#or finishing that davesprite and hal or
thinking about pepsisprite,,,, man
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 days
— turingTested [TT] began pestering turbulentGullface [TG] at 16:13. —
TT: Stop. Everything.
TT: Crow, get the banana.
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derseprinceoftbd · 7 months
I just had a fantastic idea that I need to share vis a vis Dirk
Okay so I regularly think of ways I would have written Homestuck to resolve the writing problems I see in it, and I was brainstorming one issue I had never seen a good way of resolving, even in DDOTA, which is normally great at providing the structures for these things: HAL.
Like, he and Dirk are not only deeply similar to each other and would render arcs about self-improvement redundant, but would also kind of be redundant with Dave and Davesprite, and obviously the Mario Star that is Prototyping with someone else doesn't resolve anything. And so I was thinking, "how do HAL and Dirk get separate distinct arcs, because I can't just smash them into other people", and then I realized: what if they went into *each other*? Like, I've always been opposed to the corpses being Prototyped, I always wanted HAL to not be with Equius and have an empty slot, so:
What if Dirk Prototyped HAL and *himself*. Like, became one "Dirksprite" with one set of memories for ages 0-13, then two for 13-16. Dirksprite would go through the same stuff as the original Dirk: being the last won over by Trickster Mode, dying on the Slab and reviving as a God-Tier(now slightly cyborg), ect.
This would serve numerous purposes from multiple perspectives: to show that Dirk really, deep down, loves, rather than hates, being himself, a brilliant piece of analysis I must credit to u/harryhinderson; to simplify the number of characters; to avoid a repetitive arc; to keep HAL from being “dangerous” as Dirk's partial motivation/excuse for himself; to provide a parallel “bad (clearly unhealthy) end” to the Strider duplicate issue; and to, from Dirk's perspective, hopefully put an end to the splinter bullshit.
What do you think?
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I read the crow strider au before actually reading homestuck because I liked the art but then I got really attached to davesprite and hal and a bunch of the doomed sprites and I'm not done reading hs proper yet but I know I'm going to break down crying over some of them when they inevitably die (I just finished reading unite synchronization haha help)
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mottemotte · 9 months
i used to make ooak dolls when my mental health wasnt jack shit and then i "got better" so i feel like making dollies again and ofc i want to make every single homestuck character
i have plans rn for dirk, jake, jade, dave, feferi, some of the female dancestor trolls, cronus, THE BAJILLION BUNNIES, consorts, M A Y O R, roxy, jane, i guess maplehoof technically lmao, davesprite, kanaya, a few others im sure im forgetting, and of course hal
rn im working on nepeta. and i probably won't have a finished hal dolly for a while bc when i say i have plans for that doll i mean i am spending my free time trying to learn how fucking electronics work + looking at goddamn dremels 😭😭
but one day. hopefully. the shitto will exist
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homestuck--edits · 2 years
Not sure if its older so I'm resending it just in case! Edit of that panel of aradiabot ripping out her heart, but with Hal as aradia and Jake as equius in the back?
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this background. caused me so much pain
-mod davesprite
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madjazzed · 3 years
For Stridercest Week Day 4, TRANSFORMATION, an in medias res excerpt from my as-yet-unfinished-and-unpublished fic Clearly Defined Mission Parameters:
His brain abruptly resumes processing audio input.
"—that it's Hal," the avian cyborg is saying. "It's gotta be Hal, why would they stick some other chump in Dirk's body? If they even could, I don't think they can put a mind in any old brain, there are, like, compatibility issues. Hal was worried he wouldn't be able to integrate properly because he'd spent so much time as a digital consciousness, anyway—”
"I feel like we're ignoring an obvious question, here," says the holoprojection. "If this is your best bro from CrockerTech mad science jail, why was he trying to kill Davey?"
"He wasn't really trying to kill me, though," Dave interjects. "You can tell by the way I'm all, you know, not dead."
"You got too damn close, babe, I could tell that by the way DS hauled ass out of here," the projection says, "and my point is they obviously fucked with his programming, so like, is it really your dude in there?"
"Roxy," the cyborg snaps, "can you not? Just—"
"But the override worked," Dave interrupts, "right? Doesn't that mean it's him?"
"Okay, well," says the image of priority target Roxy LaLonde, "I don't know Hal, but I do know Dirk, and if Dirk was building that kinda failsafe he'd bury it deep in the absolute most essential core processes and he'd encrypt it every way he knew how, plus some he'd make up special for the occasion. Am I right or am I right?"
"She's right," Dirk says.
"I'm totally right," Roxy says. "Look, alls I'm saying is, I really don't think being turned into an A.I. or a digital consciousness or whatever you wanna call it and being basically enslaved by evil techies would make Dirk less obsessive about his security programming, y'know?"
"I know, I fucking know, alright?"
"Oh," Dave says, "oh shit, you mean—"
"I’m not saying it’s not your dude," Roxy says, her image turning to face DS. "Just, I think you gotta be prepared for the possibility that it’s not, y’know, all of him."
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
take me to clurch (clown church) - still kinning homestuck in 2024 [REQUESTS ARE: CLOSED]
racist, antisemetic, white supremist, etc - including antiBLM, antiACAB, and proBlueLives
TERF/SWERF, transmed/truscum, LGBTQ+ phobic, exclusionist, etc
you ship/support shipping incest or pedophilia
BYF/Request Guidelines:
please keep requests to one per ask. however, feel free to send as many asks as you’d like. be as specific as you would like; more details can assist us in finishing your request faster and more accurately!
if there is a specific mod you’d like to fill your request, feel free to say so somewhere in your ask (you can find the specifics of what each mod does under the cut at the bottom of this post)
our edits are free and welcome to be used, all we ask is you credit us. after all, we'd loved to be tagged and see what you do with them!
this is a double-friendly space
this blog welcomes: kins, synpaths, fictives, etc! even people who just plain like the characters if that's your jam! (if you would like us not to tag your request as “kin” please just let us know somewhere in your ask)
we accept requests from any homestuck related source; homestuck (including epilogues, hs^2, and pesterquest), hiveswap/friendsim, fanadventures, AUs, etc are all welcome! Noncanon/Fancharacter kins are also welcome! any jane, davesprite, or terezi kins out there specifically from namco high? come on in! hell, if somebody comes in kinning specifically from a homestuck au of a nonHS source i’ll still help them out!
the content on this blog is expected to be on par with the source content (PG-13/M). as such we will accept requests involving dark topics (tagged with warnings upon posting) HOWEVER we will not fulfill explicitly nsfw requests. we maintain the right to deny any request for any reason.
if you would like anything else specific tagged, please let us know!
additional information/questions regarding our blog we've previously answered can be found under the "add info nitum" tag
We do: 
canon calls, kinfessions, and promos
mood boards/aesthetics
divination: tarot readings, shufflemancy readings, astrology dice readings, pendulum asks, coin flips, dice rolls [d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100], and magic eightball
stim boards
fashion boards, food boards, and self care kits
kin assignments
sprite edits
panel edits coming soon
Mod Info: (under cut)
does: mood boards/aesthetics, divination (tarot, shufflemancy, pendulums, dice rolls, astrology dice, and coin flips), playlists, headcanons, self care kits, kin assignment
kins: Gamzee Makara/Vantas/Captor/Zahhak/Peixes, Hal Strider/Halcyon Lalonde, Folykl Darane, Horuss Zahhak/Nitram, Karako Pierot, The Grand Highblood, Dirk Strider/Dusk Lalonde, Marvus Xoloto, Lanque Bombyx/Soleil, Tagora Gorjek, Baizli Soleil, Azdaja Knelax, Kurloz Makara, The Psiioniic, Cal Strider, Arquius Strider, Cirava Namaaq, Xefros Tritoh/Tethis, Meulin Vantas
personal kin blog: @kin-glomerate
does: mood boards/aesthetics, divination (tarot, pendulum, and dice), headcanons, fashion boards, food boards, icons, sprite edits
kins: The Dolorosa, Diamonds Droog, Marvus Xoloto, Feferi Peixes, Kankri Xoloto, Horuss Zahhak, Cadlys Rankor, Meulin Leijon, and enough blood/kidswaps to make your head spin
personal kin blog: @keepsakekrate
does: mood boards/aesthetics, stimboards, tarot readings, 8-ball readings
kins: Cronus Ampora/Serket, Jade Harley, Vriska Serket/Nitram, Nepeta Leijon, Eridan Ampora, Calliope Makara, Bronya Ursama/Xoloto, Kuprum Maxlol, Lynera Skalbi, Remele Goezee, Cirava Hermod
personal kin blog: @kintraveler
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strititty · 2 years
for the shipping meme: hal pls
My NOTP for them 
who would i not ship hal with. hm.................................. ... ... no i don't have a strong notp vibe here either.
My BROTP for them
so in my last post i mentioned davesprite and hal and that still stands here! i think they they would have a good dynamic.
My OTP for them 
if i said anything but dirk and hal i would be lying and i would be lying very loudly and obviously. i am going to say that i have sort of an obsession with doppelgangers, and of all the instances of doubles in homestuck i think that these two best suit the niche of my desires. part of it is the way that hal actively takes dirk's place without telling others ig and part of it is the way in which he is trapped and who has done the trapping.
they're two sides of the same self-destructive coin and i think that that's PERFECT.
see a fatal error has occurred by mortior for something a little more in line with canon, or endangered by the very same for the ar/dirk smash hit that everyone who likes the ship has read and if you haven't i am genuinely surprised and curious as to how you managed to go so long without
here's a crimson peak au (seriously this author's fics are absolutely killer, the vibes are always impeccable) or maybe for something more modern you could read ghostlyAnarchist's haldirk fight club.
i'm also fairly proud of my a/b/o attempt at them--it's one of my first forays into omegaverse and i think i did alright so i am in fact going to shamelessly plug myself here ehe
My second choice pairing for them 
hal and roxy!! god i love the two of them. one day maybe i'll manage to finish the college au fic i started for them, but for now i'd like to give special honors to kimoi's inanimate, which i read years and years ago and it sort of planted halroxy in my brain. it doesn't really reflect how i think of the ship now, but i think it's fun to look at what got my fresh-faced young ass into things.
My fluffy pairing for them
a lot of the ships i have with hal aren't... fluffy. that said hal and roxy are probably the closest i've got so! see above. i love how roxy is one of the few people who's happy to talk to him and helps moderate between him and the others...
My angsty pairing for them 
dirkhal is a clear cut answer here too haha OOPS
My favorite poly ship for them 
where'd i put that hal/equius/dirk fic... AH it's one of laura's! i believe you are familiar with this one sz but i'll link it anyway. :3
My weirdest pairing for them
HMMMM. i have some vague thoughts about jade/hal but i can't remember exactly where they came from so that might actually qualify as something weird!!!
again also there's alpha bro/hal which given my tastes is also not that weird. i was looking for a fic with them on ao3 that was kind of lowkey guro, but i can't find it, so that might have also gotten taken down :pensive:
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dykeserket · 2 years
NOTE: This is not finished and will be constantly updated.
Collections under the read more.
*These will be broken into groups and then again into sub-sections of the character. (i.e. Rose [Grimdark Rose])
John Egbert - 73
Rose Lalonde - 69
Grimdark - 34
Dave Strider - 237
Explicit Abuse - 9*
Dead Strider - 10
Transgender - 5
Jade Harley - 112
Grimbark - 12
Jane Crocker - 30
Crockertier - 9
Roxy Lalonde - 131
Dirk Strider - 147
Jake English - 48
Lord English - 2
Aradia Megido - 85
Aradiabot - 10
Beforus - 1
Tavros Nitram - 19
Sollux Captor - 47
Karkat Vantas - 79
Nepeta Leijon - 37
Kanaya Maryam - 35
Terezi Pyrope - 56
Vriska Serket - 111
Equius Zahhak - 13
Gamzee Makara - 106
Eridan Ampora - 129
Feferi Peixes - 41
Beforus - 2
Damara Megido - 80
Rufioh Nitram - 5
Mituna Captor - 20
Kankri Vantas - 13
Meulin Leijon - 13
Porrim Maryam - 24
Latula Pyrope - 13
Aranea Serket - 10
Horrus Zahhak - 4
Kurloz Makara - 21
Cronus Ampora - 49
Meenah Peixes - 28
Calliope - 30
Caliborn - 18
Davesprite - 45
Jadesprite - 2
Fefetasprite - 5
Arquiusprite - 1
Erisolsprite - 2
Davepetasprite^2 - 10
Jasprosesprite^2 - 2
Dad Egbert - 3
Mom Lalonde - 4
Bro Strider - 32
Grandpa Harley - 1
Alpha Rose - 4
Alpha Dave - 24
Jade English - 1
The Handmaid - 18
The Summoner - 5
The Psiioniic - 19
The Signless - 16
The Disciple - 10
The Dolorosa - 9
Neophyte Redglare - 5
Spinneret Mindfang - 3
E%ecutor Darkleer - 3
The Grand Highblood - 5
Orphaner Dualscar - 11
Her Imperious Condescension - 8
Spades Slick - 4
Bec Noir - 5
Jack Noir - 1
Diamonds Droog - 3
Doc Scratch - 7
Snowman - 6
Wayward Vagabond - 6
Peregrine Mendicant - 1
Aimless Renegade - 3
Hal - 32
*The reason this is a separate category is that while the abuse dave faced is an integral part of his character and development, these are playlists that heavily focus on that aspect. This can be uncomfortable for some so I separated the playlists.
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jayesprite · 7 years
Hi!! Could you please do a davepeta ♣ jade ♣ lil hal sprite, if u can? Hal had circuitboard patterns and jade had dog ears and i had dimmer colors than usual.,,, thank you so much ur a huge inspiration -dave p
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lemme know if you want the stills!
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this is really stretching the 'shitty' in the blog title but fuck it the 'daily' is already a lie
keychain design :thumbsup:
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autumnblogs · 3 years
Day 57: Glitches and Retcons and Clowns, Oh my!
Dave’s time traveling days are more or less over, and I think we’re intended to draw a line from his grief over his Brother’s death to this decision. Dave knows that he can’t use his time traveling powers to change any details of consequence, so what is the point?
All that happens when he plays along with his own time loops is he becomes a puppet.
More after the break.
Dave is clearly suffering guilt over not just his own emotions, but over his actions - the events of three years ago are extremely fresh on his mind. This is really the first chance he’s had to see Jade since then, and he’s bringing up his guilt over making her watch him die immediately. It’s the first thing on his mind.
Particularly because of his association with broken swords (one of which is nearly identical to Anduril/Narsil), the existing Lord of the Rings references, and his heroic reluctance, as well as sharing the name Strider, we should be thinking of Aragorn, at least if we’ve read the books or watched the films.
Forces of Destiny, not just Dave’s Bro, are conspiring to turn him into a Hero, someone who can exercise violence to bring about the destruction of ultimate evil. Dave wants nothing to do with it.
According to my reading we should absolutely consider Davesprite and Dave to be basically the same guy, for the same reasons we should consider different versions of Jack Noir to be basically the same guy, or even Lil Hal and Dirk as being basically the same guy - they are all legitimately extensions of the same Ultimate Self, each one contributes to our full understanding of the same person’s character.
Jane is already amusingly a lot more competent a villain than Jade, and she does it by aping Gamzee of all people. I guess he proved to be a semi-competent mentor after all.
Dave’s choice of the word heretical is interesting, because the concept of heresy is in some ways very closely related to the concept of canon.
See in the early centuries AD, when the Christian Church was underground, there wasn’t yet a strictly and well-defined centralized authority, and the Church had to go on a mostly unstated but overall pretty well understood and agreed upon set of sacred texts for wisdom, in a very “circulating the texts” sort of fashion.
It wasn’t until the seven ecumenical councils, over the course of another few hundred years starting in 325 that a Canon was formalized, and as a result, teachings that relied on extra-canon sources for their teachings would be formally heretical.
So if what John is doing here is heresy, we know that what he’s actually altering is literally the canon.
Just as we’re meant to interpret Jade’s Grimbark behavior as basically in line with her true will, we should interpret Jane’s behavior as being in line with her true will. This is what she wants, even if she has to be coaxed by artificial intelligence and brainwashing to pursue it.
This is the destiny she’s been raised since birth to assume, and unlike Dave who is deeply opposed to the idea of becoming a Heroic Figure, Jane is all about the idea of becoming a villainess.
It’s far easier for her than it is for Jade.
John and Roxy are natural fits for each other between their shared interests, and Roxy’s similarities to Dave, who seems to me to be by all accounts into John for a lot of the same reasons.
More little similarities between Roxy and Meenah too - their storytelling has more or less the same style, as does their tendency to come up with new nicknames practically every time they refer to someone.
Though it’d probably be good form to wait until Roxy actually gives the Ring of Life to Calliope, I thought now would be a good time to bring up the fact that Roxy and Calliope’s friendship has pretty strong romantic overtones to it, and this conversation, and John’s idea to give the Ring of Life to Calliope, hearkens back to Roxy’s thoughts about giving the ring to the person she wants to marry, and Tavros’s similar ideas.
So John is unwittingly helping Roxy to engage with a romantic rival in some way shape or form, though he is almost certainly too goofy to tell even with a lot of time to think about it. (And almost certainly to Aro, Ace, or both for it to really matter all that much :3c)
And we’ll catch up with Caliborn tomorrow!
Glad to be back in the saddle with you all. We finished Lord of the Rings, and my Mom was able to take off her cast today, so it’s safe to say she’s well on the mend.
Thanks for tuning in as always. See you tomorrow;
Same Cam Time, Same Cam Channel.
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me-and-my-gaster · 4 years
I don't know jack shit about homestuck but here you go! 3, 27 and 74! (I hope the questions apply to you) Oh and also 40 because I like when you ramble about ships even if I don't know those ships! ^3^
The 100 Homestuck Asks!
3 - How many times have you read HS?
It’s hard to count, I guess? I started reading it once and had to stop after the Cascade (about halfway). Then I re-read the first half to ‘get it’ when I read about the Alpha Kid’s session and finished the whole thing. Then I often worked with a YT queue of ‘Let’s Read Homestuck’ playing in the background. And I also often jump in and read a page or a hundred when my friend who is currently reading the whole thing for the first time reminds me of something awesome. So... Personally, fully, with my own two eyes with no breaks (that was a mighty binge, I tell you)? Once. Overall... hard to tell.
27 - Favorite carapacian?
I’d say The Mayor, because everybody loves the Mayor and the Mayor deserves all the love. I do also have a weakness for the Windswept Questant (White Queen) because her design is very pretty.
74 -  Earth C headcanons?
Everybody lived happily ever after, the end. Also, this was only the first planet they inhabited, later on, they traveled further to explore their new Universe. Good shit, good adventures, good fun.
40 - BROTP?
Ho boy. You like me ranting about ships and you picked one of the topics I can rant about A LOT.
Dave & Rose - they behave like siblings, squabble, talk shit, whine about each other, but despite that, both are ready to maul a bitch for the other AND die to keep the other one alive. 11/10.
Dirk & Roxy - they gave each other a hard time but boy if I don’t love how deep their pride and respect goes when it comes to one another. Especially since they grew up in similar circumstances and GET each other in ways that nobody else could. Good sibs again. Kick ass, chew gum, and have unhealthy coping mechanisms together.
Meowrails - at first I thought Equius was too overbearing towards Nepeta and that he was trying to keep her on ‘a leash’. But then I reminded myself that he kept her safe from the goddamn revenge spiral Vriska started and if Nepeta really wanted to do something, she would. I like the difference in height and personality between them. Nepeta being a very small, active, extroverted, and open one is a good balance for Equius’ big body and proper, stiff, and formal behavior. There are also those little things you notice like Nepeta having a blue tail, which meant Equius used his skills to help her with the Lioness life. Like how they’re usually shown together. Like how Equius trying to protect her while simultaneously knowing he’s too weak to keep her safe by his side, so he sends her away. Like how Nepeta was following him anyway and was ready to maul a mad clown because her moirail was hurt. All of it. I just really like them and I’m glad most of the fic writers always keep them together. 
Dave & Dirk - jesus wept, that one long-ass talk between them at the very end of the story hit me so hard. Both of them talking about Bro, about Alpha Dave about how they grew up and what are their expectations of each other. This was one of the best convos in the whole thing for me. I wish I could see more of them, cause there’s so much good shit that can happen. Every fic with Dave and Dirk being good brothers in any older/younger configuration is A+ content for me.
John & Karkat - I know JohnKat is a very fun and nice ship and I don’t blame anybody for preferring those two as a romantic couple but... there’s something for me with them being close friends (or moirails, please gods, yes). They really had a very good relationship in the story, one that had a lot of buildup and growth. One of my favorite convos comes from their interactions. (hi karkat!) They are both leaders of their respective groups, self-proclaimed or not and they did work together (with a lot of help from Jade, that is) to figure out how to save everybody’s asses. They also seem to balance each other out, or at least John is a good balance for Karkat’s unending anger rants. Karkat is also a lot smarter than John and isn’t afraid to point out the other’s dumbassery, so there’s that. What also appeals to me in the idea of them being moirails is how it could be a lovely way to work through John “I Am Not A Homosexual” Egbert’s internalized masculinity stereotypes.
Now, let’s delve deep into the BROTPs that didn’t have much material in the comic.
Sollux & Dave - I didn’t give this pair any thought until I’ve read a few good fics with them being in a pale quadrant, and let me tell you... this shit’s good. Those two are assholes on the outside and would probably be the duo that annoys the everloving shit out of everybody in the close vicinity just with their banter. And I just think they’re neat.
Davesprite & Hal - those two would have hit it off immediately, even if only for being the fifth wheel in their respective “kids set”. Both seem more bitter than their ‘alpha’ counterparts. Both also seem more mature, due to being a bit older/wiser but also a little bit more broken. Both also got mighty forgotten by everybody which, not gonna lie, hurts me a lot. I have a lot of feelings about Davesprite and how much he went through and I also have a lot of feelings about Hal, who’s both a human stuck in the shades and an AI at the same time. I just wish to see the two interact and be bros they really need. They should be happy, dammit!
Roxy & Eridan - the scarf and sniper rifle duo! Ok, I love both of them because they are my comfort characters for various reasons and their stories hit home very hard, so I am mighty biased. But... They both have issues that seem to be polar opposites for the most parts and I really dig the idea of them moirailing the shit out of each other. Roxy being a very open person who is first to make friends would have no issues with befriending Eridan “Water Asshole” Ampora any time of the day. And I think he needs somebody who would listen to him properly and attack him with too much love at any waking moment but also somebody he would have to be actually responsible for. Also, like I said, both are snipers who also use another extra specibi, so I think they would make a lovely power BROTP. 
Also, I do love the idea of Eridan painting Roxy’s nails because she never could get it right herself because she was either drunk or running with pumpkins and the polish looked shitty immediately after she applied it.
Ok, that’s about it when it comes to the BROTPs from the top of my head. Thank you for your ask!
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starlitfunkster · 4 years
That Moment When You Have A Very Long Text Post For Those Who Want To Give You A Gift
So if you don’t want to do this and just want to do one of my OC’s, its the ones that I have shown off so that way you don’t confuse anyone who hasn’t been here in a long time. In short, the first part of this post is my OC’s, as it is a shorter list. The read more will have all of my favorite characters from all of my favorite franchises (including Bomberman).
Problem Sleuth (most recent): Masterful Leader, Antique Ace, Runned Starchild, Nihilistic Void (Can be in Heinoustuck for AA, I haven’t finished with ML, RS and NV yet)
MLP (even if she’s just a joke): Minty Fresh
MHS (oh boy here we go (don’t worry i will post some of them on the archive blog)): Bijue, Yuuri, Limonca, Staff, Beu, Eclair, Frost, Kitsaru, Tangy/Margo, Oracu, Vimian, Habbit, Bakeneko, Yami
Bomberman: Petal Bomber, Spirit Bomber
Homestuck Intermissions: Yeol, Deceit, Netta, N, Bisy
Isle of Objects (which is being rebooted on Quotev, with archive images going onto the archive account one at a time): Illumina, Chamomile, Cocoa, Sunhat, Pluggy, Jewel, Cakepop, Sweetie, Sketchbook, Muggy, Savepoint, B-Day Cake, Candle, Silk, Rocket, Egg Putty, Prince Antennae, Dog Bowl, Blueberry, Bubble Wand, Nagatama, Addie, Subbie, Log, and Carde
Homestuck Fantrolls (will be posted on the archive account): Pamina Lovlou, Dollia Jonezz, Zolzen Acerui, Masara Lucend, Lumare Slithr, Riseta Gloria
Homestar Runner Series: Bubbles, Fructosians, Coach X, Coach Y, Flame, Whispy, King Cobra, Kira Miracuru, Kay-T, Seraphock, Wendy the Weatherdoll, Kasairo, and The Artist
Favorite Characters
Problem Sleuth: Problem Sleuth, Pickle Inspector, Hysterical Dame, Nervous Broad, Death, Godhead Pickle Inspector, Demimonde Semigoddess (You can also draw these in Schemastuck and in Mobsterswitch if you so wish)
Homestuck (oh boy): John Egbert, Roxy Lalonde, Nepeta Leijon, Davesprite, Dave Strider, Dirk Strider, Fefetasprite, Erisolsprite, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Aranea Serket, Sollux Captor, Mituna Captor, Jake English, Lil Hal, Karkat Vantas, Kankri Vantas, Damara Megido, Aradia Megido, Meulin Leijon, and more in the Intermissions!
MHS: Hikky, Liddy, Chaps, Dokky, Inky, Juno, Rosso, Tubee
MLP: Apple Jack, Rarity, Princess Cadence
BFB (OH BOY): Gelatin, Firey, Coiny, Puffball, Needle, Pen (i mean ben), Ice Cube, Balloony, Woody, Bubble, Ruby, Nickel, Fries, Remote, Tree, Liy, Stapy, Foldy, Marker, Flower, Robot Flower, Bell, Taco, Grassy, Cake and Loser
Inanimate Insanity: Lightbulb, Marshmallow, Paintbrush, Bow (Inanimate Insanity II Bow is a little less annoying in my eyes), Test Tube, Taco, Fan, Yin-Yang, MePhone 4, Balloon, Soap, OJ, Pickle, and Pepper
Homestuck Intermissions (mostly Felt): Clubs Deuce, Itchy, Doze, Trace, Fin, Clover, Crowbar, Matchsticks, Eggs, Biscuits (You can draw these guys in Trickster Mode, though thats only if you want to-)
Bomberman: Plasma Bomber, Any of the Bomberman Brothers, Pretty Bomber
Fan Characters: While I normally don’t choose favorites, I have come to the conclusion that if people wanted to draw them with my characters you can as well. Representation of yourself is the best, especially if they are a Felt or MLP OC.
Pokemon: My favorites are Meloetta, Ribombee, the Popplio family, the Snivy family, Steenee, Floette, Aromatisse, and Sylveon
Sonic Series: Tails, Cosmo, Cream, Chaos (just any chao because they are all wholesome and cute)
Kirby Series: Knuckle Joe, Kirby, Meta Knight, Poppy Bros Jr
Homestar Runner Series: Strong Sad, Homestar, Marzipan, Pom Pom, and Coach Z
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clonerightsagenda · 5 years
Chapters: 58/58 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Rose Lalonde, Jade Harley, Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Nanna Egbert | Beta Jane Crocker, Calliope (Homestuck), John Egbert, Vriska Serket, White Queen (Homestuck), Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, Dirk Strider, The Condesce (Homestuck), Jake English, Auto-Responder | Lil Hal, Aradia Megido, Davesprite (Homestuck) Additional Tags: more tags and characters will be added as I progress, Alternate Universe - Wayward Children AU, Non-Sburb, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Soldiers, Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, original background characters - Freeform, flashback to character death, don't worry about that much though there's an afterlife, non-consensual body modification of a background character, Implied/Referenced Underage Drinking, Trans Roxy Lalonde, Trans Dirk Strider, Body Horror, Suicidal Thoughts, Ableism, Gaslighting Summary:
This is a story about stories, and about what happens to the characters caught between the pages when their story ends. There are a lot of places it could start. It could start with four children tumbling into worlds that aren’t their own. It could start with those four children finding their way back home and learning to pick up the pieces. It could start with an old woman with a bit of Nonsense left in her step restoring a large house in the country and painting elegant letters onto a sign. Or, it could start with a frightened girl running away and ending up in the place where all stories start.
But for this telling, the story begins on a blustery April day, when Rose Lalonde dodged out of the way as three figures plummeted out of the sky and landed in a heap on the lawn of Jane Egbert’s Home for Wayward Children.
Realized I might as well post a link now that it's finished. This is a Homestuck/Wayward Children crossover featuring the Homestuck maincast making their way through a series of portal worlds to learn the importance of being the one in charge of telling their own story. It also features forbidden character name lore, evil gingerbread clones, weird meta shit, and Terezi arresting a vampire while in pajamas. Go nuts.
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