#poor sig
flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
Non-Subsident Harrowment — A Rain World Short Story
mmmmm thoughts. i don’t know if this is anything. but i wanted to get the thoughts out. just... what was NSH’s reaction to learning about Moon’s collapse, yknow?
Content warning for marked dissociation. Contains lore spoilers for Rain World; read at your own discretion.
Simulations within simulations within simulations. Nothing yields results. The more they try the more it seems pointless. They try anyway, humming as they set up more simulations. What else is there for them to do? They iterate. They were made to do this.
In one of them, their puppet’s head explodes. They laugh as the simulation ends. That could go wrong, yeah. They’ve spent so many cycles running these simulations they may as well be doing that. Cycling back and forth, round and round and round they go in circles, searching for an end. Maybe their head can ascend, find the answer in the void sea, and bring it back to the rest of them. That’d be nice.
Their overseers bring a constant stream of entertainment in, flickering around the various creatures in the areas below them. They’re not sure how many times they’ve watched a lizard fall off the edge into their waste pits, and they’re not sure why their overseers keep showing them this, but they laugh regardless. Lizard brains. What even goes on inside there?
In another simulation, the sky collapses, vultures raining down harder than their own output. The ground stains red and green with blood, draining into the faltering fields and choking them, strangling any plantlife that dared to survive. They chuckle as they end that simulation, a few hundred others flickering into existence as they do. What does it matter? They’d all just wake up again the next day. They probably wouldn’t even remember.
Sometimes, there are these little critters that attempt to roost in their can, seeking shelter from the rain that pours down once they exhale out the work of the cycle. They’re rather cute, if a little slimy. They at least lubricate their pipes when they enter and leave. What goes on in their little heads, they sometimes wonder, while they slither around the innards of a machine so many magnitudes older and larger than them. Do they fear that the sky will crash down on them?
Simulations start. Sliver of Straw revives, cracks a joke about the Triple Affirmative being her mastermind of a joke. Simulations end. A lizard drowns in their exhaust pipe; they flush it out. Simulations start. A slimer mutates into a gigantic rodent that tears down their can, ripping chunks of metal and biomatter out and consuming it with fervor. Simulations end. Moon’s can collapses.
That’s real.
The overseer wriggles, pointing to the ruined can again. They dismiss it. How long ago did this happen? The Lake looked more full than it was when they had last seen it.
A different overseer beams a message to them: Pebbles’ can, with the gigantic veins of Rot growing along the supports. The pustules pulsate, twitch, and move, climbing up and down the crumbled stone. Polyps decorate the entirety of one support, blinking blue like how the microbes in the water flash at night. The dark grey clouds crackle with lightning. The sky is darker there than they’ve ever seen it.
They dismiss the overseer, mind spinning. They haven’t heard from Moon in a while. When was the last time they’d talked to her? They’d sent comms after Wind warned about the breeding program, surely. Right? Right. They just forgot. They’ve talked to her recently. Maybe not recently enough, though.
But now what? They do a quick survey of their systems, then wince. A transform array went down recently; they’ll need to repair that. There’s some slag build up in the lower arrays; they sweep through it, flushing the slag out and away, watching as it falls into their waste pit. Their bioprocessor is still functional, but their transmitter is not. Most of their servos are functional, but they can feel the weight of the metal’s age pressing down on them.
Slag… how long has Moon been gone for? She’ll need a reset soon. Slag reset keys will be useful, certainly. They set to work on it, systems firing as they focus on repurposing their neurons. It’s something. It will be something.
Moon’s can was completely ruined. Did it just… crumble? What even… happened to break her supports so quickly?
Pebbles went through with the plan. The Rot proves as much. Of course it didn’t work. Their wish of luck hadn’t helped him, then. Phooey. Had Moon found out about it and stopped it?
No. No, she couldn’t have. If she had, she would have let everyone know before doing anything. She was always so meticulous about alerting everyone. This is… uncharacteristic of her.
Why hadn’t they heard about this? Does Wind know? No, Wind is just like Moon. None of them know. No one knows besides them.
Their bioprocessor sparks as it finishes the slag keys, starting to smoke; they set the repair modules to work, sending the slag keys to… where? The transmitter is broken. They don’t have the materials to repair it. They can’t send this to Moon.
They keep it in their arrays for the next few cycles, flicking between observing the progress of their repair module and watching the rain pour over Moon’s can. It pounds down like all of the world’s fury is bent on battering her to shreds. Pebbles is quiet. Does he know? He must know. Why didn’t he say anything, then?
Pah. Pebbles, sharing anything important? Maybe they saw it in one of their simulations once. They giggle. How many lizards did he kill for this? Was it all worth it?
A slimer makes its way into their arrays, scratching around the pipes. They watch it, curious. Though a little on the older side, it looks strong. They’ve seen these little critters make long journeys across the plains, dodging vultures and leaping ravines. Perhaps…
They allow it to climb, watching as it weaves its way through their circuitry. Closer, closer, closer it gets, and then it pokes its head into their puppet’s chamber, nose twitching. They give it a blithe little wave, smiling, before yanking it down into their chamber. As long as they’re careful, they should be able to…
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leslietheluna · 2 months
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"This power, suppressed for so long..."
I'm really enjoying Puzzle Pop so far :) (AAAA ITS DRIVING ME NUTS I LOVE IT!!!!🫶💖💖) [heres the rough sketches!]
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teaspoonofdragons · 8 months
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ladyimaginarium · 4 months
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puwumats · 1 year
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this is how they animate those ladies in the hentai films
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minty-bunni · 2 years
Do you think Vlad ever ended up on hospice during his original ecto-acne hospitalization?
Like "yeah, dude is 100% dying from this weird thing he has been hospitalized for for forever. There are no other options except make him comfy and wait." And then he only half dies, becomes a billionaire, and turns into a supervillian.
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heizouslesbianwife · 2 years
hwlp me why did BONES studios remove nikolais god blessed thighs. THEY TOOK AWAY HIS GOD BLESSED THIGHS ??? WHATS THE OOINT OF WATCHING BSD ANYMORE THEN ☹️☹️
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ghostlycoze · 10 months
was working on a pebbles design and realised his colours suit a rosy maple moth
now I need to draw the motherators
so don't mind me rambling ab my motherator au ideas lmao
Pebs is a Rosy Maple Moth - Mainly pink with the yellow details like his forehead markings, could scatter some blue in there to match his overseers.
Moon is a Sunset Moth - Has the blue (more of a teal but close enough) with the warm reds for her forehead marking (I know it's more pink in-game, but I kinda prefer the red look, plus the wings feature a lot of orange and yellow too. Could mess with that and spice her up a little!)
Sig is a Luna Moth - Green, lol. Not sure if the yellowish antenna, reddish legs and wing-lining, or the white fluff will work very well with his purple robes, buuut I'll figure it out! The pretty wing-tails would be a nice touch with the long scarf too.
Suns is a Grovers Moth - My Suns design is a little more red-focused (still with the main yellow colour and muted purple robes), so the dark red could work with his markings and the black could blend with the purples, with a couple colour adjustments. Those little spots on the wings could be turned into suns too!
Wind is a Tolype Moth - AUGH. It's so fluffy, yet has such pretty wings. Grey scale, as I imagine them due to the "Grey Wind" nickname. Pretty simple, but funky enough for the cool old guy :)
And maybe Inno is a Spongy Moth? (Not certain about Inno yet) - I have always imagined her with big antenna, probably because a lot of the fandom's designs make her suuuuper tiny with cute proportions like large eyes and antenna (which I ADORE). Sooo, Spongys could be good for that, and they have simple enough designs to lean into the general design concept I've got
(Summary: the older the iterator, the more decorative because the ancients had more time and resources back then. Wind is heavily decorated with tattoo-like details, Moon is very brightly coloured, Suns is very dramatically decorated, Sig is sort of in the middle, while Pebbles and Inno are a little more simplistic)
I'll work on these. one day. maybe
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They really punched their way through my wishes 😭😭😭
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magistralucis · 1 year
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a pleasant объект to celebrate the coming year 😍 ( @absolut--kurant )
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garagegalaxy · 4 days
being plural and also having sysmates who age regress (+ you yourself) is pretty funny sometimes tbh.
just this other day:
“… oh, i’m lil.”
“… who am i though”
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kurooandkenmasslut · 1 year
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Notes: s/n means 'sons name'
"Don't you dare move a muscle (name)!" Tengen, your husband called. He has been keeping his eyes on you for the past 8 months, especially since you were expecting in a few days. You didn't cook like you always did with hinatsuru, your co-wife, and cooking for others seemed like it was her and your kinda thing.
Hinatsuru told you to lay down and not to stand to hurt your 'poor legs.'
"Hina, what are you making for dinner? Im kinda cravin- argh-" "(name), are you okay?" "(NAME)!" your co-wife called you in alarm, suma, asking if you were okay, even though it was painfully obvious that you were indeed not okay since your hand was gripping on tightly onto the couch and sweat dripping down your temple.
"I'll call tengen! TENGEN!!!" suma screamed, but then got hit on the head by your co-wife, makio, and told her to stop yelling and to just go get him. Tengen, his presence known as the 'Sound Hashira/Pillar' had heard your grunt of pain from a mile away and has been running down the stairs quickly.
"U-uhm guys? I-I think.." you stammered. It was happening. You were gonna give birth to you, tengen and your wives baby. Tengen put his arms under your legs and his other arm on your back. "Girls, I have to take her to the butterfly estate, quickly." He said, his voice wavering in slight worry for what your about to go through. He sent his flashy, fast, and serious crow to the butterfly estate, notifying his presence. He was deadly fast, almost flying to the estate.
"Tengen!" You groaned. "Yes yes I know my dear, we're almost there, just a minute and then we'll be there!" He said, his legs moving faster than he's ever did before. He stayed true to his word because you two did arrive less then a minute later, the doors slammed open, shinobu's lavender eyes searching for something, and that something is you and tengen. As soon as she saw you, she called the other nurses working there and they rushed into the room they prepared for you. The pain was bad, you were groaning non stop, and tengen hated seeing you in pain. He'd do anything to spare you some pain.
He bit his lip nervously, they took you out of his arms and laid you down onto the bed. You clutched tengens hand tightly, slightly prepared for what's about to happen.
"Just a few more pushes (name)!" Shinobu said, it was so overwhelming for you. You yelled, screamed out in pain. "Push (name)! You can do it!" "You can do it honey! Just keep going!" All the yelling stopped and for a second, it was quiet. But the silence ended with a baby crying loudly. You groaned out in relief.
"It's a... boy!" Shinobu announced, everyone cheered in the room while you mentally cheered, too exhausted to even speak, nevermind a cheer. "I'll go wash him now and give you some time alone." She said, smiling eith her eyes closed. You two nodded before all the nurses left the room, one asking if you needed anything just to call.
You were exhausted, but you opened your eyes again and looked at tengen, his face showed love. His eyes glimmered with tears, his mouth pointing upwards showing his gorgeous white teeth. His thumb gliding over your knuckles softly. His fuchsia eyes looking- no, admiring your face. He took his other hand and wiped away your tears.
"You did amazing, my love." He mumbled, which made you have a silly smile on your face. Shinobu came back with your baby washed, him sleeping soundly. You softly gasped at the small baby, although you never seen him until now, you've always loved him. And your sure you and tengen and your co wives do too.
Talking about them, someone knocked on the door three heads popping out of the door once tengen said that they could come in.
"(Name)!!!!" Suma cried, your sure she cried more tears then you did. Makio slapped her arm and she yelped and ran to tengen. Hinatsuru calmly walked over to you and sat on the edge of the bed, her violet eyes filling with tears once she saw him. The sight of you in a hospital gown (don't ask me how you got in it) and the newborn in your arms just made her tear up. Suma and Makio walked over to you and also took in the sight. Suma tried to hold in her cries while makio teared up. Suma laid down next to you cuddling to your side.
"Tengen." "Yes my dear? Do you need anything?" Tengen got up, ready to go out and ask the nurse to whatever you wished.
"Do you wanna hold him first?" That question shocked him, it made his legs weak. He nodded firmly before taking his trembling legs and over to you where you were lying. Your wives had moved out of the way, watching the most important moment of their lives happening before them. Tengen reached his arms out, and you placed your son into his arms. He brought him over more closer to him.
"Hey little guy.." He cooed. "So this is the little troublemaker that has been making my wife distressed huh?" He scolded in a whisper way. He looked up at his wives, they already knowing what they mean. Hinatsuru was first, he placed him into her arms, and he started waking up.
"Hes got your eyes, tengen." Hinatsuru mumbled and Tengen grinned. "Well of course, he's my boy after all." he bragged and you laughed. Tengen looked over at you. Suma was next, and she cooed and cooed over him. "Awhhh!! Just look how big and adorable his eyes look! Kyaa!!" She squealed. And last but not least, was makio. He started playing with her fingers. Suma was beside her and looking closely at his face. Big mistake. He then poked her eye with his small finger, making suma recoil. "I like him!" Makio grinned, and suma sulked.
Then tengen looked over at you. "Dear, you should rest, your exhausted." He mumbled and kissed the side of your head. You nodded before drifting off into a deep slumber.
Your son, s/n, was 2 years old today, so you and your wives started decorating the house before tengen and your son came back. Hinatsuru was a few months pregnant, so she couldn't do much, but you and your wives were still very appreciative of her effort.
The plan was that tengen would take s/n out in the town and do some fun stuff with him for a few hours and then you and your co wives would decorate and make the cake.
"oi! Suma! Your doing that wrong dumby! You aren't supposed to put that in yet!" Makio scolded suma and hit her on the head, which made suma cry out in pain. "Ladies, please stop yelling, hina is sleeping." You said, you took the role of hinatsuru on trying to get them to stop messing.
Suma clutched onto your arm. "(Name) (name) (name)!!!! MAKIO'S BULLING ME!!" she squealed. You just patted her head and told them that the cake needed to be in the oven now. You and makio started decorating the cake while suma did some touches to the house decoration.
You heard some ringing, sort of like beads clashing together. But to your relief, it wasn't tengen, it was his crow. "Message from tengen uzui! Ahem.. I am on my way home with s/n! I know as soon as I enter our flashy home, it's gonna be even flashier! S/n is very excited!" The crow read aloud. As soon as you heard that he's coming home, your mind started a small panic and you rushed into making the writing for the cake.
The front door opened. And s/n looked about in darkness and hung onto tengens neck. Tengen entered the kitchen and turned on the lights, and him and s/n got a fright because you, suma, makio and hinatsuru were hiding behind the counter. Makio and you laughed at their reaction.
"Yayayayaya! This cake is delicious! I love cake, I love cake, I love cake.." suma sang and it seemed like s/n seemed to catch on because..
"Cake!" He squealed. Silence. You all stared at him in shock. "C..Cake?" You mumbled and teared up. You then rook s/n to your side and started smiling as teared rolled down goir cheeks. "He said his first word! He said it!" You weeped. You were happy but then a tad bit sad that he didn't say mama first.
S/n smiled and giggled. "Cake Cake cake cake cake!" He ranted and you all laughed. Tengen went close to your ear. "Wanna make another one?" He whispered silently and grinned, making you all red. "OI I HEARD THAT!" suma and makio screamed. "Hey hey hey! I was joking!" But was he really? He glanced over at you and winked, yep, he definitely was not joking.
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exo-dus404 · 1 month
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@weepinglilvessel Here’s a quick doodle of ur Lunar Moon! It’s such a busy week sorry for the poor quality:(
Your au is suuuuper cool and I REALLY love the concept of SRS vs. Moon! ✨✨✨✨✨✨Such an original and interesting take on their dynamic, can’t wait to see more!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
And I promise there’s gonna be more PTA food and sigs is always going to be a big part of it!!! 😈😈😈
Sry for the tag…!
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baldval · 2 months
I know know this might seem weird but can you maybe write a one shot or something where it’s vox trying to win the reader and he does the cheesy standing outside with a boombox or speaker or something playing a love song? I don’t know what it is but I can see him doing that. weirdly enough I feel like it’d also be funny because I imagine if it was at the hotel and imagine alastor ends up messing with the boombox or speaker and makes it play something embarrassing like baby shark or something saying he’s a loser and he gets all embarrassed and ends up destroying it and regrets it almost immediately
while Angel is making fun of Vox calling him a simp and he (and everyone except Charlie who is trying to hold it in or thinks it’s sweet and romantic)is dying from laughter on how bad it failed 🤣
and poor Vox gets so embarrassed he just zaps away to be made fun of by the other V’s without hearing a response from the reader
and call me a sucker but it ends up being funny and sweet to the reader
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characters: vox x gn!reader
wc: 714
warnings: cursing, REALLY cheesy but i love it 😭
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Vox paced nervously outside the grand hotel, a cascade of conflicting emotions churning within him.
Tonight marked the culmination of countless nights spent wrestling with his feelings for you, and he was determined to lay his heart bare.
He wasn't used to this chasing thing, of course he had flirted with other people before, but usually they all rapidly complied.
However, you deserved more.
You deserved a GRAND gesture.
A rom-com kinda gesture, something you would remember forever.
And there is nothing more romecomish than standing outside playing a love song from his speaker.
This wasn't his type of thing, he had to admit that.
But for you? He would do anything.
Unsure of how he felt, all his focus was on one thing:
"y/n is going to love this"
With a flourish, he raised the boombox high above his head, its speakers belting out a tender love ballad that echoed through the night air.
It was cheesy, he knew that.
But to him, all that mattered was you.
"The fuck is that sound?" Angel asks, looking over at Husk as he shrugs his shoulders.
Vaggie looked out the window. "It's the fucking tv."
Alastor appeared by her side, also looking out the window.
He turned to look at Vaggie, his smile turning even more sinister as he disappeared again.
"y/n this one's for you sweetie." Angel shouts, teasing.
"What is?" You walk down the stairs, towards the lobby.
"Look out the window." Angel stands up from the sofa and accompanies you.
Your heart swelled with affection as you watched Vox standing there, his determination etched into every line of his face.
His heart started pounding in his chest the minute he saw your face on the window, summoning the courage to shout out your name, to let you know just how much you meant to him.
But before he could utter a single word, the music abruptly changed, replaced by the unmistakable sounds of fucking Baby Shark.
A wave of mortification washed over Vox as he fumbled to silence the mocking tune, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. Alastor's laughter rang out from somewhere nearby, followed by Angel's teasing jibes.
"He's such a loser." Angel's laughter bubbled up as he walked away from the window, leaving you there.
You couldn't help but smile at the desastrous, but endearing attempt from Vox.
Vox's frustration boiled over as he struggled to shut off the boombox, his pride wounded by the unexpected turn of events. With a muttered curse, he finally succeeded, but the damage had been done.
As the laughter of the other demons echoed through the hotel, you knew you had to do something. Wrapping a coat around your shoulders, you hurried outside to find Vox, your heart pounding in your chest.
When you reached the spot where he had been standing, you found it empty, Vox having vanished into the night. But you refused to let him slip away without a word.
"Vox?" you called out softly, scanning the darkness for any sign of him.
A moment later, Vox materialized before you, his expression a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty. "I-I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't mean for it to go like that."
You stepped closer, a gentle smile playing on your lips. "It's okay, Vox. I thought it was sweet."
Vox's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of hope igniting within them. "Really?"
You nodded, reaching out to take his hand in yours. "Really. I appreciate the effort you put into it."
A warm flush spread across Vox's cheeks as he returned your gaze, his heart swelling with joy. "I don't know if you got to hear the song, but what I'd meant for it to be was, kinda like a rom-com, I know you love those so-"
"I know what you meant Vox." Your hand lightly grazed his arm, stopping his rambling.
In that moment, the tension that had hung between you melted away, leaving only the undeniable bond that connected you. With a soft smile, Vox leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss that spoke volumes of the love he felt for you.
As you melted into his embrace, the world faded away, leaving only the two of you, lost in the sweetness of the moment.
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amerricanartwork · 1 month
I just want to say that I LOVE your lilypad and Moon and Pebbles being adorable siblings drawings and headcanons! 🥺❤
Have a great day :3
Awww, thanks! It's always nice to see your support, Tanya!
Although, since you decided to mention both Lilypad AND the siblings, mind if I take this opportunity to actually introduce some more character headcanons and story plans tying both of these character relationships together?
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First of all I want to establish, if I haven’t depicted it in my other content thus far, that in my general interpretation Five Pebbles and No Significant Harassment do not like each other. A lot. I won’t go into detail as to why right now (it’s based on a lot of deeper character knowledge that I’ll save for an official headcanon post), but I’ll say that Sig likes to tease Pebbles a lot — which given what I just said about him hating being disrespected, especially by older iterators, already creates tension easily — and while Pebbles’s stubbornness alone isn’t too unbearable, the arrogance and excessive pride he carries into his endeavors really ticks off Sig. 
Now, this conflict alone I headcanon as having played a part in the Moon’s collapse/Pebbles’s rot situation, but this issue will likely come to a head once again in my AU story because of one factor: Lilypad. 
You see, I currently expect Lilypad to become official pretty early on in the story for character development reasons, and because with my character headcanons on Sig and Moon and their relationship it just seems like a natural choice for them to make in that situation. However, this occurrence would definitely also heighten the tension between Sig, who doesn’t trust the guy who literally killed his new lover anywhere around her, and Pebbles, who really doesn’t like the idea of one of his least favorite people snuggling up with the one person he’s actually somewhat willing to open up to. Although for a while he won’t directly admit that he takes issue with it (which is an example of another, more fundamental problem of his in-and-of itself), and that last part isn't saying too much considering how awful all of Pebbles’s relations are by the story’s start. 
I also want to reiterate that Lilypad alone isn’t the biggest reason why Pebbles and Sig hate each other so much. Rather, the relationship and their reactions to it are the clearest physical manifestation of what I headcanon as the actual main reasons for their conflict and frequent disagreement on various matters.
But anyway, the “debate” over Lilypad ends up being another conflict between these two, and of course poor Moon struggles a lot trying to keep the peace when her little brother and new boyfriend are frequently threatening to throw hands (metaphorically), while also trying to work through some of her own issues that this development highlights. She feels horribly guilty for re-igniting their conflicts, and is afraid of siding too much with one of them and making the other feel ignored or attacked, but it also gets harder and harder to hide how much it hurts her to see them hate each other so much. Although now that I think about it, this situation could end up being something aiding Moon’s character arc as well. But once again, I don’t wanna give away too much here, so that’s something for another time!
I hope I didn't bombard you with this, Tanya! I kinda just saw the opportunity and wanted to talk more about these characters and their relationship. I definitely plan for it to get a lot better, but I thought I needed to give a bit of the setup first.
Regardless, thanks again for the ask! I can't wait to start unpacking my major headcanons regarding these characters' psychology, especially Five Pebbles's...!
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politemenacephd · 4 months
Arachnophilia (Part Sixteen)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content: Mild Voyeurism, Fingering, Oral (reader giving), Fear Kink, Monster Fucking, Spicy bath time.
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Word count: 4640
The morning rolled in with a thick coat of mist, one that settled beneath the tree line and obscured everything in a soft, white void. It was a peaceful, isolated world out here.
Up in the nest you were only just barely stirring, sleepily mumbling as you rolled beneath the silk sheets.
Mig, however, was wide awake. He was watching you as you slowly shifted onto your side, nestling into his fur. His eyes were endlessly endeared. He didn’t want to be strange, and he had enough distant memories of his humanity to know that watching you sleep might seem like odd behaviour, but he loved it too much.
Watching you live in his presence, even doing small things like sleeping or shuffling in the sheets or eating or bathing, it was such a comfort to him. Seeing you exist was fascinating. Perhaps he was still stuck trying to convince himself you were real.
His eyes moved to the window, noting the light outside. It was getting towards dawn, and you’d likely need to return to the society today. What a shame, he thought, his fur bristling with discomfort. He would have to see you off again.
It was in that soft melancholy that he suddenly remembered something rather important. He bent and awkwardly shifted the sheet around your thighs.
God, the heat that erupted in his chest at just the sight, it was maddening. Your soft, plush skin, coated in little red marks and shimmering with the leftover trails of cum and sweat and slick, it made him weak. He coughed to stop himself from going too far, and quickly moved to cover you again.
You couldn’t go to the society like that. You’d be so uncomfortable, and he didn’t want you to be embarrassed, poor thing. Plus, you’d probably want to talk with him about what happened last night, if not right now then at some point before you had to face Miguel yourself.
Gently he bent and pressed a kiss to your forehead, his soft forelegs pawing at your hair to wake you.
‘Mi tesoro?’
You blinked, your eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light.
It was all you could get out, and yet Mig’s smile only widened. ‘Sweet thing. You are so sleepy, mi bella durmiente.’
‘You tired me out’ you grumbled, your face half obscured now by his black and red fluff.
‘I know. I apologize.’
‘Oh, no—don’t apologize, my god, I am- very grateful’ you said, your face half turned to reveal a lazy half-smile. His own smile widened until his fangs were bared, their pearly sheen glinting in the pastel dawn light.
‘Sweet thing’ he repeated, ‘sweet little spider. I’m sorry, but, I believe you will have to leave soon. For the society. Would you, like me to help you get clean?’
Immediately you groaned, your smile fading as you nestled deeper into the sheets. ‘Oh no, not the spring. It’s freezing.’
‘You do not like the spring?’
‘It’s—it’s an outdoor spring, Mig, it’s COLD. I can handle it sometimes but—oh, god, I’m gonna have to aren’t I?’
Miguel grunted. Even your minor distress perturbed him deeply.
‘No, no, don’t you worry mi tesoro. I didn’t realize you felt that way. I will…’ He paused to think, his paws tapping back and forth like fingers drumming on a piece of wood. ‘I will… we have that basin, downstairs, I can fill it with water from over the fire. I’ll warm it for you. Would that be, acceptable?’
‘Mm… Are you sure Miggy?’ you said, awkwardly manoeuvring onto your elbow so you could see him. ‘I don’t—’
‘Mi arañita, how many times do we go over this? I like to do things for you.’ Mig bent as he spoke, his forehead coming down to nestle against yours. His breath as he huffed was warm and sweet on your face, and his eyes up against yours were so round and wide and red. You bumped his nose with your own and heard that strange little chuckle erupt in his throat.
‘I like to do things for you’ he murmured. ‘So let me. Please.’
You sighed, but, this time you capitulated easily. ‘Okay. Okay. I’ll do the warm water thing. And to be nice, I’ll even let you watch’ you said with a slight smile.
The unironic joy in his face made you giggle.
‘You are- very, nice to look at, when you bathe’ Mig breathed. ‘Though that, may be more to do with the coldness. You look, very… tight. Very…’
‘Perky. You wanna say perky, right?’ you said, your face tilting to catch his eye. You could see he looked embarrassed.
‘Yes, that- yes. Yes. But I will put that aside to ensure you are warm. Now you go back to resting.’
While you nestled back into the sheets Mig rose to his feet and began creeping towards the door. He had that soft, dumb smile on his face even then, but it faded as he pushed the door aside.
That smell was still there.
That smell. Him.
He hadn’t left.
Mig shot one look back at you as you snuggled up into the sheets. You seemed unphased, likely either ignorant or unbothered by the man’s presence. Either way was good. He darted his head once, twice, before deciding to finally descend and face him.
As Mig settled on the dewy grass below the nest he found Miguel right where he’d left him last night; back to the tree, slumped on the ground with his knees turned up and his arms folded, his whole body looking sickly and exhausted.
Mig thought about ignoring him, but something made him stay. He didn’t look at Miguel with the fear he used to, but most surprisingly he didn’t feel that same animosity from last night. He was annoying, yes, and a verifiable menace, but a threat? After seeing the man on the floor, whining, watching him mate with his partner with those needy eyes, it was hard to even be angry at him.
He’d won. Now he just felt bad.
‘You remained, I see’ Mig said, his breath condensing hard in the air.
Miguel scowled, his lack of sleep obvious by the dark circles beneath his eyes. He refused to meet Mig’s gaze as he gently patted over.
‘We have a set-up here if you need to bathe’ Mig said, his legs folding so that he could sit beside him. Miguel stiffened. ‘I built a full uh, well as full as it can be out here, bathroom set-up for mi tesoro to use. You are welcome to—’
‘Shut up’ Miguel snapped. Mig blinked, unphased.
‘Well, it still stands. I don’t know if you’re going to continue this charade of watching but if so you may want to consider your health long term. It gets cold out here.’
‘Why are you—so, calm?’ Miguel said, his eyes shamelessly roaming the man’s body. Mig blinked again.
‘Well, you’re not a threat anymore’ he said, matter-of-factly. Miguel seethed at how unbothered he was; there wasn’t a trace of denial or false confidence in his tone, he truly didn’t see Miguel as a problem anymore.
‘You’re a fool if you think that’ Miguel replied.
‘I am, not, though, am I?’ Mig noted. To Miguel’s horror, the spiders red eyes moved over to a particular patch of grass, one slightly dewier than the others. Miguel felt his face burning up.
‘I sensed you, relieving yourself, last night. Don’t worry, I—didn’t tell them.’
‘Oh, how noble of you’ Miguel sarcastically grunted.
‘I find it, grotesque, but… you showed me sympathy before, and I don’t forget that. I will choose to show you sympathy here.’
‘Get away from me.’
‘I do not want to be at odds with you’ Mig said gently.
‘You—fucked them in front of me!’ Miguel spat, suddenly jolting to try and subdue the large man. Mig looked down, unphased, as Miguel seethed and huffed, his fangs bared.
‘Yes. I know. I don’t apologize for it. You could have left, but you didn’t. You wanted to watch, and I made sure you understood finally that I am not your sad little scapegoat anymore. You needed humbling.’
Mig’s cold, calculated, and yet wholly earnest rebuttal brought Miguel to his metaphorical knees. He couldn’t fight this. He was still plotting internally, rocked by conflicting feelings of anger, guilt, confusion, and somehow admiration.
‘What is your problem, sir?’ Mig asked genuinely. ‘I don’t understand. I don’t believe you truly love my little spider—’
‘Ay por Dios—stop calling them that, its—disgusting’ Miguel hissed.
‘Hmm. No. That is how I call them, so, I will continue. But, as I was saying, I don’t believe you love them. Not like I do. But you… reek of loneliness. It is, unnerving. And you pursue them, and me, with something that would imply jealousy, and yet I cannot believe it is them you desire. So, what is it?’
Miguel narrowed his eyes. ‘Hmf. You want the truth?’
Mig nodded and watched patiently as Miguel sat up straight.
‘You idiot. No, I don’t love them. You just—cruelly showed me something I’m not allowed to have, throwing it in my face with your lack of regard for their safety, and it—broke me, temporarily. But it doesn’t change anything. We are not supposed to be happy.’
‘How can you know that?’ Mig asked, his head tilted. Miguel scoffed.
‘I don’t know what it is about us, but—every time, I’ve come close to being happy, it’s taken from me. The same is true of you but you just can’t seem to see it. You are chasing someone from a different universe, how will that work? Will they wear the watch forever, until they die? If they take it off their DNA will disintegrate. You can’t have children, you can’t buy a home, you can’t get a normal job, you can’t buy food or water or necessities. How will you care for her if she is sick, or old, or tired? How will you give her anything but this? You are dangerous. You have blood on your hands, as all O’Hara’s do.’
Miguel sighed and ran both hands down his face as he drolly listed all their issues upfront. ‘Even love wouldn’t be enough to just, paint over those issues, and I know you’re not in deep enough too—’
‘I… think, I do love them, actually’ Mig blurted.
When Miguel turned, he found that his counterpart had softened. His eyes were sad, round, downturned. He looked, scared?
‘I think, I am in love with them’ he repeated.
Miguel scoffed openly to his face. ‘You idiot—no you don’t.’
‘I do.’
‘You don’t know what love is—’
‘I do. I’ve been in love. You know I have.’
Miguel grunted and lowered his head into his hands. It looked like he was in pain.
‘Don’t. Don’t you dare invoke Dana right now.’
‘Dana didn’t love us’ Mig said. There wasn’t a shred of hesitation in those sad little words. ‘Me, or you. You know that.’
To his surprise, Miguel didn’t fight back.
‘She may have liked what we were, but… we were young. It feels like another lifetime now. But she left you, and she—’ he choked on the words and forced them down. They both knew what he meant. ‘I forgot what it felt like, to love something, but I feel it now. It’s like… an old tree that shed its leaves, sitting alone, thinking that it has died, only to realize that it was only winter. No matter how long it’s been, it knows what spring is. It remembers the sun. It remembers the buds, and the flowers. It knows them.’
Miguel wanted to roll his eyes, but he didn’t. The poor fool was speaking so honestly. Still, he had to get one cruel remark in.
‘Mm. You love them so much you let me look at them like that?’ Miguel said snidely. Mig remained unaffected.
‘I seem to have lost a lot of my concern around nudity that you all still uphold, out here. I have not seen clothes for over a decade. I do not care who see’s them, only who touches them. Besides, they are… glorious to look at. I could not deny myself the chance to observe them beneath me.’
‘Ay, Dios—be quiet’ Miguel snapped. Mig conceded.
‘But, going back, Dana was the last real instance you had of loving someone, yes?’ Mig asked. He didn’t notice Miguel suddenly stiffening, his whole body tensing up.
‘She was the last real relationship you had, from what you told me. How can you be so sure about it not working? Even if not romantic love, what if you tried—’
‘I had a family’ Miguel murmured, his eyes growing glassy and dull. Mig froze. He sensed something in the air, something potent. Something deep, and dark, and cold. A white void. A nothingness that he didn’t know how to fill.
For just a moment, all the birds in the air seemed to stop singing. The world went utterly still.
‘You, did? When?’ Mig murmured. It felt strange, like he was speaking in a graveyard, instinctively knowing to lower his voice.
‘Not that long ago. I had a daughter. Now it’s—she’s, gone. Because of me. It was all my fault.’
Mig felt his whole body sink. Despite his animosity with this man, he knew their shared desires. He knew how ingrained into them this one dream was, this thing he’d also been forced to put aside. He could almost feel, in the universal string between their bodies, the pain he had pushed down.
‘I was being kind before, to you, even if you didn’t see it’ Miguel snapped at Mig, interrupting him sharply. ‘I was being kind to both of you. I just wanted you to avoid that same fate, that same pain, but it seems that all O’Hara’s must suffer to learn. So I don’t care anymore. Tear each other apart.’
Mig tapped his foot sadly.
‘It—I mean, having two poor experiences does not a doomed man make’ he murmured. ‘It’s not the end.’
‘Nobody can love us’ Miguel repeated. ‘Nobody lov—’
Nobody has loved me, he thought, nobody but Gabi, but he couldn’t bring himself to verbalize it. For all his grandiose promises that he maintained separation for the sake of others, in truth, he knew he was just weak. He was scared.
He didn’t say this, but Mig could almost feel it in the air around him. This verbose, unspoken resentment.
‘You are far more human than me’ Mig murmured, ‘and I am—treated kindly, if not loved. I don’t see why the same couldn’t happen for you.’
‘We are monsters’ Miguel said. ‘We are still broken. Still ruined.’
Silence fell on the two men as they sat side by side, both facing out into the woods. There was too much here to easily unpick. Too much lingering animosity, too much history, too much jealousy, too much of the same man’s lingering doubt now doubled.
Miguel was slipping somewhere dark, and it wasn’t Mig’s job to save him, but it was hard to watch himself floundering. How could he not, on some level, have sympathy for himself?
‘You… If you wanted, you could watch again’ Mig said, fully misreading the tension in the air as he tried to find a solution. ‘Perhaps seeing it more would help you, acclimatize? To see that this body can be loved? Perhaps—’
‘Get away from me’ Miguel hissed.
Mig slowly closed his mouth. Miguel didn’t want to be reached right now, clearly, and so Mig rose to his feet to leave. He went to the spring and collected as much water as he could in an old wooden basin he’d built, one that could just about fit your body. As he made his way back up to the nest, Miguel raised his hand to stop him.
‘They requested that you be allowed to join the society. Your, little spider’ Miguel said. Mig blanched.
‘They—they did?’ he stammered.
‘Yes. The idiot thinks you could re-join society somehow. They're holding my past escapades over my head to get it, so I agreed. I hope you make the right choice and reject my offer.’
Mig blinked and turned to gaze at nothing, his hands awkwardly juggling the basin. In the end he refused to give a clear answer and climbed back into the nest in silence.
As he closed the door at his back you were already awake to greet him.
‘Hey! Miggy, there you are. You took ages, I thought you like—tripped and fell into the spring, I was about to call emergency services.’ You babbled a little as you rushed across the nest to hug him, your arms burying themselves into his fluff. Mig felt all of his tension melt away.
‘Mi tesoro, back to bed! You’ll catch cold’ he said gently. He wanted to lift you but his hands were full with the basin, and we forced to gently scoop you with one of his spider legs instead. He carried your huffing body back to the mattress and dropped it into the sheets.
‘Hey! I’m fine, come on.’
‘Relax, mi arañita. Let me work. Be still for me.’
You made a show of rolling your eyes before gently nestling back into the sheets, allowing Miguel to prep your bath.
It was a low tech venture, with Mig boiling water over the fire to a warm but not scalding temperature before pouring it into the basin bit by bit. It took so long that you almost drifted off again, but Mig was there to shake you awake at the shoulder and tenderly carry your naked body to the bath.
He sank you into it slowly, his eyes darting to check that you weren’t too hot. When the only sound you made was a soft, pleasured sigh he gleefully let you fully submerge.
‘Oh that’s so much better’ you whined. ‘That’s so, so much better.’
Mig folded his spider legs and settled on the rim of the tub, his chin resting on his arms. He watched you with those big, round eyes, unashamed of how they roamed over the contours of your body beneath the water.
‘Sweet thing’ he whispered, lightly tracing his finger through the water. You watched the ripples hit your chest, the steam obscuring your vision. ‘Sweet, pretty little thing.’
It was quiet here, isolated and alone. There was no sound but the drops of rain on the windowsill, and somewhere far away the distant bellowing of an elk in the mist. You listened to Miguel’s breathing, the rustling of his fur, and the soft movement of the water as it lapped at your skin.
‘So… mm.’ You shuffled and settled into the warmth, letting it seep into your bones.
‘That—other you, he’s still outside, isn’t he?’
Miguel averted his eyes. ‘Ah… yes. He is. I meant to say, mi tesoro, about last night—’
‘I’m fine. Don’t worry.’ You opened one eye to catch his gaze, meeting him with a relaxed and foolhardy expression. ‘I know what we did was—childish, maybe, but he had it coming. I don’t regret it.’
‘Ah…. Ah, good. Good’ Miguel repeated, trying to stifle his relief.
‘Do you regret it?’
‘No. I don’t think so. The man needed a little, territorial display to put him back in his place. He forgets that he’s a spider too. Though… I do, feel some sympathy for the man.’
You scoffed. ‘Pft. Why?’
‘He is sad, mi arañita, you must see that. He is alone. He believes he MUST be alone.’
‘That’s not my fault, nor my problem.’
‘Mm. What if—well, have you considered, what you’ll do if he continues this, surveillance scheme?’ Miguel asked.
Your devilish grin took him quite by surprise. ‘We just keep fucking, I guess, until he learns his lesson. See which position disturbs him the most. I think me on top would do it.’
Mig flushed, trying hard to hide how aroused he was by those words. He was possessive, and ultimately rough when it came to sex, but his body was primed to swoon over a strong, confident figure. It aroused him greatly, even more so when he thought about pinning and subduing that spirit on the end of his cock. He coughed to cover up his obvious lust.
‘Very well, I am- of course happy to follow what you desire, mi tesoro. Ah—I did want to also say, Miguel, he—mentioned that you bargained to have me join the society?’
You closed your eyes at that, doing a little shuffle to sink your shoulders beneath the warm water. ‘Yeah, I did. I wanted you to have the option.’
‘You are, very kind, arañita. I just… I haven’t been around people for a long, long time’ Miguel murmured, his voice dipping as he spoke. You could almost taste his anxiety. ‘I don’t know how to… ah—’
‘Yess, yes, that.’
‘You did fine with me’ you noted. You rolled a little in the tub so you could take his hand in yours, and noticed quite quickly the way he returned to gawking at you beneath the water. His eyes were fixed on the wavy reflection of your ass, soft and wet and round beneath the waves. You had to squeeze his hand to draw him back.
‘Babe. Babe. We can do that in a moment. What I was saying is, you did fine with me. You don’t need to please everyone, just—having the chance, the option, I think you deserve it. Okay?’
Mig rustled again at the idea. He was clearly still worried, still unsure. He tried to focus on your hand, your kind eyes, and the courage he’d gained last night. He clung to the idea that, if he did join, he could be around you more often.
After a moment silence he bobbed his head. ‘Okay. Okay, mi tesoro, I will- go with you. I will join.’
You beamed at him, your smile filling out your cheeks.
‘YES! Yes, Miggy, you’re coming with me!’
Overjoyed you rose from the tub and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your bare chest quickly smooshing into his. His hands instinctively flew to wrap around you in turn, but he froze up at the sensation.
So much of this was new to him, and despite all the aggressive sex you’d engaged with, the simple act of hugging his soft, warm, wet partner, feeling the water glue your bare torso to his chest as it dripped down to his fur, was something fresh and exciting. He felt his cock straining to get hard.
‘Ah—careful, mi tesoro, you—you’ll get cold’ he murmured.
When you pulled back it only made it worse. His clawed hands lingered on your back, his eyes now given the gift of your wet chest in full view. The little droplets sliding from your collarbones to your chest, circling and dripping off your nipples as they grew cold in the air.
He let out a sound like a strangled rabbit. ‘Ah… Ah, ay coño…’ he breathed.
You felt his gaze like a physical touch, and of course it made you weak. You checked your watch; it was still early, you had a little time.
‘Hey, you, uh…’ You leaned in and gently grabbed at the fur on his lower abdomen, pulling him closer. ‘I wanted to try something. Now there’s no, heat, rushing us.’
‘What, uh—would you like, mi arañita?’ Miguel asked. He swallowed so hard you saw his Adam’s apple jolt.
‘I wanna try sucking on you. Properly. Can we do that?’
The joy in his face was unbearably cute. ‘Yes- Yes, yes, absolutely, yes, ah—just a minute—’
He moved to give you a very quick kiss before shifting his body over the tub, with four legs on either side and his abdomen comfortably settled in front of your face. You lay back in the tub and put one hand up to where you knew the slit was. You watched it grow hard, fully emerging to its full erect size, straining and twitching for attention.
Mig let out a hard sigh at the release. He used one hand to grab the ceiling, stabilizing himself with his claws, while the other cupped your head.
‘You ready, arañita?’
You nodded, and with your lips parted you moved in and took him into your mouth. His groan was loud enough to echo, easily reaching the seething Miguel still sat outside. The man felt his whole body go rigid.
He needed to leave, he thought. He had to go. But… could he, hear you moaning too?
‘Mig’ you groaned. ‘My Mig.’
‘Ah—ahh, that’s it, ‘s so… so good…’
Mig whined as you started experimenting. It was quite the fit for your mouth, so at first you tried just licking. You lapped at the tip, tasting those soft beads of pre-cum as they beaded and dripped. They were still sweet. You moved it down, gently stroking each vein, each inch with your lips and tongue. You’d kiss it, gently, just to see it pulse and twitch.
Your tongue was so flat, so warm and wet. He felt all eight of his legs shaking.
Once he was utterly saturated with your spit, you moved back to sucking on him. Your lips took that full, thick shaft and slipped it between them, and even though you had to widen your jaw as far as it could go you moaned the second it hit your throat.
It felt unbearably good, to suck on him back and forth with his claws in your hair and his beautiful face desperately panting above you. It was both so powerful and so submissive at the same time, so vulnerable while giving you absolute control.
You let him fill your mouth and throb on your tongue, pulsing desperately for release. You started to moan.
With shaky movements Miguel moved one of his longer spider legs into the tub, gently lowering it to shift between your legs. You squeaked as you felt it sliding up and against your cunt.
‘Shh, it’s okay. Let me touch you, arañita. Let me touch you.’
You whimpered as he tightened his grip on your hair, slowly starting to pulse himself between your lips. He began to tenderly fuck your mouth while his spider paw massaged your clit. The fluff was on that swollen nub, gently circling and stimulating every nerve it could, but then you got something more; one of his claws began to gently insert its smooth side inside your cunt.
You squeaked, momentarily frightened, but the danger seemed to spur you into a state of overwhelming, mind-numbing lust. You let it happen. Your eyes rolled, and as Mig groaned out loud you let him claw-fuck you beneath the water.
It was messy.
Water overflowed and splashed down onto the nest, Miguel’s abdomen began to shake and tremble with pleasure. Your body was jolting violently as you edged yourself, torn between the pleasure of that smooth, hard claw rubbing up against your velvety cunt and the paw stimulating your clit.
‘F-Fuck—good arañita, that’s it—you feel, amazing, ah—you are, amazing—’
You grunted as he started to pump deeper into your throat. You could feel his copious pre-cum spurting all over your mouth, coating your tongue until it was all you could taste. He fucked you until spit began to pool and dribble down his shaft and into the water.
‘You like how I taste, arañita, huh? You like that?’ Mig begged. You tried to nod but you were utterly impaled, your body shaking from overstimulation.
‘You want that, arañita? You want me to cum in your mouth?’
You continued like this for as long as you could, furiously, pawing and sucking at each other in a daydream haze of pleasure.
And outside, on the grass below, Miguel shamefully continued to pleasure himself for the second time. With his hand on his mouth and his thumb and forefinger teasing the tip of his cock, he listened in, and he pretended those muffled moans were his.
He couldn’t leave. Not yet.
Not yet. Link to next part!
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