#over the ocean call
ggensblog · 10 months
Okay i loved your James fic, now get them back together :) my heart cant take this :)
ok so I thought this would happen so I had something on the back burner for a type of resolution type scenario. I don't have the energy to type it out right now so here are some head canons or like bullet points-
read the original; over-the-ocean call | j.p.
-years pass and after you graduate from the university you were attending your mom wants you to come back and move in with her.
-when you get back you're greeted by your mother and she's just kind of updating you on everything that has been going on recently- lily's doing well, the marauders are doing well etc.
-you get to your house and there's a surprise 'welcome back' party with all of your closest friends from Hogwarts.
-lily is like 'oh my gosh it is amazing to see you again'
-lots of hugs
-James isn't there. he is in his own apartment. he got an invitation but wasn't sure if you'd want to see him after all of this time and with the way things ended- which wasn't necessarily bad, but instead was guaranteed to make things awkward between the two of you.
-the party is fun and everything but you can't help but miss James's presence, he was always the life of every party you went to and even though it had been years since your break up and years since you've even seen him- you still found yourself looking for him or waiting for him to walk into your mother's home.
-the next couple weeks go by where you're just kind of getting back into the swing of things. one night you go out to a pub with lily and the marauders end up being there at the same time. lily claims she had no idea they would be there but she totally did.
-you and James run into each other while getting drinks and it's just as awkward as you would have expected. lots of 'so how have things been' and whatnot.
-eventually the two of you agree to get coffee sometime when you're both free.
-on said coffee date meeting you both just kind of catch up on everything you've been doing. you talk about how all of the work you were doing in your first year in America paid off and you were able to graduate from the university with an honors degree. James talks about how he sustained an injury during a quidditch tournament that forced him into retirement so now he's a personal nutritionist for a couple other quidditch players.
-you end up talking about your relationship and how you weren't a fan of how things ended. James expresses the same opinion on how you both were young and maybe not even ready for a long distance relationship quite yet. you agree.
-James says something along the lines of 'if I had to do it all over again- I wouldn't have let you go as easily.'
-swoon !
-you both agree to get dinner later int he week
-over time you both kind of settle into a routine of seeing each other on a regular basis and after a month or two James finally asks you out on a proper date.
-you agree.
-after that it was like two puzzle pieces were finally fit together after years of being apart. it's natural- your relationship. remus, sirius, lily and all of your friends are relieved that the two of you reconciled.
-and the rest is history
I hope that is a satisfying enough ending lmao- definitely a quick little thing I wrote in 10 minutes. anyway- I feel like most of my inspiration comes from songs I'm listening to so I am sure y'all can expect more 'songfics' in the future. but if you have any ideas or requests I would love to hear them.
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medicine-and-molly · 11 months
give me a minute did so much for the world
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thedoorsofmyheart · 2 years
“Let me count all the freckles, On your arms alone
Let me smooth out the wrinkles, In the nicest shirt you own
Oh to love you, is sweet like a peach
I think your laugh is my cure
Oh to love you, is summer in reach
Kiss me, and tell me I'm yours
Andrew, I'm falling
Without a warning
Until the morning - Don't let me go
Just kiss me slow, oh-
I love you, you know.”
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acontrariis · 8 months
i'd marry you in a fmk bb. in a heartbeat
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itsketush-voyaging · 1 year
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potatounicoorn · 22 days
I wonder if Maya ever felt betrayed, when her longest friend, the ocean, took her daughter away from her?
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missydischa · 3 months
So, how did Aaron and his human friend meet? Does he have any other close relationships? :)
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She met him during a scuba dive. Mella was on vacation and happened to pass Aaron's grotto entrance underwater.
Aaron has been stuck in that lake for a little while at that point. He can't actually remember how he got to earth in the first place. Safest bet is he touched a mystic gem that teleported him. He was quite confused to find himself in waters much warmer and not as salty than what he's used to. Also given that Europa's ocean spans the entire moon and is therefore endless, finding himself in a space as 'confined' as a lake startled him. At least the food there was abundant even if the animals were much smaller than what he knew.
As for close relationships other than Mella. Not really. At least not yet on earth. He doesn't like loud noises much so he stays away from cities and towns also he's afraid he'll break things since he's so tall. Sometimes people other than Mella come by the lake, usually hikers, but he isn't very familiar with earth customs and a giant half anthropomorphic whale popping up behind you out of nowhere scares most people off. Mella thought she was gonna get eaten the first time they met.
He does have one other person that is very close to him . They were practically inseparable. They're not with him right now though. His partner is still on Europa. Unfortunately. :'( Apart from adventuring through the stars for fun Aaron and Mella are actually looking for possible ways to get him back to Europa so he can see them again. He misses them bad.
AU by @onyxonline
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hey like shout out to Jiao Liqiao, I guess, for setting up two? separate?? bases???
like on the one hand, I guess if you are planning to uhhh attic-wife your leader, even as a 'ok so plan z, none of the Seduction™ works, it's misery time', you don't want that set up in the base he is. living in.
(not that Di Feisheng actually spends a fuck of a lot of time in Jinyuan Alliance base 2: Saintess edition, given he gets out of the Jianghu ICU cave and immediately fucks off on a series of insane mid-life crisis errands, then gets amnesia'd and fucks off again with the same mid-life crisis errands But More)
and also, if you are going to set up a creepy sex dungeon trap house with Extra Torture Basement™ to attic wife said boss in, you might as well commit to the bit (which she clearly did per @bbcphile's excellent and also very upsetting meta, the dragging the bed out for display is Incredibly Distressing)
but on the other hand, like, damn girl, I know the real estate market in Xi is apparently great if you're buying cursed manors at least, but also, what the hell, you already have a base you don't need a second base, possibly you could just do a quick reno on that shit given you have literally weeks and Xi's builders apparently work at the speed of light anyway.
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palilious · 9 months
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[OCs] Night on the Catamaran
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oohhh i know you did an ask on who every teachers favourite child is but who are the kid’s favourite? out of the teen parenting trio, who were tsumiki and megumi’s favourites? or atleast the one they were individually closest to?
This is a legitimately hard one and there is no exact answer to it. Here’s the best approximation.
When she was little, it was Shoko. This was not for the best reasons.
I don’t want to delve too deep into this because we’re gonna find out a lot more about how Tsumiki felt about the teen parenting trio as a kid in the fic itself, so I’m leaving a lot of context out. But she liked Shoko as a kid because Shoko was a drug addict, and so was her mom.
It’s not that she liked that Shoko was addicted to drugs. I think Tsumiki violently hates drugs for what it did to her mom and, later, Shoko. But there was a safety in familiarity for Tsumiki. She liked Shoko because she knew how to deal with her and what her problem was. She’d take the monster she knew over the one she didn’t any day of the week, and she just could not understand why Gojo and Nanami were hanging around or why they pretended to care. She was too afraid of anything new to feel comfortable around Nanami or Gojo for a long time. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Shoko was good to her as a kid. Better than her own mom ever was. And Tsumiki really, truly liked her for that. But she also liked her because she thought that if things went sour with Shoko, she would know how it would and how to handle it. She felt most comfortable around Shoko as a result.
When Tsumiki grew up, I don’t think she had an exact favorite. She was comfortable with and trusted all of them equally, which shouldn’t be confused with her trusting all of them entirely.
She loves her family. And she trusted them enough to bring megumi to them at the start of the fic. But we also know that Nanami found something to make him think she thought they would cut her off from her brother. She’s got a bit of a distance from all of them.
I think she’s spent the most time with Gojo. He was around the most as a kid. I think she likes how he always pushes megumi to be out of his shell. I think she trusts him to take care of them. All of them were really a team in raising them, but Gojo was the closest they got to having a dad. She called him “Dad” once by accident and then immediately tried to drown herself. Megumi had to follow her into the ocean to get her to come up for air. Gojo was insufferable for a month trying to get her to do it again and moped for ages when she wouldn’t.
But I also think that she still has a soft spot for Shoko in the present. They have a little bit of a girl's club. And Tsumiki's unspeakably proud of Shoko for getting clean, and a little bit emotional about it. Shoko got clean for them. Her mom didn’t get clean for her.
It means a lot to her.
When Megumi was little, it was Gojo.
He would never, ever admit it, but it was. He was the one that Megumi trusted to save him from the Zenin, and it fucking broke him when he didn’t. He thought Gojo was a pain in the ass, don’t get me wrong. But Gojo appeared first. Gojo took care of them first. Gojo went to their stupid school recitals and walked him home from school and ruffled his hair and gave them a stupid house even when they said he didn’t have to.
Megumi thought Gojo was just some asshole with ulterior motives when he met him, and it took a long time, but Gojo was the first person he ever thought would take care of him unconditionally. He was a pain in the ass. But he never hurt him. And he always took care of him. It was like gravity, and Megumi trusted it would still be there when he asked for help.
And it fucking hurt when Gojo didn’t.
He took a huge amount of distance from everyone, after, but Gojo especially. He’s most comfortable with Nanami. Nanami has judgment he trusts and has a quieter energy that Megumi is most comfortable with.
He believes that Nanami means it when he says that he won’t let anyone hurt him again. He doesn’t believe Nanami can do it. It’s nothing against Nanami. He just knows how badly he can be hurt, and how hard it is to stop people from doing it. It took a Herculean amount of trust for megumi to trust that anyone even meant it when they said it, so Nanami does mean a huge deal to him.
He believes Gojo would protect him. He doesn’t necessarily believe he will.
It took a long, long time for him to trust Gojo again, but he does. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he does. He believes Gojo would absolutely intervene on his behalf if he knew Megumi was being hurt. He just doesn’t have the same confidence of him finding out in time.
I can’t find the post again, but I touched on this a little in a different ask about Megumi’s delirium, when he kept insisting that he thought Gojo was busy—he wasn’t saying that because he thought Gojo wouldn’t come and save him, he was saying that because he was certain Gojo would save him if he found out in time. He just didn’t think Gojo would find out before the Zenin killed him.
If Gojo knew, then he’d come save Megumi. The Zenin could only get away with this because he was too busy to realize Megumi was missing.
Gojo was busy. Gojo was busy. It’s not that he didn’t care; it’s that he didn’t know. He’d save him if he just weren’t so busy.
I think Megumi would really struggle with this question if you asked him this in the present day. Not outwardly—he would say Nanami because that’s the safe, obvious answer, and he’d leave it at that.
But he’d struggle, because I think he knows that Gojo was actually his answer once. And I think he is afraid of looking too closely at whether that’s changed.
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medicine-and-molly · 1 year
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she didnt have to end this song this way but i guess she likes hurting us
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when ocean vuong wrote,
“our mother tongue, then, is no mother at all- but an orphan. our vietnamese a time capsule, a mark of where your education ended, ashed. Ma, to speak in our mother tongue is to speak only partially in vietnamese, but entirely in war”
and when elizabeth miki brina wrote,
“my mother and i speak different languages... this might seem like a mundane fact about us. it’s not. it dictates everything. because even though my mother understands and speaks english at a highly functional level, there are places inside me she can’t reach, nuances of thought and emotion i can’t express in words that make sense to her.”
“i had not learned this history, my mother’s history, my history, until i was thirty-four years old. which is to say that i grew up not knowing my mother or myself.”
and when hieu minh nguyen said,
“i am forgetting how to say simple things to my mother. the words that linger in my periphery. the words, a rear view mirror dangling from the wires. i am only fluent in apologies.”
and when mitski sang,
“mom, i'll be quiet / it would be just to sleep at night / and i'll leave once I figure out / how to pay for my own life too.“ 
and when I tell you that I’ve never managed to learn another language, that i am unable to separate them in my minds eye. that i can not translate a phrase, I simply know what it means because she cradled my head as she spoke it. that i have tried german and french but can’t form the words of my mother(‘s) language. that I’m scared of saying i love you with the enemy’s accent. i love you do you love me i love you do you love me i love you
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acontrariis · 8 months
amo ????? tu theme????? i didn't notice it before omg
ay gracias mi amor 🌚
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goatpaste · 2 years
Can I request Giorno interacting with his infinitely better brothers, they wouldn't get along I think
maybe its just me, but i think Giorno would have LOVED them. i think he woulda wanted to hang out with them SO bad and at LEAST at first they would be SO freaked by him <3
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trintiitty · 1 year
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I'll bite. What's going on with Etho in Ocean's Calling au?
So Etho. Etho doesn’t have a 1:1 comparison with any character in Dredge, but the closest thing to one would be The Old Mayor or The Dockworker. Someone who knows shit is bad, doesn’t entirely like that shit is bad, but is in too deep (ha) to do anything about it. There’s two options for him: get as far away as possible or perpetuate the problem even further. Maybe he thinks there’s something he can do, because he loves his friends, and he really wants to save them, but considering the fact that he keeps on fishing….
Also, the only reason he’s being affected is because of his connection to Gem. The Thing In The Ocean wants everything from her, including everyone she loves. Her and Etho have such a strong bond that the Ocean sees it as something she sort of is, therefore it’s something that the thing can take. Does he want to be drawn in? Absolutely not. But this isn’t the first time something malicious has taken Etho as its own. Just look at the Jungle from s5, and if you squint, the Deepfrost Citadel from s9 could count as well.
All that to say: expect the price of blood to be paid soon.
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