#phone person
hellothererer 5 months
John and Tim? Whats with these basic names馃槶
We might as well call him bob
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morganpdf 2 years
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Lost my fucking mind at a red light today
turning off reblogs bc im tired of terfs in my notes. anwyays trans people are sooo much cooler and sexier than cis people but especially terfs. bye
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bressynonym 1 month
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euniysu 2 months
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City Lights
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pretty--in--purple 2 months
kabru as a psych student who KNOWS about ethics guidelines and KNOWS he's not qualified to make diagnostic statements and therefore spends every moment with laios grinding his teeth to dust because HOW DOES THIS MAN THINK HE'S NEUROTYPICAL!??!?!?
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nartothelar 10 months
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somerandomdudelmao 8 months
Are you questioning your existence right now? Seeing how people starts to help out of blue? Can you feel it~? *dancing to the music*
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hollow-head 9 months
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there's a joke that goes: NASA hired Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing, but he was such a perfectionist he made them film it on location
(click on image to read at better resolution)
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soonhoonsol 8 months
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kai-o-tic 1 month
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First time in years that i actually draw mers in May XD
Sharkray Mer Ghost and Diver Soap
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joking aside, I love this site. I have learned so much from this site. I have received so much love and support from this site, and I hope to be here for years to come (especially now that we accidentally won Least Worst Social Media Platform, despite our very best efforts)
that being said, taking a break was really helpful for me mentally. it made me realize how much pressure I was putting on myself to keep people entertained so they would like me. I'm talking like, 'rereading & editing a single dumb shitpost a dozen times a day' levels of overthinking.
So yeah: I love it here, I plan to keep making people (and myself) laugh, but going forward I'm going to be putting less pressure on myself to be as entertaining/active as i used to aim for. Less "I choked on my gogurt" levels of humor, more "sensible chuckle." (sometimes I may even indulge in a joke that purposefully fails to resonate with the audience! it will be quite a mischievous little treat for me 馃き.)
anyways please be patient if my posts lack a certain pizzazz going forward. the pizzazz is out of stock. no there is none in the back room. the pizzazz is on back order ok. no I'm not paying for expedited shipping. our supplier is experiencing a shortage. pizzazz is a controlled substance, do you have no understanding of the paperwork involved? piss off with your piddling pizzazz
TLDR if you think my posts were mediocre before just u wait sweetheart you ain't seen nothing yet. (they are going to get worse. what I'm saying is they are going to get even more underwhelming. i feel good about this.)
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nerdylittleguy 10 months
"we're on opposite sides!"
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"we're on our side!"
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xoxoemynn 3 months
There's room in my blanket fort for anybody who wants to curl up in a ball and die. The door's the blue cushion. 馃挃
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spicyraeman 5 months
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certified mess
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lyrashifts 5 months
is anyone else excited to shift to a reality where phones don't exist? like i see people on tiktok and such giving advice for scripting phones and devices but i'm EXCITED to no longer have a phone. as convenient as they are i feel like they really take away from really connecting with people and, quite honestly, have really lowered my attention span (a big thank you to social media). like i'm not going to pretend i don't love my phone but i just feel like i'll be a much happier person once i don't have it with me for days if not months on end in the future.
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babykittenteach 2 months
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