#ooh i wanna recreate this
mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Bloom Birthday Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Leona: Sigh, these interviews are a pain… Crazy how they can keep doing this year after year without gettin' bored of it.
Leona: So then, I wonder who's my presenter this year…
???: Ay, I made it. Excuse me!
Cater: Heya, Leona-kun. Happy Birthday!
Leona: Tch, and in walks in one of the loud ones.
Cater: EH, DID YOU JUST CLICK YOUR TONGUE!? C'mon, it's your birthday, you gotta try to have a bit of fun ♪
Cater: Today, I'm planning on asking you every little thing to learn everything about you, Leona-kun, so be prepared~
Leona: Well, aren't you real chipper. Alright, I'm fully expecting you to make this the best birthday ever, then.
Cater: U-Uh, you might be putting a little too much pressure on me there? But okay, let me just restart, and… Let's dive into the first question!
Cater: “If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”
Cater: And, it doesn't look like you have to worry about the amount of magic you'd have to use.
Leona: So, anywhere I want, huh… Then, I want to go to a full-service hotel and spend my time lounging about.
Cater: Ooh, so you want to just enjoy a resort to the max. That sounds great, and I bet you'd be able to take a ton of awesome pics ♪
Leona: Yeah, I'm not planning on going to any of the noisy places you're probably thinking of.
Leona: Since I'm going to be using flight magic to get there anyway, I'd rather find a remote place that normal people wouldn't really be able to get to.
Cater: But if it's a remote location… Then You can't really enjoy any sightseeing or recreational activities.
Leona: I told you, I wanted to just lounge about. If I were to run around like that, it completely defeats the purpose.
Cater: So, basically…. You're wanting to "do nothing," right?
Leona: Yeah, that's the best way to live in luxury, don't you think?
Leona: Food is prepared when I'm hungry, and the bath is ready for whenever I feel like taking one.
Leona: And there, in that quiet and comfortable environment, I can sleep peacefully without being bothered by anyone else
Cater: Not being bothered and in a quiet place, huh. Yeah, I guess that's not a bad way to go about it.
Leona: Right? As Dorm Leader and as Captain of the Magift team, there's a ton of things I have to constantly worry about, you know.
Leona: Basically, that just means that I also need some time off to rest my mind and body once in a while.
Cater: Ahaha. I bet I know a few people who'd be cross hearing you say that… But hey, I guess I get how you feel, Leona-kun.
Cater: Alllright, now that I got to hear a lot about that, I'll move on to the next question ♪
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: 'Kay, second question!
Cater: "What is your best class?"
Cater: Now here's a super interesting question!
Leona: Huh? How.
Cater: Yeah, because you're real smart. So I def wanna know what class you like best~
Leona: So, you think I'm smart, huh. I guess I'll go ahead and take that as a compliment.
Cater: Well, obviously it's a compliment! I have a hard time getting most of my classes, so I'm a bit jelly. Is there some trick to it?
Leona: I've had private tutors ever since I was a child. Obviously, the curriculum also contained classes that wouldn't be found in this school, too.
Cater: Uh… which means?
Leona: All the stuff that they teach here at this school, I learned way before enrolling.
Leona: Basically, everything I know isn't from just sitting behind a desk and studying like crazy, like your little Dorm Leader.
Cater: I see~ So you're saying that the stuff we learn in class are basically second nature to you, huh.
Cater: Okay, then, let me change the wording up a little bit… What's your favorite class?
Leona: My favorite class, hm… If I had to choose one, that'd be Ancient Incantations. That one is at least not as boring as the other classes.
Cater: Woah, Ancient Incantations, huh~ That's the one where you try to decipher old languages that aren't even used anymore, right?
Cater: And there's still a ton of languages that haven't been deciphered yet, either, right?
Leona: Yeah. And many of those languages were made to conceal magic spells in the first place. So they were already created to be complex.
Leona: That's why even subject matter experts also have a hard time combing through them.
Leona: Even just trying to read the individual letters is a chore. And even if you can figure those out, there's no point unless you can actually understand the words and sentences.
Leona: It has to be carefully analyzed by comparing the new content to old words that have already been translated, or rules that have already been pre-established.
Cater: I already have trouble with just what's in our textbooks, so I can't even imagine trying to figure out even more difficult things like those languages…
Cater: What can someone do to get better at ancient incantations?
Leona: It's just that I already was interested in that type of thing. I guess the thing that dragged me into it was this inscription I found in the Sunset Savanna.
Leona: There was this very long engraving in some old language…
Leona: The first time I looked at it, I had no idea what it was supposed to say, but then I started to translate it in my spare time, and…
Leona: It was just the country's history. On top of that, basically it was stuff already in the textbooks.
Cater: Ehhh, you got my hopes up, and that was it? That was kinda anticlimactic.
Leona: Yeah, it's basically a boring story once you get into it… But it wasn't too terrible learning how to decipher it.
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: Last question! Here we go.
Cater: “What would you like to do in the coming year?”
Leona: Not to repeat a year, that's all.
Cater: Wh…! EH, THAT'S IT!?
Leona: Isn't that important enough?
Cater: I mean, yeah, but~! You gotta have something else you wanna do too.
Cater: Like, surpassing 1,000 followers on Magicam, or winning a Magift tournament…
Leona: Okay, then that.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean by "that"?
Leona: The whole, "winning a Magift tournament" thing.
Leona: I want to draw out the magical shift team's full potential and win at the national championships― That's closer to the answer you were looking for, right?
Cater: Now you're making me feel like I forced you to say that~ …Well, I guess that's better than not getting an answer.
Cater: Okay, then, I got a question for you, since you're captain of the team! Do you ever coach the younger students?
Leona: Yeah, of course. For example…
Leona: There's some guys who'll slack off during games because they don't have enough stamina and they want to conserve energy.
Leona: It'll be detrimental to have people not give their all during important games. So, to help build stamina, during passing practice…
Leona: I would send the disc flying long so they'd have to run from one end of the pitch to the other.
Cater: Woah, that's so tough! If you're that hard on them, won't you have students drop out…?
Leona: That's also part of it.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean?
Leona: We don't need anyone who takes off and runs like a coward just because their pride and confidence is torn down.
Leona: They should get angry when defeated and vow to do anything to get revenge―
Leona: The Magift club doesn't need anyone who lacks that kind of determination.
Leona: Only the guys who are fully prepared to overcome anything can get a starting spot on the team.
Cater: W-Wow… You're really sounding like a team captain, Leona-kun!
Cater: But I guess it's a little surprising to hear that you take care of your teammates like that. Maybe you're actually a softie inside?
Leona: Hah? No way.
Leona: I'm just doing the bare minimum as the leader of the pack.
Leona: I'd rather be spared being held back by someone who's just completely useless.
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Cater: Interview completed~! Next is… Ta-da! Here we are, take this broom and go fly on the Birthday Road.
Leona: Sheesh, that's a fancy lookin' broom.
Cater: Yeah, it's pretty showy, but it's also pretty dignified, so I think it's perfect for you, Leona-kun ♪
Cater: Okay so, go and show them all how it's done. I'll make sure to take pictures of you flying out there!
Leona: I'm only saying this one, but don't do anything I haven't asked you to… I got no intention of being on display for you.
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Leona: Aah, finally, it's quiet. I guess I'll go out and enjoy a leisurely stroll in the sky all by myself, then.
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Requested by @dorito9708.
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pardi-real · 7 months
[AKNK] Butler in Wonderland / Chapter 7 - End(?) of the Game
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[After a While]
Muu: "Haah, haah… I laughed so much, my sides got tired... Uuhh… I've had enough with power."
Miyaji: "Pride comes before a fall… indeed.  Well, it ended with a slight difference than planned, but… My Lord. This is the end of the recreation."
> "Is that so?"
Miyaji: "Yes. All that's left is to return the jewel to the Lord."
Flure: "Speaking of which… Who was holding the jewel again?"
Boschi: "Right... I think the one who actually has it is Fennesz... Ooh. Speak of the devil, it seems like he's here."
Trudge… trudge… *walks on grass*
Fennesz: "My Lord. I see that the final trial went smoothly."
Haures: "How was it? Did you have a good time today?"
> "I enjoyed it very much"
Haures: "I see. That's good to hear."
Flure: "Fufu ♪ It was worth all the hard work and preparation! …It feels a bit wasteful that this is the end."
Miyaji: "Hm… Don't worry, Flure. Halloween will still continue from now on. There's still time to spend with the Lord."
Flure: "T-that's right! Halloween is not over yet!"
Ammon: "Nevertheless, I'd rather not return the jewel… I ain't talking about this play, btw. I feel like keeping the Lord here~ ♪"
> "I, I'm glad you feel that way, but…"
Haures: "That's right, Ammon. The Lord has their own life. Our role as a butler is… to make sure we're always ready for when they return.
Ammon: "Hehehe, I know ♪ I just wanna say it."
Haures: "Well then, Fennesz. The diamond jewel, to the Lord's ring."
Fennesz: "Yes, okay… …….. Hmm? Hu-huh…?"
Haures: "Hm? What's up, Fennesz?"
Ammon: "Don't tell me… You ain't gonna say you 'lost it', are you?"
Fennesz: "E, errr~ … ……… S-sorry, what do I do…"
Muu: "Eeeeeeeeh!? Did you really lose it? Without the jewel, the Lord's ring won't be able to come off..., which means…"
Bastien: "The Lord can't go back to their world…, it seems."
Fennesz: "I, I, I'm sorry! Perhaps, did I drop it somewhere, by any chance? I… I'll go look for it right now!"
> "Ca-calm down Fennesz…"
Haures: "Yes, they're right. There's no point in searching in the dark.  First of all, calm down and let me hear what you have to say. Then we can all search together."
Fennesz: "Y-yes… Okay."
Boschi: "Well… then, let's take our time and hear what he has to say. ...stand at the defendant's podium, Fennesz."
Fennesz: "Yes…"
Ammon: "Oh my… I guess the trial isn't over yet."
[A few minutes later]
Boschi: "Well then... Are you sure that you got the jewel from the Lord?"
Fennesz: "Yes... I must have put it in my pocket afterwards, but maybe… I dropped it when I fell in the hallway."
Haures: "Hmm… That seems to be the most likely possibility at the moment.  Just that… I've been down the same hallway a few times since then, but I didn't notice any fallen jewels…"
Boschi: "Well… Even though it's red and striking, it's still a small jewel. You could've just walked right past it without noticing."
Bastien: "Or.... Someone already picked it up... It's possible that they 'deliberately keep quiet' about it…"
Ammon: "I see~. That certainly seems possible! If I hid the jewel... I'd be able to keep the Lord in this world ♪"
Boschi: "I see… That's one of the motives.  Ammon. Jump for a second."
Ammon: "D-Don't wanna~ I ain't hiding any jewels!  You're the one hiding it, ain'tcha, Boschi?"
Boschi: "Don't be silly. I don't do things in roundabout ways. If I want to keep the Lord from leaving...  I will tell them so in my own words."
Flure: "...Ugh. I wish I could say such a cool line too!"
Miyaji: "Anyway... First, we go to that hallway and search. If we can't find it there… we'll try on another and widen the search area."
Bastien: "Yeah… I agree."
Fennesz: "I deeply apologize, my Lord…"
> "It's okay, Fennesz."
[Devil's Palace, Hallway]
While consoling an apologetic Fennesz... We all searched the hallway near where he fell. The red diamond was nowhere to be found... So we widened our search.
Haures: "Hmm… If we can't find it in this area.... The only other places I can think of are... The garden and the conservatory where Fennesz stopped by. Or... Maybe someone really did pick it up."
> "Maybe…"
Haures: "Yes, things are things, so we need to look for them thoroughly. Also… I'd rather not do this, but... We'll have to do a 'Frisk Search' on the butlers, just to be sure…"
> "A frisk search, huh…"
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A, R, T
hiii baby thank you for this artistic ask
A: Of the fanfic you've written, which is your favourite and why?
okay i KNOW this is getting tiring but my heart has developed an unhealthy attachement to the apocalypse fic because it was such a big idea in my head and i just feel like it worked out really well like i've executed the vision the way that i wanted and i am really proud but also now that i am talking about it, and after the last ask i answered i'm wondering if the fact that it ended up not being that popular (which i was expecting because of what it is and the mcd and stuff) maybe it somehow made it a little dearer to me in a way
ANYWAY here is a few more i like: the sun and moon fic - i find the idea very cute very fanart-able (wink wink nudge nudge) also is very underrated i think okay the safe space fic - this is genuinely therapy to me
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
ooh difficult i genuinely think every time i read anything that i like my personality absorbs it completely and i spend the rest of my life trying to recreate it/implement it somehow into my style so there is a lot of them but here's just a few off the top of my head right now:
you (kiss <3) Wankerville (strawberry milk fic my beloved) @dvp95 Richard Siken Savannah Brown
T: Any fanfic tropes you can't stand?
i simultaneously wanna say not really and yes a lot lol what a dilemma. so like i do think everything can be good when written well, like there are fics that i really loved that have things in them i usually avoid. also as someone who often tortures herself by reading fics that i quickly realise are badly written just because i find ranting to my friends about them fun in the gc i could name so many random little pet peeves i have however i don't feel like there is a thing that immediately comes to my mind like Yes (Thing) I Just Can't Stand This, you know what i mean? like there i tropes i don't really read but i don't feel like i have strong enough feelings about them to say this
fanfic writer ask meme
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emsprovisions · 10 months
Gus week Day 4 — childhood
Uhhh uhhh I have no explanation for writing TWO drabbles for today other than this idea got a vice grip on me and wouldn’t let go
Word count: 702
Latissa was a fun town, in Augustus’s opinion. The witches and demons here looked a little rougher around the edges, but Augustus thought that only made them more interesting. When he went on evening walks with his parents, they’d each hold one of his hands and swing them between him, the three of them coming up with stories for the townspeople they’d see.
Today though, Augustus’s mom had taken him to the slayground. There weren’t too many kids around, but Augustus did see a young boy around his age playing by himself in the sandpit. He was drawing small spell circles in the air, tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration as he tried to erect little castles out of the sand.
Augustus approached him, always cautious and a little shy around kids his age.
“Hi!” He said when he’d come close enough to the boy.
The boy looked up. He had wild brown hair and even wilder brown eyes. Freckles were splattered across his nose, and when he smiled, Augustus could see he was missing his two front teeth and one of his baby fangs. His sand building immediately crumbled at the loss of his concentration.
“Hi,” he said, with his gap-toothed grin.
“Oh, I’m sorry about your sandcastle.” Augustus cringed, but the boy shrugged. “Can I play with you?”
“Sure!” He said. “My name’s Matías and my big brother is over there.” He raised a hand to point at the big brother, a teenager with similar hair and a horn on his forehead, sitting on one of the benches nearby with a book in his hand. There was a coven scout on the front cover.
“Cool! I’m Augustus. My mommy’s over there.” Augustus pointed out his mom at the other bench, she waved encouragingly at him and his new friend.
“Are you any good at construction magic?” Matías asked.
“Not really. I’m learning to be an illusionist like my mom.”
“Oh.” Matías frowned for a moment, a look of concentration on his face, then his face lit up with an idea. “Wait, can you illusion a sand castle?”
“Oh! I can try! Have you ever seen the Emperor’s castle?” Augustus asked.
Matías shook his head. “I’ve never left Latissa before.”
“Oh. Well it’s really cool! My dad’s taken me there before on one of his jobs.”
“What’s his job?” Matías looked up from where he was gathering a bunch of sand to look inquisitively at Augustus.
“He’s a reporter! He writes stories about real life.”
“Ohhh,” Matías said, sounding intrigued. “That’s really cool. My mom and dad are constructionists. That’s why I wanna be one. Or I wanna be like my big brother! He’s gonna be a coven scout. He’s probably gonna see the big castle too!”
“Ooh yeah! Maybe then he can take you to see it!”
Augustus smiled at his new friend. He was one of the nicest kids Augustus had ever hung around with. Children rarely ever wanted to play with him when they didn’t go to school together. But Matías was nice. Augustus liked him.
Together, the boys worked on sandcastles, Augustus casting small illusions of castles that Matías would try and replicate in the sand with construction magic. Augustus tried to recreate the Emperor’s castle, but his illusion magic wasn’t that good yet.
They were still playing a while later when Matías’s brother began to call for him, signaling it was time to go. Augustus’s mom did the same. The boys pouted, having far too much fun with their new friend to want to leave so soon.
“Are you going to go to Glandus?” Matías asked.
“No,” Augustus shook his head, sadly and Matías frowned. “I’m homeschooled and we travel a lot for my daddy’s job. But we’ll be in town for a little while longer! Maybe we can play again?”
Matías’s face brightened. “Yeah! I’ll ask my big brother and you ask your mom! Maybe we can play again tomorrow!”
“Okay! Bye, Matías!”
“Bye, Augustus.” The boy smiled at him. “I’ll see you again soon!”
“Yeah,” Augustus agreed. “See you soon!”
He really hoped he would get to see Matías again. He wished they could play every day and be best friends forever.
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mkcannothelpyou · 7 months
Play Mittsy for Me (Kafka-Robin-Whisperain)
AK/Kinktober 2023, Day 4: “Mitts”
Barring a corridor fly-by with a half-asleep Medical op, the "Movie Night is Changing Venues after Whisperain Asked Can We Move This to Her Room" gang safely Moves It to Her Room, where both guests take a seat on the bed. Ooh, nice place here.
"Kafka," Robin hisses after a while of staring down at her lap and looking like she's shaking apart from the inside. "Quit looking at stuff."
"Where d'ya want me to put my eyes, then? A Kafka's gotta look somewhere," Kafka hisses right back, both keeping it low while Whisperain's in the bathroom undoing her harness.
"Just don't… I dunno, steal anything or something."
"C'mon, that's not the Kafka MO. Besides, what's gotcha watchin' out so hard? It ain't even your stuff."
"Yeah, but it's hers, so!"
Probably filled with nerves from not wanting any rudeness to the nice lady, Robin grabs both Kafka's hands and clasps her claws firmly shut around them. Kafka actively does not appreciate the gesture, alternately prising each forceful paw off while the other reestablishes a grip. "Yannow, it's gonna take more than that to—"
"You may want some assistance to keep her hands contained," preempts a gentle voice from the other side of the room. Kafka halts the grappling, looks over, Robin turns to follows suit. Whisperain's emerged from the bathroom with goodies in tow.
"Are, um, are those boxing gloves?" Robin asks, quickly following it up with "Uh, waitwaitwait, of course not. Um?"
Kafka simply chirps "Watch," shakes Robin off and scoots over some inches so Whisperain can get in close. "Ya sure you don't need these for a patient, Miss?"
"No," Whisperain affirms, softly but adamantly. "The sick should not be made to feel that their treatment comes hand in hand with disrespect—it would crush anyone to be taught that. There are other options in any scenario…" As she speaks, one mitten is affixed, buttoned and tested for a tight fit in moderation, followed by the other. "I assume you're familiar with these in a… recreational setting, Miss Kafka."
"Yeah, somethin' like that." Kafka gives an experimental flex of the fingers, free with a full range of motion inside the mittens but unable to project any grasp through the containment. "Saw 'em in a club once. Anyways, Kafka's happy to report she cannot get her funny li'l hands out."
"Oh, good…" Seems that's a genuine relief to Whisperain. "Well, then, Miss Robin, if you would care to test her?"
"Test? Her? Oh, uh, huh. Guess I could." It's kinda funny to watch Robin hop from confusion to conviction in the span of a few seconds.
Wait, that's not conviction Kafka likes. "Hands offa me."
"The whole freaking point was keeping my hands on you," Robin grumbles, quickly pushing her down by the mitts—okay, shoot, these stupid things are ACTUALLY restraining Kafka and the wrist's way too sturdy to pop the button. She's not getting her hands back in any good way here.
Whatever, still got the entire rest of her body! Kafka kicks and writhes and attempts a headbutt or two, tosses to and fro and even tries bouncing up on her momentum, then has to catch her breath a moment. She's quickly discovering this lockdown on her wrists is giving her no real freedom to bend any which way. Seriously, is two points pinned all Robin needs to get someone this bad?
"Quit… enjoyin' this!" Kafka's beginning to get irate herself. There's a crooked smirk growing on Robin's face, subtle, but it's there and it stinks of satisfaction. "Man, I woulda tried suckin' up to you tonight if I knew you were gonna get this vengeful!"
"Literally, I'm not doing anything, Kafka. You wanna just give up?"
"Aw, screw you and your bodyguard training!" Kafka wriggles a little more, but mittens down against the mattress and options gone, the best she's got is sticking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry.
A few silent seconds later, Robin sticks out her tongue back. "Okay, NOW I've got it out of my system. Thanks, Miss Whisperain," she says to the nice lady, clambering off.
"Of course. Are you alright, Miss Kafka?"
"Ugh." Kafka sits up mostly steady, although she feels like she almost has to dig her mitts out of Whisperain's bed. "Right as rain. Gonna be honest, that was intense, but I'm ready to get outta these already. We gonna put a thing on Robin next?"
"I imagine if we were taking turns, then it would be hers now," Whisperain chuckles.
"Oh, come on! …Okay, I guess fair's fair."
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fantastickkay · 2 months
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Album Review of the Week: Nobody's Angel (2000) ☆☆☆☆☆
In 1999, four girls made friends with each other as they continued to run into each other at auditions and decided to band together! This, I have learned from my current magazine journey. I have so enjoyed watching small articles about them pop up from time to time and I cannot wait to get into the year 2000 and see them even more!
In preparation for a review, I usually listen to the album once while doing the write-up. However, I was so looking forward to this one that I listened to it twice yesterday and now again today! Once I get a taste, I cannot stop with this album!
Nobody's Angel is the quintessential y2k bubblegum pop group. If you love the early 2000s you must listen to this album at least once! It is everything that y2k bubblegum should be. Nothing but fun, sparkle and energy. Not to mention the inflatable sofa on the front and back covers! Love the sandals as well.
Buckle up, baby, 'cuz here we go! We start with If You Wanna Dance, their lead and I believe most popular single. It is packed with so much energy that you cannot help to move and bop along. The chorus moves at lightning speed while the verses bring in a more mellow melody leaning almost into an R&B style - just in the vocals of course. The instrumentation remains extremely poppy in the best way.
I Can't Help Myself slows down the tempo but we still have the hard hitting beats behind the gentle guitar and vocals. This song shows off their gorgeous harmonizing.
Boom Boom is a funky track with a chorus with extreme sing-along-ability. I've been singing it the last 2 days! The melody and speed of the lyrics is so much fun to recreate and makes it quite the earworm.
Next Stop Heaven really brings in the groove with an energetic bassline, more harmonizing and another fantastic chorus! Their energy is just infectious.
Keep Me Away is another ballad and as much as I usually dislike ballads, those on this album got me bopping as much as the other tracks! This is one to sing while looking out the window on a rainy day. It is high drama with the heavy strings and pleading vocals.
With Right There Waiting, the instrumentation is a tad trite, but the melody is still really great with that energetic chorus. This is the type of song that would play in a rom-com when the couple are in their honeymoon stage. I can see the woman walk-dancing through the streets to this song!
Ooh La La has the classic answering machine interlude that you will find in many early 2000s pop albums (even Britney's Oops!...I Did It Again!) I know I'm saying the word 'energy' way too much, but every song has it! This song also has a really cool bridge that gives it an edge that some of the other songs don't have. There is also a little chatter part that I love where one of them just shouts 'do the washing machine! and an acappella outro to spice things up a bit.
Things get a bit sexier with Wishing On You. We have sultry vocals and darker instrumentation to illustrate this small pivot.
Absolutely Maybe put me in an absolute tailspin as an 8 year old. The lyrics are totally contradictory! How can you say absolutely maybe, I am sure I really think so although I deserve a week? Jokes aside, the melody is less "energetic" than the preceding tracks but not by much! Rest assured, we have yet another great song on our hands - especially with such clever lyrics.
Sugar Daddy has a funky 70s vibe that will get your head bobbing! Now, get your mind out of the gutter. He is sweet like candy!!!
Nobody is the best midtempo on the album. The solo vocals are pretty weird sounding but the harmonies are fantastic with an infectious melody. This one is sexy without trying too hard like Wishing On You is.
Despite being 12 tracks in, the album is still exciting with Cherry Crush. We're back to the quick as lightning vocal deliveries. This song is the most R&B-like of the bunch, very pop still but has elements of R&B of the time.
This masterpiece of an album closes with a cover of the disco hit, We Are Family, which begins with an interlude of someone flipping through radio stations - very fun and 2000s. The verses are different than the original, spicing it up with a rap-like delivery to bring the song into the modern times. Injecting new energy, some might say!
Obviously, I absolutely love this album and it is one of the essentials of the early 2000s.
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smilingbuckley · 1 month
Your posts about trying to eat vegetarian reminded me that I have a lot of green lentils and that I've been meaning to recreate some lentils patties/balls I've tried once and loved.
I wanna do lots of them to freeze them. I realized, a lot of times when I'm using frozen ground meat patties, it's not the meat I want but the convenience of cooking it the microwave, popping it in burger buns with stuff and boom a meal.
My grocery store doesn't have a lot of options of frozen veggie patties so I'm gonna try to find a easy base recipe that I can put different vegetables in.
Ooh sounds good!! Yeah lots of grocery stores don't have many options so freezing what you make is always a good option!
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ugh-my-back · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Hello woife!!!
Ooh let's talk about the scheming blorbos this time. This pic from the first shippy pics of them that I ever posted on this site 🥹. It was before any npc poses were a thing and I did this with a swap for him with some corpo dude at the Arasaka Tower, and she was using a replacer pose I think?? She's not even on the table as you can see, guess she just really wanted to be on him >:P. No reshade, just plain ol' photomode touched up in photoshop a bit. I still like it and kinda wanna recreate it now, thinking about it??
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This one from NYE, cause I really liked the posing and lighting here!! It might be one of my faves ever of them thus far.
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And the latest pics of them as of yet.. even if the posing is pretty basic. (Posing 2 people is tough!) I just really liked the colors here and the way I have them looking at each other so intently 🫠. As if they don't always do that.
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qprstobin · 6 months
the buckingham tag is so dry like i’m rereading fics for like the second and third time it’s so sad 😭 ronance out here sucking the life outa all my ships fr
but fr straight girls have a stranglehold on gay male ships. st isn’t my first fandom (i was a teenager during the superwholock days 👵🏻) so what’s they’re doing to steddie is just par for the course. my theory is that gay men aren’t a threat to straight women so they project all their lovey dovey sappy shit onto those relationships bc they can’t get that from straight men
it’s the same for lesbians. straight women are the reason the predatory dyke trope exists and straight men are responsible for every other bullshit dyke trope. i tolerate buckingham fics written by straights but barely
They really do! I think a lot of queer people in fandom end up finding their little niche with other queer fans, and then forget that like, sooooo many straight girls end up in mlm fandom spaces. Like sure, some of those straight girls often end up neither straight nor girls as they get older, but plenty of them stay straight girls too lol.
And ooh that's an interesting theory. I wouldn't be surprised if that's a big part of it. I always tend to lean more towards the misogyny aspect of it, where we've been taught to look down on female characters so much that a lot of people esp straight girls have trouble connecting with female characters, but also still wanna be able to project onto ships. Which is how you get mlm ships where fandom has decided one has to be the "girl" and the other the "boy".
Also I don't blame you at all for the lack of trust lmao. Some of the shit people write in this fandom even trying to be progressive.... People out here recreating stereotypes I stg.
I hope you get some more buckingham food soon *prayer emoji* (I'm on my laptop rn lol).
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aajjks · 8 months
bunny koo *walks up being him and wraps her arms around his neck* oh my handsome man.. what are you doing baby? another movie, really baby.. ah you’re the cutest.. but i have another idea on what you can do, wanna know? *runs her hands down his stomach, just fingertips brushing under the waistband of his boxers* come with me.. let me show you.. we’re going to go downstairs for this okay? it’s dark so let me guid you baby, *softly pushed him down by pushing on his hips, dangerously close to his crotch* sit in this recliner baby.. i have to do something.. i won’t be long.. *turns the lights on and then koo sees what was hiding in the dark, jungkooks ex owner. the horrible women who had her own obsession with him that drove her to the point of trying forcing herself onto him* hey baby, calm down, it’s okay! koo, baby look at me, look at me koo- jungkook look at me! there’s noonas good boy.. it’s okay.. listen to me *straddles him, placing her hands on either side of his head, resting on the back chair, caging him in* don’t let her touch you? oh baby, i’d kill her before i allow that scum near you- lesson? what did you do wrong? baby you didn’t do anything wrong, i promise you.. i brought her here to teach her a lesson, actually. you see, after you was taking out of her care it seems like that bitch still couldn’t leave you alone. after you told me about her trying to touch you- i know you didn’t let her baby, i believe you.. but after that i started doing my own digging into her, i wanted to know who exactly i was going to kill. and i found out something.. something i didn’t fucking like- *noona gets off his lap to retrieve her ipad to show him a website* do you see this baby? this is a website that bitch created, a website dedicated to you. here’s the thing, these clips range from the time you was forced into her care up until just a few days ago. the clips from years ago, she had cameras in your room, living room, even to the bathroom. she recorded everything you did. but the worst part? she was being paid for it. you see all these people? they paid to watch everything you did. and they still do. no baby, she doesn’t have any cameras in our house but she’s stalked you every single time we went out together. she has a videos on here of you fucking me, me riding you, or you eating my pussy. she shot it from the window that i guess we left open. but here’s the real kicker, this sick bitch wrote stories about you. her sick imagination created theses ideas on how she wanted to sexually torture you. she’s claimed you was always meant to be hers, her fuck toy, her prisoner. she never wanted to love you, she basically wanted to assault you baby.. but my good boy didn’t let that happen did you? no you didn’t. i’m so proud of you baby. but her masters update was how she planned on kidnapping you from me. she had this whole little plan to attack me and then have some of these men, men who paid to watch you sleep, some and tackle you. but you noona wouldn’t let that happen, i’d never let anything happen to you.. so with that being said, before i kill her, i want to make her suffer.. since she’s obsessed with the sick idea that you was hers, i want you to prove that you’re mine.. i want us to recreate one of these stories while she reads it to us.. what do you say baby? will you show her who’s good boy you really are?
“Hmm? I’m watching Oppenheimer noona! What do you mean? Ooh what? Yes tell me! I-I don’t understand noona… okay if you say so…umm why are we here though… oh it’s dark isn’t it? It’s almost creepy haha… oh noona be careful! Okay? what are you looking for? A-Are we going to fuck here??? Please say yes!?! Umm where are you going???? W-What the fuck!! WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE??)? No-Noona- I hate this bitch! WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE? HUH??? I don’t get it… SHE NEEDS TO LEAVE. I-I… noona This woman is fucking evil… she ruined my life! SHE DISGUSTS ME PLEASE DONT LET HER TOUCH ME! N-Noona!!! I’m sorry if you’re mad at me but please d-don’t punish me like this! W-What did I do???? What kind of a lesson is this!!?? …what? NO NOONA I SWEAR I DIDNT LET HER TOUCH ME ONCE PLEASE BELIEVE ME! …What are you trying to say? Oh my God… this is like my worst nightmare…. What is this?? What? Y-You can’t be serious??)? Sh-She did what??? Fucking creep! A sicko! Noona how did you find this all out??? This whore…. I can’t even find the right words! Noona please protect me from her- she makes me want to kill myself! This is all too much.. c-can’t hear it…. Noona! I WILL KILL HER!! you have no idea just how fucked up this woman is/- how she treated me noona! She made me hate myself! What? Disgusting…. All of her fantasies will remain just fantasies… God… I can’t breathe… i-i am so glad you found me noona- I love you so much.. wait what? D-Do you really think that’s a good idea? Yes I’m yours! Only yours, noona. I’ll do anything you ask me to. I’m yours… your good boy.”
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theowlhousesucks · 2 years
Barring the facial features thing, I feel like Luz just doesn’t have a strong feeling of an Afro-Latina identity. Like, we have no clue about her dad, but it seems to be the consensus that her mom is an immigrant(don’t remember if it was every canonically confirmed either behind the scenes or onscreen) but it just feels like Luz isn’t a second-generation immigrant at times.
Like, no Luz trying to recreate a Dominican comfort food, or talking little tidbits about her mom and home life that are laced with Dominican culture, and I feel like her slipping into Spanish has occurred less frequently as time goes on. Yesterday’s lie feels like the first time we really got to see any form of it, and that is like really small(the food Camilla was going to cook, Spanish speaking, and the whole la chancla thing, which seems to be a bit divisive in if it’s inclusion was good rep or just adding to stereotypes). It feels like her cultural identity overall is kinda steamrolled, and it doesn’t help that the fandom is adamant(especially during previous hiatuses) on her abandoning the Human Realm and her mother for Amity and the boiling isles and basically forgoing all human culture for boiling isles culture
I’m not saying Luz has to be expositing her cultural identity at every second, but considering the whole ‘First queer Afro-Latina protag rep!’ thing and the whole representation thing the show has going on, it feels absent in showing Luz as an Afro-Latina teenager, growing up in an Dominican immigrant household, especially when the world she’s in is just a bunch of Medieval European imagery with some steampunk slapped on top with the wholly original concept of ‘ooh it’s like our world but things have eyeballs and teeth on it and they bite’
Another thing to note! Luz is definitely better on the latina side of her afro-latina identity, but it's still not perfect. I'm not a spanish speaker, so I'm only going off of what I've read from those who do speak it, but I've heard the regional dialect is all off. Luz's spanish apparently isn't consistent with what one would expect from a Dominican family. Again, not my specific place to speak on it, but I wanna augment the complaints of those who deserve to have their culture acknowledged and celebrated by a show that claims to so badly want to represent them.
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missingn000 · 1 year
Railroad port/station death battle? Throwing trains and flammable tanks?? Are you going to introduce Hakari?! Pitting him against Kashimo to recreate Culling Game’s number one battle?!?! ASDGFGHGAD!!!
ooh, interesting guess!! since i don't wanna get your hopes up, i'll have to rule this one out -- still undecided on whether or not hakari will be in tpg, but i'm leaning towards no. the railroad fight's gonna be super epic though, so stay tuned!!
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Ryu: Everybody ready?
Haru: The big reveal! I hope we’re going to Del Sol again.
Senjirō: I hope we’ll get a couple of days off while we’re somewhere really nice.
Ryu: How about Sulani?
Senjirō: Really?
Keigo: Open your eyes and look.
Ryu: It’s about midway through the tour, Senjirō.
Haru: Oh, sweet! I see Del Sol and San Myshuno on the USA part, and… where the hell is Copperdale? I’ve never heard of it.
Taiji: Pretty sure that’s in America too. We’ve got Brindleton Bay on the Canadian part and, um… Newcrest? Sounds like a brand of mouthwash.
Ryu: I think I know that one. Isn’t it Willow Creek-Newcrest?
Taiji: How should we know?
Haru: Better question. How do you know?
Ryu: One of my favourite pro snowboarders is from there.
Haru: Oh, here we go. He’s on about snowboarding again.
Taiji: Seriously, Haru? How can you live in Mt. Komorebi and not even like snowboarding?
Haru: Simple. I’m not from Mt. Komorebi, and I don’t like public humiliation or the potential for life threatening injuries.
Keigo: So, Ryu, you know a guy from this Willow place?
Ryu: Willow Creek. No, I don’t know him personally, but I sort of know his husband. We were in school together. Actually, since we’re on the subject, another guy from our school is an amazing pro boarder. Seiji Hinamori.
Keigo: Okay, that is legitimately cool. You know Seiji Hinamori?
Ryu: Sort of?
Keigo: Excuse me while I go full fanboy over here. You think you could introduce me?
Senjirō: Hey!
Keigo: What? The guy can shred, and he’s super hot, okay?
Senjirō: Excuse me?!
Keigo: Ow! Senjirō! You pinched me!
Senjirō: Serves you right. I don’t really care if you think other people are hot, but you’re not allowed to drool over them while you’re cuddling me. That’s just rude.
Haru: Ooh… lovers’ quarrel.
Keigo: Shut up, Haru.
Ryu: I haven’t talked to Seiji since we graduated. We weren’t really friends.
Haru: Were you friends with anyone at your school?
Ryu: My closest friend at school was a guy called Tatsuki. He’s a school recreation manager now. We still keep in touch sometimes.
Haru: His job sounds boring.
Keigo: It’d be weird if you just sent Seiji Hinamori a message out of the blue, wouldn’t it?
Ryu: Probably.
Senjirō: I guess you won’t get to meet him, Keigo. Too bad.
Keigo: Please try not to sound like you’re gloating.
Senjirō: Jealous soulmate privilege. Sorry.
Keigo: Ugh… why are you so freakin’ cute? I can’t even get mad at you when you deserve it.
Senjirō: Does this mean you’re going to take me on a long moonlit walk on the beach in Sulani, and shower me with your undivided affection?
Keigo: As long as we can sneak away from Sarah’s eagle eye and keep things low-key.
Taiji: Excuse me. Other people in the room here, lover boys. You might wanna cool down and check out our European stops. Windenburg and Tartosa.
Haru: I hate Windenburg. It always rains there.
Senjirō: Tartosa means more beaches. Cute little shops and cafés, and the food…
Haru: Senjirō, are you going on tour with us, or planning your honeymoon?
Taiji: Yeah. We’ll be staying in obscure hotels or weird little guest houses in the middle of nowhere, with Sarah and a zillion staff people and security guards around. The only way you’ll get private time is in bed, or if you shower together.
Ryu: We’ll get days off. Don’t worry. You’ll get your chance to have fun on some beach somewhere. It’ll be the reward for all the hard work we’re going to have to put in between now and then.
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meandmyechoes · 10 months
Kingohger ep20
i'm not well
take a deep breath Wedding…
no op…
that's the face of a man who's soul has left him
sorry racles look good in full mantle
you guys don't even bother to go to the wedding 😂 but i guess racles never sent out invites
Gira is back in his cell😭😭
Gira you can't just say you wanna be somewhere other than the cell and immediately follow up with the evil king act 😭😭
Rita is gonna be fed up with you one day with that drama talk like jeramie
you two should've been the one married.
are they same age or not?!
this ep has so much target to meet in the runtime if Jeramie is narrating midway
Boshimaru jumped ship no surprise
Dougu… (me dead passed out on the floor)
Omg shot by shot recreation of ep8
but the music is so… normal/relaxed?
Rita looks completely fed up like this is gonna become a weekly match lol
oh Gira's necklace is back in frame
Himeno swordfighting in the dress is so cool 😭
omg black white outfit switch good for them
not sorry i can distinguish the fake Kagu jsut by pecs alone
OP put here??
the tone is too light-hearted so far *frowns*
yep yappari because there is the surrender option. matched with a Tool theory i read that Gira asked for a duel just so he can talk to his brother. you could say i got spoiled but it's a reasonable deduction with the clues given from the show. so i'd say that's solid writing if you just give the story patience
Giving up his victory in return for the Racles apology to the people such a very Gira thing to do…
live Rita fighting 😍😍😍
huh we have a whole part 3 left…
ooh i thought Kagu just didn't hand him the right one that's a good plan
it's recreating ep8 down to the poison switch
Jeramie can't see pass bug disguise 🤔
I don't believe Racules didn't already know Boshimaru is a spy but regardless his care for the Tools are showing like Spin-off #1
so so much live rita and wings two weeks in a roll thank you 🙏🙏
yes yes yes thank you for the brother conflict follow up to 18
Yes OST V1T5 Racles's Conpiracy!!! INFERNO IT'S YOUR TURN
yan hime combo fight!
Kamejim is green?
INFERNO not quite, but V1T22 "I will Rule the World" huh entirely just Gira's BGM instead of a shared song
I LOVE the full villain angle they are taking with Racules at least on the surface. I won't rule out Yano-san's effort made the character more sympathetic and affected his future course, but at the current stage, I'm satisfied if the script can round itself up from the Villain Racules angle.
V1T1 😭😭 The 5 Kings. I knew I'm gonna cry when they replay this track from ep1's ending. I'm gonna cry so hard when they play it at the series finale.
(wouldn't be surprised if Erica does know how to play the piano)
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taylortruther · 2 years
It wasn’t really hate, but as a wanna be fashionista I couldn’t relate to the Red era grandma style, and IKYWT wasn’t just an annoying an earworm for Jake G. Oddly enough 1989 showed me she could have style and cool friends, while I also applaud her for leaving that behind and respecting her more for it.
ooh who is your celeb style icon?
some of her 1989 outfits had me in a chokehold. i coveted this whole look and tried recreating it SO many times. this outfit is literally why i still own so many pink/red structured purses.
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untraceable-ace · 2 years
Thoughts on “In case I make It” as I listen:
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Gonna be a long one folks, I’ll put it under the cut
Tomcat Disposables: Tomcat Disposables my beloved you make me cry every time “What’s the moon made of?/Meet me there after I’m gone” SOBBING
Becoming the Lastnames: The piano gives me the same vibes as the piano in the Camp Here and There full songs (like MBYT and Venetian Blind Man) I love it
Cicada Days: Tied w Tomcat Disposables as my favorite single, literally so in love, forever happy that the intro is just kinda white noise mimicking cicadas and not actual cicada buzzing my spd is happy “and then my sponsor said do nothing, nothing works/and then my doctor said dont do that if it hurts” feels like a weighted blanket directly on my chest it’s wonderful
Euthanasia: Instrumental intro reminds me of a Days n Daze song; main verse melody is literally so haunting I love it
Falling Up: WOAH that felt like a curveball after Euthanasia oh DAMN the chorus slaps the acoustic makes the song feel really like, full bodied? Oh god after the falling up lyric it temporarily becomes a country song I’m not sure how I feel about that I just kinda had the mental image of a dude falling up the stairs the whole time during the chorus and tbh it’s a good one to have
That’s Enough, Let’s Get You Home.:  Oooh, I have a feeling I’m gonna love stim singing to this one once I get a chance to listen to it a lot more; OH I KNOW WHAT THIS REMINDS ME OF it reminds me of Cecily Smith from Fly By Night!!!
Um, it’s Kind of a Lot: I’d been thinking this one might have some sampling from Everything is a Lot (the song, not the album), but from what I’ve heard, there’s not any sampling from the song, but I think the piano parts are inspired by the album? Or at least it feels that way The piano def reminds me of the album piano vibes. Damn, Mr Wood has an obsession w tourniquets oh SHIT bridge/breakdown hits HARD hell yeah. Also, first appearance of brass so far on the album I think?
Half-Decade Hangover: omg guys he said the name of the song that’s the name of the song!!!/j OH SHIT SELF-ish REFERENCE This feels like something you’d hear at a bar w a piano on the stage for people to go up and play on
Vampire Reference in a Minor Key: Same thought process as Um, it’s Kind of a Lot; the title got me thinkin “o shit vampire culture reference?” But again I think I was wrong; Guitar do be bangin tho OOH he just did like a lil riff that reminded me of 6up 5Oh I wanna do a tango in a tight fitting red dress to this song
You Liked This (Okay, Computer!): it’s.....it says things??? Uhhh good commentary on society ig?? LMAO its not a song sorry yall
The Main Character: JAZZY AS FUCK WOAH I already wanna dance to this I think this might be my favorite song from the album “So god forbid I’m seen as an average human being” fuck man r you coming for me or what
Against the Kitchen Floor: FUNKNY ASS BASSLINE OH DAMN this one is literally so fun? I wanna swing dance w someone to this LMAO the end spoken bit I love when songs do that
Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll: I feel like I’d listen to this one when I’m sad, feels like a good one to listen to when I’m crying
Big Fat Bitchie’s Blueberry Pie, Christmas Tree, and Recreational Jell-o Emporium a.k.a. “Mr. Boy is on the Roof Again” (Feat. Pasta by Sneakers McSqueakers) [From the Motion Picture ”B.F.B.’s B-Sides: Bagel Batches, Marshmallows, and Barsh-mallows]: LMAO we’ve made a brief return to 30-word long song titles for this one fellas okay wait what the fuck is this LMAO wait okay okay vibing vibing 48 seconds of song for a 34 word long song title lets mcfucking go LMAO
Willard!: Feels like the main character’s power ballad in a musical; Wow yeah actually this is like- SUPER musical theater vibes damn oooh and I love the piano version of the Tomcat Disposables melody at the end
White Noise: The vocal melody on the chorus is muah muah chefs kiss This was a really good one to be the closer tbh AND OH OH the build up to the second chorus?? GOD that goes hard
Don’t worry everyone I’m sure I’ll be shitposting about at least one of the new songs later this week when I get a chance to hyperfixate on one or two
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