#one thing i love about south park is how spot on the goth kids are but u dropped the ball with making em cishet
buttfrovski · 11 months
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they should've done more research b4 making henrietta cishet
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Stan Marsh headcanons?
first i love my main au stan because he's so !! and because he goes thru lots of changes as he grows up,,
Tw for alcoholism, depression, s/h, attempted sewerslide, hospitalization...its stan what did you expect
Most popular stan hc ever: he's an alcoholic. But like,,, till he's like, 12-13, he only drinks in the mornings so it helps him get through the day, like antidepressants but bad 💀
When he's 12-13 some people his age start drinking for fun, and so he sees it's socially ok so he starts doing it too
Yeah everything is way less shitty in the moment, but when he's sober it's even worse than before. Oops
Well anyway his friends don't really notice he's doing this, sure they're kinda concerned when they hang out and he's getting drunk, but yk,, typical Stan it's not that bad
This is an obvious one but he's depressed asf
And btw. All sp kids have gotten something misdiagnosed in their lives, like this is canon the medical system in that town sucks
So Stan has anxiety, but it was misdiagnosed as asthma (haha not me projecting)
He didn't get it diagnosed right until he was in his teens
But he doesn't have it anymore
He also has insomnia and BPD
The amount of times he's split on Kyle is insane
Anyway about his depression !!
It remained undiagnosed for a Long while
It got better and worse and better and worse and yeah you get it
On the worst episodes he would spend weeks not getting out of bed
At the beginning he'd say he's sick but at some point he gave up and stopped with excuses
His friends (Kyle mostly) would check on him but he wouldn't really talk to them much (on another episode of: stan giving up on life!)
Also he would spend time with the goth kids sometimes, mainly when he was at the worst points
The goths were kinda pissed he would leave them every time he felt better, but Stan's kinda their adopted kid lmao they have a soft spot for him<3
Welp anyway he starts s/h-ing at 11-12
At first it's not really noticeable but soon it gets worse
He covers it with wristbands but eventually the wristbands don't cover it all
And so, after his parents find out, at 13 he goes to the psych ward for the 1st time
It's only for a couple weeks, but it gets him to get so much worse
Nobody at school knows what he was doing for those weeks, besides Kyle because Stan went to him first thing after he got let out
Kyle is Worried. btw.
He gets hospitalized 2 more times after that
Once at 15 after he attempts
And another at 16, after a huge ass breakdown in which he asked his parents to take him there because he was scared of what he'd do otherwise
People in town only know about the one of when he was 15 (it was big news)
Besides Kyle and Kenny, Kyle because Stan tells him every time and Kenny because,,,he's Kenny he just Knows
After the 2nd hospitalization, he starts taking actual antidepressants
They don't do That Much but they still work better than nothing
Short after the 3rd time he goes to the psych ward, he finally manages to stop s/h
And slowly he stops covering his scars, as they're a reminder of how he's healing :)
Since he's 14, he starts bleaching his hair every few months
Now it's closer to straw than to hair but whatever issok
It's also incredibly greasy, so much it's insane
When it's really really bad he wears a dark blue beanie with some pins of obscure bands and some his friends gave him
His clothes are mostly black, and the ones that aren't are still alt
He wears eyeshadow all the time
And his parents don't allow him to get tattoos so he and his friends draw on himself instead
He's still in Crimson Dawn, he's the main singer and guitarist :)
His guitar is red and he takes so much care of it
The same can't be said about its case, that thing's fucked up
He's also the one who writes most songs, it's become kind of a coping mechanism for him<3
They're not famous, but they're not completely unknown either - they've played in some cities besides South Park, and they have a bunch of listeners on Spotify
They're the kind of band that almost nobody knows but the ones who do are the most loyal fans ever
"wHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW CD??? You gotta listen to them Right Now"
By the way Stan is late to every practice
The days when he's not arrived at least 10 minutes late are almost non-existent
Same for school
At school his worst subject is definitely math
(He probably has dyscalculia but he doesn't have it diagnosed)
He likes music best obviously
He's also pretty good at history and English
Btw he has a musicals phase for a year or two
His favorites are the historical ones, like Hamilton and Les Miserables
His family life isn't the best
He stays at Tedrigri farms on weekends, the rest of the time he spends it at his mother's
Shelly's kinda physically abusive still, but not as much as when they were kids
Btw he fucking hates staying at Tedigri so most nights he cycles to Kyle's or Kenny's instead
Fun fact he has a scar on his side from when he was 13
The m4 were jumping a fence to get to this one abandoned house (Butters was grounded)
And when it was Stan's turn he got cut with the fence and fell
That scar is huge and he's super insecure about it
Another fun fact he plays Brawl Stars
His favorite brawlers are Brock and Kit
And in general also the ones with attacks like Shelly's and Bull's
He's bisexual :) and ultimately broke up with Wendy when he was 16
(one of the things that triggered that huge breakdown btw)
He also had so many gender crisis, finally he decided he's just non-binary (he/him) because everything else was way too confusing
Aaaand i think that's it? Tell me what you think :D
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nonbinarytriscuit · 3 years
South Park Aged Up Roleplay!
This Roleplay will contain depression, underage drinking, and underage smoking. I am looking for someone to play Kenny McCormick, Kyle Broflovski, Craig Tucker or Wendyl Testaburger. Message me on here or my discord 2tiredboi#1321 if interested!
Love South Park and love some angst shippy roleplays so here I am. I will be playing Stan Marsh. I'm looking for anyone listed above. The only person I am taking that is trans male is Wendyl. Everyone else will be cis male. Everyone will also be 17+ so all will be in high school. Headcanons for Stan are listed below.
Headcanons: Look wise he stands pretty tall. Around 5'9 or 5'10. His black hair is a bit longer and style towards the right of his face. His left side of his hair is shaved, so he kind of has the punkish style going for him. His eyes a deep blue-almost green color and his skin is pale. Kid has piercings for days. Multiple in his ears, tongue, and yep. Even his dick is pierced but that wasn't on purpose. He got drunk at a party, Craig dared him to do it and he did it. He regrets it but wears it anyway. He is thin and has some muscles on him from when he use to play football. He doesn't anymore and has actually taken a liking to playing the guitar (it helps him when his depression gets way too difficult to handle).
He actually became friends with the goth kids again and they call him Raven still. He isn't "goth" but he does go back behind the school and smoke with them. He hangs out with them too. He even got a tattoo of a raven on his back (http://www.tattoo-spirit.de/ts/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Raven-Tattoos-Raben-Idea-001.jpg) which no one really knows about it besides Kenny, Kyle, and the goth kids. His nails are painted black, he wears black leather fingerless gloves, and his outfits usually consist of dark colored clothing. Black, dark blue, dark grey, sometimes indigo or deep red. Outfits usually are either a hoodie, ripped up jeans, and black worn combat boots. Hell, if he feels like it he'll wear a choker and not give a shit.
Majorly weird/random headcanon, he secretly loves flower crowns. He also loves stuffed animals, especially dog ones (as he still as a huge soft spot for animals), if given one he'll play it off like 'yeah, okay thanks' but inside he's freaking out because its adorable and he loves it.
Stan suffers from depression from time and time again. A lot of times it can be crippling which always ends of with him locking himself away from everyone and staying in his room. A lot of times he uses alcohol to help him which was something he got from watching his dad drink over the years, but his healthy coping mechanism is usually playing his guitar. It helps him and makes him focus on something other than the rage of emotions he feels. ____________________ Depression was something Stan Marsh fought with every day of his life. Some days were easier than others, some were harder. Today was one of those days where his depression had knocked the wind out of him completely. He didn't budge from his bed when his alarm went off for school or even when his mom came up to check on him. She tried to get him up, but once she realized it was one of those days she simply kissed the top of his head and left him alone. It had become a natural thing for her to do after the first few times dealing with his depression. When he got into this kind of state there was no way to get him up and going. He would just lay in bed all day.
Shifting he rolled on to his side and curled up into the wall that his bed was pressed against. Today was going to be hard. That worthless feeling washed over him like a tidal wave. He was nothing, but a burden to everyone around him. How could his boyfriend even love him when he was always like this? Stan dug his nails into his arms as tears pricked his eyes. Did they even really love him or did they just put up with him? Without really realizing it he had reached over and grabbed his phone. Fingers skillfully unlocking it then bringing up his text messages. When he got into this state of mind he always asked probably the most hurtful question he could ask the other. 'Do you really love me?'
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Chapter 1: Party At Cartman’s
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          The last week of August and the end of summer had finally came to South Park. Stan’s Marsh phone alarm played a nice, peaceful and relaxing tune, which was the opposite of what his mornings looked like, but the volume was high enough to wake him up. Stan opened his eyes and was about to press the snooze button, thinking five more minutes of sleep wouldnt disturb his routine, but stopped when He saw there was a message from his best friend Kyle Broflovski. He opened the chat and read “Ready for another year of torture?”
           Stan laugh. “And do we have a choice?” was his reply, knowing Kyle would probably chuckle like He did on the other side. He gave up sleeping five more minutes longer and stood up, walking towards the bathroom to wash his face, but was abruptly pushed before He could enter by the stupid She-Ogre He knew as his older sister. Shelly would just return to the college campus for classes in september and Stan couldnt avoid thinking if it was about time for her to go away. Have her home some weekends was bad... But everyday was almost too much to bear.
- God dammit Shelly! Do you have to do this everyday? – Stan shouted from outside the bathroom, knocking on the locked door. His sister had grew a lot. She didnt used braces anymore and had gave a update to her looks, at least the possible, but her bad attitude had stayed the same. Shelly opened the door, almost hitting Stan’s face with it, to respond.
- Shut up Turd! I’m going out! – and she closed it again almost breaking it. The noise made Stan’s mom, Sharon, soon appear to ask what was going on, but the boy Just sighed and went back to his room. He packed his school stuff and changed his clothes while waited for Shelly to come out of the bathroom.
           He placed his jacket, a The Who shirt, clean jeans and his red converse Chuckies above his bed. He opened the drawer e there it was, carefully stored, his trade Mark: The red poof Ball hat. He throw the little thing with the others at the same moment He saw Shelly passing irritated through the hallway while his mother followed her screaming. Finally He could use the bathroom.
             About twenty minutes later, Stan got to the bus stop, not the same one He and his friends used to hang when they were kids, despite being practically the same thing. All sights in South Park looked alike. When He got there, Kenny and Cartman were laughing, while Kyle had his arms crossed glaring at the other two. – Hey guys. – Stan Said smiling to Kyle, who Just sigh and got closer to his Best friend.
- Hey dude... – Kyle seemed frustrated and Stan knew the reason. He knew why his other two friends were laughing their guts out and it was the same reson that placed that expression on Kyle’s face.
           A week ago, to celebrate summer’s ending, Cartman threw a huge party for everyone in class on his basement. Eric Cartman’s basement had always been the Best place for such stuff... It was big, had an extra bathroom and Liane, his mom, never seemed bothered with all the shit they’ve done down there. The whole sophomore class appeared, Kenny had got the booze and the pot with his contacts and everything was going as planned.
           Stan and Kyle were sitting in the staircase that lead to the basement waiting for Wendy Testaburguer, Stan’s girlfriend, arrive. The Black-haired boy was anxious, since she had spent most of her Summer travelling with her parents. Kenny, Cartman and the others that had arrived already, were downstairs having fun. Watching this, Kyle seemed nervous about something.
- Youre gonna try tonight Kyle? – Stanley asked with a smirk on his face as Kyle turned to him widening his eyes for a second.
- Uh? I dont know what youre talking about...
- The pot dude... I’m asking if youre gonna try it. You Said your parents would be out tonight. – Stan gave a brief look towards Ike, playing with his phone in a couch. Since the Broflovskis were out, Kyle had to bring him to the party.
- I dont know dude... My mom would kill me if she discovered i’ve smoked. – He took a deep breath before continuing. – I know Ike wont say a Word, but i dont know... You know how she gets when she’s angry.
           Stan opened his mouth to say something to his Best friend, but they both turn their heads at the same time hearing the door above the stairs opening. Wendy and Bebe passed through it and the Black-haired girl froze as soon as she saw her boyfriend waiting. Stan smiled and patted Kyle’s shoulder friendly. – You know i support whatever your decision is, right? – and before the red-haired could reply, Stan stood up and went up to where Wendy was.
- Hey babe! How was your trip? – He asked already pulling her into a hug. Wendy seemed nervous about something, and her fake smile showed that.
           Kyle, who could see Wendy’s expression, watched the scene confused, standing up as well. Bebe passed through him shooking her head. – This ain’t gonna be cool... – she sighed already knowing the kinda talk her bestie would have with her boyfriend next. Kyle turned to her listening this, getting even more perplexed now since according to Stan, the two of them seemed to be ok until the previous Day, at least He Said Wendy seemed to miss him in their messages.
- Bebe... What...
- Have you seen Clyde, Ky? – Bebe asked and the jewboy only pointed to where the football team captain and the blonde’s boyfriend was. Soon He also went down there leaving Stan and Wendy alone.
 - Everything was fine Stan... I had lots of fun. – Wendy replied stepping away from his hug. She was acting weird.
- Is everything ok? Something happened? – Stan asked noticing this. He hoped his girl would be anxious to see him again, just like He was. He hoped that she would be happy and willing to tell him the news about her trip and that they would spend na amazing night together at the party. But the words that came out from Wendy’s mouth next made Stan’s heart stop beating for a second.
- Can we... Talk? – she said in a uncertain and not a bit thrilling tone. – I mean... Alone?
 - Whats wrong with your face Kyle? – Kenny asked when He saw the jew coming downstairs with some worry on his eyes. He looked up towards Stan and Wendy while going down, and bit his lip nervously when He saw Stan’s smile vanishing, before He agreed with his head and followed Wendy out of the basement.
- It’s just... I think Wendy is going to break up with Stan. – He said grabbing a pop for himself while Kenny raised na eyebrown. He understood why Kyle seemed worried about this since Stan always ended up devastated everytime He had a fight with his girlfriend and them splitted apart for a while. None of them could forget the goth kids episode. Kenny got a bottle of vodka and added some to Kyle’s cup.
- Guess we’re gonna need more of this to comfort him later then, huh? – He said with a little sigh. Kyle looked at his cup and scratched his neck.
- I dont know if i should Kenny... Ike’s here and... – He thought for an instant. Why not? He wanted to be able to help his Best friend upstairs, but theres nothing He could do at the moment. Maybe when He came back, if what He was thiking truly happened, Kyle could cheer him up a little bit. – Alright... But let’s get slow... You know Stan has a problem with alcoohol.
- I have some weed here too... – Kenny said patting his parka’s pocket where probably the joints were. The smirk on his face showed the other the exact words that were about to come out of his mouth. – You said you were gonna try tonight, Kyle.
             Wendy guided Stan to Cartman’s backyward. Usually, there was the parties Make out spot. Of course, couples used to kiss and fool around down the basement as well, but true action happened there, under the stars. Stan and Wendy had kissed in Cartman’s backyward before but they never reached the ultimate goal, He respected her too much to try doing anything without her giving a sign first. In reality, He didnt fell secure enough to go more ahead than what they had done by that point.
           A girl placed her hands in her coat’s pockets. Despite still being Summer, South Park managed to be to coldest town in all Colorado. She sighed without facing him, just looking at the starry sky, nervous with something Stan couldnt identify. – Wendy... What do you wanna talk about? – she suddenly firm her feet and turn her head to him.
- Stan... We need to take a break.
           Complete silence. Stan tilted his head to the side confused for a few seconds staring at his girlfriend not knowing how to react. E then He chuckled. It was a quick one tho, since Wendy’s expression didnt change. – Wait... You’re being serious? B-But why?!
- I’ve been thinking during this trip... You know? I need a break to think, thats all. – she replied shyly looking to the ground. She hated having to do that. But at the same time, it was needed, doubts came on her head during vacation and she needed to find a solution to it without Stan interfering, even without meaning it. – Please... You need to understand.
- You’ve met someone on the trip, don’t you? Thats what happened? Thats why you’re acting weird? – He asked leaning onto her and gently taking her hands, which made him stare at his eyes one more time. – Wendy... Please don’t do this to me again... I... I love you...
           She stopped and her eyebrows curved in a sad way. She slightly and carefully touched his face. – And i love you too. Thats why i have to do this, because i don’t wanna hurt you more than necessary. I need a break Stanley... – her voice was firm and decisive. – And no... I didnt met anyone on the trip. I just... Need you to respect what i’m asking you.
           She took a deep sigh gazing deeply inside his eyes, before releasing his hands and pass through him, returning back into the house. Stan’s shoulders dropped while he stared at nothing ahead of him with wide eyes, shocked, without understanding how in a matter of minutes he went from “Cute messages of missing you” to “We need to take a break”. He had no Idea how longer he stayed there staring at nothing in particular, but he discovered later that it was for awhile, cause Kenny opened the glass door that gave access to the backyard, holding himself to not have a laughter attack.
- HAHA! STAN! – he couldnt stop laughing. – You have to come see the shit Kyle’s doing! S-Stan... – Kenny stopped in front of his friend, finally seeing his desolate expression. – Uh... Stan? What happened?
- Wendy... She... She... – Stan tried to speak, but the words simply didnt came out. He felt his body being pulled into a hug all of sudden. Kenny sighed releasing him a few seconds later.
- I’m so sorry dude...
           Stan felt terrible. If at least he knew why Wendy did this to him, maybe he could stand the fact better. Kenny was a good friend and for sure, at least as far as possible, his hug had helped. Perhaps if he went to hang with his friends... Wait a minute. Stan’s sad face changed to confused in just one second. – What did you said about Kyle?
 - ALRIGHT, MOTHERFUCKERS! WHEN I SAY CARTMAN, YOU SAY FATASS! – Kyle was standing above the junk food table, wearing only his underwear and hat. His voice sounded drunk and a little bit higher than usual. Kyle already had the most high pitched voice among all his male friends, but that was too much.
           Kenny returned with Stan to the basement and just when he saw Kyle, he couldnt contain his laugh. Stan’s eyes got wide seeing his Best friend completely high and screaming almost naked in front of everybody. That wasnt Kyle, or at least, it wasnt how Kyle acted. All the others had similiar reactions to what was going on: Or they were laughing or they were shocked. Cartman didnt seemed to care that mosto of the shit coming out of the jew’s mouth were poorly directed to him. At the moment, the fat kid hold onto Heidi, his girlfriend, while filming Kyle making a fool of himself with his Iphone. – That’s totally going to my Twitter. – Eric laugh evil.
- My god Kenny... What the fuck did you gave him? – Stan asked, a mix of worry and giggle on his voice. Kenny laughed out loud in return, showing the other joint he had.
- Looks like our friend Kyle kept his promise, huh Stan?
           Wendy was one of the people looking at Kyle without knowing how to react. For a second, she glanced at Stan, but quickly the boy looked away and went to the table where Kyle danced ridiculously. – Kyle, you have to get down from there dude. – Stan said reaching his arms towards his Best friend so he could come down without falling or getting hurt.
- Hey Stan! Hey everybody! This is my Best friend Stan! – Kyle said almost tripping and falling from the table, but Stan managed to hold him and put him down safely before that could happen. – Ah... Dude... Your eyes are puffy... – Kyle stopped smiling and touched Stan’s face dizzily. – She broke up with you, didnt she? I’m so sorry Stan! – and then he hugged him.
Stanley wanted to talk with Kyle about it. During his whole life, that boy was always there to help him, but he knew the red haired didnt had conditions at the moment. He sighed and asked someone next to the scene to pass him Kyle’s clothes that were on the floor. – C’mon man... Lets get you home. Lets go Ike!
Stan went away without saying bye to most people. In the end, Kyle’s little show had gave him an excuse to leave... After what happened, the last thing he wanted was partying. When they got to Kyle’s house, on the other side of the street, Stan carefully placed him on his bed with Ike’s help. He thanked Jesus for their parents being out.
- God dammit... Hey Ike, i think i’m spending the night. Just in case Kyle doesnt feel good... And he has no conditions of... – Stan stopped talking when he heard voices that sounded much alike the ones he heard at the party coming from Ike’s phone. – Ike?
- Uh? Oh, sure, no problem. – Ike replied laughing and showing his phone screen. It was a vídeo of Kyle’s show at the party, posted three minutes ago on Eric Cartman’s Twitter Page. – Its online already.
           Stan took a deep breath, rolling his eyes thinking how Cartman could be such an asshole. He looked at Kyle knowing how ashamed he would be in the morning, despite him looking so peaceful sleeping now. – Alright Ike... You should go rest. We’ll figure this out tomorrow ok? The sleeping bag is still in the closet?
           Stan layed on the floor next to Kyle’s bed, curling himself at the thick Terrance & Phillip sleeping bag. He smiled a bit remembering how happy they both were when got that gift. Soon he frowned tho, thinking about Wendy and what happened at the party. Why did she had to do that with him? Why didnt she gave him a reason? He heard Kyle moving on his bed and then released a groan.
- You better be ok in the morning to hear me mourn Kyle...
- Stan? Are you listening to me? – Kyle asked waving his hand in front of his Best friend’s face, that looked completely lost in thoughts.
- Uh? What? – he asked snapping out of it. He was inside the bus already heading to school with Kyle sitting by his side.
- You didnt heard a single Word i said, right? – the red haired kid asked with a bored look. Stan stuttered to reply, which made Kyle sit straight in his seat with his arms crossed. – Nevermind...
           Stan felt bad for a second. He’d been thinking about Wendy and what happened for the last minutes, not realizing his surroundings. In fact, he and the girl havent spoken to each other in a week, ever since the talk in Cartman’s yard. The boy relaxed in his seat sighing sadly gazing at the view from his window. – I know you were problably cursing Cartman for being an ass and posting that vídeo. He’s really a jerk... I’m sorry about it and i’ll help you solve this shit. Is just...
- The thing with Wendy, right? – Kyle said suddenly. The two boys knew each other time enough to know exactly what the other was thinking without much effort. Stan looked back to his friend. – I know dude... It sucks. But you told me she just wanted a time. Didnt she said she loved you?
- Well... Yeah, she said. But i dont know... She seemed so... – the bus stopped in front of South Park High and the doors opened so the students could come out. But Stan couldnt stand. He saw something outside the bus the simply freeze his movements. Wendy was sitting at the stairs in front of the building with a big book in one of her hands... Because the other side of the book was being held by a blonde kid around their age that was extremely familiar. -...Distant...
           Kyle looked from the window seeing the same scene. The boy was close to Wendy. Too close. The two of them seemed to be talking about the book and she seemed happy with this kid’s company. Kyle lifted an eyebrown, having the same sensation of familiarity. The blonde curly hair thrown back, fancy outfits and that smart air he exibited over Wendy... It reminded them a lot about this kid they’ve met years ago, when they were just eight, and that had went study with them. Kyle’s eyes widen when his mind reproducted the words “La Resistance” and he could, finally, identify who this guy was.
- Gregory... – he said making Stan turn to him abruptly.
- Hey, you two have to come down! – the bus driver yelled making them realize they were the only ones left inside. The boys quickly took their stuff and did as the man said. Kyle tried to pull Stan as far as possible from where Wendy was with Gregory, maybe head to their lockers and get over with that, but Stan couldnt avoid giving his girlfriend, or ex, a look with all the sadness from his body.
           For a moment, Wendy faced him back, and the joy vanished from her face. She looked embarassed to the ground while Kyle kept trying to pull him away. But he knew there was no sense in spare him since his heart was probably already broken.
             Eric Cartman was walking towards his locker with his usual egocentric air. He wasnt among the youngest in school anymore, actually, he was practically a veteran if you think well. It was like he owned this territory by now. He spotted Heidi Turner, his longdate gilfriend, searching for something inside her locker, and, even tho he wasnt seeing her face, he knew she was excited to see him. They were more attached than ever, since a week ago, after the incredible party in his house that he liked to call “High Kyle’s show” they went it on inside his room. Probably the best day of his whole life, not only for seeing Kyle humiliating himself, but because he lost his virginity, all in one night. It was too good to be true.
           When he reached her, Cartman hugged her from behind, gripping her waist and lifting her up softly. Heidi gasped startled, tooking a fright when he lifted her, but when she looked back and saw her boyfriend, her face turned angry. She shook her legs and kicked him lightly to be released. – Let me go Eric!
           Cartman released her, getting confused. He chuckled sarcastically. – Wow... Looks like someone is on a bad mood today. Are you on your period or something?
           Heidi shut her locker madly, which made Cartman shut his mouth. He had seem her pissed before, despite being rare, and he didnt liked at all. He kept perplexed while she faced him almost like she was about to attack him. – I dont wanna talk to you! – she yelled suddenly and started to walk away. Cartman ran and grip on her arm.
- Hey! Wait a second, what have i done? – he asked not understanding. Heidi’s face got even angrier, burning bright red. After a few seconds she opened up.
- You want to explain to me why everybody knows what we’ve done last week? – she screamed pulling her arm away from his touch. Cartman’s eyes widen, as he placed his hands on his pockets.
- I... I dont know what youre talking about, Heidi...
- Dammit Eric! I asked you to not tell anyone! – she stamp her feet on the floor with tears on her eyes.  
- And i didnt! – he screamed back, some people were staring at them both, before turning their faces and leave. Heidi crossed her arms, not buying not even a bit of that. – Well... Maybe i’ve told the guys... And Butters... And Clyde. I mean, i had to tell Clyde, right? Oh yeah... I told Jimmy too...
           He stopped when she suddenly pushed him and his fat body hit the floor. – Youre an idiot! Now everybody looks at me knowing what happened! Dont you ever speak to me! Its over Eric! – and then she returned to march nervously away from him.
- Fuck you Heidi! Thats right, go away and leave me here, laying on the floor! – Cartman yelled seeing her move away. Noticing she didnt hesitate a single step and just disappeared by the end of the hallway, ignoring him completely, he sighed heavily, still with an irritated expression, laying the rest of his body on the floor too. – Crap...
OH MY GOD I’M SOOO HAPPY HAHA! So yeah, this was the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. Feel free to comment, share and talk to me or Mary about it cause it really makes us want post more and more about this!!  
*THIS AU BELONGS ENTIRELY TO ME (@maryramos) AND MY FRIEND (@m-tonks). If repost, please give credit to us and make sure to follow our page for more content of it!*
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ryukogo · 6 years
I had so much fun with this.
   The worst day of Kyle Broflovski’s life started with a phone call.
            He could hear his mother talking to someone on the phone, her voice growing more and more urgent as the seconds ticked by. Suddenly, there were sounds of her footsteps on the stairs.
            In the bed across the room, Ike began to stir at the noise and so did the three cats on the floor near Kyle’s bed. In the end, everyone in the room was staring at the door wondering what had Sheila in such a fuss.
            Kyle turned towards the three of them with a warning gaze and they flinched. He would be lying if he said he didn’t get immense satisfaction from that. After Kyle had regained his memories of everything and he had confronted them, they had come to an agreement. In his opinion and theirs it would be too suspicious if all three of Kyle’s cats were to up and disappear. And so, they had struck a deal. In the company of any human besides Pip or Butters (because they know too, and Kyle is thankful for it because they are the biggest reason he is still sane at this point), he would still play the part of the loving owner and they would still be the loving pets. Once they were alone, thought, all bets were off.
            The bedroom door slammed open and there stood Kyle’s mother, eyes filled with worry and concern. Kyle’s stomach filled knots when she spoke to him first.
            “Kyle, honey, do you have any idea where Tweek is? I know things have been …..strained between the two of you lately, but his mother says she left him to close up the shop last night by himself and now he’s nowhere to be seen.”
            Kyle’s stomach dropped, and he felt like he was going to be sick. Please, please tell him this isn’t what he thought it was. Please, PLEAse, PLEASE.
            Without a word to the other occupants in the room, he picked up his phone and pressed his speed dial.  
            Tweek didn’t answer. In different circumstances, Kyle wouldn’t have assumed the worst, but knowing what he knows, it is best to go ahead and assume. When he got the dial tone saying that Tweek’s phone had been disconnect, he knew something was wrong. Tweek wouldn’t have disconnected the phone himself. Someone else had.
            Kyle wanted to scream his rage to the heavens. He wanted to break things. He took several deep breaths as Ike’s hands landed on his shoulders.
            When he had calmed himself down, he pressed his speed dial again.
            Pip answered immediately, “Kyle, dude, I was sleeping. What do you need?”
            Kyle didn’t have time for pleasantries. If Tweek had really gone missing, then they needed to form a plan, NOW. “Have you seen Tweek? He’s missing, Pip.”
            Out of the corner of his eye, Kyle watched as the cats in the room all went running out of the window. Sheila and Ike didn’t notice, however, both too focused on Kyle.
            On the other side of the phone, Kyle heard rustling and a gasp, “I haven’t Kyle. But, I’m sure he’s alright. He must be. There is no other option.”
            By the tone of Pip’s voice, Kyle could tell Pip was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Kyle.
            The sick feeling in Kyle’s stomach only grew worse. He knew in his bones something terrible had happened to his boyfriend (Were they still boyfriends? Kyle didn’t know, and he knew he only had himself to blame).
            Kyle needed to take action, “Call Butters. Check on Tweek’s cats. Call the others. We need to start looking for him right now.“  
         Kyle hung up the phone. He turned towards his mother and said, “We are going to start looking for him.”
            He didn’t say anything to his brother as he dashed out of the room with his pajamas still on.
It didn’t take long for the news that Tweek was missing to spread like wildfire through the town. Kyle’s phone was going off like crazy as made plans to meet up with the others and start their search.
Deep down, Kyle knew the search was futile. But, some part of him was hoping Tweek would show and prove his suspicions wrong.
As they all started forming groups and choosing different directions to go in, Kyle got a text from an unknown number.
You three need to meet with us in that place. Right Now. And make sure no one follows you.
He didn’t notice the curious pairs of eyes watching him as he walked away with Butters and Pip.
It was no secret that there had been massive tension between them and Tweek lately. Tweek had said they were acting strange and it was time to get the bottom of the problem. This would not be another Thomas and Estella situation. They wouldn’t let it be.
            “YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS! YOU PIECES OF SHIT! WE TOLD YOU NOT TO MAKE YOUR DISRESS SO OBVIOUS!” Craig Tucker was in fine form as he screamed his rage and worry at the three of them, for he blamed them for what had happened. There was no one trying to hold him back because they knew it wouldn’t work. Even though he’s dating Stan, he’s still also very much in love with Tweek and doesn’t tolerate any threats towards him whatsoever. Kyle still hated him for being his boyfriend’s boyfriend. Not that Kyle had been a good boyfriend lately. Beside him, Clyde was crying, and Token was trying to comfort him and be strong. The tear tracks on Token’s face spoke volumes about how devastated he was really was, though. Kevin Stoley was next to them, looking more defeated than ever before.
            Pip remained stone faced, and Butters started crying again.
The two boys glared at each other, the hatred between them almost overbearing to the people around them.
Craig’s face grew redder with rage, if that was even possible, and he started to retort, “HE WAS FINE FOR YEARS BEFORE YOU FUCKERS- “
“ENOUGH” Stan Marsh’s voice rang out and it was enough to silence both boys.
Stan was done with them both at the moment and he hissed, “You are not doing Tweek any favors by sitting here and screaming at each other.”
Pip’s voice spoke up and when Kyle turned to face him he looked so haunted that it took Kyle’s breath away, “We should have told him, Kyle. We thought we were doing the right thing and now I’m not so sure. “
Butters laughed bitterly and looked at Kenny who flinched, “We thought we were protecting him from this and yet we just made it worse.”
Kyle came to a grave realization, “We broke his heart more thoroughly than anything those Mephisto asshats could have ever done.” He hated himself even more.
“Enough of your pity party” Craig spoke up once again with Token and Clyde now standing on either side of him with determination in their steely gazes. “He is in grave danger and we are going to go get him.”
The air froze as everyone focused on the three of them.
For the first time since this whole debacle started, Herbert Pocket opened his mouth, “Oh so, now that it is Tweek that is missing, you want to do something and not just sit on our asses, huh?”
Craig whirled on him and gave him one of the nastiest glares Kyle had ever seen, “Do not start with me Herbert.”
“Craig.” Stan warned, ready to intervene should his boyfriend start another confrontation.
Kenny finally spoke up, “But, how? Alphonse has been on his deathbed for years, we have no idea who has been behind the recent targetings. It’s different than when it happened to us all those years ago, it feels more sinister. And we’ve checked on all the places where it happened to us and have found nothing. We have nowhere to start. There are no clues.”
Kyle noticed that Kenny deliberately left out the part about how all they think that the swan and lion that had shown up in South Park a couple of months ago were Thomas and Estella. Despite an extensive search, neither animal had shown up or been spotted since.
Craig’s face was still determined. “We have to do something. This is not going to stop and you all know it.”
Stan sighed and took his boyfriend’s hand, “I am with you all the way, you know that Craig. But, we need some sort of plan. We must make sure none of them are on to us, whoever they are. If they catch wind of this, we could be putting this town and Tweek in more danger than ever before.”
Stan turned towards the rest of the pets, who at this point had said nothing. He stared directly at Wendy, who looked resigned. “None of you have to be involved in this if you do not want to. It’s up to you.”
Kevin and Esther Stoley looked at each other, each having a silent conversation with the other. “We’re in.”
Pocket rubbed his hands over his face, “I’m in as well, Estella is still in danger and neither Tweek nor Thomas deserved this either.”
Wendy opened her mouth to speak, to tell them she was just as tired of this crap as they are, when-
“What a lovely conversation you all are having.” Everyone tensed at this because they all would recognize that voice anywhere. They had all been so engrossed in the moment that they hadn’t heard them creeping up on them.
Immediately, everyone turned toward her voice with chills going up their spines. It was never a pretty sight when Nichole was pissed, and it was obvious she was.
There stood Nichole with Jimmy and the three older goth kids. All of them were pissed.
Bradley gasped and looked shaken.
“So,” Henrietta crossed her arms, “Care to explain to the five of us what the hell is going on here?”
            Outside of the coffee shop, three figures stood. One of with rope and a blindfold, one with chloroform, and one with the muscles of someone who can hold most people down.
            Their car had been parked at just the right spot.
            Tweek’s parents were out and there was no one else around. It was almost midnight. The security cameras had never worked, Tweek’s parents were too cheap.
They had planned this out perfectly.
            They said nothing as they entered the establishment.
            When Tweek Tweak heard the door for the entrance to the shop chime, indicating that at least one customer had come in, he sighed. He was so not in the mood for an asshole who decided to come to the shop five minutes before it closed. He was exhausted, mentally and physically, and felt like he was to drop any second. He looked at his phone and saw that he had no service. That was odd. Oh well, he just wanted to go to bed and not think about his friends anymore.
            Putting the situation with Kyle, Butters, and Pip aside, he plastered a smile on his fact that he hoped looked decent and made a move to turn around from where he had been cleaning the back counters.
            But he never got the chance.
            Suddenly someone yanked his arms behind his back, someone put a blindfold over his eyes and a cloth to his nose and mouth.
            Tweek took one breath and realized with a flash of panic what was on the cloth.
            He struggled but to no avail. He was no match for the person holding him down, especially with the state he was in. He could feel the rope beginning to be put around his hands and feet.
            The last thing he heard before he lost consciousness was this:
            “It’s time for you to come home, cat.”
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cornnstarch · 7 years
What are your top ten south park characters and why
gonna do this like a count down
10. Scott MalkinsonI’m gonna say, Scott just barely made is onto this list (two weeks ago, this place would have belonged to Tweek Tweak), and he wouldn’t have been here if it hadn’t been for The Fractured But Whole. I grew attached to him in the time that he was in my party, and due to that just recently went back and watched the episodes he was a prominent or semi-prominent character in. I dunno, I just really like him for some reason.
9. Token BlackEver since Here Comes the Neighbourhood I’ve had a certain soft spot for Token. I love how he’s often so level-headed in comparison to other characters and how he stands up against racial stereotyping, unlike many other characters I see portrayed in the same situation (please note that I have NOT seen many other characters in the same situation as him, just characters in the novels we have to read in school). His family also feels like one of the most functional in town, which makes them incredibly likable as a whole for me. I’ve always felt like Token is an under appreciated character. I should draw him more often.(On a side note, I also really love his voice, and I get really attached sometimes to just sounds alone.)
8. Stan MarshGod, Stan Marsh has become such a good kid throughout the series. I feel like he’s usually seen as the plainest out of the main boys, but I love how he’s often portrayed as being the most sensitive out of them. His love for animals hits close to home for me, as well as how he tends to hold true to his morals most of the time. When I first got into the show, he was a figure for me to relate to, as it was when his parents had divorced and that happened to me as a child. Unlike the Marshs, though, they didn’t get back together (and I’m pretty glad they didn’t)
7. Gregory of YardaleGOD I love Gregory. I don’t even have a valid reason for this besides that I too was a theatre kid and that he’s everything I love packed into a character. Great leadership qualities, confidence, flamboyance, lovely singing voice, everything. I often doodle him to make up for my sadness over the fact that he’s probably never appear in canon again :((
6. Clyde DonovanClyde is another character I’m inexplicably in love with. Maybe because I can relate to his sudden outburts of sobbing and subtle love for adult-oriented content at a young age. I dunno. He’s really cute.
5. MichaelMichael is the most relatable character ever written for me in South Park and I feel like it’s a direct attack tbh. Like, he’s dark and gloomy looking but I often perceive his actions as being the most accepting out of all of the goth kids. I dunno it’s weird. Also, I love how, even though he’s the oldest, he doesn’t claim some kind of leadership?? That’s another thing I just love about the goth kids as a whole: they don’t have a leader, they’re just...friends. I also love Michael’s style in comparison to all the other goths. He reminds me a lot of my middle school self.
4. Wendy TestaburgerI’ve been in love with Wendy since the day I first started watching South Park. She’s such a strong, smart female role that I quickly grew attached. I didn’t feel as strongly for her in recent seasons, however, until The Fractured But Whole came out. Having her on my team with her encouraging lines and just overall attitude in battle was...encouraging, somehow? I don’t know. I loved her stance on not caring what side the main character was, or who they were fighting for. That she just trusted them to do the right thing since she perceived them as a good kid. I also love her acceptance on gender or sexual identity and overall openmindedness. I wish I could be like Wendy.
3. Craig TuckerCraig Tucker. I’ve loved him since he first appeared, though not nearly as strongly as I do now. I loved his little quirk of just flipping random people off, it’d always make me laugh for some reason. That with how blunt and deadpan all of his lines are. When he started being developed more (ex. his love for space and science, pissed and confused Craig™, etc) I started to get more and more invested in his character instead of just his mannerisms, and now seeing him with Tweek being an excellent boyfriend and just friend in general despite being dubbed a prick and a douchebag in the past just makes me really happy.
2. Pip PirrupI absolutely adore Great Expectations. I adore Charles Dickens in general, and when I saw that there was a character based off of one of my favourite main characters ever I instantly fell in love with him. I also think that by now it’s obvious that, as I get attached to characters that have English accents. Honestly, I just adore Pip as a character and have always wanted to protect his precious soul. Also how he beat the fuck up out of all those kids. Hell yes.
1. Kenny McCormickThis was an obvious one. Since, y’know, I named my blog after him and everything. Literally since episode one I’ve found his dying gag absolutely hilarious, his dirty personality oddly charming?? And the way he cares for Karen just makes my heart warm. I don’t know. I’m in love with his character in general it’s just really hard to explain. Kenny’s just my little ray of sunshine and I cannot express how much I adore him.
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pip-pirrup · 7 years
What are your top ten south park characters and why
oooo good question!!!
Pip!!!!is this honestly a shock to anyonegod this boy is just so perfect?? he’s so sweet and cute and every scene with him is adorable. also? he’s super badass and yet he literally lets people walk all over him because he’s such a nice guy. he…… did not deserve to diehe literally had so much potential#bringpipback2k17
GOTH KIDSall of themall the goth kidsokay to be fair michael is my favorite goth kid but holy shit I love those children so so muchas a person who has actively been in the gothic subculture for many years now, it’s so refreshing to see goth people in media who actually aren’t a stereotype it’s very obvious that the south park team really did their research on the subculture and i love every second of ityou guys don’t understand how happy I was to see that they listened to real goth music…. so many people get the wrong idea of what goth music is and I can’t believe they actually got it right thank you south park
Kennyyou guys I don’t say this enough but I love kenny so muchhe’s such a good kid honestly I didn’t pay much attention to him before the whole mysterion thing, but that made me look at him in such a different light and he’s been one of my favorite characters ever since he’s a joke character that ended up with so much depth and I love that so much
CraigI have such a soft spot for craig honestly I think I’ve had a special place in my heart for him ever since I saw the pandemic episodes.  those episodes always left me wanting more.  I really want to find out more about him!  I’ve been so so grateful for the extra screentime he’s been getting. he’s so much more of a cute nerd than I ever asked for I’m so blessed
TweekI would die for tweek tweak probably I love him because honestly he’s so relatable I too am an anxious screaming child also,,, he’s so cute oh my god I cannot handle all of the recent attention he’s been getting in the show 
Scott TenormanTHE MOST UNDERRATED VILLAIN EVERscott tenorman must die is honestly one of my fav episodes and I don’t even know why. I just love this poor child.  I was absolutely delighted when he came back in. 201 was it?I really want them to bring him back again….. I feel like they had the perfect opportunity in the game but they didn’t. shame.
Damiendamien is also incredibly underrated?? like he was in 1 episode and yet the entire fandom was so taken by him@matt and trey please…… bring back my boy he has so much unexplored potential….. please…..
Kyleok so kyle was always one of my favoritesI mean lately he’s been… well idk it just kind of feels like he’s been a bit ooc lately and he’s definitely been treated a lot different by the show but he was such a good character and I love him so much I really hope we get some more good kyle content again he was so cute in the game so that was refreshing to see
Stanstan is the most pure child I know.  he’s kind of standard character-wise but he’s such a good kid he tries his best to be a good person and yet he struggles so muchidk but when I saw him apologize after PC principal called him out in the game, I was so. overwhelmed with love. he’s such a good boy. I love stan marsh.
Jimmyso! I used to just not really care about jimmy? like I never hated him but he was always kind of eh for mebut then some day I just started to appreciate him more? idk I just think it’s nice that he’s disabled and treated the same you knowit’s also kind of implied that he might have spastic diplegia and I have spastic diplegia so I love him because of that too 
okay so honestly my order gets a little weird towards the end bc aside from my fav character (pip) I don’t really have any order? I just love characters in any order really
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Hello! Your character analysis stuff is so well written and spot on! It makes my Matt and Trey analysis stuff seem total shit XD Have you studied psychology or something? Would you be interested in doing one about Stan and Kyle's friendship and how/ why they go from being best friends to threatening to shoot or beat each other up?
Hi! You’re very kind, butno, I’ve never studied psychology or anything. I just really love South Park and I think about the characters a lot. Toomuch, probably. And nonsense, I love your Matt and Trey analyses!
Stan and Kyle are my twofavorite characters so of course I’ll discuss them and their friendship. Ithink these two complement each other very well and balance each other out.Normally, they’re attached at the hip, but these Super Best Friends have had anargument or two (or three or four). They’ve fought or betrayed or called eachother out on five different occasions, if my memory serves: “Prehistoric IceMan,” “Mystery of the Urinal Deuce,” “Crack Baby Athletic Association,” “You’reGetting Old/Ass Burgers,” and “Butterballs.”
The first two episodesare pretty useless in terms of analysis and characterization. “Prehistoric IceMan” is the episode where Stan and Kyle have their first real fight. However,this is early South Park and the boys haven’t developed their distinctpersonalities yet. During season 2, Stan and Kyle are pretty much the same kid,which means the fight doesn’t add any merit to their friendship. “Mystery ofthe Urinal Deuce” is also an exception because Stan betrays Kyle to protecthimself from getting in trouble for crapping in the urinal. I don’t think heintends to target Kyle in any way, but Kyle gets caught up in the plot andwon’t stop digging, in that Kyle way of his. Stan sort of has his back againstthe wall here and pulls a gun on his friend to save himself. That doesn’t makeit okay, but it’s certainly understandable, and clear Stan didn’t do so becauseof any malice towards Kyle.
Now things get a littlemore interesting. I’ll compare “Crack Baby Athletic Association” and“Butterballs” because they’re very similar in the way Stan and Kyle disagree.“CBAA” has Kyle agreeing with Cartman and acting immorally so he seeksvalidation from Stan. He rants and raves in Stan’s ear about why what he’sdoing is okay when he’s really trying to convince himself. He seeks Stan’sacceptance because Stan is the closest thing to himself he can find. If Stansays its fine, he can quit feeling guilty. However, Stan says “You sound likeCartman” and stares deadpan the rest of the time because that’s all he has to say. He knows Kyle enough to beaware that comparing him to Cartman is the ultimate insult and this commentwill cause him to sort himself out.
On the flipside, Stan’sego gets the best of him again in“Butterballs” and Kyle is the only one who tries to make him see that. Hepoints out that the anti-bullying video is more about Stan helping himself thanhelping victims of bullying and repeatedly tells him to be careful he doesn’twind up jacking it in San Diego. This sequence is played for laughs, but it showsjust how intuitive Kyle is. He knows about the history of Stan’s big head andcorrectly predicts what will happen if it goes too far because he’s seen allthis before. He knows Stan insanely well and is smart enough to see patterns inhis best friend’s behavior that will spell trouble so he warns him because hecares.
Now, before the nextsegment, I want to say that I adore Kyle. He’s a good character, probably thebest person on the show morality wise, but…nota super great friend. Stan has his issues, but he is a way better friend thanKyle. I couldn’t analyze Stan and Kyle’s friendship without ranting a bit aboutKyle’s abandonment of Stan in “You’re Getting Old” and “Ass Burgers.” I’m stillfurious at Kyle for how quickly he turns his back on Stan during hisdepression. Kyle doesn’t even try to helpStan in his time of need, which is particularly frustrating if you look at howoften Stan goes out of his way for Kyle. He schemes to get Cartman’s kidney tosave Kyle’s life in “Cherokee Hair Tampon,” writes a hit song so Kyle can returnto South Park in “Smug Alert,” and investigates the girls’ list to help Kyle’sself-esteem in “The List.” I don’t even think those are all the instances where Stan sticks his neck out for Kyle. Andthen, after all that, Kyle suddenly decides “I don’t care to be in thisfriendship anymore” the minute Stan needs him? That’s pretty shitty, but Ithink it makes sense if you look at Kyle’s character.
Kyle certainly hasrelationships with the people in his life and cares about their well-being, buthis #1 concern is the right thing. Ifhe sees someone being wronged, he will intervene, even if that person isCartman and even if the wrongdoer is someone he loves. He is able to look at a situationobjectively and figure out the right course of action. This mentality is whatmakes Kyle so great, but it’s also what contributes to his self-righteousness. Ithink, in Kyle’s mind, he thinks the right thing to do is cut Stan loose. Stan’sdepression is sad, but it’s also a huge bummer to be around and he feels Stanis harming his friends without meaning to.
Meanwhile, Stan uses hisheart rather than his head in decision-making. Often, he will only get involvedin a cause if it affects him personally. He leads a charge to protect whalesand dolphins because he lovesanimals, encourages people to drive Hybrids and save the planet because his best friend moved away, and campaignsfor gay rights because his dog isgay. This sounds a little more selfish and, I guess it is, but most of us areguilty of it. However, Stan’s heart pushes him to protect his loved ones (i.e.Kyle) past the point when others would have given up.
Part of this is becauseStan is extremely group-oriented. He needs a support system and clings to themno matter the situation. In “Raisins,” when he becomes goth he latches on to anew group of friends that share his values. In “You’re Getting Old,” Stanclaims that the only thing that isn’tshitty to him are his friends. Kyle is a little more independent in that he canprobably survive without being part of a clique. However, I think this is wherethe difference lies: Stan needs a friend group, but Kyle needs Stanspecifically. Looking back at all the times Stan has saved Kyle’s ass, it makesme think that no matter how outgoing or badass Kyle is, he really needs Stan. Who else is going toconfront a fraud psychic to convince him not to go to Jewish boarding school? NotCartman or Kenny.
So there you have it.This was long as hell, but I wanted to get all my thoughts on the page.Basically Kyle is the head and Stan is the heart and neither can operatewithout the other. It’s what makes them such an iconic duo and a strong team.Maybe you can take this and write an analysis on how this compares to Matt andTrey’s friendship. I hope I answered your question to your satisfaction!
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hfwtevents-blog · 7 years
Event 1 - Friday, 9/23, DAY
Who:  Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Karen McCormick, Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, Rebecca Miller, Craig Tucker, Clyde Donovan, Kevin Stoley, Jenny Simons, Heidi Turner NPCs: Principal Wells, Randy Marsh, Sheila Broflovski When: Friday, September 23, 3:30 PM; Event 1 Where: The school parking lot and bus What: The kids get ready for their trip to the aquarium.
Friday, September 23, 3:30 PM
Weather: 55°F, Partly cloudy
Scene: Parking lot, bus pick-up/drop-off section
Stan sighed heavily as he made his way to the bus, backpack crammed full of all he needed. He felt stupid for thinking this field trip could ever be fun, now that his dad had gotten wind of it. So much for any taste of independence. He just hoped Randy would forget, be late, and that the bus would leave without him. Fuck parent chaperones. Seriously.
He had walked back to school solo in an effort to ditch Randy, despite the fact that would have been easier to drive together.
Even though the school got some serious funding from Token’s family, they were still cheap enough to make them take a standard yellow school bus on the drive to Denver. Stan figured he’d probably never know the joys of a charter bus while living in South Park.
Considering the last bell rang at 2:15 PM, the parking lot was a ghost town, save for the bus and the field trip goers, who were gradually trickling in.
The Car ride to the school was hell. This trip was going to be hell. In fact Kyle was actually living in hell. That was it. His life was over and this was where he ended up. Of fucking course his mother would be on the field trip, and of course he would be stuck rooming with fucking stupid ass face craig and Kyle was going to murder him in his sleep --- Stan better learn how to hide a fucking body and fast because Kyle swear to God, or anything holy that he was going ----
At lease Stan would be miserable too. Randy was going to be there which would mean Stan would be just as pissy. Perfect. That would work just fine then. Kyle hoped out of the car the moment it was on the curb grabbing his bag from the truck. ' Where are you?'  He was quick to Text Stan.
Karen was so excited it wasn't just her first trip, but her first school trip with Kenny. She was glad that Kenny was nice enough to cover her with some spending money so they could go together. Karen rocked back and forth on her heels, droning on about how excited she was to Kenny, as he carried their bags. "Do you think that the bus ride will be long? I hope its not! Do you thin we'll have really good food out there? Becca said she was there before and there was a really good steak house by the hotel. Do you think we can go Kenny?" She asked too exicted
Rebecca was excited for the trip, but also not so much. I mean yeah! She gets to be with Karen! That's the best part about this whole thing, only.. She didn't get to stay with Karen in the same room. Total Bummer. She didn't really even know the girls she was going to be roomed with anyway, which that makes it SO much better right? Nervousness trickling into her, she had to get her mind off of that. As she was drove there by her Mother she brought with her, her bag, a sketchbook, and two game systems to play on the bus ride there.
Getting to the school, she unbuckled told her  mother Bye and she walked up to the curb. She was wearing a long sleeve pastel red shirt with a cute bat on it, a black skirt, and some really cute tights that adored little bats all around it. Her hair was up in ponytail, and she adored a little bat hair pin in her hair. Different from her usual confused for a goth look, but still her nonetheless. She looked about to see if Karen's showed up yet, oh man she really wanted to see Karen, even if it's been just a couple of hours. Who could live that long without seeing their Bestie?
Randy Marsh pulled his car up near the bus area, dressed a little nicely but not too much - he threw a jacket on over his usual blue workshirt, gray hair starting to tease by his temples, but otherwise, he looked good for his age. He couldn't help but be a little worried about Stan, since he hadn't come home that day, but he was sure the kid would be fine. He had a lot of faith in Stan's independence. He remembered when he was Stan's age - he barely saw his old man at all, if ever. Stan was probably fine.
Randy opened the car door and stepped out, pulling a canteen out of his jacket to get a quick drink. He really didn't want to overdo it on the trip but... he'd need a little stress relief here and there.He looked around and thought he saw some kids over the buses, grinning and waving over as he approached from the further reach of the parking lot.
Kevin Stoley had made it early, of course, and had been sitting around fiddling with his phone for a while, playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes and trying to climb up the leaderboards. His squad was so boring - I mean, he loved all of the characters, sure, but he knew everybody had half of these characters. He didn't want to draw too much attention to himself, or stick out like a sore thumb, but he wanted to be a little unique... oh, still talking about the game, for the record, he clarified to nobody in particular. He had Red's playlist all set up for the bus ride in the meantime. He was terrible with music, so of course he didn't recognize most of the music but he was curious what'd been picked.
In the meantime, he was a little thankful Bradley hadn't tagged along or something. He was one of his better friends, but he was glad he wouldn't have to worry about keeping him out of trouble. He was pleseantly surprised to see he'd be rooming with Kenny and Clyde, both people he felt pretty decent enough with. He hadn't known Kenny so well when they were younger, but he turned out to be as cool as could be expected and a solid friend. He didn't know Clyde as much personally, but Clyde seemed so chill that for once Kevin wasn't too anxious about being judged. Plus... Kevin liked aquariums, so all looked good.
Jenny had overslept and was kind of in a rush to make it to school on time to leave - she'd forgotten how exactly she'd been talked into this stupid trip. Probably a mistake, she figured. None of her closer friends would even be there - I mean, she wasn't disappointed to see Wendy'd be around, at least, someone relatively sane, but she still felt a little isolated. That wasn't exactly news though. She'd sooner expect some of those choir people, maybe that blonde chick with the nose-picking problem, to end up on something like this, but it wasn't her thing. As she spotted yellow buses over the horizon, she knew she was almost there. No use turning back now, right?
Wendy was at a conflict of morals.
Aquariums were fun--sure, aside from all the sweaty kids putting their sticky, filthy fingers against the glass and screaming at their parents to buy some grossly overpriced stuffed plush from the gift shop.
Okay, so maybe she didn't like aquariums that much. She liked the animals--but that's where her morals kicked in. She loved seeing the animals, but... she didn't like that they were contained. It was the ultimate conflict of first world problems. But it wasn't as if she could stage an elaborate marine heist--well, okay, she could. She was Wendy fucking Testaburger, after all. She just lacked the necessary resources and equipment.
So, reservations aside, she decided to come. A classic Destiny's Child song blared on the radio as she made the drive to school, Bebe in the passenger seat. It was a shame that they weren't rooming together, but it wasn't as if they could go a few hours without a text or a call. Everything would be fine. Jenny and Rebecca were nice girls, it'd be fun.
Rolling into the parking lot, she made sure to get a decent space where she and Bebe could ditch the first chance they got. Purse and bag in hand, Wendy climbed out, locking it securely behind her as Bebe got out of the passenger's side.
Bebe by her side, it was with a smile and a wave that Wendy walked forward, "Hey--Staniel! Need help with the bag?"
Sheila drove her and Kyle to the school, following all the rules of the road to a T. She didn’t know why her sweet bubela was so moody lately. Perhaps it was the college courses, but he needed to do well if he wanted to succeed and get into law school and follow in his father’s footsteps. She’d make sure Kyle stayed on the right path. At any rate, she hoped this trip would do Kyle good, and she also planned to keep all these kids in line, taking her responsibility as a chaperone seriously.
“Kyle! Not so fast!” she scolded as he hopped out and went to the drop-off area. “Just don’t go too far ahead! I’ll be right there,” she said in a patronizing way, like her son was five instead of seventeen.
She parked the car and got her overnight bag and small suitcase out of the trunk. She made her way up to the curb where Kyle was, high heels clicking as she walked. “Really, bubbe, you could’ve helped me with my bags. I didn’t raise you in a barn. And why are you using that phone? You know, all your little friends are right here. Really, you should take your eyes off of that screen for five minutes.”
Walking to the bus  , Stan texted back. He was purposefully hanging back until more people showed. He cringed as he saw his father walking to the buses. So he really was coming. Great. He didn’t want to make small talk with his dad, so finding Kyle fast would be key. I see you be over in a sec , he added in a second text before pocketing his phone.
He jumped a little upon hearing Wendy ask if he needed help with his bag. He turned to face her and Bebe. “Uh, no. I’m good, dude. It’s just the one.” He tried not to feel emasculated by the question. He liked that Wendy wasn’t most girls. “How about you and Bebe? Want me to grab anything?” He figured hanging back with the girls would be fine, especially since he saw Kyle getting ear-banged by his mother. He wanted to save his friend, but he didn’t want an earful from Mrs. Broflovski either.
Stan was dead to Kyle. Honestly dead. He could see right in the fuckers face he was hanging back to not deal with his mother. Did Kyle blame him ? No. But he was going to rot in hell all the same. He read the message on the screen fuming. Fucking bastard. "Mom, Im not going to fall and die. Do you need help with your bags? "He asked though he was sure by the tone in his voice it was going to start a fight.
“You won’t if you’re careful and make sure your shoes are tied,” Sheila lectured, glancing down to make sure Kyle had in fact done so. She was mildly placated by his offer; she’d raised him to be a gentleman. “You take this one since it’s heavy.” She handed Kyle her overnight bag. “They better start loading the buses soon. I don’t know how long they expect us to wait out in the cold… And why are you so grouchy? You ate all of your knishes at dinner, so you can’t be hungry. This is supposed to be fun.”
Bebe had pretty much done one thing since she and Wendy had left her community college, check Instagram and Snapchat.
She honestly checked it so often because she had nothing better to do. She and Wendy had talked while driving, but she wasn't too interested. She was just surprised how her dad was able to even convince her boss to let her off this weekend from work. Sure it was Target, but Bebe had never missed a day of work since she started in June, so this was a bit odd to her.
Still, a weekend of not having to babysit was nice, she loved her little brother to bits, but reading all of his books every time she was over was too much... Someone should teach the kid to read soon before she loses her mind over Jack and the Beanstalk.
She made her way out of Wendy's car when they got to the school, checking her makeup in the camera of her phone before smiling softly. Looking pretty okay, despite not reapplying after gym today. She quickly got out her dufflebag with her clothes in before blinking as Wendy started to speak to Stan. I thought she was done with him... She smiled though, speaking to Wendy, "Hey! I'm gonna go put my backpack in my car, I'll be right back." She then started to briskly walk to her car, planning on just leaving her notebooks and binders in the car, but keeping the bag to carry on the trip at the museum.
Clyde had been taking his sweet time showing up, flirting up a few cheerleaders on his way, one of them being Heidi Turner who had zero interest in what the boy had to say. If anything he was delaying her.
He didn't care if the ice queen was brushing off his advances though and would just continue to talk to the other two girls that were there, talking up until they reached their destination. Heidi who had had enough, grabbed him away from the girls enough to cause him to stumble despite the huge height difference and dragged him towards the group. "I swear.. if I hear one more bad pick up line I'm going to lose it." She muttered under her breath, finally letting him go once they were all together.
Her sudden reaction didn't even upset him and instead he just laughed as he waved bye to the girls that walked away. His hands shoved in his pockets as he merged in with the group, pulling a single taco from his bag to eat while they waited to go. Was that all he had? Who knew.
Heidi, finally being separated from him, just made her way over to the girls so she wouldn't have to be around him alone anymore. The very idea of it giving her a headache. What was she supposed to do? She wasn't his baby sitter for christ sake!!
"So how long is the drive gonna take?" Clyde just asked to no one specifically, his eyes landing on the bus. This was most likely going to be the kid asking 'are we there yet' a million and one times.
"No worries--I'm fine," Wendy assured, and walked past, climbing onto the waiting bus. Always one to take initiative, she slung her bags into her chosen seat. Wouldn't want to be the poor sucker who got stuck with the last, worst possible choice.
"So," Wendy walked back out, tucking long, raven hair into a ponytail. She looked out at the other teens approaching, hopefully they'd be on the move soon. Turning her attention back to Stan, she grinned, "I heard your dad is chaperoning. You poor, innocent boy."
Stan glanced at Kyle, gulping. He was surprised he couldn’t see the steam coming out of his ears. He really didn’t want to go over there now. This could totally be his chance to get back together with Wendy. Kyle would be fine hanging with his mom for a little longer, right?
Hurrying after Wendy, he made his way onto the bus. He slid his bag on the seat across from her. Maybe they’d get to sit together. “Uh, yeah… It totally sucks ass. He better give me my space. You’re lucky to get the weekend away from your parents.”
“The drive should be approximately an hour and forty minutes, Mr. Donnovan,” Principal Wells answered Clyde. He was their high school principal. He rarely left his office, but he seemed to know all of their names—a benefit of small town living. The man always wore a suit. He was tall, bald, and of African American descent. Like Token’s family, he lived on the wealthy side of town.
“I suggest you get on the bus soon. Excuse me while I check in with our driver.”
The principal chatted with the driver, who opened up the luggage compartments under the bus for anyone who had bigger bags that wouldn’t fit under their seat.
Karen saw Rebecca the moment the girl came around the corner. Karen grinned, leaving Kenny mid sentence before she ran over to her friend. Of course that left Kenny to follow after her, which Karen was sure he would. They were going to sit together damn it! then maybe people would leave the two girls alone. "Hey!" Karen grinned looking at her friend. She always seemed to dress so cute, Karen was often jealous. "I like your hair. Are you excited? "
Kyle ground his teeth. He was too old for this and this was why he didnt want his mother on this stupid ass trip. Of course Ike wasn't even coming to deal with this shit with him. That pissed Kyle off more. He looked at Stan, shoving his own phone back into his pocket. "okay Ma. Im not hungry. " He said annoyed. Fuck he was going to fucking murder Craig and Stan. Who the fuck was going to help him hide the bodies? Fucking Kenny better be ready.
Kyle put his mother's bag where Mr. Wells put the other bags. Kyle kept his back with him, wanting to be able to use some of the items to keep him busy and as a way to force Stan to sit anywhere else. He stomped onto the bus. Not caring about the looks the bus driver gave him.
He sat as far in the back as he could, throwing his feet over the seat and placing his bag at the end. Fucking this trip was going to be a shit show.
"I am super excited!" She grinned at her friend, two little fangs were sticking out slightly. "And thanks! I spent some time on it. Mom was annoyed I was taking forever on it." She laughed slightly, rubbing the back of her neck.
Her eyes wandered a bit from her friend though. "Man, I kinda feel bad for that kid.. uhm.. I think his name is kyle? I don't know." She shrugged, her smiled slightly leaving her face. "Do we have to leave our bags down there.. I don't really feel safe with it down there. Do you think we have to Kare?" She asked, cautious about leaving her bag with the other bags. I mean she saw Kyle take his on, but what if that wasn't allowed?
Her nerves were attacking her then. To be honest she's only ever gone on a school bus once, and this was her first real field trip. Yeah she knew the area but that didn't make her at ease in any stretch of the imagination.
With that answer, Clyde hopped onto the bus, no arguments or complaints, he kept his carryon bag with him and just allowed the suitcase to be placed with the other suitcases. Once on he just plopped himself in a seat before looking around at all the people that were coming on this trip. His mind just wondering off. Who was going to be roomed together? Hopefully it was someone fun and not a buzzkill. God that would suck. Though he was pulled out of those thoughts when he saw Kyles mom. Fuck. There went any chances to pull good pranks. Well, unless he could get past her. But..that was easier said than done.
"Right. I'd be lucky to get a weekend with my parents," All three of the Testaburgers were busy people, with busy lives and busy schedules. It was a great event when the three all fell into an empty slot. But, whatever. Wendy was sure this weekend would still be great.
She observed Kyle as he stomped onto the bus, plopping into his seat with great frustration. No worries there. He seemed to be as chipper as usual.
Wendy climbed through the bus once more, picking up her purse and heading back to visit the curly-headed fuck, "Hey, Kyle, I get that your mom is sort of... eccentric, but why are you so pissed? Need some water or something?"
Karen shrugged when Rebecca mentioned her mom. She did like Mrs Miller. She was always so nice when she went over. "But you look cute your mom should understand that! " She said as she nudged her shoulder playfully. She looked over to where Becca was looking. "Yea, that's Kyle. He's Friends with Kenny.  I think he's always kinda.... pissy? I dont know. I think he's got a period like all the time but he doesn't? He's nice though. " She said as she turned to Kenny. "Can you put my bag in the bus, I'll save us a seat"
She grabbed Rebecca's hand tugging her towards the bus "did you bring your DS so we can play animal crossing? "She asked curiously.
Kyle was surprised Wendy seemed to follow so quickly onto the bus. He however was still too pissy to be bothered. Much like a man with too much pride, Kyle was a man with too much pride. "Im not pissy and I dont need water. Thank you " He said at least trying to sound less like a dick to Wendy since she was trying to be nice. "I dont want to talk about my mom. I hate this trip already, and when the bus is moving fast enough. I'm bailing"
And when I feel like I can feel once again Let me stay awhile Soak it in awhile
A soft melody played through white earbuds. Craig sat on a concrete bumper in the parking lot, arms wrapped around his knees and eyes shut to the world.
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong Buy a little time For this head of mine Haven for us
He got there early, probably due to the fact that he managed to get all he needed for his trip in less than ten minutes. In fact, the only luggage he brought with him was the single backpack strapped around his waist and shoulders. Light packer. As long as he has his toothbrush and underwear, he considered himself covered. For the most part.
While the trickles of chatter got louder and louder, he let out a sigh, mentally preparing himself. His face still hurt. Craig couldn’t decide if he preferred numbing cold or the dull ache of bruises. Looking up and scanning the forming crowd, he caught glimpse of Clyde heading into the bus. Thank god. Stan and Kyle teetered at the edge of his awareness, but he had two whole days to deal with them. Craig wanted to put that off for as long as possible.
He stood, stretching his legs, and took several long strides toward the bus and up the stairs. One backpack probably didn’t need to be tossed in with everyone else’s stuff. Craig slipped the straps off his shoulders and placed it in his lap as he sat next to Clyde. His attention remained straight ahead, though his did pop the earbud on Clyde’s side out.
"I brought two DS' so we can both play." She grinned up at Karen, "And yeah my mom kinda is angry at me. She put me on this trip to get me out of the house. Kinda a dick move right?" She asked before getting tugged onto the bus. She was gonna make sure to stay with Karen, as much as she possibly could.
She was scared to meet the other girls she was going to room with, she was normally very shy around those she didn't quite know.
No it's not a dick move! We get to at least be together. I mean not with the rooms but thats okay" She said with a bit of a shrug. Karen hoped onto the bus. "Where do you want to sit? "She asked curiously so excited to be able to play with Rebecca. She was trying to save up for her own DS though it helped that Rebecca just got a new one. She'd only have to babysit for 40 years at this rate.
"Hey man." He smiled at Craig, already beginning to rummage through his own bag. "I got a couple tacos if you want one at all?" He offered, how long had they been there? An hour.. maybe? Who cares. He was starving. At least Craig was there now, the trip was going to be way less boring. "So any idea how the room assignments are gonna be at all? I mean, like who's all paired up with who?"
After finding the tacos, he pulled one out and held it out for Craig to take if he wanted it
"Don't be such a dick, Buttflosski," Wendy gave Kyle's shoulder a shove, "As if you'd actually do that. Your tuck and roll is all over the place."
Debbie Downer over here obviously wasn't going to be a beacon of happiness on this voyage. Not that Wendy was expecting much else. It was a week ago, after all, that he'd flooded her phone with a series of all-caps text messages outlining the details of his mother's chaperoning. She'd been mentally prepping for this trip ever since.
She flashed him a grin, taking out her phone, "Well, better head back before someone pushes my bag out of my seat. Text me if you need someone to hold you while you cry."
Kyle frowned a bit, he wanted to laugh because Wendy was such a dick in the best type of way. "No, I think i'll just jump, belly flop it might be better for my back "He said  a bit sarcastically. She seemed to be a whirlwind as she almost turned on her heel to go back to her seat. Kyle grabbed her arm. "You can sit back here if you want. Im not going to ask you to hold me while I cry. That's a little too manly for me" He said sarcastically giving her the option..
As soon as Bebe had dropped off her supplies, she made a bee-line for the buses. After putting away her duffle bag, she climbed onto the bus trying to find Wendy's seat. She really just wanted someone to talk to while they were driving. "Hey Wendy! Where's your seat at?!" As soon as she found it, Bebe was gonna turn on her hot-spot and play some games on her computer, but only if no one(except Wendy) saw. She didn't want to be grouped in with the geeks, even though she basically was one in her private life.
Another conflict of interests. Wendy bit her lip, looking between Kyle and Bebe. Well, to be fair, Bebe and Wendy had spent basically the entire day together. She'd hardly seen Kyle this week. Which was a total bummer, because she'd already finished the stack of books he'd given her. It was amazing how much reading time you could find running between activities, or at stop lights, almost smashing into another car head on while it's driver cursed you out.
Not that it had happened. Wendy shoved her phone back into her pocket, "I'm gonna sit back here with Kyle, Beebs!" She called, shoving his bag over, "I think Heidi's open!"
Settling into the seat, she laid her legs over his, looking at him with a grin, "Kyle, that witchcraft book? Amazing! Like, you just know me!"
Kyle grinned as she took a seat set to him on the bus. He pushed his bag closer to him. He moved his feet to give her more room. He snorted. "Wendy, I would hope I know you by now. " He said as he winked at her  playfully. "Was it really that good? It looked really nice so I was hoping you'd like it. I flipped through it, it seemed neat. Did you try any spells? "He teased a bit .
" Please ," Wendy snorted, giving him a dismissive wave of her hand, "I don't dabble in that shit. I just find it interesting, that's all. It's all a bunch of superstition and folktales stitched into truth."
Okay, so she'd had a few psychedelic experiences with Red--no drugs included, or needed. But that didn't change her logical way of thinking. At least, not too much, "Who are you rooming with?"
Kyle rolled his eyes. "Right. And are you sure you're not cooking people in pots when Im not looking ? The horror Wendy. What will I say when I talk about you on the news? " Kyle asked. Honestly, he could give a speech in 2 minutes flat he had that. No worries there, maybe Anderson Cooper would come into town.
"Fucking Stan and Craig" He said with a loud huff, being reminded of both of the people who he hated. Honestly. "How about you? Who did you end up with ?"
“I’m with Marsh and Broflovski,” Craig answered, not planning to elaborate any further. Instead he turned his attention to the taco, thick eyebrows quirking at the sight of it. Really, he shouldn’t be surprised. Sometimes Clyde reminded him of one of those soccer moms who always had snacks in her purse. Not that he'd mention that to him. Or maybe he would. After tacos. The sour cream and cheese loaded inside would come back with a vengeance down the road, but for now, yeah. He could eat.
Craig accepted wordlessly, unwrapping it from the paper. Tacos were definitely the only food he was willing to tilt his head to the side for. He opened his jaw as wide as he could, and managed to stuff a little more than half into his mouth in one bite. Cheeks rounded as he chewed, a dab of sour cream falling from his lips toward his chin. Craig’s face remained impassive, though he did lift his hand into a thumbs-up to indicate thanks. And enjoyment.
"Watch those smart ass remarks--or you'll be next," She teased, shoving her hands into the sleeves of her coat, "And who said you'll be talking? You're much better at just sitting back and looking fine."
She thought it over, who had she been roomed with, again? Most of her thoughts were shadowed with disappointment for not being roomed up with Bebe. Oh, yeah, "Jenny and Rebecca. They're nice girls, so, it'll be fine--and what's with the tone? You and Stan are super best friends ."
Wendy wouldn't comment on Craig. She liked him enough not to be one of the things that pushed Kyle towards beating his face in.
Kyle snorted as he looked at her. "Dude you dont scare me Wendy" He said before he shook his head utterly amused. "You're a push over" he said as he ignored the comment about looking fine. He wore socks and Sandals that said it all .
"Who the hell is Jenny? "He asked confused trying to put a name to a face. He shook his head not really careing all too much. "That's shitty do you even talk to them ? "He asked feeling a bit bad for Wendy. "We'll skip for dinner " He promised trying to at least sound a bit hopeful. He'd have to be careful at this rate.
Kyle mentioned nothing about Stan. "I dont have a tone. "He said, in a way that surely sounded as if he did.
Bebe pouted momentarily before moving to sit with Heidi. She just hoped Wendy would want to hang with her at the aquarium tomorrow. Shrugging, she moved to sit in a random seat, looking outside to spot Heidi still talking with some of the girls. She opened the window, calling out to her, "Heidi!! You wanna sit with me on the bus??" Normally, Bebe was about 20 decibels quieter, but she honestly gave zero fucks at the moment.
Wendy was going to bless Kyle by looking past that 'pushover' comment. Naturally, he wouldn't know Jenny. To be honest, Wendy didn't talk with Jenny nearly as much as she should have, or Rebecca, for that matter. She was a busy girl, but that was no excuse. Damn. She needed to catch up with these modern teens.
With a roll of her eyes, she twisted in the seat, placing a hand against his shoulder, "Kyle, you are my husband , and I would know that shit tone, anywhere. Anywhere . What's up with you and Stan?"
Kyle laughed at her. "Wendy. One day I'll get something past you. " He said as he shifted a bit, looking up to see who was currently on the bus. Thankfully not many people yet. Maybe this trip would never start? that would be amazing. A blessing from above.
"He's being a dick. I needed saving from my mom and he bails. Like what a prick. He couldnt fucking wave me over? Its bull shit. So he can enjoy Randy all weekend. Im not sharing a bed, so he and Craig can fight over one. Fuck him. " He said with a nasty ass huff.
Stan couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His conversation with Wendy had been cut short because she went to go sit with Kyle of all fucking people! He furrowed his brow in disgust and plopped down in the seat across from Bebe. So much for sitting together. He folded his arms across his chest, fuming. “Super best friend my ass,” he muttered under his breath. Hopefully, the bag in his seat would keep his dad from sitting by him. He glanced out the window, noticing his dad was still outside. Maybe he wouldn’t get on the bus at all.
He couldn’t stand to look at Wendy and Kyle, but he could still pick out every word of their conversation. Kyle was fine and Wendy’s husband. And Kyle said he was a dick. Great. Just fucking great.
Once her bags were taken care of, Sheila stepped onto the bus, standing tall at the front. Not too many children were on it yet, but it was already getting a little noisy from the chatter. She frowned when she noticed Wendy’s arm around Kyle. A nice girl, but she wasn’t like the Jewish girls from the temple. And stubborn, too. She would likely never convert. She’d have to have a talk with Kyle later.
“Alright, settle down, children!” she called, holding a clipboard. “We’ll be leaving in ten minutes.” She did a quick roll call on the bus to see who they had so far, getting Rebecca, Karen, Wendy, Kyle, Craig, Clyde, Bebe, and Stan. “Alright, only a few stragglers.” She filed out to go boss the lingering kids onto the boss.
Stan really wasn't even going to try and sit with him? Stanley wanted a war he could have one. "See. There he goes. He'll be pouty and make it my fault. Im not dealing with it. "He said under his breath angry as shit. He'd turn it around on Kyle call him fucking a liar. He had to be dating Wendy. Of course they couldnt be friends the horror. He fucking hated everyone. Where the fuck was his only friend Kenneth fucking McCormick. Because at this rate he was going to punch someone.
"My mother is going to be the death of me" He told Wendy after a moment. [4/17/17, 9:20:14 PM] \(๑・`▱´・๑)/ SAGE: Bebe blinked behind her as Stan sat down. She sighs looking at him, "Your best friend ditch you too?" As much as she would rather not talk to Stan, they were pretty similar. Both alcoholics and now their bffs had left them. "It's pretty shitty huh?" She moved to sit down, not wanting her ass to hang in the air for forever as she looked out the window.
"I like your mom. She's nice," And she always gave a hefty donation to Wendy's yearly breast cancer fundraiser. Couldn't knock on the woman when she did that. Pretty sure it was part of some unspoken contract. More dough, less woe.
Still, she couldn't help but be frustrated at Kyle's plight. A lady's work was never done, "You both are big fucking babies--hey, Stan!" Wendy called, sitting up in their seat, "Wanna sit back here with us? The seat across from us is open."
Kyle was going to need to hide 3 bodies. He was going to become a serial killer. The only question was did it look good on his college Resume? It showed that he was committed to an idea right? Fuck. He was going to have to figure out how to word that just right to get some extra kudos points.  He'd have to ask Cartman to proof read that shit. This was be coming a mess.
"Wendy" He hissed loudly.  He looked up though, Stan wouldn't take the bait. Why was Wendy trying. Kyle was going to loose it. "Don't you're going to make it fucking worse. "
Kevin filed on to the bus quietly, having been almost unnoticed from the corner where he'd been fiddling with his game. "Here." he told Mrs. Broflovski quietly, not wanting to attract too much attention to himself but also not wanting to get marked as absent, obviously. He had to find somewhere to sit next. Maybe there was an open seat? He didn't want to bug anybody.
Randy headed for the bus, having stopped for a bathroom break before talking to anybody, stopping just outside, "Hey guys, I miss anything important?" he asked with a grin, trying to look cool. He knew he was a Cool Dad, no matter what Stan or Shelley said... or Sharon... or Dad... or Jimbo... or Ned... well, he hadn't seen Shelly in a while, maybe she'd finally found the bright side of things. "Can I help with anything?" he offered enthusiastically. He hadn't spotted his son yet, but he was confident Stan was on the bus. He was a good kid, even if he was a grouch sometimes.
Jenny finally arrived on the sidewalk, catching her breath, "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, did I miss anything?" she asked not long after Randy had said the same thing.
"Oh, uh, which one are you?" Randy asked.
Jenny shook her head with annoyance, "Look, it's Jenny Simons, okay? Jeez." It was good to know her absence was noticed... but then again, there were times it was better not to be noticed.
It had been a while since he'd seen Karen so excited for something that wasn't television or food related. He felt a warm sensation rest in his chest every time he would get a glimpse of the gleam in her eyes, and the sweet sound of he hyperactive voice. A wide smile would appear as she stumbled onto her words, asking him practically a hundred different questions that he probably didn't know the answer to. He open his mouth to eventually reply to her, but she was quickly distracted by the sight of her best friend. He'd simply chuckle and give a gentle shrug as he hauled their luggage closer.
He checked his cell for any notifications he had missed as his sister had caught up with her close friend. He wasn't listening much until he caught them talking about Kyle. Was he angry already? What-----Who set him off so quickly? They trip hasn't even started yet.. As they mentioned him, Ken would also notice the loud steps being taken as they approached the bus. ----That's Kyle. For sure. He finally set his phone away, as his sister set off towards their transpiration with Rebecca, he responded to her with a short lived smile and a nod. Heading his way to one of the bus managers to figure where their luggage  would fit in the pile of others.
He was likely to be one of the last ones to get inside of the bus, with only one purple backpack around his shoulder. After some long lasting minutes dealing with the luggage situation, it had seemed Karen's pack was the only thing that couldn't make it in. That was a bit tedious as Kenny didn't really want to bring any luggage into the bus, but it wasn't the end of the world. He just wanted Karen to have the best possible time on this trip. So for once he was focusing on the details.
Just in time.
As he tried to make his way in, he stood right behind Jenny as she was blocking the way into the bus, standing there for about three seconds, he leaned closer and stated. "Hey, um, Jenny.. Would you mind?" He eyed her, similarly giving in and smiling as the interaction was a bit awkward. "I don't wanna be a that jackass but my sister is waiting for me inside." He added.
Stan glanced at Bebe before looking at the front of the seat in front of him. “ Really shitty. I don’t think there’s even a word to describe how shitty this feels.” He wanted to take a swig from the flask he kept concealed in his jacket pocket, but he knew he couldn’t risk it with this many people—not to mention Kyle’s mom snooping about.
He ignored Wendy when she called out to him. His anger was replaced with panic as he saw his dad outside the bus, getting way too close. Shit. He really was gonna come with them. Heart beating fast, his eyes zeroed in on Kevin Stoley as he walked onto the bus. “Dude, Kevin! Sit here!” Stan called out, waving his arm in the air to get the nerdy boy’s attention. He kept his backpack on the seat while he waited, though. Couldn’t be too careful.
Sheila barely kept herself from rolling her eyes at Randy. Sharon’s husband was nice, but honestly he could be very immature and spacy at times. Gerald would have been better, but she needed him at home with Ike. “We’re just getting the final roll call. Most of the children are accounted for.”
“You would’ve been missed, Miss Simons,” Prinicpal Wells said, nodding to her. “Get on the bus with the rest of your friends.” He watched as both Jenny and Kenny made their way to the bus door. Now the only straggler was Heidi Turner.
Sheila walked over to Heidi, assuming the girl probably was busy on her phone like Kyle. Honestly, kids didn’t know how to live without those things. It was a real problem—maybe one she’d have to have a town meeting about. “You need to get on the bus, dear. We’ve got a schedule to keep.”
"Huh? Oh, yeah, whatever." Jenny said, not dismissively so much as not troubled, moving out of the way so Kenny could get on the bus without much of a second thought, looking for her own space. Well, it'd be easier than the crowded morning bus, at least, right? She nodded to the Principal, "Thank you." She knew she was accounted for. She'd better get credit for this.
It was with a frown that Wendy sat back in her seat, folding her arms. A simple 'no thank you' would have sufficed, but, completely ignoring her? As if he didn't hear! They were getting along great, not even twenty minutes ago.
What a dick. Huffing, Wendy pulled out her cell phone to shoot him a text. She would not be ignored, "Okay, yeah, you're right. He's being a tool. Sorry, Kyle."
[3:58] Wendy to Stan: A simple 'no' would have been cool, too, you know. [3:58] Wendy to Stan: I really wanted to talk. [3:59] Wendy to Stan: Sit next to me at dinner??
Kyle rolled his eyes, and slumped further into the seat. It wasn't worth it. Kyle shrugged. "It's not your fault Wendy. I think I should be taking applications for a new best friend. "He said with a huff before he pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. "do you know how long this bus ride is? "
Karen didn't give Becca time to anwser before she plopped down in a seat in the middle of the bus. She waved over at Kenny when finally /finally/ made it onto the bus. She pointed to the seat across from her waiting for the other to come down the rows. She made herself comfortable giving Rebecca the window seat
When Rebecca sat down, she brough her knees up and put them against the back of the other seat, making herself rather comfortable. Her bag was on her lap and she reached in, grabbing the two ds', one was a light pink 3ds, the other a bright red 3ds xl. Both had a copy of Animal Crossing new leaf in it.
She smiled at Karen though while Karen was waving Kenny over. Man, she wished she was as enthusiastic as Karen, so much life in her. She wish she had that much hope in her eyes. Often Rebecca herself would look on the depressing side of things. She wasn't as optimistic as she wishes she was.
The smile on her face stayed until Karen would look back, and when that happened, She would blush and quickly look to the window. God, why was she embarrassed? They were Just Friends right?
"Hey Stan!" Kevin grinned and sat over by Stan, pleasantly surprised to see someone reach out to him. It was hard for him to pass it up when someone was reaching out. He liked feeling like people wanted to have him around, for lack of a better word. "How've you been?" he asked. He hadn't noticed Wendy or Kyle waving at him and didn't realize he was getting in the middle of something.
He nodded as he passed the shorter brunette. A part of him wondered if maybe Jenny was there with Lola. The blonde was slightly developing a sort of crush on the cheerleader, so seeing her on this trip would be a nice bonus. She was very nice to look at. He didn't put much further thought into it though as he was more preoccupied on where his sister sat. He stood at the beginning of the hallway, peering throughout the filled in seats. Heidi is with Bebe, Craig is not surprisingly sitting with Clyde, Stan is with--- Kevin? If that's the case then..
His glance fell upon the back of the bus, recognizing a bothered Kyle and Wendy. Uh oh. A long sigh come out as he passed down the row of seats. He gave Stan a nod, and Kevin a friendly pat as he passed them, gliding over to Karen as he slid her backpack off his shoulder. He squatted down and placed the bag onto Karen's lap. Looking up at her, he said, "Karen, here's your bag, it didn't fit with rest of our stuff. -- Listen, Kyle looks pretty upset, so I'm gonna go check up on him, I'll be back in a minute okay? After that, I'm all yours." He gave her sympathetic smile, quickly pinching her cheek and proceeding to head towards Kyle and Wendy's direction.
He pressed a hand against a near by seat, leering over the two of them, he scratched the back of his neck. "Everything okay?" He asked, waiting for any type of accepting gesture to let him sit by them.
Karen turned back at grinned wildly at Becca, grabbing the 3ds. "Thanks You're literally the best Beckie" She said as she turned on the handheld game. "Kenny is old as ever. He's going to be 90 when he sits down at this rate " She said playfully to Beckie. Her attention turing to Kenny the moment he walked over, however her smile fell and she kinda wanted to sulk. They weren't going to be next to each other in the hotel and her brother was already ditching her for his friends. "oh.. okay " She said as she faked a grin. "tell Kyle I said Hi! "
Kyle looked up from his phone to see the blonde. Jesus at least Kenny came through for Kyle. Good man. His only true best friend. "Yea, everything is fine. Sitting back here with us? " Kyle asked curiously, watching Kenny carefully.
"That's good." Randy noted, "I guess I'll supervise the ones already on the bus?" he asked as Sheila went off to find Heidi. With a shrug he walked up the bus, scanning the seats for his son. He was sure Stan would have fun - he remembered taking Stan to the aquarium for his birthday when he was in elementary school. It was pretty ruined, but... hey, I mean, they had fun up until the Japanese arrived, right? That was in Denver though. He wasn't sure if this place was as nice. Probably didn't have killer whales. Ah well. He hoped Stan had fun... and he hoped the food didn't suck. The better be sharks, too. Anyway, what? Oh right. Where's Stan?
"Hey dude." Kevin gave Kenny a quick acknowledgement as he passed, but simple enough to not obligate Kenny to stop and chat. He could tell Kenny was probably on his way to be by his sister and he was cool with that. Shame his sister couldn't tag along.
Stan felt his phone buzz in the front pocket of his jeans. He took it out and glanced at it for a moment, but he didn’t bother reading the messages when he noticed it was from Wendy. He clicked the lock button, making his screen go black. He tried to tune Kyle out, but Stan caught the bit about how he’d have to look for a new super best friend. What a fucking asshole. Like he was some awesome prince. Who talked to their best friend’s ex like that?
At the very least, Kevin accepted his invitation to sit with him, so he moved his backpack to the ground. He nodded back at Kenny as he passed, forcing a smile before focusing on Kevin again. “Shitty, but whatever. We’re going on vacation and at least I’m not sitting by my dad.” That was the only thing that could’ve made this trip worse. “How about you?”
He sunk lower in his seat upon seeing Randy get on the bus. He hoped his dad didn’t try to sit in front of him and Kevin. “Just sit in the front of the bus with the rest of the adults. For the love of god…” he muttered.
Once Sheila got Heidi on the bus and sitting next to Bebe, she turned her attention to Wells and Randy. “Alright, good. That’s everyone.” She bossed the bus driver to close the luggage compartments. She stepped onto the bus with Wells and Randy. Even though Randy said he’d supervise the kids on the bus, she didn’t trust him fully. “Alright! We’re just about to leave! Let me take a final roll call.” Couldn’t be too safe.
With everyone double checked in and the bus packed up, the doors shut. Sheila sat up front with Wells. Once everyone was seated, the bus driver departed the school parking lot and headed onto South Park’s main street, heading in the direction to go on the highway.
Jenny sat about as far back as possible, with little regard for how close she was to any of the other students, not thinking twice about her own habit of self-isolation by choice. Being the last one to find a seat had a per k- she had extra space for her bags. She got comfy and took out her phone. She had no idea what Kenny had been thinking - but funnily enough, they were on a similar wavelength. Jenny was disappointed that Lola hadn't been able to come along - but, whatever, right? She'd be fine without her best friend around. She didn't need anybody.
For a moment, it seemed like Stan's nightmares were gonna become a reality, as Randy approached him and Kevin. "Hey Stan! You excited about the aquarium?" he grinned for a moment, but before he could say anything more embarrassing than that, Sheila had gotten on to the bus and started talking, a signal to move back to his place, "Well, I gotta go sit upfront with all the boring adults, I guess. You found a friend anyway, right? You kids have fun." and he left Stan alone rather anti-climactically.
"Yeah, I see what you mean." Kevin nodded to Stan's reference to his father as Randy himself approached. He didn't get a chance to say anything to Dr. Marsh before he moved, "Sorry if you're feeling shitty, dude. I'm okay. Aquarium's probably the best kind of school trip we could hope for, right?" he said with a shrug.
Kenny look between the two of them for a second, until his attention fell onto Kyle as he was the first to speak up. He didn't say anything much further as he planted himself down next to Kyle. "For a moment, if you're down with that." He knew he couldn't stay there long, as he really did want to spend more time with Karen. ---Kyle was his friend though, and Kenny felt obliged to console his friends when they really need it.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but, did Stan do something dickish?" Ken was so used to seeing them together, especially when they're traveling, so when there was tension and distance, he knew there had to be some type of trouble in paradise.
Heidi was sitting in her seat now, typing away on her phone before she finally shoved it into her pocket. "God..why do people have to be so difficult. Or utter pigs for that matter. Boy's just can't take a hint." Of course she was referring to when boys flirt at random. She really just wanted to rant, but in the end she found her rant ending as she just sighed heavily. "So how are you Bebe? Anything interesting going on?" She questioned, brushing some of her dirty blond hair back behind from her face.
"I got a bunch.. there's an ice pack in my bag to make sure they don't go bad." Clyde said as he quickly scarfed down his taco, making sure not to leave a trace of it. As more people gathered into the bus, he just began digging through his bag again before letting it fall to the ground. "Well Shi-..Crap." He caught himself from swearing, knowing how Kyles mom felt about it.  "I forgot it. Oh well, can live the week without it." He hummed half to himself, choosing not to specify what he had forgotten. It was just some pills that a doctor wanted him to take, but since they weren't there he assumed that it would just be better to not worry about it. Unless of course his dad noticed and made sure they were there. He'd ask an adult later.
Wendy was feeling rather put out. Her texts hung in empty silence, not even read.
She felt an ache that settled in her chest before she had the chance to stop it. Shit. She didn't need this right now. So what if Stan didn't want to speak to her, or pay any attention to her? If he was going to get pissed every time she so much as glanced at another guy, was it really worth it?
"Hey Kenny," Wendy gave him a smile, "It's just--totally stupid. I'm sure he'll get over whatever he's on by the time we get there."
Rebecca smiled lightly, patting Karen's shoulder. "He'll come back trust me." She reassured her friend. She's been around Karen long enough to know when she was faking her smiles or when she wasn't. She opened her red 3DS playing the game, She scooted a little bit closer to Karen without even thinking about it. "Aw man, Mitzy moved away. Dang it." Rebecca muttered upset. She liked the villager Mitzy.
Stan tensed as soon as Randy approached him and Kevin. The topic of the aquarium made him flashback to that horrible birthday at the Denver Aquarium where the Japanese killed all those poor dolphins. The Downtown Aquarium they were going to was in Denver, but at least it was different and carnage free. He avoided making eye contact with his dad and let out a sigh of relief when he decided to sit with the rest of the adults. “Oh, thank god, dude.”
He returned his attention to Kevin. “It’s like he wants to follow me everywhere. Pretty lame.” He glanced behind him, narrowing his eyes when he noticed how Kenny was sitting across from Kyle and Wendy. “Yeah, it’s kinda cool but sad on the other hand with those animals being in way too small of tanks.”
Finishing up the rest of his taco, Craig wiped his mouth with his fingers. Mmm. He glanced at Clyde, about to verbalize his appreciation, before his bag went spilling to the floor. Typical. Clyde had somewhat of a clumsy streak. Craig couldn’t blame him, though. He had his space cadet moments too.
After what felt like forever the bus finally got moving. Craig crossed his arms, turning in his seat to check on who actually showed up. Of course, Stan and Kyle were doing everything in their power to stir up some kind of drama, to which he only had one word.
He didn’t care what was going on between them. He was not getting involved. Turning to face the front again, Craig tried to swallow down his growing dread. Maybe Clyde, Kenny, and Kevin would let him sleep in their room instead. If worse comes to worse, he could always just turn on a playlist and pretend to be a corpse.
Speaking of which.
“Dude, wake me up when we get there.”
Craig put his earbud back in and sank into the seat, eyes shutting.
"Yeah, I guess." Kevin shrugged, "I's a shame that they don't get enough money to do more for the animals." he shook his head, "Is there anything you're looking forward to seeing anyway?"
"It's 'cos most people are assholes and only care about making money. Well, maybe they'll all think to care a little goddamn bit when more of these animals become endangered," Stan said, sighing. He stopped himself from going on too much of a tangent. "I dunno... That exhibit where it's supposed to look like a shipwreck sounds cool. What about you?" He wanted to keep himself engaged and distracted from Wendy and Kyle.
"Oh wow, what do they have in there? Like, sharks or anything?" Kevin asked, intrigued by the idea. I mean, a shipwreck didn't sound too conservation-y, but it sounded like a cool frame for an exhibit at least.
"I dunno." Stan pulled out his phone to look it up again, frowning at seeing the three text notifications he knew were from Wendy. "Doesn't say what they have in there specifically, but the website shows this creepy fish." He held his phone in the middle so Kevin could take a gander.
"Oh wow," Kevin chuckled, "That thing looks cool. We'll have to see if we can catch what it's called when we're there. Looks super creepy."
Stan smiled a little. It felt good to hear someone laugh after that shitstorm with Kyle and Wendy. "For sure, dude. I bet you'll wanna write some nerd-o report on it and somehow relate it to Star Wars."
Kevin might've taken a little offense to that if he didn't know Stan well enough to know it wasn't meant in malice. He'd heard Stan was a bit of a Trekkie anyway. Through the grapevine "Haha, nahh.. I was thinking of writing a report on the seals or sea lions if they have any, seeing how much land space they have versus swimming space. Kinda boring but I found good sources for it."
Like Kevin said, the topic of the report sounded boring. And unnecessary. “Really? Is that like an AP English assignment or for extra credit?” In his English class, they weren’t making them do any assignments for going on the field trip, thankfully. Otherwise, he’d have to worry about taking notes. “Or you just doing it for the fun of it?”
"It's for extra credit in Zoology." Kevin replied, "I'm studying conservation programs for my projects and stuff since it's something not a lot of the other kids are doing?" he awkwardly tried to explain.
“Really?” Stan felt a little stupid he also had Zoology and didn’t remember that, though they were in different classes. Even though neither were officially AP, maybe Kevin’s class was the smart class. Or maybe people were more awake later in the day. “So, uh, you’re trying to stand out from the crowd?”
"Kind of. I mean, I was falling behind at the beginning, so I've been trying to bring my grade back up, and the teacher said if I did this I could substitute it for a paper I flunked last month?" Kevin explained, suggesting it was a little more unique of a situation. Not something Stan had to feel bad about missing. "I like to think I can be a good student, but I don't always hit the ground running." Now Kevin felt a little inadequate.
She didn't want to seem needy, but, she also wanted Stan to stop ignoring her. It stung her pride, and, besides, she'd done nothing to warrant this kind of treatment.
Wendy took out her phone again as Kyle and Kenny talked, shooting him a final attempt at conversation.
Wendy to Stan: Please talk to me. I don't want you to be mad at me for the whole trip. Wendy to Stan: : (
“Oh, shit, dude.” Stan hadn’t seen that one coming. He never thought Kevin Stoley would be the type to fall behind. Maybe he’d been stereotyping the boy. They’d always been present in each other’s lives, living in the same town and going to the same school, but they never had many in depth conversations, especially one-on-one. “You’ll get there. I suck at school, too, so don’t stress.”
"Yeah, I'm catching up... sometimes when I have a lot of stuff due in different classes, I guess I just kinda end up messing everything up." he admitted, "I'll be okay though, I just have to persevere." he nodded, and he swore he'd heard a notification sound from a phone, but he knew it wasn't his.
Bebe was understanding of Heidi's position, since she had actually went to cheer practice today something Bebe neglected in order to pack for the trip , she'd have to deal with any boy who teased the girls alone. "That's gotta suck..." she looked over at Stan, watching as he and Kevin talked. "Huh... I didn't know Stan and Kevin were even friends..." Muttering wasn't good... but if it was Heidi, it just helped her reputation with the girl.
"I've been fine, Mr Jones keeps letting that guy harass me, but otherwise I'm okay... Oh! Shawn was really sad that he isn't going to see me this weekend, so I'm gonna video chat him in our room, is that okay?" Okay, as much as she complained about her brother, she absolutely loved him.
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monsterpark-rpg · 6 years
Mike "Vampir" Makowski- Accepted
Mun Info:
Name- Bon
Age- 24
Pronouns- they/them
Time Zone- GMT +1
Discord- Mike Makowski#1605
Ic Info:
Character’s name- Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Age- 19
Gender/pronouns- Bigender, but they are not out to anyone about this. Pronouns are he/him, she/her or they/them when identifying as a male, and she/her and they/them when identifying as female. Again, no one knows this! Everyone believes Mike uses he/him only.
Species- Human
Physical description-
Mike is the definition of a bean pole. Being 5 feet & 10 inches tall, lanky and thin with long arms and legs, as well as struggling with an eating disorder, Mike is a pretty frail looking person despite his height. There are no muscles to be found here. Mike still looks like he did when he was younger, dressing in the same jackets, cloaks and flashy outfits, and never leaving his house without his makeup on. He’s gotten a few new piercings in his ears, as well as a snake bites piercing. His favourite one is the one on his neck, where he got two studs resembling the holes of a vampire bite. He still wears plastic fangs that are attached to his corner teeth.
Mike’s hair is surprisingly not as long as one would expect it to be after so many years of sporting long hair. Because of reasons unknown to even the other vamps, he cut it off when he was around 17 years old. It’s grown out quite a bit now though and ends around his shoulders. His hair is black and has underlights in bright lime green, and he’s still sporting that silly little cow lick on top of his head. Mike has long bangs covering the left side of his face, not only because it looks stylish, but because he is covering up his left eye, that he is completely blind in. It is foggy white in colour because of a cataract in it, while his good eye is bright green. He never shows his eye to anybody, so people do not even know that he is blind in it.
Personality description- 
Mike is the passionate leader of the vamp kids. He loves to organise events and play around with the other vamps, loves to roleplay online, LARP, write fan fics, draw, etc etc… He loves to educate and bring people together! He adores every single vamp kid to bits, and would take a bullet for them any day.
This doesn’t mean he’s very brave though, or good at fighting. He’s been abused his whole life, and will flinch if someone moves their hand too fast in his direction, and is very easy to manipulate. He is bad at saying no, and if someone tries to speak over him, he’ll shut up and let them talk.
He is generally a very friendly person, and always feels a need to help and look out for those around him. He’s the big brother friend for sure. Or big sister, depending on the day. The only ones that can make Mike angry or bring out a good amount of sass, are the goths. He tries to ignore them if he can though. Over all, Mike is an outgoing weenie who loves his friends.
Mike grew up in an abusive household, away from his mother and Mr. Adams. When he was little his parents divorced early on, and he stayed with his father, while his twin brother went with their mother. His father blamed the twins for the divorce, convinced that the fault was in him and their mother not being ready to have two kids instead of one, and not because of his actual flaws as a person. He is physically and emotionally abusive, very manipulating, and the reason why Mike can seem like a pushover and hesitant to fight back. However he is also trying to overcome his struggles, so don’t think that he’s a door mat or anything for you to walk all over.
Growing up Mike always loved the occult and scary things, and was a huge fan of vampires way before the trend took off at school. If anything, what pushed him to really get the fad going, was the sudden popularity of the Twilight movies, and he saw a chance to express his love for vampires more openly. He surprised himself when he naturally fell into the leader role of the vamp kids, and with the position his confidence grew, he made some great friends, and the club pretty much became his life. Even as an 19 year old, he’s still managing the club with great passion.
Head cannons-
Mike is trans bigender, but still in the closet, presenting himself as a cis male. Only one or two people know about his actual gender, and Mike has told them to not tell a soul. He sometimes identifies as male, and sometimes female. He never knows how long he’ll identify as either, it can be a single day, a week, a month, or a whole year. He vastly prefers the name Vampir when identifying as female because it is gender neutral, and therefore always asks people to call him Vampir, to make it more natural. (OOC I might refer to Mike/Vampir as he/him, but also she/her. I kept the pronouns as he/him and referred to him as “Mike” on this application to make it easier to read as a whole)
Mike has a lisp with or without the clumsy vampire fangs, because of a tongue thrust he’s had to deal with his whole life. It could have been corrected with braces, but his dad never bothered to get him any luxury like that. He struggles the most on s, c, z, sh and th sounds, and it is very noticable.
Mike has ADD. This mostly presents itself in his wild imagination (he loved to play pretend when he was little, specifically that he was a vampire..), the way his mind jumps between topics, and how he’s bad at keeping things in his head. He has a short attention span and struggles to show interest in stuff he’s not passionate about (and he jumps stuff when he IS). He misreads things and sometimes skips certain words when typing something up. When he ends up in arguments, his mind goes completely blank, and he’ll either leave, or completely lose his side of the argument. He however is very calm in general, and laid back. He takes Ritalin when he feels the need for it.
Mike wants to become a teacher at South Park Elementary, an art and history teacher to be specific. He loves to draw with great passion, especially old buildings from the gothic revival, but he also draws more lighthearted stuff like characters and animals. He has his own webcomic that is starting out around this age, it’s about vampires (of course). It’s very good, and surprisingly innocent. He takes commissions and just loves to draw vampsonas for his friends (or whatever you might want from him… weirdos).
Mike can summon spirits, has a lot of experiences in spiritual games and rituals, such as using a ouija board, and playing “One-man hide and seek” by his lonesome. He’s made some poor choices in the past, and today he never goes into these situations without making sure it is as safe as possible.
Mike can see dead people, spirits of those that have passed on. He actually can’t tell them apart from people who are actually alive most of the time, which can lead to some awkward moments. He can’t sense the difference between the living and dead, but he can see and touch them no problem. It’s plagued him every since he was little, and he learned early on that he shouldn’t talk about it, because it’d anger his father, have him end up calling him crazy, and more often than not resulted in him getting hurt somehow.
Sample roleplay (two paragraphs)- 
The last people Mike had wanted to run into this morning were the goths. He avoided them all like the plague, and he always made sure to never be left alone with any of them if he could. It was shameful to admit, but he just didn’t feel safe around them, and really, how could he? They had jumped him and beaten him up when he was just a kid, and sent him somewhere far away all alone. Even if they would’ve tried to apologise, it’d be difficult to accept. The encounter had been bad, he had said some things he would regret, and he was now in a sour mood… But it was nothing that the other vamp kids couldn’t fix.
As soon as he spotted them by their lockers the frown was instantly flipped upside down, and he picked up his pace to meet up with Larry, Katie, and the rest of the vamps. Years had passed, some of them were not as into vampires as they used to be… but they all remained friends. He excitedly told them about an event that he had planned for the younger vamps, or ‘baby bats’ as he so fondly called them, and quite a few of them said that they’d love to help out. With a dorky, fanged grin, the lord and dark master of the vamps took the lead down the hallway, excitedly exclaiming “It will be a night they will not thoon forget!”
Free Hat 👌
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