#parody of scenes from a marriage
celerys0da · 8 months
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posting some old art rn while im working on my ultrakill halloween post
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sinfullyrosey · 1 year
A Simple Prick
Malleus Draconia X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Hypnosis (kinda), Vaginal Penetration, Fairytale Ending... with a Twist
I was remembering that scene in Sleeping Beauty where Aurora’s under that sort of trance and is slowly walking along the castle and up the steps towards the spindle, and my brain decided to parody it.
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Being the human royal heir of a kingdom that’s still in rivalry with Briar Valley. The war may be over, but your parents were still wary of the dark fae they once fought in battle, so didn’t invite the king or queen to the celebration of your birth in fear of what curse they may befall upon newborn you. This did not go over well with the fae royals and they crashed the celebration, not out of disrespect towards them, but their son, as it was customary for your kingdom to invite any and all available royal children to meet yours as an early courting ritual.
To not allow their son to meet you, your parents were saying that he was not worthy of being a possible future candidate for your hand in marriage. That he was not worthy of your love.
So, the king and queen of Briar Valley laid a curse on you, a curse that stated that on your 21st birthday, you were to fall in love with their son when the thorn of a dragon fae pricks you. Those in your kingdom did not fully understand the words of the curse, so none knew what a dragon fae thorn was. Many believed it was the thorn of a rose bush that lined the fae kingdom’s gardens, while others believed it must be a needle or even a weapon used by the dark fae.
Regardless, your parents, sick with fear and worry over the fae taking you away from them in a forced, loveless marriage, set out to hide you away from the wretched fae royals who cursed you. You were sent away to live deep in the forest with three trusted advisers once you were a little older. There, within that cozy, little cabin, you laid hidden and raised to be ignorant of your curse.
As the years pass, you grow in near solitude, blissfully unaware of the world around you. The only escape you have are your dreams, where you get to witness a world outside of the limited one you’re confined to. A world beyond the trees, where a dark castle lies, with thorny rose bushes and stony beasts surrounding it. It’s a place found only in your dreams, and within these dreams stands a misty green figure shrouded in darkness and flames. A figure you’re never able to fully discern, but of whom you welcome nonetheless.
This figure speaks to you of wonders and tales beyond anything you could ever imagine. Spoken with such poetically silken words. Words that drew you further into him as time passed and you grew older. Words that captivated you and gave you comfort in your lonely years of existence. Oh, if only this figure were real. If only you could meet him for real and finally share yourself with him instead of seeking him out in your slumber. If only…
Fast forward and you are now twenty, about to celebrate your 21st birthday. It’s a day you have been waiting for since you were told by your guardians all those years ago. The day you would finally be able to return home and leave this gilded cage behind. The four of you had a mini celebration before heading out back to the castle, your home. Cake was shared and gifts were given, a brand-new outfit for you, one of white and gold. Unbeknownst to you, a wedding garb, as you were set to marry another royal arranged to you for your return. A failsafe to be sure the fae would not be able to steal you away from them.
On your carriage ride to your home, disaster struck, literally. A bolt of lightning, followed by the sound of thunder, came crashing down in front of your carriage, causing the horses to panic and the carriage to flip. Miraculously, you were unharmed, but the coach and your guardians were all knocked unconscious. And before you could think of what to do next, the soft sound of a distant voice reached your ears. It was a familiar sound, but one you could not fully recognized. It called to you, beckoned you to follow it past the brush and trees. You could not shake the sound filling your head and obeyed its heed.
You walked towards the voice alone and in a trance. You don’t know how long you had been walking or how much time had passed, but soon you reached the gates of an ebony stone castle, surrounded by a veil of vines and thorns. The gates seem to open up for you and lead you down a path that took you to a winding stairwell. The whole time you listened to the voice soothingly carry you up the stairs and into a room. This room was not empty, however, as there, standing before you at the glass window, was a tall, dark figure.
The dark figure turned to face you and your entranced eyes widened, mouth falling open in awe. The figure before you was that of a man, pale skinned with pointed ears and coal black horns atop his head. An even pointier pair of fangs poked out as his blackened lips curl up into a grin at you. He wore all black with dark green accents, further adding to his shadowy presence. He gave off an air of elegance and power, one that’s dark and foreboding. And yet, it all felt familiar, like you knew who this man was, but couldn’t fully visualize him.
Until a familiar pair of glowing, emerald eyes catches your own.
Those eyes…
You’ve seen them once before…
Once, upon a dream, you saw him there. You met him there, in your dreams. All those times again and again…
He is right in front of you now, looming over your much smaller frame. You only gazed up at him with wide eyes in disbelief. He called your full name then, dangerous, green eyes leering down at you so intently. You could only blink and call his name in turn.
“Ma… Malleus?”
His grin grew wider at the sound of his name upon your lips. Pale hands with sharp, black claws rested along your sides, leading you both to the bed. He sat down with you still standing before him, now at eye level with him, and your hands gently cradled in his. You tilted your head in confusion, still not comprehending that he was really here, or that you were here, in the very castle you thought was a creation from your dreamscape.
“It seems you are already dressed for the occasion.”
He gave your attire a once over, finally able to admire you after so long. You could only respond with a quiet, “Huh?” before he chuckled at your oblivious expression. His hands fiddled with his robe, drawing your attention away from his memorizing eyes and instead to the stiff member poking out from beneath the black cloth.
It was big and dark, like the rest of him. It stood straight up and sharp. You had yet to see this part of him but was pleasantly surprised regardless. It was as if he could read your thoughts, sensing your confusion and desire.
“It is a thorn, my beloved. A dragon fae’s thorn to be precise.”
You did not understand the significance of his words, but blushed nonetheless. Mind racing with such desirable thoughts. The whole sight was just ethereal. The fae chuckled and pulled you closer, guiding you to his lap.
“Come, it’s time.”
You don’t know why, but you felt that you understood. This may be your first time meeting the mysterious man, but you were still familiar with him. You felt a deep longing towards him that developed and bloomed with each passing season.
You had danced with him among the flower fields and briar, an unknown melody twirling its rhythmical notes around the two of you. You chatted and spoke of your lives with each other, sharing dreams and secrets that nobody else but you and he knew. You knew him, even if you didn’t, you knew him.
Like being in a trance once more, you moved aside your own attire to lay yourself bare like he done for you, your pussy on full display for his eyes only. You crawled into his lap, making yourself comfortable before hovering yourself over his length. You gazed down to see his cock twitching in anticipation for you, the sight making your heart skip.
You aligned yourself, inhaled, and slowly sunk yourself down onto his awaiting cock. Your unprepared walls fluttered around him, squeezing yet still readily accepting all that he had. You wince at the sharp pain that pricks at your insides, whining at the fullness of him against your velvety walls and already feeling overstimulated.
Your eyes widened when your thighs finally met his, the full length of his prick reaching deep inside you and sending you in a dizzying haze of pleasure and sudden emotions. Your eyes drooped dreamily as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Despite the stormy, gray clouds surrounding the castle and the glassy haze that clouded your vision, you had never seen things so clearly as you did now in this moment.
“Malleus, I love you. I. Love. You.”
And with that, you sealed the confession with a kiss, his misty green eyes widening, but melting into the kiss, lips molding with yours.
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Word soon got out throughout the kingdom about the missing-turned-runaway bride. The royal carriage ambushed and princess nowhere to be seen. The king and queen were in a panic, afraid of what had befallen their precious daughter and sole heir to the kingdom. But their wails of despair were interrupted by a messenger making their presence known in the great hall. With them, a single letter with an all too familiar seal stamped in a dark green wax in the shape of a dragon.
It was addressed to the king and queen, from the Queen of Briar Valley, inviting them to the wedding that was to be held in the kingdom of the fae. The wedding between the soon-to-be King Malleus and his betrothed: their precious daughter and princess of their kingdom.
At the bottom, officially signed in ink, were the signatures from both the bride and groom to be.
~Malleus & Y/N Draconia~
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pinetreegoblin · 3 months
I have a silly and indulgent Very Important People fan theory:
Very Important People!Vic Michaelis is extremely insecure and lonely as shown by their dialogue throughout many of the currently released episodes. They seem down on their luck and frustrated by their lot in life especially in their career and their personal connections. They seem like the perfect character to go through a classic “self growth through a journey of meeting crazy characters” plot. 
Each of the characters seem like out of this world caricatures of people they could meet out in the world, and some (like Denzel and Vic’s Grandma), seem like representations of those in her actual life (I also have a fun theory that the dolls were her childhood dolls). Many of the characters themselves point out that Vic seems to be down on their luck and unhappy, and in some way preventing themselves from happiness. Off the top of my head, Vic has referred to their father being murdered, a divorce from their husband, and struggling to get a “real reporting career.” 
If I had to construct a story of how they got to this point I would say the death of their father pushed VIP!Vic into grief induced isolation and loneliness, which inhibited their personal connections as they were stuck in survival mode. The murder of their father inspired them to become a reporter, as an attempt to help other victims of violent crime, but they are struggling to find a foothold. Their unbridled grief and obsession with retribution for their father has put a strain on their marriage and their partner asks for a divorce. Maybe in their exasperation and the chaos of life they are spurred to follow a lead they have no business or jurisdiction to follow and they end up injured. It is in this injury they are experiencing this hallucinogenic state.
The VIP set itself feels very cultivated and its “old-fashioned” eclectic style gives it a vibe of a surreal manufactured reality. Each episode starts with Vic idly messing with some aspect of the set, before realizing the camera is on and putting on the reporter mask. In my memory, none of the people “on set” ever say anything, besides Vic and the interviewee, even when Vic audibly asks them questions. Additionally the cutting off to infomercials gives an uncanny feeling of parody, someone concocting the stereotypical formula of a show. Finally, there are the moments where there is an abrupt cut to a transition card from a more intense scene, almost to redirect the emotional plot. Overall, it has given me a kinda WandaVision vibe of a dreamlike state manufactured in VIP!Vics head in order to address their loneliness and disillusionment with life.
The closing question especially points towards this specific idea of VIP!Vic being stuck in this fugue state looking for answers: “What is the meaning of life?” This is both impactful if we go with the idea she is injured and experiencing this all in an unconscious state (almost "deciding" whether to wake up) as well as just in them searching for the next direction to go in their frozen life. What is the meaning of life amidst grief, loneliness, fear, and unfair circumstances? How can Vic find meaning? In creating this dreamlike fabrication, VIP!Vic is trying to recover and find a version of themselves who can live a more fulfilling life as they let go of the past which has held them back. “Remember to always be yourself, unless you'd rather be somone else” 
TLDR: Vic Michalis is having some sort of surreal, unconscious dream where crazy characters are attempting to help them heal from their father's death, their fucked up social situations, and to find meaning and happiness in their life. Through the interviewees eccentricities they teach Vic their personal meanings of life so Vic can find their own.
(This is all just to be silly, I know a lot of it is just stylistic choices of the show and the nature of the type of show it is, but I just love the show a lot and this little theory came to me)
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dongslinger--420 · 10 days
Escape From LA: How BoJack Horseman deconstructs the sitcom
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A LOT of BoJack's characterisation is based on the fact that he sees life as a sitcom. You can't separate BoJack the show nor BoJack the character from sitcoms. So much of the show is based on deconstructing sitcom tropes, and that BoJack thinks that the sitcom solution will work in his life. Take that episode in season 1 where Diane and PB are getting married: BoJack keeps trying to create increasingly complicated situations to sabotage their marriage because he has a crush on Diane, because that's what would happen in a sitcom. But none of them actually work. Diane and PB get married anyway because, why wouldn't they? And the episode ends with Todd telling BoJack that he should just give up.
The sitcom thing is played for laughs to varying degrees throughout the show, with Escape From LA being one example that is exclusively played for drama. The entire episode is set up like an episode of a 90s sitcom: BoJack is extremely close with Penny and involved in her life, there are characters with quirks and catchphrases, BoJack does his stupid BoJack dance at the dance, BoJack acts as the "cool grown up friend" to all of Penny's friends, the New Mexico leitmotif plays throughout the episode as a scene transition, the bjhm theme song is replaced by an 80s sitcom parody of a theme called "Kyle And The Kids".
But the thing about all of this is that the show isn't a sitcom, and everything I just listed has a real life consequence.
Much like bjhm itself does, at the start of the episode the show plays this sitcom subversion for laughs. Pete Repeat has an extremely stupid character quirk both in and out of the context of the story, and he never fucking says anything twice! Because that's stupid! BoJack's stupid dance gets him boo'd off the dance floor because realistically why would a group of teenagers do a 51yo man dance. Kyle And The Kids is immediately followed by a joke about Penny's younger brother Trip having an unprompted erection, which would crucially never happen in an 80s sitcom because, although normal, is not family friendly by any stretch of the imagination.
The rest of my points, however, are subverted in a darker way. BoJack's closeness with Penny means that he knows a lot about her life, and the scene where they go through their plan on what to do also has Charlotte in the room, who has no idea what they're talking about, showing us that this is not a normal level of what an adult knows (there's more to say about this one but I'll get to it later). BoJack acting as the "cool grown up friend" involves giving teenagers bourbon (bearing in mind these kids have only ever drunk beer), and eventually one of them gets alcohol poisoning and ends up going to the hospital. And every time the New Mexico leitmotif is used in the following seasons (i.e. every time New Mexico is mentioned), it is used as something to haunt BoJack. It's the equivalent of having an extremely dirty and terrible association with the Hannah Montana music.
It's difficult to decipher exactly what stereotypical role BoJack is supposed to be taking in this hypothetical episode of Kyle And The Kids, or whatever you want to call it. I think he's supposed to be taking the role of "father". "Father" is the role that he played on Horsin Around. "Father" is what he (at least originally) wanted to be in relation to Penny. "Father" is something that he has one frame of reference for: The Horse.
There is a line in Sabrina's Christmas Wish where Olivia is complaining about the boy she's talking to, and The Horse offers to take her to the dance. The funny thing about this line is that it's not at all out of place in Horsin Around, because it's normal for sitcom parents to have that level of involvement with their children. In fact, they have to, in a narrative context, because it's a dom com, and you have to have the characters interact with each other because that's just how stories work. However, it is out of place in Escape From LA, purely because we have Charlotte as a frame of reference. Charlotte and Penny are very close, and are shown to be very close throughout all of their appearances. But Charlotte is reacting to the conversation with comments like "who are these people?" because she's still Penny's mother at the end of the day. I would say I'm close with my mum and I've never given her that much information about my crushes (it took me half of my one relationship to even tell her that I was in a relationship). And because of this distinction, Penny doesn't see BoJack as a parental figure. She sees him as a friend, which is why she falls in love with him later on.
The interesting thing about this episode is that because it's so sitcommy by design, it's extremely easy to root for BoJack on your first watch. Because the "father" or the "cool adult/uncle/whatever" role in a sitcom is one that's known, and the father in the sitcom would never do anything wrong. Especially considering the background information we have that Charlotte is the one who got away. We, at least to a degree, expect BoJack to actually end up with Charlotte at the end of the episode. When BoJack says things like "you look just like your mother", on our first watch of the episode we connect that to his want to be Penny's father, because that's also BoJack's intention. But then everything gets shattered, both in and out of universe, when Charlotte rejects BoJack. Because suddenly, both we and BoJack are supposed to deal with the fact that, actually, why would she have an affair with Kyle? What information do we have that she and Kyle are not happily married?* This is not a sitcom. So then, BoJack starts to panic. He starts to think irrationally, as this illusion he has been creating for himself for 3 months and/or 29 years starts to crumble. He starts to see Penny, not as a daughter, but as the next best option to being with Charlotte, the next best option to keep living this lie he keeps telling himself.
Sure, it seems like shock value the first time you watch it. Because it's a subversion. It's not what you expect by definition. But then after you rewatch the episode, you can't unsee it. Everything is recontextualised. It's no longer a sitcom.
Escape From LA is my second favourite penultimate episode in the entire show. Other than being one of the biggest parts of the show that wasn't spoilt for me, it's so beautifully constructed and subtle and genius that it remains gripping every time, and I love noticing a new thing about it every time.
*For this very reason, Kyle's lack of appearances and an active role in this episode is genius.
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
I happened to see a good chunk of the Netflix Persuasion. I can't give a complete review or analysis or whatever, but I have thoughts.
This movie has some very pretty colors. I like cool color palettes, what can I say?
There was one shot of a purple sunset where I was like, "Oh, I could live in this picture."
The aesthetic was so trendy I couldn't take it seriously. The clothes were that 2019 Little Women cottagecore vibe with lots of poorly-fitted textures and layers and colors. I laughed out loud at the Big White Text announcing LYME or BATH, because it's such a specific vibe.
I tried to detach from any notion of it as an Austen adaptation, and just enjoy it as its own movie that just happens to take place in a history-flavored fantasy world where everyone uses modern speech. Because sometimes those stories can be fun. It still didn't work.
Because it mostly just confused me. It was this weird mish-mash of genres and tones that didn't really blend together. Oil and water. It was Pinterest and Hallmark and Austen and College Humor and Instagram and Feminism and it's all felt like it came from completely different movies.
It was trying to be a sincere period drama love story and a goofy parody at the same time and it just didn't work.
Like, there were some sweet moments in it. Anne talking about poetry to Captain Benwick was rather nice.
But then you've got things like the weird octopus-sucking-my-face story Anne tells at Lady Dalrymple's. Even that could have worked okay in context, because Mr. Eliot jumps in and turns it into a metaphor about identity, which helps to cover for Anne's awkwardness and shows that he's willing to help her out. But then they keep bringing up the octopus as a sort of pet name and it's just so weird and doesn't fit with the rest of the story.
I've gotten ahead of myself so I'm going to backtrack to some specifics.
Mary Musgrove was excellent. Spot-on. I love how she's visibly younger than Anne. First adaptation I've seen that emphasizes that.
It was interesting how they emphasized the Mrs. Clay storyline. It actually sparked some interesting thoughts about the differences between the male social climbing of the sailors (shown in a positive light in Austen) and the female social climbing of the marriage-seeking ladies (shown in a more negative light).
I've never had a clearer picture of why Mrs. Clay matters so much to Mr. Elliot. Even in the book, it's a bit muddy, but it's crystal clear here. Mr. Elliot telling us his schemes straight-out did have the benefit of making the story very easy to follow.
I've got to back up again.
They completely altered the Anne/Wentworth storyline by mixing around all the plot points.
After they go to Bath, Wentworth seeks out Anne, says that they haven't had a chance to talk, and tells her how he always admired how good she was in an emergency. And this was before the staircase scene. I was extremely confused, until it hit me--this is a dream sequence! This is how Anne wants it to play out, but then she'll wake up!
But no! This actually happened! Wentworth says all this very sincerely and passionately, leading up to him declaring...that he wants to be friends. (At least there's context for "We're worse than exes--we're friends.")
It completely alters the trajectory of their relationship. Instead of jumping from the passion of hatred to the passion of love, Wentworth has gone to the other end of the pole--friendly indifference. He likes Anne and is totally okay with her marrying someone else.
I think they changed it so Mr. Elliot could be a serious contender in the love triangle. Wentworth has let her go--can she find happiness with someone else? I'll admit it's an interesting change, even if it's not Persuasion.
But it also seems like they're trying to make Wentworth a Suitable Love Interest for the Twitter Generation. Wentworth gets weirdly bristly with Mr. Elliot. Then Wentworth apologizes because Anne is a strong woman who doesn't need his protection. He tells her she should have been able to be an admiral. He's being mature and letting go of his resentment and wishing her well and showing that he doesn't like Regency Gender Roles. It's like they're shaving away his character growth in favor of a bland Nontoxic Relationship (TM).
But then Anne likes Mr. Elliot because he's bad? He openly talks about how he's trying to wreck her father's relationship to get the title. He insults her family. And she likes it.
This version of Anne holds her family in contempt. She doesn't like them or how they treat her and she openly disdains it. So she connects with Mr. Elliot. But the book Anne seems sad for her family--she doesn't like their behavior because she wishes they could be better people. She has compassion while movie Anne is resentful.
Persuasion is all about restraint. This movie is all about lack of restraint. People speak bluntly and say what they think and openly insult people. It's a completely different culture from the usual Austen movie, because it's modern culture. Which emphasizes how little we value good manners and restraint.
It's also weird how in changing the story, they also turn it into a generic rom-com. There's a more blatant love triangle between the good boy and the bad boy. Wentworth is starting to fall in love with Anne, but he's got an opportunity to advance his career, and he has to decide within a few days, oh no! It's textbook romcom plot points.
There was another point that I'll probably think of later.
EDIT: Oh, I just remembered! I think it was that the movie was so interested in the vibes and emotions of each individual scene that it didn't bother to try to stitch them together in a coherent whole.
The ending kiss looked 1000% like the cover of a cheap romance novel.
And the final moral of "don't let anyone tell you how to live your life" feels so simplistic and selfish and weird.
Overall, I'm not angry. I'm just confused. It's not the type of movie to arouse any kind of emotion other than "Huh???" And maybe a bit of regret that they couldn't have done better things with the interesting bits.
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showmey0urfangs · 10 months
Any fanfics you are super into right now? What do you think of all the human AUs?
Hi anon! Sadly I don't have time to read as many fics as I would like but I'm currently reading a few ongoing fics:
Under the Blood Moon by dirtygoldensoul
Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind by lesfleursrouges
As If Wounded Without the Pleasure of a Scar by Gildatheplant
Where Do We Go From Here? by Anonymouswords123
And a couple of one-shots/short fics that I read and loved recently:
Vicious by lesfleursrouges
The Most Unkindest Cut Of All also by Lesfleursrouges (anything from this author is great really so take your pick or better yet, read them all)
Cause the rest of you, the best of you... by Pocketsun
Drunk On You by cococris
Through a Glass Darkly by Anonymous (which I also recommended in my Hidden Gems of the week fic rec series)
Carnal by Glittercake
Blood on your marble floors by Tyiswriting
pull by peripheralaudio
not a ruse, not heat by inthebelltower
dirges by boltcutters
Scene from a Marriage by enkelimagnus
To your second question,
I only very rarely read Human AUs or Modern setting AU because the vampirism aspect is one of the things I love the most about the show (and the books). I've been into vampire media since I was a kid and that's really my jam so without that I tend to find it hard to get interested in the story.
There are literally 15 books and 7 episodes of the TV show to explore and draw inspiration from and I really wish there were more fics set within that canon but Human AUs seem to be the most popular trope in the fandom at the moment and it is what it is. My only hope is that the writers cranking all of these fics out are actually doing it because they enjoy it and not because they wanted to jump on a popular bandwagon.
The same goes for the feminization/ ABO/breeding kink stuff. I've seen a lot of those that are so ooc and read like straight-up parodies or crack fics and it makes me scratch my head a little bit. But as I always say, to each their own, if people are into that then so be it. Personally, I'll just stick to the canon-adjacent stories where both parties of the gay vampire ships I like are...you know homosexual men/vampires and not women or weird fish-wolf amalgamations or any other variation of that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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I Wanna
Yakuza!Pedro Pascal x Reader + Baker!Oscar Isaac x Reader
Summary: You fell in love with the leather jacket wearing thug named Pedro, and even after finding out he was part of the yakuza, you married him against your family's will. What happens when your marriage comes crumbling down and his best friend, Oscar, comes picking up the pieces?
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: Yakuza/Baker AU ok? ok, CRACK FIC, anime parody (ie, cringe cliche anime scene descriptions, romanized japanese~, etc.), fem!reader, Wife!Reader, infidelity/cheating, hurt/comfort, mentions/depictions of violence, fluff, angst, did i say crack fic?, typos etc.
A/N: I know its says pedro and oscar, but its not really them ? HAHHA just dont take this too seriously 💀. It started with this tiktok and me thinkin it was a damn telenovela. then the pic of pedro in this moodboard made @sloanexx say 'yakuza pedrosan' and i was like 😀😀BESTIE THATS AN IDEA then this other tiktok happened and then it sewed everything in place. Cross posted on my ao3 Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz @multifandom-fangirl4
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▶ Play ♪ 'I Wanna' by The All American Rejects
The bell chimes as the door opened. I pull my head off my hand and pause the funny cat compilation video I was watching. I straightened up where I was leaned on the front counter, standing from my stool. I put on a fake smile and greet, "irasshaimase~ Welcome to the Starlight Cafe!"
I close my eyes as I grin. Gosh, I hate my job.
I hear the customer walk over to me. When I open my eyes, I let out a gasp when I see his face. The wind blows. Cherry blossoms drift with the breeze. His leather jacket glimmers. His shades glint as he pushes them down slowly. He flips his short hair. It barely moves.
I let out an audible gasp. My eyes glitter, "so pretty."
He knits his brows, "nani?~"
"What-" I clear my throat as I am snapped out of that maladaptive montage. I chuckle softly, "what would you like to order?"
The man looks at me through his lowered glasses and then with a swoosh, removes his glasses. I gasp again, clutching my chest. I whisper under my breath, "sugoi~"
"Mmm," he hums, crossing his arms, titling his head, "what would you recommend, cutie pie?"
My background turns pink. Heart shaped sparkles appear in my eyes. I gasp, he just called me cutie pie? He thinks I'm cute?!
"A- I-" I suck in a breath and carefully offer, "a lot of our customers order the triple chocolate frappe. It has a choco base, choco syrup, and chocolate bits."
"Mmm," he hums again, "I didn't ask what the other customers order," he leans in toward me, our faces inches apart, "I asked for your recommendation."
The whole world turns black. My heartbeat is magnified. I feel my entire body burn, "I-"
The man leans on the counter, placing the shades in his hand on his head. He raises a brow, "well?"
I suck in a breath and mutter, "s-strawberry."
"Hmm? What was that, cutie pie?" A smirks plays on his lips.
"I like iced strawberry lattes," I retort.
He pulls back and leans on one leg. He chuckles, "kawaii~" then nods, raising two fingers, "2 iced strawberry lattes then."
I nod gingerly, punch in his order, "could I just get your name for the order?"
His name rolls off his tongue smoothly, "Pedro."
Ah... Pedro-san~
I tell him his total and take his payment. I hand him his recipt. The world moves in slow motion as he takes it from me. He says a quick thanks and walks off. His boots click across the empty cafe. He sits down on sofa chair next to the window and props his elbows on the back rest, crossing his legs as he looks out. Pink blossoms fall from the sakura tree outside. He smiles at the sight of it, "I've missed Tokyo."
I cannot stop looking at him as I make his order. With every step, every mix, every pour, every shake, I steal a glace of Pedro. I couldn't help myself. That was, until I saw him looking back at me.
I drop the jigger onto the counter with a loud thud. I freeze and look away from him. Shit.
Pedro's lips curve into a soft smile. He whispers under his breath, "baka~"
From then on, I focus only on finishing his order.
When I do, I place the two cups on the counter and call out, "2 iced strawberry lattes for Pedro."
Pedro turns to me. He stands from his spot and walks over. He smiles and takes the one latte, examining the perfectly placed strawberry slice on the cream, then pokes a straw through the plastic cover. He brings the straw to his lips and takes a sip. I watch him with anticipation, clenching my fists tightly.
He pulls the cup away and licks his lips.
I gulp heavily.
Pedro smirks, "refreshing."
I let out a soft sound of relief.
He then takes another straw then pokes it into the other cup. He pushes the cup across the counter, towards me, and mutters, "enjoy the treat, cutie pie."
My jaw drops as I look down at the counter. He- he... bought this for me?
Pedro takes another sip of his drink with a playful look on his face, "see you soon, strawberry."
With that, he turns around and walks away. I gasp when I see the print on his jacket. He was... a gangter? Yakuza?
I watched him as he stepped out of the cafe and crossed the street. My eyes widen when he looked over his shoulder and winked at me.
"That guy is nothing but trouble," I mutter to myself.
Little did I know that I would go on to understand how much trouble he really was, because one day, I would become his wife.
I remember the day he asked me, the day he promised it all to me.
I had since stopped working at the cafe and got an office job at a high paying firm. He had gotten into a fight with my overbearing co-worker who incesantly kept walking with me on my way home from work.
Pedro told me he wouldn't be able to pick me up that day even after I begged over and over to, because I didn't want ot be alone with my slimy co-worker. Little did I know that he planned it all. He knew my co-worker would persist and I wouldn't be able to get him to back off.
When we were a few blocks away from our office, walking the down the street I dreaded walking because it was dark, he came out of nowhere. Pedro popped up in front of us, scaring both me and my co-worker. The next thing that I knew, Pedro had the man by the collar and slammed him against the wall.
I was too shocked to react and I couldn't hear a word he was saying because Pedro whispered to him.
Once he released him, the man went running the other way. When Pedro turned to me, I gasped at the state of him. He had a busted lip, blood on his brow, a black eye, and the jacket he wore all the time was torn on the sleeve.
He whispers my name, eyes unable to meet mine.
I look at him as the orange streetlight gave me a vague view of his face, "wha-"
"I'm not a good man, in fact, I'm a horrible man," he mutters.
"Matte~" he mutters, "wait... just let me say this."
His face darkens as he hangs his head low. He rumages through his back pocket and pulls out something, "I don't think I can ever change," he slowly takes my hand. My cold hands burn in his hot one, "but I know for a fact I can never live..."
I gasp as I look down at my hand.
"- if I don't have you," he says, slipping a ring on my finger. Even through the darkness, I could see that the silver ring was reddened with blood.
"I did it for you," he says, making my eyes dart back up to his face. Pedro continues, "I killed my boss for you."
A shiver runs down my spine.
"I'm the boss now."
"Nothing will ever stand in our way," he steps forward, taking both my hands in his, "I would give you anything you want, everything you need," he bends to look up at me, "I would place Tokyo in the palm of your hand."
"Pedro..." I speak warily, "I- I don't need Tokyo..."
Pedro's face falls. He lets out a shaky breath. He straightens up and looks at our joined hands. He feels his eyes water. He feels his grip loosen.
I grip his hands before he lets go, "I just need you."
Pedro looks up. He looks at me. He feels his world light up. He feels the surroundings glow. He tightens his hold on me then gets down on one knee, "marry me."
I suck in a breath and nod, "I-"
I do.
I marry him.
I marry him against all the wishes of my family, effectively isolating me from all my relatives. I quit my job due to proximity issues, but in truth, I didn't need one anymore. Pedro lives up to his words, he gives me anything I want, everything I need; he placed Tokyo in the palm of my hands and yet-
It all fades.
Where once I beamed at his arrival, I now broke down in dread as I watched him crawl back to me.
I'm not in the mood for your lectures. I told you not to wait up. Strawberry, I had to take this job. Stop it. You wouldn't understand. I do this for you. I do this for you.
"I didn't ask you to do this for me," I sob against my knees as I pull my legs into me.
It was horrible. Pedro was working more than there were hours in the day. There was barely anything left of him when he came back. There was barely anything left of us.
"Oi, oi, oi~" a soft voice attempts to calm me.
I lift my puffy eyes as I look at the grey world before me. I watch as the curly haired man places a tray on the table and kneels down next to my chair, "what has you crying this time, puddle girl?"
Puddle girl. He called me this because I jumped in a puddle and splashed him the day we met.
He places a hand on my shoulder and shakes his head, "you don't have to worry about anything."
My voice breaks at his words. I sob, "Oscar-"
"Listen to me," he says, getting back on his feet, though he stays hunched to meet me at eye level, "Pedro is a dummy. He doesn't listen to me, he doesn't listen to you, but-" he raises a finger, "he listens to himself."
I sniffle at his words. I watch him as he straightens up.
"Show him what he's missing. Show him what he does this for, what he really does this for," Oscar says, placing his hands in his pockets, "did I ever tell you I made him buy me a bi-"
"Bike when you were still in school by convincing him it was him that broke yours," I continue his story for him through a stuffy voice.
Oscar chuckles. He presses the back of his hand on his lips as he does so, "ahhh," he sighs, "have I said it that much? Gomen~"
The sound of his voice makes the greyscale world seem brighter--happier. He chuckles again, running his hands through his hair. Sunshine cascades over his body, highlighting the curve of his toned chest through his dress shirt with three undone buttons. There is a sparkle that lingers on his bicep as he does this.
"Don't be too sad," Oscar says, pulling out a hanky from his pocket for me. He offers it with a smile and cocks his head to the side, "I made you a croissant and hot chocolate to cheer you up."
When I take his hanky and turn to the tray, I see the magic of his cooking waft in the hair. The smell of the food goes straight to my lungs and I realize in this moment just how hungry I was.
I shift in my spot, wiping my tears, reaching out for the pastry in front of me.
The bell chimes as the door is opened.
"Moshi moshi~" Oscar smiles, greeting the customers who walked into his bakeshop. I watch him as he attends to the old couple, leaning down to meet them eye level. My heart clenches when the old woman pinches his cheek.
The world suddenly has a golden haze.
I take Oscar's words to heart and put his plan into action.
I made it a point to do all the things I loved doing with Pedro and told him all about it. I made plans with him: I reserved dinner dates in our favorite places, bought tickets for movies we'd both like, wore the clothes I knew he liked me in, kissed him in spots that made him weak. I did it all, knowing he couldn't dare resist.
And yet he did.
At first, he would say he would try to make it to the date, then that he was too tired. Sometimes he'd cave and I'd have him right where I wanted him. Eventually, he began brushing me off.
He said he couldn't do those silly things right now.
"He said that?!" Oscar snapped, eyes wide in offence as I sob while recounting my latest encounter with his best friend. He fumes, "oh, I swear, I'm going to beat him up."
"Oscar, please."
"No, no-" he shakes his head rapidly, "I have to teach that rat a lesson."
"You're going to get yourself hurt."
"Well, you've been getting hurt," he counters.
I rub my eyes, no longer wanting to talk about this, as exhaustion begins to creep up on me.
The night air creeps up on me as a bunch of cars pass by the street of Oscar's closed bakeshop. For a moment, there was only the sound of tires on asphalt that filled the air.
"I've got it," Oscar mutters, "we'll make him jealous."
My face contorts in confusion and exhaustion, "nani?~"
"There's nothing that will make a man go crazy more than seeing his girl with someone else."
I huff and shake my head, "that's a horrible idea."
Oscar shakes his head too, grabbing my hand. I gasp when he does this. I look at him through my wet lashes. His brows furrowed. His eyes had stars in them. He mutters my name softly. A wind brushes through his hair as he did so, "trust me. I'm going to help you get your love back."
I look at him as he smiles.
"And anyway, it's just pretend," he reassures.
It really was.
Just pretend...
... at least at first.
Pedro grumbled as I giggled at the ice cream I smeared on his nose. He gives me a stink eye as I take a tissue and wipe the pink cream off him.
"It was an accident, darling," I say sweetly.
Pedro snorts and leans his forhead against mine, "of course it is," he pulls back as I giggle. A smirk plays on his lips as he licks his ice cream, "who would dare disrespect the big boss?"
I roll my eyes at his words. I nearly chew him up for it, but then I catch sight of Oscar and my attention is averted.
"Oscar-san!~" I call out.
Oscar raises a hand as he walks over to us.
"Pedro," Oscar says, patting him on the shoulder.
Pedro chuckles, nodding to him in regard, "Oscar."
Oscar looks between us, "any ice cream for me?"
"Sorry, we just got two," I retort.
Oscar pouts.
Pedro bites on his cone, "get your own."
Oscar turns to him, then back to me, "we should get one later."
I nod and smile, "okay."
Pedro furrows his brows, "later?" He tilts his head, "what's happening later?"
I mimic his expression, "don't you remember, Pedro? I told you I bought tickets for Barbie, but you said you couldn't watch it with me, so I invited Oscar to watch with me instead."
Pedro tenses. Oscar and I look at him as he slowly nods. "Ahh," Pedro says, "that's smart," he licks his ice cream, "better than not having anyone use the ticket."
Needless to say, I was quite dejected on our way to watch Barbie, as our plan didn't work at all.
"Don't worry about it, puddle girl," Oscar nudges me lightly with his elbow, "it's going to work."
"Work how?!" I blurt, "he thought it was a good idea!"
Oscar leans in and smiles, "in time."
"Pedro!" I call to him weeks later after that day, "do you like my outfit?"
Pedro, who was knee-deep in paper work, darts his eyes up and gazes at me through his glasses, barely shifting on his office chair. He looks me once over and nods, "yes, very pretty dear," he looks back to his desk, "are you going somewhere?"
"Hai~" I nod, stepping out of his office, "Oscar is going to pick me up in a few minutes."
Pedro pulls his head back and does a double take upon hearing this. He removes his glasses, "wait," he shakes his head, "Oscar?"
I nod again as I open the door, "hai~ He's taking me out dancing with my high school friends."
Pedro's brows furrows, "that's tonight? You said that was going to be next week."
"Pedro," I shake my head, "I told you that one week ago."
"But I-"
"Don't worry," I raise a hand, "Oscar agreed to come. I asked him this morning."
"This morning?" Pedro muttered, "that's such short notice."
I chuckle, "yeah. He needs to get a girlfriend." I step out of his office.
I stop and turn back, finding Pedro was walking over to me. He places his hands on my shoulder and looks me up and down. "Beautiful," he whispers, placing a kiss on my lips. I am shocked my his affection, and my eyes widen as I gasp. When he pulls away, he brushes my cheek, "I love you."
I look at him, heart soaring at his words, "I love you."
A crack of thunder comes after a bolt of lighting rips through the dark grey clouds.
"I love you," Oscar says, body dripping in rain water.
I shake my head, eyes mimicking the sky, refusing to let him in. I close the small gap in the front door. He risks his fingers and toes by jamming them in to keep me from shutting him out.
"Onegaishimasu~" his voice breaks, "please don't make me go."
"Oscar," I whimper, eyes falling to the floor, unable to meet his gaze. I watch as water drips from his fingers, "everything about this is wrong."
"I know it is," he says and thunder cracks again, "I know it is."
I feel my cheeks burn because of my tears, "then leave. You know it's the right thing to do."
"But I don't want to leave-"
I sigh, "Oscar-"
"-and I know you don't either."
I don't respond to him.
There's another roll of thunder.
My skin pricks with goosebumps when he says my name the way he did, the way Pedro used to, the way Oscar always does.
"I love you," Oscar cries under his breath, "I love you so much that it hurts me to. It hurts because I love Pedro-" he growls, "-and hate him at the same time."
I finally look up to him, seeing just how distraught he was.
"I hate how he's done this to you," Oscar mutters, "I hate how he's pushed you aside and hurt you so much."
My tears travel down my neck.
"I hate how he has you but takes you for granted," he grits his teeth, "I hate that he has you. I hate that you met him first. I hate that you loved him first. I hate that I want you so bad. I hate-- I hate that things are the way they are."
And I know.
"You've made me into a puddle boy, puddle girl."
I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself. I opened the door for him, slowly letting it creak.
Oscar drops to his knees in front of me. He embraces my legs and mutters, "tell me to go away-"
I brush his dripping hair back.
"Tell me to leave you alone and get help for doing this to you."
He looks up at me, eyes red and tried.
I know.
I really do. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself. I leaned down and kissed him.
That was it.
That was the end.
That was the day I chose to leave Pedro for Oscar.
I really did mean to. I meant to tell it to his face, to own up to the treachery, to confess my sins-- our sins, mine and Oscar's, his lover and his friend, two people that should never betray you. We meant to tell it to him upfront, but he made it impossible.
Between him not having time to see either of us, he didn't have the energy to even listen to anything other than his work.
So I left it all on his desk, a thank you, a sorry, an explanation, an I love you, and divorce papers.
The truth was, it took him 5 days to realize it was there, 5 days to realize it had already ended, 5 days to realize he'd been alone all this time.
Pedro dropped the handwritten letter on the floor and ran out of this office, screaming out a name no one would answer to. He bust through every door, every room in the hollow mansion, opened every light in every hall, and only then did it dawn on him that was it.
That was the end.
That was the day he crumpled the evidence of his greatest betrayal and grabbed his gun.
He was not in his right mind. He didn't think of taking his car, he didn't think about breathing, all he thought about was how dare they? How dare they do this to him? How dare they cast him aside? How dare they throw him away?
The world was blurry. The world was pixelated. He could not see the faces of anyone around him. They had no faces. They looked like painted background figures. They looked like melting wax.
Pedro's eyes were wide and his pupils were shrinked. His breathing was jagged and the gun stuffed in the back of his pants felt cold against his burning skin.
The world was like a coloring book vandalized by a child who could not keep the color in the lines. He slammed into faceless painted figures and melting wax, speaking no apology. He paid no attention to the noise of the outside word, none to the deafening honks of cars nor to the rattling of people.
He's at a thousand, he's sweating in this sweltering afternoon, then suddenly he's at a zero, the world goes silent.
He can only hear his breathing as he looked through the window of his friend's bakeshop. He can only hear himself demand answers in his mind as he watched his lover smile in a way that should have only ever been meant for him.
He watches as laughter comes. He watches as smiles are exchanged. He hyperventilates as lips meet lips. He pulls out his gun as he swears he hears an I love you whispered.
Oscar and I whip our heads when a piercing shriek rings from outside the bakeshop. The girl who screamed ran away, making everyone around her panic and run too.
I stand from my seat by the window, spotting the man across the street. A shiver runs down my spine.
Oscar, who was right behind me, tells me to stay put as he exits the shop. I don't. I follow after him.
"Pedro," Oscar calls and raises a wary hand.
Pedro clenches the handle of his firearm and turns off the safety, "shut up."
"Pedro," I whimper, coming to Oscar's side.
He points the gun to me and grits his teeth, "SHUT UP!"
On instinct, Oscar grabs my arm and pulls me behind him. In turn, Pedro steps onto the road and shakes his head, "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!"
And as much as I was terrified, still, I circled around Oscar and raised my hands, "Pedro, please-"
Pedro's tears begin to burn down his cheek, "how could you do this to me?! ... with my only friend."
"I know," I shudder as I step forward, "it's all my fault. I-"
"It wasn't her fault-" Oscar yanks be back, walking in front of me, "it was my idea to do this-"
"Oscar," I call.
"-I convinced her to do things with me to make you jealous. It's all-"
"I decided to do those things!" I pull Oscar by the arm, turning to Pedro, "I cried to him about you everyday. He had no choice but to help."
Pedro's brows furrow tightly at the sound of Oscar calling out my name. Oscar and I continue to argue out our guilt.
The only reason we don't get into a fight is because gunshots crack through the air. Oscar and I hunch and huddle together.
Pedro marches forward as he shoots. He empties his magazine.
The next thing I know he's standing in front of us. My heart is racing. My hands are squished in Oscar's. Pedro is still firing his gun even though there were no more bullets left. I watch as the man I loved pulled the trigger on a gun pointed to the sky.
He drops his arm first, then his weapon, then is on his knees.
The man I love called out to his friend, "Pedro-"
"How could you do this to me?" Pedro mutters, eyes gazing upon our feet. He feels his throat constrict as tears drop onto the road, "I love you," he shakes his head, "I would do anything for you," he looks up. His eyes are red and puffy, "how could you do this to me?"
Neither I nor Oscar get to respond as sirens blare and a squad of police come running toward us. We are all ordered to put our hands up. Oscar and I do so and are apprehended. They begin to grow hostile towards Pedro when he does not move an inch from where he knelt.
I watch as three officers apprehend him with way more force than neccessary. They drag him up to his feet so hard his shirt rips. He wasn't even fighting back.
"OI!~ He didn't hurt anyone!" I call to the police around him.
Oscar speaks out, "we're not pressing charges. He didn't do anything."
"Didn't do anything? That man has hurt more people than you can count," the policewoman who had her hand on my shoulder says with contempt.
The policeman by Oscar's side scoffs, "that's the most wanted criminal in Tokyo," he spits to his side, "good fucking riddance."
Pedro is cuffed and sequentially jammed into the back of a police car.
"If you two follow us," the policewoman says, motioning to another police car, "we'd like to take you to the station for questioning."
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onenettvchannel · 3 months
FLASH REPORT: An Epic Conclusion of 'Wakfu' Season 4 finale unveils the last 3 new episodes on both French streaming platforms, including PH's first Internet Simulcast [#K5NewsFMExclusive]
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ROUBAIX, FRANCE -- Recently in the early morning in Paris, the final three (3) new episodes of 'Wakfu' were aired last Friday on March 15th, 2024 at 12mn (France local time). These episodes presented an enthralling mix of excitement and drama, captivating audiences with their compelling storyline. The seamless continuation of the epic journey of the show's main characters, such as Yugo the Eliatrope, Amalia Sheran Sharm, Tristepin de Percedal, Evangelyne, Ruel Stroud, and many others, kept fans eagerly anticipating each new developments of the show.
An exclusive finale airing as Dumaguete very own 'OneNETtv Channel' premiered the last episodes to be broadcasted online Thursday night in the United States of America (U.S.A.) at 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central / 7am in Dumaguete and Manila (Friday), coinciding with the back-to-back weekly releases of 'Okoo' and Ankama Launcher at the same time slot. The series concluded with its final episode airing early in the weekend for streaming in France.
In the 11th episode "Ensemble", presents the group with a set of new challenges as they come together to overcome obstacles in Sadida Kingdom. The highlight of the episode gets an intense battle sequence where the group must utilize their abilities and unity to vanquish a formidable foe. While the 12th episode titled "Armand", the focus shifts to a new character named 'Nora' who brings a sense of mystery and intrigue to the story. Her daugther's backstory (Ms. Armand Sheran Sharm) reveals to shed light on their motivations and struggles. The said episode ends on a devastated cliffhanger, following after the epic battle, leaving viewers in France eager to see what will happen next.
And on the series finale via Episode #13 titled "Consecration", which is the final episode of the 4th Season, is packed with severely intense action and emotional moments. The main characters are forced to make difficult choices as they confront their Necro's enemies and face their destinies. Yet, peace will never return to the 'World of 12' until the invasion of the Wakfu eaters has been thwarted. The finale delivers a satisfying conclusion to the season, tying up loose ends and leaving the audience with a sense of closure in a marriage scene.
DWFH-FM 97.7mhz's "K5 News FM: Dumaguete" can reveal the exclusive story that 'Yugo the Eliatrope' is now a full-grown man, and is legal to get married with 'Amalia Sheran Sharm' immediately after this tragic war with 'Necros' at the end of Episode #13. Kissing scene after the bottom teleporation in 'Sadida Kingdom' may be considered as a canon couple, under a shipping name 'YuMalia'.
Throughout its extensive run for 4 seasons, these three (3) episodes of 'Wakfu' have taken fans like you in an unforgettable journey filled with excitement and heartfelt moments. The growth and development of these fictional main characters have been expertly portrayed, leaving a lasting impact to showcase audience around the globe. This French animated series has managed to captivate viewers worldwide, thanks to its exceptional blend of fantasy and adventure, making it an absolute must-watch for the targeted demographic.
It is worth to note that after the final 4th season happened in the series finale, it will soon be potentially moved into a weekly French webtoon comics later in the late-April to mid-year of 2024.
Comic dubs from the international fan-parody made voice actors and actresses is optional, if they can secure for international licensing in the future.
FULL DISCLOSURE: The now-growned Yugo Sharm the Eliatrope and Amalia Sheran Sharm are both part ways as Ankama News correspondents for OneNETnews until 2026 and/or 2029. The canon couple of 'YuMalia' will be retired for news gathering on us, several years after the animation taping of the final 4th Season of Wakfu. Mabuhay ang bag-ong kasal ug madamo po salamat, mga ka-Bandera!
SCREENGRAB COURTESY: Ankama Animations & Okoo via France 4 LIVE VIDEO
-- OneNETnews Team
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animehouse-moe · 8 months
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Episode 1: The Case of The Metropolitan Serial Drownings
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I got recommended this by a friend (@444lpblue) who's read the manga. I knew next to nothing coming into the season about it, and chose to keep it that way aside from some of the "warnings" that they gave me about style and appeal. I'm glad I did, because this was a really fun episode. Mystery's can be done to death, hell I just finished a mystery seasonal last week. They can feel repetitive and end up boring, but Ron flips the script. It lives up to the subtitle "Deranged Detective" and I'd love to go into detail as to why.
So, the story. Ron Kamonohashi is a has-been detective that holes up in a room day and night. Isshiki Tokomaru is a detective that's not really built to be one. Because of this, Isshiki's on the ropes in regards to his job and is recommended to seek the help of Ron, which is where our episode begins.
Right from the get-go, the marriage of a darker and more gritty detective series is lit up as a parody to set the stage for the rug sweep, and I think it works really well. The humor works off the rising tensions of the mysteries and interactions, and from it you get these very funny moments.
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The biggest boon is the fact that they don't deny the mystery aspect, but use it to their advantage. When will they do something crazy? When will Ron act out and be completely weird? Will the reveal be genuine or will they make it into a joke? They've created a ticking time bomb with the first episode, and that makes it incredibly enjoyable.
But that's far from the limits of it. Framing the series as a dark and gritty detective story? Well, we've already added dark humor and some unhinged personality traits, what if we added sci-fi/fantasy? Yeah, you heard that right. No, it's not a massive inclusion, but one that works great as a simple reveal in the episode to add higher stakes to each mystery as well as something deeper to dig at.
But that's enough of the story, the best parts should remain unspoken, so let me talk direction. It's cool, really cool. It's got a strong visual identity from the moment you open up the episode, focusing on environmental details and depicting a three dimensional space using blurring and depth of field. It's simple, but it's well received and it's very consistent.
They both work great in their own ways, really. The blurring/DoF do well to provide separation and space in the anime, which can create more tension as a "gap" is perceived between characters and their interactions. The environmental details, well, that's the whole idea of "less is more". Punching in on a specific aspect to allow it to speak rather than the characters works really well for bringing some tension and sinister feeling stuff to the episode.
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Though I have to say my favorite bit of direction/boarding from the episode is this cut. You think it's just characters going back and forth on an interaction, but then you realize they're actually punching in on each character during the exchange until you're watching through the reflection of Ron's eye. A really simple idea, but executed very well. Makes the scene both interesting to watch, as well as providing a sense of rising tensions during the interaction.
I haven't really mentioned it, but Ron is also pretty well animated. It's rather static as is the nature of the story, but when it moves, it moves really well.
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So, there you have it, Ron Kamonohashi. Eccentric, eclectic, esoteric, whatever you want to call it Ron is surprisingly good. Very much looking forward to how they inevitably expand on the formula of this first episode.
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commenter2 · 1 month
Helluva Boss (other) S2 trailer breakdown
Viziepop and the crew are back to releasing Helluva Boss content, which also now includes shorts, so to celebrate they released another trailer going over what will happen for the rest of Helluva Boss season 2.
So the trailer opens with what sounds like I.M.P. being wanted criminals, but I bet it’s taken out of context. Same with the scene of Blitzo saying they are on the run, which likely means he is just trying to get away from someone like Verosika or a ghost given what happens later on.
Points for the writers having Moxxie stand up to Blitzo by saying how much he hates him XD.
The Cherubs will be working with DHORKS! I recall that being a prediction/episode idea in a past work of mine so it’s nice to see that coming true. Looks like they will work together to open a portal to Hell where they kidnap Stolas or Blitzo but more on that later. I will say if it’s possible that at the end of the episode, their actions result in the Cherubs becoming fallen angels as stated in Hazbin Hotel.
Looks like some crazed robot runs amuck in the Lust Ring. If you pause it just right, the robot seems to have a symbol I think is inspired by something from Invader Zim. Wouldn’t be the first time as HH had a Overlord that looked by Dib’s dad.
No surprise, the "GhostF^*$ers" episode is a Ghostbusters parody, among other horror movie parodies and it seems like that hotel manager is possessed by something like demon. Blitzo is confirmed to be afraid of ghost so it would be interesting to see him deal with that fear. Also the episode could go over ghost and states between life and the afterlife, and how they work. I’m also getting a Zestial vibe from the manager from time to time.
We will indeed finally learn what Stolas does on Full Moons, which seems to involve a meeting between the royals of Hell, and not just the Goetia/bird demons. I see a snake demon (which maybe is part of the dinosaur population in Hell), a Baphomet, and what looks like a dog or cat like creature that has same ears as Queen Bee among what looks like wings! Are there other insect hybrids in Hell besides Bee? Could my bee demons headcanon still be actually canon?
However the biggest character seen there is that red bird Overlord from the Hazbin Hotel pilot! We finally know his name, which is Basago, I think it’s how its spelled because the subtitles aren’t helping. It’s cool to see that he is still around, actually wasn’t he or that 2 faced Overlord originally supposed to be Stolas before VIvzie changed it? I wonder if Basago is still an Overlord or not? This bring up some other questions, like can Hellborns (especially royals) be/also Overlords? I think so as along with Rosie being an Overlord with her also being implied to have been born in Hell, Zilla looks like she could be part of the Hellborn dinosaur race.
Basago seems concerned about Stolas, making me wonder if he could become an ally of his in the future. Could they be brothers?
Just wanted to point out Stolas reading another romance book, this one called Passion’s Brimstone. The cover has 2 Goetias looking lovingly at each other, making me think the book is about Goetias not happy in their arrange marriages and have an affair with each other, AKA what Stolas is going through. I wonder if it’ll be revealed that the book is based on an actual story, and Stolas finds comfort in another Goetia who hates the arrange marriage thing.
Andrealphus will be getting more screen time. Good because I’ve had some interesting ideas about him since his last appearance but let’s see the rest of the trailer first.
I wonder if that part about Stolas wanting someone to care about him will happen in front of the rest of I.M.P. or even a Goetia?
Blitzo is definitely going to say that rant in front of the Goetia meeting.
(sees tough character in shadow) Who is that? Could that be Satan? Does he agree that royals shouldn't date Imps, or does he think someone is just acting pathetic and dishonorable like Ozzie, Mammon, or a royal?
Blitzo and Stolas are around snow. THEY ARE GOING TO FIGHT ANDREALPHUS!
Yeah that hotel guy is definitely possessed. Given you can see aquatic features, its likely something from the Envy Ring. Looks like it can possess demons too given it is followed by
Millie fighting Blitzo.
That was Verosika cutting that dead Blitzo cake. No surprise she still has issues about him, but it looks like she and him will be able to deal with them in “Apology Tour” kind of like what happened with Blitzo and Fizz in “Oops”
Also is it just me or does Verosika’s chest look smaller then before?
Mammon is at the Goetia meeting? Does that mean Bee and the other sins will be there too? I bet Lucifer won’t be there due to more important things, aka making ducks or spending time with Charlie. Not to mention they haven’t had big HH cameos yet so I don’t see them doing it now, though prove me wrong writers. Also Mammon has a fidget spinner and finger skateboard with him. I don’t think I need to remind people that he is an idiot.
Is Fizz hooking Blitzo up with a romantic hotel room? I see the thing having a hat that looks like Stolas, yet I bet this will be for Blitzo and Verosika.
(Millie with glass in eye) OH SHIT MILLIE! PLEASE don’t let her loose that eye. I’ve said it before but there are too many similarities between Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel already, and we DON’T need any more.
Looks like Millie joins in with Blitzo on his “higher ups suck” speech.
While its likely Stolas’ comment about feeling remorse for what someone does is aimed at Stella or Andre, I feel like he is talking to Blitzo. Maybe Stolas wonders what it’s like for him to kill someone, as maybe he is debating about killing Stella and Andre before they go after him again?
Again, Blitzo and Stolas will fight Andre. Did he ice Stolas’ house? Is that the house Stella was living at during season 1? Did Andre inherit it? Again more on that later.
UGH Again Octavia is complaining about her father liking Blitzo more than he does her and Stella. We’ve seen this already; can we please get something else from her. Back when the Instagram accounts were used, I recall a Halloween pic of her and Stolas where Stolas says Octavia was always against the norm, so why not have a plot with her wanting to do something else with her life besides be royalty, like become a professor in astronomy? This also reminds me of a Tumblr post I made about how Stella could be trying to take her away from Stolas, but now I feel like she would WILLINGLY try to stay away from her father, and I think we can agree that would be sad (and boring) to see.
This is the only time we see Stella in this trailer, meaning she will likely have a small role…again. Recently I made a Tumblr post about if Helluva Boss might have been better if she was dead before the events of the series, and I want to know your thoughts about it.
Looks like Octavia will be getting a song. She is holding a tear drop, which I wonder if it’s a callback to the name of the meteor shower she didn’t get to see with her dad, or if it represents how she feels. Likely the latter.
Are the agents and cherubs going to torture Blitzo by making him look at his past mistakes? That is messed up and would definitely make the cherubs become fallen angels. At least Cletus and Keenie. It would explain that scene of Blitzo seeing his mom. At least it sounds like Blitzo will finally move on from his pain this season.
Stolas singing at a what I think looks like a “Blitzo Sucks” concert with Verosika and Tex. Obviously they want us to think he’s moved on from Blitzo, but I bet they will get together either this season, or they will at least become friends and get together in season 3, as it’s confirmed that Helluva Boss will have a total of 4 seasons.
Nice to get a timeline of when the episodes will come out, I think no one doubted the Ghost and Sinsmas episodes would come out on their fitting holidays. Fingers crossed there are no delays…and that we get shorts between the long gap between June and October.
With this I have predictions for what the episodes will be about. “Full Moon” will be Blitzo and Stolas dealing with DHORKS and Cherubs where they FINALLY get over their drama but decide to become friends/friends willing to try dating. “Apology Tour” has IMP helping Verosika, likely from some fan/rival given the robot looking thing, where they get help from Fizz and Blitzo and Verosika have their own little “Oops” plot line. “Ghostf%$%^ers" will be a Blitzo and Mille team up episode where they deal with a wandering spirit or demon, where tension will form between Blitzo and Millie which I think would be great to see as they haven’t really had conflict between them yet. “Mastermind” is a bit tricky, but I think during a meeting of Hell’s royalty/higher ups Stolas will be missing because he has to deal with something involving Blitzo or Octavia, or both and its likely Andre’s fault. That’s bad as they need for something, so it’s a race against time. I feel like this will be the beginning of a storyline where people will start to look into Stolas to see if he committed any crimes. Maybe it will be about Mammon using that robot I mentioned earlier to try and get Fizz back, and IMP is hired to protect him? “Sinsmas” will be the episode where Blitzo and Stolas fight Andre, who is likely there with Stella visiting Octavia during the holiday. They get into a fight, but I feel like this will make Octavia mad at her dad and decides to live with her mom from now on. This could lead to a finale cliffhanger where in a reverse from season 1, Stolas wants time away from Blitzo, hopefully not as we don't need to go through that again.
That was an entertaining trailer. Love that they seem to be going back to storylines like Blitzo dealing with his past (especially those involving romance) by interacting with his former love interest face to face like Verosika and especially Stolas. I really like that we will get to learn more about things like what Stolas does on Full Moons (if anything) and that meeting of Hell’s royalty.
What I really loved is that Andre will be getting more screen time, as recently I’ve had a new idea for what could happen if he was made the main antagonist of Helluva Boss. In the past I said he would go after Stolas’ family and while I still think that will happen, he will eventually realize Stolas’ position is small when compared to becoming a Sin. That’s right I think it would be crazy awesome if Andre tries to overthrow Asmodeus! I could see other royals not liking the idea of a Sin dating an Imp, so I bet they would want to get rid of him for that and I can see Andre taking that chance to get more power.
What were your thoughts on the trailer? Do you agree/disagree with anything in this breakdown?
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goetzjpvis · 2 months
3/5/24 "Ring" JPT3391
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This movie was super fun to watch. A lot of the films we have been analyzing so far were ultra fine-arts type stuff, so getting to sit back and watch something that was made with the intention of having little to no major social value and commentary was kind of refreshing!
But still, it has commentary and value. Funny how things are!
Anyways, everybody knows 'Ring', a.k.a. the girl crawling out of the TV- but nobody knows her story. Ring is one of the most famous Japanese horror movies, and by extension, horror movies in the world. Personally, I consider Ring to be a 'denpa' movie because it deals with themes of electronic connection and societal reject with an air of goofiness, but it caps that off at the horror aspect, which is why I consider it to be 'analogue horror' too! Which was definitely not as explored then as it is now. I genuinely believe this movie inspired so many analogue horror trends and eventually the content that we see today.
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A lot of the "Japanese spooks" we see on the net actually also follow a similar pattern, involving cursed electronics, train stations, etc. But the 'electronics' feel kind of follows new-age horror into America simply because we have technology too! You can see lots of modern day creepy pastas revolving around similar themes, such as evil mario romhacks, etc.
Below is an illustration of "Kisaragi station", which is another Japanese Urban legend/creepypasta, and the right is the "Mario Romhack Face", which is another modern Ubran legend famous in the gaming community.
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We've actually seen a lot of American spinoffs and parodies of Ring as well, showing just how influential this modern-day take on technological horror was! I believe what made it so scary was its immersiveness (I mean, she literally crawled out of the TV and it looked so real...) and it's ability to be easily replicated made it a popular form of horror as well.
Aside from the horror aspect, Ring also features a very unique set of character relationships in it! A working woman who is also a devoted mother, and her divorced husband who works alongside her. It's rare enough nowadays to see a film that has a female MC, but one who is also a mother!? that remains unsexualized?! It is so refreshing to see. I was half expecting something bad to happen to her the entire time, but the film itself ended on a bittersweet note, with the death of her husband and her own survival. I also thought the scene regarding the old man's illegitimate daughter's death was really cool, because it showed the story behind the seemingly unrelated imagery that plagued the evil tape.
I felt like this movie displayed an unconventional family life while still refusing to paint the mother or father in a bad light. They had a bad marriage, yes, and they separated, but neither of them were villains. Of course the divorce wasn't portrayed positively, but neither the wife or husband were really at fault. I saw good people in a bad situation, just like the situation the Ring girl herself was in. The Esper situation did catch me by surprise however, I found that more fantastical than the idea of evil tapes, haha!
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reddancer1 · 14 days
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34 years ago today, May 21, 1990, the final episode of "Newhart" aired on CBS. The show aired from October 25, 1982 to May 21, 1990 with a total of 184 half-hour episodes spanning eight seasons.
The series stars Bob Newhart and Mary Frann as an author and his wife who own and operate the Stratford Inn in rural Vermont. The small town is home to many eccentric characters. TV Guide, TV Land, and A&E named the Newhart series finale as one of the most memorable in television history. The theme music for Newhart was composed by Henry Mancini.
The series finale of Newhart, titled "The Last Newhart", has been described as one of the most memorable in television history.[3][4] The entire town is purchased by a visiting Japanese tycoon, who turns the hamlet into an enormous golf course and recreation resort. Dick and Joanna are the only townspeople who refuse to sell. The others accept million-dollar payoffs and leave in a farewell scene that parodies Fiddler on the Roof.
Five years later, Dick and Joanna continue to run the Stratford Inn, which is now located in the middle of the golf course. The other townspeople, now richer and older, unexpectedly return for a reunion. The two Darryls also speak for the first time on screen, yelling "Quiet!" at their wives in unison. Dick gets frustrated with the increasingly chaotic scene and storms out, shouting "You're all crazy!", only to be knocked out by an errant golf ball.
The scene shifts to nighttime in the bedroom of Dr. Bob Hartley (Newhart's character on The Bob Newhart Show) and his wife Emily (Suzanne Pleshette). Bob awakens, upset, and he wakes Emily to tell her about the very strange dream he has just had: that he was an innkeeper in a small Vermont town filled with eccentric characters. Emily tells Bob "that settles it — no more Japanese food before you go to bed." Bob mentions his marriage to a "beautiful blonde," and that Emily should wear more sweaters (in reference to Mary Frann's form-fitting tops) before the credits roll.
Several references are made to Newhart's former show, including the use of its theme song and credits. Although the Bob Newhart Show theme was missing from the final closing credit shot in the series' initial syndication run, the theme has been reinstated in the current version syndicated by 20th Century Fox Television. The MTM cat logo normally closed the show end credits with Newhart voicing-over the "meow", but for the finale, the cat's voice was Darryl and Darryl yelling "Quiet!"
Entertainment Weekly stated in 1995 that Newhart's wife Ginny had conceived the idea for the finale, but the show's executive producers, Mark Egan, Mark Solomon, and Bob Bendetson, denied this in a letter to the editor, "[T]he final episode of Newhart was not 'dreamed up' by Bob's wife, Ginny. She had absolutely no connection with the show. ... We wrote and produced the Emmy-nominated script (with special thanks to Dan O'Shannon)."
In Newhart's 2006 book I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This! And Other Things that Strike Me as Funny, he stated that his wife had indeed proposed the ending of Newhart, which had been developed by the show's writers. He reiterated this in a 2013 interview, saying,
That was Ginnie's idea. ... She said, 'You ought to end in a dream sequence because there was so much inexplicable about the show.' She said, 'You should wake up in bed with Susie and explain what's so—" and I said, 'What a great idea,' and I gave the idea to the writers and they fleshed it out with the Japanese buying the town and our not selling."
Suzanne Pleshette, in a Television Academy interview, also said that the idea was Ginny's, having heard it from her over dinner with the Newharts several years before the finale was shot.
Interviews with Newhart, Pleshette, and director Dick Martin reveal that the final scene was kept a secret from the cast and most of the crew. A fake ending was written to throw off the tabloids that involved Dick Loudon going to heaven after being hit with a golf ball and talking to God, played by George Burns or George C. Scott. Pleshette was kept hidden until her scene was shot. When the scene began, many people in the live audience recognized the bedroom set from The Bob Newhart Show and burst into spontaneous applause. Pleshette and Newhart performed the scene in one take.
In November 2005, the series finale was named by TV Guide and TV Land as the most unexpected moment in TV history. The episode was watched by 29.5 million US viewers, bringing in an 18.7/29 rating/share, and ranking as the most-watched program that week.
In 2011, the finale was ranked number four on the TV Guide Network special, TV's Most Unforgettable Finales, and in 2013 was ranked number 19 in Entertainment Weekly's 25 Best TV Series Finales Ever.
In 1991, the cast of The Bob Newhart Show reunited in a primetime special. In one scene, Bob and Emily's neighbor Howard Borden (Bill Daily), quipped that he had dreamed about living for years as an astronaut, as scenes were shown of Daily in his earlier role as astronaut Roger Healey on I Dream of Jeannie. At the end of the special, Bob Hartley gets on the elevator, where he encounters three workmen: Larry, Darryl, and Darryl.
On the February 11, 1995, episode of Saturday Night Live, which was hosted by Bob Newhart, the closing sketch ended with a redux of Newhart's final scene, in which Bob Hartley again wakes with his wife Emily (special guest Suzanne Pleshette) and tells her that he had just had a dream of hosting Saturday Night Live. Emily responds, "Saturday Night Live, is that show still on?"—this during a period when SNL was heavily criticized for its declining quality.
In 2010, Jimmy Kimmel Live! presented several parody alternate endings to the television show Lost, one of which mirrored the finale of Newhart, complete with a cameo appearance by Bob Newhart and with Lost star Evangeline Lilly in place of Emily/Pleshette.
The final scene with Newhart and Pleshette was later parodied in an alternate ending to the television series Breaking Bad, where star Bryan Cranston wakes from a dream next to his Malcolm in the Middle co-star Jane Kaczmarek, and they assume their respective roles of Hal and Lois. Hal recounts the events of Breaking Bad in humorous fashion as though he is horrified that he could do those things, albeit as Walter White. Lois reassures him that everything is all right, and the final shot is of Walter's hat.
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bigbongdongsolong · 1 year
Belladonna of sadness is such a
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Kanashimi No Belladonna by Eiichi Yamamoto, 1973
Now that u watched this masterpiece time to throw some light into the ori go back of the story for future ref.
Via EG
The content of Belladonna's story was radically different from any other animated feature up to that point, Japanese or otherwise, but its method of storytelling was just as radical.
It becomes apparent early on when viewing Belladonna of Sadness (Kanashimi No Beradona) that this film is quite unique. Certainly the first, and possibly the only animated film that might be classified in the pinku genre. But even though the film is supposedly animated, nothing seems to be moving at first. You instead see a series of elegantly designed still drawings depicting a harmonious wedding between a peasant couple in 14th century France, as a woman sings her narration in the soulful style of a 70s rock opera.
This is the film's only joyous scene, as moments later the new groom is pleading with the local land baron to reduce the marriage tax he can't afford. The baron instead decides to exercise his "droit de seigneur" with the bride. It is here, several minutes into the film, that full animation is finally used, in order to depict the rape of the virgin bride with metaphorical imagery much more disturbing than what a literal depiction of the same events could provide.
A sign of things to come, as this is only the first in a series of tragic events that push this woman, through desperation, into the world of witchcraft.
Belladonna of Sadness is the product of an animation studio that knew it was doomed, and it shows. Osamu Tezuka's Mushi Productions, which had been so successful producing TV series like Astroboy and Kimba in the 60s, was faltering badly in the early 70s for a variety of reasons related to the oil crisis and Japan's economy in general. But in actuality, Mushi Pro's first venture into feature animation, 1969's 1001 Nights, had been successful enough to spawn a second film in 1970, Cleopatra.
Tezuka, always a trailblazer, had decided that Mushi Pro's feature films would be made to appeal to adult audiences so as to expand the potential for animation as a film medium (whether these first two films succeeded in that regard is debatable). But even though these two features did relatively well at the Japanese box office, the economy was beginning to take a toll on Mushi Pro, and Tezuka refused to downsize. When Tezuka left the studio in 1971 to focus on manga, the remaining employees must have known they were on the road to bankruptcy.
A filmmaker has two choices in a situation like this: cut your losses and go out with a whimper, or pour all your remaining resources and effort into one final, revolutionary labor of love. The folks at Mushi Pro chose the latter option and Belladonna is the result. Predictably, the film had a dreadful theatrical run of only 10 days and Mushi Pro went bankrupt within a few months.
A sort of late 60's psychedelic Art Nouveau revivalism inspired by the likes of Aubrey Beardsley's Victorian parodies, which were likewise inspired by erotic-grotesque shunga prints, thus coming full circle back to Japan.
Belladonna is an adaptation of La Sorcière, the 1862 novelized history of satanism and witchcraft in the late middle ages. The book was written by feminist, freethinker, and Frenchman Jules Michelet, who, like many other post-revolution French intellectuals, was eager to condemn the barbaric European forces of the prior few centuries. In Michelet's story, the practice of witchcraft is not simply the leftover trace of ancient pagan traditions, but an active rebellion against an oppressive church and system of government. While the church expected serfs to suffer and slave away during their time on earth with only the promise of a better afterlife to console them, witchcraft provided a glimpse of happiness in the here and now. Where the church feared the imperfections of nature, witchcraft embraced them. Where the church could only respond to ailments with prayer and holy water, witchcraft offered painkillers and psychoactive potions from datura plants.
According to Michelet, the spirit of rebellion and experimentation found in 14th century witchcraft was a progenitor of the enlightenment values yet to come. Furthermore, this was a movement led by women, those who likely suffered the most at the hands of the church and the feudal system. He insinuates that society's emancipation from oppression is contingent on female liberation and sexual empowerment. It's easy to imagine how these ideas must have resonated with the revolutionary leftist Japanese filmmakers of more than a century later (yes, they were working in animation too).
The film adaptation of La Sorcière is often very faithful to the book, to the point of replicating much of its dialogue. It tells the story of an archetypal witch (unnamed in the book, named Jeanne in the movie) who suffers a series of misfortunes that lead her down the path from being a chaste, obedient peasant's wife, to giving in to her awakened earthly desires, to finally blossoming into the bride of Satan himself.
The process of selling one's soul to the Devil can be interpreted literally or metaphorically, but keep in mind that at least according to Michelet, those who would enter into such a pact in the middle ages presumably believed they were literally sacrificing eternity for just a glimmer of relief from a cruel and bleak life. A pact with Satan was the ultimate act of desperation, not just a casual mistake. On the other hand, none of the "powers" that Jeanne acquires from the Devil require any sort of supernatural explanation. They are simply things that Medieval society has withheld from her: an independent spirit, a liberated sexual libido, communion with nature, an inquisitiveness that allows her to discover the medicinal properties of plants, an air of confidence that enhances her powers of persuasion.
Her relationship with the Devil may be nothing but a psychological coping mechanism for the brutality she suffers.
The content of Belladonna's story was radically different from any other animated feature up to that point, Japanese or otherwise (Ralph Bakshi included), but its method of storytelling was just as radical. The film was designed by illustrator Kuni Fukai, whose drawings may appear to be more Western than Japanese.
But his style seems to be a sort of late 60's psychedelic Art Nouveau revivalism inspired by the likes of Aubrey Beardsley's Victorian parodies, which were likewise inspired by erotic-grotesque shunga prints, thus coming full circle back to Japan. Much of the film features Fukai's drawings directly, with the camera panning over still frames, but the film often transitions seamlessly into full animation thanks to animation director Gisaburo Sugii.
This extra motion tends to happen during the film's numerous sex scenes, but they are generally not visually explicit. Instead, they are animated in a variety of highly stylized expressionistic ways, taking full advantage of animation's ability to caricature form and motion. Because of the film's aesthetic appearance and radical themes, it sometimes appears to be very much a product of its time--the early 70's--which is either good or bad depending on who you ask (the biggest giveaway is its great psychedelic rock / jazz fusion soundtrack which is occasionally reminiscent of J. A. Seazer). But it's important to remember that it is based on source material from over a century before, and that there really are no other comparable movies from that period that would justify an implication that it's at all derivative.
The story of an archetypal witch who suffers a series of misfortunes that lead her down the path from being a chaste, obedient peasant's wife, to giving in to her awakened earthly desires, to finally blossoming into the bride of Satan himself.
Japanese animation was still in its prolonged adolescence in 1973 (you could argue that it still is today). It was only five years earlier that adult political and social themes had begun to make an appearance in anime with Horus, Prince of the Sun. There had not been much experimentation with form or design aside from Tezuka's own independent shorts.
It's closest-related cousin is probably Hiroshi Harada's adaptation of ero-guro manga artist Suehiro Maruo's Midori, similar both for its technique of alternating short scenes of full animation with a "slideshow" of still images, and also for its story of unrelenting cruelty. The film probably has more in common with films from the likes of Koji Wakamatsu than it does with other anime.
Granted, it certainly took longer to make and cost a bit more than a typical pinku film (though it's clearly a low-budget flick), but like many of the best films in that genre, Belladonna manages to promote some form of feminist ideology while simultaneously exploiting the entertainment value of crass misogyny.
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brucefromfamilyguy · 2 months
you're a man
Bruce is a major recurring character on Family Guy, known for his various jobs.
Bruce rarely appeared at all in the first three seasons of the show, but has become a recurring character since the show returned from cancellation.
He first appeared as the clerk of a horror novelty shop in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang". In "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire", he teaches a CPR course at the Quahog Community Center. His name was first revealed when he appeared as a member of the school board committee of James Woods Regional High School in "No Chris Left Behind". This position was implied when he heard the name change proposal to Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial High School sought by Shauna Parks and Brian Griffin in "Peter's Got Woods".
He appear as a Tetris piece in "Prick Up Your Ears" and as a medium in "Petergeist". He worked for Exotic Entertainment.
In "Road to the Multiverse", he performs "It’s A Wonderful Day for Pie" as a parody of Tinker Bell in the Disney-style universe.
He is Peter Griffin's lawyer for his trial in the accused murder of his wife Lois in "Stewie Kills Lois". He calls Jeffrey about Stewie in "Lois Kills Stewie", and about Peter's mustache in "McStroke".
In "Boys Do Cry", he offers communion wafers with wine. He explicitly warns Stewie not to drink the wine.
In "Baby Not On Board", he is a masseuse.
He appeared at O.J. Simpson's welcome party in "The Juice Is Loose", and joins the mob that chases him out of town.
In "Peter's Two Dads", he is the therapist who helps Peter realize that Francis Griffin is not his biological father.
He debates which groceries to leave behind while in the ten items or less line in "Brian Sings and Swings".
It has been hinted that he may be homosexual throughout the series, such as in "McStroke" when a mustachioed Peter walks by. He has a friend named Jeffrey and in "Road to the North Pole", he declares in "All I Really Want For Christmas" that he wants to marry Jeffrey. Seth MacFarlane confirmed Bruce's homosexuality in an interview with LGBT website The Backlot, citing him as an example of a positive gay character on the show.
In "The Splendid Source", it is revealed that he works at the bowling alley, selling rental shoes. He is one of the people to whom the dirty joke is traced. It s revealed he also has a pet rabbit named Steven.
He plays Greedo in Blue Harvest and Admiral Piett in Something, Something, Something, Dark Side.
In "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing", he seems to be the only one who enjoyed the performance of "Guys & Dolls". He also enjoys ginger ale.
He is the announcer of Lois Griffin's boxing match against Deirdre Jackson in "Baby, You Knock Me Out".
He is an alcoholic, participating in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings Peter attends in "Friends of Peter G".
Bruce can be seen as Stewie rides through town under Brian's car in "Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 2".
The uncensored version of "Ratings Guy" includes a scene of Peter getting a haircut from Bruce, who shaves a misshapen, deformed penis into the back of his head. When Peter questions it, Bruce runs out crying, noting that some people have had an accident.
Bruce is teamed up with Bonnie Swanson in the three-legged race in "He's Bla-ack!".
In the courtroom scene in "The Simpsons Guy", the openly gay Bruce is seated next to the closeted gay Waylon Smithers.
Throughout the series, Mike Henry has given certain anthropomorphic creatures such as Jaws and a Xenomorph the same voice as he's given Bruce.
Bruce is revealed to be 52 in "Underage Peter", having told Jeffrey that he was 39.
In "Married...With Cancer", Bruce officiates Brian's wedding and remarks that it's another wedding he has to watch. He makes his intentions of marriage known to Jeffrey who nervously looks away.
Bruce and the Kool-Aid Man swap bodies in "Switch the Flip". He also has a crowd scene cameo in "No Giggity, No Doubt".
Under pressure from his parents Phil & Candy Straight, Bruce proposes to Meg in "Meg's Wedding". She refuses to acknowledge that he's gay at first, but stops the ceremony and admits she's aware after finding pictures in his phone. He is forced to not only confront his parents, but proposes and marries his long-time boyfriend Jeffery.
Episode Appearances
FG103 "Chitty Chitty Death Bang"
FG207 "The King Is Dead"
FG309 "Mr. Saturday Knight"
FG405 "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire"
FG411 "Peter's Got Woods"
FG419 "Brian Sings and Swings"
FG423 "Deep Throats"
FG425 "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives"
FG426 "Petergeist"
FG427 "Untitled Griffin Family History" (as ancestor Tobi)
FG508 "Barely Legal"
FG510 "Peter's Two Dads"
FG515 "Boys Do Cry"
FG516 "No Chris Left Behind"
FG601 Blue Harvest (as Greedo)
FG604 "Stewie Kills Lois"
FG605 "Lois Kills Stewie"
FG608 "McStroke"
FG704 "Baby Not On Board"
FG706 "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing"
FG709 "The Juice Is Loose"
FG710 "FOX-y Lady"
FG714 "We Love You, Conrad" (uncensored version)
FG801 "Road to the Multiverse"
FG808 "Dog Gone"
FG812 "Extra Large Medium"
FG813 "Go, Stewie, Go!"
FG819 "The Splendid Source"
FG820 Something, Something, Something, Dark Side (as Captain/Admiral Piett)
FG905 "Baby, You Knock Me Out"
FG907 "Road to the North Pole"
FG909 "New Kidney in Town" (mentioned)
FG911 "Friends of Peter G"
FG913 "Trading Places"
FG1001 "Lottery Fever"
FG1012 "Livin' on a Prayer"
FG1017 "Forget-Me-Not"
FG1018 "You Can't Do That On Television, Peter"
FG1021 "Tea Peter"
FG1022 "Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 2"
FG1102 "Ratings Guy"
FG1108 "Jesus, Mary & Joseph" (as the Angel of the Lord)
FG1112 "Valentine's Day in Quahog"
FG1116 "12 and a Half Angry Men"
FG1119 "Save the Clam"
FG1201 "Finders Keepers"
FG1210 "Grimm Job" (in fairy tale)
FG1220 "He's Bla-ack!"
FG1221 "Chap Stewie"
FG1301 "The Simpsons Guy"
FG1316 "Roasted Guy"
FG1403 "Guy, Robot"
FG1404 "Peternormal Activity" (uncensored version)
FG1414 "Underage Peter"
FG1502 "Bookie of the Year"
FG1516 "Saturated Fat Guy"
FG1605 "Three Directors"
FG1613 "V is for Mystery"
FG1617 "Switch the Flip"
FG1701 "Married...With Cancer"
FG1702 "Dead Dog Walking"
FG1703 "Pal Stewie" (heard)
FG1712 "Bri, Robot" (mentioned
FG1715 "No Giggity, No Doubt"
FG1717 "Island Adventure"
FG1803 "Absolutely Babulous" (mentioned)
FG1805 "Cat Fight"
FG1807 "Heart Burn"
FG1816 "Start Me Up"
FG1818 "Better Off Meg"
FG1819 "Holly Bibble"
FG1902 "The Talented Mr. Stewie"
FG1903 "Boys & Squirrels"
FG1905 "La Famiglia Guy"
FG1906 "Meg's Wedding"
FG1907 "Wild Wild West"
FG1914 "The Marrying Kind"
FG2006 "Cootie & the Blowhard"
FG2007 "Peterschmidt Manor"
FG2008 "The Birthday Bootlegger"
FG2014 "HBO-No"
FG2015 "Hard Boiled Meg"
FG2016 "Prescription Heroine"
FG2101 "Oscars Guy"
FG2115 "Adoptation"
FG2117 "A Bottle Episode"
FG2201 "Fertilized Megg"
FG2203 "A 'Stache from the Past"
FG2209 "The Return of the King (of Queens)"
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nnschneider · 2 months
I got tagged by @wurzelbertzwerg so her are my replies
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
296,244 as of today but I'm posting weekly updates on a story nowadays.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Northanger Abbey and Good Omens although I've written something for all of Austen's published novels and other TV shows (not all posted on AO3)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm ordering these from most to least:
An Equitable Arrangement - GO. Sequel to Renovation. A/C go from pretending to be a couple of humans to pretending to be a human couple.
Origin Story - NA. Modern hero/villain AU inspired by Mega Mind.
Opposite of Retirement - GO. Sequel to Equitable Arrangement. A/C do not get a peaceful, boring retirement.
The Renovation - GO. C is unhappy with his flat and decides to renovate it.
The Smallest Angel - GO. A is shrunk.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes but I always feel like I'm doing it wrong. Like, I have posted whole pages of words just above here and I need to write something else like Thank you? But that feels a little skimpy given that so few people comment these days. And also, what's a reasonable time between the comment and the reply that doesn't feel like I'm stalking my inbox?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Lamb - Mansfield Park. In response to a Halloween prompt ("illness").
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Northanger Federated? It very clearly ends happily ever after.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got a relatively gentle, hate-tangential comment once on Welcome to Austenville. It has multiple couples in it from Austen's novels. I had changed one canonically M/F couple into a F/F couple and someone left a comment that they would not be reading the rest of the story due to that. Note: this was not on AO3 but on another site where I was cross posting.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. I tend to try to watch my language unless it's character compliant, even swapping out "oh my god!" with "oh my goodness!" I tend to stay away from explicit scenes. I also typically note if there's violence, sexual innuendo, or implicit scenes as a warning. Long ago, I started posting on a site that abided by an ambiguously understood "family friendly" policy and I've internalized that recommendation.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm more of a "saw a movie, imma cram my blorbos in it" writer, but if you consider mixing characters from different Austen novels in the same story, then yes, I have done crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? No one's told me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have had a fic translated INTO SONG! For years, I wrote a little parody of something Jane Austen as a Christmas Carol and blackglass actually sang Who Would Say No? (Austen crossover about heroines refusing a marriage proposal to the tune of Up On The Housetop).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Does a beta reader count? I think I'd love someone to poke me along but also I'd need them not to poke when I am too busy IRL.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
It has to be Henry Tilney and Catherine Morland. Boring but gets the job done.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My COVID inspired P&P that focuses on Lady Catherine and her friends sending letters back and forth as England succumbs to a mysterious plague,,, of werewolves. I was angry at the time with how people in power (the Lady Catherines of the modern world) were so eager to put front line workers in danger to support their lifestyles. But now that everyone is actively, deliberately coughing on everyone else, it feels like the moment has passed.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm willing to move from one fandom to another based on my inspiration. I'm willing to kill my darlings which is good for suspense.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and choreography. I struggle with these, have no idea if I'm using the right vocabulary for the expert who knows those terms nor the novice who just wants to read something entertaining. I feel like I'm never right.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did a Casablanca inspired Persuasion piece which had some German and French in it. My peer reviewer at the time knew someone fluent in German and I've had enough French that I could sprinkle in a few lines for atmosphere without requiring my readers to know a second language. I did try to get clever and put the translations into a tooltip you could hover over so you didn't need to scroll or click around, and then I realized it doesn't really work on touch screens or sites that strip out HTML as a security precaution.
As far as writing a whole story in another language, I think it would need to be a very short story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pride and Prejudice, "Lizzy and the Three Ghosts" which has not been posted on AO3. I had read enough JAFF to be thoroughly comfortable with P&P, before I started to really get behind NA.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Origin Story is my favorite NA on AO3; you should read it.
I have no idea who else to tag but consider this your open invitation.
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scarletlizzard · 2 months
First of all, I have never looked at smut scenes so closely lol. All mistakes are mine, I wrote this on my notes app.
This piece turns both common religious notions and assumptions made by the characters on their heads. Nothing is really as it seems as we open with reader at a party with a friend, it’s a new, overwhelming place—we can liken this party to being a diorama of the real world/life—and Natasha has been watching reader the entire time like an omnipresent being, like god - then walks through the crowd—cutting through the chaos of life and telling reader “hey, follow me”.
Keep in mind reader has been drinking up until this point. As previously discussed, alcohol is a suppressant, a crutch—it can cloud a persons judgment and vision with a rose colored tint. It can also be a catalyst for choices that one might not usually make—like going upstairs to fuck a tatted stranger.
Throughout the encounter, reader is in awe of Natasha, calling her a god right off the bat (bingo). Natasha is tall, strong, fit, covered in tattoos with piercings and a split tongue. these are all deemed to be attractive or eye catching attributes to most people. Natasha is like a walking museum of attraction and awe only to be consumed by the public and right now reader is no different than previous patrons. It’s worth noting, through the lens of religious undertones, Nat doesn’t look like the god everyone usually envisions, she looks like the opposite, to be frank.
Further into this encounter, nat kneels before reader, so who’s worshipping who at this point? Spoiler: it’s still reader lol. Tangentially, I grew Catholic so that’s where my perspective comes from. I will argue that this scene where Nat eats out reader could be a parallel to taking communion. Natasha could be accepting something new into her life by taking the body of reader. Anyway, reader finds out this is nats house. House! God! Church!! This whole night is a religious experience that reader is having in the house of god aka nat effectively being evangelized into a believer, a follower of Natasha.
Let’s talk about the dick for a moment. So AP girlies know that items like a cane, or weapon like a sword are interpreted as phallic, representing men and patriarchal values because women obviously need men (sarcasm) Here? Natasha has a literal dick, men are not needed here. This is taboo, outside of the norm for a woman to be like man. But keep in mind Natasha also has other typically masculine characteristics such as big hands, muscles, height, strength so this was being made clear from the jump! Men do not have a place in this story, these characteristics do not exist solely for them and this isn’t a piece being made to appease a male audience. All of this is being told through the ‘female’ gaze.
Moving on, there’s mention of “Christ” and “god” which just adds to the overarching theme of religion and worship. As a far reach, the arc from the sex starting out gentle and exploratory to rough and direct can be seen as a potential parallel to the ebb and flow of god’s love, pulling between all loving and wrathful. We get to the climaxes, which could also be a parody of the concept of immaculate conception and even abstaining until marriage. This whole thing is just, sinful and maybe even blasphemous to a degree, it’s the anti to what men and the church want women to do which is save themselves until marriage and then have so many kids. lol I also said nat nutting into reader was “planting the seed of this newfound religion” smh.
There’s a secondary theme of assumptions. Reader is getting ready to leave because it’s just a one night thing right? But nat says “you don’t have to leave, I’m not like that” despite being a person who is eye candy to the public, she’s saying “you’re wrong about me, you can stay and I can shelter you”. Nats assuming that reader assumes that this is a one time thing because nats probably just some lady killer. Just like how I assumed everything I just wrote (:
I'm going to start off by saying this is so fucking perfect. You get a 5 because everything written is not only true, but extremely well thought out and so detailed I'm losing my mind. The fact you focused on the religious elements of it, LET ME TELL YOU! CORRECT! On all counts!
Very much the dynamic is - a new scene, a new place, an unknown feeling, the rush of adrenaline from a stranger in the corner watching R's every move. The alcohol once again being the crutch, an excuse to feed into her deplorable, unholy thoughts. So, really, is alcohol the reason for R giving in?
(Bingo is correct) The use of religion comes up in my writing more than I care to admit. But God, the idea of worshipping someone like that? To get on your knees and just worship the human standing in front of you? The fact that a simple human can bring you to your knees, not an omnipotent being.
If you continue to part 2, you'll see who really is worshipping who. I liked the idea of this "God," falling to her knees for the woman she wanted.
What would we do without the female gaze? Men, leave me alone! Been there, done that, not interested.
"Planting the seed of this newfound religion." TOOK. ME. OUT!
The entire fic is based on assumptions, and those assumptions being completely wrong! The theme continues into parts 2 and 3, I'm afraid. The religious aspect is in a few of my works, especially when it comes to the smut. I can't help it!
I think in my sessions series, I said something about Wanda praying between readers' legs. There's nothing hotter than blasphemy, apparently.
I truly will be reading this over and over! Every single paragraph killed me. Well done, Icarus!! There is not one person who has put this much thought into my work before, I am just astonished with this. AP level interpretations!
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