#or to have a purpose for things or follow some process to a conventional goal
outeremissary · 1 year
Fandom reputation: Number one Tristian fan, kingmaker enthusiast with highly interesting thoughts, creator of beautiful little artworks and always so much fun to talk to.
Haha, thank you. Though I think I have been too late on the scene and too antisocial to be number one anything, truly... There are a lot of people out there who have been creating in the fandom much longer than I and have brought really impressive things into being. For reasons that elude me, some even follow me- a great and terrible honor indeed.
I am always happy to hear that the art and the company are fun :) As much as I grow, I know I'm still unskilled in both creative and social spheres, haha. It's high praise from someone as skilled as you. I'm amazed by what you can create and how rapidly you've grown.
#I am the Kingmaker philosopher with this reputation for thinking.#though I hope one day it translates into more than vaguely discussed thoughts...#I suppose at risk of being too sincere there is something truly frightening about putting things out there#when I started the Kingmaker blog I really didn't think there could be anyone on Tumblr who cared about the game#I'm very anxious and have a bad habit of comparing myself to others#I never really participated in online fandom before because the incredible abilities of others scared me- I had little to offer#the idea of quietly running a blog that no one saw appealed from me even if there was a fantasy of being famous and praised#like no competition would mean no stress.#but the truth is that there were a lot of people there already who created things I couldn't dream of coming close to#mature and skilled art. long and carefully crafted pieces of writing.#when I became aware of that I got scared.#it made it hard to be proud of what I was doing#so I went to Twitter where I had no audience and I thought no way of being discovered#and then there were people there too.#there have been times I've been so intimidated by others I've really thought about giving up completely#I can't grow or create fast enough to feel like I'm keeping pace#but I guess I want to take a cue from Balthazar and live more selfishly.#I don't really want to be the best anymore and I don't want to worry about what I ought to be doing#or to have a purpose for things or follow some process to a conventional goal#I just want to do what I enjoy without worrying about other people#or thinking I take up too much space#it's hard though right#anyway. no real concluding thought here#sorry to throw down such atrocious tags here on a post already fishing for compliments haha#turns out I actually don't know what to do with compliments when I get them.#ask me emithing#long post#dmagedgoods
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robynarchives · 3 months
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˚୨୧₊♱ Diluc & Awea: a timeless connection of beauty and affection
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The process of understanding each other was slow and deliberate, but it helped them form a deeper and more genuine connection. It naturally took a bit of time for them to open up and become comfortable with each other. The process took some careful and deliberate effort, but was ultimately worth it. As they slowly opened up and became more comfortable with each other, their understanding of each other grew.
Diluc adores Awea with all his heart, and she never fails to bring out a joyful butterfly feeling inside him. He is enchanted by her mere existence, and he continues to fall more and more in love with her with each passing day. Their compatibility is evident in their ability to provide each other's needs for independence and affection in balance. They provide a perfect balance of space and closeness, trust and understanding, and romance and comfort, giving each other the space to be their own personal selves, while also providing a solid foundation of affection and support. It's a perfect combination of independence and affection, creating a wholesome and fulfilling relationship.
balance and compatibility
Awea and Diluc may have different ways of approaching life and challenges, but their similar personalities allow them to understand and connect with each other on a deeper emotional level. For example, although Awea is more cautious and careful, she can understand Diluc's ambitions and aspirations. While her approach may be slower and more methodical, the value they place on similar life goals and shared values allows them to move beyond their differences and build a strong foundation for their relationship.
Both Awea and Diluc are introverted, which means that they understand the need for time alone to recharge and reflect. This is important to their mental and emotional health, and it allows them to be their most authentic selves. They both value meaningful relationships, and seek out meaningful connections. This means that they are both dedicated to relationships that have a deep meaning and purpose, and not just for show or superficiality. They appreciate true companionship, trust, and understanding.
One of the key things that makes their relationship so strong is the support and encouragement they provide for each other. Diluc understands that Awea's goals are important to her, and he never doubts her or tries to persuade her to try something more "conventional" or to change her course. Instead, he supports her and encourages her to follow her dreams and desires.
Awea has a kind of refined elegance about her, with her appreciation for arts and aesthetics. She's also reserved and delicate, which gives her a certain refined class. Diluc is also an elegant man, with his refined and sophisticated manner of speaking and his dedication to his duties. He's confident and refined, which contributes to his overall elegance.
habits in the relationship
When Awea moved in, she was in awe of all of Diluc's inherited art collection. She found it very sentimental how Diluc kept everything and cared for it. Diluc, who had never really paid attention to each of his late father's art pieces, became more aware of Awea's interest in them, and came to see their beauty through her eyes. As Awea admired and appreciated his art collection, Diluc would find himself gazing at her as she admired the pieces. When you've never really paid attention to something, it's easy to take it for granted. But when someone you care about brings new perspective and excitement to it, it becomes a source of joy and appreciation for you too. The first time Diluc showed interest in arts is when he commissioned a painter for a still life painting of him and Awea, as a gift. It's natural to feel nervous about having a portrait painted of yourself, but when it's someone you love and care about, it's a reminder of that love and appreciation.
One can imagine Awea slipping baked goods into Diluc's pockets or bags for him to find later. She may sneakily slip in a small package containing a cookie, pastry, or perhaps a slice of cake. This subtle gesture shows how she wants to surprise him and send a bit of comfort to him, even while he's away. Dilic would later on thank her for the treat and ask her about how she did it— did she add anything new? Did she create her own recipe? His appreciation for her talent in making delicious food engraves deeply in his heart, just as much as Awea appreciates Diluc’s knack for making grape beverages. Awea and Diluc both have unique talents in the kitchen, which they both admire in each other. it shows how they find ways to support and learn from each other, even in areas where they may not be as experienced.
Diluc's words of affirmation can be seen as a way to give Awea what he wished he received himself. He's essentially using his own experiences and struggles to help lift her up and build up her confidence. By providing reassurance, affirming her strengths, and offering kind and supportive words, he's creating a safe space for her where she can feel comfortable and accepted. It’s a way for him to give her the support and encouragement that he would have wanted to receive when he was in a bad place mentally. He wants to help her navigate these difficult feelings and help her come out stronger on the other side.
When Awea or Diluc need to keep their hair up, they can rest assured that the other has a tie at hand. No matter what their day brings, they will always have a tie for each other and know that they can trust each other on such little unspoken things. But on occasion, Diluc will have a black ribbon in his person, or perhaps a maroon one that resembles his hair. He would collect most of the strands of her hair and tie a bunny knot and let it rest on her head. He's pretty skillful, as a person who had long hair himself.
ideal dates
Reading dates are full of cozy and sweet moments. They take turns reading passages of the books to each other, and enjoy the intimate and relaxing atmosphere as they soak up the words together. It's like a sharing of their minds and hearts. And the fact that they choose books that remind them of each other— Diluc would pick up a romantic or thrilling book from the bookstore or library, while Awea would pick from her own humble selection. The setting of these reading dates can vary, but each location can provide its own charm and atmosphere for the bonding experience. The mansion can offer the comforts of home, with its cozy and familiar environment. The thousand winds temple can provide a relaxing atmosphere along with a scenic and picturesque view. And the winery provides a serene and reflective environment for intimate and meaningful conversations.
Watching the sunset together at Qingyun Peak is a beautiful and intimate way for Diluc and Awea to enjoy a romantic outing. Although Liyue is quite far, it’s worth it to see the stunning view of the sunset setting over the vast city. The two can sit side by side as the colors and shades of the sunset wash over the landscape. They would stand at the edge of one of the cliffs, watching the sun slowly disappear beyond the horizon as the sky transforms into a dazzling array of colors and shades. The serene atmosphere, the stunning scenery, and the sense of tranquility would provide a romantic and unforgettable experience for the pair. It would be a touching gesture for Diluc to take Awea to such a special and beautiful location, and it wouldn't be hard to imagine them holding hands and taking in the beauty of the sunset together. A picnic addition to their sunset date would complete the picture. Awea's delicious pastries and Diluc's homemade drinks would add a special touch to the sunset date. They could spread a blanket out and sit back to relax as they soak in the romantic atmosphere. They could share stories and thoughts, sipping on drinks and munching on pastries. The whole evening would be an ode to peace and love, a perfect complement to a beautiful sunset.
A wine tasting date would be an exciting affair for Diluc and Awea. Since Diluc is not fond of alcohol, the wine-tasting event would be a chance for him to experience it in small but thoughtful quantities. The charcuterie table would provide a delicious array of delights and an opportunity for Diluc to expose Awea to his line of work, showing her the process and how different flavors and techniques are blended together to create a satisfying drink. It would be a fantastic opportunity for Diluc and Awea to indulge their inner connoisseur and appreciate the art of wine-tasting. They could let out the inner critic in them, and critique all the subtle flavors, aromas, and tastes of the different wines. They could also admire the works of art and food displays, savoring the beautiful aesthetics and aromas that enhance the experience. It would be a wonderful event to let out their connoisseur nature and indulge in the finer tastes in life.
A masquerade ball would be an excellent event for Diluc and Awea. Both of them have a passion for intricate fashion and clothing styles, and they relish any opportunity to express themselves and their authentic selves. The masquerade ball provides a perfect atmosphere for this, with its elaborate dress and costume designs, and its unique aura of mystery. They would both enjoy the fittings and having a chance to pick out the ideal outfit for such a special occasion. The event would allow them to express their personalities and showcase their unique style in the most magnificent way. Not only do they excel in fashion and clothing styles, but they also relish the opportunity to match or complement each other's outfits. When they walk into the masquerade ball, they would surely be the best-dressed couple in the room. They would take great pride in their matching or complementary outfits, and they would serve the best looks with the most impeccable style and elegance.
a poem
Our connection is as mysterious as a shadow dancing behind the moon.
It's a connection that transcends space and time, one we have shared in past lifetimes and will carry into the next.
Our souls are interlinked in a way that's both beautiful and tragic.
It's the type of love that is both dark and sweet, a love that will last far beyond this mortal coil.
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nicklloydnow · 8 months
“In any serious strategic calculus, the “Samson Option” refers not just to a last-resort spasm of pure national vengeance, but to a purposeful set of specific operational threats. When examined together with Israel’s still intentionally ambiguous nuclear strategy (a doctrine most commonly referred to as Israel’s “bomb in the basement”), it becomes evident that these carefully fashioned threat postures are designed to enhance Israeli nuclear deterrence. Indeed, any such enhancement would represent this unique doctrine’s most obvious raison d’être. But are there further steps that would enhance the Samson Option’s effectiveness in this context?
There is more. Because strategic crises in other parts of the world could sometime “spill over” into the ever-unpredictable Middle East, dedicated strategic planners in Tel Aviv should already begin their preparations to “think Samson.” This is especially the case wherever the possible “spill” could concern the threat or actual use of nuclear weapons.
Among other things, this means meticulously conceptualizing—or perhaps re-conceptualizing—the prospective role of any calculated Samson Option.
Whatever this option’s more precisely nuanced goals, its key objective must always remain exactly the same. That objective is to help keep Israel “alive.” In this duly considered objective, Israeli policy must very conspicuously deviate from the otherwise useful biblical metaphor—Samson, after all, lost his own life when he tore down the temple on his Philistine captors—drawn illustratively here from the book of Judges.
Ultimately, in relevant military nuclear matters, “Samson” must be about how to best manage certain urgent processes of strategic dissuasion. Here, the primary point of Israel’s nuclear forces must always be deterrence ex ante, not revenge ex post. For now, at least, Israel’s presumed nuclear strategy, while not yet articulated in any precise or publicly ascertainable fashion, is likely oriented toward nuclear war avoidance, not nuclear war fighting. From all potentially concerning standpoints, including even the well-being of Israel’s pertinent national adversaries, this is the indisputably correct orientation.
At its conceptual analytic core, the Samson Option references a deterrence doctrine based upon certain implicit threats of overwhelming nuclear retaliation or counter-retaliation—responses for more-or-less expected enemy aggressions. Any such doctrine could reasonably enter into force only where the responsible aggressions had first credibly threatened Israel’s physical existence. In other words, considered as a potentially optimal element of dissuasion, it would do Israel little good to proffer “Samson-based threats” in response to “ordinary” or manifestly less than massive forms of anticipated enemy aggression.
The bottom-line reasoning here is as follows: Exercising a Samson Option is not likely to deter any aggressions short of nuclear and/or massively large-scale conventional or biological first strikes.
All things considered, Samson’s overriding rationale must be to bring the following clear message to all identifiably potential attackers: “Israel may sometime have to accept mega-destructive attacks, but it surely won’t allow itself to ‘die with the Philistines’ or become the combatant country to suffer more dire consequences.” By emphasizing some overtly symmetrical exposure prospects to existential harms—”Israel won’t die alone”—the Samson Option could continuously serve Israel as a distinctly meaningful adjunct to nuclear deterrence and also to certain more-or-less corollary preemption options.
Significantly, the Samson Option could never protect Israel as a fully comprehensive nuclear strategy unto itself. This option must also never be confused with Israel’s more generalized, or “broad spectrum,” nuclear strategy, one which must always seek to maximize national deterrence at recognizably less apocalyptic levels of possible military engagement.
Concerning long-term Israeli nuclear deterrence, recognizable preparations for a Samson Option could help to best convince certain designated enemy states that massive aggressions against Israel would never be gainful. This stance could prove especially compelling if Israeli “Samson” weapons were (1) coupled with some level of nuclear disclosure (thereby effectively ending Israel’s longstanding posture of nuclear ambiguity); (2) to appear sufficiently invulnerable to enemy first strikes; and (3) plainly counter-city/counter-value in their declared mission function. Furthermore, in view of what nuclear strategists sometimes refer to as the “rationality of pretended irrationality,” Samson could more generally enhance Israeli nuclear deterrence by demonstrating an apparently tangible Israeli willingness to take various existential risks.
To a manifestly variable and possibly even bewildering extent, the nuclear deterrence benefits of “pretended irrationality” could sometime depend upon a prior enemy state awareness of Israel’s counter-city or counter-value targeting posture. Worth noting here is that such a posture had been expressly recommended more than fifteen years ago by the private “Project Daniel Group,” in its then confidential report to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. At present, it would appear plausible that this posture is also actual policy.
In those cases concerning Samson and Israeli nuclear deterrence, any recognizable last-resort nuclear preparations could enhance Israel’s preemption options by underscoring a singularly bold national willingness to take presumptively existential risks.
If left to themselves, neither deterred nor preempted, certain enemies of Israel (especially after any nuclear strike or exchange elsewhere on the planet) could convincingly threaten to bring the Jewish state face-to-face with the familiar torments of Dante’s Inferno, “Into the eternal darkness, into fire, into ice.” Such a portentous scenario has been made even more probable by the latest geostrategic strengthening of Iran in certain parts of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. This strengthening is taking place despite the US president’s withdrawal from the July 2015 JCPOA, or perhaps even because of this unilateral American abrogation.
At some point, various ominous intersections between a US-North Korean war and an expanding Iran-Hezbollah offensive could create wholly unprecedented perils for Israel. All such intersections, moreover, would be taking place within the broadly uncertain context of a second Cold War.
In extremis atomicum, these synergistic hazards could sometime become so unique and formidable that employing a Samson Option would seemingly represent the best available strategic option for Israel. In a more carefully structured world order, Israel would have no need to augment or even maintain its arsenal of deterrent threat options—especially the most perilous nuclear components—but this more ideal reconfiguration of world politics is still a long way off. Nonetheless, at some point, Israel, together with other future-oriented states, will somehow have to collaborate toward the incremental replacement of Realpolitik (power-politics) or “Westphalian” dynamics of international interaction, an intellectual collaboration that would largely be based upon a too long-delayed awareness that our earth is best conceptualized as an organic whole.”
“Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group.
Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions—the most significant breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War—those people said.
Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas, which holds power in Gaza, and Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political faction in Lebanon, they said.
A direct Iranian role would take Tehran’s long-running conflict with Israel out of the shadows, raising the risk of broader conflict in the Middle East. Senior Israeli security officials have pledged to strike at Iran’s leadership if Tehran is found responsible for killing Israelis.
The IRGC’s broader plan is to create a multi-front threat that can strangle Israel from all sides—Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the north and Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, according to the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members and an Iranian official.
At least 700 Israelis are confirmed dead, and Saturday’s assault has punctured the country’s aura of invincibility and left Israelis questioning how their vaunted security forces could let this happen.
Iran has been setting aside other regional conflicts, such as its open feud with Saudi Arabia in Yemen, to devote the IRGC’s foreign resources toward coordinating, financing and arming militias antagonistic to Israel, including Hamas and Hezbollah, the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members said.
The strike was intended to hit Israel while it appeared distracted by internal political divisions over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. It was also aimed at disrupting accelerating U.S.-brokered talks to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel that Iran saw as threatening, the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members said.
Building on peace deals with Egypt and Jordan, expanding Israeli ties with Gulf Arab states could create a chain of American allies linking three key choke points of global trade—the Suez Canal, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Bab Al Mandeb connecting the Red Sea to the Arabian Sea, said Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.
Iran has long backed Hamas but, as a Sunni Muslim group, it had been an outsider among Tehran’s Shia proxies until recent months, when cooperation among the groups accelerated.
Representatives of these groups have met with Quds Force leaders at least biweekly in Lebanon since August to discuss this weekend’s attack on Israel and what happens next, they said. Qaani has attended some of those meetings along with Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah, Islamic Jihad leader al-Nakhalah, and Saleh al-Arouri, Hamas’s military chief, the militant-group members said.
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian attended at least two of the meetings, they said.
Egypt, which is trying to mediate in the conflict, has warned Israeli officials that a ground invasion into Gaza would trigger a military response from Hezbollah, opening up a second battlefront, people familiar with the matter said. Israel and Hezbollah exchanged fire briefly on Sunday.
The Iranian official said that if Iran were attacked, it would respond with missile strikes on Israel from Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, and send Iranian fighters into Israel from Syria to attack cities in the north and east of Israel.
Iran’s backing of a coordinated group of Arab militias is ominous for Israel. In previous conflicts, the Soviet Union was the ultimate patron of Israel’s Arab enemies and was always able to pressure them to reach some type of accommodation or recognize a red line, said Bernard Hudson, a former counterterrorism chief for the Central Intelligence Agency.
“The Soviets never considered Israel a permanent foe,” he said. “Iran’s leadership clearly does.””
“US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Sunday he has ordered the Ford carrier strike group to sail to the Eastern Mediterranean to be ready to assist Israel after the attack by the Hamas terror group that has left more than 700 dead. Americans were reported to be among those killed and missing.
The USS Gerald R. Ford, the Navy’s newest and most advanced aircraft carrier, and its approximately 5,000 sailors and deck of warplanes will be accompanied by cruisers and destroyers in a show of force that is meant to be ready to respond to anything, including possibly interdicting additional weapons from reaching Hamas and conducting surveillance.
The large deployment, which also includes a host of other ships and warplanes, underscores the concern that the United States has in trying to deter the conflict from growing. Israel’s government formally declared war Sunday and gave the green light for “significant military steps” to retaliate against Hamas, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said US President Joe Biden and other Western leaders had backed Israeli freedom of action to retaliate.
Along with the Ford, the US is sending the cruiser USS Normandy, destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney, and USS Roosevelt and the US is augmenting Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16, and A-10 fighter aircraft squadrons in the region.
In addition, the Biden administration “will be rapidly providing the Israel Defense Forces with additional equipment and resources, including munitions. The first security assistance will begin moving today and arriving in the coming days,” Austin said.
Congressional support for aid to Israel is up in the air amid chaos in the House of Representatives after speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted last week.”
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pynkhues · 1 year
Wondering if you had any thoughts on hillsong church ? Just watched a documentary on them and didn’t realize that they started in New Zealand and Australia and how much they actually shaped churches that I grew up in and American non denominational Christianity in general. You always have such thoughtful responses and as I’m trying to work through some religious trauma I just wondered if you’d have any words of wisdom 🖤
Oh, gosh, that’s a pretty massive question, anon, haha. But yes, Hillsong did originate in Australia, and it had a pretty big foothold on the Gold Coast, which was somewhere I spent a significant amount of time during my childhood, so I brushed up against it a bit. My mum’s family was Catholic (my mum actually went to a Sisters of Mercy Convent-run boarding school in the 70s) and my dad’s family is mostly non-religious, although they’d probably say they were Anglican (my mum’s father actually temporarily disowned my mother over the fact that my dad was on-paper Anglican), so neither of them had particularly warm feelings towards Hillsong at large.
Hillsong to me feels Australian in the way Mormonism feels American – both are steeped in, I think, parts of national identity that create a sort of targeted approach to faith by personalising it. They utilise familiar language and landscapes to make religion more palatable to the demographics they’re trying to appeal to (or target), and Hillsong, at least in my opinion, has long courted the Byron Bay aesthetic which embraces a sort of new age, alternative medicine, hippy vibe, which appeals to celebrities and younger people – something they deliberately capitalise on. They aren’t a regular church, they’re a cool church, y’know? Or at least, that’s what they’re trying to sell, but the reality is they’ve always functioned with the same sort of anti-choice, anti-woman, creationist rhetoric, and predatory cult-like approach as most Pentecostal / Evangelical denominations, right down to the child sexual abuse.
What’s worse is that Hillsong positions itself as a brand first, meaning it in many ways follows in the footsteps of Scientology by cultivating celebrity clientele and pop culture relevance to insinuate itself in mainstream media and broaden its reach with the goal of not only increasing its congregation, but it’s political influence. It did both successfully through our last Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, which has certainly only further soured me on it all. Its an insidious behaviour for any church, but in many ways it’s not dissimilar to what the Church of England was doing 500 years ago. Churches as institutions have always liked power, and in the 21st Century, celebrity unfortunately leads to both social and political power.
I could talk more about that, but I guess all of this is to say that at the end of the day, I don’t really agree with the concept of organised religion generally. I personally would say that I’m irreligious, but lean into the agnostic as opposed to the frankly atheist, and while I feel communal sharing of faith and spirituality is sometimes appropriate (i.e. for funerary rites or for the purpose of some [not all] charity), on the whole, I believe spirituality is personal, and it needs to be personal. So much of faith and spirituality is about determining our worth and navigating the reeds of what it means to have a soul, which is in itself a journey of extreme vulnerability, and to place that journey in the hands of a human-run structure opens door after door for abuse and exploitation.
Which happens with tragic frequency, as we all know, and I’m sorry you’re navigating some religious trauma at the moment, anon. Religion is a complicated thing, and the process of understanding our relationship with it can leave us feeling especially exposed, both with and without the long arm of the faith-based institutions and the people within them. I wish you only good things in moving forwards <3
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colognedecigarette · 1 year
Wooo congrats on finishing LOTR, esp doing the extended cuts as your first time watching! It's one of my favorite movies series (books were great but not a reread for me). I actually just rewatched the movies for New Years. The ending always gets me a little emotional lol
Do you have any favorite moments or characters after finishing?
Deviousdo 🖤🖤 hope you've been well and happy new year!
thank you, thank you~ initially i wanted to just do the theatrical cut and if i like the movies enough do a rewatch with the extended cut, but all the top results were the extended version and i couldn't be arsed to look further so 💀💀
i like faramir a lot!! i was constantly screaming anytime he's on screen after the ... isilgadhir? battle, especially once they started to move on with the burial. i get his dad though, even if man's pissed me off a hell lot by that point he was just so far gone with grief and i think that made the whole burial procession waaaaayyyy more tense because -- you can't reason with him. and it's not even like a "he's so evil and doing evil things on purpose and so set on his evil goal" type of you-can't-reason-with; it was a whole different level of beast. sad he died without ever making up with his kid, though. :/ oh well, there's always another unhinged king!!!
as for favourite moments ... i think i like boromir's death a lot. the whole thing felt like a "character who did Bad redeemed through death" with a twist. of course, considering how old the movie is, this probably wasn't even as solid and overused of a trope back then -- though i also don't really know much about these things, lol. but beyond his actual realisation and regret shortly after trying to take over the ring, the flashback with faramir and the impact he left behind for those who knew him since before the movie started also helped to strenghten that 'redemption through death' thing because -- he's just a guy!! a good guy!!! and with the way his father is also helped to recontextualise his first appearance and insistence on getting the ring for gondor. idk overall i think his death was so memorable to me not only because of what happened at that moment alone, but also everything else that was revealed to led up to that, as well as everything else that was added after the death.
but as a whole i can't get over just ... the simplicity of the premise. it makes me go feral that in spite of all the grand adventure and glorious battles and all that -- the story itself is just about two regular guys being put to a task that ties into something much larger than them. like i've heard people talk a lot about how Mr Tolkien's own experience in the world war coloured the way he tells this story; it's just one of those things where you're like, "oh yeah sure i get it" but you only really get it once you've actually seen the Thing yourself. like i get why this story is so beloved and touched so many people in a way other fantasy adventures couldn't: it's the mundane aspect of Just Some Guy not even being the Chosen One but willingly took the task anyway, then perservered to the end.
honestly i wish i can also say a bit more about the storytelling as a whole but am not much of a Cinema Guy nor have i read the books so i can't even really comment on what's what: like if a certain decision/execution was a Movie Thing following decades of well-established storytelling convention that was also inspired and influenced by the original story; or if that was *that* influence from the legendary fantasy epic adapted wholesale from the book. it's a very solid trilogy of a movie, though. definitely far better than the Hobbit trilogy that i actually watched in theatres because my mum loved them a lot akdjfskj
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You do not need to worry about finding additional funding to pay the costs of your travel or your time spent in the United States.
You have a home located outside of the United States that you do not intend to give up, in addition to other connections that are legally binding and will guarantee that you go back to your home country at the conclusion of your stay.
You are permitted to enter the United States under any other circumstances.
When it comes to making choices about foreign travel and, more particularly, doing business on a global scale, it has always been of the highest significance to take into consideration one’s current financial status. This holds truest while crossing foreign borders. The fact that the very first thing that candidates want to know is how much money they need to have in order for it to work out for them is really not something that should come as much of a surprise.
To be eligible to submit an application for a tourist visa to the United States, what is the absolute bare minimum amount of money that has to be in your bank account at the time of application?
The amount of money that you need to have in your bank account in order to apply for a tourist visa to the United States can vary depending on the duration of your trip. In order to take a trip that is 15 days long, you need to have between $5,000 and $10,000 in your bank account at the very least.
Is a B1 B2 Visa sufficient to enter Canada?
B-1 or B-2 Visas: If you have a valid B-1 or B-2 visa, you are permitted to travel to Canada or Mexico for up to 30 days during your stay in the United States and then re-enter the country as long as you do so within the timeframe specified on the Form I-94 that you received when you first entered the country. However, you must ensure that you return to the United States within the timeframe specified on Form I-94 before you are allowed to re-enter the country
Before you are permitted to re-enter the nation, you must first guarantee that you have returned to the United States within the allotted amount of time that is written on your Form I-94.
How can I change my B1 visa to an immigrant visa?
Check your credentials to see whether you may submit an application for a green card.
An immigration petition on your behalf must be submitted by either you or another person (if applicable)
Check visa availability (if applicable)
File Form I-485.
Proceed to your scheduled appointment at the Application Support Center.
Proceed to the interview you have (if applicable)
It is imperative that you respond to the request for more proof (if applicable)
Check the current status of your case.
Receive a decision
While on a B1 visa, am I able to legally marry a U.S. citizen?
It is possible to be married in the United States even if you are just here on a B-1/B-2 tourist visa or because you are participating in a visa waiver programme. This answer is in the affirmative. There is no provision in the regulations that prohibits tourists who are in the United States lawfully from getting married. This includes individuals who are here as tourists.
In point of fact, if you want to visit the United States on a tourist visa, you may do so with the intention of getting married while you are here. This is not prohibited.
When individuals come to the United States on a tourist visa with the evident goal of marrying a citizen of the United States and settling in the country permanently, this is when difficulties start to surface for them. It is illegal to enter the United States on a visitor’s visa with the express aim of getting married in the country and then applying to alter one’s status to that of a permanent resident after doing so. This practice is called visa fraud.
The immigration authorities of the United States do not take kindly to anyone who, in their opinion, has committed the crime of visa fraud.
Documentation Required for B1 Visa
The documentation requirements for a B1 visa are less severe than those for migrant visas since the B1 visa does not have a quota system. Your application package is required to include the following components in the majority of instances:
Your passport
substantiation of the money.
Documentation in support of the purpose of your trip to the United States
If you are going on the company’s dime, a letter from your employer is required.
If you are travelling as a businessperson, you are required to provide evidence that you operate a business.
Insurance, in addition to the other necessary supporting papers
Since you have already experienced a portion of this trip, you are well aware of what needs to be done and how you may continue to progress.
Envoy International is able to provide you with assistance in developing and filing your B1 application in a manner that causes you the least amount of hassle possible. We are the best option for your visa needs since we provide assistance throughout the whole process and have an in-depth grasp of the regulations governing immigration to the United States.
Have a chat with us if you want to find out more about the steps you need to take in order to get a B1 visa for the United States.
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wilson120 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
wayland23 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
partida752 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
marion485 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
ibrian1476 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
conley748 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
craig144 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
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robert98 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
cress857 · 1 year
The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest make breakfasts, lunches, and dinners more enjoyable than ever. For all those people who feel it inconvenient to cook, these companies have got you covered. It is as simple as it sounds. Unlike Blue Apron, Hungry Harvest, and other websites, their meals require minimal cooking and no recipe. Almost all the meals are vegan, organic, and gluten-free. The services are identical; you would find a different menu each week. The delivery is free across the USA, but the prices are higher than most prospective buyers expect. There are many things to like about both these companies, but you have to draw a clear line between the two substitutes to know which one stands out compared to the other. However, the mode of delivery, meal composition, and order specs are some of the main differences that you would find between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. We have prepared a detailed comparative review to inform you about the major differences between the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. This article will compare the two services above and help you choose the best available option. Splendid Spoon vs. Daily Harvest: Which is better? Objective The objectives are entirely identical when considering the services offered by Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The main purpose of both companies is to provide plant-based meals that are low in calories and free from all sorts of gluten molecules. Almost all the meals offered on the websites are simple to cook. The goal is to make your life healthy and less hectic by reducing your efforts to put into your routine meal preparation. However, you should not confuse Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest with the websites providing an ideal proportion of nutrients for workouts and fitness routines. Signup Signup is simple on both websites. You would require an email (which is not a big deal) and a zip code (that you can find online). However, there is one main difference between Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription where you receive the same meals on a predefined day each week. The subscription model allows you to live without worrying about ordering food each week. However, you must keep track of the customization window to change your order. On the other hand, Daily Harvest does not follow the conventional subscription model. You have complete control over the meal selection process, but the orders might get delayed as the customers are vulnerable to forgetting when to order. Notwithstanding anything else, this ordering system is great for those who like to consume food at their own pace and want to order when the previous food is eaten. Meals The Splendid Spoon website has an entire stock of vegan meals with no dairy or meat components. Each item that you purchase will be gluten-free and low in calories. These meals require minimal to no cooking. The company says that every category has 95 percent organic ingredients, and no GMO is used. You will find a detailed list of nutrients and ingredients to prepare each item. A filter is designed to help you navigate through the meals by selecting your preferred nutrient or ingredient. However, there is one slight problem: most meals are suitable for breakfast and lunch only. This is understandable, too, because most people have ample time to cook dinner from scratch. The meals in breakfast and lunch packs include smoothies and various meal bowls. The company also offers reset options during brunch or other awkward hunger times. The most common reset meal is soup, also available in light servings. You might also find noodles in the reset options. The Daily Harvest is specialized in the preparation of plant-based meals that have no dairy or gluten components. Low calories, minimal cholesterol levels, and sufficient proteins are the common nutritional value you will get from the Daily Harvest food. These meals are easy to prepare and can be frozen if not heated (cooked).
Each item has a detailed list of ingredients and nutrients on the relevant section of the website. You will also find user reviews and ratings to help you make decisions. The menu is dynamic, but the company retains popular food. You can find a whole bunch of harvest bowls, flatbreads, soups, smoothies, oat bowls, chia bowls, protein bites, vegan ice creams, and lattes. The meals can be ordered in small, medium, or large packaging. Ordering All the plans at the Splendid Spoon are either weekly, biweekly, or monthly orders. Placing an order on the website is convenient as a filter is available to sort the meals by nutrients or ingredients. The method of ordering is a subscription. Anything you confirm in your order will consistently show up at your door. The payment deduction and the order confirmation are automatic, so you must amend or cancel the order to change things. Furthermore, skipping or canceling an order is convenient; however, we recommend making changes a week before your order is due. The Daily Harvest has a filter that will help you find your required food in minutes. You can filter it with your favorite ingredient or required nutrients. Moreover, customer reviews also make the ordering process effective. You can order food in small, medium, or large boxes. The small and medium-sized boxes are enough for a week, while the large box can be consumed over a month. You can change or cancel your order through the website. However, the order customization window is available till Sunday noon. You can order as many items in one category as you need. The small, medium, and large boxes contain nine, fourteen, and twenty-four items. However, one of the most important aspects to consider before ordering is that it is not a subscription. This means that your orders are not placed and charged automatically, so you must keep ordering them yourself. The Daily Harvest is an on-demand vegan meal service that delivers food on either Wednesday or Friday. For Wednesday delivery, you must place your order on Friday at 1 PM. On the other hand, if you plan to receive your order on Friday, the same should be booked before 1 PM on Sunday. Delivery Delivery is a value-adding factor in online business. Both companies have free-of-cost shipping to ensure that the customers do not have to pay for it. However, these companies charge high prices for the meals, so one can depict that the delivery costs are charged implicitly. The Daily Harvest allows you to set the delivery time. This is handy for the working class that demands delivery on a specific day and time. The Splendid Spoon does not allow you to choose your delivery day; however, you can manipulate the website by ordering on a specific day to receive your package on Wednesday or Friday. The Splendid Spoon delivers food in 48 states, so it got you covered as far as the location is concerned. Packaging Food companies tend to keep their environmental impact as low as possible. Following this rule, Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest maintained environment-friendly packaging. The Daily Harvest packages are recyclable and biodegradable when considering the boxes, papers, and food containers. The lids are made of thin plastic, which is not as hard as other plastics. However, it is still difficult to recycle but is reusable if you are willing to leap to preserve the environment. On the other hand, the Splendid Spoon has plastic bowls with dry ice to keep the meals cold until they reach your home. The use of plastic is more than the Daily Harvest, so you need to consider this before purchasing excessive packages. Notwithstanding the plastic packaging, the boxes and papers are completely recyclable and environment-friendly. Cost The Splendid Spoon is a high-end food ordering service that charges heavily for chilled and pre-prepared food. The plans are criticized for being on the higher cost side; however, this price can be justified by the free delivery and convenience. The breakup of prices is as follows:
Plan Cost What does it contain? Breakfast 65 dollars per week Five smoothies Breakfast and lunch 95 dollars per week Five smoothies and five bowls Breakfast and lunch with a 1-day reset 135 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, and five soups Breakfast and lunch with 1 large day reset 185 dollars per week Five smoothies, five bowls, five-light soups, and five noodles The Daily Harvest costs more than other food sellers on the internet. You may find more economical options than this, but you need to understand why this hike has happened. The first and foremost reason is the use of above-par and healthy ingredients. Another reason can be the nature of the meals. These meals are pre-prepared, unlike other companies that sell raw ingredients. Besides this, free delivery is also why the prices are so high. Detailed insight into cost is as under: Meal type Cost Harvest Bowl 9 dollars per bowl Flatbread 9 dollars per meal Soup 8 dollars per bowl Smoothie 8 dollars per serving Oat bowl 6 dollars per bowl Chia bowl 6 dollars per bowl Protein bites 8 dollars per seven bites Vegan ice cream 9 dollars Blogs and extras The Splendid Spoon has no mobile app for easier access. A blog section on the website has articles regarding food preservation and better dietary planning. Moreover, it is easy to communicate with the representatives via email and Facebook, but the phone number is missing. The Daily Harvest has a mobile app for remote access and easy ordering. There is an interactive on-site chat available to help customers while shopping. However, finding a contact is not as easy as we would have liked. Furthermore, there is no blog section on the website to explore the world of harvest. Conclusion The Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest contain plant-based meals for those who demand healthy nutrients and convenience. Receiving precooked meals at your doorstep is often the best feeling. These companies offer organic ingredients with no GMO intervention. However, the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are not as value-adding as other substitutes in the market for fitness chasers. The protein levels are not perfectly high, and the carbohydrate and fat levels are also not impressive. You should remember that gluten-free and vegan ingredients are healthy but not perfectly balanced. This does not mean that the meals offered by the Splendid Spoon and Daily Harvest are useless. You can avail yourself of numerous benefits using these identical, different, predominantly vegan meal services. The Splendid Spoon is a subscription, so you do not have to worry about ordering your food. You can change your order every now and then. The Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is not a subscription. This means that you can order your favorite meal whenever you need it. It keeps you in the driving seat by enabling your needed control. Another difference that can impact your usage and order is the meal composition (discussed in the article). Both services are more expensive than what other companies offer. However, this is justified by high-quality ingredients and pre-cooked food.
0 notes
jatinngera · 2 years
What is NLP and how does it work?
As described, NLP is a technology that aids in understanding human language by computers. Making sense of unstructured data, such as audio files or electronic conversations, is the primary goal of the technology, which is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI). By breaking the language down into words, gaining context from the relationships between phrases, and organizing this data to create insights you can apply to a business, meaning is extracted.
What makes NLP tricky? Human language is diverse, ambiguous, convoluted, and complex. More than 6,500 languages are spoken globally, each with unique syntactic and semantic conventions.
Even people have trouble understanding words.
How does NLP work?
Morphology tells us the structure and relationship of words.
The syntax is the order in which words are used to form sentences.
Semantics studies how lexical and grammatical structures disclose the meaning of words.
Pragmatics is simply contextual word meaning.
NLP-powered chatbots!
Virtual agents that are NLP chatbots and part of the current generation of chatbots continually learn new things. Throughout the dialogue, they maintain notes and pick up further information. Some of the most crucial components of an NLP-powered chatbot include the following:
Dialogue management 1.Human Handoff 2.Integration of Business Logic 3.Rapid Iteration 4.Training and Iteration: 5.Natural Language Processing (NLP) 6.Simplicity
Final Words
NLP chatbots can be helpful if the alternative entails giving the user an excessive amount of options at once. Simply asking your clients to type or speak their requests might help them avoid confusion and irritation. For this purpose, it is crucial to prepare an implementation after researching NLP tools and accessible data.
To read this blog, click on this link https://botpenguin.com/what-is-nlp-and-how-does-it-work/
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