#omg anon why did you
kuroashims · 24 days
nobody gives a crap about your shitty sims
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n7punk · 11 months
At first reading City of Angels I was excited to see the trans Catra tag bc I'm trans and these stories mean a lot to me. As I got further in I was worried it'd only come up for the purposes of smut since the fic was rated E. In the end that wasn't case and I feel like you did a great job of having Catra be trans, having that not be the focal point of the story, and not having it come off as fetishistic. So thanks <3
ty! yeah, the point was that catra just is who she is and that's only a part of her life experience (and she gets to choose who she wants to share it with when the public so often tries to take things like that), so it's a facet of a larger catradora story focused on their relationship repairing like all my others. i got an ask when i started the fic that i never got around to answering (sorry, been low on spoons lately) because i've previously mentioned that same thing so the anon was asking how you "tell" when that's the reason, but it's really hard to verbalize. that is i think why it's important to have stories where smut is just a small part of it or not at all, though. like this fic is rated E because it gets so far Towards smut, but that was important to me because i wanted to include the discussion of what words she uses (and im glad i did since some people hadn't heard of that). i was honestly worried about rating it that high, but it was an aspect of dysphoria (for some people, i'll reiterate it's not a universal thing for all trans people!) that i wanted to cover and hadn't before.
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itssoinevitable · 1 year
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for anon
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aroacedavestrider · 11 months
where in the world do you live where you call it a hydroslurp???? that is a WATER FOUNTAIN
original poll by @t4tfaggot
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dollsuguru · 30 days
black is the color of my true love’s hair will never be topped. EVER. when i finished it i was disappointed it ended. i wish i could read it for the first time again. in fact im gonna reread it RN.
I’M CRYIDNFNDNDNDDNNDDN PLEASEEEEEEEE I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I GENUINELY FUCKING LOVE YOUUUUU 😭🩷 you’re all truly so kind AHHHHH hearing people say that they liked that fic… i kid you not the serotonin boost i get from it is ASTRONOMICAL it really does warm my heart that you enjoyed the story that much :’) i truly did try to show my ideal version of suguru & reader’s relationship dynamic in that fic (silly down bad devoted!reader x bad bitch morosexual nerd devoted!suguru… elite dynamic… two dorks in love…)
BUT don’t worry bestie :3 i have more suguru & reader in store… I’M WRITING THE PREQUEL RN! <333 (and i have lil drabbles planned that are adjacent to the story too hehe… toji meet & greet, sugusukusatoreader road trip, nsfw drabble of suguru sitting on reader’s face iykyk 👀, AND… maybe possibly… a sequel where suguru drops The Question…) CAN YOU TELL I ADORE THESE LIL CHARACTERS SO MUCH THEY’RE MY BELOVEDS!!!!!
AND DJDJDJDJDJ listen you and me both buddy i’m rereading it too to remember what the hell i wrote 😭 (for callback purposes ofc) i’m ngl though… i MAY rewrite the ending better a bit later i will say the one thing i disliked about the fic was the rushed ending and the ending lines… i was racing against the clock i was like 2 minutes away from valentine’s day being over so i was like girl… finish this RIGHT NOW!!!!! (so i may spruce it up later + make toji a real actor & not just an anime character hehe)
BUT AHHHHH please feel free to reread as many times as you like & if you ever want me to do lil drabbles about these dorks feel free to send something in! :D i promise i will give you new content of these Losers in Love soon enough (please pray that i get out of my writing rut omg… i HOPE i can get this fic out within this month!) BUT ANYWAYS DJDJDJJD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! thank you for being SO sweet & for showing my lil story some love it means the absolute WORLD to me :’) ILYSM!
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^ as a treat… a hint for the prequel <3 truly The Dynamic between sugu & reader and sugu & sukie
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rabble-dabble · 1 year
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remembering evil terrible pickup lines
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the math has gotten considerably worse but at least the drawing is better KLDSJFAKLSDFHKAJHFK
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daydadahlias · 8 months
Not me using the wayback machine to try to find your old panic fics (yikesssss for that fandom) 💀
In all seriousness though, much respect to you for taking charge over YOUR work. People can be so gross sometimes. Like why plagiarize when you can just leave a nice comment for the author saying you love their work??
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pretty crazy how this ask is acknowledging that it's my work and my decision and I should be able to take ownership of it while simultaneously saying that you went actively against those wishes to try and use other means to find said work after I took it down.
it's almost like you're saying "not me being disrespectful lmao! sorry abt everyone else who is also disrespectful!! they suck."
Pot meet kettle.
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exoscreamsoda · 2 years
kai accidentally revealed he shared a bed with soo ??? 🕵️‍♀️
its that time of the year where i randomly watch old exo group content and i think i’ve found something that i don’t hear kaisooists mention much? its theory time!
so i was rewatching starshow360 episode 1 and theres this part where everyone is laughing at chankai's contact lense story, before and during this story it is stated that chankai had the bunkbed and soo had the single bed across the room. 
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this is a very common knowledge chankaisoo fact, nothing out of the ordinary. chanyeol talks about how kai would drop his contacts from above and they would land on his arm. everyone laughs really hard, sehun and soo are even grabbing each other while laughing.
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the host then makes a joke that the contact can fall into chanyeols eye and both baekhyun and kai confirm that he sleeps with his eyes half open.
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kai continues to laugh harder and decides to add more to this fact by telling a story of when he thought chanyeol was staring at him.
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it might be my delusional kaisoo brain talking here but do you notice something odd?
how exactly is chanyeol “staring” at kai in the 1st place if theyre on a bunk bed? kai is on the top bunk meaning he would have to peek over the top to see chanyeol sleeping below and if that were the case kai would technically be the one staring at him. this leads me to believe that kai was in fact across from chanyeol in the only other bed in the room. mr. doh kyungsoo’s bed.
not only does this help kai’s story make sense but I would also like the point out that the member’s body language and laughs completely change once kai says this. as previously mentioned, they were all laughing pretty hard at the 1st part of the story, to the point where they were banging tables and moving around, but if you look at the screenshots above the members are suddenly more stiff as they listen to his story. kai seems pretty oblivious to the members change in attitude and continues to be the only one laughing along with the hosts, chanyeol just grins awkwardly and then the hosts cut his story off by saying he should dispose his lenses more properly.
so was he misremembering or is there something more going on? 🕵️‍♀️
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newvision · 7 months
so beheaded and torched babies are funny to you. ok weird
literally not my point at all, are you misunderstanding me on purpose? What’s absurd to me is that people think celebrities’ opinions on a literal war matter. I don’t give a flying fuck about what Kim Kardashian or a random author on Twitter thinks, it should in no way be the focus of anyone’s attention, for the very reason that you’re mentioning, the atrocious violence so many people are facing right now. Richard Siken’s Twitter account is a banality compared to what you summed up with “beheaded and torched babies”, it’s so absurd to me that it’s what people focus on?? And they're MAD at HIM???? There's better people to be fucking mad at in the face of a war this violent than a guy who writes about being a twink in the nineties for a living
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castielsupernatural · 2 years
Hello sweetness, I love all religions so much, but I talked to a Christian Priest about mythology Castiel and he said I had a demon inside me. Nobody listens. Nobody trusts Angels I swear. He said that thing about the demon cause I practice magic (Pagan but raised Muslim). I guess I don't really expect answers or comment but I adore you blog and wanted to share some of my soul. <3
That priest says you can't kill people in Heaven, but you can
Obsessed with all non-cannon Religious stuff, it's so good
priests will say you’re fighting demons and then this is the demon
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ilyuu · 10 months
you’re really cool :]
just thought i’d tell you
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beauleifu · 1 year
Sorry i whas gone for a while some persoon coverd my mouth with a pillow and i blacked out what did i miss?
im SO glad you can't see my evil smile right now
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evansbby · 2 years
i didn’t go anywhere day before yesterday either😩😩😩😩
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karomiiz · 2 years
omg u stanned svt early im so jealous i missed out on those eras 😭 for me it was like right before home run was released!!!!
i remember patiently waiting for their comebacks and then crying screaming yeeting myself out of a window bc I couldn't go to the 2017 diamond edge concert bc they didn't come when i would've been able to :sobs: but i saw them in 2019! to bad i can't go this year </333333333333, or to txt </33333 or probably to itzy either </33333333333333 ;-; *sobs softly*
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mull3ts · 2 years
Miss cam... He looks like a dilf, don't he🤨☹️😵
Oh dear.
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fefairys · 2 years
second person perspective is stupid as fuck
i....... okay? what do you want me to say????
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