#plag thoughts
canonplag · 1 year
mmm this is a little sad but thinking about heartless ames and the fact that it’s very unlikely that they’d fully recover from their curses. a lot of their support system is either non-existent or dead and the people who do exist aren’t exactly emotionally or physically available long enough to even help rehabilitate them from it. 
and since they’ve been cursed for so long, they can only recover so much. they will never be able to feel as deeply or be as nice as the original amelie, and that’s pretty sad. they will always be just a little more rude and just a little less empathetic than they should be.
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argburlazerbeamsyou · 11 months
what if before c!slime died he quickly covered quackity's arms with slime so that he wouldn't burn instantly trying to save him and quackity used that slime to revive him
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taonpest · 10 months
Big fan of when love is so passionate they end up destroying each other
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slu7formen · 2 months
luke castellan x fem!reader
Luke has been making fun of your ‘unnecessarily absurd beauty routine’ —as he liked to call it— for the past week, so, you decide to drown him in it, just to see how much he can handle.
warnings: just a single use of the word b1tch, fluff at the end <3, little use of yn
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
i. the eyebrows
“Ow, ow, ow! That hurt!”
“No it didn´t!”
“Yes, it did!”
“Shut up and hold still”
“Ow! You´re pinching my skin, you bitch!”
“That was fully on porpuse”
A chorus of laughter erupted from the nearby bunk beds. Most of the boys, Luke´s half-siblings, gathered around you both, enjoying the show, eyes gleaming with mischief as they witnessed their usually stoic and confident counselor reduced to a whiny mess. Luke´s head was leaning on your thighs as you plugged his eyebrows with some dangerously sharp tweezers.
“See, that´s what you get for making fun of a girl” Travis Stoll, the elder of the Stoll brothers, joined in, a smirk on his lips. "We all warned you about messing with her” he pointed towards you.
“Shut up, Travis!” Luke spat.
You enjoyed the way his face was turning red, from embarrasment and because he was trying so hard to hold back his tears.
“You know, Luke” you started, plugging on another thin hair which earned you a little curse whispered from his lips. “You can always just, give up on the bet”
You found yourself enjoying the sight immensely. The perfect Hermes´ cabin counselor who'd spent the past week mocking your beauty routine,– here he was, sprawled across your lap, a prisoner of your tweezers.
“There´s no way in hell I´m letting you beat me that easily" he declared, though his voice lacked its usual conviction.
You couldn't help but smirk. The bet had been born out of sheer frustration. For the past week, Luke had been relentless in his teasing about your beauty regimen. He'd mocked the meticulous way you cared for your eyebrows, the endless battle against unwanted body hair, the whining about the occasional pimples even when you spent a good twenty minutes locked in the bathroom cleaning your skin. He'd called you high-maintenance, a slave to societal expectations, and everything in between.
Finally, you'd snapped. "Alright, Castellan" you'd declared, eyes blazing. "How about a little bet? If you can handle a full day of 'girl stuff,' I'll clean your cabin for a week"
The look of surprise on Luke's face had been priceless. He'd scoffed, of course, overconfident and utterly clueless about the sheer torture involved in waxing, tweezing, and mud masks. But fueled by his arrogance, he'd readily agreed.
Now, here you were, watching him squirm on your lap like a fish, a testament to his underestimation of the situation. A wave of satisfaction washed over you. It wasn't just about winning the bet, though that was certainly a perk. It was about showing him, in a slightly sadistic way, that there was more to "girl stuff" than he thought. It was about proving that self-care wasn't about vanity, but about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin.
“As you wish, little baby”
Chris suddenly appeard in your vision, the satisfaction on his face plagged as if he was enjoying this more than you did. “You know, yn” he called out, you momentarily stopped, accidentally giving Luke a break. “Luke has a little hair situation going on under his arms”
“What!?” Luke blurted out. His siblings laughed again.
“He does?” you asked Chris, looking down at Luke and patting his head like a little kid.
“Oh, yeah” Chris smirked. “Maybe that could be the next step, don´t you think?”
“I´m gonna-” Luke tried to get up from his bed, hands reaching out towards Chris. He took a step back just as you grabbed Luke by his shoulders and pushed him down again towards your lap.
“I´m not done with you yet, tough guy. But Chris´ right. Get your hairy armpits ready”
ii. the waxing
You pulled out a box of waxing stripes. Luke, oblivious to the impending torture, was too engrossed in examining his newly sculpted eyebrows in the hand mirror you'd provided. A satisfied smirk played on your lips. The eyebrows looked fantastic – perfectly groomed without being overly feminine. Because yes, he asked you to keep them as close to their natural shape as possible.
“Shirt off” you declared.
His head whipped towards you, eyes wide with horror and disbelief. His half-brothers, mirrored his action, erupting in a chorus of whistles and catcalls.
"Excuse you?" he sputtered, h is voice a touch higher than usual.
"Damn," Connor drawled to you. "at least ask the guy out first"
You rolled your eyes. Luke shot him a withering glare, but beneath the bluster, you could see a flicker of nervousness.
You held up the waxing strips. “It´s time for your armpits, champion” you announced with a playful lilt in your voice. You began rubbing the strips together to warm the wax.
He whined, pulling his camp t-shirt over his head, revealing his well-toned torso, and throwing it over a nearby bunk. You stole a glance at his body for a microsecond, a slight red blush coloring your cheeks. His brothers were quick to start a echo of whistles.
He flopped down heavily on the bed, one arm raised awkwardly above his head. To your surprise, there wasn't as much hair as you'd anticipated. But that didn't diminish the sheer terror radiating from him. You stifled a laugh. "Relax, Luke" you said, your voice gentler now. "The tenser you are, the worse it'll be."
His brothers leaned in closer, their eyes glued to the scene unfolding before them. You carefully pressed the strip against his skin, smoothing it down with the practiced ease. He held his breath, his entire body tensing in anticipation.
You inhaled sharply yourself, then you ripped the strip off in one swift motion. Luke let out a yelp that would have made a banshee proud. His face contorted in pain, and his free hand clenched into a fist. His brothers erupted in laughter, their amusement fueled by his pain.
"Alright, alright" you said, trying to sound sympathetic despite the laughter bubbling in your throat. "Deep breaths, Luke. If you don´t relax, it´s gonna hurt more"
He glared at you, his voice laced with a hint of betrayal. "Easy for you to say."
Ignoring his grumbling, you ripped off another strip. A chorus of gasps filled the room, and Luke let out another yelp, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.
"See?" you said, holding up the strip adorned with a few stray hairs. "Not so bad, right?"
He wanted to murder you.
"Don't you use anesthesia for this?" he wheezed after a particularly harsh pull on his other armpit, his eyes watering slightly.
“We´re not babies, Luke” you replied, shaking your head. "Just good old-fashioned grit and determination. Besides, you wouldn't want to miss out on the full 'girl stuff' experience, would you?"
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity —at least for Luke—, you finished. His armpits were as smooth as a baby´s butt. His brothers, unable to resist themselves, reached out and slapped the freshly waxed skin, earning them a swift kick each from a now-furious Luke.
iii. the skincare
"Skincare? Seriously?" Luke asked, sitting down on your bed, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You all went to your cabin to continue his so claimed ‘girl´s day´. You would´ve paid to take a picture of your sisters´ faces when they saw you walk in with a bunch of boys following you behind.
“Just lay down, princess” you declared “I´ll bring my stuff”
He leaned back against the your pushy pillows, getting comfortable.
“First time on a girl´s bed?” Chris asked, earning a few laughs from his siblings.
“Shut up” Luke spat.
You came back with your washbag, full of different products that nearly gave Luke a heart attack. You had to assure him that this time, this wasn´t gonna hurt. At least not the first part, but you kept it a secret.
"Alright, beautiful” you teased. “Let’s get started. First thing’s first. “Cleansing”
You dipped a soft washcloth in warm water and began gently wiping away the dirt and sweat from his face. Luke closed his eyes, a look of unexpected serenity washing over his features. You noticed him get loose under your touch, a slight smile playing on his lips, and crossed his arms over his chest in a gesture of surprising compliance.
“Wow” he said. “This is actually quite nice”
"See?" you said softly. "This isn't so bad"
He opened one eye, a playful glint mirroring your own. "Not bad at all" he admitted, a hint of amusement in his voice “Guys, you should try this."
The Hermes´ cabin boys leaned in closer, their usual boisterousness replaced by a quiet attentiveness. They watched as your fingers moved with a practiced ease, cleansing Luke's skin with a tenderness they hadn't seen before. They saw you take some cleanser, and rub it softly against Luke´s skin.
They all exchanged glances, a new kind of curiosity flickering in their eyes. Usually, the sight of anyone touching Luke, let alone his face, would have elicited a barrage of teasing. But seeing you, your movements gentle and practiced as you gathered a gentle cleanser, they found themselves strangely mesmerized.
"Well, he looks chill" Connor added. "Could you clean my face sometime, yn?"
You chuckled, throwing a playful glance thorwn at him. "Maybe later, Connor. Right now, it's all about Luke's glow-up."
Next came the toner, followed by a light moisturizer. Luke remained surprisingly still, his eyes closed, a contented sigh escaping his lips from time to time. His brothers, bored by the lack of drama, started to get bored.
Just as you were about to get some eye patchs, your eyes drifted on a little tool inside your washbag; your blackhead remover. An idea came up to you.
"Alright, Luke" you announced, a hint of warning in your voice. "Time for the fun part."
You reached for a steaming hot towel and pressed it gently against his nose and forehead. He inhaled deeply, the steam opening up his pores.
"This feels so nice" he mumbled, his voice muffled by the towel.
A slow grin spread across your face. "Oh, it gets better" you said, an evil spark in your eyes.
You grabbed the blackhead extractor and, with practiced ease, began gently removing the unwanted blemishes.
Suddenly, Luke's eyes flew open, a look of pure horror replacing his previous serenity. "Wait! What are you doing?" he shrieked.
"Shh" you hushed him playfully. "Relax. These little guys gotta go. Trust me, it'll be better for your skin in the long run."
"But it hurts!" he whined, swatting your hand away with a surprisingly weak attempt.
"Just a little pinch" you reassured him, your voice a mockery he hated. "Besides, if you don't remove them now, they'll grow bigger and poppier, and that will hurt even more."
Luke opened his mouth to protest, but the words died on his lips as you expertly extracted another blackhead. This bet was getting a little harder to beat than expected. He winced slightly, then a defeated sigh escaped his lips.
“So, Connor” you called. “You wanted to be next, right?”
iv. make up
"So," you began, a sly smile playing on your lips as you settled into the chair across from Luke, "you think makeup is easy, right?"
"Shouldn't be that hard, I guess" he mumbled, trying to sound confident. Inside, however, his stomach churned with fear and worry.
You gestured towards your desk, which was now overflowing with an array of colorful tubes, palettes, and brushes – an arsenal of beauty products foreign to the boys' eyes. "Alright then," you declared, a playful lilt in your voice. "Here's a little game. I'll show you each product and you have to guess what it's for. Every one you get wrong? Goes on your face."
Luke's eyes widened in horror.
"Wait, what?" he sputtered, a nervous tremor in his voice. "You can't be serious!"
You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "But Luke, you just said makeup was easy. This is your chance to prove it!"
"This is cheating" he mumbled, looking betrayed. "You never mentioned makeup in the bet!"
"Technically," you countered, holding up a finger, "it's still 'girl stuff’, as you call it”
A groan escaped Luke's lips. He shot a desperate glance towards his brothers, hoping for some kind of intervention. Charles Beckendorf, who allegedly decided to join the fun, just grinned towards him.
"Don't chicken out now, Luke" he said, arms crossed over his chest. "You can always give up on the bet and let her win”
Luke glared at his friend, silently cursing the day he ever agreed to this ridiculous wager. He sighed dramatically, slumping back on the bed. "Fine" he mumbled, defeated. "At least try your best to make me look decent."
“That´s not gonna be on me, dear”
You couldn't help but laugh at his misery. You reached across the desk, picking up a sleek black tube with a silver cap. It felt cool and smooth in your hand.
"What do you think this is?" you asked, holding it up for him to see.
Luke squinted at the tube, his brow furrowed in concentration. He recalled seeing something similar in movies, actresses applying it with a flick of their wrist. An idea flickered in his mind.
"Eyeliner?" he ventured, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty.
You arched an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Huh, correct”
You set the eyeliner aside, a mischievous glint returning to your eyes. Next up, you picked up a thin, wooden-looking tool with a pointed tip. There was a small, round piece of what looked like colored chalk attached to the end.
"Alright," you announced, "round two. What is this?"
Luke studied the object carefully. It did resemble a pencil, but the colored tip threw him off. He wracked his brain, trying to recall anything similar he'd seen in the vast array of makeup products on your desk.
"Uh… a pencil?" he finally ventured, his voice lacking conviction.
You burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the cabin. Tears welled up in your eyes quickly, blurring your vision slightly.
"A pencil, Luke?" you wheezed, wiping a tear from your cheek. "It’s a lip liner"
Luke's cheeks flushed crimson.
"Lip liner?" he echoed, his voice barely a whisper. "For what? Do I need to draw on a bigger mouth?" He gestured to his own lips, a hint of self-consciousness creeping into his voice.
You shook your head, stifling another giggle. "No, no need for a bigger mouth. Lip liner helps define the shape of your lips."
With a shake of your head, you said, "Now the fun part begins. Bring those lips here, handsome."
Luke leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his face hovering a few inches from yours. The air got filled with a strange tension, probably because his brothers walked closer so they could get a better look. His breath hitched slightly as your fingers brushed against his skin, sending a shiver down his spine.
“You´re lucky this is the same shade as your natural lip color” you whisper.
“Yeah” Chris adds. “Maybe you should wear it more often, handsome” he reaches out his hand to squeeze Luke´s cheeks, but he´s quick enough to slap his hand away.
“Shut up”
The minutes that followed were filled with a more lighthearted energy. You continued the game, Luke surprisingly getting a few things right – foundation, and even a surprisingly good guess on a shimmery eyeshadow palette.
But he wasn't without his misses. The concealer, a light, creamy formula designed to camouflage blemishes, ended up being applied liberally under his eyes, leaving him with a ghostly pallor that had his brothers doubled over in laughter. Then came the blush. A delicate peach shade, turned his cheeks a comical shade of fuchsia thanks to your deliberately exaggerated application with a fluffy brush.
His brothers, fueled by this new display of comedic gold, howled with laughter. Charles, wiping tears from his eyes, wheezed, “He-, he looks like a baboon in heat”
"Oh man" Travis howled, clutching his stomach. "This is even better than the armpit wax"
Next came the eyelash curler, that strange-looking contraption that promised to create dramatic, fluttery lashes. The moment you held it up, Luke's eyes widened in suspicion. He snatched it from your hand before you could ask him what he though it was.
"What the hell is this!?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a mixture of disgust and fear. "You girls like torturing yourselves with these things?"
You reached out and gently took the curler back. "No torture involved" you replied. “And since you know absolutely nothing about it…"
He tried to look defiant, but a flicker of uncertainty betrayed him. "I know what it is" he mumbled, avoiding your gaze.
"Oh really?" you challenged, raising an eyebrow. "Then what is it?"
You handed him the curler and watched as he fumbled with it, his big hands clearly not designed for such delicate work. He eventually gave up with a defeated sigh.
"Okay" he grumbled, handing the curler back to you. "Do your worst."
The final touches were a disaster, a glorious, hilarious disaster. Every fiber of Luke's being screamed in protest as you handed the brushes over to his merciless brothers.
“Come here, Lookie-Pookie” Travis cooed, his voice dripping with mock sweetness as he leaned in with a thick brush loaded with sparkly eyeshadow. Luke recoiled, swatting his hand away with a glare.
"Don't touch me!”
“Come on Luke, give us those pretty little lips. We need to make sure they're nice and kissable” Beckendorf joined, opening a little lip product tube he wasn´t sure what it really was.
Luke wanted to melt into the floor, his face burning hotter than the volcanic eyeshadow now smudged across his eyelids. The audacity, the betrayal! His own brothers, the supposed bastions of masculinity, were gleefully participating in this humiliation.
“Maybe some of this highlighter will make him look prettier”
He couldn´t believe his own brothers knew what highlighter was except for him.
As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, a mix of horror and amusement washed over him. He never thought he'd feel so violated by makeup. But somewhere amidst the frustration and embarrassment, a strange sense of camaraderie bubbled up. His brothers, usually his biggest tormentors, were doubled over with laughter, tears streaming down their faces. And you, the leader of this whole mess, were practically glowing with barely suppressed mirth.
Despite himself, a smile tugged at the corner of Luke's lips. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Sure, he looked like a technicolor disaster, but the shared laughter, the fun, it felt strangely… good. He glanced at you, your eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Gods” he breathed, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "This is the best day of your life, isn't it?"
You couldn't help but laugh, a genuine, unrestrained laugh that filled the cabin. "Hell yeah it is" you replied as you offer him make up wipes.
v. the reconcile
Night had fallen, painting the sky with shimmering stars. The campfire illuminated the campers´ face, its flames dancing higher as the Apollo cabin filled the air with joyful camp songs. Laughter mingled with the strumming of guitars and lyres, creating a symphony of pure summer camp bliss.
The fire itself danced in response to the campers' emotions. It roared a little higher with every burst of laughter, dimmed momentarily during a quiet story, and flickered with a playful intensity as the Hermes boys, fueled by their mischievous exploits, recounted their version of the day's events.
You sat by the fire, poking a marshmallow with a stick, watching the scene unfold. Their narrative, of course, focused heavily on your supposed "torture" of Luke. Specially the Stoll brothers; they painted a picture of you as a ruthless makeup artist, a waxer who pealed Luke´s skin off and left his face shining like marble. Meanwhile, Luke simply sat there, a faint smile playing on his lips.
You noticed the Hermes boys regaling other campers with their story, punctuated by bursts of laughter. And yes, you didn´t like to admit it but, you'd lost the bet. Technically. But watching Luke handle their teasing with surprising grace, a hint of amusement in his eyes, filled you with a strange satisfaction.
You were there by yourself for a few more minutes. The camp sounds filling your ears as you tried your best not to stuff your face in all the toasted marshmallows your sisters offered you. Your hands felt tired, because yes, even though what you did was not too much for you to handle, Luke squirmed and behaved like a worm covered in salt, which only made your work harder.
Just then, a figure settled in front of you. Luke. He held two sticks, each crowned with a perfectly toasted marshmallow. He offered one to you, his usual smirk replaced by a genuine smile.
"Truce?" he asked, his voice laced with a playful challenge.
You couldn't help but grin, accepting the marshmallow with a playful jab. "Truce"
He sat beside you, the marshmallow on his stick disappearing in one swift, hungry bite. Suddenly, you leaned in closer, feigning seriousness. "Oh dear" you said, your voice laced with mock concern.
Luke raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "What is it now?"
"You've got a blackhead. Right, there" you declared, pointing to a non-existent imperfection on his nose.
His eyes widened in mock horror. "No way! I´m not letting you touch my face again" He swatted at your hand playfully, but you were quicker.
"Hold still, you wriggly worm" you teased, pretending to grab his nose. A playful fight ensued, a flurry of limbs and laughter. You managed to land a swipe at his cheek with a gooey bit of marshmallow.
Finally, breathless with laughter, you both settled back down, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the quiet camaraderie. As you bit into your marshmallow, a comfortable silence settled between you.
"So, about that bet" he began, wiping his marshmallow-streaked hands on his cargo pants.
You turned to look at him, still chewing on another marshmallow and a piece of melted chocolate. "Yeah?"
"I don't want you to clean my cabin" he explained.
"Why not? I lost the bet" you replied, surprised by his sudden declaration.
He looked at the sky, a hint of pink dusting his cheeks. "Yeah, but… We're kind of a mess, actually. I would feel bad if you did it alone."
"Aww, Castellan, are you worried about little ol' me?" you teased him, squeezing his cheek playfully. He blushed a deeper shade of red, looking positively flustered.
"Maybe" he mumbled, avoiding your gaze.
"Okay, here's a deal" you continued, trying to cover your own blush. "I'll clean your cabin, but you have to help me. I really don't wanna get into dirty-underwear-business."
Luke considered this for a moment, then a grin spread across his face. "Deal. But I'm warning you, there might be some things you shouldn´t even try to touch with bare hands. And I mean Travis´ and Connor´s bunks”
From a distance, a group of campers — a mix of Hermes, Apollo, and Hephaestus cabins —watched your exchange with keen interest. The playful teasing, the way your hands brushed as you made your deal — it was all too much for their already overactive imaginations.
"I bet you fifteen bucks he's gonna ask her out by the end of the week" an Apollo camper, Lee, declared.
Chris snorted. "That's weak. Twenty bucks says he does it tonight."
hiiya, just thought I could write something different to what I usually do. hope you enjoyed <3 🩷
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yocioon · 7 months
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⠀ “i wanna feel every inch, baby.”
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐔𝐏 . . . he’s had an eye for you ever since he attended one of your dance competitions. they were low key. grounded. something only few people in town knew about, let alone even attended. yeah, sure, it was a coverup for.. other activities, but the main eye candy was you. also, your team, of course. but you were front and center for all performances, so everyone’s attention revolved around how smoothly your body moved.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the sweat beads that tainted your perfectly silky skin were incomparable to the absolute raw adrenaline rush that surged your body the moment you stepped onto that prattled and dented flooring. it wasn’t ideal, but you had to work with what you got. tossing and turning on the floor caused bruising, sure, but you made up for it by complimenting your aggression with an equally fierce look spread across your face.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀he loved every part of you. your expressions. your sharpness. your body language. your outfits. everything.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀he especially loved a specific move you did in all of your performances where you’d slowly maneuver your chest to the ground with your legs spread out on either side. then, you’d retract with your ass perked up perfectly, moving it up and down according to the beat of the song playing.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀it entranced everyone. including himself. and when he had alas got you to invite him over for a “few drinks” he was able to slip in a request he’d been dying to ask you. well, not so much as ask, per se. but with how much he had to drink, he thought he was asking you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “ass up, just like your little trick” a simple phrase that caught you off guard, yet the alluding slurring of words that weaved its way into his speech danced around your head and caused you to listen oh so obediently.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the next few actions were a complete and utter blur. except for when his girthy erection slipped through your drenched folds with ease, a squealed moan trickling from your lips as your eyes rolled back completely. your face was slump into the pillow below you, his hand firmly engraving into the dip between your shoulder blades as he aligned his opposite hand with your waist.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀he seemed so nice when you first approached him. so gentle. so.. caring. yet, the way he was handling your body was the absolute opposite. it was rough. nasty. vile, even. though it had you creaming all over his dick like a damn popsicle. with each ass slap and feral rut he gave you, you couldn’t help but respond with a complimentary soft moan that had him going ballistic.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the way you squeezed around him so deliciously, and your sounds that send chills down his spine, had turned him into a mad man. your cunt sucked him in with pure ease, your juices entwining with one another and decorating his lower abdomen and upper thighs with crystalline liquids. the sounds of his hips bucking at yours filled the room entirely, overlapping with your cries of ecstasy.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the bruises that already littered your skin were now covered in love bites from the man, his hands grasping at your breasts so much that prints were left on them when the two of you were done. when he told you he wanted every inch of you, he sure as hell meant every damn word. you weren’t complaining, other than the fact you wouldn’t be able to move for a few days to come and your team was going to undeniably kill you for such.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀“you take me so well, precious, just like that.”
⠀⠀⠀ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
KIM NAMJOON. JUNG HOSEOK. MIN YOONGI. kim jinseok (matthew). CHOI SAN. song mingi. jeon jungkook. LEE CHAN (DINO). kim mingyu. lee hoseok (wonho). sim jake. PARK SUNGHOON. park jay. kang taehyun. yoon keeho. HWANG INTAK.
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𐙚 ⠀ ˖⠀⠀ ۫ 𝓷𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 : take this and eat it. i thought of only jhope when writing it but since i didn’t specify, i leave it up to you guys to interpret. 😋🤞 nighty night
© 𝐘𝓞𝐂𝐈𝓞𝓞𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑⠀♱⠀mature discretion advised. all rights reserved. do not plagiarize or steal works.
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asavt · 1 year
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Something I wanted to try and do that I've been working on these past few days.
Some months(? ago I watched Nezha(2019) and after listening to FightSong like... a thousand times I was plagued with ✨thoughts✨! Wanted to try to do something like a "fake" project of sorts...
Some more thoughts about this under read more~
Explaining a bit more in depth of the idea because it's been plagging my mind for some time now (it's been marinating there and every time I listened to that song it would just gain more flavor).
Post-movie, canon divergence I guess?? Maybe?? Does it counts as an AU?? idk. The main points are that
1: Ao Bing technically betrayed his family and I was wondering if he would ever try to go back with them (would they or his father even allowed), I'm guessing not. I'm taking the path of him never going back home.
2: Nezha, after years have passed and people around him passed away (I guess), decides to try and use his other form (the one where he??? looks like a teen??? even when he's like three in the movie??? deities are confusing sometimes tbh). He's been practicing his control over this form, so far it's good. Sometimes he will revert back to the child-like one too.
3: It's been CENTURIES. Things changed, the place where they live would be closer to a modern-time city.
4: They don't allineate with anything. Like, no heaven, no dragons no demons. They go around doing what they believe would be right.
I am so willing to find a way to do a short animation with the song if this recieves enough attention. When would it be done or how clean would it look is another thing... But I would like to try if you guys are interested!
Also I should do this with other thoughts I have too. I have too many...
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cookies-and-chill · 2 years
[part 2] [part 1] [final part]
[cat noir/adrian agreste x fem innocent reader]
[Also kinda plagg x reader]
Fandom: miraculous ladybug
° heavy nsfw °
warnings: scandalous outfit, blowjob, cum consumption, profanities, unrealistic etc.
[very long]
Characters are aged up. Very detailed writings. It might be to erotic for some readers.
♤: In which adrian agreste makes his innocent girlfriend tryout his hero costume but in the moment, forgot about an crucial information.
Note: part two is out ! :) and if you haven't read part one, i suggest that you read it first. ♡
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One of the reasons adrian adored his girlfriend was because of her shy and somewhat oblivious nature. Even the way she styled herself was too adorable for him. Most of the time what (name) wore were either her normal comfy clothes or his sweatshirts and hoodie.
He had never seen her wearing revealing cloths from the time they had been dating. Even tho the temptation of seeing more of her soft skin would consume him sometimes, but he would rather see her acting all cozy.
So even when (name) was transforming into cat noir, he didn't expect much and thought that the outfit will be similar to ladynoir's.
The male heard an thump as the glowing aura slowly began die down. "Love, are you okay?" Adrian asked worried.
"Ouch- i'm fine, just lost balance" he heard the female reply causing him to sigh in relief. Thank god she didn't injure her head.
He was about to pick her up but froze as the glow completely died down, revealing his beloved.
You rubbed your bruised hip a bit to sooth the pain. You can feel an different material of cloth hugging your figure, but for some reason you felt incredibly hot. Your cheeks were covered with an red hue.
You were suddenly out breath and your mouth felt dry, you frowned and opened you mouth to take in extra oxygen that you were suddenly lacking of.
You can feel an tingling feeling between your legs. You felt your eyes water, desperately desiring for something that even you didn't know. Suddenly feeling overly sensitive in your own body.
Adrian stared at you, his suddenly forgot how to breath . You has successfully transformed into cat noir except that the costume looked nothing like his or ladynoir's.
You were clad in an sleeveless black top, it hem tugging just below your chest perfectly. The upper part of the top was made from an black translucent mesh, covering your collar bone and cleavage.
It was no use tho since adrian can see right throught it had him gwaking, but the heart cut out in the center of the top, showing the skin of your breasts had his mind malfunctioning, all the blood rushing down to his cock.
An choker with an gold bell charm adorned your neck. The choker was connected to the black top along with an gold body chain trailing down till your waist connecting to the same gold waist chain.
And ofcourse you had the classic ears and tail made out of silicon. You also had an black thigh stap with gold chain and an gold paw charm.
Adrian gulped as he felt his cock getting full with blood all because of you.
But the look one your face had an different effect on him. The blush spreaded across with your cute frown along the huffing sound you made had his cock stirring and twitching. He can feel an wet spot in his boxers soaked with his precum
Your eyes widened when you realized what kind of costume you were wearing. "A-Adrian! t-this isn't your c-costume!! What did p-plag do!?" You stammered, your cheeks turning even redder.
You had never wore such scandalous outfit! so wearing this for the first time that to in front of adrian was overwhelming.
You oddly felt that you couldn't control your own body or mouth.
Your nerves were going crazy with the unknown desire that you still haven't figured out. You looked at adrian, only to see him in a daze.
You noticed an tent in his jeans, your cat ears flickered as your cat instincts came in, forgetting about the costume.
You were curious about the tent on his panta and figured it would be an toy. You got excited at the thought of playing. So you slowly crawled towards adrain, who was sitting in the edge of your bed.
[N-Name], what did p-plagg do to the r-regular suit?" He stammered noticing your intense stare at his boner.
He was just as shocked as ypu were with the costume. Why would plagg manipulate the regular costume into something scandalous like this.
Adrain broke out of his thoughts at the call of his name and saw you slowly crawling towards him. He gulped at your actions, an deep red hue resting in his face. It was turning on him even more.
Everything you did while being in this state turns him on.
The stare you were giving his strained cock had him silently groaning. Your curious, innocent eyes strailing over his boner almost had him cum untouched.
The inch by inch you came closer, the more heaviour adrian's breathing become. you finally reached him and sat between his knees, your tail swaying and ears flickering.
You slowly raised your hand and poked his boner couple of times. Adrian choked back an moan. He was getting sensitive by all the turn on acts you did subconsciously.
"Can i play with it?". You asked as looked up at him. That's when the blonde took notice of the look in your eyes.
There were tears resting in your tear line and you were breathing heavily. But the look on your eyes...he could see the neediness and desire for something that he knew too well, and that was something you had no clue about but why were you feeling that way so suddenly? You were just a few moments ago.
He knew the look beacuse even he had felt that way too, when plagg had transformed him during his hea--.
His eyes widened when It all clicked in. Plagg was in his heat cycle! How could he forget about it!?.
Your sudden change in behavior, the costume, it all made sense now.
"That little devil.." adrian thought. Nothing can be done. He will have to help you through it and maybe have some rewards in return.
"Y-Yeah..you can p-play with it". Adrian stammered while clenching the sheets tightly into his fist. Despit giving you an approval, his nervousness was blasting through his system and you referring his dick as an plaything made his ears burn.
You felt your arm move on its own, as you unbuttoned your boyfriend's pants, grabbing the hem of his boxers and pant, you slowly began to pull it down, adrian lightly moved his hips up to help you.
Your eyes widened at the long shaft that sprung up and hit adrian's stomach. Your excitement grew more at the thought of playing with it.
Andrian was an good 5.8inches. He was well groomed and no foul ordor came from his shaft. His cock stood straight as his plump pink mushroom-shaped head shined with pre-cum covering it.
Adrian observed you reaction. He saw how your eyes shined in excitement, all ready to play with his cock.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, an small silent whimper rumbled in his vocal cords as he saw you licking your lips subconsciously. More pre-cum oozed out of his tip and ran down through his length.
You gently took ahold of his shaft and eyed it curiously. At your daze you accidentaly squeezed his cock quite tightly. This caused adrian to instinctively jerk his hip into your palm.
"Urgh~" adrian moaned out at the feeling of your warm, soft palm holding him. Your head tilted at his reaction. you can clearly see that he was out of breath.
"D-dont squeez-ze it l-love-- ahh~!". He was cut of by his own moan. you couldn't help but squeeze him one more time but slightly more tighter, amused at his reaction.
You felt something trickle down your fingers while still holding your boyfriend's cock. It was sticky and clear but one odd thing about it was that it strangely smelled delicious and sweet to you.
You unwrapped your fingers from his cock, catching adrian's attention. He saw your fingers covered with his clear slick.
Adrian's eyes widen, his balls twitched at your next move. You bought your slick covered fingers closer towards your mouth and rolled out your tongue and licked your fingers.
Instant heart appeared in your eyes and you licked your fingers clean. It was so delicious and sweet! You wanted more!.
In your subconscious, plagg chuckled at your reaction.
With your own sweet personality, you had an obsession for sweet flavored delicacies. So he had manipulated your taste buds that made adrian's slick taste sweet to you.
The kwami knew that adrian would be in an long ride just by seeing your reaction and he will gladly enjoy the show.
"Hm~! Its so tasty~ can i have more?". You moaned out at the relishing taste, your tail swinging wildly as your ears twitched.
Adrian couldn't be more shocked and turned out by your reaction. His thighs and cock trembled as his mind replayed your reaction over and over again that he missed out your question/favor.
Without waiting for his reply, you took ahold of his cock again and licked his tip, causing adrian to snap out of his thoughts and flinch at your sudden closeness to his dick.
"L-love what are d-doing?-?". He stammered as he saw how close your mouth was to his tip. He can feel your breath on his head causing it to leak more of his clear slick.
"Adrian~ you taste so sweet that its addictive~!!" You moaned and without any warning, you took his cock's head in your mouth and sucked on it.
"Hngh~! Fuck!" Adrian tighted his hold on the bedsheet and moaned out loudly at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth sucking on his sensitive head.
He can feel an pit tightening in his core as you took more of him in your mouth. Your tongue circled around the surface of his shaft.
His head felt dizzy, every time you bobbed your head he can feel the walls of your mouth tightening around him more and more.
Drool seeped out from your mouth as your eyes rolled back from the taste of his pre-cum covered cock.
Suddenly without your control, you felt your silicon tail caressing your uncovered cunt. It was then did you notice that you weren't wearing an panties.
You moaned at the sesation and sensitivity, causing vibration to travel through his shaft.
You bobbed your head and sucked his cock, while your tail teased your delicate spot. You then unexpectedly, swallowed him whole.
The tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat.
Adrian's hips jerked violently as he thrusted into your throat more deeper causing you to chock on him. Your throat'swalls tightened around him.
It was his breaking point.
Adrian huffed and threw his head back, his mouth felt dry as another groan broked out fom his throat. Some of his hair sticking to his forehead by his sweat.
"Fuck~!! Its t-too much to handle!!"
Adrian's hand flew onto your head as lightly tugged at your hair. His eyes shook as tears edged on his tear line.
His mouth opened with his tongue lolled out, drool leaking from the corner of his lips.
The knot in his core brusted, his mild toned stomach rolled as he shot his orgasm in your mouth, while muttering about how the feeling was too much.
You moaned as an hot, thick substance flooded your mouth, some of it leaking from the corner of your lips.
You gulped down his cum with an sigh. Adrian stared at your action and realised that you had unknowingly gave him an blowjob through your hunger without you realising it.
This thought and action was enough to make him hard again.
Plagg who was watching the whole thing from your subconscious knew that it was gonna be an long night.
And he couldn't wait to relish at the sweet sound of your moans and whimpers.
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Note: hello! I hope you liked the post and i apologize for the long wait! Here is the reference of the costume decried in the post.
If there are any errors or mistake please inform me!!
And Thank you so much for supporting my first two-part series! I appreciate it so much♡! I hope you enjoyed it!!
I will soon publish an masterlist with some more random fics so that my blog isn't too empty lol.
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silentwillowwhisperer · 10 months
It’s Lance’s birthday!! You deserve the best of the best Sharpshooter! And how are we gonna celebrate? Klance fluff, of course! (I hope I finish this before midnight.)
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(Just saying, Lance will always be the taller one to me. I might have said this before but it’s important.) ———————————————-
Lance lays in the darkness of his room, staring up at the ceiling.
The day had been full of Hunk hugs, gifts, and a whole lot of laughter. They’ve all been having a rough month with Galra attacks increasing frequency. Thankfully, there were no missions to interrupt their celebration.
But underneath the joy and comfort he’d been hiding the aching in his chest. Sure, he loves everyone on the ship as much as he loves his own family, but more than anything, he misses Keith. Keith is off on a blade mission somewhere across the universe. Lance almost feels guilty about his bitter feelings, knowing that Keith wanted to be there more than anything, but it’s hard when all he sees every time he closes his eyes are Keith’s own shining indigo irises and soft smile.
And also maybe his mullet too.
He’s cycling through these thoughts when there’s a muted knock at his door. It’s so quiet that Lance chalks it up to his imagination before it sounds again.
“Come in” he calls out, and a figure silhouetted by the hallway light steps in. Lance can see their wild hair and forearm-length dagger at their side.
“Keith? But you were on your mission!” Lance grins and hops up to hug his friend.
“I did, but I told Kolivan that I had something more important to attend. I wouldn’t miss this for anything.”
Lance just latches on tighter as his smile grows wider. He’s missed this, just the two of them existing together. After they got over their initial ‘rivalry,’ they had clicked.
Keith pulls away to grab something from his pocket. It’s a small box, only half as big as his hand. Lance grabs at it excitedly and tears away Keith’s failed attempt at wrapping paper. He slides the lid open to find a device almost like a phone. It’s not as big, though, and is slightly curved.
“It’s meant to go on the inside of your helmet.” Keith says, pointing to where Lance’s armor is hung up on the wall. “That way you can have direct communications to me. I know Kolivan always takes forever to transfer your messages to me.”
And what more could Lance want, really? Well, except for Keith staying in the castle instead if going back to the blade. That would be the greatest birthday gift, but he’ll take what he can get.
He immediately slips the device into his helmet for safekeeping, and then pulls out Pidge’s computer from under his pillow. (No, he did not steal it, he just borrowed it. Without asking.)
Keith settles into the spot next to him, curling into his side like an overgrown cat. As soon as Lance finds what he’s looking for, he hits plag and then wraps his arm around Keith.
They have a long night of movie marathons and snacks ahead of them, and Lance feels complete for the first time that day.
It can’t be so bad having Keith with the blade as long as they still have nights like this.
Haha, I did it! Once again, happy birthday Lance!
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ahrasliaayahanambar · 8 months
🚨🚨🚨 Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir SPOİLER ALERT 🚨🚨🚨
So as always after something THAT POWERFUL I'm still in processing mode and I'm also glad that I'm still alive because there were really many moments when I thought my heart would stop but what I can say for sure is that in my opinion THIS IS THE BEST SPECIAL EVER. If I could , I'd probably take a screenshots of the entire episode xd I'm madly in love with good Gabe's opening (his singing and whole style although the first time I was like ???? what's going on here ???) and his character in general. And Ubiquity? Hello this style fits Alya so much. And when we talk about Alya - HER FRİENDSHİP WİTH MARİ 😭😍 İ wanna have what they have. And the part where Mari recalled the beginning of school and about Alya being a good person - CRİED. But it was emo Marinette/ Shadybug who completely stole my heart in this special (btw my heart is truly in pieces after scene where Shadybug read Marinette's diary, when she started crying, when she saw her face in pieces of glass and, above all, Shadybug's conversation with Marinette and of course Claw Noir's conversation with Adrien especially ,,İ know'' and Adrien's expression there 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭).
I also really liked the scene where Hesperia turned Cat Noir into Celesticat, Ladyfly and Ladybiquity (Hatsune Miku is that you?) design and Monarch & Ladybiquity interdimensional fights (the way they presented them was both epic and hilarious XD and Stephen Starange likes this). Oh and Ladyfly and Cat Noir's acting XD. Aand whole team's ,,pound it'' ❤️
And another thing - The Supreme. I really want to know who he is. After some thought, my brain made me think it was Lila/Cerise and another alter ego of hers considering what Gabe said about Supreme - it sounded like Lila to me. But on the other hand, I have a great feeling that it has something to do with the season finale and Gabriel's "read my heart". I don't think an ordinary villain would have the power to prevent Tikki and Plag from merging into Gimmi. Maybe this also has to do with the fact that Gabriel had a feeling that one day the truth might come to light (what happened in the season finale), which is why he wanted to prevent others from summoning Gimmi. Perhaps 'read my heart' referred not to one wish but literally to 'read', i.e. everything that was 'written' there. I hope it has some to do with finale and that we will find out in next season.
Anyway, it's going to be a sleepless night for me because of all these emotions, but I'm very satisfied with this special episode 😁
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thesecondface · 9 months
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6 hours of olivine picking today (and I managed to catch quite the sunset on my way out of the department). Having exhausted my olivine-only phyric samples, and having gained what I believe is a sufficient understanding of what olivine looks like under the binocular microscope and how to distinguish it from other phases, I have now moved on to some of the cooler samples. This is from a plagioclase megacrystic flood basalt unit in Ethiopia, which I thought was going to cause me some trouble but instead proved to be chock full of (hopefully usable) olivines. The pale crystals are plagioclase, and under the light their cleavage planes are often visible. The greener ones (collected) are olivine, though some of the plagioclases have a greenish tinge (likely parts of plag-ol crystal clots). I believe the pyroxenes are restricted to the groundmass, but we'll see when I have a look under the SEM-EDS after I've mounted my crystals. The grey bits are groundmass - very finely crystallised material with the residual mineral phases that crystallised on eruption/rapid cooling (vs the larger phenocrysts, which crystallised at depth).
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heretodefyfate · 5 months
These thoughts are plagging my brain and need the rejuv-nation to suffer with me.
Have you noticed that Paragon!Melia is....off? Ever since waking up from the dream/alternate universe, she has been acting strange- she even wore pigtails at one point (post Terajuma) which I figured she'd avoid bc of Melanie- kinda detached, even? But still nice.
So, here is what I think. I think Paragon!Melia is M2 too, but she has been subdued in anger because of the positive memories in Melia's body, so she is playing her role to help us until our friend comes back properly.
I too think she act a bit off, especially right after she met the real protagonist in the "wilted" world
And ngl, when Melia requested to be added into Zeight, i...did not trust her. Like you've said, she feel off and if you play renegade route or watched it, it's understandable that you would assume that M2 is replacing our Melia. I thought me popping right outta the Zeight, that would trigger Melia to say st else but nope, nt happened.
Personally, i don't think M2 is possesing paragon_Melia body, cuz' in renegade, it shown that M2 don't have any memories of the host she in so i don't think her emotion would be skewed by Melia's posistive thoughts.
My theory is that, that is still our Melia, the current version_Melia of the world we are currently living in. And...the reason for her odd behaviors was that, she is coping.
Like, put yourself in her shoes...
She got the whole team Xen after her;
Discovered that she have some god-like power which was placed in her since birth, then discover that the same thing is giving her some sort of rare disease;
Is sorta having identity-crisis about herself (Maria-Marianette-Melia);
Going through multiple bad timelines and one of them feature the world is in literal state of static (PMD explorer of sky reference, lol), and the reasion was that she and the protagonist failed.
And then the whole revelation about karma
Like, that must fucked up your mental health a lot
And another thing is...there is no other options than keep moving on.
So like, Melia has all these responsibilities on her and yet, in the end, she still gonna died to a disease anyway, unless the interceptor manage to change it (which i think Melia is very hopeful about). So that's why her action can come off as off and...secrety, at least to me
Adamant on getting into zeight, her fucking up the time zone in there seem to be another way for her to slow down her death time
Making End-of-Nights, hinted that she know Renegade MC and had communicated with them, without fully explaining this to anyone else on the team, so she is doing things alone...again.
Breaking up with Venam, which is...idk, this action seem weird, sure, we are too busy saving the world, relationship come seconds but like, idk, like, you doesn't have to stop acting lovey dovey while on the jobs, you know? Idk, this decision from her is lowkey strange, i know you're gonna die so why lock yourself out of any happiness.
As for pigtails, i don't think it meant anything tbh
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canonplag · 11 months
lowkey me when i’m dying when i’md ead when i’m alive when i’m dead when 
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suvidrache · 1 year
Eternal Life
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 735 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
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Shang Tsung had never thought he'd see the day. He never thought someone would love him enough to not only be his partner, but maybe even go as far as to marry him. You had both been together for at least a year. It wasn't long, but for him it was. You had been his first significant other. His first love. He had never been with anyone before you, he could have. A few people had approached him through the years, but none of them caught his attention. Many wanted him for the things he could give them. He was a very powerful sorcerer, being kept alive by the souls that he steals. You had never desired his powers or the things that he could give you. You had only ever wanted him for love, affection, and attention, not with lust, but you had longed for him and wanted him. He had felt something for you. He wasn't sure what the feeling was, but he wanted you. So a relationship formed.
He would allow himself to grow old before using his powers to age himself to be young again - he was basically immortal. Many had tried and failed through the years to kill him.
He would take you on the best dates that he could. He didn't have to walk anywhere, he would simply take your hand and then you were gone. You had both been teleported to wherever it was that he had planned. It was always a nice place. Your favorite was the place with columns and various plants. No one appeared to be in that place. You weren't sure of its location, but you loved to visit any chance that you could get. Shang Tsung often took you on dates there, but would on occasion take you somewhere else as he wanted you to see other things, other places, and beautiful scenes that he had found. You didn't mind traveling; you found it to be fun. He would take you anywhere you wanted to go and you could stay or leave as much as you wanted. Shang Tsung had asked a few times if you wished to have the ability to teleport as well, but you turned it down many times, so he never bothered the subject again. You had preferred to travel with him.
Shang Tsung had sat in his office, reading the same boring spell book he had read for years. He knew them like the back of his hand. He could have found other reading materials, but he couldn't be bothered. He couldn't bring himself to read fictional stories, classical, or whatever there was out there. If he read, it was often various spells.
He had heard the door click shut, and he rose from his spot and headed to the door. He knew that you were home, and he didn't want to scare you like he had done a few times before. He stood in the doorway and you smiled at him.
"Hello, darling. Welcome home." He said as he reached his arms out to you. You walked into him and he wrapped his arms around you. 
"Hi, love. How are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"
"I'm well. Thank you. I have a plan… but you should probably wear something nice." He said as he raised his eyebrow slightly. He didn't mean for that to be rude, but had you desired photos, then you would be prepared in advance.
You gave him a gentle squeeze and quickly changed. You took one last look in the mirror before walking out and offering your hand to him. He took your hand and away you both went. Together, you both appeared in the land that you loved so much.
You smiled and looked at him, slightly confused. His hand still held yours as he lowered himself to one knee. His other hand took out the box that held an engagement ring.
"Y/N, I feel as though we are destined for each other. Will you spend the rest of your life or the rest of eternity with me?"
He had never spoken about giving you the ability to live forever, like him, so he was not sure as to which you would have preferred.
"Yes, I will spend (your preference here, life or eternity)."
He slipped the ring on your finger, stood up, and pulled you in close. 
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @phantomheiko, @sunmoongoddess, @thevoidwriting / To join my tag list apply here!
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wisconsin2002 · 10 months
Mmmm.. Idk what to tag this as. I mean I'm not fuming at the mouth in this one with my opinions but there could be some pretty strong ones and god knows how the fandom takes those so I guess I'll just tag it in the salt just to be safe and if all goes well I'll tag it in the awakening tag.
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Miraculous Awakening...
I liked it. I thought it was decent. I'm not crazy in love with it tho and I can see why people don't like it and are mixed on it for sure. It does feel pretty bland and the pacing is GOTTA GO FAST up in this bitch so you don't really get a lot of moments to breathe and take in what's happening, other than when they're singing.
But anyways. I want to talk about Marinette/ladybug because wow. Man I loved her character in this movie.
I loved that we got to see her weaknesses and strengths. The movie did fast forward a lot of her growth with its Sonic pacing which was a bummer but what we did get to see of her in my opinion did not dissapoint. I also loved that her character is not just solely based on Adrien or Chat Noir. She has dreams again like she did in the beginning of the canon show. She wants to be confident, brave, open to herself and to the world, but she's so shy and scared and clumsy so she doesn't see herself capable of reaching that part of herself in her life and I think that part of her especially with me is what made me connect with her so much more. Seeing where she started and where she ends at the end of the movie is what made me love her as a character and connect to her on a personal level. Seeing Marinette hurt and bruised and losing a fight but still getting back up to finish the fight without Powers is something I have wanted to see FOR THE LONGEST TIME DUDE.
And I've heard people say that this movie feels like fanfic and yeah I can't even lie. There's points where it actually does😂
Like Hawk moth suddenly turning into Darth vader and FUCKING FORCE CHOKING ADRIEN💀
And Plag shitting himself everytime he's on screen for whatever reason.
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Genuinely.... Why Zag? I need answers.
But this doesn't. Not this. This feels like what was supposed to be from the beginning. This feels like ladybug again. The ladybug that I don't get frustrated with her character decisions and direction. A ladybug that feels grounded in her objective and doesn't feel over the top lost in romance and boyfriends. A ladybug that truly appreciated her partner. A ladybug who took the responsibility of a hero seriously.
This movie is not perfect, not by any means. It's corny as shit and it's barely even good at times.
However, it brought back a lost hero in my eyes and I gotta applaud ZAG for that.
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I've said this before but ladybug/Marinette was once my favorite character in miraculous and I really missed talking about her without being an asshole.
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thesmpisonfire · 8 months
you are the reason qpac is my fave qsmp character now. this is all your fault. your agenda is working. he’s so tragic
HE IS HE IS so glad i plagged u with cubito thoughts <3
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
Was wondering why a lot of people said Adrien almost has no agency and having codependent relationship with Marinette in this season and your reply to that anon enlighten me greatly. So, thank you!
Tbh I myself thought this will be the season for Adrien to finally step up his game. I mean, the whole s4 is about Marinette role transition from being a holder to guardian so it just make senses (for me) that this season would be about Adrien. And in a way, it does, but not in the way I like it.
It's good that he decided to focus to be a good boyfriend for Marinette as it will be a good lesson for a young kid, but the fact that's the only thing he could focused on his life at the moment is disturbing. All because he's NOT allowed to know more things because no one tell him anything and thus limited his own agency.
Where's his reaction when Ladybug didn't show up? Why he never ask what actually happened in s4? He forgive her without even knowing what he forgive her for and it's not good. Why Felix doesn't even said anything about Gabriel? Why Nathalie doesn't?
If what people said about the fairy tale Nath and Marc created in s4 foreshadowing a plot where Marinette as Adrien sole savior is true, I would definitely hate it if Marinette become the one who solve the Agreste mess without Adrien knowing that there's a problem in the first place. That just not the ending I want for Adrien.
You're welcome but please, let us all keep in mind though that while the narrative focus on Adrien and Marinette romantic relationship, the biggest obstacle to Adrien's freedom (and agenda) is Gabriel himself.
It is Gabriel who forbids Adrien to do things. It is Gabriel who is imposing his will and agenda (the contract with Tomoe) on Adrien. It is Gabriel who gives this illusion of choice to Adrien.
Like we got some cases this season of Adrien asking his father for permission and have Gabriel replies "But of course you can, you are free" while sounding hypocrite about it. And Adrien isn't asking just out of politeness. He is asking because he feels obligated to wait for his father's decision for everything.
It is not mere coincidence we get this after Adrien asked to not be a model anymore at the beginning of this season.
Adrien asks for some autonomy? Gabriel allows it only when it doesn't go against Gabriel's interests. Been there since S1 of course, but more focus gets put now that Gabriel pretends to be more present in Adrien's life.
Also, remember what was Adrien's buried childhood dream back in Wishmaker? To become whatever his parents wanted him to be. Now, we have an Adrien who is going against his father's wishes (unless Amok's magic is at play whether we like it or not).
Yes, Adrien could have a bit more independant scenes, but for S5, it doesn't bother me as much as some because I do see a growth in his character. Though I do wish for one more episode or two centered on Ladynoir's relationship. We know they are in good terms and Ladybug (finally) accepting Chat Noir's helping hand at the end of Strike Back despite having lost everything and entrusting Chat Noir with the Rabbit Miraculous (a very powerful and dangerous Miraculous mind you) did a lot in mending the gap that was created between. But yes, I too would have liked to have a bit more continuity with a few more episodes focused on the hero personas and there is 6-7 episodes to go so maybe? Still, I understand that the narrative focus for now is with what is going on in the civilian side.
You asked : "Where's his reaction when Ladybug didn't show up?"
And I'm sorry, I am not sure of understanding to what you are referring too. Do you mean during the Kwami's choice? I can't say for sure but I know that after Hack-San, Adrien trusts Scarabella. That she replaces LB when LB cannot be there to protect Paris. And in the interview at the beginning of Deflagration, for security measure, no detail was given and Adrien understands that too. But it also shown us that Adrien without Plagg, without being Chat Noir, without his friends (basically without his connections) is in a depressive state alone at home. It was even illustrated before Plagg left (aka that one shot during Jubilation showing Adrien's room being a mess). So, there is something lingering in his character, but it is also very in character for him to put it in a drawer and not look back at it... until it blows that is.
Why Felix doesn't even said anything about Gabriel? Why Nathalie doesn't?
Can't say for Félix, but it looks like he is one to take actions for supposedly another's sake, without waiting for them to ask nor consulting with said character first.
But out of the two, I so wish Nathalie would be the one to reveal some truths to Adrien. Especially since she has the other half of the Graham de Vanily ring. And during the episode Félix, she is the one who pushes Gabriel to tell the truth to Adrien. We however don't know which truth she was refering to. But like she also said back then : the longer someone waits, the harder it gets to reveal the truth.
If it is about Adrien being a sentihuman, there is the possibility she is respecting a wish made from Émilie, especially if there is a fear of othering here.
As for letting Adrien knows that his father is Monarch, it may be yet again a way to protect him, to preserve his innocence in this. Especially since Gabriel is doomed anyway. I think she considers it is for the best.
In both cases, it seems Nathalie is taking the "ignorance is bliss" route.
About the Fairy Tale analogy, yes, the imagery is there, but I'm going to use a direct quote from Protection here.
Marc : [Y]ou two just turn off your brain, follow the comic book, kiss each other and that's it! End of the show. Everything is magically sorted out. Nathaniel : Hence the name Magic Kiss. Marinette : I'm not so sure. What are you basing that on? Marc : Just about every fairy tale, shoujo manga and Hollywood romantic comedy ever. Adrien : Oh? And it works in real life too? Who knew?
And what happens in the very next scene? No kiss, just Marinette and Adrien being miserable. The opposite of the friends' (read audience's) expectations of how it would turn out to be.
Meaning the show is self aware here. Yes, the writers are using imagery, analogies, metaphors and codes/tropes of the romantic comedy genre. But they will do it with their own twist.
For example, on top of the princess tropes in fairy tales, they are using the good old narrative of a [young royal / noble] wanting to be with the person their heart choose rather than the person imposed to them. With the main villain calling himself Monarch. And they are paralleling somehow Émilie and "Gabi" loves story when they were young themselves. So there is a goal. There is this window of the heroes could potentially become like the villain.
Anyway, the story focusing its second half of S5 on Marinette and Adrien's romantic relationship is their way of tying the civilian and the hero's arc as one. At least, that is how I perceive it. It's Maribug and Adrichat vs Gabonarch.
I understand the fear of Maribug being the Knight in Shiny Armor Savior. At the same time, it is ironically what Argos tried to do during Emotion with the result we have seen. Argos did litteraly remove Adrien from the narrative, in order to do his coup meant to "save them" before making Adrien coming back and we have seen the results. Adrien was legitimately upset at his cousin.
Hopefully, Adrichat will have his own mission during the finale. At least, if Gabonarch isn't unabling / using him in the first place.
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