ukrfeminism · 3 months
A new survey of female cyclists from the London Cycling Campaign has unveiled the relentless abuse women are subjected to on London’s roads. Now, a new petition (link below) is calling on the Mayor Of London to take action.
If you’ve never done it before, the idea of cycling in London can be intimidating. Wrapping your head around all the different routes and cycle lanes can be confusing, and the roads are particularly busy and crowded. But these are things that get easier with experience. What doesn’t get easier is having to deal with abuse – something nine out of 10 women who cycle on the streets of London have experienced, according to a new report. 
The research from the London Cycling Campaign, which aims to make cycling in London safer and more enjoyable for everyone, is based on a survey of 1,000 women who travel by bike in the capital. It found that 63% of women experience abuse from other road users at least once a month, with that abuse including verbal, sexual and physical attacks – including women being groped or slapped on their bikes while stopping at traffic lights. 
Women were also concerned about the safety of cycle routes and the infrastructure currently in place, with nine in 10 saying they would start to cycle or cycle more if they had safer cycle routes – for example, protected cycle tracks – for their journeys. Currently, over half of the women surveyed said they were forced to choose between cycling on busy roads without any safe space or through isolated, quiet or dark places for their journeys.  
The campaign group says these experiences – especially the on-road abuse – have a knock-on effect on the number of female cyclists in the city, where two-thirds of the daily cycle journeys are currently taken by men. And the survey backed this up: over 20% of the women said they’d given up cycling, temporarily or permanently, because of abuse. 
Stylist’s deputy editor Ellen Scott knows all too well how scary it can be to cycle as a woman in London. “I cycle to and from work and I love the freedom of it, but every commute has at least one dangerous moment: most often male delivery drivers on their bikes speeding past or cutting you off without warning,” she says.
“I had an incident a few months back where a male cyclist pushed past me and another woman while we were stopped at a red light. He did it so forcefully that I was shoved off my bike and left with a massive bruise. 
“And it’s not just other cyclists, of course. I was egged while riding my bike by some people driving past in a car. The same week I had a man in a van chase me while shouting out of his window because he thought I’d gone through a red light (I hadn’t).” 
Strong Women editor Miranda Larbi has also faced unwanted attention as a woman on the road. “Cycling is a massive part of my life, and I truly believe that it’s improved just about everything – my mental health, concentration, fitness and mood,” she explains. “In the winter – when it’s not raining – cycling is straightforward, but I’ve found that in the summer you tend to get quite a bit of unwanted attention. 
“Just when it gets warm enough to cycle in shorts and a vest, that’s when the horn beeps and shouting starts. I’ve even had a bloke run up to me at the traffic lights and try to sit behind me on my saddle. Men have tried to run after my bike or kerb crawl in cars alongside me. I’m not intimidated but I can see how that would put new cyclists off.”
Following on from the survey, the London Cycling Campaign has put together a petition calling on Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, to take urgent action to improve women’s physical and social safety while cycling in London. The suggested changes include providing more high-quality cycling infrastructure so women feel safe cycling on their own and with children, and working to measure and reduce the abuse women are subjected to.  
The petition, which is still available to sign, also calls for local cycle networks around schools and businesses to be improved to encourage more women to use cycling as a way to get around their local area. 
The final petition will be handed to a representative from the Mayor of London’s office at the group’s central London LCC Women’s Freedom Ride on Sunday 3 March. 
“While more and more people are cycling in London and safe cycle routes are rolling out in many boroughs, there’s still too many parts of London where cycling isn’t and doesn’t feel safe enough,” Eilidh Murray, chair of London Cycling Campaign, said of the findings. “Women still face additional barriers to cycling and additional hostility when cycling.” 
Sophie Linden, London’s deputy mayor for policing and crime, also responded to the survey’s findings: “Every woman and girl should be able to enjoy the benefits of cycling in London without fear of violence and intimidation. Yet sadly, across the UK, we face an epidemic of violence against women and girls and today’s report demonstrates the significant impact this abuse and aggression is having on women cyclists.” 
She continued: “It is simply unacceptable, and the Mayor and I are committed to preventing violence against women and girls and challenging the attitudes that enable these behaviours.” 
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Underwater Love
~ Organisations ~ The Resistance
The Resistance are a loose association of supernaturals (and even a few non magicals). They are acting against the Council and save and support supernaturals who had been suffering from the actions of the Council and other acts of violence. They operate in secret and none of them, except the three witches, knows of everyone who is with them. So even if the Council get’s the grip on one of them, the others cannot be revealed.
The Council does not even see a connection between Dtui and the Resistance. They think she acted at her own behalf. They wish they could get lost of her but are too afraid of her powers.
Theme Song: No Boy, No Cry - Stance Punks (which is also opening no 6 from the Naruto Anime. MV is with scenes from the anime. Original Stance Punks MV is -> here)
Inofficial Leaders
The three Witches Dtui, Demon mentor of Kiyoshi and caretaker at the Temple in Mount Komorebi Francine (Witch), grandmother of Jeb and potion master) Ms Coombes (species unknown), teacher of the boys and involved in the rescue of Vlad, Ji Ho, Siawa and Jack. Partner of Dtui.)
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Inofficial Members (since there are no ‘official’ members ;) The Boys: Vlad, Saiwa, Ji Ho, Jack, Jeb, Kiyoshi
Barfolomew (Mawg. Half man - half dog, he’s his own best friend ;). Owner of the ‘Space (Balls) Bar & Grill & ‘Residence’ in Copperdale where homeless and traumatized teenagers find a home. Saiwa, Vlad and Jack lived there for around two years and Ji Ho about half a year. Like Jack and Vlad, Barfolomew likes Star Wars a lot.
Noxeema Jackson, vampiric Drag Queen of Moonwood Mills and caretaker (and nurse) of the Wolves Of Letters Bunker there. Now caretaker of the Boys at the Belgraves Institute in Copperdale.
‘Beware of Greg!’ Lunvik (the Werewolf), former menace of Moonwood Mill, now PE teacher of the Boys at Belgraves Institute and partner of Noxeema (I named them Grexee ;)
LY, athena and Fel-IX (Droids) live at the STaCKS in San Myshuno and helped Saiwa, Jeb and Barfolomew when they tried to find out what happened with Vlad’s dead body.
The Doctor (species unknown) at the Gang Doctor’s Hospital. Since Supernaturals are not allowed at common hospitals, they get treated at the Gang Doctor’s Hospital. The Doctor (Droid) at the Clinic at the STaCKS in San Myshuno. Overly obsessed with Jeb’s eyes. Sells all kind of ingredients too. From Herbs to body parts ö.ö’
Hector (Crocodile). Friend of Ji Ho and informant. Like LY, you can find him on almost each of my lots (with a pool ;)
Claude René Duplantier Guidry (Ghost), owner of ‘Guidry’s Paranormal Investigations Bureau’. We haven’t heard from him since he left for Sulani to rescue Ji Ho’s brother.
Horatio ‘Bones’ McCoy (Skeleton). Roams the graveyard in Forgotten Hollow and opens the ‘Diner de los Muertos’ in San Myshuno once a year (The whole chapter is -> here)
Bonehilda (Skeleton) and Magenta (Ghost). Friends of Ms Coombes. They live at Saarburg and helped Vlad and Saiwa with information how to claim Ji Ho back after he got bitten by Genji.
The Magic Guitar of Toro (Magic Guitar). Relic in the sanctuary of the temple at Mt Komorerbi. Likes to witness the boys’ ‘romantic interactions’.
Aleki Mete and Enrico Wagner from ‘The Organisation’ in Strangerville. They tried to rescue kidnapped and tortured Saiwa and Jack along with 16 year old Jeb.
last but not least DEATH - he helped Jeb and Saiwa to find out what happened to Vlad after he had died.
Here’s an old photograph from my ‘The Family Business’ story! Resistance members from a paralel universe: fltr Giga/Saiwa, Greatuncle Stefan, Jack and Vlad (omg look at them!)
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In my ‘Love Hurts’ story, adult Vlad’s Castle is a haven for supernatural refugees and adult Jack is headmaster of the Impossible University and provides education for supernaturals who are not allowed to schools from non magicals. (that was june 2018!)
From the Beginning   ~  Underwater Love   ~  Latest
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script-a-world · 4 months
Submitted via Google Form:
I would love to ask about the logistics, legal and financial options for a world with worldwide secret organisations that are not the government because they deal with things unknown by the government. I'm not sure how to deal with this other than completely ignoring all that and say it's just the way it is or if they ever do get on the government radar, the government is just given the complete runaround with no consequences.
Addy: So first off, you're going to need to think about the dynamics of how this all is going to actually work.
- where do they get their money
- what sort of regulatory body controls them/do they have relations with (as in who protects them/organizes things as they go abroad, how do they deal with political fallout if an agent gets caught, how do they bargain for access into closed countries, who do they have in their corner)
- how do they hire people
When you get any kind of organization with power, governments want to have some kind of relation for their own security. If some random person gets caught in a high-security area, the government officials in charge aren't going to go "oh, they refuse to answer our questions, I guess we'll give up"
You're going to get invaded. You're going to get a highly organized military force breaking down your doors, taking your family hostage, and tying you up and prying your jaws open so you can't crack open a suicide tooth. If you refuse to answer questions or play along, and they know nothing about you, they are going to assume that you are a threat that has infiltrated the area to an unknown extent, and they are going to excise that influence in their country.
That happened to a mafia family once when some of their guys ended up in the secure areas of a naval base that did work on nuclear subs. Their houses got broken into in the middle of the night with strange figures holding automatic weapons, and the whole family got strung up, strip-searched, and had their teeth checked. 
When the Navy found out that it was just a small gambling ring, they let 'em all go, because they didn't really care about that.
They cared about people trying to get access to highly sensitive files in a sensitive location in a controlled & classified environment.
You can do something like the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders, where it's an international service organization, but with a sort of dedicated task force for supernatural threats or diseases, but... governments don't like threats to their security
You could also have something like the Plumbers, which was an illegal group run by Nixon. They're the people who did Watergate. 
But also like... if you are *ever* part of an intelligence organization (like if you worked at the FBI food court or something), you cannot work in the Peace Corps. They will not accept you, because they do not want their reputation tarnished by aspersions of spies or whatever 
.... I think the closest equivalents I can think of are
- human trafficking organizations
- drug cartels (which are known *about,* to an extent, though the details are unknown)
- Epstein's island (money from an external source used to fund interior operations and stuff)
But seriously, how do you hire people? Who runs your food courts, how do you find interns? Who does your plumbing? What if they switch jobs (say they had a kid and want a different life), and they need to explain what they did on their resume? What about the daily commute?
Thought about it a bit more, have some extra thoughts:
I think it's really easy to look at something and go "oh, they'll just refuse to answer" without thinking about what that looks like for the people asking the questions. If I have someone in custody who I think may be part of some kind of terrorist cell (planting weird devices, asking strange questions, found in a place they were not supposed to have access to), I'm going to think that we have a security leak. Leaks are not be left to fester - leaks are arrested, charged with espionage, and imprisoned to use later as a political bargaining chip.
Everyday social interactions, if someone refuses to answer your question, you back off and let them be. That isn't how a government works, not with threats.
For the suspected terrorist/spy… Warrants, warrants everywhere. Your house, your family, your friends, your workplace, your digital information, everything - all of that is going to be pulled and examined because you are a threat and you are not talking.
If you want to give the government (any of them, really), you need to think about what that looks like and who your organization has in their corner to back them up. What's their leverage?
… can you tell I like spy dramas?
Licorice: the main obstacle to your scenario is this: “they deal with things unknown by the government.”  There are no things on the scale you’re thinking of - worldwide secret organisations - that are unknown to all governments. The security agencies of powerful governments know far, far more than they ever make known to the public. Worldwide secret organisations normally have a base of operations  in at least one friendly country where the government is sympathetic to their objectives. If those objectives are nefarious, then their activities are usually directly at some specific country, group of countries, or ethnic group. If, on the other hand, they are working for the good of humanity, then there usually isn’t much reason for them to be secret unless they’re handling something so scary (like aliens from outer space) that it’s deemed better the general public never know about it. 
One of the main purposes of government security agencies is to identify, monitor, and if necessary infiltrate, take over or destroy secret organisations. They’ve been doing this for a long time and are extremely good at it - much better than would-be secret organisations are at hiding themselves. No one gives government security agencies the runaround. Individual hostile agents may occasionally, through sheer luck or by identifying a rare blind spot, fly under the radar or slip through the net, but a whole big global organisation, for decades on end? That isn’t possible, not in this world.
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francepittoresque · 11 months
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14 juin 1791 : loi Isaac Le Chapelier proscrivant les organisations ouvrières ➽ http://bit.ly/Loi-Le-Chapelier La loi des 2-17 mars 1791, qui supprimait les corporations, avait eu pour effet immédiat de mécontenter gravement le haut commerce et de susciter dans le bas peuple des métiers une vive agitation
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l00mix · 11 months
Why are there only #organisations on this Planet and no #unorganisations? How can they all be so organized while I haven't cleaned my house in weeks already. If that's not a clear sign that someone out there is controlling everything in this world and pulling the strings on the society, I don't know what else could be.
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kamiltoume · 1 year
What is the scale that separates leaders from non-leaders?
Most people confuse leadership with management, especially among the executives in organisations. The only real challenge to achieving great leadership is to understand it. Most managers and leaders are lost in mistaken business beliefs and practices inherited from the industrial and factory model of management. Kamil presents a solution in his book Separating Grain from Chaff. The book does not…
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tamarrud · 5 months
"4 day pause" perfectly positioned right around the weekend when most massive pro-Palestine rallies and protests are organised
They're banking on us quieting down.
But as a reminder to all, a few days of pausing the violence is NOT what we advocate for; we demand to cease all forms of violence, cease the genocide, cease the occupation, cease the apartheid system and most importantly seek justice.
A 4 day pause and then what?
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So, don't let the ups and downs of the construction industry stress you out! 
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satyashakti · 2 months
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Top Charitable Organisations in Delhi (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1426884318-top-charitable-organisations-in-delhi?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=satyashakti In the bustling streets of Delhi, amidst the cacophony of sounds and the hustle and bustle of daily life, lie countless stories of hope, resilience, and compassion. At the heart of many of these stories are the tireless efforts of charity organizations that work day in and day out to uplift the lives of the city's most vulnerable residents. In this blog post, we shine a light on the invaluable contributions of charity organizations in Delhi and the transformative impact they have on individuals, families, and communities across the city.
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stil-lindigo · 2 months
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ARTISTS FOR PALESTINE 🇵🇸 - On the 6th and 9th of March, I'll be doing art requests on stream with other notable artists to raise money for Operation Olive Branch and the PCRF.
I'm incredibly lucky to be counting quite a few big names in the roster, including known Jesus and Odysseus enthusiast @wolfythewitch, the extraordinary fanartist @denimcatfish, and the incredibly talented @troubledminnesotan, as well as Lilypichu from OfflineTV.
You'll be able to watch the streams on the day of the event either on my twitch channel here, or via the links provided by the artists below.
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malibuzz · 4 months
ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DE LA ZONE II DE L'ACNOA A BAMAKO : Le Mali demeure un pays d’hospitalité ouvert aux grandes rencontres des organisations sportives
La Zone II de l’Association des comités nationaux olympiques d’Afrique (ACNOA) a tenu son Assemblée générale ordinaire (AGO) samedi dernier (16 décembre 2023) à l’hôtel de l’Amitié de Bamako avec la participation des délégués des huit pays membres. La cérémonie d’ouverture a été présidée par le ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports (chargé de l’Instruction civique et de la Construction…
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ukrfeminism · 3 months
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC) has of today (31st Jan) closed its waiting list to new referrals (for those aged under 13 it will close on 1 April 2024) due a cut in funding from Coventry City Council.  
The charity relies on funding from a range of sources to provide specialist counselling, independent sexual violence advice and advocacy to over 1,500 local adults and children every year who are struggling with the impacts of sexual abuse. A quarter of CRASAC’s clients are children.  
Sign our petition to secure sustainable funding for sexual violence support services.   
Write to your local MP urging them to support.  Download a template letter.
Join our protest outside the Coventry Council House, Earl Street on Tuesday 20th February from 12pm.  
Natalie Thompson, CEO of CRASAC says:  
“CRASAC is committed to providing the best possible service to our clients. The demand for our services rises year on year and we currently have a list of almost 500 people waiting to access our specialist counselling support.   
“Due to the sudden decrease in funding, we are unable to continue operations at the current level and have taken the difficult decision to close our waiting list to new clients until a sustainable funding resolution can be met.  
“This has not been an easy decision to make, and leaving survivors without the specialist support they need is heartbreaking. But we cannot ethically continue to accept referrals knowing that they could be waiting up to 18 months to get the help they need.”  
The scale and impact of sexual violence is largely hidden in society. Five million women in England and Wales have been raped or sexually assaulted. One in four girls and one in six boys will be subjected to child sexual abuse and one in five women over the age of 16.  
In the West Midlands there are an estimated 20,000 victims of child sexual abuse for every support service and waiting times have doubled since 2015. 
How you can help
Sign our petition to secure sustainable funding for sexual violence support services.   
Write to your local MP urging them to support.  Download a template letter.
Join our protest outside the Coventry Council House, Earl Street on Tuesday 20th February from 12pm.  
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Underwater Love
~ Organisations ~
The Council
The Council is a mighty Anti Supernatural Organisation to keep the non-magical beeings safe from all these threatening, evil, occult creatures (like vampires for example. And werewolves, spellcasters, mermaids…). And they are very sucessful. They fuel the fear of the society from everything unknown and almost no one questions their methods. It has to be done to keep everyone safe, right? To pursue their aims, they aren’t even reluctant to blackmail occults to work for them or gather information to pursue other occults… Vlad had them on his heels in his past at the castle, Leander probably worked for them. The Council is still after Vlad, we don’t know why. And they are also behind the happenings in my other story. One of the biggest fails of the Council we know of, was the execution of Dtui and Kiyoshi.
They are overly interested in Vlad, we don’t know why. (When Vlad was dead, someone tried to steal his dead body and we think the Council was behind this.)
In my multiverse the Council is also behind the happenings in Moonwood Mill (the experiments with the cowplants for example or the war between the vampires and the werewolves). A very well written article about the lore of Moonwood Mill is -> here. Everything to keep the supernatural community busy so they don’t turn against the Council. Their Goal is to decimate the supernaturals or to reverse the ‘disease’...
The Council’s headquarter is hidden in the underground of the little mountain village Capoliveri at Tartosa.
(They even managed to strap the powers from the werewolves for 8 years! They secretly work together with EA, therefore we still don’t have fairies! And we’ll never have! ;)
Known Members:
- Mr Ito (Kiyoshi’s father) - Councillor (friend of Kiyoshi’s father) - Felix (the Scientist at the Lab who tortured Jack and Saiwa) - Sebastian (Kiyoshi’s watcher) - Mr Morlind (Teacher of the Day Class at Belgraves Institute)
Maybe Members:
- Leander Belgraves (Vlad’s Mentor) - The Prescott family
Known Moles:
- Kiyoshi
I am the one, Orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand My image is of agony, my servants rape the land Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law My name is called religion; sadistic, sacred whore
I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain And still you play the sycophant and revel in your pain And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate I am the politician and I decide your fate
I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown For I am Mars, the God of War, and I will cut you down
Orgasmatron - Motörhead
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love  ~  Latest
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prabhatjairam · 4 months
Importance of the English Language Globally
Language plays a crucial role in day-to-day life. It aids in communicating our thoughts, aspirations, and concerns to others around us. However, it’s not possible to express our ideas and perceptions without communicating with others.
In this modern era, learning multiple languages has become a crucial skill. Among all the languages, English is incredibly important to learn. It is regarded as an essential tool for interpersonal communication and is the most widely spoken language in the entire world.
In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of the English language and the demand for it throughout the world.
An introduction to English
English is the second most extensively used language in the world. While English-speaking countries account for over 40% of the global GNP, it is the official language in 70 countries. The language was derived from Old and Middle English at the beginning of the last millennium. However, it can be used anywhere with educated people from all over the world. For everybody who knows English, it can be used in media like pop music, movies, TV, and music (Bond, Michael, 1751).
The importance of English
English is recognized as the first worldwide language. It has been assimilated into every field in the contemporary world. Let’s review the importance of this language.
It has served as a universal language for information technology, business, entertainment, science, and other endeavors.
In today's society, literacy is the ability to read and write in English.
English language proficiency is regarded and valued as a sign of excellent education.
For individuals who speak this language, there is an ocean of job options available to them everywhere.
Therefore, it is now a necessity for many professions, including those in computing and medicine, as well as for the working of English.
Why is English the most widely used language in the world?
English is unquestionably the most commonly spoken language in the world. Here are some of the reasons that show why it is the most common language worldwide.
English serves as the primary language for worldwide publication, research, and technology as well as for international air traffic control. According to conservative estimates, 1,500,000,000 people speak it, whereas other estimates put the number at 800,000,000. 
It also plays a key role in business. Only 32% of companies demand French, whereas 80% of them prefer English as a foreign language. 
According to Stockinger's research, secretaries need to speak English on the phone, while technicians need to read technical literature in English.
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The demand for the English language worldwide
Undoubtedly, the most extensively used language in a variety of global contexts is English. It is indeed a global language as well as an international language. The following points indicate the demand for the English language throughout the world.
English makes traveling simpler.
Because English is spoken as a first language in 53 countries and as a second language in more than 118, it is much simpler to travel anyplace if you learn it. Even in nations where the original tongue employs a different sort of alphabet, English is frequently used for street signs, railway schedules, emergency alerts, and airport announcements.
English acts as a standard language.
In fields including education, business, cinema and music, news reporting, literature, and science and technology, English is often regarded as the standard language.
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English at International Organizations
International organizations like the United Nations and European nations usually communicate in English. Although English is not the official language of most European countries, it is commonly regarded as a language.
English in the global marketplace
For nations like Canada, the USA, Australia, and the UK, the recognition of multinational companies, every discovery, and every invention are essential. Since English is the primary language in these nations, all types of marketing are conducted in English. As a result, communicating in English has become essential for expanding businesses.
English gives access to the Internet.
The majority of web information is in English. About 52% of the most popular websites on the internet, which are used daily by an estimated 565 million people, are in English. Learning this language thereby grants access to more than half of the internet's material, which might not otherwise be accessible. To fully make use of the internet's potential, English proficiency is crucial. So, everyone needs to have a basic understanding of English to access the internet.
English makes you smarter.
Learning English is not only beneficial, but it also provides a great deal of satisfaction and makes you feel fantastic. Although English is a language that is frequently used, if you truly understand it, you will be able to manage circumstances deftly. You are confident in your ability to respond to questions in English. You can help people more effectively by developing your interpersonal skills.
The Conclusion
English is without a doubt the most widespread language in the world due to the United States' dominance in politics and business. More than 380 million people worldwide use English as their first language, and it is used by newspapers, publishers, scientists, businesses, and politicians. Nonetheless, western culture plays a vital role in maintaining it and leveraging this influence to push the word to become a universal language. So, learning English is crucial if you want to land a reputable job in today's cutthroat job market.
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francepittoresque · 2 years
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14 juin 1791 : loi Isaac Le Chapelier proscrivant les organisations ouvrières ➽ https://bit.ly/3vlEN9D La loi des 2-17 mars 1791, qui supprimait les corporations, avait eu pour effet immédiat de mécontenter gravement le haut commerce et de susciter dans le bas peuple des métiers une vive agitation
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calmparticles · 1 month
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meowowmememeowme meowowmeowowowow meowowmeowowowow meowowowmemememe
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