#pidge holy fanart
mothmanavenue · 26 days
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now i’m in my holy revival
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awhoreintheory · 1 year
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The infamous Pigeon in all her fairy glory!! Fucking LOVE her. Would die for her. She could also honestly peg me. Anything for my girl tbh
Also not used to this body type so t'was fun doing that! Came out a lil funky tho
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kurin-rinka · 5 years
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“It’s good to have you back on the team...” HHHHHHH
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grey-the-goose-art · 7 years
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Well hey there folks it's been awhile. Anyways here's Pigeon in a prom dress. ✌💚👗 I'm rewatching voltron and getting pretty hyped 😆
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pynopi · 7 years
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nikkst3rz · 7 years
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Here on the left is a Pidge that I made in April that I planned on
making into a charm
. No more
, that’s what I planned on sending up.
Fast forward to early/mid July I made the Pidge on the right. And
that is very different. In a way, it inspires me to keep on going and push through my old habits. That keeping at it and trying new methods will show results!
 :D 💖‎‎
Also thank you to all of my friends for helping me push forward
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raphodraws · 7 years
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I gotta go buy a new sketchbook tomorrow so have some digital sketches in the meantime ^^
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gwebkinz · 7 years
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i'm so flattered people liked my altean!lance from this post, so here's some more of this bb + pidgeon
more here
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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no what i’m not late in posting this
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eosiin · 7 years
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okay but
I did this comic in like 5 mins and it looks really bad, but its funny because this is based off of a conversation a friend and I had. I have this headcanon that Keith gets really weird and contemplative when he’s tired and that’s pretty much the only time he and Lance talk about deep things. 
also pidge walks in on this and wonders wtf is going on
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doodlecupcake · 7 years
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happy national siblings day!
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catnippackets · 6 years
Im having an epiphany oh my gods I just had a realization and it took me two fucking years to get here but I finally did. 2016 dreamworks Voltron and fandom Voltron are two completely different shows. they literally are two completely different shows that started diverging after season 1 and that’s why we’re consistantly being disappointed with what dw does
I was sitting here feeling like I was going to throw up from the sheer force of my anger about...you know...certain recent situations...and I thought “yknow I probably should’ve seen this coming because the only reason I got into Voltron in the first place was because I saw fanart of it on my dash and fell in love with the characters from there.” When I first watched the show I was intrigued by the pretty art style but I thought the show itself was really boring and I only finished season 1 because I had nothing better to do. and then afterwards all the fanart I was seeing made sense and I just fell in love with the characters from there.
but I didn’t fall in love with the characters I thought I did......I fell in love with the fandom’s interpretations of the characters
Keith was gay and asian!! Lance was bi!! Pidge was trans!! Shiro adopted Keith and became an older brother figure to him!! and so many more things!! anything we wanted!! sure there were certain headcanons that drove me crazy but for the most part, the fandom did SO fucking well with these characters! I read fanfiction every day that characterized them in a way that made my heart sing! I fell in love with klance as a ship because the way people wrote them was so natural and good! I loved every single character and didn’t have a single one that I disliked because they were all just so interesting and fun in their own ways without being favoured over the others! my least favourites were only my least favourites by default because they just were all so. good. I don’t remember ever liking a show/movie before where I loved every single one of the characters.
that thing about vld being popular not because it's a good show but bc it has potential is so fucking true. season 1 was decent and we took that and turned it into something that we loved while it continued on in a different direction and we just never realized there was a difference and that’s why we continued to be disappointed every time a new season came out. we all fabricated a different world after season 1, and season 3 was an anomaly that aligned with my perception of the world so at that point it made me think that season 2 was the real anomaly but then season 4 happened and then 5 and then 6 and now 7 and I’m only NOW realizing that I never liked this show, I liked the fandom’s show.
Slav really was right there ARE multiple realities. there’s a reality where Allura is white and the animation is bad. there’s a reality where Lance looks like a weird cowboy and Pidge is a super nerd boy. there’s a reality where the writers queerbaited us with Shiro & Adam and told us they were just making up the plot as they went. and there’s a reality where Keith is gay and Lance is bi and Adam & Shiro get a happy ending where they both survive and klance is a healthy, canon, rivals to friends to lovers slowburn relationship and Pidge is a trans girl and Hunk has two moms and Keith & Shiro are brothers and Lotor is a diva and Haggar is the true most powerful villain and everything we want to happen happens because we’re the ones who’ve been writing our own version of the story for the past few years and living in its world while simultaneously thinking we’re living in another one the entire time.
don’t get me wrong, I’m still SO angry at them for queerbaiting us and treating certain characters like shit and making multple other characters OOC for no reason when we were all so invested and hopeful for this world, but realizing that their world and our world were never the same honestly made my chest feel immediately lighter. holy shit
we really made our own world and I never caught on
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arcadenemesis · 6 years
In 280 Characters or Less
sheith, 2.2k, g, rptron
Inspired by the Voltron rp accounts on Twitter [read on ao3]
“Just… leave me here. Don't come any closer.”
Shiro can't help the startled bark of nervous laughter that leaves him as he stares at Keith's prone form on the floor of the room — their room (and that's still weird to say). His eyes drift to the discarded datapad beside him and Shiro's cheeks flame again. It's honestly a miracle Keith didn't break this one too, or put a hole in the roof when he had thrown it in the air in horrified alarm. It would have been Shiro's fault, he's willing to admit, but he truly hadn't meant to startle him. It's just… how else was he supposed to react to an image like that on Keith's screen? The likeness had been uncanny, Shiro would give the artist that, even if it had been a bit unsettling to see his own face staring lovingly back at him. But he isn't so sure that Steve Rogers would approve of that kind of take on his signature Captain America outfit. If nothing else it seemed a little... impractical for any kind of real combat. He certainly wouldn't go anywhere particularly cold in a uniform like that, lest hypothermia were the mission. Undoubtedly, being the Garrison’s golden boy comes with a lot of perks - bigger rooms, special considerations, interesting missions... Gratuitous fanart isn't exactly one Shiro would count among those.
“It's… it's really not that bad,” he tries to assure, but Keith’s answering groan into the carpet lets him know he's missed the mark.
He hovers for a moment before he decides to leave Keith to wallow in his misery, shedding his jacket and stepping over him to search for leftovers in the kitchenette. By the time he sits down in front of twice reheated curry, his datapad pings in his pocket, and he snorts into the bowl when he checks the notification.
      just let me die
It erases his lingering embarrassment immediately. He's still not quite too sure what it is about Twitter that makes Keith so dramatic, but his followers are hardly ones to complain. The remark already has dozens of likes and replies, and Shiro decides to add his own, amused.
   You're not dying. It's just a misunderstanding.
   … Why is everyone telling you F?
His datapad pings again while he's putting away his dishes, and he pauses in the space between the kitchen and bathroom to stare at where Keith hasn't moved, suppressing a laugh.
      stab me
Shiro knows it's a little silly, standing only a few feet away and talking like this, but he types a response anyway.
   ..... You really just want to lay face down on the floor like that?
Shiro doesn't bother to hold back his laughter when Keith's head pops up at the sound of his datapad buzzing on the ground beside him.
   peith replying to @tshiro01
The replies from Keith's other followers go unnoticed.
   I'll lay on you if you keep that up.
“I'm having a shower,” he announces out loud. Keith grunts a response, but seems willing to keep up the act, still on the ground when Shiro closes the door. He's down to his underwear in the bathroom when his datapad pings again, and compulsively, he checks it as his prosthetic floats to the shower taps.
   peith replying to @tshiro01
      suffocate me
Shiro is sure he'll be able to hear him laughing from the other side of the door.
   You're terrible.
   I'm not going to do that.
The device pings again but he ignores it. At this rate he'll never get in the damn shower. He knows the app is teetering on the edge of addition, and he'll have to take care to make sure it doesn't impact his work. It's already impacted his personal life, in the most earth shattering of ways, thanks to just a few innocent tweets. Even here, in the bathroom, he can see the little ways Keith has now wormed his way into his private space. His soap in the dish, his hairbands on the floor, his toothbrush next to his by the basin. A welcome invasion. Shiro is only all to willing to let Keith conquer to his heart's content. And really that's how they found themselves in this little arrangement in the first place. He rushes the shower maybe a little more than he should to see what Keith has written back, pulling on his boxers and a shirt while he juggles his datapad.
   peith replying to @tshiro01
      you said you would
Shiro almost trips and drops the device, choking on nothing. Without the benefit of verbal tone, Shiro knows he's reading too much into it. But sometimes Keith seems so bold, and he can't help but wonder if there's a little more to his teasing words. He fights down the heat in his cheeks, and tries to channel a little of that boldness for himself. Keith is still on the floor in his display of shame when he opens the door, and Shiro uses it to his advantage when he doesn't do much as shift to acknowledge his return. With purpose, he strides over to him, datapad still in hand. Keith only belatedly realises his intent when he plants his feet either side of his hips, and Shiro catches a flash of surprise thrown over his shoulder before he crashes down on top of him. The squeak Keith makes is hardly dignified, but neither is Shiro’s landing, copping an elbow to the belly for his troubles. He commits to the bit though, settling his weight as Keith wriggles in protest beneath him, and propping his chin on the top of his head so he can keep working through his reports on his datapad.
“You asked for this,” he reminds him gleefully, and Keith groans, resting his head on his forearm.
“Yeah kinda,” he concedes with a sigh, opening up the little blue application on his screen again. Shiro can see him flicking through his feed absently from his position, and he makes the conscious decision to try not to use that to his advantage to spy. Instead, he tries to address one of the many elephants in the room.
“So… about your… art…”
“Nope,” Keith cuts in loudly, and that's the end of that. Shiro hides a grin in his hair as he flicks through Atlas' latest flight stats. They lay in silence, and he's just starting to find a rhythm with his reports when a notification appears at the top of his screen.
       this is good
Shiro hopes Keith doesn't feel his heart sputter against his spine. He lets the notification hide itself, trying to stay focused. And he succeeds for the most part. But occasionally he feels Keith take in a deeper breath that makes him feel lightheaded, or he shifts his hips under him and Shiro has to clamp down on the threat of heat in his belly. The latter starts happening at more frequent intervals until Shiro thinks he might have to spring away, but then another notification flashes up on the top of his screen.
      switch I can't breathe
Shiro bursts into laughter, waiting until he has hit out an adequate response from his emoji keyboard before rolling off of him. He's not even surprised when Keith rolls with him to sprawl across his chest, and his prosthetic rests at his back to secure him without missing a beat. Shiro isn't sure how it happened, but somehow this has become their new normal. Keith settles into the crook of his neck with a huff and Shiro draws absent patterns over the bumps of his spine while he reads.
No more notifications come after that. It takes Shiro at least three reports and far too much procrastination on his own Twitter feed before he realises Keith has barely moved at all.
Shiro turns his head when he doesn't respond and is met with a vision of peace. It's cliché, but Keith is an angel when he sleeps he has learned these past few days, and right now the sight before him is simply Holy. The way his lashes fan delicately across his cheek, the inky fringe tussled haphazardly across his face, and the quiet breath that whispers between parted, chapped lips.
He could kiss those lips soft, he thinks for a fleeting moment. But he scolds himself the next. It would be terrible to take advantage. Unnoble. Not at all like the image Keith has of him. He opens up a new tweet to try to distract himself; maybe another #paladinpositivity gem of wisdom to calm him down.
What is happening?
It feels a bit like Twitter is mocking him. What is happening? In the span of just a few days, he's gone from focused Captain to absolute disaster. Where he once lived in closed quarters, he now shares with his best friend, the man he cares for most in the world, the one he loves all alone, and his life feels like it's been thrown into a spin. Feelings that were once allowed to be kept dormant have sprung to the surface with vengence, and Shiro doesn't know how long he can suppress them and keep them hidden until they erupt and devastate everything in their path. His philosophical words flee him, and instead he sees his bare thoughts compose themselves in front of him.
    Must've tired himself out.
    There are two beds, but he's asleep on me... on the floor.
He smiles at some of the responses. It is all a bit ridiculous really, and he can appreciate the humour in that. But then his thoughts drift a little more.
Ah. Yes... He remembers now the fleeting brush of lips against his the night before. But that's not the same. Keith had asked. Maybe Shiro hadn't understood the question, teetering on the precipice of dreams, but permission was requested and granted nonetheless. It had almost been enough to shock him back from the grip of sleep. Weariness won out then though, and so instead it followed him into his slumber with images of azure eyes and warm skin and smiles that Shiro likes to fool himself are only his.
When Pidge's handle shows up in his notifications, his replies become a little more absent. A kiss like that doesn't mean the same to Keith, Shiro knows. His Keith has always been curious, and it seems Shiro can simply chalk his behaviour up to nothing more than that. In the dawn of the morning after, they had woke together, went their separate ways for the day and Keith had never breathed a single word of what he had stolen from Shiro at all. He had started to think that maybe he had imagined it all. But lying here, now, makes it feel all too familiar. Keith had kissed him, and now Shiro wants to balance the ledger, unaligned intentions and meanings be damned.
Keith's trust is a precious thing though, a rare gift offered to few. Shiro knows he's not overestimating himself when he thinks maybe he has the grand prize. Keith would never let his guard down like this with anybody else, maybe save Krolia. And trust doesn't automatically equate to… to the feelings he has. To violate that trust would truly be his greatest sin.
He is so close though, so very close. He can feel his heartbeat drum slow and assertive against his ribs while they lie chest to chest, feel the warmth of his body seep into cotton of his shirt. The tips of his fingers twitch restlessly for a moment before they grip the material beneath them, and it's almost as if Keith squeezes firm at his very heart.
Just one, Shiro tells himself, staring at the split in the middle of his lip. Just one, and I'll apologise in the morning.
It's not an easy thing, and maybe that should be enough to dissuade him. Lying supine hardly gives him the purchase he needs to lean forward into the angle he needs. But Shiro is far from a stranger to calculated risk. He runs featherlight fingers under the sharp line of his jaw, pausing under his chin. He holds his breath so he won't tremble, and then carefully - ever so carefully - he tips his face up to him.
He stills, staring at him a moment, both to ensure he doesn't wake and to take in his heavenly face. His guardian angel who had clawed his way through hell to save him again and again and again. When Keith doesn't even shiver at his touch, Shiro steels his nerves and stretches up just that tiny bit to bridge the gap between them. With the tenderness he deserves, he captures his bottom lip softly between his. It's only a heartbeat, but it feels like a lifetime more, and Shiro suddenly realises his mistake.
Just one… He will never be satisfied with just one.
He pulls back with a start, but Keith doesn't stir. Shiro isn't sure whether the sigh that leaves him is one of relief or disappointment.
“I love you,” he murmurs softly into the silence, because his heart might just burst with words unsaid.
Long after he pushes away the datapad and closes his eyes, Shiro dreams of the words whispered back to him, and of windburnt kisses returned in the dark.
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colettehatesyou · 6 years
Voltron Shippers
Hate on me if you want but honestly I've shipped every single one of these ships in my time as a Voltron fan (mind you I've been in this shit hole since day fucking 1 when the show was added on Netflix I will probably die with this fandom).
But basically here are how I view all the mega fans of the ships how they are rn (also this is also supposed to be a comical overreaction).
Klance: Seriously, the crazy ppl in this fandom. I feel that the majority ships this. This is where the crazies are, this is where most of the Sheith, Shance, and any other ship involving Keith and Lance antis are. Someone of you guys hate Allura literally only because Lance admitted to liking her. Make huge leaps into theory just to find any evidence that it'll ever be canon. Ya'll need a break from Voltron and a break from tumblr. Might I suggest a walk, maybe go visit a park, or a library, or something idk.
Sheith: Recent rise in numbers, also my first voltron ship so I see the appeal. You guys refuse to accept what brotherly love is. And no I don't mean the siblings you are stuck with because you are legally related to them I mean like the type Philadelphia was founded on. The Bromance type, the "Damn we're such good friends i wish we were family" type. Some antis especially lately, seem to also worship both Keith and Shiro's VAs. Some of you guys despise Lance with a passion. Some people also Stan Pidge as a fellow shipper, but I don't see it??? 🤷‍♂️ You guys also reach a little far into the show looking for hints but not as bad as the Klancers. Majority are fairly nice people.
Shance: The people who just want Lance to be happy. Worship Season 5 because of The moment, you know what I'm talking about. No antis whatsoever. Probably the smallest non-crack ship around. Gets a lot of hate for being "Pedophilia". Honestly just want some more Lance and Shiro interaction, don't even care if it becomes canon. Any fanfic written gets tons of hits because 'holy shit someone else ships it'. Fanart is worshipped here. Please, just- give us more Lance & Shiro interactions they dont have to be romantice just make them talk so we can at least have screenshots. Also make some pretty far reaches into the material for any clues.
Lancelot: How??? They barely even talk??? Lance doesn't even like Lotor??? I see the appeal, they're both beautiful but??? Kinda disappeared into the dark corners lately. Were really active in season 5. Mostly just happy with being a fan ship. Not many antis in there hating on other ships. Only a small war with Klance shippers a while ago but nothing too bad.
Shallura: Honestly the "Parents" of the fandom. Hate lotor. Think all the other Paladins are their children. Want Voltron to just be a big happy family with Shiro and Allura as the Parents, Coran as the crazy uncle, and everyone else as their children. Have given up. There were so many of you, where did you all go. Please come back. You gave the fandom balance.
Lallura/Allance/Allurance (Honestly not sure what this one is actually called): Ever since Season 6 aired it's literally just been this gif everytime I check it out.
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Feel free to add your own! These are just the ships I'm familiar with.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Riiight! So I just watched season 6 of Voltron: Legendary Defender (or as I like to call it season 4B...). SPOILERS ahead, obviously. But have my personal opinion and knee-jerk reactions to it!
(The following is a chronological list of my reactions, followed by a summarization of my thoughts.)
Lotor calling the Paladins his colleagues is very precious to me. Also, daaamn I really do ship Lotor and Allura a lot by now.
Hunk. Having interest in Galra history. Hunk being the engineer and getting to boss the others around. Just, generally, Hunk having a speaking-roll beyond being a comic relief is... such a nice change of pace. Hng. HUNK IS SUCH A BOSS IN THE FIRST EPISODE.
OH GODS FINALLY KEITH GETS TO ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS. Do not talk about this later, Krolia. Nothing is more important than the truth, gods damn it.
Lance calling himself “a third wheel”. I mean, seriously, first he stumbles in with Hunk and Pidge, pointing out how he is not really part of Team Punk, then he calls himself that. Ah. I live for the brief moments of Langst that we get.
I am very appeased by the “This is how Krolia ended up on Earth” flashbacks. THAT was very high on my checklist of things this season had to include.
Lance referring to himself as “a boy from Cuba”. I really appreciate that, because I fucking hate it when shows publish external canons – through tweets and interviews and side-books – but don't actually acknowledge and vocalize said canons on the actual show. I don't like having to do homework when watching a show. I want my canons on the show.
Keith adopting a fluffy space-wolf is just all the yes.
So Keith is now two years older than Lance due to time-works-differently-here-shenanigans during his and Krolia's mission, did I read that right? That's nice. I approve.
Team-bonding? I approve. Altean D&D? Very weird, but why not. But I did not expect Lance to be a party-pooper. Would have thought he'd have played human D&D with Hunk and Pidge at the Garrison.
Dear Allura, please fucking finally talk to Lance. You clearly have no feelings for him and the mice had literally spelled it out for you that Lance has feelings for you. Talk to him. Tell him there is nothing and never will be anything. So he can properly move on. This pining and weirdness and inappropriate flirting is highly unprofessional and annoying and now, thanks to new OTP, also really super pointless.
TALLER KEITH FOR THE WIN. SERIOUSLY. It's been driving me fucking insane that 90% of fanart artists in this fandom draw Keith like one whole head shorter than Lance, while in fucking canon, the two are essentially the same height. So with him actually being taller than Lance, maybe finally things will be... more evened out. -__-
Nooooooo. Fuuuuck thiiiis. Even though “Altean managed to escape and hide on a different planet” makes a lot of sense. Seriously why would all Alteans be dead. I like Lotor, I am not approving of the “It was all a ruse” thing. He's been so good lately. Fuck canon, I live in denial.
THAT'S TOO MANY SHIROS. WAY TOO MANY SHIROS. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON. Did Haggar seriously clone herself an army of Shiros...? Whut.
WHAT IS THAT THING ON KEITH’S CHEEK. Because by logic alone, it can’t be a “Galra mark” as everyone claims. First of all, the Galra don’t... usually... have marks? That’s the Alteans? And secondly, that’s kinda not how genetics work? You can’t just suddenly “activate” that half of your DNA?? All the other half-Galra just look a certain way. You can’t just... turn it on. It’s a scar, right? Because it is right below where the certainly very hot laser-sword was pressing down on Keith. And in design, color and making, it looks very much like the scar Shiro has running over his nose.
Kiddo!Keith is even more adorable than baby!Keith.
So... they actually killed Shiro off. Okay. Did not expect that. Thought he was just “locked away” in controlled!Shiro's mind or something. Straight-up dead? Did not see that coming.
Argh. The whole fucking sudden “Oh by the way Lotor fucking experimented on Alteans and killed a whole lotta bunch” pisses me off so muuuch. I like Lotor. I ship him and Allura. Why would you do this to me, DreamWorks?? I so rarely ship canon straights. And when I do, you turn half of the ship into a genocidal crazy scientist... hng... It’s the quintessence though, right? I mean, Allura said it herself and we saw the Paladins react to it within moments. If Lotor has been experimenting with this shit for millennia he has been as... corrupted by it as his father. His whole rhetoric is the same as his father’s too. So. Can we un-quintessence him...? Please...??
HOLY SHIT THEY’RE GOING HOME. Does that mean we will get to meet their families? All of their families?
Now, to what I thought about it.
I genuinely think that the whole “oh by the way Lotor is a crazy scientist” thing came hard out of left field. Literally everything about it. From his rapidly changing behavior to “by the way a bunch of Alteans are still alive” and finally in “Oh and Krolia and Keith happen to meet not just the Alteans but that one specific Altean who uncovered that Lotor was behind a giant-ass conspiracy to murder a bunch of Alteans for his own agenda”. That was just... all about that was bad writing.
And yet again a season where neither Hunk nor Lance had plotlines. But at least they had a bit more to say in the past. Still. Really hoping next season on Earth, where the two of them have their families, will actually give them more focus.
Generally, I don’t... like most of the stuff that happened this season? Lotor going crazy, Alteans still being alive (I hate that no franchise ever that says “last of their kind” actually pulls fucking through with that and they always reveal “ooops was a mistake. There’s still a bunch of them! Never mind! :D”), the castle blowing up like that.
I also did like a lot though. Krolia origin story, or rather Keith origin story, Keith adopting a wolf, Keith now being taller than Lance. It was, yet again, a Keith centric season. Honestly, when I started watching this show, I was really under the impression this show would focus on the team and not just, you know, mostly on Keith. Hope they even it out more in the future, because now with the whole origin story out of the way, his sub-plot seems to be mostly done.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I will return to my cave of denial where Lotor is still a good guy and he and Allura are having an epic romance, yes? Yes.
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rueitae · 6 years
Voltron Survey Meme
I was tagged by @sp4c3-0ddity! Thanks! Lets do this!
How did you discover the show?
I was bored and combing through Netflix around when season one first came out. I knew it was a reboot and I generally prefer animated shows so I gave it a shot.
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
It was love at first sight. The pilot episode had me good. It was a great mix of humor and epic story that is typically right up my alley.
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
It rotates. Pidge was my first favorite as I always like the geeky/younger characters on the team. Keith and Shiro wormed their way into my heart in season two. Lance always makes me laugh. Allura just always amazes me and every time I think I’ve settled, Hunk does something amazing/is sarcastic and I proclaim him my kin.
I’ve taken three separate quizzes. First I got Pidge. Makes sense, I’m a scientist. Then Lance. Makes sense, I am kind of the glue in my group of friends. Then I got Shiro. And...yes, I do tend to internalize my feelings in a vaguely unhealthy manner.
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav paladin, why?)
I love Red being protective over Keith but Green has the coolest cannon.
Do you have a favorite Villain?
Haggar is just amazing. She’s been revealed to be so complex I just can’t wait to know more.
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (recurring and/or minor)
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, General, Blade of Mamora, Garrison, etc?
Sal. When is he coming back? When are he and Hunk gonna team up again?!
I have also been waiting forever to know more about Keith’s dad, he seems like such a cool character.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
In the lead up to season three @ritsuka-aoki was finding all this awesome fanart. So I made my own tumblr to catalog everything. Once I got the courage to interact with others it was all over.
Care to share a favorite headcanon?
Lance and Hunk were randomly assigned to be roommates the first year at the Garrison. They then chose to remain so the next year.
What do you think is the best part of the show?
The story and all the nods back to previous continuities. I don’t catch them all right away, but when I find out I get such a huge kick out of it. Also the characters. Every single one of them is so interesting and I’m totally invested in their stories.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
I hate to beat the same drum but, Coran’s backstory.
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end
You bet, I’m in this for the long haul.
Tagging (trying to get anyone who hasn’t been tagged):
@animebabe21 @kitkatcabbit @alluratheliongoddess @iridescentruby @issasailorlikepaladin @thenewwearsoff @soleilx64 @grbgcn2 @where-wolf-there-wolf @awesome-yet-weird-weirdo @loverofyarn @shaymfais @funtryandthepaladudes @holi-holy @amourfangirl1 @browntiger15 @ritsuka-aoki @eddiefook
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