#oscar issac moonknight
watsittoyah · 1 year
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Steven Grant x OC Fem Black reader (Marc later on)
Ch 1-To Being Weirdos
Word Count: 7.6k
Chapter intel- Some slow burn, some flirting, SMUT! MINOR’S DNI! Blood and gore description(later on in chapters). Nyctophobia (an extreme fear of the dark) build up for chapter two
And you think I’m crazy…well that’s not fair…
Ivy’s POV
I wake up already, forgetting whatever dreams that seeped through my unconscious thoughts while I was in slumber and give an obvious yawn.
“Alright Ivy, today’s the day. You got your big girl job, and you are going to have a good day.”  I glanced at my flickering nightlight at the foot of the bed, trying to push back the negative thoughts about myself.
You’re 32 years old, why are you still sleeping with a nightlight?
Why are you so afraid of the dark? Grow up.
Fucking loser.
I shut my eyes and try to dash the bad thoughts away.
“Stop, stop, stop!” I then hear the upstairs neighbor walking around and talking on his phone. “Morning, Mum…” I lay there for a while with my eyes closed. Wondering what it would be like, to be normal like him upstairs. “Good morning Gus my little one finned wonder...” His voice seems nice, much better than the voices in my own head.
“Ivy! Time to get up, love.“ My great aunt Milly calls out down the hall. I sigh and cuddle my knees just for a few more minutes before getting up to shower.
I might have been a bit too overzealous on showing up to work. I practically dragged my poor Great Aunt out of the house to bring me here an hour early. Then again, I wanted to check the museum out.
A small statue happens to catch my attention, and I find myself staring into its eyes. They were a dark purple, which reminded me of someone. “Hmm.”
“Will you look at that? Looks like someone mistook the statue of Keket for a rubbish dump.” I snap out of my trance as I hear a familiar voice beside me. That’s when I noticed a wad of gum on the nameplate of the statue.
“Gum shouldn’t be allowed in beautiful places.” I reach into my purse and pull out a disposable napkin and take the minty sticky substance off of the statue.
“Do I detect an American accent? You must be Ivy Hemlock word gets around the museum fast.” The man says that he extends his hand towards me. I give his hand a once over, but I dare not to shake it. “And you are?“ I ask narrowing  my eyes at him. “Oh, where are my manners, my name is Steven Grant. I believe you are shadowing me today.“
“Oh! I’m so sorry, my great Aunt Milly tells me to steer clear of men in other countries because you never know if they’re going to kidnap you and then harvest your organs so they could be put on the black market.” He gives me a concerned look and I just realized the words I just spoke out loud.
“Did I mention that my great aunt is senile?” I try to joke. Thankfully he takes the joke and gives a laughs. “Right, aren’t all of our aunts a bit senile?” He gives me a kind smile and I relax my shoulders.
I like his voice, why do I like his voice?
“Stevie, you better not be scaring the new girl. She just got here and I don’t want her picking up your bad habits.” Donna warns as she stops by holding a large amount of boxes.
“Sorry, Donna. I was just introducing myself.” Steven clumsily takes the boxes from Donna and I go to help but she stops me. “Stevie’s got it.”
“Steven, actually. I am…Steven.” He corrects as he places the boxes down in the back room. I look at Steven and he makes me feel like I’m watching a child get verbally abused by a bully.
I cut my eyes at Donna and I want to shove her in a closet and lock her in it.
Like Melissa did to you?
I swallow that bad thought away and continue to listen to the conversation. “No you’re bloody useless. You don’t get paid to chit chat to the new people. You’re here to show her around and then get to work.”
Who shit in her weetabix?
“Got it.” Steven says defeated. Donna leaves us and I chime in. “Is she always like that?
“Like what?”
“A cunt.” Steven gives a chortle which makes me happy.
Why am I happy that he’s happy?
“Don’t let her hear you say that. But yeah, she is a big one if I don’t say so myself. Anyways let’s get you all set up, yeah?” I nod and he shows me around.
The way he speaks about the Egyptian artifacts and gods makes me think he’s been there before. “You really know your stuff huh?” I ask as I glance at a painting that says it was painted to depict what the underworld would look like.
“I love stuff like this. But how about you? Do you like Egyptian gods and whatnot?” I give a nod. “I do, my father was the inspiration for it. I remember he told me he was going to explore the pyramids. It was around the time I was….” The sentence dies in my throat and I quickly change the subject.
“Uh, loois? I mean loo? Bathroom? I’m sorry I need to learn more of the lingo while I’m staying here. I’m sorry.” Steven gives a chuckle.
“Its okay, it’s on the second floor, take a left. And be careful the door likes to stick from time to time.” I give a slight nod and head in the direction he tells me.
As I enter I see a few school girls in the bathroom checking their faces and taking selfies. I don’t think I remember if I was vain like that when I was their age. Then again mirrors always made me jumpy.
I go to the farthest stall and check it over. Once the coast is clear I close the stall door behind me. I then hear the girls all leave, so I do my business. Once I’m done I flush and check my watch.
Just in time for lunch.
I leave the stall and notice that the room is silent, not even the outside noise could be heard. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I turn on the water to wash my hands.
Get a hold of yourself Ivy. If you do anything out of the ordinary then your coworkers will say you’re crazy just like the last few jobs.
And you’d hate to break your great aunts heart after she had pulled some strings to get you into the place.
One of the stall doors slowly opens and I see a hand slink into the stall. “I think my hands are washed enough, I can air dry them.” I say as I wipe my hands on my slacks. I turn to the exit and feel cold breathe against my neck.
I shut my eyes and clench my fists together.
“Leave me alone.” I whisper as I feel frozen in fear.
I feel my nails breaking the skin of my palms and I try to walk forward.
But the voice then slowly turns into a demonic low growl.
I wait for the calm to take place, but it never comes. I slowly open my eyes and the bathroom lights began to dim. Which caused a panic in my chest.
I turn and there in the corner of my eye, the stall door opens, and like a horror movie I tall black figure slink out. It’s joints moving in the opposite direction. It makes direct eye contact with me and if I hadn’t already used the bathroom I would have definitely pissed and shit myself.
It suddenly reaches for me and I fall back hitting the doorknob at my back. I then let out the loudest blood curdling scream I could muster. The mirrors all seem to bow inward making the creatures reflection look like a strange funhouse attraction.
“Someone open the door! Please! Let me out of here!” I yank and tug at the door but it’s not budging. I can feel the entity reach out to me and I scream louder praying to whatever God to answer me.
Just then the door flies open and before I could thank my savior I push past them and fall flat on my ass. When I look back I see Steven and I see the entity staring sadly at me by his shoulder. I scream and my fist shoots out. My knuckle hit his cheek.
I ignore the pain to my knuckles and I bring my knees to my chest. Everyone was staring as I started crying. “It’s in the bathroom! Its after me! Its after me!” I sob out as I rock back and forth.
“Ivy? Ivy? Look at me.” I look past his shoulder and the entity was gone.
Great everyone at work knows I’m crazy…
Donna had let me take my break early. And I was sitting crossed legged on a bench with my sad excuse of a sandwich and my hand wrapped. Looking down and having flashes of what I saw an hour ago made me lose my appetite. God I just want to crawl into my bed with all the lights on and never leave.
“That’s looks good. What kind of sandwich is that?” I hear Steven’s voice but I don’t look up. “You don’t have to talk to me. I know everyone thinks I’m crazy.” I feel him sit next to me which makes me scoot away from him.
“I don’t think that.” I look up at him through angry tears. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Steven.” I say with as much venom in my tone. He puts his hands up to let me know he comes in peace. “I’m not lying. I don’t think you’re mad. You seemed like you saw something in there. What was it?” He gives a quizzical look and as I open my mouth to tell him what I saw, I stop.
He’s going to laugh at you like the others.
Insane Ivy strikes again.
I close my mouth and shake my head. “Ivy, I don’t know what you think about me, but I do want to be friends. I don’t have many of them, and many people here see me as a weirdo. So how about we be weirdo’s together?”
Okay he is terrible at cheering people up. Which is why I can’t understand why am I laughing?
“You know you suck at this.” I say through a few tearful laughs. He smiles at me and I look at my chewed cuticles. “You’ll probably think I’m dumb but I saw something in the bathroom. It was like this talk gangly thing…” I glance over at him and he seemed to actually be listening to me.
“…the way it moved, it reminded me of a zombie or something. It just…scared me.” I say in a soft voice. “I believe you.” My head snaps up at him so fast I almost give myself whiplash. “You do? Why?” He shrugs. “I don’t have a reason not to believe you. And besides you give a mean left hook so why would I argue with you?” He says as I glance at his swollen cheek.
“I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t mean to hit you.” I reach into my bag and pull out a cooling pack. “Maybe this will help?”
I snap it and it instantly gets cold. He accepts my offering and places it in his cheek. He winced in pain and I feel guilty. “We can be weirdos together.” I mutter after a few moments of silence.
“Really?” He asks almost in shock that I would accept his friendship. “I don’t have any friends. And besides my dad and Aunt Milly, you’re the only other person who believes me. So thank you for that.” I take a bite of my now soggy sandwich and swallow down the dry roast beef my great aunt had attempted to make.
Next time I’ll cook. This tastes like cardboard.
“Well if you ever want to hang out, you can give me a buzz.” He reaches into his pocket and takes out a phone. I realize what he’s doing and my lips form a large O. Last time I got a number from someone who wanted to be my friend, they told me to delete them after I made a scene at their party.
I punch in my number and save it under Ivy in his phone. I call myself and I see his number pop up on my screen. “To being weirdos.” He says with a winced smile.
Did I mention how much I like his voice?
“Hi dad.” I place a fresh bouquet of flowers on his grave and sit down. “Last night Great Aunt Milly made roast beef, I had to suffer in silence and choke it down. But you already know she’s a terrible cook.” I laugh at the memories of how my dad would get food poisoning whenever we came to London for the holidays and spend them with with Great Aunt Milly. She’s the reason I question grilled cheese.
“Oh! And I got a new night light. That’s isn’t new uh, I got a job. I’m actually surprised I still have it. Because…” I look at his headstone.
Henry Hemlock. A husband, father, explorer. Gone too soon. 1958-2019
“It reached to me, dad. This thing was something from my nightmares and it scared the hell out of me…Because you’re not here…Dad I miss you. You…you were the only one who could keep the things that went bump in the night away. I miss your vo-please! Please if this is one of your jokes, it was funny for the past few years but I need you. Daddy I need you. I need my anchor back.” The tears fall from my eyes and down the back of my throat.
I try to keep the ugly tears back but I fail miserably. I curl up next to his headstone and just cry hard. “I miss you…”
I get the dirt off of my jeans as I slowly walk up the the apartment steps. I hear steps coming down and I look up and see-
“Steven?” He had his phone to his ear and his brows were pinched together. “Ivy? What are you doing here?”
I quickly explain myself before my only friend thinks I’m stalking him.
“My Great Aunt Milly, she lives here and I’m staying with her.” His face softens then. “I’m sorry Mum, one moment please. Well then hello neighbor.”
“Hello, sorry if I’m bothering you.” He shakes his head. “No, no. Never a bother. But what floor are you on?”
“Uh the third floor, you?”
“The fourth floor. Sorry if I’m a bit loud up there.” That’s when it hits me. “Wait! That was you? You’re the neighbor I hear every morning talking to his mother-”
“Ivy? Can you come taste this-oh hello there.” Great Aunt Milly says at the top of the steps. “Hello, Miss Hemlock.” Steven greets. “Please dear, call me Milly. Ivy he’s quite handsome isn’t he?”
“Okay, Steven I’ll see you later, Aunt Milly please let’s get inside before you set-oh god! What are you burning?” I run past Steven and past Aunt Milly to find she was making some terrifying concoction. “AUNT MILLY! WHAT IS THIS!?”
It’s been a month and I think Aunt Milly is trying to set me up with Steven. However I keep reminding her that he’s just a really good friend.
“He seems so nice and sweet. Maybe we should invite the lad over.” I was fixing my braids into a high bun in the mirror and I roll my eyes at her suggestion. “Aunt Milly we want Steven to live to see the next day.”
“Then get take away.” I suck my teeth and I turn jumping as I see the old lady standing there. Strangely Aunt Milly looked…older. Her wrinkles seem to kiss her dark skin. Which made it look like a trusty black leather couch that’s been around for over 100 years.
I cock my head to the side because honestly I have no clue how old Aunt Milly was, she’s just always looked old.
“I won’t be around forever, Ivy-“
Here we go again, Aunt Milly telling me about how she isn’t going to live long. But this woman is going to outlive God himself.
I place my hands on her shoulders. “Aunt Milly, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m going to live with you forever. But I get it you want me to be happy. How about I go on a date? You know Tom? He asked me out, I was going to say no but now I’ll go. For you okay?” She smiles at me and cups my face in her hands.
“Ivy, I just want you to be happy. You haven’t been the same since the incident. And I miss that smile.” I fake one and she swats me on the ass. “Don’t be cheeky, little minx. Now go get ready for work. You’ll miss the bus. And don’t forget you have a session with Dr. Pence.” I kiss her cheek and hug her.
She smells like dad, cinnamon and sage. “Okay, I’m going. I’m going. Love you Milly.” I call over my shoulder as I grab my purse and lunch bag.
I stand at the bus stop and peek down the road to see if Steven was coming. I heard him this morning on the phone with his mother.
“Must be nice.” I mumble as the double decker wheels around the corner. Once it stops I take a step and glance to see Steven running for the bus. I stand there as the driver gives me an annoyed look but I don’t care.
Friends don’t leave friends behind.
He catches up moments later, winded and gives me a smile. “Good morning neighbor.” I say with a cheerful smile. “Good morning neighbor.” He says back. I had managed to get us a seat in the corner and he let me have the window seat.
He gives a yawn and shakes his head. “Sorry, just a bit tired.” I can see he has dark circles and bags under his eyes. Almost like he hadn’t slept in days. Come to think about it I haven’t heard him on the phone with his mother or foot steps above me for the past few days.
“It’s okay, I’m just happy to hold the bus for you. I have some good news. Remember Tom?”
“Tom…Tom from security?”
“Yeah, he asked me out. I think I’m gonna say yes.” This makes Steven give me an odd look. “Be careful with that one, he has a reputation with the ladies.” My ears perk up. “Like what?” I ask as I lean in. He does the same, which gives a whiff of his aftershave.
He smells like winter pine. And has his lashes alway been this long?
Ivy focus!
“A few of the ladies at the front desk have said he can get too touchy if you know what I mean.”
“I can handle him, Steven. I had hit you and you turned out fine. Wait no that is a terrible joke. You shouldn’t hit people.”
We both laugh and he taps his knee. “Well I got a date Friday night. With Dylan, we’re going to a steak house.” It was my turn to give him a look. “Aren’t you vegan? What are you going to a steak house for?”
“I don’t know, Ivy. Bread, salad. All I know is that she thinks I’m cute and I’m happy.”
“Well of course you’re cute. You’d be stupid to think you’re not.” I feel Steven looking at me from the corner of my eyes but I turn my head to look out the window.
Nope, we’re gonna ignore what I said…     
It’s finally Sunday and I was dressed up for the big date. I wonder how Steven’s date had went.
Why are you worried about his date, Ivy? Worry about yours.
“Aunt Milly can you help me zip this dress please?” I ask her as I try to find my other earring. I had on a jade green dress that made my dark tan skin look like royalty. My jewelry was gold which made me look flawless.
She helps me zip up the dress and I feel something cold slide on my finger. I look down and see Aunt Milly placed an odd ring on my finger.
“What’s this?” I ask turning to her. “Just an old family heirloom. It belonged to your mother.” I look down at the ring and admire it.
“My mother?” One thing about my father, he avoided talking about my mother at all costs. Whenever I asked about her he would just change the subject or tell me that he would tell me all about her when I got older.
“What was she like? What did she look like? Do you have any photos of her?” I bombard her with questions and she gives a whimsical laugh. “Dear, I will tell you all about her when you get back from your date, now don’t stay out too long. Stay safe and please put on a jacket.” I lean down and she kisses my head and I sigh. “Guess you’re coming with me mom.” I whispers to the ring as I head out the door.
Three hours later…
Maybe he’s just running late. Maybe he got caught up in traffic and…
“Miss, the kitchen will be closing soon.” The waiter says to me. I had crumbled a napkin in my lap and I look at my phone. Tom hadn’t answered my calls or my text messages.
“Right, can I have your biggest container of ice cream to go please? And a slice of-make it two slices of chocolate cake.”
I manage to ask without crying. My tears stain my dress and I hope that maybe as the waiter gets my order that Tom will somehow appear and apologize a million times about being so late.
I take an Uber back home and put on the biggest fake smile I can gather. “Thank you for tonight Tom.” I yell as I unlock the door. I kick off my heels and lock the door behind me. “Aunt Milly?” I call out to her. But I get no response. I do hear her tv on low. When I walk into the living room she was laying there with her eyes closed.
I walk over to her and pull the quilt over her little body. “How was the date?” I jump hearing her ask as her eyes were still closed. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph. You scared me! The date was great, we had drinks, and steak-“
“Don’t lie to me, I always know when you’re lying, Ivy Dorthy Hemlock.” I hate when she uses my full name, makes me feel like I’m four years old and I’m in big trouble. “What’s wrong?” All she did was ask that two word question and I broke down dropping my leftovers.
“He..he stood me up.” She gets up and pulls me onto her lap. “Oh love, it’s alright. These things happen. Why I remember when my date first stood me up. It was back in…well way back when.”
“What did you do about it?”
“I walked up to his brand new Chevy and I smashed all the windows out with a brick.” I snort on my tears and we both end up laughing.
Aunt Milly and I sat down watching Jeopardy while she parted and greased my scalp. “What is 101 Dalmatians?” I guess. And I was correct. “You need to go on this show, Ivy. You’d win it all I know it.” I shrug hand her some more grease for my scalp.
“Aunt Milly can you tell me about my mother now?” In the way she moved her hands I can tell she’s hesitating.” I look up at her and she gives a big sigh. “That serious?” I ask.
“Your mother…was like no other woman. Powerful force when she entered the room, and that room was filled with her enemies. Tsk, before I tell you more will you bring these to that lovely boy, he’s in apartment 444.” I frown because I know she’s stalling.
“Who’s in that apartment?” She gets up and walks to the kitchen to bring back a plate covered in saran wrap. “That lovely lad, Steven. I’ve been feeding his goldfish when he leaves on some days.”
How close are Aunt Milly and Steven?
She hands me the plate before I can protest and and starts pushing me out the door. “What is it?” I ask trying to peek. “Cookies, I baked them my self.” I stop in my tracks. “I’m not giving him this. You’re going to commit a murder with these disks of death.”
“You little she devil.” She pinched the fat on my arm and did a twist causing me to yelp. “Ouch! Old lady that hurt!”
“Go bring him the cookies or I’ll force them down your little throat.”
“Yes ma’am.” I know better than to eat her food, I don’t wanna die. Sorry Steven, better you than me. I slide on my sneakers and make my way up to his apartment.
“Old lady got a mean ass grip. I should throw these at her head.” I mumble in a huff as I move my hair out of my face. When I get to Steven’s door, I knock and wait a moment.
“I probably saved your life if you don’t answer.” Which I was hoping he wouldn’t so I can grill Aunt Milly about my mother.
I tuck the death disks under my arm, ready to retreat down the steps but I hear the door open. Right there stood a sad sap, who happened to be Steven.
“You got some smuck on the corner of your face.” I point out. “Sorry, it’s chocolate. Uh come in, come in.” He ushers me in as he wipes his face clean. I look around his place and it looked so cluttered. Then again I’ve seen worse. “Sorry for the mess, I’ve been meaning to tidy up a bit.” I shake my head.
“No it’s fine I was just dropping by. Aunt Milly wanted you to have this, but toss it. Trust me, you don’t want to eat that…wait, what’s wrong?” He looked like he was on the verge of tears. “I don’t know really. Remember the date I was supposed to have?”
“The date you had Friday?” He gives me a gutted look as if I just told him his dog died. “Bullocks, she’s never going to talk to me. What day is it?”
“Sunday…” He then sit down on a stool with his face in his hands, and I kneel in front of him as I hear him about to cry.
“Hey, whatever happened it’s going to be OK. How about we get fat off of some ice cream. We can talk about how crappy our dates are if that’ll make you feel better.”
Steven looks up at me wiping his tears. “What happened? Did he? Did he try anyth-“ I stop him right there because I can see him getting angry. Which was weird to see.
“No nothing happened. In fact Tom never showed up. But hey maybe it wasn’t meant to be. So what do you say wanna humor this freak and eat some junk?”
Steven gives a smile which honestly makes me want to call him beautiful.
“Yeah, us weirdos got to stick together, you know. I got some ice cream in the fridge. I hope you like chocolate.”
“Love it, let me help you. Oh do you have sprinkles? The rainbow kind? Those are my favorite topping for ice cream.”
“Mine too, they’re in the top cupboard on the left.” He tells me. We scoop ice cream into some bowls and start talking about different subjects.
Like how Steven wanted to bring his mom down during his vacation. He told me he wanted me to meet her. I told him that when I get enough money I would go through my fathers bucket list and do everything he wanted to do. He gave me a smile and I swoon.
Were his eyes always this brown?
We were on his couch just talking and I hardly notice how close our knees are touching. Or how his hand keeps bumping against my wrist when he tells me an excited story.
I grow quiet as I let him talk and my thoughts get a bit, not so innocent.
I watch his tongue and as he licks his lips. I wonder what other things he’d like to lick. Maybe my neck…
Or my bottom lip…
I can picture his tongue dipping into my belly button just to tease me…
And finally I can picture his tongue flicking across my cl-
“Ivy? Hello earth to Ivy.” I snap out of my fantasies and clear my throat. “Sorry, for spacing out. That was rude.”
“It’s fine, sometimes I space out. Then again I black out sometimes and that’s not really fun.”
“Steven.” I place my half eaten bowl of ice cream down on his table and turn to him. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure anything, Ivy. Ask away.” I take a calm breathe, because this can go two ways, he could reject me and I have to go into witness protection for the rest of my life, or we both can get lucky.
“Can you close your eyes for me?” I ask. He then puts his empty bowl down on the table. “Uh, sure.  Not sure why you’d want me to do that but fine. Fine, I’ll do it.” He closes his eyes and I let out a breathe I didn’t know I was holding.  
Here goes nothing.  
I lean in and kiss him, which causes him to move back and I stop. But we were both wide eyed with barely an inch between us.
I was the first one to stand up. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave.” As I walk I feel a gentle tug on my shirt. “Don…don’t go. You just surprised me, is all. I just can’t believe someone as beautiful as you would want to kiss me.” I give him a puzzled frown.
“Steven, I meant what I said the other day on the bus. You’d be stupid if you didn’t think you were cute. Then again you’re more than cute, when you smile you face…light up like the moon. Your voice it-no. Nope, I’m not going there. Just please know I’ll understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore.”
“Why in the bloody hell would I want to stop being your friend? I like you.” My heart skips hearing him confess that to me. I look down and see he’s still holding onto my shirt.
“Maybe I’m a bit heart broken over the date or maybe it’s a sugar high from all the ice cream I’ve had tonight but, do you want to kiss me? If not reject me so I can move on.” I force out a laugh but he wasn’t laughing.
Instead he tugs me forward and I follow. He looks up at me and those brown eyes seem to hide something dark in them.
“I would like to kiss you, very much.” My body leans in and I feel my legs doing their own thing. I straddle his legs and I reach up cupping his face.
His gorgeous face, how does this man not find himself attractive?
I rub my thumbs across his stubbled face and he closes his eyes. If I had a camera right now I would snap a picture of this man.
I pause for a moment and just study his face. His lashes seem to kiss his cheeks, the wrinkles on his face, looks like road maps that I want to explore. His fussy raven curly hair, falls on his face and I lean down, kissing where the curls fall.
I hear a soft groan escape his lips and his hands travel from my shirt to the curve on my hips. I kiss down his beautiful face and with each kiss he lets out a groan.
When my lips finally meet his, I feel one of his hands travel up my spine and rest on the nape of my neck. “Is this okay?” He asks just a few centimeters from my lips. “It’s perfect.” I lean down and our lips meet. It’s no surprise he tastes like chocolate ice cream.
But what does surprises me is how erotic the noises he’s making. I want to explore his body and make him whimper for me, maybe even beg.
God Ivy don’t be such a sadist.
I test the waters and slide my tongue in, he invites me in and I feel him suck. Which causes a moan leaving my lips as well. I feel a bulge bump between my legs and I adjust myself so I can feel it.
I slowly press and move against Steven and we both let out a moan when I hit the right spot. With one swift motion he lifts me up and pins my back down on the couch. His lips leave mine and I feel a bit dizzy from the lack of air.
“You’re stunning, Ivy. Absolutely stunning.” He whispers as he moves a strand of my hair out of my eyes. He then leans back down, kissing and sucking my bottom lip.
I want him to make more noises for me so I take my hand and find my way to his belt. The jingle of his belt was faint but the sound of the zipper could have awakened the dead.
I feel him stiffen on top of me but I take that chance and slide my hand into his pants. It’s warm and his skin feels hot. I find the head of his cock and it was sticky.
“Bloody fucking hell.” Steven hisses as I see his eyes roll back. I run my thumb over the head and he moans. He felt thick, at least in my hand he did.
I slowly stroke him and I watch his body obey my movements. His hips move a bit and I grip him slightly. A whine passes his lips as his hips start moving faster. I feel more of his sticky precum against the palm of my hand and I lick my lips. “Steven.” I whisper his name and he opens his eyes looking down at me.
I move my hand from his pants and I lick his precum off of my palm. He bites his bottom lip and I pull him down so he can taste himself on my tongue.
His knees somehow pins my legs apart and I’m trying to not squirm under him, but I need friction. “Can I taste you? Please can I taste you? I just know you taste like sweets.” He begs as he rubs his knee between my thighs.
I nod quickly and he fumbles trying to get into my pants. He then slides his two thick fingers into my panties. I grab his hand and guide him to slide them inside of me. “Oh my god.” He could fuck me with his fingers and I would be satiated. But I know I’ll want more once his digits are no longer touching my g-spot.
He curls his fingers in a come here motion and my body jerks abruptly. How does he know how to do that?
Steven isn’t some goofball…
He is but right now, he’s a man who can fulfill my greatest desires.
He takes his thumb and it rolls over my clit causing my walls to tighten around him. “Please.” I moan out to him. A dark shadow seems to pass over his eyes, but he blinks and it’s just Steven in a lust drunk state.
“Help me with these.” He says as he tugs at the waist band of my sweatpants. He removes his hand then and he sucks his middle and index finger.  His eyes flutter close as he greedily suck his fingers clean. He sits up and I lift my ass so that I can rip off my sweats. He helps me and when he gets a hold of them they go flying across the room.
We both look when they land and I let out a giggle. He looks back at me chuckling but that stops when he sees I’m soaked between my legs. I watch him get on his knees and he then licks his lips. Steven looks up at me through his lashes as if to ask me permission. I slowly open my legs wider for him and I suck on my bottom lip as I spread the lips as well.
He looks like he’s in pain, almost as if he doesn’t get to taste me he’ll die. I feel his elbows dip down near my thighs and I feel his fingers curl inside of me once more. He leans down and he flattens his tongue against my cunt.
With his tongue he massages my lips and clit all at once which makes my toes curl and my fingers entwine in his messy hair. His stubble tickles my lower lips and I lean my head back feeling in bliss while he eats me out.
If this was his first time, he’s doing one hell of a great job. I look back down at him and he’s looking up at me. I let go of his hair and touch his face. “Steven, did I e…ever tell you, you have such pretty eyes. Oh yes. You have such pretty eyes, please don’t stop looking at me with those pretty ey-" He doesn’t break eye contact but he does twirl his tongue hum at the same time.
I spread my legs wider which makes him grip my right thigh for dear life. His grip is a bit painful but his mouth makes me ignore it. He pulls me closer to him as if I’m his final meal of the night and he wants to make sure he licks the plate clean.
I stutter out gibberish and rock my hips in motion to his rhythm. His fingers does quicker come here motions and I feel the sensation that I’ve been craving.
My breathing becomes quicker, as I watch his now free hand move in his pants. My eyes are hungry to continue to watch but my orgasm hits me hard as I stutter out that I’m going to cum.
He encourages me to do so but doesn’t slow down or get faster. His fingers spread my inner lips apart and as soon as his tongue slides inside of me my legs tense up and I pull his head deeper. He moans and slurps as I come on his tongue.
His glorious tongue.
I shake out one more orgasm and my swollen clit was extremely sensitive. But that doesn’t stop Steven. He gives it a few lazy licks and I try to close my legs. “S..ste…Steven. St..s..stop!” He moves away from me licking his lips and I see his chin was wet from my juices.
“Knew you tasted good.” He whispers as he looks back between my legs. I stop him before I’m at the mercy of his mouth again and ask.
“Do…do you have any condoms?” Steven looks past his shoulder and then back at me. “No, sorry I’m afraid I don’t have any.” I groan but sit up, moving my jelly like legs. I almost stumble but Steven nabs me before I could fall. When I look in his eyes I see panic.
“Where are you going? Was I that bad?” I then realized my mistake and mentally kick myself.
Don’t just leave you idiot, he might think he didn’t please you enough (which how could he not know how good of a job he did?) and it makes you look like you’re just using him.
I touch his cheek and the panic subsides. “I’m just running downstairs really quicks, I have condoms in my drawer. And you did an amazing…amazing job.” I say as I look at his still wet chin. I lean over and give him another kiss to reassure him. When I move back he looked happier than a fish in a new fishbowl.
“Right condoms. I should start carry those if we’re gonna do stuff like this again. If you want to do this again. I would like to do this aga-”
“I would like to do this again, and many more times. Now you have to let me go.” Only then he notices that he’s holding me tight. He loosens his grip and I take a step back from him.
I start looking for my sweatpants he had flung by his bed and see they were peeking out from the foot of it. When I go to grab them I notice a black rope. When I pick it up I see a restraint attached to it.
“That-” I hold a hand up cutting him off. “We’ll talk about this when I get back.” I shake my legs through the tangled fabric of my sweatpants and once they’re finally on I look back at him as I head to his door. “I’ll be back quickly. Okay.” I reassure him again. He nods and I hurry down the steps.
Hell I’m taking three at a time. I go to open the door but notice that I didn’t leave Aunt Milly’s door ajar.
“Aunt Milly?” I call out to her and I expect her to be laying on the couch. “Aunt Milly?” I call out once more. The room was silent except for a dripping noise. I follow it but get this chill on the back of my neck.
I don’t like this.
I think to myself as my foot steps begin to slow down.
“Aunt…” I don’t know why I didn’t notice, why I didn’t smell it. But I look down and see my once grey sneakers where now turning maroon.
My heart began to slam against my chest as all my senses scream at me.
I should run, I should get the hell out of here and get help.
But my feet wouldn’t listen. I know the dripping is from her. My sweet Aunt Milly.
I hear something move behind me and the lights start to flicker which makes me flinch. I don’t want to turn around because-
I hear shallow breathing and my head turns to the dark corner of the apartment. Right there I see a creature that looked like an oversized dog.
Before I could scream it l lunged at me. Thankfully I was quick and I ducked down causing it to crash into the wall above me. I go to run but my right foot slips from under me.
I scramble as the creature snaps its killer jaws just inches from my leg. I take off and slam the door behind me.
I couldn’t push a scream out of my lungs, my body was in flight mode and I ran, hearing the door explode behind me. It was gaining on me as I ran my hardest up the stairs to Steven’s apartment.
I slam my body into his door and thankfully he didn’t lock it. I get inside and slam it locking the door quickly. Steven ran over to me but stops when he sees I’m covered in blood.
My voice finally emerges but it all sounds like another language. “Ivy, Ivy slow down. I can barely understand you. What happened?”
“She’s d..dead. It got her! I..it…ahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!”
It all happened in a blur. The police questioning me, over and over again. Steven telling them that I’m a mess and can’t answer.
“Sir I understand that she’s in shock, but we need to know what happened. That apartment is a crime scene and her alibi is the only thing keeping her from being the suspect….”
I watch the body bag that held my aunt and my breathe leaves my body. “She’s gone.” I whisper causing Steven to steer me away from the EMT’s.
As he rubs the small of my back I look up at him and the shock suddenly hits me causing my legs to give out from under me.
He catches me before I could fall,  I stare at the ceiling for a moment and when I blink I see a beautiful woman with starry night skin. She smiled at me which caused her dark purple eyes to smile as well.
She leans in close to my face and I feel my eyes roll back until all I can see is darkness. But this darkness I didn’t fear, it was comforting to me.
Come find me.
The woman’s voice rings in my ears.
And before I knew it, I had passed out in Steven’s arms…
Before I continue this story was not only inspired by the amazing show moon knight but inspired by a fear I had as a child. Sometimes I find myself not too fond of the dark, and yet I embrace it from to time. Also this story will include some names of Egyptian gods and goddesses, they are in my interpretation. So I want to apologize in advance. If you wish to not read this story I understand.
If this do continue to read this story please don’t forget to like and share this with your friends. I’ll update again in two week. Or when my lazy ass doesn’t procrastinate. Laters Gators 🐊
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pimosworld · 1 year
Blueberry Pancakes
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Moon knight system x f!reader
Summary- You’re frustrated with Jake not being apart of your relationship so you take matters into your own hands.
CW-NSFW, 18+ MDNI, Depictions of DID, Smut, mentions of sex, Unprotected piv,fingering,rough sex,slight dom Jake, piv cream pie,cum,light angst, fluff.
Please let me know in the comments if I missed any warnings.
Not beta-read
You slowly blink open your eyes taking in the soft morning light of the flat you share with your boyfriend-boyfriends. You’ve been spoiled by Marc and Steven for a year now and you couldn’t be happier. The sweet smell of blueberry pancakes wafts amongst the flat and you can’t help the bittersweet feeling that consumes you.
Jake makes you blueberry pancakes.
Despite doing all the things a loving, caring boyfriend does- he refuses to front. A simple hi and bye is the most you’ve gotten out of him. It shouldn’t bother you really, you have two wonderful men that kiss the ground you walk on. You can’t help but wonder why he doesn’t think he deserves to be a part of this the way Marc and Steven are.
You're pulled from your thoughts as the door to the bathroom opens and you're graced with the sight of Marc stalking towards you only wrapped in a towel. His broad shoulders and chest are still dripping with water from the shower. He leans down and places a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.”
You smile up at him feeling slightly guilty. You secretly hope one of these mornings it’s Jake emerging from the bathroom still glistening from the shower, he climbs into bed and fucks you like his life depends on it and you both enjoy those sweet blueberry pancakes together.
“Prince Charming made you pancakes again.” He says sarcastically as he makes his way to the closet to get dressed.
It seems to be a sore subject for Marc as you think back to the first time he made them. Marc excused himself from the table as you moaned into every bite. You didn’t miss the way he glared into his reflection in the toaster while he stood in the kitchen waiting for you to finish.
“You know I love you and you make the best omelet.” You say as you make your way out of bed and wrap him in a tight hug from behind.
“Yes but you don’t sound like we’re fucking when you eat my omelet.”
You nip at his back and smack his ass on your way out of the bedroom. As much as he calls you a brat he definitely has his moments.
You make your way to the kitchen to enjoy your breakfast before you have to head to work. As you sit down to take your first bite you feel Marc’s eyes on you. You look up from your plate and see him with arms crossed and a smirk on his gorgeous face. You cock your head to the side and take a slow bite stifling a moan, because now is not the time.
“Are you going to watch me eat the whole thing?” You say playfully as you watch him make his way to the coffee maker that Jake got ready for Marc-because you prefer tea.
He doesn’t respond right away so you think this is as good a time as any to bring up what’s been bothering you.
“Why won’t he spend time with me?”
Marc groans and rubs a hand over his face. “I’ve already told you, please just leave it alone.”
“Is he listening now?”
“No sweetheart.” Yes cariño
“Well if you could tell him, I really really love pancakes.”
“Sure thing.” Marc says with slight annoyance.
You turn the key to enter your flat and as you open the door you're greeted with the sight of your boyfriend on the couch pecking at you over the bridge of his reading glasses.
“Hey love.” Steven smiles sweetly at you as he sets his book on the coffee table. “How was your day?” He always directed his full attention at you, as if you were the moon and the stars.
“It was fine.” You say rather unconvincing.
“Oh just fine,that won’t do.” He pats the seat next to him on the couch. “Come have a seat, let's talk.”
You make your way over to the couch and sit down and he grabs your legs placing them in his lap as you lean your back on the opposite arm rest. He takes your heels off one by one and begins rubbing your aching feet.
“I know you had pancakes this morning so the day started off better than fine.” He says jokingly with a smirk on his face.
“Well…that’s just it.” You say slightly embarrassed about what you're about to ask the sweet man rubbing your feet as he does most nights after a long day at work. “Could you help me with something?”
“Depends on what it is but anything for you love.”
“Could you…help me spend some time with Jake?” You say almost at a whisper.
He ceases rubbing your feet and looks at you with those deep brown pleading eyes. “You know how he is…but if it’s important to you I’ll try.”
You sit up enthusiastically and curl into Stevens' side wrapping your arms around his waist in a gripping hug.
“Okay, what does he like to eat?Does he have any favorite hobbies?What kind of shows does he watch? What’s his favorite color?…you realize your rambling like Steven does when he’s giving a tour at the museum, not even giving the poor man a chance to answer.
“Slow down love, one thing at a time.” He furrows his brow deep in thought. “Oh bollocks, I’m afraid I’m no help. I don’t know what he likes to eat, I’m pretty sure his favorite hobby is murder, he barely watches television and…well.” He chuckles to himself.
“What’s so funny.” You say slightly defeated
“Oh it’s nothing, it's just that I’m pretty sure his favorite color is red since he’s practically always covered in it.”
Steven looks at his reflection in the t.v. and suddenly drops his smile. “Right…well that’s about all I can help you with sorry love.” He stammers out quickly.
“Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.” He says as he hangs his head. Your sweet Steven has no idea how helpful he truly is.
You slide your hand to his cheek and tilt his head down at you placing a soft kiss on his lips. You sit up to straddle his lap and you can feel him getting hard for you already. As you wrap your arms around his neck and lean in to whisper in his ear, you can tell his breath is ragged.
“I’d like to show you how helpful you are, if you’ll let me?” You bite down on his earlobe and hear his breath catch in his throat.
“I’d like that very much love.”
It’s Friday night, it’s been three days since Steven helped you-and you helped Steven. You’ve been planning and hoping that what you have in store will draw Jake out of hiding. If not you’ll just have to live with his silent affections.
Steven is relaxing on the couch as you stand in front of your full length mirror putting on the final touches to your look. It didn’t take much convincing to have him spend the night with you if things don’t go according to plan.
You got your hair done that morning, something you rarely treat yourself too. As you stare at yourself in the mirror you can’t help but feel slightly turned on- this has to work.
You adjust the straps on your silk red dress and smooth your hands down the front. You slide in your strappy red heels that you hope you won’t have to walk very far tonight. You lean into the mirror to apply your crimson red lipstick to match the red you applied to your nails earlier that day.
As you grab your purse and make your way towards the door you can feel Stevens' eyes on you. You don’t dare glance over at him suddenly feeling like a predator's prey.
“Bye love, I’m going out with some friends, don't wait up for me.”
You reach for the door but an unfamiliar voice stops you in your tracks.
“Bebita I don’t think your boyfriends would be too happy about this.” You turn around to see Jake with his eyes narrowed as if he’s studying your movements.
“My boyfriends don’t care if I go out.” Your voice cracks a little and you're suddenly aware of how dry your throat is.
“I didn’t mean if you go out cariño.” He stands from the couch and you suddenly feel very small. “I mean dressed like this.” He gestures his fingers up and down your body.
“Maaarrrc…Steeeeven?” You mockingly call about the flat. “I guess they aren’t here so I’ll be going.”
You take one last look at yourself in the mirror next to the door feigning confidence.
“You’ll be staying.” He says in a commanding tone that makes your pussy clench in anticipation.
You grab the door handle and look over your shoulder with the most sultry look you can muster (that you absolutely have not been practicing in the mirror). “Make me.”
He crosses the distance from the couch to you in two steps and pins you against the door with his chest pressed to your back. You can tell you’ve had an affect on him by the way his hard bulge is pressed against your ass. He grips both your wrists with one of his large calloused hands. He leans in close to your ear and breathes in deep.
“New perfume?” He says in a low husky tone.
He licks a stripe up your neck and gently bites down on your earlobe. Drawing a small whimper out of you.
“Not so talkative now are we hermosa? His chuckles reverberate through your body as he slowly draws his fingers up your thigh. He can feel how wet you are through your panties and a low growl from him sends shivers down your spine.
“This wet for me?” A breathy “ yes” is all you can manage as he drags his fingers through your slit at an agonizing slow pace. He starts rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb and you can feel that tell tale sign that you're close to your climax as you clench down on nothing. He knows you're close and he wants to draw this out- you drew him out after all. He ceases his movements and all you can do is whimper.
“Shh it’s ok hermosa I’m going to take care of you.” You try to calm your breathing but he still has you pressed against the door with both hands behind your back.
“Answer my questions and I’ll take care of you.” He says into your ear as his breathing picks up. You give him a quick nod and his grip tightness on your wrist. “Words sweetheart.”
“Yes sir.” He nips at your shoulder with that last word. He resumes his movements dragging his fingers through your slit. “Did you buy this dress for me?”
“Yes.” You answer as he dips two fingers into your soft channel. If not for his grip on your wrists you’d be in a puddle on the floor. “What about these panties, did you buy them for me?” He’s slowly fucking you with his fingers and all you can hear in the flat is your breathy moans.
“Yes.” You say a little louder this time and he presses his fingers on those bundle of nerves inside and you think you might lose your mind.He brings his thumb to your clit as he steadily works you open. He places his knee between your thighs and slowly lifts you up. “Come for me hermosa.” You drop your head back on his shoulder and note down on your lip as you come with a silent cry.
As you come down from your high you realize you’ve never had an orgasm so intense without seeing your boyfriend's face. He slowly puts you down and draws his fingers away and you hiss at the loss.
“Tell me what you want and it’s yours.” He says still with his back pressed to you, his obvious erection putting a strain on Stevens sweatpants.
“I want you to fuck me.” You say in almost a whine not even recognizing your own voice. He spins you around and you can see the hunger in his deep brown eyes, pupils blown wide. He looks very different from Marc and Steven, yet so similar. It takes your breath away how he looks at you like you're his world and also his victim in the same moment.
“I’m sorry about your dress.” He says sarcastically as you look down confused seeing nothing wrong with it. Before you can ask why he takes both hands and rips it down the front as if it was made of paper. “I’m sorry about your panties too.” You close your eyes and prepare yourself for what’s next as you feel a light tug on your hips and the sound of your new red lace panties ripping.
He takes in your form as you're now left in your sheer red bra and strappy heels. One of his hands comes to the back of your head and he pulls you into a bruising kiss, he kisses you like he’s been starving for you. Like if you pull away you’ll disappear. Your hands come to his arms tracing the familiar muscles you’ve come to know and love and this just feels right.
His thick bulge is pressed against your abdomen, as he grinds his hips into you pressing you further into the door. Precum now staining Stevens sweatpants (which you’ll have to hear about later). You suddenly feel very exposed and you slowly push him off you. As you both catch your breath he looks as though he’s done something wrong and your heart aches because you just want the man to be as exposed as you are.
“Clothes off.” Is all you can manage-real articulate.
Jake strips in two seconds flat and your thanking whatever Egyptian god that he didn’t rip Stevens clothes.
You’ve seen this body many times but as he stands before you with his thick cock, tip red and aching steadily leaking precum you feel as if it’s the first time. He backs you against the door again and grabs your face with both hands as he stares into your eyes.
“Tell me again.” He says in a pleading tone.
“I want you to fuck me Jake.”
You yelp in surprise as he grabs your waist and hoists you up. You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He takes his hand and wraps it around his thick cock slowly coating it with your slick just teasing your entrance. You whimper at the feeling as he pushes in and you both moan in unison at the stretch. You drop your head to his shoulder and he’s not moving but you desperately want him too.
You dig your heels into his ass and he groans as his grip tightens on your waist.
“Just give me a moment cariño.” And you almost don’t recognize his voice. You squeeze your core around his throbbing cock and that’s all the moment he needs before he’s thrusting into you at a bruising pace.
“Oh. Fuck. Jake..” your words are punctuated with each thrust as he fucks too against the door.
“Jesus Christ, your pussy is so tight.” He’s quickly falling apart as he slams you down on his cock over and over. “I can’t believe I waited this long to do this.” Your moans in his ear as you hold on for dear life are going to send him over the edge. But not before you. His movements slow and you can feel his thick cock drag through your walls as you drop your head to the crook of his neck.
“Tell me what you want cariño.” He turns his head to see his reflection in the mirror next to the door.
“Fuck me harder Jake please.” You’re practically crying at the sensation as if it’s your first time. He smirks at his reflection and your pleas are all he needs.
“I love when you beg hermosa.” He holds you up with one arm and brings his thumb to your clit as he resumes his pace, roughly fucking you against the door. He can feel your pussy gripping his cock as your slick coats both your thighs.
“Fuck. Me. Right. There.” You're screaming now and will surely get a noise complaint, but you can’t care at this moment you’ve wanted for so long. Your vision goes white as you reach your climax and you're digging your nails into his back as you come undone. That’s all it takes for him before he comes with a choked sound as he’s shooting hot ropes of cum into your quivering channel. He groans in your ear as he slowly rocks his hips up pinning you to the door.
You don’t know how long you stay like that trying to catch your breath as you both come down from your high. It feels like you're floating and you realize he hasn’t put you down but he’s carrying towards the bed. He gently lays you down and you both wince as he pulls out of you. He places a soft kiss on your sweat soaked forehead. He takes off your heels and brings you one of Stevens shirts to sleep in.
“I’ll be right back cariño.” Your smiling to yourself as you watch him walk towards the bathroom.
Sleep is starting to claim you as he makes his way back to you with a warm washcloth, gently wiping your thighs and your swollen folds. He tosses the towel in the direction of the hamper not caring if he makes it. He lays down beside you and pulls your back into his chest wrapping you in a deep hug.
“Shouldn’t you call your friends so they aren’t worried?” He mumbles into your hair.
“Hmm?” Your blissed out brain can’t grasp what he’s talking about. He chuckles lowly to himself.
He’s not sure if you're asleep when he whispers to himself.
“I really really love pancakes too.”
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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st4rymoon · 7 months
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𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ༉‧₊˚.
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𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟐 : 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐱 | 18+ | 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Warnings: masterbaring (m), phone sex, pet names (baby, honey, love, Stevie (Steven), language, sub Steven, slight overstim
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Steven was a complete mess while sprawled on his bed, cock in hand with his phone up to his ear “you miss me don’t you?” You cooed through the phone.
“Ye- yes baby so soo much” he whined, hips bucking into his fist as he focused on your voice “don’t worry Steven, I’ll be home tomorrow. I promise I’ll make it up to you” you smiled.
On the other end, you were laying on your back, legs clenched as you listened to his quiet whines. You imagined how pretty he looks, cock in hand and chest heaving. You clenched your thighs at the sound of Stevens whimpers.
“Steven?” You cooed, a shaky whine spilled from his lips as he focused on your voices “y- yes love?” He seethed. “You sound so pretty” you hummed as you rolled over onto your stomach. Steven let out a pathetic whine at the praise, his hips fucking into his fist vigorously as he imagined your pretty lips around his cock.
“Thinking of me sucking that pretty dick huh? Don’t worry stevie, I’ll make it up to you. I’m being so cruel making you fuck yourself on call for me”
You could hear him panting on the other end, slick dripped down your panties as you listened closely to his quiet whines “mhm- ah fuck honey, go- gonna make me fu- ah” Steven seethed as his thick ropes of cum painted his stomach, his body jittering at the overstimulation as he continued stroking himself.
His brain was fuzzy, your sweet praises echoing inside his head as he came down from his high “did so good for me Steven” you cooed, your tone making him shiver as he imagined seeing you tomorrow, knowing the first thing he’s doing is eating you out.
His breathing leveled as he blinked back into consciousness “I love you so much” Steven hummed with a smile on his face as he stared down at the mess he made.
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h3avens4ngel · 6 months
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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲
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18+ | smut | Steven Grant x Reader | 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: unprotected sex, subby Steven, p in v, pussy fucking!, language, pet names, creampie, kissing,
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Steven messily fucked himself between your folds, his hand holding your panties to the side lazily as he watched you coat his cock.
Although this was his punishment he loved just being close to you. He let out pathetic whines as he squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the wet sticky sounds coming from the both of you.
The sound of his cock sliding between your puffy folds was intoxicating, the visual of the wet patch of cloth on your panties was making him throb.
“Lov- oh my-“ Steven exhaled as he noticed a pool of slick spilling out of your tight cunt. You were getting so worked up by him nudging against your clit that your own body was asking to be filled by him.
Steven knew you’d be so warm and gushy with cum if he got to slip his cock inside you. You could feel your orgasm start to build as you stared into his glossy eyes as he whined.
His puffy lips hung as he looked at you with needy eyes, you could see him begging through his pretty brown eyes.
You hummed as he began to fasten his pace “Steven�� you mewled as his puffy tip softly nudged at your swollen clit.
Your legs tighten as you felt the familiar tingles run through your body, your pussy clenching around nothing as Steven picked up his pace. He let out a pathetic whine as you came, he wished you’d came around him but after all you were in charge.
Steven tensed as you reached between the both of you and wrapped your hand around his cock, aligning it to your tight hole and mumbling “please”
You didn’t have to repeat yourself as Steven slammed into you, a muffled curse coming out of Steven as you wrapped around him perfectly. Steven fell forward, his hands lazily holding himself up as he pounded you onto the sheets.
He was lost in complete bliss as your gushy walls throbbed around him. You smiled up at him as he began to whine “ah- a- fuck love go- gonna fuck!”
His hips continued their pace as he wrapped his arms around your thighs and in one strong tug, he adjusted you onto the end of the bed. Your back curled into an arch as Steven fucked you at an angle that had your hips slightly elevated.
“Mh- my ah- Steve-“ you cried as your slick coated your pussy “yeah? Yeah love, lo- look at you” he hummed hoping to sound like he wasn’t about to cum inside you by the visual of you alone.
You came for the 2nd time, your body spasming in his hold as Steven finally felt you cum around him. “Th- that’s it”
And with a few messy thrusts, Steven filled your puffy cunt up with his sticky seed. His finger nails dug into your plump thighs as he rode out his high, a long gruntled moan rumbling out of his chest as he felt himself float up into heaven.
Steven couldn’t grasp how good you felt, he wondered how it was possible to feel so good and secure when he was buried inside you. You were always so generous and gentle with him, he loved it.
“I love you so muc- so much” Steven sighed as he buried himself between your neck, his lips pressing soft kisses onto your skin as he soothed your body into relaxation.
He softly pulled out, both of you moaning at the loss of warmth. Steven pulled you into his arms, his lips messily pressing a kiss onto yours. “Love you more Steven” you hummed onto his lips.
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mochimoqa · 2 months
The Climax Problem
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Literally thought that this was so funny and I wanted to make it a small story lol
Also, this was basically from this post by @faretheeoscar
This is the link to the original post! ^^
Gender neutral Y/n x Steven Grant
Warning: 18+ Mentioning of climaxing (aka: c*mming), some inappropriate jabs here and there
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We all know of how innocent Steven is and crazy for you. But him releasing during a make out session? That's crazier.
You cupped his face as you kissed him passionately. Your tongue fighting with his and moaning into each other's mouths. You gently pulled his curls as he moaned from the action.
The passion needed to die down as you needed to go to work.
"I gotta go, baby." You pecked his lips and he responded with a small whines.
"A- Alright, love! I'll be waiting for you!" He waved goodbye to you as you waved back and closed the door.
Steven sighed as he looked at his pants. The noticeable bulge in his pants as he unzipped them and revealed a patch of his seed in his boxers.
"Bloody hell..." Steven mumbled to himself.
He got up and took off his pants and boxers to the dirty laundry. He walked to the restroom and looked at the mirror.
"Why do I even do that..." He massaged his temples.
"Looks like someone has a hard time to stop cumming." Marc looked at Steven in the mirror with his little smirk.
"Look, I just can't help it...! Y/n makes me feel so good! I- I- I just can't help it!"
Steven turned around facing at another mirror staring at his reflection.
"You gotta ask some advice for that problem of yours, hermano." Jake crossed his arms and cocked a eyebrow.
"You don't think I know that, Jake?"
He sighed as he cleaned himself with a wet towel.
"Have you ever tried to masterbate before? That could help you, Steven." Marc chuckled.
"What!? Marc! You know I could never do that! And I'm gonna wait til I marry Y/n...! How could you even think of that!?
"Steven, you poor sad little virgin." Marc sighed.
"What about you go on reddit and go to r/Advice?" Jake smirked.
"Reddit...? No, I shouldn't..."
"It's the only thing to help you." Jake chuckled lightly.
"D'oh... alright..." Steven sighed as he grabbed some new boxers and put them on.
"Steven, I'm home!!" You placed your bag on the floor as you took off your shoes. You walked into your shared bedroom and see him laying down.
You laid down next to him and peppered his face with small kisses.
"Hi." You smiled lightly and played with his curls.
"Hey..." He smiled lightly but then faltered to a small frown.
"Aww... what's wrong...?" You cupped his face.
"It's uhm..." He sighed. "Love, uhm... during out make out sessions... I uh... I cum."
You frozed when you heard that.
"Like, pre-cum or...?"
"No, like full-on climax... and it's embarrassing... just instantly releasing during a make out session...! And I went to Reddit for advise... I- I just know that you're gonna judge me..."
"Steven, that's not embarrassing at all... to be honest, I find that really flattering."
"Yes, it makes me feel good. It let's me know of how good I can make you really feel..." You leaned into him and gently kissed him softly.
He pulled away and smiled.
"Thank you, love..."
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This got me cracking up 💀
Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this :]
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januaryembrs · 1 year
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DESCRIPTION: She’s all Steven can think about in between the missing days and the American man inside his head. When Harrow’s jackals leaves Marc with a difficult choice, his hectic life is spun out of control as Seth, God of Violence and Chaos, comes to reap his reward in the form of a woman from Soho with a dark past and a crush on Steven Grant. (Lightly inspired by Last Night in Soho dir. Edgar Wright)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: (specific warnings at the beginning of each chapter) 18+ DARK PAST. Sex trafficking/prostitution. Grooming. Explicit. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Abuse ex-boyfriend/lover, death, murder, gore, drug use. Any smut written will be consensual sex only, but there will be some implication to dubcon content. PLEASE CHECK WARNINGS BEFORE YOU READ. AGAIN MINORS DNI. * = smut warning
STEVEN GRANT & MARC SPECTOR X (EVENTUAL) AVATAR!READER. Friends to lovers trope (Steven Grant) Sunshine x Grumpy trope (Marc Spector), Light smut, explicit language, no use of Y/N, goes by nickname Dove. I ADORE LAYLA EL-FAOULY so she is still in the narrative but as Dove’s reluctant friend. Female!reader. AFAB!reader. I am English and do not have DID but have tried my best to do all the research I could on the themes I talk about (Ancient Egyptian culture/history/language. Experiencing DID etc) but if I am misinformed and offend anyone, know I am truly sorry and am more than happy to hear anyone’s corrections in my inbox and will do my best to fix it!
main masterlist
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CHAPTER ONE - Steven finds his life slowly turning upside down when the man in the mirror starts talking back, he's sleepwalking all the way to the Alps, and the woman he's besotted with from work finds herself more caught up in all of it than he'd ever wanted.
CHAPTER TWO - She wakes up with a killer headache and a million questions when she realises two things: 1. the man in her room is not infact Steven Grant and 2. her body no longer belongs to her but to the God of Death.
CHAPTER THREE - With Marc and Steven captured by Harrow's men, Layla has no choice but to work with her ex-husbands mistress to get them and the scarab to safety. But things take a turn when Seth comes to reap his reward.
CHAPTER FOUR - Dove wakes up in Steven’s apartment for the second time covered in blood with only one thing on her mind. What the hell happened last night?
CHAPTER FIVE - Marc and Dove adjust to their new mission: catch Harrow before he can release Ammit and for the love of gods don’t let Seth have the body again.
CHAPTER SIX - Summoning a council with the gods sound easy enough, right? Except the man on trial knows the dark secret she has yet to tell Marc.
CHAPTER SEVEN - Marc, his ex-wife and his supposed mistress head to Mogart’s to find Senfu’s sarcophagus, whatever could go wrong when the god of Chaos wants to be involved?
CHAPTER EIGHT - Dove, Marc and Layla escape Mogart’s with only more dead ends and questions unanswered. They’re running out of time before Harrow reaches the tomb, but one thing keeps sticking in Layla’s head more than the rest. Why does Dove look so guilty?
CHAPTER NINE * - Layla, Steven and Dove set off towards Ammit’s tomb across the dunes, only Steven and Dove have a heavy confession they’ve each been meaning to make.
CHAPTER TEN - Marc finds out the truth about Dove, and pays the mortal price.
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Comment or send an ask to be tagged in new chapters!
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Your daily dose of Marc Spector✨
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thestoriesfold · 11 months
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Is the Moon Knight fandom still alive? I've got a potential series sitting in my lap atm. I just wanna know if I'm gonna indulge in this alone? It is what it is.
Edit: here y’all go
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fitzarts · 7 days
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Daddy, daddy cool ♫
I've really changed my art style
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
Moonboys reacting to your baby’s first kick
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Prompt- could you please write what the boys would react like to feeling your baby kick for the first time?
A/n- I had to delete the ask prompt as this uploaded funny before, and everytime I add in a ‘read more’ cut it starts duplicating my paragraphs so 😃🔫 So. Let’s repost and see how it goes now lmao. Baby’s and pregnancy are not my forte so I hope this okay. Enjoy these little drabbles.
Warnings- none. Fluff
Masterlist- requests open for hcs, drabbles and one shots
Reblogs and comments appreciated <3
It was late. Well. Early. The clock beside the bed showing 1:34am in a practically mocking way. He had thought that once Khonshu was no longer leering over him that sleep would come easier. But it had been years now and yet he still struggled from time to time.
You were next to him, curled up on your side, his arm draped over your belly as he read in some attempt to fall tired. But sleep still evaded him, even though the book wasn’t particularly exciting. He had read practically every baby book known to man he was certain, he wanted to be prepared after all. And the entire thing was just… exciting. He took great joy in telling you all about the interesting things currently cooking up inside your womb, informing you the size of the baby every week. It was carrot sized now. Or telling you the best baby bottles he thought you should get because tiredtwinmum95 online said they were just brilliant.
He couldn’t be more excited. Yes it was a terrifying thing, especially in your situation. Three dads, one body. But it was exciting none the less. You were 21 weeks gone, not that he was counting down the days or anything. You’d pushed past that stage of just kind of looking bloated all the time, to actually looking pregnant now. Your bump still small but rounded out, clearly pregnant when you weren’t wearing baggy shirts. It was all starting to feel a bit more real.
He looked down at you with a warm smile, fast asleep. He’d spent the hour before bed massaging your achy shoulders and back, and you’d been dead to the world ever since. You deserved the rest. He thought it was a miracle how you still were able to go to work and do day to day things, when you carrying such precious cargo. Doing such an incredible and important job of growing and protecting his daughter.
He turned back to his book but after only another paragraph he froze. His eyes darted over to you, wondering if what he had felt was real or his imagination.
But then… again.
A small movement under the hand that was resting on your belly, gentle but definitely there. His face lit up, tossing the book to the end of the bed and placing his other hand there too. It was a little more prominent when it happened again, almost as if his daughter could sense he was there. He almost wanted to cry.
“ Heyyyy little one “ he said softly, leaning his face closer and gently pulling you over onto your back. Not wanting to disturb you but overwhelmed by the excitement of some actual movement “ can you hear me yeah? “ You stirred at the movement and opened a bleary eye, looking at your husband with nothing but confusion “ that’s right you can can’t you? “
“ Steven? “ he did look a little mad, beaming smile and wild eyes, holding onto your bump gently.
“ she moved “ he said in amazement “ y/n she moved. There’s an actual baby in there “ he said with a stunned laugh, shaking his head. A smile made its way onto your own face as you watched him and the utter joy on his face.
“ Right a baby of course. I was beginning to wonder what it was “ he dropped his cheek to your stomach, the smile never leaving him for even a second.
“ can you hear me little one? Yeah? I’m your daddy. Well. I’m one of them “
“ babe I don’t think she can he- “ your baby moved again in response and Steven gave you a slight smug look at that.
“ see. She can hear me. I read about it, they can hear music and everything. Gods don’t let Jake play her any music she’ll come out speaking Spanish “ your daughter moved again and he raised an eyebrow “ I think she technically just kicked me in the face “
“ feisty one “
“ like her mum “ he shuffled back up to lay beside you and wrapped his arms around you, a gentle kiss falling on your cheek “ it’s just mad, innit? “ he sighed dreamily “ we made a baby love. Like. An actual real baby. Mental “ you laughed and pulled him in for a soft kiss before shifting back onto your side, Steven cradling your bump as you fell back into sleep
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Marc wasn’t a morning person. At all. He always woke up with a grudge against the world no matter how much sleep he’d had. So his usual morning ritual was roll over, pull you into his arms, bury his face into your neck and grumble about how much he hated mornings. But how much he loved you. But when he rolled over the bed was empty. His face fell against a cold pillow instead of your hair, hands grabbing at cool sheets instead of your warm skin. It simply made his morning mood worse.
He sat up with a frown etched into his face, angry at the world and everyone on it. But his brow soon relaxed, his scowl easing from his features, when he saw you stood in the kitchen. He got out of bed as quietly as his still sleepy limbs would allow him, covering the distance between the bed and the kitchen in quick time. Anxious to get his hands on you and resume his regular way of easing himself into the world.
“ hi “ he grumbled as his arms wrapped around you from behind, not as easy as it once had been with your ever growing bump in the way.
“ hey sleepy head “ you said, leaning your head to accept the kiss he dropped onto your cheek, as you continued to wash the dishes that had been left in the sink from the night before.
“ why are you up so early washing damn dishes and not in bed? “ he closed his eyes, breathing you in as his senses finally started to come around and wake up.
“ for one, it’s not early. It’s 9:30. And two, I woke up at 7 to pee again and I just got this mad urge to clean. Steven says it’s nesting or something. Like wanting things to be perfect and ready. I don’t know I just really wanted to clean “ he smiled against your skin, unable to control his inner joy anytime the baby was mentioned.
He’d been absolutely terrified at first. He’d literally refused to deal with it, not fronting for an entire week no matter how much Steven and Jake tried to convince him too. A baby was far too much pressure. A tiny life in his and your hands when he barely knew how to take care of himself properly? It was terrifying. He’d come around though.
“ great. Already got your mom wrapped around your finger havent you? Got her running around like a mad woman when she should be cuddling with me? “ he said, patting your stomach gently which made you giggle.
“ sorry you and the boys are in second place now. This little princess is number one, isn’t that right? “ you cooed as your dried off your hands, placing a hand over Marcs. It was then that Marc felt it, the little prod under his hands.
“ what was- “
“ oh someones awake “ you cooed and gently moved Marc’s hand to the left slightly “ feel there “ he felt it again then, movement under your skin. It was ever so slightly weird but also incredible. He’d never felt the baby move. You’d called him from work the first time, crying in a mix of joy and fear. Then spent the entire evening trying to make her move again so he could feel it too.
Then any other time she’d moved Marc simply hadn’t been fronting. But now he finally was.
“ made me wait for that one didn’t you baby girl. Damn “ you laughed and held his hand in place as she continued to wiggle around. 
“ you feel it yeah? “ he nodded, awestruck at the feeling “ she’s getting more active. I think she knows eviction time is getting closer “ you still had a while to go but it truly couldn’t come quick enough “ now you’ve met all your daddy’s haven’t you? “ he smiled and turned you around in his arms, looking at you with every ounce of adoration he could muster.
“ I love you “ he said quietly and you beamed a smile, leaning forward to kiss him “ and you. Even if you did make me wait “ he said with a light pat to your bump.
“ you soppy sod “
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“ Jake! Jake! “ Jake startled as you screeched for him from the bathroom, almost throwing the tv remote at the screen in his shock “ Jake! Get in here quick! “ he assumed it was probably a spider in the tub or another bee had snuck in through the window.
But then again. What if it was something worse… a person. An old enemy seeking revenge. Someone having somehow slipped past him and ready to tear away his family. He charged for the bathroom, skidding into the room ready to deck whoever dared to lay a hand on his wife and child.
“ No la toques. te mataré, puta madré! “ Jake yelled as he frantically looked around for whoever had you. But stopped in confusion to find you alone, stood half undressed as you got ready for your bath “ mi amor? “
“ come here! Quick “ you were beaming at him, beckoning him over to you “ quick jake! “ he made his way over and you grabbed his hands, placing them on to your baby bump
“ what are you- “
“ just wait. Hang on “ you held his hands in place “ come on love don’t be shy now it’s your daddy “ you said softly, looking down at your stomach. Jakes brows furrowed and he opened his mouth to say something else but then he felt it, as if something was poking him under his hands.
“ dios mío is that-“
“ yeah. Been wiggling around for the last few minutes “ he dropped to his knees in front of you and let you move his hands around to follow your daughters movements “ see. She knows it’s you “ the baby wiggled around again “ talk to her the doctors said she can hear us. Talk to her “ he did feel a little silly to even think about talking to your stomach. But you had become the only person alive he’d ever let him self be soft and silly with. So he indulged you.
“ hola Princessa “ he said quietly “ Steven tells me you’re a carrot now “ you snorted a laugh at that and shook your head.
“ wonderful first impression there, calling her a carrot “
“ ¿qué? Blame steven. He tells us every week the new vegetable “ you shook your head again with a smile and Jake pressed a gentle kiss to your bump before rising to his feet again. He looked at your glowing face, how happy you looked and he couldn’t help but look at you as if you were placed on the earth simply just for him.
Learning you were pregnant had been a tough pill to swallow at first. What was he supposed to do with a baby? His hands were made for taking life. Not cradling a tiny precious one. He took. He didn’t make. It felt wrong to even think of holding such a delicate little person in his hands that were so bloodstained.
“ you’re cute you know that? “ you said with a grin, squishing his cheeks between your fingers and making his lips pout. He looked like a rather unamused cat that was being forced to play.
“ sure “ he deadpanned and twisted his himself out of your grasp and placed a kiss to your lips.
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Translations ( apologies if wrong. Google translate is all I have 😞)
No la toques - don’t touch her
te mataré, puta madré - I’ll kill you mother fucker
Mi amor - my love
Hola Princessa - hello princess
Dios mio - oh my god
¿qué? - what
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watsittoyah · 1 year
Alright santa with ya fat ass! If I don’t get Oscar Isaac, Tenoch Huerta, Winston Duke or any of my marvel men under my tree tonight, I’ma fill you up with some HOHOHOLES :)
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oddballwriter · 4 months
🙏 gn/fem reader who has a tattoo of an ahnk on her chest and arm tattoos of astrological symbols or like more egyptian tattoos who visits the museum with a group of friends and steven just drools at her existence lol
Living Art
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Summary: Working in the gift shop doesn't really earn you any points in talking to people, that's something that Steven's learned the hard way. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some cases that happen once in a while.
Warnings: It's mentioned that the reader does some of their own tattoos using the stick-and-poke method. Steven is shy but very much into the reader. The reader's gender and pronouns are never mentioned but Steven does refer to the ready is pretty so take that as you will. Mention of alcohol and getting drunk but no consumption actually happens. If I'm missing something don't be afraid to tell me.
Author’s Snip: I'm sorry that this took such a long time. I've been out of motivation to write and also recently started my spring semester. So I hope you will still like it.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 954
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Working at the gift shop didn't really make way for meaningful talks with people. Steven has learned that through many one-way conversations with people who come in. But he'd be lying if he said that he ever really stopped wishing for a moment to chat with someone who would listen and talk back. Unfortunately, that person only exists in Steven's daydream it seems.
That is until one day a group of museum-goers come walking in chattering amongst themselves. Steven looks at them for a brief moment just to get a count of them before looking off somewhere else until he hears a voice go "Oh..." in a disappointed cringing manner. Steven glances back and sees you staring at a mug on display. He knows which one it is. It's that one mug that has hieroglyphics on it that are random and translate to literal gibberish. He remembers himself cringing at its existence.
Your friends join in and laugh at your explanation of why this mug has you scrunching your nose in disapproval. "Does it say something dumb?" one of them asks, to which you respond with "No. It doesn't say anything. That's why I hate it.". Your friends laugh some more and move on with their browsing around while one stays with you for a moment to say "You should buy it and put it in your collection of stupid stuff.". You nod but say "I'm thinking about it but in all honestly this thing is kinda ugly.". It is, the graphics look horrible and Steven is so happy that some else can see that.
After a while of walking around, and grabbing a plush that also got a chuckle out of you, you make your way to Steven at the counter. Now that he's getting a closer look at you, you're very pretty. As he looks you over quickly so as to not be caught by you he notices something else.
The shirt you have on gives a sensible show of your chest and arms and along them are various Egyptian and astrological symbols tattooed on your skin. Steven can name practically all of them with his brief scan of your body. He manages to catch you saying something to him.
"How's your day going?" you ask. He blinks off his stun and answers with a shrugged "Alright. Same work day as all the others. You know?". You nod in response. "I bet you get kids in here all the time." you say, "They always want to leave a shop with something." you laugh. Steven gives a small laugh back as he thinks about all the times a kid came in begging for something. "They usually leave with a toy or one of those little books for kids," Steven says before glancing at the little plush you're buying, "This one is actually really popular. They're usually all gone by the end of the day." he mentions as he takes a look at it himself. "They are pretty cute." you reply, "They're also kind of silly. These figures in Egyptian mythos just being little stuffed dolls that you just have around.". Steven laughs at the thought.
Steven starts to scan the items and he can't help but instinctively cringe a little when holding and looking at the mug. You seem to notice and snicker. "Sorry," Steven apologizes, "But as someone who knows hieroglyphics this thing is awful," he explains.
"It doesn't even translate to anything." you both say in unison. You both smile at the commonality in your opinions on the mug, with Steven maybe feeling a little flutter in his stomach.
"The only reason I'm getting it is because I like to collect novelties that are dumb," you explain. "What about the plush?" Steven questions having thought that the plush was quite endearing. "The plush is dumb in a cute way. The mug is just dumb and I feel like it will fit right in with all the other stupid things I have." you explain. "Well, I'd love to see that collection," Steven comments. "It's actually a really nice talking piece. People like hearing about all the stuff in it." you mention.
Steven nods and as he does he takes a look at a few of your tattoos. You catch it this time and smile, "Do you like them?" you ask. "I think they're lovely," Steven confirms, "Where do you get them done?" Steven questions. There's no reason for him to ask, it's not like he has the guts to get a tattoo himself but he's finally getting that conversation that he's been yearning for. "My friend actually does them. She's a tattoo artist and she secretly give me a discount for some favors like getting her food or doing something for her." you mention, "Some of these are by me though. Sometimes I get drunk and bored at home and just grab a needle and pen ink." you add as you point to a few.
"You tattoo yourself?" Steven gasps. "Don't worry. I'm drunk enough to not really feel anything but still sober enough to clean the area and not have it look terrible," you tell him. "If you ever want a tattoo but not the whole commitment, give me a call. I'll give you as much alcohol as you need." you say with a wink. Steven blushes and bites back an ear-to-ear smile.
You both hear the clearing of a throat behind you. When you both take a look you see your friends standing in line right behind you looking on with looks varying between smug and done with overhearing the back and forth. "Just give him your number already so we can buy our shit." one of them speaks up.
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@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction (applications open)
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st4rymoon · 5 months
・𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐈𝐭 • Steven Grant x Fem reader
- 18+, period sex, blood!, p in v, unprotected sex, reader finds out she gets her period midway through but Steven likes it more than she thought, soft dom Steven, after care mentioned, cussing, needy Steven, praising, slight dumbification
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Steven has been extra needy this week so it was no surprise when you were pulled into bed the second you got home.
You had no clue what’s gotten into him but you were never one to complain, you always enjoyed the days he got extra needy. Sometimes fucking you at an excruciating slow pace or even worse, just cock warming him.
But tonight Steven was roughly fucking into your soaked cunt with his hand softly wrapped around your neck and your back pressed against his. His cock sloppily plunging into you while his puffy tip slammed at your g spot.
Your lips were curled, eyes rolled back in bliss as he hit deeper and deeper. In the mist of your pleasure and Steven’s loud moans, you couldn’t help but notice the feeling deep in your tummy.
It felt like the pleasure you felt whenever you’d fuck yourself on your period, that warm satisfying tingling that made you wish Steven’s cock was fucking you instead of your silicon toy.
You slid your fingers down legs and to your shock, both your fingers were coated in blood when you pulled them back up. Out of all days, your period decided to happen now. “St- Steven!” You whined.
“Mmh yeah love?” Steven hummed with his pace just as messy “I- I got my period” you embarrassingly admitted. Your hand pushed at his abdomen in fear of how messy his sheets were.
You were taken aback as Steven looked down, his eyes widening as he licked his lips and let out a pathetic moan “fuck” it was almost inaudible but you caught it.
You began to panic thinking he was grossed out, but instead of pulling out he plunged back into you. You let out the prettiest moan as he lifted your face up to his, lips mere inches away “Can I keep on going?” Steven mumbled dumbly as he slowly rocked his hips.
You couldn’t help but notice his grip tighten, he looked so fucking needy “yes” you moaned as he pressed a thankful kiss onto your lips. “Oh god love, feel so fucking good” he hissed as the wetness of your cunt mixed with the blood made it even easier for Steven to fuck you.
Steven admired the way his cock was coated in a red and white mix of slick and blood, it was driving him crazy. He had to get a better view so when he manhandled you onto your stomach, face down ass up, you didn’t even have time to process it before he was pounding into you.
Your moans filled the room as he watched your cunt take him so easily, his mouth salivated at how easily he slid in and out of you. It felt so intimate to be buried in you as your body went through one of its most difficult yet beautiful monthly phases, Steven could feel himself slipping away into his mind as he took in the pleasure of all of it.
With your face pressed against the sheets, incoherent words spilled out of you, the feeling of Steven’s thick cock throbbing against your walls was so much for you. You could feel Steven purposely filling you full, his Pubic bone flush against you with each thrust.
Steven smiled as you dumbly muttered up at him “yeah?” He mocked with heavy thrusts. He watched as you sunk into the sheets with your fists clinging onto them. You’ve never had sex on your period before so it was safe to say you now understood why people say it felt so good.
Steven was losing his mind as he fucked your messy cunt, his field of vision going blurry as he felt you fluttering against his cock. He took it as a sign to snake his hand between your legs and rub your puffy clit with his cock plunging into you.
“Oh- stevennn” you let you a shaky cry as your clit throbbed against his fingers. Your orgasm pulling Steven’s sanity away from him as you praised him dumbly.
“Fuck Love, oh hone-“ Steven huffed as he pushed you onto the sheets, his cock completely buried inside you as he filled you with his loads.
You could hear the obscene sounds coming from the both of you as the sloppily slowed his hips. “My sweet girl, I love you so much” Steven hissed as he pulled out with a sigh.
You hummed into the sheets as you stared at Steven with a smile on your face. “I already know you’ll give me you’re I’m sorry and I made such a mess so don’t start. You hear me?” Steven scolded as he turned you around and pressed a soft kiss onto your lips.
“Oh god the sheets!” You gasp as the patches of your blood stained the sheets “hey hey what did I say, They are just sheets for crying out loud I’ll just wash em’ love” Steven softly reassured you.
“How about I get the tub ready for the both of us mhm?”
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minigirl87 · 6 months
Ice is the only hard thing
Steven Grant x Reader
You and Steven go ice skating and accidentally stimulate Steven, but let's be honest, it wouldn't take much to turn that sweetheart on. This is part of @moonknight-events Bingo. There is no description of the reader and no use of y/n.
I used Google translate for the French words
Quelle surprise - I'm surprised
Oui mon amor- yes my love
Salope- bitch.
Please enjoy and feel free to comment and reblog ❤️
⚠️ 🔞 🤬 over 18s only
Male receiving oral, cum eating.
Word Count:- 1290
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London in winter time is a mixture of miserable bitter weather and fun activities. You're currently standing at the bottom step of the National Art Gallery wait for Steven, who, as per usual, is running late. You let out a chuckle as Steven stumbles out from behind a Victorian Greco column for the Galleries stunning entrance, the lights dancing of the creamy stonework, making the building stand out against the velvety inky sky of evening.
Your warm breath making patterns in the cold air as you call his name Steven stops in front of you, looking exasperated and dishevelled. You smile up at him, taking in his rosy cheek, goofy smile, and sparkling dark eyes, a stray chocolate curl popping out of his Egyptian hieroglyphic patterned woolly hat.
“Hiya love” he says excitedly, kissing you and rubbing his nose against yours as he speaks. “You ready, my love?”
“Yep sweetheart. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” You reply as you zip his navy jacket up and sort his scarf. “That’s better. Can’t have you freezing on me, sweetheart.” You giggle as Stevens face flushed “sorry love. Didn’t have time inside to get sorted because of Donna.”
"Quelle surprise," you mutter. Steven smiles happily “Oui mon amour” you both laugh “enough of Madame salope, she’s not spoiling our night sweetheart” Taking his hand you walk of towards Tottenham Court Road underground looking forward to your evening together.
Oyster cards at the ready you both head through the barriers to catch the tube to go to Waterloo train station. The Bakerloo line was busy commuters heading home, exasperated Christmas shoppers, and loved up couples like you and Steven heading to Hampton Court Palace. As if sensing your uncomfortableness of the busy carriage, Steven instinctively wraps his arm around you and kisses your nose, his scarf tickling your chin as you smile and snuggle against him.
At Waterloo Station, after checking your connection, the Christmassy smells moreishly filling both you and Stevens nostrils. “Come on love let’s get 2 hot chocolates for the train. You roll on the balls of your feet as you wait in line at Starbucks. Steven speaks calmly and with appreciation in his voice to the barista. As you both carry a almond milk praline hot chocolate away from the counter you hear the staff say how nice it was to deal with Steven and how they wished every customer could be like him Stevens cheeks flushing pinky red at the compliment.
“See you really are a sweet boy, sweetheart* taking his arm heading for the train to Hampton Court Palace. “I’m just me” he mumbles. Sitting on the train together, listening to Steven, listening to historical Christmas facts, and drinking the hot chocolate.
“you’re a walking encyclopaedia sweetheart. You really should go on who wants to be a millionaire” Steven, not listening, continues to chat and explain about Chanukah and his, Marc’s and Jakes beliefs. You listen carefully to him and get him to explain when you weren’t too sure. The 36 minutes of the journey pass quickly. You can listen to Steven talk for hours, loving his beautiful voice.
Once out of Hampton Court Station, the bitter air stings your face as you draw your scarf tightly around your neck. Standing at the start of the walk way up, you both look at the Palace light up and colourfully decorated as the noise of the ice skaters is hear hum of laughing, shouting and fun fill the air. You look up at Steven lovingly and squeeze his hand “Thank you for this sweetheart” The coloured lights twinkle and fade against his face and eyes, and you share a sweet and tender kiss. “anything for you love, now let’s get our skates on literally” he chuckles as you roll your eyes.
Having collected 2 pairs of ice skates you help each other to put them on as Christmas music adds to atmosphere listening happily and not paying attention as you lace up Stevens skate you unknowingly pulled him forward slightly and as you moved to stand up your nose brushes against his clothed cock and Stevens eyes flutter and a soft whimper escapes his velvety plush lips. “You ok, sweetheart?” his eyes snap open, and a look of embarrassment covers his handsome features “no love, all hunky dory” as they kiss his lips, the wetness glistening in the Christmassy lights.
You raise an eyebrow but shake it off, giggling as you walk like bambi onto the rink, grabbing onto the side as you almost fall flat. Steven follows suit, but he’s as graceful as a Swan. Soon you’re both moving in sync around the ice having fun. Hand in hand, you circle around, and, trying to be smart, you decide to try spinning, and as quick as you try, you fall on your back side. As ever your knight in shining armour Steven rushes to pick you up and the angle he’s at means your cheek brushes against his cock, his hard cock.
“Have you been hard this whole time sweetheart” licking your lips. Steven swallows hard “yeah pretty much love”
Standing up and looking at him with a soft smirk. “come with me, my love.” Skating to the edge of the rink and leaving to change your skates to your boots hurriedly with Steven and handing them back to the woman at the counter. You grab and pull Steven away and walk down a gravel path, and push him into some trees and shrubbery. The darkness engulfing you both.
Steven stammers “what you doing, love?” as you unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans pulling his hard weeping cock out his boxers giving his shaft a few strokes with left pointer and middle on top and thumb under the shaft giving just the right amount of pressure for Stevens eyes to clamp shut and his body to shiver.
“All it took was for me to accidentally rub my nose against your clothed cock and you get stimulated sweetheart?” Smirking up at him as he nods biting his lip. “have you been aching to cum my love?” Steven jerks his cock further into your fist. A soft whimper leaves his lips “please love, don’t torture me more than I already am. Please”
You kiss the head, swirling your tongue around him, tasting him, letting out a satisfied moan around him. As you start bobbing your head you feel his hand grab your hair as he starts moving you faster against him his thrusts matching as the fucks your mouth, grunting as he stops moving holding you in place as he cums covering your throat with his warm creamy seed your nostrils filled with his musky scent it still amazes you how each of them taste and smell different. You run your hand down his softening cock squeezing the last drops in your mouth before swallowing as you then tuck him back in and fastening him up.
Steven breathes heavily against the tree he’s leaning on as you stand up. He smiles and leans into you licking a dribble of his cum from the side of your mouth swallowing as he kisses you.
“That was amazing love” his cheeks all rosy as you adjust yourself, taking his hand and walking back onto the gravel path to walk to the exit and start your journey home.
“anything for you, my love, I think I should make this a yearly tradition from now?” You squeezing his hand “definitely my love. We will.” As you get to Hampton Court Station, Steven looks like he’s concentrating, which means he’s talking to Marc and Jake. “Um love! Marc and Jake want to know when it’s there turn?.”
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@melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @jake-g-lockley @steven-grants-world @romanarose @campingwiththecharmings @writingforcurrentobsessions2 @welcometostayingawake @novanitee @micheleamidalajedi @annautumnsoul @guruan-is-not-here @ivystoryweaver @whirlybirbs @whatthefishh @lonely-dark-moon @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @lonelyisamyw-0love @madlittlecriminal @midgardian-witch @saturn-rings-writes @madlittlecriminal @gigachadcowboy @yeetus-thyboomer @draggolblackthorn @he-burnt-my-shake @musicsavedme98 @mess-of-fandom @hon3yboy @ominoose @jayke0 @theaussiedragon @reallyrallyauthor @moonknight-events
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Banners and deviders by @saradika thank you❤️
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mochimoqa · 2 months
Hiii I just recently hurt myself accidentally while cooking 😭 so can I request how would you write any of the Moon Boys comforting the reader who feels insecure of scars or marks on their body. Would appreciate it a lot 💗
Hello, anon!
I'm so sorry that you hurt yourself :(
But nothing like a good moon boys x reader will fix that :]
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WARNING: Some cursing and Intense Fluff 🤭
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"OW- Fucking shit-" Y/n screamed at the pain of extreme heat touching their skin. You turned off the stove and went to the restroom to grab your mini med kit.
"Son of a b—" You mumbled to yourself.
You've gotten hurt plenty of times. Either from cooking, activities, etc. You've gotten insecure over the years because of the scars and marks from different activities.
The one time where you were frying chicken and the hot oil splutter on your skin. Leaving some marks on you.
You turned on the cold water from your sink and let the burn somewhat fix the burn.
You sat on the floor and opened the med kit. The irritation of your skin was a bit bad. You grabbed some aloe gel and gently placed it on your burn.
"Ow-" You winced at the pain.
While you were doing this treatment, you heard a knock at the door.
Keys jangling and swung open the door.
"Love, I'm home!"
Oh, goodie! Steven's here.
"Ah, shit-" You panicked and quickly hid the medical supplies.
"Love? Y/n! Where are you?" He was pacing around the house til he found you in the bathroom.
You were covering your hand behind your back.
"Ah, there you are! Marc, Jake and I started to become a little worried there." He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead.
"No, no, I'm always here, baby." You chuckled nervously.
Steven cupped your face and looked into your eyes. God, his cute dark eyes always get to you.
"I feel like you're hiding something..."
Your eyes widened slightly and chuckled nervously.
"What? No-"
He squeezes your face a bit tight.
You instantly knew that this wasn't Steven anymore and it was Marc. Steven was the more gentle of the boys.
"Y/n, I know you're lying to me."
"I- no, I'm not-"
"Yes, you are."
Shit, you've been caught red-handed. (No pun intended.)
"Okay, fine. You got me." You put your burned hand in front of him.
"I burned myself while cooking..."
God, this was so embarrassing to you. You've had too many scars and marks on yourself, you thought for sure they were gonna leave you.
"The burn doesn't look too bad." He grabbed your hand and examined the injury.
"Huh? You- You're not gonna leave me?"
His eyes shot up to you.
"Why would I ever wanna do that?"
"I- because of all of the scars and marks I have on my body... you don't think it's embarrassing?"
Marc paused for a moment and seeming zoned out. He was probably talking to Steven and Jake.
"Steven said that he would never leave you."
He looked at your wound and paused again.
"Jake said that he would be stupid to even do that."
You chuckled lightly at their responses.
"Really?" You sighed and leaned against the sink.
"Mhm, and I agree with the both of 'em. You're literally too good to be true, Y/n. Sometimes me and the boys don't even know of how lucky we are to have you."
"But what about my scars?–"
"The scars don't matter. We love you with or without any scars or marks."
He paused again.
"Jake wants to take control to get rid of that stupid stuff you said about yourself."
You sighed, "Alright, bring him out..."
You felt your hand being squeezed.
"Hola, mi amor." (Hey, my love.) He kissed your hand.
You smiled lightly. "Hey, baby."
"So, what in the wrong fucking mindset are you even in?"
"Uh, I don’t know... I just thought that the three of you were gonna leave me and—"
"Esa es la cosa más estúpida que he oído jamás". (That is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard.)
"I know..."
"Cariño, we will love you til the end."
"Thank you, baby... thank you to the three of you..."
"No hay problema, bebé. (No problem, baby.)
"Want me to fix you up?"
You nodded. "That would be wonderful..."
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed this! I absolutely love writing Fluff so this was by far the most exciting story to work on!
Also, very sorry for not posting sooner I had a lot of exams so I didn't have time to post this story!
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cameronthecryptid · 4 months
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