#para tarot
narfalcafe · 2 years
Tarot Kariyer Falı
Tarot Kariyer Falı Nedir? Para Tarotu Nedir? Tarot Kariyer Açılımı Nasıl Yapılır? Canlı Tarot İş Falı Baktır, Kariyer Falı Nasıl Baktırılır İşte Tüm Detaylar
Tarot Kariyer Falı Nedir? Para Tarotu Nedir? Tarot Kariyer Açılımı Nasıl Yapılır? Canlı Tarot İş Falı Baktır, Kariyer Falı Nasıl Baktırılır İşte Tüm Detaylar Tarot kariyer falı nedir? Orta Çağ’dan günümüze miras kalan fal çeşitleri arasında tarot falı hakkında çok fazla bilgi kirliliği mevcut. İçinizden fal baktırmak geçiyor yalnız duyduklarınızdan ötürü adımlarınızı geri çekiyorsanız bu yazı…
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paradiseshards · 7 months
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She wants off Riverstar’s Wild Ride. And can she unsee the horrors, while she’s at it?
I haven’t drawn cats in a good while, so she may look a bit scuffed, but oooh i had a fun time designing her. I took some inspiration for the face markings from @fishycatdesigns, and the body stripe wiggles are kinda supposed to look like water ripples! No idea if it came across at all, but the intent’s in there somewhere!!
Now lets talk about those stitches because Oh My I’ve been thinking about them way more than any normal person should. The text never specifies if they are the kind that kinda dissolves(?) on their own, and cats continue to mention them way after the injuries are healed, so I’m inclined to think that they are permanent. Babygirl is just stuck with weird twoleg stuff in her neck.
(And are we going to forget that Frostpaw wanted to learn how to do stitches on her clanmates for a hot minute there??)
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mpxinvidia · 7 months
Anatomy of a Friend ft. Areum
TW; Drug Use (Fictional) This thread deals with substance abuse relapse. Reader discretion is strongly advised. Continued from this interaction with @areumxmp
    This is damaging.
     Logically minded Invidia would know this. He wouldn’t do this again. The sinner wouldn’t fall victim to the dark claws of his habits that bury themselves in his back and rake through his skin, beyond his bones and right down to his soul. The fall back into the cold embrace of his relapse is laden with the shipwrecks of things that crumbled apart around him.
     Whatever the hell you want to call it-ships
    His connection to his family.
    He’s bogged down by the weight of sorting each one and balancing the ebb and flow of his work life, his personal life and his mental health and there seems no reason for any of it. At least not in that moment that he pressed down on the syringe and up on his high. 
   It’s four hours later that Invidia starts to feel cognitive enough to open his eyes with the purpose of understanding that he’s still around. Still functioning. There’s an ache deep in his bones and it tells him that when the high started to hit that he must have felt invincible, but once the rush was gone, that he had easily succumbed to the pain the euphoria had brought right behind it. He groans and it’s the first signal that he’s himself more or less.
   “Water…” he says, voice tired and strained.
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ehcahache · 7 months
Una pregunta a tus cartas por favor, cuánto tiempo durará esa "relación" de Carlos y Rebecca ? Se está descubriendo y saliendo a la luz más clientes que han contratado a Rebecca como escort y hay vídeos fotos imágenes noticias , hay pruebas y la gente de Rebecca solo denuncian las cuentas que sacan a la luz su verdadera profesión.
Un poco tarde, pero como era una pregunta frecuente la contesto ahora.
Sota de Espadas del revés
Reina de Espadas del derecho
Seis de Oros del derecho
Veo en general que la relación entre ellos es frívola, hay alguien muy vengativo e indiscreto ahí dentro.
Tengo dudas con la segunda carta, porque significa tanto una mujer joven sin hijos (que asumo que es Rebecca, antes que no una tercera persona metida en este lío) pero también duelo y privación de algo, así que te lo dejo a tí para que interpretes lo que quieras.
El seis de oros indica generosidad pero también solvencia.
Si quieres mi teoría, pienso que significa que tendrán que darle una gran cantidad de dinero a Rebecca para que el contrato se acabe y ella desaparezca. No hace falta ver las cartas para saber, viendo las fotos, que nadie quiere estar alrededor de ella y que ni siquiera a Carlos le gusta estar de la mano con ella. Solo falta ver qué hacen.
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desierto-mistico · 3 months
sagitario ♐
mensaje atemporal
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Sagitario, estás en un período de tomar decisiones importantes para atraer la abundancia a tu vida, ya sea a través de negocios, proyectos o un nuevo empleo. Podría surgir una oportunidad de un nuevo puesto donde te convertirás en líder, brindándote la estabilidad que necesitas. Es crucial que prestes atención a las personas que te rodean, ya que pueden haber cosas o intenciones ocultas que necesitas descubrir para avanzar con seguridad en tu camino hacia el éxito y la prosperidad.
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jupiter-nwn · 2 years
Third card >:3333
XIX - The Sun // Oneiric (Onne)
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Onne... The name you abandoned, Oneiric. The name you then picked up again, and cursed with the power of the Earth's core, so that no one could ever pronounce it without thunder and misfortune falling upon them... You forced your way into power, becoming a king, a deity, a God; and even then, all it took to take you back down was... a singular creature, that, like you, hid their true nature under the face of a kanhakko... Who are you two, if not sides of the same coin...
The Sun's upright meanings include things like success, celebration, and positivity; all things that you show and let your people, your servants, see; but of course, under every mask there's a story, and the reversed meanings of this card are negativity, depression and sadness... It makes me wonder, who you really are, Onne...
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mutantes-sinmas · 2 years
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Conocen a esta diosa? Les presento a Bastet
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falsantraliblog · 2 years
Tarot Kariyer Falı
Tarot Kariyer Falı Nedir? Kariyer Falına Nasıl Bakılır? Fal Bakanlar Kimlerdir? Para Falı Nedir? İş Falı Nasıl Baktırılır? Tüm Sorularınızın Cevapları Makalemizde Bulabilirisiniz Tarot kariyer falı nedir? Orta Çağ’dan günümüze miras kalan fal çeşitleri arasında tarot falı hakkında çok fazla bilgi kirliliği mevcut. İçinizden fal baktırmak geçiyor yalnız duyduklarınızdan ötürü adımlarınızı geri…
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luxmagh · 8 days
sorte no amor para quem comentar ❤️ #luxmagh #tarotbrasil #tarot #tarotonline #tarologa #tar #cartomante #tarotterapeutico #tarotcards #o #baralhocigano #espiritualidade #surfando #consultadetarot #leituradetarot #tarotgratis #tarotdoamor #taro #amor #oraculo #tarologo #amarra #oraculista #bruxarianatural #leituradetaro #taroterapeutico #tarotreading #arcanos #consultadetarotonline #autoconhecimento
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vidaeamortarot · 14 days
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conexaointuitivatarot · 2 months
Você que é Tarólogo profissional e está fora do mercado , já refletiu sobre as afirmações acima ☝🏻, e então :
➡️ Você se vê como um(a) tarólogo (a) profissional ?
➡️ Investe em marketing e propaganda? Ou tens vergonha ? Ou recebes críticas de outros, que tentam criar culpa sobre o seu trabalho?
➡️ Você cobra um valor justo, dentro da média do mercado?
⚠️ Estas três perguntas são fundamentais para saber como você poderá retornar ao mercado de trabalho .
⭐Caso tenhas respondido positivamente para todas, mas ainda estás com dificuldades de retornar, com certa insegurança e sem ideias de como montar seu perfil de redes sociais e catálogo do Wbusiness, a Conexão Intuitiva Tarot está aqui para te ajudar a analisar seu perfil, e caso não tenhas um, criamos e gerenciamos para vc! Além de montar seu catálogo de consultas no Wbusiness.
📱Envie uma DM para agendar uma reunião.
#conexaointuitivatarot#analisedeperfil #gerenciamentoderedessociais #tarot#baralhocigano#cartomancia#socialmedia#tarologosprofissionais #realocaçãonomercadodetrabalho #oraculista#tarot#tarotmitoligico #tarotriderwaite #conexaointuitivatarot
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we-iris-love-love · 4 months
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mpxinvidia · 2 months
Heavy Influence ft. Noel
Walking Time’s fine line! Continued from here with @mpxnoel
  ‘You’re going to be late.’
   That’s true enough. If he’s not careful with this then he very well could be late going into work. Invidia watched the way that Noel comes closer to him and the way that their fingers link and lock together before he feels the feather light touch of lips on his skin there. Slow… so so slow. The action of it being that pace teases at his more base of needs and Invidia lets himself get lost in the sensation of it for a few seconds. Just enough for the other man to move to be standing taller above him and looking into his eyes.
       Just long enough to scramble his thoughts for a minute.
  His gaze searches Noel’s and he knows that he must be careful here. He’ll… be late…
   ..late…. For work…
    There’s a lot he could respond with; excuses he could make in either direction so that he could damn or save himself. Invidia knows better than to be late. He knows better than to taunt his own vices- especially in public spaces like this. He knows a lot of things but none of those things mean anything when he is under this type of heavy influence.
   “Kiss me again.” He reinstates as he looks into those familiar eyes. “Be good and I will too. I’ll go in right after.”
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Señor del gran poder intercede por mi y cumple mis súplicas y como agradecimiento daré tu imagen a conocer : en Facebook, WhatsApp, Tik-Tok, Instagram, Twitter,… Y si necesitas una consulta directa para saber algo puedes llamar al 806 433 186 Videntes de verdad y tarotistas profesionales . AMEN 🙏🫶🙏 #crucificado #semanasanta #a #cristo #o #cruz #jesus #ssanta #sevilla #semanasantasevilla #cofrade #arte #cofradias #s #sevillacofrade #n #artesacro #cuaresma #art #devocion #iglesia #triana #andalucia #virgen #imagineria #escultura #semanasantaandalucia #jes #hermandad #amor
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desierto-mistico · 3 months
mensaje atemporal 💫📫
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Virgo, es posible que sientas la carga de mucho trabajo y responsabilidades pendientes. Algunos podrían estar estresados por retrasos en ciertos aspectos, pero la situación se está movilizando. Se acercan momentos de gran prosperidad y éxito para ti, con oportunidades de viajes y reconocimiento por tu arduo esfuerzo. Otros también están en un período próspero, con nuevas oportunidades en camino, aunque puedan tardar un poco en llegar. A pesar del trabajo y el estrés, la recompensa y el éxito están a la vuelta de la esquina, junto con visitas inesperadas y oportunidades de viaje.
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tarotista-01 · 7 months
🔮¡Descubre tu futuro y encuentra el amor verdadero! Como tarotista online, te ofrezco mis servicios de lectura de cartas y tarot del amor. Con mi don y experiencia, puedo brindarte orientación y respuestas a tus preguntas más íntimas. ¿Estás listo para conocer tu destino y desentrañar los misterios del amor? Contáctame ahora para una consulta personalizada. ✨✨
Consulta vía WhatsApp 📞 3232522586
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