#poor traumatized fella
nahrgles · 1 year
My anxiety is chronic and my ass isn't iconic.
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themilkiemooth · 5 months
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Drunk Cat
Did a small doodle from this photo I took
there are so many things i could imagine from this but the first that came to mind was Narinder freaking barfing on my baby Bloom!
it could have been her beating him in a drinking contest buuuut ill let him keep some pride XD
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purpleluckystar · 3 months
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"They won't come looking for you here."
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ensigngareth · 5 months
So I think I've made Julian afraid of me on accident because I was eating some food at Quark, then puked in the bathroom, and then came back and finished eating...
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reblog-house · 2 years
HE’S ALRIGHT!!! Everything is going to shit but he’s alright.... I’m so glad......
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threeawfulfruits · 2 years
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I mean poor kid obviously but this is objectively ...so funny?!?!?! 😂😂😂
I saw this article title and laughed out loud in genuine shock. This sounds like an Onion article. Humanity has crafted interactive gaming robots and they’re ALREADY assholes loool holy SHIT (“An accident” they say. Uh huh. Sure, Jan.)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Alright so this is might be a bit of a long request, so what if overhaul and shigaraki ( separate) had s/o who is really sweet and calm and honestly never gets mad at them, what if they find out the reader aka angel aka player two has a twin brother that annoys the shit out of the reader ( it’s there first time seeing the reader so worked up)
Alright this might be a true story 👀 so like my boyfriend ig was feeling a bit u know 😼 and went to “grope me” but in turns out it was my twin let’s just say my boyfriend was traumatized and my brother was laughing his ass off and told me to get my boyfriend under control. I was wondering if I could something like this lmaooo
( btw my brother was bending down to get something and I think my boyfriend thought it was me-) 
So yeah it’s two requests-
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Ok. So.... Shigaraki wasn't lucky.
Really, poor guy.
Since you have your own life, he went to your apartments and just saw a very familiar figure bending over with baggy clothes.. he just smirked... because ele thought those clothes were his because they were very similar to his own style.
So he just went there and grabbed the butt like any man would while.muttering how a naughty thief you were.
"What the fuck?"
He immediately freaked out and almost killed the guy right there because he was the one screaming What the fuck now.
To make matters worst the dude was laughing his ass off as his fCe went as red as his pupils and was about to kill the fella until he heard your screaming.
"(B/n) YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT NOW?!" Tomura actually froze because Ethan was the first time he saw his player two screaming like and then when you saw him you were all smile "Hey honey!"
Shigaraki Tomura.exe has stopped working.
It was only after the poor guy understood the laughing maniac was your twin brother... whose was trying to get a snack on your kitchen until he felt Shigaraki's hands on his bottom.
"What a nice way to know you man! Big fan by the way." He just smiled like fucking nothing happened as he stood there wanting to both kill your brother but also crawl back to the hideout in shame.
To make matters worse when your brother left he could hear the sentence that left him sinking on the sofa.
"Control your boyfriend eh? Kinda weird knowing he does these things to ya." "SHUT UP and get out asshole."
When you were back you just saw Shigaraki staring at the ceiling and when you asked if he was okay he just looked at you with the most embarrassment and pissed off expression you ever saw.
"I hate that guy."
Pls just play some game with him to take his mind of what just happened.
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Actually met your brother before.
Is... a bit complicated. The dude is always poking fun at you and him but he can't do much about it since... well, is your twin brother.
The dude always like to torment him whenever he visits the Hassaikai, but for his lucky he just hangs around you more... he finds a bit strange your relationship to be honest.
Always widened his eyes whenever you just gets pissed off with your brother because where is his angel???
He isn't much bothered, more annoyed.
Until one day...
Chisaki rarely had moods to do intimate stuff outside of the bedroom, but in his defense, he thought you guys were alone in the house.
He saw a bending figurine and my guy had just woken up so he wasn't thinking straight and just.... ya know.
Chisaki could feel the hives appearing seconds after.
"Damn dude, at least pay me dinner first."
Poor man almost overhauled the guy right there.
You were very confused to hear your brother's hyena laughter and watch your boyfriend run in speed of thunder towards the bathroom.
"What did you do?" You growled when you watched your brother wheezing on the kitchen counter
"G-get your boyfriend under control okay? He seemed like a horny dog!"
You were shocked.
For the rest of your brother's visits Kai just refuses to meet eyes with him even when your brother says goodbye to him.
"Love? You're okay?"
"... no." The hives appeared once again.
Chisaki is traumatized.
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cloudcountry · 9 months
I have no idea who or what lucio is. Explain it to me like I'm 5 or something like that
hes a character in the arcana that half the fandom hates with a passion and half the fandom adores. hes done some fucked up shit umm i dont even think i remember everything
just realizing that i wouldnt have sworn so much if i was explaining this to a five year old oops
he's a really immmature goat man that ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands and has also killed countless people with his blade and poor decisions.
he ruined muriel's life by forcing him to fight in the arena thing for his entertainment, imprisoned asra's parents to force them to make his golden arm, he traumatized julian who is a doctor during the plague that HE brought to vesuvia, he made a bunch of really bad devil-powered deals that he DIDNT FOLLOW THROUGH WITH for power, killed his own dad because he felt entitled to the power his father had, he acts like an entitled manchild and is super immature???
so yea hes a bad person. and his route could have been handled better, because theres a scene were hes lamenting about his past and you have to choice to say "i forgive you" or "this is a lot to unpack" or something and to get the UPRIGHT ANSWER (aka the good ending) YOU HAVE TO FRGIVE HIM????? i pick the "this a lot to unpack" answer EVERY TIME BECAUSE ARE YOU SERIOUS???
but yea yk thats lucio and also hes bisexual so yay but they all but lucio actually had an affair with that wine sipping fella i think so yk
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Had to pretend to be a "rare" Pokemon so we can find a shiny mill, got all the Pokemon safe and sound
Poor fellas are scared, currently looking at places where they can recover from this traumatic experience
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wrenthemoralfander · 11 months
I thought you would appreciate it. 
Random conversations with Caleb, Heisenberg and Father Gascoigne.
Some are story like, some are quote like, and I don’t know how to make quote-like. (I am sorry in advance for the stupidity you were about to see.)
Compilation number one.
“OK, OK, OK! Why the fuck are you two banned from the kitchen?” Caleb asked.
Heisenberg and Gascoigne just looked at each other.
“Eileen’s said no one wants blood in the food…” he said. Caleb raised an eyebrow and Gascoigne sighed. “Look, I… was in a rush, so I made a mess of the kitchen last time. There was a lot of blood in the food.”
“Heisenberg, what about you?” He said as he faced palmed.
“…Ethan doesn’t want me using my powers while cooking. I think it’s stupid.” Heisenberg huffed.
“I think it’s perfectly reasonable considering ya nearly cut that poor fella’s hand off… multiple times…”
“Thank you!” Ethan hollered from the other room.
“Winters, this conversation doesn’t concern you! Stay out of it.” Heisenberg yelled back.
Caleb got up and walked to the door that went to the kitchen, before turning around.
“Since I’m the only one who knows how to fucking cook, an doesn’t threaten my partner safety while I’m at it, I’m gonna go make us some dinner. If you two think about entering the damn kitchen, so help me.”
Eileen, Ace, Henryk and Ethan playing cards against humanity well listening to the three of them Bicker.
“Caleb! Por favor, don’t burn the damn kitchen down.”
“Visconti. I know how not to burn a kitchen down.”
Gascoigne: Why does your blood smell like… mold Ethan?
Ethan: Uh… you don’t wanna know trust me.
Heisenberg: I’m gonna kill you…
Caleb: Oi. Can y’all please shut the fuck up? Ace is trying to sleep.
“Ya sister is fucking creepy!” Caleb yelled.
Karl immediately used his powers and pointed the scissors at Caleb. “Don’t talk shit about my sister, Donna! That’s my job, bitch. Only I can do that…”
“Karl Heisenberg!” Ethan yelled from the other room.
“He started it!” Heisenberg yelled back.
Ace walked into the kitchen and grabbed a drink for himself before looking at Caleb. “Deja de ser un idiota Caleb antes de que Nea te ciegue.” (Translation: Stop being a dick Caleb before I have Nea blind you.)
Carl just looked confused at Ace. Caleb sighed, “Alright…” and then just looked at Karl. 
“Translation, I’mma get my ass beat if I don’t stop. Also Heisenberg?” Karl looked back at Caleb. 
“Checkmate.” Caleb said, moving his piece on the board, taking the king.
Ace: Guys. I have a baby. I’m not sure what to do with her. Who is her father?
Heisenberg: This emotionally mind broken mold man right here.
Ethan: Heisenberg. The correct term is PTSD. Also, I am not a mold man.
Caleb: Who hurt you?
Gascoigne: PTSD?
Nea: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Gascoigne: Interesting…
Eileen: Every single one of you needs therapy. 
Nea and Ace:
Ace: I don’t know if therapy can help the mold man over there…
Ethan: Fuck you.
And that’s all.
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gradient-joe · 9 months
Naw who let this poor guy play ddlc 💀
You traumatized the poor fella. Look what you've done.
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wildcardaces · 10 months
@ruby-static "the terror" edition!
Where oh man song lyrics make good quotes sometimes
But first!
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Shawn: what time is it?
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Anna: oh, it's 5 pm-
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Shawn was really damn tired and lost track of time. Poor fella immediately teleported to Anna and accidentally spooked her. I don't think she minds though! Just Happy he's ok
And then finale!
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Bones: Do you know my face?
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Bones: it's been some time between
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Bones: can you recall?
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Bones: the TERROR in your scream?
I got introduced to a new song today (overthrone by longestsoloever) and HOUGH!!!
the intruders part of the song gave me massive dreamscape!bones vibes
Anna is not happy seeing the bastard again, even if it isn't actually him, just a perversion of who he is, created by the mind of a traumatized penguin.
Anna definitely giving Riki hugs after this
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They’re rotating in my brain again so
Once Lila takes the three to her house she’s just, wondering what the hell is happening in that manor. Because?? Who are these kids?? And so she does some research and finds a case was never put out for the siblings (because it was either a short amount of time, or they simply had no one really looking after them.) she considers giving them up but pump takes a liking to her and she gets really attached.
I think it’d be spooky if that cultist that caught them was also a recurring monster- yknow the janitor from little nightmares?? Kinda like that. Except they get crushed by a wardrobe and that’s the end of it and happy fella is so so traumatized by the end of all this because he can actually understand some of what’s happening.
Ooooo this is all SO good
There not being anyone looking after the two kinda brings into question what happened to their parents/Mr. Wonder, which I think is interesting-
Also ooooo yes that cultist absolutely ain't done with them, prolly realizes Susie and Pump got out of where they put them and then just goes into overdrive when they realize the son of their leader is with them
And poor Happy Fella like jeez he goes through the wringer - I think even tho he's based on like the regular HF, his hair still gets super messy like Dexter's, symbolizing his confusion and fear as the night goes on instead of anger
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busterpoint · 8 months
Sequel to the previous post for all the fellas who enjoyed the previous one! Still takes place just after the events of painful, debatably just after the start of jpyful too now?
The reading is again, below the cut.
So a crow and a cat walked into a bar. Nah he's kidding. The crow cackled, cleansing his hands clean at the nearby water pump. The heavy scent of diesel hung in the now still air. Only the sounds of his laugh echoing in the distance.
He was certain his new friend would be chilled to hear him. The cat was still plenty weary of him, as one should be. The crow was always worried he would lose control at a moments notice. He couldn’t blame him. Not to mention a whole army wiped out in a matter of minutes. Must've been traumatizing. This world is an abuser for decent folk. Turning the most clueless into cannibals and the kindest into beef stew. Niceties had no place. No how are yous. No more, my day was good thanks.
Actually, he didn't feel so bad. Those memories were fuzzy and distant. No more than a previous life's intuition still echoing in an amnesiac's mind. The flash takes all, doesn't it? Not just women, but memories. God, the crow couldn't remember anything about who he was. Should he seek this past out anyways? Was it worth it? Or was the monster truly him, before he became what others would call as such?
There he goes, holding on too much. Getting lost in thoughts like this gets you killed, Sergei. The task at hand was more important. To seek out a ration for Clint and maybe something to tend to his wounds. A lighter would suffice if he had any holes to be closed. The crow's array of sewing supplies had medical uses too, uses he's thanked many times.
The dead driftwood-esque walls made him claustrophobic. He supposes it was to shift with the times. Eyeless creeps enjoyed these closed halls. They stank, stank of sweat and men. The smell of sleep left in the linen on the grounds. The stench of death rotting away. Antiseptic lingering faintly. A hospital of sorts. A dark, dank one. Straight out of a horror film or a voice that told him it felt like silent hill. Whatever hill this was, which it wasn't, was far too nasty.
The pros of being here, however, was the likelihood for supplies. As long as the dead didn't feel like rising. Bones, maggots, fungi, and whatever else shouldn't bother him. He rumaged through creaky cabinets. Nothing nothing nothing. Ah. Bandage roll. Free of moths, looks clean enough. He slipped it into his secret pocket of the poncho.
Having only one arm had its benefits. Like having a secret pocket to pretend he still had another limb. But that's where it ended. The poor stub left over was worth looking a little more normal. Better than dragging around heavy, dead, cancerous looking weight. Pain hadn't felt the same since he'd changed. That wasn't important now though.
The crow sighed, rumaging around further. Still nothing of use. Would the cat eat raw meat? No, he couldn't force him to do that. As monstrous as he felt, he wasn't that horrible. The cat didn't deserve going through what he had too. Ah, horse jerky. That'll do.
Returning to him, the crow knelt down beside him. "Can you stand?" The cat shook his head. "I'm... Not sure... Everything hurts..." The cat made a move, but the crow stopped him. "Clint. Don't hurt yourself further. I fetched some supplies to help tend to you, I just wanted to see if we could get out of this literal blood bath so I can look at you better."
He patted the cat's head, careful of the spike, before getting closer. "I'm not strong enough to carry you, but if you want to try to get up now... I'll help, Clint." He flinched away, uncertain. The crow understood, but knew if he wanted to be patched up he'd have to put some trust in this stranger. "Clint, please."
The way his name rolled off the tongue felt strange, but the crow felt as if a name held weight against someone. Not in a bad way necessarily, but to keep them focused. Repeating his name multiple times was key to gaining his trust, to show he cared. In which, some would say he's heartless since the crow debated on leaving him in the first place. This cat could be a nice ally though, he lived. That's what mattered to him.
"Sergei... Just... Give me space. I can get up myself." Bold, the crow thought, backing off of the cat. Using his name no less. Second in command, right? He must've been jealous of Rando, no? The crow hadn't known much about the army, but who hasn't heard of Rando? Maybe, he was overanalyzing things.
The cat got up to one knee, before shakily standing again. The crow reached to help, but a swat of a hand told him otherwise. "Alright. Where to, Sergei?" That voice never faltered, hm? Consise, clear, unwavering, and loud, but not yelling. Even in this state, the cat's voice held strong. Impressive.
"There's a cave just down the path, if I'm not mistaken. We can camp in there and I can take a look at you." The crow started moving along, passing by the cat. He stared for a few moments before getting the message and following. The masked man stopped for a few moments, looking back to make sure he wasn't too far behind.
Thankfully, it was smooth sailing outside of there. Past the carnage was an old building. Inside was a pained monster who lie in defeat. It reminded the cat of Rando. Master Armstrong, or whatever that man had once meant was long gone now.
And there it was, the little gap in some rocks. In the blue of the landscape it was like an abyss. A dark navy spot in a clear and... "Welcoming" ocean. The ocean wasn't very welcoming, actually. Let's not dote on shitty metaphors like that, thought the crow.
It's less dim inside than it looks. An empty little hideaway free of human interference. It wasn't big or anything. Just large enough for maybe cramming 4 people in, it could house 3 people shoulder to shoulder. It was fine for just the two of them. As long as it did the job. The crow sat down, checking his belongings. The car warily sat on the opposite end of the small area.
Caves felt rather relaxing compared to old homes. Just the hum of the wind by the entrance, lacking the dust hanging in the air and yellow-eyed freaks of nature. It was cool inside, the walls are dimly lit by the outside light. Though, it wasn't pitch dark! Just enough to see, that's all it needed to be.
"Clint." The crow pulled the horse jerky from his poncho. He kept his back leaned against the wall due to a lack of an arm. The cat watched, reaching forwards and taking the offering. "Eat something, then I'll look at your wounds. I can stitch up the real bad ones the food won't cover."
Now that he says it, the crow finds it odd how food works now. Never in his fuzzy past could he recall any food that magically patched up gunshot wounds. Of course, food doesn't help when you're decapitated... Not now. This wasn't the time to think about ripping heads off in one fell chomp.
The cat realized what he was given, and started to eat, stopping halfway through. "I don't have any open wounds, just burns." Good. That takes the discomfort of stripping off the list. The cat had started looking a little more lively now too. His motions didn't shake or creak, nor were they slow from pain and uncertainty. Ah the wonders of this new world. Not that he remembers living before it, oh well.
"Need to be patched up or anything?" The crow offered, his hand ghosting over his pocket in preparation. "No Sergei. I'm good now. I just need proper rest." He has his attention, it was strange hearing his voice relax now. "Then rest. I'll stay and watch, sleep is the last of my worries." The crow watched his movements carefully. His gaze said he wanted to say more.
Silence began again. The crow stared at him, waiting for him to speak. The cat laid down, as if he decided against it. Oh well, it wasn't worth looking into, it's not like the crow would ask for a pillow either. They didn't have any. That's what he'd assumed, not wanting to assume anything more. "Sleep well."
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nerdnag · 1 year
Tell me about your blorbos! Absolutely anything you want to share. And any OC's you have for any fandom you're in?
Omg omg omg!!! I love talking about my blorbos!! Thank you for asking 😍😍😍
Ok this will barely be structured at all because I am so excited but bear with me.
First! We have Constance von Nuvelle. Everyone should know at this point how much I love her and relate to her. She is so Babygirl. A genius before her time. I love writing her i love drawing her i love cosplaying her. One day I will learn how to speak in a voice that sounds like her and when that day comes I will have reached immortality.
Then! Let's go with Hubert von Vestra!! He is adorable and clever and I love myself a tricky man. He will do almost anything for those he cares about. He has a cute brooding thing going on. I like his little hair horns!!! And his way of speaking is lovely to write. I love to write him love to draw him love to put him in awkward or traumatic situations. 10/10
I also love Yuri Leclerc!! He is so smart and tricky and pretty and his combat style is really fun to write. Love his loose ponytail. Love his street smarts. Also love that he hates Hubert and likes to tease Constance. He's so funny all the time aND HIS POINTY SHOES ARE 10/10 BY THEMSELVES
Then outside of fe3h we have Killian Lu!! He is a true Babygirl. He uses magic built on WORDS how cool is THAT. It's so fun to write because I can do magic with poetry and insults!!!!! He's so cool and skilled and smart but he has literally no friends. Like at all. But he deserves them and he deserves a break and he deserves to be adopted by Dina who is another blorbo of mine and omg she is so precious. Literally just says whatever comes to mind at any point in time. A literal plant girl who's trying to find friends but fails time and time again. She brews various types of tea with interesting effecta and her humor is Spot On. Love Dina and Killian together they are literally perfect together, as friends or otherwise.
And then there's Kazuma Asogi!!! Also hella cool. He knows what he's talking about and he says it well. Everyone wants to be him, including me. How is he so cool. I want constant wind in my hair too. Also SPOILERSSPOILERSSPOILERSBUTHELOOKSSOGOODINAMASKHHHHHNNNNGH
Who else?? You know what. Let's go with Adrien Agreste too. Haven't written or seen him in YEARS but he is such an awkward cinnamon roll there isn't anyone more pure on this EARTH. Literal model who didn't have any real friends until he was like. 14. Literally evil father and omg all my blorbos have family trauma don't they...
There's also Arlo! Captain Arlo of the Civil Corps! First time I met him he kicked down the door without a care in the world. He's such a dork and wants to be an adventurer but he's also very good at punching things. And he's a cute redhead. What else do you need
Speaking of redheads we have Sylvain Gautier! Back to Fe3h I guess! Such a silly little traumatised fella. I both want to give him fluff and to hang him upside down from his toes. I have several fic ideas jotted down for him but don't know if I'll ever write them. He deserves a found family in the Ashen Wolves by the way.
And oh oh oh lemme tell you about my fe3h oc!!! This is heavy spoilers for my fic but currently I do not care I am so excited. His name is Lukas and he is the 11th Hresvelg child, but he was brainwashed and memory-wiped by Thales so he thinks he's an Agarthan named Lysias. And also he has parts of Nemesis inside of his body. Poor babe he just can't catch a break. Such a little devil. He's excellent at dark magic and knows how to Pretend but he's so lonely. And also when he learns the truth about himself he kinda melts into a puddle so uhhh. I like the Troubled Ones I guess. But I am going to fix it for him I swear!! Eventually!!
Oh I also have a Fe3h oc named Androtimos who is a Morfean!! I imagine his voice as smooth and warm as liquid honey and personality-wise he is basically that as well. But also he's a lil tricky-tricky. He's a librarian who secretly knows some dark magic and has a mother in TWSITD.
Who else who else? Is that everyone have I forgotten anyone?? I probably have in which case I apologize to that blorbo and I will add on to this post if I remember!!
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peachhoneii · 2 years
Audrey goes on a date and the Ink Demon gets super jealous and tries to scare them off. Sees Audrey in a dress and gets heart eyes
Audrey living a double life in the ink world and the real world, which I feel will eventually seep into the real world as a "Toon Town," would be interesting.
Ink Demon would play off as Bendy to the date. Very charming. Very sweet. Very cute. And when Audrey isn't looking, he'd traumatize the poor fella. Why? Because he's a freakin' demon.
Ink Demon sees Audrey talking about her prospective date and feels her excitement that it makes her glow somehow. He likes it. He makes no note of it. It shouldn't matter to him.
But he is a demon, so seeing her in an flattering dress does make him go...a little googly, heart eyed.
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