#orson pink
phyrexian-lesbian · 5 months
listen is one of my favourite episodes ever. aside from the incredible themes and writing we also have the doctor/clara dynamic.
clara: having the worst day of her love life ever. close to a mental breakdown.
the doctor: going #offonone about some crazy theory he had in the shower and dragging clara into it.
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novablisters · 3 months
what was even up with the orson pink storyline in listen? like they heavily HEAVILY implied that he was a descendent of clara and danny but both clara and danny died before they could possibly have kids, and as far as we know danny didn’t have any siblings
clara might’ve become semi-immortal with her own tardis but danny was dead forever and she couldn’t have intersected with her own timeline? and even if she did her heart doesn’t even beat anymore it’s highly unlikely she could get pregnant so did they have this plan for danny/clara endgame and then just? immediately forget? this plothole just stares me in the face so garishly I don’t understand whats happening here
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weird-tea · 1 year
So you know in the episode Listen with Orson Pink stranded on a mysterious planet at the end of the universe? And there are all those spooky noises outside? Yeah according to one of the audio dramas that Jack Harkness & River Song just fucking with him.
I do not know what to do with this information. It is simultaneously the dumbest explanation ever but also makes way too much sense for the Doctor Who Universe.
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thingsasbarcodes · 21 days
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Doctor Who 8x04 - Listen
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year
You're among us imposter OC will probably have one soft spot for this crewmate her name is Maddie she is the pink cremate and very light pink roommate too because his little buddy keeps running off and getting lost but don't worry Maddie will always return his will buddy
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Ok then
Orson: ?
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lostattheedge · 9 months
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One of the posters by Moebius for the unproduced Jodorowsky's Dune.
"Director Alejandro Jodorowky put together a group of “spiritual warriors” to aid him in this quest to make Dune into a movie, including the core team of Dan O’Bannon (who went on to create Alien), H.R. Giger, and the French artist Jean Giraud, aka Moebius, whose character designs and storyboards are the concrete manifestations of Jodorowsky’s vision. Jodorowsky also sought out Orson Welles, Salvador Dali, Pink Floyd, and Mick Jagger, among others. The project resulted in a tome the size of several phonebooks, including paintings, designs, technical solutions, and a storyboard by Moebius—but no film. Studios shied away from Jodorowsky, daunted in no small part by the film’s proposed fourteen hour running time."
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phantomphangphucker · 26 days
Phic Phight - Too Fine Too Be Normal
@lexosaurus @hannahmanderr @zombiemerlin
When outsiders have to deal with any member of the weirdo trio it really is best to just roll with the punches. Plus, Orson actually LIKES his techy internet buddy; so what if he’s some kind of superhero pharaoh or something?
Orson blinks at his screen, not for the first time feeling confused and baffled over TooFine’s chat comments.
TooFine: brb gotta go eat a bat, nightshade found the plant paint I covered her fruit tree in
He’s assuming what the guy means is that ‘nightshade’, TooFine’s friend, is trying to hit him with a baseball bat. Strange and extreme but at least this time he’s not claiming to have ‘accidentally fallen into another dimension’. Whenever TooFine leaves suddenly it’s always wildy outlandish stories. Certainly there’s no way he thinks Orson actually believes them right? Yes it was very funny anyways. Reading TF’s impressive imagination always made him feel a little better about life, like even if your life is simple and plain you can bring some crazy into it with your mind.
Sometimes though, it’s clear he’s actually telling the truth, like that one time they were on voice chat and Orson dad popped in to try and convince him to let him teach him how to hunt again, Orson liked meat but he had zero desire to actually go and kill things. But TF started talking guns too, apparently that thing about TF’s in person friend having parents who made weapons was very much true. TF impressed Orson’s dad, meaning his dad now approved of the friendship. At least TF didn’t bring up that ‘ectoplasm’ stuff while his dad was around, the last thing Orson wanted was his dad thinking all his online friends were crazy too. His dad definitely didn’t believe the claim that TF’s friends parents also had a modified military vehicle they used on the actual road; something about how military treads can’t be used on roads because they’re too damaging. TF followed that up with ‘our roads can withstand some pretty heavy artillery’, Orson’s chuckle and eye roll probably convinced his dad that TF was screwing around with him a little.
Either way, hopefully TF gets back in time to keep helping him with this stupid drone he’s trying to build. He’d love to be able to go get the mail without having to actually go outside, so much wasted effort when he’d rather be gaming or reading. Then he gets a voice chat request, the voice that comes through is not TF’s
“Oh shit hey, you actually picked up, wow I can’t believe he made an outsider friend. Weird”, this new teen clears his throat, “okay so, Nightshade actually might have knocked him out in a fit of rage? So he’ll be a bit- hey! No! Put that down! You don’t get to hit him again just because I’m protecting his PDA!”.
TF actually used a PDA? Such old tech? Why? Weird.
“Emilie is PINK! PINK!”.
The boy teen groans, “ugh. Goths. Anyway, while he’s out, he give you any ideas for a good birthday gift? I’ve been banned from giving him weapons or explosives, and the last time I got him a souped up hard drive he hacked the federal government and filed the presidents taxes for some insane reason”.
Orson blinks, “I think he’s been talking a lot about electric cars and electric bikes? What happened after he… did the presidents taxes?”. He really just wants to know where this guy was going to take that level of bullshit.
“I’d rather ideas that don’t require me to steal my rich arch enemy uncles credit card. And eh, nothing much, just got abducted by some secret service folks up into the Appalachian mountains for some ‘one on one’ talks time. He got some new wicked scars out of it even, one looks like a hockey stick! I don’t even have one like that yet! But hey, what’s life without a few abductions here and there? The gov loves shooting me!”.
Orson makes a face, alright so were TF’s friends just as bad as him? Shaking his head, “get him a lock picking kit then, in case anyone abducts him with handcuffs or something”. What the actual hell? He absolutely has to google this.
“Oh that’s not bad-oh hey buddy! You good? No lumps and bumps? No booboos or owies?”.
“You jerk, I’m fine. Why is she still armed!”.
“Emile. Is. PINK”.
“It suits her!”.
“She’s a black apple tree! Pink is never her colour!”.
Oh so the goth did actually name her plants, odd but not insane. And yeah, a hacker did actually do the presidents taxes… weird. There’s no way that was actually TF right? Was he friends with an actual hacker?
“Oh T I totally voice called, or whatever, your online buddy? It seemed like the chat was recent and shit so you know”.
“Man, you are way too overprotective and way too much of a mother hen for a dead guy. Gimme that”.
“Hey at least dead hens can shoot laser beams out of their mouths, way cooler than living ones”.
TF clearly has his… PDA back, “you’re still working on that ‘let me be lazy’ drone right?”.
Orson blinks, “yes, but real talk, did you actually file the presidents taxes?”.
“Oh my zone! DP you shit head! Ugh, look the guy was trying to embezzle my towns funding to buy another yacht, so I figured hey why not forcibly report all his off shore accounts and that weird charity donation to a Russian network. I also might have gone after all his staff too? They weren’t impressed but I call anarchy and how was I supposed to know his people would actually not suck at tracking people?”.
“T, dude, I’m pretty sure the federal government and the goddamn president have better tracking than those G.I.W. morons”.
“Are you going to fix Emilie or what!”.
Orson flips through google results a little more and yeah, a ton of people got hacked for taxes… Hell Orson even stumbles on a whistle blower data leak about ties to Russia that he nopes out of real quick. “TF bud, that’s super concerning”.
“Heh. Fair enough and- oh shit!”. There’s an actual explosion over the line. “Hey, you wanna actually witness shit for a change, because good goddamn. DP! Have you been skipping sleep again! Why is the goddamn sleep god throwing a building at us!”.
You know what.
Fuck it.
Orson sends the zoom invite, it’s accepted immediately. It’s actual pure chaos. There’s shouting, what looks like a sentient star cover blank wearing a mask in the sky, a glowing black and white teen throwing actual everything forbid bath bombs at the thing in the sky. TF looks like he’s from freaking ancient Egypt, with a helm on and everything. Then a bunch of glowing vines shove TF out of screen, a girl in a green and black body suit with a freaking cape chasing after.
For a second he’s wondering if TF is playing a massive prank on him and somehow created a hyper realistic superhero show set up. The… PDA is pointed up at the sky as the voice of the guy who started the voice chat shouts, “I HAVE MIDTERMS! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!”.
The blanket creature shouting back, “SLEEP!”.
“Oh yeah I guess I should have seen that one coming”.
Okay so. TF’s friend, whose parents make weapons, is a superhero or something? Google to the rescue.
TF shouts, “why are you stabbing me! There’s a god in the sky! Fight him!”.
“Naw, UnderGrowth actually likes Nocturne, since sleeping humans aren’t actively polluting Mother Nature”.
“Fuck that stupid grass stain”.
“I’m going to end you”.
Orson blinks at his phone, DP, Danny Phantom. A real person, in a real town, that looked like a real superhero. It’s that rumoured haunted town actually, a real haunted town. What the actual hell? Is he friends with a superhero or sidekick? Who’s also a hacker? And eats a concerning amount of meat without getting sick somehow? Has all the stories he’s been getting, and not reacting strongly too, been real??? Alright, okay, gotta play it cool self. He probably actually thought Orson was taking him seriously and has decided that Orson passed some kind of weirdness meter test. This was basically almost an identity reveal wasn’t it? Holy crap he’s involved in a real life comic book secret identity reveal.
The ‘Nocturne’ guy gets blasted into a wall, DP pelting It with eggs he got from somewhere. The Nocturne holding up a massive canister over Its head, “YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DO NOT SLEEP!”.
“Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit”, TF comes sorta back on screen, grabbing up his PDA, the ‘facial markings’ don’t look like make up, it looks like it’s part of his skin. “Okay okay, so that right up there is a massive thing of halothane vapour from the looks of it, fun. So we’re all probably gonna pass out here, feel free to disconnect if shit gets boring”.
Orson squeaks a little, “boring? You get up to some insane shit. Why is a… sleep god? Trying to knock y’all out?”. Roll with the punches, gotta roll with the punches. Freak out later.
TF snickers, “DP doesn’t get enough sleep and has been frustrating this ghost since he formed. God’s am I right? Ha!”.
“Get back here you!”.
“Oh for crying out loud! I’ll fix your freaking plant okay! Ugh!”. TF gets smacked into a wall all by the plant girl anyways.
Orson eyes the parts of his drone before looking back to the screen, “why are you helping a random friend you made, build a drone when this crap is going on?”. Because it seriously has to be asked.
TF uses sand to push himself out of the wall rubble, “eh, normalicy is nice and shit, plus you’re impressively chill. I bring up sneaking into a death gods liquor cabinet and you just give me a ‘that’s nice, have fun. Don’t hospitalise yourself’. Sure, Red’s chill but she’s more DP’s friend”, smirking, “and his ex, plus she rides a hoverboard and shoots ghosts so…”.
Oh okay, so there’s a fourth one. This is completely insane. Whelp. Guess he’s in it now though. Orson shrugging, “I’ve always been a pretty laid back guy, though this is definitely the craziest thing I’ve seen. Way worse than that chic on drugs or something who was trying to bite people”.
“Oh yeah drugs are bad, way worse than hacking regardless what the government has to say about it”.
Then the canister explodes, giving Orson a serious anxiety spike as bits of metal impale in things and gas starts going everywhere. DP actually does a comedic salute in the air before just falling to the ground. The Nocturne guy looks very pleased with Itself and actually wraps around the probably unconscious teen, hissing at the plant girl when she tries to approach.
TF cringing, “stupid obsessive ghosts. DP looks like he’s been bent like a shrimp”, TF moving his PDA camera and yeah the black and white teens position is kinda shrimp like.
All Orson can think to say is, “great, now I’m hungry”.
TF laughing while hurling a fist full of sand, “HA! Yeah sushi would be great right now”.
“You disgust me”.
Was it normal for ‘villains’ to seemingly baby heroes? Because that’s what this looks like. Nocturne literally just wants the black and white teen to sleep, that’s it. Weird. And then freaking pillow monsters??? Start storming the screen, TF and Nightshade/plant girl doing battle with them. The zoom gets cut out so Orson is just going to assume the device got broke.
That happened.
One question, well many really, but why is someone so tech focused going with a freaking Egyptian theme? Nightshade made sense, he’s pretty sure even her ‘code name’ is actually a plant. And DP was, well, a literal ghost so the Phantom name made sense. Weird that ghosts were actually real still. Yes he’s seen some stuff about them on the news occasionally but it still seemed so far fetched. And he’s pretty sure he saw some people dressed up as DP at last years comic con.
Very weird.
Well. Nothing for it now. So he sends TF a message asking if he’s good. It takes multiple hours but….
TooFine: we’re good, DP’s still out cold and has been abducted into a sleep gods lair but like, we good. Sleepy Blanket won’t try to skin him like some people.
OriOri: that’s good? I mean, his skin would probably make a poor blanket?
TooFine: HA! Thats the kinda joke DP would make! He’ll be proud
TooFine: he’ll be proud whenever he wakes up
TooFine: and when Sleepy Blanket stops acting like a crazy dragon protecting its horde
TooFine: and when he finds his way back to the land of living
OriOri: it’ll be a while
TooFine: good. He really should sleep more
TooFine: the dumbass
OriOri: if he gets so little his pissed off god then yeah. That’s impressive actually
TooFine: you have no idea. Anyways, tots sorry for dipping on your little project. I’d offer Techy’s services as make up but he’s an idiot with newer tech
Orson has no clue who that is and isn’t going to ask.
OriOri: at this point I’m more curious why the heck you went with an Egyptian theme for a guy who hacks the federal gov and makes visual horror games
TooFine: eh, it would be kinda weird if a reincarnated pharaoh wasn’t Egyptian themed, you know how it is. Technically you don’t but you know you know
Orson sighs, this was so weird. But he is so not going to let on that he never believe the shit TF said.
OriOri: I guess? Now do you know how to better connect female usb c to an hdmi, cause it’s pissing me off
TooFine: *snort*
TooFine: but of course I do. Debendint on how far you need the connection to work you might have to bike something from scratch. I tots got blueprints and they are definitely not stolen from the fbi terror investigations unit. Definitely not.
Orson was probably going to get arrested one day because of this, but screw it, TF was fun to talk too and made his mostly boring life more interesting. Not interesting enough to ever consider moving to the guys nightmare town though. Not a chance in Hell.
Prompts: Tucker fucked up. Hard. But it’s like, how the hell was he supposed to know that hacking the federal government was a bad idea? Nocturne takes a liking to Danny and decides to help teach him a lesson, whether Danny wants it or not. Outsider POV. Tucker makes a new online acquaintance, and will casually allude to the crazy shit he and his friends get up to while ghost hunting. The new acquaintance thinks Tucker is just embellishing the truth, until…
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sharpmouth · 7 days
these might be a bit too conventional, but high life directed by Claire denis and the lobster directed by Yorgos lanthmos, maybe the short film milk and blood by markus englmair. lost highway by David lynch? serial mom by john waters? F for fake by orson Welles, persona by infant Bergman, shiver of the vampires by jean Rollins. good luck!! (also just wanted to say I’ve seen the cool cat stuff recommended by another anon and I think they’re a waste of time— but maybe it’s what you’re looking for, who knows)
thank u for the recs!!! i’ll be honest i dont think i’ve seen any of these. haven’t checked out the cool cat movies yet so we’ll see if i like them.
i’ve loved david lynch’s work that i’ve seen & i just watched pink flamingos and am planning to watch more of john waters’ movies :) the lobster has also been on my list for forever! thank u so much!!
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I genuinely wouldn't have this any other way.
Rip each other to shreds, ladies.
those who fought valiantly but didn't make it under the cut:
Clive (Rose)
Raffalo from Crespellion (The End of the World)
Jabe (The End of the World)
Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)
Toshiko Sato (Aliens of London/World War III)
Cathica (The Long Game)
Suki (The Long Game)
Sarah Clark and Stuart Hoskins (Father’s Day)
Dr. Constantine (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Nancy (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Lynda Moss (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Female Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Novice Hame (New Earth)
Mrs. Moore (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Zachary Cross Flane (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Danny Bartock (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Scooti Manista (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters)
Nerys (The Runaway Bride)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan and Valerie (Gridlock)
Alice and May Cassini (Gridlock)
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Jenny (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Tim Latimer (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Kathy Nightingale (Blink)
Chantho (Utopia)
Morvin and Foon (Voyage of the Damned)
Bannakaffalatta (Voyage of the Damned)
Caecilius (Fires of Pompeii)
Evelina (Fires of Pompeii)
Soothsayer (Fires of Pompeii)
Ood Sigma (Planet of the Ood)
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Proper Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Val, Biff, and Jethro Cane (Midnight)
Unnamed Hostess (Midnight)
Rocco Colasanto (Turn Left)
Capt. Erisa Magambo (Planet of the Dead)
Yuri Kerenski (The Waters of Mars)
Maggie Cain (The Waters of Mars)
Addams and Rossiter of Vinvocci (The End of Time)
The Unnamed Curator (Vincent and the Doctor)
Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)
Lorna Bucket (A Good Man Goes To War)
Rita (The God Complex)
Brian Williams (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
John Riddell (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Emma Grayling (Hide)
Journey Blue (Into the Dalek)
Orson Pink (Listen)
Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Ecpress)
Rigsy (Flatline)
O'Donnell (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Cass (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Bennett (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Heather (The Pilot)
Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Jake Simmons (Age of Steel)
Katherine (The Girl in the Fireplace)
Ross Jenkins (The Poison Sky/The Sontaran Stratagem)
Eve Cicero (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Daniel Llewellyn (The Christmas Invasion)
Diana Goddard (Dalek)
Rita-Ann Smith (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Shona (Last Christmas)
Vivien Rook (the sound of drums)
Unnamed Male Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Dee Dee Blasco (Midnight)
Lee Clayton (fugitive of the Judoon)
Sabra (Time Heist)
Mr. Copper (Voyage of the Damned)
Psi (Time Heist)
Pete Tyler (age of steel)
Ohila (Hell Bent)
Professor Docherty (The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords)
Hath Peck (The Doctor’s Daughter)
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Phil's Video Blog - 27th March 2006
Watch with me!
First off, immediately I am amazed by the constant improvement in technology because this noir style video resembles a piece of abstract art. Grainy, a bit blurry, and made up nearly entirely of pixels, I am immediately filled with bittersweet 2000s nostalgia. 
Before I go any farther, here is what I know.
This video was released 27th of March 2006 on amazingphil. In 2006, Phil Lester was 19 years old. I, however, was only 7. (I was a wee babe.) 
Did I know before starting this blog that this video existed? Yes! 
Have I ever watched it before now? No!
What was happening in the world at this time? Good question.
Top Singles in the UK the Week of March 25th
So Sick - Ne-Yo (such a freaking bop)
Nature’s Law - Embrace
No Tomorrow - Orson
Stupid Girls - Pink
Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae
Major Events that happened in 2006
Paul McCartney and Heather Mills Separate
Italy won the World Cup for the fourth time
John Mark Karr was arrested in Thailand in conncetion with the murder of JonBenet Ramsey
Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray
Using the way back machine, set to the closest date (29 March 2006), the top 3 featured videos were:
Cybersmack by EEntertainmentTV
Re-Enactment: The Princess Bride by ArtieTSMITW
The ORIGINAL Disco Bar by thediscobar
AND (this is crazy to think about) The Black Parade by MCR wouldn't be released for another SEVEN MONTHS. Amongst many other things. But I feel like this gives us a little view into where we needs to be to understand this completely. 
This video is short and sweet and we really see who Phil is in this video. He’s just a sweet lad showing the world what he got his mother for mother’s day and giving us a little insight to what he is working on in University. (We know today that he was working on his degree in Linguistics at University of York followed by a Masters in video production from the same school .) This video really highlights how relatable Phil is (and has continued to be, minus his childhood anecdotes) as he complains about school and daylight savings. 
Something that shook me to my core with the introduction to the lion and pig plushies. Lions and pigs have continued to be related to him even today. Lion references are non-stop, of course, and I could not imagine the current phouse without their golden pig companion! (unrelated stream Golden Pig from danandphilBEATS on spotify!)
It’s so nice to watch this now knowing the amazing (ha!) career and fandom he has built now. 
Current Watch Time: 2m 06s
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valorums · 3 months
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fill out the chart below as your muse.
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LOVE AURA: If Shi’al’s love were to be embodied by a color, then those colors would be PINK and YELLOW.. Those with Pink Auras are said to embody love, compassion, and kindness, enabled by a deep connection with their own emotions to have a soothing effect on those around them. The attributes associated with Shi’al’s Pink Aura blend nicely with her Yellow Aura, for her innate compassion allows her to become a beacon of hope and optimism in the eyes of those she loves most. Shi’al can always be relied upon for her helpful advice and sincere warmth; despite her acquaintanceship with many active participants in the political scene, she does not have a single intentionally malevolent bone in her body. If she causes some semblance of harm to a loved one, it was caused under the mistaken belief that it was in their best interest. However, it is imperative to note that the yellow in her aura is a shade of DARK YELLOW, which signifies the manifestation of an INNER BATTLE within her soul.
SONG: Naturally, the song which most closely represents Shi’al’s attitudes towards love and romance is from a Disney film. Although the film in question, Enchanted, is meant to be a satirical take on Disney’s most common romantic tropes, the iconic number That’s How You Know effortlessly captures Shi’al’s naïveté in romance and describes what she would view as an ideal romantic relationship. It also features a protagonist who manages to get every single individual in New York’s Central Park spontaneously bursting into song and dance, which Shi’al herself is entirely capable of arranging.
FLOWER: Famed for the role played in the narrative of The Odyssey, Lotus Flowers represent purity, beauty, overcoming adversity, and strength. The life cycle of the Lotus Flower was regarded by Ancient Egyptians as a metaphor for the cycle of life, death and rebirth, making it a perfect representation for a romantic character who experiences numerous rebirths at the hands of her loved ones throughout her narrative.
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TAGGED BY no one. I stole it from @vendettavalor hehe
TAGGING @mayxthexforce (Rajeev), @misfittcd (Kian), @alootus (Padmè), @nieithryn (Calista), @debelltio (Orson), @vaderari (Vader), @sunhearted (Ailana), @reiignonme (Any Star Wars Muse), @deficd (Any Star Wars Muse), AND YOU.
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simulation-machine · 4 months
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The Purcell apartment took me, no shit, like 8 entire days to do. I struggled so much with the vibes, but ended up settling for carpet, wallpaper in the bedrooms, and marble in the bathrooms.
Esme's bedroom is honestly the most incredibly femme bedroom I've ever made, and it was such a blast. Just blasting 90s pop and grabbing everything in the pink swatch.
Those two handsome boys at the bottom are Macchiato (the black and tan) and Latte (the cream), Pomeranian brothers who wear fancy bows and eat out of designer dog bowls. Next up is the Bheedas, whose apartment is like half the size of the Purcell's, and I have an actual style idea for them. By the time I'm done with all this decorating, I'm going to be so amped to play. I miss the Orsons so much T_T
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rachelbethhines · 6 months
Speed-running Doctor Who - 12th Doctor
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A quick and dirty guide for those who want to get into the show, but don't want to watch everything from the beginning.
For Those Who Just Wanna Get An Idea of the Era
Under the Lake/Before the Flood - S35E3&E4
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The most Moffat episode to ever Moffat. All of his tropes and tricks are on display here. Some think it's stale, others believe its polished to perfection; either way it'll give you a good idea of what to expect during this era of the series.
Plot Important Episodes
Entrances, Exits, Enemies, Lore Drops, and Character Development
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Deep Breath - S34E1 (first story to feature the Twelfth Doctor and Gomez's Master, the return of the clockwork monsters, and the last story to feature the Paternoster Gang)
Into the Dalek - S34E2 (character development for the Twelfth Doctor and kicks off his "Am I a good man?" arc, Danny Pink also makes his first appearance)
Listen - S34E4 (more back story for the Doctor and we are introduced to Orson Pink... who may be Danny Pink's ancestor or a reincarnated clone of Danny himself)
The Caretaker - S34E6 (The Doctor and Danny officially meet)
Kill the Moon - S34E7 (The Doctor and Clara have a falling out)
Mummy on the Orient Express - S34E8 (resolves the argument from the last episode and features more character development for the Doctor)
Flatline - S34E9 (We're introduced to Rigsy and we get character development for Clara)
Dark Water/Death in Heaven - S34E11&E12 (the Gomez Master returns, and everyone dies... or at least Osgood, Danny Pink, and the Brigadier does)
Last Christmas - 2014 Xmas Special (Clara is still getting over Danny's death)
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar - S35E1&E2 (character development for Gomez's Master)
The Girl Who Died - S35E5 (we meet Ashildr, kick off the hybrid arc, and get some more character development for the Doctor)
The Woman Who Lived - S35E6 (second part of the hybrid arc)
The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion - S35E7&E8 (a squeal to the 50th anniversary and we find out that Osgood still lives.. sort of)
Face the Raven - S35E10 (Rigsy and Ashildr return, the Doctor is imprisoned by the Time Lords, and Clara dies)
Heaven Sent - S35E11 (character development for the Doctor)
Hell Bent - S35E12 (Gallifrey is restored, and the Doctor saves Clara from death but loses his memories of her as a consequence. A now immortal Clara steals a tardis and travels the universe with Ashildr)
The Husbands of River Song - 2015 Xmas Special (River Song's last appearance and we meet Nardole for the first time)
The Return of Doctor Mysterio - 2016 Xmas Special (it's revealed that Nardole now travels with the Doctor)
The Pilot - S36E1 (Bill's first episode)
Smile - S36E2 (Bill's first trip in the Tardis)
Knock Knock - S36E4 (it's revealed that the Doctor and Nardole are keeping someone prisoner in a vault, but the Doctor is friendly to them)
Oxygen - S36E5 (The Doctor loses his eyesight for a time)
Extremis - S36E6 (kicks off the Monk arc and reveals that the Gomez Master is the Doctor's mysterious prisoner)
The Pyramid at the End of the World - S36E7 (second part of the Monk trilogy and the end of the Doctor is blind mini arc)
The Lie of the Land - S36E8 (the end of the Monk arc)
Empress of Mars - S36E9 and/or The Eaters of Light E36E10 (both feature character development for Gomez's Master, but each reinstates the same points so it's okay to skip one or the other)
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls - S36E11&RE12 (The return of the Simm Master and the original Tenth Planet Cybermen; last story for Bill, Nardole, and Gomez 's Master, the Doctor is morally injured at the end and starts to reintegrate)
Twice Upon a Time - 2017 Xmas Special (fifth multi-doctor story, and the 12th Doctor reintegrates, he also regains his memories of Clara at the end,.... and the entire story may or may not be a reintegration induced hallucination)
Personal Favorite and Least Favorite Stories
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa
Favorite: Robot of Sherwood - S34E3
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Least Favorite: Thin Ice - S36E3
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(disclaimer: no spin-offs or extended universe stuff was considered when making this list)
Up Next: 13th Doctor and the Fugitive Doctor
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digitalafterlife · 5 months
listen is a horror story not because of the unseen monsters at the door (that were clara all along, because of course they fucking were) no. it’s because once she’s met orson pink she’s essentially doomed by the narrative to have children with danny, since… if their relationship doesn’tdidn’t work out (english needs time travel tenses i can’t do this anymore. on that note how complicated do you think the gallifreyan tense system is) orson would never have been born -> greatgrandma!clara’s future memory of him would never would have entered the telepathic circuits -> the tardis would never have brought the doctor to the end of the universe to retrieve orson -> clara would never have sent them to gallifrey in a panic -> she never would have comforted little theta and told him that his fear is what would inspire him to run faster and fight harder than anyone else -> he may have never run away and become the doctor. her relationship with danny is essentially holding the universe together. that’s a raw deal
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weimarblues · 5 months
i was tagged by @cordeliaflyte to do this so helloooo let's go here are my top movies/books/albums from 2023
if... - dir. lindsay anderson
the night porter - dir. liliana cavani
the third man - dir. carol reed
saltburn - dir. emerald fennell
secretary - dir. steven shainberg
brideshead revisited - evelyn waugh
heart of darkness - joseph conrad
the odyssey - homer
orson welles: the road to xanadu - simon callow
hamlet - shakespeare
new morning - bob dylan
calvacade - black midi
the wall - pink floyd
how sad, how lovely - connie converse
elvis costello and the attractions - this year's model
i tag: @dumpsterfireofsubtext @upthebracket @loureedpiss @halloweeninabottle @thequietabsolute @britomart @perfectlullabies
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drwho-shipbracket · 1 year
Initial Brackets!
[ID: All images in this post are brackets of the pairings listed below]
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Bracket A Pairings:
Doctor/Corsair vs Caleera/Padrac
Donna Noble/Rose Tyler vs Valeyard/Vansell
Six/Peri Brown vs Rose Tyler/Raffalo
Rose Tyler/Gwenyth vs Six/Charley Pollard
Doctor/The Eleven vs The Eleven/Miskavel
Rose Tyler/Ianto Jones vs Valeyard/Master
Valeyard/Matrix vs Donna Noble/Stacey Campbell (Partners in Crime)
The Eleven/Helen Sinclair vs Doctor/Romana
Doctor/River Song/Rose Tyler vs Abby McPhail/Cleo Proctor/Shawna Thompson
Donna Noble/Lee McAvoy vs Valeyard/Death
Six/Hebe Harrison vs Rose Tyler/Toshiko Sato
The Eleven/Kandyman vs Seven/Ace McShane
Seven/Beevers!Master vs Rose Tyler/the TARDIS
Rose Tyler/Erisa Magambo vs Six/Mel Bush
Valeyard/Inspector Darkel vs Donna Noble/Rose Tyler/Martha Jones
Mel Bush/Ace McShane vs Doctor/Doctor
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Bracket B Pairings:
Thirteen/Ada Lovelace vs Caleera | The Sonomancer/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair
Thirteen/Rose Tyler vs Thirteen/River Song
Thirteen/Jamie McCrimmon vs Thirteen/Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler
Thirteen/Yasmin Khan/River Song vs Thirteen/Jack Harkness
Thirteen/Clara Oswald vs Ryan Sinclair/Sonya Khan
Thirteen/Nikola Tesla vs Thirteen/Astos
Thirteen/Missy!Master vs Thirteen/Ace McShane
Ryan Sinclair/Trixabelle vs Thirteen/Claire Brown
Thirteen/Lord Byron vs Leela/Romana II
Thirteen/Solitract vs Thirteen/Mels Zucker
Thirteen/Swarm vs Thirteen/Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler
Ryan Sinclair/Yasmin Khan vs Thirteen/Delgado!Master
Thirteen/Kate Stewart vs Ryan Sinclair/Tibo
Thirteen/Missy!Master/Rose Tyler vs Thirteen/Lumiat
Thirteen/Martha Jones vs Thirteen/Simm!Master
Leela/Vega vs Thirteen/Bill Potts
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Bracket C Pairings:
Twelve/Nardole vs River Song/Martha Jones/Rose Tyler
Five/Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken vs Five/Tegan Jovanka
Twelve/Jack Harkness vs River Song/Liv Chenka
River Song/Martha Jones vs Twelve/Simm! Master
Twelve/Missy!Master/Simm!Master vs River Song/Jack Harkness
River Song/Clara Oswald vs Twelve/Rose Tyler
Twelve/River Song/Jack Harkness vs Four/Sarah Jane Smith
River Song/Jenny Flint vs Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song/Clara Oswald
Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song vs River Song/Madame Vastra
Four/Romana vs Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song/Rose Tyler
Twelve/Psi vs River Song/Kate Stewart
River Song/Toshiko Sato vs Twelve/Mels Zucker
Twelve/Dhawan!Master vs River Song/Rose Tyler
River Song/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair vs Twelve/Robin Hood
Five/Ainley!Master vs Four/Ainley!Master
River Song/Christina de Souza vs Twelve/Missy!Master/Clara Oswald
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Bracket D Pairings:
Eleven/Amy Pond vs Craig Owens/Sophie
Missy!Master/Helen Sinclair vs Theta Sigma/Koschei (Academy Era)
Eleven/Handles vs Missy!Master/Petronella Osgood
Missy!Master/Martha Jones vs Eleven/Rosanna Calvierri
Eleven/Rory Williams vs Irving Braxiatel/Leela/Narvin/Romana
Master/Master vs Three/Jo Grant
Two/Jamie McCrimmon vs Missy!Master/Liv Chenka
Inquisitor Darkel/Pandora vs Eleven/Dhawan!Master
Eleven/Craig Owens vs Graham O’Brien/Dhawan!Master
Missy!Master/Kate Stewart vs One/Ian Chesterton/Barbara Wright
Three/Delgado!Master vs Missy!Master/Nardole
Missy!Master/Rose Tyler vs Eleven/Rose Tyler
Eleven/Lorna Bucket vs Missy!Master/Donna Noble
Missy!Master/River Song vs Three/Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Theta Sigma/Vansell vs Simm!Master/John Hart
Graham O’Brien/Grace O’Brien vs Eleven/Amy Pond/Rory Williams
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Bracket E Pairings:
Ten/Clara Oswald vs Prem/Umbreem (Demons of the Punjab)
Yasmin Khan/Gat vs Ruth!Doctor/Yasmin Khan
Ten/Jackson Lake vs Bel/Inston-Vee Vinder
Alison Cheney/Bill Potts vs Ten/Jacobi!Master
Ten/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness vs Ashildr/Orson Pink
Yasmin Khan/Martha Jones vs Ruth!Doctor/Lee Clayton
Ruth!Doctor/River Song vs Yasmin Khan/Clara Oswald
Heather/Bill Potts vs Ten/River Song
Ten/Missy!Master vs Jo Grant/Sarah Jane Smith
Yasmin Khan/Sally Sparrow vs Ruth!Doctor/Rose Tyler
Ruth!Doctor/Gat vs Rachel Jensen/Allison Williams
Alice O’Donell/Mason Bennet (Under the Lake) vs Ten/Simm!Master/Rose Tyler
Ten/Vislor Turlough vs Alice Cassini/May Cassini
Barbara Wright/Ian Chesterton vs Ruth!Doctor/Dhawan!Master
Ruth!Doctor/Lee Clayton/River Song vs Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler
Jo Grant/Liv Shaw vs Ten/Donna Noble
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Bracket F Pairings:
Nine/Missy!Master vs Livia/Romana
Martha Jones/Riley Vashtree vs Martha Jones/Tom Milligan
Bill Potts/Yasmin Khan vs Lucy Fletcher/Grant Gordon (The Return of Doctor Mysterio)
Sarah/Nick (Eve of the Daleks) vs Bill Potts/Rose Tyler
Nine/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness/Mickey Smith vs Tania Bell/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair
Martha Jones/The Hath (The Doctor’s Daughter) vs Martha Jones/Donna Noble
Martha Jones/Clara Oswald vs Martha Jones/Bill Potts
Tim Lunn/Cass (Under the Lake) vs Nine/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Nine/Rose Tyler/Mickey Smith vs Liv Chenka/Molly O’Sullivan
Martha Jones/Chantho vs Martha Jones/Rose Tyler
Bill Potts/The TARDIS vs Martha Jones/Mels Zucker
Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair vs Shalka!Doctor/Shalka!Master
War!Doctor/War!Master vs Ivan/Ellie (Oxygen)
Elton Pope/Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters) vs Bill Potts/Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Martha Jones/Verity Newman vs Martha Jones/Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Tania Bell/Liv Chenka vs Nine/River Song
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Bracket G Pairings:
Eight/Charley Pollard vs The Master/The Eleven
Jack Simmonds/Mickey Smith vs Jack Harkness/Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Ace McShane/Tegan Jovanka vs Nardole/Narvin
Nardole/Ramone vs Eight/Roberts!Master
Eight/Jack Harkness vs Sally Sparrow/Billy Shipton
Mel Bush/Hebe Harrison vs Jack Harkness/Lord Byron
Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler vs Ace McShane/Kate Stewart
Sally Sparrow/Larry Nightingale vs Eight/Grace Holloway
Eight/Fitz Kreiner vs Saibra/Psi (Time Heist)
Ace McShane/Yasmin Khan vs Jack Harkness/Martha Jones
Jack Harkness/Graham O’Brien vs Mike Yates/BOSS
Olistra/Veklin vs Eight/Jacobi!Master
Eight/River Song vs Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken
Marco Poly/Susan Foreman vs Ace McShane/Graham O’Brien
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones/Rose Tyler vs Jack Harkness/Ashildr
Rigsy/Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart vs Eight/Dhawan!Master
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Bracket H Pairings:
Clara Oswald/Ashildr vs Fourteen/Jack Harkness
Kate Stewart/Sarah Jane Smith vs Kate Stewart/Petronella Osgood
Clara Oswald/Mels Zucker vs Dhawan!Master/Yasmin Khan
Missy!Master/Clara Oswald vs Clara Oswald/Rigsy
Clara Oswald/Madame Vastra/Jenny Flint vs Gwen Cooper/Jack Harkness/Owen Harper/Ianto Jones/Toshiko Sato
Vansell/Sentris vs Dan Lewis/Karvanista
Dan Lewis/Diane vs Vansell/Narvin
Fourteen/Dan Lewis vs Clara Oswald/Rose Tyler
Clara Oswald/Jane Austen vs Fourteen/Rose Tyler
John Benton/Mike Yates vs Dan Lewis/Sarah Jane Smith
Dan Lewis/Graham O’Brien/Grace O’Brien vs Helen Sinclair/Jean (The Love Vampires)
Owen Harper/Norton Folgate vs Clara Oswald/Psi
Clara Oswald/Saibra vs Rani Chandra/Clyde Langer
Master/Alison Cheney vs Dan Lewis/Graham O’Brien
Kate Stewart/Jacqui McGee vs Romana/Vansell
Tenteen/Rose Tyler vs Clara Oswald/Clara Oswald
I hope you all enjoy!!
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