#not super happy with how i executed the speech bubbles so might fuck with those later
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this is really stretching the 'shitty' in the blog title but fuck it the 'daily' is already a lie
keychain design :thumbsup:
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15.4 Thoughts
Well... at least this episode didn’t destroy me, which is something... I guess. Gosh... this season WILL be the death of me. At least they didn’t make us watch the break-up again. I was worried that was going to be in the ‘Then’ opening of the show... 
Anywho, here we go, episode 4 thoughts!
Here are the things I liked (& my feelings didn’t mind): 
HOT DAMN bearded Dean being all sexy and rugged and badass in that red lighting
BENNY!!! (let’s ignore the context of Benny for now... we’re keeping my feelings happy here)
The whole veggie bacon ordeal
the way Dean mouths the quote along with Sam
the way they argue about Dean being the ‘meat man’
Sammy realizing the bacon is real - & Dean being all proud ‘damn right it is’ because he’s the meat man
I’m sorry but that tiny coffee cup in Sam’s huge hand is just adorable
Getting back to the good ol’ days:
Finding a case, “sounds exactly like our thing, so let’s go check it out”
Sam’s face is so DONE with the parents saying the lacrosse game getting canceled will be the end of the world - “The end of the world IS the end of the world”
Dean’s obsession with this mascot lol
Also, that ‘someone has a fetish’ comment about the cheerleaders
The fact that Dean’s eating in almost every scene (do you think Jensen was just super hungry? Since he was the director?)
Chuck acting like a crazy, desperate, pathetic ex
Becky’s etsy site for unofficial spn merch
Becky putting Chuck in his place about writing/his writing
Let’s be honest - Becky TOTALLY ships Destiel 100%
I need to read all of Becky’s domestic destiel fics (or all of them in general)
All of Becky’s decorations - the spn christmas poster, the Funko figures, the plushies of Sam, Dean, & Cas on the shelf (I totally have that Dean plushie - thank you @foreveranonymousuniverse for that), the mini Harvelle’s Roadhouse 
Is it just me, or is Becky’s wallpaper in her living room exactly like the wallpaper in a lot of the boys’ motels in the show?
“You want me to fluff you”
Becky defending fan-fic “writing is writing”
Her rant about Chuck’s bad story - “Nobody even mentions Cas!”
I wrote poor Billy down because he seemed to have these crazy, overbearing parents, and he clearly doesn’t want to be this great Lacrosse player they want him to be, and I was getting total Dean vibes from my fic Lucky Charm.... but poor Billy for so many other reasons now that I’ve seen the whole episode... just... poor Billy
Dean calling that girl out on her fake speech (& then the super awkwardness of the boys when they have to slink away because she has braces) - more on the speech below
Here are things I liked (but hit me right in the feels...):
I’m so thankful this wasn’t a Dean dream, because if Dean was dreaming this, the moment with Benny would have wrecked me completely
Still, though, that “I’ll see you on the other side brother” came close to killing me. 
The whole dream with Dark Sammy 
Sioux Falls mention! Bobby! Jody!
Dean telling Sammy this isn’t him, it’s the demon blood
It’s almost worse that the dream is Sam’s instead of Dean’s, because Dean fearing for his own safety is one thing, but Sam fearing for other people’s safety is heartbreaking. 
Sam in this episode... (no wonder Jared’s mental health isn’t the best right now, jeez...)
His speech about the white picket fence ‘bubble’ that the town gets to live in
His comment about how they have to carry the weight of everything
Dean pulling out his flask as he listens to Sammy say things that Dean has always said - because it’s usually Sam’s job to talk him out of this dark place, and now Dean doesn’t know what to do
Later, Sam admitting he feels empty, and he misses Jess </3
Dean trying to talk Sammy out of it, saying they’re free with this relieved kind of smile, saying they need to keep doing the hard job for the people that cared about them, for Jack and mom and Rowena and everyone else.
& Sammy saying “I don’t feel free” & “Sometimes it’s like I can’t breathe” & when Dean asks what happens if that feeling doesn’t go away, and they silently exchange that look... 
At least Chuck admitted to not being able to see them anymore... that’s a plus... 
Chuck’s comment “I’ll give you danger” - gosh Becky, why did you push this man?!?!?!
That girl’s speech: did anyone else see Destiel parallels? It’s literally a speech about how she misses her best friend. How life won’t be the same. Etc. Sure, it’s clearly fake, but that seems to piss Dean off more when he calls her out on that - & Dean can tell it’s fake because he feels those things for real. He has his own special ‘ghost orchard’/’snowflake’ that he’s missing. 
Dean talking to Sammy about ‘moving on’ & he has to pause before saying that, and he looks pained like he’s remembering Cas saying it to him
& Sam putting Dean in his place, shutting that idea down, saying he can’t move on. It’s impossible. 
The scene with Dean, Sam, and the parents. When Dean comments on their ‘awesome parenting’ & the dad says “you don’t have children, do you?”
The look on Dean’s face is heartbreaking... 
& later, when they both admit that they’d do the same for Jack... it hurts. It hurts a lot. 
OF COURSE they have to turn the classic ‘let’s just get back to what we’re good at and try to move on’ episode into something SOUL CRUSHING. 
Poor Billy (I know, a broken record, but omg)
And the fact that Billy just gives himself over, and he sits on his knees crying, and Dean has to execute the poor kid like that, and Sam can barely watch
Chuck is seriously fucked up (I mean, we knew this, but still... my god - pun intended - this dude is fucking crazy)
The ominous ‘ending’ he wrote
How he doesn’t know how he’ll get there, but he’ll get there somehow
Becky saying it’s dark. Saying he can’t do it to the fans. “What you did to Dean... What you did to Sam...” “It’s awful, horrible, hopeless”
"Oh Becky, I can do anything. I’m a writer”
Chuck envisioning “Supernatural: The End” with the gravestone on the cover that just reads ‘Winchester’ (btw, if it’s jut one gravestone, do you think only one of them died? Or are they buried together? Or were they given a hunter’s funeral, and the gravestone is just there to commemorate them???)
Chuck making Becky’s family disappear! Making her panic and cry! Then doing it to her! al;do’rihigjsgk’dma I HATE HIM
Chuck at the very end, writing so hard that Dean & Sam’s figurines are bobbing. “Oh yeah, this is gonna be good”
Yeah... not looking like it’ll be good Chuck. NOT LOOKING LIKE IT WILL BE GOOD AT ALL!
I guess now I’ll go write the CODA... I’m thinking I might take the Becky road and give the boys some good ol’ domestic fluff. Don’t they deserve that? They deserve that. 
** Thanks for coming to my ted talk. If you enjoyed it, or enjoy any of my stuff in general, please consider becoming a patron [HERE] or buying me a quick coffee [HERE]! Every dollar helps <3
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