natsu2501malo · 1 year
Merlin Fics That Deserve More Love Recommendations!!!! Part 1
This was a story that I was honestly shook to see how few kudos it has and I am now rebelling trying to get them THE LOVE THEY DESERVE!!!!
We are the reckless we are the wild youth - Estel_dreamer (9.3/10)
Aka what if Merlin was Arthur's Daemon who can use magic? What if Arthur knew of his magic and pride was all he could feel towards it? #ProtectiveArthur&Merlin #Anti-Social-Merlin #Short #Part1of4
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 years
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A Deal With A Demon 
Summary:  Kagome’s struggling to keep her family’s bar afloat after her mother’s death. One night, a demon makes a deal, intriguing her to change her life.
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4
Dedicated to my dear friend @enchantedink-ag, can't wait to for y’all to read it. Much Love! 💕
“Hey! Kagome! Kagome! Another round for the three of us!” The wolf demon hollered across the bar and she smiled, nodding her before turning her back to him. Koga’s drinking tolerance are the only reason this bar stays open. That, and his affection for me. Rolling her gray eyes, she swung her body around, reaching for the scotch. Pouring three double neats, she slid them across the worn bar top, throwing a fake smile for the wolf demons. “Thanks babe!” 
“You boys need anything else at the moment? I’m gonna take a five minute break.” Kagome waved her hands, looking around the almost empty bar. Not staying to hear whatever perverted answer Koga had to say, she snagged her phone and headed towards the back door. Propping it open with a broken cement block, she pulled her phone from her jeans pocket to see a few texts from Sango.
Hey, how’s work? Is Koga back again tonight?
The bank called the home phone again, dod you want me to give another excuse?
I can ask my dad to help you, I just want to help.
I love you, I’ll see you later.
Kagome sighed, leaning against the brick wall, closing her eyes. I can’t keep doing this. Dad’s drinking has just gotten worse after mom’s death. Maybe I should’ve listened to Souta and just left after high school. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she tried to clear her thoughts, to focus on coming up with a plan on how to save her family’s bar. Sighing once more, she kicked the block out of the way, the metal door slamming close behind her. Glancing at the clock above her office, she winced as the wolf demon’s voice grew louder. Only four more hours to go, then I can go home.
Taking one more deep breath, she rounded the corner, almost bumping into Koga, who was blocking her way to get back behind the counter.
“Koga, I need to get back to work.”
“Kags,” he slurred and she almost rolled eyes once more at the annoying nickname, “All I ask for is one date. What do I gotta do to persuade you?”
“Keep buying drinks and I might just have a night off, but that would take even more drinks than you and your friends can handle.” She grimaced, realizing her words as they came out. His blue eyes lit up brightly and she stepped around him, anxious to get away.
“I’ll hold you to that. Now, another round if you please!” He raised his fists, his two friends whooping along. Gritting her teeth, she turned towards the scotch, pouring another round, praying he wouldn’t remember her proposal when he was sober.
Fate was on her side this week, Koga had yet to mention their little deal, but night after night, he was in with his friends. Sometimes there were two or three more wolves added, but always at least him and the two twins, who Kagome had actually begin to grown fond on, were there, night after night. They didn’t say inappropriate jokes and whenever Koga was off flirting with another chick, they always checked in on her, making sure she was eating at some point during the night. She always made sure to give them some snacks on the house, especially after finding out one night, they were only here to support their friend’s drinking habit. A week after her one sided proposal, Kagome was finishing up the last round of glassware, the last of the bar guests leaving. 
She was humming to herself, the night having been pretty steady, pretty positive she made a dent in the monthly expenses. Polishing the last glass, she heard a door shut loudly.
“Sorry! We’re closed for the night!” She called over her shoulder, focusing on a particular lipstick stain.
“Kags, don’t you remember our deal?” Koga’s slurred words came from the bathrooms and Kagome froze. Shit. Gripping the dirty glass, she whirled around, eyeing a drunk Koga as he leaned against the barter.
“Koga, we’re closed and you’re drunk. Where’s Ginta and Hakkaku?” She sighed, careful of her words. He was known for his temper when he was wasted, having remembered cleaning up broke stools once or twice.
“I think they are at another bar down the road, I stayed back to spend some time alone with you, since you’re my woman and all.”  She wrinkled her nose, disgusted. He stepped around, blocking the only entry way in and out from behind the bar and Kagome froze. “Now, let’s talk about that deal you made me. Did you think I would forget?” He wobbled forward, his legs shaking.
“Koga, back away. I said one date when I got a night off. I have yet to have a day off in three weeks, you know that.” She tried to stand her ground, gripping the glass tighter, glancing around for a way out. He was a demon, faster and stronger than her, so running would be useless, but she could try her damn hardest to fight. He continued to move closer, clumsily bumping into bottles.
“How about we start it right here, the bar’s closed, no one here to take your attention away from me.” He smirked and she could smell the whiskey on his breath. Swallowing a bit, she took a step back, reaching around for something, anything, to defend herself. Her fingers grazed the fruit knife and she whipped her hand, holding the knife in front of her. He began to laugh and she frowned, fear knocking in her belly.
“Kagome, I’m a demon, and unless you’re going to slice me into pieces, that knife isn’t gonna do much.” He laughed louder and pushed her hand out of the way, the knife clattering to the ground. Think, ‘Gome, think! The next second, she use the glass in her hand, crashing it against the side of his face, Koga yelping. Not bothering to check on her hand, feeling the blood drip down her fingers, she tried to push past him while he was cradling the left side of his face. He snarled and wrapped his arms around her waist, throwing her onto the ground. Grunting, she landed on her back, into the broken glass, staring at him with wide eyes. She tried to get up, to roll over, to crawl away, but when she made it a few steps, he kicked her in the gut and curled into a ball, groaning. 
“You bitch! I’m going to get what I want.” He knelt down, wrenching her arms away, so she was flat on her back once more. He yanked on her hard, growling in her face and she froze, paralyzed with fear. She knew what he was capable of, that after tonight, she knew she would never be the same. Once he realized she stopped struggling, he let go of one of hands and began to unbuckle his jeans. She closed her eyes, tears falling into her hair and prayed. Kami, please don’t let him kill me. I will do anything to make this stop, please! Anybody, help me! I’ll do anything!
Whimpering, she failed to notice when Koga stopped moving on top of her and she opened her eyes to see him frozen in fear. Figuring now was her best chance, she shoved him and he backed off, shaking a bit and she frowned. She shook her head and raced to feet, determined to get out of there. She could come back early tomorrow and clean up the mess. She ignored her palm, grabbing the keys and whirled around when she heard his groaning. Pausing to look back once more, she stood a few feet away from the frozen man.
Koga was on his knees, staring straight ahead, his neck pulsating. His eyes were wide with fear and she wasn’t sure what was going on. An icy breeze brushed past her, causing her to shiver, followed by an intense warmth as if something was soothing her. Freezing, she watched silently as a clouded figure emerged out of thin air, his clawed hands wrapped around Koga’s throat. She gasped, as the figure’s body became more clear, his features glowing in the soft bar light. A giant growl came from the figure and when she gasped once more, she noticed two small white ears flicker atop his head, one pointed towards her. His hair flowed down his back, his red cloak concealing the shape of his body, but she assumed he was strong to have a wolf demon on his knees.
His arm was decorated with blue and red stripes, black symbols intertwining through out and she had this sudden urge to trace every single line with her fingers. Shaking her head at her surprising thoughts, she listened closely.
“You dare harm an innocent?!” His gravel voice caused more shivers down her back and she thought she heard him snicker. She counted to watch silently as Koga shook his head miserably. “When an innocent is praying even to a demon for help, you have committed a crime. Leave now, and do not come back. If you do, your balls will be detached and sent back to your mother in a coffin and your head will adorn my desk.” He snarled, bringing his fangs to Koga’s pale face. Koga nodded and was released instantly. 
He didn’t dare look at her, only scrambled over the worn counter, knocking over more glassware as he leaped towards the door. Unsure of what just happened, Kagome stayed in her spot, waiting for the cloaked figure to turn around. When no one spoke for a few minutes, she cleared her throat and watched his back stiffen.
“Thank you, for saving me.” She whispered. She could see his fists clenched and suddenly began to be very afraid for herself. Feeling the urge to keep talking, she spoke the only thing she could think of. “How can I repay you?”
He turned around, his golden eyes burning into hers and she held her breath.
“You can pour me a drink.”
Kagome swallowed and nodded. It was then she realized he was standing in her well and she was blocking the stools. Stepping out of the way, she gestured to let him past, staring in shock when he leaped over the counter. He looks uncomfortable now, I wonder why. She straightened her shoulders, determined to get to the bottom of it, ready to repay him for saving her. She walked through the glass and reached for the nicest bourbon on her shelf, figuring he deserved the best. Forgetting all about her hand, she whimpered when her fingers wrapped around the handle.
“You’re hurt.” 
“I cut my hand earlier, breaking a glass over his head.” She answered, her voice trailing off. Setting the bottle down on the counter, she grabbed a clean bar towel wrapping her hand quickly. She’ll deal with it later, figuring it wasn’t too deep. Reaching for a rocks glass, she poured in double and slid it towards him.
“Thank you, again.”
“You said that already.” He mused, a smirk on face. He glanced at her hand and frowned. “You should clean that. I’ll wait.” Surprised at his generosity, she nodded dumbly and headed towards her office to the first aid kit. With her mind blank, she cleaned her wound with alcohol and antibiotic wipes, wrapping the last of the gauze. She headed back to the bar to, grabbing the broom on the way.
“Do you mind if I clean up while we talk?” She asked softly, her mind still somewhat fuzzy. He nodded and she began to sweep the broken glass.
“What’s your name?” He murmured so softly, she barely heard him.
“My name is Kagome.”
“Inuyasha.” Stopping she looked up at him.
“Are you a demon?” She whispered, trying to grasp everything that just happened. He nodded and hummed at him, she returned to sweeping.
“You’re taking this surprisingly well.” He mused.
“Well, I’m used to being around demons, so that part doesn’t exactly scare me.” She shrugged, sweeping the last of the pieces into the pan. She heard his grunt and looked up.  “Why do you ask?”
“You were more emotional when he was attacking you, not everything that happened after.” He waved his hand, staring at her like she had grown another head. She began to laugh.
“Inuyasha, I’m not even sure what happened, but with the way my life has been going, I’m not really surprised at anything anymore.” She laughed again, watching his cheeks flush. She smiled softly for him, setting the broom aside and leaned on the counter. “I know I’ve thanked you already, but really, thank you. I appreciate you helping me.”
She watched him blush harder, looking deep into the glass as he swirled his drink. Downing the rest of it, he stood, looking straight at her. She shivered, hoping he never look away.
“Be more careful Kagome, okay?” He grunted, taking a step back and she loved the way he said her name.
“Are you leaving already?” She asked softly, hoping he would stay.
“You’ve repaid your debt, by pouring me a drink. If you should need anything again, just pray to me.” He smirked, his fang peeking out, raising his hand and snapped his fingers. His body turned into black mist, the last thing to disappear were his amber eyes as they gazed at her. She blinked, staring at the now empty bar. Her phone vibrated along the counter and her mind began to boot back up, focusing on getting the bar cleaned and heading home. Glancing at the screen, she saw Sango’s name pop up.
“Hey San, I’m cleaning up now. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just noticed it was almost 4 and you weren’t home yet. See you soon?”
“Yes! Getting ready to lock up now.” 
“Okay ‘Gome, bye.” She swiped her screen, ending the phone call and looked around. I’ll finish tomorrow, I need to get out of here. Feeling uneasy about being alone once again, she headed to the office for the rest of her things, her mind retelling over the night’s events. As she crawled into her bed that night, the last of the conscious thoughts were of golden eyes and a fanged smirk.
taglist: @enchantedink-ag @yukinon-writes @jeremymarsh @thejustmaiden @sailorbabydoll92 @loveinu40 @knittingknots @dawnrider @moonandwind @lavendertwilight89 @malditamigs @coyfoxmama @hazelhalfpint @sailorlolo @liz8080 @eriimoonsstuff @gottalottasocks @swaggingtomboy @kalcia @splendentgoddess @wheremydreamsliethereyoullfindme   @elcubanpapi13 @kawaiichan67 @mandirox89  @banksdelivers @sorayastrife @abominablesnowpickle @joaniemae @sheremylunadandelion90
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 3 years
📞from (Touya) ,Awnser?
He’s exhausted by the time he makes it down to the coast. predawn light not enough yet to brighten the scenery, just light the edges of the sky and highlight the fog rising. It’s private property so he’s not all that worried about being seen by anyone but the owner, and well, If he sees then he’s got bigger problems than being caught shifting. He sits his backpack down on the pier and shrugs into his coat. The seal skin smoothly sliding on and then slips off one shoulder and half way down his arm. He hurridly kicks off his shoes and shucks off his jeans, folding it over the backpack.
He reminds himself firmly that she mus have gone for the pod. Rei went for her pod, her sisters and family, when Natsou had found her own skin and shown her the shimmery coat folded and tucked away in a safe he’d somehow found the key to. Rei had snatched it up, moving so fast it had caused both Natsou and Touya to flinch. She’d then ran out the door and down to this same pier, throwing up the hood as her children watched and gracefully tranforming as she fled to the open waters. Fuyumi had tried to go after her right after, despite the cold she was a good swimmer and the cold rarely bothered her. Touya had grabbed her out of the water before enji could come home and become upset. Fuyumi was a fantastic swimmer, slight webbing between her toes helping her, but she wasn’t like their mother. Wasn’t a selkie like Rei, himself or baby Shouto.
That’s why she’d left, Shouto was finally old enough to swim in his sealskin like they did. Touya shoved away the recent memories of Rei pouring poiling water on Shouto’s eye as he flipped the hood over his face and shifted, nowhere near as graceful as his mother had. The hurry to find her skin soon after and her sprint to the water were a coincidence, were her rushing to contact her family and take them all away.
Touya floped awkwardly into the water, his coat would never fit. streched thin in some spots and pooling in wrinkles. He’d always been skinny and small but with only his skin to hide it the fur highlighted the ridge of his changed spine. He blinked a few times as the ache of shifting settled, allowing him to clearly see his surroundings. his mother claimed not to have any pain the one time Touya had managed to ask about it. Shouto didn’t seem to either so Touya attributed it to his scars.
The purple-red mass of skin a result of being denied his skin and no way to submerge himself in his coat. Rei had begged and pleaded enji that he needed it, needed his skin and the sea that she called home. Enji had accused her of lying until he came from a buissness trip to see his son covered in skin that cracked and bled whenever Touya moved. He’d screamed when Rei had slipped the skin on him before applying her own to her own drying skin and taken him into the sea for teh first time. Enji had followed in his boat, and Rei had used his presence to set him in the boat whenever her own weakening body couldn’t carry them both. In and out of the water the 3 of them had drifted for hours until his skin lightened to purple and was soothed. if he went too long out of the sea or his skin it still became red and bleed.
He tested out his voice, calling out for his mother. There was no response and he started towards a outcropping of rocks a few miles out. once when he’d been very young Rei had tried to take him out to them. He couldn’t hold his breath that long and had almost drowned, Rei had to unshift and hold his head above water as she slowly made her way back to her prison. Now he was sure he could make it and could hold himself and his skin above water for a few minutes if he had to, depite how heavy it could be. The rocks were full of other seals and he carefully edged up on one, still calling. There was no reposnse, from his mother or the other seals, no other selkie’s revealed themselves and after a hour or so the rest of the seals took off. Diving beneath the waters and leaving the bony pup sqeaking by himself.
He swam around the rocks and as far out to see as he dared. Calling in diffrent tones the entire time, a few times he’d popped up on a rock and shifted just to yell for her in a diffrent way. He yelled he was hurt, that he was there, that he was lonely and scared. That he was looking for his mom and called his mom’s names until he realized she wasn’t coming and then until his voice faded at parts of it.
The sun was setting by the time Touya gave up and made his way back to the pier. He stripped out of his coat and carefully folded it up before hurrying inside. Hir dripping wet and shivering from the cold. He didn’t have the layer of fat to protect himself as most seals did and his coat could only do so much when his human form was so thin.
Touya called for his mother one last time, angry and knowing he would get no response before he turned around and headed inside. Enji came home tomorrow and would find out that his wife had escaped.
There was no awnser, not that Touya expected one after crying and yelling all day.
The silence clogged up his sore throat all the same as he stood there. Dripping hair clothes and eyes on the shore wanting a awnsering call.
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tomsenough · 6 years
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Jessica Enjoying Tom Welling Part 1 Of 4!
"EVERYONE HAS A KRYPTONITE" (mine is @tomwelling on @luciferonfox)"
Video Credit: Jessica Via Instagram Story
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ngmaster · 7 years
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Ordinarily, I would post a prior shoot as a throwback. But this time, I thought I’d try something different. Instead, I’ll tell you all a story. #Christmas time is here! #Drosselmeyer is hard at work preparing something special for his charge, the sweet and innocent #Clara. #Ornaments, #Tinsel, all hung with care upon the #Tannenbaum (that’s #ChristmasTree to all you English speaking folks). The mighty #tree is revealed to her utter delight and then she receives a present. A #nutcracker. Very simple, but she LOVES it! But it is #ChristmasEve and upon reaching her #bed and #slumber, begins to dream… #photoshoot #storyshoot #holidayshoot #holidayspecial #part1of4 #balletshoot To see more, swipe right or please visit: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1415725445216766.1073742050.561324080656911&type=1&l=1022bcce10
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sheilatweety · 5 years
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What was he thinking? #whatwomenwant #part1of4 #lifespringschurch (at Life Springs Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/BttEbGVhH2u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3e63t6dcruzy
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verso-poet · 6 years
#chillout #solo #jam from #blocswave direct to #launchpad by #ampify > having bought a new #soundpack called #organic #electronica > #part1 #part1of4
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fyeahcoliver-blog · 7 years
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jackfalahee Trigger warning. Part1of4: the hurting. Just started making my way through #rupikaur #milkandhoney .. what a courageous collection of writing. It is difficult and beautiful. Thanks for the recommendation @nickifioravante ❤️ and thanks @rupikaur_ for the beautiful words.
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womdquasicause-blog · 6 years
Part1of4 Warm Embrace and The Hockie Pockie... (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp_sfxHhNlz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8nrxhx8qp8sp
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ascendingicon · 7 years
Getting prepared for the photo session we had this past Thursday. CHECK IT OUT! Models: @teacope77 x @tiamariebeverly MUA: @catonyapr Photography/Video: @ascendingicon LET'S ASCEND TO NEW HEIGHTS! 📷🎨🚀 #4Tea #PhotoSeries #Part1of4 #NLMent #CrystalsBridalShop #Multiplicity #Photography #Pentax #K10d #28mm #DMV #Baltimore #Maryland #Wedding #GraphicDesign #PhotoEditing #Retouching #AllRealThings #OnTheRise #AscendingIcon (at Crystal's Bridal and Tuxedo)
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barrygaudy · 8 years
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF @OHENECORNELIUS #sept8th #bwsf2016 #part1of4 Rules to being an indie artist that might save you some heartache Keep going (your friends will catch up) Do YOU (everyone's a critic - especially your friends - and you can't please em all) Do for others, help, support, be there If your man's hit you up like what's the address again, they ain't coming Be unique and have a stage show Perform at the spots that pay most, or have the best sound. Don't compromise your art for your friends - they think they know who they want you to be until you become who you were meant to be Your family can only support but so much Find a new audience, then another Help someone else (your whole career can't be about self, even if you are struggling help someone else) If you not getting it now, get a job and ignore your inner head voice - John Legend had a job, Oprah had a job, you can have a job, it doesn't take away from your legitimacy as a career artist Keep negative thoughts out (this will detract negative people too) Do YOU can't repeat it enough. People tell me how I should use my talent all the time, with no money or opportunities to offer. Even if they are offering decide now what's the cost of your vision? For me to change my vision there'd have to be a lot of MMMs. I mean generational M's because my artwork will naturally lead me to generational impact. If I'm doing what's above. Look at me: Im the captain now #ohenecornelius www.gofundme.com/roadtovietnam
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sheilatweety · 6 years
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We act boldly when we believe deeply! #lscsocialmediamoment #faithinaction2018 #bold #part1of4 (at Life Springs Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpqCmSFhNok/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=110kqkzfv0hdh
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nic-eoin · 9 years
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Mnà. #signs #gaeilge #bathroomsofinstagram #culturenight #dublin #nationallibraryofireland #part1of4 (at National Library of Ireland)
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kubisee · 9 years
Check out the youtube link to my #dubsmash #compilation on my #profile. #newyork #anthem #classic #frank #sinatra #swing @francis_albert_sinatra @king_sinatra_ #suit #gentleman #tribute #part1of4 #dubsmasher #lipsync @dubsmashofficial @dubsmashusa #entertainment #instalike #video #music #musica
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womdquasicause-blog · 6 years
Part1of4 Solitude-You Are Not Alone (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpTfIcsBDU8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19r64ft64zjql
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