#playing cards: meme
mmeqkoi · 2 months
ah yes, a face of a 13 year old 😭😭
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lustwithoutlore · 3 months
Batman: That's enough, Riddler! Time to end this!
Riddler: Good luck, Batman! All the cards are in my hand!
Batman: Uh, Eddie, that's not exactly how you win.
Batman, putting down a card: Anyways, Uno....
Riddler, throwing his cards on the table: GODDAMMIT!
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dragon-fly34 · 2 months
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Can any one imagine this? 🤣🤣🤣
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 6 months
the picture of dust in the first as when he be walking away. it just. idk it makes me happy.
just a smol guy.
where he goin? no one knows
so smol he has no arms.
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fisheito · 5 months
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board game night with the catty punk rock band
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angela132132 · 2 months
Playing Rebirth really is just like being stalked by your homicidal ex-boyfriend who hates the very thought of you having anyone in your life that isn't him
except you've never even dated
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kicktwine · 7 months
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unknown--author · 1 year
Yuu: *Drawing a lot of cards*
Ace: "Aww, no blues?"
Yuu: *Without hesitation* "No bitches?"
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Mr Cards forcing the other masters to play this torture device
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qbwr · 4 months
I was more of a Joe/Ja’marr girlie but the angst in Buffalo is way more compelling to me rn
joe'marr is compelling in it's own right but there's something about josh and stef.... it's so.....
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yuniper · 4 months
Get to know me!
tagged by @northseas to get to know 9 tumblrinas better!
last song: dreaming by blondie
favourite colour: i love deep shades of red, like burgundy
last movie/tv show: i watched 'falling down' last night because i was having A Week. and honestly, i can't even remember the last time i watched any tv shows, lmao.
sweet/spicy/savory: spicy
relationship status: single
last thing i googled: "sunfish animal crossing"
current obsession: well. sometimes your obsessions just take you to places you wouldn't even go with a gun.
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last book: i'm currently reading 'crash' by j.g. ballard! the last book i finished was 'house of leaves' by mark z. danielewski.
looking forward to: i'm going to be basic and say the next weekend, this sunday just went by way too quickly.
tagging: @saemajis, @fashionablyfyrdraaca, @bethesdas, @magissa, @drunkonschadenfreude, @antoncrane, @midfall, @karlacha, @definitionsfading ♥️
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sophscession · 4 months
happy valentine’s day my loves!! 🩷
valentine’s day meme credit
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qnfarc · 1 year
whenever I see someone arguing about how buddy daddies isn't queer and people who think it is are ruining the anime for others I just go 🤨 for well... obvious reasons of how tf enjoying the show through queer lens would ruin it but also because how do these people think the show will end?? like... genuinely, how do you think this slice of life with two men each with hard past and trauma raising a daughter together which forces them to confront said traumas and grow as individuals and partners (let's also ignore the ambiguous connotations of using this word and history of using if we must) is going to end? cause obviously it's going to end with this imperfect makeshift family creating their home together and staying together. loving and supporting each other in their own ways for years to come. these two men raising Miri together, completely comfortable in this home they've created and existing together, completely fine with no other romantic relationships in their lives spending their years together as parents. just saying that's...that's pretty gay of them you know? and honestly even if you argue about it and pull two friends can raise a child together card... this anime still provides so much wholesome and good content for queer community in such basic ways "our bank account", "you think work's more important than our kid?!", Miri saying she loves having two dads, "these are our genes at work" and much more... just a lot of positivity all around so it's no wonder queer community is enjoying watching it, read their relationship as queer and take comfort from the show? and there is really nothing wrong with that especially when as I said we all know it will end with heart-warming closure of this found family being happy and together
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siriusly-rem · 2 years
Hyped but upset
Pls don’t let the finale be shit
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windwithinmyveins · 2 months
"Hey there, Irae," Gale's voice, laced with charm, filled the air as he led her through the intricacies of spellcasting. "You've got this. Just let the magic flow, like music in your veins." and/or Gale's gaze lingered on her, a spark of pride evident in his eyes. "That's it, Irae," he murmured softly. "You're a natural."
        "Hey there, Irae," Gale's voice, laced with charm, filled the air as he led her through the intricacies of spellcasting. "You've got this. Just let the magic flow, like music in your veins."
With a playful grin, she mimicked Gale's gestures, feeling the magic respond to her touch like an exciting dance, exactly as he told her. When their eyes met, her heart skipped a beat in the warmth of his expression.
"I forgot how it feels to use magic," she murmured as the weave tickled through her body. She followed the sensation from one hand to her shoulder until she met his eyes again and noticed Gale's gaze lingered on her, a spark of pride evident in his eyes. "That's it, Irae," he murmured softly. "You're a natural."
"Why does this sound out of your mouth like a backhanded compliment?" she chuckled.
And as the weave connected them both, she felt the presence of Mystra. Instead of feeling safe and nestled inside her hands as she did many times as a child, this time it felt like a looming shadow. Despite knowing that, and despite the unspoken threat by the Goddess of magic herself, she couldn't deny the warmth she felt for him. While she was grateful for his friendship, she couldn't help but wish for something more, even though she knew she would never act upon it, keeping her feelings unspoken. With a sigh, Irae closed her eyes, finding solace in what he offered her, accepting that while she may never have Gale's love, their friendship was more than enough.
Then her eyes glanced over his lips, he was smiling, and she imagined kissing him, first slowly, then with passion...
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