#one of the cutest thing I’ve ever drawn
k-chips · 1 year
I like to think Sada brought baby Arven into the lab and Clavell's serious demeanor shattered when he held Arven in his arms. Jacq got some laughs out of it.
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Oh my gosh yes.
He’s completely in baby Arven’s little hands.
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Jacq isn’t immune
(Yeah that’s supposed to be young Jacq… no comment)
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royaltea000 · 8 months
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A little Star 🌟
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Just saying...
At some point...
Oh my god yes I love this idea-
Blue doesn’t like hugs most of the time, except for when they’re really not doing well, and that’s when they need like all the hugs to feel better. Also, everyone they’ve ever received hugs from are likely average-sized ducks or taller birds with around their same body shape- so Falcon would be the first person to hug them who is much bigger than them. They discover that they really like the feeling of being completely wrapped up like that (weighed blanket phenomenon).
(Sorry this was VERY rushed ssldlfkffkd)
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thecosmiccrow · 7 months
[request] nuzi cuddling and/or bird courting <3
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we just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, wonder who its from!
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awww sweeties
sorry this one is so. low effort but im tired as h e c k.
anyways may redraw this because its probably the cutest thing i’ve ever drawn. I love N’s doodles that look like a 2 year old wrote them, theyre my absolute favorite ever
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vampwritesstuff · 1 year
dating xavier headcanons?Thanks bb
Dating Xavier Thorpe Would Include ~
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Hi anon ! Hope you enjoy these hcs ! I’ll totally be adding more as I think of them, so check back every once in a while to see if I’ve added more!
Warnings : swearing, cause I have a dirty mouth lmao
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Dating Xavier would include…
Long nights spent in his shed, drawing, studying and just generally having fun together.
Xavier is lowkey possessive of you, but not in a bad way, like yeah he doesn’t like you talking to other guys but he knows where to draw the line. So, possessive, but only when he needs to be.
If you’re generally a shy person, then he’ll help you when in public. Like telling someone your order at the weathervane or asking for help when shopping.
Xavier just adores you, literally every aspect about you is his favorite. Your eyes? Favorite part about you. Your lips? Favorite part about you.
He MELTS anytime you say his name or nickname and especially when you smile at him.
Xavier loves to spoil you, he can’t help it. You like a shirt in a store? He buys it for you to wear on your next date. You find a cute stuffed animal at a carnival? You bet your ass he’s playing until he wins it. Obviously you tell him no and he pouts everytime.
“It’s just a shirt, Xav. I don’t need it, I have plenty.” “But I wanna spoil you.”
He can tell when you’re having a rough day, he knows you so well that he can tell when you haven’t slept well or you’re stressed about homework or exams.
When you haven’t slept well, he’ll let you use him as a pillow to rest your head on during lunch or free time.
If you forgot to study for an important test or do the homework, then he’ll go over key points and information with you or give you some of the answers to at least get a decent grade.
He enjoys drawing you, and you love to pose for him. He’s drawn you so many times, he has like 10 sketchbooks full of just drawings of you.
“Could you move your head to the left?” “Of course, babe.”
CUTEST PETNAMES FOR EACH OTHER OMG. He’ll call you things like darling, or his muse. You’d call him something cheesy, like bear or bubba.
If you’re also an outcast at Nevermore, you’re always sneaking into each others dorms, but usually his since he doesn’t have a roommate.
If you’re a normie in Jericho, you both will always meet up after school and on the weekends for a date. Your go to is usually the Weathervane, but if Tyler is working, you’ll just go to the park instead. Since one time you went on a date while he was working and he wouldn’t stop flirting with you, Xavier almost punched the shit out of him.
Ever since, when Tyler is working, you avoid the Weathervane.
Xavier gets so happy when you play with his hair, could literally fall asleep as you massage his scalp. He’s such a softie and will ask if you could braid his hair or help him put it into a bun.
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sirmanmister · 1 year
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Behold one of the cutest things I’ve ever drawn
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
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more-or-less finished my sonic ocs, carrion the cat and squabble the pigeon! they’re part of a trio of freelance postmen/hitmen
+ alt reference, doodles, and more under the cut
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jacketless when off-duty + their bases. their colourations are based on karpati cats and lahore pigeons, respectively, though ability-wise squabble is actually a homing pigeon. side note; do you know how many pigeon breeds there are? there are a truly insane amount and some of them are so fucking wild to look at. highly recommend looking up fancy pigeons
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concept sketches + two carrion sillies. i had a pretty solid idea of what i wanted for carrion, but the only thing i knew about squabble was her name and species for the squab pun, until i doodled a design and was instantly captivated. i just had to stick with the newsie-amelia aerheart cosplay-ema skye-razputin thing she had going on
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i think the squabble in the very upper lefthand corner is the cutest thing i’ve ever drawn in my life
various things about them i should mention:
i’ve yet to design these, but they all have mailbags as part of their uniform, and squabble has a pair of heavily modified skate type extreme gear that have wing accessories like the ones on her head as a reference to hermes, messenger of the gods. also they have a plane. a mail plane? still working on that
not set in stone yet but carrion is abt 16-17 and squabble is 11-13
carrion is a trained assassin, born into it, skilled in close quarters combat, they’re proficient in all kinds of weapons including firearms, they also really like knives and keep a collection of all sorts. she’s probably a cat. they don’t speak all that much. incredibly skilled at many things, especially combat related. skilled tactician but doesn’t care to tell anyone anything anytime so they suck as a leader. just generally doesn’t care to say anything. carefree and more-or-less easygoing; they’re just kinda vibing 90% of the time. perma-blep. poker-faced, will do everything with the same blep expression. very protective of the ones he loves, cares about squabble more than everything else in the world, would and has killed for her. will play along with any bit. ultimately: he stays silly
squabble is an untrained pilot, scout, and mechanic, as well as an enthusiast of mail delivery and explosives. she really really likes explosives. has killed before and will kill again, carrion and rig aren’t completely sure she knows that they’re assassins—she does, she just has such a completely out of whack sense of morality and common sense that it’s hard to tell. she has an infectious joy for life that creeps into everyone around her. she’s the beating heart of the trio, and the one who came up with the idea of the matching jackets. is a homing pigeon, has magnetoreception, and therefore makes an excellent navigator and scout. she always knows the way back home, and her home is with the other two. has a completely out of whack sense of danger, is something of a thrill-seeker, but real serious danger she is very acute to. is a mechanic, but not quite an engineer; she repairs, maintains, and makes heavily illegal modifications to machinery, but she doesn’t build her own completely original designs and tends to stay away from electronics. comes off as a little klutzy bust she’s rather proficient in various things.
the third of their trio who is now designed and named rig is a sniper. she’s a fair amount older than the other two, somewhere around 22-24 i’m thinking? the delivery service was just euphemistic for their assassination services before the other two walked into her life. doesn’t pay taxes
chaotix-like in many ways
they’re a weird non-traditional colleague-family. they’re family-ish :] they love and care about each other, despite it all :] THEYRE FAMBLY!!!!!
they fully do kill people, but also a good portion of their hit missions tend to be for robots or to cause non-lethal commotions instead of straight up assassinations
they have a reputation for this and often take on odd jobs that very loosely fit their job descriptions
they get super suspicious job requests like ‘please “retrieve” “my” ““parcel”” from this heavily secured gun base and deliver it to this super secret off-grid address xoxo~’ and fully deliver on them
thank you for reading about my sillies! i’m bad at talking about ocs cause i never can tell what’s interesting or what i’ve shared, but i like thinking about them a lot :]
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eveistdiepommes · 4 months
What activities does Sweden enjoy doing with each of his nordbros? And his sons?
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If it wasn’t for this ask, I wouldn’t have gotten to draw the cutest doodles I’ve drawn to this day!! Thank you so much for your ask, Anon!! 😊🫶❤️
I think for Sweden, doing actions comes easier to him than words! Parallel play and quality time is very important to him! Let’s go down the list!!
Iceland- Sweden and Iceland get along amazingly! Like I mentioned, Sweden seems to have a calming effect on Iceland. Iceland can get heated about stuff pretty quickly (his volcanic nature!!) which can lead to outbursts or meltdowns that leave him drained and tired. Because Sweden knows what’s that like, both from personal experience and from experience with his sons, he’s very well suited for grounding Iceland! The important part is that Sweden treats him as an equal, not like a kid, and Iceland really appreciates this (even if he won’t say it outright!) Their activities usually involve critical thinking, video games, chess, stuff like that! Iceland loves the challenge, but he also loves knowing that he doesn’t have to worry about getting too frustrated around Sweden. He can wordlessly count on Sweden to keep him levelheaded!
Norway- Sweden and Norway are very close friends! Norway doesn’t pressure Sweden to talk like others who don’t know him too well might. Their activities very much fall under the term “parallel play!” They don’t have to be doing the exact same thing, but being around each other, not being alone while they do their own activities, makes them both feel happy. Most of their time spent with each other is in quiet environments, hiking nature trails, reading in the same room, going to the library to get books to read in the same room, stuff like that! Though, sometimes Sweden can get a little too absorbed in his activity, in which Norway reminds him to eat or drink some water.
Denmark- Sweden and Denmark are best friends til the end! I believe they get along well more so now than in the past, but their rivalry has never ended! Instead, it’s grown into something they use to push each other to be better! Their activities involve a lot of physical movement or manual labour! They build, craft things, they chop firewood for the other three, and they even spar with each other! Things might still get a little petty, one of them might play a little dirty to “win” at whatever they’re doing, but there’s no genuine malice! Denmark really brings out Sweden’s mischievous nature, as he enjoys messing with his friend, especially when he doesn’t expect it!
Ladonia and Sealand- OKAY OKAY OKAY this is my favorite thing ever! You guys already know I’m a sucker for family dynamics! Sweden spends time with his sons by creating bright and warm memories! He feels so lucky he is able to have kids, to have a family, despite being a “nation.” And he feels so relieved he can give his children a safe and almost normal childhood. Sealand had come into his life with his own bad memories, since he manifested in the midst of WWII. But Sweden is grateful he can protect and guide his son now. Ladonia is younger than Sealand, and thus, he really doesn’t have a scary past. I think Sealand was the last of the nations to manifest and have to deal with that fear so young, but I can explain that in another separate post!! All this to say, Sweden feels honored he can be for his sons what he wish he had as a young nation! He brings them on many excursions, and each one is filled with whimsy and adventure! Sealand, being energetic and rambunctious, loves going anywhere and everywhere! His younger, but taller, brother Ladonia prefers staying indoors due to the nature of his being. But Sweden believes Ladonia needs more fresh air, and Sealand could definitely benefit from getting his energy out, so they do things like fishing! That’s become their favorite thing to do! Ladonia can’t swim, so he wears a life vest in the boat. Sealand helps him put it on and makes sure his younger brother is secure and safe, much to his annoyance! It’s a very precious display, and it makes Sweden’s chest warm! It takes Ladonia a bit to get used to fishing, as he gets nervous catching fish and reeling them in, so to ease him into it, Sealand or Sweden help him catch one and hold it for him to touch. Ladonia eventually holds his own fish and suddenly feels very proud!! After hours of having fun, and with their bellies full from Finland’s home cooked lunch, Ladonia and Sealand fall asleep in Sweden’s truck as he drives them home. And Sweden snaps a picture of how cute they look before carrying them inside, with Finland’s help of course.
I love the doodles I did for this ask so much, so you guys get my favorites without the text!! If you guys want me to post the other two without the text, just let me know!! I’ll try to clean them up a bit!! Sorry this took so long, Anon! I just had so many ideas and I was so excited, I had to calm myself down enough to draw them!!! Thank you for this ask!! It made me so happy to doodle all of these!!
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puppiesandnightlock · 3 months
LINK: Helpless
Summary: Wally had it good. He was the Track Star of his high school, people fawning over him, anyone he wanted.
The only problem was that now, in his last few years, he'd missed a couple things. Things being credits.
Now he's stuck in theater class. It's not all bad, how could it be when his first day included falling into the arms of the cutest boy he'd ever seen?
Theater Kid Dick x Track Star Wally AU (co written with @daisha-mochizuki)
“West, my office, now. ” 
Wally looked up from his track shoes that he was tying to his feet only to find his coach very pissed off and storming off to his office with a bunch of folders in his hands. He cringed as the door to the office slammed shut, and he sighed as he stood. As he walked, he kept his head tilted downward to try and avert himself from his peers’ gazes, as they either gave him concerned looks or glared at him. 
He stood in front of the desk, fingers tapping against his upper thigh anxiously. 
The coach sat, folding his hands together and leaning his head on them before looking up. 
“Why are you here, West?”
Wally rocked on his tiptoes. “I-uh, I was hoping you could tell me that, sir.”
The coach watched him with an unimpressed look, spreading out the papers from the folders out in front of him. Even from upside down, Wally could see they were charts and grades, as well as tables. He’d always tried to keep his grades afloat because otherwise he wouldn’t be allowed to play.
“Well, according to this, you’re missing your visual and performing arts credits by a huge amount. You have a bit before you graduate, but you’ll only make it out of this school if you start gathering them now.”
Wally sighed to himself. 
This was going to be a long conversation, wasn’t it?  
“Thank you, sir, I-” 
“I’ve already enrolled you into a class myself,” the coach interrupted Wally, sliding a new schedule sheet across his desk over to Wally, who was standing there stiffly. “You’ll start your new class tomorrow. Rest up. We need you for this team.” 
He was shooed out of the office with only a schedule in hand, staring at it without reading the words. The world felt numb as he trudged back into the locker room, the world blurring out his teammates. He re-dressed slowly, before tying his black combat boots and going back outside, unwilling to face his teammates. 
Instead of sitting out on the bleachers to watch the practice, he went to sit under a tree overlooking the field.
Sighing, he unfolded the schedule to look for the highlighted class signifying his new one.
Theater - seventh period. Teacher - Dinah Lance.
Theater? Well, his parents had always told him he was a drama queen…
He walked into the place marked on his schedule, his boots creaking the old wood beneath his feet as he walked along the stage, trying to find someone, anyone, to signal that he was indeed in the right place. 
“Hello…?” he called out tentatively, carefully trying to pull back the deep red velvet curtains that were drawn shut. He screeched and nearly toppled over as a hand was thrust through the curtains and grabbed him by the collar of his T-shirt to yank him back into the curtain-abyss. 
Wally held up his hands, taekwondo style, and quickly looked around for whoever had dragged him through. He was met, however, with the searing stage lights being flipped on and shone directly in his face.
“State the reason for your presence.” A low voice growled.
“Um, this is my seventh period now?” He squeaked, shielding his eyes. “What the hell is this, a cult?”
“Close enough!” A different voice chirped, moving the lights from his eyes and allowing him to look around.
In front of him, a tall, blond woman smiled at him, extending a hand. “Forgive the theatrics, my students like to have a little fun with the transfers. I’m Dinah Lance, I'll be your teacher for the rest of the year.”
“Wally West. Nice to meet you,” Wally murmured weakly as he took his new teacher’s hand, shaking it gingerly. 
“Wally, then? Artemis here will give you the tour.” 
A blonde girl stepped forward, having come from the lights. “Hey. I’m Artemis, and damn, we got you so good!”
Wally grumbled to himself, glowering at the girl, apparently Artemis. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned his face away when the girl held out a hand for him. Artemis rolled her eyes and grabbed Wally, dragging him along despite his annoyed facade. Wally yelped, stumbling.
“You should get used to it, Baywatch, that’s how we work around here.” 
“Baywatch?” Wally looked down at himself, catching a glimpse of his face in his reflection. His black beanie slipped up, allowing for his bangs to float into his face.
“I feel like you watch shitty daytime TV,” Artemis shrugged.
He scowled, following her as she pointed out several different areas and teams with specific names. He wandered after Artemis, his eyes flitting around as he tried to observe and intake all of the information he was quickly learning. 
Wally had always been a trouble magnet, however, and managed to find it in the most random of ways. 
Today, it took the form of a clump of loose wires strewn across the backstage. Artemis stepped over it easily and he moved to do the same, but followed her hand to where she was pointing at the set-builders. A boy was there, outlining a piece for an outdoor scene, and right as he turned, the other boy misstepped, shutting his eyes as his whole body was to inevitably hit the floor face first.
Instead, he landed with a soft whoomph against a warm body. He looked up, blinking up as the brightly shining light above them led him to the most beautiful blue eyes he’d ever seen.
It was a normal day, alright? Playing knight in shining armor for boys in too much black was not something on Dick’s agenda. 
It was the props and stage day and everyone was helping out. He was humming along to one of the broadway soundtracks playing from a nearby speaker on low, and losing himself in the swoops and swerves of the lines, thick strokes of dark color being left behind in the wake of his brush.
He had missed the customary ‘scare the ever-living shit out of the new student’ ritual, but trusted that one of his friends had recorded it. He could hear Artemis’s voice droning on about the theater and turned to wave her over.
The student following her met his gaze, flashing Dick a glimpse of striking green, before the person tripped and ended up promptly falling flat on their face.
Well, they would have, if DIck hadn’t dropped his brush the moment he saw the kid’s foot catch in the wire and bolted forward.
He caught the kid with ease, waiting until they turned to look at him, dark eyeliner making the disoriented green eyes even wider.
On top of being the most dramatic person to grace the school’s theater class, Dick was also known for being a bit of a flirt, and upon seeing the situation, his brain to mouth filter broke completely.
“Well, new kid, looks like you’re already falling for me.”
Wally gaped at him, wondering how the extremely attractive boy who was cradling him in his arms just shot him the most appropriate and horrible pickup to ever grace his ears.
“W-what?” He stammered, unsure if he’d actually heard correctly. 
Pretty boy laughed, embarrassed flush coming over his cheeks. “That was bad, sorry. I’m all about the drama, and a pick-up line or two is always fun, even if I never pick anyone up with them.”
Well, you've sure got me. Wally laughed nervously as the thought popped in his mind. “Thanks for catching me, man.”
“Oh!” He stepped back, placing Wally back on the ground and dusting him off. Wally let himself be manhandled, looking at the boy's full form.
“My pleasure. You got a name, new kid?” His mind blanked at the question, until he realized that the boy in blue was awaiting an answer.
“Oh…um, Wally. Wally West. Well, Wallance if you wanna be formal, but no one callsmethatbut myMomwhenshe'sangry-”
The boy cut him off with a laugh, the sound ringing in his ears like the song of a windchime.
“You’re a rambler, aren't you?”
“M’on the track team, my mouth and my feet move quicker than my brain sometimes.” He then got a mischievous smirk on his face. “What about you, Gorgeous? Got a name?” 
The other boy fumbled in turn, flushing red. “Dick Grayson.”
Wally bit back a joke and grinned. “Nice to meet ya.” 
Artemis clapped Wally on the shoulder as she decided she was finished watching, causing the redhead to jump and squeak in response, the boy snapping out of his stupor. “C’mon, pretty boy, you need to finish the tour. You can get handsy with good ol’ Dick here later.” 
Wally choked on air, Dick doing much the same. “I wasn’t-we weren’t-”
“M’kay.”She smirked at Dick, Wally taking note of the dirty glance from the other boy. “C’mon, Baywatch, we’ve got another half of the theater to discuss.”
Wally looked back at Dick, a sort of hopeful look in his green eyes. “I’ll, uh, see you later?”
His voice raised an octave at the end, causing Dick to chuckle softly. He offered the redhead a small grin and a wave. “I’ll see you later.”
Wally’s grin grew wider, but he was very quickly dragged off by an annoyed Artemis, who was muttering under her breath as she led Wally back on the path they had been on before. He couldn’t help but look back, however, and saw the deep blue eyes still trained on him, following after him. The sight and thought caused a rush of warmth to flood through him, a tingling pleasant sensation setting off flutters at the pit of his stomach.
Maybe theater wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
Chance Meeting
Din Djarin/Reader
Fictober Day 17 of 31
Words: 928
Summary: When Boba Fett brings a newcomer to your repair shop hoping that you can fix his ship, you're startled at how much you're drawn to the Mandalorian.
Din Djarin Masterlist
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“Boba! Long time no see!” you said brightly as the bounty hunter/crime lord walked into your shop, with another person by his side that you didn’t recognize. The newcomer was evidently a Mandalorian based on the gleaming beskar armor he wore, and he was holding the cutest child you’ve ever seen in your life. “What can I do for you?”  
“My friend here needs assistance fixing his ship,” Boba Fett said, gesturing to the Mandalorian, who sill stood stoically as the child in his arms smiled and waved a tiny green hand at you.
“That’s definitely something I can help with,” you said. “What kind of ship is it?”
“It’s an N-1 Starfighter,” the Mandalorian cut into the conversation. “I’m having some issues with the accelerator and the person I usually go to isn’t around.”
His tone wasn’t aggressive, but you still found yourself slightly nervous when speaking to him. It didn’t help that he had what you could only describe as the most attractive voice you’ve ever heard in your entire life. Once you pushed any distracting thoughts down, you cleared your throat before responding. “Why don’t we move it into my workshop area and I’ll take a look? I think that should be an easy enough problem to fix.”
It was a beautiful ship, and you couldn’t help the way your mouth dropped open when you saw it. Once you got underneath it and took a look at the engine though, you could see some places where it could have been assembled better, and that was what most likely caused the problem with the accelerator.
“Can you fix it?” Boba asked as you stood up and looked at them.
“Yeah, it shouldn’t take me long either, if you want me to go ahead and fix it now,” you responded.
“Please,” the Mandalorian said. “Take as much time as you need.”
Boba Fett bid you goodbye and disappeared, leaving you alone with the Mandalorian and who you assumed was his child (though you were still really unsure about that one). You had offered them both food and water, but he didn’t accept your offer, so you just started to work on the ship.
After about half an hour of laying under the ship and trying to repair the accelerator’s wiring, you were startled from your focus by a voice. “How do you know Boba Fett?”
“I only met him a few months ago, since he took over the territory,” you said. “But since then I’ve worked on a few projects for him, and I’ll occasionally fix the speeder bikes for his security detail. What about you?”
“I met him when trying to bring the child back to his own kind,” he said.
“Obviously you haven’t succeeded at that then.”
“What?” Since you were laying on a rolling platform underneath the ship, you couldn’t see his body language, and even if you could the helmet would have hidden his expression from the rest of the world as well.
“The child,” you repeated, pausing what you were doing. “He’s still with you, so are you still looking for his kind?”
There was a pause before he spoke again. “I did find one of his kind,” he said, his voice much softer than you had heard previously. “But it didn’t really stick I guess.” You smiled. “That’s okay, he seems to be happy with you.” As if to back up your statement, you heard the child coo and giggle.
Halfway through your repair he had to step outside for something, and he didn’t return until after you were finished with the ship. The child had stayed, and he entertained you with his ability to make your tools float in midair with the wave of his hand. Up until this point, you had only heard rumors of the Force and those who spent their lives learning to use it, but seeing the way this little creature could just change things with a wave of his hand was wild. You wondered if the “kind” the Mandalorian had wanted to return him to was the Jedi, but you didn’t know of any Jedi left, not after they had been wiped out at the end of the Clone Wars, when you were only a toddler.
You weren’t too worried about being blown off when it came to payment, because you had both the man’s ship and his child. He didn’t make you wait too long either, eventually stepping back into the shop with a small pouch in his grip. “This should be enough to cover everything,” he said. You knew by the weight of the bag that it had more than enough credits to cover labor and repairs, and you tried to give some of them back. “No, I insist,” he just said, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so eventually you had to just shut up and take the money.
“If you have any trouble with it, feel free to come back and I’ll take a look at it. Free of charge,” you said as you walked him out of your shop.
“Thank you very much,” he responded, and you could hear the sincerity in his voice. “If you ever need anything, please feel free to reach out to Boba. He knows how to contact me.”
Not sure what that meant, you just nodded as he got into the ship, placing the child in a modified astromech port. And as he took to the skies, you couldn’t help but wonder if you were ever going to see him again.
- the end -
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 months
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96. Breakaway by Grace Reilly--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I thoroughly enjoyed BREAKAWAY by Grace Reilly! It was super spicy, fun, had some pretty good character growth, and had impeccable communication between the two MCs. I'm honestly surprised it doesn't have a higher rating.
I think the pacing was pretty good, as well, having the MCs reveal certain aspects of their lives at the seemingly perfect times. While yes, this reminded me of at least two other college hockey romances I've read in the past (ICEBREAKER, THE GRAHAM EFFECT, THE DEAL, to mention a few), it was still fun and super spicy. After all, it's only fitting that it's this spicy when the FMC is an aspiring smutty romance author.
I also like that though there was drama, it was easily dealt with. Some people might like more drawn out drama or bigger conflicts, but I'm a simple woman who enjoys a romance with as little drama as possible.
Overall, I really and truly enjoyed this one. Will definitely be checking out the rest of the series!
97. The Right Move by Liz Tomforde--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Off the bat, if you're not a fan of slow burns then you might have a hard time reading THE RIGHT MOVE. But because I'm a Mariana Zapata hoe, I love them slow burns and the pay off of all of that building tension.
I immediately knew who would be paired up in this one because book one made it pretty clear and I was here for it. I loved seeing the tension between these two characters, especially when the MMC started to melt his cold demeanour towards the world around him. One of my favourite things about slow burns is that we are forced to get to know these characters first before they start to fall completely into each other. We get to see the build up and the friendship and the trust that grows between the couple.
One of the things I enjoyed reading about in THE RIGHT MOVE was the topic of mental health and how easy it is for people to hide it from the rest of the world. You can be the most famous athlete in the world and still e suffering. It was a strong reminder that not everything is always as it seems.
I took a star off for the brief moments of miscommunications that honestly felt like plot lengtheners. I know no book will ever be perfect with this theme, but since this book was so long, I think characters that communicate will help lower that word count.
Anyway, I still enjoyed the hell out of this. These two characters were so sexy together and I loved how well they reflected each other (when they communicated). Will happily read the next book in the near future!
98. Cherry Magic! Vol. 5 by Yuu Toyota , Taylor Engel (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ahhhhh. Honestly, just AHHHHH.
I love these two so much. I absolutely cannot. Also, LOVE the side story for his friend and his own love life. This is one of the cutest, kick-my-feet manga series that I've read. The way the anxious MC continues to grow into his confidence and his interest in his love interest is just the best. I love being able to see that progress rather than just having a story where the characters are stagnant.
I love this series so much.
99. Cherry Magic! Vol. 6 by Yuu Toyota , Taylor Engel (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
That social anxiety hits deep with this one. Sometimes words are so hard to speak in the heat of emotion and these two characters are getting so much better at communicating.
This volume had me feeling all sorts of things. That is all. 😭😭
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100. The Bastard & The Heir by Eden Finley , Saxon James--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Eden Finley & Saxon James are a dangerous duo. Whenever they get together, I know that something magical is gonna happen. This time, that magic comes in THE BASTARD AND THE HEIR. The tension, the smut, the vulnerability--phew.
Also, I'm grateful for the synopsis kind of spoiling one of the big secrets or else this would have been a wholly different experience.
The chemistry between these two characters was palpable. I also enjoyed how the characters have to learn to not judge others without communicating with them. I loved the trope of everyone rooting for the one MC to fail and him proving them all wrong. Love a family drama in my romance books (as long as they're done right).
I don't know what else to say other than it was sexy and adorable and so incredibly heartfelt. This book also carries the message that sometimes you need to really fight for what you want, or else spend the rest of your life living with what-if's and the eternal patience of waiting for something to magically change on its own. Life is short.
101. The Devil in Blue Jeans by Stacey Kennedy--⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ah, this book was fun for what it was. If I think too much about the story, I'd probably be lowering the rating. But it was a story I needed when I was on the verge of a reading slump. Was it memorable? Not really. Was it a bit silly and over the top? Yes, but it was fun and I'm definitely wanting to read the rest of the series. It honestly read like the Harlequin book that it is.
The friendship was sweet and the romance had some cute moments! Wasn't the biggest fan of the trope at the end and the...sacrificial lamb for the FMC's character growth moment. LOL that was so weird.
My biggest gripe though, and the story itself has absolutely nothing to do with this, was the audiobook narrator. Omg her voicing was GRATING. Especially when she did the voices for the friends. I know people can't help the way they talk, but if it wasn't for the story, I probably would have put this book down.
Anyway, read this for the fun Harlequin vibes. I will say, however, that you should definitely check out the trigger warnings before reading!
102. My Love Mix Up! Vol. 4 by Wataru Hinekure (writer) , Aruko (Illustrator) , Jan Cash (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
These two are so young and have so much to grow. I'm so excited to see it happen because they're so adorable.
I'm writing a bunch of reviews today and the theme seems to be "communication" and this volume deals heavily with that topic (and how important it can be). I love these two together because they seem to balance each other out. One is slightly immature when it comes to his feelings and the other is...a bit dense. I love them both regardless and I can't wait to see their growth.
Also, we got to learn more about both characters and some of the personality traits are starting to make more sense.
AND the cute friends who I just know are growing closer and closer. Will definitely pick up the next volume soon!
103. Phoenix Chosen by Ashe Moon--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
How absolutely dare you leave us hanging, Ashe Moon? That ending was criminal.
I was both surprised and not surprised by how much I enjoyed this? It reminded me a bit of BRO & THE BEAST mixed with BOUND TO THE BATTLE GOD. It had similar vibes of the former but had the build up and slight length of the latter. The slight slow burn of the two characters falling for each other was refreshing because it wasn't immediate spice city. I liked seeing the characters grow and get closer and build that trust that comes with the sort of connection.
Loved the concept too because I'm a sucker for this alternate worlds/portal magic romances full of road trips and reluctant romance.
Will wait for the next book with bated breaths.
104. Beyond the Sea by Keira Andrews--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
There's something about survival romance books that just hook me and don't let me go until the very end. Could this have used a bit of editing? Maybe. Did I still devour the absolute shit out of this beautiful book? Also yes.
I loved this story. I loved it so much. I KNOW I will crave a re-read of this book in the future. It's not a mind-blowing book, but I loved the themes and tropes explored in the story. The connection between the characters was sweet and their love for each other felt palpable by the end of the book.
I realized that I had read another book by Keira Andrews and had completely forgotten and knowing how much I enjoyed that book, I'm not surprised by my enjoyment of this one.
Ugh, I loved this so much.
105. Wed to the Omega by Ashe Moon--⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ah, this silly and quick read. Was it perfect? Not at all, but I had fun! Reading those into the reviews, I saw that this was Moon's debut and honestly, it kind of makes sense. The romance was a little too quick and that major situation at the end was over a little too quickly, I would have loved to see the romance develop a little more organically.
I did find it a little contradictory how one of the MCs was okay with certain things happening and interfering with his life goals. While I'm happy he was happy, I guess I expected a little more resistance? Especially since his goals were a huge motivator for why he was the way he was.
Overall, this book makes me want to read the rest of the series.
106. Cherry Magic! Vol. 7 by Yuu Toyota , Taylor Engel (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm always amazed by how quick some of these relationships are, but I also know that time moves at a weird pace on these stories. Regardless, I was so happy and giddy while reading this one and the new steps this couple took!!! I love their love!
Also, these reviews won't be long because I binged these next few volumes and I don't want to give away spoilers!
107. Cherry Magic! Vol. 8 by Yuu Toyota , Taylor Engel (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I loved seeing the roles being reversed in this one and seeing the once shy and awkward MC taking on such a caring and loving role. One of the reasons why I like this couple so much is how one brings out the best in the other and the other helps validate the other's feelings.
Although we didn't get to see the second adorable couple-to-be in this volume, we did get to see the main couple pass another important milestone in their relationship! Which also included the exploration of their feelings and the importance of communication.
Love them all so much.
108. Cherry Magic! Vol. 9 by Yuu Toyota , Taylor Engel (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Volume 9 gave us a big chunk of the second couple's storyline and I love them, too. Especially in how the character growth has made them into better characters. I also love their ability to be vulnerable.
We did get to see the main couple as they explored new potential apartments, which introduces a mild hint into how the rest of the world around the couple will react to them being a gay couple. I've been curious about this throughout the series and it looks like the issue is starting to be brought up here as the couple is reaching the next big step in their relationship.
Onto the next volume!
109. Cherry Magic! Vol. 10 by Yuu Toyota , Taylor Engel (Translator)--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Volume 10 is where we truly start to see the main couple face the discrimination against gay couples. It's not overt, but it's enough that it affects certain aspects of their lives. We also see the MC start to question how unfair it is. But we also see the couple overcome that by loving each other and also have an amazing support system of friends and family.
The romance of this volume, plus the familial and friendly love is so heartfelt.
I can't believe I have to wait until the summer for the next volume 😭😭😭
110. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read March 2024:
This re-read felt like I was reading CROWN OF MIDNIGHT for the first time. The only things I remembered are that conclusion and the heartbreaking decision made against a certain character. I still find it interesting that this was ever labelled YA, but then one of the characters would mention the MC's age and I'd be like, right, she's a 25 year old in an 18 year-old's body.
I read this in 2015 and gave it five stars and while I can understand why, I'm taking one star off that rating because honestly, while it was entertaining, it was...okay? Not horrible, but not a favourite. The whole love triangle thing kind of made me laugh because the power this MC holds. She's leaving a trail of broken hearts behind her and honestly, good for her. She's too young to settle for these boys.
Will continue my re-read!
Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts?
Happy reading!
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Heart Shaped Wound
Chapter 30
Author’s note: enjoy! Trying to be regular with updates before this starts getting into the super creepy yandere territory!
   (Your name) paled at the note that hung on her classroom door for her. The nearly folded white paper with messily drawn hearts on it brought dread to the pits of her stomach. Who on earth would leave such a menacing note?
     Her hands shook as she pulled the piece of paper off the door. The tape making a soft ripping noise, causing goosebumps to crawl up her skin. She knew this wasn’t from any of her suitors. She’d recognize the drawing and writing style if it was. 
      Hanayama wrote small and neat while Jack’s hand writing was big and messy. Katsumi’s writing was simple and easy to read. And Kureha had some of the prettiest handwriting she’s ever seen a man have. 
      But the poorly written style of her name was unfamiliar. Not to mention how the contents of the note were pieced together with magazine clippings. Even if she had an idea of who it could be, it would be impossible to identify them using graphology. 
      The note was ominous and creepy. Did she perhaps have a stalker?
     (Your name) gulped before reading the strangely crafted note, the young woman doing her best to ignore how weirdly sticky the more was.
To my angel,
      I’m too shy to approach you. You’re far too beautiful for someone like me. I can only admire you from a far. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen… you’re my Angel.
                                                  Your secret admirer 
      She really hoped this was just a sick prank and she didn’t have one… but the way the letters were all different fonts from different magazines, she knew she did. Why else would someone spend so much time making her a creepy note like this?
      (Your name) glanced around, making sure the perpetrator was gone. (Your name) clutched the note to her chest with a sigh. She should probably dispose of this once she’s home. Last thing she wanted was to upset her secret admirer. She didn’t know who they were or what they were capable of.
      (Your name) headed into the classroom, completely unaware of the figure standing outside of the school. 
     The muscular man adorning an olive green hoodie and jogger set. His dark eyes sparkling when he saw his angel didn’t throw away his note.
       Maybe he had a chance after all… if she likes his notes then he would keep sending them to her. He just wanted his angel to notice him.
    Katsumi made his way towards (your name)’s classroom. A large bouquet of white carnations, white roses, pink roses, and pink hydrangeas in his arms. He had been wanting to gift her flowers for awhile now but he wasn’t sure what to get her. Thank goodness his mother gave him sp gifting advice. 
     Natsue was thrilled to help him out. She was extremely fond of (your name) and constantly asked about his girlfriend all the time.
     “Hello, (your name).” Katsumi greeted (your name) who smiled warmly at him. His heart racing from how pretty she was. Be still, his heart. “I bought you some flowers.”
     (Your name) smiled at the delicate bouquet. Of course Katsumi would get her a bouquet that symbolized innocent love. He was the cutest. 
     (Your name) inhaled the sweet, floral aroma with a content smile. Katsumi blushing as he continued to watch her.
      “Ooo! Karate sensei bought sensei flowers!” Satoshi piped up from his desk, the other students chiming in.
      “Are they gonna get married?!” Yuki squealed as the other kindergartners began to giggle. 
      “Marriage is a ways a way.” (Your name) laughed as she held the bouquet up to her chest. A bright blush on her cheeks. “That’s a lifetime commitment.”
     Katsumi wanted to tell her he was willing to make her a lifetime commitment but he felt as if it was too soon to share his true thoughts with her. They’ve only been together for a few weeks now, but Katsumi was certain he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. 
      Katsumi wanted to spend every waking and breathing moment with her. He was obsessed and he knew it. (Your name) was a drug he could never get enough of.
      “Earth to Katsumi.” (Your name) leaned her face close to Katsumi’s. The young man flushing in embarrassment for being caught off guard. “What we’re you thinking about?”
     “You.” Katsumi grinned, (your name) giggling at him. Seems Katsumi could be smooth sometimes.
      “How sweet. Were you wanting to do anything today?” (Your name) asked curiously. She knew the karateka loved spending time with her no matter what they did together but she wanted to see if he planned anything other than the two of them relaxing together at each other’s houses. She needed some excitement.
      “Well I was going to ask you if you’d like to join me at an amusement park later today?” Katsumi asked, his cheeks flushing. “The lights are really pretty at night.”
      “I’d love to.” (Your name) smiled at Katsumi. An amusement park sounded like a lot of fun. She’d have to ask Zaria to help her pick out an outfit.
      “I’ll pick you up at six, then.” Katsumi beamed as he began to herd up his students. 
     Katsumi chased Satoshi around the desk, a certain note catching his eye. Katsumi examined the creepy note for a minute before he felt his stomach churn. Did (your name) have a stalker?
      Katsumi brushed it off. He would ask her about it later, last thing he wanted to do was have the children tell their parents about it. He didn’t want them to be scared.
      “Alright kids. Let’s get going.” Katsumi successfully herded up all of his students like little lambs. Their yellow kindergarten hats bouncing with their little bodies as they all giggled.
     “Good bye, sensei! Have fun on your date!” The children giggled as they made their way out of the classroom. Katsumi giving (your name) a soft look.
      “I’ll see you soon.”
       “Goodbye, Katsumi.” (Your name) made her way over to the desk, her tongue clicking in realization. Katsumi definitely saw the stalker’s note. Hopefully he didn’t make a fuss of it. Last thing she wanted to do was upset this mysterious secret admirer she had.
     After all, one can never know what someone else is truly capable of.
Author’s note: thanks for reading. I am so happy to finally debut your personal stalker. Always need that one character that is so creepy, it makes your skin crawl.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
I have caught up on MagiRevo.  That is a really satisfying ending.
I wasn’t really sure what they were going to do with the setup of the last episode.  In truth, I kinda expected some last second pivot into a secret third option where everything’s fine, but I kinda like that they landed on having to pick a side, and that Euphyllia’s solution is less like...horrific.  Seriously, the big with the spirit faithful talking about needing to get Anis to produce an heir is Grade-A skeeze.
The main couple is unbelievably cute.  I really love them.  And I’m so proud of my girl Euphie.  Once she figured out her feelings, she is all in.  I love this reversal, from Anis making comments about her interest to Euphie acting first, and being so much more assertive about it that Anis still doesn’t kiss her directly on the lips and she had to do it herself.  That is some of the cutest shit I’ve ever seen.  Related, but 10/10 actually having the kiss, and having it be so cute.  Very happy with the resolution here.
On the whole, I...really think this is one I’m gonna need to track down the novels to.  The manga, at minimum.  The anime itself really isn’t very...good.  Like, sincerely, unless you’re a yuri fan and willing to overlook general issues, I don’t know if I’d recommend it.  The pacing, especially through the middle episodes, is really bad.  They emphasize the relationship-building segments well, but that’s about the only part I can say feels done well.  Everything else is in this really awkward state of rushed and drawn out, sometimes simultaneously.  So much of the middle arcs is just characters talking and expositing about what’s going on, because you’re packing so much information into it, but at the same time they insist on having Tilty try to be cryptic like “Oh, so it’s that, huh?” and just dragging out the inevitable reveal.  Like the show feels like it doesn’t know how to handle its time very well.  I acknowledge that they’re packing three books worth of material into twelve episodes, a decision which is already very bad.  But even within those parameters, there are things that don’t feel properly paced.
All that to say, I had some hopes that they’d do a little more with everything running in the background.  The only thing I really got was the main romance.  Which, to be fair, is why I showed up in the first place, so I guess I can’t complain.  I mean, I can, I will always complain.  But I probably shouldn’t.  It accomplished its primary goal, which was cute romance.  The rest is a little disappointing based on setup and pacing, but I really think reading the other options for the series would scratch that particular itch.  Maybe one day I’ll even follow through and check them out.
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madstheghost · 1 year
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One of the cutest things I’ve ever drawn.
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eyes-of-mercy · 1 year
@parables-for-days || x
"Actually, I didn't come to the restroom to use it, I guess I was just curious about how disgusting an apocalyptic bathroom would look like." The woman grins, wrinkling her nose a bit to underline her next sentence. "And I was right! It is really gross! And that's not because of the spiders either but I'm pretty sure I'll have to burn these shoes afterwards."
Her attention is quickly drawn back to the spectre. Even in an apocalyptic bathroom foul enough to deserve its own horror story with the amount of, well, shit caking the walls, Ghostday was still the most interesting thing in this room.
The woman studies her for a moment before she beams and holds out her hand to shake.
"My name's Anastasia Spencer! I originally came from a dimension far away from this one, one where there aren’t any zombies or skies full of ads. If you’re talking about right now though, I came from a weird ass town with a big secret but got a bit bored waiting around for something to happen so I wanted to dimension hop to the next one over. And it led me here!"
She thrusts her arms open. With her overexcited, hyperactive nature and the freckles covering any inch of skin she shows, the resemblance to Bradleys is striking. Except there's a small difference, something that causes her to stand out from her alternates and its not just her gender.
"Right into the arms of the cutest ghost girl I've ever seen." She winks at Ghostday, grinning wider. It's hard to tell if she's seriously flirting or making an attempt at a joke. "So, how about you? Where did YOU come from?"
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moncuries · 2 years
Okay, literally have no valid explanation for this At All, but the way you drew the shoes on your steddie art. Is like the cutest thing ever. idk I love it so much, the picture is great and wonderful and perfection but that one aspect especially has been making me smile. It reminds me of maybe an older cartoon or something I can’t quite put my finger on. Sorry, super random and outlandish but. I’ve been thinking about this for several days now.
haha believe it or not i am not very surprised by this!!! i loved drawing steves shoes for that piece bc the shape was so shapey :] i went through a phase in my art a while ago where i drew everyone in little boots similar to that and i cant help myself sometimes lolol i think a lot of what makes it work is the legs flowing into them too; eddies shoes are cute but i actually struggled a lot to make them work (originally they were more detailed converse) because of the weight and length of his legs. ahhh anyway
i recently dug out these old books on hand drawn animation i have from the 70s, mayb its getting to me lol
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