#personally i'm avoiding botw/totk
zelda-photography · 1 year
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author-main · 1 year
There are certain points in the BotW cutscenes where Link looks like he's about to emote but the camera either is too far away to see his reaction or it cuts away from his face. It always made me sad because I felt like Link's perspective also mattered in Zelda games. To purposefully avoid how his reactions kinda takes away his Voice.
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I remember saying that in TotK I wanted to hear Link speak. But that's not really true. I said that because I was thinking "well everyone else is voice acted now, why not Link?" But now I realize: we easily get the voice, the personality, the expression of other characters. But It's a bit harder to find that in Link. In TotK I want to know Link's Voice. I want to know the character I'm playing as.
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austinmaris18 · 1 year
Personal Thoughts on Yona (No Bashing)
I'm gonna be honest, I hate shipping discourse because at the end of the day, characters aren't real and muting tags, posts, accounts are a thing. I also don't want to clog the Sidlink tag with discourse bc it's bad enough on twitter. However, if there's one thing I've learned about myself, it's that when something's bothering me, I need to talk about it, if only to process it. So, apologies but here I go. I will say that I feel like this is a nuanced take, so I guess if you're interested in that feel free to read. Disclaimer before I go in: there will be absolutely no Yona bashing. This post isn't to bash or attack Yona, anyone who enjoys Yona individually or paired with Sidon. I don't necessarily dislike her as a character, I'm more annoyed at the writing surrounding her introduction.
I've been thinking a lot, and I think the reason that Yona's introduction bothers me so much is because it mirrors (more than likely unintentionally) a pretty annoying heteronormative trope. In Jeffrey Brown's book Love, Sex, Gender, and Superheroes (an amazing analytical book in general, would highly recommend) they note that following the publication of Seduction of the Innocent in 1954 - which claimed amongst other things that Batman and Robin were a couple - there was a sort of moral panic about comic books. This was also during the era of McCarthyism, and so to avoid Senate action, the comic industry created the Comics Code Authority, which partly ensured that "illicit relationships" weren't hinted at, and in 1956 Kate Kane as Batwoman was introduced to be a love interest for Batman to reinforce his heterosexuality.
Now, am I comparing Sidlink to the supposed queer subtext of Batman and Robin in 40s and 50s comics? No. Am I saying that Nintendo purposefully introduced Yona for the same purpose as DC did Batwoman? Not necessarily. I just think it's almost comical how similar the situation feels, and the writing doesn't help either. Now, Yona is apparently Sidon's "dear childhood friend" and is also from a different kingdom. That in and of itself feels so awkward because again, we've had Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity AND their respective DLCs, and not once have gotten mention of Yona or her kingdom. Not in a throwaway line from an NPC, not in the murals of Zora's Domain, not in Mipha's diary. (Also, I know that technically, Age of Calamity isn't canon. But it still had input from the Zelda team, and it provides a supposedly canon view of the settlements in Hyrule before the Calamity.) Especially considering the fact that we get confirmation from Sidon's mural and King Dorephan's dialogue that the engagement to Yona is political/arranged, this engagement was not really foreshadowed in any meaningful way other than this sort of heteronormative notion of "He's a prince so he'll have to get married at some point." Like, Sidon had a whole fanclub in BotW, and not one of them knew?? Did the engagement happen in the six/seven years between BotW and ToTK? Again, for a race of long lived beings like the Zora, that feels a bit hard to believe.
This in particular is what makes her introduction so jarring. We've seen all the countless Twitch and YouTube streamers reacting, the TikToks, the tweets and Tumblr posts of people shocked and disappointed. Here's where I point back to the fact that Aonuma and Fujibayashi even addressed the fact that Sidon was so popular during the BotW DLC Dev Talk. That's not to say they were aware of the ship or even cared enough to have taken the action of mitigating any potential queer readings. Other than reactions to the gameplay and the overall story, I don't think Nintendo particularly cares what we do, think, or ship. But they did know that Sidon in particular was a standout popular character, and so it seems so strange to not pair him off in a more well written way.
That's before even mentioning the whole Zora mural where Sidon parallels his relationship with Yona to that of Mipha, literally calling her a sister. There's also no getting around the fact that he uses that phrasing as in Spanish, French, and the original Japanese (those are the languages I read, so that's what I'm referencing) so it's not an English localization quirk. And I know there's the line about his feelings become more "difficult to quantify" but again, why? Why not just say he admired her instead of comparing her to Mipha in that way if they want to show us there was something there even in their childhood? I know it's meant to be sweet and to depict a sort of growth of feelings between them, but it reads strangely.
So we have these aspects and then we compare this to Sidon's interactions with Link this game. (Also before that, I want to acknowledge something: the vast majority of us who ship Sidlink or just enjoyed Sidon's character were never under the illusion that Nintendo would go towards any canonical romance between Sidon and Link.) We arrive to Zora's Domain to find a statue of us riding Sidon from the Vah Ruta battle. There is a whole Hylian bedroom constructed near the area where Sidon and Link fought Vah Ruta (more built out than the bed area Mipha used). The whole "Link Shrine" Sidon has singing his praises. Sidon literally getting down on one knee, taking OUR HAND in both his hands before presenting us the ring (I know that the other champions say the same oath and give us rings, it's the imagery of a proposal that I'm referring to). Link standing equally distant to Sidon as Yona during Sidon's crowning. Yona telling us that when Sidon speaks it's more than likely to talk about Link. Already Yona's introduction so funnily parallels heteronormative tropes, but to actually have so much imagery and subtext for Sidon and Link makes it feel even more crazy? I think this is where people get so hung up on the idea that "Yona was just introduced to get in the way of Sidlink." Honestly, I think the interactions with Link are more probably concessions for fans (not necessarily shippers) because again, the devs know how popular Sidon is. But it compounds with the manner in which Yona is written into the game.
All that being said, I don't necessarily have a neat conclusion to draw from these thoughts, but going back to the Batwoman parallels, I do think it's a shame Yona won't have to chance to canonically develop further the way Batwoman did. After all, despite her original introduction, most people nowadays think Batwoman and think of Kate Kane, the redhead badass lesbian superhero. But that happened over the course of decades in a medium that iterates narratively on the same characters over and over. Even if we get a story DLC for ToTK that has more Yona content, I don't know that it would be enough to smooth over how awkward her introduction was, and it's hard to believe Nintendo would make another direct sequel or carry over Sidon and Yona to the next version of Zelda. But we can already see Yona's iterative growth through fandom!
Now listen. I know myself, and the truth is I'm never going to actively ship Sidon and Yona. But I'm sure there are amazing artists and writers out there who will flesh Yona and her relationship and history with Sidon out (whether that includes Link in a polycule or not). I'm glad that the game has made the interpretation of a lavender marriage between Sidon and Yona who have their respective paramours possible (with the politically arranged aspect of the marriage, Sidon's boisterous actions concerning Link, Yona's acknowledgement of Link's importance to Sidon). I'm looking forward to fics, standalone art and comics that take that route. I'm sure that there will continue to be art and fanfiction that don't acknowledge ToTK or Yona, and I will surely be consuming those as well. I really hope the homophobia and general discourse towards Sidlink subsides, because it's been surprisingly overwhelming on Twitter. I also hope that there aren't people actively attacking posts about Yona. After all, muting and blocking words, tags, and accounts are options across all social media platforms.
This post will definitely be a one off for me, and I don't ever see myself making another post like this again. I honestly might also delete this post in the future now that I've properly written out my thoughts. Anyways, time to get back to drawing practice and working on my fics.
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 10 months
Hey,love your blog! I really like your headcannons, I feel like you really get them, y'know?
Anyways, what kinds of games do you think the mercs would like? As in, video games. Would they like tf2?
Scout: yes, he would play TF2, only as himself and he is THAT kind of Scout player. he mostly plays FPS games, competitive ones. it makes him feel like he's hanging out with his brothers again, especially when everyone starts throwing insults at each other. he somehow manages to be the only person in the lobby not actually made, but it's probably because he's instigating everything
Soldier: yes, he would play TF2. he plays a lot of FPS games like Scout does, but his actual guilty pleasure is playing those old Army Men CD-Rom games from the early 00s
Pyro: yes, they would play TF2, but they treat it more as a dress up game then actually get in and fight. they'd play a lot of games like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley or things like those. and every single game has everything decorated perfectly. they often go to someone else on the team who also likes those kinds of games for advice on new things they wanna add
Demoman: yes, he would play TF2. he has fun with it, even if it's difficult for him to play having only one eye. what he really enjoys playing are things like Umbrellas Not Included or Potion Craft, simulation games like that. they're a bit easier for him and he especially enjoys ones with choices you have to make and a story that plays out over time
Heavy: yes and no, he would only play TF2 if someone asked him to play with them. he isn't too big on video games in general. he'd really only play games with someone else if they asked him to and that's where he gets the most enjoyment out of it. playing and bonding with someone over it
Engineer: yes, he would play TF2, only as himself and he only Rancho Relaxo's all over the place after he sets up. he'd play games like Satisfactory, building factories and trying to maximize his space and resources. and it's such a big bonus if the game gives you a cute little companion like the Lizard Doggo
Medic: no, he would not play TF2, he tried once and got too angry at how everyone kept treating him when playing himself. he absolutely loves rage games. yes they serve their purpose and make him angry, and yes he knows every time he starts it up that he'll be yelling in German at pixels on a screen. but he finds that to be a good way to burn off stress
Sniper: yes, he would play TF2, but only sporadically and then he won't play again for another several months. he'd enjoy things like BOTW or TOTK. more open-world adventure type games. side quests galore, no forced tasks he has to complete and can take things at his own pace. combat is fun and he can challenge mini-bosses if he wants a real fight. that isn't to say he doesn't also sneak off to play AC at least once a day, he's gotta make sure his flowers are watered
Spy: no, he would not play TF2. he instead would play things like the Sims or City Skylines because they require the least amount of mental effort and are a great way for him to just shut his brain down for the evening
yeah, that's what being in the fandom since the game's initial release does to a man. but forreal, honestly that's the best kinda compliment I could get! I try really hard to stick with a more canon take on the Mercs, and I'm happy it appeals to people
also, I've answered one (maybe two?) asks about the Mercs and playing TF2. this one I'm just answering if they WOULD. not that it matters, but to avoid any confusion lol
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
You're so right about the racist and imperialist bullshit, and something tragic to me is that this does not feel in the slightest like Zelda. In BOTW at LEAST, she's shown to actually be very smart, and while it's understandable (although not excusable) that she would have this worldview due to being raised thinking Hyrule is always right, it just really feels like she should be examining this more closely and seeing problems with it. But Nintendo won't do that, in no small part because they're cowards.
I would talk in detail about how mad I am at how they portray Ganondorf and the Gerudo, but I will spare you the 50 page essay
Okay but in all seriousness though, idk, I do sort of feel like this is still fairly in character for this Zelda. I found BOTW (and Age of Calamity) characterized her as someone who is very... I don't know, traditional? To an aggressive degree, even when that adherence to tradition is actively hurting her. I mean, the closest she ever comes to actually trying to defy her fate is when she gets mad at a rock that one time. Which comes at the end of her having spent about 60% of her entire life standing in ponds and praying at said rocks in the hope that maybe this time it'll work out, because that's what she's supposed to be doing. It's canonically mentioned somewhere she almost killed herself accidentally as a kid, because she refused to get out of the damn prayer pond until she collapsed from hypothermia. Like yeah, it's fucked up that she was expected to do that... but she never thought there was anything wrong with her having to do that. She just figured she was the problem for not getting the magic at the right time.
And the narrative backs her up on this, because once she has her divine powers, BAM, all her problems are solved. She's a calm, confident leader who knows exactly what to do in every possible situation, no matter what. BOTW Zelda is an extremely passive character tbh; she seems very determined to be exactly the person she is expected to be, and she's not remotely interested in actually examining if those expectations are correct.
(though in regards to her being smart they did kinda do her dirty in TOTK; why the hell did Mineru need to fix the knockoff sheikah slate for her. zelda canonically is interested in sheikah tech. why tf does an ancient person that's never even seen a sheikah slate before need to repair it for her, NINTENDO EXPLAIN)
Anyways, and in regards to her morals... I gotta say, while she was at the point of being able to do the hard work to self examine and walk it back, BOTW Zelda definitely read as a possible baby nationalist to me. I mean, let's be real here, she is incredibly priviledged; she's the future ruler of the damn kingdom by Divine Right, and has spent her entire life being told that. And at the same time, she has really low self esteem... and no inclination to try and change the situation that's ruining her self worth. Which is how you get that one memory of Zelda using her privilege to abuse her indentured servant (indentured, because let's be real here, Link does not have the option to just quit his miserable job), knowingly tries to get him in trouble (if she runs off alone and gets hurt, it's Link's fault for losing her in the first place), and is disturbingly cool with dehumanizing him for being stuck doing his job ("It seems I'm the only one with a mind of my own around here"). And she uses her station to publicly humiliate him at one point, because that ceremony at the sacred ground was fucking painful to watch, and let's be honest here... there's no way in hell it was only the four champions attending this apparently really important ceremony; there was totally a crowd that was cut to avoid having to model all that shit.
Not that she was actively trying to humiliate him, but like... she's the one with all the power in this relationship. Link is a knight of the kingdom, and she's the soon to be Queen. Link is going through all those memories well aware that Zelda can and possibly will destroy his entire life the second she gets the chance. My point is, Zelda is extremely privileged, and it's her responsibility to understand that and be careful not to abuse her power. But the game never even suggests that she notices or cares about it. I mean fuck, even after she stops actively abusing Link, I still don't think she treats him very well. I mean for fucks sake, that one memory with the frog is really upsetting to me - she's certain her and Link and friends and everything is fine, but the power dynamics have not changed. She's still got him at a massive disadvantage, but she doesn't even hesitate to demand that he eat a live frog on the spot so she can see what happens. I liked to think that she was actually trying to make amends with Link for her mistreatment of him, but the game never really shows proof of her trying beyond the most shallow gestures possible (really? you gave him some food, and that makes up for abusing your indentured servant? that's the whole process?).
And all things considered, in TOTK, I... do not see any evidence of her having gotten better. She's just gotten worse, and I can see that as being a trauma reaction; she's basically lost everything, and now she needs to rule a kingdom after a century holding back an apocalypse. I understand why she wouldn't be in a place for self growth after that. But the unfortunate fact of life is that trauma and terrible situations can bring out the absolute worst in people - not to bring real politics into this, but after WW1 Germany was absolutely ruined, as the winners of the war imposed some completely impossible demands on them. People were starving and desperate, and that drove the country into fascism. So that's how we get TOTK Zelda - someone who is absolutely certain that divine forces make her the single most important person in the room at any given moment, Hyrule is a perfect and superior kingdom that can do no wrong, and anyone who disagrees is pure evil and must be destroyed. As for her treatment of Link... I honestly don't see it improving much. She still treats him as more of an object than a person, at least as far as I've seen - the last she saw of him, he'd suffered a horrible and traumatic injury, and yet she just takes it as a fact that he will be perfectly able and willing to take up her fight in the future; what else could he possibly be doing if not serving Zelda? That's his only purpose in life, of course he'll still be willing to do exactly as she orders.
Also jesus christ, the cult of personality built up around Zelda in game... there's so many red flags there. Despite all the genuinely monstorous shit that the fake Zelda pulls, nobody even considers being mad at her for it, even when they're still certain she's the real deal. She's the Divine Princess, of course she can torture and brainwash her subjects without consequences if she wants to, and her victims will still love her for it because they're certain they deserved it. No matter how dark things get, nobody even gets annoyed with 'Zelda' for hurting them. They're just scared that they've done something wrong to upset her, and worried they might not be able to serve her well enough.
(Can you tell the whole thing with Yunobo and the Fire Temple pissed me off, because that was infuriating)
It's good if a ruler is loved and respected by their people of course, but the level of blind devotion she's encouraged is... worrying. Of course, that's only there because the writers love Zelda and can't have let anyone question their precious favourite character, but I'm looking at this from a Watsonian perspective, and that perspective makes for a very disturbing picture. A good leader wants their people to feel safe contradicting them and asking questions. But instead we have people putting so much blind faith in her, they're completely willing to strip naked and walk into monster dens without weapons, because they think that was her orders, and they would never question Princess Zelda. And in universe, a group of researchers being ready to commit suicide on her orders is framed as being a touching sign of their devotion to her. If she was actually a good leader, then she would be horrified that her research team almost killed themselves over misheard orders; but Penn happily comments about how great it is that people would slit their own throats for her amusement, and Link never tries to correct him, suggesting that yeah, she actually does want her people to be willing to kill themselves at her command. Or at least Link finds that completely believable and in character for her.
And at the very least, things like that show that she's not interested in building an environment of equal communication and responsibility. Zelda is rebuilding a Hyrule where the royal family is the ultimate authority, and people should be willing to die before they even consider questioning her orders. So of course Ganondorf is pure evil and must be destroyed - he had to be asked repeatedly before he would kneel before the Hylian throne. Doesn't he know he's an outsider, and therefor inferior to the Divine Royalty? He refuses to accept that his race is inherently lesser to the Hylians, so he must be evil.
I mean, that in of itself is a pretty interesting story; the Hyrule established in TOTK is dark, and the entire culture is genuinely horrifying. This setting is extremely bleak, and I'd be interested if we could actually explore the implications of Link being expected to uphold this dystopian nightmare, and slowly turning against Zelda as he realizes how she truly sees the world.
But that's a nuanced and interesting story, so that's never going to happen; instead we just get this absolute shitshow of a plot, and like 75% of the fandom firmly ignores the racism and imperialism, because what kind of madman would actually want to be immersed in the story and worldbuilding of a role-playing game.
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wizard-finix · 13 days
Should the next Zelda game be open world like BOTW & TotK, or linear like the prior games? Why?
Hot take, but definitely a little more linear.
Listen, I love open world as much as anyone. BOTW did a fantastic job at it! The main storyline split up into four threads across the regions and then converged again for the final boss, which I though was cool to be able to pick a region and work on it at your pace. But it needs to be done *well*. TOTK's story suffered a bit because when you met the past champions, they coughed up the exact same explanation four times, and it got old fast. BOTW managed to avoid this because each of the champions' appearances and personalities were unique, which just shows you that it can be done well, it just has to be written with that in mind.
Not to mention critical story beats are optional, not required (see: the dragon's tears), and if you head straight to the boss fight without realizing that you've missed important information, you end up losing some of that significance because you're not fully aware of what's going on. And you risk major spoilers if you try to look up what you're missing before the boss fight. (seriously, imagine going through the Demon King boss fight not knowing anything about draconification or the light dragon.)
Also, the storyline and characters don't get much chance to build off themselves. The new sages don't interact because each region quest operates under the assumption that you haven't done any of the others yet. I want the cast to interact a bit! The moment where the new sages all took a stand together? That was excellent! I miss having companions like Fi and Midna and Ravio that stick with you for your entire journey, rather than going it alone.
Also, most important of all: I need *some* objective to focus on or I'm never going to actually finish the dang story. I love vibing and seeing the sights and exploring the depths for treasure, but there's a reason why I never finished Skyrim despite having played ~200 hours. 😂
Nintendo seems to focus more on mechanics and gameplay than the storyline for a lot of their Zelda games. Which is fine! It is a game at the end of the day, and it's genuinely fun to play! And I don't mind the classic style of unlocking new regions as you go through the main quest, but I don't think linear storylines and open worlds have to be mutually exclusive, either. Technology has come so far in the past decades, and the BOTW and TOTK maps are excellent for exploring all the nooks and crannies and meeting the people of Hyrule. I do enjoy side questlines to fill out the world a bit! Wind Waker and Twilight Princess had them too! Heck, I loved the Hateno and Yiga questlines! Just, y'know, maybe help us not lose sight of what we're supposed to do along the way.
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autistic-sidon · 1 year
I think it's so funny how fanon characterizes Sidon as this super suave gigachad romance man when in fact Sidon very much starts to clam up in a conversation with more than one person.
Spoilers just in case, but after the boss fight with Phantom Ganon he makes an observation about Ganondorf's return, anf then that's pretty much all he says aside from announcing his arrival. And! When Yunobo starting going, "Man were fucked" Sidon really looked like he wanted to say something, but Riju stepped in first. There's also the true ending cutscene, where Sidon literally doesn't say shit until they all make their vow to Zelda. Might I add he was avoiding and seemingly anxious about having a meaningful conversation with Yona?
Anyways what I'm saying is Sidon is autistic as fuck I think fanon has mischaracterized Sidon just a little bit, where he's a bit too much of a handsome charismatic Prince archetype where in canon he's actually a bit more awkward in conversation.
Anyways someone pay me $900 in cash and I'll make a part 2 of why I think Sidon is autistic using the new stuff from totk, because holy fuck does the coding feel way more blatant in totk than it was in botw.
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fioreofthemarch · 7 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @bahbahhh and @mistresslrigtar. thank you!!! i love this community <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
twelve (plus one I orphaned that we don't talk about)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
From the Ground Up 🦅
Hateno Housemates 🏡
Finding Her 📱
have and hold ♨
On the Life of Queen and Consort 🖋
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, I really, really do, and I often forget. But I promise I read them all.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean Link commits murder in this one
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my endings are happy but I think Hateno Housemates is the fluffiest
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not for a long, long time, and for that I'm very grateful. Got some less that positive comments on my portrayal of Zelda back in the day, when I myself was dealing with a lot of negative emotions and was feeding that into her a bit. But otherwise no
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, though I have tried. I deeply admire people who are great at it, because it's an artform unto itself. But it's not in my wheelhouse
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
All That Was Tangled Came Undone is an honestly somewhat mid cross over between BOTW and Kimi No Na Wa
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah. Probably not idk
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but it would be a wonderful honour.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I would love to!!!!!!!!!!!!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I write Zelink ofc but look, I gotta give it up to the OGs, Spirk. None of us would be here if not for a repressed Vulcan and a swashbuckling starship captain from a 1960s scifi sitcom making fuck eyes at each other
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
EVER? I think my BOTW 30 years later sequel will probably never get off the ground, because I don't think it would have much of an audience (yes yes write for yourself but writing into the void is also not that fun) and TOTK just kind of fucked up all the ideas I had. I don't know. Kill your darlings etc
16. What are your writing strengths?
I enjoy writing dialogue and put a lot of effort into making it flow nicely. I enjoy worldbuilding and building up a cast of supporting and minor characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Hm. Many. Over-explaining/under-explaining is a big one for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I write in a fantasy setting with only vague hints at a different language (Gerudo) so the need never comes up. I think it should be done respectfully and as accurately as possible if it is required. I personally would avoid it unless I knew a good sensitivity reader & someone who spoke the it as their first language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
... ... Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (2010)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
If I had to throw them all away and keep only one, it'd naturally be From the Ground Up.
I'm going to tag @zeldaelmo and @spoiledspine !! Enjoy!!!
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nat0327 · 1 year
I almost loved the ending to Tears of the Kingdom. Details beneath the cut, for anyone avoiding spoilers. But as a tl;dr - I'm drafting a Tears of the Kingdom fic. I don't know when I'll post it. But I will make a post about it when I do.
They did so much right - Ganondorf was a pretty challenging fight, the fight against his final phase felt climactic and grand-scale rather than underwhelming (*cough cough* BotW's Dark Beast Ganon *cough cough*), and few things topped the exhilaration I felt when I defeated his final phase and the explosion made me out-loud say "holy shit Link you nuked him". (I still wish someone hadn't spoiled me for that transformation because I can only imagine how much cooler it would have been if that had been a surprise.)
Then it turned to the scene with shirtless Link floating above the sleeping Light Dragon. My triumph turned to dread.
They'd set up draconification as being this irreversible thing. As something akin to the ultimate sacrifice - while technically the person doesn't die, they're no longer the person they once were. That person is now gone.
They showed us Zelda making that sacrifice, in the hopes that her sacrifice would allow Link to finally defeat Ganondorf. That her sacrifice would mean protecting her people.
So why did they have to go and undo it?
I'm not even exaggerating when I say this - as soon as they did that, my first reaction was "That's stupid. I'm writing a fanfic to fix that."
And giving Link his arm back just makes it even more stupid.
What happened to the Nintendo that gave us Twilight Princess' ending?
Imagine how much of a beautifully bittersweet ending it had been - Link defeated the Demon King, but the price was paid. His arm is gone. It was destroyed by the gloom/malice (yes, I know in TotK they call it gloom, but functionally it's not that different from BotW's Malice). And Zelda is gone, too. Technically not dead, but the person she used to be is gone forever. Has been gone, for millennia.
How will Hyrule move forward? The last member of the royal family isn't human(/Hylian) anymore.
So that's what I've started working on.
Like I mentioned at the start, I don't know when I'll post it. I'm still working on drafting the first chapter, and I've found it's good to have a healthy backlog when posting fic chapters. But when I do post that first chapter, I'll make a post about it, and add it to my fanfic master post (which, if you're curious about my other fics, can be found here: [link])
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tornioduva · 8 months
A rant about spaces in games
As a person who's not in the industry and has never been yet in a development environment, and so has mainly just seen things from a player perspective:
Many, MANY, years ago was understood that if you wanted to give the idea of a big place, a big city, a big valley, a big landscape in general, OF COURSE you wouldn't just make it 1:1 in size and just put it there, it would be a waste of resources, time, effort, all for something that's needed only to convey a sense of scale and nothing else. Instead you would put some 2d images in the distance, an elaborate skybox, maybe some 3d more detailed object and bam, you had a big scenery, though fake. if it was a city, you would just put a wagon with fruit and vegetables, or a car, in front of a road that extends and bam, you have the image of a city that extends beyond the corners of the playable map.
Now more than ever instead there is this toxic obsession with "if the player sees it, then it must be explored, or have an active gameplay purpose", and a general perceived distaste for the concept of creating illusion, while going full simulation.
Now, to clarify: this is not a condemnation of all modern games, this is mainly a thing in AAA and AA games, also i'm not blaming any developers (i don't know how a game is made, how much pressure from above you have, how this might be the only way to keep the boat afloat in terms of sales and marketing), and also i can clearly see that this is not a dead concept; the contrary even! There are a lot of modern (though indie) games that take advantage of limited visibility to convey scale, or complexity, guiding the player imagination but leaving it work by itself. The success of games like Iron lung i think speaks volume about it.
The fact is, even among AAA games i liked and had high hopes for, i can't avoid to be a little sad about how bloated they are with this mentality. The two games that sparked these thoughts are mainly elden ring and tears of the kingdom.
In TotK case, i was sad to see how little they learned from BotW, at least in this regard; instead of closing in on the freedom of the predecessor to give a different, more intense and story driven experience, they doubled down on the original formula and expanded even more. Instead of removing, or readapting, the useless empty space in hyrule, the created even more empty space somehow, and filled it with junk that bloats everything even more. I like this formula, don't get me wrong, just...more often than what i wanted to in both games i found myself on the edge of a cliff, on the backside of a mountain, in a small hole, with nothing there and nothing particularly interesting to see or get, and i thought "why am i here, why am i allowed to be here, why isn't this just background seen from a distance"
In elden ring though i think there is the perfect, more poignant example: Leyndell. The first time i was inside the walls and saw the city, i was awestruck. it was beutiful, intricate, interesting, full of peculiar places. i couldn't wait to explore it all and for once in that game i wasn't overwhelmed with "toomanythingstodotoomanyplacestogo"itis, because i wanted to see it all. i love cities, especially old and ancient ones, love exploring them, lose myself in small streets and alleys. i was genuinelly amazed by the fact that it was completely explorable, and absolutely happy for it. After i've seen it all though, it hit me: ...it's a really small city. like, it's big from a player perspective, there is a lot to do and explore. but it's a pretty small city. I live near Lucca, in Tuscany, so i have a pretty good reference to judge it on, and i think (roughly and without measures, have mercy uhuh) Leyndell and Lucca are nearly the same size, Lucca might be bigger infact uhuh. And even if it's not and Lyndell is bigger, still, after seeing it all it FEELS small. because you've seen it all. Compare Leyndell to Anor Londo instead, and tell me which one of the two FEELS like a gigantic, enormous capital, full of streets, palaces and places for people; and of Anor Londo you only explore like a handful of rooftops uhuh. This might be just a sensation of mine, but the fact the capital of the biggest game Fromsoft has made to date feels smaller than in DS1 where you were dramatically more limited in where you could go....well, that to me is a failure of environment design, at least on an artistic side, in regar to setting up the atmosphere, not in regard to gameplay.
Do i mean with this that open world are always bad, that you should always be limited in where you can go? absolutely not! i love having freedom of exploration, and i like the idea that i can go where i can see! i just wish going forward that developers with the resources to do big projects like these are given the freedom, and the guidance, to guide the players more, to build rails on which our explosive passion of playing can be directed on without letting die out on a rock in the middle of nowhere that you're standing on for no reason. A good example for this i feel is outer wilds! you're free to go where you want, but you are limited by what there actually is to explore, plus the central gimmick. also, all there is to explore is interesting and meaningful, without collectables!
Also, i'm not criticizing empty space at all even. I recently played BABDI, and that is a masterful example of empty, "meaningless" space that is there for a reason, which is the atmosphere of the game. the fact you can explore almost all of the city while there is almost nothing interesting to discover aside from few things, contributes a ton the overall atmosphere.
So, what i'm saying is: developers, go to more theatre plays; not the big budget ones, that can afford all they want, i mean the small local ones, that are able to make you fell like you are in a ballroom with a fancy chair, a stool and a lamp.
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kimium · 10 months
I asked @m34gs what she thinks the Twisted Wonderland house warden's favourite video games are. She answered in this ask and prompted me to give my thoughts. So, here I am!
Here are a few ground rules: I'm going to pick games I've personally played or had experience with. Also, if a game is in a series and I think they're very similar, I'm listing them together.
The House Warden's Favourite Video Game
Riddle - Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
Wow, I'm really outing myself with how many Kirby games I've played, huh? Well, I'm not sorry. When I was a child I LOVED Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland. I loved the simple world design, the fun, easy mechanics, and the bright colours/music. It's also a fast game. Even as a child I think I beat it in like six hours. Anyways, I think Riddle would enjoy this game for those reasons. It's something he can lose himself in briefly and have fun. I know there are probably better Kirby games out there and newer ones at that, but the childhood nostalgia wins in the end.
Leona - Tetris
I really love your pick of Mahjong for Leona. Honestly, the desire to just go "yeah, what M34GS said" or pick another tactical game like Chess, Checkers, or even Go. But, I decided Tetris is also a good pick for Leona. As you said, Leona isn't one to care too much about video games, so he isn't going for one with story... like I do. He needs a low risk game with just enough puzzling. So, Tetris. It's fun to arrange things, does require some level of strategy, and is very satisfying when you win. Leona can also put it away at any time, so this means he can nap when he's bored or done.
Azul - Don't Starve Together
While I sort of wanted to pick a murder mystery game with Azul, Don't Starve Together has resource management. Which, I think is right up Azul's alley. Sure, the game has a "survive in the wild" vibe, but Azul is there trying to optimize his strategy, gather everything, and not die. He can also play with Jade and Floyd if he wishes, but there is a high chance those two would sabotage him. Azul will take that risk though, and I think those three would have a lot of fun. It's also a casual game, so he can put it away without worry of story or progress.
Kalim - Harvest Moon (any of them)
I agree that Kalim deserves a relaxing, slow game, without much conflict or objectives in it. While I think a game franchise like Animal Crossing also works, since I've never played an Animal Crossing game myself, I'm picking Harvest Moon. I think Kalim would find it very fun to build his farm, befriend the locals, solve whatever problem is occurring, and marry his favourite NPC. I didn't pick a specific Harvest Moon game simply because I only have experience with two: the original and The Tale of Two Towns (I think... I can't check right now). Besides, Harvest Moon all has the same "flavour" so to speak, so I don't think me specifically stating which game is necessary.
Vil - Super Smash Bros (any of them)
I agree that Vil would love a co-op game that he can play with his close friends. I also agree it has to be easy and with low stakes. Sure, SSBs has "meta units" and an entire competitive video game scene with the game, but I think Vil would play this as a party game. It's casual with everyone just picking their favourite characters and stage. There may be some sabotage (a must) and items on (deadly) but in the end, everyone is just playing to have a good time. Who Vil mains is up to you.
The urge to pick a mobile game like Genshin Impact or an open world game like BoTW or TotK is high, but I want to avoid gacha games in my list and... I've never played BoTW or TotK. Sorry. So, I picked a personal favourite of mine: The World Ends with You and the sequel. I picked this because I think Idia is the kind of person who gets into the story of a game and enjoy the characters. TWEWY has some amazing characters, great story, amazing music, and of course, the essence of Shibuya packaged into the entire game. I also think Idia would love the game play, enjoying swapping his pins out for better ones, and enjoy the extra challenge modes.
Malleus - Pokemon Yellow/Red/Blue (or Green)
Okay, here is the problem: I think any sort of pet simulator game is great for Malleus, however, I dislike pet simulator games. I'm here for story and lore... which I think is the opposite for Malleus. But here is the thing while Pokemon has a narrative and many components it started off super simple: go around and catch Pokemon and go to the gyms. While newer Pokemon games have introduced so many things like Beauty Contests or an open world design, I think the old games are perfect for Malleus. He'd enjoy creating his team and nicknaming them. I bet he'd be delighted to learn that there are dragon type Pokemon in the world too. Sure, he may struggle with some more "meta" components but at least in the older games we didn't have Mega Evolution or newer Gens and BST to worry about.
There you have it! I hope you like my list! I had fun picking the titles while also trying to keep in line with the characters!
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zelda-photography · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom February Trailer Analysis
By which I mean basically me just pointing at pictures and going 'whoa that's cool'. I've tried to avoid other people's opinions and such, which either means I'll have cool original ideas or just saying what other people have already said. Only one way to find out!
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Alright, so start with we have the itty bitty green thing, which I think is going to be a 'shrine' in totk.
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New flying enemy, can we get a hell yeah! Weird dragon guys! We've only seen these guys, though, so I'm hoping there's more flying enemies they're just keeping a little closer to the chest?
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The big old pillars, I think I've heard some people go 'wow, towers'! I think that is hardly an original thought - but also one that I agree with! Obviously they're not, like, the same towers from BotW - I feel like their shape is a little too wonky. I think it'd freshen it up if they're, like, mini gauntlets to get to the top? Or you can just fly in like usual. It's at least change it up a bit. There's also more of the big murals, which I still don't know what to make of them.
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Underground! The red malice-y ness to the lizalphos is pariculrly interesting. This all but confirms to me that there is going to be an in depth underground portion to the place. The yellow thing I find really interesting. Maybe the underground version of a tower, to let you go up and down?
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Dragon???? On my Hyrule Bridge??? Okay, I did see someone call this Gleeok, and damn do I hope it is because that would be cool! You can sort of make out three distinct flames that would come from the three heads.
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Another of the green spiral things. They could be ways to get to and from the sky, but I still think they are shrines, considering it's located in Hateno Village, like another shrine used to be.
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And a blood moon! I personally think most of the scenes of the monsters in the next little bit are, like, the stock blood moon cutscene.
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I find this one fascinating! The set up of the video makes you think it's something being hit by the blood moon, but I'm not so sure it is? Unless it's like the blood moon infecting something? You can kind of make out a form inside of it, at least I think so? It sort of had guardian-like arms? Or maybe a monk? Those have skeletal arms. Or it could just be a stock enemy getting stronger.
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At least Zelda's room is still standing, though I'm surprised that Hyrule Castle doesn't seem to be in any better shape than it was before.
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This is my 'stock blood moon' evidence, it has the same tilt as that cutscene did in BotW
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The skeletal guy to the right is very interesting. As far as I can tell, you can only see them here. Are they supposed to be a normal stalfos?
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I really like that you can see Hyrule Castle floating here, and it's like, barely off the ground. Like, that's well within a Revali's Gale away, Ganondorf really couldn't have shot it further up into the sky??
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I find this thing very interesting! Maybe Robbie or Purah's doing? Or it could be a third person - in BotW I was convinced there was a third lab based off of what one of them said, but alas there was not.
At first I thought link was standing on a guardian's tummy, but no that's definitely one of the warp points. Despite the guardian arms reaching for you, this makes me think of the Great Fairy upgrade cutscenes, so maybe it's Link getting something upgraded?
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This is a good picture of the Big Bokoblin, but also of the bokoblins with their new weird horns. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that there's a wide array of strange horns on the monsters, and I'm not sure what they mean. I really hope they're not just cosmetic but mean something, like the region you're in or an ability the enemy has.
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The stick on the Hinox head is weird, but you're also underground again. I also, of course, noticed the green orb around his neck. It could be like, trial or mission specific, but I personally think maybe you need to collect the green energy to recharge your arm or your vehicles (seen later).
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This is a minor detail, but there's, like, this rock right in front of Hyrule Castle in this pic (it's kind of hard to see) but I don't think there's any big rocks like that in Hyrule Field usually? So hey, maybe there are some changes to the layout.
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Flying Enemy carrying a Bokoblin! Nothing much to say about that other than neat!
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In this pic, it makes it look like the different horns the enemies have are dependent on their rank, considering the red moblins have the same head thing while the blue is distinct. However, like I said, that'd disappoint me.
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Robolox, the enemy! I like the touches of orange on them, not just green, it's refreshing. Seems to be powered by green energy like the sky enemy from a previous trailer. Are these common enemies or more like tests of strength?
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Sorry fans who were hoping for a rehydrated Ganondorf, no such luck :( I will say, if Ganondorf ends up just being an evil villian who is evil, I'm going to be a little disappointed.
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Oh no, he's falling! :(
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A good view of the islands; I'm really hoping there's a lot more that we just can't see. That was the vibes I got from previous trailers, but there's a lot less of the sky islands this time. Hopefully they're just trying not to spoil them too bad.
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Another good view of Hyrule, this time with one of the murals but not lit up. There's also some kind of tower to the left. Not sure what that's about but hey, there it is.
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Interesting new arrow. A honing arrow? A bomb arrow? A rock?
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More shield surfing! Hell fucking yes! Also weird red ore, wonder what that's about. I'm totally up for ways to make getting around Eldin Volcano better.
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When i saw this I shouted 'NO GYRO PUZZLES!' Which, it may not be, it probably isn't it, it better not be!
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New weapon! Cool green canon weapon! Also back underground, write that down. Wonder how this weapon works, but I love beefy weapons.
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This is clearly the entity we saw in the last trainer, or at least someone who is like, an emissary of the entity. So a previous Zelda, maybe?
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somekindofsentience · 3 months
Tell me about yourself! :D
what do you wanna know that isn't already on the me post?? jsjsjhshjshj
i'm really not that interesting. my motivation for writing is purely "i can't draw, but must express my batshit insane levels of creativity".
i like biology and chemistry! i'm particularly interested in therapeutic gene editing, but i can speak on a lot of biology and chemistry topics because i have godlike high school notes. if i can't speak on something, i'll research it until i can. i am interested in psychology, but find the levels of uncertainty in the space unstable.
i'm currently doing a research project on S. aureus bacteria and its high salt tolerance, that's been fun. got to pour nutrient agar recently, waiting for bacteria shipment so i can swab it.
i'm australian, which is a jumpscare for some people. i say 'bah-sil'.
i have OCD, at least speculated OCD. i like to refer to my intrusive thoughts as twitch chat (stole that from a twitter meme) because it makes things even slightly more bearable, but otherwise it's a nightmare. i try my best to talk about my real experiences with OCD, because there's a lot of misinformation and public stigma about the condition. i experienced a lot of "non-stereotypical" symptoms (mental compulsions and avoidance behaviours, for example) as i was growing up, and it really felt like i was going insane a lot of the time, so if i can talk about my experiences and maybe help someone even a little, then maybe things will be a bit better. i dunno.
i was a natural at english (the subject) as a kid, which is probably why i can do analyses well. i used to be quite a bit better at being creative, because i could actually write down my little ocs and such, these days i daydream about them doing things to songs and make the very occasional picrew. (maybe i'll introduce them sometime)
i have an anatomically correct model of a heart? it's from my late grandmother.
i play a lot of switch games, so i've got zelda (botw and totk), splatoon 3, omori, pokemon violet, other stuff. i've played all the etherane games, as well. big gamer. i used to be an anime person, but i kinda ran out of steam to watch anime? i occasionally read manga - i'm trying to keep up with oshi no ko and liar satsuki can see death. i also like yoarashi ni warau. i get all my obscure lesbian psychological thriller from a close friend of mine who is very cool.
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thebleedingeffect · 10 months
i am so SO excited you're playing skyward sword. skwsd is my absolute fav zelda game, and i love skysd link so much, he is my little guy, my dude, the love of my life. how are you liking it? how far are you?
I'm enjoying skyward sword immensely!! Admittedly, at first I was little hesitant to get super into the game pass the intro forest temple because of how decisive this game seems to be. People seemed to either hate or be neutral to this game but I decided to play it anyway cause I do love loz and it seemed fun!! But I'm genuinely happy that I decided to play it anyway despite what the louder part of the loz community has said cause I'm truly enjoying myself a bunch.
The npcs are super animated and I love how much personality they have, even the rude ones, it just makes me happy to see how animated and diverse in personality that skyloft is! I love the little remlits and just how damn cute they are <33 I legit refuse to hurt them or throw them off cliffs they're so so cute I adore them!! Another thing that I like is that the game gives you a bunch of incentive to help fellow npcs and it gives you great rewards for doing so. It makes me actually want to look around skyloft and talk to people which is even better cause it gives me more opportunities to learn of the npcs!
I also fucking LOVE the dowsing feature, it's genuinely so great and helps me out a bunch in wanting to find objects naturally and not wanting to resort to guides. It's just nice cause I can stay in the game and find stuff at my own pace :]
ANOTHER THING!! I love how fucking COLORFUL everything is!! I am playing the HD version on the switch so I know the graphics are improved but even still! The environments and dungeons are all so pretty to look at and I llooovveedddd the ancient cistern :DDD also going back to skyward sword made me remember how much I love classic dungeon crawlers and how much I missed them in botw/totk </333 the puzzles are also very fun and are well-designed so that's a massive plus.
And uh... I've made it to the part where sksw Zelda meets with sksw Link after he managed to get all of the goddesses flames and tells him the whole deal. I genuinely did not expect for that entire scene to hit me as hard as it did but I'm really happy I managed to avoid spoilers for this long cause holy shit, holy shit. That entire conversation is so expertly written and I love how it characterizes the both of them, how they were both forced to grow up out of desperation. sksw Zelda telling Link that she was so sorry that she used him and his devotion to her?? That she knew that he would chase after her no matter what and she couldn't stay or tell him anything because the world needed a hero? That she was so sorry but she had to do it because it wasn't just them anymore, they had grown up and now the responsibility of the world was on their shoulders.
The little line of her saying that she would've been so happy to just with him on Skyloft for all their days and that she holds those memories so dear to her is just an absolute gut punch. It's so expertly written cause I feel like it would've been so easy to make her into a selfish, cruel character thanks to this conversation, but it's so wonderfully done that I fully understand why she did it. It's a case of fate demanding the worse of choices into their hands and they can do absolutely nothing about it because for as much as they love each other- neither of them could sit back and watch the world suffer. Of course, what she did wasn't good but that's the point! She hates herself for having to lie and cause him pain, for dragging him into this because she could see no other to ever be her hero.
The tragic thing is that I very much doubt it was ever in sksw Zelda's control, I think that sksw Link was always meant to be the hero and fate has a heavy hand in this game. Her motivations sort of remind me of oot Zelda's actually, blaming herself for circumstances out of her control, having to constantly stay out of reach, and having to grow up so fast. Both of them had to be the lights on the horizon that directed their heroes, but always just out of reach because he's the hero and she's the goddess, it's always so much bigger than either of them.
I've only gotten this far yet but god, GOD! This isn't even half my thoughts about the entire deal but Zelda constantly going back and forth from referring to herself with Zelda and Hylia?? Ouch??? The sudden instability of your own image... of feeling like everything you've ever known has been predestined... do you hate yourself for your past actions in another life? Do you hate her-you- for this inevitable fate that you and your hero are doomed to for reasons that you'll always blame yourself for? Does she hate herself even more that Link did exactly that, run after her, prove Hylia-herself- right? Does she feel responsible for all the physical, emotional, and mentall pain that Link has grown through in order to become the hero that the world needs? For forcing him to grow up with her when all they ever wanted was to be together and be torn apart at every single point?
Do NOT get me started on sksw Link oh my ggogoodosso ad dwshdi HELP! He's so fucking TRAGIC and PAINFUL TO EVEN THINK ABOUT! How every single person he meets he always tells them that he's looking for someone and he always seems to be in a hurry because he can't be late, not again. The sheer desperation, the unapologetic love, the personality, the inherent sacrificial nature, always looking into the past while running after Zelda- HELP ME!!! But I think one of the most painful parts to me... is that I really don't think Link blames Zelda at all, for any of it. How painful of a thought is it that I think he'd be perfectly open splitting himself on the master sword for her and he wouldn't blame her on his last breath? Would she believe him? Would she believe that she singlehandedly orchestrated the death of her hero after putting him through so much pain?
Another thing is that he isolates himself, he helps people whenever he can but there's so much guilt and isolation swirling around in him as well as the crushing weight of his destiny that he just realized. One key theme I find in the game is that early on it's stated that Link is different, from everything from the knight's academy, to Impa telling him only he can do it, to Groose trying and failing to be that hero. It doesn't feel like a blessing, it feels like a destiny he could've never avoided and he was always going to be the hero who's blood was split to protect others. Link was always going to be the one who ends up alone while everyone else stays in the past, together but eternally waiting for him- or moreso, waiting for the hero that he's forced to become. It genuinely makes me so sad that he only had Fi for the longest time but even then... she's not much more than a guide, at least at first. I really don't feel like he'd be comfortable or even believe that Fi would understand, not when she's under even stricter instructions than him.
So yeah uhhhhhhhh you could say I'm enjoying the game a bunch!! I'm waiting to finish the game before talking a BUNCH about it on the dash and flooding my blog with sksw reblogs but I'm enjoying myself so much!! Also I just missed the triforce so so much- DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH I RESENTED THE SECRET STONES FOR TAKING MY BABYGIRL THE TRIFORCE AWAY??? I literally do not care about the secret stones, bring back the triforce I love her so so soooooo much and every single time I see any sort of triforce imagery I start crying and throwing up !
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sunflowergamer6 · 4 months
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Hello! I've decided to make a pinned post because I'm bored!!!!
So who am I? Well, online, I like to use the name Gamer(it was just bestowed upon me because of my username). I use he/him and I am a man enthusiast, and I'm a little bit silly and whimsical.
"Gamer, I have now become infatuated with you and want to know what you like." Thank you person reading this, I will now tell people what I like.
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Generally speaking, I like a lot of mythology and video games. Besides that I like a lot of horror and action media, and I also like watching some youtubers/streamers like Grian, Mithzan, Snapcube. Now onto actual fandoms.
Webtoons(I have phases where I just marathon read a bunch of webtoons I need to catch up on and then I basically dont read them for half a year, damn this is gettting a bit long, I'm gonna list them now):
- Hero Killer(episode 145)
- Surviving Romance(finished)
- Spicy Mints(episode 72)
- Jackson's Diary(season 2 finale)
- Omniscient Reader(episode 76)
- more but I'm not too much into them.
Books(unfortunately, I barely read at all and I'm trying to fix that):
- Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
- Splatoon 3
- Hades
- River City Girls 1 and 2
- Zelda botw/totk
- Bayonetta(mainly 1 and 2, I was so disappointed by 3's story)
- Persona 5
- Persona 5 Strikers
- Pokémon, but I've played moon, let's go eevee, sword, legends arceus, and violet.
- Animal crossing
- Danganronpa(I hate to say it but I do love them games)
- Omori
- Resident Evil 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8.
- Silent Hill 1 and 2
- fnaf
- God of War 2018 and Ragnarok
- PS4 Spiderman 2018 and Spiderman 2
- Doom 2016/Eternal
- There's definitely a lot more I'm forgetting
- Heathers
- Six
- Beetlejuice
- I mainly try to avoid some musicals until I can actually see them so that's it.
- SERIES ALSO PROBABLY INSPI- you get it, it's called Sparkle On Raven! The life of Drillgirl
- Yandere Highschool(Samgladiator)
- Heartstopper
- Komi Can't Comunicate
- Way of the House Husband
- Stranger Things
- The Spiderverse movies
- Jennifer's Body
- Heathers(the movie this time)
- the newer Godzilla movies( I do wanna soo some of the older ones though)
- yeah as you guessed it, there's probably more I'm forgetting
Music artists:
- Melanie Martinez
- Rina Sawayama
- Mitski
- Jazmin Bean
- Poppy
- DeathbyRomy
So, uh, yeah, that's about it. Uh, you can ask questions if you want, but beware, you might be cursed by the wizard.
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missabnormal · 1 year
I haven't played Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom through a combination of lack of time and a lot of exhaustion, so I have relied on YouTube walkthroughs to watch these games from beginning to end (but I haven't finished TotK yet). This is all to say that people may take what I'm about to say with an extremely, just downright minuscule grain of salt.
Having grown up playing other 3D Zelda games (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess), it's particularly frustrating to see how BotW and TotK have so little combat challenges. I get that these recent games aren't meant to be quote unquote "combat games", but instead more of "environmental-travel games", but everything feels so empty when there's not much combat to be had. Everything seems too easy, combat wise. I loved it when I had to confront zombies that screamed at me so hard that I froze in fear. I loved it when I had to climb walls where there were like three different types of spiders out to get me. Or when I had to fight a giant squid as fast as possible before being sucked into a whirlpool. Or when I had no weapons, so I had to sneak around a whole fortress until I got my sword back. Or when l had to make my way around lava insects to defeat them while also fighting sword-carrying lizards and avoid literal fire-walls. And the wall/ceiling hands. And the times I had to fight undead monstrosities while using a ghost-detecting magnifying glass. And when I had to fight evil knights by breaking down their armor piece-by-piece. And when I had to solve a dungeon puzzle while a bunch of electrified chu-chus and like three eye statue lasers were trying to kill me every two seconds in an enclosed room.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that there was a more diverse range of enemies and combat techniques in previous 3D LoZ games, and these recent environmental-travel how-to-get-from-point-A-to-point-B RPG-you-get-every-type-of-help-imaginable games aren't just enough for me. But like I said, I'm relying on walkthroughs, maybe there's a level of increased challenge that I'm just not experiencing. And BotW and TotK seem like gorgeous games with interesting puzzles. I'm just more of a combat person 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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