bluezeldana · 5 months
"Don't be nervous," he said as they stepped through the fireplace. "You're a Malfoy."
She gritted her teeth.
"I'm not."
"You are, whether you like it or not."
As promised, chapter 17 of Cursed Marriage is up on Ao3.
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Đừng để Harry Potter trở thành hiệu trưởng! (Don't let Harry Potter be the headmaster!)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jcA2Jn
by Cthulu2106
Tóm tắt: Sau trận chiến Hogwarts mười năm, Harry được bổ nhiệm làm hiệu trưởng trường Phù thủy và Phép Thuật - Hogwarst. Đối với thế giới phép thuật, đây là một tín hiệu vui mừng vì có một anh hùng cực kỳ nổi tiếng đứng đầu và bảo vệ ngôi trường phép thuật duy nhất ở nước Anh. Nhưng đối với một số người, nó không khác gì một thảm họa đáng sợ hơn cả để Hagrid trở thành hiệu trưởng.
 ps: Tuân thủ theo hầu hết các chi tiết trong canon, chỉ thay đổi việc Harry không kết hôn với Ginny, họ đã chia tay. Bellatrix không có con với Voldermort, Bellatrix có con với chồng mình. Ngoài ra đây là thế hệ tiếp theo, sẽ có rất nhiều nhân vật mới thêm vào.
Words: 4242, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Tiếng Việt
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Charlemagne Wilson, Gerald Rasputin, Ladonna Williams, Laveau Buckland, Raven Flamel, Rubeus Hagrid, Alice Hiddleston, Neville Longbottom, Scott Buckland, Bathsheda Babbling, Robin Gramsay, Arthur Weasley, Max Sampson, Anselm Nostradamus, Sybill Trelawney, Firenze, Elly Nymp, Watanabe Kazuo, Andersen Clinton, Abaza Amon, Letitia Windsor, Raymond Edwards, Rowan Donald, Dalziel Laurence, Ace Dursley, Tarek Norwood, Ethelbert Ellis, Orborne Rowle, Uri Selwyn, Amity Blight Rookwook, Hypatia Macnair, Albert Rodolphus Lestrange
Relationships: Albert Rodolphus Lesrtange (new char)/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Harry Potter Next Generation, Humor, My First AO3 Post, Light Angst, POV Alternating, POV Albert Lestrange, Undead, Master of Death Harry Potter, Not Canon Compliant, Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese, OMC - Freeform, new characters - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jcA2Jn
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Draco and Y/N Episode 1
P.S This is going to be long first Episode so buckle your seat belts and lets get rolling!
This isn’t exactly right when we get to Hogwarts but in my next Episode I will get to that good stuff!
             Before Finding Out That You Are A Witch/Wizard!
                                       August, 20,1990
Y/n: Mum? Is breakfast done?
Mum: It has been done you stupid girl! I told you! Do not say otherwise, you will wish you were never a part of this family!
(Y/n’s Mind: She never told me, I just got up! And little does she know is that I never wanted to be a part of this family.) :(
Mum: Y/N COME EAT THEN DO YOUR CHORES! And breakfast has been done for 20 minutes!!
Y/n: Oh.. sorry mum, i’m coming.
You walk down the stairs and see that everything is cold, so you have to heat everything up in the microwave.
Y/n: Morning dad.
Dad: *silence*
Mum: Will you hurry up?!? Now do your chores right now!
Y/n: Yes Mum
You finished breakfast very quickly so you wouldn’t get yelled at again for being slow.
You see that your sister and brother (Jackie and Jaxson) are down stairs right after you are, and they don’t get yelled at, they also don’t have to do any chores.
Jackie and Jaxson are twins and they are older than you so they were always favored.
It was there birthdays and the each got 20 presents. while whenever it was your birthday you only got cards and 1 toy.
Mum:Y/n we are going out for dinner just so you know...
You get excited and start saying thank you many times, you rarely ever got to go anywhere so this was a blessing!’
Dad:Why are you excited? You like being alone very much, I knew it so we have made the best decision to go and leave you here.
(Y/n’s Mind: I thought I was coming but I guess not.. :()
Y/n: I finished all of my chores. Mum? I finished my chores can I go in my room now?
Mum: Does it look like I care? No go! But get the post before you go up and bring me it right away.
Y/n: Yes Mum.
You walk to the door and see  many bills,boring stuff and a letter! addressed to you!
You tried to hide it in your pocket and it worked you wouldn’t be able to tell, so you just ran to the kitchen brought the post and ran strait to your room.
(Y/n’s Mind: What is this?!? it’s addressed to me and where my bedroom is.)
You open it up and see it is from a school called Hogwarts... Hog-war-ts.
You read it quietly and while you read it you are holding in a high pitched scream so that your family doesn’t know you have something that they would never want you to see.
Y/n: *Your reading to yourself*  *finally you get to the bottom of the letter and you see the headmaster called..* ... Dumbledore? what type of name is that?!?
You put this in your closet when all of a sudden a weird box comes falling you are shaking  because you don’t want anyone to come up to your room and see that you have a letter.
You quickly pick the box up but see the exact same letters in the box, and they were all addressed to you with the same everything on it!
(Y/n’s Mind: What the heck?!? Why are their these letters here and they are all addressed from last year! I’m need answers cause why are there letters that I have never seen or heard of? They are addressed to ME not anyone else! I’m going down stairs now!)
You storm down the stairs with the box filled with letters.
Y/n: What is this?!? Why are the addressed in MY name and I have never even seen or heard of this school? And why are they in MY closet if you didn’t want me seeing them?
Mum: Y/N! DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT US! YOU ARE BEING SELFISH! We are leaving soon so you can make yourself something to eat while we go eat at a 5 star restaurant! In fact we are going to be late!
Dad:Yes dear we are, and how dare you talk to us like that Y/n we are your parents and you are disrespecting us! We are going now! Have fun being alone! BYE!
After they leave you hear something outside you check and it is man on a motor cycle, he is coming in! You run and hide.
But you also know that Mum, and Dad haven’t left the driveway, they come storming in along with the man.
Mum and Dad: Y/N! Y/N!! Come on where are you? Come this instant!
Y/n: What? 
You see the man and are a little afraid but you are quick when your parents try to grab you and pull you towards him.
Hagrid: Oi I am looking for Y/n.
Y/n: Yes? Who are you? 
Hagrid: Oi ello their Y/n I am Hagrid, I am working at Hogwarts, you know the school of witchcraft and wizardry?
You shack your head not knowing what he was talking about but then you remember the letters.
Y/n: Well Hello Hagrid, I am just a little confused because I am not a witch/wizard.
Hagrid: What?!? You ugly people never told (what ever your pronouns are) that (what ever pronouns are) is a witch/wizard?? How dare you! Y/n is a witch/wizard, you people’s knew that! Y/n is coming with me where (whatever your pronouns are) belongs! No excuses Y/n would you like to com with me? To your real home?
Y/n: Yes I would love too! Let me go pack!
Hagrid: We already have stuff for you, we just need to get you stuff for school!
Y/n: Bye bye, have fun at dinner! I will see you in the Summer!
You heard Hagrid chuckle a little then you turn to him and say lets get going!
Hagrid: First of all obviously you don’t know anything about Hogwarts but I just wanted to tell you that you have missed a full YEAR of Hogwarst.
Y/n: SERIOUSLY?!? My god! I am so sorry I just recently saw the letters. well anyways wear are we going? 
Hagrid: We are going to Diagon Alley!
We will be headed to Diagon Alley and all that Jazz tomorrow hopefully! I am so sorry if we aren’t, I am doing this at night so I hope you all understand, Leave a like if you like this beginning series of Y/N stuff! I will try to do as much as possible tomorrow so I hope you have a great weekend and I will write to you tomorrow! 
Love- crispylovercheesecake! XxXxX
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spierfeld · 7 years
I believe it was just Sirius who tried to get snape to run into werewolf-remus. I hope thats what you mean by Remus would not have let that happen.. because obviously he wouldn't be able to control himself when he was a werewolf. but also I personally think a big part of the reason that Snape turned out the way he did was because of what the marauders did to him as a teen. He never had control as a kid so he took control as an adult (if that makes sense)
no yes obviously remus wouldn’t be able to control himself but i was trying to say i don’t think they genuinely sought to kill snape i think it was an impulsive decision to try to scare him because like if sirius had been preemptively trying to kill snape he would have needed to plan, and he didn’t do anything without the marauders and remus would have never let sirius just slip that information carelessly to anyone let alone to snape (or i guess anyone) if he knew it was going to harm him (my point there was basically to prove that i don’t think they were outright seeking to kill him ya feel) 
here is that text post by @diagonally that talks about how important it is to understand that snape and the marauders were rivals (it’s a Good Post and makes a really fricking nice point) like if we think about it, we truly only have snape’s side of the story because we’re seeing one of snape’s memories when we learn about how james potter was a bully (now i’m not trying to discredit the things that happened to him at the hand of the marauders because yeah they did do some shit to him) but throughout the series they were described as school rivals which means that snape and maybe even the people he hung out with (death eater crowds that he went to after lily and him had their falling out maybe) may have been doing the same level of fuckery to the marauders as well (we already know that snape and the crowds he associated with weren’t afraid to sling racial slurs (mudblood) around so who knows what else they fucking did let’s be real) idk man young snape literally began to associate himself with young death eaters (i think it’s important to remember that snape was first a death eater and then a spy for the order, only after someone who he cared about was murdered) (like let’s be real multiple muggleborns were most likely killed before lily evans) (so it wasn’t that he suddenly was like “wow this is wrong” it was more like “wow this effects me and my own happiness now”)  who late became blood thirsty due to their prejudice and hate so they could have definitely gotten up to some nasty ass shit during hogwarsts
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naniewithane · 6 years
This is me, doing all the tag games late
Thanks for tagging me @choicesbyjade​ <3
Meaning behind username:
It’s really simple: After many variations my most popular nickname is Nanie, and I thought it was a good idea to call it “Nanie’s universe” or something close haha
Hogwarst house: Once and always Ravenclaw.
Top 3 favourite shows:
Drop Dead Diva:
Originally posted by das-pena
Originally posted by seriestvquotes
Black Mirror:
Originally posted by lajaguarina
Hair color: black and blue (like the TRR mc, I think)
Favorite book 📚: I once fell in love with those two books and they changed the way I think about some things in live. But I can’t change one between them:
A batalha do Apocalipse (means The battle of the Apocalipse, but I don’t know if there’s an official version in english). It’s the story of a fallen angel that lives on Earth after being expelled from heaven. He’s invited by Lucifer to lead his army in the Armageddon but well, he don’t want to do it. The story is so surprising and makes you think about some unexpected aspects from religion and life, I can’t even begin to explain.
Ready player one: Ok, this is my favorite sci-fi book and I love it so much that I can’t explain it in words. I love how the story goes, how we are throw back in time to the 80s, how the main character has flaws and qualities and the distopic future and a lot of things that remind me how we deal with technology now. (It was my first “sight from the crazy future” like Brack Mirror did too)
Sexuality: Heterosexual. Yeah, I know, booooring.
Favourite movie: I have a total of zero idea of which one is my favorite movie. But, if I must choose, I think it’s only fair that I choose The devil wears Prada (I also love the book)
Originally posted by dracoharry
Look up your name in the search, choose a gif that describes you:
I love how I search for ‘Fernanda’ and it returns “Looked around but didn't see anything about that.” but, if I search for Nanie...
Originally posted by think-positivve
This sums up my life.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Tagging: @
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