#paracosm anniversary
infiniteorangethethird · 11 months
welp, it is that time of the year again when I go through all my daydream notes and try to organize them into some sort of Plot without getting a mental breakdown from the sheer volume of them
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the-mu-chronicles · 2 years
hello!! the machina magna project paracosm is officially 1 year old! i remember i first started sketching out the ideas on 2nd of june 2021, so a few days ago was the very anniversary of the paracosm!! isn't it exciting, to know one of my favourite paracosms is getting older? :D im planning to go back to my roots and daydream about the original idea, as a lot changed throughout the year :)
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acircusfullofdemons · 17 days
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It is, officially, the 7 year anniversary of when I made Eternal Labyrinth. Yippee! So, to celebrate, here's a hopefully coherent introduction to the shit that's taken over my life for. seven goddamn years holy shit.
Eternal Labyrinth is the overarching name for my main 3 paracosms: Phantasmagoria, Mad as a Crow, Fractured Fables. They are all connected thanks to Multiverse Bullshit! The 3 also have AUs  that are semi-canon, in which they have crossovers and the characters interact with each other. The AUs are:  the Mad Rabbit AU (MaaC/FF), the Tamagotchi AU (Phantasmagoria/FF), and Constellations (Phantasmagoria/MaaC).
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A quick rundown of what each paracosm is about: 
Phantasmagoria: VRVerse || Major oddcore/weirdcore/dreamcore vibes, literally almost anything can happen. Behaves like a video game most of the time, I suppose.
Mad as a Crow: Superhero Universe || A terrible DC/Marvel crossover that’s trying to have one coherent storyline with consistent characters.
Fractured Fables: FairytaleVerse || Fanfiction I don't feel guilty for writing because all of the source material is in the public domain. Quite literally my city now.
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You can find me talking about each paracosm on these blogs: 
For Phantasmagoria only content, go to @acircusfullofdemons.
For Mad as a Crow only content, go to @madasacrow.
For Fractured Fables only content, go to @fractured-fables.
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Each paracosm exists inside each other, if that makes sense?? It’s kind of like the Nickelodeon Sitcom Universe. They are both real events and also taking place on a reality show at the same time.
Phantasmagoria is a video game, Polybius, that can be played at JoyHall Arcade.
Mad as a Crow is a comic book series/company, Mad Crow Comics (similar to DC or Marvel).
Fractured Fables is a tv show, Toybox Tutors, aimed towards children.
When doing crossovers, the general vibe is “oh hey, this is like that [media] I like, just slightly to the left”. The only exception is for things like the APOCALYPSE AU, where the ‘cosm they’re from doesn’t really matter as they’re all put in a Situation.
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The (Dimensional) Hub — All dimensions are tied together due to “The Hub”, aka Earth I. The Hub is an endless void that often takes the form of an empty arcade or mall. Each dimension also has its own unique door and key.
Player Hub — A mini version of the Dimensional Hub, except now it’s suited for a singular person. Everyone that has played Polybius has one.
Holius — Space, primary home to Aliens.
Heaven — Primary home to Angles, mirror of the Netherworld.
Earth I — The original earth. Used to be full of animals before Vitalis added humans.
Earth II — Thisverse/our earth, no magic or supernatural creatures. Mirror of Arcadia.
Earth III — The apocalypse, technical ‘sequel’ to Earth II.
Earth IV — Magic exists, but only in specific locations. Supernatural beings also exist in secret.
Arcadia — Supernatural beings are the majority. Mirror of Earth II.
StoryBrooke — Where various fairytale & classic lit characters live.
Avalon — Fae realm.
Cyberspace — Dimension made by Genesi H. Voltrian. Only Computer Errors can enter.
Mirje — Dimension made by Myriam Travers/Bloody Mary. Only Spirits can enter.
Netherworld — Primary home to Demons. Mirror of Heaven.
Afterlife — Specifically the Arcadian afterlife. Primary home to Spirits.
The VoiD — A pocket dimension that people can clip into on accident, basically the Backrooms. Often used for storing unwanted stuff/trash. 
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Aliens —Extraterrestrial/celestial beings.
Aquaentians — Aquatic supernatural creatures.
Computer Errors — Sentient Errors that spawn within Cyberspace. They can only be created if an existing CE kills you AND takes your Soul into Cyberspace — the process won't work otherwise. Because of this, some may see them as a subtype of Spirit, though as they're still relatively new classification is still being debated. Their appearance is very upsetting, often giving people headaches, and they make circuit-like markings under their eyes / neck / shoulders.
Dragons — A now extinct species.
Gods — So, this one brings up the concept of religion in Arcadia as the Gods are a part of their own pantheon and such, but that's not really related to this topic. They are omnipotent & omniscient in their specific domain (ie; the god of nature knows everything about nature, but very little about space). Gods can be either born or given their powers from another God.
Onerioi — Personified dreams & nightmares.
Puria— Angels, Demons, & Faed.
Avians — Humans with wings.
Cambions — Hybrid between Human & Demon.
Dhampir — Hybrid between Human & Vampire.
Elementalists — Humans that can control an element.
Empaths — Humans that can control an emotion.
Halflings — Humans that can turn into animals, basically werewolves / werecats / shapeshifters.
Regular / Purebloods — Humans with 0 magical ability or Zaryis DNA.
Seers — Humans that can see Spirits.
Witches — An old term used to refer to a Human that uses magic. By now this is the standard / expectation.
Reapers — Zaryis that takes Souls to the Afterlife.
Grim Reapers — Reapers that take anyone.
Ritions — Reapers that take those who died of famine.
Valkin — Reapers that take those who died in battle.
Pestis — Reapers that take those who died of sickness.
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I’m gonna…try and keep this brief, but y’know. I’ve had this for about 7ish years so it’s kind of a Mess.
ORIGINS — Everything on Earth I was fine and chill until Vitalis (God of Life) introduced Humans. After some conflict between the Humans and Sentient Animals that previously lived there, a pair of twins get separated from one another. Theia (Goddess of Death) and Vitalis take in a twin each: Theia with Shadow, and Vitalis with Lumi. Ketrill (King of Shadows/Darkness) & Eloise (Queen of Light) are also made by the Gods, in order to protect the twins. Ketrill cares for Shadow, while Eloise cares for Lumi. Each twin is cared for by their patron until they almost die. Shadow is revived and Lumi is made immortal. The twins manage to reunite, and all is well until Vitalis grows jealous of their friendship, because he and Theia can’t really be together. So, he sets out to kill the twins. With Emory’s (The Librarian/God of Knowledge) help, Theia, the twins, Ketrill, and Eloise manage to escape Earth I. Unfortunately, they all get separated. 
CROSSFIRE — Shadow, now named Nox, winds up on Earth II. His memories have gotten wiped, forgetting about his supernatural origins, and lives a normal life until Emory finally finds him, where he’s then taken to Earth IV while Emory searches for the rest of their little family. While there, Nox meets Jake, an Angel shoved into a Human body as an experiment of sorts. The two team up to unravel the mess of supernatural shit going on. 
FAUX PIXIES — Lumi, now Lucien, and Eloise, wind up in Neverland together with their memories intact. They live as Fairies in Pixie Hollow, with Lucien longing for her twin, wondering if he even made it out alive. Despite her oncoming depression, Lucien befriends Captain Hook, and helps him ward off Peter Pan from time to time. After helping Wendy attempt to get her brothers back, Lucien discovers that Fifi (Goddess of Time) has trapped StoryBrooke in a time loop thanks to a deal she made with Blake Grimm. Unfortunately, Lucien doesn't have the power to stop her. So the loop keeps going and she's kinda scared her & Eloise will get stuck in it and lose their memories. 
REUNION — Thankfully, the two wind up reuniting with Emory after arriving in StoryBrooke. He takes them back to Earth IV, where Nox is. While Emory was away, Nox had managed to get most of their memories of Earth I back. He also reunited with Ketrill! After Emory gets Theia from Arcadia, the gang's all back together and helps Nox piece a few more things together. Of course, there’s still the problem of Vitalis, who’s been mainly focused on Nox but now that they’re all together? Yeah he’s not gonna be happy.
THE FIGHT — The twins get the idea to take the fight to Vitalis. Theia tries to advise against them, but basically everyone agrees that he needs to be stopped sooner than later. The only problem is, how do you kill Life himself? The answer: with Death herself! Though Nox and Lucien did most of the fighting against Vitalis — with Ketrill & Eloise’s help — Theia is the one to land the final blow. Her and Vitalis exchange some words, he basically apologizes and explains he just wanted to be with her, but clearly he did it all wrong. Theia extracts his soul/essence and becomes the Goddess of both life and Death. Earth I, and the rest of the multiverse, can finally know peace. Kind of.
CURRENT — Upon Vitalis' death, Nox and Lucien are granted godhood, with Nox becoming Entropy — god of chaos — and Lucien becoming Harmony — goddess of order. As Harmony, Lucien now has the power to order Fifi to stop the time loop in StoryBrooke, which she finally does. Still concerned over StoryBrooke, Harmony asks her family to help keep everything, well, harmonious. Without the time loops, then the Fables will have children and more Tales will take place. Given that she used to be Tinkerbell, this is a valid concern for her. Emory, too, as he was Cheshire. Not wanting his role anymore, he gives it to Entropy, who is ecstatic to be one of their favorite literary characters. Harmony, meanwhile, decides to settle into Neverland, so she can keep an eye on Peter Pan and help any other Lost Kids who wind up there.
tldr: life & death get a divorce and have a custody battle so bad it becomes the entire multiverse's problem
And that’s it! I guess. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but y’know. Side-stories and multiple other paras that don’t have anything to do with the actual plot … well, this is all technically going on in the background of all my other paracosms. so. really, THIS has nothing to do with the plot lmao.
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"Happy... Birthday?"
There is an actress, who's been recently born into the Universe of the Screen. Just like those before her, she's been dropped into the Fictional Realm, where actors rest after long hours of work.
From the start, she's been doing well, a kind Sponge Fictional took her in and let her stay for a time being. That is, until the empire found her and finally put her to work.
The unfortunate actress, so young, so naive, never knew what she had coming. Her creators bestowed her such a heavy role, a mask of a monster. At first, she didn't know how bad could it be. It was just a character right? This was all just a game of pretend... Right? After all, she was made for this role, literally created for it. Surely it can't be hard. How bad can it be? It's just some woman who cares about animals and lost a loved one.
However, society said otherwise.
The empire hated her for it. Despise her for the role she plays, and for serving her purpose. They declared time and time again that they hated her existence.
"I'm an actor, just like you guys!" she said.
They stay away. They push her away, side eyed her and everything.
"I'm not like her, see?" she said once more.
Rolcist thrown things at her, hurled insults at her. After a long day of work, another Fictional wished she was dead, and another, and another.
Monster, lunatic, a deluded. The list of insults went on.
"... I'm just an actor," she pleaded.
"I was doing my job," she sobbed.
The void of hatred stared at her.
"What did I do... What did I fucking do..." She glared at her own hands. Hands, or rather, gloves of an abuser, a killer, a beast.
She tried to escape all of this, but couldn't. Or rather she wouldn't do it. For at least one Fictional cared about her.
On the fateful release of her first project, a mouse Fictional came by. He was, and still is the powerful leader of a far off kingdom. One they called the Disney Kingdom. For someone so small, so puny, he can pack a punch. Prior to all this, he's already walked through the path of blood and is still treading through it.
There he stride for his next victim, the Villainess.
For an actor who claims to know what's real and what's an act, the mouse can't help, but kill those of the villain role on sight. Every ounce of suffering and pain they been through in his hands was delicious to him.
Just as her part of the act reaches to its grand finale, the mouse shows his power. Blood spilled. Ice shards were erupted, jellyfishes were stabbed and so was her designated henchman. The actress playing as her daughter was trapped in his ice from the waist down. The actress, now in the corner, curled up into a cocoon in the hairstyle bestowed by her creators.
And so, the mouse approaches.
Okay so this was supposed to explain how the fuck it all led up to what's happening in the art, but ended up doing a little info/lore dump on what the fuck this Lus has going on in the daydreams as of late with probably a poor attempt of adding in some short storytelling elements. There's more to what's going on with both her and Mickey, but that'd take a while to cram it all into the post. So yeah.
Tldr: Actress has to play evil Poké waifu with a Jellyfish addiction, becomes besties with SpongeBob, gets an existential crisis about the nature of her role/persona because society shits on her for it (and Spunch taught her about morals too early), tries to kill herself to escape her vessel (but didn't go through with it), and gets a near death experience from a psychopathic mouse king.
Dw, she lives and all, just left traumatized and pissed about the Mouse Moment.
Anyways, happy birthday to Mickey and happy anniversary to the OG Pokémon SuMo games.
Note: Unlike the SpongeBob birthday painting, this piece is based on an actual event in the paracosm, a reoccurring scenario that's both an important plot point and something that stuck despite all the changes this paracosm goes through. I have to post this here instead of the casual account.
Update: Remember when I said she tried to kill herself? Yeah, I modified the lore a bit. Now her "escaping the job" attempt is now less of an actual suicide attempt and more like an attempt to quit her job/role as the character, which just so happens to be heavily tied to her life. She wouldn't immediately die if she's outside the meat suit, she'll just have to succumb to the pain to actually end up perma dying or deleting if she doesn't return to the meat suit.
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fuckfuckgoback · 5 months
paracosm dashboard simulator
Inspired by @maddgical-boy :D
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
Repeat offender caught west of main. Subject has short brown hair, brown eyes, and was known for pickpocketing. Confiscated goods are pending return.
🤺 bcbd-group Follow
caught west of main
thats our area you fucking leeches what the hell
🫐 orions-belt Follow
We actually ran into them in the mid city, and chased them all the way over. 😅
🌃 justice385627
And we wouldn't have had to if any of you could do your jobs.
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🕶️ monsterfucker378 Follow
something about that slime guy from last week... c'mon police just let me visit i could fix him
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
In reference to the reblog below this: Let him figure it out on his own.
🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
girl he's been posting pics of baggy Ts with khaki shorts please let me intervene
🌃 justice385627
K told me to reply "It's a canon event" and you know I'm not a girl?
#confusion aside it hurts me as well but he has to start somewhere
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🫐 orions-belt Follow
does anyone have any fashion advice
🫐 orions-belt
like, how it works?
🫐 orions-belt
where do people buy clothes...?
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This attack on our city cannot go ignored. The public should not fear humanoid monsters or people creating electricity to destroy and steal from our community stores. It is revolting.
Possessing powers at all makes these individuals inherently dangerous, but we should not ever see them used to their extreme like this. Action must be taken.
🕷️ gayspiderlover Follow
oh to be able to summon lightning and take down capitalism with my spidergirl girlfriend
These people are causing real chaos and destruction. You are sick for joking about this.
🕷️ gayspiderlover
#happy six year anniversary to this post #and the attack ig #i hope theyre still together
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
"his pronouns are she/her!" - E probably
🌃 justice385627 Follow
What? I am well aware tack uses she/her pronouns.
🫐 orions-belt Follow
It's a joke, it's based off a different meme, I think they're just saying you'd say something like that.
🌃 justice385627
This site is a waste of time.
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🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes Follow
been experimenting with making small bombs recently and i put one in my bag and almost brought it home on accident. if my little sister had found that....
what is it with these fake self proclaimed "vigilante crime fighters" nowadays trying to be so cool? we know you don't make bombs, quit stroking your ego
🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes
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if you have any of the slots on your ci ring set to anything fancy unfollow me immediately. its frankly quite rude to switch into that in front of your friends who can't afford something so expensive
a ci ring is $6000??????
LMAO imagine complaining about not affording a suit yet owning the rich person identity stealer 2000
#everyone here died 💀 #anyway its super easy to make knockoffs
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💕 fangirl-hours Follow
whoes that new guy with the blue hair? I think hes been running around with the team down by the bottom of the hills? vigilante fans help me out here!
🫐 orions-belt Follow
thats me actually! I am newer around here but I'm with E's group. my hair might stand out a little too much lol
💕 fangirl-hours
OMG. uh hiiiiiiiii. youre very cool I love when you do stuff with uhh gravity. wanna hang out sometime?
🫐 orions-belt
uh, E doesn't really want us meeting up with anyone outside the group in our secret identities. so probably not.
💕 fangirl-hours
oh well can we still dm?
💕 fangirl-hours
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
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🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
definitely left
💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee
poll canceled everyone my partner is here 🥰
🌑 night-fight Follow
doesn't your blog say you're aroace?
🪨 scumoftheearth
yeah and it also says that im in a qpr with them so whats your fucking problem
#do people on this site not read?
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📌 tack---- Follow
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sea-adhesiveness537 · 1 month
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Last minute art for the Spunch boy's show anniversary! I rushed this piece before the day ends and now I'm posting it.
POV: You're being rizzed up by the birthday celebrant's daydream counterpart.
And yes, this is a slight modification of his full paracosm default outfit. It usually has a belt to hold his coat in place, but since it's his birthday, I suppose he can go a little anime as a treat. Just imagined him using safety pins to keep his coat on his shoulders.
Oh, and I also changed his captain hat into a birthday party hat. :D
Before you say anything, no, Screen Universe SpongeBob is not flirty. He doesn't even bother to because he's not interested in this sort of thing. He's just cursed with Resting bitch face/bedroom eyes/Deadpan eyes syndrome because he do be like that.
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happy 1 year anniversary to me trying to answer this ask but I saved my response to my drafts and then lost it! so this is a new answer.
I did try to coin this but never really liked the flag ideas i came up with. I was thinking of calling it 'altworldian' from alternate world/reality. or something based off the word 'otherworldly'.
for example you would say something like "my altworld is _____" or "i am _______ altwordian" and you would fill in the blank with whatever fictional/other world comforts you or that you have a connection to. it could even be something related to your paracosm if you neuronarrate/have madd, or something related to a hyperfixation/special intrest
and yes it would be a neurodivergency term unrelated to gender and exclusive to schizophrenics/schizospec people!
so yes I guess this is the coining post? anon if you see this I am very sorry for losing the ask in my drafts and I only found it again last month
if I ever come up with a flag I'll make a fancier coining post :>
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(All answers are given in a way that better corresponds to draft 2, just a heads up for those of you who already read draft 1)
The distinctive thing about my worldbuilding is that it makes it impossible for me to find a genre label
The distinctive thing about the worldbuilding in this story is that it's very very very distantly post-apocalyptic, namely it takes place 1000 years after a cataclysm, and of course, in many ways, the people living in this age are not affected anymore, but in other ways, they are obsessed with their lost past (especially given that they celebrate said 1000 year anniversary). What I'm going for with this is mostly a reversal of the usual past=regressive and present=progressive paradigm. (But of course I know that in and of itself is a trope, much like the legend of Atlantis. It just happens to be a trope I like better).
Another thing I was going for was creating a sort of winterland that was not Scandinavian coded (this is actually the very first idea I had back in May 2019 when I wrote draft 0). Obviously a Scandinavian coded wonderland does co-exist, being Ingrid (the main character's wife) country of origin, but the main country is mostly based on 18/19th cent Russia. Now, this fact, namely a vaguely 19th century Russia coded winterland + the fact of it being 1000 years post apocalypse, with the older civilisation bring more technologically advanced, I'd be inclined to label this a sort of steampunk. I'll see where I go with the tech related worldbuilding.
The climactic moment:
Well you asked for this, so spoiler warning. But I will try not to give the biggest reveals away.
The idea hinted at from the beginning is that Anatoliy killing the neighbour king Vaidas was not at all an isolated act of revenge, but, much to his horror, Anatoliy had played right into the hands of a much bigger conspiracy, which for whatever reason would've benefitted from Vaidas' death. Anatoliy, while having willfully killed Vaidas, was a completely unwilling pawn in this larger scheme. Over time, more and more conspirators get revealed, each (usually) a bigger villain than the previous.
Anatoliy's personal family conflict + his crime + the conspiracy + the three ongoing revolutionary movements somehow (using this word not out of uncertainty but because that's a huge spoiler) collide and some actually end up having to put aside differences to fight a greater evil. The climax thus is the reveal of the one who started the conspiracy in the first place, and the others having to fight against this newfound evil.
All I will say, thematically, is that the conflict in worldview shifts from revenge vs forgiveness to thinking you can change the world vs accepting it as it is and just living right.
Random lore dump:
Idk for sure what piece of non spoiler lore I haven't shared yet hmm. As I mentioned on my other sideblog @the-tzarina-alexandra-paracosm , the title The Land of Eternal Winter is a reference to one of the novels I wrote as a teen, namely a chapter with a similar name, in which one of the characters ends up at Stalingrad and has this whole flashback sequence/ internal monologue about his childhood in pre-communist Russia. I really wanted to steal the name from that chapter, seeing it more appropriate in the setting of this current novel.
I chose the word eternal too because it just sounds better and more spiritual, but that doesn't mean the winter is 1. Actually never-ending. Like they do get a summer but it's pretty mild. Their climate is just kind of subpolar/ tundra + taiga type of terrain. 2. A symbol of a spiritual realm such as Heaven or hell. It absolutely is not Heaven because look at how sinful these people are for real. And it absolutely is not hell either because first of all let's be real you know me, I love winter and see it as a good thing, so I would never characterise hell as a beautiful snowy place. If I tried to imply it was hell I would straight up name it the land of eternal fire or whatever. I would say winter, if you take the spiritual connotation, is earth. As in the condition of man, but most of all, it is neither Heaven nor hell, it is earth and earth cannot be eternal and guess what happens when humans think their earthly existence is eternal? Yep. And of course you are free to extrapolate all sorts of meanings from this title given the many symbols of winter etc. I just know that winter sometimes symbolises death and I only wanted to steer clear from the possible "eternal winter = eternal death?? = hell??" interpretation. In-universe the country has this nickname because their climate ofc, but their culture too is a cold one (as opposed to a warm friendly culture). They do have quite the negative reputation.
Colour or texture:
Cool tones, especially blue, but of course yhe works itself is colourful enough. I just think of images such as the one below when I think of colour + texture associations of this story
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madasacrow · 9 months
Happy 2 year anniversary !! (ෆ ᴗ͈ ω ᴗ͈ ෆ)
Thanks!! It's very funny to me that I technically share a birthday with a paracosm, it is either the best or worst gift I could have given myself. I also can't believe MaaC has lasted this long given the fact that a) it's a fictparacosm (for me those usually die out pretty quickly) & b) I've tried to end it multiple times. brainrot too strong I guess.
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Notice board-
this is basically my working on list, note things may be done out of order yknow?
1. My 1 singular ask
2. Poll results 1 / meanings
3. Valentines thing (Unknown atm if I'll post here)
4. [NOT POSTING HERE] A story for a group event
5. [PERHAPS] A story about 2 people who deflect from a criminal organization
6. [MAYBE] A story with 9 seemingly disconnected parts
7. [IDK] Story of sins and virtues
8. [DEPENDS] Archetype orgainzation
9. [Most likely not] Concepts for a group
10. [maybe] A story for a friend's verse (not following this acc)
11. Paracosm anniersary project
12. Poll results 2 reward
13. These legends are impending our progress.
14. Antithesis.
15. 10 + 66
16. Rpverse/Rebirth
17. 69.
18. Paracosm history lesson
19. :) the promised ice berg and quiz for paracosm.
20. [WAAA] Paracosm anniversary project
21. Paracosm...?
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2/11/13 GUYS FEBRUARY 11th 2013. THIS IS THE DAY I was 10 yrs old and my daydreams started to GROW.
Causes??? MLP, LEGO Movie. bright colors, fun characters, friends I would meet!
I didn't project myself into them, and didn't name it 3rd POV tho until 2 years later-
okay yeah im gonna go share more about my paras and paracosms to celebrate now!
oh and in loving memory of equestria im never using that paracosm agai-
brain: what if we revive the ponies-
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Do you know what is something that really, really fucking hurts as a MaDDer?
My longest standing/main paracosm is reaching its 10th anniversary today. I've been mentally preparing myself for this for a while now, choosing to celebrate by building up for one of the biggest climaxes in the story of said paracosm. Both these internal events, and the fact that it's been 10 (ten!!!) years, they mean a lot to me.
And there is absolutely no one I can share this excitement with.
I have no idea how to properly convey just how important all of this is to me. These people I've created in my head, who have been with me for years, whose internal struggles and emotions I'm more familiar with than my own. These stories, these worlds, that are so indescribably large it takes near a minute for the doc containing said description to just load. And all the emotions they spark, good or bad, so vivid that sometimes they feel more real than my emotions towards the real world.
To most people, daydreams are just "random ideas to toy around with for a few minutes to ease boredom", I suppose. Some people don't even daydream. To most people, the idea that your daydreams can be a part of a consistent, coherent internal world, one that holds significance to you - it is unimaginable. Foolish.
And even if they did try to understand, how the hell could I even convey the impact of what is happening internally? How could I just go "oh hey one of my oldest paras just killed one of the most powerful gods for the first time since existence began" in a way that it makes sense? How could I let them know just how deeply all of this affects me, how could I share these grandiose emotions I'm feeling?
I dunno. I guess I just really wish there was someone out there who understood - not just related, but with whom I could share, whose reaction would be more than just "oh that's cool I suppose"
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just realized that as of a week or so ago, my current overarching paracosm is one year old!
happy belated one year anniversary to the overly tragic short story i wrote for a creative writing class about some guy dying in a fire, which was eventually spiraled out of control into a variety of plotlines and characters by my daydreams that now consume my every waking moment lol
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And also the 6th year anniversary of Phantasmagoria....my oldest paracosm is officially SIX years old now!!!! If it were a real child it would 100% be an iPad kid I'm sorry.
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y’all next month is the anniversary of one of my current main paracosms and i cannot believe i have not yet stopped to consider how downright crazy it is. like the main characters are so…idek. you’ve got:
the highkey traumatized, temperamental Asian girl who is just so done with everyone’s bullshit
everybody’s favorite super insecure secret badass light academia king
the chaotic dumbass nb robotics engineer who went to MIT at 14 but will run into a glass door
the supergay mom friend runaway princess
the deaf, glitter-obsessed, cotton-candy haired artist who was raised by a whole ass deity
and the foster child baby bean with twenty-foot wings who everyone else protects at any and all costs
and those are just my mains. that doesn’t even take into account the axe-wielding eight year old, or her giant wolf. and they’re all trying to stop the apocalypse using a book, a necklace and a piano tuner. while trying to run from the authorities. in conclusion: i am kinda crazy.
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augustdreams · 4 years
Random facts about my madd/paras/paracosm
because i saw @myparasmaddworld do it and i thought it was a cool challenge concept lmao.
I don't have a parame
I have only one paracosm but there are multiple different timelines
Nobody is cisgender and heterosexual. One or none.
I can't daydream if I'm near somebody because I think everyone's a mind reader
My favourite place to daydream is on my bed while listening to my madd playlist (ft. almost the entire moana soundtrack including outtakes)(actually every song except shiny lmao)
When I daydream, I focus on one specific para for months at a time (so the daydreams would center around their development and their actions)
My madd is purely in third person's view
I can't visualise things so my daydreams are mostly vague colour blurs and all of my paras sound exactly like me because it's too much effort to assign voices
I never speak out loud but I DO make facial expressions
I consider 'evil paras' as paras but that doesn't mean I hate them any less
I've been daydreaming this paracosm since I was five. Ten year anniversary, wHoOp WhOoP
Having madd made me interested in psychological disorders and is the reason I want to be a neuropsychologist!
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