#planet of judgment
ussspacetantrum · 4 months
In Planet of Judgment, McCoy's wife, Honey, abruptly divorces him on the grounds that they haven't made love in three weeks, causing her unbearable suffering. Three weeks. She confirms this by pointing to the March third checkmark on her sex-with-Leonard-McCoy calendar. I'm not making this up. 
A couple of possibilities here:
This relationship suffers from wildly unrealistic expectations of marriage while parenting a small child and working fourteen-hour days.
The author has never been married.
Those legendary "hands of a surgeon" gave poor Honey a spiritual fingerblast awakening so life-altering she couldn't cope with a three-week dry spell.
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fauvester · 1 year
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iskra voice Why are you intimidated by my family? they’re literally just people I live with
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Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite mechanical characters, be they robots, androids, cyborgs, or something else? And what do like about them?
Well, first, gotta mention my man Data.
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A lot of people has said that he is autism-coded in the way that he is presented, and in how other people react to him. And I kind of agree tbh. He's also just a sweetheart, and his bonds with the crew (especially Laforge), his cat Spot, and sometimes with people who are briefly onboard are so lovely.
I also feel I should mention Connor,
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Because his arc has probably inspired so many OCs at this point. Bryan Dechart did such an excellent job playing him, and his growing bond with Hank is very well-written. I think it's honestly touching how it's often emotional bonds that show humanity.
Another I feel would be a crime not to mention,
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Because between the iconic lines and the dynamic he has with John Connor, and the way it shapes his various decisions, how could I not? And yes I'm specifically talking Terminator 2 here. Though I will say he makes an EXCELLENT force of nature and presence of absolute horror in the first movie.
Then, of course, the sapphic community's favourite,
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Because "Want You Gone" hurts me on a personal level, and I don't just mean because it's how GLaDOS says farewell. I relate to that song so much (and did a cover of it :D) and, in general, relate with much of her story. Of course, she's a sassy motherfucker who you can't help but love. But for how much Portal 2 is considered the inferior game, it really does make her story into one of self-discovery and complicated morality. I guess it just gets overshadowed by Oh hi. How are you holding up.
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I MEAN. COME ON. This guy used to be, and honestly still is, one of my biggest fictional crushes. His charisma is magnetic, of course. His STORY being wrapped up by the connections he used to have being rekindled, resulting in him choosing to be a star for those who need one most, rather than a star for the most people possible???? Ugh, poetic cinema.
Speaking of stars,
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[vibrating] I have so many headcanons when it comes to this one But more to the point, Star Dream is an absolute force of nature. Its boss fight is incredible, an absolute marvel of multiple types of play styles coming together. The themes? Slap.
Star Dream's draw, for me, is that its sentience is so…debatable. I'm on the side of “had sentience the whole time”, and more to the point, “based on how much Haltmann copied homework, it's possible he brought something back from the dead” but I dunno, I don't like arguing my case when it comes to the second. The point is, for many of things that it does, it's uncertain whether that's just part of its program, or if it's a sentient decision. Was Susie sent away because of something accidental, or was it Star Dream's intention? The fact that Haltmann became so focused on its creation after her disappearance, in my eyes, kind of implies the latter…
… It's also interesting that even without Haltmann giving it a voice via him-being-possessed, it only chooses to speak to Meta Knight.
Can you tell I have The Kirby Autism, is it noticeable, is it obvious—
Also I'm gonna put two of my OCs here, because self-indulgence is alive and well.
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This is Palharine and Mayday! They're my favourites out of a group of robot/android characters I created about three years ago, and have finally taken the time to draw recently:
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From left to right, you got Eodel Remidoros, Palharine, Mayday, and Ziah Hyperion. All very different interpretations of robotic.
Palharine and Mayday stand out to me due to their emotional states. They're kind of opposites, in that regard. Mayday is a very sensitive gal, who has been through a lot of pain, and is trying to become stronger so she can confidently say she has no doubt in who she is. Palharine, as far as they're aware, has no emotions. Which is interesting, since the other three all seem to, to some degree. Among the four, Palharine is also unique in that they're programmed to dream. Both of these things shape them a lot.
But these two have a very sweet bond, where they're both passionate about biology, especially botany. Mayday, in a training exercise, also nearly wipes the floor with Palharine. It's more touching than it sounds.
Also, Palharine's genderfluid and Maydays a trans woman, so those things just inherently spark joy for me, haha!
This has been, real robotic character hours.
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mtiziart · 5 months
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bogunicorn · 13 days
Being shady in public about people's custom characters in games unprovoked is and was Loser Shit. People post about their PCs because they're having fun. It's not, like, systemically harmful or anything to bag on bland or ugly OCs, nobody's identity is being attacked or anything, obviously, but something can be shitty loser behavior without being bigoted, you know? Becky making a white girl elf with pink hair and a weirdly modded face isn't harming anyone or anything, and if Becky is acting shitty and running her mouth about how much better her OC is than someone else's, her OC is not the thing causing that issue, her stinky attitude is.
Like, man, when people make custom characters, they're just vibing. It's not for you, and nobody's OC is "adding representation" or "taking representation away" in fandom. Your social obligations are how you treat other human beings, not in making custom characters for literally anybody's sake but your own. No other person in fandom "benefits" if I as a white person make a non-white OC and post pictures of them or if I romanced a relatively unpopular character, I didn't do anything with that. I also didn't do anything by making white characters or romancing a popular love interest character, either.
I am all here for harmlessly clowning, especially if it's clowning on some nonsense. But I think fandom also needs to examine why they're so overly invested in what kinds of PCs that strangers on the internet make in their video games, and why they feel the need to feed into some narrative about competition over, like, elves and dwarves and shit.
You're not ~sticking it to the man~ when you make a post that's just "if your OC is boring to me then she's ugly and you're delusional for thinking she's cool" unprompted, you're just acting like you're still in high school. Bitch about other people's ugly OCs in your cunty little group chat like a grownup. You never, ever have to like what other people have made, but "this style of OC is fucking hideous and tacky and I hate it" is, like, an Inside Voice kind of sentiment. Saying it in public where you know that the people you're talking about will see it makes you the one making people feel bad for no good reason.
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flickeringart · 10 months
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fionnaskyborn · 4 months
god's strongest [redacted] hater but i am being respectful about it. as anyone should. cannot fathom the kind of people who will go out of their way to harass others just because of the laws of mileage may vary.
which won't stop me from exploding [redacted] as a construct with my mind every time i come across it which is. almost daily. pain and suffering
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(gripping the sink real hard) (grinding teeth) at least I chose for myself
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thresholdbb · 8 months
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You seek jamaharon?
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Spoilers for todays A.X.E Judgement Day #2 regarding Exodus
I just gotta appreciate Gillen's Exodus again because the man is like
"No Magneto"
But absolutely is a carbon copy, a Former imprinted duckling, of Magneto. There are literally panels that I swear could be Mags. The smile. The words.
Exodus learned so much from Mags and he has had him in his heart for so long. Even now, he steps more into Mags' footsteps than he will admit. I am so proud of him.
He got the lil "they are gonna get it" smile. The self-sacrifice. I could write on this foreeeevvveeeerrrr. I am in love
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Give him a smooch.
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ussspacetantrum · 4 months
(No real plot spoilers here, just some details) 
It would be a shame if those of you who don't read Star Trek novels missed this mental image from Planet of Judgment:
A juvenile scorpion-centaur creature that smells like sour milk faces off against McCoy in a high-stakes poker game based on a late nineteenth century "riverboat gambler romance that had always been dear to Bones." Given the aggressively boring title and cover art (at least the version I have), this book must be some sort of deliberate loyalty test.  Only those brave enough to crack the spine and subject themselves to a wall of microscopic text are rewarded with such juicy tidbits as: Honey McCoy's sex calendar, Spock's Minneapolis vacation, huge snake battles, Chapel and Uhura bathing in a moat, SO many descriptions of Kirk's sweat, high seas LARPing, a happy hairy guy who has no penis, thumbs, ears, eyes, or nose, but takes a lot of naps — even a play-by-play rehash of "Amok Time". Wait, did I mention Spock asking McCoy to seduce Chapel so he doesn't have to deal with her himself 💀? All that and more and a plot (kind of?) in just 151 pages. Wow.
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xbuster · 1 year
My father told me Gatchaman ‘94 isn’t very good, but I’m going to watch it eventually because I’m sure I can make some good gifs out of it
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vaugarde · 1 year
morphogala is a yuri tragedy. to me
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aeide-thea · 2 years
something very satisfying—and almost counterculture tbh, depressing tho that is to assert—abt pulling out good sturdy garments from past seasons and finding them still good and sturdy, and more than fit for purpose
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Happy Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day cult film fans! Here's some fan art inspired by various time travel movies to mark the occasion!
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witchmd13 · 2 years
my goal this semester is to get through (1) meeting with my thesis advisor without mispronouncing something
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