#ozzies more of a dove than penguin but
salswitchtrial · 8 months
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riddlebird design reveal WOO💥💥‼️‼️
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riddle-me-ri · 3 months
I've just found your blog and read just about every penguin x reader I could find man! I gotta ask for more (I'm so sorry if your askbox is closed or anything again so sorry ignore this if it is) how do you think they'd handle a chubby short reader feeling insecure? Since I know you did one for reader comforting the colony on their insecurities
Either way have a good day/night/whenever you read this, take care of yourself, and get hit with the self care and seld love beam or so HELP ME :D
a/n: awww this is so sweet, nothing like reciprocated love and support, cause if there’s any rogue that understands these insecurities it’s definitely a handful of the pengys. I hope you enjoy!
Content Warning: none
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The Penguins Comforting Reader's Insecurities
Arkhamverse Penguin:
- Oswald understands all too well how you feel…
- He wishes he can just get rid of those thoughts for you.
- Oz mostly uses actions rather than words to try and reassure you.
- He will spoil you with clothes that he knows will compliment your body.
- Oz will wrap his arms around you or squeeze you.
- He will solidify his actions with words if he can tell you’re still not convinced.
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
- Needless to say, this Oswald compliments you…basically daily.
- He does everything he can to put your insecurities at bay.
- Oz will fill your ears with sweet honeyed words about how much he loves to touch and hold your plump skin.
- He will tell you how your chest is his favorite pillow to nestle into.
- As his words get sweeter, his grip around you gets tighter and he pulls himself closer to you to kiss you.
- Just the warmth and sincerity in his voice may just be enough to make you convinced.
Gotham Penguin:
- Oswald hears you out, and it hurts him to hear how you feel about yourself.
- He instantly wants to know if there’s anyone in particular that said something rude or judgemental to you.
- However, even Oswald himself doesn’t know how to take care of an enemy when it’s their own person.
- Oz will want your full attention when he tells you that he wouldn’t change a thing about you.
- A king always knows what he wants, and he only ever wants the best.
BTAS Penguin:
- Oswald wishes he could find the words that could cease your insecurities for good.
- The way he compliments you is like something straight out of a poetry book or romance novel.
- He holds your hands and squeezes them reassuringly before kissing them, just adoring you the only way he knows how.
- He will spend the whole day with you, never letting you out of his sight.
- Oswald assures you that you're just the perfect beautiful dove and that you two were always meant for each other, no matter what others say or feel.
- Pretty soon, your feelings will slowly be replaced with love and contentment.
Telltale Penguin:
- Ozzie's first instinct is to go fists to cuffs with whoever said anything to you or made you feel that way.
- However, when he realizes it's just your mind…he can't help but understand somewhat.
- He knows what it's like when your mind goes out of it's way to make you feel like shit.
- Oz isn't always the most physical when it comes to affection, but in these circumstances, he pulls out all the stops.
- He rests and nestles his head on your thighs or chests, where else would he rest his weary head if you weren't generously chubby there.
- You shouldn't have to worry about your height, he's got all the height you'll ever need.
- And you'll always be the only person he will ever need.
One Bad Day Penguin:
- Oswald can tell you’re feeling insecure by just how hesitant you become.
- You don’t want to go out sporting a new dress, you don’t want to embarrass Oz, or see people judging you.
- Ozzie racks his brain trying to find a way to make you see what he sees.
- He begins flirting with you, teasingly so, not too far off from how he actually first approached you when you first met.
- You can't ignore the butterflies in your stomach or the soft smile stretching across your lips.
- Out of all the beautiful people that were in and out of the Iceberg Lounge…he only had eyes for you.
The Batman (2004) Penguin:
- Ozzie's first remedy for your insecurities is to make you laugh.
- He’ll make fun of conventionally attractive people and/or skinny people (totally not also because he has a grudge against them)
- They aren't as fun as you are, they aren't as amazingly beautiful inside and out as you…
- Before either of you realize it, he somehow goes from joking to sincere-
- He just wanted to see you smile and happy again, but he means everything he says.
- Ozzie wishes he can more, but he always hopes that his words are enough (they are)
Batman Unlimited Penguin:
- Oswald is hesitant and unsure what to do despite desperately wanting to help…
- How does he reassure someone of something he often struggles with that's only left him bitter and resentful.
- It breaks his heart to hear how you dislike your physique.
- He tries to deter them with his own words, how lucky he feels to have you…(especially…given his own appearance and age…)
- Not to make it about him but as a means to let you know he can understand and relate…
- But he has been able to be more secure in himself because someone as beautiful as you loves him for who he is and what he looks like inside and out.
- And he hopes to return the sentiment tenfold with his words and undying devotion to you.
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lawrites · 6 months
Gender neutral! Reader X Gotham Rogues Crochet Headcanons
This is so self-indulgent and too detailed for how dumb this concept is...my God. Anyway, crochet headcanons for the Gotham Rogues. How do they react to your crochet hobby? What do you make for them?
Featuring: The Penguin, The Riddler, Zsasz
The Penguin (Ozzie my beloved)
One of Oswald's most prominent love languages is gift-giving (he is SUCH a sugar daddy, c'mon)
So whether you already know how to crochet before meeting him or gently bring up wanting to try it while sharing dinner one night...
He is already getting out his card. A set of beautiful, ergonomic crochet hooks with colors to differentiate between the sizes, a leather yarn bag and organizer, plus yarn to fill it up.
He IS such a snob about fibers tho, he would get you local wool spun right outside of Gotham, bamboo, etc. anything expensive and natural and beautiful. (Even if you beg for some cheap acrylic just to start out with)
He also gets you little penguin stitch markers. He does his research on gifts and makes sure you have EVERYTHING you need to start a new hobby. (Now why is that so hot? Anyway)
He enjoys nothing more than sitting by the fire with you, drinking brandy, (or sometimes nice hot tea), and letting you cuddle up to his side as your nimble fingers create something.
He never gets tired of the cute face you make when you concentrate, or the joy and pride you show when you finally finish a project.
The first project you EVER made had to be a little amigurumi penguin. It was terrible and lopsided and you were almost ashamed to show him. You wouldn't have, actually, if he hadn't been sitting by you the whole time you were making it.
"Little Dove, is that for me? You shouldn't have." His hands plucked it from yours before you could protest, and he hugged it to himself and complimented you. He was so cute and so genuinely happy with it. And it stays on his little bedside table to this day.
BUT to truly make something for him? You try to go with the classics, as Ozzie is a classic guy.
Hat, scarf, mittens.
You use smaller yarn and stitches to give it more elasticity, the yarn is all a deep, darker purple and SO soft. (Cashmere bought on his dollar but it's the thought that counts right?)
You even managed to make a little penguin on only one side of the scarf, making it a little secret for Ozzie while still keeping the scarf classy.
He loves any gift from you but this? He starts planning his winter outfits to match your creations immediately.
He can smell you on the scarf still, since you spent so much time with that yarn, and it makes him smile even as the wind bites at him on cold days in Gotham. 💜
The Riddler
Listen, he's great but we all know he is kinda patronizing and a little bit of an asshole right? (Some versions more than others)
So he supports your hobby, even if your yarn and supplies take up space that he could be using for traps or riddles.
He does to research and figure out as much as he can about the hobby, but he won't dedicate time to it like you will, so he never gets as good. But he DOES know the basics, which means he can now critique you.
You are having trouble with a pattern? "Darling, that's just a double crochet into a half-double crochet into a triple crochet repeated 10 times into a magic ring. Simple."
You lost track of your stitch count? "Well I guess we can't all be multitaskers like me. I'll be silent for a bit while you count. 🙄"
With that in mind, he DOES leave you riddles in crochet pattern form occasionally. They take forever to solve but he's with you for a reason. And success is always...pleasurable for you both. 👀
Your first creation around him was just a little round frog. Green, because you thought you could gift it to Eddie.
It turned out misshapen and lumpy (listen all first projects are like this). And he teased you mercilessly for it.
"I suppose it could be a frog, from a certain angle. Maybe it's supposed to be abstract?"
It went missing after that. (Secretly Eddie keeps it at his workbench and squishes it when he's feeling stressed. The cute face you put on it does make him smile, too, but don't tell anyone 🔪)
For your actual real gift for him? You make a little crochet Riddler plush! You know the man well and he loves himself just a bit too much sometimes. (except maybe Dano Riddler but he would love it too for different reasons)
You decided to not go for realism and keep it simple in the face. But you DID go all out with the clothes. A little green suit jacket, pants, even a belt!
And you found little glasses to put on it. 🤓
When you presented it to him, he was speechless.
He takes it from you, examines it, and the wonder in his eyes makes your heart swell with pride. That is until he opens his mouth again. "I couldn't think of a better subject, truly. Though the face needs some work, dear, it doesn't truly capture my likeness."
But he says this all while hugging it to his side absentmindedly. He hugged it to himself for the rest of the night, actually. (And he now has another crochet project at his work bench)
You sometimes hear him talking to Ed Jr. while he's working, and you just smile to yourself and leave them be, turning back to your own crochet project and enjoying the peace.
Victor Zsasz
My headcanon is that Zsasz is into needlework and crochet, maybe someone in his family taught him?
He recommends what most seasoned crochet people will tell you, don't buy the fancy stuff and get some $3 goodwill hooks to start out with.
He also gifts you some yarn remnants to practice with, and when he doesn't have a job he'll sit next to you on the couch while you watch a movie, patiently helping you with steps you may struggle with.
Sometimes he may silently correct your form, showing you a different way to hold yarn tension or helping you remember how to make a slip stitch.
Your first project was just a simple washcloth. ("Nothing fancy to start out with, get the basics done first and then we may start with other stuff. If you do good.")
And you succeeded! Turns out it IS easier to do something basic at the beginning. Who knew. (Victor did)
After that you continued to have YouTube Video Essay/Needlework nights. Victor would sometimes not even work on anything and just lay against your side.
Sometimes he would even lay in your lap, spitting out any yarn fragments dramatically if they got in his mouth and pouting up at you until he got your attention.
Anyway. The actual project you made him was a nice, cozy sweater. And it was HARD to hide from him. Luckily, his profession DOES sometimes take him out of your apartment for hours upon hours at a time, so you have the ability to work in secret.
You think a simple black sweater is just perfect, something made of cotton or wool and maybe lined with red on the collar/trim, but that's it.
His immediate reaction when you gave it to him was to kiss the LIFE out of you, thanking you for thinking of him.
Then he pulls it over his head immediately, poking his head out and grinning goofily at you.
That night, you don't work on any crochet projects because he takes up your whole lap, cuddled up in his sweater and rubbing his hands up and down your sides, your hips...
Yeah he distracts you well.
And he wears the sweater proudly, but not on jobs. He reserves it for walks around town with you, so he can say his partner made it for him.
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mr-voorhees-husband · 2 years
Hello, good sir 🤝🏻 I am here for more 2004 Ozzie content 🛐
Okay okay so
I was thinking about a scenario or headcanons (whatever you feel writing for the most!) of Oswald meeting reader and it's instant mutual pining. They make accidental eye contact and reader smiles instead of looking away not wanting to be rude and lowkey hoping he will approach them even if they are awkward af but under all that shyness they are very sweet! It would be very nice if you could drop some Oswald making reader flustered by flirting with them 👉🏻👈🏻
Thank you again! I'm so glad I finally found someone who writes for my baby and does it so well 🥹♥️
- Pengy Anon
YES YESYEYSYRYSYEYYDHEHEHEHEH (also i made reader a villain + slightly awkward because yea)
Warnings: none other than pinning, fluff, and flirting
Reader: gender neutral, polite, shy, slightly awkward, and a villain
God you two are so obvious about your crushes its not even funny. It makes everyone upset, even riddler, which is surprising considering he usually doesn't care about other villains
You most likely met on a team up, probably from knowing Ragdoll or Firefly. Either way, the second you saw eachother it was like a rom-com cliché. If someone squinted enough, you'd probably see hearts in Ozzy's eyes.
"Oswald Cobblepot," He stuck out a hand, grinning as he showed off his sharp teeth, "and you are?"
"A lot more [sexual orientation] than I thought..."
"What?" Oswald's face heated up, eyes going wide as the tips of his ears turned pink. For a penguin, he sure looked like a cardinal right now.
It doesn't take long for the flirting to start up. Oswald, while a bit sleazy at times, can be quite the gentleman. Seeing you get all flustered, giggling and smiling at just the smallest compliment makes him go wild.
Though, he's sure to make sure to ask if you're alright with it all the time. As I said before, he only acts sleazy. He's a gentleman at heart.
"This is.. This isn't making you uncomfortable, is it?" Compared to his earlier words his voice was shockingly meek. You blinked, before letting out a chuckle.
"Not at all.." You were a bit embarrassed to admit it, but the last thing you wanted were for the compliments to stop. Oswald beamed, letting out a laugh that sounded exactly like a penguin.
You couldn't help but laugh with him.
For a while it's just pinning, though. Not that his feelings for you aren't honest. You're just one of the few things good he has going for himself, and you both being villains arise some.. issues. To say the least.
Though, when he does confess, everyone expected it.
"Weh-! Dove-? I didn't- didn't know you were here.." He squeaked out, hands fidgeting as he tried to look up at you without turning red. You shared the sentiment, tugging at the hem of your shirt. He seemed uncomfortable and it bother you.
"Ozzy... is everything okay?" Subconsciously, you shifted on your feet, voice embarrassingly small for such a feared villain. That's what he liked about you, though. How one minute you could be a horrifying villain capable of fighting head-to-head with the bat, and another you'd be shy and polite. The duality of a person he supposed.
"I.. Well- you see-" Oswald squawked angrily at himself, rubbing his face with a sigh. "Could, I, possibly as you... out on a date?"
"If you did," you sheepishly smiled, crouching down to kiss his cheek. "I'd gladly say yes."
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batmanie · 3 years
Quality time - Penguin x Reader/You
He spoils you – that chubby bird of yours – he loves you like no other! He would do anything to please you – but to book a whole spa facility for just the two of you? Ridiculous! Charming but ridiculous! He needs to learn to save some money.
People are already talking about the two of you – or rather, about how you date him only for the fame and money. And you like the luxury living, you must admit, but Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot is much more than just a sugar daddy. He is a sensitive, intelligent, funny man with impeccable manners. People say he’s a criminal but people don’t know him like you do! Oswald is a true gentleman who wouldn’t hurt a fly. He would never hurt you, not in a million years!
You had a delicious lunch together, then he ordered a full-body massage just for you. Ozzie himself is too self-conscious to let anyone touch him when undressed. But now, he can chill by the pool with a drink in his hand. He is wearing a black bathrobe and you know all too well, if there were other people around he’d feel too embarrassed to show himself like this – but there is only you and he can be himself for once.
The water is just too nice, you could come here every day. Your body feels relaxed as you are making another turn, swimming in the huge swimming pool you have all for yourself.
Ozzie is watching you from the corner of his eye, partially to have the whole situation under control, and partially because you look so good in this skimpy swimming suit which he bought for you last month.
You gracefully swim over to the edge of the pool and with one, swift move you haul yourself from the water, causing a small wave on the crystal-blue surface.
You can feel his hungry eyes on you as you stretch your back, presenting the shape of your body.
Little droplets of water make your skin glister in the lamplight, a few of them are still hanging from your eyelashes as you approach him.
“How was the water, my dove?” Oswald asks nonchalantly but his gaze betrays him, showing you where exactly his attention is right now. He is not looking at your face, of course he isn't, he is staring at your erected nipples, hidden behind wet, elastic fabric.
“Amazing,” you smile down at him and cock your hip flirtatiously. “Don’t you want to try it?”
He thinks of it for a moment, his eyes following a lazy drop of water that travels down the curve of your left breast and disappears in your cleavage. “Why not,” he decides and puts his glass down. “I’m a waterbird after all,” he adds with a chuckle.
You remember how he told you that he used to hate this name – Penguin – an insult that he somehow managed to turn into his own brand. You don’t know if you would have been as brave as he was, to endure as much harshness as he did and to still stand tall. He is a feisty, little bird and you admire his inner strength. He may not be the most handsome man in the world but still, you find him adorable.
He takes your hand and leads you to the Jacuzzi. With a small gesture, he invites you in.
As you happily hop in, he gives your butt a playful slap. You squeak and giggle before you let yourself sink into the hot water. He joins you in no time.
The bubbles are so nice, and your little bird is pouring even more bubbles into a long glass. As your champagne is handed to you, you feel like a real queen of Gotham.
“To us, my love!” Ozzie raises his glass and you do the same.
“To us!” You agree and then tilt your head back to empty your glass with only a few gulps.
You have an appetite for something more than just champagne tonight.
Soon, your hand is on his soft, round tummy, stroking it gently.
Ozzie looks surprised and you simply have to love his facial expression right now. You shoot him your sweetest smile and you swear he blushes a bit so you push your whole body closer, pressing your breasts to his stomach.
“Thank you for organizing this whole thing for us,” you coo, drawing small circles on his hairy chest with your index finger. “It is rare for us to spend so much time together nowadays. You’re always so busy, and I always miss you…”
You don’t want to sound petty and spoil the romantic mood but he surely already notices that little hint of sadness in your voice. He loves you but he is a public person; unlike you, he is an important figure in this town. How long will it take for him to grow bored of you, you wonder?
His gentle touch snaps you out from your unintended gloominess. He strokes your back, then his hands move lower, grabbing both sides of your body. “Come here,” he orders you softly and pulls you onto him, to sit on his lap. “Remember, my dear, even when I’m busy, I still think of you. You’re always on my mind.”
He touches your cheek and pets it lovingly. His odd, flipper-like palm is so soft as if he had never worked a day in his life, its warmth gives you comfort. Slowly, he moves his hand from your face to the back of your neck. Then, he pulls you in for a long, delicate kiss.
You don’t know exactly what it is, but something about the softness of his touches and kisses makes you want this man – want him really bad. Most would consider him ugly, repulsing – not you! You find his strangeness thrilling.
You open your mouth further, allowing him to penetrate the inside of it with his tongue, and when he takes the invitation, you can’t help but shiver in excitement.
His hand is still on the back of your head, keeping it in place as you both kiss passionately. Meanwhile, his other hand finds its way to your backsides.
You gasp as he suddenly pinches your butt-cheek.
When you finally break the kiss, you are all too ready for more. And he is too, you can feel something hard pressing to your butt as you sit astride, with him between your legs. You smirk mischievously as you start rocking your hips slowly. He purrs at the sensation but before you can get too cocky, he grabs your boobs, squeezing them mercilessly in his iron grip.
One moment later, he frees your breasts from the top of your bikini. He takes his time to admire your proportions, the softness of your skin, and the hardness of your nipples.
Your face is hot and now it is you who is blushing madly. You want him to touch you, to pinch your rock-hard nipples, to kiss them, to suck on them, to rough them with his teeth. But you can’t just tell him all that, now can you?
He keeps ogling your naked breasts, making you wetter than the water around you.
“Ozzie,” you moan his name in a wanton manner, moving your hips back and forth, trying to make him act.
Your hands are tangled in your hair, refusing to touch him just yet. You arch your back and close your eyes, making quite a view out of yourself.
“Patience, my dove,” he instructs. “Let me enjoy our quality time.”
His thick finger runs up your torso, flicking your right nipple.
“Ozzie, please…”
This time you don’t have to finish, he sinks his face between your tits and motorboats you.
You can’t help but start laughing – he’s such an animal sometimes! What else could he do with these flippers, you wonder.
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I’m So Used to Being Broke
Okay so this is my first time writing for Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham, and it’s been a hot minute since I watched the show, so please bare with me. Compilation videos will get me through this or I’ll just rewatch the show, possibly both. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it! The song the fic is based on is Broke by Teddy Swims (I highly recommend it). As always gif and characters are not mine.
Description: Y/N knew Oswald ever since he worked for Fish Mooney, and they had a close bond from the start. When Oswald takes over, he makes sure to share his new found fortune with Y/N
Warnings: mentions of blood and beating a guy up, spoilers for Gotham, cursing in the song lyrics, if I missed anything please let me know
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The sound of screams came from the back alley of Fish Mooney’s club. This was a normal occurrence. When Fish wanted something, she would get it no matter what it took. Even if that meant beating someone half to death.
Oswald simply stood by and held the umbrella above Fish Mooney’s head. That was his job; all he had to do was hold the umbrella. Oswald was looked down on at the club, mostly because others thought that he was weak compared to the rest of Fish’s crew. However, what goes up must come down at some point.
“Boy,” Fish shouted as she glared at Oswald, who having been distracted by the man kneeling on the ground in pain, no longer had the umbrella over Fish Mooney’s delicate hair.
“Sorry,” Oswald mumbled as he approached closer to Fish.
“If you let this hair go frizzy you will be,” Fish Mooney retorted as she looked at the other men. “Keep this guy warm.”
I’m so used to being broke, but not no more
Buying all the things I never could before
Y/N was cleaning glasses at the bar. They met Fish about two years ago, and Fish knew right away that Y/N would make a perfect bartender for her club. Now here they were, working long shifts and having to deal with annoying customers. Money was money though, and Y/N was grateful for the job. Y/N watched as Fish entered in from the back door.
“God, men are such idiots. At least I have someone here who understands how I really feel,” Fish said as she strutted towards the bar. Y/N knew exactly what kind of drink to make her.
Fish Mooney grabbed the glass between her expertly manicured nails and took a sip. She let out a content groan as the alcohol slid down her throat. “I knew this would be the perfect job for you, darling. You actually know how to make a decent drink.”
“Thank you, Ms. Mooney,” Y/N responded with a smile as she whiped down the oak wood of the bar with a cloth.
Like what the hell, top shelf
We gonna toast tonight to temporary wealth
“Please, just call me Fish. We are far past formalities, Y/N. You’re like the daughter I never had.”
Y/N was about to thank her, when a loud ruckus interrupted their conversation. Some of the other guys, including Butch Gilzean, thought it would be amusing to throw a few punches at Oswald. No matter how hard Oswald tried, he was no match for the stronger men. Butch landed a sharp blow that sent Oswald tumbling to the ground.
“Butch that’s enough,” Fish snapped as she leaned against the bar. Y/N ran over to where Oswald was and pulled him to his feet. They then led him over to the bar. Butch simply scoffed at them. “What? I was only having a little fun with Penguin here.”
“Don’t call me that,” Oswald sputtered as the blood from his nose dripped further down his face.
Y/N hated it when Butch or the others called Oswald Penguin. So what if he had a limp? Y/N found it adorable, and Oswald was super sweet in general. Y/N knew how much it bothered Oswald too, and after hearing that nickname spill from Butch’s mouth, it filled them with rage. “Why don’t you just shut your stupid trap and get out of here,” Y/N remarked as they glared daggers at Butch.
“Fine, come on Fish let’s go.”
Fish started to follow, but not before turning back towards Y/N. “Don’t stay to late, lovebirds. Please be sure to lock up before you leave, Y/N.” Fish sent a wink at the two before walking out the back door with Butch. Y/N’s face flushed as she grabbed some tissues from their purse. They placed their hand on the back of Oswald’s neck and cleaned the blood that was starting to harden under Oswald’s nose.
“You don’t have to be so nice to me. You could have just left with the others if you wanted,” Oswald said as his eyes remained on the floor. His pale cheeks however were dusted with a light blush at Y/N’s kind actions.
Y/N simply shook their head. “Those guys are idiots. The only person I care about is you. There, I think that’s the last of the blood.”
Y/N sat back up, and their eyes met with Oswald’s blue-green ones. They couldn’t help but smile. Oswald’s eyes reminded them of a grassy plain filled with streaks of blue wild flowers. They knew Fish had caught on to their crush, but Y/N couldn’t find the right time to tell Oswald how they felt.
Mama told me, “Baby save it,”
Knowing me I probably won’t
“If I get enough money saved up,” Y/N started, “I promise that I’ll get us out of this dump. We can start a new life, and be our own bosses.”
Oswald smiled at the thought. Starting a new life with the person he cared about? Nothing would make him happier. He too had feelings for Y/N, and was the only person in Gotham besides his mother that showed him an ounce of kindness and respect. He didn’t want to ruin that.
“Who knows, maybe our luck will turn around and we’ll have so much money we won’t know what to do with it,” Oswald laughed. Y/N joined in, and the two enjoyed a quick drink before closing up the club.
All this money in my pockets gotta go
I’m so used to being broke
The time did in fact come. Oswald had killed Fish Mooney, or at least to his knowledge assumed that she was dead. Oswald was shaken, and yet he had finally taken out one of the many people that treated him like crap. Oswald entered what used to be Fish’s club, but now it was all his.
No, it wasn’t just his. It was his and Y/N’s. Oswald pulled out his phone and dialed Y/N’s number. He rocked back and forth on his feet as she waited for them to answer.
“Hello? Is everything alright, Ozzie,” Y/N asked.
“Y-Yes, everything is fine. Please, just come down to the club. I have some news,” Oswald stuttered as he quickly hung up the phone. The nickname Y/N had given him always left him flustered.
Y/N hurried as fast as they could to the club. Oswald had sounded concerned, which only made Y/N worry more. Was he hurt? Did one of the boys beat him up again? If that were the case, they were going to take care of it once and for all. Y/N stormed through the door to the club, and flung their jacket into the closest booth. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. However, Fish Mooney is dead,” Oswald declared bluntly. Y/N’s jaw dropped in an instant.
“Oswald, I know I should be worried about how she died, but frankly I don’t care. She was mean to you, and I secretly hated her. So, what do we do now?”
Oswald looked around at the club. “We take over. We design this place how we want, and keep the riches for ourselves. We can finally live the dream that we wanted.”
“I would love that, Oswald.”
The two began to tear down all of the old decorations that adorned the walls of the club. It felt exciting, and in that excitement, Y/N pulled Oswald in for a kiss. It was very short, and despite how bold Y/N was, her confidence instantly faltered. “I’m so sorry, Ozzie. I-I just couldn’t hold my feelings back any longer.”
Oswald took Y/N’s hand and laid a delicate kiss on their knuckles. “No need to apologize, dove. In fact, what better way to seal our new partnership than with a kiss.”
Y/N smiled at his words, relieved that their feelings were reciprocated. The two embraced each other once again, their lips meeting in a slow but passionate kiss. The two then got back to what they were doing before. Oswald and Y/N were so used to being broke, but now they would have money and new found love to fulfill their lives.
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lfthinkerwrites · 6 years
50. Party :)
For the rest of his life, Oswald Cobblepot would have no idea just what on Earth possessed him to agree to host Harley’s Birthday party at the Iceberg Lounge. He supposed he could chalk it up to sentimentality. He always had a slight fondness for Harley, when she wasn’t in the company of the Joker. He’d been as thrilled as everyone else when she’d finally left the clown for good a few months ago. Or perhaps it was because Selina and Dr. Isley had approached him a week ago and offered him generous compensation for the use of his club.
Whatever his motivation, Oswald now found the main dining room of his posh nightclub overrun by various members of the Rogues gallery, most of whom had come armed. Loud party music filled the room, making it difficult to hear people sitting less than three feet away.Oswald took a look at the confetti and glittered balloons that covered his normally classy lounge and shuddered. At least he had had the good sense to close the restaurant down for the evening and give most of his wait staff the night off.  And so now, Oswald and Marco, his manager, were left to contend with over a dozen costumed, cantankerous criminals.
“Boss! Croc just took a dive in the penguin tank!”
Oh Good God. Oswald left the table he was sitting at with Harvey and Selina and waddled as fast as he could up the steps that overlooked the penguin enclosure. Sure enough, Waylon was in the water, doing a backstroke, much to the delight of Lynns and Walker, who were drunkenly cheering him on. Oswald could kick himself for agreeing to having an open bar.
“Waylon!” he cried out. “Get out of my tank this instant! You’re disturbing my birds!”
Waylon dove underwater and emerged by the ice flow where Oswald’s penguins rooked. Waylon pulled himself onto the ice, while the penguins looked on in curiosity. 
“Waylon Jones,” Oswald growled, “If you lay one hand on my birds, I will blacklist you from The Iceberg Lounge for life!” 
Waylon didn’t answer, but instead staggered towards a door that Oswald’s staff used to enter to feed the penguins. Oswald shook his head. At least Waylon hadn’t dove into the Leopard seal tank. Oswald walked down the steps and back towards his table when he paused. In his absence, Selina and Harvey had opted to hold a drinking contest and were each taking a sip out of shot glasses. Oswald rolled his eyes. He’d seen more dignified behavior from fraternity parties the lounge had hosted in the past.
Oswald’s long suffering manager walked up. “Yes Mr. Cobblepot?”
“Where’s Edward? I need some intelligent conversation.”
“He took a private booth by the kitchen, I think.” 
Oswald nodded and made his way over towards the VIP booths. Surely, Edward would be above their colleagues juvenile shenanigans. Such hopes were dashed when Oswald came upon the booths. Edward wasn’t alone in the booths, but was instead perched in the lap of Jonathan Crane. The pair hadn’t noticed Oswald’s approach, instead being too preoccupied with sloppily kissing each other. 
Oswald cleared his throat. “Ahem!”
Edward’s eyes opened and only Crane’s firm grip around his hips kept him from falling off the other man. Crane meanwhile looked up, supremely disinterested. “D’you mind?”
“That is not an appropriate use of my booths, gentlemen,” Oswald scolded. Edward just sputtered in response, face flushed from drink and embarrassment. Crane continued to stare blankly at Oswald. Before Oswald could remind them that any untoward stains he found on the booth’s cushions would be put on their tab, Marco’s voice rang out in warning.
“Mr. Cobblepot! Langstrom’s flying around in the restaurant!”
Oswald swore under his breath and left the lovers to their own devices. In the center of the dining room, the other guests were gathered underneath the large and very expensive glass chandelier. Oswald craned his neck upward and saw Man-Bat himself perched on top. He cringed at the way the chandelier was swaying. “Dr. Langstrom,” Oswald called out. “If you do anything to damage that chandelier, no one will ever find your remains!”
Man-Bat stirred then and took off, flying towards the alcove above the front entrance. Oswald took a seat down at his table and sighed. What had he been thinking, opening up his club to these reprobates? He squawked when he felt a pair of arms embrace him.
“Ozzie!” a familiar voice squealed. 
Despite his circumstances, Oswald found it in him to smile a bit. “Ah, there’s the lady of the hour. Are you enjoying your party so far?” 
Harley nodded and grinned. “Thanks so much for lettin’ us use your club Ozzie! I know we can be a bit rowdy, but I really appreciate it!”
Oswald felt his affection for the woman surge. How could he stay angry at her? “Think nothing of it my dear.” Harley abruptly let him go and giggled.
“Look! Harvey’s startin’ a conga line! You wanna join?”
Sure enough, Dent, Brown and Waylon of all people were beginning to form a conga line in the main dining room. Good God, just how much alcohol had they consumed? Well, why not? It would hardly be the most ridiculous thing he’d seen all evening.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Hey this was me who wanted a whole fic for this scenario for the bottom line "go be pretty over there away from me" could u do it thank u
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A/N: I’m writing this at like 4 am cause I can’t sleep, so if this goes down later tomorrow I'm heavily editing it rip but hey at least I get to practice writing for other rogues that pique my interest! I hope I do them justice. This is another shot of just my own generalized takes on them (albeit I've been watching BTAS again, so they may seem softer than normal rip), and still no Joker sorry not sorry and most of these ended up being fluffier than I intended oop. Special thanks to @like-rain-or-confetti for supporting my ramblings in the tags of my reblogs lol
Batman Rogues x Reader - Yes, You’re Pretty…Now GO AWAY
Edward Nygma/The Riddler:
It was ridiculous. 
Absolute nonsense. 
He was jotting down riddles and puzzle traps away in his journal. You were only a few feet away on the other edge of the couch. Your face glued to your computer screen. 
Everything was fine…until you started laughing. 
Your little giggles, and the sweet small smile that lingered after your giggle fit. The way your face’s natural glow was tinted by the blue of the screen…
Ludicrous, outrageous, unbelievable. 
“C-Could you perhaps take yourself…anywhere else but here?”
You scrunched up your eyebrows in confusion. “Uh…yeah I could, but I don’t want to. I want to stay here with you, Ed.”
“I…appreciate that, but it’s rather hard to focus.”
Your blinked and shook your head. What? “I’m not even talking to you, I’m only like three feet away from you!” You shot your hand up going from right to left, gesturing the distance between you and Edward. 
“Yes, yes, but y-you’re distracting…”
“You’re laughing, smiling, beaming…” Ed drifted from stern to swooning.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. You scooted closer to him on the couch, catching him off guard. 
“Eddie, are you saying I’m distracting you because…I’m pretty?” You grinned. 
Edward rolled his eyes. “Yes, beautiful even, so can you please go somewhere else?” 
You doubled down. “I don’t know sounds like a you problem…”
“Please Y/N!” 
“Okay, okay, just tell me again how beautiful I am…”
Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin:
You were just helping Oswald out in his office. You enjoyed helping him stay organized. He may be a criminal but it was in organized crime.
Oswald was going over invoice statements and you were checking inventory for the lounge’s food and beverages. However, you were proving to be rather…distracting. 
Your legs were crossed, you leaned back in the leather office chair, slightly rocking yourself. You bit the end of your pen between your teeth while your eyes intently scanned the contents of the papers in front of you. 
The gentleman of crime found himself not thinking so gentleman thoughts about you. All previous work and tasks that needed to be done was slowly slipping out of his mind. 
He cleared his throat. “Uh, Y/N, dove…”
“Yes, Ozzie.” You looked up at him with a sweet smile. 
Oh, why’d you have to do that?!
“Uhh, do you think you can help the girls downstairs? I recall they needed some assistance with the new uniforms.”
You pursed your lips and furrowed your eyebrows. “Uh, that’s the first I heard. They seem to be getting along well with them, Oz.”
“That’s not what they told me earlier, love.”
“Oswald, I spoke to them and they said they were fine!” You insisted. 
Oswald cringed, clearly not taking the bait to leave. 
“Is there something else that’s wrong? Something bothering you?” You inquired. 
“Ah…it’s just me, love. Well, more you than me…” He scratched the back of his neck. 
“And how is it more me than you?” 
“Dove, you’re far too gorgeous, you always are, but more so now, and it’s distracting me,” Oz admitted.
Your eyes widened, but you felt your throat bubble up in soft chuckles. “I’m distracting you?”
Oz gave you a lopsided smile. “It’s the truth, love…I should be checking this numbers and adding and subtracting, but all I can think of is you…”
You felt your face warm up slightly, as a soft blush rose to your cheeks. “Ever the charmer, Oswald.” 
“It’s the truth, Y/N. Once I finish these papers, I’ll come get you, okay?”
“You better, Cobblepot!” You shot a finger at him, trying to act serious, but you both could tell you were only teasing him. 
Oswald laughed. “The sooner you leave the sooner I can get this done!”
You were halfway at the door when you looked over your shoulder. “You owe me, Ozzie!” 
Oz kept laughing, waving you off. “I’ll make it up, I promise!”  
Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow:
This wasn’t right. 
It wasn’t fair. 
How can he resume his plans as the Master of Fear and the Lord of Despair when you’re sitting right there. 
You looked so cozy and warm. You were cuddled up in one of Jonathan’s old Gotham University hoodies and a long fleece blanker. You were reading one of your novels while he was on the other side of the room; recording certain chemical reactions, wrote down further hypothesis to test later for a new toxin. 
You assured him you wouldn’t say anything or bother him, you just wanted to be near him. Jonathan figured it would kill two birds with one stone, he can get work done and you two get to be near each other. 
However, you were still so enthralling and enchanting to the ex-professor. Seeing you so content in his presence. It made a warmth bloom in his heart he had never felt in a long time, he was sure he had long lost the capability to feel this warmth. This love, dare he say. 
“Uhh, Jonny…” You start. 
“Sweetheart, you’re staring…”
Jonathan immediately shook his head and blinked, as he broke whatever spell you unconsciously put him in. 
“Oh, um, I-I apologize…” Jonathan’s face slowly turned red at his cheeks and the tip of his nose. 
You giggled. “It’s fine, Jonny, do you want me to read in another room?”
Jonathan really didn’t want you to go, but he didn’t see himself really getting any work done. 
“I promise I’ll come join you soon, darling…but if…if you don’t mind?” 
You got up from your chair, giggling, wrapping yourself in the blanket and leaving your index finger in the pages of your book to mark your spot. You bent over and gave Jonathan a kiss on the cheek. 
“I don’t mind, Jonathan. Just don’t be too long, okay?” 
“Y-Yes, darling…”
Jervis Tetch/The Mad Hatter:
Okay, okay, the tea party was almost ready. 
Jervis was setting up his next tea party for the Batman. He had the tablecloth laid out. All the plates and tableware was set. Y/N sat in their chair looking radiant as ever…
Y/N sitting in a reclining chair smiling away at some handheld device. Jervis thinks he remembers you called it a Switch or something like that. You seemed to enjoy playing on it, and it gave you something to do while Jervis was plotting and scheming.
However, he didn’t notice until just now, just how ethereal you were. Your eyes lit up, your cute little hums of satisfaction, your giggles. Gosh, your giggles were quite infectious even for him and he is the Mad Hatter. 
“Is there something wrong, Jervis?” You noticed he stopped pacing around and mumbling different ideas and tasks he had going on in his head. 
“Oh, um, no nothing at all…” Jervis darted his eyes away from you and tried to resume setting the traps on the chairs surrounding the table. 
There you go giggling again, gosh you were as cute as a white rabbit. 
Jervis yelped in pain as the rat trap he had placed on the table was triggered when he placed his elbow down on it. 
“Oh my God, Jervis!” You jumped up and immediately helped pull back the mechanism, freeing his arm. 
“Aahh, ah..” Jervis whimpered. You began softly rubbing the joint, hoping the pinching sensation will fade away. 
“U-um..my dear, Y/N. N-Not that I don’t enjoy having you here with me…but perhaps it may be best if you went somewhere else while I finish up here.” 
A puzzled look showed up on your face. You titled your head when you asked, “but why, Jervis, everything was going fine…did something distract you?”
“Well…yes…a certain something..someone did..”
“Someone? Oh! Aww, Jervis…” You couldn’t help the small smile that grew across your face. 
“I’m afraid you’re far too enchanting for me, my dear. You’ll have to make haste elsewhere.” He shrugged nervously. 
“Well, if it’ll keep you from hurting yourself, I think I can oblige you just this once.” You poked the tip of his nose. 
Jervis giggled at the gesture, causing you to laugh in return. 
Harvey Dent/Two-Face:
You had no reason to look that alluring. 
He’s trying to plan his next trial at the kitchen table but nooo. You were sitting on the couch in the living room, wearing your new dress. You were steady scrolling on your phone, probably laughing at some cute animal videos. 
Dent would absolutely kill someone if they got in the way of your smile. He wouldn’t even need to flip a coin on it. 
Harvey would look down and try to focus on his list of defendants he had lined up, and some places he planned to raid. Those will probably have to happen next week, he found a quite a few rats in his gang. Plus his boys caught one of Penguin’s higher ups that could spill some hot info…
You laughed. You tried to cover it up, but failed pretty miserably. You started typing away on your phone. Your award-winning smile still plastered on your face. 
Damnit…who did his boys catch?
Harvey got up and leaned against the beam that separated the kitchen from the living room. 
You immediately perked your head up. “Oh, hey Harvey, how’s work going?”
“Ah, it’s going, could be going a lot faster though…”
“Really? How so?”
“If you could maybe go to the bedroom and hang out there…” He scratched the back of his neck nervously, not sure how else to tell you to leave.
“Oh, am I annoying you?” 
“No, no, far from it, doll.” He went up to you and got down on his knees. He took your hands in his and placed them on top of your knees. 
“You’re just, you always look so beautiful, but today you look…particularly…well gorgeous. And it’s really hard for me to focus…”
“Harvey Dent are you accusing me of being too pretty?” You jested, teasingly shoved him in his chest. 
“Afriad I am, doll. Luckily for you, I’ve already got a plea deal to offer you.”
“Even for a repeat offender like me?” You coyishly inquired, pretending to be worried about actually being charged with a crime. 
“Especially for you, if you can spend some time alone in another room, and it can be anywhere, but where I am…I won’t have to charge you for distracting me.”
“What do the charges entail, Mr. Dent?” You crossed your arms. 
“You don’t wanna know, doll. Just take my advice and I’ll make it worth your while.” Harvey winked. 
“Hm.” You stood up, almost knocking Harvey back on his haunches. “I suppose I’ll take your advice…this time, but I’ll hold you to that offer of making it worth my while.” 
Harvey laughed. “Sure thing, sweetness. Just please, I can’t be a victim to your radiance for much longer…”
“Oh shush, I’m leaving, I’m leaving!” 
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