#poly jotakak
tangytiramisu · 1 year
General Poly Jotakak x Reader
Idk about y’all but I love the idea of being sandwiched into a loving relationship between these men 💖 I tried to keep these HCs a bit vague so they apply to any part in the series. I will most likely do NSFW ones next 🫣
Everyone Lives AU
Warnings: None!
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You three are quite chill and soft.
Both Jotaro and Kakyoin are generally pretty mellow.
If you’re an introvert, the three of you often spend time doing your own thing at home. More often than not, Jotaro is doing research, reading, or napping while Kakyoin is playing video games or creating art. All three of you are almost always in the same room.
If you’re extroverted, they wouldn’t mind going out with you to social events, as long as they aren’t too long or frequent. You guys mostly settle for going out to quiet places like the park, or spending quality time at home regardless of your intro/extroversion.
The three of you often play video games together. Kakyoin almost always wins unless Joot is feeling a bit more competitive, which ends in a tie most of the time.
Taking naps together is a common and almost mandatory occurrence for you three. Because of how tired Jotaro usually is he often falls asleep first while you and Kakyoin giggle about how cute he looks. If Kak falls asleep first (which is quite rare since he’s almost always preoccupied) you and Joot just snuggle in silence, occasionally chatting softly about whatever comes to mind. If you fall asleep first, your two bois will engage in idle conversation while caressing your hair or fingers.
Joot doesn’t cook often. As he grew up, Holly was the one who cooked, and while he would occasionally help as a child, she didn’t want him near the stove too often out of fear of him burning himself. As a result he doesn’t have much experience but can make pretty nice dishes when following instructions carefully. On the other hand, Kakyoin is good at cooking (the guy somehow managed to make breakfast in the desert so there’s no way he can’t cook) and enjoys trying out new recipes. If you cook, the two will help as best as they can, but it’s usually Kak who volunteers to assist you.
Personality dynamic wise, your sweethearts are different in some ways yet similar in others.
We all know that Joot is the silent stoic kind. He doesn’t speak much and, while he thinks he’s easy to read, he’s quite far from it. However, if you pay attention there are definitely signs of his love. He shows affection through actions and will help you even when you don’t ask for it. He will blush slightly and grumble dismissively when you thank him.
Kakyoin is less reserved than Joot. He’s a tease and enjoys making his two lovers blush redder than cherries. He likes impressing you with his intelligence, but is very good at doing so in a humble way. He also enjoys flirtatious banter and if you just so happen to engage with him, the two of you will go at it for minutes while Joot blushes.
Regardless of their differences though, they are both quiet and somewhat aloof, but still caring in their own ways. If you have a bad day, Jotaro will prepare your favorite beverage and give you a nice shoulder massage (and he’s quite good at it) while Kak will gladly listen to you vent if you need to. He’ll also lend you a shoulder to rest your head upon.
Speaking of, nobody would dare upset you as long as Jotaro and Kakyoin are at your side, though if somebody has the balls to even look at you the wrong way, your boys will take care of them in a heartbeat. We know how strong Jotaro is, and Kakyoin’s sharp tongue is nothing to be messed with.
You three often visit eachother’s families, particularly Holly. She absolutely adores you and Kakyoin and is so happy that her son found such wonderful partners and often invites you guys over for dinner and over holidays. Kakyoin’s parents are also delighted that their son has people he is close to now, and there’s no doubt that your family would be fond of your partners too.
It’s pretty obvious that you guys are strong as all hell in battle. If you have a stand, the combination of (Stand Name), Star Platinum, and Hierophant Green makes for an impressive team. If you aren’t a stand user, you use your intellect as a weapon.
The three of you together are an unstoppable force in every sense of the phrase.
After Part 3, Jotaro is often away from home, which means that you and Kakyoin are often back home together. I headcanon that Kakyoin would also work for the Speedwagon Foundation by researching Stands, but is not required to travel as much, meaning that he spends a lot more time with you.
It’s always fun bonding with Kakyoin during these times and you often come up with dumb but hilarious inside jokes that you share with Joot whenever you three get together again.
You plan little parties for when Jotaro gets back from overseas.
The two of you often video chat with Jotaro while he’s abroad. Some of the most frequent discussion topics are work related (primarily stands) and your day to day lives.
A lot of the time, Jotaro will come home to you and Kakyoin cuddling fast asleep in bed, and after a quick shower he joins you. He can’t help but smile at the peaceful expressions on your faces.
The three of you often wake up tangled up in the sheets the next morning. A lot of the time you are on your stomach lying on Jotaro’s torso while Kakyoin is huddled up into his side. Jotaro has his arms wrapped around both of you.
Unlike Jotaro’s canon relationship, this one is more likely to work out because Kakyoin is a stand user as well. The chances are much higher if you are one too. :)
I saw this headcanon somewhere else but I also 100% agree that it would also work because Kakyoin would raise all hell if Joot abandoned you.
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yandere-caesar · 2 years
I really liked the yandere jotakak one,if its fine to you then can i request them but they chop of all of there s/o's limbs and they take advantage of that by having hardcore sex?
I would rather be anywhere else
Pairing: yandere!Jotaro x gender neutral!reader x yandere!Kakyoin
Description: Even without the ability to walk, you still aren't willing to give up everything just yet.
Warnings: Amputation, heavy gore, poly, unhealthy relationships, abuse, yandere themes. (I did not get to the noncon part of this and I am sorry)
DISCLAIMER: This is my first time writing at length about a character who can’t walk and I am not physically disabled. If anyone who is disabled is reading this and I got anything wrong please feel free to send in an ask and correct me.
It's been a while since you were tricked into being the prisoner of your once loving boyfriends. You've sort of fallen into a routine at this point, as much as you hate to admit it.
While they refuse to get you anything that would help you move around more easily, they are willing to carry you wherever you need to go. You suppose it’s better than just being stuck on the bed. Jotaro usually carries you to the kitchen table in the morning so that you can eat and whichever one of them is supposed to stay home that day usually helps you the rest of the time.
You hate every second of it. Sometimes you can almost forget what they did to you until you look down. When you do, it takes everything in you not to stop crying again. No amount of distraction with movies and videogames can fix this, but they can at least temporarily keep you sane enough to not be punished.
Kakyoin doesn’t seem to even act like there’s anything wrong. He keeps talking to you, touching you, and trying to hang out with you like this is just another night you are spending at their house. A night that goes on forever without ending. Maybe that was what he really wanted the whole time.
Jotaro doesn’t say it, but you can tell that he regrets what he did. He can’t seem to look you in the eye on the days that you feel the worst. He’s always been too observant to delude himself into thinking that you can be happy like this. So he’ll just sit with you in silence, without doing or saying anything. The most he’ll do is try to pull you into an embrace and when he does, it’s a little too tight. Like he’s worried you’ll fall apart. It would be enough to make you pity him if he had done almost anything else.
The one good thing is that they haven’t punished you harshly for a while. The most that they did after the incident was take away your videogames for a day. And while it was agonizing to have to deal with your own thoughts and terrors without their aid, there had been nothing extreme.
Today was luckily not one of the days they had taken them away and you were sitting on the sofa during one of the few times that they left you alone. While it was rare, sometimes if Jotaro was the one staying home with you he would leave you for a few minutes to go do his own thing. You weren’t sure if he was just working from home on these days or if it was the guilt weighing him down, but either way you appreciated the break.
Your stand manifested next to you, watching you click the next set of commands for the RPG you were using to distract yourself. You hadn’t dared to bring it out ever since that day. You weren’t sure if they would be above using it against you at this point and you didn’t want to find out. They still didn’t know much about it and you wanted to keep it that way.
You pause the game, letting out a sigh. It wasn’t doing enough for you. You had already beaten this one five times on other playthroughs. While you could try to challenge yourself and do different builds, you were starting to get bored and it was starting to feel really hollow.
You look down at where your legs were, trying to keep your hands from shaking as you grip the controller. It wasn’t fair. You had been so close to leaving. So close to getting away from them and being safe. If you had been just a little quicker with your plan, then this nightmare never would have happened. Was anyone even looking for you? You weren’t sure. After all, you weren’t that close with anyone before they took you.
Your stand subconsciously puts a hand on you, probably in an attempt to sooth you and keep you from breaking down again. Being part of you, it could sense when you were in distress. While it wasn’t much, you did appreciate the slight comfort from someone that wasn’t your captors.
You can feel it lifting you off the sofa and pulling you into a hug. You lean into the gesture, trying to hold back more of your tears. You weren’t sure how long Jotaro would be gone and you didn’t want him to walk in and see you like this.
Right before you heard the footsteps coming and sent your stand away, a thought occurred to you. Your stand was able to levitate. Your stand didn’t need to actually use it’s legs at all.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as Jotaro came back into the room. You unpause the game and start playing it again, trying to pretend that he isn’t there. It would be easier for both of you if you did.
He lets out a sigh and sits down next to you, muttering a “Good grief” under his breath.
“Listen y/n, I don’t know why you had the game paused before I came in, but whatever you’re planning, stop it. It isn’t going to work. I don’t want to have to hurt you again.”
You stare at the screen, not making eye contact with him or even bothering to look away from it.
“Then why did you do it the first time?”
You’re met with silence for a few moments before he speaks again.
“We were going easy on you. You should see the crap Kakyoin has planned if you run again. I don’t like it, but I already made him compromise.”
“And how exactly am I going to run like this?” You pat your thigh to get your point across. “You ruined my life Jotaro. Both of you. You were the only people I trusted and you took everything from me.”
He reaches over to try to put a hand on your shoulder, but you slap it away. “Just leave me alone...I’m tired of having to pretend I’m not miserable.”
That seems to be enough to make him go quiet. There’s a moment of heavy silence before he mutters something and leaves the room again. You could tell from the look he gave you that you actually hurt him. Maybe he really was trying to help you in his own twisted way, but that didn’t change any of this.
You go back to playing the game in case Jotaro’s guilt wore off and he decided to come back in, but in the back of your mind you started to think. The window had bars on it now, but you could always pick the lock on the front door again.
You glance back at it. There were so many locks and you were being imprisoned by a man who could literally stop time. If Jotaro noticed you were gone it was over since you could never hope to outrun him, but on the other hand he was the more lieutenant of the two and the worst thing he would probably do would be yelling or taking away your games. You didn’t like the sound of whatever Kakyoin had told him.
Weighing the options you have, you decide that it’s now or never.
Your stand manifests again and you pull out your bobby pin. You were glad that they hadn’t found it yet. Taking your legs may have made it harder for you to leave, but it also meant that they let their guard down around you.
Your stand scoops you up and floats over to the exit. You start slowly getting to work, undoing each and every lock methodically. You were trying to go as quickly as you could, but you had to make sure it was lined up correctly. Every moment was agonizing and you could feel your chest tighten with every movement you made. Would he notice you were escaping?
As the final lock unlatches though, you let out a quiet sigh of relief. All you had to do was walk out now. You weren’t worried about Kakyoin coming home early today, so you should be fine this time.
You slowly turn the knob and push the door open, letting your stand carry you outside. You smile as you breath in the air again. How long had it been again...?
Your stand carries you back down the familiar path to your old place and you enter it, a warm feeling easing into you. You missed it. Your missed your stuff, the things you had on your wall, sleeping in your own bed.
But you couldn’t stay here. This was probably the first place they would look once they figured out you were gone. You were just here to grab your money, pack your bags, and say goodbye to it one last time. You really would miss this place. This was the first real home you had ever had.
It wasn’t easy fleeing from them. You always had to be two steps ahead of them at all times and think of places they wouldn’t look for you. Sometimes this meant sleeping in run down hotels. Other times it meant parking your car a good distance away from you and camping out in the woods.
One of the first things you had done after you were a good distance away was get a good wheelchair and trade your car for one that was more accessible. While you could use your stand for some things to make up for your condition, you couldn’t use it for everything and non stand users had already panicked and given you weird looks when they saw you floating before.
As you sat at a restaurant and picked at the stack of pancakes in front of you, you start thinking about what you are going to do long term. School was out of the question at this point. You no doubt had failed all of your classes by now and going back would just put you at risk. It’s not like you could get Jotaro and Kakyoin arrested or kicked out. You didn’t have any evidence and no one would trust your word over their word since they were the only people that really knew you.
Maybe if you were lucky you could get some kind of job. Rent a place with a room mate. It wasn’t following your dreams and it certainly wasn’t the life you wanted to live at all, but it would mean safety and survival. Safety and survival would always win out as much as you hated it. They pretty much stole your life from you, but this was better than going back.
Anyway, there were pancakes today. And you were starving. You had to skip a meal yesterday, so you were looking forward to this.
You didn’t let down your guard though. You were constantly looking around to make sure that you couldn’t make out any familiar faces. Satisfied that you were mostly alone, you let yourself enjoy the pancakes, digging into them with your fork as quickly as possible.
“Looks like somebody is in a hurry.”
The voice behind you almost makes you spit out your food. You would recognize the sickeningly sweet tone that he always had around you anywhere. Your stand moves to pick you up, as you mutter out an apology under your breath before leaving some money on the table and starting to move to the exit. You could hear footsteps behind you and you could just barely make out the green of Kakyoin’s stand out of the corner of your eye, creeping along the floor as it chased after you. No one else would be able to see it. No one would even know you were in danger as you flew past them even if they were giving you looks.
As you got to the door, a looming figure stepped in front of it to block your path to safety. You curse yourself. You should have known he wouldn’t be alone. Of course he wouldn’t. You look back to see nothing but writhing green everywhere. It was over. You had lost.
You feel a hand on your shoulder as Jotaro glares down at you. Kakyoin comes up behind you with a terrifyingly gleeful look on his face.
“I’m so glad we found you again y/n. We missed you so much. Finish your pancakes. You’ll need your energy for later.”
You did not like the sound of that.
You tried to eat as slowly as possible, looking around to make sure there wasn’t anything you missed. That there wasn’t some backdoor you hadn’t seen that you could still make a dash for. But no, it didn’t seem like there was. And even if there had been one, would didn’t have a chance at outrunning Jotaro.
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terminaxshowtime · 1 year
I have no fucking clue what jojo is about. gay men??? queers?????
I mean you're not wrong??? there's a REALLY heavy amount of homoeroticism and the author is on Something (see: a bunch of implied very gay scenes. Basically every character acts a lil gay and tbh there are NO good straight ships apart from Yasuho and Gappy)
Plus there are a few confirmed gay couples for some minor antagonists???
like the main antagonist (dio) is confirmed bi and some bi girl got seduced by a girl once (in what was supposed to have taken place in like 1899 so like good for her 👍)
anyways. you're right
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stardust-3saders · 11 months
For JoLiaYoin !!!! :^]] 💕
🏠: What’s you and your f/o’s dream home?
💤: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
🛩: Where would the two of you go on your honeymoon?
Sofi!! Thank you for the ask!
Basic selfship asks
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🏠: What’s you and your f/o’s dream home?
When it comes to a house for the three, the place isn't that big of a deal.
What matters most for them is that it has enough space for everyone, both for spending time together, as well as for everyone to have a little space in case some alone time is needed.
2 or more bedrooms in case someone doesn't feel like sharing with the other two (initially Jotaro did this, although with a custom bed courtship of White Noise, the bed isn't that small for the trio). Also, a private studio for Jotaro since he needs to focus on his work, plus a small artsy area for Lia to play music and for Nori to paint.
And as the family grows, more space would be needed for the little additions.
💤: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
Starting the relationship, things were pretty much the same as before. Aka, Jotaro felt a bit awkward when it came to sharing a bed with both Lia and Nori, even with just Lia. So, Lia and Nori kept sharing a bed as they used to, and Jotaro had his own space.
Yet, as the relationship progressed and Jotaro grew more comfortable (and him falling asleep on the couch with Lia after a long day), he stopped worrying that much about sharing a bed, though he still keeps his distance as he doesn't like too much the contact (lies, he just gets embarrassed because Nori teases the shit out of him).
🛩: Where would the two of you go on your honeymoon?
It would be somewhere the three would like to go, which is a bit... difficult.
Jotaro likes the idea of visiting places where nature can amaze everyone who visits. Nori is more the kind that would want to visit places not only for the sights, but also the culture.
And Lia? Well, she just wants to be able to enjoy time with her partners without having to worry whether she's going to have a heatstroke or end with hypothermia XD
At the end Italy is most likely the place they would visit (both Lia's and Nori's idea, but Jotaro can't say no because he's curious thanks to his grandmother). And perhaps, they would plan another trip to a place Jotaro originally wanted to go to, like Iceland.
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gauloiseblue · 3 months
Since I reblogged like a ton of stuff, it's only fair that I create some kind of navigation for my own posts.
Nsfw contents would be marked with [ 🔖]
The Man Who Stood By The Ocean (Bruno Bucciarati × Reader)
Ch 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 🔖Finale
🔖Private Love Hotel
Kakyoin | Giorno | Jotaro
🔖Ruined Date (Jotaro Kujo × Reader)
🔖I'm hungry for something else (Giorno Giovanna × Reader)
Cruel Summer (Kakyoin Noriyaki × Reader)
Ch 1
🔖Ménage À Trois (Giorno Giovanna × Reader × Guido Mista)
Keep Your Eyes On Me (Giorno Giovanna × Reader)
Specific songs for COD character's scenarios
🔖TF141 + König | sensory deprived sex
🔖TF141 + König, Graves, Alejandro | Body Worship
TF141 + König as Ghibli Studio Men
Interactive Fiction / CYOA
Fate / Endless Cycles (König × Reader)
Captain Price
How would he stop smoking
John Price as a personal bodyguard
General HQ | Part I | Part II
Red Lipstick
First Meeting | Second Time The Charm | Hearsay | The Garden | A Loyal Dog
🔖I don't care if you don't want me / I'm yours right now
Sea, swallow me
🔖Stray dog's behavior
Unveiling König
🔖I'm Only Flesh And Blood
If I were a good man / I'd understand the spaces between friends
For though I am a sinner / You call me to your table
🔖réchauffer un serpent dans son sein
You carved your love on mine / And left a wound / That refused to heal
Gaz × cook!reader
🔖And at every table / I'll save you a seat
Every Day, You'll Hear Me Say
Medic!Reader × Poly!141 (Platonic)
🔖Despicable Man
Oral Fixation
Part I | Part II | Part III
Snippet Collection
Dark hair (Price × Reader)
Favorite food (Price × Reader)
Oversized things (Soap × Reader)
🔖Clogged milk [TW] (König × Reader)
Blue Velvet (König × Reader × Horangi)
Red Grave City Gothic
🔖Hellgate (2!Dante × Reader)
The Arcana
🔖Asra Alnazar | Modern AU
Yassified Ghost
COD men as Party Animals characters
König × Reader
König × Reader pt. 2
König × Reader pt. 3
Graves pt. 1
Simp Kakyoin
Jotakak 'Comrades'
2p Japan
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thestressedskittles · 2 years
In The Library (Kakyoin x Reader x Jotaro, Smut)
Kit here! Ahhhhh my first request (≧U≦❁) Jotakak is literally my favorite pairing so far and I will probably never turn down a chance to write about them! I am a bit rusty so apologies if it isn't exactly the best... I will admit, it was rather tricky to write this one but it was a fun challenge!
Request: Could I ask for 11 with poly jotaro/reader/kakyoin? If it's too hard or tricky to do that then you can just write with either! Thank youuu ��💕
Prompt: "Do you feel that? Feel what you do to me?"
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: size & breeding kink, threesome, double-penetration(same hole), hand-job, swearing, smut, Star Platinum is used briefly to silence the reader with his hand, sex in a semi-public place(in a library quiet room)
A/N: I was too lazy to write in condoms, and I love to hit it raw on here, but I absolutely encourage everyone to wear a condom!!!! All characters are aged up (18 and in college) & I changed the prompt slightly to fit (changing "me" to "us" cause its a threesome) - one more thing: me and Sam finished DiU, so feel free to request!
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT think it is okay to take our stories and post them somewhere else without our EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT think it is okay to take anyone else’s stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog our stories, but you may NOT repost our stories without OUR PERMISSION.
Check out my other works: Have You Learned Your Lesson Yet? 。+.。☆゚。+゚ ☆*゚・*.゙。+.。☆゚。+゚ ☆*゚・*.゙ Your first year of college was going rather… good. You decided to take a light workload the first year, spacing out your classes just right over the two semesters so you could get a feel for what college was like before bumping up the classes and start working towards your future. It seemed that time just flew by and now you were in the final stretch of your second semester and you were buried in the usual "end-of-the-year" tests and exams. One thing you loved about college was the library - quiet, calm, and free-to-use quiet rooms that were semi-soundproof, able to block out noise from both inside and outside the room. These rooms were a saving grace in your book. Jotaro and Kakyoin had found the room you were in and joined you in a little study session, each of you doing your thing in comfortable silence. Of course, as time went on, you refused to take any breaks to keep your streak of concentration from breaking, which eventually caught up to you. Your head throbbed and ached, your eyes beginning to strain and finally you gave up with a groan, leaning your body back into the chair, feeling your muscles stretch with the pleasurable pain that came with stretching stiff muscles. When you heard Kakyoin's voice from behind you, making you turn to face him. "You've been working hard for a while, maybe it's time to take a break." Kakyoin's voice is low and sultry, a look of lust covering his features as he slowly walks towards you. You never took notice of just how intimidating he could be when he wanted to - his broad shoulders capturing your attention. Once he was within distance, his hands grabbed the edge of the desk, pushing his strong, lithe body close to yours, caging you in. A small smirk curls on his lips as he watches you bite your lip, leaning in to place gentle kisses along your neck, starting from the sweet spot below the ear. "Let's put down the books for a while and clear our heads, hm?" Without hesitating, the redhead was quick to find your lips and capture them in a searing kiss. You moaned as you felt his hands trail up and down your sides before settling on your lower back. Slowly he brought you to a stand, moving the chair out of the way, and suddenly pressed you backward. You expected to hear a loud crash as your things were moved out of the way from the force Kakyoin had pushed you back and laid you out on the table but you turn and catch the last glimpses of a green and white tendril fading away. A shadow coming over your face startled you and you look up to see Jotaro, leaning over the desk and his large hands placed on either side of your head. You bite your lip as you watch as Jotaro's usually bright aquamarine eyes turn and swirl into pools of black lust. You keen when Kakyoin's hands begin to roam once again, heading straight for your breasts, where he squeezes and plays with them for a little before moving down. He lifts your shirt and begins to kiss down from the valley of your breasts, down your stomach, to your navel, and finally below. Slim fingers hook into your skirt and panties and tug down, tossing them somewhere behind the redhead. "Already wet, darling?" Kakyoin's voice drips with honey, his lavender eyes flitting up to see Jotaro standing over you, smirking to himself when one of Jotaro's large hands grabs yours and guides you to his belts. Turning his attention to the heat between your thighs, he licks his lips before lowering onto his knees and letting his hot breath fan over pussy. You spread your legs further apart and you focus on removing Jotaro's two belts, your mouth watering when you see the slight bulge in his pants grow bigger. Once his belts were gone, Jotaro is quick to pull down his pants, stopping them when they get to his thighs. His cock was thick, hard, and leaking. You moan as everything around you disappears and you zone in on his cock, mind running with all the times he's given you mind-blowing pleasure. One of your hands reaches out and gently, but firmly, grabs ahold of Jotaro's length, giving him a few strokes before he brings himself closer to your face. His tip taps your lips and you give his tip a kitten lick, causing him to groan quietly and you feel his hand come to your chin and tilt your head back more. Finally, you take a deep breath and open your mouth, letting the black-haired man slip into your throat with ease. Kakyoin finally takes a long, slow lick up your pussy, collecting the wetness that was already there and moaning softly against your cunt. You quickly control your breathing with practiced ease, relaxing your throat enough for Jotaro to push in more of his cock. A shudder runs through his form when your tongue works against the underside of his length. Kakyoin is quick to delve his tongue into your tight hole, working you open slightly and causing a sudden rush of wetness to coat his tongue. His eyes flitted up once more and he groaned loudly at the sight, seeing Jotaro's cock bulge out your throat slightly, looking up a little more to see his face flushed and brows knitted together in concentration as you allowed your throat to be used. Finally, Jotaro stilled for a slight moment before pulling out so his tip remained in your mouth, letting you breathe in some needed air. Your hands wrap around his thighs and when you pull him closer, he slides right back down your throat, another groan slipping past his lips. When Kakyoin's tongue removes from your hole, you clench and whine, being cut off shortly after when you feel two slender fingers gently push in. "Look at you," Kakyoin's voice was low and slightly deeper than usual, sending tingles down your spine and straight to your core. He slowly begins to pump his fingers in and out, feeling his cock pulsing hard as he watches you and Jotaro. "Fuck, wanna feel you around me, baby. Can feel you clenching my fingers, wanna feel it on my cock." He brings himself up, keeping his fingers inside you and adding a third one, while his free hand reaches up to pull your shirt, hearing the fabric rip slightly. "Bet Jotaro wants to feel you too. Wanna have you stuffed with the both of us. Can't stop thinking about it. Bet you look so good with two cocks inside you, hm? Pushing you to your limits while we take what we want from you." You can't stop the loud, long moan that comes from your throat, making Jotaro jerk at the sudden sensation. You tap twice on the backs of his thighs and he pulls out immediately, looking down at you for any signs of discomfort. "Want you inside me, please. Both of you." Your voice was hoarse from having the thick appendage inside your throat, and you whined when Kakyoin added a fourth finger. "Not yet baby, need to stretch you out a little more, so damn tight…" Kakyoin's voice was pushed through gritted teeth. You begin to feel the building orgasm that Kakyoin had been working you to become closer and closer. You gripped Jotaro again and began to pump him, zoning in on the way he twitched and thrust into your hand. Finally, the redhead pulled away, eyes on your pussy, which was now slightly gaping from his fingers working you. His eyes met Jotaro's and he nodded, pulling away and finally taking off his pants, Jotaro following his lead before strong arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you up and off the table. You watch as Kakyoin quickly placed himself where your form was moments ago, getting situated and comfortable. You were quickly sat onto the redhead's lap, feeling his cock settle between your soaked folds and his hands settle on your hips. Jotaro moved behind you, feeling his thick cock right behind you, nestling between your folds as well. Jotaro's hands reached around and grabbed your breasts, squeezing them slightly and pushing his weight into you, forcing you to lean over Kakyoin, who stole a kiss from you when you were within distance. "Fucking hell you're soaked," Jotaro's deep voice settled into your core. "Are you ready?" His voice sent shivers down your spine. With a confirmed nod on your part, he grabbed his cock and aligned himself with your hole, and slowly pushed in. He was met with little resistance as you relax and pulled away to moan loudly before the redhead turned his attention to your breasts, his hands still keeping your hips up. "Fuck. So damn tight, gonna… stretch you out…" His voice was slightly strained. He waited a few moments before giving the other man the go-ahead, and finally, Kakyoin pulled away from your tits to focus on grabbing his cock and pushing into you. He was met with a lot more resistance, despite stretching you out, and you tensed up. Jotaro began to plant kisses along your body, trying to take your mind off the pain that was sure to follow. Kakyoin tried his best to hold in the very loud groan that threatened to release itself as your body finally gave way and let him slide in right beside Jotaro. Both men paused, all three of you panting like crazy. Sweat began to break out on all of you from being so close to one another, your body almost laying completely flat against the redhead beneath you. Knowing you needed at least a few minutes to adjust to the two, thick cocks inside of you, Kakyoin and Jotaro began to let their hands and lips roam. You found the redhead's lips once more in a gentle kiss, his tongue swiping your lips and asking for entrance, which you grant without hesitation. The tall brunet man behind you sucking dark marks into your neck, feeling his hot breath fan over your shoulder and feeling his hands going down to squeeze your thighs and ass before reaching between yours and Kakyoin's body, landing right on the slight bulge of your navel. The hot groan that left the brunet's mouth made your core clench, Kakyoin groaning at the feeling, his hips rutting up to seek more of the sensation. Using his free hand, Jotaro quickly reached and grabbed Kakyoin's hand and placed it next to his on your navel, the redhead's eyes going wide and even darkening a little more. Lost in the sensation of being so full and trying to relax your muscles, you fail to realize what has the two men worked up. Finally, you make out the feeling of two hands on your belly and you raise a brow, reaching down for yourself. Your eyes widen and your mouth drops open slightly in shock. Kakyoin's smirk returns. "You feel that princess? Feel what you do to us? Got us so worked up, darling. Gonna pump you full, ngh, already feel so ready to fill you up…" He tips his head back as thoughts run wild through his head, serving to rile him up more and make his cock twitch. "Tell us you're ready," Jotaro's calm and cool manner was replaced with slight desperation and strained urgency. "Tell us that you want us to fill you up, pump you full of everything we've got." You can't form words when the redhead lifts you slightly and pulls you back down, testing the waters. You nod fervently but that wasn't enough. "Tell us." "Y-yes, I want you to fill me up. I want it, I want it so bad, please!" Your voice was high and whiny, eager to feel them spill their seed inside your needy hole. With your response, Jotaro was first to pull out slightly and thrust back in, groaning when your walls clenched in response, and Kakyoin's cock twitching provided a tighter space to nestle in. Their rhythm started slowly before they picked up the pace. Both men were trying their best to keep quiet, but it was getting harder and harder with each clench of your walls or a breathy moan of their name falling from your lips. "Jotaro, Kakyoin," your voice is almost a breathy whisper, feeling so full and euphoric from being sandwiched by your two lovers. After everything that happened, this was a special time for the three of you to share alone. Your orgasm grew quicker than you expected, but when you were stuffed full, if one pulled out, the other rubbed against your g-spot and vice versa. You kept your hand on the slight bulge as Kakyoin and Jotaro's hands went to your hips and torso, holding you close and allowing them to go deeper and take their pleasure from you. "Please…" "Fucking, I'm already close," Kakyoin's voice strained as he kept up the pace with Jotaro, feeling the tightening in his lower belly and as well as in his balls. He knew he had a big load ready for you, but something about being so intimate in this position, having you between him and the brunet drove him up the wall. A particularly rough, stuttered thrust into you forced the loud groan to tear from his throat, making you look at him and lean down to steal a kiss, despite both of you being almost completely out of breath. Behind you, Jotaro took advantage of you leaning down on Kakyoin and picking up the pace slightly, his breath fanning over the back of your shoulder while he watched you and the redhead kiss, eyes dark with lust and jaw clenched. "Fuck, feels so good," his voice was deeper than normal with arousal and lust, something that never failed to have you clench around him. "M'close, gonna cum… gonna fill you up." His voice shook slightly as the fire in his belly began to grow and spread, his cock twitching like crazy against your walls and the other cock stuffed inside you. "M'gonna give you everything, gonna make you take it." His voice may have been slightly weak but that didn't stop the underlying tone that had you moaning out loud. You jerk when you feel two fingers work against your sore clit, working you with fast circles, feeling just the right amount of pressure to finally send you over the edge, snapping the knot inside your belly and spreading throughout your body like fire. Your eyes roll back and a scream threatens to make itself known until a flash of light and large hand presses over your mouth. You open your eyes, your vision hazy and full of stars but you make out the figure of Star, realizing it is his hand muffling your noises. You clench harder around the two cocks inside of you, feeling helpless and riding on cloud nine as both men thrust a few more times before stilling inside you, their cocks twitching as they shudder through their release, barely managing to keep their volumes at an acceptable level. Jotaro's hips stutter through his release, groaning against your skin and hands holding you tight just below your breasts, resting his sweaty forehead against the nape of your neck. Below you, Kakyoin's head tips back with a dull 'thunk' on the table as he lets out a long, deep groan, hips stuttering as his release overtakes him. He can feel that his release is more than normal, finally taking in a deep breath when his orgasm lets go of him, letting him relax. You have never felt this full in your life, feeling their cum splash and paint your walls was almost enough to send you into another spiral of pleasure. With your vision clearing up, you see Star still hovering above you, the edges of his mouth quirk up before he disappears. "Holy fuck," you breathe out, a dry laugh coming from your lips. Jotaro hums gently before pulling out of you slowly, feeling bad when he sees you wince. "Holy fuck, indeed." Kakyoin lifts his head and smiles at you, still basking in the afterglow of his release. With the help of both men, you're taken off of Kakyoin's lap and gently placed on your feet, though they give out almost immediately, forcing you to lean into Jotaro, who exhales softly and holds you up with ease. "Did that clear your mind, darling?" The redhead's voice held a smirk that you could hear rather than see. You roll your eyes playfully and when he walks by, you sneak a quick kiss. Once you were all dressed and looked semi-decent, you reached for your things only to find that Jotaro had taken them before you had a chance to reach for them, the three of you walking out of the room and towards the dorms. 。+.。☆゚。+゚ ☆゚・.゙。+.。☆゚。+゚ ☆゚・.゙
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Out of curiosity, what are some of your favorite JoJo ships? (feel free to ignore this ask, ships can be a can of worms and a half)
I don’t mind! And since I am a multi shipper, in order to save time I’ll just go over the ones I like the most :D
Phantom Blood: Jonathan x Speedwagon x Erina because I can’t pick between the two separate ships so Poly
Battle Tendency: Caejose or Joseph x Caesar x Suzie, because of the same reasons
Stardust Crusaders: AVPOL MY BELOVED 💖💖💖, and I’m also partial to Jotakak because of the Vibes
Diamond is Unbreakable: Josuyasu because those two were gay as hell for eachother, however I’ve also been dragged into Josukoi(Josuke x Koichi) via some art and fics, which is slowly leading me to “what if the main three just. Poly” ideas
Golden Wind: Bruabba because Jesus FUCK they were so whipped did you SEE their first meeting scene because I swear to god-
Stone Ocean: Jolyne x Hermes x Foof, because they’re just. So very very gay for each other
And I haven’t read SBR or Jojolion, but I has seen a lot of fan stuff for Jonny and Gyro as well as Josuk8 and Yasuho, so I’ll see how that goes when I read it
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aeons-domain · 11 months
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But fr, best Jotakak poly I've seen 😤 Madison is adorable with her boys.
But akdkdkksk, I hope I can do them justice as you do, still have so much to learn from the queen (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
EEEEEEEE MAPEEEE!!!! 😍😍😍 throwing all the hugs n kithes at you YOU'RE THE LITERAL SWEETEST!!! 🥲🥺🥰💕💞❤️😭😭😭😭
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You've always done them justice there is no doubt in that!!! I've thoroughly enjoyed the answers and bits of lore you've dropped so far on them, it makes my heart sore to see JoLiaYoin content on my dashboard do keep it up friend I'll be one of your loudest supports for them!!!!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩❤️💞💕❤️
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fanfictionatic · 1 year
Hello! 21 here & asking about your roleplay preferences. Do you mind mentioning which pairings you enjoy the most?
I like a lot of pairings, mainly M/M ones including Jotaro like JotaKak, JotaroRohan, JotaroAnasui, ect.
I like shipping part 5 characters with eachother in general so a lot of ships from part 5 are probably favorites.
Also I love the idea of Josuke (part 8), Yasuho, and Tooru in a poly ship.
I am open to a lot of ships though so if you have any ideas just run them by me.
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Congrats for getting 100 followers 🥳. Could you please do the prompt "don't you see we love you?" With poly jotakak with an s/o?
Finished! Thank you for the request!
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kirieshhhka003 · 2 years
Hello lovely!! May I request some sweet n soft poly! 3taro and kakyoin? (They/them btw) it doesn’t matter whether it’s smut or fluff (I’m desperate lol) but I trust you as a writer to work your magic!! Thank you, I hope you have a great day!💖💖💖
Hey it’s da poly requester again I forgot to add that I am AFAB and would prefer writing W/afab reader! sorry to load up ur askbox!💖💖💖
Pairing: Jotaro x fem! Reader x Kakyoin
Warnings: general stuff, kinda fluff, bit of smut at the end
• Jotaro is more secretive about your relationships, preferring to keep his private life quiet and hidden form prying eyes. It’s not because he’s ashamed of you and Kakyoin, but because he has fangirls following him everywhere and they can get pretty aggressive towards ‘love rials’ and Joot doesn’t want to cause you nor Noriaki any inconveniences, even though it’s not his fault at all
• On the other side Kakyoin is way more open for affection. He doesn’t mind pda all that much and even wants others to see that you and Jotaro are his, just like he is utterly yours. He’ll always have a hand around your shoulders, keeping you close to his body, or some lingering touches like soft caresses on the cheek or him fixing a strand of hair behind you ear. And yes, Jotaro doesn’t allow Noriaki doing ‘that bullshit’ in public
• Jotaro’s love language is definitely acts of service, so if you want some cuddles or words or affirmation and promises of eternal love on a regular basis - he’s the wrong man. But don’t worry, Kakyoin will literally smother you both in love and affection, giving you every bit of his attention 24/7 (to which Joot complains constantly, but we all know he loves that)
• Jotaro is overprotective of both you and Kakyoin, but mostly of you. That’s because he spent 50 days in a trip with Noriaki, fighting enemies’ asses, and he perfectly knows that Kakyoin is more than able to defend himself. But with you it’s a whole different story. You just look so small and tiny compared to them, how can you possibly stand for yourself?
• Nobody messes with their girl!!! If someone happened to say anything offensive in your slightest direction - they’re fucked. It’s no secret that Jotaro is a loose cannon, losing his temper at every smallest thing he dislikes. But imagine angered Kakyoin - he’s nothing of his old sweet and polite self, and those two teaming up against someone - good fucking luck. You may jus be sure that you’re under best ever protection of your two loving boyfriends
• Sleepovers!!! Mostly it’s just three of you staying up till 4am watching anime and stuffing your tummies with delicious food, roughhousing occasionally. At the end you all just fall asleep on the floor in a chaotic bundle of blankets pillows and limbs
• Even though Jotaro doesn’t like physical touch all that much he just can’t resist in when you run your fingers through his black hair, massaging his scalp lovingly. You bet boy almost purrs in your arms like a big cat
• Jotaro is a hard dom while Kakyoin is a switch leaning soft dom. Sometimes, on rare occasions they let you be the one in charge, but those times are mostly you and Joot teaming up against Kakyoin. There’s no way Jotaro will let any of you dominate him (well, maybe on those occasions when he’s very drunk, make a note on that)
• Kakyoin is a huge pervert, his stamina is big so most of the time you’ll have sex with him. Jotaro’s sex drive is lower than the average, so mostly he just watches you two fucking, enjoying the sight of his two beloved pleasuring each other all while smoking his favorite cigarettes and sipping on some bourbon. He leaves comments here and there, sometimes giving orders for you to fulfill. It’s more of an aesthetic pleasure for him rather than sexual
• It’s always Jotaro who does all aftercare because most of the times both you and Kakyoing are so exhausted at the end that you can barely move, and Kujo is the only one who has some bit of energy left to take care of the three of you. Not that he doesn’t enjoy it anyways
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
I love Jotaro and Kakyoin a lot.. I love them together.. but I can't deny.. I kinda want to.. date them too.. hnngh.. my heart can't..
maybe you can... hold hands with both of them... 😳
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teufortyaoi · 6 years
weak brain: jotaro/kakyoin or polnareff/kakyoin galaxy brain: jotaro/kakyoin/polnareff
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thestressedskittles · 2 years
The JoJo Whore’s Masterlist
Hello and welcome to TheStressedSkittles blog, where myself (Kit) and my friend Sam write reader-insert stories for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (mostly Part 5 but we write for other parts as well)! We do take requests and asks (both are currently open) and we hope to post stories regularly! Feel free to use our Smut Prompt List or come up with your own scenario 👀! Or just stop by and say hi or share your thoughts, filthy or not!
*Please note that all character's we have/will write about WILL BE AGED UP TO 18 OR OLDER, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Currently we write for any characters up to Part Five. All stories will have appropriate tags so you will know what to expect.
* means smut/nsfw is guaranteed
These stories belong to myself (Kit) and Sam. We, however, do not own you nor Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. We do not, and will not, allow people to publish our stories elsewhere. Giving credit does not count as permission. Reblogging is okay. If you see our works posted elsewhere, under a name that isn’t ours, please let us know.Official Wattpad and AO3 are linked in bio.
© 2022 - 2024 TheStressedSkittles
All Rights Reserved.
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Request Guidelines/About Us
Requests: Closed
Asks: Open
Current Requests: 6
Last Updated: 3/5/24
What's New: My Little Cherry (Kakyoin Smut)*
What's Next: Jotakak x Chubby!Reader (Smut)
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Part One [Phantom Blood]
Part Two [Battle Tendency]
Part Three [Stardust Crusaders]
🍒 Noriaki Kakyoin 🍒
My Little Cherry*
Jotaro Kujo [Smut, Coming soon]
Part Four [Diamond Is Unbreakable]
👊Jotaro Kujo👊
Have You Learned Your Lesson Yet?*
Part Five [Golden Wind]
🤐Bruno Bucciarati🤐
The Right Time*
🟣 Pannacotta Fugo🟣
Patience Is Key
Threesomes Or Higher/Poly
In The Library [Jotakak x reader]*
Looks Good On You*
Headcanons/Random Things
Team Bucci as Horses
Team Bucci & Lactating Reader*
Lil Team Bucci Blurb (NSFW)*
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randoimago · 2 years
Could I get poly Okuyasu and Jouske (or separately, depending on what you're comfortable with) and poly Jotakak (again, can be separate :D) with an s/o who's clumsy to the point where they get their job done, but always has some sort of wound on them? I'm in a play right now and my school sucks so there's always stuff in the way so I'm always busting my ass and have scrapes and bruises all over my legs and arms 😭😭😭
Having a Really Clumsy S/O
FANDOM: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Josuke Higashitaka, Okuyasu Nijimura, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin
Type of Request: Headcanons, Poly
Note(s): I mean I’m really clumsy myself so this is relatable (besides the really buff, cool boyfriends >.<)
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Poly Josuke/Okuyasu
Okuyasu is ready to fight whatever you tripped or bumped into because you ended up hurt. If he sees things coming then he's quick with The Hand to get whatever it is out of the way, or moving you out of the way.
Josuke is concerned but he still can't help but roll his eyes with how often you have him use his Stand. Sure you might tell him not to use his Stand, but he still will because he doesn't like seeing you hurt.
It just becomes a thing where they expect you to have some kind of bruise somewhere. Even if you look fine, Josuke will ask you where you bumped into and he'll heal you (will get flustered every time if you have a bruise or something beneath your clothing, doesn't matter how used to healing you he is).
Okuyasu might end up taping bubble wrap to you or Styrofoam as a way to keep you more safe. Josuke is quick to tell him that that idea is dumb and you could get more hurt, which causes the loud mouth to panic more.
Poly Jotaro/Kakyoin
Jotaro is constantly sighing at you, just all the time. Honestly, he can see it coming a mile away at this point when you're just walking and still trip on something. Thankfully his reflexes are fast enough to catch you.
Kakyoin will just hold your hand to help guide you. Even if you end up tripping, he might use Heirophant Green to help rebalance you since he doesn't want to pull on your connected hands and hurt you more.
The two kind of have a thing where one will stay close to you to help and the other keeps an eye out to try to prevent any upcoming accidents from happening.
They still sigh and shake their heads whenever you still end up with scrapes and bruises. They do their best to help bandage your wounds. Kakyoin asking you to be more careful while Jotaro calls you an idiot (affectionate) for being so clumsy.
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moonbeamwritings · 3 years
If you’re up to accepting requests right now and if you do polyamorous relationships can I request JotaKak with a fem reader who’s terminally ill and is in and out of the hospital and she feels like she’s such a big burden to them because she’s sick and they don’t get to hang out that much outside of the hospital. She then has a mental breakdown in front of them because she feels guilty and a terrible gf. (If you dont want to do poly - separate or platonic friends is fine)
i’ve never done anything quite like this before so pls be gentle with me! thank you for sending in and for being so patient! ❤️
!!tw for terminal illness discussions and hospital scenery!! 
poly!jotaro and kakyoin with terminally ill fem!reader
You were growing tired, tired physically and mentally, tired of the guilt that gripped at your lungs as you watched Jotaro and Kakyoin waste another beautiful afternoon worrying after you within the walls of your hospital room. They were both so sweet, hands warm where they lay in yours, eyes shining brightly whenever you could muster a smile. You couldn’t deny the flutter in your heart as you watched them come to visit, eagerly accepting the kisses they placed on your lips and across your face, but with each passing day these moments became colored by insecurity and melancholy. You felt like you were holding them back in some way, like you were tethering them to you like you were to IVs and doctors. It broke your heart.
Your feelings reached a boiling point as you sat up one evening, unable to sleep as some late-night television show droned on and on. It became little more than background noise as you spiraled. They deserve better, you reasoned, they shouldn’t be wasting their time day after day. Sure, you’d be alone, but they’d be able to go on and live their lives without daily or weekly hospital visits. They’d be better off. You cried yourself to sleep that night, curled up under the scratchy blankets, wishing they wouldn’t visit.
The next day, you mustered up the best smile you could, tucking in on yourself as you quietly listened to your two lovers go back and forth, chatting about what they got up to when they left, but how excited they were to be back to see you. You nodded along, but failed to really hear them, mind sinking into an all too familiar black hole.
“Hey,” Jotaro spoke, hand dropping to your knee as he watched your eyes gloss over, focusing on an undetermined point across the room, “you alright?”
All you could muster was a weak shrug as you nodded, allowing a small “mhm” to pass your lips.
Noriaki’s eyes flickered between yours and Jotaro’s, “Are you sure? Did you receive news while we were gone that you don’t want to talk about?”
You felt your eyes getting wet, throat closing up with tears. You shook your head.
“Sweetheart,” Noriaki continued, reaching out to cradle your face in his palm, “what is it?”
With one final blink, the gentle, kind lilt of your boyfriend’s voice sent tears racing down your cheeks, unbridled sobs slipping from your lungs as your chest heaved. This couldn’t be happening. You furiously wiped at your face as it burned with embarrassment and frustration.
Noriaki dragged his thumb across your cheekbone, swiping at tears as they fell while Jotaro’s hand remained steady on your knee, his own thumb rubbing calming circles through your blanket.
Together they soothed your sobs, murmuring quiet affirmations and doting on you with small, affectionate gestures. When your chest stopped heaving, and with your heart no longer feeling as though it would burst from your chest, Noriaki’s voice cut through the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Letting out a shaky breath, you rubbed at your eyes, urging your tears to cease, if only for a moment. Your throat felt tight as you finally asked, “Don’t you guys think you deserve more than this?”
The two had the audacity to look confused. Surely they knew how stupid this all was, right? That it was a waste of time?
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Kakyoin shot Jotaro a look, fixing a glare on the other man at his harsh choice of words.
“I just,” you stopped for a moment to allow yourself to breathe, feeling a tear glide down your face, “feel like a burden, I guess. You two deserve better than wasting away in this hospital room with me. This is horrible, can’t you see that? It’s selfish of me to keep you locked away in here, listening to these machines and watching over me like this.”
Jotaro’s hold on your knee tightened for a second before he brought his hand up to your face to take your chin between his thumb and forefinger. The moment your gaze met his, all you could see was love in his deep blue eyes.
“We were dating before your diagnosis, right?”
You nodded.
“And we’re still dating you now?”
A nod followed by a hum.
“Do you force us to come visit you every day?”
“Well, no, not necessarily, but you feel responsible for-”
“You’re right, you don’t force us. We cared about you before and we’ll do it now.”
A new batch of tears began to flow shortly after, though this time they trailed down your cheeks as a sign of your happiness, guilt seemingly escaping along with them.
Kakyoin got up to join Jotaro on your left side, coming into view with a loving smile plastered on his face, “We love you, silly. We’re not wasting time, we’re here to support you. No matter what.”
One after the other they pressed a kiss to your lips, tugging you over just slightly to wrap you into a group hug. Somewhere, lost in the warmth and comfort of your two lovers, you found solace from the thoughts that had been plaguing you for weeks and you were grateful.
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