#phantom gifts au
Au where Danny ends up in Gotham and gets saved by the birds while in human form. He starts pseudo haunting them before returning to Amity Park.
He frequently pops back in to Gotham to invisibility give gifts to the batfam.
Dick gets circus themed things that seem to move around the manor when no one is looking.
Stephanie and Tim both get comics, manga and movies from different dimensions and its only once they start looking up fandoms/ going on Twitter do they realize that these manga/movies apparently don't exist.
The same thing happens with Jason and books. The weird part is that after he finishes reading one of the books for the nth time, (the ones that he and Duke swears glow) and finally retires it to the shelf they disappear. This only happens with the glowey books though. He gets to keep the others
Damian keeps getting new swords, which everyone but him has a problem with.
Duke keeps getting things that activate his powers and he can't really make heads or tails from most of it.
Cass gets lots of soft things like stuffed animals that are nice for hugs and other sensory reasons and dance stuff. Her favorite so far is a gigantic bat in a tutu.
Barbara and Tim (he gets double i guess) both get tech stuff that they've never seen before and make a hobby of reverse engineering the new product of the week.
Alfred gets all sorts of gag gifts like an apron that says "I'm the real boss here" and a mug that has a fancy mustache on the bottom that matches his real one
Bruce gets almost exclusively much bat themed gifts.
No one is sure where the stuff is coming from (and in Jason's case where its going) but they all assume its someone else in the family doing it because its themed around both thier hero and thier personal interests. It finally comes to a head when the batfam are all out together when they come home to find a beautiful and ornate sword laying on the kitchen table for Damian and they all simultaneously realize no one had been home to put it there.
Alfred gets the shotgun while everyone else enters detectives mode.
Danny himself doesn't even realize the extent in which he's been messing with them and doesn't really think past the, "I hope they like their gifts" thing.
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dpxdc Au - Tim and Danny are Twins, have been through all the introductions and after a few years decide to have The Audacity. 
At some point it hits the two of them, that they really do act alike sometimes. Like, mannerisms and small detail micro expressions, the whole nine, so Danny and Tim decide to take advantage of this.
Parent trap style swapping but all within the same household, they cut their hair and swap clothes, and get in a few practice runs around the halls of Wayne Manor. No one in the family catches them through at least 3 family dinners, so they go for the larger gambit. 
Tim wants to go to high school for a bit and get back into skate boarding with low stakes- Thats what he tells Danny at least, he really wants to spend the time dismantling the GIW from the epicenter in Amity Park. It works out that Tim accomplishes this in record time (explosives didn’t require ethics in his opinion) and does actually get to enjoy his hobbies again for a bit. 
Danny wants to tell off the WE board members and get some proper Red Robin training so he’s not so dependent on his powers when facing human enemies (they were squishier than ghosts, restraint was key)- That’s what he tells Tim when the reality is he’s going to lead a hostile takeover of DalvCo. and well, yeah, actually get some training in. 
No one catches on except for Kon. 
After they’ve swapped back and their missions are debriefed, Tim asks him why he never fell for it? Simply put: “Uh, dude. Your twin doesn’t have a heartbeat half the time, it was pretty easy to tell.” 
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Can't stop thinking about This prompt/au lol
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I almost like to think that Clockwork kind of half-sent Danny to the ghost-world version of Gotham because he was struggling and is honestly just a kid and could use some guidance. And with how the Observants dislike him to the point of murder, CW sure couldn't keep him in Long Now. But Gotham? Now there's a place that not many go, thanks to curses running amok, a very dangerous City Spirit, and amalgamations of fallen Guardians and Rogues. It's chaotic, dangerous, and a hell of a shot, but the Bat could, and most probably would assist the newborn guardian. The living world and the infinite are intertwined after all, influenced by whatever realm it drifts closest to.
Thankfully Danny seems to be enjoying himself- he has a proper ghost friend now! And he's starting to be able to understand Batblob's cacophony of Silent-EverSilent-Gurgles-DistantWhispers-QuietScreamsSilence easier too without Robin translating. (His Ghost-Speak is getting so good :D) He wishes he could bring Sam & Tucker but it's a little too far into the ghost zone. And the ghosts and Vlad doesn't bother him here! (The last time he tried, unknown to Danny, the older halfa was met with a malicious swarm of teeth and maws ready to rip and tear and not lose another child again-) He's even gotten shown the exits to the living-world's Gotham. Robin likes to ramble about the new and different living-robins and about their friend who was also a robin and who disappeared one day and whose core they carry on their belt. Maybe he can help them find out what happened to him...
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halfa-failure · 1 month
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Fnaf au anyone???
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aptx!kaito au in which Shinichi doesn't know aptx exists and feels insane that his leading theory is "a six year old is the mastermind behind Kaitou Kid"
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I've been thinking about your fake cryptids real ghosts thing nonstop, rent free in my head. That's all
All according to plan! Here's another blurb because everyone in this fandom is a gift.
So, I for one can totally see the Batfamily trying to find out where Danny set up is Haunt in Gotham because Dead Ghost Child and the implications of their first meeting. Actually, let's talk about their first meeting because it's related.
Danny bringing gifts to the biggest shrine to declare his arrival. He brings Robin a cool knife he found in the GZ (Or maybe it was a gift who knows.) Point is, it's a spooky knife, and like...nice postcard of sunrises, blue skies and other Pretty places because man, the Bats don't ever leave Gotham and aren't seen in daylight hours what if they miss it or haven't seen it and some homemade (slightly ectro-contaminated cause it was made in the GZ) Bat-themed cookies. No one Knows they're bat-themed until Danny explains. (They look like those sad misshapen spider-man ice cream cones but god did Danny and Jazz Try and intentions are what matter here.)
They meet, Danny throws them into existential crisis' because Ghosts and of course they're trying to find him so they can (adopt him, make sure he's okay, ask what who's hunting him cause WHAT) And instead of the usual shenanigans of them meeting Danny as human or Phantom, the only one to ever meet Danny is Alfred.
Danny who got help from a really nice British guy when he was trying to figure out what to give as offerings to the Bats and might've been having a small crisis because 'what if they don't let us stay and we have to go to somewhere like eugh Metropolis.' and ends up latching onto the first Nice Adult he meets during said crisis.
Danny & Jazz who just so happen to bump into the the Nice Adult while grocery shopping (Alfred who has a schedule for the family shopping and Jazz who always says having a set routine is Healthy.) and the two keep trying to politely ask how to adult and do cooking because let's be real. While Jazz has done her best to feed herself and Danny a better diet the Fenton kitchen was a disaster zone and there's only so much you can do when you're food keeps trying to attack you. There's much more to your food than striking it back down after all.
Also here's another meme.
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faeriekit · 11 months
Health and Hybrids (IV)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here PART THREE is here and this is part four 💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Our boy is recovering from Bad Stuff in the Watchtower (involuntarily). Danny gets a bandaid for a variety of wounds that definitely are not covered by a little adhesive bandaid, but hey! Bart’s trying.
Trigger warnings for this story: body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) | my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Batman clicks on the projector screen. Everyone in the room has access to the slides and note-taking abilities on their tablets. The assembled heroes quietly select their app of choice, sit back in their chairs, and ready themselves for the meeting.
“Good afternoon. For everyone in alternate time zones, good morning or good evening as they apply. Before I begin the approved agenda for this meeting, there are developments on the base that everyone ought to be aware of.”
Click. The slide changes to a fuzzy image of an unusually dense collection of shadows in a typical medical-wing setup. The specific location isn’t clear, but the phenomenon itself is stark against the white walls and flooring. The static on the cameras is atypical for the quality of equipment used on the base.
“There is an extraterrestrial lifeform that has made Medical Wing C their territory. Yes, we know they are there. No, they cannot be moved at this time. Please do not try to take initiative in doing so. Please do not enter the aforementioned medical wing. If you see this entity outside of the medical wing, please leave, ignore them, or otherwise make your presence known. They are generally in search of isolation and seek to remain unseen. All known attempts at self-defense by this entity have been largely non-hostile so far, but we do not know how or if that behavior will change as they heal.”
Batman…takes a breath. Not sighs. The vigilante has more control than that.
“They are severely injured. The exact nature of their injuries are still unknown, based on their—unique physiology—“
Barry squints at the screen. Nope. The cloud still looks like a cloud.
“—But the identified fluids they secrete have been recognized as at least partially composed of red blood platelets and a modified plasma. Based on their aggressive self-defense, the persistent seclusion behavior, and their general lack of responsiveness, the injuries are considered deeply severe and require rest to treat. It is imperative that non-medical staff and on-base heroes maintain as little contact with the entity as possible. We are attempting both delicate medical treatment and non-verbal communication, which have both failed thus far. We have reason to believe that the extraterrestrial is sentient and capable of communication based on—“
Click. The next slide is an image of a nearly-obliterated craft of some kind—tinted glass, wings, debris everywhere, twisted shards of metal that look like they scrape like teeth. Charred black everywhere. Barely visible is a torn–through upholstered seat ten yards away.
A hiss breaks the silence in the back of the room. That’s nasty-looking wreck.
“—This craft. It is relatively rudimentary in its design, and would not have held up to prolonged space travel, but would have required complex intelligence to start and maintain transport. Basic testing has proven that its energy readings, while not precisely contiguous with the Speed Force, show that it has been in contact with extradimensional phenomena. A non-sentient life would not have been able to pilot it successfully enough to crash it—much less to avoid the farmhouse in its path. The result is that we have an extremely wounded entity with no shared form of communication. There have been worrying observations by their medical team, however.”
This slide is blank.
“We are now pursuing the possibility that the entity has been attacked or otherwise held captive by human organizations here on Earth. There are persistent triggers of aggression brought on by medical settings, adults, and more specifically, any present medical personnel and equipment.”
Batman pauses.
“Their medical team has informed me that their persistent fear has made treatment…difficult.”
There’s a snort from somewhere in the room.
“If you discover any evidence of possible extraterrestrial captivity or torture or experimentation among your usual cast of rogues, please forward everything you are able to base for further investigation. In this time period where the Lanterns are unavailable to return to Earth, Martian Manhunter has been notified of the need of his presence on the base, and will hopefully help settle this matter. In the meantime, as a reminder: do not enter Medical Wing C, do not engage with the entity in any way. Simply make your presence known, and they will flee.
“Now. Onto our agenda. First article: whoever has been taking the toilet paper from the supply closet, stop it. The league is not here to fund your lifestyle habit of two-ply toilet paper.”
There’s more food available more often.
It just appears at the foot of his bed. Like magic. Or, like…like a really, really fast human child.
Some of the packaged foods Danny can’t eat without swallowing them whole, wrapper and all. They’re just too fiddly to get with his claws—the solution is to just swallow it and let the whole thing dissolve in whatever weird ecto-acid is churning in his stomach at the moment.
The rest is fresh from the bakery—or, well the base, anyway, however this moon base gets their fresh foods. Muffins and croissants and sausage rolls and other things he would expect to see on a coffee tray or something.
…Danny prods his stomach.
He’s been too sore to notice, but this half-state of being a somewhat-physical half-ghost is super, super weird. He can eat, but it’s not processed like food is in his living body. Everything he can digest just gets incorporated. Everything he can’t just gets…
He looks down at the slowly growing puddle in his bed.
…Maybe ‘spit out’ is too generous a phrase. Expelled? Excreted?
Ew. Okay that thought is kind of gross and he doesn’t want to think about that while he can’t move away maybe.
He knows, instinctually, that he’s wounded, but this half-and-half state stops him from feeling the specifics. Knowing how, exactly, he’s hurt. Experiencing the majority of the pain and distress.
He curls up on his bed.
Danny hates it here. Not because it’s bad (it is) but because he wants to be home. He selfishly, desperately wants to be home. He wants his rocket sheets. He wants his room with its glow in the dark stars.
…He wants his dad to heat up soup and sit with him, like when he was little and had nightmares. He wants Jazz to sit on the edge of his bed and read to him.
Danny wants Mom.
 …There is some other company here, though.
Sometimes, if Danny is mostly sated and kind of sleepy, the quick human buzzes in with a few of its age-mates. The two don’t get as close as the buzzing human can, because Danny can at least read the Excited!! or Nervous!! or Booored! energy on the human, which makes him more comfortable with letting it in close. Its friends seem to respect his space, though. They don’t go past his curtain, even if it’s open. They talk, but they don’t yell.
Danny thinks he’s getting the soft little bones back in one of his ears, but he can’t fully tell. He can hear that they’re chattering and he can hear which sounds they’re making, but he can’t understand any of them.
Auuuuughhhhh. He pushes the pillow more underneath himself. Does he have brain damage?? Is he…is he missing pieces of his brain??
There won’t be a concrete way to tell until he solidifies again. Gross. He doesn’t want to do that yet.
Or soon.
…Or at all, maybe.
Mom was so mad at him. Maybe he’ll be safe and he can come home if she…if he can’t be touched…?
…No. He remembers. Mom makes things for ghosts.
Danny looks up. Oh. He made the human vibrate all nervously. Danny’s fine. Well—he’s not fine but he’s not hurting more than usual or hungry.
The human is careful not to touch him when he doesn’t want to be touched, but Danny’s feeling generous. When the human puts its hands on the bed, Danny willingly brushes his knuckles up against it.
No claws. A peace offering.
The human goes suuuuper still.
…Uh. Did he break it?
And then it zoooooooms away faster than Danny can comprehend (he jolts) and sprints back with a whole lot of stuff in its hands, and a few things thumpthumpthump ono his bed. And.
Well. None of it smells like food? When he bites it, it doesn’t taste like food either. In fact the texture is…
Danny frowns. Turns over the object so he can see it better. (It doesn’t help.) Is that plastic?
Wait. Danny twists it in half. His wrists ache but the pieces rotate.
…It’s a rubric’s cube.
There are other puzzles too—things that taste like plastic and one that tastes like wood, which he might have dented with his teeth by accident. Whoops. Danny puts that one farthest away, in the hopes that he doesn’t accidentally damage it a second time.
…Huh. That’s. That’s nice.
Danny surprises himself and the surprised!surprised! human with a purr.
It’s not a lot. Not even monetarily is this little offering a lot.
But it’s more than Danny’s had in a long time.
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agent-sushi-fbi · 4 months
Late night post!
Happy Valentine’s Day! @therandomsith
Glad I got to participate in the @valentines-core-exchange this year!
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innytoes · 6 months
Dinosaur and Magic AUs apparently 😁
Okay so world where everyone has one magic gift. Some of them are really cool (levitation), some of them are very destructive (that awkward moment when you learn your toddler's magic gift is Fireballs), usually they're nothing special. Like you find out your magic gift is always being able to pick avocados that will be ripe exactly when you need them, or you're a necromancer, but only for overwatered cacti.
Julie's magical gift of being able to see ghosts and bring them back to life with the power of he hugs is a little bit of a shock. It's a powerful gift, considering Rose's magic of Summoning Car Keys and Ray's gift of always knowing exactly how someone takes their coffee.
She's only done it a few times, because she really needs to love that person for it to work. But let's just say Grandma Molina lived to see 130 before she patted Julie's hand and told her she was ready to go. Which, considering she didn't come back as a ghost and crossed over, was pretty clear, even though it was heartbreaking.
(It meant her Mom came back to her, though, and maybe that broke her friendship with Carrie because she wasn't able to bring her mom back when she and Carrie were both six. Just because something is a gift, doesn't mean it's always a blessing, her Mom explained.)
Still, when she met this dreamy ghost called Luke and fell in love with him after a few months of him haunting her Mom's studio and she brought him back, the Pattersons did call it a blessing. Luke was grateful for his second chance, even though he was kind of upset when he realised this meant he had to go back to high school.
Thankfully he makes friends pretty quickly at his new school. And drags them into a band with Julie, because who can say no to Luke's puppy eyes? (No, that's not his gift, it's summoning knit beanies. Not very useful in LA.)
Alex, their drummer, can turn into a cat, which Reggie, their bassist, is very, very jealous of. He shrugs when they ask him what his gift is. "Dogs really like me?" he suggests. Some people never really figure out what their gift is, or only very late in life. Like Tía Victoria, who only found out she was able to turn snow into powdered sugar after a very disastrous ski trip to Aspen with her college girlfriend.
It's not until he shows up at band practice one morning holding a box and looking very nervous that they find out what his gift is.
Which is... summoning tiny dinosaurs.
Real live dinosaurs, just teeny tiny. The biggest one, a long neck, is about the size of a chihuahua.
"What am I supposed to do with them?" he asks, desperate. "I just woke up this morning and they were in my room."
"Well first," Flynn suggests, reaching her hand in despite Alex' nervous protests. "Maybe call a museum or paleontologist or something because I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be feeding a stegosaurus donuts for breakfast."
"Yeah, I don't know, man," Luke agreed. "I can call my dad and see if anyone at his old university knows anyone with a specialty in dinosaurs. They look pretty real to me, but who knows. Maybe your power is just summoning creatures you imagined."
"Quick, summon a tiny unicorn!" Flynn said, and Reggie screwed his eyes shut. No unicorns appeared.
"I don't think I created them from my own imagination," Reggie said. "Because like, I never really knew velociraptors had feathers."
Nobody said anything. In fact, they looked concerned, and then panicked.
"Oh!" Reggie said, slinging his backpack off his shoulders and zipping it open. "Meet Chompy. I couldn't put him in the box with the others, he kept trying to eat Humphrey." Chompy, true to his name, snapped at them, before going back to devouring what appeared to be half of a beef jerky. His plumage was rather bright and gorgeous.
"Okay," Alex said, faintly.
In the end they called Mister Patterson, as well as Rose and Ray and Tía. This was an All Adults On Board kind of situation.
Carlos was delighted with his new pet brontosaurus for his birthday, though.
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
Bruce can't deny it anymore.
The joker doesn't avoid the death just for 'good luck', It's something more, and he knows who could help him to find out.
The problem is that is his Ex
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skydreamplayzz · 1 year
Corrupted File: Phantom!! What the hell do you mean your eyes are no big deal?!!
Your eyes are the best I've ever seen!! THEY SPARKLE LIKE THE NIGHT SKY AND THEY SHINE more BRIGHTLY THAN ANY STAR BRIGHTENING UP MY DAY EVERY TIME I SEE THEM!!! .... And ..... an-d .... ... ...
I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry, that I disappeared for a while... I I'm a horrible person aren't? And a terrible friend... 😢
I even had a gift for you... B-but I had no idea what you liked so, I-I just threw it away... I'm sorry Phantom... 😮‍💨
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(after some seconds staring)
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skellebonez · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @animemoonprincess !
So. I didn’t want to write you another Phantom Thief AU inspired story for your birthday two years in a row…. but I couldn’t help it. I love it TOO much. This is, however, also inspired by the Masquerade in your Fruit Smoothie AU! I was reading it the other day and just had “but what if Macaque and Sun Wukong crossed paths at one of those in this au too?” and my brain kept going.
It’s a bit nonsensical, likely VERY non-canon to the actual Phantom Thief AU, but gosh do I hope you enjoy it!
Sun Wukong should have known that something would have gone wrong.
It as a perfect storm for at least one thing to go sideways on this particular mission. The amount of people, while making it so that more chaos could be caused in the event of something happening and more likely to cause enough distraction to keep eyes off them, also leant either of them to being found if not careful. The full moon provided excellent lighting to see by… which also meant that either was more likely to be seen if they weren’t careful. The high security, though faulty and full of exploits, meant it was impossible for either of them to take this on as a solo mission.
Sun Wukong just didn’t expect things to go wrong as fast as they did… or in a similar way.
“Why is it always you?” He hissed out from behind his glass of water, staying far away from the alcoholic choices for obvious reasons. “This is the fifth time. This cannot be a coincidence.”
“I assure you it is,” his less than welcome guest said with a smirk, slightly tense but no less filled with amusement, right below the purple velvet mask that only covered half his upper face. It was adorned with just enough tiny jewels and feathers to be eye catching, but not enough to seem gaudy. Combined with his human form’s beard, the form fitted suit, and the slightly embellished purple cape he wore he looked the part of any well dressed Masquerade ball guest.
The fact it almost mirrored his own orange and red colored outfit made Sun Wukong scowl.
It just had to be Macaque. Or, as his mind immediately auto corrected into code names for him, New Moon. Which meant Red Son, or Firestorm, was likely to be somewhere nearby. The other immortal was the most experienced in phantom thievery than any of them, so he was certain that there was no way Macaque would come here without a backup.
That, or he had at least one clone somewhere else in the building. Doubtful, though, as Macaque was much more likely to trust his student than a clone to do what needed to be done when their clones were equally as fragile.
And it was definitely not a clone he was talking to.
“I never expected to see you at a place like this,” Macaque continued smoothly as he moved around the Monkey King to pick up one of the glasses of water himself. Much easier to look like you belonged at the snack tables when you were partaking in one. “I would have thought you’d avoid a crowd as much as possible.”
Sun Wukong kept quiet at that for a moment, barely looking back at the door that lead further into the mansion they were currently “enjoying” the festivities of.
“You know as well as I do that keeping up appearances is important in our line of work,” he countered.
“... oh my gosh, MK has you out here as a scout, doesn’t he?” Macaque said with a half there snicker. “You know, it is still incredibly funny that your student and successor swapped places with you to become your teacher in this field.”
“Golden Money-!” Sun Wukong started to raise his voice, thinking better of it and taking in a calming breathe. He could not draw any excess attention to himself. Not like THAT anyway. “MK knows what he is doing better than I do when it comes to these things, the way I know what I am doing better than he does when it comes to Monkey Kinging, if he thinks I would benefit from this more than I trust him.”
“Huh…” Macaque said after a moment, seeming to give this some consideration. “Gotta admit, kid made a good call.”
Sun Wukong looked at the other immortal in incredulous surprise, not even once expecting Macaque to actually say anything complimentary.
“He’s less of a known figure than you,” Macaque continued with a nod. “And you getting attention on yourself on purpose if you need to, or on accident, would only be a benefit to whatever he is doing. Given how open this room is, it’s also much easier for you to get away in here than deeper areas of the mansion.”
“And you didn’t do the same with your own student because…?”
“That was my original plan,” Macaque offered with a shrug. His honesty was… odd. “But a certain someone wanted to prove himself… and should any of these people prove too rude for his taste I did not want this place to burn down. That’s for AFTER the job is done, if they’re an asshole.”
It was just said too… simply. Too bluntly. Sun Wukong couldn’t help the laugh that escaped, completely ignoring the small glower from the other.
“And what’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing!” Sun Wukong said quickly. “It’s just… the idea of you two deciding ‘yes, this one is enough of a jerk, let’s burn his house down after the deed is done’ is just. It’s SOMETHING.”
There was a split second before a smile finally jerked onto Macaque face as he held in a laugh of his own.
“OK, yeah, it is kind of funny,” he admitted. “But I don’t think we’ll be doing that this time.”
“Even so,” Sun Wukong said, clearing his throat for a moment to calm himself back down. “There’s also the matter of… you know. The fact we’re aiming for the same things?”
“Oh, there’s no need to worry about that,” Macaque said with a shrug once again. “I already told my student not to worry about what he gets, just that he gets something. Should my student and your teacher cross paths I am sure they’ll negotiate a split. They seem pretty chummy with each other anyway.” 
The last part was thrown in under his breath, as if the other wasn’t happy to see his student in phantom thievery getting along with the competition.
Before the Monkey King could vocalize a rebuttal the sound of the a bell chiming 1 AM rang through the ballroom, the orchestra soon changing it’s music to something more upbeat.
“That’s my que,” Macaque announced as he took a swig of his water, grabbing the other’s hand without warning. “I assume you had one much the same?”
The scowl that crossed his face was unbidden but gave away the fact that, yes, it was his cue. One to cause at least a bit of a small distraction. 
“Good,” Macaque said, and Sun Wukong barely had time to put his glass down before he was pulled away from the table by the other leading him toward the middle of the room. “Perhaps we can help each other out. Follow my lead.”
He almost didn’t want to, just to see what would happen. It would accomplish the goal of causing a distraction just as well. But…
Damn it, his curiosity was piqued. He wanted to know exactly what the other had in mind.
The second the rest of the room parted into a circle around them, looking on in curiosity as Macaque held his hand and took a flourishing pose, he had his answer. Admittedly it was the obvious answer, given they were at a Masquerade Ball.
And out of everything that could be done as a distraction? This was the worst choice for Sun Wukong. He could feel his stage fright picking up as everyone stared at them.
But when the other’s smirk lifted a bit he realized this was a challenge. Macaque knew he had stage fright. He’d known it since they were friends, although it was much less intense back then. He did this on purpose. This was a competition amongst Phantom Thieves. Alright…
For once, why not just give into expectations?
The Monkey King was not much of a ballroom dancer, but it seemed none of the onlookers really cared. Nor did Macaque. They followed each other’s rhythm and the beat of the orchestra and gave a captivating enough show with spins and dips and maybe one or two back flips just to show off that everyone in the room seemed entranced by the two ex-friends.
They’d danced together like this when they were younger, before everything else and back when they were still good friends, back when there were parties on Mount Huaguo with all the monkeys that they could fit into one area. It was different, of course, but similar nonetheless. 
Despite his stage fright screaming at him in the back of his head this time he managed to keep up with the other just enough by letting himself think “this is for your success as a Phantom Thief”. And when they finally ceased, bowing to each other at the final note of the orchestra, the roaring applause from the other guests proved to him that he could still put on a damn good show.
But damn was his glad the lights cut at that exact moment, because if he had to do that again he was going to scream. He was, somehow, going to get Macaque back for this stunt.
When he heard “Corridor to your left, up one flight, balcony door is unlocked Peach” whispered behind him he booked it out of there in that direction.
“You did amazing!” MK said once they reached the rendezvous point. “I don’t know how you distracted everyone, but no one except the guards was in our way!”
“Red Son?” He asked as they inspected their heist haul. Some very fine, possibly magical, jewelry. He could feel the power some of them were giving off before he even touched them. 
“I assume you bumped into Macaque.”
“You could say that,” Sun Wukong said with little amusement in his voice. His anxiety was still a little piqued from the dancing stunt the other pulled. “I’m gonna steal his couch again.”
“No you're not, never steal the same thing twice.”
“His TV then.”
MK laughed, shaking his head in exasperation. “Ok, as long as he doesn’t steal yours in return. I like playing games on that one.”
“His has 3D,” Sun Wukong countered in a sing songy tone.
“... so my next available night for heisting is next Tuesday-”
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Continuing to think about This AU idea and just, slowly rotating it like a microwave.
@phoenixcatch7 had the fun idea of xenomorph-inspiration and the dollhouse being replaced by the Hive instead and I am here for that. A large cave that feels utterly wrong to anyone not part of their colony, if they can even find it. I am thinking something similar to Gemini Home Entertainment if anyone has watched that, with something between plant and flesh growing across the walls. Where one can't tell the difference between the two, or realize that it's already gripping onto them. The caves are already dangerous after all, nevermind the depths that It doesn't let anyone else into.
Also made me think about Jason, and like, so he doesn't die in the cryptid au, and definitely wouldn't in a world where he has a flesh puppet. But that still makes me think about how badly said puppet would be utterly maimed, right? Not to mention the explosion that would burn a lot of it too alongside whatever affect that'd have on his mind and human body. But now I am thinking of how the tunnels are everywhere under Gotham, how the bits of tendrils can reach through that ash, can meld with it, can for a cocoon of sorts. Turning a little robin into something else, letting it evolve into something new.
I am also rotating on if they'd be known to the Justice League like in the Doll au or if only Clark knows about them like in the Genesis au. Tempted for the second if only so there can be fun distinctly Not Human moments. Maybe the Justice League even getting concerned for their friend Superman because there's times he'll whistle or chirp under his breath (he might have picked up a few habits from his friends from Gotham) or literally snap his teeth if he's startled.
But oh the lil robins would probably be so adorable. Very fluffy and downy and brightly colored in a clear warning, but still unsettling. The way they move isn't right, like a jerky contortionist, but can also go too fluid or completely inhumanely still within a heartbeat. Not helped by the fact they don't need to breathe. O h, the batfam could most definitely be venomous. What with how in both Aus they use paralytics and sedatives on their claws and spikes, It could definitely include that within the secondary bodies.
#what's out there au#possessed doll au#y'know what I think I might call this the Meat Marionette Au lol#Meat Marionette Au#Batman Au#Cryptid batman#Cryptid batfam#body horror#rambles#I like to think that if their gifted bodies are damaged too much It takes from their human bodies#Bruce wakes up with a spine of metal partially ripped into his back one day#Jason finds ones of his arms becoming rough & clawed like a bird's-the same one that was obliterated in the other body-#It means there's still stakes for the bodies & that they can't just tank everything#They're lucky that it's been things easy to hide so far but there's always that worry of *what if* in the back of their minds each battle#Thankfully it has to be like permanent damage to effect both of their bodies#like straight up maiming#Smaller injuries just mean horrible migraines or phantom pains depending on the type of wound & the severity#They might struggle with humanity slightly because they forget that normal humans can't make certain noises or hear that well#or that they can't *smell fear*#Gotham is both terrified of and loves the bats#The babies are adorable but the parent is terrifying & can unhinge its jaw and open up its ribs and *yeah*#But that's Gotham for you they suppose#Honestly also pondering Jarro because like his body shape is very different compared to a human lol#I do like to think that they all have bits of black veins across their bodies over their hearts and such#Honestly perhaps Alfred is more mentally effected than the others seeing as he's right on top of the cave all night#I'm just saying he also deserves a second body#Tumblr plz don't eat my tags thank you
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anotherhumanpet · 1 year
Both Dennis AND Jaden are being treated to a very fancy, very important gift. IE: multi-coloured balls of yarn. Great for stress relief or night zoomies, and pre-covered in just a smidgeon of cat fur since it's unavoidable.
Jaden already knows what to do with his ball. It's sitting on the night stand, ready to be thrown at Judas whenever he's having a cat episode and needs an appropriate cat outlet.
Dennis though is at a loss for words and just. Puts the ball of yarn on the dresser. So it's a nice decorative piece.
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futurefind · 6 months
//also s.o to the fact that one rumor/theory about fate/ rea circulating in clock tower (esp after they get their paws on her/SEE her as not just a hypothetical made up heir) is that, if she wasnt a kidnapped child/relative of the main rodas branch, is a straight up homonculus
(which like. probably for the better she'd get even MORE targets on her back if everyone internalized she has a fully* functional crest from a family/line she has no blood relation to but also. oh my god shes rattling in her cage))
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ceilidho · 4 months
prompt: forced throuple au; Ghost decides that you and Johnny are his (part 2; ghoap x reader) part 1
The hard part is admitting to himself that he doesn’t know how to function on leave without Ghost’s voice in his ear.
Johnny’s two days into his annual leave when that stray thought crosses his brain. Out with chums even, packed into the booth of an old pub in his hometown, the leather well-worn and a match on the telly that he half watches while one of his mates goes up to the bar to order another round for them. In between his third and fourth pint of lukewarm mild, he thinks something like, wonder what Simon’s up to.
The thought comes and then keeps coming. Keeps cropping up when he least expects. At the pub (wonder what Simon’s up to), in line at the grocery store (wonder how Ghost takes his steak), drowsily puttering around the kitchen while making breakfast (no way he wears the mask at home), listening to some guy in front of him hack up a lung at the dry cleaner (Lt’d do his fuckin’ head in if he was here), and even in the shower with his head tipped back, rinsing out the suds (wonder if he’s got a girl tucked away at home). 
Is it so unusual? Johnny can’t remember a time in his life when someone lived in his head night and day, but Ghost’s presence feels like an extension of his own these days. He’s cycled through girlfriends without a care in the world, without contemplating their existence for half as long, but they never cradled his life like a small bird in the palm of their hands and returned it safe and sound, did they?
Still, he feels it like a knot in his chest. Dreams about Ghost even; wakes up hot and hard, and scrubs his hand down the side of his face when he sits up in bed. Phantom memories of a body heavier than his weighing him down (just the duvet) and a thick hand curling around his dick (his own hand wrapped around his shaft, rubbing one out in his sleep). 
He shakes it off, but it follows him out into the real world. Looking at the door of a coffee shop and thinking absentmindedly, Ghost would have to duck under that. 
Johnny puts it out of his mind. As much as he’s able to, that is. Chalks it up to some kind of hero worship. He’s worked with superior officers before—plenty of times, hundreds of times—but there are few men of Ghost’s calibre, both in skillset and mystique. Not to mention the sheer size of the guy. And what is Johnny if not a moth to a flame?
Better not to ruminate. He casts the memory of seeing Ghost’s dick in the showers after their last mission (monstrous thing, uncut, pubes darker than the hair on his head, more than a mouthful—it’d give him lockjaw) out of his head. Doesn’t think about it. Laughs at a mate’s joke at the pub when he didn’t catch a word of it to mask the way he perked up at the sight of a wide-shoulder man until he turned around, giving Johnny a proper look at his face.
He’s not ready to think about it. Might never be able to really look at why he eats it up, why he struts around with his chin cocked just a bit higher than usual because he knows everyone else is watching him with equal parts envy and curiosity for being Ghost’s favourite. 
Then, one day, he meets a girl.
Johnny’s not winning an award any time soon for world’s best son, but he knows a thing or two. The first thing being chocolates and the second being flowers. His sisters handle the rest; they fuss about the party, get a gift certificate to the spa, send out the invites—all that fun stuff. He’s sent off for the bare essentials. Practically kicked out of the house by his oldest sister—nearly brains himself on the asphalt and tugs his windbreaker on when it’s thrown out the door after him a second later, grumbling about being the errand boy.
He picks up a box of chocolates from the corner shop (not fancy enough, his sisters will probably bitch, but that’s a problem for later) before heading down the road to the florist. There’s a bench out front stacked with tin flower vases, the only spot of colour on a dreary spring morning. He spends a couple minutes chatting with the cashier and flirting a bit halfheartedly (he thinks maybe it’ll be worth it if it gets him a discount, even five percent off) until the florist comes out from the back. 
“Jesus, who gave ye the right?” Johnny breathes, horse blinders on, vision narrowing on the object of desire coming out of the back in a linen apron and simple t-shirt underneath, scissors poking out of the front pocket. 
“The right?” she repeats back, blinking.
“To leave the house lookin’ so fuckin’ gorgeous. Glad I wasn’t driving when I passed you by—woulda been in a twenty car pile up.”
She’s not impressed in the slightest. It’s thrilling. By that point, the cashier is long forgotten. Probably not the best impression he’s ever made, but he’s made worse ones. It’s not every day he comes across an angel. Hard to be polite in front of a real life miracle. 
He wears her down over the week though, showing up each day for a new bouquet. His mam’s never liked him more, so at least there’s that. His sisters side-eye him whenever he ducks out of the house to head down the road to the florist’s, but even they know better than to bring it up and risk pissing off their mam. He interrogates her about flowers and her job, makes his presence unavoidable, a week long siege that ends with Johnny taking her out to dinner and then letting her take him to bed. 
He wakes up nestled in her cozy apartment above the flower shop, stretching out and making himself right at home. When she trades in her linen apron for a terry cloth robe and stands expectantly by the door, Johnny just grins. Shows all of his teeth. 
“Are ye just gonna use me and kick me out?” he pouts. Folds his hands behind his head and digs a foot into the sheets, trying to sink into the mattress. Little king in his castle. 
“You know, you don’t have to pussyfoot around with me. Weren’t you just trying to get laid?” she asks, brow arched. The disbelief thick in her voice makes it clear what she thinks of him. 
“No’ just some playboy, hen,” he scoffs. “I have feelings too.”
Her other eyebrow lifts. He’s tickled pink.
He plays the part well, he supposes. Lounges in bed and eats grapes all morning while she stares at him from the kitchen like he might dissipate at any moment. He’s used to leaving a false impression, like a lake that someone builds their house next to until years go by and someone says I think this was once a meteor. 
When she comes back to bed around mid morning, Johnny wastes no time pulling her up onto the bed until she plants her cunt over his mouth and sinks down onto his waiting tongue. 
Candy sweet pussy, he thinks blissfully, then says it out loud because he can never keep his mouth shut. It must tickle because she yelps and nearly pulls away from his face altogether, but he wrenches her back down, fingers digging into her ass cheeks a bit too forcefully. He’ll pay for that later. 
In the aftermath, when she collapses beside him in bed and rests her head on his chest while he plays with her hair, he itches in his skin to message Ghost. It perplexes him. They never text, he and Ghost; they don’t call, they don’t write, they don’t email. For all intents and purposes, their relationship ends at the perimeter around base, dissolves to nothing. It’s not Ghost’s fault he trickles into Johnny’s dreams sometimes. 
A week goes by. Calm the mind. He thinks of Ghost and his fingers tremble and the phone stays silent and he lets the thought go. Steady. Breathe in and out. His caryatid girl slips in and out of his sheets, hesitant always like he might leave. Johnny doesn’t know if she wants him to, wants to feel vindicated in her assumption, but of all her wants, that ranks the lowest in his mind. 
He spirals deeper into it, infatuated. She’s sweet but snippy, candy sweet with a sour kick—everything he’s ever wanted in a girl. Ever unimpressed, watching him with a small, hidden smile, amused despite herself. 
Johnny wonders if this is the universe waving its hand in front of his face. Yoohoo, missing something?
He looks pointedly away. 
It’s new, but maybe he’s like every other military man in the world, unable to go with the flow, dissatisfied with seeing where things go. He needs instant gratification, everything now-now-now, the certainty of commitment—he spills blood with everyone he knows, so why would his girl be any different?
Returning back to base is harder this time around. The last day of his leave is an exercise in restraint, tempered only by her smile when he sees her off at the door to her apartment, reluctant to leave. 
“C’mon, promise me you’ll call, hen,” Johnny mumbles into her mouth, catching her answer with a languid swipe of his tongue. His arms press her tight to his chest, digging his hands into her back pockets and giving a good squeeze, relishing in the way she squeaks. “How’m I gonna survive without ye, huh? They’re gonna have to jumpstart my heart after it gives out from missing ye so bad.”
“So dramatic. You have my number,” she says when he finally pulls back enough to let her speak.
“No, please, baby, please—promise me—”
“Oh my god, alright, fine—I’ll call. Now get going already.”
The drive back to base leaves him feeling bedraggled, lost. When he gets in, it’s straight to the barracks, an hour long nap before reporting to Price, dragging his feet the whole way over. Moping, for lack of a better word, until he rounds a corner and nearly collides with someone that stops him with a single hand on his shoulder. 
When he looks up to eyes rimmed in black paint, the world lightens. His shoulders lift. 
“Wipe that smirk off your face, Johnny.”
It takes Johnny awhile to bring her up with Ghost. Something keeps holding him back, choking him when he tries to say it outloud. He blames it on uncertainty (had to be sure she was the one, Lt, ye ken?) but he feels the truth at the core of him. When he does finally muster up the nerve to pass his phone to Ghost where her photo is front and centre, no mistaking his intentions, he waits on tenterhooks for a reaction. 
Only breathes out when Ghost asks to meet her. He can do that. 
“Aye, Lt. Just for you.”
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