#poor poor astolfo
I Just found the Catholic and Bigoted Umineko Fans on Twitter and i got such fuckin whiplash.
Now Im Reading your incredibly Queer Interpretation of Umineko to calm me down.
This is an older ask but I’m always surprised when I’m reminded of how VNs are famous for having homophobic catholic fans who rabidly go against the canon material to validate their conservative feelings. I don’t remember exactly from which VN Astolfo is from, but I hope he’s doing okay in gay heaven and doesn’t know about the nazis obsessed with his genitals.
Also I’m glad to be a source of comfort to you in these dark and trying times. My previous posting schedule might’ve been interrupted by brain problems, but me and this blog will be here for the foreseeable future for better or for worse.
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- Rose, the Revolutionary Witch
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abnormalityjoseph · 8 months
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shizukais · 1 year
teacher... luna... lady archiviste.... what's happening?? T-T
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i will confess to having an affection for them but if i could do one thing in this world it would be that i would go back in time and stop the fate team from making astolfo.
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yotd2009 · 1 year
last post i swearrr but my mom is already in the interview process of getting a new rabbit. the last one has been dead for five days.
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neversetyoufree · 9 months
This is a small thing, but I do really enjoy that we've now gotten confirmation that Roland grew up poor, since it adds an interesting dimension to his relationship to the rest of the church.
The chasseurs aren't just militant religious extremists. By and large, they're wealthy and insular militant religious extremists. The lower level chassuers most likely come from a wider base, but among the paladins, coming from established chasseur families seems to be quite common. Astolfo comes from a line of paladins, Olivier seemingly did as well, and though we don't know anything about Gano's family, he apparently grew up comfortable enough to belittle Roland for being poor.
And like, of course this is the case. Of course the violent hateful Catholics are a group full of generational wealth and classism. Of course the anti-vampire extremists were raised in whole families of anti-vampire extremists.
And by the same token, of course the paladin most willing to question what he's been told about vampires is the paladin that comes from outside their insular ranks. Roland is a chasseur because wants to help people, and if Gano is to be believed, he's also in it for the money. Hunting vampires is a job that Roland genuinely believes in, but at the end of the day, it's a job. It's a field he chose to enter into. He doesn't define himself entirely by his occupation of vampire hunter.
It's always going to be easier to brainwash someone if that brainwashing is what they've known for their entire life. Of course the outsider perspective comes from the paladin that's the biggest outsider in other ways. And of course someone that's been looked down upon by society is more receptive to questioning societal presumptions about evil.
None of this is revolutionary, but it's very fitting, and I'm pleased to have it confirmed.
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callilemon · 7 months
Hiii! Since you have asks open, what are your thoughts on the Chasseurs?
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Hi! Thanks for your question! I absolutely LOVE the chasseurs! (Roland specifically. Can you believe this Is my first time drawing him??)
They are so interesting, the introduction of Charles is definitely intriguing, I'm sure there will be some conflict involving him and Roland at some point. Especially since he's basically manipulating/ brainwashing Astolfo (poor boy)
I really can't wait to see what mochijun has in store for us!
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bace-jeleren · 2 years
Me, playing Pokémon and trying to be so normal about it: anyway,, so, Dendra, the Battle Studies teacher, is in a deep, complicated love triangle with her on-again, off-again flame, Tulip, and Nurse Miriam. I am already weaving a complex narrative about it, you see-
My poor Meowscarada (♂️) who I named Astolfo: möthr please, I nedd a hyper potionn
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animegoil-vnc · 11 months
So I think everything's been said already about poor Astolfo and beautiful but creepy Charles and fucking Gano. But.
Chapter 59 solidified a theory I'd been rolling around in my head for a while based on how much of a "saviour" figure Roland is to Astolfo and how enduring Astolfo's hatred of vampires is. But there wasn't much evidence for it before the hiatus.
Olivier and Roland are protagonists from the Song of Roland. I think most of us know that at this point. Astolfo is also a character from that series, though I can't find the post now that says that he turned against Roland for a perceived betrayal, so maybe there's less evidence for this than I thought, but that particular bit of setup has now been confirmed as of Ch. 59 anyway.
But. Even before that. In the Song of Roland, Olivier dies in battle in Roland's arms after they make up about a disagreement. In the epic poem, the disagreement is about how Roland leads the battle (IIRC about calling for reinforcements?). I am convinced that Olivier will die in a similar fashion - before the hiatus ended I thought the disagreement would have been about Roland's involvement with the vampires, but now I'm wondering if it will be about Astolfo. In fact, now I'm thinking there may not be a disagreement at all, and instead Olivier's death will be due to him trying to protect Astolfo (to make up for his perceived failings in protecting him as shown in Ch. 58) from the plans the Church/Charles has for the kid.
Now, for Olivier's death to have emotional impact they're going to have to build up Olivier's character and his relationship to Roland (and if the Astolfo angle is true, also to Astolfo). Which is exactly what Ch. 58 started to do with the scene showing Olivier's guilt from not intervening about Astolfo's secret friend because he had been comparing the situation to his own clandestine friendship with Roland when they were kids. We got both pieces in one scene, woo! The more they dig into Olivier's backstory and his relationship to Roland, then more I will take that as evidence for Olivier's death (it can't hurt if we don't know much about the man, after all).
Now, the next piece is that I'm willing to bet that Olivier's death will be attributable to the Church's plans somehow, which Roland has already been suspicious of. My theory is that his death will be the final straw and he will defect to the vampire's side (well, specifically to Vanitas and Noe's side) in this conflict that's slowly bubbling to the surface between the Church and the vampires. Roland has been shown to be a "good" person who is able to look past ideologies and do what's right regardless of what he's been told is right. So it makes sense for him to eventually side with our protagonists, who are the "good guys". That could continue to happen from the shadows the way it has been up until now, with Roland covertly helping Vani and Noe, but to finish Roland's character arc I think it makes more sense for him to fully defect, to fully break away from the hateful institution that's been using him and his faith for the sake of their own goals instead of for the good of humans/vampires, which is what Roland ultimately cares more about.
This defection to the "vampire" side will be perceived as the ultimate betrayal by Astolfo (as we just saw in Ch. 59 with the humans he killed), and set up a compelling and tragic conflict between these two characters who previously were so close to each other and are now on opposite sides. Now, after Ch. 59 it seems that Olivier's death and Roland's defection aren't necessary for this bit of tragic storytelling, but I imagine it'll compound. I know they already used the word betrayal and hatred in Ch. 59, but I got more of a feeling of "abandonment" from Astolfo based on the last couple of panels. If Roland defecting happens, that may be what tips it over into outright hatred and betrayal.
Either way, RIP to Olivier. Before the hiatus I thought his death was just going to be part of Roland's character progression, but now I think he's going to be unfortunate collateral damage from Astolfo and Roland's conflict.
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luvithdrevis · 2 months
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Bonus panel:
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First time playing. As I was getting things done and understanding better the game's rythm I got this quest chain. The first part was weird enough, like... dude? o.o But ok, I couldn't afford to deny followers quests at that point so whatever. Just harmless stuff... right? (Fool me...)
And when I thought couldn't get worst.... BAM! Kill the poor soul we have been feeding poop and throwing into jail for no reason. One would say it was the best solution to free Tom from the twist pranks of that psycho, however, I got scared. What if it wasn't the end? What more could the quest chain have in for me? I didn't know, and decided to end things right there, and get rid of that crazy follower. Straight to our lord below you go you blood thristy bastard. Then I dealt with the faith loss for denying the quest, and keept taking care of my cult as normal. Knowing I did what was must to protect Tom, one of my most well behaved followers. So loyal... So sweet...
Then Tom, the so "poor soul" I protected from such a young departure from the living world, asked me to sacrifice him .-. That, my friends, was the moment I realise none of these followers are sane. In fact, they all test my sanity all together in their own stupid ways. Freaking daycare it is.
The One Who Waits tricked me bad, I was promised battle and glory, I got babysitting job and need for therapy. You devil.
Tom got what he wanted, for I was tired asf from dealing with this whole stuff, and I learned my lesson.
This game can be such a rollercoster of twisting ways and questionable behavior... That's why I fell in love with it ♡
Side note: I didn't quite remember the "follower's type", so I went with the looks I liked more to draw. But I do remember the names of these hellish imps: One was Tom, of coursem but the first one giving the quests was Astolfo.
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theyoungraven · 11 months
VnC Death Possibilities
Vanitas: 100% going to die
Simple enough. It was stated at the beginning. There’s a very slim chance that he’s only thought to be dead or had a faked death. A fake death doesn’t really fit the theme unless specific events take place.
Jeanne: Highly possible
Jeanne is unstable and Vanitas made a promise to kill her. Honestly, there are just so many ways for her to die. Vanitas killing her, Ruthven killing her, a chasseur killing her. She also has a high chance of dying on her own. The fact Vanitas loves her can be a point of conflict to see if he can actually bring himself to kill her. She’s filled with death flags.
Misha: Highly possible
Misha is most likely a zombie and will probably go down near the end of the book when curse bearers are being eliminated. There’s a high possibility he’s only being kept alive with powers from the book and using it to destroy curse bearers, even if Vanitas is the one to do it, will possibly kill him. There’s also a chance of him sacrificing himself in order to help Vanitas near the end. Since he’s working with Teacher, Teacher could easily dispose of him.
Roland & Olivier: Most likely but only if together
Roland and Olivier are in a dangerous career where they could become an accidental casualty at any moment. A vampire could attack them or they could be caught in the crossfire. Roland will probably end up dying first in a fight, maybe when the chasseurs are fighting him. “How many chasseurs do you think I could take?” We’ll find out. If Roland is taken out by vampires or chasseurs, Olivier will most likely meet the same fate when trying to save, help, or avenge Roland.
Roland alone: Possibly
With Roland befriending Noe, there’s a possibility he will betray the church or be seen as betraying that church and have chasseurs go after him. He seems very sure of himself with even being able to take on Olivier. If he dies on his own, it’s very possible Olivier will be the one killing him. It could be willingly, accidentally, or for mercy. Not to mention Astolfo loves him and Astolfo is not allowed to be happy.
Johann: Possibly
Honestly, one of the dhams has to go. There are three of them and no way is a group of three like this allowed to survive. They aren’t the main trio, so they have to lose one. Johann is the most suspicious and seems to be the most evil. He will probably be dying in some Monsieur Spider scheme (if that is him) or will sacrifice himself to save his fellow dhams.
Loki: Possibly
Loki is a curse bearer and there’s a good possibility that on its own will kill him. Not to mention the “Curse bearing is his salvation” type line. There’s also a chance Loki’s death could give Luca a bigger spotlight. It doesn’t matter if he stays in the background or becomes more important, he has a good possibility of dying.
Marco: Possibly
Going with the theme of “Astolfo loses everyone he loves” Marco has his chance at death. Not as big as Roland would have but he is all Astolfo has left of his family. Marco really isn’t important enough on his own right now so it lessens his chance of dying. Astolfo is really the only thing bringing him close to death. If Astolfo somehow dies, Marco will live.
Olivier on his own: Doubtful
Olivier dying on his own wouldn’t have too much of an impact unless it forced Roland to leave. If Roland is leaving, there’s a good chance he will die which would make this impossible. Since Olivier is working with chasseurs, there’s a chance of death just with them. However, it is very small.
Astolfo: Doubtful
Poor kid has been through so much suffering that he’s going to be put through a lot more of it. This is Jun. Astolfo exists to suffer. He doesn’t get an end from his suffering, only more suffering. Also Roland has more death flags than Astolfo and we all know Astolfo loses everyone he loves. Except Marco. In addition to those things, he hates himself and wants to die. And the more you want to die the better chance you have at living.
Dante: Doubtful
Dante is more in the position of “Will be horribly maimed but make it out in the end” rather than marked for death. His injuries could be a possible trigger for Johann to go crazy. There’s a slight chance he might be a background casualty, but why? It would be fine for him to be presumed dead for a short amount of time.
Riche: Doubtful
Honestly, Riche isn’t in too important of a position right now to die. However, that could put her in the perfect position to die. But she’s more on the live while injured side with Dante rather than the death side with Johann. If her importance in the story changes, she may go from Doubtful to Possibly.
Domi: Doubtful
Domi has already been in a position for death and made it out. She does have a red flag or two on her but mostly injured flags. She was used once to show how Noe will snap and go crazy over her and it’s possible for it to happen again. Death is most likely out of reach for her unless it’s a temporary death.
Ruthven: Doubtful
Sure Ruthven could die but why kill him when he can suffer eternally for a punishment? Ruthven doesn’t scream death so much as he screams eternal exile. Surely something will happen to him but it doesn’t seem like it would be death. Maybe Jeanne goes to kill him for revenge but stops/is stopped right before murdering him. But then again, we all know what happened the last time there was an uncle in a Jun Mochizuki story.
Murr: No
Murr is too powerful of a cat to die. He gets to live out his normal cat life.
Teacher: No
Teacher is more of a character that will “die” or will vanish to another country and start a new life before he actually dies. If he reaches a situation where he may die, he will peace out and disappear.
Noe: No
He’s the one telling the story. He’s living to the end. Maybe it’s implied he dies after the story ends, but that’s as close as you get to his death.
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
So i know i said i'd do the pfp tournament yesterday but jet lag and my already poor sleeping habits hit me with a double powerbomb and i crashed out
also, i had to spend all day today combing the web for 'astolfo eating ice cream', which turned out to be a deeply spiritual experience
i've gathered all the submissions and i'll start the vote today, i'm really sorry to keep you guys waiting again :(
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abnormalityjoseph · 8 months
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I Need everyone to know that seeing this chapter has devastated me and I’m remaking my Astolfo playlist
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retracexcviii · 11 months
I'm really confused about Lady archiviste because she looked pretty interesting about granatum tragedy, why? Giano looks more interesting because why is he with charlatan? Money isn't answer. Maybe revenge agaist yhe church?Despite what astolfo did this people, I think in fact he saved yo doctor moreu. I don't trust marco, I think he's hiding something very important about tragedy, for that he accept such abuse from Astolfo
Hi there, sorry for the late reply (my phone sometimes just doesn't work XD)
There is a lot to talk about here so I will go in order.
About Lady Archiviste I agree, she is really mysterious and her behaviour doesn't make sense yet. But I think her interest in this part of the human world (Paladins) can be justified in that they are important people that were able to face vampires during the war, so it's always correct to keep an eye in them.
Gano it's clearly centered in eradicate vampires, so working with Naenia (known for being able to kill in a cruel way vampires) is a good way to accomplish his objective. His reasons are a mystery yet tho, I like the theory that it's for revenge, but it can perfectly be only him being a bad person.
About Astolfo I understand you mean he saved those children from being used by Moreau(?) If it is so yeah, maybe. I understand why Astolfo went so far and was so reckless but tbh I don't think it is justified in anyway.
And finally, about Marco. We really don't know a thing about him or his past. Maybe he did sell/was tricked to tell some important information about Granatum family to those vampires, but I think most of the info came from Chasseurs and Astolfo.
I see Marco as other victim of survivor guilt. He literally told Astolfo this chapter that he survived because he fled, he literally abandoned his master, his wife and his two poor children to what he knew was a horrible death. And that's a very big stone to carry and to accept a beating from the one you were supposed to protect.
I think that's all. Again sorry for the late reply, dear Sifya. This chapter was full of new interesting info and I hope next arc can answer some mysteries about the story.
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animegirlsakurablr · 19 days
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 678
🌸 Sherlock Holmes' interlude, part 2
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Another typo!
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Poor Goredolf, getting dragged into things again. 😔
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You can do it, director!!
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Wait, Lalter got involved?! Come back!! I want to hear more, you asshole detective!!!
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It feels so weird to see Mash say "fandom".
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Oh, just bring it to Miss Crane.
🌸 Astolfo's interlude, part 1
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Oh thank fuck, it's not London.
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Eh, getting lost in the forest and camping with Astolfo doesn't sound bad.
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Oh, fun.
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Got that full frontal assault, huh.
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florenceisfalling · 2 months
gripping [redacted irl person] by the shoulders.
it does not matter how many r/egg_irl astolfo memes you pull up quite literally asking for random people (including cishets you just met???) to figure out your gender for you. the other queers are not going to feel safe around you when you spend your entire time on campus harassing people, misgendering transmascs in romantically/sexually charged ways, and getting a trans woman (who you Also misgender!) kicked out of her fucking housing. using "i wanna be a girl but im still cis though 👉👈" doesn't come across as endearing anymore when you tell younger transmascs that you wanna make them your gf and have kids with them, or when you used to tell everyone you were a cishet dude and literally fucking ran to physically chase down lesbians you'd never spoken to walking alone at night, or when you. I REITERATE. got a fucking trans woman kicked out of her dorm while calling her a man!! force her to switch to different housing by calling the fucking campus police on her because youre sad!!! and then lie saying she called them on you!!!! the only reason i felt bad for you and was nice to you was bc i thought you were just a sad maybe-autistic maybe-ace person who needed friends (and then maybe-trans maybe-woman maybe-lesbian) but your college experience seems dedicated to making life as hard as possible for every autie, trans person, woman, ace person, lesbian, and various mixes of the above you encounter - and then fucking lying and threatening everyone you consider your "friends" to get what you want after they repeatedly ask you to stop. i had enough of this when my exfriend fucking molested a girl and then said "i think i might be a transbian" as a poor attempt at an excuse (as if tgirls get away with that shit? as if they arent horribly scrutinized??) until all his cis guy friends forgot abt the girl's trauma and then went back to "nvm im a cishet guy :)" once everyone was chill with him again. i am fucking beyond tired of it now that its someone pulling the "i think i might be a transbian too" after fucking up so bad you couldve made a tgirl homeless and openly misgendering and mistreating other tgirls and sexually harassing other queers and refusing to spend any time around trans people (except for those you perceive as cis women - of course, including trans people who don't pass to your liking). stop asking me to decide whether your egg needs cracked or not and start treating trans women (and everyone else, too, what the fuck is wrong with you??) with respect and maybe you'll get some satisfying advice (since you didnt take mine) but at this point everyone is either scared of you or fucking hates you and theres not a single trans person ive met on this campus who has anything to say about you other than "oh yeah, that person stalked me/my friends". like sorry if im a little hesitant to validate you (AS IF YOU DESERVE IT AFTER CALLING SECURITY ON A TGIRL TO KICK HER OUTTT MY GOD I HATE YOU) but you also said "oh dont worry im ace :)" after sending weird sexual shit to someone (after they asked you to fucking QUIT) so youre not new to using your identity as a shield and now turning around and talking abt how you MAYBE are HYPOTHETICALLY a tgirl teehee but you cant decideeeee doesnt change the fact that your actions suck ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXPLODE
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