#op how dare
fuckmeyer · 11 months
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hope this helps
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attyattlaw · 1 year
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art trade with @oz-gauze
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frankencanon · 10 months
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Buggy the Clown (Jeff Ward) being Adorable — One Piece Live Action
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meow-tician · 8 months
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Has anyone else out there notice his SMILE?
Mihawk SMILED.
Literally 0.00000000000000001 seconds sent me to the ER.
I deserve compensation for the heart attack I faced after seeing this.
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fangirl-of-the-end · 2 years
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100 Pirate Hearts
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an-au-blog · 8 months
Shuggy College au sounds like a riot because I can definetly imagine that Shanks sometimes brings over his 12 year old “not officially godkid but I knew this little brat for ages and I love him” Luffy every once in a while and then Buggy comes into his dorm room and suddenly there’s this little menace just…. Present. Which wouldn’t be too bad but then he starts bringing his friends over as well. Buggy opens the door and it’s like that gif of the one guy entering a room with Pizza and the whole place is in chaos and also in flames.
Shanks also sometimes regrets bringing everyone over because Luffy will just try to turn that slow burn enemies to lovers fic with 45 chapters into a one shot by accident, because he will just innocently tell Buggy that Shanks talks about him aaaall the time and thinks he has the prettiest eyelashes and -HMPF!! Shank has already slapped a hand over his mouth and is now bribing the gang to leave by offering to buy them all ice cream.
aaaaa stoppp you're making me want to actually write it
But honestly yes! I imagine the first time it's just Luffy but then the next day it's Ace as well, another day passes and suddenly they're 4 then 8! And Buggy is just baffled how his ended up like this.
I DO like to think that after a while he actually grows fond of Luffy then the thing you said with Luffy accidentally snitching on Shanks happens like that one bit in Lilo and Stitch.
(and to throw in some angst kinda) I believe that one of the biggest reasons why Buggy stays ignorant to Shanks' feelings for so long is because he's not used to having people flirt or compliment him, so he just assumes he's being mocked.
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caesarclowningaround · 9 months
Taz Skylar Short Film Masterpost
A list of shorts Taz has been in that I could find for free online. If anybody has any more, feel free to link me and I'll update the post! Hope y'all enjoy these! :D
Venom (2015) (~4 minutes long) Content Warning(s): Dark themes but nothing explicit is shown
Beautiful (2015) (~3 minutes) Warning(s): Drug use, stalking, kidnapping
Trophy. (2016) (6 minutes) Warning: Mentions of sexual assault
Neon (2018) (3 minutes) Warning(s): Internalized homophobia Fun fact: this one was written by Taz!
NET30 (4 minutes)
BBC New Creative: Aisle 17 (~5 minutes)
MultiFacial (2019) (~15 minutes) Another fun fact: Taz wrote and directed this one!
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topsyturvy-turtely · 11 months
i just love how so many white cishet men feel so incredibly threatened by a movie in pink (yes i am absolutely talking about barbie)
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
Imagine if having devil fruit powers in One Piece got you the label of “fruity.” They needed a name/label to call people who have devil fruit powers so they just start saying you’re fruity. If you’re strong as fuck with your devil fruit powers? That’s fruity as Hell!
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watcherscrown · 2 years
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Can I just take One Moment to appreciate that my wife's Goncharov (1973) fic is 1,973 words long. please.
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bloomfish · 1 month
i have to say, I'm happily taylor-neutral but I do think the hate, in general, is over the top. Like it's just pop music, some people are going to like it and some aren't and I don't understand why it matters that much. Like I saw a rather annoying post saying (I guess as a joke, not that funny to me though) that actual tortured poets stick their heads in ovens and like 1. that's... again, not funny 2. taylro is a woman at the end of the day she has a god-given right to feel connected to sylvia plath just like the rest of us. 3. anyone can be a tortured poet you just have to feel tortured and write poetry. it doesn't have to be good. a 13 year old writing emo poetry in her suburban bedroom can be a tortured poet I don't think it's that big of a deal and that's probably who the album was aimed at. 4. why would you say that anyway, it's stupid
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ehhlien · 21 hours
Somewhere online I read a post that said "Lestat topped Louis and now Louis tops Armand" and I really didn't think too deeply about it; I don't think about things like that much. But also I felt like "mhmm.. Armand seems to exert so much power over Louis, I'm not seeing it". But then Armand was so vulnerable in this episode, and you could see how much he yearns for the love of someone who is eternally occupied by someone else, whether or not he knows it, and he later refers to Louis as 'maître' and now I do in fact believe it.
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againstme · 6 months
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tinycurlyfry · 2 years
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Inktober Day 4 : Rain
“You said you’d be here waiting! Luffy!!”
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gayvampyr · 1 year
one of the funniest (most annoying) responses to my posts about my own personal experiences is “um this is [x] erasure” or “op this needs more nuance”. ??? no it doesn’t, it’s literally just a vent post about my own feelings and experiences ? lol
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watermelinoe · 7 months
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