#owlvid discourse
wandering-wolf23 · 1 year
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 9 months
there is this Weird thing on social media of people being absolutely obsessed with phrasing re: trans issues, even when the person whos phrasing they dont like is pro-trans or trans themselves. and honestly as a trans person myself, id rather take a kind older cis person who still uses transvestite or transsexual but fully supports trans people than some random on the internet who spams hate messages because you didnt word something perfectly
a lot of the terms used today came after my time and I don’t really like using them because if I use them wrong or just clumsily I get babyqueers in my inbox calling me problematic.
I am glad language has evolved to the point it has so more people can accurately describe themselves if they choose, but at the end of the day it’s more important to me that a person is uplifting of the trans community than if they use the words right. Biased of me to think that way? Perhaps. But I do think this comes back to my opinions on the toxicity of infighting in the queer community. I don’t care if a lesbian would rather call herself a bulldyke, I do care if she is harming other lesbians in some way. Maybe when we get to a point trans people aren’t murdered on the street for existing we can start yelling at other trans people and acting like saying amab makes them a transmisogynist. We aren’t there yet. I genuinely do not care about this discourse at all because there is so much genuine transmisogyny from both TERFs and far right freaks that I cannot be assed to humor this really.
I’m sure I’ll have another call out post made, “watch out for owlvid! not only do they dare to HATE Purina Proplan Dog Food but they also used the term amab in a way I don’t like which obviously means they hate trans women and want them all dead!” or some such, but I really don’t care. I know what I stand for, and I think most people who follow me have figured that out as well. If everyone decides it best to shun me for my usage of amab then that’s their choice. I don’t track my follower count. If my wording makes anyone here uncomfortable they are free to leave.
Or be obnoxious in my inbox I suppose. I don’t actually mind that either.
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agro-carnist · 2 years
Hoo boy. So on top of dealing with COVID, I also had an incredibly stressful day yesterday. I’ve calmed down enough today to make this post addressing what happened. If you haven’t seen yet, @/is-the-owl-video-cute and some of their followers have been saying some horrible things about me
This started because I blocked them some time ago. I did this because I was tired of seeing them always going on tangents. I started being upset with them back when they were having really bad takes on vulture culture, but did not block them then because I wanted to leave it as water under the bridge since they were still an educated figure on raptors. But consistently they kept ranting about things I didn’t agree with or just didn’t want to see as I was only interested in the animal welfare based content. I blocked them silently because I did not want to start any fights with them. Just not be involved with that anymore and continue our lives. When they noticed they were blocked by me, they and their followers began speculating as to why, which ended up with them bringing up a lot irrelevant things and assuming many things about me.
One of the assumptions is that I am a proshipper. I am not. And I do not like being dragged into online shipping discourse. I am not interested in being put into an “us vs them” dichotomy and I am not comfortable being involved in that discourse. 
The proship accusation was just the small thing though. Later I was being accused of something that I truly could not take. I have thick skin, not much will really get to me in the online world, but this is one thin that gets me to my core. As you guys know, I’m a therian. I have another tumblr blog where I talk about my therianthropy and general alterhumanity. An anon shared this with owlvid, and because of what they found, I am being called a zoophile.
I am being accused of this because of this post I reblogged. Owlvid has deliberately misinterpreted the message of this thread to accuse me (and others that have been dragged into this) of being a zoophile/apologist (some of their posts call me an apologist and others insinuate I am a zoo myself, or has anons saying that I am a zoo). Some things they are claiming:
That I and others are claiming therians are all zoophiles and that zoophilia is good
That the post did not say raping animals is bad; more claims that it says zoophilia is “good and normal”
MORE asserting that the post claims therian = zoophile, and that it says therians SHOULD identify as zoophiles
That there are zoophiles in the thread
Let’s get this clear: none of these claims are true. The thread does not say that being a zoophile is “good” or “normal” or that therians are all zoophiles or should identify as zoophiles, and there are also no zoos in the thread. Every person in the thread made it clear that bestiality is immoral. The point was to not immediately demonize people with involuntary attractions. People with paraphilic disorders should not be treated as automatically predators. People don’t just decide to become zoophiles. And some people’s alterhumanity relates to their illnesses or disorders. Having a paraphilic disorder is morally neutral. It is having sexual contact with an animal that is morally reprehensible. I and others don’t want to stigmatize people with disorders or treat them like monsters for things they did not choose and can not get rid of. As for owlvid saying that none of the “zoophiles” in the thread said they were getting help - that’s because nobody in the thread is a zoophile. I would also like to point out that this demonization of those suffering with paraphilic disorders keeps them from seeking professional help and drives them to seek people that will enable their urges. There’s also a lot of other reasons why someone does not go to therapy, which I believe many of the people accusing me would agree with, including financial barriers, or being part of a demographic that is often dismissed by psychiatric professionals. People paraphilic disorders need support, not constant demonization. This is why I reblogged that post. People like owlvid insist that these people are inherently predatory, and anything less than full acceptance of their own monstrous nature means they are defending bestiality or trying to normalize zoophilia. Zoophiles, even when they are aware of the immorality of acting on their attractions, need to admit themselves to therapy immediately, no matter the situations, and failure to do so means they are evil, and they should also not try to seek a support group of like minded individuals because then they are promoting their attractions. I don’t see this mindset as anything but reductive and harmful. It will achieve the opposite of what we all want - for animals to be safe from sexual abuse.
There is another thing that owlvid and an anon has said about me:
That I am suspicious for working with animals/I am a danger to the animals I work with
I am appalled by this. Nothing could make me more sick. To insinuate that I chose this line of work so I could abuse animals is unacceptable to me. I work with animals because I want to help them and because I have an interest in medicine. I made this whole blog all about doing good for animals and have been doing this for years. I’ve even talked about how bestiality is immoral and animals cannot consent to sex for years. I have made enemies with big name zoos online. LycanTheory and Toggle the Rat hate me and have attacked me because I am anti bestiality. That all this could be undone because of a single post that has been willfully misread and misinterpreted is incredibly insulting to me.
And another reason why I spend the better part of yesterday feeling faint and nauseous: I suffer from OCD, which includes intrusive thoughts that horrify and disgust me. Owlvid mentioned intrusive thoughts on their blog, so they should know how awful they are. I have zoophilic intrusive thoughts, and on my worst days make me question myself, who I am as a person, and make me want to hurt myself. Accusing someone with intrusive thoughts of actually wanting to do those things is incredibly triggering. Owlvid surely did not mean this, but it hurt me greatly anyways. I am not a zoophile. I do not condone bestiality. I am disgusted by animal sexual abuse. I am just not a reactionary when it comes to discussions about paraphilias.
I cannot stand for this attack on my character. I cannot stress enough how disgusted, appalled, infuriated, demoralized, upset I am by this.
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just-antithings · 10 months
May I ask who owlvid is? I haven't been keeping up with social medias these days
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They were a pretty good informative blog about owls, but for some reason they decided their informative owl blog was the place to start posting actively violent anti content which regardless of your position on the discourse is something better saved for a sideblog. It’s really unfortunate for a lot of reasons, and they’re not even advancing their conservation goals anymore because even people who don’t care about the discourse are frustrated that they’re not getting owl content :/ -Jay
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champawattigress · 8 months
It's a sad and tragic part of being the animal blog community on this site that you kinda just have to accept that some people are very well educated on some topics, but are absolutely dirt ignorant on others.
I really don't want to have to explain why the XL bully problem in the UK is more nuanced than the batshit "CRIMINALS WITH ASSASSIN DOGS" braindead take that some people are unironically parroting recently. I feel like y'all should be smarter than that by now.
I also feel like we should be beyond letting owlvid fuel any kind of discourse on this site, given that they've proven themselves incapable of nuanced discussion so many times before, but lol here we are.
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hapalopus · 1 year
Can't believe I have clarify this:
I am not a pro-shipper. I am not involved with shipping discourse. Shipping discourse is very upsetting to me due to past trauma. I am unable to care about shipping discourse due to my trauma. I have tried to avoid disclosing that I have sexual trauma, but you demons seem incapable of listening unless you know someone's been traumatized. I am mutuals with people from all sides of this fandom wank because I literally do not care. I have pro-ship and anti-ship mutuals. If you believe I'm guilty by associating with people from "the wrong side" of this fandom wank that I do not care about, kindly block me.
More importantly, I am not a zoophile. I do not want to harm animals in any way. I do not fantasize about hurting animals. I am not aroused by animals. This rumor probably started because I'm proactive about the zoophilia problem in the otherkin community because I have seen in real time what happens when non-offenders are ostracized. LycanTheory, a long-time therian who has now been shunned due to his actions by the entire community, including those of us trying to solve the zoophilia problem, is a case-study in how much shunning doesn't work. LycanTheory was shunned for having zoophilic thoughts. Shunning him did not make his thoughts go away, it just made him turn to the only people who would accept him, which, at the time, was actual animal abusers. Because of his shunning, LycanTheory became an actual animal abuser. We do not want more people to end up like LycanTheory. Because I have seen what happens, I do not shun non-offending zoophiles in the community. I encourage them to redirect their thoughts onto artwork, rather than real animals, and anthro art, rather than feral art. Stopping a thought-pattern is impossible - you need to redirect it. This is what all sexologists recommend. Arousal redirection is the safest treatment when you don't have access to medical help. Shunning non-offending zoophiles is a direct cause of bestiality. I am working to prevent the animal abuse that people like owlvid and catsindoors are inadvertently causing. If you believe ostracism of non-offending zoophiles will somehow prevent them from abusing animals, or if you don't care about preventing animal abuse, kindly block me.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
I couldn't find a post where owlvids said people should be euthanized or sterilized. Does anyone have a link?
These aren't in any particular order but here are links to them supporting the idea that paraphiles (people with stigmatized mental illnesses) are inherently dangerous along with supporting forced institutionalization, forced sterilization ("medical castration"), the death penalty, mob justice, and euthanization of people:
[one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [eight] [nine] [ten] [eleven] [twelve] [thirteen] [fourteen]
That's all from discourse earlier this month but I am NOT digging through whatever bullshit they're saying now because they've now moved back to calling people pedophiles for writing stories.
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I hadn’t encountered rj’s content until recently when a row of discourse happened on poor owlvids page. And just. A lot of those takes are genuinly confusing me and honestly the way that they speak so dismissively by claiming that most people defending animorhs haven’t even read the books is just ???? Like I really want to know where the take “taxxons being starved purposefully is the only reason they feel hungry” is from when canonically as seen in Visser it’s just a natural state of constant hunger? And the whole, seemingly correlating the actions of the book as KA justifying that instead of it being a criticism of ugly truths? Like saying you aren’t allowed to write bad things
I’m so confused I’ve genuinely never seen this discourse before
It's SO weird! And yeah i saw the taxxon thing lol but like every time someone's morphed a taxxon in the books we see that the hunger really IS just part of their biology, to the point where they'll eat themselves to death tunneling through nutrient-poor dirt, and then in visser the council-controlled taxxons are CONSTANTLY being fed to the point where they're bloated balloons and they're still hungry (but presumably the council yeerks find the satisfaction of eating worth the hunger).
and the whole bit where it said the taxxons on earth were genocided by the main characters through being nothlit'd? like that wasnt even a thing. they WANTED to become nothlits. it was the taxxons' idea and they even agreed to help the main characters in exchange for morphing power. you could argue that perhaps ka applegate made a poor choice writing it that way but it's just. it's just straight up misrepresenting what happens in the books.
like the books DO have a lot to criticize i wont lie. but rjalker will. it'll lie.
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fleshdyke · 11 months
Do you of anyone other than Owlvid who is a good source? Because I want animal blogs that are about ANIMALS and not shipping discourse, constant tantrums, ableism, neo nazi dog whistles, and more. Jesus fucking christ on a trex that blog is a dumpster fire
i wouldnt blame owlvid for that tbh their following is just fucking insane sometimes. anyways @scoutandcowpany @is-the-wolf-video-cute @great-and-small @orcinus-veterinarius @is-the-snake-video-cute @isthedogawolfdog @homeofhousechickens @is-the-fox-video-cute @purple-pigeon-art @avoiding-claws @mellifexfarm are some of my favourite animal based blogs. they’re not all specifically about animal education but have some informative stuff sometimes. remember that not all of these people are experts though and don’t know everything
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who-is-page · 2 years
((Nota Bene: I'm not trying to drag you into shipping discourse))
I think it's notable that this isn't OwlVid's first mass hissy-fit over the perceived existence of paraphiles, and maddened claims that people who patently aren't paraphiles secretly are. Their first blog (or maybe this blog? Idk I ignore them) was deleted because they had a near-identical blow up over the existence of pro-ship people? Including some very prominently anti-paraphile proshippers, mainly part of the community in an anti-harrassment context. Same enraged claiming that everyone in the community was secretly a paraphile, same moving goalposts, same death threats to people just minding their own damn business.
It was bad enough that staff deleted their blog over their posts, and if you've ever poked your head into that hellsite discourse, you know it takes staff a lot to delete people over that discourse.
So something tells me that OwlVid enjoys this shit, or at the very least has a pattern of this behavior that they won't control.
I'm afraid I can't comment on any of that myself, especially when I haven't seen it myself and in context I identify neither as "pro-ship" nor "anti-ship." If what you're saying is true, then I really do empathize with anyone else who has had to deal with false accusations by this individual. It's a shitty situation to be in no matter what.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 8 months
Started to type a response to another anon before realizing that I think people are trying to use your blog as a place to start fun crazy discourse or rehash old things. Like a couple of times you will have a spat with someone and then it dies down and then a month or something later someone pops up on anon and says “Hey X person who never seemed like they would stop problematic thing Y still hasn’t stopped doing it even though no one is teaching them or asking them to! Crazy right”
And inevitably you’re like “Yeah. Crazy. Y is a weird and/or screwed up thing.” But I feel like there are other ways for those anons to bring up old issues without reaching over and stirring the equine frisbee waters around a perfectly innocent Owlvid
did you mean to type equine frisbee waters, I can’t tell if that was autocorrect or a very special metaphor.
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agro-carnist · 2 years
Sorry you're going through all this stuff. You're a good person and I appreciate your level-headed takes on this. I'm an alterhuman with intrusive thoughts who has been watching owlvid throw people like me into the fire for no other reason than 'fuck em'. It's made me feel some kind of way, but it's been nice to see that not everyone thinks that. I've seen a lot of other alterhumans shaking their heads at the owlvid's side of the discourse and that's been really reassuring. People like owlvid might think I'm a danger, but at least the people in my own community know I'm not a bad person and that I would never hurt myself or others. So, thank you.
Thank you and I'm so sorry you go through that. It's sad to see a non alterhuman try to control the conversation
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just-antithings · 8 months
Today in irony: mutual and friend of owlvid laments and wonders why they’re constantly getting dragged into discourse
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hapalopus · 1 year
Logged into my back-up account to check if tumblr was acting up or what, and figured I might as well search my username while I was on it and ???
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I know shipping drama rots your brain, and I know I shouldn't get mad about a 3 month old post with four (4) notes that no one's probably gonna see, but how many times do I have to say that I'm not a proshipper or zoophile before these discourse-poisoned terminally online toddlers get it??
If I ever meet owlvid irl, it's on sight, I'm gonna send that cunt to the hospital for spreading these rumors unchecked and with no consequences
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mirmidones · 2 years
I also saw that the owlvid blog deactivated :-( it was fine earlier today idk what happened! I hope they come back soon
No exactly! I had notifications on and i think the last one was something about reblogging a video but when I tried to click it a few hours later nothing worked :(( so out of the blue! I mean they were getting a lot of hate and owl- unrelated discourse asks and though they seemed unfazed about it maybe that was not the case (which is like totally understandable)? I hope everything is alright
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bloody-shadow666 · 2 years
Rip owlvid, the discourse was wild but I did learn a lot about owls and the importance of keeping cats indoors
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