#plankton – wonders of the drifting world
thinkingimages · 1 year
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Wonders of the drifting world...
Radiolarians (Polycystinea) are microplanktonic Protozoa characterized by a delicate skeleton of opaline silica, visible here as tiny ocre-colored dots. On the top left is a colonial radiolarian – Christian Sardet, 'Plankton – Wonders of the Drifting World', Univ. Chicago Press 2015 “Take a Breath and Thank Plankton. One out of every five breaths taken by any (and every) life form on the planet comes from a diatom. Diatoms are a kind of phytoplankton: that is, microscopic plants drifting in all bodies of water. They carry out photosynthetic processes, ultimately producing oxygen in the air we breathe. Like diatoms, single-celled algae that also form silica skeletons, radiolarians sink after death, trapping atmospheric carbon in the sediment of the deep oceans. The composition and distribution of their fossils are used to estimate past water temperature and salinity in the oceans.” Unraveling the Mysteries of Radiolarians | AMNH…
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riemmetric · 10 months
You were thinking about home | Original Fiction
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Note: based on today’s prompt from @flashfictionfridayofficial​: sink or swim. It’s a sci-fi story because this were my mind is most days and it is slightly inspired by Jeff Vandermeer’s writing style in Dead Astronauts, because this is were my mind is these days. Written in one sitting. 
Your body is drifting with the current and your mind is drifting towards home. You thought that when you died, they would recover your body from whatever abyss you’ve last explored and ship it back to your mother. You haven’t talked to her in years and sometimes you wonder if she still loves you, but you have promised her she will get to bury you, she will get to grieve upon a grave. You feel the pressure of the alien ocean against your suit, and you think about offering yourself up as a sacrifice to appease the gods. You’ve broken into a pristine world and polluted it; the wreckage of your shuttle sinks to the seabed, trailing your fossil fuels, a gift from a past extinguished by a distant sun. You think about your mother and you open your eyes, although the world has lost all coordinates, and they aren’t much help. You think about Marina’s limp body, hanging by your belt, and you tilt your head, manifesting the direction of the sky. You check your oxygen levels, your thrusters and your locator, and shut down everything else. You’ve got time.
You read the controls from inside your helmet and make small adjustments to the thrusters. There aren’t any intelligent life forms on this planet, so time hasn’t been invented yet. You decide you like it that way. All non-essential systems of your suit are off, to conserve the energy, and the pain throbs in your shoulder unrestrained. You remember pulling Marina out of the wreckage of her shuttle, the effort that it took. You saw the warning light on her suit blink, a spark of life among a handful of dead helmets, and you thought about letting her die together with the people that she has led to their deaths. But then you thought about her mother; this empty grave would be on you, and you wrecked your shoulder pulling that wretch of a woman free. Your suits are now connected and you see the details of her life support systems inside your helmet. She’s unconscious, but she’s alive, a privilege no longer allowed to your comrades. You knew it was too dangerous and she wouldn’t listen. She pulled rank over you and now you’re pulling her body out of a tomb. You want to kill her, but you keep your thrusters on, because you hate her, but she’s human and this means something. You don’t know exactly what it means, but you decide not to think about it now. You have more important things to do.  
Her body is heavy and every joint in your body hurts. You want to punch Marina in the face. You look at your feet and see nothing but darkness and you think about letting her go. You think about letting yourself go. You look into the depths and see your mother’s face. You keep the thrusters on.
There’s a patch of light above you, a break in the darkness. The sight shocks you like a current and you let go of the thrusters. The ballast of Marina’s body drags you down and you kick at the water, regaining your course. You see strands of light caressing your dirty suit and you think about the sun, the daylight that will meet you soon, the warmth. You swim towards the light and then you see it. The stain of bio-luminesce spreading around you like a disease. A mass of light emanating plankton, living its endless life, mindless. You swim through it and hit your head on the ceiling. You look up at the ice sheet and at first you don’t understand. Then you do and the horror explodes inside you like the broken engine of Marina’s shuttle. You scream inside your helmet and every cell of your body is warring with itself. You press your palms flat against the ice and try to push it open like the lid on a pressure cooker, you smash your fists against it, but it’s stupid, you’re stupid, you’re an idiot and this is now the end.
Everything hurts inside you. You want to kill Marina. You miss your mother. You want to see the sun again. You haven’t told enough people you love them. You are tired and you want to sleep. You want to die. You’ve always known this is how you’ll die. Don’t be a coward. The thruster controls are in your hand. You let go of them. You close your eyes. The ocean shields you like a warm blanket, embraces you like a lover. You will succumb to it and it will be the greatest love story ever told. You feel your arms drifting. Every bone in your body hurts. You want to cry but you’re too tired. You’ll cry on the other side, if you still remember too.
Your body is drifting with the current and your mind is drifting towards home. You think about your mother. You miss your mother. You want to talk to your mother. You open your eyes and read the information provided by the locator. It knows something you don’t know. It knows where the mother ship is. It knows where its mother is. You can’t wait to yell at Marina. You hold onto the controls, the shoulder screaming in its socket. Hush now. We’re going home.
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Started a new one since the last one was long and had people tagged whose user names I’d prefer never to ever see again if I can help it 🙃
I was tagged by @apocalypticromantic666
Last Song: uh probably the theme song from the anime Do It Yourself!
Last Show: I just finished Another (watch it if you like Japanese horror/urban legends)
Last Film: I never watch movies anymore, so I guess BoM
Current Show: Buddy Daddies (watch it!), and am slowly working through Platinum End (great concept but god it’s boring)
Reading: Sooooo many things but the stuff I’ve been most active reading lately is Beyond Polite Japanese and Plankton: Wonders of the Drifting World. Haven’t had a lot of brain power for reading lately.
Current Obsession: Sebagni, Tanaka & Seb, and Agni & Bard in my Synchronize AU
Man idk if I can think of 9 people who haven’t been tagged yet…. I’ll try. Apologies if you’ve been tagged already. (And ofc anyone who sees this and wants to join in is free too!)
@oya-oya-okay @millionyearhearts @pureleafy @witch-is-writing @cielpansyhive @asexualsebastianmichaelis @seekers-who-are-lovers @deevotee @castleartsebaciel
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December Morning - Kim Simonsen - Faroe
Translator: Randi Ward (Faroese)
The shore is soaked; the stones are slippery with green algae. I gather a handful of red whelks from a fresh tidal pool. I kick a limpet loose. At first light, between seaweed and the tides of time, morning is set in motion: a tipping bucket, an opening gate, a bygone vision of black ships sailing upon the sea’s canopies of plankton.
The gloomy sunrise has ended up a bright morning. The house is quiet; everything waits and wonders. The flowers are all gone; the bulbs and rhubarb are at rest. Now that I’ve circled the sun for the forty-fourth time, I’m learning to live here. The lawn is dying. A red berry on a branch dangles in the wind.
The steady roar of the waves— the shore transformed each morning. Kelp that swayed on the seafloor last night is wracked up in heaps of tangled blades and dead stalks on the sand. Birds sit on a branch. Small brown slugs slip under drifting leaves. Green moss colonizes a tree trunk; yellow fungus works its way into the wounded bark. The dead grass reaches all the way up to my knees.
To know that everything is an other world, always an other world. The grit of frosty leaves sandpapers the street. I come back in with my eyes watering from the cold. Ice crystals sparkle from a thousand directions at once. The sun is setting on the children walking home; the very tracks of their treaded soles are loved. Heavy sleeves of wet snow hang from branches.
I haven’t seen a brown slug since last summer. I’m trying to find my voice here. Wishing not to grow older is really about not wanting to lose my childhood again— not wanting to lose anything else at all. To stand amid the rising tide and undulating landscape clinging to the sand, and the red and brown seaweed, trying to take it all in and with me, trying not to forget anything inside this crumbling house. The wake of caving memories hits like heavy surf— to know that everything is an other world, always an other world. Fingers, red and tingling. The slug eggs scattered throughout the yard lie in wait.
The soil is black. The withered grass is brown, matted and stiff with wintery glaze. The sun lowers its cold gaze. We wait without knowing what’s going to happen.
The house is empty during the day. Furious squalls blow in off the bay. Breakers rip seaweed up and sling it about the sand. You aren’t here. A solitary cat slinks into the fenced yard. It will be dark again soon. Each day ends more quickly than it begins. Gusts send sand and blades of grass swirling against the window. The cat has vanished.
Time etches itself in ripples and grooves on the grey sand. Few friendships last. Everything is as banal as this sand. It’s raining more and more here, and families aren’t what they used to be. That’s what the experts say. The dead fish that washed ashore is shriveling up in the sun.
The landscape is the same. Once again, I’ve returned with the feeling that I’m living in a time warp – like I’ve arrived twenty years too late or too early – as though I’m slowly falling all the while smiling to the passersby. To daydream about the cold on a December morning and know that I’ve lost everything here— that nothing is as I remember it, that here the world is a blurry photograph superimposed on another bleary image until all faces are shattered and distorted by time.
A starling flock lights above red and black currant bushes. You’re crying on the phone again. A land is a construct that has to be recreated each day; this goes for the state and the nation— but not the landscape. We wished we could disappear in each other’s eyes.
I move through the trollish gorge between all that was, all that might now be, and all that may or may not come to pass. There’s a strength in the people who choose to live here but also great sorrow. I’ve turned off my iPhone. The starlings have flown; the berry bushes are still.
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🌬️ Wonders of the drifting world...
Radiolarians (Polycystinea) are microplanktonic Protozoa characterized by a delicate skeleton of opaline silica, visible here as tiny ocre-colored dots. On the top left is a colonial radiolarian. Christian Sardet, 'Plankton – Wonders of the Drifting World', Univ. Chicago Press 2015
<Take a Breath and Thank Plankton. One out of every five breaths taken by any (and every) life form on the planet comes from a diatom. Diatoms are a kind of phytoplankton: that is, microscopic plants drifting in all bodies of water. They carry out photosynthetic processes, ultimately producing oxygen in the air we breathe.> https://schmidtocean.org/cruise-log-post/every-other-breath/
Like diatoms, single-celled algae that also form silica skeletons, radiolarians sink after death, trapping atmospheric carbon in the sediment of the deep oceans. The composition and distribution of their fossils are used to estimate past water temperature and salinity in the oceans.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Radiolarians | AMNH….
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cranky-kyrati · 2 years
Wrote a bit of Payang fluff to comfort myself earlier this month, and realised it works as a stand-alone one-shot.
Pagan Min x gn!OC (1st person POV, can be read as Pagan Min x Reader) 706 words Pure fluff, established relationship, implied romance, a li'l bit of philosophising
AO3 link
When we grew winded we rested on our backs, cradled on the warm bosom of the ocean, fingers laced to keep from drifting apart. Above us, the sky was cloudless and crystalline, dusted with stars. I asked, “Does it ever make you feel small? Insignificant?”
Pagan showed up in my quarters one night, breathless, his eyes twinkling with excitement. “Have you heard?”
“Heard what?”
“Then you haven’t!” he exclaimed, clearly delighted. He held out his hand. “Come on, we’re going to the beach.”
It was nearly full dark when we got there, a faint red glow on the horizon all that remained of the day, and the moon had yet to rise. And, too, the lamps normally illuminating the path along the beach hadn’t turned on, for some reason. Yet there were people there on the shore, laughing and shouting.
We paused as we reached the sand and I frowned, thinking there was something decidedly odd about the shoreline. Soon I realised what it was: I could see it. I could see every gentle wave washing onto the sand, lit from within with faint blue light.
“Pagan! It’s— What—” I gasped, and he laughed and pulled me with him, both of us stumbling out of our slippers to run barefoot over the sand. We skidded to a halt as we reached the shoreline, and I stared raptly at the glowing water. “What in— What is this?!”
“Plankton,” he said. There was perhaps a hint of smugness in his voice as he explained, but it was quickly overruled by wonder: “Hm! Millions and millions of tiny, bioluminescent plankton.”
“Is it safe? Can you—”
“Oh yes!”
I started pulling off my clothes and laughed, “What are you waiting for?!”
We chased through the shallows, kicking up sparkles of blue. Dove in shimmering swirls, swam in each other’s glowing wake. When we grew winded we rested on our backs, cradled on the warm bosom of the ocean, fingers laced to keep from drifting apart. Above us, the sky was cloudless and crystalline, dusted with stars.
I asked, “Does it ever make you feel small? Insignificant?”
“The night sky?”
“Yeah.” After a moment I added, “Or the ocean.”
Pagan pondered this for a moment. “No, can’t say that it does.”
“I feel that way, sometimes.”
“Is it a good or a bad feeling?”
“Mostly it’s a comfort, to think about how big the universe is. How little anything really matters.” I tilted my head enough that I could watch my hand as I waved it through the water in a blossom of blue light. “I’m just one of millions and millions of tiny plankton.”
Pagan huffed, splashing his feet. “Sounds dreadful.”
I chuckled quietly. “You would say that...”
He twisted in the water, finding the bottom. Drew me to him, my back to his chest. Strong arms slipped around my waist, his mouth found my neck, nipping gently. “You don’t care about — hm — legacy?” he murmured. “About leaving some sort of mark on the world?”
“No. Not really. I just want to enjoy my time in it.”
“And how’s that going for you?”
“Oh…” I turned in his arms and looked up at him, grinning. “Quite well, as of late.”
When we returned to the shore, we were alone. We lingered halfway submerged, resting on the sand, legs stretched out in the luminous water. Pagan propped himself on his elbow and leaned over me, the light from a newly risen moon shining in his hair. He kissed me slowly, licking the salt from my lips, sliding his tongue inside my mouth until I couldn’t tell where I ended and he began.
A breathless eternity later he pulled away, and his eyes softened on me, a faint smile on his lips. “I like seeing you like this,” he said.
My face did something I wasn’t party to out of vague embarrassment. I felt unaccountably self-conscious. “Like how?”
A moment’s pause, during which he cocked his head, giving me a considering look. Just when I was about to suggest ‘wet and naked’, he said: “Happy.”
I blinked, the quip that had been forming on my tongue forgotten, and looked at him properly: Something so very soft. He looked older than usual — realer, frailer, more human — and yet younger at the same time, suffused with a vitality that burned away the shadows clinging like cobwebs in his mind. A light in his eyes to match the moon, the stars, the ocean.
I found myself smiling. “Yeah. You, too.”
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kuroteck · 10 months
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Dreams of the Deep
Beneath the moon's soft glow, where waves caress, Lies a realm unseen, a watery wilderness. In the depths of the ocean, where secrets reside, Unfolds a symphony of dreams, where wonders hide.
In the twilight hours, as stars reflect on the sea, Whispers of enchantment awaken within me. A siren's song, carried by the ocean's breath, Guides my spirit to the dreams of the deep, to depths untread.
Majestic creatures, with iridescent scales, Dance in harmony, as if telling ancient tales. Their graceful movements, a mesmerizing sight, Stirring the depths of my soul, igniting a light.
Amongst coral gardens, vibrant and alive, Where colors blend, as if in a cosmic dive, I immerse myself, in this ethereal embrace, In dreams of the deep, where tranquility takes place.
Sunken treasures, hidden in sand and stone, Whisper tales of history, lost and yet not alone. They call to the curious, the seekers of lore, To discover the secrets, long forgotten, once more.
In the mysterious abyss, where darkness prevails, Bioluminescent wonders adorn like celestial trails. Glowing jellyfish and shimmering plankton's dance, Illuminating the night, in a surreal trance.
Dreams of the deep, where imagination thrives, Where mermaids sing, and seahorses dive. Where fantasies come alive, unrestrained, In a world untouched, where magic is unchained.
As the waves carry me, on this nocturnal ride, Visions of the deep, in my mind do reside. I drift away, to a realm beyond measure, Where dreams of the deep grant eternal treasure.
So let me explore this mystical domain, Where the depths of my dreams shall forever reign. In the embrace of the ocean, my spirit shall keep, Enchanted by the wonders, the dreams of the deep.
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aboutdivingblog · 16 days
Unveiling the Depths: An El Nido Diving Adventure
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Tucked away in the untouched waters of the Philippines is a haven for divers: El Nido. El Nido provides a diving experience like no other, boasting stunning coral reefs, diverse marine inhabitants, and pristine waters. Whether you're an experienced diver or a beginner eager to explore beneath the waves, El Nido welcomes divers of all skill levels.
This guide will accompany you on an underwater journey, revealing the marvels of diving in El Nido.
One of the highlights of diving in Elnido is the opportunity to explore its rich biodiversity. Beneath the surface, you'll encounter a mesmerizing array of marine life, from colorful coral formations to majestic sea turtles and playful schools of fish. Locations like Dilumacad Island and South Miniloc are famous for their lively coral gardens. Be on the lookout for elusive creatures such as the frogfish and the cunning mimic octopus, renowned for its ability to mimic other marine species.
The underwater terrain of El Nido is both diverse and awe-inspiring. From towering limestone cliffs to hidden caverns and underwater tunnels, there's no shortage of awe-inspiring sights to discover. Spots like Entalula Island and Twin Rocks present opportunities to explore detailed rock formations and glide through enchanting underwater passages. As you glide through the transparent waters, you'll feel as though you're venturing into an entirely different world, enveloped by the raw beauty of nature.
El Nido provides numerous opportunities for adrenaline junkies seeking thrilling dives. Challenge yourself at locations such as North Rock, where powerful currents draw pelagic species such as sharks and manta rays. Experienced divers can venture into deep walls and drift dives, while night dives provide opportunities to observe nocturnal marine creatures in their element. Whether you're in pursuit of shark encounters or mesmerized by bioluminescent plankton, diving in the philippines ensures an adventure you won't soon forget.
As guests in this underwater paradise, it's imperative that we play a role in conserving its fragile ecosystems. Practicing responsible diving, including refraining from touching coral and marine creatures, and reducing our environmental footprint, is vital for protecting El Nido's underwater gems for the enjoyment of future generations. Opting for eco-conscious dive operators and joining reef clean-up efforts are ways to contribute to conservation endeavors aimed at preserving this marine haven.
Prior to setting out on your El Nido diving expedition, it's crucial to make adequate preparations to guarantee a safe and pleasant experience. Be sure to check the weather and sea conditions beforehand, and familiarize yourself with the dive sites you plan to visit. If you're new to diving or haven't dived in a while, think about taking a refresher course to polish your skills. Don't overlook packing essentials like sunscreen, reef-safe sunscreen, and sufficient water to stay hydrated during your underwater excursions.
Diving in El Nido is more than just an activity—it's an opportunity to connect with the natural world in a profound and meaningful way. Whether you're marveling at the vibrant colors of a coral reef or coming face to face with a majestic sea creature, each dive offers a chance to experience the wonder and beauty of our planet's oceans. Prepare for the adventure of a lifetime as you pack your bags, don your dive gear, and set off for one of the world's most captivating dive destinations: El Nido. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface-supplied_diving.
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travelblog88 · 5 months
Nightlife in Andaman: Beach Parties and Starlit Adventures
If you're seeking an unforgettable nightlife experience and the best Things to do in Andaman that blend the rhythmic ocean waves with vibrant celebrations, then Andaman is the right place to be. This tropical paradise isn't just about pristine beaches and lush greenery; it comes alive after the sun sets. In this article, we'll explore the enchanting Nightlife in Andaman, featuring beach parties and starlit adventures that will make your evenings as memorable as the days.
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1. Beach Parties: Where the Night Comes to Life
Andaman's beach parties are renowned for their lively atmosphere and picturesque settings. From Havelock Island to Neil Island, the coastline transforms into a hub of music, dance, and celebration as the night unfolds. Imagine dancing beneath the stars, the sound of the waves providing a natural rhythm to the festivities. The vibrant energy of these beach parties is unparalleled, making them a must-experience for any night owl.
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2. Underwater Glow: Unveiling the Secret World
One unique aspect of Andaman's nightlife is the underwater glow phenomenon. As the day surrenders to night, embark on a surreal adventure with bioluminescent plankton. The ocean comes alive with a mystical glow, creating an otherworldly experience. Snorkeling or diving in these illuminated waters is a mesmerizing way to spend your evening, turning it into a starlit adventure beneath the surface.
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3. Beachside Bonfires: Toasting to Togetherness
Picture yourself on a secluded beach, surrounded by friends or fellow travelers, with the sound of crackling bonfires filling the air. Beachside bonfires are a popular nighttime activity in Andaman, providing a cozy and intimate setting. Share stories, make new friends, and enjoy the warmth of the fire against the cool ocean breeze.
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4. Night Markets: Shopping Under the Stars
For those who enjoy a more laid-back nightlife experience, Andaman's night markets offer a unique blend of shopping and entertainment. Explore the bustling stalls under the soft glow of string lights, offering local crafts, souvenirs, and delectable street food. It's an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture while enjoying a leisurely evening stroll.
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5. Celestial Cinema: Movies Under the Sky
Indulge in a cinematic experience like no other with Andaman's celestial cinema. Set against the backdrop of the open sky, these outdoor movie screenings provide a unique twist to the traditional theatre experience. Enjoy your favorite films with the gentle sea breeze and the twinkle of stars overhead, creating an unforgettable movie night under nature's grand canopy.
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6. Night Cruises: Sailing into Serenity
For a more serene yet equally enchanting experience, consider a night cruise around the Andaman Islands. Drift along the tranquil waters as the moonlight reflects off the ocean's surface. Many cruises offer live music, fine dining, and stargazing, providing a sophisticated and romantic option for those seeking a quieter nightlife ambiance.
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7. Cultural Performances: Embracing Tradition
Immerse yourself in Andaman's rich cultural heritage with traditional performances that come alive at night. From tribal dances to folk music, these cultural events offer a glimpse into the island's history and traditions. Attendees not only enjoy a night of entertainment but also gain a deeper understanding of Andaman's vibrant cultural tapestry.
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8. Stargazing: Connecting with the Cosmos
Andaman's remote location and minimal light pollution make it an ideal destination for stargazing enthusiasts. Head to one of the many stargazing spots on the islands and marvel at the celestial wonders above. Whether you're a seasoned astronomer or a casual observer, the night sky in Andaman is a breathtaking spectacle that adds a cosmic touch to your evening.
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9. Rooftop Bars: Elevated Nightlife
For a sophisticated nightlife experience, explore the burgeoning rooftop bar scene in Andaman. Enjoy panoramic views of the island, coupled with crafted cocktails and live music. These elevated venues provide a chic and stylish atmosphere, making them perfect for those seeking a more upscale evening out.
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10. Midnight Yoga: Finding Peace under the Moonlight
Wrap up your night with a touch of tranquility through midnight yoga sessions on Andaman's serene beaches. Feel the soft sand beneath you and the gentle sea breeze as you engage in a rejuvenating yoga practice. It's a serene way to conclude your day, promoting both physical well-being and mental calmness.
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Conclusion: Andaman Nights - Where Memories Are Made
In conclusion, Andaman's nightlife offers a diverse range of experiences, from lively beach parties to serene midnight yoga sessions. Whether you prefer the energetic rhythms of the coast or the quiet introspection under the stars, Andaman provides a nightlife tapestry that caters to all preferences. Best Andaman Tour Packages So, pack your sense of adventure and get ready to make unforgettable memories in the enchanting nights of Andaman.
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diveingoa · 5 months
Grand Island Goa Scuba Diving
Nestled off the sunny shores of Goa, Grand Island stands as an idyllic paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts. With its crystal-clear waters, diverse marine life, and captivating underwater landscapes, Grand Island offers an unparalleled scuba diving experience in the heart of the Arabian Sea. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a virtual underwater expedition, exploring the enchanting world of Grand Island scuba diving. From the vibrant marine ecosystems to the unique dive sites and the thrill of underwater adventures, we will unravel the mysteries that await beneath the waves.
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The Allure of Grand Island
Grand Island, also known as Ilha Grande, is a picturesque island located a few kilometers off the southwest coast of Goa. Surrounded by turquoise waters and fringed with sandy beaches, the island serves as a gateway to a thriving underwater realm. Its strategic location ensures calm seas, excellent visibility, and a rich diversity of marine life, making it a hotspot for scuba diving enthusiasts seeking an unforgettable underwater experience.
Vibrant Marine Ecosystem
Grand Island boasts a vibrant marine ecosystem, teeming with an array of aquatic wonders. Divers exploring the waters around the island can encounter a kaleidoscope of marine life, including schools of colorful fish, majestic sea turtles, playful dolphins, and graceful rays. The coral reefs that adorn the ocean floor are home to a variety of coral species, offering a visually stunning backdrop for divers as they navigate through the underwater wonderland.
Top Dive Sites at Grand Island
1. Suzy’s Wreck:
One of the most iconic dive sites at Grand Island is Suzy’s Wreck. This sunken British cargo ship provides an eerie yet fascinating backdrop for divers. Covered in coral formations and inhabited by a plethora of marine species, Suzy’s Wreck offers a unique opportunity to explore an artificial reef ecosystem. Divers can swim through the remains of the ship, observing the gradual fusion of nature and human-made structures beneath the sea.
2. The Shelter:
The Shelter, aptly named for its calm and sheltered waters, is an ideal site for novice divers and underwater photography enthusiasts. This site features a gentle slope adorned with colorful corals and abundant marine life. Divers can spot various fish species, nudibranchs, and seahorses, making it a paradise for macro photography. The tranquility of The Shelter allows divers to fully immerse themselves in the beauty of the underwater world.
3. Sail Rock:
Sail Rock, located near Grand Island, is a pinnacle dive site known for its vertical underwater rock formation that resembles a sail. This site offers a thrilling drift diving experience as divers descend along the rock face, exploring the vibrant corals and observing large schools of fish. The strong currents at Sail Rock attract pelagic species, including reef sharks and barracudas, creating an exhilarating dive for experienced divers seeking encounters with larger marine life.
4. Uma Guma Reef:
Uma Guma Reef, characterized by its stunning coral formations and diverse marine inhabitants, is a must-visit site for nature enthusiasts. The reef is a kaleidoscope of colors, with hard and soft corals providing shelter to a myriad of fish species. Divers can admire the intricate patterns of the corals and observe marine creatures such as parrotfish, angelfish, and octopuses, creating a memorable and visually captivating diving experience.
The Thrill of Night Diving
Grand Island’s allure extends beyond daytime adventures, offering an exhilarating experience for night divers. As the sun sets and darkness descends upon the ocean, the underwater world undergoes a magical transformation. Night divers can witness bioluminescent plankton illuminating the water, creating a surreal ambiance. Various nocturnal creatures, including crabs, lobsters, and cuttlefish, emerge from their hiding spots, allowing divers to witness their unique behaviors under the cover of darkness.
Diving Centers and Professional Guidance
Grand Island is home to reputable diving centers equipped with experienced instructors and state-of-the-art facilities. These centers offer a range of scuba diving courses, from beginner to advanced levels, catering to divers of all proficiency. Certified instructors conduct thorough training sessions, emphasizing safety protocols, buoyancy control, and environmental awareness. Whether you are a first-time diver or a seasoned enthusiast, the diving centers at Grand Island ensure that you are well-prepared for your underwater adventures.
Conservation and Responsible Diving
Preserving the fragile marine ecosystem of Grand Island is a shared responsibility among divers and the local community. Diving operators in the area actively engage in conservation efforts, organizing regular beach clean-ups, coral reef restoration initiatives, and environmental awareness campaigns. Divers are encouraged to follow responsible diving practices, including avoiding physical contact with marine life, refraining from collecting souvenirs from the sea, and participating in conservation activities to give back to the underwater environment.
Grand Island in Goa is a scuba diver’s dream come true, offering a captivating blend of natural beauty, diverse marine life, and thrilling underwater experiences. Whether you are exploring the eerie remnants of Suzy’s Wreck, marveling at the vibrant corals of Uma Guma Reef, or encountering pelagic species at Sail Rock, Grand Island promises an unforgettable journey into the depths of the Arabian Sea. With its vibrant marine ecosystem, top-notch diving facilities, and commitment to conservation, Grand Island stands as a beacon for scuba diving enthusiasts seeking an unparalleled underwater adventure. So, gear up, dive in, and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Grand Island scuba diving — an experience that will leave you with lifelong memories of the ocean’s wonders.
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galapagosdivingtours · 9 months
Diving in the Galapagos Islands a Journey into the Depths of Wonder
The Galapagos Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage site, have long captured the imaginations of adventurers and nature enthusiasts. Situated in the Pacific Ocean, this archipelago is renowned for its exceptional biodiversity and unique wildlife, both on land and in the surrounding waters. While many visitors are drawn to the islands for their fascinating terrestrial inhabitants, those who venture beneath the waves are rewarded with an equally astounding spectacle – the mesmerizing world of Galapagos diving.
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If you are a scuba diving enthusiast or a curious explorer eager to plunge into the depths of the ocean, the Galapagos offers a year-round opportunity to encounter some of the most awe-inspiring marine life on the planet. However, certain times of the year can enhance your diving experience and unveil even more wonders. Let's explore the best time to dive in the Galapagos Islands and how Galapagos diving tours can elevate your underwater adventure.
Dry Season Delights: June to November
The Galapagos' dry season, stretching from June to November, is considered one of the best times for diving in these pristine waters. During this period, the Humboldt Current flows from the south, bringing with it cool and nutrient-rich waters. These conditions attract an incredible diversity of marine species, making it a dream come true for divers seeking extraordinary encounters.
The visibility during the dry season is exceptional, often exceeding 50 feet (15 meters) or more. With crystal-clear waters, you'll have the chance to witness the underwater marvels with remarkable clarity. Expect to encounter schools of hammerhead sharks, graceful manta rays, and playful sea lions dancing around you. For photographers and videographers, this time of year presents the perfect opportunity to capture stunning images and footage of the thriving marine life.
Warm Season Wonders: December to May
The warm and rainy season, spanning from December to May, brings a different but equally thrilling experience for divers. As the water temperature rises, ranging from 70°F to 86°F (21°C to 30°C), you'll find yourself surrounded by a flurry of marine activity. The warm waters attract an abundance of plankton, which serves as a delectable feast for various marine species, including the gentle giants of the ocean – whale sharks.
Diving in the Galapagos during the warm season offers a unique chance to encounter these majestic creatures up close. Swimming alongside the largest fish in the world is a humbling and awe-inspiring experience that leaves divers with unforgettable memories. The best spots to find whale sharks are often around Darwin and Wolf Islands, where experienced Galapagos diving tours can take you for an unforgettable drift dive.
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The Benefits of Galapagos Diving Tours
When exploring the underwater wonders of the Galapagos Islands, embarking on a guided diving tour can greatly enhance your experience. Galapagos diving tours, such as those offered by reputable operators like Galapagos Diving Tours, are led by knowledgeable guides who are well-versed in the unique diving spots of the region. These experts know where to find the most fascinating marine life and can help ensure your safety and enjoyment throughout the adventure.
Additionally, Galapagos diving tours often prioritize eco-conscious practices to preserve the fragile marine ecosystem. Responsible tourism is key to protecting the pristine waters and the abundant life they sustain, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at the wonders of the Galapagos.
In Conclusion
Diving in the Galapagos Islands is an extraordinary journey into a world teeming with life and wonder. Whether you choose to visit during the dry season to witness the bustling marine metropolis or the warm season for an encounter with gentle whale sharks, the Galapagos promises a diving experience like no other.
As you plan your next adventure, consider joining a Galapagos diving tour to maximize your underwater exploration. With expert guides and a commitment to sustainable practices, these tours offer an immersive and responsible way to experience the breathtaking beauty of the Galapagos' underwater realm.
Prepare to be captivated by the vibrant marine life, enchanted by the playful sea lions, and humbled by the presence of the magnificent whale sharks. The Galapagos Islands await, ready to reveal their hidden treasures to those who dare to dive into their depths.
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reerhifaruresort · 11 months
Scuba Diving Near Hanifaru: Exploring an Underwater Paradise
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Located in the breathtaking Baa Atoll of the Maldives, Hanifaru is a small uninhabited island that has gained international fame for its incredible marine biodiversity and the opportunity it presents for unforgettable scuba diving experiences. Hanifaru is renowned as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and a protected marine area, making it a haven for marine life enthusiasts and scuba diving enthusiasts alike. In this blog, we will delve into the wonders of scuba diving near Hanifaru, highlighting the unique features of the area, the diverse marine species you can encounter, and the exhilarating experiences that await underwater adventurers.
Exploring the Marine Wonderland:
The underwater world near Hanifaru is nothing short of a paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts. The crystal-clear turquoise waters teem with an abundance of marine life, from majestic manta rays and whale sharks to vibrant coral reefs and colorful tropical fish. Hanifaru is particularly famous for its manta ray gatherings, where large groups of these magnificent creatures congregate to feed on plankton. Witnessing the graceful dance of these gentle giants is an awe-inspiring sight that leaves divers in awe of nature's wonders.
The Manta Ray Migration:
One of the main attractions for scuba diving near Hanifaru is the annual manta ray migration. From May to November, hundreds of mantas gather in the area to take advantage of the plankton-rich waters. This phenomenon provides a unique opportunity for divers to swim alongside these graceful creatures and observe their feeding behavior up close. The sheer size and elegance of the mantas leave divers with unforgettable memories and a deep appreciation for the beauty of marine life.
Encounters with Whale Sharks:
Alongside the manta rays, Hanifaru offers divers the chance to encounter another gentle giant of the ocean—the magnificent whale shark. These enormous creatures, known as the largest fish in the sea, visit the area to feed on the abundant plankton. Swimming alongside a whale shark is a truly humbling experience, as their peaceful nature and impressive size leave divers in awe. Divers are advised to maintain a respectful distance to ensure the well-being of these incredible creatures.
Coral Gardens and Marine Biodiversity:
Hanifaru is not just about large marine creatures; it is also home to stunning coral gardens and a myriad of marine species. Diving in the area reveals a vibrant underwater world, adorned with colorful coral formations, sea fans, and an array of tropical fish. Exploring the coral gardens offers divers the chance to spot anemone fish, reef sharks, turtles, and an abundance of other marine species. The diversity of the marine ecosystem at scuba diving near Hanifaru is a testament to the importance of preserving and protecting this fragile environment.
Best Diving Sites near Hanifaru:
There are several diving sites near Hanifaru that cater to divers of different skill levels. From shallow reef dives to exhilarating drift dives, each site offers its own unique attractions. Maavaru Kandu is a popular dive site known for its strong currents and thrilling drift dives, while Dhonfanu Thila is renowned for its coral formations and encounters with sharks. For those seeking a more relaxed diving experience, sites like Horubadhoo Thila provide gentle currents and excellent visibility for leisurely exploration of the underwater wonders.
Preserving the Marine Environment:
As scuba divers, it is our responsibility to ensure the preservation and conservation of the marine environment. When diving near Hanifaru, it is essential to follow responsible diving practices, such as maintaining neutral buoyancy, refraining from touching marine life or coral formations, and respecting the rules and guidelines set forth by the local authorities. By practicing sustainable diving and promoting eco-friendly tourism, we can contribute to the long-term preservation of Hanifaru's unique marine ecosystem.
Unique Scuba Diving Experience: Hanifaru Bay, located in the Baa Atoll of the Maldives, offers a truly exceptional scuba diving experience. The bay is renowned for its rich biodiversity and the presence of large groups of manta rays and whale sharks, making it a paradise for underwater enthusiasts. The crystal-clear turquoise waters provide excellent visibility, allowing divers to witness the magnificent marine life up close and personal.
Manta Ray Encounters: One of the main attractions of scuba diving near Hanifaru is the opportunity to witness the graceful manta rays in their natural habitat. Hanifaru Bay is known for its manta ray cleaning station, where these gentle giants gather in large numbers to be cleaned by small cleaner fish. Diving amidst a school of manta rays is a breathtaking experience that divers will cherish forever.
Whale Shark Sightings: Another highlight of scuba diving near Hanifaru is the chance to encounter whale sharks, the largest fish in the ocean. Hanifaru Bay serves as a feeding ground for these magnificent creatures, attracting them with an abundance of plankton. Divers have the unique opportunity to swim alongside these gentle giants, observing their graceful movements and capturing unforgettable memories.
Conservation and Protection: Hanifaru Bay is a protected marine area and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, emphasizing the importance of conservation efforts. Diving in this area promotes eco-tourism and supports initiatives aimed at preserving the delicate marine ecosystem. Responsible diving practices, such as maintaining a safe distance from marine life and adhering to environmental guidelines, are crucial to ensure the long-term sustainability of this unique diving destination.
Dive Sites and Dive Operators: Scuba diving near Hanifaru offers a variety of dive sites suitable for divers of all levels, from beginners to experienced enthusiasts. Professional dive operators in the area provide guided tours and ensure a safe and enjoyable diving experience. These operators possess extensive knowledge of the local marine life and can enhance the diving experience by providing insightful information about the surroundings.
Additional Marine Life: While manta rays and whale sharks are the stars of Hanifaru Bay, the area is also home to an array of other marine species. Divers can encounter colorful coral reefs, schools of tropical fish, sea turtles, reef sharks, and various types of rays. Exploring the underwater world near Hanifaru offers a diverse and captivating display of marine biodiversity.
Scuba diving near Hanifaru is a journey into a world of wonder and enchantment. The mesmerizing encounters with manta rays, whale sharks, and vibrant coral reefs create memories that will last a lifetime. The pristine waters, diverse marine species, and the commitment to conservation make Hanifaru a true gem for scuba diving enthusiasts. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, the allure of Hanifaru's underwater paradise beckons, inviting you to explore its depths and experience the magic that lies beneath the surface.
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jdgo51 · 1 year
See the Seahorse
Today's inspiration comes from:
by Louie Giglio
"I wait for the Lord to help me. I trust His word." — Psalm 130:5
"'The seahorse (or Hippocampus, if you want to be scientific!) is a tiny fish that lives in the oceans.
It’s called a seahorse because its head looks like the head of — you guessed it — a tiny horse. This unusual creature often swims with another seahorse, and they link their tails to stay together. It also swims “standing up” and tries to blend in with nearby plants so it doesn’t get eaten.
Because of its body shape, the seahorse isn’t a very good swimmer. So rather than go out hunting for food, seahorses use their tails like anchors, holding on to a piece of sea grass or coral. They then wait for food — plankton and tiny crustaceans — to drift by so they can suck it up with their long snouts.
With its poor swimming and its tendency to stay in one spot, the seahorse isn’t going to win any races. But God has given it everything it needs: a way to get food, someone to swim through life with, and something to hold on to. God promises the same to you. The Bible says,
God will use His wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need. — Philippians 4:19
God provides you with food and shelter, Jesus to swim through life with, and the promises of His Word to hold on to. Like the seahorse, you may sometimes have to hold on and wait for God to deliver His promises — but He always will, and at just the perfect time.
Help me, Lord, to wait for Your perfect timing. And while I wait, teach me to live the way You want me to. I will follow You!
Seahorses are one of the few animals for which the male bears the young for the female. A female seahorse lays her eggs — sometimes hundreds of them — in a pouch on the male seahorse’s tummy. The pouch is very much like a kangaroo’s pouch. The eggs stay in the pouch until they hatch about 45 days later. A baby seahorse is only about the size of a jelly bean and must start finding its own food as soon as it’s born.
I wait for the Lord to help me. I trust His word. — Psalm 130:5
A Tool for God
Encourage one another and build each other up. — 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
Scientists have long known that some animals use tools to help them get what they need.
But they have only recently discovered the most unusual way one animal “builds” its house — and they found this animal scurrying across the sands of the ocean floor.
The veined octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) builds its home using coconut shell halves that people have thrown into the ocean. Stacking one on top of the other, it crawls between the two halves — the perfect underwater armor for this soft-bodied octopus. When the octopus needs to travel, it simply stacks the shell halves under its body — much like stacking two bowls. It then “stilt walks” on its eight legs, dragging the shells with it. Scientists have even spotted veined octopuses digging buried coconut shells out of the sand and squirting them with jets of water to clean them before moving in.
God gave some animals the ability to use tools, but did you know that He made you to be a tool? God wants you to be His tool in building up others and leading them to Him. How can you do that? He tells you in His Word:
Go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything that I have told you. — Matthew 28:19-20
What an amazing thought — that God uses you to build His Kingdom and to help others know Him!
Lord, I want to be a tool in building Your kingdom. Help me live a life that tells the world about You.
The veined octopus is just one of several animals that uses tools. There’s a group of bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Australia, that carries sea sponges in their beaks to stir up the ocean sand and uncover their prey. Also, sea otters use stones as hammers to crack open abalone shells to get to the food inside.
Excerpted with permission from Indescribable by Louie Giglio, copyright Louie Giglio.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Wouldn’t It Be Nice. Yan Jotaro x Reader [COMM]
warnings: isolation mentions, very brief and minor injury ment, just general yandere stuff word count: 2.1k
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“We’re here.” 
You let out a low hum of acknowledgement at Jotaro’s statement, lifting your head from its previous position of resting against the car window. It’s bright and early in the morning, the sun just starting to peak up over the clouds, bathing the world in a soft glow of warm colors. Jotaro turns the keys, the engine’s purring dying down into a final sputter. Throughout the drive from the hotel you’re staying in, you’ve been in and out of sleep, not used to being up bright and early. Normally your repetitive days blend together like watercolors, faint and indescribable from each other. This serves to be a new palette, an opportunity to see the world with your own eyes. 
Ignoring the dull ache from your legs, you step onto solid ground and stretch. Jotaro’s preoccupied with opening the car trunk, gathering his equipment and the few items you wanted to bring along. An umbrella, beach chair, towel, and some books to read. You fiddle with hands, shifting your weight as silence encompasses you both. He doesn’t so much as struggle with all the heavy items in hand, but the part of you that feels polite feels inclined to offer assistance. 
“Do you, uh, need any help with that…?” You inquire, taking a step forward and preparing to reach out should he agree. Aquamarine eyes flicker towards your clumsy proposal, searching for something unknown and coming up short. As you expect, he turns you down with a decisive shake of the head. It’s impossible to quell the curiosity of knowing what flashes through his mind, his body language hardly ever giving hints to his intentions, aside from taut muscles and grimaces.
“I’ve got it.” 
His tone isn’t meant to sound harsh, it’s just how his voice naturally sounds. You still can’t control the natural reflex of shrinking away at his rebuttal, an uncomfortable silence drowning over you both. He pauses for a brief moment, staring you down, parting his lips before closing them. Time feels like it’s at a stand still, until his attention returns to the awaiting beach. Neither of you make any further attempts at conversation, you trailing a foot behind him as he walks onto the sand. The tension from before melts from your person at the sight of soothing ocean waves, the ground underneath you growing softer, nostalgia coming in full force.
He sets up your area before getting to work on his own tasks, steadying the umbrella in the sand and unfolding the beach chair. You mutter a quiet thank you as he places the finishing touches down, a cooler that had water and sandwiches for if you needed them. The details of this trip are still largely muddled, Jotaro never has been one to over indulge his business. All you managed to squeeze out of him is that he’s taking samples, something about plankton and checking on the local ecosystem. The jargon went over your head. What matters most is that, after being on your best behavior, you’ve earned a trip outside of your normally reclusive lifestyle. Anything is better than having to stare at the same four walls everyday, trying to reminisce on what your life was like before you met Jotaro Kujo.
“I won’t be too long.” Jotaro calls over to you, walking towards the receding waves and setting off to work. You nod your head, settling back into your seat. The beach you’ve arrived at has no other signs of life, aside from seagulls calling to one another and the occasional crab you spot. Human beings are out of the question, Jotaro likely having chosen this spot for the lack of them. He can’t always keep an eye on you, no matter how much he wants to. Having him stuck to your hip like glue has been suffocating, and you’re grateful for the break. 
Staying within the confines of the shade the umbrella brings, your mind drifts into a land of daydreams. The world around you fades away, replaced with thoughts of better times. Where you didn’t have to constantly be on guard, around a man who claimed to care for you, despite rarely showcasing it. Your quality of life improved the slightest bit when you stopped acting combative towards him, taking a more passive approach to get through the days. Jotaro didn’t change his conduct around you much, aside from a few offerings to travel alongside him if his job required going to a secluded area. These opportunities are few and far between, and you always jump at the chance to see the world you were stolen from again. 
Preoccupied with your thoughts, you’re unaware of a presence lingering over you, until something wet and slippery drops onto your leg. A startled gasp leaves your lips at the unexpected sensation, your body jolting up to identify the source of the feeling. Eyebrows furrowing together, you spot Jotaro wading in the ocean, bending over and observing different objects. So where did this come from…? Squinting, you continue searching around, before spotting Star Platinum staring at you expectantly. 
Oh. So that’s what’s going on here.
Now having a better understanding of the situation, you realize the item on your thighs is a bunch of seaweed. Cold droplets of water fall onto your skin, causing a shiver to course throughout your body. He hovers above you, eyes almost doe-like as he excitedly searches for a positive response to his gift. Lazily rubbing away the sleepiness that threatens to consume you, you pluck the seaweed up to inspect it closer. You’re not sure what led the Stand to giving you this bizarre gift, but decide to thank him for the effort regardless. He’s never given a reason to earn your ire, a friendlier companion than his own User.
“Thank you,” you glance from his gift and then back to him, placing the seaweed by your side for safekeeping. “So, this is for me?” 
He nods his head, offering a soft “ora!” in excited confirmation. Star Platinum doesn’t make any movements to disappear, and you can only assume Jotaro has no idea his Stand is wandering about on its own merit. The first -- and likely last -- time that you surprised Jotaro was when he realized you could see his Stand, having a Stand of your own. Ever since then, he’s made it a point not to allow Star Platinum around you, for whatever reasons. There’s no way to confirm the gnawing suspicion that it’s because he’s embarrassed by how enthusiastic the Stand is in your presence, though it’s the theory you go with.
You realize in the time spent searching for a plausible explanation, Star Platinum had been gathering more knick knacks. Settled in his muscular, phantom arms, are various objects that litter the beach. Seashells, sea glass, and a few colorful rocks. The one item that sticks out to you the most, is a very peeved looking hermit crab, its legs flailing in the air. 
“Star, you have to put that little guy down. I think he’s wondering why he’s floating…” You sit up, pointing at the huffy hermit crab. The Stand blinks, considering your proposal, then concedes with your wishes. If only Jotaro were this agreeable, your life might be a bit better. With surprising care, he places the crab back onto the sand, then looks back to you. Is he hoping to be praised for following through with your request? Tilting your head to the side, he mimics the movement. 
“What else did you find?” While you ask this, you cross your legs together, waving for the Stand to come closer. He does so without hesitation, dumping the treasures in front of you. You search through the combination of items, fixating on a pretty, amethyst sea glass. It feels coarse in your hands. You inspect it, a rougher side of it managing to nick your finger in the process. Dropping the item at the unexpected jolt of pain, a small curse leaves your lips. Star Platinum floats to your hand, frantically taking hold of your hand. 
“It’s all good,” you reassure him with a sheepish smile. “Just a small cut. It won’t do too much damage.” 
Star Platinum doesn’t appear convinced, fawning over your effected finger with great displeasure. This serves as further reinforcement that he’s Jotaro’s soul manifest, as they both worry over you the same amount. Star Platinum doesn’t look to be convinced by you. Larger, ghost-like hands envelope your own. It’s strange how a Stand so powerful is capable of showing a softer side, only for your eyes. You can’t help the fluttering of your heart at its potent concern, not used to being fussed over having physical touch accompanying it. Jotaro will chastise you should you ever do something to displease him, without laying a hand on you. Star Platinum is different in that regard, taking every opportunity he has to touch you.
“Here, how about this,” you grab into your bag, procuring a book that Jotaro bought at your behest. “I can still hold it, see? It’s not a big deal at all.” 
Not wanting the Stand’s guilt to transfer over to the User, your mind searches for a way to mend the situation. This time without Jotaro breathing down your neck is to be relished, you won’t let it end earlier than it needs to. Opening back up to the page you left off on, you motion for Star Platinum to look over your shoulder.
“Do you want me to read for you?” You ask, taken aback by how swiftly he nods his head in confirmation. This wholehearted approach to life is so unlike Jotaro, you sometimes wonder how this can be his Stand. It’s in total contrast to the man’s stoic, seemingly dispassionate way of going throughout life. Maybe you’ll ask if you can interact with Star Platinum more often, with how eager he is to please you, it can be a bit addicting. Your own Stand is stirring within, though you don’t want to let it out in fear of how it may be interpreted. Revealing your Stand is often associated with trying to use it, and knowing Jotaro, would be taken as a sign of rebellion. Maintaining the delicate balance that consists of your turbulent relationship with Jotaro takes priority. 
“Well, this story is about a girl who has a ghost, and lives in a town full of them. Unlike Stands though, her ghost is haunting her, and tells her people’s thoughts…” 
Jotaro secures the final amount of samples required for testing, having just finished the checklist he was assigned. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he sets back to shore, thinking about the plans for the rest of the day. You’re probably going to be hungry by the time he gets back. Maybe a visit to a restaurant wouldn’t be so bad…? It’s been over half a year since you’ve made a fuss over your situation, and he hopes it stays that way. Jotaro is uncertain of what to do when you’re crying, overwhelmed by the tidal wave of emotions that came with your initial resistance. He decides that going around that many people is too much of a risk, you’ll both get room service when you’re back at the hotel.
He doesn’t notice anything out of the ordinary at first. That is, until he spots his own Stand hovering right by your side, bewitched by your every word. Jotaro clicks his tongue, calling Star Platinum back, pushing down his hat to hide the flush of his cheeks. When did his Stand come out, and how did he not notice? Internally, he prays that Star didn’t do anything unsightly in front of you. At his appearance by your side, you stop reading aloud your book, realizing that Jotaro must be the reason Star Platinum disappeared. 
Frowning, you close the book. “He wasn’t doing anything wrong.” 
“I finished up here,” he doesn’t want to talk about the flustering events from before, already bringing the umbrella down without asking if you’re ready to leave. “We can go get breakfast.” 
At the mention of a solid meal, you shoot up, thinking of what you’re going to order. Jotaro’s grateful for how well he knows you, and how adept he’s grown at redirecting you. It’s a most useful skill, not that you ever seem interested in teasing him. Without thinking, he hands you the container that holds his samples, hoping it’ll serve to keep your attention. 
It works like a charm, you asking about the nature of the water samples on the walk back to the car. 
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gureishi · 3 years
Happy birthday, darling Lea!
I love you a lot, my dear @quirky-and-kind​. Here is a little story to start your day 🤍
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She is starting to nod off in his arms when Zen whispers her name, pulling her back from the brink of a dream.
“Lea.” He sees the way his breath ruffles her hair and smiles, pushing it back off her face. She is curled up against his chest—and at the sound of his voice, her eyelashes flutter and she wriggles closer. There is the slightest crease on her cheek—the imprint of the fabric of his shirt—and for a moment he is frozen (captivated by her peacefulness).
Lea, he thinks, is the sensation of sunrise—when the world is flooded with light and everything springs to life. She fills the space around her with the ferocity of her love and the strength of her gentleness; she radiates vibrancy in a way he can’t even comprehend.
She is full of energy and dedication all the time, and so he loves to see her resting like this: she deserves to sleep soundly. Zen hears the way her breathing has deepened and wonders if he should just let her be.
But tonight is too important; but he needs her to see this.
“Lea,” he whispers again, kissing her forehead. This time, she stirs.
“Sorry,” she murmurs groggily into his neck. “I fell asleep.”
Zen laughs softly because she has nothing to apologize for. He pauses the movie they were watching and runs a hand through her hair.
“I know you’re tired, princess,” he says (and she twists in his arms to look at him, smiling and shaking her head as if to reassure him that she’s already up). “It’s just that it’s nearly midnight and I have something to show you.”
Lea yawns and stretches her arms over her head and something stirs in Zen’s chest. Again, he thinks of abandoning his plan—thinks of pulling her tight against his body and making her melt for him. But it is almost time; but he needs to—
“Come with me, angel,” he murmurs. Lea slips from his lap (he can’t suppress a little groan of disappointment) and stands, looking remarkably alert.
“Where are we going?” she asks. Ah: she trusts him incontrovertibly. It makes his heart shiver.
“You’ll see.”
Zen rises slowly. This couch is so much larger and softer than the one they have at home; it’s easy to sink into it. This whole room, in fact, feels gigantic in comparison to their apartment. And it’s beautiful: the lights are a soft shade of amber; there are fresh flowers on all of the end tables.
And, in the distance, Zen can hear the whisper of waves hitting the shore.
“Is it okay if I’m in my pajamas?” Lea glances down at herself, laughing. She’s wearing the set he bought her for this trip: cute little shorts in a pattern that matches his shirt. And she didn’t ask why it was that he wanted to match even in their sleep: she understood—as he knew she would—that it’s not about being seen, but about knowing that they are a pair.
A set; two halves. It’s how they’ve always been.
“It’s nighttime, darling,” he says, reaching for her hand. “There won’t be anyone out but us.”
So Zen leads Lea across the spacious room; she follows him, curious and eager. Their feet make a gentle patter on the hardwood floors. He holds the door open for her.
“Shoes?” she asks, arching her eyebrows. Zen smiles widely (and it has the desired effect: Lea blushes and her eyes twinkle).
“We’re not gonna need them.”
Lea steps through the door and Zen lingers for a moment. The resort where they’re staying opens directly onto the beach; Lea stands on the sand with moonlight in her hair and Zen forgets how to speak.
“What are you doing?” she asks him. A gentle sea breeze blows her short hair all around her face; Zen thinks his heart is going to burst.
“You are…” Zen shakes his head; the wind catches his hair and whips it around and he struggles to find the words.
“In my pajamas on the beach?” Lea asks.
“Magnificent,” Zen says.
Lea shakes her head and gets that look in her eyes: the one where he knows she is going to turn the compliment back on him. He lets the door fall shut behind him and runs to her side, wrapping her in his arms and sweeping her off her feet.
“Hyun!” she shrieks. He stumbles a little in the sand but maneuvers her easily onto his back. “I can walk in the sand.” 
“You can do everything,” Zen tells her (and it’s true). “But I’m still going to carry you, angel.”
Lea’s arms settle around his neck as he sets off down the beach. He flexes his shoulders a little for her and hears her breath stutter; ah, he knows how to set her whole world spinning.
“You were right,” she says (and her voice is so close it gives him goosebumps). “There’s no one out here this time of night.”
“It’s all ours,” Zen says. He means the beach—he means the universe. He means this single moment in time and every second of their bright, shimmering future.
When he reaches the water’s edge, he sets her gently on her feet.
“Now,” he says. He wraps an arm around her waist and points at the ocean. It’s calm and quiet, lapping delicately against their bare toes. “Look at the water.”
“I’m looking.”
“It’s empty,” he tells her. And it does look that way: so clear you can see straight through it. It’s dark and practically colorless.
“It’s pretty, though,” Lea says, leaning into his side. Zen chuckles, because of course she’d think so.
“That was me,” he says plainly (and Lea peers up at him through the hazy darkness, puzzled). “For a long time, that’s who I was. I was here—rushing against the store, drifting in and out with the phases of the moon—but there wasn’t anything more.”
Life was monotone, he thinks. He worked and slept and dreamed and yearned; he saw everything in shades of black and white and silver.
“Hyun,” Lea says (forceful in the way she gets when he’s hard on himself). “You were always—”
“Take a step,” Zen says.
Lea looks up at him—looks at the ocean—and steps into the water. It rushes over her ankles and shivers around her legs.
“Oh,” Lea says. Her breath catches in her throat. There it is.
As Lea walks into the water, glitter bursts all around her: bright sparks of light, shining bright as the moon just under the surface of the waves. She looks back at Zen and the awe in her eyes makes him weak.
“Bioluminescence,” she says, her voice raspy. She knows—of course she knows.
She’s brilliant, Zen thinks. He’s always thought so.
“Yeah.” He wades in after her and the lights grow brighter all around them. Tiny radiant plankton dance beneath the water; everything shines.
“And this is—”
Zen comes to stand behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.
“What you’ve done to me,” he says.
Lea waits, knowing he’ll say more. Zen drops one hand to dangle it in the water and sparkles trail behind his fingertips.
“You stepped into my monochrome world and flooded it with light,” he whispers. There’s no sound but his voice and the gentle rushing of the waves, breaking and swelling around their bodies. The bottom edge of Lea’s pajama shorts is getting damp, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
Lea turns, then, so she’s facing him; her eyes reflect the sparkles on the surface of the water. He can see that she’s thinking—that she has a million things to say—that her heart is racing.
But: “I love you,” she says simply—and that’s all she needs to say. Love encompasses all of it: adoration; gratitude; devotion. 
Just then, Zen’s phone buzzes in his back pocket. It’s the alarm he set so he’d know when it was time.
Lea raises her eyebrows and he grins and kisses her—bends her all the way back, a firm hand on her waist keeping her from dipping beneath the water’s surface. Her smaller hands grasp at his back and tangle in his hair and he feels as though the water has taken him and carried him away.
“What was that?” she pants as he tugs her upright. Yes: her shorts are definitely wet, and the ends of his hair glimmer with water droplets.
Zen pulls out his phone and holds it up to her. Midnight.
“Happy birthday, princess,” he says.
“Oh,” Lea breathes, and then she throws her arms around his neck. The water is cool but her body is warm; he kisses her again and again and feels like he’s dissolving.
Around them, the ocean glitters. Zen feels himself rocking to the rhythm of the waves and thinks of tides—drifting in and out; endless and unbound. He has always been like that: rushing and breaking; never sure where to turn.
But Lea taught him what it is to be whole. She is the light that shimmers under the surface of the waves; with her, everything shines.
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sigridhr · 3 years
Darcyverse Drabbles Round 2
Written for the Drabble Race game in the Darcyverse discord server. Hit me up if you want to join our cool Darcy-centric server, all about our favourite Marvel gal. ;)
Prompt 1: Magnetism
It’s hard to deny the pull even from across the room when she locks eyes. Valkyrie is so incredibly, unbelievably out of her league, and yet… there’s something promising in the way she’s looking at Darcy from the other side of the bar and for the first time, Darcy thinks maybe.
When they’re kissing later and maybe has become definitely, Darcy wonders aloud how she’d got so lucky.
“I was going to say the same,” says Valkyrie. “It just felt right.”
She pulls her closer and kisses her harder, and they fit, like magnets, together in the dark.
It’s several rounds before Monica figures out precisely how Darcy is doing it. It’s sad, really, that it look her this long. But ever since Monica had come down with a case of the superpowers, Darcy had started learning stage magic purely just to - as she put it - “keep up with you wizards.”
Darcy is making the card levitate, holding it out in front of her with panache and moving it through the air, wiggling her fingers. Wanda is laughing a little into her wine glass.
“I’ve got it,” says Monica. “Magnets.”
With a snap the card flies into Darcy’s hand and then she chucks one of the magnets at Monica. “Stop ruining the magic!”
Wanda sometimes wonders if trouble is drawn to her, pulled by some unseen force. Like the world bends around her as she moves, throwing danger and despair in her path. She worries about it when she looks at Darcy and thinks about the way everyone she has ever loved is gone. It’s a scary thing to love again, feeling like it might be the undoing of her.
Darcy’s asleep, one hand loosely curled next to her face, and Wanda wants to leave. But if danger is pulled to her, she is pulled to Darcy, and she’s helpless to let go.
There’s something magnetic about the way Darcy laughs, the way she smiles. It pulls Valkyrie in, until she finds she’s laughing too, smiling too, and hopelessly besotted. There’s a million little thoughtful things Darcy leaves dotted around Valkyrie’s life, that have become indelible now, pressed upon her over and over like little kisses. Morning coffees, errands run, dishes washed. A thousand tiny things that have kept Darcy at the forefront of Valkyrie’s mind, always present, always smiling, and always the light that Valkyrie turns towards.
It’s only later, stroking Darcy’s hair that Valkyrie realises she has come to think of Darcy - her Darcy - as home.
Prompt 2: Luminosity
“What is it?” Carol asked, looking more than a little confused, looking at the new aquarium set up in her room.
“Oh, boy,” said Darcy, “are you in for a treat.” With a huge flourish she reached over and flicked off the light. The fish glowed faintly in the dark, swimming around in circles. “Nightlight fish!”
“You bought me… nightlight fish?” Carol asked, flatly.
“They match you,” Darcy said, laughing. “They’re your fish buds.”
“This is about me keeping you awake at night isn’t it.”
“Your aquatic people! Your scaly counterparts! Your swimming siblings!”
“... sometimes I hate you.”
The water was lapping rhythmically against the beach, beating out a slow rhythm that Darcy found unbelievably soothing. By the dying light of the campfire she could just see Valkyrie slipping off her shoes, then peeling her socks off one by one.
“C’mon,” Valkyrie said softly, pulling Darcy to her feet. They came to the water’s edge, and Darcy noticed a faint glow along the waves, pale blue and sparkling. Valkyrie brushed sharply through the water with her foot, sending out a wave of blue sparkles into the night.
“Phosphorescent plankton,” she said, jumping into the water and splashing about, wreathed in pale blue glow. She grinned wildly, and Darcy leapt.
The power went out in the lab suddenly, machinery grinding to a halt, and the low, persistent whine of the lights dropping off to nothing. “Where’s the generator?” Jane snapped immediately. “The power shouldn’t be out.”
Rustling through the emergency cupboard, Darcy emerged victorious with the flashlight. Pointing it up at her face and flicking it on, she grinned maniacally. “Zere iz no generator, Doktor Foster, for tonight, you die!”
Jane smiled, whacking Darcy with her notes and shouting “stop it” even over the sound of Darcy’s dastardly “mwhahahaha!”
“You’re an idiot,” Jane said, affectionately.
Darcy passed her the flashlight. “Yeah, but I’m your idiot.”
“What is it?” Darcy asked, leaning forward and resting her head in her hands. The pale green glow of the substance lit up her face, casting odd shadows.
“We have no idea,” said Natasha, tapping the case. The green goo reacted, flinching away from her touch and rearing up. “But we’re pretty sure it’s alive.”
“So,” said Darcy slowly, “basically we discovered Flubber.”
Natasha shot her a flat look. “Space Flubber.”
As one they both stood up. “Above my paygrade,” they both said, laughing as they turned and fled the lab, leaving it for Tony to sort out. He seemed more the Flubber sort.
Morning broke over the cliffs, the first light of the sun, pale yellow and not yet warm, drifted in through Darcy’s window. Over the bed it lit up her white duvet, and landed in soft stripes across Valkyrie’s skin. Darcy traced them with her fingers, revelling in the way the light cast soft shadows across her body.
Valkyrie rolled over, smiling softly at her and curling up in the crook of Darcy’s arm. Her fingers were growing warm in the sunbeam, resting on Valkyrie’s hip. And in the early morning, she pulled her closer still, and waited for the sun to draw them out.
In between the street lamps, the path was absolutely pitch dark, overgrown on both sides, and it looked foreboding. Darcy found herself almost running from streetlight to streetlight, getting through the darkness as quick as she could. Out of habit, she slipped one of her keys between her fingers, clenching her hand tightly.
A sound from the bushes sent her heart racing, and she picked up the pace, almost running into the light of the next streetlamp. Turning, pulse racing, she came face to face with Valkyrie.
“Sorry,” she said. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
Darcy breathed out, letting the tension drop from her body. “Walk me home?”
Prompt 3: Gravity
“I honestly never thought this would happen,” Darcy said, somewhat hysterically. “I mean, I know it comes up all the time in movies, but I really, really never thought this would happen.”
“I think we’re supposed to stop squirming,” Jane said nervously. “I can’t remember what we’re supposed to do.”
“I don’t know!” Darcy shouted. “I can’t remember any of the movies!”
They sunk a little further, Darcy caned her neck up. “Do I tread water?”
“I don’t think you can tread quicksand,” Jane said. “I think we’re just doomed.”
“We’re doomed!” Darcy howled, as they sunk to the deep.
There’s a push-pull to the way they’re moving around each other, dancing around the open secret between them. Flirting is all lingering touches and innuendoes, drawing nearer and nearer, and then pulling away, caught in an orbit and never quite touching. Darcy shivers as Valkyrie runs fingers up her back, listens for the soft exhale Valkyrie gives when Darcy fixes her hair, feels her pulse race when their fingers brush, swapping glasses.
They’re pulled, closer and closer, in a decaying orbit around each other. Until at last, one of them lets go, and they both fall.
Total: 12
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