castilestateofmind · 1 year
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“We distinguish the excellent man from the common man by saying that the former is the one who makes great demands on himself, and the latter who makes no demands on himself“.
- Jose Ortega y Gasset
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maliwaru · 20 days
パレットには君がいっぱい ( My Palette is Full of You ) — LuvP feat. 重音テトsv ⤷ tw : references to self harm + epilepsy warning for mv
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precuredaily · 4 days
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Once again the calendar has reached the lovely day of April 4 (three weeks ago)! That means it is (was) the birthday of my favorite Precure, Yukishiro Honoka! 20 years after her series she would be about 34 years old today, if she were real.
It's no great secret that the formula for the original series was taking two girls from opposite walks of life and teaming them up, to represent the strength of friendship. Honoka's charm was her intelligence and pursuit of science, while remaining kind and fairly humble despite her wealthy background. Without Nagisa's influence she probably wouldn't be taking many risks, and without Honoka's influence, Nagisa would probably be dead. Well, neither of them would be Precure so probably not, but both would definitely be worse off.
I haven't actually watched Otona Precure yet, but it is my understanding that Black and White appear at the very end of the last episode, looking the same as ever. I'm not clear if they have any dialog. The Kamikta Twins (the most consistently quality part of this fandom) released a piece of artwork that included aged up designs for Nagisa and Honoka. I have to assume they're official and Toei-sanctioned.
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Last year, I said I hoped for an Otona-style sequel to FWPC. The middling to negative reception of the series has me second guessing that. But the art is nice.
As always, enjoy the gallery and congratulations to Honoka, and of course thanks to everyone involved in creating and bringing her to life: Character designer Iganami Akira, series director Nishio Daisuke, series composition/head writer Kawasaki Ryo, voice actress Yukana, and more.
Art credits (in order):
Kamikita Twins https://twitter.com/kamikitafutago/status/1729634086849855800
Camille☆ https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117523421
Rakugaki Shitagari-ya https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117523771
Uzukun https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117530711
Mishima https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532584
Xiao Mo https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532942
Myarikuru https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532942
Yumikosky https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117543640
Luna Rune https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117547004
🌈 honagino 🌈 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117543627
Touka https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117551553
kobo https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117551713
paretto https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117552049
doragodorago https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117553638
GiulliaGT Art https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117557408
Naaga https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117620871
Nanakusa Gaiyu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117641037
Toyarinomu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532148
Matsu-chan https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117586520
Funari https://twitter.com/Funakounasoul/status/1775661044196610501
Mece Pokeee https://twitter.com/mece_pokeee/status/1775724041355325674
Funari https://twitter.com/Funakounasoul/status/1775754583672844323
lilac❁୭* https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117549533
BLOODOCTOPUS https://twitter.com/kihari561208/status/1775921798179385603
Bonus comics:
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Kato Kyoka https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117525210
TL: p1 N: Happy birthday Honoka! H: Thank you Nagisa! N: Isn't it nice, you're older than me. It's not fair… H: Come on, that's not really something to be jealous of, is it? H: But when I think about it
p2 H: If I'd been born 3 days earlier, I'd be a grade higher than you. N: That's true… it's really close… N: *stare* N: Thank goodness we're in the same grade! Thank you! *squeeze* H: Eh, um, y…. y-y-y-y-you're welcome…?
And this one I didn't have time to translate:
Links to previous birthday posts: 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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ffeelann · 11 days
The Arcana as ARGENTINOS
haci como escuCHASTES
Nombre delicado, lo criaron los abuelos.
Usa frases del año del orto.
''Quedar bien con Dios y con el Diablo'' kid.
Como sos MC no putea en frente tuyo. Él un caballerito.
Tiene hormigas en el culo, no podés llevarlo al carnaval porque se te escapa y capaz perdido no está pero NO ESTÁ POR NINGÚN LADO.
Se sabe todos los programas q están al aire y de vez en cuando ve de nuevo novelas como Esperanza Mía o Educando a Nina.
Se llama Julián.
Vio siete veces Casi Ángeles.
Es insoportable porque le gusta un poco que lo corrijan todo el tiempo.
Portia lo persigue para que lave un plato.
Él era el preferido de la profe de teatro.
Si estudia ciencias, lo hace por aceptación social. Él quería cantar en Broadway.
Sus outfits están chetos porque ofenden a las señoras y a los conservadores. Te amo Julian.
Alma de vieja. Tenía cinco años y ella solita se sentaba a ver el Zorro en la tele.
No soporta Gran Hermano, le causa pensamientos violentos, pero a su familia y a Lucio le gusta así que se fuma el programa.
Es una cheta piola, en primaria capaz que le hacían bullying hasta que un día las hermanas se pararon de manos.
100% segura estoy de que estuvo enamorada de una profe de literatura.
Es una chica 11 posts, 56789 seguidores, 790 seguidos en instagram. Te amo Nadia.
Es la primera en poner casa para ir a merendar con el grupito de whatsapp. Y en las juntadas siempre se porta y lleva a alguien.
Las amigas en el grupo de whatsapp están hasta el moño de Lucio. Lo odian.
Le dio dengue.
En secundaria era el que siempre tenía quilombo y los ig de confesiones estaban llenos de cagadas que él, DE HECHO, se había mandado en algún momento.
Bostero a morir.
Siempre en el club él, pero no le gusta hacer él el asado porque no le gusta tener olor a humo.
Se enoja por la inflación y es el primero en comprar boludeces que no necesita.
Cuando hablan de política él se sustenta gritando.
Tiene grabado casados con hijos en el cerebro.
Se crió viendo Hijitus y él es igual(un dulce de leche que vive con su pichicho en una lata)(no es una lata pero poco más y sí).
Todavía toma chocolatada y lo que vos le digas no le va a impedir comprarse su Nesquik.
El momento más sociable de su vida fue cuando ganamos la copa y desde entonces los vecinos no le tienen más miedo.
Vive en un terrenito en las sierras.
Su casa tiene un sólo punto donde hay conexión a internet.
Todo animal q encuentra automáticamente tiene casa. Sea una serpiente, un sapo o un elefante. Él lo alimenta como si fuese un perrito q encontró.
Nunca fue a votar porque nunca le renovaron el DNI así que legalmente él no figura en ningún lado. No existe.
Ella es la de los reels bonitos de lugares chetos de Argentina.
Adora profundamente las cataratas del Iguazú.
Los emprendimientos de cositas veganas y sustentables la aman profundamente porque ella existe por y para las ferias.
Ella quiere comprarse su barquito así que es influencer de viaje sólo por eso.
Julian tiene el chat explotado de fotos porque ella le manda 1000000 cosas.
Es fan de la Locomotora y de Paula Paretto.
Ella seguramente se llamaría Paula.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 10 months
E.L.A character AI
Dream - Yume Raito
Cor. Nightmare - Alphonse Elric
Passive Nightmare - mareridt/Akumu
Ink - Iko Comyet
Blue - Edmund Wyatt
Killer - Amaris Rusak
Dust - Serene
Horror - Jack Blackwell
Cross - Christoper (Christ)
Reaper - Azreal Abaddon
Geno - Gwen Entris
Error - Eric Calamity
Hope - Sebastian Asher
Frieda Hanani - Saintess Frieda
Ship children:
Lux - Lux Luther
Palette - Paretto Raito
Drop - Otuso Raito
Crescent - Halvmåne Elric
Angst - Grim Elric
Merciless - Michael Rusak
Goth - Beatrix Abaddon
Paperjam - Rowena Calamity
Gradient - Rowan Calamity
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Nothing quite like opening Prsk to hear Len screaming at the top of his lungs; SEGA! KARAFURU PARETTO-!
it’s a dead-quiet Sunday afternoon… I doubt anyone would know this series but god I’m so embarrassed… why was my tablet’s volume MAXED!??? orz
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Textless covers (十二秘色のパレット, Jūni Hisoku no Paretto (The Palette of 12 secret colors)
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atletasudando · 5 months
Premios olímpicos argentinos para Casetta, Chiaraviglio y Baiocchi
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Fuente: CADA y COA Tres figuras del atletismo argentinor recibieron importantes distinciones del Comité Olímpico Argentino durante la celebración de la Gala del Deporte Olímpico en el marco del Día Nacional del Deportista Argentino: la flamante campeona panamericana de los 3.000 metros con obstáculos, Belén Casetta; el subcampeón panamericano de salto con garrocha Germán Chiaraviglio y la destacada mediofondista cordobesa Clara Baiocchi. Chiaraviglio y Casetta recibieron los premios del COA en atletismo. Según explicó el COA «para estos premios se postuló a un atleta masculino y una atleta femenino de destacada participación en los Juegos Panamericanos o en el evento internacional más importante de este año calendario». Entre las autoridades del acto se encontraban el titular del COA, Mario Moccia, el miembro del COI, Gerardo Werthein y, por las autoridades deportivas Laura Antas (subsecretaria de Desarrollo Integral) y Daniel Díaz (titular del Enard). «Estamos celebrando la Gala del Deporte Argentino para instaurar el Premio Centenario del COA. Queremos homenajear al mejor atleta y a la mejor atleta de cada deporte en la antesala de la fiesta de los 100 años, del 15 de diciembre», señaló Moccia. Y entre todos los deportistas que recibieron premios por sus especialidades, luego el COA premió como «deportista del año» a Casetta y al palista Agustín Vernice. El premoi Proyección fue para Ulises Saravia (natación) y Catalina Turienzo (vela). La atleta marplatense señaló que «estos Juegos fueron el primer evento en el que me hija me acompañó. Logramos esto juntas y ahora vamos por París 2024″. Y Clara Baiocchi recibió el premio al Gesto Deportivo Ejemplar (Fair Play). En los Juegos, ante la caída de una competidora de Puerto Rico en el foso de agua, Carolina la ayudó a ponerse en pie en plena carrera. Baiocchi terminó novena, pero la ovación del público en el Estadio Nacional fue un reconocimiento a su sana y desinteresada actitud. Destacó el COA: «El Juego Limpio es una forma de ser basada en el honor y el respeto de sí miso que implica una actitud digna ante un coportamiento deslear, respeto al compañero, al adversario victorioso o vencio y al árbitro, expresado en un constante esfuerzo de colaboración, modestia en la victoria,r rechazando conseguirla a cualquier precio». Dijo Baiocchi: «Mi principal función, más allá de ganar medallas y buscar resultados, es ser ayuda para las personas que están a mi alrededor, ya sean copañeros de equipo o riales. Hace 16 años que corro y en este tiempo aprendí que las medalals se llenan de tierra con el tiempo y lo que queda como realmente valioso es el camino que recorremos y lo que dejamos a los demás». Por su parte, los campeones olímpicos Santiago Lange y Paula Paretto fueron galardonados por su «Trayectoria Deportiva». Read the full article
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sen-no-kotowari · 8 months
Kaida Haru Original Song: Nani Iro Lyrics Translation
It's been so long since I've posted anything unrelated to PGR and to commemorate this, I'll be posting my rendition of Kaida Haru's original song 『何色』 (≧▽≦)
It's a very beautiful song that I had to make my own rendition. Although I took creative liberties here and there looking at a 1:1 translation perspective, I feel that those liberties I took are something I see and spoke to me in terms of what the song is all about. I hope that this song would give strength to anyone who listens, much like how the lyricist hopes. The translation rendition can be found on the cut down below
Song Title: 何色 (What Color) Sung by: Kaida Haru Lyrics: Horie Shota Composition + Arrangement: Horie Shota
存在しない 美しさを 表す言葉はない 想う限りを 歌い合うんだよ
Sonzai shinai utsukushisa wo Arawasu kotoba ha nai Omou kagiri wo utaiaunda yo
An ethereal beauty that simply can't be described by words I will sing this song with you, so long as I dream of it
歩き出した 息を止めて まやかしを 吸い込まないように 隠し持った 絶望に蓋をして 人はパレット 透明の最初を 汚しちゃって 悔しかった 混ざり合った いびつな色を
Arukidashita Iki wo tomete Mayakashi wo suikomanai you ni Kakushi motta zetsubou ni futa wo shite Hito ha PARETTO Toumei no saisho wo Yogoshichatte kuyashikatta Mazariatta Ibitsu na iro wo
Took a step forward, anxiously held my breath so I won't be charmed by the tricks of the light Putting behind all the anguish I hide inside me People are opaque Their hearts fair and clear now has been stained with frustrations and great joy as it blends to one, forming an obscure color
綺麗だねと言った 分からなかった 分かりたいと思った 君の隣で
Kirei da ne to itta Wakaranakatta Wakaritai to omotta Kimi no tonari de
I muttered, “Oh, how pretty” I didn't know better This now made me wonder I wanna stay by your side
目を閉じて浮かぶ 星は何色 泣きたいときに流れない涙は 何色 きっと 答えなどないから 僕達で決めるんだ 口ずさむように
Me wo tojite ukabu hoshi ha nani iro Nakitai toki ni nagarenai namida ha nani iro Kitto kotae nado nai kara Bokutachi de kimerunda Kuchizusamu you ni
What color were your eyes that dreamed about the stars above? What hue were your tears that choked as you tried to be strong? Surely there are no right answers so we both now have settled on humming out that color's tone
震える肩を撫でる 風は何色 目を開けて 見える空は 何色 やっと 少し分かってきた この世界は 分かんないや それで いいんだよ 君を 聞かせて
Furueru kata de naderu kaze ha nani iro Me wo akete mieru sora ha nani iro Yatto sukoshi wakattekita Kono sekai ha wakannai ya Sore de iinda yo Kimi wo kikasete
What color did the wind give off while you shouldered all your worries? What kind of glow did the sky have when you opened your eyes? I think I now somewhat discerned what the whole world doesn't understand And that's perfectly all right Tune in to this tiny song
ありとあらゆる 絵具よりも その瞳は 鮮やかだった 触れられない 暗闇でさえも
Aritara yuru enogu yori mo Sono hitomi ha azayaka datta Furerarenai kurayami de sae mo
The light in your eyes were so brighter than most color palettes that it's hard not to be engrossed Even the shade of darkness you've kept a lid on
似ている呼び名じゃ 相応しくない 心の正体は 伝えきれない
Niteiru yobina jya fusawashikunai Kokoro no shoutai ha tsukaekirenai
It just can't be simplified rashly, or so to tell Do I truly feel this way? It's hard to express it well
想像の旅 ひらく絵本は何色 失望の果て 灯った光は何色 ばらばらな真実と 重ね合う てのひら 違う世界でも 同じ歌を うたう
Souzou no tabi hiraku ehon ha nani iro Shitsubbou no hate tomotta hikari ha nani iro Barabara na shinjitsu to Kasaneau te no hira Chigau sekai demo Onaji uta wo utau
What kind of shade did you imagine reading this children's book? What color were the light's glow at the end of a dark tunnel? We all still hold each other's hands in spite of diverse truths out there It's proof that we're all the same regardless of what we claim
何も 言えなくていい そこに居るって 分かるよ 何かを はじめるときは 傍で見ていてほしいよ 慣れないままの 恐怖 その内側は 希望 息を吸い込んで ただ 君を想う
Nanimo ienakute ii Soko ni iru tte wakaru yo Nanika wo hajimeru toki ha Soba de miteite hoshii yo Narenai mama no kyoufuu Sono uchigawa ha kibou Iki wo suikonde Tada kimi wo omou
It's okay if you don't say a thing 'cause I know that you'll be there for me Whenever I would start something new, please watch how would I grow in your view As I face all of these strange fears, your heartfelt cheers are warm and clear I'll take in everything and simply think of you
この瞳に浮かんだ 星は何色 その頬を伝う 涙は何色 きっと 答えなどないから 僕達で決めるんだ 口ずさむように
Kono hitomi ni ukanda hoshi ha nani iro Sono hoho wo tsutau namida ha nani iro Kitto kotae nado nai kara Bokutachi de kimerunda Kuchizusamu you ni
What color were those shining stars we saw that has caught your eyes? What hue were these tears that rolled down on our cheeks just now? Surely there are no right answers, so we both now have settled on humming out that color's tone
lalala 君は何色 lalala 僕は何色 存在しない 美しさを 表す言葉はない 想う限りを 歌い合うんだよ 想う以上に 巡り会うんだよ
Lalala kimi ha nani iro Lalala boku ha nani iro Sonzai shinai utsukushisa wo Arawasu kotoba ha nai Omou kagiri wo utaiaunda yo Omou ijou ni meguriaunda yo
lalala what color are you right now? lalala what color am I right now? It's the ethereal beauty that simply can't be described by words I will sing this song with you, so long as I dream of it I'm glad that our paths have crossed, more than I could imagine
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lunarsilkscreen · 9 months
Pareto Fallacy
The Pareto Principle is a theoretical silver bullet. Seemingly defining something that works for everything!
Investopedia defines the principle: "80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes." They say this suggests a difference between inputs and outputs to a system.
Investopedia also handily defines the first step of the fallacy:
"If an advisory practice has 100 clients, according to the Pareto Principle, 80 percent of the financial advisor’s revenue should come from the top 20 clients."
This is simply a state of fact, like saying gravity pulls people toward earth. This is the way a system works.
it's often seen around the internet saying "this is why agencies shift towards those 20% and drop the 80%" something about age or whatever. And some businesses start firing people they think are part of the 80% doing 20% of the work.
Now, I have my own complaints about former coworkers. And feeling like I'm doing most of the work. But I'm an oddity. An exception of sorts. I can be just as effective, as I can be dependent by getting in the way of others doing their own jobs.
I wouldn't suggest that 80% of the people are lazy F*s. It's just that 80% of your people aren't going to be as skilled as the top 20%. But over time, guess what? People learn and get better at their jobs. That 80% will either move on or move up.
You also never find that there's more people older than you as time goes on.
Back on track with the fallacy, this means that companies have started actively looking for golden geese in their ranks. Firing others, and then applying their principal AGAIN to their remaining assets.
Ok. Now let's look at the actual principal. Per Investopedia:
"According to what Pareto observed, 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. "
Now what the hell does that have to do with employment? What is this principal ACTUALLY describing? Is it success? Or is it something else? Like wealth inequality?
We see the same principal with the entirety of the world's wealth.
And that's the rest of the fallacy. As we get rid of these "80%ers" actual REAL ownership keeps dividing between the remaining 80/20. Not because of the principal itself. But because people try to apply it themselves, and force it into being.
The fallacy is the application of a fact as if it were a function of management.
IMO; This creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the "1%". They aren't better, they just kept firing people until they were the ones leftover.
You'll notice that I did not assert at any point that people cannot be bad at their jobs, or actually be lazy. What I'm saying is that 80% aren't. And the paretto principal is an observation of distribution of ownership, and not a function you apply manually.
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castilestateofmind · 1 year
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"There exists in other words a totalitarian liberalism. If this expression appears to be an oxymoron, it goes to show how far we have been trained to dissociate liberalism from any whiff of totalitarianism".
- Michael Walker.
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Eksperimentējot ar gaismu īstais efekts atklājās nevis spektrā, bet gan sabiedriskajās attiecībās. Gaismas efekts patīk gandrīz visiem. Izmēģinājumus nāk skatīties garāmgājēji un tie, kas kautko pamanījuši pa logu. Tikko iepazinos ar kaimiņu, kurš, kā izrādās, ir fiziķis no Taškentas Uzbekistānā, kādreiz nodarbojies ar adaptīvo optiku raķešu navigācijā. Cits kaimiņš ar sievu un bērniem iznāca paskatīties, ko es tur daru. Kāpņutelpā ielaidu krāsu spektru, sīkie starā. Ir bijis pat tā, ka kaķi nāk lūrēt, un vienreiz arī vārna nāca gozēties krāsainā gaismā. Bet parasti uz kādiem 100 ''faniem'' ir viens vai divi tumsoņas, kuriem nav pa prātam. Universitātē, tāpat kā pagalmā, ir daži tumsoņas, kuriem gaisma kož acīs, traucē pārvietoties, pārāk tuvu mašīnai utt. Ir tādi, kuriem nepatīk, ka es tur vienkārši kautko daru pagalmā. Kaimiņu tante no savas virtuves loga bļauj - ''vācies prom, mums nav vajadzīgi Tavi saules zaķīši''. Pēc tam vēl izvelkās ārā pikta ar grozu rokā:'' ko Tu te dari, vācies prom, jau otro reizi redzu Tevi''. Saku, lai sauc policiju, nekur vēl netaisos. Tante veļās prom, nobļaujoties, ka policija ar tādiem stulbeņiem arī netiks galā. To, laikam par sevi. Kaimiņu vecim liekās, ka pārāk tuvu viņa mašīnai, viņš aizver kāpņu telpas durvis, kurās es projicēju spektru turmsā. Par gaismu vecis pat neko neprasa, viņam ir tikai mašīna, ko viņš nāk aizstāvēt. Durvis aizver, piebilstot: "ēs te dzīvoju, darīšu ko gribu, vēršu arī durvis ciet, ja gribēšu''. Es arī turpat dzīvoju un durvis atveru vaļā, lai lietas var turpināties bez veča kompānijas, kura lielais vēders met ēnu uz manām gaismas iekārtām. Dzirdu, ka jau dzīvoklī viņa sieva vecim prasa - ''kāpēc aizvēri durvis?" 'Vecis atrūc - '' tāpēc, ka es tā gribēju''. Arī Latvijas Universitātē ir tāda paša salikuma darboņi, tikai, atšķirībā no pagalma ''autoritātēm'' - Universitātē tie sēž aizgaldēs, kunga prātā tie var darīt ko grib - pieprasīt informāciju, solīt piekaut, kūdīt apsardzi uz nejēdzīgām darbībām, personiski vajāt ilgāku laiku līdz beidzot - kulminācijā - vienkāršī savākt un noslēpt visas iekārtas. Atņemt visu ko var. Bet nu tie ir daži darboņi, tikpat cik pagalmā - divi. Smieklīgi un bēdīgi ir noskatīties ar kādu pietāti pret viņu uzdarbošanos izturās un pat klusējot atbalsta arī jēdzīgi cilvēki. Bet nu redzēs, kā beigsies. Pagalmā es varu tikt galā pats. Universitātē tādos gadījumos nākās komunicēt līdz augstākajiem līmeņiem. Kā likums, ka tie vienmēr ir prastākā salikuma darboņi - Universitātē - tie, kuriem nav ne izglītības, ne nopietnas pozīcijas - nejau zinātnieki, pētnieki vai studenti - amatos ieštepselēta vecene bez fizikas izglītības, bez spējām daudz domāt un bez manierēm un kultūras, skaitās nopietna institūta 'direktore' un saimnieciskās daļas veči, kuri ar viņu saprotās vienā līmenī. Bez jebkādām iespējam tamlīdzīgās lietās darboties konstruktīvi - tie meklē iespēju iejaukties destruktīvā veidā. Bet nu tie ir divi no simts vai pat mazāk. Toties kaitējums, ko šie divi darboņi var paveikt ir liels. Paretto distribūcijā to aprakstītu tā, ka divi darboņi no 1000 paveic 99% no visa kaitējuma. Līdzīgas sakarības atklājās Par to, ar kādu piesardzību uz tādām lietām noskatās apkārtējie un nevēlās iejaukties - par to esmu bijis pārsteigs vienmēr. Kompetences hierarhijā vājais ķēdes posms ir ne tikai ērcīgās, neapmierinātās tantes un dusmīgie onkuļi, bet visi pārējie, kuri tiem ļauj uzdarboties. Mana iekšējā ķīmija un alķīmija prasa jaukt ārā tādas situācijas.
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roufdsign · 1 year
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petrosolgas · 1 year
Analista Comercial, Comprador, Técnico de Manutenção e mais: Engie Brasil abre inscrições para vagas de emprego disponíveis no setor de energia elétrica
Se você está em busca de novas oportunidades no mercado de trabalho nacional e possui experiência no ramo da energia elétrica, veio ao lugar certo. A companhia Engie Brasil Energia está nesta sexta-feira, (30/12), com uma série de vagas de emprego disponíveis em vários locais do país. Você pode verificar os requisitos e atribuições de cada cargo para realizar as inscrições nos processo seletivos da empresa.
Os cargos ofertados pela Engie Brasil estão listados a seguir
Comprador ou Compradora
A companhia de energia elétrica está em busca de profissionais qualificados e capacitados para o preenchimento das vagas de emprego de Comprador ou Compradora. Você precisará apenas cumprir os seguintes requisitos: 
Ensino Superior em Administração, Comércio Exterior, Engenharia, Gestão da Informação e/ou áreas afins;
Ferramentas Científicas de Resolução de Problemas — Avançado;
Ferramentas de Análise (Paretto, Ishikawa) — Intermediário;
Gestão de projetos — Intermediário;
Informática: editor de texto, planilha eletrônica, apresentações, internet, e-mail — Avançado;
Legislação tributária — Intermediário.
Clique aqui e realize agora as inscrições para os processos seletivos da Engie Brasil Energia!
Engenheiro de Manutenção Elétrica
Se você tem experiência no ramo da energia elétrica como Engenheiro de Manutenção Elétrica, pode se candidatar às vagas de emprego disponíveis. Os requisitos exigidos para a seleção são:
Experiência em manutenção elétrica de sistemas industriais, em baixa e alta tensão: subestações; painéis elétricos 220V até 6,3kV; sistemas DC&UPS; 
Experiência em manutenção elétrica de motores e cargas elétricas até 6,3kV; 
Experiência em manutenção elétrica em Inversores de Frequência de Baixa Tensão e Média Tensão;
Conhecimento em Normas de Segurança, medicina do trabalho, qualidade, meio ambiente, NR10.
Clique aqui e realize agora as inscrições para os processos seletivos da Engie Brasil Energia!
Técnico ou Técnica de Manutenção de Ativos de Sistemas
Estão disponíveis também vagas de emprego para o cargo de Técnico ou Técnica de Manutenção de Ativos de Sistemas nos projetos da companhia. Para a seleção, basta cumprir os seguintes requisitos:
Técnico em Eletrotécnica, Técnico em Eletrônica, Técnico em Automação e/ou Técnico em Eletromecânica com CFT ativo;
Equipamentos e sistemas elétricos de usinas, subestações e linhas de transmissão — Intermediário;
Planos, métodos e técnicas de manutenção e diagnósticos — Intermediário;
Ferramentas e softwares de gestão de manutenção e documentação técnica — Básico.
Clique aqui e realize agora as inscrições para os processos seletivos da Engie Brasil Energia!
Conheça outras vagas de emprego disponíveis na companhia
Analista Comercial
A empresa de energia elétrica ainda está disponibilizando vagas de emprego para o cargo de Analista Comercial, com os seguintes requisitos necessários para a seleção dos candidatos:
Ensino Superior em cursos na área de Exatas, preferencialmente Engenharias e Administração de Empresas;
  Contratos de compra e venda de energia e os ambientes de contratação livre e regulado — Básico;
Fundamentos, legislação e regulação do setor elétrico brasileiro — Básico.
Clique aqui e realize agora as inscrições para os processos seletivos da Engie Brasil Energia!
Analista de Administração de Contratos de Energia e Contabilização
Por fim, a empresa está buscando profissionais com experiência em projetos de energia para o cargo de Analista de Administração de Contratos de Energia e Contabilização. Os requisitos para a candidatura são:
Ensino Superior em cursos na área de Ciências Exatas;
Ambientes de contratação de energia e estrutura dos respectivos contratos — Intermediário;
Análise e interpretação de contratos — Intermediário;
Formulação das equações para os cálculos dos faturamentos — Intermediário;
Fundamentos, legislação e regulação do setor elétrico brasileiro — Intermediário.
Clique aqui e realize agora as inscrições para os processos seletivos da Engie Brasil Energia!
O post Analista Comercial, Comprador, Técnico de Manutenção e mais: Engie Brasil abre inscrições para vagas de emprego disponíveis no setor de energia elétrica apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 10 months
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Let's see- seems like I will change Killer name to Amaris Rusak
And some others too- 💀
Palette will be Paretto and Drop will be Otuso...
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irenesgf · 5 years
i have one!! rookie or russian roulette? 🍭 personally i like rookie because it's so fun and imaginative. [thank you for the follow btw! ♡]
russian roulette all! the! way!!!!!!! rookie has the better bridge For Sure tho
i miss the russian roulette era so much omg :((((
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