between princess posh and another cozy castle she doesn't feel like being in."
Prince gave Ghost a measuring look.
"How old is your oldest daughter again?"
"Don't." Ghost growled.
"Is it 5 years until they deem her ready to marry? 4 years? They barely let those girls grow to height nowadays. Especially girls of good stock."
"My girls are not brooding mares." Ghost snapped.
"No girl is." Price snapped back.
They starred at each other.
"Fuck." The honourable lord Ghost cursed, crossing his arms and looking up to the sky as if to find answers there written in the sky.
Price waited, knowing that his second in command would come to the same conclusions as he had.
"The princess can never step a foot onto my lands."
Ghost gave Prince a mischievous look.
"Which means she needs to stop being a princess before that."
Price grinned back.
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